Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1876)
O o 0 o o o 0 o O o o o o o o Li O OREUOS CITY, OREGON, FEB. 1S7C M)riC'K.-N'o Certificate of pulilica. lion will ! until on i " aro j paid. I IV xhn'! ut'ike n-J tleviulvm frvm tfiii rti'e in future. Tiik A. 1 1. (..'omiw.xy.Wo aro un der obli itiims to Mr. Frank Vylo, tiie gentlemanly superintendent of the Al deu Fruit Preserving Company, for a statement of the work done by tho Company during the past season. Ow-in-tiMli:awla-k.s incident to the start in' of anv now limine.sVva Monitors did not run fnll time or eaiucity, wtill thev worked 773 bushels of plums, 3,ii lmshcU of. pears, and KI.OUO bushels of apnles, making a total of 20,1-lU bushels of fruit. The ituniber of working days w,as 1H. of an average of U hours ior due. with I !( ut. capacity. V hen un'iler full capac ity and full time, the 'Company chu work up MH) bushels of fruit ierdav. The nunilwr of hands employed was seventy, of whom ixty were girls and women of this city. And here we v01Ul mention, not only as a compliment to the inana cement, but for the iHMiefit of any who may have occasion to use fruits put up by similar establishments, that out or twelve com- I MMiieson tins coast, this is the only on hat employs white labor exclusively. The 'managers speak in the lushest terms of the promptness and diligence of the girls employed by them. The same work eonld have been done cheap er with rhiie, but tlie ('omony pre ferred while labor even at greater cost, . not vnlv from principle, but lecause thev believed it would be cheaper in the'end. We have no doubt they will 1k seconded and encouraged in this by all right-minded citizens, for we have wlwavs a large mimU'r of girls and t lovs"vhoare not onlv willing but anx ious to do work of this kind. lie that teaches mid aids Young America to earn his own living ought to beclassed Hinong the I ene factors cof mankind; especially in this age when it issocom nion for children to spend their time in idleness, relying solely upon their par ents for a support. " Puh-skrvk:! l'lin is.-Tlio A'.den pre served fruiU, prepared for the Centen nial, have leen shipped, and are now at Portland, ready for transportation to Philadelphia. Here is what Wednes day' Oregonian says of the display: '"l heOreson City Alden Fruit Company have tho magnificent collec tion of "their jrodnetions which were slinwii at the lat State Fair, and which all who have yet seen it pronounce the best exhibit of the kind made in the Ntate, and one that will lie hardtoexeel in any State in tho Union or an y section of th.) globe. N.Mue additions' will Ik made to the collection, and some new facilities for its inspection will le pro vided before 4ts beauties snail tieopenea to the eyes of the gathered world in the trrand e'xnosition at Philadelphia. As the season at which the exhibition takes place precludes a full, actual show of our fruits m their natural state, these samples of the preserved products will attest to mankind our wonderful re sources in this respect." A rroiXTMi'XT. Maj. Tlios. 'barman has been appointed, by the Centennial Cmiunissiinors, one ff a committee to solieit subscription to help defray the expenses of Oregon's display at the Centennial HxhiHtion. The' amount apportioned to Clackamas county is onlv "J."0, which ought to be sul wtibol immediately by our public seh ited and enterprising citizens. !y lhi:ppointnient wo have deeidely "the right man in the rigid, place," for we do n t know a person Itotter rpialilicd t. present this matter to our people in ifs proper shape, than Mr. Charman. We'hoie or. r citizens will respond to thiscil! in tli( ir iisu::1 liln-i-al manner, for this is a matter worth our careful attention, as (he manner in which we appear ::t tie' Centennial wjll have imix H to vi;!i attracting settlers to, or r-p: Hi:i tin !ii from, this Kirtion of the Str.te. Sr. V a j.k.n i ink's 1 v was a rare tsor.t f;r our young folks nor were its cns:o! older it wa a nee, tsit. :.l mi. 11s entirely forgotten by those of growth. To bashful vonng men s a windfall of no small import- and was utilized to its fullest ex Some of the recipients of person s!vs were perhaps for a moment tl. but when thev t!oiht that on I iKplC' tin biv I'vervthing is 'in fun" and iVry :t an I dy front, the w good thing is as fair as throwing Hour Italian carnival, and that every must preserve a good natnred , no matter how severe the thrusts, rath was wisely pocketed, anil a time had "all found." 