Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1876)
i J?' o G0 O o o Q o o G . O O or: f i J o u o 0 O O o o o o u o O o o o o G o c o c o o o o 0 o O o 3 o o o 0 0 o o the EfJTEnpnis OREGON CITr, OREGON, FEB. IS, 1S7C. q News Column. liny is very cheap in Idaho. . CCattle sell at Albany for $1G a head. A religions revival is in progress at Scio. The Oregon penitentiary boards 107 convicts. A boot-black advertises in the Al bany Democrat. Diptheria is raging in the vicinity o$ Harrisbnrg. ? Walla Walla is selling cattle for the Eastern markets. Senator Sharon started or Wash ington on. Sunday last. Beligious meetings were being held at Corvallis last week. ; Some loggers were caught stealing meat on the Orient last week. Bosebnrg intends to have a 2,000 display on the 4th pi July. O IvODerl Wallace uoa uwu postmaster at Victoria': B. C. n The Seattle saw mill is now being run on only two-thirds time. California capitalists are interest ing themselves in Coos Bay. The mayor of Victoria lias been created a police magistrate. At Bocky Bar, it is necessary to shoe horses with snow-shoes. A three-masted schooner has just been completed at Marshfield. Lucky Queen rock, in Douglas county, assays $753 AO per ton. A 850.000 fire illuminated Pitts burgh, Penn., on tho 11th inst. A batch of alleged stage robbers have been arrested at Boise City. The Ilenkle, farm near Corvallis, has recently was sold for 0,000. A young man named Fentou lias been arrested at Sheridan for larceny. Columbus Delano, late Secretary of the Interior, is in San Francisco. i A large party will leave Sioux City for the Black Hills on the 21st inst. Th Grand Lodge of the K. of P. was in session last week in San Fran cisco. O Mark Little lias sold the horse Wild Idle to Colonel Williamson for $4,000. LA man in Povtlaud has a Bible wuicn was primed in ljomion in 1580. ; :The Mot in tai 'it Sentinel has moved from La Grande to Union, the county seat. lho schooner Harriet llowo was wrecked at Port Orford week before last. The northern part of California was visited with a heavy snow storm last week. o The Grande Bonde Valley people want , railroad communication with Walla Walla. Cattle are suffering from the very severe weather in parts of British Columbia. VAt Yaquina bay, a schooner is be ing loaded with oysters for Sau Francisco. Four feet of Klikitat valley snow has fallen this winter. It in is now all gone. French and English fishermen are having trouble off the coast of New Fonodiand. Sir John Taylor Colridge, nephew of the famous poet, died at London on the 11th inst. Citizens at tho forks of the Santiam want a-bridge over the Santiam near the Marion ferry. It is supposed that the Dominion Parliament will abandon the Canada Pacific Bail road scheme. Senator Bruce denounced Grant last week for interfering with colored Southern Bepublicans. Saloons in the outskirts of Seattle are being "incendiaried." Bad 'fire-water" perhaps. BM.-Graves, of San Francisco, has bought, for $30,000, the celebrat ed trotter, St. J ulian. By an ice boat running into an air bole," four persons were drowned, near New York, last week. Whisky brings 75 cents a glass in the Black Hills. A good excuse to join a temperance organization. Manning's box and planing mill was totally destroyed by fire at Marl boro, Mass., on the 11th inst. Col; C. W. Wooley has been elect ed President of the Board of Appeals of the National Trotting Association. O Dr. Bailey, who recently died in Marion county, had been practising medicine in Oregon for forty years. The atr. City of Salem claims to bard -made the fastest time ever tnade on the river between F,iirfnp o and Salem. At the dinner given to Senator Sharon, prior to his leaving for Washington, the bills of faro were made of sheet silver. It was extremely old last week in New York. Frequent cases of frost bitten hands and feet