Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1878)
J, s I IS it ir u r t Wit and Ilnmor. Lumber dealers always have the lar gest board-bills. An honest, man is like an under-done ' steak Very rare. A Dutchman repeated the adage, "Birds mit one feather goes mit demselves." A new storv, by Jlrs. Hoey, is entitled, "All or Nothing." About a lawyer, we suppose. - Man lives not in the present but in the future. At 7 A. 31. he looks for noon ; at 1 P. M.he begins to sigh for C o'clock. There ought to be some way of utiliz ing the tramps. Even alligator hides are worth seventy-five cents each ia Louisi ana. Tiieiie may be a "time for every thing," but the time to finish the Wash ington monument has never been dis covered. There were a gang of gypsies in town the other day. To a man with only one shirt a gypsy is an object of dreamy con templation. A Columbus man tays he started in thirty years ago to make $1,400,000. lie has got the fourteen, but the ciphers uotner him. . It isn't the supremacy of the capital ists that the disaffected classes in this country object to so much as working be tween meals. The subject of a New Ilaven man's address was, "What shall we live oni We didn't get the particulars, but we think it is eggs. A Piute chief owns a high silk hat, and is so careful of it that, bis but being leaky, he keeps it covered with skins in a hole in the ground. A New York Irishman who had a pup RDd a larjre dorr, cut two holes in the kennel, one big . one for the dog, and a little one for tho pup. A man was walking along a Chicago street sinsins. "Heaven is mv home." 'Don't you feel homesick?" yelled small boy who passed him. People who attempt to cut boardiDg- house pie-crust with a fork, should re member that time thrown away can never bo recalled. Oil City Derrick. Bob Isoehsoll says: "Woman has the right to do as she pleases." Well, whether she has or not, that's exactly what she does if she s married. E. Burd Grubb is captain of a militia company in Philadelphia. Wou't the American eagle scream when it sees Burd Grubb that it camiot cat. Worcester Press. A Bridgeport man has been 'twenty years perfecting a machine to enable him to fly over Niagara Falls. It would have been cheaper, we think, to have taken to the bridge. Jem Mace says that although the God dess of .Liberty on the new dollar seems to be in very good training he will fight her lor the championship of America, and afterwards tend bar for her. New York Herald. A tom-cat is a more independent ani mal than man. When a man comes home at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning lie slips in as quietly as possible, but a tom-cat don t seem to care. The later the hour, and the nearer the house it approaches, the louder it will yell. The sexton of a parish church in county Armagh was about to lose his wife. She begged him to bury her in Tyrone, among her own kindred, forty miles away. "Indeed, Peggy," said he, "I'll try ye here; but if you give any trouble, I'll take ye up and bury ye in Tyrone." "JonN,M said a poverty-stricken man to his son, "I've made my will to-day." "Ah!" replied John, "you were liberal to me, no . doubt." "Yes, John, I came down handsome. I've willed you the whole State of Virginia to make a liv ing in, with the privilege of going else where if you can do better." A German peasant, in early railway days, was taken to see the performance of a locomotive. lie had never known carriages to be moved except by animal power. Every other explanation failed . to make the matter clear to him. After long reflection, therefore, and seeing no possible escape from the conclusion, con fidently, to his companion, "there must be horses inside 1" Mr. Wheeler of New Hampshire who died worth $11,000 seems to have been a pleasant sort of a man. His will says "Expend it all on my tombstone." Ex. Some of the heirs have .already filed objections to this, and the money will probablv be expended on the law yers. Mr. "Wheeler will be extremely fortunate if he gets a hemlock slab for a tombstone. Oil City Derrick. Mr. Barscm insists that animals won't driuk whisky. And what does this prove, Phineas? Do they know how to waltz, or to sing, or to conduct law-suits, or to preach sermons? Do they wear high hats and insist on new bonnets for Easter? Do they purchase milk at six cents a quart, and are they partial to baked beans? Great and unequaled circuser, what new hum bug is this? Buffalo Express. P. T. Barnum says : "I tell you. as a showman, you can't make animals drink whisky. They know better." The showman is mistaken. : Wo once heard a woman call out of a second story window to an object that for nearly an hour, had been trying in vain to unlock the front door: "Drunk again, you old hog, are your' And if a hog lsu t an animal, what is it? Norrislown Herald. An uptown retired builder, who ex periences great satisfaction in dwelling upon the fact that he is a "self-made man, is jriven to poking sticks right and left without regard to politeness or pro priety. The other day, in a crowded store, he commenced bantering a ne'er- do-well of doubtful antecedents, who drifted into town some years ago, wind ing up his remarks as follows: "Say now, did you ever have a father or moth er?" "Sartin's you live," came back the reply, like a shot ; "I m none of your self- made men. "Wht, how d'ytlo, 3Irs Careful are all your folks pretty well?" asked one neighbor of another, whom she met in Hempstead a few days ago. "Oh, yes, pretty well, thank you that is, about as well as usual. Father hasn't "been quite well Bince ho banked up the cellar last fall, and overworked himself ; thinks he hurt his side.' And mother has got the rheumatism so bad she hasn't been able to get down stairs for a week; Matilda Ann has a 6light touch of the diphtheria, to the doctor says; Jimmie can't ppeak above a whisper, for a sore throat; Susie is just getting another rising in her ear. and the baby has had two more spells of i-roup. My husband can hardly do any work on account "of his sore eye, and I thought I'd die last night with neuralgia in my head but we're all about as com mon. How's you folks?" X The Romance of Accident. Many of our most important inven tions and discoveries owe their origin to the most trivial circumstances; from the simplest causes the most important ef fects have ensued. The iollowincr are a few culled at random for the amusement of our readers : Tiie trial of two robbers before the Court of Assizes of the Basses-Pyrenees accidentally led to a most interesting archaeological discovery. The accused, Itivas a shoemaker, and Bellier a weaver. by armed attacks on the highways and frequent burglaries, had spread" terror arounu the neighborhood of bisterton. The evidence against them was clear; but no traces could be obtained of the plunder, until one of the men gave a clew to the mystery. Itivas in his youth had been a shepherd-boy near that place, and knew the legend of the Trou d'Argent, a cavern on one of the mountains with sides so precipitous as to be almost inac cessible, and which no one was ever known to have reached. The commissary of police of Sisterton, after extraordinary labor, succeeded in scaliDg the mountain, and penetrated to the mysterious grotto, where he discovered an enormous quan tity of plunder of every description. The way having been once found, the vast cavern was afterward explored by savants; and their researches brought to light a number of Roman medals of the third century, flint hatchets, ornamented pot tery, and the remains of ruminants of enormous size. These interesting dis coveries, however, obtained no indul gence for the accused (inadvertent) pio neers of science, who were sentenced to twenty years' hard labor. During the Thirty Years' War in Ger many, the little village of Coserow, in tho i.sland of Usedom, on the Prussian border of the Baltic, was sacked by the contending armies, the villagers escaping to the hills to save their lives. Among them was a simple pastor named Schwerd ler, and his pretty daughter Mary. When the danger was over, the villagers found themselves without houses, food, or mon ey. One day, we are told, Mary went up the Streckelberg to gather blackberries; but soon afterward she ran back joyous and breathless to her father, with two shining pieces of amber each of very great size. jSne told her father that near the shore the wind had blown away the sand from a vein of amber; that she straightway broke oil" these pieces with a stick; that there was an ample store of the precious substance; and that she had covered it over to conceal her secret. The amber brought money, food, clothing, and comfort; but those were superstitious times, and a legend goes that poor Mary was burned for witchcraft. At the vil lage of Sttlmeu, amber was first accident ally found by a rustic who was fortunate enough to turn some up with his plough. Many valuable literary relics have been preserved by curious accidents, often turning up just in time to save them from crumbling to pieces. Not only mineral but literary treasures have been brought to light when excavating mother earth. For instance, in the foundations of an old house, Luther's "Table Talk" was discovered "lying in a deep, obscure hole, wrapped in strong linen cloth, w hich was waxed all over with beeswax within and w ithout." There it had remained hidden ever since its suppression by Pope Greg ory XIII. The sudden falling in of a celling, for example, of Eome chambers in Lincoln's Inn, revealed the secret de pository of the Thurloe state papers. Other literary treasures have turned up iii an equally cuiious manner. Milton's essay ou the "Doctrines of Christianity" was discovered in a bundle of old dis patches; and it is said that one of the cantos of Dante's great poem was found, after being long mislaid, hidden away beneath a window-sill. It is curious to trace how the origin of some famous work ha? been suggested apparently by the merest accident. We need ffut remind the reader how Lady Austen's suggestion of "the sofa" as a subject for blank verse was the beginning of "The Task," a poem which grew to formidable proportions under Cowper's facile pen. Another example of "What great events from trivial causes spring," is furnished by Lockhart's account of the gradual growth of "The Lay of the Last Minstrel." The lovely Countess of Dal keith hears a wild legend of border di ablerie, and sportively asks Scott to make it the subject of a ballad. The poet's accidental confinement in the midst of a yeomanry camp gave him leisure to medi tate his theme to the sound of a bugle; suddenly there flashes on him the idea of extending his simple outline so as to em brace a vivid panorama of that old border-life of war and tumult. A friend's suggestion led to the arrangement and framework of the "Liy" and the conce; tion of the ancient harper. Thus step step grew the poem that first made its author famous. The manuscript of "Waverley" lay hidden away iu an old cabinet for years before the public were aware of its existence. In the words of the Great Unknown: "I had written the greater part of the - first volume and sketched other passages, when I mislaid the manuscript; and only found it by the merest accident, as I was rummaging the drawer of an old cabinet; and I took the fancy of finishing it." The characters in "Oliver Twist" of Fagin, Sikos and Nancy, were suggested by some sketches of Cruikshank, who long had a design to show the life of a Loudon thief by a series of drawings. Dickens, while paying Cruikshank a visit, happened to turn over some sketches in a portfolio. When he came to that oDe which represents Fagin in the condemned cell, he studied it lor half an hour, and told his friend that he was tempted to Changs the whole plot of big 6tory not to carry Oliver through adventures in the country, but to take him up into the thieves' den in London, show what this life was, and bring Oliver through it without sin or shame. Cruikshank con sented to let Dickens write up t.