Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1877)
V 1 - f I 4 3)t ntcrpvjsc OREGON CITT, THURSDAY, FEB. 15, 1S77. UHEVITIKN. County Court In session. Wedding Satuday evening. J. B. David is happy a boy at last I Chinese New Year opened out Monday. The ISth inst. will be the first Sunday in Lent. City Fathers will convene Saturday evening. Next Thursday, the 22d, Washington 'tf birthday. The game law, in regard to killing deer, la now in force. "Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Diphtheria all over the State, but it has passed by this place. Alice M. Hood has applied for a divorce from Samuel Hood. Camilla Urso trouiie will visit this city on or about the 24th. The May meeting of the State Grange will be held at Salem. Chinainen in the factory refuse to work during thwir jolitieation week. Mr. C'has. Logus returned last week troiu a business trip to Astoria. The 17th of March St. Patrick's day in the morning will soon be here. The ltonita was put in the dry-dock last Thursday for repairs to herliull. The S. T. Church went down the river "Tuesday with 214 tons of freight. About an inch of "beautiful snow" fell last Sunday, but soon disappeared. Terrible conflagration at McMinnville. A large part of the town destroyed . Hishop Morris will preach in St. Paul's Episcopal church to-tnorrow evening. T. A. Hudson, marshal and A-atchman, will tender his resignation Saturday night. The Standard office, Portland, has been removed to the corner of Ash and Fifth streets. The Welcome has been in the dry dock for the past two or three days, undergoing repairs. SUarnv, of the Portland Bee, called last Tuesday, lie is working up the immigra tion scheme. Those desiring Boston Brown Bread will leave their orders with T. A. liacon Satur day morning. Sunday School concert at the Baptist church Sunday evening. All are invited to be present. Crape adorned the doors of two Main street merchants last Tuesday morning. Tliev opened so late that a wag thought they were dead. Mr. Henry llnmliel lias established a depot at Astoria for the sale of his famous Oregon City beer. A chimnov burniug out in the Phoenix House lat Sunday eveuing brought out the tiro department. Iter. Mr. Starr, Presiding Khlor of the M . K. Church, conducted the union ser vices last Sundav night. The SIum Statesman irives a list of the eliiribln bachelor who were not "bull dozed" during leap year. Dr. Bovce hast removed his ollice to the house dlrectlv opposite the residence of Mrs. Forbes Ikirelay, ou Main street. MUs Rll Haeon reeeived her friends at the residiMii-s of her father on last Friday evening1. A very pleasant time was hail. The hull of the ld Bonanza has been entirely repaired, mid it now lies in the lasi!) wailing Jortiiecabiiiaud machinery. K.ibt. Potter ha- disposed of his interest in th ll.unnin saloon to T. A. Hudson. The linn now couiits of SuuLle A: ilu.l on. . ' - Mr. W. Johnson's residence on Piety Hill i receiving the finishing touches, und will tie occupied before many weeks pass by. Mrs.- Minnie Mvrlle Miller, formerly wife of Jo.epnti Miller, tne famous poet mi I writer, is to marry Mr. Thos. 10. Ij. Loau, of Portland. J. II. Kunzie. tJrand Master of the Ma sens it this State, made an ol!"ci:il visit to MnltniMuah I.odgeNo. 1, of this city last Monday evening. What a your for boys! This time it is Ij. T. Uarin" who is so happy that he can not find words to express it, because of the birth of a line son. Keligi -us services were held in the school house nt V.nby last Sunday. Mr. W. II. Mess, an from Illinois, conducted the services. The Centennial awards made to Oregon and Oregonians arrived in Portland last recK.and are reanv tor iiisirinuuou i me. otlice of t!ie State Immigration .Society. The Kntehphisk can lie found in Port land at the following places: Cosmopoli tan, Occidental and New York hotel. Y.M.C.A.,l.ibrary,and Plumey Jc Katler's. The board of delegates will meet Friday evening, at 7 o'clock, sharp, for the tran saction of imjortant business. Every mem tier is requested to be present. "Bright of mv x is lOee, give me an M l" fsaid a printer 2 his sweetheart. She made a at him and planted her H7 B tweeji his iia. whieh made him O . The Mystic Club will give a social party at Pope's Hall next Wednesday evening. Music bv Itrav's string bund, of Portland. Tickets, Cordial invitation extended to friends of the club. Selling liquor to minors or allowing them to loiter in the saloons is a misde meanor, punishable by a heavy tine or imprisonment, at the discretion of the court. A justice court has jourisdiction in the matter. Messrs. Athey it Beals have rented the Caneinah hall, "and will give pleasant so cial dances there during the next two or three months. The party last Saturday evening was well attended, and those who were present report a "way up" time. The SiLVKft Springs. Prof. Hurley, of triis city, who is at Camp creek, testing the "silver soap," writes to a friend that "the springs are more extensive and rich er than he had any conception of." It is said that he has discovered a very rich quartz lode which underlies the mud for a long distance and extends along the hill in plain view. As soon as his furnace is completed, he will make several assavs. Wo said some time ago thit this "silver uaop" wouldn't wash, and we have not changed our opinion. Chinese New Year. If It76 had not been leap year, the Chinese New Year would have commenced on Wednesday Jan. 31st. In consequence of the addition al day last year.their New Year.aecording to an arrangement known only to their calendar-maker, did not commence until last Monday. This is a celebration winch follows every leap year, and is called "celebrating Mock New l car. Habeas Corpus Case Decided. Judge Shattuek, last Monday, at Portland, in chambers, beard and decided writ of ha- beas corbus in the case of Noyer vs Abbott, of this county. The subject of the habeas corpus was a little irirl named Ma.