among car and stage drivers. Beavertou has organized a lodge of Good Templars. The members all eat onions so they can't smell each other's breatfi. o The locc-np" at- Seattle has been declared by tho grand jury a publio nuisance, No doubt thieves agree with this. The bark Baelah 1ms arrived at Esquimau, from England, with a O cargo of steel rails for tho Canada Pacific Bail road. .The amount of money which hn.l been tied-up in the San Fruncisco savings banks by the mortirase tax amounted to 61,000,000. -There has been an nnnsnally heavy fall oft snow in the "Bine Mountains thv -V ntcr. - St ok. raisers in the vi cinity take their hue from the moun tains and feel tblue," O The chiefs at the Umatilla agency want to visit President Grant and i have a "big talk concerning the giving up of their reservation. The breaking ur of the ice did considerable damage at Isauimo, car rying away buojs and damaging wharves to a considerable extent. Owen Lindsley, notwithstanding his protestations of innocence, was hanged at Syracuse on the 11th inst., for the murder of Francis A. Calvin. The shipments of coal from Seattle in January, this year, were 5,410 tons against 1,933 tons in January, 1875; aa increase for the month of 3,507 tons. A man named Harris Stevens, who stole a can of clams at Seattle last week, was fined 1. Clams and jus tice appear to be very cheap-on the Sound. ; The National Gold Bank and Trust Company, of San Francisco, paid a dividend of 25 per cent, last week, and in a few weets will again pay this amount. The editor of the Snohomish Star recommends to his lady contributors that they first try their hands at prose. A wash-tub would be pretty good exercise, too. Twenty persons, in different classes of society, have been arrested in Ha vana for carry ing on contraband cor reswnJence with Cuban refugees in New York City. The Ankeny farm, at the mouth of the Santiam, was recently sold to a Scotch company for $150,000. This is said ta be the largest sale of farm land ever made ju Oregon. Last week, Collector Shannon, of Sau Francisco, telegraphed to Port Tovns"ud for a good vessel to be sent in search of the schooner Var. da, more than a month overdue from Kodiak. On the 9th . inst., a fire burned through the entire block bounded by Grand, Howard, Broadway, and Crosby sts., N. Y. Loss, 3,000,000; two nremen killed and several injur ed by a falling wall. A dispatch has been just received that Captain Callagan, commander of the schooner Stella, was murdered by a Chinese jailor near Tahati. He was from San Francisco, in which city he leaves a family. A movement is cn foot to organize a branch of the Commune in Califor nia. 480 acres have already been , . . . . . secured iu L.ueveras county. Hie organization will bo known as the California Industrial Community. On the 10th, witnesses were being examined for the Government in the Babcock trial. Barnet II. Engelke testified that the distillers were in variably warned of the coming of the revenue agents from Washington; had been shown telegrams notifying: parties of the approach of U. S agents before they left Washington. There is a divorce suit in the Cir cuit Court at Portland, between couple who were married many years ago in one oi me eastern rstaies, quarreled and were divorced, mar ried and buried each a companion, came to Oregon and were again unit ed in the "holy bonds" after a scpa ration of thirty years, and now have renewed the old quarrel over again. Wanted a Little Help. One tlay last week as a citizen was passing up Twelfth street a wild eyed woman jumped out of a front door, halted him and excitedly said: "Come in here corue in for just a minute!7' "What's the matter?" he asked in reply, observing that her face was badly scratched, her clothing torn, and that her nose had been roughly k locked about. "Come in come in!"' she whisper ed. "You've beeu