Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1876)
o o o o o O 3d o o o o o o o o 0 o o O o o o 0 o o o o Co) TH 03 i0. ClTr, OREGON, JA. JSf lS7fi. '"SWs Column; o Saruuel-'Wilson has leclinel to act as TJ. S. counsel in the internal reve nue cases in Sau lraricisco. Jobn B. Bpotorus lias been elected President of the Cuban Kepublis. Hamuel 11 ulford k Sou, heavy Liv crpoob wheat buyers, suspended on the 19th. TUo Cavlists are showing sipms of weakening. o . The insurgents under Gen. Peko are whippiug the Turks, II. C. Kibbe, the secretary of sev- ! eral well known mines, has run away j from Han Francisco with 00,000 of ; other xec pie's money. ; II. Li. Davis has been elected pres- j ident of the National Gold Bank & Trust Company of San Francisco. fjamson liosenblatt has been ar- ; rested in San Francisco by a New j York detective for embezzling $2A),- ' 000 in tho latter place. i O . ' Wilcox, member of tho California 1 Legislature, better known , as the j Mariposa blacksmith, has been tlireat ened with expulsion for beating a reporter cf the San Francisco Chron icle. CThe syldicr.i of the late war will b":o'a grand re-union in San Fran cisco in April. Tho mail is carried between Klam ath and Liinkville on horseback. A man named Craven, living in the Walla Walla valley has been raising potatoes weighing 7;' pounds. Dakota Territory has a dog which carries, alone, the mail in all kinds of weather, over a route of GO miles. A late Madrid dispatch says Gen. Martinez Campos' army is marching against the Carlists in Navarre. The Prince of Wales arrived at Lahore on the 20th inst. A convention of the newspaper publishers of tins coast will be held in-San Francisco on the 11th of next ! mouth, o Harry Granice, who killed Fd ward Madden at Merced, has been admit ted to bail in 10,000 fur his appear ance for the second trial, ordered by tho Supreme Cmrt. Snowfell for an hour in Santa Clara, Cal.,;tast week more than was ever known before. Tho Xew York V'of.s-' Washington Gipecial broadly intimates that Tom Scott can pass his Texas railroad bill if only he will consent to permit the Ce-rlfcral Pacific to control tlie road when it readies California. Governor 1). P. Thompson will not leave Washington for Idaho till some time next June. A bill has been introduced in Con gress to organize a new Territory ktiowu is Okelohoma. out of a part of the present Indian Territory. Tlie Paris correspondent of tlie London .A"er. says, the lbpuhl ieans claim they will certainly elect iheir candidates . for the Senate in 20 de partments. o (Late advices from U-igusa say the Turks have been defeated by the insurgents, with a loss of over 000 men. At the Republican legislative cau cus, belli at Augusta. Maine, on the 20t!i, delegates and alternates were chosen to he Republican Conven tion. A resolution was passed that the Hon. Jas. G. IJIaine is the choice of the Republicans of Maine for the Presidency. o On the night of the l'.Hh, a mob at. Santa Fe,2s. M., destroyed and threw into the river the and Y'vs.s otliee of Cimmarou. It is supposed to have been done by outlaws incited by tlie faction opposed to the election of fFdkius. His political enemies, through envy ami jealousy of him, desire to defeat his efforts to have New Mexico admitted as a State. T Q J tu O R. HooleV manufacturer of book-binders' tools, in New York City, has failed. O The town of Opollo. Ohio, was almost destroyed by fire last week. At o.j late m-; ting at II irrisbnig, the Democratic Slat-J Central Com mittee, of Pennsylvania decided to hold the Convention at Lancaster on the 22 1 of Match. Arthur P.Devlin was mobbed while I lecturing on "Romanism in Ameri ca," to a Dover, N. II., audience. The study of music is compulsory at Eton college. County jail prisoners have to clean the streets of Portland. C. P. Lewis is the M. Quad of the Detroit Free Small-pox-is raging at La Paz, Lower California. Two men pay over $500 taxes in Yamhill