-v May The court held that t he child had not been restrained of her linen v, and adiudged that neither party wat entitled to recover costs. Killed. A Bohemian, named Joseph Sperl, while engaged in clearing land on Parrott's place, near New Era, last Monday, v as struck on the head by the limb of a falling tree, and instantly killed. The deceased was an immigrant "who lately arrived from Wisconsin. "lustre?"- J-n That "Discovery." Moulla, Feb. 12th. EniTOR ExTEnpiitsE: As that "won derful discovery" which appeared in3'our valuable paper recently was not sufficient- Iv comprehensive to give a lucid concep- tion to our unsuspecting citizens, who now . are groping In the sombre shadows of doubt as to the nature, kind and location of this vile second-handed carcass which was so prematurely and miraculously found. We undertake to show it- up in infinite nudity with plain and unvarnish ed facts: That crude child of deception was conceived in a stolid brain, siillicientl v animated by "Pendleton's best," to bra'v over its fossi the unpalatable gloom of a bachelor's den. By one, who, desperate in his loneliness, plowed the sandy surface of his facial prairie with greasy digits, that he imagined were com- ' ...... ' 1 i . i. . i . .i , . inmeces :uo uiiraiinuu io mo wonuermg public view a triangular instrument of j nugt dimensions, which warn a strong family resemblance to that interminable section of the anatomical machinery of Balaam's reticent vehicle, that so efi'ectu- allv marred the tieautvof the Philistines. And in the assanino complacence of his heart he brayethl 1'lcaS. Fordiiij; Under Iifficulties. While crossing the Molalla at Knight's ford last Monday, a little boy named Rit- ler came near making"food for the fishes." Julius Logus and Jack Bowers were driv ing a band of cattle to this city, and had tied a cow to the wagon.which was driven bv the liov. 1 hey were told that the river was fordable, but when about half way across, the water raised the led from the wagon and carried it off. The horses. wagon, minus the bed. and the cow ar rived safe on the opposite bank. T.oirus and Bowers, who were on horseback.mado ine snore wun dinicuity. ihe ooy went sailing down the river with the rairinir torrent, but lodtted on a snair in the mid dle of the stream. The men went at once for a boat which was lied a short distance below, but while thev were crone, the bov. not relishing his position, divested ' him self of his coat and determii ed to swim for shore. Alter a hard struggle with the strong current, he made land. The wagon bed lloated flown the stream and was picked up. A saddle and some small ar ticles in the watrou were lost. Next time our friends, will probably cross on the bridge. To Vortlamt Advertisers. Perhaps no paper in theState has argued more strenuously than the ExTErtrmsK the benefits resulting from patronizing home industries and home mechanics; but whether it is our proximity to the metropolis, which it cannot be denied our people like to visit, or because better arti cles can lie purchased there for the same money, the truth Is nevertheless plain that many of our people ignore Oregon City when they have purchases to make. This lieing an indubitable fact, we are driven to take ad vantage of our jieonle's wrong bv soliciting advertisements irom Portland. Merchants and manufacturers of that city consequently will tinil it well worth a small investment to publish their wares to our people in this paper.for many of them, we reluctantly admit, are deter mined upon spending their money in Portland, argue and object as we may. C'oiuutisiiuer Oufur. The following letter to the above-named gentleman explains itself: Ork4on Cn v, Feb. 13, 1S77. To Hoy. A. J. Di'r r : We, the under signed residi-nts and 'itizeusoi Clackamas county, would he glad to have you meet the residents of this county at Orejron C'itv ou such an evening as may suit vour con venience, to presenr some ot your experi ences durimr your late visit E"ist,and your views of the prosjx'cts for immigration in the near tutui" to our glowing State. Hoping for a favorable, we are Vour Obedient .Servants. Sr-jned by V . ( '. Johnson, L. T. Marin, F. S. jlcnient, John Mvers, J. M. Bacon, Tuo., C. W. Po;m J. V. Mel drum, I. Jacobs. M. A. Slr.ttton, Ward it, O. W. Strickler, Owen Wade, fl . T ... ...... ' 1 1 . .-, i.uiiiii. i r.. jus. nase. . 1 1. .Moore. .1. 15. David, s. O. S. Chase, J. T. Fer v, and the Surro ;!:; ('as;; ok Powntn j. Last Sunday Mr. Revenue, from Sandy, culled on Coroner Knight at Canbv, and infot til ed him that a man named Wilson !ieo: poisoned ifi his neigh I irhood on last Friday night. Mr. Knight lefl at once for the scene to hold an miucst, end had rot returned up to the time of w riling. Wht-ll:-e r V: i I -. 