fighting!'' ho said as he backed off. At that moment a bnrly big man opened the door and called out: "Come in here, you old she-fiend!" Come iu and help me pound him!" urged the woman. "Why, he could eat me up in a minute!" replied the citizen. "I'm no fighter, and I want no trouble." "I can almost lick him alone," she continued, as she followed him along the walk. "If I had some one to hold his legs when I get him by the throat I could choke the grit all out of him in two minutes! Come on come in act like a Christian and give a poor woman a lift.. The citizen wouldn't stop, and after following him nearly a block the woman turned back, saying: "If I can get in a good snifter on his nose I can lick him alone." Free Press. Leap Yu.vit PitEC.vrmoxs. A. timid young mau was visiting a beautiful and accomplished young woman on Peoria street last night, when, nfter a pause, she said, looking at him closely: "Now, I wart to propose to you" "You a? e very kind," said the timid young man between gasps and blushes, "but I am not worthy of so much happiness, and, in fact, none cf our family are marrying peo ple, besides my income is limited, and I have to meet Mr. Moody, and I'm afraid I'll be late." Then with out waiting to pnt on his overcoat he tried to make his exit through the door of a cupboard. "Why," said tne young woman, lifting her eve brows in surprise, "I wanted yon" to escort me to my sister's on Adams street." "O, in that case," answered her swain, "if your hoad's level and your boot's on the other foot, I shall be only too happy, but I was af raid that js, I almost dared to hope in fine, I am subject to these seizures " and he sat down on tho coal-scuttle and said it was a very cold dav; had not seen such cold weather since the Fourth of July. CVo Tribune. "How are you getting along in lady of a mover n a vow i , -i i iauy. ami you (cannot do too much for her " "I .V tG' iras the inno- At a recent dinner i tains, given to Don C trios, the prin- Sffi. l0ast' - "Viva. Kin . Charles vtl. wis drunk stan linir. The Km himself was drnqk sittin- Graphic,, b ""y" -"; recommended for a situation 'r.v well, thank von " answered thn UU. "t am j , ' hear it," said the L.dv "Lt0 . - - . TWUI -'III GEORGE A. IIARDrXG. WARD & HAKDING, DRUGGIST? AND APOTHECARIES, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON 11AND A general assortment of 9 Drills and Chemicals?, Perfmnery, Soaps, iti'usHfs,, Combs aud Trusses, Supporters, Sttonlder Brace Fancyund Toilet Articles, . ALSO Kerosene Oil, Lump Chimneys, Ulass, rutty, Puinta, Oils, VarnUhctand - Dye Stult't, PCRE WIXES AXDLIUUORS FOR ME DICINAL PURPOSES. PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. CPhysicians' Prescriptions carcfullv compounded, and all orUers correctly an- swen-u. Kronen at all hours of the night. -j""A11 accounts must be paid monthly, novtitf WARD & IIAHDIXCi. THOMAS CHAR ftl AN ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRKS TO INFORM TIIR CITIZENS of Orotron City and of the Will.-i mette Valley, that he is still on hand anddoinir business on the old motto, that A Mmbte Stx fence t.i Heller tJian a Stow Shilling. I have just returned from San Francisco. wnere i purcuaseu one oi the LASS EST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK Or GOODS ever before offered In this city ; and consists in part, as loiiows : Hoots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chinaware, Queenswaro, Stoneware, Crockery, Platedwaro, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy X Hope, Faming ' tions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carp'-ts, iiattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc Of the above list, I can say my stock is the M o s t c o xi r j. i: t k ivcrofTered in this innrket, and wasseletd witii especial car-? for the Oregon City trade. All of which I now oiler for sale at the Lowest EVlarket Ra'cs. No use for tin; ladies, or any one else, to t hink of going to Portland to buy goods for I am liitcrttiincil to Sell. Cheap and not to allow myself to be UXDERSOLD I. TilE ST.1TE OF 0REC0.. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay. ments, I do that Twenty Yea rs Ex or ie'.ico In Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the Jrade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that th-' old stand of THOMAS CIIAltMAX cannot be beaten in qualify or price. It would In; useless for me to fell you all the advantages I. can offer you In 'the sale of good as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is Comp, and S:r,niiil Exam in.? for Yourselves fori do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that lam still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or iivin such terms as atrreed ujon. Thanking all for the liber al patronage heretofore bestowed. ; TIIO.S. CIIARMAN. Main Street, Oregon City, Le-rul Tenders and Count v Seriptsiken at mnrket rates. TIIO.S. CIIAKMAN. RjToft.OiW lbs wool wanted bv TJIOS. CHARM AX". ISStOUCiJHTOiV "lyOITLI) INFORM THE CITIZENS OF y Oregon City and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, Of every description, at lo-.v rates. A LSO, . Dry Flooring, CeIHii, Rustic, Spruce, (for shelving), Lattice, Pit-Uets, and Fence-Posts, Cedar, Constantly on. hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on tho shortest notice, nt as lo w a rates as it can be purchased in the State. Give me a call at t h OREGON CITY SA W MILLS. Oregon City, June u), 75 :tf LIVERY,' FEED, AND yfi STAISLI2. IALE rpiiK ttxdersk;xkd proprietoi:of L the Livery Stable on Fifth street .Oregon City, Oregon,koepa constantly on hand Hii;g;rlci, Cura-lses a?jd 11. fit. Kn (telle n n (I IS u ggy Horses. iPi'ieoHi Tieaonalle. ANDY WILLIS, 1S75. Proprietor. Oregon City, Nov. 5, Notice. Lr. S. I-Ari4 Office, Orkoon City, Oregon, KcbrtiarvP, 1876. COMPLAINT H.WIXil HHHX EX tered at this ofTle byl J. 11. Itainey against John Cox fr abandoning' his Homestead Entrv, X". 17S7, dated May 5, 1S71, upon t he s. H of th s. c.U shlp A south, Itange 2 cast, -in Chickamns county, Oregon, with a viw to the cancel lation if saiil entry : tti saUl parties are Ut-pebv fcummonetj to n;;far at this oftiee on the 2if. f!av . Inreh, 1S7, at 10 o'cloei; a. M., to risp ' l and furnish trtsti ni'ny oncrniiiT s-5 l .ll gl almtidon- ni-nt. OWRV VVI':. ft" ri-t-,:. . f-bil-i- T. U, li -i'.tl.Si Kre-ii-p,: BIBLES P SALE. Jl'ST RECH1VI :0 FOR A TVE, at my Store in O -ro-'r fit v, a supply of Ribles and Testaments, rhe's looks arc the property of the AiTi-r'-in Pible Society, and are offered for sale : low as thv can be bought a any simi:.t LVository In the State. Those wishtn ? to purehaso are invtied to call and our stock. W lter Fisn:, Aent for Cla.-kamas County. J. P. WAED. 2 BOUND OLUMES OF jfjUSIC MAKE APPROPRIATE PKESENTS. Among the many thousands of Ballads and Piano Pieces that we ruunsn, are some that arc noted for their PT?a5 beauty and lasting qualities. v e made a careful selection of these pieces and offer them in book form, as follo ws : VOCAL WORKS WITH Piano Accompaniment. Mother Goose Melodies. Beautifully il lustrated. (Ask for Novello's Edition, or you will get a cheap photograph copy.J $1 9 in boards ; full gilt, $3 90 SHininjfl.iglits. A collection of Sacred Songs. $1 75 in boards; cloth and gilt, M 50. Oolilrii LviiTes. Vols. I. and IT. A col lection of Songs and Choruses, by W. S. Havs. Each vol, $173 in boards ; cloth and gilt. 12 50. Heartlinnd Mnme, Sweet Sounds anil Kirel1e lUliws. Three vols, of choice Home Songs, by Hays. Danks, etc. Each vol. $1 75 in boards; cloth and gilt,?2 51). Priceless Gems.' A fine collection of Pongs by Wallace, Thomas, Keller, etc. $170 in boards ;cloth and gilt, ?2 50. Peters' Household Ivloilie. Vol. I. Containing all the latest and best sonyrs by Hays, Danks, Thomas, Stewart, (about 100 songs). $8 In boards ; cloth and gilt, ?1. The Opera at Home. A collection of Standard Opera Songs, selected from over 25 Operas. S3 in boards ; cloth and gilt, SI. Gennan Volkiiliedrr Alhnm. 