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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1878)
- 1 T:, 1 ft A KIT1 W I T if 1 I V', DEVOTED TO NEWS, LITERATURE, AND THE BEST INTERESTS OF OREGON. YOL. XII. : OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1878. NO. 33. V4 . , , . . 'A THE ENTERPRISE.4' A LOCAL NEWSPAPER FOB T B K "naer. alulne yinit nml Family Circle ISSUED EVEBY THURSDAY. rSOPBIETOB AND PTTBLISBEB. Official Paper for Clackamas County, flice: In tJuterprise Bulldinsr, Ob door South of Masonic Building, Main Street. Term of Knbirriplion: Single Copy, one year, in advance $i 50 Stagl. Cupy, aix mouths, iu advance 1 50 Termi of .4dirrllIngi Transient advertisement, including ail legal notices, per square of twelve lines, one week $ 2 50 For each subsequent insertion loo Out Column, one year 120 00 Half Column, one year 0U 00 Quarter Column, one year 40 00 business Card, one square, one year TJ 00 SOCIETY NOTICES OREGON LODGE, No. 3, I. O. O. F Meets every Thursday Evening, at yK;4, c- o'clock, in Odd bellows' Hall, t lif Main Street. Members of the Order XijfcA are invited to attend. By order of N. O. REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, No. 2. vr. u. x., weu on the Second and l ourth Tuesday Eveuinys of each month, ' o tiuix, in lue oaa t ellows Hall. iemuers or the Uegree are invited to attend. FALLS ENCAMPMENT, No. 4, i. u. u. meet at Odd Fellows' Hall on' me first and 'luufl Tuesday of kach month., Patriarchs In goou standing are invited to aiienu. MULTNOMAH LODGE, No. 1, . a . a a. ai., colds its regular communi cations on the First and Third Satunlnra In .....k . . V. . T . . 1 , r .... W uiuuiii, mi i o ciock irom me Mia Xi 7 o'clock from the 2i.'th of March to the uiu ui oepieinoer. ureturen in good standing are Invited to attend. By order of W. M. BUSINESS CARDS WARREN N. DAVIS. M. D., IMiyMieinu and Surgeon, Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Office at Cliff House. CHARLES KNIGHT, CANBV, OREGON, IMiysiciun and IrnJis- Prescriptions carefully filled at short notice. ja7-tf DR. JOHN WELCH, ,DEXTIST,.ffi OFFICE IN OREOOKCITT '..OREGON. Highest cash price paid for County Orders. E. L. EASTHAM, ATTO It X i: Y -AT- Tj A XV , OREGON CITY, OREGON. Special attention given to business in the U. S. Z.and Ornce. Ottlce in Myer's Brick. JOHNSON & McCOWN, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS AT LAW OREGON CICY, OREGON. Will practice in all the Courts of the Slate. Special attention given to canes in the United States Land Ottlce at Oregon City. Sapr'72-tf BLANKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR Hale at ttiisofllce. Justices of the Pveace can get anytniug in their line. J. P. WtBS, OEOKOE A. HARDING. WARD & HARDING, T7"EEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL LV assartuieut of Drugs and Chemical, PcrfumfrTi 8oni, I'.mtM Mil ft ICrii.lBea, atiuuller Brarri t anry and Twilel Articlra. ALSO Uermetie Oil. Lamp (' Ulan, I-iitt.v. ljkimt. t aruithri and J)je Siultt. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. PATENT MEDICINES, ETC., ETC KX. Physician Prescriptions carefully cor pjuuJeU, and all orders correctly answered. Open at all hours of the night. ak All accounts must be paid monthly. nvl,lo70tf WARD t HARDING. W. H. HICHFIELD, lHtabllBliod since ' ID, One door North of Pope's Hall, JIAI ST., (tKEVOX CirV, OKEUO.V An aKsortment of Watches, Jewelry, and fSL SstU Thomas' Weight Clocks, all ot which are warranted to be as represented. o.' . iA aitepairing done on short notice; andthauaiui for paat patronage. . nli Jfaiil lor County Orders. JOHN M. BACON, DEALKB XX BOOKS, STATIONERY, PICTURE FRAMES, MOl'LDINGS AND illSCEL- LANEOCS GOODS. M IDE TO ORDER. Obego.n Orrr, Oregon-. "At the Post Office, Main Street, west side. novl, '75-tf A. C. WALLINC'S 1'ioucer 15ook Bindery Plttock'a BuildiDg, cor. of Stark and Tront Sts.. PORTLAND, OK EG OX. BLANK BOOKS RULED AND BOUND TO ANT desired pattern. Music Botks, Magazines, Newspapers, etc.. bound iu every -variety of Btvle knowu to the trade. Orders from the country promptly attended to. novl, T5-tf OREGON CITY BREWERY. iiumukl, fc rvTi Jit, Having purchased the above Brewery,, wishes to inform the public that they are aow prepared to manufacture a No. 1, iuauiy OF LAGER BEER, JU pod as can be obtainol anywhere ia the State. Orders soUolted and promptly filled. & i2i a: A V Dnssts Aitaries Tho World. "O the world is beautiful, bright, and fair!" And a merry laugh rang out on the air. As the little oue tumbled the new-mown bay, Chasing the butterflies, bright and gay; Uut the sun went down, and he drooped his bead, For the pretty things in his bauds lay dead. "O the world is beautiful, bright, and fairl" And tho maiden shook out her golden Lair, And she sweetly smiled, as the lily and rose 'Jlid the shiniDg tresses she deftly wove; Cut thalorer camo not to claim Lis