1'kai. EsT.vr k K x ci 1 a no k. M r. O wen Wade has traded his line farm near Marshficld to Dr. Andrew Clark, late of Clark county, Missouri, for a farm in that county 'and State, a few miles from Keokuk, Iowa. We understand that Mr. Wade does not. propose emi grating to Missouri, hut will bring his family to town to live. We suppose he will soon till us "what I know of farm ing." for we think his farming has leen 011 tho tSreeloyeplaii. llARrrcivV Monthly for February is ft very interesting number. A descrip tion of Vassar College, m an article on "The Confessions' of a Candidate," by the inimitable "Port Crayon," were to us tlu most interestingr Harper's Bazaar is tilled as usual with light reading and fashion plates for the la dies. For $10. both the above in con nection with the Weekly will be sent one year to any address. Oct Ao vrx. We aro glad to see our friends E. Tj. Mastham, J; Jj. Harlow, Wm. lriskell, and Josoph Wrigley out again. They have been unwell for some lim, but on Tuesday Were able to walk out and en joy the sunshine. Mr. Bartow has been very low and was not till very recently considered out of danger. Though ho is recovering slowly,' we hoivj s,fMu to see him again in his place of business. Y. M. C. A. A large audience assem bled at the P.aptist church on Tuesday night in answer to the call to organize a "Young Men's Christian Association. 'aptain Wilkinson addressed the meet ing for some time, after which thcSoci- ty went into a permanent organization. Officer elected : F. O. McCown, presi dent; K.K. Williams, secretary. Who's dat Knocking at de Old Rack Oate," "Hcmember Deeds of Kind ness," and "She's ISright as the Stars in Heaven," are three exquisite musical productions which have been sent to us bv 1. W. llelmick, publisher of music, 27S, W. Gth st., Cincinnati. O. Vll three of the above pieces will be acnt, )st paid, for (50 cents. .- VJ . WASHINGTON'S IilUTllDAY RAM.. I t-r now settleirbe3-oiid all doubt that a ball will le given on the 22d inst. at Pone's Hall. Tickets aro lieing soid rapidly, and everv assurance is given oT a good time. It costs but $1 50 to le n narticinant. linv your tickets in , time for sale at different places of business 111 town. S.n. Mrs. Parsons, an old resident of Canemah, was taken from this place to tho East. Portland 'Asylum on the Saturday afternoon train, a raving maniac Tho doubtful recotery of a son who was very low with the typhoid fever so preyed upon theold lady's mind that it gave way under the strain 10 luvamtv. TUrTisMs. On Sunday last Rev. Mr Huff added two new members to his congregation by baptism. A. large crowd of peoplo wae gathered on the i.Mnv m iu river 10 witness the im pressive ceremonies. . The Markkts. Legal tenders, buy ing 88; selling, 80. Wheat in Ore Ron City has declined to 90 cts ierbus. Oats are worth f0 cents per Im.shel ; butter 30 to 3. cents er khiih! ; ejrirs Zi I S" J1,03"-" i Krown, S.i 30 ; dried apj.les, n'4 cents per ,k,ui.,1; plums, due.!, 1124 cents per iouml ; ,tal toe. ,iruii cents per bushel ; bacon. Hides, 1.-) . per Doiind : hnii 11 per pound; wool is worth 22 cents per ' was fnnd ilea! in Portland on the pound ; green apples $1 box. . IXf 12th inst., with a r his IjKTTkr List. betters remaining in ' tl,roat tho Potitoffice, at Oregon City, February ) A company has been formed at isth, lh7U: " 1 Engene with a capital stock of $20,- ltrooks. Win.; Dutcher, Wm.: Brock, 1 le known as the "Lane conn- Mahlon (2) ; Crawford. Jainm E. ; Fos- . tj Farmers' Mercantile Association " ter, KotxMt; Jones, Win.; Jeanes. Jane; J .sbociaiion. lieilfried, Henry; Prindle, Isaac N. Amateurs are to play the "Snv of llson, SjamiK 1 J. If called for please sav when "adver tised." J. Jf. ll.VCON, P. M. Haslktt, well known all over the coast, from Puget Sound to Mexico, and from Utah to the Pacific Ocean, as the "Pilgrim"and "North American Pedestrian," came down on the Alice, on Saturday, bound north. He is talk ing aliout joining the b etotalerai, and only wants one more drink to brace him up. Moumoxism.--"Two elders of the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day mints" preached at the Court House on Wednesday night. A large audience of ladies and gentlemen was present who listened t tho discourse with marked attention. The principal speak er was quite fluent and handled his subject with a considerable degree of logic, relying for his premises entirely upon the Scriitures. Thk uiiion meetings still continue, not every night, but two or three times a week. The attendance is still largo and numbers of new converts are com ing forward to the altar at nearly every meeting. , Tiik AncHANOKi., published monthly by the students of Nt. Michael's Col lege, Portland, Oregon, lias been laid on our table. It is a spirited little