40 songs,' with Eng. and Ger. text. $2 50. Menrtlestfolin'g 7(i Sonys. Elegent folio edition. Full gi'.t, $8 5:. The same for a deep voice, in 2 vols. 8vo, each, S2 50 in paper ; cloth, S3 50. Schumann's Vocal Album. 30 songs, with Eng. and Ger. text. $2 50 in paper; full gilt, ?3 50. Sunlir1it of Song. A collect ion of Sacred arid .Moral Songs, beautifully illustrated by the Pros. DaUiol. Full gilt, ?1. PIANOWORKS. Falrj- Fissg'ers, Pearl Dnipn, Marie Circle and Yonn-r Li;nit. Four col lections of easy Piano M usic for youiig players, most nf theri'C"s beitig without octaves. Enen vol.?I 75 In bourds ; cloth and gilt, S2 50. MiiKieal Ilfcre:it inns. A collect Ion of Dance Music. ?1 75 in boards; cloth and gilt, ?2 50. Golden Chimes. A choice collection of Parlor Music, by Ch. Kinkle. ?175in boards; cloth and gilt, $2 5. Iirilliaut Gn-i. Containing music of medium difficulty, by ',vm:in, Kinkle, etc. SI 75 in boards; cloth and gilt, $2 50. Straus' AVnltzes, Vol.. I. "; IT. Ask for Peters' Edition, the only complete cpy giving t!ie full waltz 's as pl.iyed by Thomas' Orchestra. f3 in boards ; cloth, SI. Pearls of Melody, and Parlor Music. SI. A collect ion of Dance S8 in boards; lull gilt. Potfru1 Parlnr Mndr, Vol.1. Our latest and best Piano Music of mod'-rato difli culty. S3 in boards; full gilt, SI. Tm t'remetle la Creme. Vols. I. Jind II. A collection of choice Piano Music, bv Thalborg, Liszt, Hell- r, etc. This is de cldedly the best collection of lmml music In the market. EacIi.Jin boards; full gilt, St. Ileet hove S imnia . vo, fu'l gilt, SI. lolio, " " f 10. C'liopin'i AViItx-4, ?1 : Pilr.Tia!s' Xoeturnes, S2 ; II:i Hails, S2 ; i'reli $2 5); Sonatas, S2 5). All iu titf i Illll'S, aier I'M' 1-7, rI:t :lels'i n's t'oiM'ct? rit 1. Elegant, folio edition, lull Kilt, in 1 each, S'i 50; Svo edit ion, iitll lr, I ertcii, S3 50 ; Svo edition, pant-r co vols., vols.. covers, 1 vols., each, S2 50 Mdiarl's Sonatas. Full gilt, S3 50. Weber's Piano "Works. Full -lit, SI. flailed. iost-paid, on receipt of price. Address, J. L. PETERS, sisnnoAD tv a y, x. v, Dec. 23 :w0 I. SELLING 3" AS JUST RECEIVED THE IXUG J. stock of EST FALL MIU WiftTER GOODS e-er imported to Oregon Citv, which 'It otrers at greatly reduced prices. My stock ' CLOTHDTG Has -been largely increased and I can show as handsome a line of ready-made goods in Men and Hoys' Dusiness and Dress Suits, Coats, etc., as can bo found in t he country, and at prices that cannot fail to satisfy. My DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Is filled with a splendid assortment of all the leading styles and fashionable, shades of goods Empress Clslli, .Mohairs, French ninl America? Dress Goail . lilacU Alpic-ra, Urilliantines, Cashmere, ;c. IT L A NN 111 S , Plaid, Plain and Opera Flannels, of nil col ors, p.leached and Unbleached Cotton Flannels. Lad I ex' uttrt Gents Vnderi ;v;ik t!m wis n Sonrft, Wool 121a nUctH, I'm n Us n nil - 'IVaTCi ins Satchel, Ha t s nd a pn, Oil Cloth far Floor ami Table. BOOTS and SHOES, I would call ' special attention to my stock of Men's and IJoys' San Francisco Hoots, which I have sold for a number nf years past with general satisfaction. Ev ery pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE & FARMING UTENSILS-. Choleo Teas, Canned Goods, and all choic Family Groceries, AH nt Tiw Prices, Also, LIVERPOOL AND flR31i' ISLAND SALT. Highest Price aid for all kinds of Coisaalry 1150 since. 