- as many of the drawings as he thought would suit his purpose. So the etory'as it now runs resulted in a great measure from that chance inspection of the artist's portfolio. The remarkable picture of the Jew malefactor in the condemned cell, bitin his nails in the torture of remorse, is as sociated with a happy accident. The artist bad been laboring at the subject for several days, and thought the task hopeless; when sitting up in his bed one morniDg with his hand on his chin and his fingers in his mouth, the whole atti tude expressive of despair, he saw his face in the cheval glass. "That's it!" he exclaimed ; "that's the expression I want." And he soon finished the picture. Cham bers' Journal. A iiandbill announcing a picnic for colored people, in Kentucky, reads thus: "Persons attending are requested to leave patois and razors at home." The eye is the index of the soul. Some Negro Stories. I. THE BIGGEST FOOL. A traveller he was travellin' along, an' he stop at de fust house be come, an' ast 'em to gib him sompin to eat. So dey sarnt de olest gal down in de cellar fur to cut some bacon; jsnishe stay so long dey all went down t&hG what she bin doin'. An' dey fin' her settin' on de steps, cry in'; an' dey ast her what wuz de matter wid her. An' she say she wuz tinkin' 'bout what the must name her fust son when she done git married; an' 6he couldn't tink 'bout no name, so she 'lowed she mus' cry some. So den dey all sot down by her an' ups and cries too. So den de traveller he go down too, an' he fin' 'em alls a cryin': and so be tuk his hat, aD' says: "Good-by, folks. When I tin' some mo! folks any bigger fools dan you alls is, den I come back dis way an' marry dat olfest gal." So he go way widout no dinner. An' bime-by he come 'cross one ole 'oman had done scrub her house. Au' she got a wheel-borror and was a-wheelin'. An' he ast her what wuz she doin'. An' she say : "I'se tryin' for to wheel some o' dish ere sunshine into my ole house, fur to dry de floor, an' ebery time I gits a big borrer full o' 6un it all go 'way 'fore I gits in de shade. 'Pears like it Hint no 'count no how, dis old sunshine 1" Den de traveller he say: "You ole fool! Opou you' door an' let de sunshine on you' floor. Dat de way to do." So den he went 'long a little furder, an' he foun' a man had done have a par o' breeches made; an' dey wuz de fust par o' breeches ebber he have. An' he done tie 'em up in de tree, an' wuz tryin' fur to jump into 'em; and ebery time he jump he jump too high. So den he feel mighty bad, an' he say : "How is I gwine to get into dem breeches no how?" An' den he run an' jump one mo' time; an' hejumpoberde breeches agin. An' de traveller he say: "You big fool! Take dem breeches down an' pull 'em ober you' legs dis-sa-way." So de man tank him, an' de traveller went long little furder, an' be fin' a man sawin' logs in de wood. An' he ast him what wuz he doin'. An' he say: "De cows done come an' sleep roun' my house las' night; an' dey litter up my yard so bad I gwine to saw some logs l'ur to move my house away." "You big fool!" say de traveller. "Go long home and git' a shovel an' clear up you' jard, au' let de old house 'lone." So dat man tank him an' go home. Au' de traveller he travel 'loEg some mo'; au' he come to a noder house, dat have grass growin' ou de roof. And dere wuz de ole man an' de ole 'oman tryin' fur to haul dey cow up onto de roof lur to eat de grass. An' dey done tied rope roun' dc ole cow's neck, so him tongue hacgin out. And de ole oman say : "Jes look at de cow I He want dat ar grass so bad him tongue stickin' out." "You ole fools!" say de traveller. "You chokiu' de ole cow to def. Go 'long on top de house, on' cut de grass an' trow it down. So den dey tank him. An' he say : don' travel, to de end ob de fools. So cow I gwine back fur to marry dat olest gal. So he go back, an' he fm' em' all sittin' dar, cryin' yit. II. KILLING THE RABBIT. One day Bear and Fox dey ketches Rabbit, an' dey savs: "Less us burn dis ole Rabbit up." Kase Rabbit he steal ebery ting dey makes. An' so dey light one big hre, to trow Rabbit in; an Rib bit he jes' larf. An' Fox say: "What you larrjn' 'bout, my Brudder Rabbit?' Au' Rabbit he say: "Kase you alius gwine to trow me in de fire; an' I was born in de fire, me an' my mammy too." "Is dat so?" Fox say. An' den Fox an' Bear scratch him head an' tink little bit. An' den dey say: "Well, ef you wuz born in de tire, you an' your mammy too, den we gwine trow you in de brier-patch. So den R tbbit he 'tended like he wuz a cryin'; an, arter dey done trow him in de brier-patch Rabbit he jump up an' say: "Guod-by, Brudder Bear. Good by, Brudder Fox. Dis is my home. Is you ebber see anybody borned in de fire?" S den de R ibbit he broke an' run, an' Fox au' Bear dey run too. An' ole Bear he ketch Ribbit gittin' ober de fence. An' Rabbit feel de