bride, And the thorns remained, and the roses died. "O the world is beautiful, brigbt, and faiil" And the young n.other softly breathed a prayer As she nestled ber baby close to her breast. And its murmuringa gently soothed to re.t; But the Father bad need of one Angel more, And He opened for it the heavenly door. "O the world is beautiful, bright, and fair!" Sighed the aged one with silvery hair, "But over it all is the serpent's trail With tho merry laugh comes the mournful wail; I but tarry awhile till the summons come To join my beloved in our heavenly borne;" Pkbcy V. Bancs. Suddeu Ileformations. BY J. K. s. Richard Slinerton was a man of the town as the expression goes. Ilia nat ural and acquired gifts and accomplish ments fave him admittance into the houses of the best families in New York City; he was managing man in a first class business house on a large salary. Youcg and preposessing in appearance, few would have taken him to be what lie was, an unprincipled man. At tho age of thirty he had como to find his single lite uninteresting. The good Book tells us that no man can live a happy life who lives altogether for himself, and it no doubt refers to a higher law than circumstances cau reach, that goes all through society, when it savs God made of one blood all the na tions of the earth. A young and good- looking bachelor may haunt every known place ot amusement in the city or New York and it ha3 not a few he may travel and spend nights in the Jardin JIabille, talk to and flirt with all the pretty girls he can meet there or else wuere yet he will discover when tired out and sick with over-stimulating him self, some night just after he has leached thirty years of ge, that a bachelor's life has lost its charm tor him. These generalizations may be altogether true and sound, or only iu part be that as it may, tho hero of this story, Richard Slingerton by name, got tired of a single life when ho was thirty years of age, and went out day after day and night after night, to find a girl good enough to be his wife. lie took no aecouut of their being two sides to everything -that a girl he was suited with might not be suited with him, and for not doing so he was compelled to search longer than lie thought he would have to look for a wife, as here and there a lady whom he likeJ, when his attentions became too marked and exclusive, gave him the cold shoulder. Rut I need not tell how, when and where he was snubbed, as it will not add to this story in the least. Bafore long, however, there were om inous rumors. Those who professed to bo good judges in such matters, skid that the beautiful Miss T of street had fallen head and ears in love with Richard Slingerton, and he had proposed to her, but that her father had refused his consent to their engagement and marriage. Her father was a wealthy criminal lawyer, and from long dealings with unprincipled men lie had acquired the faculty of judging human nature. It has been well said that so restless aud vital is the force that speaks in every part of a man, that nature and ac quired disposition reveals itself in con tour of the face, motion?, gestures and complexion, and in countless other out ward manilestat)jjns to practiced eyes and subtle minds experienced in observa tion of character. The phrenologist who examines your head, while doing so, is engaged, it has been said, in observing whether you are talkative, or silent, whether you are neatly or slovenly, what is called loudly or plainly dressed, and in observing your features wheu they are in repose, and in movement. 1 he skill to do this it is well known is not con fined to nhrenoloirists: society is full of equally keen, just and practised ob servers. Mr. T-. Richard's loved one's stern and unyielding parent for Mr. T. was stern and unyielding in most cases suspected Richard ot being a worldly, unprinci pled man from the hrst time he saw him. He himself was what could be called a good mau. lie had one great fault, how ever; the fault of occasionally over-in dulcing in liquor to such an extent that uncltr its influence he committed many indiscretions, and once in a wtule a grievous sin. lie would give the world, including his daughter, if he wanted her, to the man who could cure him of his love for the intoxicating cup. He was a church communicant, and every time he was tripped into the sin of over-indulcing in liquor that caused him to be unlike himself wheu under its influence, he would be ia agony for days and perhaps weeks, lamenting his sin. God looks at the spirit that prompts the act, and not so much, perhaps, at the act itself, le it sinful or otherwise. The spirit that prompted Mr. T. to get intoxi cated was merely an inordinate love of pleasure, and he always meant to stop short ol intoxication when he commenced diinking. So God did not give him over to himself in his weakness, but Christ was with him, end raised up an instrument to