Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1878)
u - ' . ' ' i ; i 3I)c (Entcrptjac. UKECON CITY. TIIL'KSMl. Ml 30, 137$. POLITICAL SPEAKING. The nominees of the Henubliean. Demo- , crat and Greenback parties will address their fellow citizens on the political issues of the day at the following places : Mllwaukfe, Monday, May 2n, Rock Creek, Tuesday, 21st... Union sch'l house Cascades, Wednesday, i'd,. Genis' Store , Ka lo Crenk,y:W. .-.Fosters' school house Viola. 24th Wxon's Mill Upper Molalla, ioth Moody's Store Marquams, -J7th Maprjuam's Store Jiower Molalla, IWth Camp Ground Canity, 29th Camp Ground ' Tualatin and Pleasant Hill,.'iU.Set?Iy's school Oswego,.?! i Oregon City, June 1. Court House BREVITIES. See T. A. Uacon's "ad." Who killed Fergusons' dog? See Noble Ss Mann's new "ad." Candidates are stil on the ramptige. Are you going on the excursion trip to the Cascades? - Several inteiesting letters necessarily crowded out. We are under obligations to Sonator Mitchell for favors. Examine your tickets and see that they have not been fixed. Mrs. W. E. Dement, of Astoria, is visit ing friends in this city. The weather has been somewhat mixed for the past two weeks. The agony will noon le over, and sore heads more numerous than ever. Julius Logus is soon to move into his house, the old Toner place, on Piety Hill. There was quite a large number went on the excursion to Vancouver this morning. Mrs. J. M.Moore is slowly improving in health being able to sit up part ot the day. Strawlerry festival in the basement of the Haptist church . on Tuesday evening, June 11th. We are indepted to Mr. Petor T. liar clay, formly of this place, for the San Francisco Price Current. Miss Addie Huchtel. of Eat Portland, has fr tlio week been visiting rela tives and friends in this city. One of these days the Chinamen will make it pretty warm for some of the boys if they don't quit fooling with them. Grand Republioan ratification in this city Saturday evening. Speakers from abroad, bonlfre, fireworks, and a big time generally. Turn out. To get yourself in voting order so as to j enan.e you to Know who yon are voting for. next Mondav, go to the Harlow house and invest a quarter in liaeotiaml eggs. Judge of election in the various pre cincts will ronfer a favor by sending in the election returns without delay so as to enable us to furnish, the full vote In our next issue. The City of Salem, while upon an excur sion trip.'one day last week, succeeded in demolishing a seine- set just below the Island, at the Falls. The net belonged to two men working on the Tocks, and will prove quite a loss to them. J. M. Gearin the Democratic candidate for District Attorney called at our ollice last Thursday for a brief visit, we clout know what was the matterof his "gearin" by means of which he l.eeanie a Democrat but this we do know that Johnny is a very good fellow in tremendous bad company, Mr. Theodore Clark has a polled for a patent on an attachment to a fulling ma chine. As the patent lifts not yet been granted, it is thought host to not -rive the nulilic a full description of it in print, but Theodore will le triad to show it to any ft ic curious enough to call at the factory. icre is " millions in it." Mr. Geo. Root brontrht us a sample of his winter wheat which is live and three quarters feet high and headed nut. It was irrnwii on his farm in the southern part of the county nea r Rock Creek ; forso early .' in the season this it seems to us is of pro- j diirious growth, and we .should be fear- I fill that it will lodge Itetore It comes to maturity. We were very sorry not to be able to attend the party given by Mr. W. li. Part low, on attaining his fiftieth birth-day. last wek. Dill is one of the bovs, arid his estimable wife is a lady who knyvs i how to manage n home to per Vet ion. i Their tables were lountifiilly provided, ; as if they knew we were coming, and it is sorrowful to know that so much good things went into other breadbasket than pur own. We do not vouch for the tale leing Htrictly correct, but our devil says It Is no, so" we give it for what it is worth, as he is pretty exact generally, especially when it comes to collectintr his weeks wages Saturday night. He wivs bonis Darin's "dorg" was locked up in the Hook tV ladder Co's ollice for three or four days, and owing to hunger eat up two or three window sashes, a lionch. and part of the valuable desk that Geo. Washington niirned the Treaty of Stefano on, and had just started in to undermine the tower w IW'ii discovered. We understand that ime or two candidates have pledged them selves to pay the damage if elected. Political S pea kino .East Thursday evening the Hons. J. V. Caples and J. M. Gearin, Republican and Democratic can