Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1876)
0 ' o 0 o o o o o THE ENTERPRISE. OREGON CITY, OREGON, APRIL 23, lS7f. OTIC K. No Certificate cr pu blicu tlait will le jjlven until our fees are paid. H'e shall make no deviation from this rule in future. Clackamas County Itepnblican Con vention. At 11 o'clock on Wednesday tho Re publican Convention for Clackamas ooiinty assembled at Pope's Hall, in this city, and Mr. A. J. Apperson, chairman of the County Committee, called the convention to order. The first order of businc-s was to elect a temporary chairman, which result,.,! in favor of Win. Jiarlow. . . II. Sampson was elected secretary, pro Tho following committee on creden tials was apinted: K. Ij. Kasthain, Win. Failing, Mr. Matlock, Mr. Sharp, and John M. Drake. Committer on resolutions IM aquet, J. U. Trullinger. A. J. Mooro, A. J. Owen and Win. Failing. . It was then moved and carried to adjourn to 1 o'clock. AKTKKN'OON SESSION. Convention called to order at 1 o'clock br Win. liarlow, chairman. "The committee on credentials made heir rejort, which was adopted. Peter Paquet was elected chairman, and Frank Cornell secretary. Committee on order of business made their report, which was adopted. The committee on resolutions report ed as follows : The Republicans of Clackamas county in convention assembled resolve and declare as follows: 1st. An unwavering allegiance to the principles of tho Republican party, as declared in all our national convention. "ind. We repudiate fraud and corrup tion wherever found, in county, State or national affairs, and i ndorse the present administration in its determin ation to "let no guilty man escape." 3d. We are in favor of a currency based on coin, and which shall be made redeemable in coin, and we believe ovory consideration which affects tho prosjKjrity of the country demands' the Hpcediest Kssible return to specie pay ment, o 4th. We are in favor of an equal and just taxation of ail property wherever found, except that which belongs di rectly to the county or State. 5th. We believe "our free school sys tem to be the bulwark of American liberty. Wo therefore approve of the pro.scd amendment to the Constitu tion of tho United States, declaring that "no money raised by taxation in any State, for the purixisc of public schools. or derived from any public fund there- tor, shall ever ixi piaco'i under the con trol of any religious sect, nor shall any money so raised ever bo divided be iwrtm religious swets or denomina tions. P. P-MJI'KT, 15. F. S.MiTir, John II. Mooitrc, ;. J. Thl'm.inokk, W. S. Faimnu. A motion was made and carried to vote by ballot for candidates. ISalloting for candidates was then iroeooueu Willi, ami resulted as lol- lo For State Senator, F. O. McCown; Representatives .1. II. Lambert, Cant. Will, Capt. John 'oohrau, and J. Y, t iraham ; Sheriff, J.T. Apperson ; Clerk, Win. 1 1 . Fonts ; Treasurer, S.l j.St evens ; Assessor. Max Ramsby ; School Super intendent, S. I. Pope"; Coroner, ('lias. K niirht : I elegates to Slate ( 'onvenlion, Peter Piquet, A.Warner, Kd. Forbes, N. N. .Mai lock. Win. Harlow. Tho following are (lie County Com mittee: J. II. Moore, Peter Paquot and A. J. . pjtersoii. Ileal I '.state Transfers. Following are the real estate tnmsfers for tho week ending April : United States, by patent , to Stephen 3 F. Farrow and wife, not iiieat ion No. .ril'., one section, or (ilO acres, known as claim No. -41, U-in parts f sections In, and l.i, T. i, S. R. 1 K. United States, by patent, to Archibald McFinlay and i.'e, notitication No. 7"JH, one section, oi I0 acres, known asclaim No. (in. being parts ol.seetiiu T. '2. S. R. '2 V... and claim ."7. In iug a part t section !, T. S. R. 2 11. United States, by patent, to A llen M . Tliom;son, lot No. 11 of section :'1, T. "' S. R. 2 eoiitainiu Pi 1.7-PM acres. Roard of t 'oinmisoi) ners to (J. J. ('in i in nni R. J. 'uri in, lots No. 1 , 'J. 4, .", nnd ;, and tho S., '.. of the N. F. 'i of ectiou Pi, T. o. S. R. 4 K., containing 4VJ s'.-loo acres of .school land; consi( eration i."4U s. Josiali Mvriek and wife to W. Carey Julinson, all of bbn.-k ,"il in Oregon City ; consideration Sinn. J. II. llollister to Rishop Seel v, frac tional part of section 1 1, T. S. R. 1 W., eoiit.iiniiifr 7i( acres ; cftnsMcrat ion .".UO. J. It. Seclv and wife to Jeo. 15. Sel , tho S. W. ' of the S. K. of s. ction in, T. X, S. R. 1 W., containing '40 acres; - consideration $l"n. ftloise Harvey lirotliers lo Mary A. Harvey, deed to lots in Oregon City ; eoiisiilerat ion $1. D. F. I,eahy and wife to Oregon and California U.U. (., riht of way deeds across property in Oregon City for rail road purposes; consideration"S."nn. United States, bv patent, to William Phillips, for the heirs of Chas. Phillips O deceased, the S. K. '4 of the S. F. and lot No. 3 of section is, T. 1, S. R. 2 K., oontaininir 7;l ai res. tTnited States, bv patent, to William l'hillips ami wife, "th S. '.4, theS. ' of the N. K. tlie N. K. of the N. F. , and lot No. 1 of section 2:5 : the W. S or the N. W. '-4. and tho X. XV. U of the S. XV. of section .M, T. 1 S. R. 2 K, and tho X. of tho X. W. U, tho X. B. of the X. K. 