heal him of his great infirmity. Coming one day to see his ladylove, Richard's quick eye detected that her father, who came into the parlor to meet him in her stead, was intoxicated, and he mentally exclaimed, "To-night I can work on the old man so that he will consent to give mo his daughter in marriage." Ho asked Mr. T. if lie could see his djaujrhter. "You're a schorh drell" said Mr. T., in great anger. ''I f'rbid you t' house I" Richard thought to himself, "He is as great a scoundrel as I was. And he knew me so well that I must confess and tell him that since I have loved his daughter, his pure and lovely daughter, I am a changed man," (which was true.) "I used to get under the in fluence of liquor I must pretend not to see that he is but now I am thoroughly temperate, and intend to join tho church as soon as possible." These thoughts went quickly through Richard's miud while he was employed gazing iu apparent astonishment at Mr. T. "I was a scoundrel, Mr. T.,'r Richard said, presently, "but I am at last, I trust to God, on the straight and narrow path. I intend to become worthy of your daughter ?to became a member of the church in a few days. It wa3 her love that completely changed my nature. My love for her and her'a for me. I sat up very late last night bewailing my former sinful way of living. Last night, think ing that I could como before you to-day good a judge of human nature and of character as you are, Mr. T., and show you that I am a changed man. I used todiinkvery freely, Mr.- T., but three days after I became acquainted with your daughter, I made up my mind, by the help of God, never to get intoxicated again, and I have known your daughter some time now, as you know, and I have abstained from any indulgence, and have no desire to commence again my former style of fast living. Mr. T., look closely at me, and see if I am telling you the truth." Mr. T. was not so much under tho in fluence of liquor that he was not taken completely by surprise, and feeling flat tered, and not being thoroughly clear headed, he impulsively stretched out his hand to Richard with a remark that led Richard to understand that Mr. T. be lieved every word he had said about his repentance. Richard grasped Mr. T.'s hand and shook it cordially, and whis pered in his ear : "Let us kneel down and pray. I am so jrlad i came here to night: it seems frood to be here, and I feel that I am au instrument in God's hands to bless you, Mr. T." Richard, after he had talked as above, was astonished at his boldness, but he had hardly finished his abowe quoted re mark, before Mr. T. was on his knees, the tears ruuniDg down his cheeks, and be fore Richard, who was the means of get ting him there, had knelt to pray him self. Mr. T. rose and exclaimed : "You are my best friend I My daugh ter is yours. I know that I am taved from my besetting sin. I feel that 1 will be able to hereafter live a godly, righteous, and temperate life to the end. I.ieel the spirit of the Lord Jesus upon me, and that in answer to my prayer just made I have the spirit of strength to do God's will willingly while I live, and re frain from the intoxicating cup." "God grant it to be as you have sriid to both of us. God bless us both," said Richard in a voice trembling with emo tion. Soon after this memorable occasion Richard Slingerton was married to Miss T. Ten years after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Slingerton and children they had two were called to the death-bed of Mr. T. He died blessing Mr. Slingerton, and a his daughter bent over to kiss him for the last time, she said his face vas like that of an angel. Though Richard Slingerton was sorely tempted to return to his former free and easy manner oi living, only twice did lie yield to the wiles or the tempter, after which he always did sorely repent, and now, he is established, strengthened, set tled as a pillar of the church. He be came a communicant a lew weeks alter the night of answered prayer in . the par lor of Mr. T. The Valtje of Probability. Proba bility, to have any value at all, must ex press a lact. It is, therefore, a thing to be inferred upon evidence. Let us, then, consider for a moment the formation of a belief of probability. Suppose we have a large bag of beans from which, one has been secretly taken at random and hid den under a thimble. We are now to form a probable judgment of the color of that beao, by drawing others singly Irom the bag and looking at them, eacli one to be thrown back, and the whole well mixed up after each drawing. Suppose the first drawing is white and the next black. AVe conclude that there is not an immense preponderance of either color, and that there is something like an even chance that the bean under the thimble is black. But this judgment may be altered by the next few drawings. When we have drawn ten times, if 4, 5, or G, are white, we have more confidence that the chance