county. The P.oard of Managers of the Oregon Pioneers Association met on Thursday at Salem, the President, G. Grim; K. N. Cooke and W. G. llerren, Vice Presidents; G. II. Rrown, Secretary; W. IL Rees, Re cording Secretary ; and F. X. Mat thien, ex-President; S. F. Cbadwiek and others present. The Orleans Princes have resolved to retire from parliamentary life. The Republican caucas of the Mairm LfciIatnre ha unanimously endorsed Rlaine for the Presidency. Scott's friends express great satis faction with the prospect of the Texas Pacific bill. Reecho r says it was impossible for Judge Van Cott to have written the latel published letter attributed to i.: Tlie s'o'.j of Senator Harlan, ex- Secretary of the Interior, died at San Francisco on the 21st. j IT. CI. Tvihbe. the defanltinc St cre- i tary of the lielcher and other mines was found dead in a !ed in San Francisco, having phot himself in the head with a pistol. Telegrams from all parts of. the Pacific Cojst report cold -weather and snow. CONGRESSIONAL. SENATE. "Washington, Jan. Sltpruiau i 10. r of Ohio, aikirnr congressional aid for j Pacific railroad. ZVIorton soon af er spoke at length ; on the resolution sH.miitteJ by him to inquire into the circumstances at-,; tending the recent elections in 3Iis- ; sissippi. He considered "the late j election in Mississippi an aimed rev-! olution, characterized by fraud, rio- j lfiice, and murder in every form, j itj .iui.ii.ui it u-!is the dutv of the , Republican partv to maintain the j PIRE WINES AM) LIBORS FDR 31 E rights of colored' mer. He referred Dlt'lNAL PURPOSES, to the Kn KInx atrocities, and called ; attention to the advantages resulting ! PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. to certain counties in houui aroumi during the suspension of the writ of j habeas corpus. j Jail. uxiwup ww-wj " v : ' presented, askiug the repeal of the! : law requiring a two-cent stamp to be j allixed to bank checks; referred. Mitchell submitted a resolution ! instructing the judiciary committee to examine the provisions of an act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States, approved March lid, 1807, and the amendments thereto, and report to the Senate whether, in their judg ment, the provision requiring a peti tion in tlie case of compulsory or involuntary bankruptcy shall be by one or more creditors, who shall con stitute one fourth thereof at least in number, the aggregate of whose debts provable shall amount to at least one third of the debts so prova ble, applies to a case where a corpor ation j'or whether, in their judgment, under the existing law, a corporation may be thrown into involuntary bankruptcy on petition of a single creditor, who does not constitute one fourth in number of all the cred itors, and whose debt doesnot amount to one third of the debts provable against such corporation: agreed to. Christiancy introduced a bill to provide for challenge of jurors in trials for bigamy and polygamy in the Territory of Utah, approved .June 21, 187-1; referred. Tlie bill provides that in any trial for bigamy, or poly gamy, it shall be a sutUcieut cause of challenge ami for rejection of any j"n , that he has more than one wife livin'? in said Leiritorv whether married by ordinary rites, or by the so-called sealing ceremony ; or, second, th it lie believes it morally right for a man to live with more than oue wife. Morton then continued his speech begun yesterday, bat was unable to conclude it on account of sore throat. Sargent introduced a bill confer ring certain privileges upon telegraph companies. Sargent also introduced a bill in regard to postal routes, postoilices and post roads. It provides that every road in the United States and Teiritories shall be considered in law to be postal routes, and tlmt every person or association desiring to do business with any railroad company, or along the tine of any railroad, shall enjoy the same rights, facilities and privileges as may cnow