'i, and lots 1, , 7, and 8, of section 4, T. 2, S. 11. 2 JJ., containing 0"2J 86-100 acres. In Memoriam. Hall of Coi.itmbia IT. t L. Co., I Oregon City April 22nd, 187G. f herkas, It has pleased the Ai UiiKbty Ruler of the Universe to take rroin among us our friend and brother 1 ireman, H.E. Chamberlain, therefore, Resolved. That widin -v bow to the Divine Will, we deeply deplore his death, and will ever cherish nis memory ns ono who always stood at the xst of dutv ; and, Resolved, That the sympathies of the Company are hereby extended to the parents and relatives of the deceased in this their great aHlietion.and thatacony of these resolutions be forwarded to them ; and. Resolved, That the house of the Com pany be draped in mourning and the members wear tho usual bade of niouruing for a period of thirty days. J. L. Ii.viu.ow, F. O. McCown, II, C. Stevens, o Committee. O Circuit Court. o KHATTUCTC, J. rri 11 . 110 louowing cases nave oeen dis posed of at the present term of Court, up to W ednesdSy evening: Isaac U )lli;uns vs Miller, Marshall ot vo. dismissed without prejudice. Hardini; A Potter vs. John Schram erdiet for defendant. Ji. l). C. Iatourctte vs Eugene La rorest and Thomas Charinan Demur rcr to COmnlaint nrorrnlml Annie Newman vs Oregon Steamship Company Verdict for defendant. Women's Gvii.n. Easter Monday, the annual meeting Qf the Women's Guild of St. Paul's Parish, in this city, ie.lVa h following officers ',i.f.rn,men. Airs. T. V SS' 1.. for the "... iiavu Jjjf-l, wiiu imru-o.1 fucce.-,!, in every particular. marei! III. I : It 'I 'It Ml ."lllllr r w m -m -m sen Wood r-iv; ; v.'rs.-j-.j ( u J snow that the i.aic!r have norfonnpil thn;..i...:." A, Harpek's Publications. The Mag azine for May is a bright and beautiful number, closing the fifty-second vol ume of this popular periodiral. The nunilicr oens with an illustrated arti cle on Southern Colorado, in connection with the recent explorations of Lieut. Wheeler. Rebecca Harding Davis, in the second part of "Old Philadelphia." gives some novel and characteristic glimpses of the people and customs of that city at the ojening of the revolu tion, and tiio article is beautifully illus trated. Tho supremo featuro of the Magazine is George Elliot's "Daniel Deronda," ot which an entire book is given. The piiblishers announce a new serial story for the June number, bv Dinah M.Craig. TLe Weekly and Bazar are running over with good things, and no family should be without them. Any one of tho periodicals will bo sent, pos tage prepaid, by tho publishers, on receipt of $4. A'ddress Harper Pros., X'ew York. - Drowned, We clip the following extract from tho Oregonian in regard to the drowning of Daniel Raughman, who at one time lived in this city, and had many friends here: "Sad intelli gence reached this ciiy last evening that Daniel Raughman, a brother of Capt. Raughman, the well-known pilot and steamboat man, was drowned near Cathlamet, Wednesday. We have been unable to obtain particulars of the acci dent further than that Raughman was in a skill' and ascending a creek a short distance back of Cathlamet. Ry some means the lxat was capsized, and he jerished before assistance could reach him. Deceased has run on the boatsas a deck-hand for niaify years. Found. Mr. Chas. Walker, formerly a resident ot this county, but more recently of Klickitat, disappeared very mysteriously at the Dalles last November, and all efforts to discover his whereabouts tailed. A few days ago a body was found near the Rrook- tield lishery, on the Columbia, and on the person were found valuable papers which prove leyond a doubt that it is the remains of tho unfortunat man After being in the water over rive months, and -drifting over 1.50 miles, tho body has been ' recovered. Mrs. Walker has been notified of the fact, and tho body buried with Christian rites. Llkcted. At a meeting of St. Paul's Parish, in this city, held last Monday evening, the following gentlemen were elected Vestrymen for the present Church year: J. M. Welch, Reuben Smith, F. II. West. John Mvers. H. L. Kelly, P. H. Hatch, A.Xoltner, George Snyder, and A. R. Clark . At a meeting held the same evening by the newly elected Vestry, John Mvers was elected senior w aruen, and ii. jj. iveuv ap pointed Junior Warden: A. Xoltner was elected Secretary, and John Myers i easurci . Letter List. Letters remaining in tho Posfofhce, at Oregon City, April 2,sth, lhlt): Albright, Harvey; Cane, Henry; Driskile, Win.; Eaton, Mrs. Mahala ; Farrelly. Thomas; Glennon. Francis; uaun, .Marian; llardmsr. -Mrs. V. O Kruse, I-rank; Pelky, Mrs. Maggie; laoiiipson, .Mrs. ai. a. If called for please sav when "adver tised." J. M. Racon. P. M. Mr. Chax.Loous, of this city .shipped 20,000 pounds of line bacon to Portland last Tuesday. e understand that he has packed altogether about 100,000 pounds ot iiatns and bacon during the past wnuer, an ot winch, lie lias dis posed ot at good prices to dealers in Cortland. I he largest portion of the hogs used by Mr. Logus were raised in this county. The funeval of Miss Ann E. Fields, who died of typhoid fever last Monday took place on Tuesday from tho Raptist church. Rev. Mr. Ilnfl conducted the funeral services, which were very im m essive. I ho remains were interred on me num. near ine liiaiaiin. aionsr side or the father and mother, who also died but a few weeks ago from the same dreaded disease. .-v. v LiiiDMii. . correspondent a A .... . . Damascus, in this county, sends us the following; "Wo h ve a curiosity here in the shape of a lir saplinir. aliout 4 feet high. The bottom is dead all around and 11 ic I on is Lrreen ami rr,, i i,r;i't,. It is about 2 inches in diameter at tfie ground and 2'i or 3 inches at. tho tr.n where it is reen." Visitino. Mr. Parsons, formerly employed in tho flouring mills in this city, but for the past three years located at Sacramento, Cal., has been in town for the past week visit inir his old friends. I te intends to roam around the efnntrv for a few weeks, and then return to California. A monstkr.A Iar-e panther, meas uring eight feet from tip to tip, wis killed near Molalla last week. The monster has for sometime been a source of annoyance to the farmers in that sec tion, and it was killed while in the act of devouring a full gro vn sheen, which it had just killed. Election. The annual election of city officers takes place next Monday, tho 1st of May. Wo have not heard of any candidates for municipal honors as yet, but don't suppose there will be any lack of office-seekers. Coming so close on the county election, it fails to create much interest. The funeral services of Mr. ir. K. Chamberlain were held at the liaptist church last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Day preached the funeral sermon. The Fire Department, of which he was a mem ber, turned out in full force to pav their last tribute to the memory of tho de ceased. Cai.t.kd. Mr. II. Johnson, who has been located at Woodburn during the past winter, favored our office with a call last Wednns1l.1v 1 To tntonio i niako this city his home for tho present. Married. Mr. Geo. R. Smith, for- merly of this city, has entered Into the holy bands of matrimony with Miss mad-Olympic e hope he made a good Guess. Improvements.-Among the many improvements going on in our prosper ous city, we notice new fences have bee,, constructed bv Messrs. Wns and Caldwell in front of their res deuces? .'"'- WKDDisa.-llev. and Mrs. 1 . S. Knight, of Salem, formerly m;. , formerl3'of this Cltv. fplrVi-oto.l n .. oftl ei Y""?"' wnl? recurrence recurrence riday even- A correspondent wants to know if he merchants of the city did not agree derstand it. hat 18 the Wa' we un- '"'7 110 want to purchase any thing, from a clothes-pin up to a house, will find it to their advantage to look over our advertisements. S wK ri Miss Crissie Johnson is lying verv "KViVy !5ve at residence Tiik union meeting will be held at the Congregational church next Sun day evening. Ij. II. Calkins, of Oswego had a val uable horse drop dead while engaged in hauling timber last week. The ani. rnai was worth SJc?0. The Grand Jury has failod up to the hour of going to press. Three baptisms took placo at tho Episcopal church last Sunday. Titere are three or four cases of ty phoid fever in town. Special term next week. of the county court SUMMARY OF STATE SEWS. Scarlet fever at Albany. Wheat ia worth 85 cents at Salem. Yoncalla farmers have their grain all in. Portland had a prize fight last Sat urday. E. D. Backenstos died at Portland last Sunday. Douglas county ha3 three tickets In the field. Barney Trainor is lyinc: vorv ill at East Portland. Several young men at Pendleton lave the mumps. Lane county farmers sow wheat with gum boot3 on. Jackson county is sending horses and mules to Nevada. A.shland hoodlums plav Pedro in church Sunday evenings. A steam flour mill is to bo erected at Cresswell this summer. The Demoratio State Convention met in Salem on Wednesday. The Portland-Astoria telegraph line is completed to Coal creek. Faro banks and monte games keep coin in circulation in Corvallis. M. X. Chapman, of Salem, has been appointed a Notary Public. Geo. Li. Curry has retired from the editorship of the Portland Jour nal. . Halsey has a new drug store, sad dle and harness shop, and a wagon