1 1 niittt il suieide, or Hie poi son w.s administered witli murderous in lent, is not known. S;::. e the above was in type. Dr. Davis, who accompanied the foroiier to Sandy, has returned and gives us the following facts i.i the case: About two weeks ago, Wilson had seme trouble with his wife, and she pieked up her things and depart ed fr her father's mansion at Albany, sLkv which time the deceased has been rut her moodv and low spirited. A short time after Ids spouse dcpai ted, he asked Mrs. Long, physician for ihe neighbor hood, for some arsenic for some purpose, but she refused to give it to him. A few days alter this, he came to this city, where it is supposed he procured it. On Friday iiiht last .Wilson was fiddling for a dane'e during whieh a little trouble arose, and in the melee Wilson received a slight wound in the neck from a ocket-knife in the hands of a participator in the row, but whieh could not have been the cause of his death. On Saturday e eninir he was taken violently sick, with every indication of poison, ami he was taken to the resi lience ot Mr. Revenue and medical atten dance called in, but it was unavailing and he died Sun lav morningat t o'clock. The oroner'.s iurv returned that Wilson's death was caused bv poison administered bv himself or persons unknown. From all the information we can obtain, it seems that ho uelilieralcl v committed suicide. while in a lit of de!ondeney. Be Kind to the Snt.vxo::u.-Mr. J. G. Foster, from New Fra, informs us that the citizens of that vicinity are lacking in courtesy and neighborly feeling. From his account, not one ot them tendered their services in the case of the Bohemian, Sperl, who was kil'ed last Monday; that the family were letc lo periorm tne last sad rites without the presence of a single neighbor, from New Era. A word of con solation or a little seivice in the hour of affliction, costs but little, and to strangers in a strange country it shows a feeling of friendliness, which helps to soften the ter rible blow which has fallen on the afflict ed ones. Letter List. letters remaining in the Postoflice, at Oregon City, Feb. 15th, 1S77: Bates, J. C. (2) Brown. M. It. (2) Lonsburg, Matthew. Lovery, A. P. Linn, L. M. McCormack, M. Morris. Scott. Miller, Mrs. A. E. McCarthy. Catherine Beeves, V. J. Koake, G. Snodgrass, W. J. Tucker. J. R. Cassedy, Eliza. Katon. Mrs. M. Fallart, Miss T, Foster, Flora E. Hart, A. Hamilton, J. f! Hegan, Mrs. M. E Indian. Jack. J one S. Miss ManPTin Knott, Frank. " arietti, ljuiyri. Wnnbiift' Tl v nt, " I'll II. uncalled, for please say when "advertis- ed J. M.Bacon. P.M. Crystal Wedding. Last Saturday ev ening, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Weatherston were agreeably surprised bv their many w!Ti-son. the 15th anniversary of their and social 1 ,V-V the Pleasant hostess. The crvSt .l t,,ne was enj"yed by all chosen yand hM Panted ' was 'well rechfie.Nts We? ,y aPPreeiated by the whi1"! ,se of'thei'r r?lVr-nit,,,,tion? hope they may' '.iVe cefele't diamond ami versavv an.l ti ,. . ! have the pleasure of being pretem.6 '" Coxtract Awarded. Grant & Stone nave been awarded Hie contract for eon- fctruetiug 5,000 lineal feet of win-rlsm the Upper Willamette, at $l tin ner f,w The work will be done durinthr,V- sn mnwr. -.'h CATARAers.-At a regular meeting of Cat aract Hose Co. No. 2, last Tuesday even ing, the following officers were elected: President, W.L.. White : Foreman, Pavson Hatch; 1st Assistant, 11.11. (Jret;orv; 2d isianc, i. m. Miller; Nccretarv. J. II. 1 i f-'surer, A. Harding. It v. w I-. .ii ... . . .t ... I'oi ihmii; wie iiotmii:ir i.m of Chief Engineer until the other com pan les had nominated, and the President was is I authorized to call a special meeting for that purpose. Columbia H. & L. Co. No. 1. At a reg ular annual meeting of Columbia Hook fc Ladder Co. No. 1, last Wednesday even ing, the following officers w ere elected for the ensuing year: Piesident, L. T. lkirin; Secretary. V. T. Whitlock ; Treasurer, f has. Pope; Foreman, 1). J.Slover; 1st Assistant. Fred Charmau ; 2d Assistant, Unlit Trfibr.d.l I.' S. : - --" . i .u. jriiiei ii. wn? iioiii- mated lor thief Engineer and II J Hard ing for Assistant Engineer. ' ' Htmemal. Atan early hour last Thurs day evening, the Baptist church was thronged with friends to witness the mar riage of Mr. Thos. Wheeler and Miss Kate Hatch. Kev. J. T. Hurt tied the knot that made them one.after v hich thev received the congratulations of their many friends. A pleasant and prosperous vova'ge on the matrimonial sea, is the wish of their manv cquaintancs. GonT- TO 'Fmsco. Mr. Peter Iia relay, eldest sou of Mrs. Forbes Barclay, of this city, left for San Francisco last Friday morning, where he will make his future home. Mr. Barclay has been book-keeper at MeCracken's wholesale and com mission house in Portland for tn:"teen years past. He has our best wishes for success in the (J olden city. Fouxtaix IIosk Co. No. 1. The follow ing is a list of the officers elected by tii! above named Company last night: W. W. Myers, President; A. C. Bailev.Secretary ; W. F. High field. Treasurer: M. Sheeha'n, Foreman; H. Naas, 1st Ass't ; (Jen. Boll, 'S Ass't. The nomination of Chief and Assistant was iostponed. Mega IxfastiI The following, receiv ed from Molalla, jiossibly has some point, which, however, we fail to catch: "Mr. Mega Infanti, your publication of last week, is very nice on liachelor's Retreat, but the girls want to know whether you have made a tetotal retreat. 'Touch' not the cup when it is read. W. M. it J." Tin Wkddinh. Mr. J. K.Graham and his estinir.ble wife wer'j slightly surprised last night by the celebration of the tenth anniversary of their wedding day by their friends. Iots of tin ware, and everybody had a ood time. May they live to cele brate their golden wedding. Lenten Skrvicks. Services will be held during the season of Lent in St. Paul's church on Wednesday, at 10:.'