or here after be enjoyed' by law, allowed or conceded to other corporations, asso ciations, firms or persons. Jan. 21. The time was taken up with eulogies on Vice President Wil son, by Routwell, Cragin, Morrill, Stephenson, Mo: ton and Davis. The Senate then adjourned till Monday. liorsn. Washington, Jan. 10. The debate on the Centennial appropriation bill was,c.onimenced by Phillips, of Kan sas', advocating its passage. r Cochrane, of Pennsylvania, oppos ed the bill on the ground that it was a subsidy. Kelly, of Pennsylvania, answered Cochrane, speaking in favor of the lull. Regan and Five followed, both supporting the bill. Tucker opposed the bill on the ground of its being unconstitutional. Hoar and Lawrence opposed this view. Without taking any action on the bill the House adjourned. Jan. 20. The Speaker called on the committees for reports. Waddell, of the postollice commit tee, reported back adversely, a bill by Fades to reduce the postage on first class mail matter to one cent for each half ounce; laid on the table. At the expiration of the morning hour, the House went into committee of the whole on the Centennial ap propriation bill, Wood, of Xew York, in the chair. The House was addressed by To-.vnsend, of New York, in favor of the appropriation. His speech, de livered in a humorous, conversational, story-telling style, was thoroughly enjoyed, the members all gathering around him and laughing heartily at his jokes. Stenger, of Penn., followed in opposition to the bill. Alluding to the smallness of the subscription throughout the country to the ceu tennial fund, he said Congress was asked to pass this bill, while the people of the Union have said, by their refusal to subscribe, that they were not able to subscribe. Fehon opposed the bill: but said his opposition was influenced by no vote in the House on the question of Amnesty. Jones of Kentucky, spoke in sup part of the bill as a measure iu the interest of peace and amity. Cook spoke against the' bill, and argued that as the government should be just before they are generous, the sixty million dollars of taxation wrested from the South during the war, should be restored before the passage of this bill. Ranks spoke in favor of the bill as not only constitutional but a measure of absolute necessity. Swain spoke in favor of the bill and said, in voting for it, he and his colleagues would represent the wishes of the people in dheir State. Without action on tho bill the V- t" at ; an" -' I . M., adjourned. i-ouuuuiee r.sp; and te Moni or the re- I tirenient of .Intlp-e .Wi'sou '. XlcCaist less fail ot vesten rc'insvlvani i on pay o-a account of ii'ivsieil :is ibilities. Passe.l The House then took action on the usual resolutions in honor of the lnemorv of the late Vice Presi dent Wilson. Holman aske.1 unaniuions consent to extend tlie ju-ivilege of thftdelea lion of Indiana editors daring The m1o?j to be nronoti ncd ; adopted. GEOKGE A. HARDLXG. J. P. WARD. WAED&HAEDING, q :!;GGIS7? AND AFOTHECARIES, If CON ST A NT I . Y UN HAND A al assortment of Priigri mid Olioiiiic-.-ilr-i, Perfumery, SoajM, (uiii!)saii(l HviisSies,, Trusses, Supporter), Nlioiililer Briirr8 Kne- uml Toilet Artielt-j., ......ALSO urn Oil, Lamp C'liiiiiii--, nOv, Pi ii Is, Oil, tritillf and Dye St nil's. R-yPhysicians' Present tions can-fully compounded, and all orders corn-t-tly an swered. B" at all hours of the night. iu""All accounts must In- paid monthly, novtitf W A It DA HARDJNG." THOMAS CHARM AN ESTABLISHED 1853. ESIUKS TO inform the citizens of Or gon City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on band and doing business on the old motto, that. A XimMe Six Pence is P.ctlcf than a S!ow Shil'iiuj. ! j I I have just returned from San Francisco, j where I purchased one of the I UnGEST.AHO BEST SELECTED STOCK OF ISOOHS ever before offered in this city ; andconsisfs in part, as follows : Hoots and Shoes, Clothing, Iry (ioods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, (iroceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Poors, China ware, Queens ware. Stoneware, Crockery, Platedware, Olassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styl.