ola Bear hab hold of his leg. So he say: "Brudder Bear, you got hoi' de fence 1 Let go de fence, an' ketch hoi' ob my leg !" So Bear he let go Rabbit's leg, and ketch hoi' ob de fence. An' Rabbit he jump and run, and arter a while he come to de road. So he lay down side de road an' 'tended like he wuz dead. An' bime-by de old fish-cart come 'long, and de old tishman see dead Rabbit Hying by de road; so he jump down -mi' trow him in de cart. Go den Rd-' i iie watch an' watch, when de ole m ,i lookin' t'oder way, an' he trow de ih out in do road, an' he keep on' trow- ijr em out. An' uen he jump out too, an' pick up all de fish, till he got one big Iwsket full, an' den he start fur to go home. An' he meet Fox. An' Fox say: "Brudder Ribbit, whar did you git all dem fish?" And Rabbit say: "Brudder Fox, dis wuz de way. I see an ole fish cart a comin', an' I jus' lies right down in de road, an' hole my troat out fur de wheel to go ober. An' de ole Ashman when he hear my bones crack, he trow out some fish in a basket; an' I jumps up an' runs home dis-sa-way." So den ole Fox go 'long till he come to de road, an' den he lie right down in de middle of de track, an' bole him troat out forde wheel to go ober, jU3' like Ribbit done tole him. An' sho 'nougb, bime-by de ole fish-cart come 'long an' Fox he lie right still; an' hil all his bones crack, an' ole Fox done dead ! Americcs Symmes, son of John Cleve Symnies, who invented the curious theory that the earth is hollow, open at the poles, and capable of being inhabited within, wants to be attached to the How gate expedition to the Arctic regions in order that he may have the opportunity of proving his father's theory to be true. He is bound to go into that hole if he can Gnd it. It is his by right of inher itance, and it would be unjust to deprive him of his right. Let him go," by all means. It he never comes back, we c at least imagine him dwelling happily that inner world w here the rigors of the Arctic regions are escaped, and from whence tho bears return fat and com fortable in the Spring. Portland Tran script. The experiment of heating cities by steam seems likely to prove successful. At Lockporr, N. Y., the past winter, three miles of main pipe were laid which sup plied steam to seventy takers, who were thus enabled to heat their houses at no greater expense than their ordinary out lay fur coal, and at a great saving of la bor. It will be a great alleviation of the inconveniences of our rigorous climate when we can turn on the steam, a9 we now do gas or water, and be comfortable without the care of the furnace. Port' land (He.) Transcript. i-S COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA That Paint of Ours. . vnr anipv article, written iiiiuna iio' f --J of new carpets and Averill paint, inspires a few thoughts in sympatny witn your remarks. vicunu; u " Sr sava the cood book, and I fully believe in the statement. A man's sur roundings governs nis every mougui mm many of his acts. The pure and the beauti ful !j .inn.tinir Tilth i A enressin s. and in duces a state of mind antagonistic to the cre ation of hijfh tnougnis or nooie ueeua. m conzratulate vou ou your altered condition. showing that you are blessed with wide awake governors ; may the editorials prove the virtue 01 paint ana crystal bujusum. a-" excuse now for diny dishes being served up to the many readers of the Rukal,. I too am in tne rmasi 01 renovation. iu Pleasant must keep its name trood. So we espied the advertisement of the California Paint Company in the Kcral; we gave our order and a supply is somewhere on the way. lhis Averill paint is Decoming popular iur its intrinsic value. "-Not like many patent nostrums; it requires only to be used and seen to bring it Into favor. John Taylor. Mr. Pleasant. Tuolumne Co.. Cftl. Mining and Scientific - New Employment Office. New entemrises of everv character, tend ing to benefit the public, we hail with pleas ure, and one that strikes us with considera ble force, at the present, is the fitting up of the premises. No. 626 Clay street, San Fran cisco, next door to Frank G. Edwards carpet store, for a Bevfr, flrst-cUas Iutelligence and imployment Olhee by those gentlemen wuo have so lonsr pleased the public in their ef forts while ia the employ of Crosett & Co., in whose establishment they have been the leading men for a number of years, Mr. Han sun bavin? charge of the female, and Mr. Ewer of the mat department. They now propose trying the business on their own account, under the Arm name of C. R. Han sen A Co., and their Ion? experience and practical knowledge of the wants of the community well entitle them to a large share or patronage. One or tbe great points of their success will be in the fact of Mr. Han sen speaking fluently the German, French and Scandinavian language?, and his large and extensive acquaintance among those nationalities must add greatly to their suc cess; tnetr mode of doing business must commend itself to all seeking domestic help. The skill of the mechanic, the labor of the artisan, tbe farmer, tbe dairyman, tbe mills and mines, the hotels and restaurant?, in fact, every branch of iudustry enn there find practical and ellicient help. Tbey intend devoting their whole euergies in making their ouice one of a high grade, and "in their vocabulary there shall be no such word as fail;" they intend that every order shall be tilled promptly to the minutest detail, and no euort will be spared to place right employes in tne rigut place; thus, the two great ends will be accomplished, viz.: tbe employers will And themselves surrounded with good and ellicient