!0 A. M., and on Friday, at 7 P. M.. of each week. On Friday evening of this week Bi-diop Morris will preach. Subject, The Order of the Church. Kkcovkreo. Last Monda- the German family, who have been atHicted with small Hix were pronounced well.and the yellow Hag taken down. They left Tuesday morn ing for Vancouver, where they have a fjrm. The city is now clear of the dread ed disease. Br.v.vwAV. A farmer's team took a run down Main street last Saturday, and came to a stop at the basin, with a delapidatcd wagon. The driver, who was in the wagon when they started, either jumped or fell out. He was not injured, however. County Map. Mr. N. O. Walden has completed a map of the county, in book form, for the assessor. As a draughtsman, Mr. Walden is first class, as his work will attest. KOItV. In this city. Feb. 0 1S77, to the wife of J . 1$. lavul. a son. Tn this city Feb. l:i, Ij. T. Barin, a son. 1S77, to the wife of 51 A UK I ED. In this city, Feb.S, 1V77, by llev.J.T. Huff. Mr.Thos.W heeler and Miss Kate Hatch. dii:d. At Damascus, Clackamas county, Oregon l.avuia Park, wite ot K. J. Park, aged 31 years, 1 month and 12i da3a. Near Marshtield, Clackamas county, of brain fever, Isaac Franklin Johnson aged :i years, 2 months and 21 days. 3larket Report. Portland Market. Legal tenders, 04 buying. !l." selling. Flour Extra, $i 2"; superfine, f5 00. Wh.-at $1 ! I V cental. 1 at s ti)c.(ivti.rc. V bushel. I'.rirley f 1 ii t cental. naeon slues ne.; narns, HVIti; shoulders. e.uv i'f . bunt In kecs, loo. ; in 101b tins, 15c. i.uiier riesn roll is, (v'juc. Fruits lirieil apples in sacks, Oc. ; kcis, 7; plump, pitlcss, JUr-iiUc.; peaches, lie; pruned, 17c. Entrs 18c. 'hicken Full grown, $3 0014 00 dozen. Hidfs Dry, 15c. ; united, 6c. ; culls, 3$ otr. Tallow Sc. l ft. Wool 2Hi,Zlc. Feed P.ran, $1S7?,$19 i ton ; shorts. $ 2$Z ; oil cake, $$ 50. Hay Haled, 17evf IS ton ; loose, (Mfn. 'i)tatos ior loc. bushel. Unions 1V(1V t 1. .Mutton fheep $2(v2 50. OrFffOii 'lty Market. Wheat f 1 05 v bnsnei. Oats ts)ig5c. $ bushel. Potatoes 45c. bushel. Onions f 1 50 bushel. Flour $1 M) sack or J6 00 bbl. Irid Fruits Apples, 6c. l lt. ; plums, 14c. Butter -:(i5c. vr,. Eggs lSe. i dozen. Chickens Grown, $3 .50 dozen. Uacon Sides, I Ic. VI lb ; hams, 15c. Eard 15rvUe. V lb. Hav 14 l ton. Wool 22c. V lb. An Opportunity tor the Afflicted, Two or more of the surgeons of the Na tional Surgical Institute will visit Port land. Oregon, rooms at Cosmopolitan Ho tel, February the 14th to 21st, inclusive, where they will lie pleased to see their many old patients in Oregon and Wash ington Territory, and as many new ones as may feel it "to their interests to avail themselves of this opportunity to be cured at home. This institution is "unrivaled in the world, in the cure of deformities, par alysis, piles, fistula, ite., ve. They will bring with them apparatus for all kinds of deformities. Feb lo-w0.. A Sense of Weariness is often felt by persons who cannot locate any particular disease. If they work, it be comes lalKir; if they walk, they soon tire; mental efforts become a burden, nnd even toys are dimmed by the shadow of th's weak ness which is cast over their lives. Hecourse is had sometimes tostimulants of a danger ous character. The advice of physicians to abstain from active labor produces no happy results. Why? The system is debilitated and needs to be built up properly. Peruvian Svbcp will do this very thing. Uke the electric current, it permeates the entire sys tem.and harmonizing with the corporeal func tions. it raises upthe enfeebled and brings the color tothe cheek again, and hope to t be de spondent. It does its work promptly and well. Sold by all druggists. Housewives, Attention. For 75 cents I will send you a receipt for making a superior article of honey, at a cost of 8 cents per pound, unexcelled for table use. Also for o cents a receipt for making a better quality of soap, at a cost of one and a half cents per pound fer soft, and three cents per pound for hard. Either the soap or honey can be made wit hin fifteen minutes by a child. The saving made by a household in oneyear's time is Incalculable. Both receipts forfl and and a threecent postage stamp. Address J.K. Robinson, 707, Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Disease Grovfs Apace, Like an ill wind, and connot be mastered too early. Vhat is a trifling attack of sickness to-day may, if unattended to, become a seri ous case in a week. Small ailments should be nipped in the bud before they blossom in to full blown maladies, irthls advlca was at- I tended' to. niiiny a heavy bill for medical at- ! tendance might be avoided. When the liver1 is disordered, the stomach foul, th bowels obstructed, or the nerves disturbed, resort should at one - be had to that supreme rem- ; cdv, Hostetter's Stomach Hitters, a few doses of which will restore healthy action and put! the svstem in periect order. It is a wise pre- ! caution to keep this incomparable preventive in the nous'', since it checks, with unrivalled promptitude, disorders which breed others iar mor.s dangerous, and in their latest devel opments arc themselves often fatal. Vacant Places In the dental ranks will never occur if you are particular with your teeth, and cleanse them every day with that famous tooth -wash, KOZoriOXT. From youth to old age it will keep the enamel spotless and unimpaired. The teeth of persons who use SOZO DO NT have a pearl-like whiteness, and 1 he gums a roseate hue, while the breath is purified, and rendered sweet and fragrant. It is com rosed of rare antiseptic herbs and is entirely free from the objectionable and injurious ingrxii ents of Tooth Pastes, Ac. The People Want Proof. There Is no medicine proscribed by physi cians, or sold by Druggists, that carries such evidence of its success and superior virtue as Kosciiee's (iF.itMAN S VRUP for severe ( 'oughs, t'o'.ds settled on t lie brenst, Consuniptinns or anv disease of the Throat nnd 1 .tings. A pniof of that fact is l hat any person afflicted, can get a Sample Pottle for 10 cents and try its superior etrct before buying the legular size at 75 cents. It has lately been introduced in this country from Germany, and its wonder ful cures are astonishing everyone that use it. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it. sold bj ard & Harding. A OA HI). To all who' nr.- suffering from the errors and indiscretion .f youth, nervous weaiitiess. earlv decav loss of manhood, &c, i win send a recipe that will cure you, r itr.r. CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered bv a missionary In South America. enn a self-addressed envelope tothe Rkv. T. Joskfh Ix-MAN. Station f). Iiibt- Jluu"e, A'tie lor.-. iiovj -iy. ! it at Once'.: If a tithe of the test imonials now on hand of the value of Hit. Wistar's Halsam ok Wilii Ciiekky should be pnblishi-d, no one would stop to read the bulky volume. Ask any druggist and he will tell you that this Bal sam" is a real blessing to all affected with throat or lung diseases. All kindred affec tions, including P.ronchit is, Sore Throat, Crwip, Hoarseness, l'ains In tne hest.and lsleeiiing of the bungs, yield to its wonderful power. We advise any one tired of experimenting with Physicians' prescriptions or iptack med icines to drop t liern at once and use this H.-r.- sam ok 1L1) CHKRRY. Sold by all ilrimuists. Ryfhe NationalGold Medal was awarded o Bradley A Kulolson for the bi-st I'hotogrnphs in the' United states, and the Vienna Meda for the best, in th" world. 4iS Montgomery Street. San Francisco. XEW TO-DA Y Sheriffs riotice- A 1.1 j PERSON S WHO MAY H.WK TAXES in 1 h:s county unjiaid tor ISTti, ill take not ice t hat on t he 1st, of March, 1S77. I will proceed to collect at the expense of the tax paver. Call at my ofliee and th- rebv save J. T. APPERXoS. ShorlfT of 'laeksmas County. Oregon City, Feb. , lS77-w'i. Final Srlllejnrnt. "V"OTICE HEREBY GIVEX THAT THE jj Executors of the estate and will of W. T. Matlock, deceased, have iled their account and vouchers for final settlement in t tie County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon, and t he Court has a ppoitited Monday, the 'Jd day of April, A. D. I S77. for the examination of the same, anil hearing ot" objections it anv there be. ". SI. MATf.odv, T. .1. MA ! I,(H'K, Johnson-! Md 'ows, Alt'ys. Executors. Feb. ls77 wl 'OhT Jolin )Ii!Ir," femsrrlv of Orrfoii Ciiv. J. vv. filler a son, IKALF.:tS IN STOVES & RANGES, pJL,iii"vsii,o, JAPANNED WARE AND HOUSE FUI? KISHlfiQ GOODS. PORTLAND, 93 FRONT ST. e"Jobbing of all kinds to. promptly attended .c.jI iS77-tf. NOTICE. u. s. Ii. sn Okfick, Oregon Citv, Or.) Jan. 27. 1N77. 1 lOMITAIXT IlAVINii V.KEX F.XTEItF.I) at this olllee by Susan A. Kobinson. against Andrew H. Ixing, for abandoning b is homestead entry Xo. 2707, dated Jtme7th, 175, upon the east H of t he sout h-east H of sect ion 0. township 2 south, range 4 east, ir Clacka mas county, Oregon, with a view to t he can cellation of said entry: the said parties are hereby summoned to nppc:r at this ollice on the 8th day of March, 177, at, 11 o'clock. A.M., to respond and furnish test itnonv concerning said alleged abandonment. T. H. HAKUIsoX, OWEX WADE. Iteceivcr. Kegister. Dissolution gf partnership. rpHE PARTNERSHIP OK HARLOW AND JL Fuller having ceased, notice isherebv giv to those indebted to us that Messrs. John son A McCown are" authorized to receipt for the same. Payment must ba made promptly in order to save costs. HARLOWi FULLER. Administrator's Notice. "V"OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have been appointed administrator of the estate of Ijewis L.Thomas, deceased, bv the Hon. County Court of Clackamas County. State of Oregon ; therefore, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to me nt my residence In Marion County, Oregon, with proper vouchers, within six months from this date. JOHN HOOK. Feb. 1, 1S77-W4 Administrator. Administrator's Aotiiv. In the matter of the estate or Jesse P.radlcy, deceased. "V"OTIt'E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I X" have been appointed Administrator of the estate of Jesse Bradlev, deceased, by the Hon. County Court of Clackamas Count v, Oregon; therefore all persons having claims against said estate are required to present them to me on or before the expiration of six months from the date of this notic", with proper vouchers. J. W. PALM AT E E R. Ij. T. Baris, Ad in 'r . Att'y for Adm'r. Oregon City, Jan. 11, IS77. CHANGE 0? BASE ! REMOVED TO ODD FELUMS' BUILDING! T. A. BACQRJ, (Successor to BARLOW & FIXLER), Deale" in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, SELECTED TEAS COFFEE, and SPICES, BUTTER AND CHEESE, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FROTS, And a full variety of Goods usually kept in a first-class Grocery Store. Come one, come all, and examine our stock. I can sell as cheap and furnish as good an article as any house in town. T. A. B1COX. Oregon City, August 25, 1876 If. COURTESY CF BANCROFT LIBRARY THOLiAS C HARHAN. ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS OK Oregon City and of the Willamette al ley, that he is still on hand and doing busi ness on the old motto, that A. J'i,nbe Six renceis Better than a Slow Shilling I have just returned from San Francisco, whore I purchased one of the LAHGES7..AM21 E3T SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered, in this city ; and consists In part, as follows : Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Oils, Paints and bash and Doors,! CMnawarc, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery. riatedware. Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies nnd Gents" Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Farming Hons of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wallfj Taper, 'etc. Of the above list, 1 can say my stock Is the ?I O S 1" COMPLETE ever offered in this market, and was selet-d wit h espeeial care for the Oregon City trade.All of which 1 now offer for sale at the Lowest fifiarket Ra'es. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to th'nkof going to Portland to buy goods tor I am JMrrmintU to .SV Cheap and not to allow myself to Ui n nDCSSOLD IX THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quids pay ments, believing as I do thai Twenty Years Experience in Oregon C'.ty enables me to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one arm all ami sec for yourselves that th i old stand or f THOMAS CIIAKMAX eannot be bafen in quality or price. Tt would be useb'ss for me to tell you all t he advantages 1 can offer you in the sule of goods, as every store that advertises docs that, and probably you have been disappointed. All I wish to say is Conic, ami Sec, ami Examine for Yoursch rs, Tor fdo not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell ail my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or ujion such terms us agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed. THOS. CHARM AN, Main Street, Oregon City. j3Ignl Tfnlrfi and County Scrip taken at me.rket. rate?. THOS. CIIAUMAN. (tyritil;ii lbs wool wanted bv nov. 1. Vt f TI K S. CHA UMAX. BED-R3GK FHIOESS Xmv is your time to buy goods at lowpiiccs. R O T HERS tire nowreeoiving a large stock of FALL AHD WINTER GOODS, all of the Latest Styles, which will sell AT LESS THAN PORTLAND PRICES, Our stool; ha been bought for cash, and we will sell it at. n small advance above SAH FRANCISCO COST. w r Fj WILT- SAY TO EVERYBODY T.EFORE von purchase or to Portland, come and priC'" our goods and convince yourself that we da what wo say. Our stock consists in part of Fa ncy and Staple Dry Ooods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods. Notions, Grocer les, Hard ware nnd a great many other articles too numerous to mention ; ALSO DOORS, WIKCOWS, PAlfiTS AND GILS, ETC., ETC We will also pay the Highest Market Trice for Country Produce. ACKERMAX PROS. Oregon City. Xov. 1, 1875 tf. "V. oasedy;" Dealer in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, AND FRUITS AND VEG Main Slrecf, Orfroii Ono tloor sontn of Ward Ding Store. STABLES. City, fc Harding's 01 fit STOCK CONSISTS OP KYKHY- thtng usually kept in a well stocked Fam ily iroeery store. Keep only first, class goods. Reorders delivered to any part of Oregon Citv, orjCanernah. Oregon City June 9, l.$76.-lf. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP, AT John Lewis' Old Stand, CAV. GAXOXG HAS OPENED T this old stand, where he is prepared to do anything In his line. 1 1 ea lo "Horse shoeing a speclaiv. Oregon City, Mav 2U."Jm DISSOLUTION NOTICE. - TOTICE IS HERERY OIVEN TITT TTTT7" . .i,CO;rJartn,'r?,hi,p b',w,, the tind'ersigned in the Lincoln Rakerv has he Hioir., the withdrawal of H n t ien, ' o. T W'illinmc accounts must 1 settled without delav. Lither oneof the firm or Johnson A MctWn are authorized ! to rec-Mpt for mony due the nrm. WILLIAMS & HAltDINti Oregon City, Jan, 25, 1877-lt. E-AWf UTOIS SALE3. "XE HAVE THE Estate for sale. FOLLOWING REAL Xo.l. Desirable building block in Oregon City. No. 2. ICO Acres, good house, and barn full of hay; x. acres in cultivation, orchard, good venter: 15 miles from Oregon City. Price S5t to, half down. Xo. 3. 10M acres of s. S. White's donation claim, 2 miles from Oregon fit v : S-jW). Xo. 4. 100 acres, 8 mi les. s 1-; t Oregon City, l'J acres in cultivation, open brusb land, run ning watt r, pood; wheat Ptut -, price, $".". No. 5. ;42o acres, 2 mihs from Graham's IVrri" on the Willamette river, MHicrcs in cultiva tion, 12 acres in an orchard of choice varie ties of fruit, 3i acrvi in wheat, 1"0 acres under fence, g! od house, barn and run ning water, 12 miles lrom Oregon City. Price ? l,2."t, part down balance on time. Xo. ti. Slvio acres; 76 Improved, a large, new, well finished frame dwelling, plum nnd apple orchards, living water. Is aires oi fall wheat, ti miles from Oregon ity, on Molalla road, church and school bous adjoining; can be had lor slJOU, one-third down, balance on time. Xo. 7. 2'.I4 acres 10 miles, east of Oregon City, miles from Viola grist nnd saw mil and postofl'.c; So acres' in cultivation, liw acres under fence, good Ira me house i3xW 16x22, 3 acres in Iruit trees. 1'rice, Lalf down. No 8 4u acres nt Milwaukie; part beaver dam. Price, $1,000. 9. ;Vt acres ten mileseast of Oregon C ity, 7 niiies from Marsh field station ; 7o acresin cultivation, acrvs of level bottom land, good box house nnd frame barn, good run ning water for stck. good stx-k ranch, 7Hi bearing lruit trees. ITiee 5i4,2O0. Will sell stock and crops to purchaser it lie desires. Xo. 10. IliO acres 6 miles east of Oregon City; GO acres in cultivation, ii acres in orchard, good house and barn, remaining land easily cleared. Price $2,")H), haJf dow n, Xo. 11. l"o acres, mora or less, J I miles from Oregon Citv, t!;, mil. s to Portland. 20 acn s in cuit lvat ion. 1D more easily clcaivil, al! under lenc, good house, good land and plenty of water, school house and church 1 mile- nway, ! months school in vear. Terms easy. $1,250. Xo."l2. 100 or IliO acres off of the north of the Front's claim. 4 miles lrom Oregon it y. open brush land, all easily cleared, living water, good mill power, nt iW per acre ; terms casv. Xo. 13. 220 acres; 75 acres in cultivation, -v ecresin fallwheat, : acres in orchard, good house, barn and out-houses. s;ru!g water Oil feet from house, Ih miles lrom school llOUSe - ( Ml. Xo. 11. 110 acres: 33 in cultivation, 10 ready to sow, 40 acres beavi rdam, 7 acres in grass, K0 ncrs ti-ncd ; lionse and barn, good water close to house. Xo. 15. Jacob Johnson's homestead, near Oregon City: 120 acres. Xo. 10. Frazer's livery stable and house, with one lot on Water street ; $2,000. Xo. 17. Th ' former residence of ' Et'c!i and six lots; $2,,1iKI. Xo. IS. Harvey May's block, ail in cultivation, it h house and barn ; 4'. Other desirable bargains in Clackamas, the best county in the state. Any one having money to lend cm have our services, tree of charge, in managing the same and selecting securities. Persons wanting to borrow money can get favorable terms by calling on i;s. JUIIXSOXJtfS MiCOWX, ami JOHNSON, MttOWN i M.mitM. Otlic's in Oregon Citv and Portland.. Xov. 12. l;S7."):tf L!VER,5 FEED, Af'D SALE STABLE rpifR U XDERTG N ED I'RORRIETOR OF I the Livery Stable on Fifthstreet, Oregon C'itj-, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand rjuiTilics, Carriages mid Ilut-Us. Si it!e noil Ktiirjjy Horises. I'riccs Reasonable. E. B. CLEMENS, Oregon City, Xov. 5, 1875. Proprietor. J. II. SICTII.KSni-K, I7ropir-t-r. 150,0002JFK1-'IT, SiiADi; O IIXA rI EXT A 1 tXI NUT. KEA11IXG TKKEK, VINES AM) SIIRVItllEIiV, I TOR SALE CHEAP TO SUIT THE Hard Times. A i'l'fe Trees from to $S per hundred. All oiher Trees from f 10 to 18 per hundred. Send for Catalogue and Price List. Address J. . EH. Woodburn, Marion Co.,Ogn. ftiWni. Casedy, Agent at Oregon City. novliMm. S. A. BR0U6HT0N, OTTLD INFORM THE CITIZENS OF Oregon City and vicinity that he is pre pared to lurnish Fir & Cedar Lumber, Of every description, at low r:.!es. APPLE ss ALSO, Dry l"!ooriny, feiliiijr. Hustle, f!"!Irt!-r, (for shelving), Isillice, Pirkets, anil Fence-Piists, Cedar, CoDstftiitli on hmitl. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notic at as low rates as it can be purchased in theState. iiive me n call at the ORIitJOX CITY SA U" MILLS. Oregon City, June 10, 1S73 :tf JOHN S G H R A Ni Slain St., Oregon City. MM'FACTURER AND IMPORTER CF r SisiTiHes, liarncss, .Saiiillery-liard- warc, etc., ttr. "TrHICII HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS V can be had in the btate, at WHOLESALE" D3 RETAIL. 15 VI warrant my goods as represented. JOHN SCH RAM, "addle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, Xov. 1, ls;5-tf. HARDWARE, IRCfJ AMD STEEL, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, CAR, ASH AM) IIICfiORY PLAXK. XOP.THRUP & TIS05IJOX, March 31, lS7(Mf. Portland, Oregon. A. C. WALLCriG'S PIONEER 000K BSHQEBY. I'ittocU's ifnildin-r Corner of Stark ami Front Streets. PORTLAND, - - - - - OEECGfi. BI.XK ROOKS RULED AND ROUND TO anyilesired pattern. Music books, Maga zines, Newspapers, etc., bound in every va riety of style known to the trrade. Orders from th . untry promptly attended to. novP75tf. TO ST TslAY GOHCERN ! BEING DF.SIItOrS OP ADOPTIXO A new rule of business, I would request those indebted to me to come and Pay Up Immediately, And save inconvenience nnd expense, as I have determined to collect what is due me. I have reduced the t rices on Ooods greatly, and can assura all that I can give Bargains to Cash Duycrp. Come and see for four own satisfactior . SINGER SEWiNG fIACHSHES ! SOLD )N THE MOSTFAVORARLE TERMS Small JlilXTHIA' PAVMKTS. fireat reduction for cash down. Inquire of '. W. MOORE, at Casedy's Store, Oregon fity, or send to the subscriber for terms. E. F. Heroy, Canvassing Agent, Box 35S, Portland, Oregon. MARK THESE FACTS I THE TESTiwICriY CF THE WHOLE WORLD. KOLLOWAY'S FfLLS. RT-Let the Suffering and diseased read the following. tJIt nl) who have been elven np iy iHK'tors, and spoken of as incurable, reau the following. ttljt-i all who can believe facts, andean have fait h in evidence, read the following. A'ffotr all jcm u t.'iexe prevents. That, on this. the Twenti, il. i.x ol June, in the year of Our Lord, line 1 liu$:uU l ight Hundred and Nixty-M.x, personally csnie Joseph Haydoekio tne known as such, and hen duly aworn deposed as loliows : "J hat he s the sole gen eral . -get t for t he I'niti d t-tatts depend- cneies thert-oi tor preparations or medicines known as Dr. Holluwi.j's I ills sod Ointment, and that the lollowingci lflieiit' t are verbatim copies to the hci-t of his know i d( e nnd bf lief. JAMl.SfaMElTtVK.Xot ry Public. l. s. 14 Wall streev Xes ork. Dy. Hoi.i.oway . Itake my pen'c srritero" ot iny greet relief and that the av; I lain in my f-ide Ih's h it me at last thanks to your l ills. Oh, Doctor, how thankful 1 ain that I can get some sleep. I can never write it enough. 1 thank you atrain and again, and sura ! hat j ou are really the friend of all sufferers. I could not heip writing to vou, and hooe you will not take it amiss. JAMES MYERS, 116 Avenue D. 1 his is to certify that I was discharged from the army with v l-.rotiic Diarrhoea, ai have been tured by Dr. Hoilowav s l'ills. WIIJSON HARVEY, Xew "i ork, April 7, 1&00. 21 lit St. The following is an interesting case of a man cni) loy.-d in an Iron Foundry, who, in pouring lie. It, d iron into a liask that was damp and wit, caused an ex losion. The3 melted iron was thrown around and on him in a l eriect sho-vt r, and he was burned, lireadiully. The follow ing certificate wnsgivei to me, by him, about eight weeks alter the accident : Xew York, Jan. 11, lSfC. My name is Jacob Hardy; I atn an Iron F- under. 1 was badly bund by hot iron in XovenilK-r last ; my burns healed, but I had a running sure on my leg that would not heal. I triid Hollow.- 's Ointment and it curcefme in a lew weeks. This is all true and anybody can sec me at Jackson's Iron Works, 2d Avenue-. J. HARDY, li'J Goerch Strett. EXTRACTS FROM VABIOCSLETTERS. "V had no appetite; Ilolloway's Pills gave me a hearty one." 'iour I 'ills are marvelous." 'I send tor another box, and keen them In the house." 'i t. Hollowsiy has cured my headache tlmt w as chronic." I gave one of your Pills to my babe for cholera morbus. The dear little thing got well in a day." "My nausea of a morning is row cured. "Your bo.x of Ilolloway's Ointment cured me of noises in the head. I rubpb some of your lint ment behind the ears, and the noise ;as left." snd me two boxes, I want one for a joor ninily." "1 enclose a dollar, your price !. 25 cents, but the medicine to me is worth a dollar." 'Send me live foxes of your 1111s." '1a-1 n;e have three boxes of your. Pills by return mail, lor l bills and Fever." I have nvt r$J f-ueli test imonials as thesHLut want of space conij els me to conclude. FOR CU7AKECUS DISORDERS. And all eruptions of the skin, this Ointment Is nie st invniual-le. It does not heal externally i lone, but penet rates with the most searching cllects to the vi ry loot ol the evil. HOLLOVVAY'S PILLS. Invariably cure the following diseases : IiHcrerM of ,Iie Kidneys. In all diseases afTecting these organs. whether they secrete too much or too little water: or whether they le afflicted with stone or gravel, or with acnes and pains set- lied in the loins over tne regions ot tne Kid nes, these Fills should betaken according to the printed directions, and the Ointment should be well rubbed into the small of the back nt bed time, 'ihis treatment will give almost imnieuiatcreliel when all other means havcUaileu. For Stcmaclis out of Order. Xo medicine w ill so effectually improve the toneot the stomach as these Pills ; they remove all acidity, occasioned either by intemperance or impro;-cr diet. '1 hey reach the liver and re iuet it ton healthy action; they are wonder- lullv tiier.cious in casesol sj asm in lactthey never tail in curing all disorders ot the liver ai d sti incch. Ilolloway's Pillsare the best remedy known in the w oridjior t he following diseases: Ague, Asthma, Lilious Complaints, Blotches on the Slim, t ones, t oust lpat ion ot the Uowels, Con- suniltioti. Debility, Iirojsy, Dysentery, Ery- sij, l emale irregu antics, revers of all kinds. Fits, Oont, Headache, Indigestion, In flammation, Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Trine, i-iroiu.n, or King's Evil, Sore 'Ihroafs, Siotie and Orave.', Secotuiary Symptoms, Tic 1 lou.onretix. Tumors. U;cest. Veneral Allic- tions, Worms of a J kinds, Weakness from any cause, Ac. Impoi-tant Caution. Xone are genuine unless t he signatureof J. Haydcck, as agent lor the United States, surrounds each box of Pills and Ointment. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the di lection of any party or parties coun terfeiting t he medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. "V So i: at the M a n u factor of Professor Hol i.oway A Co., Xew York, and by all resject a b.'e I'ruggistsand Dealers in Medicine through out the eivi iz.-ii wor d, in boxes at 25 cents, and Ii.' cents, and SI each. tr-Thcre is considerable saving by taking the mrger sizes. X. I?. Directions for the guidanceof atentsp in every disorder are affixed to each Imji. no 15; ly. rjMIE ".VEST SHORE, OREGOX3 HANDSOME, I I.LUSTRATED PAPER, should be in JYLRY HOUSEHOLD. E FURNISH 2!0 TAGES choicest re.-niing. OF THE 1VERY XUMREK COXTAIXS BEAUTI- j. J lnl illustrations of U.MKNK11Y AND OF TUBLIC BUILD- 7 ings in rSMIK PACIFIC XORTinVEST OVER 150 JL of t hem in a year. 8 HALL OUR MONEY GO AWAY f rom HOME WHEN' WE HAVE TALEXT and Artists F MERIT AMOXG US? THE RESOURCES OF THE PACIFIC Northwest is something r?vi:ky rksidext of this sectiox JLli is interested in, and The W'kst Shorb pays particular attention to thatdej art ment. It is a n:ost Exrcll- at Family Journal, And just the kind of a Paper to send abroad. Xow is the time I o SUBSCRISE FOR THE W E 8 T S II 0 II E So as to obtain (;UR HOLIDAY' NUMBER, which will be a Mammoth (1 pagePaT, with over 50 Engravings. It wiU besent to every subscriber without extra charge, or for 50 cents to non-subseribers. Money can be paid to any Post msn-ter, or sent direct to this office in a registered letter, at our risk. Subscription, ier annum, $1 30. Specimen copv, 20 cents. L. SAMI EU Publisher. decl- Portland. Oregon CLIFF HOUSE. OREGON CITY, OREGON. T. Y. RHODES, lroprietoi. Transient Hoard. SI to $3 Pr D. Sf nprle Mesil oO rents. Board pr Week ,., , DO Uoardaml Lotleinr, vr eek...-S6 OU The Tl)Ie will be suj I'lled with the best the mark't nfTords. Rail SupixTs furnished on short notice, and at reasona ble term8 Xov. 19. 1875 .tf K N. IsT. KEV STORE AKD NEW GOODS, Af NLW Z"i Dry Goods, Groceries, Roots an: Shoes Wooden Ware, Drujrsand MedicltieK.etx ap for cash or produce. J. CANTO. J. R. GOLDSMITH, GENERAL NEWSPAPER COLLECTOR AND SOLICITOR, POUT LAND, OREGON. e-Rest of r--fc re nees given. Dec, 16.75tf 1 . ' f r :( o