-s, Chicks and Watches, Ladies and (Jents Furnishing Patent Medicines, Coods, Fancy N Hope, Faming Hons of Every Implements of Description All Kinds; Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Pa tier, etc Of the above list, I can say my stock is tlie M. tS S T C ) M P I.. 10 T K ever offered in this market, and was s-deted will- esp -eial care lor t In-Oregon City trade. All of which I now olf-r for sale at the Lowest EVJarkct Ra ec. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to Mi in k of goi ng to Port land t it buy goods for I am l li-ritiiiud to Sell Cltiij and not to allow myself to be rXIIERSOLI) IX THC STATE iW OUEMX. All T ask is a fair chance and quick pay. ments, believing as I do t hat Twe:ity Years Exjserii-nce in Oregon City enables me to know there-quireim-nts of the trade. ( 'ome one and all and sev- for yourselves that the old stand ol THOMAS CIIAUMAX cannot be beaten in (pnlify or price. M would be US'-l -s.s for me to tell you sill the advantages I can offer you in the sale of goods, as every store that advertis"S docs that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is f onir, r.ntl S tikI Exsiniin? for Yours lv;-s fori do not. wish to make any mistakes. My object. Is to tell a 11 my old friends now that 1 am still aliv, and desirous to sell goods -cheap, for cash, or upon sneh terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liber al patronage h'-retofore bestowed. THUS. CHAHMAN, Main St reef, Oregon City, Tjega I Tenders and Coutitv Scrip Pi ken at market rates. THUS. (.'II AUM AN. e"5',0()(l lbs wool wanted bv THOS. CII.MJMAN. WOl'Ml INFORM THE CITIZENS OF t r 'gon City and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish Fir?, SPUCS AND CEDA1LUMBE1, Of every description, at low rates. A I.SO, Dry Flnorin, 'eilinr Itoslie, Spruce, (for shelving), Lattice, PicUets, jind IViu-f-Piists Cellar, Coiisnntli on IntinL Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low a rates as it can be purchased in the State. i ive me a ca 1 1 at t he Oil FA rO.X CI TV SA IF MILLS. Oregon i ity, June 1, 1ST :tf j LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE rt STAKES O T I - H E I T N I F. US p ; N E I ) P I to P U 1 KT ) 1 1 O F I the Livery Stable on Fifth street.Oregon City, Oregon, keeps const aptly on hand I.i'JTirvS, t'itvrliies nml II.: rks. Ssnllle n i;l Ii:itfgy Horn.. X'l'ic'c lic:i coital lt'. ANHY WILLIS, Oregon Cit-, Nov. 5, liT'i. Proprietor. Notice- lT. S. I,AN1) OFKU K, ORKfiON ClTY, Oregon, I leeem b-r 2. 1S75. COMPLAINT HAY I NO KEEN ENT U j c! at this otTice by O. W. I toork against. John P. Herrv tor abandoning his Home stead Entrv, No. I,7i;, d ired Dec. !, IS70,u ontlie W.S of N.E.'i.aiulthe N 'i of N.W'4, seetion 12, township 2 south, range : west, in Washington-county, t iregon, with a viw to the cancellation of said entry: the said rv rt i--s are hereby sum inoned to a pear at thisorlieeon the'lth day of February, ISTti, at 11 o cl ick a. m., to r -s nml and furnish testimony cone -ruing aid allg-'d aban- ionmenr. o"EN I E, Jii"'itt-r. T. It. HA IKlSilN, li-i-i'-rr. I :5. 1ST.-) -vl i BIBLES F3Pi SALE. -P, riKfiVK-. wr T'0 SILK, at my nt or bi Or -.n ' itv. a sunnlv ot I'.ibles ft ml Testa met- i. T'e-s- bfKiks are the property of the Ai ( .rU. ,,, Hible Society, and are off -red for sal i ; ' as they can be bought nt any simil . Depository In the Those wishing to purchase are invtied to call and examin our stock. Walter Fisrr. A .rent for f 1 f::am.... Courdv on COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BOUND V OLUMES OF PUSIC MAKE APPROPRIATE PRESENTS. Among the many thousands of ballads and Piano Pieces Ciut we publish, her an- sonv that an- noted tor their great lK-autv and lasting