shop. Ground has been staked off for the new hotel tobe built at the Albany depot. N The new officers of the O. & C. II. Ti. left Portland Monday to inspect the road. The race course at East Portland is being put in order for the centen nial races. Quite a number of buildings have been erected at Port Oxford during the )ast year. There are 209 patients in the East Portland insane asylum 15G males and 53 females. John Love, of Harrisburg, has been adjudged insane aud sent to the insane asylum. La Grande farmers are waiting for the rain to let up, so that they can put in their grain. C. II. Biirch, of Amity, had his collar-bone broken last week by the up-setting of a wagon. Two miners of Jackson county re port that they have struck rich placer diggings on Galico creek. The grand stand in course of con struction at the Ji,ast X'ortland raco track will seat 1,000 persons. Over twenty empty houses at Eugene, and good houses rent for five to eight dollars per month. Wm. Besse, at one time a promi nent drnsrtrist of Portland, died last Tuesday at St. Vincent's llospital A man in Wasco county, who is 84 years of ge, has been married 5 times and is the father of 25 children Gen. O. O. Howard and Capt. M. C. Wilkinson started on an inspect ipg tour last Saturday to Fort Lap wai. - 18 head of beef cattle were shipped from the Dalles last week which weighed in tho aggregate 25,000 pounds. two smau ooj-s were throwing stoues at each other in rvilem last week, nnd one of them had his skul fractured. A farmer living back of East Port land was fooling with a pistol last Saturday, and strange to say only lost two nngers. A soldier at Fort Stevens had his left arm broken and his shoulder dis located, on the 18th, while dismount ing a 15-ineh gun. Fergusson, the Scotch lecturer, had a 10 house at liUgene, and ex penses would have been $15, he con cluded not to ehow. The fishermen on the Columbia river are on a strike; they want 25 cents per nsh, and the employers re fuse to give over 22. Persons entitled to receive the Mexican Veteran's medal, can obtain information by applying to Mr Houck of Jacksonville. Leonard Livermore, of Polk Co. while out hunting last week, with a companion who used his gun careless ly, was shot through the hand. j. Jvnignt, wane standing near Green's store, on Galico creek, re cently killed a couple of deer with his rifle at a distance of 300 yards. Cassius McPherson, a yonng man in the employ of the Esther Mining Co., on Grave creek, fell in a fire last week while in a fit and, was danger ously burned. The Oregon Medical Society meet on the first Monday in June. It has been proposed that they adjourn their meeting till the 5th of July, so as to participate in tho Centennial jubilee. Ab. Smith, proprietor of a sawmill at .Jefferson, and D. H. Morton, a logger, were drowned in the Santiam last Sunday." They had been up tho river and while coming back t he boat struck a snag and capsized, sending the two men to a watery grave. The ship Western Shore, built at Coos Bay in 1873. by Simpson Bros., has made" the quickest voyage, by about 20 days, ever made from Ore gon to any European port, by a sail ing vessel. There is an organization in Port land called the ''Woman's Band of Helpers." Their object is to pre vail upon "women of easy virtue" to abandon their evil ways, and to lead lives of virtue and happiness. The Liberals and Free-Thinkers of Oregon and Washington Territory propose to hold a convention at Portland during Centennial week. Joseph Bellanger, the missing man at Taylor's ferry, on the Tuala tin, was discovered, last Friday, in the woods a short distance from his cabin, with a deep gash across his throat, bnt still alive. There i3 no doubt but what, in a fit of temporary insanity, he set fire to his own cabin and Mr. Duber's barn, and then at tempted to take his own life. Last Saturday the Democratic County Convention of Yamhill was held at Lafayette, and the following ticket nominated: Senator, E. C. Brndshaw; Representatives, W. D. TPVnton, J. L. Ferguson and Dr. G. W. Goucher; Sheriff. H. C. Dalf ; County Clerk, E. Kogers; County Commissioners, Joseph Ilill, R. Shook; Assessor, G. Phillips; Treas- urer, J. J. ilemune; dcuuoi super intendent, J. H. Carse. The following is the Democratic ticket for Marion county: Represen tatives, F. X. Mathieu, JohnSavage, J. M. Kitchen, J. M. Scott, Jacob McClane, D. H. Murphy: Sheriff, P. K. Murphy; Clerk, B. V. Hyde; Assessor, E. T. Perkins; Treasurer, S. Parker; County Commissioners, C. Thomas and J. Jackson; School Superintendent, Wm. Keyser; Sur veyor, Seth TX. Hammer; Coroner, Dr. A. M. Belt. Market Keport. Portland Market. L.egal tenders, SS buying, 89 selling. Flour. Extra, $5 00"; superfine, $1 li3. Wheat. $1 70 pur cental. Oats. &5c. to 70c. J bushel. Uarley. Si 35 percental. Uacon. Sides, 12c: hams, 1G(S17: shoulders, 8W9. Lard. In kegs, 14c: in 10Tt tins, 11c. I'.utter. Fresh roll. 