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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1878)
Sl-i. i. --ST ' I J i i 31)c (JHntcirptjsc OREGO. CIT1T. TMRSDA1. JCXE 6. 1878. BREVITIES. Fay your taxes and save costs. Have your buttonholes repaired. Soc tabic of votes i.i another column. Sunday School picnic to the Cascades to-day. Kecuiar meeting of the city council next Monday evening. Charman has received "Indestructible Paint." a largo stock of Scratching and trading men extensively practiced last Monday. Campaign subscriber are invited to re new their subscriptions. F.lnction (jjuiot ono black ej'e and a great deal ol "chin music." Ex-Minister Wanhburno went up on the train to Roseburjj last S.iturdaj'. As we predicted Coroner Greaves pre- siueciajver mo ucmocraiio corpse. Mr. Henry Meld rum is over on the coast looking after his mail contracts. This hot weather is a fine thing for dry. Inn hay when tho boys don't go in swim-lug- Clackamas county Pomona Grange meets at New Era next Tuesday, June 11th. Three insan - persons taken to the asylum at East Portland this week from tli is place. Rev. Mr. Renter proposes to open a German dav School if he receives sufll- ient encouragement. Jas. A. Smith, formerly of this city, has been re-elected clerk of Multnomulf couu ty by almost a unanimous vote. Tho Albany base ballists carried off the honors in a iramo at East Portland last Saturday with a Portland iieked nine. The Wnrkinginen of portland had a pic nic at illamette trove last Sunday, and a good time was experienced by th e largo crowd in attcnderise. Asa Sanuers and Wm. YVhitlock were elected J ust ices of the Peace, and Chas. Anderson and (J. O. Foster Constables for this precinct last Monday. P. M. T'.oyles, of Soda Springs precinct rai.seil 50'S bushels of oats on five rods 1 ss than a hair acre of trronnd last year. W'h j will beat it this season? A staunch old itepublieaii tells us that he "T.s almost willing to give upthe ghost when Richmond was oaptured, and that he is now r;:!dv. after the overwhelm ing defeat of the Democracy last Monday. The Unit-iri:in Sunday school and liiirch of Portland has appointed next Jiaturdliy, .Tone 8th, for their Summer ex iifinn, mikI the park at New Era. on the ).('. It. It., has been selected and engag ed for that day. J:ick Trembath lias enlarged the cellar mu'-'Tnciith his saloon, where he prop -ses to si ore away his beers, etc.. so that when the hent or summer causes the nys to i.-e-o.-iiie tliirst y he can have something nice iin i cool to revive their droopingspirits. Our voung friend John Chenowctli hav ing his first vote tn ca-st Monday in Portland, and fearing he would not tret d'wn there in time if ho waited until Moii. hi v concluded to make a dead thing of it anil st-irted out afoot, and now he is fhiiikimr of quitting tho priri'ing business ami starting out as a pedestrian. A voung m". n named Mack Ml inlo a v!l forty feet deep near Can by one day ln-t w.'i k and sti:nre to say esraped witli i:t injury. He was fiximr something about th well and was holding on tho 'oiut w!;en it jrave away, and he fell to the Lotto ni without touching tho sides of Ihe well. I le managed to climb up the rock wall without any 'assistance. The Varienmer Independent, speaking of the Excursionists snys : "After the dec oration eeienifdiies were over the Oreiron j ' "it y people seattered out over the city, j converting aneoiiver into one gratul peneial pictiic A nicer, more well-be-ii ived crowd than thee people wo have never seen on an excursion, and they will always bo Welcomed heartily by our citi zens. At New Era, a small tailroad station a few miles above Oregon City, savs the Telegram, a tine park is tcintr fitted np iuhI will soon l.e finished. We are in f i lie d that :n soon as the improvements I'll' e. r- -1 nded an accommodation train, to leave Portland eailv Sunday iiiornings inel to teturn Sunday evenings, will bo' put on between the two places for the i enetit of pleasure seekers. Andy Sprowls while passing tho Shades ydeon last Saturday night allowed his i i ;!it iri:i to g t our of t'laee and come in cont.iei with '. I". Mayhew's frontis 1 i-1 e. V r. Mayhew resented this tin warranted a'taek. and gave his assailant a severe f hrrshhiir. The case eamo up be- t"ie the l; iriler, Tuesday, and Mr. M ivhew ;aid $10 and costs, and Mr. S;.rovvls So and costs. A r San I 'r.ANc isco. Tho Oregonian of l ist Monday gives the followhnr eompli iiiciiiary notice of Miss Emma Miller, vim jiitcmli d the grrmcl May festival at .ui l''i ar.cix s ot.c of the delegates tr, 111 On-iii. "Whfii tho delegation ();vgon enteretl the temple, the iiieml-fi s were auiiuuiK'ed by ono cf the !i; i toi s. who stated that he had tho f. it-usurer of