qualities. Wo have made careful selection ot thfs.' iiws and otf r them in book form, as loliows : I VOCAL WOE i WITH I Piano Accompaniment. Mother Goose Melodies. Heantifnlly il lustrated. (Ask for Novello's Kdition, or von will tret a cheap photograph copy. $1 1 in boards; fulljrilt, $2 00 Shinin; Wjrlit. A collection of Sacred Snn"." ?1 " 'n hoards; cloth and Kilt, 2 f:. ' Golden Leave. Vols. I. and 'IT. " A col lection of Songs and Chorus -s, by V. S. ! llavs. Kach vol, f 1 75 in boards; cloth ami gilt. j-. If en rt It st nd Home, Sweet Sound jj ud Fireside Kclioes. Three vols, of choice Home Songs, by Ibiys. Flanks, etc. Kach vol. 51 7 in boards; cloth anil gilt,2 .". Priceless Gems. A tine collect ion of Songs by Wallace, Thomas. Keller, etc. $1 7t in boards .cloth and gilt, $2 50. Peter' llonseliold Melodies. Vol. I. Containing all the latest and l;'sf songs by Hays, Hanks, Thomas, Stewart , (about PHI songs). SS in boards ; clot h arid gilt, TUt, per.i ait Home. A collection of Standard Ojvra Songs. s -l'-eteu from ovr !" Operas. in boards ; cloth and gilt, 51. German Volklie.-Ier Ilon. with P'.ng. and Cer. text. 52 ".). 10 songs,, 7 Soiij.. edition. Full gilt, 5S "ii'. Elegent folii in '2 vols. Svo, The same for a deep voic each, s ": in paper; cloth, ?: 5). Scliimiii mi's A"t-.-jl Allium. .() sotigs, with Kng. and ier. text. . 5i 5') in paper; lull gilt, s-i 5 . Smilirlit f Song. A coll-'ct ion of Sacn-d and Moral Songs, beaut ifullv illustrated by the Pros. Dalzi -I. Full gilt, 1. PIANO WOKKS. I Fairy Fiiujrerx, Pi-ail IJrops, ?Iaric i t'i i-:-!e a nd Viniir I'iiniist. i-'ourcol-h-etions of easv Piano Music for young llayers, most of the ii--c-s b -itig wit bout ! octaves. Each vol. SI b ill boards ; clot II and gilt, sj "A j Iusi-al Itecreatifuis. A collection of Dance Music. 1 7 in lioards; cloth and ! gilt, ? -y I. - : G idle ii ( himes. A choic" collection of Parlor Music, bv Ch. Kinkh boards; cloth and gilt, 2 .). 5? 1 7o i n I Hiilliaut tieiiis. Containing music of i medium lidicultv, by Wyman, Kinkh1, etc. 1 .i in boards ; cloth a tid gilt, ?J Straus' 1VsiH.-, Viib. I. o II. Ask for Peters' Edition, the only complete copy giving th full wilt. s as played by '1 homas' Orcle-stra. in boards; cloth, l. Pearls of Melo-1 y. and Parlor Music. A collection of Pane S in boards; full gilt, si. Pet ! I'a rlor ?Insi-, Vnl. I. Our latest and best Piano .Music of modi-rate di!U cu'.ty. in boards; full gilt, ?l. T.a Cri-nicilc lii Cri-mc. A'oJs. T. nut! II. A collection of choice- Piano Mn-ie, bv Thalberg,, Heller, M e. This i. de-cid'-dly th" best collection of hound music in the market . Each, S5 .n boards ; full gilt, . ISi-i'tlnivcn'ii St: :tas. Svo, In'l folio. :!t, si. ' .?M. t'li'ipiii's, $1 o'l : Poh.nais's, ?2 ; Not urnes, : ll-ill ids, J ; Pr -lud--s, ."): Sonatas, f I .V. All in stiff paper covers. rI'.ii -1-Issr55 irs('ii):t;!i' e Vi-i no Vi-5is. El -g:i nt fol io ! it ion. In II gilt, in 1 vols., each, ii .Vl; Svo edit io:i, 1 u 1 1 gilt, 1 vols., each. .-?" -V ; S.-o edition, paner covers, 1 vols.,1 ach, $i ."ii). 3Iiz:rtM S:nlas. Full gilt, '. Welier's Piano U'ovKs. Full ji'llt, fl. Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price. Address, r l. pi:ter;s, K4:iBKl).lu;v.lV, N. Dec. 2 ! :w(i I. SELLING 1-3" AS JUST RE: EI V EI ) TH E I .A VM EST M 3 stock of FALL AND WINTER GOCOS ever imported to Oregon City, ol" -rs at great ly reihic.