is even. lien we have drawn a thousand time?, if about half have been white, we have great con fidence in this result. We now leel nrettv sure that, if we were " to make a larrre number of bets upon the color of single beans drawn from the bag, we could approximately insure ourselves in the long run, by betting each time upon thA white, a confidence which would be entirely wanting if, instead of sampling tdie DafT by 1,000 drawings, we had done so by only two. Prof. Peirce, in Popu- for Science Monthly. The intensely anti-Russian English are now known as "Jingoes," though the origin and significance of the term are somewhat obscure. , People about the Court say the Queen is one of the most bitter of the Jingoes, and desires active measures against Russia. It is also said that readers of the third volume of the "Memoirs of Prince Albert" may find in that volume an explanation of the course of the present Euglish Administration. The policy of twenty years ago is being carried out with entire forgetfulness of the radical changes in the situation af fected in those twenty years. Dignity is expensive, and without 1 other good qualities is not particularly profitable. The City of. Odessa. The city of Odesa, 400 miles from Constantinople, is at once' the chief com mercial port and a thoroughly Russian city. It was in the twilight of the morn ing of tho second day when we landed on Russian soil, and stood within the walls of Odessa. The elegance of the city is due Jo the genius of Emanuel de Riche lieu, a French emigrant, who was its first governor, in 1830, and whose statue in bronze is at the top of the grand stair case, which leads to the gardens and to the sea. The streets are. broad and well paved; the buildings are. large and ele gant ; the churches are immense, and ornamented to excess; and everywhere there is an air ,f wealth. At evening the splendid boulevard which runs along the sea was thronged with persons of all ranks. The ladies were fashionably dressed, but many men had a decidedly Russian appearance. (Jlnef among the public buildiDgs is the University of New Russia, established in 1865, and is worthy of its name. The Public Library is well supplieJ, and in its Museum is a relic which can never fail to awaken rec ollections of one of the noblest of men. It is aj-ipanned flat candlestick once the property of the philanthropist Howard. His remains lie mouldering on the shores of the Black Sea, near Kherson. His last words t his friend Priestman have been fulfilled. 'Let no monument or monumental inscription whatever mark the spot where I am buried; lay me quietly in the earth, place a sun-dial over my grave, and let me be torgotten. lie can never be torftotien, out tuose wno pass by his tomb iu its lonely place are alike ignorant of his virtues and his name. Of the two hundred thousand citizens of Odessa, eighty thousand are Russians, fifty thousand are Jews, ten thousand are Germans, fifteen thousand are Greeks fifteen thousand Turks, ten thousand Italians, and twenty thousand French, English and Americans. The commerce ot the port is large and valuable. The imports and exports are estimated at over seventy millions in gold per annum. Although American petroleum is a large factor in the imports, yet it may be in teresting to the denizens of "Oil City" to know that on the shores of the Caspian Sea there are immense wells of Russian letroleum. It abounds at Baku, in the southeastern Caucasus, and in the north western corner of the Caucasus at Tainan. At the latter place the supply Eeeins to be inexhaustible, and that found at the former rlace is equal to our best. The crude article can be bought there at thirty cents per barrel, and is now 6old in Moscow and St. Petersburg, at one dollar and a half per pood, or six gallons. One thing, however, is favorable to the Ameri- cau trade; the Russians are slow at pres ent to invest capital "in the outlay neces sary to bung their petroleum into market, aud until then we can let our light shine. National Repository. Enormous Prices for Paintings. Some enormous prices were realized at a sale in jjondon on Saturday, tne om inst., of the collection of pictures formed by the late Mr. Munro. Sir Joshua Rey nolds' "Kitty Fisher" brought 3,570, aud his portrait of the lion. Mrs. Stauhope, personifying " Contemplation," was knocked" down for $15,800. Wilkie's "Gentle Shepherd" brought only $816, aud the pictures of Richard Wilson, be- l.eved by many in England to be the fiuest classical painter ot the eighteenth century, sold lor a mere song. Then came the productions of Joseph M. W. Turner. Thirty-two drawings, large nd small, Drought a little over spal.bUU. lne oil pictures, which included "Ancient Italy," "Modern Rome," "Rime from the Oventuine," "Juliet after the Masque rade," "Van Tromp's Gallery," "Ava lanche iu the Val d'Aosta," and the "Kil- earren Castle," werit at prices ranging between 0,200 and $29,780 apiece. Two others sold for $20,000 each. The nine works in oil produced an ag gregate of $211,950, and the grand total t'r all the Turners sold that day was 8293.G32. Two undeuiab v genuine Ho- ;u ths, being two f the scenes from the Harlot's Progress," went cheap, one for 2,050, and the other for $1,530. Two paintings by R. P. Bonnington, "The Fish Market, " and "The Grand Canal, Venice," sold for $15,300 apiece. The total amount realized was $350,575, the highest ever reached for such a small number of pictures. 