presenting those who bad vi-ited San l'rancrivco from this far ofT S:at. As soon as the announcement was luu'le, the Oreiron del."sratin was greeted with much Miss Emma Miller, tlic accomplished vocalist, of Oregon City, was anp'initcd a place among those who were d:signated "bouquet sint:ers." those who wtrf allowed to sing in the 'ln. ruses and solos, and allowed tooceupy the apartments in the hotel set apirt Air the purpose. This mark of distinction was 011 crelitable to Oregon as it must have leen g ratify in to that young ladj' and her many friends. NUISANCER . Iist Siitnrdnv mnrniiKr V'ir' Jamt's ia'"ling was asked by every n'-jother man he met. "Who hit you 111 the eye, Jim?" Jim with a low fierce bless ing, and a demoniacal smile would sweet ly inouire as to the whereabouts of a first class lawyer who could advise him as to whether there was any excuse in tho law lor a man who kills seventeen merchants who leave their dry k1s boxes on tho sidewalk over niht for the sole purpose Oi haviriif huii turning somer-sanlts and " akinn ll vine leaps through space over ilieiu." As we had "barked our shins" more than once on these self same nuisan cer, we expressed our sympathy, pronns ng to call the attenlion'of th proper au tfioritie.s to the t-et, and to call a meeting f the citizens for the purpose of forming 1 vigilance committee. Criminal Carelessness. Last Satur- "f evening, while a crowd of men and ixs were on Main street firing oft anvils, on account of a political meeting, young rnan from the country, ran his ""rso up and down the street at a terrific rate of speed, through and through the crowd, endangering lives, and at last suc dVd in running over Ihe little son of ilr. J. Humphreys, stunning him. It was nothm-t short of a miracle that the child Tm?v.not kille,l- The man kept right on 1 h m streer- not seeming to care to know pother he-had done anv injury or not, v"" nermitted to Iohvo town without Jt ,"a ""eted. We lliev that there isa ri lin'r'.. '' Pr'l'iliUng fast driving or ri ling through the streets, arid it was the "U'J OI SOtnO ono to hstvn unliol.-l II. a Itvu- Letter LtsT.The following is a list of trio letters remaining in the postoffice at Oregon City, Clackamas county. Oregon, Driskel, n-rrison. Kstrnli & Ar,i,fB-. Jnn , Pax: II . r . .. V . . ' . ? I v;i , uy ron T? v 1 "wut-ncK, name o. Miss: Shimlpu' Tr 1 Vv . K ""son, w " called for, say when advertised. J. M. Bapon, p.' m. a horrible: tragedv. aii liisaue I' at her Kills hla Little Rnv Father with Kills hU Little an Ax. Last Sunday the citizens of this city were electrified and shocked by tho ter rible aimouncementj that a Mr. Kitriedge Porter.who lives near the Clackamas Paper Mills had killed his little son while lab oring under a tit of insanity. The follow ing are the facts in the case as near as we can learn : Porter came to town Saturday and was perfectly sane and in good health, lie returned in the evening and on arriv ing home proceeded to the door of h!s house with an ax and ordered his wife to get out of bed as he wanted to kill her. The horrified and frightened wife knelt on the floor and begged and prayed for her life and by some means pacified the deranged man. He manifested symp toms of insanity during the night, but did not attempt to do hi. w ife or little children any Harm. It was a terrible or deal for the bravo woman, alone with her Uehiented husband, who threatened to kill the tho little children. a boy aged about 4 years, and a little girl about 2 years. In the morning Porter had Quieted down considerably, and went to his brothers house and asked him to co homo with him. The brother, Kelsay Porter, was not aware of his brothers condition and said lie could not go then, but would shortly. The crazy man returned home and told his wife- that he was going to kill the boy, the mother implored and beg ged him not to do so, and lie said that the might call his brother; but the call was not answered, after considerable parleying he agreed to eat his breakfast, and that she might take the children and go to the brother's place. The almostdis tracted mother gathered the little girl in her arms and put the boy ahead and started for the place of refuge. When about a quarter of a mile from the house, the in sane man overtook the party, with the ax in his hand and told his wife to hide the boy. when the devoted mother screamed "murder! murder 11" J'ust at this moment the looked for brother appeared on the scene a few hundred yards distant, when me maniac placed the innocent lit tie boy on the irround. and deliberately struck him in the head with the back of tho ax, causing almost instantaneous death, xhemurderer then started back for the house, and. taking his horse, rode to the paner mill, where he