-d i rie"-s which he My s'ock CLOrn-IXjSTG, Has Jbeen largely increased and I can show as handsome a line of ready-made goods in Men ami Hoys' I'usiness and iress Suits, Coats, etc.," as can be found in t he con nt rv, a ml at prices that cannot fall to satisfy. Mv DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Is filled with a splendid assortment of all t he leading styles and fashionable shades of goods Km press Cl'it 1, yioliairx, Frencli Miirl A mevi ra it Ores nlsi lllaok A Ip;i ii, ISrillin nt i lies, Ciislinieres, iVO. F A iSTISr 10 Ti 5- , Plaid, Plain and Opera Flannels, of all col ors. Pleached and Unbleached Cotton Flan nels. Liidies' unit Oents' I'liilerwnrf Sliinvh inl Scjirfs, Wool l!l:inli-ls Trunks : nd Travel in jsj .Sjitclels, Ha ts u nd C'ji ps. Oil loth r.r I'liHirn nd Talili-. BOOTS and SHOES, I would call s-cial attention to my stock of Men's and Hoys San Francisco Hoots, which I have sold for a number of years past wit h general satisfaction. Ev ery pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE & FARMING UTENSIL?: Choice Teas, Canned Ooods, and all choic Family Groceries, '1 All at. Low Prices. Also, LIVERPOOL AM) PAR)1A ISLAM) .SALT. Highest Price aid for all kinds of Cousa.r iProdzscr. 200,000 lbs. of WOOL Wanted, for which I shall pay the highest, cash price. j.sw,i,umi. iregon City, Sept. 30 1ST.). tf STILL IX THE FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF HAAS' SALOON. WILLIAMS & HARDING, AT TlE- L I N C 0 L PJ BAKERY, KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family Groceries to be found in the citv. All goods warranted. Goods delivered in "t he city free of charge. The highest cash price paid for country produce, Oregon City, March 2S, 1S7X OHAS. I-I. O.TJJj'IELID, DEALER' IX DHY-GOODS, FANCYGOODS Ci'oolcei'y, Scc?., Sco . CORXER OF SEVEXTH AXD MA1X STREETS, OREGOX CITY. ALSO. .4 LARGE LOT OF DKESSEl) CpDAli AXJ) FIXISIIIN(J LUMliEK. Of various kinds, for tiale in quantitios to suit, at reaoiialile rates. m lrn v 11 A. W 1) I N Ji. JOHN jNEYEES. OREGON CITY. d:aler in OltY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS uml shoes. JI A HI.) WARE, CUOCKEltY A N D ! GENERAL rEROHAHDISE, ana Stationery. ! will pay the highest prices for "Oil 1"M I'S. and all kindsof GOOD CQUrjTHY Fr.CD'JCF I s-ill sell as low as any house In Oregon for CASH Oli I TS li'H'IYAI.K A T n (ifMid Merchantable Produce. I am selling very low for CASH PAID FOU COUNTY OK I) EH S (Jive mo a call and sat isfy yourselves. JOHN MYEItS. Oregon City, March 21.1S73. AUCTIOX AXn COMMISSION. A. B. RICHARDSON, Cornier of Front Ow Oak nt., Porlla nl Of Ileal Estate, (iroceries. General chandise and Horses. Mer SALE DAYS Wednesday and Saturday A. It. IUCHAHDSON, Auctioneer. J. P. DA VIES. JOSHUA DA VIES. J. P. DAV5ES &, CO., A TJCT I DXEE1 ? S A N T C03I3IISSIOX MEKCHAXTS, FIUE.PUOOF STONE mr'LlHNU, WHARF STREET, VICTORIA. B. C. Liirral Advances )Iiidc q;i ronsisriiHirnK July 21, 4S7I :ly A. G. WALLING'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY- PittocW Ridiaing Corner f mark ami Front Streets. .. . . . 1 I.'.. . t.-. .. . PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. BLANK ROOKS RULED AND ROtTVD to any desired pattern. Music books Magazines, Newspapers, etc., bound in ev ery variety of style known to the trrade Orders from tho country promptly 'at tended to. J & to 1, r Da y ut Terms '-'eJ V.J free. Address If'-bly (i. STINSQN & Co., Pottlan 'pMe YOUIfG MEN Who fire suffering from the elrect of jouthlul follies ir indiscretion, will di Mill to avail t lifinselres of this, the greatest boon'laid at the altarnf suffering humanity. UK. SPI.N.MJi win guar antee to forfeit $ot)0 for every case of se minal weakness, or private disease of a ny kiml ir character which he under takes and fails to cure. He i on Id, t here fore, say tothe unfortunate sultVrer who may read this notice, that you aretread inguion dangerous ground when you longer delay in seeking the roper rem edy ffir your complaint. You may be in the first stage; remember you are ap proaching the hist. If you are liordering upon the last, and are suir.-ring some or all of its ill effects, remembi r that if you persist in procrastination, tin-time must conic when the most, skillful physician can render you no assistance ; when t he door of hope will be Hosed against you : when no angel of mercy can bring you relief. In no case h'as th- Doctor failed ol success. Then let not despair work n (ion your imagination, but avail your self of t lie lienelicia 1 result s of h is t reat ment Ix-for.e our case is beyond five reach of medical skill, or b lore grini deat h hurries you to a premature grave. Full course 'of tr -atmetit .SiViKi. ..Send lfiom-y by Postollice order or E..r- s. w it h fil 11 descriition of easv.