'AXTC'Mc. . Fruits. Dried apples, in sacks, 9c, kegs 8 4 ; plums, pit less, 1415; ieaches 14c ; prunes, 17c. l.Sr Chickens. Full grown. $3 oOHH 00 ZLi fl A"7A11 1 Hides. Dry. 13c: salted, oc; 'culls oil. Tallow. rHc t? 11. Wool. iCl toSjf. Feed. Bran. $22 00 ton ; shorts. S2-to S,'W : oil i:ake, .v;7 50. llav. Baled, $10 00 to ?1S 00 V ton : loose, $15 00. Potatoes. 70'";7.jc (i bushel. Onions. 1 to l'ic V lf. Mutton sheep. S2JS2 75. Orcg-on City -Market. Wheat. 90j ) bushel. Oats (0c V bushel. Potatoes N)c i bushel. Onions SI 50 1 bushel. Flour fl 37 oi sack or S.5 50 bbl. Dried Fruit Apples, Ocfilb Plums, 15c. Butter- -,)03.3c ) H. Eggs 20o t'i Chickens Grown, $1 00 4 Bacon Sides. 13c fl" ; hams, 10c. Tiard 10 to 17c. Hay $20 ton. Wool 22c V Hi. Green Apples 75c to $1 50 i box. Tlie larcli of Ilea son. There are certain pretended philos ophers ami wiseaeres who, when you speak to them of the progress iI man kind, shake their heads ami talk of the Kooil old iavs fa-tore steam was applied ami the Alorse telegraph in- ventod. Away with such humVuii'! Tho jrreat discoveries which have en riched mankind ; united lv a wire link Treat nations separated oy mighty seas, dwarfed Space with Speed, and reduced disease to his minimum, can not by any exercise of ingenuity be de monstrated to he auirht hut blessimj Anionir the sanatory discoveries of tlte nineteenth century is one, that in view of the salutary intluence it has exerted, deserves a foremost place Wo allude to Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which is one of tho most de servedly, celebrated tonics and altera tives of tho present day. The most unimpeachable testimony establishes the fact that this popular medicated stiimilantand corrective annihilates in digestion, constipation, urinary disor ders, and many affections ot the sensi tive organs. In the mining regions ana new clearings ot tho west, it is regarded by tlie inhabitants as an indis pensable means of preventing, as well as curing cuius ana lever, ana there is scarcely a city or town in the Union, some of whose denizens have not borne witness to its efficacy in remedy ing the first named class of maladies. As an invigorant, appetizer and carminative, iiostctters Ihtters are incomparably the most effective and tho purest. Their basis of fine old rye, the most healthful alcoholic spirit ob tainable, as of itself no mean tonic, but us strengthening properties aro in creased lift' fold bv tho vegetable ex tracts which it holds in solution, and to which tho surpassing quality of the Hitters are due. Important. Endorsed bv the Medical profession. DR. WM. H.VTJtS RAT.KAM FOR THE DUNOf.S cures Coughs. Colds and Consmptton, and nil disorders of the Throat, and Chext. DR. TOWLEY'S TOOTHACHE ANODYNE cures in one MINUTE. fcbKi Impure Breath. Among an the disagreeable- conse quences that follow tho decay of the teeth, an impure breath must be the most mortifying ami unpleasant to its possessor, ana it is the most inexcusa ble and offensive in society ; and yet the cause of it mav easily be removed by cleansing 3-onr teeth daily with that justly popular dentifrice, Fragrant SO- .oiiu L. It purities and sweetens tho breath, cools and refreshes the mouth, and gives a pearl-like appear ance 10 me teem, uenttemen who in dulge in smokinaTshold cleanse their teeth with SOZODONT. as it removes an unpleasant ordors of the weed, Ask your uruggist tor it. KfTh National Gold Medal was award- a 'o Kraaiey & Rulofson for the best Photographs in the United States, and the jrniia, jicuat ior tne best in the world. 49 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. IJIF.O. In this city. April 21, II. E. Chamberlain, aged -27 years and 7 months. Mu.tAnnCiy",?Y12i,hi of yphold fever, luiss Ann E. I- lelds, aged 15 vears In Milwaukie April 15, of strangulated r-inuna itoss, aged -12 years 5 TT1 ATt ha nnd J rlni 1 NEW TO-DAY Final Settlement. IIIEXUY G.VXS, ADJIIMSTHATOU of t he estate of Mathew Kerchem, de ceased, having filed my final report and account, with proper vouchers, it, was or dered by the Court that the 27th day of May, 1876, lie set for the final hearing, at which time all persons interested can ap pear and make their objections, if any they have. HENRY GANS, Arril 2S-wl. Admini&trator. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, EXHIBIT OP TIIE FINANCIAL AFFAIRS OF Oregon City, for the year ending April 30, 1876 : GENERAL FUXI). REC'PTS. EXPENDITURES. Cash in treasury at the be Kiiinin; of the vear 50 Assessment for 1S75 $2113 51 Additional assessed by the Collector.. T 5.1 53 Delinquent tax collected of previous year 3 50 Orders issued during the year, of which ?W2 1 vas for hosj. .. $2051 65 Paid .steer's taxes bv ordtr of the Council ' 9 00 Delinquent taxes 10 83 Amount cash on hand 157 53 Amount paid on city indebt edness 269 P9 S250: WATER FUSD. Cash from last year " received from saloon li 07 $250-2 07 5 93 1213 00 9) 50 1 00 censes " received from wrirll and shows.. rvci ivod from fines Cash paid Water Com nan v.. " j. 11. Upton..: 1000 00 12 333 95 on nand f 1340 43 $1310 43 ROAD FUND. Assessment as pertax boolc.f 1179 72 Additional taxes collected... tK) 00 Orders drawn on Treasurer... 228 31 Ualance expended over re ceipts 50 83 Kxpended on streets 109S 55 Paid into treasury script 2S1 i)0 for material and taxes cancelled 30 00 Delinquent tax 13S 35 I151S 89 $1513 89 Total amount of orders on general fund, which ap pear as not cancelled $1315 72 Of this there are old orders, drawn between 1 he years 1853 and 1871, which were advertised lor payment and not being presented the presumption is they are lost or otherwise can celled, amounting to 133 C.5 leaving balance actual in- debtedness $882 07 Amount outstanding road orders., SSC1 90 M. A. KTKATTOX, PKTKK IVvQUET, V. II. I'OI'E, Finance Committee. Notice. "V TOT1CE IS IIEREHY GIVEN THAT there uro funds now in my hand innlieable to the payment 01 all ( Viunl v Orders endorsed on or before June 1st, 1374. Interest thereon will cease after this date. J. P. WARD, Treas. Clackamas County. Oregon City, April 21st, 1870. - AT - KELLY'S, 3IAIX STBEET, OREGOX CITY, ST AU1UVED, DIKGCT FROM San Francisco, all the LATEST STYLES of Spring and Summer Trimmed and ITntrimmod, for the and Summer of 1S70. MILUNERY GOODS. MILLINERY GOODS. HATS AND 30 W NETS. HATS AND BONNETS. FEATHERS AND FLOWERS. FEATHERS AND FLOWERS. RIBBONS AND ORNAMENTS. AND ORNAMENTS. GALL AND EXAMINE. CALL AMD EXAMINE. Xo trouble to show jroods. and Mio ono iired to purchase. We shall keep a welt selected stock, and our prices shall be verv reasonable, so that, all may be pleased. Oregon City, April 7th, l.STo-tf. 1876, CASH STORE. . LEV Y HAS JIST KKCKIV; elegant stock of A NEW AXD DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS cC SHOES, CIGARS and TOBACCO. JEWELRY A SPECIALTY! Which he will sell lower t han t hr lowfct, for Cash strictly, (five me a call before poinp: elsewhere ; I shall take pleasure in showing my goods whether you buy or not. Kemcmber the place, A. LEVY'S, One door north of Ward A Harding's. Oregon City, Airil 1, 1875,-tf - ffllLUHERY GOODS ! Tf I'ST RKCKIVED, AT MRS. K. S fl Warren's Millinery Store, a new ami elegant stock of latest styles of Millinery and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, for tho SPRING TRADE, Which will be sold at reasonable prices. Irfidles livingin the country, favoring me with t heir orders, wilt find them promptly attended to. NHS. E. S. WABREV, One door south of Dr. Welch's office. Oregon City, March 17, 1S76. J. H. SHEPARD, Hoot and SV100 Store, One door north of Aokerman Bros. Boots and shoes made and repaired as cheap as the cheapest. Nov. I, 1375 .-tf It. W. ROSS, M. D. ROSS WAUIiEX N. DAVIS, M. D fc DAVIS, PHYSICIANS AXD SUUOEOXS Oregon City, - - Oregon. ir-Offlee at the Citv Dispensary, corner of M:i in nnd Fourth sts. Dr. Davis is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and has lately arrived from the East. Particular attention (riven to surgery. Office hours from 8 o'clock A. m. to 5 P. M, CHAS. IvNIGlIT, CAXHV, OREGON, P II Y S I C I A X AXD IJ It U G G IS T Prescriptions notice. carefully filled nt short ja7:tf. WORSHAM & RAMSBY, Dealers in BEEF, P0RK2AND MUTTON. Odd Fellows' Building', Mailt St. oyOrders delivered to any part ofOregon Oity or C'anemah. Ore-on City, Feb. IS :tf. ESTABLISHED 1806. B. A. HUGHES, Opposite the Postotlice, MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY Dealer In DRY GOODS, CLOTIirXG. ' HA TS , BOOTS and SHOES, nOSIERY. LADIES' AND GEMS' FURNISHING GOODS, TABLE CUTLERY, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, ROPE, GRAIX SACKS, WOOL SACKS, ETC., ETC., ETC. STOCK OP CEXERAL MKR- chandise is lanre and well assorted. There is no house in the citv that can undersell me. SHALL; PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS, Is my motto. Please call and see for yourselves that the Goods at tho old Arm of IJ. A. Hughes cannot bo leateu in quality or price. I keep the best Tea and CfTee and a good supply of Family l;roceriei. I give the highest market price for good Country Produce. B. A. HUGHES. Oregon City. March 17th, 1STC. Tlie liiyliest Cutli price puid for Wool. County Scrip Taken ns Cusli. J a7 :tf. DUVOL, MILLER & CO., AT MOORE'S MACHINE iiHOP, OREGOX CITY, OREGOX. f AXUFACTUKERS IyL Patent Wheels foi OP DITOL'S Vehicles of all kinds. Also ad kinds of IMacksmi tiling Done to order, Waggon and Carriages and Repaired, land all kinds Made of Farmers' Blacksmlthing done with dis- patch and