was captured by me neighbors, vho turned out en masse. He was brought to this city and turned over to Sheriff Miller, and placed in the county iail. Tho unfortunate man was so Violent that he had to be placed in a cell. HIS BROTIICU BECOMES INSANE. Last Monday afternoon the funeral serv ices of the little boy were held at the M. E. Church, in this city, and the remains interred in the cemetery. While return ing from the cemetery, Kelsey Porter, a twin brotherof the insane man, acted very nueer. and durintr the alter noon it was evident to the sorrowing relatives that he was insane, and it became necessary to put him in charge of the Sheriff. He was raving, and at times became violent. He keeps repeating " My father in Heaven died for nie, and iny brother killed hi little child to save me" They had an ex amination before Judge Randall Tuesday i orning, and were adjudged insane, and taken to the Asylum at East Portland. The two brothers came from Iowa about a yjir and wre industrious and peaceable citizens. Kittridgo rented tho farm of Mr. Thos. Raitlett, above the paper mill. It eems that insanity is hereditary in the family, as one of tho brothers said in his examination that his mother and aunt were affected with this terrible disorder. We are informed that the brothers were unfortunate in business in the East, and lost every thing they had, and it has preyed on their minds, and they have ueen rather melancholy and low spirited ever since their arrival in this State. Another Insane Max. Last Tuesday Tsaac Record was examined before tho County Judo on a charge of insanity, and was adjudged insane and sent to the aylnni. Record has been staying with Mr. DeiShazt-r, near Mai sh tieKl, and has tnnniftrstod sj-mptonis of insanity foraome lime past, and a low days ago he attempt ed to slab :t young man named Jones. His mind has been disordered by intem perance and tho excessive use of tobacco, and it is also reported that he is a victim of tinreqnitted love. He has been in the habit of smoking almost continually, niglit and day, even taking his pipe to bed with him. Ho worked for A. J. 'ason about a year ago, and recently at the Oswego coil pits. OFFicnr.s of State Grange. Tho fol lowing ollicers of tho State Grange were elected for the ensuing year, at Salem last week: Master, William Cyrus, of Iinn ; Overseer, A. R. .Shipley, of Clackamas; Lecturer, W. V. Thomas, of Walla Walla; Steward. W. H. llileary, of Marion ; As sistant Steward, M. L. Nichols, of Wash ington; Chaplain, W. H . Gray, of Clatsop ; Secretary, X. W. Randall, of Clackamas; Treasurer, Thomas Smith, of Linn ; Ceres, Mrs. M. J. Train, of Linn : Pomona, Mrs. Shipley, of Clackamas ; Flora, Mrs. Dur ham, o'f Yamhill ; Lady Assistant Steward, Mrs. llileary, of Marion ; Member of the Executive Committee, A. Holder of Ben ton. State Fair. We are in -aecipt of a pamphlet, neatly gotten up by A. L. Stin son of Salem, containing a list of prem to bo awarded at the eighteenth annual State Fair, at Salem. Also a complete list of premiums awarded at tho fair of 1S77. The fair for this year will commence on Thursday, October 10th. continuing until Friday October 1st h. Anyone havingany intention of taking pan iii the coming lair will do well to obtain one of these books, thereby ascertaining the programme, rules and regulations of the same. Arrange ments have been made with the railroad and O. S. X. companies, of as to enable visitors to go and come at half the usual rates. Post Mortem Examination. An old man, says tho Standard, died suddenly a few days ago at Rutteville, under pe-culia- circumstances. lie had recently married a young woman who was greatly disliked by his family, and when he died they concluded that his wite had poison ed idm. A post mortem examination was ordered and was made on Tuesday by Doctors Jones of Portland, Carpenter of Salem, and Geisy of Aurora. It was proved to the satisfaction of his people that death occurred from an internal tumor, and the wife was discharged from suspicion. o Election. The election last Monday passed off quietly, without any disturb ances as has been usual on such occasions. The Democrats worked in earnest for sev eral of their candidates in this city, and managed bv the assistant of several dis appomted Republican office seekers, in cutting down their opponents' majorities. As they have been overwhelmingly de feated, charity forbids that we should make public their perridv to the partv, and we will only remind them, "that lie laughs best who laughs last." Thanks. The ladies of the Guild of St. Paul's Church take this method of thank ing the public generally for their liberal patronage unon the occasion of the ex cursion to Vancouver on the 30th uit. h, r:lf.V K-"ynd a11 t,,e officers