- - Call or address, 1)K A, H. Sk?N.V:V, No. 11 K -artiy street, San Francisco. sept Hi :lv " ' I Ttlahi 'St., OrctT,i! City. MAM r.U'TIRER AM) I.?! TOR TEH 'IF f Maildles, I!ai iti'ss, Ssiddlery-!Ia iT iviire, etc-., etc. rillCH HE OFFERS AS CHEAP V."5 can be hail in t he Statf it whglcsal: oh retail f 'yX warrarit my goods as r -presenteil. juhn srnitAM, Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, 1n.'-iu:$. 1 le-stam'.ai-vl r -i!iei y lor Co;ieIks. Ir- i liiei:., Sr,rr Thru', W:in,j ?' hnr;h, Cceiii, I.irrf ( 'omji'tiint , lirnurl-ifi-, JMnil iiiff a f tir l.mi'jxj ; nd v. r ali'ertion of the . inroai, i.ungsaiKl l lust, including Co-- S!TM1'T10X. Wii.tsn'-s llaUani of V.'itil Cherry does not dry up a cough, but looseps it, -l :-a uses th" I.nngsand allays irritation, thus re itiori,!. tho fiiixf of th - complaint. None g -inline unless signed I. :rrrs, I'r-i'ar -d by Sktii . Fowi.kk A Sons, I'ostori. Sold by i;i:nriNfiTos, Hostj-:ttf! A- 'o., San Franciseo, and by d.-a!--rs g n- r.dlv. tifebl.V . THE WEEKLY SUIT. I- ighteen hundr d and. s--v.-nty-sL is 1 i.e Centennial year. It is also tie- vo r in Nvliich an opposition Hous- ol Ur-. r s ri tatives, the tirst s!ne- th - .war, i'll be in power at Washi!-.eto:i ; and t he year of the twenty-third election of a Pr -sident ol the Fnited States. AH ot 1 hese events ar sure to be of great interest and im Mirta ne -speeially..the two latter : aji.Jall ot them' and everything connected with them will be fully and lr.-shly r -ported and ei ou:ui ed in '1 HE . 1 ! 1 he Opposition Hous? of li r s .nt I ues, lahin- up 111- line ot nrmirv onened years ago by I iik Sr, win sternly and diligently investigate the corrui tions and misdeeds ot Grant's administration - and will, it. is to be hoped., lay the foundation lor a new and b tter perio.l hi our nation al history. Of all this '1 nK srv will co -tain cotnplcte and accurate account tur nishing its readers with earl v ami trust worthy inlormatioTi upon thvs absfirbin-' topics. " The twenty-thinl Presidential election, with the preparations lor it, will be mem orable as deciding upon (.rant's aspira tions tor a third term of pow r and plun der, and still more as deciding who shall lie the candidate of the jnrlv of Helorm, and as electing that candidate. Concern ing all these subjects, those who read Thk SL'X will hav the constant means ol "be ing thoroughly well informed. Thk Wkkki.y Sun, which has attained a circulation ol overeighty thousand copies, already has its read.-rs in evrrv State ala'l Territory, and we trust that the vear isrii will see their numbers doubled". It will contimi'-to be a thorough newspaper. All the general news of the day will be found in it, condensed when unini portant, at lull length when of moment; always, we trust, treated in a clear, interesting and in structive manner. It is our ajiu to make Thk Wkeki.y Srx the best family newspaer in the world, and we shall continue to give, in its col umn a large amount of miscellaneous reading, such as stories, tales, poems, ici-ntitlc intclligence-and agricultural in formation, tor which we ar - not. able io . make room in our daily edition. Tie agri. cultural department especially is one" of its prominent features. The fashions are also regularly reported In its eoln.-n ..s and so arc the markets of eyer?- kind The Weekly srx, eight pag-s with lift v. six broad columns js only 1 -u a yea'r pos-tage pre) aid. As t his "price barely re pays the cost of t he paper, no discount can be made from this rate to clubs a-'ents post masters, or anyone. ' The Daii,y Sex, a large four page news paper of twenty .eight columns, gives all t he news for two cetits a copy. Subscrip tion, postage pis paid, "5c. a lnonth or i 50 a year. Sunday edition extra, $1 10 pep year. Wo ha- - no traveling agents Ad. dress, THE SUN, New York City. STATE board of immigration. l0"'l .',nl ,;ira llf . T. 