200,000 lbs. of WOOL Wanted, for -which I slrill pay the highest cash prie. ' ' I. SELLING. Oregon City, Sept. SO 1.375. tf " sTlU li "THE FIELD REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF HAAS' - .SALOON. ' WILLIAMS HARDING, ;" : AT THE .LINCOLN BAKERY, - KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family Groceries to be found In t he ; city. AH goods warranted. Goods delivered in the city free of charge. The highest cash f Drice paid for country produce. I prejjon City, March 28, 1873. . OI-IA.S. BE. OTXPIELr5 dealer jy ;..:..;'.. -DRY-GOODS, ' V ' FANOYGfOODS .; ' GROCERIES, ;; : ! - - ; ' Oi'oclcei'V, fcc., $co CORKER OF SEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS, OREGON CITY. . .. , ALSO, LARGE LOT OF ; DRESSED CEDAR AXD FIXISIIIXG LUMBER, : ' Of various kind, for sale in quantifies to suit, at reasonable rates. M J Ji c II A Jr d i s B. JOHN MYEES. OREGON C5TY- D1ALSR 111 DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, J5GOTS ami SHOES, HARDWARE,- CROCKERY, AND GENERAL HERCiiANDISE, Books and Stationery. 1 will pay the highest prices for and all kinds of GOOD COUriTRY PRODUCE J will sell as low as any house In Oregon for CASH OK ITS KQ VI VA T.l'.XT n Good Merchantable rroduco. I am selling very low for CASH f AID FOR COUNTY ORDERS Give a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN J1YEHS. Oregon City, March 21, 1.373. A. "C. VALLINC'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. Pittock. Bnildiitfir 'oriter of Stark and Front Streets. PORTLAND, - OREGON. BT..NTv HOOKS RULED AXD P.OTJXD to any desired pattern. Music books. Magazines, Newspapers, etc., bound in ev ery variety of stylo known to the trrade. -Orders from the country promptly at tended to. i r to lvr Day at home. Terms 7iJ free. Address Ifebly G. ST IN" SON A Co., Portlan pMe VICE'S - --- FloAvei' :nicl Voet;i"blo are the best the world produces. They arc planted by a million people in America, ! and the result is, beautiful Flowers and splendid Vegetables. A lrieed Catalogue 1 sent free to all who enclose the postage a 3 cent stftmp. VICE'S . - Flower and Veuotaljle Garden , Is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of fine illustrations, and four Vhrotno Plate of Flaiociv, bortiitilully drawn and colored from nature. lrice : cts. In paper covt'M ; 65 cts, 'wtind in ele gant cloth. - YiclcV floral Guide. This is a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely illustrated, and containing an ele-. gant colorea Frontispiece with the first number. Price only 25 cts. for. the -vear. 1 he nrst number for ISTtt lust issued." Ad dress - . JAMES VICK, Rochester, X. Y. TO RENT. rilHE GREEN POINT MANSION WITH X grounds, lately occupied by Mr. H Souls, is for Rent, for one or more years! Anyoty desiring a retired res Idenc with ano, will pjease apply to - , Nov. 4, 1875 ;tf W. C. JOHNSON j Y0UHG MEN Wlio are suffering from the efTect of youthful follies or indiscretion, will do well to avail themselves of this, the greatest boon laid at t he altarof suffering humanity. UK. S FINNEY will guar antee to forfeit $500 for every case of se minal weakness, or private disease of an v kind or character which he under takes and fails to cure, lie would, there fore, say to the unfortunate sufferer who may read this notice, that you aretread ing uion dangerous ground when j'ou loiurcr delay in seeking t he proper rem edy for your complaint. You may be in tho lirst stage; rememtxT you are ap proaching the last. If you are bordering upon t he last, and are suffering some or all of its ill eireets, remember that if you persist in procrastination, the time must come when the most skillful physician can render you no assistance ; when the door of hope will be closed against you : when no angel of mercy can bring you relief. In no case has the Doctor failed of success. Then let not despair work upon your imagination, but avail your self of the beneficial results of his treat ment before your case Is beyond the reach of medical skill, or b-iore grim d'-nth hurri'-s you to a premature grave. Full course of treatment $S 00. Send money by Postofnee order or Express with full description of case. Call or address, A. I'.. SIMXXKT, .No. 11 Kearny street, San Francisco. septl(i.