of the s. T. Church for their gentlemanly bearing arid courteous attention to them while on the trip. Excursionists desirin tho services of a quick, safe and commode nus boat can do no better than to take the s. T. Church, with her present efficient crew. Focm-On the steamer S. T. Church, on the day of the excursion to Vancouver, a light summer shawl, and a parasol. The owner of the articles can obtain them by calling at the residence of Mrs. II. Cochran, on Pietv llil! in this city, and proving property. Burglary. Some of the light fingered gentry entered Kesters photograph gal lery last Saturday night and carried off the camera and several tubes. The en trance was affected through a glass door in the rear of tbe building. OFFICIAL RETUENS OF THE ELECTION HELD IIN CLACKAMAS COUNTY, JUNE 3, 1878. I? 3 cog s 3 O CANDIDATES. 3 rOR CONGRESS. II. K. Hlnt-s John Whiteaker tT. F. Campbell FOR GOVERNOR. C. C. Beekman W V. Thayer tM. Wilkins FOR SECRETARY OF STATE.. R. F. Karhart T. O. Reames. tV. A. Cates FOR STATE TREASURER. Kd. Hirsch A. II. Urown tThen. Sutherlin FOR STATE POINTER. W. 15. Carter. .. Noltner tD. V. Crals. , FOR SCTP'T PBL'C INSTRCT'N, Ii. J. Fowell T. J. Stites tVV. W. 1'arker 194 51 176 17 30 9'4: 48 lJiai lT 15 ' I a I 211 5107 'a '43 49 1K3 15 1,j 17!la 2 t 214 4 36 ?:30'43 160 14J5 35U7 2 1 215 51 3C 30l42 158 14 U'gj'W 2 . . ... 2 . 2i252'30 30! 43 49 1U 14:1 34 uo .i - 2 - FOR PKOS'C'T'SO ATTORNEY. Hon. John F. Caples tHon. John M. tiearin.. SENATOR. J. T. Apperson ., ! 19.1 52 o!43' 180 16 i I9l 89 :162 18 4 ... 30 18 24'42 A. K. Wait 4U iu 10 tK. W. Worsham REPRESENTATIVES. Capt. W. H. Will II. !l9o!48 30 'an'44 tl. r orbes... K. Bradley.. 1 1I,: J.' ik) o,. 42 41 !2ii44atti3il42i4lj44 at her ." .. i ll 38 j 37 ' 3.i 4 1 41 1 46 W. A. .Starkweather. D. V. May John Kelt! VVm. Siharp.... 'I67 15l-l3o 10 16 .!'l.T7;1214,3i16l14 l5..il8i33 11 15 U. r . ltatie tC T. Hickman , tP. It. Eves tB. C. Lewis ,. tN. H. Danif II COUNTY JUDGE. J.K. Wait A. J. Cason tJ. J. Leatx) SHERIFF. John G. Piilsbury W. W. Myers tJ. Coates CLERK. TV. II. II. Fouts J. P. Ward tW. J. Dills TREASURER. F. S. Dement K. 1. Kelly tJoel Dixon COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Jacob Ifaii'T Albert Walling; , John buellen , H. K. Hayes tbvman Everett t Walter Holcnmb ASSESSOR. Wl'24 L32:la 15 c!.J 1!...! 1 ... .. I.. I 2 31 I1 . II. I 207 50 3l!45 36 46 149 ; 1$ ill 2! 1 2p l...i..-j i;14 lj .. IS2I49 3J;3.J!431'42'44'24'"9 10, 13J51 !4'3; 2! 5 ... 1 yi 1 x ... ... ... -.1 l...r " U.ifk' .--ill m. U'I'l , 1 KfU ' 1U I ; I - 'lSlL-iS 3i .ii 43'41 177J23 11 32 1515 2,'. .1197 4 36 3I 44 40 202!48 30 29 4440!46 15) J.5 Iff 32 10! 9123 161 11 14 31141 1, 5 ..' S ... 2;... v Jos. Ifarstow Jus Kngle tV. Jack I204'49 37 31'43 41 45 1158 14 10 30,15 J5 ci..j si ii 1;- SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. .'DENT. I ' .t'i, -J I 1185 27 3s,25'4l!4:!43!32 8l!":17,55,S2l32 io!7 34 f3 -i9 , 162 27 Is 30'17i 14 25 13 40.42 3713ol24 C(i o 27,42 X. W. Randall John Jf". .Sell wood. SURVEYOR. 7J" ft ir-lrlon 192 4lo 23 42 38 Frank Campbell Uto 19 18 38 16,20 TElljah Ileddell ? .. S ... ... CORONER. 11'. C. Greaves 190 4G c3 30 41 42 n 1I,cll InQ ni II ai! lti 14 to. s. Porter I 2 c'...l 1! ...!... Deniocrats. IXatlonal Greenback anti Master of State Grange. On tho day the State Grange adjourned, says tho Salem Statesman, William Cyrus, tho Master, stated that he would be unable to serve during the ensuing year, and conse quently tendered his resignation. The Grange then proceeded to the election of a jerson to till the vacancy, which resulted in the choice of A. It. Shipley, of Clacka mas. It is to be regretted that Mr. Cyrus was compelled to resign, as the alfairs of that Order nave prospered greauy uncier his administration. Soda Springs. Messrs. Noblo fc Mann are making arrangements for a errand time at Wilhoit's Soda Springs on the 4th of July. Hon. J. F. Caples, of Portland, will deliver an oration, and a lolly timo may be expected. Clackamas Letter. Clackamas, Ogn, Juno 7th. Ed. Enterprise: The railroad com nanv are rapidlv progressing in tho construction of a side track some four teen hundred feet in length, at this place. We are pleased to note an increase in our population a boy to the wife of Daniel Talbert, weight 9 pounds. People have to keep out of the way or Dan will step on them. I don't think he has seen the ground since Monday morning, when he went stum bling around town at the peep of day, calling every body out of bed by cry ing "I got a boy." Strawberry festivals are in order here. The people of this vicinity talk of having a steamboat excursion on the 4th of July. Mr. Frank Campbell of your oily is sick with lnng fever at the house of N. N. Matlock. The doctor