'goi. now.'in...fon'ign niuiiuii-silllll SISl'T "states mwl -Tn iw- lating such information abroad bv this, an nersons in this State having 1-arms and Lands for Sal or Pent, or de sirous of forming Colonies, will please for ward tothis Hoard as soon as rossible de tailed descriptions of their Farms and Tands, liOcaHon, Irle4and Terms of Sale or conditions of renting: and all M-rsons desirous of obtaining Agricultural or other Laborers, will please communicate direct with this Board. P.y Instruct ions of the Com m issioijers of immigration. WILT JAM REID, feliolm A State Com "r of Immigration HOW IS THE TIME TO SUIiSCKIKE FOU 1 a is PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Each number contains the LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, From all Tarts of the World: o A Carefully s?lccw d .Summary of) O STATE, TEKKITORIAL AM) NEWS ITIOMS; A Collected r,;st cf tlie Markets iir o Pcrlliiinl, San Fraiicisro'aiid Crt-ceii (ilr, LOCAL NEWS, EDITORIALS On all Subjects of Interest to the F.1R3IER, .HERfllAM OR MECIIAMC Also, Carefully Selected 7. ! i c i : i . i . a m : ) l s i:i:.i)iN(i. In Short, it is in Every Respect a LIVE NEWSPAPER. TV TV JSL Lj o Having a large and constantly Increasing Circulation in the most l oj.uloii.s art of the State, i lifers superior inducements to those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements inserted on REASONABLE TER3IS. and it is therefore a good time to Subscribe in order that yon may be posted on current events Send in your su bscri t ion at once ENTERPRISE EOOK & JC8 OFFICE O O OKI GOX. o ORECION-CITY, TE A 1 1 E PKEPAKEU J'C EXECUTE ill kinds ol o 1 JOB i'RIJSTIKG, such as CAliDS, KILL-HEADS, VAMI'lII.Kl S, ri:i:is, MOIITGAGFS, L An ELS, o . LETTEn-lIEAnS', .in fact all kinds of work done a in Print in OUice, at rORTLANI) PKICES. A L L K I N 15 S O V O A ?- zr - t -at i-a. constantly or. hand, and for sale nt sis low a pi iee as can Lie had in the State. o A N D SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Oregon City, March 21, 1ST: (3 tr. AGEMS FOR THE EMERPRISE. The fol lowirp person, are authorized to act as agents tor the Exterpiuse : York!" 1,-u,,wt"co-. u Park'-liow, New Ir-''',N''.1:' & Co- G07 Chestnut strict Phihulelphia. Ablxilt Ji Co., "No. 82 and 81 Xassau .street New York. p. Portland iregon L. Samuel Sail Francisco lTluis- " , , - ' 1 I- 'slier St. Helens, Columbia county S. A. M ile. Astoria, Clatsop county ."..A. Vnn Duserr' Sal.em L. Williatno j i arrisou rg La f a y et t e , Y a l n h i 1 1 cou ii it v Dallas, Polk county "... Eola Jacksonville P.enton count v i. H. Smith I.IFerguson .....Dave Holnien It. Doty H. K. Hanna W.A. W lis orvallis lTon.Jobn Pnnwtt Canyon City.Grant co V. p. I.nswell Albany A. N. Arnold '.me, vtascucoumy . H.(;atr-s La(;rande, Fpion county A. C. ( rai" Pendleton, Fmatilla county S. V. Knox Eugene City j.I. M. Thompson t E, L, Prist ow "Itoseburg. -Hon. I,. F. Lan I C. T. Montague Lebanon.. T , ... (J. K. Ralston Jacksonville Hon. E. D. Fotdrv Lotiglom w , ii, C.Huston fWfKAMAS COUXTY. Heaver Creek., F. ie John .ii m wait Henry McGugin J. W. Strawser IO Wriuht. Fra n k W. Foster ....('apt. V.. C. Norton W. Moreland ..John H gen herder J.John F.octIo W. II. Vaughnn. P.utte ille Cascades,,..,, Can by Cutting's Eagle Creek Harding's Iower Slolalla.. Milwaukie iswego llprn'r Molalla. OREGON CITY BREWERY- Henry Kumliel, i i'ed the above Prew- fKksQ&l ery wishes to inform the public that he is now prepared to manufacture a .No. J. qual ity of U L A G K R n E E R, as good as can be obtained anvwhere in the spate. . Orders solicited ami prompt ly filled. G o UK - II IL V-l 1 X 1 o o, o Q (a 0 o o 0 0 o o o o O o o O o o 0 o o O ..... : '