didates for the office of Prosecuting At torney, addressed the citizens of this flce on the various political questions of ho day. the State finances in particular. Roth of these gentlemen are aide speak er, but from the start Mr. Caples had the advantage, owing to having all the facts on his side, and with his customary elo quence he did not hesitate to tell them, carrying conviction to the minds of his hearers, notwithstanding the llnent argu ment of his opponent. It is to be regret ted that Mr. Gearin cannot see this ques tion of politics in the richt light, for on the right side, with his youth, ambition and abilities, there is no office in the State but what i within his reach. Excursion to the Cascades and Pic nic The Baptist, Congregational and Methodist Sunday Schools of this city will unite in a picnic and excursion to the Cascade on Thursday, June 6th. This steamer has been thoroughly refitted, so that she is entirely safe and commodious, She is fitted up nicely, furnished with an excellent piano, etc., so that a pleasant time may be expected. The steamer will leave the wharf at 6 o'clock sharp, and h will reach the Cascades by I'Z o'clock, which will give the excursionists at least two hour atthe caseaoes.anu ename mem to reach home bv 8 o'clock in the evening. Fare for the round trip, one dollar: chil dren under fifteen, haif price. Icecream, lunches, coffee, tea, etc.. will be furnished on loard at reasonable figures by the ladies. - Letter List. The following is a list of the letters remaining in the postoffice at Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, May 3tb, Harklev. Ida Mrs.; Dolma, W. E. ; Burns, John ; Cole, W. IT.; Cooke. Flor ence Mrs.; Fletcher, Hosea; Herson, John; Jones, George; Lawrence, Bella cMiss: Eewis, John W. ; Metzer, Fred; Powell, Rolert; Roderick. M.O. Miss, i; Rathborn, W. A.; Stout, Sarah Mrs.; Steven. V .: Woodle, J. T. ; Wyland. Jsancy E, Miss. If called for, say when advtised. J. M. Bacon, P. M. Is Business Aoain. There is an old saying that pUick wins every time. We are glad to see Theodore Bacon exhibiting his pluck in getting bapk into business again. As Theodore is a thorough busi - iietM man, we see no reason why he canr Ttot prove the sayine true by 'making a first cla Rontneeof himself.'and keeping hi hotel, the Barlow House, so comfort able that his boarders will never want to leave him. Mt. Pleasant Letter. Mocst Plkasant. May 29th. 1S7S Editor Enterprise: Having waited j patiently for some months, hoping that some more worthy pen tl;an my own j would give you a letter from this part of i the world, I have at length determined to j wait no longer. J-itile of importance hap- ' pens here on Mt, Pleasant, and like Ore gon City, it would be called by the strang er, "dull." Still we have "among our selves considerable pleasure. The weather for the past lew weeks has been iust what farmers want, and both grain and grass are growing, and looking tinely. In fact so accustomed are wo to seeing all around us looking green, that even strangers (w hen we liist see them) look that color. Several sociables have taken place since my last. Among others, one at the resi dence of Capt. A. F. Hedges, for the bene lit of the Chapel, in Cantmah. Misses Carter and iJyers havo been so journing in the mountains for the past ten days, a damp time we are afraid they will have. Thornton W and Mr. Hedges were also out for a few days, but returned with only three bears and two panthers. Among the pleasures of the past few weeks, Mr. Part low's party takes the lead. It took place on the 22d of" May. Quite a number of ladies and gentlemen from Oregon City were present, and the only drawback to the pleasure of the evening was the failure of the music to put in its appearance. Mr. P had engaged music from Portland, but for some Unknown reason it ilid tiot come, so they had to do without, there being not time enough to send to Aurora. Owing to Mr. Partlow's exertions, however, the loss of the music was scarcely felt, all seeming to enjoy themselves Very much. At twelve o'clock all adjourned to an elegant supper, and ample justice was done to the repast. William, we are sorry that we could not abide with you till all was eaten off the table, but want of space forbade our do imr so. Mr. and Mrs. O'Xeil left on the last trip of the steamer Oregon, for the Eastern States. We wish them a speedy voyage and a safe return. Mr. and Mrs. Partlow leave on next Monday for a trip to Eastern Oregon. Miss 15 is at present visiting friends on Mt. Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. W are at present in Salem, attending the State Grange, Politics are dull at present. Mt. Pleas ant proposes to give the Republican ticket a large addition of votes. Farmer. MeETIX OF THE YoL'MI MENS REPUB LICAN On last Friday evening the Hon. J.N. Dolph of Portland addressed the citizens of Oregon City at Popes Hall. He answered to some extent, the charac ter of the candidates for Congress. Mr. Whiteaker he spoke of as a man although professedly a Demoeract yet was taking perquisites from the O. S." X. Co. in the shape of free tickets etc, while. Mr. Hines the Republican nominee deserved great credit, for refusing to accept even the .lightest favor from a grinding monopoly and who returned his free faro tickets "dth word that he desired to pay his own way and thus be free to act for the best interests of Oregon always. In speaking of the criticism against Mr. Hines as be ing a preacher he said that if the Demo cratic party in Oregon were not past pray ing for, he would 'join Mr. Hines and all good people in the responsive style of prayer of the Episcopalians, as follows: "From the eight years of corruption and misrule of the Democratic p.-irtv in the Stale of OrerMi-Oh Eord deliver ns. From the Sv.k,mk indebtedness loaded upon us by G rover and associates. -Oh Eord deliver us." Space will not allow an extended notice of the excellent speech of Mr, Dolph. He clo-ed by predicting a glorious victory for the R 'publican par ty nt the coming election. A New Inpcstuv Mr. C. JI. Myers an enterprising business man, formerly in the pottery business at liuena Vista, is erecting a (lottery just below the Congre gational Church f'rlhe purpose ofstarting a pottery. The building is to be for the present sixty feet long and twenty wide. As soon as circumstances permit he will put on an addition twice as large. A super ior article of clay will be obtained from the bed. Just opposite. Geo. Eark's resi dence, in'the canyon running towards the seminary. The "pottery will be in full operation in about sixty days. A Portland firm has already contracted for about SU.iKK) worth of work. Mr. Myers is san guine that he can turn out a superior article of earthen ware, sewer pipe, etc., fifty per cent, cheaper than an other pottery on the coast. As Oregon City expects to be one of these days, ;t .second Eowcll. just now :iu opportunity presents itself is to show herself capable of" hciiur such, by encouragin this enterprise towards success, as a success in almost any line is sure to attract the attention of capitalists desiring to invest, and they naturally look to a live business town to make their investment in. Hines and Whiteaker.- lions IT. K. Hines and John Whiteaker, Republican and Democratic candidates for Congress, addressed the citizens 'of this place and vicinity, at Pope's Hall yesterday after noon. Mr. Hines led oil' and made an able and eloquent speech, being greeted with round after round of applause. He favored railroad connection with the East, hard money, resumption, etc., and was very sanguine from indications throughout the State that t he Republicans would have an overwhelming majority on the rd of June. Mr. Whiteaker follow ed in a fair speech, but disregarded the political issues to a considerable extent, and did not make any votes by his bitter personalities. He did not think the State Democratic platform was good, and said that he could draw up a tietter one ; ad mitted that he was a little loose in charac ter, ami said Mr. Hines' influence had made him a 1 etter man ; he did not ap prove of the Democratic attempt to steal the electoral vote of Oregon. . Cutting Government Timber. Dep uty Marshal Hums, last Saturday passed through this place, on his way to Portland having in charge two men named Stroud and Greepman. Thev were arrested on the charge of cutting timber on Government land. Thev are two poor men, who had just taken up ranches in the eastern part of the county, and their offienso consists of having cut down and up of two old dead cedar snags. We understand that the malicious informer, some time since, took olTenso at being ordered off of the place on account of his filthiness, and took this method of revenging himself. Excusable. We think, under the cir cumstances, that probably Charlie Moore was excusable in having his head up high enouch to see over Mm f .t,.. n j of last week, but next week we must in sist on reform. This thing of bein" a """ci oi nic nisi, time, can t last forever so he might, as well look down awhile' and not keep our eaeeable citizens dodging about to keep from being run over. We will keep our eves opeii the balance of this week, but if an accident happens after that ourattornevs will have a case. Soda Sprinos. Mann A Noble, are mak ing extensive arrangements to have a big celebration at Wilhoit's Soda Springs on the 4th of July. At their hotel on the grounds they propose to. spread sueh j collation