was called in last evening, and it is to be hoped that he will be around in a few days. Regular Correspondent. State News. Astoria has a floating gin mill. The East Portland Register has given tip the ghost. A flouring mill is being constructed at Pendleton. The tunnel in the Monumental mine is C88 feet deep. Grant couuty. Oregon, is tho largest county in the United States. Emigrants from many points are flocking into Jackson county. Grangers have a grand picnic on the State Fair grounds at Salem to-morrow, J. A. Chenette, of Hillsboro. has re ceive? a pattent for his extension shoe last. The work of rebuilding the Bishop Scott Grammer School building, in Portland has commenced. The annual meeting of the Christian Church will commence on tho 14th of June at the camp grounds near Dallas. Ernest, son of Mrs.Linden, of Ashland, aged seven years, died suddenly the other day. He had been playing about a eoap factory, and is supposed to have drank of a liquid used for scenting soap, thinking it vinegar. Alexander Hill, employed in the Enos Mills, was fatally injured on last Monday, says the Philoinah Crucible, and has 6ince died. He was engaged upon the dam, and while unloading earth, was caught and crushed be tween an ox and the end of a 6lab, com posing the " dump-bed " of the wagon. The ox backed against him to get to the water to drink. La Grande Gazette: At a meeting of the directors of the B. M. & C. It. R. Co. at La Grande, on last Saturday, they let the contract for grading 20 miles of their road at 10 cents per yard, to be completed by tho 1st of" No vember next. This will bring it to within about six miles of Pendleton. The editor of this paper is the con tractor, and we intend to put a strong force of teams and men at work within the next ten days. P3i ?! 5 C p lC "3 H.- 3 ? 2. w 5 -3 i ft n 3 -2 re 1 ? I i 4.1 33 33' H U 51 51 30 14 29' 23 47 64 36130 ;8 944 700 24 15 35 4 3ti 31 25iti2 2l!30 5:V14 24 39.31 16 II; ! i liie; 4; si C2 997 765 53 .. 4 ... 7117; 1 2 ?4 35 '35 55 53' 381 9! 14130 23 49 69, 37 3l 29 16 12 46 15i3d.i'.JWi5. 2Ii27,5.l:.U 2 87 M .I.i i;l4i 1 15 3 49 46 35 ?6 14 lo . o3 38 1011' 31 '23 49 59 37j3ij29 10()3 760 56 999 758 46 f93 758 69 12 24 15 35;46;to a ...;...( 1,15 1 . 30;a5 ti. '21 1 27 52114 24 37 31 Ib,'2l ..I...I 3 15 .. 49 40 33 36, Hjl5 55,52,35: 10 1 n'2'j' U'M 14 3i46 30 29:J5 j sVjJ iii 23U9 62 37 3i 14 , '4 34 "JI 16 ol...1, 9...I..I..I ... j y- -r i- " ,Oi a 20t 52 36 'ai 143 51 '46 35!37 15; 15 55 52 38 10! 17 32 23' 49 59 36 172 15 Itl34!l7jl3.24i12 3J 433if 325 t,2,20i7 i2j 14 24 3732 31 16, i,I5 x ... 1 16 I 46 35 36jHI5 55 51 58 I31I23149 59 38 3i'28 1001 ,52;i4;24 37!30:i6,12j 759 I iitt ia 4;" -"Ujii t2 15 I ... x. ..... 4 :S49 Cn33;3i 28! 56 43 32 24 1 17 35il4l5'54 51 SS 51,7 9"1 831 922 789 53 50; 40 1 40 30 i0,2 28,'2ti 14:32 3J:3 l6,lo 43'44 31132 13'13 54 48'38 9!l2 29 23146 58 36 39 29 -ja.u -J ,W'li27!l 1,32 is H 23 a7-,Xl 111 15 1 : I 'I' 4 16 .. it u' 10 40'44!23l32 54 50 37 9' 14,30 14 2i 48 56 37 26i .61 2b 20! 10' 13 12 13, 945 917 926 .' 1 767 770 735 806 51 44 46 67 987 716 51 890. 811 49 991 719 43 943 75 i9 924 782 77 48 S3 971 727 5S 915 792 41 LS 31 B 11 A I 5l'uu 47 5il37 48 541 M 24!25 30 ' 33 HlO 51 50 33! (iu30 14H'51,48 'sal 7't4'3:: 43 44 1 53 26 13 3o U 16(48 23 18 32 40 41l3i2l G, 16!i'U!iI 14 24 40 9 48 ai32 24 G2!3ao il 14 46 38 31 22 su 20 '28 49 14 24l40'19'l0 24 i7U I6 24 ll 'Ai - ..! I!15 14 24 43,30 Iu 0 ... 16... 6'... ll .. 6 ... ! X0 ' . . ... is;.. 3 6 3 5 41 - III 35!35 H 14 55 52 38 . . . . t ' U 17 33 23 49 66,37 31 227 47! 14 24 27l2 u 28: 18 22lll'3i 40 30.23 111 7 14 3l'21 5' 51,87 29 XI 64 24 30 i0U;2l 4l29 is'20' 2 iu, 3 i w' 1, I. -I 1 . , .! :i mi I ' i . I i I M" 1 V 4'... U 44 33 36 14 20 55 .'OS1 37 9' 15 33 23 49 5S 3";3i II 24 3729 is, ... I6'-- 1 25113 32;4o,2i 30 22 62 21 29 47 I 14 .1 !l4'll 45 03 33 55 51 31 1 6 17 29 22 49 44 38';7 21 34 3515 14 5o;48 31! 9 i7 32 13 49 o8 37!24 27) 11 30:42 41 307 rl -JO 27 53 14 24V7 27 17 21 1 24 13,.M-4 3U Zl t2 21 27,48 14 23 38 21 iui 4 o; . 0 . 16 s! 13', 2 ;J6; i 33 35 01 37 10 17l 33 23 48 53 21 ; 2Ui"7'i5 T 1 1 '24 '41 1 13 30 41 Joijn ..I t 141 1 !...! ..! 2i.. 4 !lo, ..' i9 53 "7 41 o0 ! ! I i 'TO o n m e 43 15 3C!.16 I2'65;49!28' 8;24!33 53 '40' 50 37 '29 29j 877 24 U9 3ci "' , ,30:1,63 21 17 4-1 i II 'M Ji vw 111: 7u 1 .-!. ,., i 14, ...:,-.., - 3 II I. 4 4(T I ' I. ! I I ! 41 31 30: 14 13 54 "2 59 10! IB 3l C3 24 .i0 37'3i 27 1 942 746 40 23! 1:1 m 4. 