neatness. Orders solicited. Wagon and Carnage makers are invited to examine our Patent Wheels, And use them instead of Wooden Wheels. We lit our Wheels to either Iron or Thimble Skein Axles. deaU-tf. CUFF HOUSE. OREGON CITY, OREGON, T. W. RHODES, iPi'opi'ietoi. Transient Hoard, Single iIcal3 lluai-il er Week Si to S3 per Day. 50 cents. ,)85 OO per week SO OO lion til and Lodinj The Table will be supplied with tho best the market jilfords. Ball Suppers furnished on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Nov. ID, 1875 :tf I1V1 FOIt SALS!). WE1IAVE TIIE FOLLOWING HEAL T V Estate for sale. No. 1. Desirable building block in Oregon City. No. 2. H0 Acres, good house, and barn full of hay acres in cultivation, orchard, good water: 15 miles from Oregon City. Price $5W, half down. No. 3. S'ii) Acres, 75 in cultivation ; houses, barns, wells, &c. : good orchard; ti miles from Oregon City. Price $ 1,500 ; halt down. Sell half placo at same rates. 4 No. 4. 25)0 Acre's, 155 acres under cultiva tion, 5 acres orchard, good running water; 125 acres open brush land; ? mile from school house ; 8 miles from Oregon City. $1,500; half down, bal ance in one and two years. No, 5. Part of all 111 Barber farm, on the river at Rock Island above Oregon City ; S5 per acre. No, 6. .Land on the river above Oregon City, cheap; part of the Barber claim; good wood yard. . No. '. 320 acres; 75"improved, a large, new, well finished frame dwelling. lum and apple orchards, living1 wa- r, is acres ot tail wheat, b miles from Oregon City, on Molalla road, church and school house adjoining ; can be had for $1,250, one-third down, balance on time. No. 8. 41) acres at Milwaukie; part beaver dam. Price, 51,000. No. 9. S. L. sale. Campbell's homestead for No. 10. A Karfi-ai". A farm in good run ning order, of 2'20 acres ; 125 acres in cultivation, 48 acres of wheat, will produce 1200 bushels of wheat (will insure 800 bushels), good orchard, good new barn, farming implements, 1 head of cattle, 20hogs,someof them fine stock, ten miles from Oregon ' Citv. school house. church, postorllee. and store near by ; all for $1,250, $1,- 500, down, balance in three years. No. 11. A one and a half story house, one lot, barn, woodshed, well, etc., i.i Oregon City, for $125. Other desirable bargains in Clackamas, the best county in the State. Any sne having money to lend can have our services, free of charge, in managing the same and selecting; securities. Persons wanting to borrow money can get favorable terms by calling on us. JOHNSON McCOWX, and JOHNSON, McCOWX &MACRUM. Offices in Oregon City and. Portland. Nov, 12. 1S75 -tf STILL U TIIE FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF . HAAS' SALOOX. WILLIAMS & HARDING, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, TZEEPTHE MOST COMPLETE STOCK XV of Family Groceries to oeiouna in ine eit v. All eroods warranted, tjooosaenvenn In "the city free of charge. The highest ca6h price paid for country produce. Oreaoa City, March ZS, 1373. Hear, fur 1 will speak of exccUe tiling's." LORD'S EXTRACT The great Texetablo Pain lestryer. Has been in use over thirty years, and for cleaulines9 and prompt cura tive virtues cannot be excelled. CHILDREN. No family can afford to be without l'oud's ICrtrart. Accidents, Bruises. Contusions, Cuts, Spraius, are relieved almost instantly bjr external application. Promptly relieves pains or Burn, Scald, r.xcorintions, CUafings, Old Sore, Jloils, Felons, Corns, etc. Arrests In flamation, reduces swellinea, stops bleeding, removes dNcol'irstiouinand heals rapidlv. FEMALE WEAKNESSES. It always relieves pain in t tie b:te t r.iiu luius,f ullness and pressing para in tHe lied. nausea, vertftro. LEUCDRRK2A it has no equal. All kinds o ul ceration to which ladies are subject are promptly cured. Puller details in bookaccom panyius each battle. FILES blind or blcedins meet prompt relief und ready cure. No case, however ch ionic or obstinate. c:n loner resist its regular uie. VARiOCSE VESSS.-lf is the only pure cure for mis iiistresrn) and dangerous condition. KJ3HEY DISEASES. It has no equal for perma nent cure. BLEE31113 from cny cause. Fortius L a ppc citlc. It has saved hundreds of lives when all other remedies failed to arrest bleeding from io--. Ktnmarh, lunsrs. hud elsewhere. RHEUMATISM, REURAlEtA, Toothache and Lttrnrlic ure pll i;l:ke relieved aud often per inanentlv cured. PHTSICIAKS f dl schools who aro acqaalnled with I'out'.