-ly 3Iain St., Oregon City, MAMiACTUUER AND I3TFCHTER M Saddles, Hin-iies, ,T- 'fT.. Saddh-ry-Haid- 1 jsj - ivnre, eft-., viv. jr" 'JTJ lIlCil HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS V Y can b- had in the State, at warrant my goods ,-is represented. JOHN SCH RAM, Satlille and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, Jul' 11, lS7.'-mS. The stnndard remi-tiy iVir Vnnali, In fTuenx, Sore Tlufitit, II7.;.jh Onmili, Croup, lArer Cctiijil(.i,il, Jirdncl-itit, Illrt-il-iii-l of the Luiiiis, and every at'ec-tinn of the 1 hroat, Lungs and Chest, Including Cox- SITMJ'TIOX. Wixtur-s Italsnm cfWHil flurry does not ilry up a eough, but loosens it, cp-anses the Luii;s, and allays irritation, thus re mmtnrf the cause of the complaint. None g 'iiuin- unless signed I. RrTTs. Prepared by Setii W. Fowlkr A- Sons, I lost on. Soij ly Hedpisotox, 1 1 OISTKTT E It A- to., San Francisco, and by dealers gencrallv. 20feblv THE WEEKLY SUIT. 177i. SV.W YORK. I ihteen hundred and sevent v-sis is the Cent ' year. It 1 jiiso th.. Ve r in whiclian Opiosition 1 louse ot Repn-SM-ii-tatives, the lirst since ti- war, will be iti power at Wasliington ; and the vear op the twenty-third election of. a President of the I. nited States.- Allof these events are sure to be ot great interest, and importance, especially the two latter; ami all ot them and everything connected with them, will be iu'l v and lreshly reported and expound ed in rl he Scr. ; The Opjosition Houso of ' Representa tives, taking up the line of Inquiry opened diligently mv.vtigatethe corrui tioiis and liiisdeeasot brant's administration; and, will, it is to lie hoM-d, lay the foundation lor n new and better rlod in our nation al history o.' all this Tub Suss will con tain complete and accurate accounts, fur nishuig its readers with earlv and truft top?csy infonnrttion "I10" tlu-se absorbing The twenty-third Presidential election. Wit.i the preparations lor it, will be mem orable as deciding upon Orant's aspira tions for a third term of jowcr and plun der, and still more as deciding who shall be the candidate of the party of Reform, and as electing that candidate. Concern, ing all these subjects, those who read Tiih Sun will have the constant means of be ing thoroughly well informed. ' The Weekly Sun, which has attained a circulation of Qvereightythousand copies, already has if s -aders in every State and Territory, and wc trust that the year 1K76 will see their numbers doubled. It will continue to be a thorough newspaper. All the general news of the day 'will be found in it, condensed when unimportant, at full lenstli when of moment; and always, we trust, treated In a clear, interesting and int st ructive manner. . , It is our aim to make The Weekly Sun the best family newpajcr In the world, and we shall continue to give in its col umns a large amount of miscellaneous reading, such as stories, tabs, poems, scientific intelligence and agricultural in-tVy-mution, for which we are not able to make rom in our daily edition. The agrh cultural department especially is one of its prominent features. The fashions are also regularly reported in its columns: and so are the markets of every kind Tho WhEKtY Sun. eight pages with fifty six broad columns is only SI 20 a year postage T repaid. As this price barely re pays the cost of the paper, no discount can be made from this rate to clubo n-ents post masters, or anyone. . , . ' The Daily Sun, a large four page news paper of twenty-eight columns, gives nil t he news for two cents a copv. Subscrip tion, postage prepaid, 55c. a month or 50 a year suhav edition extra, $1 10 per year. e have no