sheet and is devoted mainly to tho interests of the, college. " From M. firay 's music wtoro, at 101 First street, Portland, we have re ceived the following new compositions : "ltencdic Anima," "An Ilevoir," and "In the Country." A Hoi?ni from t'ok Ska. During the past week an old sailor of 'musical proclivities, has been "making joyous melody" in our streets. And now, lo calise 'he's gone, people call him a gui(t)-tar. Nejv Com Kits. AVe observed a great iiumler of t rangers on our streets dur ing the past week, 'and on impiiiy learned that the majority of them wen looking for land in the vicinity in order to iKTinanently settle. IjITTI.K Mucus Noltner, who has carious condition i: now, we are glad j to sav, bevond all danger and ranidly gaining strength. ' ' j , A npmhkr of our citizens went to ! Portland Ihls week to view the collec- ! tion prepared for the Centennial Exhi- j bition. Thev speak in the highust terms ; of the display. A xkw street-crossing is being put in between tho Clili House and CliiT sa loon. This is a good thing, and there are also many other crossings in town that are in great need of rejKiirs. Wk wish to call attention to Johnson McCown s real estate ad., in 11 not her column, Those looking for good bar gains in land will do well to read it. Money to loan. OiikuoN CITY mav well feel proud of its principal hotel the ClilT House. Everything the market affords, and everything served with neatness and dispatch. Strangers in the city should patronize it. Fon choice cuts and juicy steaks, by all means go to Worsham v Rumsby, tho leading beef, pork, and mutton butchers of this city. See their new ad., try their fresh meats and In? happy. Wkathkr The pleasant weather of Monday and Tuesday brought in many of our "stortndound" farmers, and business was lively, even at the printer's. ' A Comi. We are indebted to the managersof the Albany leap year party for a complimentary ticket, and regret our Inability to use'it. ' Thanks. Mr. J. M. Itneon has our thanks for a present of a "Stick it un der your nose." It's not pocket handerchief or a (iuess! Harry J. McCormick, the soliciting agent of the Standard, paid us a visit on Tuesday. He roimrts bad road and giKnl business. Jlenry is a "rustler." ; IsciriENT Waxtons. Many of our young men have leen out trout fishing in the past week, and if we can believe what they say, the fishing is excellent. A jtoriAi hop was indulged in at Marshfield last Friday night, on the occasion of the close of the school taught by Mr. Thompson. A CinxAMAN named Chin Bok Shu, lately employed by Mr. Du x ton, near Sandy, committed suicide by drowning on the 10th inst. Wk have Interviewed several Iowans who lately arrive! in this State. Thej' saj' Oregon is much talked of in the fc.ast, and many more are coming. Milwackie will celebrate Washing ton's birthday with a grand ball. A common salutation on the street is "How's j'our cold?" Washington's Birthday. Doubtless we are a little premature, but this is the last issue before Wash ington's birthday, and as there may be some isolated individual who is not aware that on the 22d cf this month, one hundred and forty-four years ago, "the father of his country" sprang into existence, and who might otherwise allow the day to pass un observed, we feel the" necessity of thus anticipating the occasion. We do not wish to recount the time when the infant George broko his father's best hatchet on a cherry stone and then lied about it like any ordinary boy, or how Providence watched over him when the wild Indian Bred blank cartridges (or did he use bow and arrow?) frDm behind a tree; these facts we leave to the grave historian, our duty oeases with reminding ali good Americans that a holiday is in store for them on the 22d, and it is their business to see to it that it is Kept . alter me most approver style. . r. . .1 1 SUMMARY OF STATE SEVS. Money is scarce in Union connty. The Silver City mins have failed to meet their demands. Colorado is the market for Union county cattle. I A Chinaman named Chine Chnr i . 