2V. F. Herald. TriE Women's Hotel Tried. A boarder at the Women's Hotel fills a col umn of the New York Sun with praises of this establishment. She says: "I have been much moro luxuriously provided for than I am accustomed to or care to be; have received in every par ticular much more for what I am to pay than I ever did before. We have a quiet, elegant home, such as the most opulent woman in the city might envy, and into' which no rude masculine element can possibly intrude; the use of a library and reading room superior to that which the ordinary millionaire places in his own house; surroundings which are artistic and aesthetic in the highest degree; the material benefit of a good Frencu cuisine. and the respectful, prompt attendance of a corps ot trained colored waiters. I don't know how to realize that I am iu a working - woman's hotel. In fact the whole thing seems like a dream." The Rev. B. S. Taylor, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, at Sandlake, N. Y., instead of preaching a sermon last Sunday made this announcement: "The board of trustees have not paid my Eal ary , have taken no notice of my demands circulated no subscription paper, nor made any other effort to fulfill their obli gations to me. l am badly involved in debt, and do not propose to continue preaching for nothing. I therefore de dare the pulpit vacant until God in Hi mecy can send you a minister who can live ou air and wear buckskin breeches of his own make." Innumerable sorrow. sins bring countless Poisonous Gases ia Houses. Typhus fever, diphtheria, and other fatal diseases, are often caused by sewer gas which forces its way through the water-closet and open fixed basins into the house. Another dangerous gas is that emanating from stoves. The New York Iltr-ald thus writes about both these poisons: Unless there is a free circulation and an adequate supply of pure air in a bed room occupied by one or more persons, the volume of air enclosed becomes very rapidly exhausted of its life-preserving properties, and proportionately charged with gases of an opposite character. Tlu u.era breathing of the air takes from it the oxygen, and returns a volume of carbonic acid gas, which speedily as sumes an undue proportion to the former, and renders the atmosphere absolutely dangerous to life. But there are other sources ot danger that too frequently fail to be recognized, even by generally careful householders. These are the pipes leading from water closets,sinks and fixed wash-stand basins, to the house drain, and which often serve as the inlets by which that most deadly of poisons, sewer gas, enters dwell ings. It does not matter very much whether the poison enters the hallway from a water-closet, the kitcheu from a sink, or the bedroom from a fixed wash-stand basin, it will attack the sleeper in bis bedroom. Thousands of fatal cases of disease that are believed to be the result of con tagion are really duo to sewer-gas poison brought directly into bedrooms by the ways we have suggested. Another dangerous gas that must be guarded against ia bedrooms is that ema nating from stoves. During cold weather these stoves are much used as heaters in sleeping apartments, and through igno rance of the principles of combustion and ventilation, the carbonic acid gas given off fills the air with its poison. It is a hundred times safer to sleep in a cold bedroom than in one heated by a badly-regulated stove. Open fireplaces obviate all danger, and serve as the best means of ventilation. To Wasd: Greasy Wool. Dissolve a large tablespoonful of borax in a pint of boiling water. Mix one-quarter of it in the water in which the wool is to be washed. Put in one piece of goods at a lime, using soap if needed, and if neces sary add more of the borax water. Wash well and rinse in cold water, or in water only slightly warmed. Shake well, and Imog where the goods will dry quickly. For twenty-six years I have used for washing my white flannels water about as hot as would be used for cotton clothing. My flannels are beautifully soft, as well as white. I never have any shrink. For washing goods that fade use crude am monia instead of soap. Soiled Deckties may be made to look like new by taking one-half a teaspoonful of spirits of harts horn to a teacup of water; wash well, and if very much soiled put through a second water with less ammonia in. Lay it on a