as has never ieen before seen in j the Cascade range. Excellent music has been engaged, and in the evening those so disposed win nave an opportunity to "trip the light fantastic" to their heart's content. Arrangemenls will )e made for the conveyance of passengers to and from thespiings. New Comer. Mr. Cornelius Strickler, brother of our notorious Jack Strickler, arrived at Oregon Cit- one day last week, from Pennsylvania. We understand that Mr. Strickler intends making Oregon his home for the future. Judging from the motive and agility displayed in going down a well to save the life of Mr. Mil ler's child last week, his initiation into Oregon was first class, and Oregon City will do well to encourage him to stay in phis yicinity. To the Voter of Cluckamui County. There have been numerous statements in circulation respecting my nomination as Surveyor. I have not had time to take the canvasing circuit through the county to contradict them, ami take this method of saying to you that I in-ver have with drawn from" the Democratic ticket, and that I am not ashamed of it; that I never claimed to bo anything but a Republican in principle nd "my Democratic friends never have claimed me as otherwise. As to my competency, I am perfectly satis tied to leave those who are acquainted with my work to judge. 1 shall claim the dearest right of ail American Citizen, anil vote for whom I choose. Anything con trary to the above is false, and without foundation. With this understanding, I remain yours respectfully. F. W. C.iMPni:i.r.. Cheap. Clackamas, Ogn., May 2st!i, lS7S. En. Enterprise We are mad. We want an explanati mi. Why did not those aspirants to the positions of Clack smuiscounty discuss the political issues of the day at this place? Now we are bias solix. Do you fellows think that the votes of Marshrield precinct are not wortli asking for? If you chaps think you have not suflicient'eloqueni-e to inlUienee votes, here, why, try the ell'ect of a box of cig-irs Correspondent. Confirmation Service. Bishop Mor ris will preach in St. Paul's church, in this city, both morning and evening, on Sunday next, and at the morning service will administer the Rite of Confirmation. In the afternoon ho will preach at St. Paul's Chapel. Canemah. A Democratic victory at the election now near at hand would be a virtual sanction of the violation of the Consti tution of the State, whereby an indebt edness of three quarters of a million of dollars, bej-oml the limitation of the law, has been saddled on the tax-payers. It will be construed as a license to continue tlieir career of extravagance and theft, and a vote for that party will be an endorsement of the wrong. The crack-brained boheruian of the Sunday Welcome and Commm-inl i?? porler directs a column or two in each of his sickly bantlings at Senator Mitch ell and in defense of the O. S. N. Co. This individual is well known to be a sycophantic hireling who will advocate any cause for pay, and it is likely is the cheapest material tlio O. H. N. Co. have bought in r!io whole campaign. The men employed by the much abused O. S. X. Co., constructing their railroad, are white men. Standard. "Well, with their proverbial charges they can pretty well afford to employ whito men. There is the last straw to put on the backs of the people of the northwest coast, and if they havo not applied it already they are fully aware that Chinese labor would bo that self same straw. Mart Brown is busy inventing cam paign lies, and the sulphury whiff we get from the south is caused by his communion with the evil one in getting hold of new material from his satanic majesty with which to conduct the campaign, but Parson Hines like Christ ian in the Pilgrims Progress goes un- scathred, altho' the raging lions en compass him. Selah ! " Economy and Reform " are the watchwords, and they mean Republican sncoess on the of June. Wood's ex travagai'.ce caused the defeat of the Re publican party eight years ago, and Grover and his ring liave "double dis counted" Woods in that line, and his party is deserving of an overwhelming dt feat. Tho lion John "Whiteacre compares the Declaration of Independence with the ordinance of secesssion. Is that the kind of men wo wish to represent the State of Oregon in the halls of our National Legislature? Dont be deceived by tho claqneres of the party, or the hired mercenaries whom 3011 thought were with you; tlieir sudden conversion to tho other side means "bought and paid for" by the enemy. JJjiivkcl Ieiort. PoKlaiiil Jllarkrt. bcgul tenders Wi buying. 1 i' se Flour Kxtr:i.?"i .VI; suieriine, $1 lling. 