help, while the faithful domes, tic, and all classes, male and female, will rJnd ready assistance to obtain good positions in their various vocations. Their old friends will remember their exertions in the past, and give thftu their patronage in the future; and we urge upon those seeking a reliable ollice and not thoroughly posted, to call with, full confidence upon tbe new Employ ment Otlieo of C. K. Hansen & Co., 020 Clay street, San Francisco. is. F. Chronicle. Ask 5Tour Grocer for Paul Reiger's Concentrated Flavoring Extracts; or if you want to get a still stronger article, ask for Paul lleiger's Treble Extra Flavoring Ex tracts, not surpassed by any in the world. If you want a delicious glass of Lemonade, ask your grocer for Paul lteiger's Lemon Sugar. Essence of Jamaica Ginger, and Powdered Bristol Bath Brick for cleaning knives and forks, tinware, copper boilers, tfce. Above articles sold everywhere and manufactured by Paul Reiger, 511 Front st., San Francisco. Wanted. A good Agent in every city, town and village in the United States, to take subscriptions for the Commercial Ad vocate, the only anti-Catholic and conserva tive labor paper published in America. Sub scription 1-3.00 a year, in advance. Good in ducements will be otlered to Agents. Write for terms and full particulars.. Address Com mercial. Advocatk, 5125 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Cal. Physicians of high standing unhesitating ly give their indorsement to tbe usi of the Graefenberg-MarshaH's Catholicon for all fe male complaints. The weak and debilitated find wonderful relief from a constant use of this valuable remedy. Sold by all druggiste. f 1.50 per bottle. Ctna Mowers, with double motion and latest improvements and "extras," at greatly reduced prices. Berry & Place, corner Mar ket and Fremont streets, San Francisco. Meadows Magic Liniment is a sure cure for Neuralgia, Headaches, Rheumatism, etc., or money refunded. It is sold by all drug gists, at 50 cts. a bottle. Abrama & Carroll, Agents, San Francisco. J. W. SHAEFFER & CO'3 GREEN SEAL CIGARS are made from finest Havana To bacco. 323 Sacramento st.. San Francisco. Photographs of superior finish at Morse's Palace of A rU 417 Montgomery street, San Francisco. Buttkrice & Co.'s Patterns, ipring styles. Send stamp for catalogue, la 4 Post St., San Francisco. TitRTn Saved. Filling Teeth a specialty. Sets of Teeth from $18 upward. Teeth extracted without pain. DI4. MORFFEW, ISO Sutter street, S. F. All. Photographs made at the New York Gallery, No. 5 Third St.,S. F., are guaranteed to be first class. Prices to suit the times. J. II. P tbbs. Proprietor. Crobbtt it Co., Clay street. S. F., are pre pared to furnlth help of all kinds at short notice, for hotels, mills or farms, both male and female. Send your order to thein. They are prompt and reliable. Fob the best Photographs aud the lowest prices go to the old and reliable establishment of WM. SHEW No. 115 Kearny street, San Francisco, established in 1851, and formerly located on Montgomery street. Connolssrurs And others, not satisfied with the goods and prices In the interior, would find it to their advantage to for ward their orders to the old and well-known Grocery House of C. J. Hawlrt & Co., established In 1853. It has one of the largest and best selected stock of goods on the Pacific Coast Tlease favr us with your orders. We guarantee satisfaction or refund the money. Goods shipped to any depot or boat free of charge. Do not hesitate to send your orders. C. J. HAWLEV & CO., Wholesale and Ketail Grocers, S15 and 217 Sutter street, San Francisco. P. O. Box 844. Purchasing Agency. Any parties desirous of haying goods purchased for them in San Francisco can do so br addrensincr xir-m rW. H. Ashley, who will send samples of goods for weir inspection, to tne latie i would say that I have a nrst-clasa establishment for Dress-making, and am prepared to execute country orders with dispatch. Being engaged in business here I have the advantage of buying goods direct from the Importers at whole sale, and would give my patrons the boneflt of same. Goods purchased and sent C. O. D. Send for Circular. Addreas Mas. W. H. ASH LET ISO Sutter street. Boom 51 San Francisco. lven Away. A superb pair of 6x8 Chromos, Worthy to lrame and adorn any home, and a Tt ree Months subscription to Lkibcpk Hours, a charming 16 p. ice literary paper, lull of the Choicest btorlea. Poetry, etc Sent t ree to all sending K fteen CenU (stamps taken ) t ny postage. The publishers. J. L. Patten & Co.. 162 William St., S. Y., Guarantee every one Duuole Value or tnonev sent. iftii0 in prizes and big pay given to agents. Write at once! 1 ONTGOMtKY'S TKMPKKANCK HOTEL. 1VL Second St.. San Francisco. t Mt-al Tif uwiTki 50 Mixed Cards, with name.ln case. 13c. 25 no i alike .i-.. uiiii ivrv. Aiwaicr lpin., r oreHl VI 1 1 I f. Elegant UartU, Oriental, Morning-Glory, etc no JJ -l aUk,with nanie,Qc. I.B.Haveiis.fenmiiiit, N . Y . gfT - JUU free. C.D.PlKB &Co..AuguMa,Me! UK. fcJ I I.ltf :... DOTIMT, 0X5 Marht lrt. Wan fraiiflnco. H OMAN HAIR! Th Cheapest A No. 1 goods In the City. A. B. SAMPSON, i IP Second btreet, S. K CARCE GOODS, Book. Photon. Ac. Sam. f pie A Catalogue, 3c. Paris Book to. Chicago, 111. RllflC P.EVOLVERS. Price List Free. Address UUIIB Great Wetern Gun Works. Pittshnrc. p i "I VAVf V iws"ira.-n c J Marble, am;., no two alike, with name. 10 cts.. postpaid. NASSAU CAUD Co.. NSBAr, '. Y. PWIKHK If. Lithographer, I A. 4 fife f'lttV C C IP Unn. ..... . . Checks, Drang, Notes. Corporation fegaU. &c , Ac. REVOLVER FREEbox?KTddwr J.JJown boo, 136 and 138 Wood bt., Pittsburgh. Pa. Out of Tune. When tbe tones of a musical instrument become harsh and discordant, we say it is "out of tune." Tbe same may be said of ihat far more wonderful and complicated piece of mechanism, the human structure, when it becomes disordered. Not only actu al disease, but those far more common caus es, overwork, mental anxiety, and fast living, may impair its vigor and activity. Tbe best remedy for a partial collapse of the vital energies, from these as from other causes, is Hoste Iter's Stomach Bitters, which is at the same time an agreeable and mind cheering cordial, and the best possible invigorant in all cases of debility. It is an incomparable 6tomachic and adi-bilious medicine, eradi cates fever and aarue. and prevents subse quent attacks. It remedies with certaiuty and thoroughness bowel and kidney com plaints, dyspepsia, nervousness, rheumatic troubles, and manv other bodily ailments. It also counteracts influences which predis pose to disease. AJEWEST NOVELTIES AND NOTIONS. FKESH 1.1 est goods. Uuttoiii prices. Catalogues free SADLEK & CO., 116 Post, btreet, San Francisco. C It. IIAI,t.JIAlKA(;riltKK Piunoiortes. Factory and Salesroom. A Tyler Street. San Francisco. Send fur Price Lint. CUOSSETT DENTIST Sfo. lO Third Ntrert, !n Franelseo. i nnv nnuu acccdc wAXTEn.Foit new LHUI UHlllHUUbnWaud salable articles. Flue Inducements. For particulars address A. COPLIN, 4JO Uth street, Oakland. Cal. GILHAM'S GREEN OINTMENT, FOK all external diseases of the Horse, has no equal For sale by Traders, Druggist and Harness-maker. MAIN 6t WINCHESTEU. San Francisco. 'lfls'9!. a day smre made by Agents selling our Chromos, Crayons, Picture and Chrome Cards. 15 samples, worth ., sent. postpaid, lor M5 Cents. Illustrated Catalogue irm. J. xl. B 1 1 f UKU a ua a. eua i u J . iimmouiojo. cmjn rriD niici solid gold mounted OCllU Tun Ullb Cameo, Amethyst and Quartz Kings. t7.5U each. At 11. MVtliS & SON'S Imhu Otiicea, 237, S3 and 4Q Kearny Street. S. F. MY POULTRY CIRCULAR TELLS HOW TO double egg production of ht-us, raise chickens without loss from disease, etc. Sent tree to any ad dress. C. P. S 1'oN E, Mission Market, San Francisco. A LADY IN SAN FRANCISCO HAS RECENTLY effected some wondtui cures In the restoration of Paralytics aud also lu Nervous Diseases, tabe has been Induced to otfer hrr services to the public. Ap ply to tl latu fat., bet. Howard and Folsom, S. F. WANTED ACENTS 'ioi'.i-co1' Kiilai'ttrd, lu ludia Iuk and Water Colors. The oldest Copying House on the Pacific Coast. Send for circulars io RIKOLK BROS., xtt t Post atreet, S. F. -EESES ADJUSTABLE STENCIL. THE IV best mad olall sizes, lu bulk, in foutx. mid in alphabets. Price List lrue.i ' ,.L SADLKli & Co.. Pacific Coast Agents, l-MU Po Strc t. San Fihiicihco. ' 11 Tfl DDIUTCDC-tW Brevier, SIX) s. Min I U mill I LnO ion, .) tb. Non. areil (or any part of thefe ionts ), all in good order and nearly new, lor sale st less thau half price. Also, an Adams hook press and several fonts wood type. Iinpr-sious of type, with rrice, sent on request. D. V. STIlKETT, 3t Clay Street, San Francisco. RECITATIONS AND READINGS FROM sii.viesii:aki; axu tiii: poets, I Ar r RIVATE PARLORS AND DRAW- tne rooms, or at public entertainments. OLIVER BROOKS, Actor and Elocutionist. Also, receives a limited number of pupils. Forms reading and manage dramatic c:ub.s. OttU-e hours from m s. M. to t m. and i to 4 p. m. Call or address No. 3iU Post Street. San Francisco. frfc A NEW BROOM SWKEPH CI.EAJi." The Patent Elastic, war ranted never to get shaky on the handle in the hot test and dryeM climate. Auk your grocer for it. Man ufactured only by ROiilNSON. lOH LEIC & CO.. Si IS aud Stl7 Sacramento Street. San Francisco. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, SX S2tt Mearnr HI., Man Fraurlara. HI SO and V'C OO PER DAY. H. C. PATRIDttB. ... Pbopkiktob. Two Concord 'oavch. with lht name of tht Hotel on, will always be iu watting at the landing tc convey passengers to the Hotel free. J4rBe sure yoo get into the ricnt Conch; : you do nut. they WiC Charlie ron. 100,000 NEW YORK CIGARS! JUST RECEIVED EX RAIL. AND FOR SALE AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. KOZMINSKY fc BRO ., 202 Sansome Street, San Francisco. THE UNIQUE BOON! IADIESand gentlemen, save yonr money. Avoid J humbiiggery and the clianccsof being crippled All who are afflicted with hard or soft Corns, Bullions, Wart. Moles. Jec.&c. SURG EON'S MAnS will remove them completely and at once, and witnout knife, pain, soreness or scurritlcatiou. One application only re quired. Recommended by leading lamilies. Price, post-paid, i.5'1. N. It. Fetid or olleusive Arm-pits, Feet, &i, which arises from diseased perspiratory ducts. Try the HEUB-DISIN FECTOIi, an actual and the only remedy of i lie kind. Price, $2. Orders sent to all parts of the country on receipt of price. Address P. K. LOPEZ, M. D., care or M. Doetus Ferdenan derz'a S. F. laboratory. Agent. xlS Kearny St.. S. F. 100.000 llos. CHOICE SMOKING TOBACCO, Packed in two, four and eight ounce Sacks from Forty to Sixty-five Cents per Pound. These Tobaccos 111 b fonnd superior to any in the market for the price. We will send them to anyone address in lots of not less than five (5) pounds, C. O. D Address, E. BRIGGS & CO., Tobacconist. 