clean white cloth and gently wipe with another until nearly dry. Then lay a cloth over it and smooth with an iron not very hot. If the color fades it will all come back to its original hue. Use no soap, and do not rinse. Exchange. Apple Tartlets. Peel, core and halve 6ome large apples, trimming them so as to get them all one size; drop them as they are done into cold water, with the juice of a lemon squeezed into it to pre vent their turning brown. Have ready a syrup (made with one oind of sugar and one quart of water) boiling hot, put the apples into this, with the thin rind of lemon and two or three cloves. As soon as tnev are cooicea (great care must be taken that they do not break) take them out and' leave them to get cold, then set the syrup on the fire to reduce. Make some short paste with two ounces f sugar, two ounces of butter, the yolks f four eggsv a little water, a pinch of salt and flour quant, stiff., work it lightly and roll it out to the thickness of one- eighth of an inch. Line some patty pans with it, fill them with uncooked rice to keep their shape and bake them in a mod erate oven till done. Remove the rice nd place on each tartlet half an apple, he concave side uppermost, pour a little if the reduced syrup on each tartlet, and astly put a piece ot guava or currant elly in the cavity of each apple. Veal Balls. Three and one-half pounds chopped meat, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 teaspoon pepper, nutmeg, 5 small crackers rolled tine, il eggs; work well together to make it adhere; if the veal is lean add a small lump of butter and 1 teaspoon cream; form the veal into large ball and epot thickly over with butter; then strew over it the powdered crackers (a small portion of which should be mixed with the other ingredients); place it in the oven and cook slowly for two hours; Irom time to time add a little water, that there may be gravy. Bean Soup. Take Spanish or black beans, wash and put into a pot with proper quantity of water; boil until well done; men uip out tne ueans and press ;m through a colander into the water in whicM they were boiled; tie up some thyme in a little bag, put in the pot to simmer a lew minutes; boil hard a few egss, quarter and put eggs into the soup; ?. snceu lemon, a mtie uutter, ana season with salt and pepper. Rich Croquettes. Into 1 pint cold Doilea rice stir l egg and 1 teaspoon of salt; mix well and mould into egg-shaped uaiis; iry in nor. iara. Fillet of Sole. Take a flounder or any other fish; fry a nice brown; butter :l-t..i-.- ... . . wen an me time it is on tne hre; serve with sli ces of lemon and tomato sauce Molasses Cake. One cud molasses three tablespoonl'uls butter, one teaspoon ginger; siir very stm with flour; one teaspoon soda in one cup hot water. Thi is good, cold or warm. An idea for mothers : Baste a piece of needlework on the bottom of children i cloaks; this takes the place of a white dress in the street, and is far more easy to do up. The Fascination of Archery. So long as the new moon returns in heaven a bent, beautiful bow, so long will the fascination of archery keep hold of the hearts of men. I can demonstrate this fascination, and can give the reason why it exists. But first a word as to the fact of its existence. Since the publica tion in this magazine for July, 1877, of an article on archery, I have received nearly five hundred letters of inquiry, and men have come hundteds of to see what manner of bows and arrows I use. You have but to mention an archer or archery to your friend and immediately his inter est is aroused. He may scoff at the bow and sneer at the arruw; but he will in quire and show curiosity. Hang a loog bow and a quiver of arrows conspicuous ly in your hall or library, and you will soon discover that no exquisite painting or bit of statuary will receive more atten tion from guests than will be ac corded to these ancient weapons. No doubt if one could procure a shelbstrung with gold and silver cords, after the fash ion of the old time instrument wherewith the gods made music, the same fascina tion would attach. Indeed music and poetry sprang from the bow as did the goddess of wisdom from the head of Jove. 1'ne bow is the old first lyre, the m-mo-chord the first rune of fine art, and is as inseparably connected with the history of culture as are the alphabets of the learned languages. What the fragments of Sapphic song and the Homeric epics are to the literature of to-day, the bow is to the weapons of to-day. When jo. man shoots with a bow it is his own vigor of body that drives the arrow, and his own mind that controls the missile's flight. Not so with gun shooting. The modern J. weapon is charged with a power acting independently of muscular operations, and will shoot just as powerfully for the schoolboy or the weakling as it will for the athlete. The Sapphic songs w ere the natural music of love; the Homeric epics were