5u. Wh:at ?1 s '-.I cental. )ats K 'I j bushel, sucked, r.arley fl el) "tt cental. I:teon Sides lie; hams, 12 13 ; shoulders, IMvlOc. Uird rn kegs, lfe. ; in 101b tins, 11c. Rutter Flesh roll, Itfrv'JUc. Fruits liried apples in sacks, 45C. ; kegs, 5; plums, piticss, 1 K12c. ; icac.ies, 14o. ; prunes, J7. F.ggs 20 c. C hickens Fullgrown, $1 oO'&St 00 dozen. Hides Irv, Hr;salt.ed. 0c ; culls. ' off. Tallow He V lt. Wool xm-Hr. Feed Urati, ilXill .00 V ton ; shorts, ?.T0 ; oil cake, H on. Hay Haled,i$hil2 ton loose, $10. Potatoes rl ') v bushel. Onions IHcHlH V !. Mutton Sheop SI T5'?2. Oregon City Market. Wheat SI buhcl. Oats Feed, sacked, bushel Intr. sacked. "0e s bushel. mill feed. iiarley Choice brewing, 00c Hushrl; oc. Potatoes SI 50 ", bushel, sacked. Onions Iht't-c ? I'". Flour $0 OO.vJi) "sO V bid. Dried Fruits Apples, Uc Vjlli; 11-vl'Je. Uutter Ofqii'ic V Chickens (irown, il 00 dozen. Kggs 20c c dozen. P.acon Sides, lo':i(.i,llc lb; hams, plums, :;'i4. Lard KVtl Ic V ll. Hay S12'.ll ton. Wool l-S'qj-J-Jc 1!.. Hides Iiry, 10ii:c v Ih; green, 4'ioc. Mill feed IJran, Slsfjn j: ton ; shorts, S-Tci S in n ton. Fresh moat s Reef, dressed, I'oC v lh : on foot, 2 Tic; dressed hogs, 7c; mutton sheep, S2 v2 2-". iIAIt It Hi I). At Damascus, M'iv 2 1, 1S7S at the resi dence of the luid'e's father, bv J. A. Forbes, J. IV, Mr. .Joseph K. Wilson and .Miss Sarah M. Chitwooil. allot' Clacka mas county. muTfis. On the 2-5d inst., to the wifTof C. W'. Moore, rt Vanemah, a daughter. Weight nine pounds. . !J I AGENTS. j g named gent lemon will receive I and advertisements for tho I The followin subscriptions : Portland Astoria New Era Norton Roone's Ferry. Mo'alla Pleasant Hill. I swcgo 1 lamaseus Eagle Creek..., Viola Sand v F. M. Bird E. H. 1 lenient. V. E. Ilenn nt lr. J. Casto Capt. Z. C. Norton Chas. Wilson -Max we 1 1 Ia ms'jv,.) r J. E, McCon'ncll . ". Prosscr J. T. Chit wooi I H. V. Fjike R. '. T-wis S. n. Hatch Tualatin News for the People. If You visit Portland ana w i'h to buy a fine suit of clothes at a low price, sro ' o Ackerman Bros., corner First and Vasn. .. -ton streets. Millinery Goods. ' Miss Rosa Fuchs has received a large stock j of iniliin'ry ;oods, of the latest styles and j varieties, and the ladies of Oregon City and vicinity are invited to call and eqamino for thems'.'lvcs before going abroad. Miss Kticlis is determined to keep as fine an assortment in quality, if not in quant it', as can be found at 1'ortland. Her stock Is suited to the wants ot" all hot h in prices nn-1 styles. By universal accord, AVER'S CATHARTIC 1'ii.l.s are the best of all purgatives for family use. They are the product of long, laborious and successful chemical Investigation, and their extensive use, by physicians in their practice, and hy all civilized nations, proves theiu the best and most effectual purgative pill that medical .science can devise. iVing ourely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use. In intrinsic value and curative powers no other pills can be compared with t hern, and cvtv person knowing their virtues will employ them when needed. They keep the system in perfect order, and maintain in hca'.Lhy action the whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and eaVctual, t hey are speci ally adapted to the needs of the digestive npuratus, derangements of which they pre vent and cure, if timely taken. They are the best and safest physic to :m ploy for children and weakened constitutions, where a mild, but effect tin I cathartic is required. For sale by all druggists. A ( JA1M ). To all who aru suffering from the errors and indiscretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac, 1 will semi a recipe that will cure you, KKKE K CII.VlKiR. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in .South America. Send a selt-addressed envlooe to the liF.V. T. Joskph I N.HAN, Station I). JHhl, .Vtw lork. novl"-l.v. t7"l'ho National Gold Medal was awarded o P.radley A Kulofson for the best Photographs in the United states, and the Vienna Mcda for the best in the world. 42'J Monf "joinery St rect. San Francisco. Xotire. X. Selling has a good assort incut on hand, and is willing to si-11 the same at a small advanco above cost for Cash. No use of going to Portland when you can do as well at home. 1 am determined not to be under sold by anyone. A Hrmarkalile Itesnlt. It makes no difference how many Physi cians, or how much medicine you have tried, it. is now an established fact that (Jerinan Syrup is the only remedy which has given comolete sat isfacl ion in severe cases of l.ung Diseases. It is true, there are yet thousands of persons who are predisposed to Throat and l.ung -rlffcel ions. Consumption, Hemor rhages, . 1st h nia, S"vere I'ohls settled on the I.reast, Pneumonia, Whooping Cough, Ac, who ha vi. no personal knowledge of lioschee's ( icruiaii S rup. To such we would say f0,00(l dozen were sold last year without one com plaint. Consumptives try just on" bottle, sizeT-J cents. Sold by all Druggists. If any Dealer Informs You that he has for sale a dentifrice identical with or containing ingredients cmniling or superior in efficacy to those of S'lZOliONT, discredit, t he statement and Insist li pori hav ing that alone. P," doing so von will s viir a dentifrice par exc 'Hence the best in t he mar ket, containing botanic elements of rare preservative influence upon the teeth, and one which will endow them '. it li m-t l- 'Com i ng whit "ii--s. Anot her desirable feature of this staple toilet article is that it imparts fra grane" t'i tie' breath. Sold by druggist s. POPE'S HALL. Friday, May 31st. GREATEST SUCCESS OF THE SEASON. ROSE MANMINC OPERA BOffr F E V o ?a n i X T I X . f- Lecoifs Comic Opera C1ROFLE GIROFLA. A DM 1SSION $1 oo HACK SKATS r,() C7" lleserved seats at Post Ollice, with out extra charge. Ilox sheet now en. V. A. I'.UWAiiOS, .St'iit. May 2'i. 1S7S. 2-lw COINTV TUEASl'RER'S NOTICE. "Y"o'rrcK is hkkkhy givkn that there arc funds now in my hands appli cable to tin- payment of county orders en dorsed on or before the l-'ith of Jan., 17X. In terest thereon will not be allowed alter this date. .1. 1. WAIil l, County Treasurer. Oregon City, May 0. 1S7S. ADIIIMSTBATOU'S N!)TIU-. "JVTOTICr: IS IMCflKISV lilVKX THAT L the undersigned, administrator of the estate of .Jacob t.rimm. deceased, has tiled his linal account as such administrator in t he office of t le County l lerk of Clackamas county, Oregon: and tic County .Judge of saiil county has a i poi nt.ed Sat urday, .lime 1, 1S7.S, at fi o'clock A. M. for hearing objection to, and the sett lenient, of t he s-t me. II. A. STItAUill I'.Wdm'r. V.. 1,. Kastjiam, att'.v for adm'r. May -J, ISTS-Pv. JOKR1 S CHRA Main St., Oregon City. HANIFICTTREK AM) IMPORTER Snddtes, Harness, Sa Itllrj--Hard- wri', etc., -to. HICH IIF. OFFERS AS CHEAP can bo had in the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. rVl warrant my goods as represented. JOHN SCHRAM, Paddle and Harness Maker Oregon Citj. Oregon, Nov. 1, l.S.'.Vtf. Sealed Proposals. OttEfiox Citv, May 11th, 1S78. j VOTick IS HEKEMV GIVEN THAT j j. Scaled rro)josals will ho received until June"th, 1S,S, lor til ing and grading between the oast, end of l'udding River I'.ridge and the bluff iniccordance with plans and snoeilica- i tions to be seen at .laoob I.auer's, near t he residence of Win. J'.arlow in Clackamas county. Reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Oregon City, May Id. IS7S. SQT5CE. Prksdn's n.wiNo srnscrtinrcii to the reward offered for the detection and bringing to justice of the murderer ol'.Tamcs j (ioodin, will pay the amount, subscribed by ' t hem to inc. or my attorneys but to no one i else, as I am the nly 1 arty entitled to said ! reward. SKTII AUSTIN. May 21, 1878. 2 2w .TOHNSO. MCl'OWXA MVCIU M, Atty' i '. A il m i ill st rut o rs N (it i To. TH K It E n V GIVE NOTICE OF MY Ap pointment as Aipr inistrator of ilie estate f A. C. Moon-, late 'of Clackamas countv, Or egon, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate will present them tome, nt .Johnson, McCown t Maerurn's oflleo, tn Oregon Citv, within six mont h's from date. ' II. J. MOORE, Adm'r. May 2.1, XM.-l-4w .HCIXSOX, JIC COV.'N itM idtl .M Kxccutors Notice. Att)-s ! In t he matter of t he estate of Oeorge It ' Kocqui-d"'ceas'd : I hereby give notice that . I have filed in the county court of Clacka mas County, Oregon report of my accounts up to date with the necessary vouchers, and therewith u application for the final settle ment of said estate, so far as the ordinary administration is concerned, nnd the court has appoint ed Saturday t he '."it h day of June, for the examination nnd settlement of said accounts, and the hearts J o a,ny exceptions to said report. JOHN EPPERSON Executor of said estate. Hated Mav 21d 1ST8 4 tf. OF AS 1 COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, -j UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, ATTENTION! I. SELLING INDUCEMENTS. GOODS WAY DOWN IN PRICES ! CALL AND BE CONVINCED R7At Brick Store 2 doors north of drug store, 50,000 LBS. WOOL WANTED Wc will pay the highest market price. P'ODUCEBOUQKT AND SOLD. Oregon City, May 18, 1S7S. - JOHN GRAN & CO. Poitlsiiid9 Oiru., HAVE NOW IN STOCK A VERY I.AUGK assort men t of DRY GOODS & FANCY GOODS Special attention is called to our BLACK SILKS, DRESS GOODS, LINEN SUITS. LADIES & CHILDREN'S HOSIERY, LADIES UNDERWEA, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, ETC., ETC., ETC., ETC, PRICES ESPECIALLY LOW! TOIl ft CIM' A: 0. FIRST STREET, IScOvi'Cii tViixhiiigtun mid Alder. May hi, ISTS-Sm. RED" OAK- rpiIIS IIIGH-r,RKI STALLION WILL make a Season at the following places: At A. 1. I .a vrty ', Monday and Tuesday of each week; At Silvi-rton, Thursdays; Molalla IVairie, Saturdays. Terms Two, l-'our and Six Hollars. Description .-mil Pciliyrec: Th" beautiful stallion Red Oak is Irt hands high, weighs I, '.'() pounds, and is ;i red sorrel. R-'d Oak was sired by Red Rover, he by Jack Hayes. The dam ( this celebrated stallion in known as l'rinter, she was of Rellair. for Itirt her pari iculars inouire of A. 1". I.AVKKTY, April 2.7S-.ini. Needy, Clackamas 'o, gn. "sTomi a isc iTsl n: l 'cr a ma shunTy f Mr. Isaiah Moser is now out. for the .Season of IS. 8 wit h ''Young Ben Roy-" He can be found Sunday and Monday nt the owner's farm on biwi r Molalla; Wednes day and Thursday at Jos. Walton's, near Ringo's Point, until 2 o'clock 1. M.; Friday ami Saturday at Ira Moody's. Molalla Prairie. t ot 'a'h week. Farmers will please call and see him. He shows tor himself. F. very body comes and goes well pleased, tor he is equalled by none. Young Hen Roy is a b 'autiful dapple bay, weighs U2.J iijs., will be ; years old the 1st of May, 1STS. Terms Leap, f f) : season. ?I5; insurance, $-". All hills payable in gold coin execj when otherwise agreed upon. April 11, lS7-tf. ISAIAH MOSKK. GAEV1BR 6 NllS BEER. rjHHS CKI.FI5R ATF.l) RRVF.RAGI-: FROM JL I.. Feurer's rri'wery, at Port land, is con stantly kept, on draught at JACK T REM BATH'S SALOON. It. is the test b 'cr ia the city, and wo invite the public to call and give it trial. Oregon City, March 21, l.STS-tf. CHRIS. ZAUNER, DEPOT SALOON, Opposite the Railroad Ucpot, KKKI'STHK I5KST ItKKK AXI) CIGARS intlnM.'ity. Give him a call. Jy5-tf. SHADES SALOON II -4S O N H A N 11 T II K CHOICEST Liquors, Wines & Cigars, And an t yst"r Stew at all times. Good bed and ft night cap for 25 cents. Ilcrrall's I". S. Roer 25 cents per quart. 1 don't sell O. C. R G C. F. IAYIIKV, Proprietor. Oregon City, March 28, lS78-tf. ftQORE & PARKER'S Celebrated TURBINE WATER WHEEL! WALLACE, Agent for Clackamas County, And the State In general. This Is one of the best wheels in use on t he Hicillc Coast, and gives MTfect sat isfaction in everv instance Any one purchasing a wheel which does not come up to t he guarantee, if proper) v put In t he money will be refunded and nUlama"-es paid. For further information npplv to AV. M. Wallack, at Cutting's Mill, near Viola, lackamas i '., or at this ollice, Sept. I t, 1877-timos. LIVERY, FEED, AHD SALE ST All MS. rpiIK UNTlEUSKiXF.Il PROIMtlF.TOU OK I the 1,1 very Statile on Fifth st reel. Oregon City. Oregon, keeps constantly on hand i ISt'fTiTies,' Cn rrl a rcB and Harkg. SuiIiIIr and Itnggy Ilors-. Ibices liens on :vllo E. B. CLEMENTS, regjn City. Nov. 5, 1ST5. Proprietor. CHAS. H, CAUF3ELD, BROKER," 7ii.E ruy an r county and 1 J City Orders. Notes discounted on reasonable terms. 1ians negotiated Money on hand at all fim-s to loan on first class security. Deposits received subject to order six p-r cent, interest paid on time deposits' (not less than three months). Otllrei With K. I.. Euotham In Myers' Brlc:t'- myl.7-tf. ft p ! W. M SPRING OPENING k r WONDKRFUL LOW PRICES! WE HWF nOUGHTAN UN USA EE Y LARGE STOCK AT UREAT BAKtiAINS, AND Y will oKeV Extra Inducements in U,th Quantity and Quanty. ' Don't Grumble About flsirl Tiiuc After seeing how Cheap we sell our Goods Wcoe want jo ",7,1? -Jl your money, but tKfor-. you buy come at id see us a "our stock u. at Gootis, and Eow Prices. e havo bought all the i, ij it . , At'KKKMAX. this hide of San Francisco. IPi-ocliioo ...t ,n-.i.b.n nnd w want all the highest murket price. Remember tho corner, at S. Oregon City. March 28, 1878-tf. nimeiinrmvrn?iT w REGARDLESS OF Change of Climate wanted on account of Sickness in Family. lsarc siiitl cltoicc .ocK ot CJOTIIlNGr, 12S V - UOOTpS (.JI50CB:i:BEiS JGtc, OiJcre! nt :i G resit Sacrilice ! PAY I'arlics inielleI to mo i 111 jjleuse cjill an inlend to close out my entire ljuslness. STORE FIXTlllliS Oregon City, May 9, IS? 8. NEW FIRM FELLOWS & HARDING, At The 1 1 3ST COLN I i A Tv K RY IlKAI.KRS IN FIIIST (LASS GROCERIES i FKOUSIOaS, 1HDIFCE TAICKX FROM FARMERS IN exchange tor Uroc ri'S. SELECT TEAS, CDFFEF AND SPICES. A splendid assort mi nt oC Fresh Crackers and Cheese. HIREIUX & DOMESTIC EiU lTS. And a full variety of floods usually kejt In a first-class Grocery .store. We invite the citizens of Oregon City, Cane mah and vicinity to tive us a call, mid if Kd. don't jrive you as many and as rood a quality of poods for your money as you can obtain elsewhere, he will leave town. "Vp deliver Joods to all parts of tho City anil 'aneniiih free of charge. Oregon City, March 1. lsT7-tf. W. A. PHILLIP (Successor to T. A. Haconl Iicaler in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. SFI.FCTF.D