traveling agents. Ad dress,, THE .SLV,New.YorkUity. STATE S3A3D OF 1MMIQRATI0N. tend Emigrants to Oregon, now in foreign countries and sister States, and for circu lating such information abroad by thi Hoard, ad arsons in this State havin 1- arms and Iands fos Sale or Rent, or d sirous of lormlng Colonies, will please fot-wat-d tot hisP,oad as soon as possible de .failed descriptions of their Farms and Lands .Location, Price and Terms of Sale. or wnrlif ltrB rf rmtn . J n ' ' uhiih; mii i-wiBwim nesirous of obtaining Agricultural or nttier nii'U 11119 JLMiiUUi By Instruct ions of the Cnmmipstoncrs of Tnr tvun-iintiAn tint T tax- tirTTi ... . febolm A State Com'r of Immigration. HOW IS THE TIKE TO . SUBSCB111E F011 THE ENTERPRISE SO 3?ET, YEAH. . PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Each number contains the LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, From all Parts of the World : A Carefully Selected Summary of STATE, TEfelUTORTAL AND NEWS ITEjVIS; A Corrected Lit of the Markets 1m Portland, Sau Francisco and Orrrea City. LOCAL NEWS, EDITORIALS, e On all Subjects of Interest to th FARMER, MERCHANT OR MECHANIC Also, Carefully Selected Q MISCELLANEOUS 11EADINCI. In Short, it is in Every Respect a LIVE NEWSPAPER. THE ETEKPISSSK Having a large and constantly incrcasin j Circulation in the most populous part of the 8tate, offers stierior inducement to t hoso who wish to Advertise. o Advert isemenfs Inserted on REASONABLE TERMS. and it Is therefore a good time to 8u bscribo in order that j'ou may be jvosted on current events Send in your subscrii tion at once EHTEFiPiliSE BOOK & JOB OFFICE o OREGON CITY, : OREGON. Alii: I'UKPAKKH TO KXKCL'TK 7 aii kiuds i JOB riilNTING, o such an C.-t RDS. IJILL-JlI'JAnS, 1'AMrHLKTS. imjcns, JK'inriAGKs, LABELS, LETTER-HEADS. in Hict all kinds of work done ;i iu IYintine ;Iice, Jit PORTLAND PRICES. A 1. 1. KIN I.S Or LEGAL O LAWKS constftntly on hand, nnd for nalc nt as nw a price nscan be Imd in the Hliile. . O SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Orecon City, March 21. lS73-tf. ' j Q ACEXTS FOR THE ENTERPRISE. Tlie following: persons are authorized to act as njjents for the Enterprise : (ieo. I. Howell t Co., 49 Park How. w ork. t'ce Wet herill A Co.,007 Chestnut street Philadelphia. Abbott A Co., ICo.82 and 81 Xassnu street w York. Portland.Oregon 1 Samuel San Francisco. fi. lJhrg' IPT , .. , . . . - ILu P. fisher 8t. Helens, Columbia county 8. A. i ilea Astoria. Clatsop count v A. Van I)iikh Haietn.. ,,,,, ,, .. 1. Willis ina Haw-isbunr., ,., J. H. Smith Ijnfnj-ette," amhill cqunty J.KF.rpuson Dallas, I'olk county Dave Holmea Rola - it i,.t. - . - - ---............j . Jacksonville. u. k. Hnn IJenton county... W. A. Well rM - - ..... .... ..iniii..nni lUimPU Canyon City.Urant co., W. 11. Iswell uuan).... A. . Arnold Dalles, asco county, H. Gates IrfiOrc.nde, In ion county . f. Craie Pendleton, Umatilla county,.;....S. V. Knox Eugene Clly J Thompson Hosobup-- Hon. f V. Antt Tbanon,,, ... J Montjruo Jacksonville,. .M.IIon. K. D.Foudwiy 1 - w- n- Ui C, Husto,. CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Heaver Creek C. V. Palie P.uttevllle -..John 7,ii in wn It Cascades Can by Cutting's , Kae Creek. -Hon ry M c( : u pin ......,..., J. W". tSf raws ,...., 1. Vrijiht ...r.. .......Frank W. Foster 'l ti 7. r "Vnrtnn Hardinsr's Ixiwer Molalla , v. ilorelanrf Milwaukic John HnjrenUrcef Osweffo, , .T.John Kooii Upper Molalla.- w. H. Vaughai OREGON CITY BREWERY- Ilcnrj Ilumbcl, H AVIXO PURCI1AS- ed the above Drew- ery wishes to inform the public that he U now prepared to manufacture a JCo. 1 Qual ity of . .- LAGER BEER, as cood as can be obtained anywhere in filled6" rders BOlicitCU fthd pre nipt ly o o o o o o 3 o o e o c o O Q O O o O T n . t. H -tf':: -..j'y.; -- r-''-yjhi, C0URT3SY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA,