Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1876)
o o o o o O O O THE JNTERPRJ8E. OREGON CITY, OREGON, J1X.2S.IS7G.! XOTICE.-XotrtlllatM of publico, tlen yill be given until our fern arc paid. We shall make no deviation from thit rule in future. Kkvival Mketisjh. The union meetings heM st tlie Ilaptist Church hare for several work attracted largo audiences; and, especially during the last week, the house has beon tilled to Its utmost c inacity. Alle speakers of this place and frnui Portland have dis coursed on the "wav of life" to eager listeners, and many, like the puhlican of ohl.are eivpiiriiiij : "What must J do to inherit eternal life?" On Thursday niirht f last week (Jen. O. O. Howard and Mr. Sliainoro, an ex-saloon keeper, were hr?. The (ieneral possesses a clear, rich voieu and pleasant delivery, O and iy his earnestness in the pood work, verities the truth of Fighting Jo Hooker's remark that: "(Jen. Howard Is Ixstter qualified to lead a praver meet ing than an army," however well qual ified he may le for the latter. Mr. JShamhro is "emphatically a reformed man ; from keeping a saloon in Portland n few months ago, ho has hceome an ac tive member of the church, ami an earnest and effective worker in his Master' vineyard. Listening to his earifft, almost pat he" V, entreaties inunv inotyl to tears. said as IiJ Agrifps to tlie apostle Paul: "Almost thou persuadest me to Ik a Christian." Much of this religious work in Port land isnwingtothc lahoisof the Young Men's Christian Association, and the question is asked lv manv, "why should not we have such a society here? Certainly we have no lack of young men who might be reformed and saved by such an institution. N:w Books. A lot of new books have just been received at the Public library. They were purchased of J. K. Hill ,t Co. of Portland, and se lected by Mrs. J. Do Vore Johnson. Among them we notice the following: Shakspeare, Herbert Spencer's Psychol ogy, orld Before Del use, 4 vols. K vo. novels, 2 vols. British Essayists, Wid- i ovv BoDott, Jane Kyre. Wurthering r llihts. :i vols. Irvinyr, Children Albe, What Shall We Do To-night, Geologi cal Story. .Habits of flood Society, On , Heights. Bronson's Elocution, MiikI and Body, House of Seven fia bles, A vols. Tittlo Classics, Living atone s Last Journevs, 2 vols. Brie-a-Bnip Series, and a full set of the Wa verly Novels. Baii,y Brn.NKD.-Tho other day Mrs. Chas. Bolds was engaged in removing a "Christmas Tree", and undertook to crowd it into the tire-place, but found it larger than she supposed: and fear ful .of the consequences as the tire be gan to catch in the dry branches, she Mcncd the door and started out with the horning brush. Just as she reached the open air she slipped, falling direct ly into the llanie which caujxht in her clothing and burned her severely le fre it could ho extimrnislied. It was yerv fortunate' that she escaped with her life. IiKTTkk List. Letters remaining in the Postoflicf, at Oregon City, January JSth, lf.715: - Brioda. Barney: Cutting, Chas.. Jr. ; Feaster. Mrs. Marietta P.; (; fbunmill.; Hamrhn, Miss B. F. ; Hiiru'ins, Mrs. Sarah ;, Adam ; Kortes. Henry; Lewis Bros. (."); Ma son. Tip; Man, Jas.; MotTatt. Mrs. Viroinii; Nicholas, A.: Potter, Onier; Prindle, Isaac J.: Porter. Miss Klta; Hinith. Geo. K. ; Sehir'.inter. Fred; Sampson, C. F. : Ntahr. 'has. ; Thorn (i son, Mrs. M. B. ; Woppenuiw, W. V.; Warren, Mr. Sophia. O If called for j)leas say when "advertised.-" J. M. Bacon, P. M. Till-: Maukkts. Legal tenders, buy ing S7 ' ; selling, SS'i. Wheat in Ore gon City has declined to ! cts erbus. Oat are worth 50 cents bushel : butter : to :57 cents per xinnl ; eggs 35 nfs per dozen; chicken. spritv. $2 on p,r doen: grown. S-: (0; drit-il !ol's. cents tier pound; plums, dried. r.,f7.J2'! cents per pound : pota toes, .W(V.y cents per bushel : lacon. sides, 12 e. ier hiikI; hams, 14 cent )or i-onnd; wool is worth 22 cents per jwuind. A MrsTAKK. The engineer f the Fannie Pat ton informs us that, the City of Salem did not beat the Fannie in an up-rivor race last week. The City of Salem left the Canifal ttwenty minutes ahead of the Fannie Patton but was soon overtaken, and would have lcen passed bad not ihe former "locked sides" with tho Fanni . As the latter had to stop at Independence of course the City of Salem shot ahead and ar rived first at Albany. Chinksk Nkw Ykar. On Tuesday last the week's festivities annually in dulged in by our mongolian residents were commenced. Our Mayor wisely forbade them to fire their crackers after 10 o'clock p. m. The Woolen M ills had to acquiesce to the demands of these religiously inclined Celestials and grant them a holiday until Tuesday next with which dav the excitement culminates and ends Thanks. The Oregon City Library Association are under obligations to Itev. I. Dillon for a contribution of val uable books. Mr. H. Y. Thompson and Senator Kelley also have the thanks of the society for public docu ments donated. Thk union services at the Baptist Church were conducted on Wednes day evening by Rev. Mr. Pierce of Portland, and on this (Thursdav) evening General O. O. Howard will address the meeting. All are welcome, o Good Prixtino. We have received per Steamer Idaho a specimen of Cu bery tt Co'a printing. This firm is lo cated in San Francisco, and everything they turn out has the undeniable stamp of first class typography. Yka. THRornir. Mr. Geo. Harding while gliding in graceful circles over the frozen lake at the lower end of town had the misfortune to break through the ice. He reports the water not only wet hut frigid. J Mn. Jambs Fish, well known in Orc o gon City, had the misfortune to lose all his personal e fleets by the tiro which latclv destroyed the warehouse at St. Jo. He is agent at thai place for the O. C. R. R. Co. iFany of the printers in the State are called upon to print 500 silver gloss recipes for a shirt pattern man, we hav-3 that exact number on hand, which we are prepared to sell at a very low figure. FuxERAii Skrvices. Rev. John V. Kellwood visited Tacoma last week for th purpose of "preaching the funeral sermon over the remains of Johnny Kalston, who was recently drowned at that place. Thk mysterious sounds from an in visible clock at Williams Harding's store . n,t ueuiven to oe mo of tick. 8,Ue dcfunu'"bont,"desirou!i The Steamers Dayton and City of ,Nilem had a race from Rock Island to week in which YJ "r511 one y last no: best Uor l,arao out "Beautiful Suow"IIasain7:r o o Mr. S. II. Dyer, the agent for Zell's Encyclopedia, left with us on Wednes day a complete edition of thus valuable work. It is replete with every kind of information, and really worth twice the price charged. Those wishing to avail themselves of an opportunity to enri.-h their tuindsand libraries, will do well to address him at Portland. At Home. Mr. Chas. Jennings, for merly of this city, has been spending a few days at home, waiting for the ice to disapiear from the Columbia river. Rkv. Jons Seu.vood, of this place, has been appointed by Centennial Com missioner Dufnr to write the history of the Episcopal Church in Oregon. In Town. Mr. Geo. Hardest?, of Victoria, a former resident of thi city, has ieen spending several days among his friends here. is tho nanio of an em bryo town recently located in this county a1out 10 miles south of this place. Wk regret to hear that our old and resjected townsman, J. L. Barlow, Is lving quite sick at his homo in this city. Partus are putting in a shingle mill, just below John Card's place, on AbrnatL? creek. Countt onPF.ns wero issued to the amount of &4.22o at the last session of the County Court. Skatino. The elite of our town were out on "steel ltound feet" enjoying the ice below town Monday ami Tuesday. The Sheriff is doing a good business with taxTia3ers. Don't forget to give him a call The Library Rooms are now opened on Saturday instead of Friday nights as heretofore. FiVKhundred and fifty tons of wheat were brought into the basin last Sat urday. Or R reKrter says a tine assortment of striped stockings may be seen on the lake just below town. Clackamas Cocnty has 21 post- offices. Oregon City being the only money order office. Si.KHiniNCi. Two sleighs were drag ged up and down Main Street on Sat urday. Lots of fun for the lookers-on. TlIKRMOM KTKIW shrink. are beginning to Don't you want to sell vour skates? The river is falling rapidly. SU.MMAKY III' STATU XUWS. A large amount of the precious metals is being taken out of the mines in Southern Oregou this winter. Snow was three inches deep at Salem on the 22d inst. On Saturday, the Columbia was so gorged with ice at Hood river as to prevent th passage of boats. llf.v. Mr. Peck lias been lecturing the Salemites on ice. An appropriate subject this winter. William Elijah, son of Mr. E. L. Rristow. of Salem, died on the 21st, aged about. 17 3-ears. He was the third child they have buried since the opening of the new year. The Odd Fellows' library at Salem boasts of 1,019 volumes. Stage fare between lloselinrg and Redding has been raised from 10 to 13 cents a mile. The gopheis have suffered severely this winter, being drowned out by the heavy rains. A Long Tomer says: "It does jest go-pher 'em." Yamhill county has caught the revival spirit. W. Y. Raker, publisher of the Stock Jourml, of Portland, attempted to commit suicide last week by cut ting his throat with an old jack-knife. We think this a bad example to set for the fraternity, but suppose delin quent subscribers wouldn't pay up. Dr. John H. Haskell has the pleas ure of Wing udvertised as a profes sional "beat." The O. S. X. Co. brought 11.180 tons of wheat and flour to the Port land market, from the upper Colum bia, during the past year. The freight honse of the Westside Railroad, at St. Joe, burned down on last Friday night. Loss, $1,500. Around Sweet Water, Linn county, they have been out hunting elk. The authorities of Salem aro nrged to take immediate measures for the improvement of the sanitary condi tion of that city. Messrs. D.H. Thompson and Chas. Meade have accepted the challenge of Mr. T. Morris, the champion skat er of this coast, to skate for the cham pionship of the State. The contest will come off on the 29th, at Wood's Museum. 3 The steamer Vancouver is laid up for repairs at Portland. The Coos Bay Heics is rejoicing over a cow fish, five feet long and one foot in diameter, that has been washed ashore at Empire City. Clover is four inches high at Coos Bay. The school house at Canyonville has been destroyed bv lire. Loss, about 1,000. " ' Mr. Luther Elkins, of Albany, was severely injured ia the hip, last week, by falling from the scaffold while painting his smoke house. We clip from Monday's Oregonian the following account of a frightful accident which occurred at Westport last week, resulting in the death of a man named Walker, an employee in the saw mill of Captain West. It says the man was caught by the cir cular saw running at full speed; his body was thrown to the ceiling at the first slash, and fell again lefore the saws, when his right leg and arm were nearly Revered from the trnnk. The foot and hand were cut com pletely off. The unfortunate man vrm placed on board the steamer Dixie Thompson for Astoria, with a view of obtaining medical attention, but life was extinct before the steam er reached there. Walker was a na tive of England, and be had been in Oregon but about three months. The remains were taken to Westport Friday or interment. A burglar extracted $18 from a store at Bnena Vista on the 19tb. The leap year party at Dayton last tteek as a success. " , The Mail, at Shedd, has been j shelved. Marionettes want the Polkers to subscribe liberally for a bridge over to Salem. Prof. Marsh, of Forest Grove, has started East on educational business. Point Elliot. W. T.. Jan. 2C Tt is reported from Snohomish City, this morning, that three boys named Horace Lowe, Arthur Ball and Clay ton Packard were skating on the lake back of that city yesterday, when the ice broke and Horace Lowe and Arthur Ball were drowned. Clayton Packard narrowly escaped. The two bodies were found last night about 11 o'clock. A Remedy that has made its Mark. Success is the meed of excellence. The truth of this has never been more forcibly exemplified than by the triumphant career of Hostetter's Stom ach Hitters. No sooner did the people discover the genuine merits of that su preme invigorant and corrective than they hastened to stamp It with the seal of popularity. The press and medical profession speedily followed in the wake of the public, and emphatically endorsed it. Thus from the very out set the success of the Hitters as a reme dy and preventive was an established fact, and a degree of popularity which it often takes proprietary medicines years to attain, was achieved almost at a stride by the then new preparation. Since that time every successive year has witnessed fresh accessions to the favor with which the Hitters wore early regarded, andthearcaof its popularity is 110 longer confined to the United States, but includes the Hritish Pro vince in North America and tho West Indies, South America, Mexico, por tions of Europe and Australia. That it is not only a remedy for dyspepsia, constipation, biliousness, urinary and uterine complaints, nervousness and debility, but also a preventive of those maladies to which air and water, im pregnated with miasma, give birth, has been nowhere so strongly evidenced as in those regions where climatic condi tions unfavorable to health exist, and where the Hitters have leen long and constantly tested. To call this superb cordial a remedy that has made its mark, cannot, we think, be regarded as boasting, since there is probably no proprietary remedy more widely known, universally respected and em phatically endorsed than these Hitters. Coura! Don't despair when the doctor says your limp arc disciifii'd. The worst cases given up as hopeless have ben cured by Halk's Honey or IIorkhocnd and Tar. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one minute lit not permit tho body to waste away in useless sufTerinff. Dr.'Wistar's Bal sam of Wilp Cjikkky has efT.:cted thou nands of almost miraculous cur.-s of coughs, colds, bronchitis and consump tion. It Is a safe and reliable cure. IT'The National Hold Medal was award ed o l'.radloy A Kulofson for the bst Photograph in the United States, and the Vienna Medal for the best in the world. 429 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Important. Endomed bv the Medical profession. UK. VM. II A LIAS HALS AM FOIl Til R I.UNUS cures T'ouKhs. Told and Consni.tion. and ull disorders of the Throat and l'het. IU. TOWLEYVS TOOTHACHE ANODYNE euros in one MINUTE. feblti Vacant Places. In the dental ranks will never occur if you are particular with your teeth, and cleanse them every day with that fa mous tooth-wash, SOZorONT. From youth to old age it will keepthe enamel spotless and unimpaired. Thu teeth of persons who use SOZODONT have a pearl-liko whiteness, and the gums a roseate hue, while the breath is puri fied, and rendered sweet and fragratit. It is composed of rare antiseptic herbs and is entirely free from the objection able and injurious ingredients of Tooth Pastes, tvc. t p NEW TO-DAY. N. N. N. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS, Af NEW ERA. Dry Goods, Groceries, Hoofs and Shoes, Wood on Ware, Drujs and Mcdicines.cheaji for cash or produce. J. CANTO. NOTICE. "VOTICE Is HEIIERY GIVEN THAT all persons are forbidden to trust any person on my account. GEO. NEWMAN, FINE POULTRY. Bred by M. EYRE, Jr. NAPA, California, Bronx Turkeys, welhlnpr 40 lbs, each. Em den Geese, weighing from 40 to 50 Ites. per pair. Hrahmas, Leghorns, Games, etc. I'ekln Ducks, aver aging- IS to 20 lbs., and best of all Ducks us layers. Also A fine assortment of Pigeons, Habbits, Guinea Fowls and Ferrets. Any variety of fowls desired imported. Eobs, true to name, fresh and well packed, for sale at moderate prices. Send for Illustrated Circular, and Prico List, to M. KYRE, ."Vp, Cal. On receipt of 10 cents in stamps, I will furnish specimen copy of the PoultrT Bulletin, an illustrated 32 pace monthly, the recognized authority In poultry matters In the U. !S. : and decidedly the best Poul try Journal published. Subscription only II 25 a year. Please state where you saw this adver tisement. Orders may also be left at this office. VIC'mK'S Flower and Vegetable tSeeds aro the best the world produces. They arc planted by a million people In America, and the result Is. beautiful Flowers and splndid Vegetables. A Irieed Catalogue sent free to all who enclose the postage a 3 cent stamp. VICK'S Flower and. Vegetable Garden is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of fine 11 lustrations, and four Chroma Plate of Flower, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Price 33 cts. In paper covers; 65 cts. bound In ele. gant cloth. Vick's FleJral Guide Tbls Is a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely Illustrated, and containing: an ele gant colored Fromlsrieee with the first number. Price only 35 cts. for the year. The first number for 1676 Ju,st issued. Ad. dress JAMES VICK, Rochester, IV. V. ESTABLISHED I860. ' B. A. HUGHES, I MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. Dealer la DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. f STOCK IS LARGE AND COM- plete in every department. I will sell as cheap as any retail house in Port land for cash. - , I will pay the highest market price fo- BUTTER AND E3GS. and all kinds or good country produce I keep the best TEA AND COFFEE. My motto Is, SMALL PROFITS AND QCKK RETIRNS. Plt-ase call and see for yourselves that the Goods at the old firm of B. A. Hughes cannot be lieaten in quality or price. I thank all my patrons for their liberal Catronage during the past year, and I hope y low prices and strict attention to busi ness to merit th continuation of their favor. B. A. HUGHES. Oregon City, Jan. 3d, 187C. County Ncrlp Taken as Cash. Ja7 ttt. Final Settlement- In the County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, State of Oregon. In the matter of tho estate of Ixirenzo Stewart deceased. tHAKLK STEWART AIXMIXIM j trator of said Estate having filed in said Court, his final account and prayer for settlement of thu same, all persons In terested are notified that said Court has apjiointed Monday the llt.h day of Febru ary, A. D. 1870, for the examination of such account, and the hearing of exceptions thereto if any; and 11 secial term of said Court is appointed at thut time for said puriiose. JOHNSON' A McCOWX, Attest : Att'ys for Administrator. J. M. KKAZK15, County Clerk. Oregon City, January It. Ja J w : Final Settlement. In tie- County Court of Clackamas coun ty. State of )regon. In the matter of the Estate of David Ball deceased. DAVID F. MAY, ADMINISTRATOR of the above entitled Estate having filed his final account with vouchers and prayed tin Court to apMint a day for final settlement and the hearing of object ions to said final account if any there be, therefore it is ordered and adjudged by th Court that Monday, the 11th day of February 187H, be s-t apart by the Court for the hearing of objections to said ac count, if any, at, which time all jx-rsons in terested can appear and make their ob jections If any they have, and it is further ord'-red by the Court that a speelal term of the Court be held at said time for said pur pose. JOHNSON A McCOWN, vtftest : jitt'va for .id minis? rat or. J. M. FK-1ZK.U, County Clerk. Oregon City, January II. Ja:t.v. JOHX II. 3f OORK'S MACHINE SHOPS, oiir.(;x citv, oiti:c;o. (TEAM ENGINES, SA W-MIIXS, FT,OCieiN MILLS, SHAFTING, Piillej-u, Hunfler'a Hydraulic Pump, 'iEAKINO, NOXKS, to order. Itapers, Threshing Machines, and all kinds of Farming Machinery repaired in the best manner. Farmers' P.lacksmith ing done with neatness and dispatch. Wheat Cleaners, Jackets. Iron and Zinc Shaker Screens and Perforated Plates, made to order. Agent for the HOUSTON PATENT VATER WHEEL, The Best Wheel in lls.c. Order Solicited. Dec. 31, 1873 If IMPERIAL MILLS, LaRocque, Savior & Co. Oregon City. Keep constantly on hand for sale Flour, Middlings, Mran and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sack. OREGON CITY THE RIVAL OF BOSTON. rpo MAKE, EVENTUALLY. OREGON JL City the rival of lloston in t he art of Music, all that is needed is a gcod teacher, and everybody to patronize him. Now is the chance. Prof. Keliger is well known as a thorough Master, and is ready to give lessons on the Piano.Organ, Violin, Guitar, Flute, Ilarmoney, Thorough Bass, etc. He is also giving lessons in German at. pri vate residences. He is also teaching a singing class, and has reduced the prices so low that everybody will have a chance to form their voices even for the most difficult pieces, and to be on hand when the great OREGON CITY PEACE JUBILEE shall take place. For particulars apply at Mr. levy's or Mr. Selling's store, or at his residence at Mrs. Shattuck's. PIANOS TUNED. Nov. 19, 1875 ;m 1 WILLAMETTE NURSERY. (i. W. WALLING & SOX, OSWEGO, OREGON. Fruit nnil Ornnmentul Tree, Evergreens, Grape Vines, Small Fruits, Roe and Shrubs, Cultivated and for Sale AT OUR NURSERY, All orders left at Barlow fc Fuller's, our agents In Oregon City, will be promptly tilled. Nov. 12 ;m3. Administrator's Sale. VTOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, l3l pursuant to an order of the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, I will offer for sale at public auction on Saturdav, March 4th, 1876, at 11 o'clock, A. M., at the Court House door In Oregon City, Clacka mas County, Oregon, for gold coin in hand, the following described real estate, belong ing to the estate of Joseph A. Wright, de ceased, to-wjt ! Lot 3 of S. 19, and the . W. of the K, E. H. and Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of K. all In T. 4 S. II. 2 E. of the Willamette Meridian, containing ltV) acres. J. M. BROU N, Ja2l:4t , . Administrator. OH AS. KNIGHT. CANDY, OREGON, PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST, Prescriptions carefully filled at thort notle. ja7Af. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, miTut?ncTTV nv nfiT-TTrORNTA. DUVOL, MILLER & CO., AT MOORE'S MACHINE SHOP, OREGON CITY, OREGON MANUFACTURERS OF DIVOL'S Patent Wheels for Vehicles of all kinds. Also all kinds of Blackjunl tiling Done to order. Wagon and Carriages Made and Repaired, and all kinds of Farmers' Blacksmlthlng done with dis patch and neatness. Orders solicited. Wagon and Carriage makers are invited to examine our Patent Wheels, And us" them instead of Wooden Wheels. Wo fit our Wheels to either iron or Thimble .Skein Axles. dec24 tf. CLIFF HOUSE. OREGON CITY, OREGON, T. 7. RHODES, lioprietor. Transient Board, SI to 9 per Day. Single Meals 50 cents. Board per Week S5 00 Board and Lodging, per wrek....9Q OO The Table will be supplied with the best the market affords. Dall Suppers furnished on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Nov. 19. 1S75 .-tf LAXD FOR SALE. ,'E HAVE THE FOLLOWINU HEAL Estate for sale. No. 1. Ieslrablo building block In Oregon City. No. 2. 1GO Acres, good house, and barn full ofhaj';S acres in cultivation, orchard, good water: 15 miles from Oregon City. Price $.r00, half down. No. 3. 30 Acres, 75 in cultivation : houses, barns, wells, Ac: good orchard: 6 miles from Oregon City. Trice $t,500 ; halt down. .Sell half place at same rates. No. 1. 200 Acres, 2-j acres under cultiva tion, 5 acres orchard, good running water: 125 acres open brusli land; xi mile from school house ; 8 miles from Oregon City. $ 1,5' JO; half down, bal ance in' one and two years. No. 5. Part of all the Harbor farm, on the river at Hock Island above Oregon City ; $5 per aero. No. Land on the river above Oregon City, chcni; part of the Harber claim; good wood yard. Other desirable bargains in Clackamas, the best county in the .State. Any sne having money to lend can have our STVices, Tree of charge, in managing the same and selecting securities. l'.'rsons wanting to' borrow money can get favorable terms by calling on us. JOHNSONS McCOWN. anil JOHNSON, McCOWN &MACROI. Offices in Oregon Citv and Portland. Nov. 12. lvS75 :t f Citation. In the County Court, ofthe .St ate of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the Estate of Currin T. Ivlmbley, deceased. To the heirs and other iersons interested in t he Estate of Currin T. Kimbley, de ceased : "yiniEREAS, THE DULV APPOINT- M cd Administrator of said Estate has filed in said Court a petition praying for an order to sell the r-al property of said estat e. Now, t hercfore, in the 11 a me of the State of Oregon, you and eacli of you are hereby personally cited to appear in the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Ore gon, on the first Saturday in February, lSTti, that being the 5t h day of February, lsTtt, and the first day of the special term or said County Court, appointee! by the Court for the hearing of said petition of said Administrator, then and th-re to show caiis, if any exists, why an order of sale should not be made as in said etition praved lor, said land being described as follows: The W. M of N. E. H of Sec. 10, T. i S., It. 3 E. of the Willamette Meridian, situate in Clackamas County, Oregon, and containl"g Kl) acres more or less, Bv order of N. W. RANDALL, Att est : C 111 nty .1 udge. J. M. Frazkr, County Clerk. L. T. Ha nix. Attorney for Adm'r. Oregon City, January 5, 1876 :w4 Final Settlement. In the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon. In the matter of the Estate of Hugh Cur ran, deceased. ALL PFRSONS INTERESTFI) ARE hereby notified, that I have filed my account in the above entit led case, and the Court has apinted Saturday, the 5th day of Februarv, A. D. l7ii, at the Court House, in Oregon Citv, for the hearing of objec tions thereto, and the settlement of such Estate. GEO. J CURRAN, Attest: Administrator. J. M. Frazkr, County Clerk. Oregon City, Jan. 7th, 4t. Notice. U. S. Land Office, Oreook City, Oregon, January 10, 1870. tlOM PLAINT HAVING BEEN EN j tered at this, by B.J. Oervais against James P. Kennard for abandoning his Homestead Entry, No. 17H5, dated March 2S, 1.S71, upon It No. 6, Section 11, Township 1 south, Range 2 east, in Mult nomah county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry : the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this oftice on the 23d day of February, lS7ti, at 10 o'clock A. M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged aban donment. OWEN WDE, Heyistcr. Jail :lw T. It. HARRISON, Jtecrivcr. Notice. IT. S. Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, January 10, 187t). tlOMPLAINT HAVING BEEN EX- tered at this oltlcc by Harry Ehlers against Ira Reckard for abandoning his Homestead Entry, No. 2421, dated Sert. 22, 1873, upon the N. W. M Section 24, Town ship 2 south. Range 4 cast, in Clackamas county, Oregon, with a view to the cancel lation of said entry : the said parties are herebv summoned to apjiear at this office on the 23d day of Februarv, ISTli, at 11 o'clock A. M., to respond and furnish testi mony concerning said alleged abandon ment. OWEN WADE, Jtetjirter. Jall-lw T. R. HARRISON, Receiver. HARDWARE, IROiTaND STEEL, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, OAR, ASH AND HICRORV PLAXK. .ORTHRUl' fc THOMPSON, Dec. 31.1 S7 :m 3 Port 1 a n d , Oregon . NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, Oreoon City, January 3d, 187H. C COMPLAINT HAVING UK EX EX. J ter-d at this oftloo by C. H. Stranahan against Henrv Sehomaker for abandoning his Homestead Entry, No. 2,535. dated April 17th, 1874, uron the W. X of tho S. E. . section 30. township 3 south, range 5 east. In Clackamas county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry : th said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 12th day of February, 1876, at 11 o'clock a. m., to re spond and furnish testimony eoncernin" said alleged abandonment. " OWEN WADE, Rjit-r. T. R. HARrtIJX;rjr,E-rfver. ja;:l. CENTENNIAL 1776.1876. P It O V ff a A H ATI O A . CHICAGO NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. THE POPULAR ROUTE OVERLAND. PASSENGERS FOR CHICAGO. NlA gara Falls, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Montreal, Quebec, New York, Boston, or any point East, should buy their TRANSCONTINENTAL TICKETS Via the Pioneer Route, TT1E CHICAGO & XOKTII-W ESTER X RAILWAY. TUIS IS THE BEST ROUTE EAST. Its track is of STEEL RAILS, and on it has been made the fastest time that has ever been MADE in this country, liy this route passengers for points east of Chicago have choice of the following lines from Chicago : By the Pittftburi?, Fort AVuj iie and ClilCMjfo and Peimnylvniiia. Hallways t a THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with Pull man Palace Cars through to Philadel phia and New York on each train. 1 THROUGH TRAIN, with Pullman Palace Cars to Baltimore and Wash ington. By the Lake Hkore and Miclilcnn tinuthrrn Railway and Connection (Xnw York Central and Krle Rail roads) i e 3 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with Palace Drawing Room and Silver Pal ace Sleeping Cars through to New Yorlc. By the Miclii;usi Central, Grand Trunk, Great Western and Krie and Xcw York Central Railways: Q THROUGH TRAINS, with Pullman 3 Palace Drawing Room and Sleeping Cars through to New York, to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester or New York city. By Baltimore and Ohio Ruilroad : THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with Pullman Palace Cars for Newark, Zanesvllle, Wheeling, Washington and Baltimore without change. This Is the SHORTEST, BEST and only line running Pullman celebrated PALACE SLEEPING CARS AND COACHES, con necting with Union Pacific Railroad at O.MAIIA and from the WEST, via Grand Junction, Marshall, Cedar Rapids.Clinton, Sterling and Dixon, for CHICAGO VXU THK EAST. Tbls popular route is unsurpassed Tor Speed, Comfort and Safety. The. smooth, well-ballasted and perfect track of st -el rails, the celebrated Pullman Palace S:e ing Cars, the perfect Telegraph System of moving trains, the regularity with which thev run, the admirable arrangement of running through cars to Chicago from all points West, secure to puss-'ngrs all the comforts in modern Railway Traviing. No change of Cars and no tedious delays at Ferries. Passengers will find Tickets via this Fa vorite Route at tin' ieneral Ticket Office of the Central Pacillc Railroad, Sacramen to. Tickets for sale in all tho Ticket Offices of the Central Pacific Railroad. W. H. STKNNF.TT. Gen. Pas. Agent. MARTIN II UGH ITT, Gen. Sup. II. P. STAN WOOD, General Agency, 121 Montgomery street, .-an Francisco.., Aug. 13 :ly OREGON STEAMSHIP GO.'S STEAMBOAT NOTICE! stv. k. :n COOKE, Will leave OREGON CITY for PORTLAND evcrvday Except Sunday,! tit 7J4 o'clock, A. M. Returning, will leave Portland for Oregon City at 2h o'clock, P. M. Sti ALICE, Will leave OREGON CITY forCORVALLIS every Monday and Thursday of each week. Str. DAYTON, Will leave OREGON CITY for McMINN VILLE, LAFAYETTE and DaYTON, and all points between, every Monday, Wed nesday and Fr'Uay of each week. Leaves the Basin at 8 o'clock, A. M., and connect with the train at Canemah at 9, A. M. Str. ALBANY, Leaves OREGON CITY" for HARRISBURG and EUGENE and all intermediate points every week. Sti. Eaimio latton,. Leaves OREGON CITY for ALBANY" and all int ermediate points bet ween twice ev ery week. J. D. BILES, Agent, Oregon City, February, 11. 1S71. JUST jSSUED. aooth EDITION. MANHOOD, REVISED AND CORRECTED BY THE AUTHOR, K. de P. (TRTIS, M. I)., &c &c. A Medical Essay on the causes and cure of premature decline of man, showing how health is lost, and how regained. It gives a clear synopsis of the impediments to marriage, the treatment of nervous and physical debility, exhausted vitality, and all other dieases apertaining thereto; the results of twenty years successful prac tice. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. CURTIS ON "MANHOOD." There is no member of society by whom this book will not be found usefyl, whether he be parent preceptor or clergyman. lAiulon lme. CURTIS ON "MANHOOD." This book should be read by the young for instruc tion, and by the afflicted for relief; it will injure no one. Mcdictil Times and Gazette. Price One Dollar, by mail or express. Address the author, DR. CURTIS. 5:W Sut ter street, or P. O. Box 57, San Francisco, Cal. aug. '27 dyisdom J. H. SHEPARD, ISoot and Slioe Store, One door north of Ackernmn Bros. Biots and shoes made and repaired as cheap as t he cheapest. Nov. 1, 1875 :tf LOUIS J AGGERS, (Successor to Jacob Wortman) OREGON CITY, OKEGOX. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. AT the old stand, the largest and most complete stock of family GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Of every description, including Canned Goods, Spices, Green Groceries Tobacco and Cigars, in fact, everything to be found in a first class Grocery store. tf-Goods delivered to all parts of tho City r ree of Charge. fcT-Highest Cash price paid for Potatoes, Oats and other Produce. - I-OUIS J AGGERS. Nov. 25, 1875. tf. JUST When th Blood Rushes with rocket like violence to the head, causing hot flushes, vertigo and dimness of Is a certain sign that a mild, salubrious, cool ing and equalizing laxative is required, and Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient should be at once resorted to. SOLD BY ALL DRCGGIST. - P0MD'So o EXTRACT Hear, lor 1 will peak of excellent thing." LORD'S EXTRACT-The great Testable Pi Destroyer. Has beea in use over thirty years, and for cleanliness and prompt can tive virtues cannot be excelled. CHILDREN. No family can afford to be without l'ond' Extract. Accidents, BniM, Contusions Cuts, Sprains sre relieTed almost instantly by external application. Promptly relieves pains or Varna, ScaJ4 Excoriations, thufing. Old Sores, JBoilH, Felons, Corns, etc Arrests hi ll amat ion. reduces Bwellines, stops bleeding, ??1Pv2"i!H"olor!,tion9anfne3 rapidlv. FEMALE WEAKNESSES. It always rcllevJs pain in the back and louis,f nllncs and prcasinc pata In the head, nausea, vertigo. IN lEUCORRHdA U has no equal. All kind of ol ecranon to which ladies nro subject Are promptly enred. Fuller details in book accom panying each bottle. PILES blind or bleeding meet prompt relict . and ready cure. No case, however ctnooic or v . ' r f -rC.!nJonF resl!,t "3 regular uu VARICOSE VEINS. It is the only sure care for ..-i2 tj'i'sand dangerous condition. KIDNEY DISEASES. It has no equal for perma nent cure. BLEEDING from any cause. Fortius U a pe ciuc. It his paved hundreds of live wbcaall other reme lies failed to orrot bleeding fom nose, Ktoinaeh, I h lies, r.nd elsewhere") RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, Toothache and tarache are nil alikts-rel.eved, and often per--rnaneutlv cnivd. . . PHYSICIANS ef nllEchooIs who arc acquainted Willi i'ond's Extract of Witch Hazel reo omniend it in tiieir practice. Weliavcl-ttcrsot commendation from hundreds of Physician? many of whom order i:lor use in ti'ieir own practice. Iu r.ddliion ti the fun-gcinr, they order its ne for swellings 01 til" kinds. Jninsy, Sore Throat, 1 1: Untried Toimiul Eimple and chronic Diarrlxvst, Catarrh, for which it is a specific,) Chilblain, Frost ed Feet, Sting of Injects, .UotMjiiitoen. etc., Chapped llnnd, Face, and indeed nil manner of skin diseases. rOILET USE. Kemoves Soreness, RonvbarM, and Km art ing t heals Cntn, liri. ptious, nnd Pimples. It rences. iartVjnra'rs. ai-.d r--frethes, while wonderfully improving the Complexion. TO FARMERS. Pone's Extract. No Stock Breedor.iio Livery Man can a fiord to lie without iU It 1-i used by all the Le-idiny Livery Stables, Street Railroads nnd first Horsemen in New York City. It has uo equal for Sprain, Har ness or Saddle . C'hatinrs ftiUnces, Scratches, SwellinCuts, Lacerations, nieeding, Pneumonia, Colic, Diarrhoea, Chills, Colds, etc. Its range of action is wide, and the relief it affords is so prompt tlsct it is invalnable in every Farm-vard as well as in every Farm -house. Let it be tried once, And von will never be withent H. CAUTION. Pond's Extract has been imitated. Thegennine article has the words Pond's Ex tract blown in each bottle. It is prepared by the only persons livinjr who ever knew tow to prepare it properlv. Refuse all other pre ) parations of Witch HazeL This is the only article used by Physicians, and In the hospi tals of this country "and En-ore. HISTORY AND USES OF, POND'S EXTRACT. in pamphlet form, sent free mi application to POND'S EXTRACT COMPANY. Maiden Lane. New York. r. FALL 1875 Is your time to buy goods nt low prices. BEOT H Jil 3rfc S are now receiving a large stock of o c FALL AND WINTER GOODS, all of the Latest Styles, whioh will s?H AT LESS THAN FCRTLAKD PRICES. Our stock has been bought for cash, and we will sell It at a small advance above SAN FRANCISCO COST. "IITE WILL SAY TO EVERYBODY BE , ? fore you purchase or go to Portland, come and price our groods and convince yourself that we do what we say. Onr stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoe Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods. Notions, Grot. les. Hard ware and a srreat many other articles too numtr ours to mention ; ALSO DOORS, WINDOWS, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETC We will also pay the Highest Market Price for Country Produce. ACKEIIMAN BROS. Oregon City. Sept. 23, 1?7.j tf ALLEYS IHLVTTOOjY, CLEAR CREEK, CLACK. DI AS COIXTV. IDF.SIRK TO INFORM MY OLD Cus tomers, and the public at large, that I have Just received a new supply of FAMILY GROCERIES, CLOTHING, ROOTS and SHOES, C UTLER Y, HARD WA RE, O And Other Miscellaneous Goods. All of which I now offer for sale at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. ACKERIAiT My object Is to tell all my old friends and O customers t hat I am still alive, and desir ous to sell goods Cheap, FOB CASH, or upon such terms as agreed upon. I shall also have In my em ploy athorough BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, and constantly keep stock on hand forth Man ufiiri ore & Ttrpair of Eoots i Shofi, nd all orders In that line will be promptly attended to. ALLEN MATTOON, Near tlie VI1 Mills. octlAf TO RENT. THE GREEN POINT MANSION WITH crounds, lately occupied by Mr. H. Souls, is for Rent, for one or more yr are. Any one desiring a retired residence, .with , splendid garden tract and Fruits ffMflJf .nee. will please apply to JpK rov.4,is? " A -'.ri; P o o o o