0 J Judgo MeArtlmr will Wtm-o the benefit of the I. O. O. F. of Salem. St. Michael's College has a brass band of nine instruments. Keen it there. A $1G nugget was picked up last week in the neighborhood of Fort Lane, Jackson county. Cattle are being shipped from En gene to Olympia. It took three officers to arrest a man named Boon, who is fifty-tire years of nge, has lost the use of his left arm, and whose right shoulder and ribs are severely cripbled. He must be a descendant of Darnel's. The river in front of the Dalles is full of ice. A man named Noweombo has been arrested at Kerbyville for an at tempted outrage on the person of a young lady. He languisheth in dur ance vile. Shingles 20 inches in width are being made for tho Centennial near Clear Lake. Sheep are dying rajiidlv in Clear j Lake valley. Cattle are dying around Yamhill from eating a plant called "lark spur." Archbishop Rlanchet is preparing a history of the Catholic L'hurch in the Northwest, for the Centennial. A young man named Chas. Albee has been arrested at Portland for appropriating money belonging to his employers, Messrs. Hacbeny & Stein me. Albee-ginnings are hard, but the. hardest of all is dishonesty. Portland streets are muddv-er-est. The whites are agaiu playing "leap fiog" with the Chinese claims in Jackson connty. Brownsvillians fight on such trivi- t ul grounds as "church di lscipiine. . A widow who married a widower J'1 Ij,nn mntv commence her return to married Jlfu with twelve "side dishes." - 'l "turo prospects for Conner Crt'ek arti taking np. Deep snow has delayed the mail reaching Waldo, Josephine county. Some Jacksonville miners talk of starting for the Black Hills in the summer. The masquerade ball at Portland netted the Turners $500. Tilla :1100k B iy is 15 miles long, with an average width of 53 miles ac cessible for vessels drawiug 12 feet of water. Xetarts Bay, in Tillamook connty, is live miles long and two wide, abounding in salmon, salmon-trout, bass, rock, porgics and sturgeon, in cluding dams, cockles, crabs, mus sels, and oysters. Partially improved land may be had from &i to 5 an acre in Tilla mook county. Improved land, from $Sto$12. An earthquake was felt at Sweet Home, Linn Co., on tho 8th inst. A small sloop on the way from Til lamook to Astoria was driven ashore on Clatsop beach, last week and re duced to a total wreck. Three of the crew were drowned. Henry Thompson has challenged Morris to skate for the centennial medal at Wood's Museum, Portland, on the 19th inst. The Barney Brothers are giving variety entertainments to the Port landers at Oro Fino Theatre. The Jlercnry says; the material of tho Siatenmnu and defunct Bulletin are to be added together to form a new paper in Portland. A little child belonging to Mrs. Bartow of Newberry, Yamhill co., was burned to death last week. . l'orcig!i. London, Feb. 10. Tho Herald's cable dispatch from Berlin, says Prince Bismarck has thanked the tj. S. cabinet and the American minister at Peking, for supporting the German claims for punishing tho Chinese pi rates, who plundered and destroyed the German schooner Anna. Bismarck, in his' allusion, during his speech on. Wednesday, in the Reichstag, about secret instigators of the war alarm last spring, said, referring to the Empress Augusta, Princess Radziville and Count Nesserietde, the Empress' chamber lain, that an influential court clique continues intriguing against him, and hopes to effect his (Bismarck's) removal. Bagus.y, Feb. 15. Information has been received that the British, Ger man, French and Italian squadrons will arrive at this port in a few days. The Austrian fleet will also proceed thither. MADniD, Feb. 12. The Govern ment has sent to its diplomatic rep- resentatives abroad, an exhaustive confidentail memorandum upon the the cendition of Cuba. The circular describes the causes of the insurrec tion, the character of its leaders, and reforms whioh will be introduced when it is terminated. The purpose of these reforms will lie to assimilato the government of the colonies to that of Spain by establishing com mercial liberties and the representa tion of the colonies in the Cortes. London, Feb. 10. Announcement has ben made that the Anglo-Egyptian Bank advanced large sums of money to Egypt. The Time says it portends the triumph of the French syndioate, the. bank, in question be ing practically a French institution. London, Feb. 15. Winslow, ar rested here to-day, was formally ar raigned at the Bow 6treet police eonrf. oi QQ ,omndd for one - v . v... 1 week. I Driven to Death. We are an over-worked people. The almighty dollar is pursued with a phrensy which admits of few pauses or brcat hing spells. How frequently one hears the phrase "driven to death," im plying all that it does of physical - ex haustion and m.ntal excitement. Among artificial reeuperants of ex- hausted energy, there is not one that so i powerfully counteracts the effects of j fatigue as Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, I and next to that natnral rest for which ' nothing can wholly compensate, it is ! the I est ami safest resources of those I who are obliged, or think that they are, to under an excessive amount of labor. Against the hurtful effects of exposure ujion the sensitive organs, tho Hitters are likewise an efficient protective. A dose or two will often counteract effects which a severe wetting might other wise produce, and the danger arising from unhcalthj or fatiguing occupa tions is materially lessened by the dail3 use of this most reliable fortify ing cordial, which possesses the addi tional recommendation of being an ex cellent antiseptic, or means of retard ing bodily decay, a fact sufficiently proven by its recuperative elFects in all diseases of a depleting and exhausted nature. People who are obliged to take their meals in a hurry, or under circum stances which prevent, that repose which the mind should enjoy during the process of 'deglutition, are notori ously the victims of dyspepsia. They may, however, avoid in a great meas ure the -varied torments inflicted by that Proteus of maladies, by swallow ing after each meal a wineglassful of the National Stomachic. Forty Years Kxprrirnre have tested the virtues of Dr. W'istar's I5aisam of 'rr.n cherry anil it is now genera 11 v acknowledged to bo the best remedy ex tant for pulmonary and lung diseases; embracing the whole range from a slight cold to a settled consumption. Were it not for its merits, it would long since have "died, and made no sign." Xotliing Is so in.sidiiniin as n coJd or n cough. frVlson does not make swifter pro gress in the system. Cse promptly the only sure antidote, Hale's Honey op HoRKiiorxn and Tail Pike's Toothache Drops cure In one minute. Important. Endorsed bv the Medical profession. 1K. WM. H ALIAS I5ALNAM KOKTHK LUNliS cures Coughs. Colds and Coiismiition, arid all disorders of the Throat and Cheat. 1)11. TOWLEY'S TOOTHACHE ANODYNE cures in one MINUTE. febl6 iCTTlio National (Sold Medal was award ed o ISradlcy A. Kuiofson for the best Photographs in the United .States, and the Vienna Medal for the best in the world. Montgomery .Street, San Francisco. IIKAOACIIK. As a remedy for head vche Pond's Extract Is usd with much benefit, by bathing the forehead with it and taking ten or fifteen dropa Internally, It is most useful in headaches of a ct;e. five character, attended with a fulness, heaviness and tension In the head, and especially where headaches are attended with or are liable to result In nos" bleed, tho forehead may be bathed or a cloth, wt-t in the Extract, and taken Inwardly, dos as above, related in an hour, If necessary. Vacant Places, In the dental ranks will never occur if you are particular with your teeth, and cleanse them every day with that fa mous tooth-wash, XOZOnONT. Pro in youth to old age it will kecpthe enamel spotless ami unimpaired. The teeth of persons who' use SOZODONT have a pearl-like whiteness, and the gums a roseate hue, while the breath is puri fied, and rendered sweet and fragrant. It is composed of rare antiseptic herbs and is entirely free from the object ion ble and injurious ingredients of Tooth Pastes, tvc. IMKD. In this city, on Monday, Feb. llth, Anna Welling, wife of Mr. Ludwkr Welling, aged -1.) years. NEW TO-DA Y, WORSHfiM 6 RAMSBY, Dealers irt BEEF, PORK AH D MUTTO?. Odd Fellow' IliiUdlng, Bin in St. IWOrders delivered to any part ofOrogon Citvor Cnncinnh. Oregon City, Feb. IS A f. Administrator' Xotitc. OTICK IS HEREBY GIVEX TH T I L7 have been appointed Administratrix of the Estate of Win. Rroughton, deceased by the Hon. County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, therefore all persons hav ing claims against said estate are requir ed to present them to me at Pease's Mill, at the falls of the Willamette River in Clackamas County, Oregon, on or before t he expiration of six months from date of this notice, with proper vouchers 21 A RY BKOLGIITOX. JOHNSON A MCCOWN, Att'ys for Admt'x. Oregon City, Feb. 18 :lt. Notice. "VTOTIt'K IS IIKRKIIY GIVEX THAT jJi I am not responsible for any debts contracted by Jo Itttr.. LIUWIG WELLIXG. Oregon City, Feb. 11. ISTrt. Administrator's Sale. In the County Court, of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the Kstate of Currin T. Kimbley, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT in pursuance of an order and license made and given by tho Hon. County Court of Clackamas Connty, Oregon, at the special term held February 5th, IS76, thereof, I will proceed to sell at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in Oregon City, on Saturday, the llth day of March, A. D. 1S70. at the hour of 1 o'clock P. (,, the following de scribed parcel of land, situated in Clacka mas County, Oregon, and belonging to the est ate of said deceased : the W. H of N. E. H of Sec. 1, T. 2, S., It. 3 E. of the Willamette Meridian, cor tainlng 80 acres more or less. Terms of sale gold coin down at the time of sale. Deed at the expense of pur chaser. CASWEIX KIMBLEY. Admin Istrat or. Oregon City, Feb. 10, 170. 8MPER8AL M ILLS, Laltocque, Savicr & Co. Oregon City. Keep constantly on hand for sale Flour, Middlings, lu-an and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sack. HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, OAK, ASn A3D HICKORY PLAM. NORTIIKUP fc TIIO.HPSO.V, f ec, 31, JS75 :m3 Portland, Orrgon, DUVOL, MILLER & CO., AT MOOHE'S JJACHI.NE SHOP, oREGpx crrr, oregox. MANUFACTURERS OF DIVOL'S Intent Wheels for Vehicles of all liiuds. Also all kiuds ot Blackmitlilnr Done to order. Wugnna and Curringes Made and Repaired," nnd nil kinds of tanners' lUacksmithing done with dis patch and neatness. Orders solicited. Wagon and Carriage makers aro invited to examine our Patent WlieeU, And use thrmi instead of Wooden Wheels. We fit our Wheels to cither Iron or Thimble Skein Axles. dcci't-tf. CLIFF HOUSE. OREGON CITY, OREGON, T. W. RHODES, I?i-opx-ietoi-. Transient Ilanrd, 91 to $: per Day.. Niujfle Meal...... . .5U ec-nts. Board per Week S3 OO Board ti lid Lodging-, per reek.....$U OO The Table will be supplied with the best the market airords. Bail Suppers furnished on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Nov. 19, 1875 it ijs won saijU. 'EIIAVE TIIK FOIXfTWINO ItEATj Estate lor sale. No. 1. Desirable building block In Oregon City. No. 2. ICO Acres, good house, and barn full of hay; 8 acres in cultivation, orchard, good water: 15 miles troni Oregon City. Trice $500, half down. No. 3. 320 Acres, 75in cultivation : houses, barns, wells, Ac.: good orchard; 0 miles from Oregon City. lrice $l,rfH) ; halt down. Sell half place at same rates. No, -I. fl'J'.i Acres, 25 acres under cultiva tion, 5 acres orchard, good running water; 125 acres open brush land;? mile from school house ; s miles from Oregon City. $1,500; half down, bal ance in one and two years. No. 5. Part of all the Barber farm, on the river at Rock Island above Oregon City j 5 per acre. No. fi. Tjand on th river above Oregon City, cheap; part of the Barber claim; good wood yard. No. 7, 30 acres; 75 improved, a large, new, well finished frame dwelling, plum find Apple orchards, living wa ter, IS acres of fall wheat. G miles from Oregon City, on Molalla road, church and school house adjoining; can be had fore 1.250, one-third down, balance on time. No. fi. 740 acres at Milwaukio; part beaver dam. Price, $1,000. No, 9. S. Ii, Campbell's homestead for sale. Of her desirable bargains In Clackamas, the iM-st county in tin? State. Any sne having money to lend can have our services, free of charge, in managing the same and selecting securities. IVrsons wanting to borrow money can get favorable terms by calling on us. JOIIX.SOX fc McCOWX, and JOHXSOX, JIct'OWX&JI.KIH'Jt. Offices in Oregon City and Portland. Nov. 12. 1875 :tf SELLING OF AT COST! rou Thirty Days Onlyl AT B. A. HUGHES'. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. . Dealer In DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ' " ; BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKER Y, and G ENERA L MERCHANDISE. MAKING ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. 13. A. HUGHES. Oregon City, Jan. 3d, 1870. County Scrip Taken a Cush. Ja7f. Administrator's ."oticc rrUlE UNDERSIGNED HAVING I5EEN X appointed bv the Hon. County Court of Clackamas County, in the State of Ore gon, administrator of the estate of J. A. Uurnett, deceased, late of said county, nil pprsonse having claims against said estate are required to pn-sent them to me, with their proper vouchers, within six months froir the date of this notice, at t he office of the County Clerk, In Oregon City, in said County. G. G. FOSTER, Administrator. Oregon City, Feb. 5, 1876. Jebll ;lt. Administrator's Notice. HAVING BF.EN APPOINTED BY the Honorable County Court of Clack amas County, Oregon, administrator of the estate of W. H. Ulakely, deceased, I hereby notify all persons having claims against such estate to present them, duly verified, and with necessary vouchers, within six months from this date, to me, ht the oflice of Johnson & McCown, mv attorneys, in Oregon City, Oregon. JOHX A. CONFER. Feb. 4th :ft Administrator. IS". N". N. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS, Af NEW ERA. Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes Wooden Ware, Drugs and Medicines.chean for cash, or produce. J. CASTP, CENTE-N Nl AL. 1776.1876. 115 OUAjAIH ATi O V. CHICAGO & NORTIMYE&TEtrt RAILWAY. THE POPULAR ROUTE OVERLAND. PASSENGERS FOR CHICAGO. NIA gara Kails, Pittsburg. Philadelphia, Montreal, Quebec, New York, lloston, or any point East, &hould buy their Tit a xsco xti x iix r. 1. 'i i c lv l:ts Via the Pioneer lloute, THE CHICAGO fc XIJKTII-WI3STHRN RAILWAY.' THIS IS THK BEST KOUTE EAST. Tte tPiict Is of STEEIv RAII-.andon It has been made the fastest time tht has ever been MADE in this country, l-ytnis route passengers for points east of Chicago have choice of the following lines from Chicago : By tlie Pittlnrjg, Fort Wayne' and Chicu;oaii(l Pennsylvania Railways THROUGH TRAINS DAILY.with Pnll O man Palace Cars through to Philadel phia and New York on each train. I THROUGH TRAIN, with Pullman Palace Cars to lialtimore and Wash ington. By (lie LuvZte Shore anil Mlchtjran Southern Railway and Connection (New York Central and Erie Rail roail.) 1 O THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with 93 Palace Drawing IUJom and Silver ral ace Sleeping Cars through to New Yorle By tlie Mic-liljjruii Central; Grand Trunk'' (irrul Western and Erie and New York Central Railways 3 THROUGH TRAINS, with Pullman Palace Drawing Room and Sleeping Cars through to New York, to Niagara Falls, lUiffalo, Rochester or New York city. By Baltimore and Ohio Railroad t p THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with .- Pullman Palace Cars for Newark, Zanesville, Wheeling, Washington and Baltimore without change. This is the SHORTEST, P.EST and only line runningPullman celebrated PAIJVCE SLEEPING CARS AND COACHES, con necting with Union Pacific Railroad at OMAHA and from the WEST, via Grand J miction, Marshall, Cedar Rapiis,Clinton. Sterling and Dixon, for CHlCAtiO AM) TUKHAST. This popular route is unsurpassed for Speed, Comfort and Safety. The smooth, well-ballasted and perfect track of steel rails, the celebrated Pullman Palace Sleep ing Cars, the perfect Telegraph System of moving trains, t he regularity with -which they run, the admirable arrangement of running through cars to Chicago from nil oiiits West, secure to passengers all the comforts in modern Railway Traveling. No change of Gars nnd no tedious delays at Ferries. Passengers will find Tickets via this Fa vorite Route nt the General Ticket Office of the Central Pacific Railroad, Sacramen to. ' Tickets for snle in all t he Ticket Offices of t he Central Pacific Railroad. W. H. STENNETT, Gen. Pas. Agent. MARTIN HUGIIITT, Gen. Sup. tf. P. STAN WOOD, General Agency, 121 Montgomery street, tan Francisco. Aug. 13 :ly OREGON STEAMSHIP CO.'S STEAMBOAT NOTICE ! Str. E. N. COOKE, Will leave OREGON CITY for PORTLAND every day Except Sunday, nt 7 o'clock, A. M. Returning, will leave Portland for Oregon City nt 2JS o'clock, I. M. iti ALICE, Will leave OREGON CITY forCORVALLIS every Monday and Thursday of each week Sti Eaimie Xfatton, Will leave OREGON CITY for DAYTON and intermediate jxints on Monday and 1 hursday of each week. j. n. BILES, - January 1st. 1S7I :tf. Agent. J T I 20Ut!i EDITION. MANHOOD, REVISEDAND CORRECTED BY TIIE AUTHOR, E. de F. CURTIS, M. D., tfcc, etc. A Medical Essay on the causes and cure of premature decline of man, showing how health Is lost, and how regained. It gives a clear svnopsis of the Impediments to marriage, the treatment of nervous and physical debilitv, exhausted vitality, and all other diseases apin-rtaining thereto; the results of twenty years successful prac tice. OPINIONS o"fTHE PRESS,. CURTIS ON "MANHOOD." There is no mem ber of society by whom t his book will not be found usefvl, whether he be parent nrecentoror clergvman. Txtmlftn TYmcs. CURTIS ON "MANHOOD." This book should be read by the young for instruc tion and bvthe afflicted for relief; it will Injure no one. MeiKcal Time ami Gazette. PrlcoOne Dollar, by mail or express. ddress the author, DR. CURTIS, 5-U Sut ter street, or P. O. Pox 337, San Eranclsco, Cal. aug. 27 :lyisd:5m J. H. SHEPARD, Joot and Shoe Store, One door nort h of Ackerman Pros. Boots and shoes made and repaired as cheap as the cheapest. Nov. 1, li7o:tl TouTsTj AC G E R S (Successor to Jacob Wort man) OltEGOX CITY, OKEGOX. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AT the old stand, the largest and most complete stock of family GROCERIES 1 AND PROVISIONS Of every description, including Canned Goods, Spices, Green Groceries Tobacco and Cigars, in fact, everything to be found in a first class Grocery store. bitoous delivered to all parts of the City Free of Charge. H-JTiirheKt. fnsh rriv nadl Y.- T". - r . tru.klin .T, Oats and other Produce. o- is- r J'OULS JAGGERS. N. ov. 2o, 187r. tf. OREGON fITV TIIE RIVAL OF BOSTON. rpO MAKE, EVENTUALLY, OREGON I CitV the rival Of IVlctnn In .,- Music, all thnt. is npr)n) o n rr.t . i .... . v rv. icitIUT, and everybody to patronize him. Now is the chance. Prof. SSeliirer is a thorough Master, and is ready to give lessons on the Piano.Organ, Violin, Guitar, Hate, Harmoney, Thorough Pass. etc. He Is also giving lessons In German at pri vate residences. He is also teaching a singing class, and has reduced tho prices so low that everybody will have V...I...M-,,,, ineir voices even lor the most uimcuiD pieces, and to be on hand when the great OREGON CITY PEACE JUBILEE shall take place. For particulars apply at Mr. Levy's or Mr. Selling's store, or at his residence at Mrs. Shattuck's. , PIANOS Tl'XED. , Nov. 19, 1875 anl . .. . CI IAS. Tv 1ST I GM IT, CAXBV, OREGON, : ..' . , PHYSICIAN AND DRl'GGIST, Prescriptions carefully filled at short notice. . Ja7f. 1875 : . . - 0?V,i; ; Is your time to buy goods at low. prices. AGKERIM. be'gthees -'. i - 3 " (is are now receiving a large stock of , ?-- - . .; ..,.;, FALL AND WINTER GOODC, all of the latest Styles, wrSblvwlll sen - - - - y. :; AT LESS THAN FORT LAND PRICES.: 9 Our stock has been bought for rftshana we will sell it at a small advance above- ' - O SAN FRANCISCO COST. "T T7"E WILL SAY TO EVERYBODY tV fore you purchase or goto Portland, come and price our goods nnd convin' yourself that we do what we say. Our stock; consists in iart of - ' . . . , Fancy and (tstaple r Dry poods. Clothing, .,. . r. . . , . Hats, Boots and Shoes, . Ladies and Gents, j, - Furnishing Good Not ions. Grot. -t -ies. Hard ' - . ' . ' wars and a great many other articles too nnmr ours to mention ; , q ...... , , , . , ... t j r ! ALSO "tZ ' DOORS, WINDOWS, - o PAINTS AND OILS j i ETC., ETC t We will also pay the Highest Blarkel Price for O Country Produce ACKERMAN BROS. Oregon City. Sept. 23, 1S75 2tf tVlEi MiVTTOOIY, LE1R ( REEK, flACRAMJS C0LTT. I DESIRE TO INFORM MY OI.D LUS" 0 tomers. and the public at large, that l, q have just received a new supply ol , FAMILY GROCERIES '0 CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, C UTLER Y, HARD WARE, J7 OtJier &liace7Tanentsi CootT. Alt of which I now offer lor salft at th 'O. LOWEST ThARKET RATES. My object Is to tell all my old friends and customers t hat 1 am still alive, and deslF ous to s'll goods Cheap, FOR CASH, or upon such terms as agreed upon. I shall also have in my employ a thorough O BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, and constantly keep stock on hand for th Mannfarlurc k Rrpair of Boots i S6, 0 Q and all orders In that line will be promptly . attended to. ALLEXMATTOON, 0 r the Viola Mill. octif , ; o ; o FINE POULTRY. Bred by M. EYRE, Jr. ( NAPA California, 'J ; : Bronz Turkeys, weijrhlnfl: 40 Hs, each.' Era den Oeese, weighing trom w to 00 Ips,; "per "pair. Lrahmas, lieghoros, -, Games, etc. IVktn Ducks, avei aglnp: 18 to 20 Das., and best f all ducks as layers.. Also A fine assortment f Pieeons. Rabbits. Guinea Fuwls and. Fenrrts. ' .,.;' Any variety of fo,wls desired uuportea. Eggs, true to name, fresh and well packed, for sale at Moderate prices. Send lor Illustrated Circular, and Vrte List , to - ' ; - . bill II.. Aapa, .mm. ,,,. On receipt of 10 cents in stamps, I will furnish specimen copy of the . 1oji-tkt Bulletix. an illustrated 32 page monthly t he recoiiUed authority In poultry matter In the lI S.j and decidedly the best Foul-; try Journal published. Subscription only i 20a year. . - .r cf Please state where you saw this adv , tisement. Orders may also be left at thla oflice. . ... - , - . . .. . JOHN IL MOORE'S MACHINE SHOPS. OREGON CITV, OREGOX. TEA3I ENGINES SAW-MIXXJS, FLOCRLVG MILLS, SUA FT1N8, - Pulleys, nitnlTer's nydraull Pmmp GEARING, BOXES, made to order, Reapers, Threshing Machines, and all kinds of Fanning Machinery repaired to the best manner. Farmers' Blacksmltti- ing done with neatness anldispatch. Wheat Cleaners,. Jackets. Iron and Zin Shaker Screens and Perforated Plates made to order. O Agent for the . ; o HOUSTON PATENT WATER WHEEL b The nest Wheel in Use, Orders Solicited Dec.3l. lS751f '' ' . " ' . . Administrator's SaIf,,J . .; "XT'OTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, i pursuant to an order of the County Court of Marion -.County, Orepon. I will ' offer for sale at public auction on Saturday, March 2.5th, 1S7, at 11 o'clock, A. M at tha Court House door in Oregon City: Claewi mas County, Oregon, forgold coin nJ,I"' tho following described real estatv lon Q lng to the estate of Joseph A. Wright. . ceased, to-wit : Lot3 of S 19. amT the a W, H of the S. E. V. and I-ots 1. 2. a nd 4 Icrf 8 20. all In T. 4 S. R. 2 E. of the Willametta Meridian, contalnin5lWaere.o febl8t Administrator, o O O O o e o o o r, . Co