30 31 a 9 21 2S i0 13 49 87.29; W;I2i U !15 1'- 8i l ti;...U3 4' AVorkinirnien. Six hundred Chinese lepers recently arrived in Portland. Wood is worth $5 50 per cord at Ten dleton, and cotton wood at that. Althouse t Co. have received the contract for building the Odd Fellows' Temple at Albany. Their bid wus the lowest, being for $i!,G0O. W. T. Morris, a well-known surveyor of Portland, was fonnd dead in his bed at Peudleton last week. It is supposed he died of heart disease. Thomas Brown, of North Yamhill, lost his barn by fire recently. It was set on fire by boys who were playing iu the hay with matches, and barely escap ed with their lives. Loss 1,000. The Oregon Steamship company will dispatch their steamers, the Oregon, Elder, and City of Chester, from Port land for San Francisco as follows: June 12th, 17th and 27th; and July 2d, 12th, 17th and 27th. News for the People. If You visit Portland ana lsh to buy a flue suit of clothes at a low price, ro to Ackerman Bros., corner First and Washing ton streets. Millinery Goods. Miss Rosa Fuchs has received a large stock of millinery poods, ol tho latest styles and varieties, and the ladles of Oregon City and vicinity are invited to call and eqamlne for themselves before Koing abroad. Miss Fuchs is determined to keep as fine an assortment in quality, if not in quantif, as can be found at Portland. Her stock is suifd to tho wants of all both In prices an-1 styles. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian BalrRenewrr is a scientific combination of some of tho most powerful restorative agents in the vege table kingdom. It restores gray hair to its orignal color. It makes the scalp white and clean. It cures dandruff and humors, and fallinc-out of the hair. It furnishes the nu tritive principle bywhich the hair is nourish ed anu supporxeu. it. manes inn nnir muisi, soil and glossy, and is unsurpassed as a hair dressine. It is the most economical prepara tion ever offered to the nublic. as its effects re- maiu a long time, making only an occasional application necessary. It Is recommended anil used by eminent modlcal men. and offi cially endorsed by the state Assay of Massa chusct ts. For sale by all dealers. "The National Gold Medal was awarded o Bradley & Kulofson for the best Photographs in the United Ftates. and the Vienna Meda for the best in the world. 429 Montgomery Street. San Francisco. N'otlce. I. Selling has a good assortment on hand, and is willing to sell the same at a small advance above cost for Cash. So use of going to Portland when you can do as 'well at home. I am determined not to be under sold by anyone. An Astonishing Fact. A large proportion of the American people are to-day dyine from the effectsof Dyspepsia or disordered liver. Tho result of these dis eases upon the mass is of Intelligent and val- uaoie peopie is most alarming, malting ine actually a burden instead of a pleasant ex istence of enjoyment and usefulness as it- ought to be. I here is no reason lor this, if you will only throw aside prejudice and skepticism, take Ihe advice of Druggists and your friends and try one bottle of Green's August Flower. Your speedy relief is certain. Millions of bottles of this medicine have been given away to try its virtues, with satis factory results In every case. You can buy a sample bottle lor 10 cents to try. Three doses will relieve the worst case. Positively sold by all Druggists on the Western Continent. If any Dealer Informs You that he has for sale a dentifrice Identical with or containing ingredients equalling or superior in efficacy to those of SOZODONT, discredit the statement and insist upon hav ing that alone. By doing so you will secure a dentifrice par excellence the best in the mar ket, containing botanic elements of rare preservative Influence upon the teeth, and one which will endo-v them with most becom ing whiteness. Another desirable feature of this staple toilet article is that It imparts fra grance to the breath. Sold by druggists. JOHXSON, MCCOAVNAMACKIJJI, Atty's Executors Notice. In the matter of the estate of George La Rocque deceased : I hereby give notice that I have filed in tho county court of Clacka mas County, Oreeon report of my accounts up to date with the necessary vouchers, and therewith an application forthe final settle ment of said estate, so far as the ordinary administration is concerned, and the court has appointed Saturday the 2?th day of June, for the examination and settlement of said accounts, and the heariEg of anyexceptions to said report. JOHN EPPERSON Executor of said estate. Dated M 23d 1878 4 tf. ATTENTION! S E L j5i 1ST Gr I. 1-3 c Is Oflering INDUCEMENTS. GOODS WAY DOWN IN PRICES ! CALL AND BE CONVINCED At Brick Store 2 doors uorth of drug store. 