-M Kvlract of WixcU llaxcl rec onuneuditiu thcirp-ractice. We have lettersol conimundatiou fom hundreds of Physicians, xuauy of wko;n order ii lor use ia thdr own practice. In addition to the foregoing, they ion mine ioreguing, tnoy weliij'irrj ot all kinds. order its live for Ouiusy, Sore Tfcror.t, inlianicd Tonsils, Fimule and chronic Oiarrhoen, Catarrh, for which it is a specific,) Chilblains, J-'rosV od Fret, .Stings cf Inoots, ?loiuitoep. etc., Clapid Hands,, aud indeed nil in-Jimer of ekiu diseases. rO'.LET BSE. llemovcs Soreness, Kousbnoss, Mid siuartinK; licals Cut-s ilruptions, r.ndl'iinplrN. It rr- iivt, iv.cirfora''. ud n. fro hes, while wonderfully improving the "('oinjilexion. TS FARMERS. i'ondN Extract. No Stock lJreeder.iio LivervMan can aftord tobe without it. Itii used by idl the Leading Livery Stables, Street Uailroads and first Horsemen iu New York City. It has uo equal for Sprains, Ilar iies or Snddle t'iiatinfrs, StiifnesH, Scratches, SveIlinps,Cutfi, Lncerationi, llleedtnsf, I'uemiionia, Colic, Dinrrbo?, Chills, Colds, etc. Itsnuiireof action is wide, and the relief it affords is so prompt that ii la invaluable iu every Farm-vard as well as in every Farm -house. Let it be tried once, and vou will never lc without it. CAUTION. 1'ondN Extract has been imitated. The penuino article has the words Pond's Ex tract blown in each bottle. It is prepared by the only persons liviuji who evex knew how to prepare it properlv. l?efu?e all other pre paratious of Witch h:xzel. This is the only articie used by Physicians and in the hospi tals of this co'iutrv and F.nrope. HISTORY AND USES OF POND'S EXTRACT. in pamphlet form, pent free ou application to FORD'S EXTRACT COMPANY. M ilaldea Lane. Kpw l ork. CENT EN fl I AL, 1776.pl876. PUOCLAMlTiO IV, CHICAGO XORTil-WESTERN RAILWAY. THE POPULAR ROUTE OVERLAND. PASSENGERS FOR CHICAGO, NIA gara Falls, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Montreal, Quebec, New York, Bostonox anv jxiint East, should buy their TKAXSCONTI S LI 'NT A I TICKETS Via the Pioneer Koute, TIIE CHICAGO & NOIIT1I-YV i:STEKN RAILWAY. THIS IS TI! BEST KOUTE EAST. Its track is of STEEL RAILS, and ou it has been made the fastest time that has evcr been MADE in this country. Pythis route passengers for points east of Chicago have choice of the following lines from Chicago : Iy (lie PittsHurtr, Fort AVayne mid t"iiearo si ml I'en itsylva nia. KitiJivuyas TIIROiroiI TRAINS DAILY, with Pull 93 man Palace Cars through to Philadel-. phin anil New York on eacli train. 8TlIKOU;iE XKAIN, with Pullman. Palac-! Cars to Dallimore and Wash ington. By Lake Shore and MlcliIffOi Southern liailway ami Connect tons (Xe- V01-U Cenlral asid Erie Kail roads) : TIIUOPtTir TRAINS DA IT A', with. l Palace Drawing Koom and Silver Pal-. ace Sleeping Cars through to New York. iiy Hie Michigan Central, Grand Trunk, Great Western and Erie und Xnv Vurk Cenlntl HniHrnys: O THllortilT THAINS, with Iillman O Palace 1 rawing Koom and Sleeping Cars through to New York, to. Niagara Falls, PutTalo, Koehester or New York city; ' By IJuKiiiiere nnd Oiiio Itailroadt THPvOUtill TRAINS DAILY, with .- 1'ullinan I'ahice Cars for Newark, Zansville, Whe-ling, Washington and Iialtimore without change. This is the SHORTEST, REST and only line runningPiillman celebrated PALACE SLEEPING; CARS AND COACHES, coii-. neeting with Union Pacific Railroad at OMAHA and from the WEST, via Grand Junction, Marshall, Cedar Rapids-, Clinton, Sterling and Dixon for CHICAGO A'H TIIEEVST. This popular route is unsurpassed tor Speed, Comfort and Safety, The smooth, well-ballasted and perfect track of tl rails, the celebrated Pullman Palace Sleep ing Cars, the jcrfect Telegraph System of moving trains, the regularity with which they run, the admirable arrangement of running t hrough cars to Chicago from all points West, secure to passengers all tho comforts in modern Railway Traveling. No change of Cars and no tedious delays at Ferries. Passengers will find Tickets via this Fa vorite Route at the General Ticket Office of the Central Pacific Railroad, Sacramen to. Tickets for sale in all the Ticket Offices of the Central Pacific Railroad. W. H. STENNETT, Gen. Pas. Agent. MARTIN 1IFGHITT, Gen. Sup. H. P. STAN WOOD, General Agency, 121 Montgomery street, San Francisco. Aug. 13 :ly OREGON STEAMSHIP CO.'S STEAMED AT NOTICE I Str. IC. 1ST. COOKE, Will leave OREGON CITY for PORTLAND every dav (Except Sunday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. Returning, will leave Portland for Oregon City at 2W o'clock, P. M. Sti ALICE, W1U leave OREGON CITY for CORVALLIS every Monday and Thursday of each week. J. I. UIL.ES, January 1st. 1871 1. Agent. NOTICE. PFItSONS THAT HAVE LEFT Deeds, Patents and Mortgages in tho County Clerk's office, of Clackamas coun ty. Oregon, for record, will please call and get them, particularly those that have not paid for recording the same. All that have Ix?en filed prior to thia dte are re corded. J AS. FRAZER, County Clerk, -March 13, 1870. mbl71m. IMPERIAL m ILLS, LaRoofiiie, Saxier & Co, Oregon City Keen ronstantlv on hand for sale Flour,- Middlings. Bran and Chicken Feed. Parties o O o n e O o o c O O o o o O o O - O o O jr.