52S and 5X7 Market St.. San h ranclsco. CAMERON HOUSE, 510 Sacramento St., cor. Leldesdorn, ban Francisco. TH. BAILEY. FOR FIFTEEN YEARS PRO J. prlctor of the Old Portsinomh House, ban Francisco, has leased the above House, and having put the same In good order and repair, will be happy to see nis old customers, and will endeavor to make them at home, as at his former location. CLIPPER SPRING BED! fS PROOF AOAIXST BED BUGS AND VERMIN. A. I lrr-class Hair Mattress furnished. Sent C O 1) to any address in the country. Price from 7 to tu" i- '! ',x-Pd!f, measurement of bedstead. C. D. & E. H1NCKLY, New Montgomery Street, S. F PACIFIC WATER CURE Eclectic Health Institute. NORTHWEST CORNER 7th AND L STS., SACRAMENTO, CAL,. ,5e,in? f?lly PrePared to treat all forms of disease on the latest and most scier.tiac principles, together ?' K?odrooms Rml """rd, we with confidence ask H.F lc patronage. For further particulars ad dress M. K. tLAVTOSI, 31. !.. i'roprlrlor. FOR SALE, SCHOOL LANDJWARRAHTS LAND SCRIP. orNeada? LoCBtcd and Tltle Secured In California Attorneys Tar Land Claimants. 23 Commercial t. San Francisco. ALREKT MAU A CO.VS oror Savon Aslr yonr Grocer for U and take no other, a It is the aPjor fml'7 "fe. Each bar weighs one full r?. r-T.?.?re-r"0 ",e "gents for the Pacific Coast I'll. Km,K.LL TOILET WIAFS. These Toilet So-ps EMPtROR snV0N '"JPrted- Kemember the name, -HIet'M Cream Dry Hop Yeast, warranted to please. Oillet'sB D mhle Extracts, the purest and strongest. Millet's Lemon Sugar makes the best lemonade. "I1'" Baking Powder, always sure to please. J?-?'" tnr sale by ALBERT MAU & CO. Wholesale Grocers, 1 and 1S California Street. San franciseo. ' H. P. GREGORY & CO., a and 4 California St.. S. F.. Bole Agents or the Celebrated SPIDER HOSE! A brand of Rubber Hose made ex pressly for e on the Pacific Coast Costs no more and guaranteed to out last auy other made. T ROCK BOTTOM PRICF.S. DOUBLE F4RM 45 peret. Single Buggy Harness. ilsT.'iS Si r.", KTil.- "DeI !.nic' all complete. j to California Rati. Saddle nn n.hl.l.A. . .. . . ' . . . . . - ... . ,r t rm 1 1 will Btnfiiria uu. -h.? ' r, ach' w,th (nchos. I set. Side ... . . . . uoiesaie caaaiery Dealer CALVE RT'S CAKBOLIO SHEEP WASH per gallon. T. W. JACKSON. Ban Fran Cisco. Sole Agent for the Pa cific Coast. Yerba Buena Bitters Purine the Blood. Yerba Buena Bitters Rsiulates the Livery Yerba Buena Bitters Regulates the Bowels. Yerba Buena Bitters For Biliousness. Yerba Buena Bitters For Liver Complaint. Yerba Buena Bitters Cures Dyipepsia. Yerba Buena Bitters Cures Jaundice. Yerba Buena Bitters For Indigestion. CRANE & BRIGHAM, Agents. S. F. JULY 4, 1818. WORKS! AM- KINDS. Our own make, extra size and quality. Fire Crackers! All sizes, from Gold Chop to Giants. We are closing out our lre worts ana uller Nperlal Iuducrinrnt to the trade. CHURCH & CO., San Francisco. ENRIGHT'S STRAW BURNING ENGINES I RESPECTFULLY beg leave to Inform the public and parties intending to purchase Portable Straw-Burning Engines, For threshing purposes fo" 1878. that I ofer for sale this senson STKAw-B L'RN'I NG ENGINES, superior to any I have heretofore made, at reasonable prices, and that I will gl ve a satisfactory bond to any party buyinK an Enelue from me or my agents, and that I will protect them In the use and right of using, and against all Patent law suits. JOSEPH ENRIGHT. San Jose, Cal. PATENT ADJUSTABLE BUGGY TOP. rymS BUGGY TOP 13 LIGHT, STRONG AND -1 durable. Adapted to scats of all classes of vehi cles. Si different sizes. Irlce SU5. Orders filled by e.rpres C. O. D. Llberi discount to the trade. Agents W nU'd lu California. Oregon. Nevada. Colorado, I'tah, Wyoming, Washington. Idaho. Ari zona and New Mexico. Address J. F. PLCMBE, Manufacturer and Proprietor, corner Main and Fol som streets, San Francisco, Cal. MOODY" & FAKISH, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 210 UavU tttreet. - Nan Franrlsco. Wool Bazs. Twine, Sheep Shears, Sheep Washses, Sulphur and Tobacco for sale. Ns.elty Beefsteak hprerer. It will positively mate the tough est stea k tender. It is a perf ect suc cess. Testimonials from parties us lng It would fill a volume. No. 1, Family Size, 5tc No. 2, Hotel size, SI. Samples sent In box, with circu lars, etc.. postage paid. AGENT3 WANTED. Beware of counterfeits and spurious Imitations. The genu ine Improver can easily be recog nized by date of patent on handle and eonenve Ktel nuttlncr.rwl.ita TOM WILSON, SC9 W. Ukm ttu, Chuato, fuauu and bola Maori. CAN BE MADE Every Day! Vsinir tho Tirnv Well end CHIXR. ThA lfthmr la oil HrtnA .--!. -v .. . iRht swindle. ou pet your money's worth, ia machinery and tools. Cirenlnrs Im. Address. IXO.HlS fc SwjiA.V Tiffin, Ohio. OPIUM, MQRPHINEor LAUDANUM Hiabit Cured! Without pain, prostration or loss of business, "all correspondence strictly confidential." Prion from 8 to 620 per montn money refunded if patient Is not relieved. Address ioclc Box 1014. or rail np on E. P. ItrswELL.SOa Mason St. tsan Francisco. R. HOE CO.'S CHISEL Tooth Mill Eduer and Shop Saws. Warranted Superior to all others. R Hoe ic Co.'s Printing Preses, c. Albany Lubricating Compound and Cups. World Standard Cylin der Oil. Send for Circulars. I.1..TATI1M A OO...M Frrnmnl ... V. -A.. LOZIEE, Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Do mestic KIItI. Good Talkins Parrots always on hand. Good Slnsini? Canary Birds a hpccialty. SentC. O. D. to any part of the country. Send for Price List, 4l Kearny Street, San F rancls. o. AGEUTS-P,7oa WANT THE BEST LINE I of Chromos and Frame in America!' Do yon want the lowest prices and fr-ee outfit) f If so. address ALBERT DURKEE CO., H Monroe Street. Chlc&fro FIRE COMPRESSED COFF ABSOIUTELY PURE The Compressed Coffee Is In no sense an extract or preparation from, coffee, but simply the best carefully selected, roasted, ground and compressed after a formula which at once fixes ami permanent re tains all I ts exhilarating and refreshing qualities, among which are caifeone (the volatile oil) and the ca'fiel' acid (or astringent property ) which lose nearly If not qnite all their virtues before rhey reach the table of the consumer. In any of the old methods of preparing colfe for immediate use. This fact Is well understood by experienced coffee men, and to supply the tiiiavoHinhle deficiencies, chiccory. stale bread rve certain barks and other foreign substances have been added. In the way of adulteration, until now the pedpfe scarce ly know what pure cotfee is. And with the belief thit dealers and the best class of consumers will welcome and sustain me in my efforts to supply a pure, wholesome and delicious article, 1 now otfer it direct to the public, at tne same price as ihe various kinds of prepared cotre. This coffee is an equal mixture of the very best Java and Costa R1ca. and Is put up in handsome stvle. under the brand or "MOCHA yUALIT V," and those who once use It will call for no other It Is rture rich delicious and wholesome. It never falls to give satisfaction when properly prepared It' la healthful It saves money. It is put up in convenient packages for use. . For Sale by all Grocers and at the Manufactory. 51 FREMONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. A. P. ADAMS, Patentee and Manufacturer. UNIVERSITY MOUND COLLEGE RAN FltANCisrn ' HTFor Catalogue, apply to JOII.V UAnilLE, K. A., ITJncipai BUSINESS COLLEGE. QOA POST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. THI OZiJ oldest and most complete Commercial Col. lege on the coast. Elegant halls; new rurniture; thor ough instruction ; practical teachers; hlh standlna with the public. Students can commence at e-i time. Day and evening session. Circulars may be bad free on application. KELLY STEEL BARBED WIRE The Best and Cheapest. Send for Circukr. UlXTIXOTO, IIOPUI.VS A CO., San Francisco and Racrnmen to. General Azes'a Pacific Coact. ror Oil for Family Use. NONPAREIL VSi A OT"P AT 0,IL' 150 dpK- F!re Tm a1J JL Xi fl 14 In 1, 2, and 3 gallon cam. UlA V UL O Faucet and Plain PRATT'S KAM,AXT M" GF.OKGE 3f. BLAKK, Agent, 123 California St.. Room 13.' - Saw Fbakcisoti LATTIN SPRING BED, SOMETHING XEW. THE BEST IX rSE. EN- I dorsed by all flrst-clas dealersssr Price from $4 tj S fj. Warranted for 10 years, hend for Circulars tu t 1029 Market Street, Kail FrancUco. CAROLAN, CORY & Co 1MPOBTBBS OF XJFLOTsT JSJ2TJZD STEEL. Agents for Pittsburg Steel Works. 117 and 119 California t. , MAW Fit AX CI SCO. AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO. HIS old and popular hotel has for a quarter of s -I century ratered to the want? of the public. Tims. Prtax, an old Cahfornian and an eierienced per tleman. conducts the house, which ia a sufficient guar- auiee mui Comfort, Good Living-, Cleanliness And the general welfare of guests will he ac"ordd to all. The tsble will he furnished owith the best tbe market affords. Oentiemanly and obliging clerKs aril careful waiters in attendance. This honseis the most centrally located of any in the citr. Street cars ps. the door every two minutes. The hotel coach will carry passengers to and irnm the hou-e free of charts. Prices from 1.50 to S.5l per day. TEE FOOTUGHT THE RECOGNIZED DRAMATIC ORGAN Of ths Parlllc Coast. Contains IIoue Programme of principal Theatrfa and places of Amusement of San Francisco: Theat rical eoseip and general review of cm rent evenain the Dramatic World. Send for sample copy. Annual Subscription 8 OO Per Month so In AdTSnrc. Address FOOTLIGHT PUBLISHING CO., 320 Sansome Mt.. Kan Franrlsco. AGENTS WANTUDI TO SOLICIT PICTURES FOB Copying-, Enlarging and Retouching-. ar tne nest worn and highest comtnlss'O'' veu on this i oast. Address "COPVISti," 7 O'f r r 1 Nt rf . )u raurlseo. N. CURRY Sl BRO. 113 Sansome Street, Saa Francisco, MmDortera and Dealers In every descrip tion of Hrreeh and .Wanls-LoadlsK RIFLES. SHOT-GUNS AND PISTOLS P. N. P. Co., (New Series), No. 12 Mineral Specimens FOR Til C MICROSCOPE, Well mountel on glass, for sale in boxes of one dozen. Send for dcscrimlve circular, or cil! af 5-tl Cslif'"'"--nta St.S. F. CHARLES II. DEXISON.P. O. Box 2,010. . , Sax Francisco, August 10. IS... A. 7. Adam; Esq.; Having given your Compressed Coffee a thorough trial, with the happiest retutn, l would say ihat, iu richness and de'icacy of flavor, it surpasses anythirr we have ever used. It is cheaper than other coflee because of its greater strength and its extraordinary k-e-ping qualities, which womd make it very desira ble to small consumers. While the Compresxed Coffee can he had we shall ure no other. Respectfully, P. Bramish. 213U Howard Street. Mr. San Francisco, December S, A. P. Adams: Having been a lover and ncr of coffee for the past twenty years, and having tried nearly everything in the line of coffee during that time. I'csn safely ? that 1 consider yonr colive superior to any that I hsv ever used: there is a delicacy of flavor and rU-hnee to yonr coffee ibar I have never heeo able t' obtain In other brands f coffee. Yuura, repecifn ly, Thomas J. Jouxstox. San Francisco, December 18"s ifr. A. r. Adam: I have used your Compressed Coffee and And lf delicious article: and as soon as I get my lot f 1 coffee used up (irftfcA it in the bean) I will use your Compressed, as It is economical, and f a most deli cious flavor. GlOBRX F. BCMlKIt. la De Boom Mrcet. Mr. A. r. Afiam: Sir .-I have tried yonr Compressed Coffee, snd with out qualification whatever, pronounce it ttrlit iivt. I cons.der it the bachelor' boon, for It is alirait readp, eail-i and qvlckly mane, and will tot oeterlorsto by exposure. Toura, traly, O. D. Pltmptos. EE