50,000 LBS. WOOL WANTED We will pay the highest market price. PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Oregon City, Slay 16, 1878. JOHN GRAN & CO. Poi'IIsiikI, Ogn., HAVE NOW IX STOCK A VERY assortment of LARGE DRY GOODS & FANCY GOODS Special attention Is called to our BLACK SILKS, DRESS GOODS, LINEN SUITS. LADIES & CHILDREN'S HOSIERY, LADIES UNDERWEA, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, ETC., ETC., ETC, ETC, PRICES ESPECIALLY LOW! JOIOT CUAiV fc CO. FIRST STREET, He twee it AVaslitngton and Alder. May 16. lS7S-3m. RED OAK. TIIHIS IIIGII-nKED STALLION JL make a Season at the following WILL, places : At A. P. Iavf'rtv's. Mondav and Tuesday of each week ; At Silverton.'Thursday Prairie, Saturdays. .Moialla lerms Two, Four and Six Dollars. Doucriptloit and Prdljrreet The beautiful stallion Red Oak Is 16 hands high, weighs 1,200 pounds, and is a red sorrel. K.-d Oak wus sired by Ked ltover, he bv Jack Hayes. The dam of this celebrated stallion Is Known as prinur, she was of llellair. For further particulars Inquire of A. P. LAVERTY, April ,78-3in. Needy, Clackamas Co.Ogn STOIMAISERS OF CLACKAMAS CULMT ! Mr. Isaiah Moser is now out for the Season of with ''Young Ben Roy." He can be found Sunday and Monday M the owner'" farm on Lower Moialla ; Wednes- una inursuay m jos. Walton's, near lunjro-s i-oint, until 2 o'clock P. M. ; Frlday and Saturday at Ira Moody 's.Molalla Prairie, of each week. Farmers will please call and see him. He shows lor himself. Kverybody comes and goes well pleased, lor he is equalled by none. Young Hen Hoy is a beautiful dapple bay, weighs 1425 lbs., will be 3 years old the 1st of May, 1S78. Terms I-eap, $9; season. $15; Insurance, $25. All bills payable in gold coin except when otherwise agreed upon. April 11, 1878-tf. ISAIAIi MOSER. CAEV.BR.NllS BEER. THIS CELEBRATED BEVERAGE FROM L. Feurer's Brenrry, at Portland, is con stantly kept on draught at JACK TR EM BATH'S SALOON. It Is the best beer in the city, and wo invite the public to call and give it trial. Oregon City, March 1, 1878-tf. CHRIS. ZAUHER, DEPOT SALOON, - Opposite the Rallroa d Depot, KEEPS THE BEST REER AD CIGARS in the City. Give him a call. Jy&-tf. SHADES SALOON IJAS O X H A N D T H E CHOICEST Liquors, Wines & Cigars, And an Oyster Stew at all times. Good bed and a night cap for 25 cents. Herrall's U. s. Beer 25 cents per quart. I don't sell O C. R. i F. MAYHEW, Proprietor. Oregon City, March 8, 1878-tf. NOTICE. E R S O N S HAVING SUBSCRIBED TO he reward offured for the detection and wringing 10 justice oi ine murderer of James Goodin, will pay the amount subscribed by them to me. or my attorneys but to no one else, as I am the nly ran y' entitled to said reward. BETH AUSTIN. .31 ay I, 1878. w JOHNS O. MCIOWX & MACRITJI, Atty'a. AdministratorVNotice. f HEREBY GIVE NOTICE OF MY AP I nolntment as Adnr inlstralor of ihp vtinta ! of A. C. Moore, late of Clackamas countv. Or egon, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate will present them tome, at Johnson, McCown & Macrum's office, in Oregon City, within six month's from date. It. J. MOORE, Adm'r. May 23, 1S78. iw LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE STABLE. THE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETOR OF the Liveiy Stable on Fifth street. Oregon City. Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Baggies, 'Carriages and Hacks. Saddle and Boggy Hones. IPrices Treasonable E. B. CLEMENTS. Oregon City. Nov. 5, 1875. Proprietor. CHAS. H. CAUFIELD, BROKER Oregon City, O lie WILL, BUY AND SELL COUNTY AND City Orders. Notes discounted on reasonable terms. Loans negotiated. Monev on hand at all times to loan on first class security. Deposits received Bubject to order Six per cent, interest paid on time deposits (not less than three months). Office Witli E. L. Kaitbam in Myers Brlfc - my,7S-tf. BEADY FOE IBTJSIZSTESS I SPRING OPENING WONDERFUL W wiUofiMl&EL AT OREAT BARGAINS. AXD f win oner txtra Inducements In both Quantity &ad Quaiity. Don't Grumble About Hard Times After eeinB how Cheap we sell our Goods. Of course you want to do the best you ran with LLmOD(7i butZtoTe yQ? uy ,ne and u we will give Tyou BirealM Oo wkz&EhZ9 have bouht an the st-aod fEk1 Produce zmel Wool. All kinds of Produce taken, and we want all the Wool we can eet for which wm win tho highest market price. Komom berthe corner, at K ' S. Oregon City, March 8, 1878-tf. REGARDLESS OF Change of Climate A large and choice stock ot CJdOTHING, it V - GOODS, GROCERIES, JEtc, Ottered at a Great Sacrifice ! Parties indebted tQ Uie vrlll please call as intend to close out my entire business. STOKE! FIXTURES Oregon City, May 9, 1878. NEW FIRM FELLOWS & HARDING, At The LINCOLN BAKERY Dkaleks in FIRST CLASS GROCERIES & PROVISION'S, PRODUCE TAKEX FROM FARMERS IX exchange lor Groceries. SELECT TEAS, CQFFEF AND SPICES. A splendid assortment of Fresh Crackers and Cheese. FOREIGN L DOMESTIC FRCITS. And a full variety of goods usually kept in a nret-class Grocery Store. We invite the citizens of Oregon City, Cn