the natural out-pourings of a great, 8troug,self-sufScientsoul, surcharged with inspiration of heroism; and wheu Apollo is represented with drawn bow he is the symbol of the natural perfect physi cal manhood iu an attitude, displaying its highest powers and graces. It is curious to note how surely the bow and arrows have found their way into the bauds of all wild peoples whose mode of life has made physical culture a necessity with them, and it is equally interesting and signifi cant to discover that anioug these wild peoples a chieftain is invariably chosen on account of his ability to draw a mighty Uow. We are nothing better than re The fibre fined and enlightened tavages. f our nature is not changed iu substance ; it is polished and oiled. The wild side t the prism of humanity still offers its leusurt t- to us, and it is healthlnl and essentially necessary to broad culture hat we accept them m moderation. port, by which I mean pleasant physi cal aud mental exercise combined play, n the best sense is a requirement ot this wild element, this glossed-over, physical, heathen side of our being, aud the bow its natural element. Scribntr'l8 Monthly. Paternal Governments. Mr. Elihu Burritt considers the question whether it is the business of government to assist the emigrant and the laboring producer, by special gra jts of monetary assistance. Mr. Burritt particularly favors small loans to actufll settlers on the lines of the far Western railway, the interest thereon to be paid annually. It is only in this way, as he believes, that the railways to which the Government has made large advances cau be rendered profitable and solvent. Mr. Burritt holds that if great corporations can be properly assisted to develop the resources ' of the country, there is no reason why those whose toil ucreases the resources of the railways hould not receive a proportionate en couragement. He is incliued to consider uch advance made by the Nation to the settler as a simple business transaction, by which both parties would be gainers, and the great work of clearing and set tlement be lorwarded. He does not see why the aid which is freely granted to corporation should not be granted to ndividuals, nor why a republic should ot be "paternal in the sense of caring for the very poorest of her citizens. jV. Y. Tribune. Exploration op Mt. Tongariro. P, F, . Counelly, the English sculptor, has goue to the summit ot longanro. the burning mountain of New Zealand. The volcano is regarded as sacred by the Ma oris, wno nave objected to all attempts to explore the mountain on the part of the colonists. It is situated nearly in the centre of North Island, and, though 6,000 teet hign, is more inaccessible than either Mount Edgecombe or Ruapebu, both ol which exceed 10,000 feet in height. Mr, r it mt j t . - ionueuy xounu every oostacie placed in . f ' a tne way oi riis progress by the natives, who took possession of his horses, guns. saddles, and nearly all ot his outht, in eluding his sketches. He, however, over came all resistance, and by the help of some chiefs more friendly than the rest, succeeded in thoroughly exploring tbe crater, took a number of sketches and photographs of the locality, and deter mined the positions of the most import ant peaks. Too Enthusiastic. During the ses sion of a temperance meeting in Harlem, the other uigut. one ot the persons wno occupied the stage was an enthusiastic deacon, who frequently interrupted the anpakrr hv velliti!?: "Thank heaven for -r -j j " , . that I" One gentleman was caueu upon who arose aud said: "Ladies and gen tleinn I am heart and soul in this cause. and feel that it will be a great benefit to th neonle of this place." "rnante heaven for that r veiled the deacon. "But, la diflsand gentlemen," he continued, "I am goin to say that it will be impossible tor me to kuuich ju mia . .u "Thank heaven for that 1" said the absent minded man, when he was politely re quested to take a back seat. The sweetest wine makes the sharpest vinegar. Horse Feed. Every good groom knows that sound oats and beans and peas in due propor tion, and at least a year old, are tbe very best food for a galloping horse -the only food on which it is possible to get the very best condition out of a race horse or hunter. It also has recently become known that horses do slow work and get fat, indeed too fat, on maize, Indian corn, which is frequently one third cheaper than the best oats. In the East, horses are led on barley, and it is a popular idea with Eogliih officers who have lived in Persia and Syria that the change of food from barley to oats, often, when imported, pt'--duces blind ue.-s in Arabian horses. Now, although no men understand better or so well how to get blood horses into galloping condition a9 English grooms, ihey do not, and few cf their masters do, know the reason why oats and bean? are the best food for putting muscular flesh on a horse. The agricultural chemist steps in here, makes the matter very plain, and shows that if you want pace, Indian corn, although nominally cheaper, is not cheap at all. When we feed a bullock, a sheep, or a pig for sale, after it has passed the store stage, we want to make it fat as quickly and as cheaply as possible; but with a horse for work the object is, give him muscle in common language, hard flesh. There are times when it is profitable to make a horse fat, as, for instance, when lie is going up for. tale. For this purpose an addition of about a pound and a half of oil cake to his ordinary food has a good effect. It is especially useful when a horse that has been closely clipped or singed is in a low condition. It helps on the change to the new coat by making him fat. A horse in low condition changes his coat very slowly. When from any cause there is difficulty in getting a supply of the best oats, an excellent mixture may be made of crushed maize and beans, in the proportion of two-thirds of maize and one of beans, which exactly afford the proportions of flesh forming and fat forming food. Bran is a very valuable food in a stable for re ducing the inflammatory effects of oats and beans. Made into mashes it has a cooling and laxative effect, but used in excess, especially in a dry state, it is apt to form stony secretions in the bowels of the horse. Stones, produced from 'the excessive use of bran, have been taken out of horses after death weighing many pounds. London Live Stock Journal. Hang Tojether. Frank W. Milter, a New Hampshire editor, in his very able and sensible ad dress at the recent assembly of the New Hampshire State Bjard of Agriculture, says: "Farmers do not hang together as they hould; they are too jealous of one an other's success.. If oue is getting a good thing in selling milk or iu raising any particular crop, they are too apt to strive to spoil the business by cutting under, or by getting away customers. Who ever heard of a lawyer sneaking around to get case away from a brother of the cratti And who ever knew a rumseller to cut down prices to secure trade? No, the lawyers and the rumsellers hang together the best of any class I know, and some times I am tempted to wish more of them could hang together. Farmers are too much inclined to de preciate themselves. If they get a little money ahead and think to start a bank, they will pay a clerk for taking care of the books ten times as much as either one of them would dare ask for doing the same number of hours work tor the lerk. Wheu I commenced business as printer, I had been told that lawyers nd physicians must charge big fees for their services, because it had cost them so much to acquire their education. I made up my mind that those men who barged me big fees would have big tees charged them in return. It has cost me as much to be a printer as it would nave cost to become a lawyer. Farmers need as good an education as a lawyer, and better of the two, and they should value such an education, aud realize the dignity which belongs with it." Make the .-Horses Work. Horses were designed as beasts of burden, to re lieve mankind from fatiguing drudgery. It does not hurt them to work hard, if they are treated kindly. It is not the hard drawing and ponderous loads that wear out horses aud make them poor, balky and worthless; but it is the hard driving, the worry by rough and inhuman driver j, that uses up more horse flesh, fat and muscle, than all the labor a team per forms. Consider the ponderous loads that many teams are required to cart every day, and yet they appear to grow fatter and strong er every year, iney are treaieu aiuuij. On the other band, other norses, mar, ao not perform half the labor, soon grow poor, and give out, and the next we hear t them they die witu tiie iisrum ou. Hard work does not kill them; but the worrying, fretting aud abuse did the ju- ' , Horses win ao an iue umwiug bum reaping on a large farm, threBh the grain, pitch tne hay, turn the grindstone, saw the wood, and perlorm aiinosr ait me heavv labor that farmers have been ac customed to do, and grow fat, if thy are not worried and jerked and kicked about as if they were a living football. N. Y. Times. Management ov Hot Beds. Where it is intended to grow plants merely lor transplanting in the garden, they may be sunk in the ground to the depth of eight een inches, and in such a case require more than two feet of enriching material, but when forcing and perfecting are de signed a permanent heat must be kept up, and the bed must be made on the surface, so that fresh and warm dressing may be added when necessary a depth of three to four feet ia such cases being wanted. The mold should be laid on as soon as the bed is settled and has a lively, regularly-tempered heat. Good field hands are hiring in Georgia at $30 and $75 tor the year. 1.1 I ! pi It, '1 ': i IM J If j i -if 1 J i .V t ) I 4. in m