TFA. COFFEK AS I) ALT. articles used lor Culinary purposes. High est market price paid for Country Produce. Goods delivered free to all parts of the city orCanemah. Orders pmimrt iv tilled. Dresoii City, Feb. 14, 1S7S-I f L. JACCARS, FLAIR, HAY, STRAW, OATS, POTATOES, WOOL, ETC., GRAIN SACKS AND TWINE. PThe highest market paid lu cash for all kinds of produce . One tloor tnuth of Postotllce. Orepon City, Sept. 13. lSTTdf. W'M. KNIOlIT. OKO. KNIGHT. KNIGHT BROS., CAN BY, OREGON, Dealers ijt SIHNGI.KS, riCDAH POSTS, BKOfEH. tlOTIU.Vti, BOOTS. SIIOKS, llAltUWAUK, Anil rror) thlnK iiaiially krpt In a ronti t ry ut ore. Wo Invite the puhlic to call and examine our stock hefore (?oin,' to Orejjf.n City or Port land, ns we are sellinj; as cheap as any house in the State. Conic and got our prices. Those indebted to the lirm will please call and settle immediately, and sate costs. iiovWI KNIGHT 15ROS. GEORGE BROUGHTON, lirOUUi INFORM THE CITIZENS OF I Ore-goal City and vicinity that he is pre pared to luraish Fir & Cedar Lumber, Of every descript ion. at low rates. ANIJ APPLE BOXES. AMD, Iry'F!oorlnr, Ceilinff, Kustic, SiirtK'f, (for shelving), Kuttir., I'ickels, itinl Keicc-Iot h. Cedar, Constant' on hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notic ', at as low rates as it can he purchased in the State. Give me a call nt t he oiuxjit.x vitv sa tr Mii.r.s. Oregon ity. .June 10, 1S75 :tf LUMBER M.UMEER! AroUI.I INFORM THE PlTUTdC " A 1 he has inrchised P.ishv & Cutti- saw mill.oight miles east of Oregon City.aT dthat hu is prepared to furnish FIR AND CEDAR LUMBER, of every descript ion at low rates Posts' eii' ' xUn'A' U,1SUC Water Pi r, Fonc eyjohn Myers, asent in Oregon Citv will keep it supply of Lumber, of all kinds, a V!,u " haltl- O.I. .77-11 CLBFF HOUSE. OREGON CITY, ORKGOS T. W. RHODES, Proprietor. S,r,?',,;lM,e,n,V0!,rrt' Sl 1T. n,ua an.i i.iff, ir ;v;;Tkiirr-:se o mlrtJIr" VU ''P Sl,rplied with the best the niMrket a fiords. I;ill Suppers furnished on short notice, and nt reasonable terms Nov. 19. 1S75 :tf OR UW siikI Wool. if- W J - nt all the Wool we can get, for le corner, at the Wool we can get. for which we will pay ACKER MAN'S. 2 Wtlh MlTTluirTttlTIrti f COST FOR CASH ! TJ13. afl Kiy up ImujeftialJ j- mid sine cost for Hule nt Uarjruin. LEVY THOMAS CHAR MAN ESTABLISHED 18S3 DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS Op orefron City and of the Willanirtte Val ley, that he is still on hand aud doing I ufl ness on the old motto, that A A'imble Six J'cna is Better than a Slow Shifiny I have Just return.d from Ban Francitco, where I purchased ote of the LARGEST. AND BEST SELECTED STOCK Of (JOODS ever before offered In this city; anj consists n part, as follows : Moots and Siioes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Inscription, Hardware. Groceries, Oils. Paints and Sash and loors, Chiiiaware, Queensware, Stoneware, Crckpry, I'latcdware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Patent Medicines. Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Farming tions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets. iattings. Oil Cloth. WaU rjor. ef. Of I hit aboxe list. I ean say my stock Is tho MOST COMPLETE ever offered In this market, and was spieled wit h especial care fort he Oregon City trade.AU ol which 1 now offer for sale 'at tho Lowest Market Rates. No us.e for the ladies, or any one else. to. think of t-ointo Portland fo buy e;oods for I am lh tertitimtl to Sill Vntiji and not to allow myself to bo I'XUEaSOLD IX THE STATE OF OREGO.W All I ask Is a fair chance and qnlcki py mcnts, bclievinc ns I do that Twenty Years Experience in Orepon City enables me to know tho re quirements of the trade. Come ono and all and see for yourselves that tho old stand ot THOMAS CI I A EM AX cannot betteatcn In quality or price. It would, be useless for me to tell. von all t he ad rant ajres I can offer you in the sale of j;oods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disappoiuteU. AU 1 wish to. say Is rome, aatl Sit, and Examine far ToHrsckfs for Ido not. wish tomakeanv mistakes. Mt object is to, tell all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell pxnls cheap tor cash, imHin such terms as nppeed upon Thankinir all tor the liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed. THUS. CHARMAN. Main Street, Oregon City. Tx-Knl Tenders and County Scrip taken at market, rates. THOS. CHARMAN. BV-5H,iOo lbs wool wanted bv nov. 1. T.Vtf THOS. CHARMAN. 1. T. ST.OVER PAINTING, KAIAOJIIMXG AM) PLASTEIUXR. J ILL CONTRACT HV THE SQUARE; or by the job. The Jx-st stock it t h market used in everv instn nee. Orders left, at the Postoffice will receive prompt attention. Ore ton City, Aoril IS, lS7f.-tf.