mah and vicinity to give us a call, and If Ed. don't give you as many and as good a quality of poods for your money as you can obtain elsewhere, he will leave town. y We deliver Goods to all parts of the City and Cancmah tree of charge. Oregon City. March L l77-tf. m W. A. PHILLIPS, (Successor to T. A. Bacon) Dealer In GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. SELECTED TEAS, COFFEE AND ALL articles used lor Culinary purposes. High est market price paid lor Country Produce. Goods delivered free to all parts of the city orCanemah. Orders promptly Oiled. Oregon City, Feb. li. 1878-I.f L. JACCARS. FLOUR, HAT, STRAW, OATS, POTATOES, WOOL, ETC., GRAIN SACKS AND TWINE. e-Tho highest market paid in cash for all Kinds of produce . Onsdoonouth .fPoitofflc. Oregon City, Sept. 13, 1877-lf. VX. KJTIGHT. UEO. KJflGIIT. KNIGHT BROS., CAN BY, OREGON. Dealers ii SliluLCS, CEDAR POSTS, GROCER. Vl.UTHi.U, HOOTS. SHUKs, UAHUWAItE, And everything usually kept in m. conn try trarc. We invito the nubile to tall and mmlna our stock before going to Oregon City or Port- mim, us we are seuing as cneap as any house in the State. Come and get our prices. Those indebted to the firm will please call ana settle immediately, and safe costs. nov8-tf KNIGHT BROS. GEORGE BROUGHTON, WOULD INFORM THE CITIZENS OF Oregon City and vicinity that he Is pre- Fir & Cedar Lumber, Of every description, at low rates. Av APPLE BOXES. AI-SO, Dry.Flooriiisr, Ceiling-, Rustic, Spruce, (for shelvlncl. Lain,.. Pickets, and Fenco-PoiU, Cedar, Constantly on hand. .Strf tftnd Sidwalk. lumber furnished on the shortest notio at as low rates as it can be Give me a call at the OKBOOJT CJTT SA W MJJ.IS. Oregon City. June 10, 1875 if LUMBER 2J.Uf.1BER! Chas. Out ting-, WOULD INFORM THE PUBLIC 7 AT he has purchased liisby A Cuttl-ff iirw mui, eight miles east of Oregon 4 thai ha Is prepared to furnish FIR AND CEDAR LUMBER, of every description at Cedar Ceiling, Rustic. Water Pipe, Fence Posts, etc. fc"John Myers, agent in Oregon City, will keep a supply of Lumber, of all kinds, always on hand. Oct. 5, 77-tf CLIFF HOUSE. OREGON CITr, OREGON. T. W. RHODES, Proprietor. Transient Board, SI to $3 per Dj. Kinjrle Jlmlj ....... ......50 cent. Board per WeeU .. ......5 OO Board and lodging, per week "96 OO The Table will be supplied with the best the market affords. Ball Suppers furnished oa ehort notice, and at reasonable terms. .TOV. 19. 1875 If OF HEW GOODS ! 2 IOW JPJRIGJES! ACKER MAN'S. COST FOR CASH ! wanted on account of Sickness In Family. UP, and pay up Immediately and for Sale at a Bargain, V. LEVY. THOMAS CHARMAN E TABLISHED IMS DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS O Oregon City and of the Willamette Val ley, that he is still on hand and doiD g Vufl nesa on the old motto, that A A'lmbl Six reneti Belter than a Slow SMIHne I have just returned from Ban Francleo. where I purchased ore of the LARGEST. AND BEST SELECTED STOCK Or GOODS ever before offored In t hU eity; and consist a part, as follows : Boots and Shoes, Clothing. Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, oils. Paints and fcSash and Doors, Chlnaware, Queens ware. Stoneware, Crockery, Platedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Farming tions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, ete. Of the above list, I can say my stock la the MOST COMPLETE ever offered in this market, and was aeleted with especial care forthe Oregon City trad.All of which I now offur for sale at the Lowest Market Rates. No use forthe ladles, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods for X am Determined to Sell Cheap and not to allow myself to bo UNDERSOLD IS THE STATE OF OREGM. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CHARMAN cannotbe beaten in quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell you, atfthe advantage I can offer you in the sa)e f goods, as every store that advertises ctaes that, and probably you have boon disappointed. All I wish to say is Come, and Sec and Examine for YonrtelTei, for Ido not wish to make any mistakes. My object Is to tell all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patronage horeto-. lore wsiowea. THOS. CHARMA3T. Main Street, Oregon City. Legal Tenders and County Scrip taken ai market rates. THOS. CHA UMAX. VT 50.000 lbs wool wanted by nov. i, TS-tr ltiua. i;tt Altai jlts. X. .T. "PAINTING, K ALSO MINING AND PLASTERING. WILL CONTRACT r,Y TIIE SQUARJJ or by the lob. The best stock it the. market used in every Instance. Orders left at the PoetoSee will rererva prompt attention. oregen City. Aril 1, 1878-tf. ! i- IS I'M 1 1 u r i i- i,'- i. 'i i I S v 1 i i. 4 . i. pattotwy OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, ttvtvf.RSITY OF CALIFORNIA, r at TEY1RNTA.