Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1876)
o 0o o o o o G o o o o o o o o o 0 I ENTE OREIiJJX cur, OR EGO", J.W. 2!, 1570 COXJKKS.IOXAL. o SENATE. "Washington, Jan. 12. Conkling presented a petition asking the pro (Shibitiou of religious appropriations. Dorsey introduced n bill to pluCs all colored troopsNon an equal foot ing with other soWiers as to bounty and pensions. . Jan. 13. Windom presented peti tions of 2,810 citizens of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ohio and Missouri, asking an appropriation of 8100, 0(0 for the improvement of ihe Upper Missouri river, ltef erred. Mitchell introduced a bill donating the military road rumiibg from As toria to Salem, to the several coun ties through which itpasses. lie fer red. Davis addressed the .Senate on his bill calling for the appointment of a committee to investigate the books of the Treasury Depai tm nt. Repli ed to by Bout well. uorsE. O rWAsmxr;To,s) Jan. 1'2. Dills were introduced by Wells for u !-;:. mi Lonscand postoflico building .vi. 'St. Louis. By Falkner, to prohibit Senators. Kepresentatives and Delegates t Congress, from acting as council, or otherwise, in suits and proceeding against the United itates. By Den&ison, to have a commission appointed to ascertain on what terms a naturally bentieial treaty of com merce with Mexico cau ,be arranged. The debate on the" aitmosty bill then came up, Messrs. (iai iield and Hill the piiinipal juu tieiianfs, car rying it on until adjournment. Jan. l.J. Bennett, of Idaho, offer ed a resolution instructing.the Judi ciary Commit toe to in.piiiti into the rxpedieuey of incorporating into the Constitution, by amendment, a pro vision giving citizens of organized Territories the ri;ht to vote frv Pres ident and Vice President. Adopted. CochranS ottered u resolution for the appointment of a special com mitteo to investigate the alleged fraudulent letting of contracts for for the transportation of Indian sup plies and goods. Bofer red. After a very bitter debate on the amnesty bill, in which Blaine, Hill and Caultield took part, the House adjourned. Washington, Jan. 11. Bills were introduced as follows: By White, to reduce; the salaries of public oilicers exceeding -1,"')0 20 per cent. He moved the previous question on its passage. q 1 Kasson suggested that though the motive of tho bill was excellent, it seemed to violate the. Constitution, n as it involved tho Supreme Court Judges and the President. The previous question was not seconded, and the bill was referred. On motion of U.uidall, the went into committee of the House whole, on the Say 1 or of Ohio in the chair, pension appropriation bill, appropriates the Pension for armv lollowmg sums: , $1,230,0.10; pen- sions tor wulows, iYe, s-1 i. iM'i'i-O; pensions for survivors of 1812, S-jOO,-000; fees of pension agents, commis sions, &c, So00,00(); navy pensions, 'fees, kc, Atkins who had charge of the bill, made a state ment as to the items in it, compared with those of preceding v ars, and showed that the average rati of pen sions has increased from sS!) in JS71 to $103 21 in 187.". After discus-ion in regard to pension agents the coiua niittee rose and reported the J it was passed. Lord, froiv the judiciary commit tee reportexl a bilD providing that the Alabama claims commissioners, as soon after the 22d inst. as practi cable, shall report to Secretary of State, the several judgments which before, or on that day, shall have been rendered by them, and that the Secretary of State shall transmit the report to the Secretary of the Treas ury, who shall, without unnecessary delay proceed to pay the judgments specified therein, with interest there on at the rate of 1 per cent, from the date of the loss. After some little discussion thcfbill passed. As a specimen of the dt bate on the Amnesty bill we give the following: Blaine The effect of this speech "of tho gentleman from Ceorgia seems to have been very tremendous down there, for one of his organs says; "Weassert, without few of contradic tion, that Hill, in his "bitter denun ciation of scallawags and carpetbag gers, deterred thousands of them from entering the ranks of tho radi cal party. They dare not do so, for fear of social ostracism, and to-day the white people of Georgia are al most unanimously Democratic as a result ottho labors of Hill." Cox Good for Hill! Blaine In a certain event he is for war. Cox (breaking in) Oh, Blaine, dry up! ' Blaine (not noticing) continued Tho gentleman from Georgia can not, by withholding his speech from publication and by revising it and fixing it up for circulation among Northern Democrats possibly erase his speeches in Georgia. Hill--My speech is already in the hands of the printer. Blaino-I have quoted these Geor gia speeches from Democratic pa pers. There is nq- excuse that the report is a perversion of his speeches in Republican papers. The gentle man deliberately states that in a cor ain contingency he is for war. Hill No, sir. Blaine I undertake here to say that in all the hot wrath of the Thirty sixth Congress, which precipitated the rebellion in this country, there is not one speech tu be found cvhich breathes a more determined resist ance to lawful authority, or to a greater readiness to resist it than the speech, God forbid I should lay at the door of the Southern people these atrocities. I -will not lay such l charges at their door. I know very well, for I have read it in thi.-j cx parte hamburg report, that there was a deep movement among the Southern people about thest atroci- ties; that there was profound r.i-;,si-bility;43n the subjects I kno w the.T great leading officers pn. tested against it: many subordinate did m; "that an honorable general from North Carolina, now representing his State in th Senate, protested against it; but I have searched the records in - vain t'Stind that the gentleman from Georgia 2rotested against it. x It was known to the -Confederate Congress and at the doors of the Confederate Senate anddn the corridors of its Capitol. The venerable gentleman now in my eye (alluding to Henry S. Foote, who was seated on a chair in the area on the .Democratic side) brought it himself to the attention of the Confederate Congress. To show how entirely thse mat-" tors were known here. I will read the resolutions offered here in January, 1801. Here Blaine quoted the reso lutions, the language of which show ed the suf!eringsbf lie Union pris oners were generally known on both sides of the line, and, he added, the author of them was S. J. Randall, of l'ensylvauia; he also referred to a resolution by Washbnrne, of Illinois, approving of the humane efforts of the administration to secure the ex change of prisoners, and he said amongst those who voted against it was S. S. Cox, then of Ohio. Cox interrupting TLo Hon. "Hyena" from Maine Blaine I am not interrupted. Cox as if correcting himself I say the Hon. gentleman from Maine interrupted me five times the other day. and I let him come in. Blaine Yes; but the gentleman from Pennsylvania has notified me I cannot have my time extended. Cox Well; bellow awiy. You are a 'li vena. Sugar from C.rapcs. If report is true a citizen of Ijos Angeles county, Cal., has made a most important discovery, and one that all having vineyards of the old nission grapes will appreciate. It will also overcome effectually the ob jections entertained by many against the grape on account of their being used for making w ine, as it will open up a much more profitable market. The report is that it has lately been discovered by a citizen of Bos An gelus county that twenty to twenty two per cent, of No. 1 sugar can be obtained from the mission grape, lie has applied for a patent on it is method, and as soon us he can get it in the right shape then he will make known the process by which he makes a lirst-class brown and white sugar from the much celebrated mission grape. If this report should be veritied the revenues of- this sec tion will be largely increased, as most of our now uncultivated side hills are specially adapted to their cultivation. Such grapes are now worth but ten to thirteen elollars per ton. An exchange makes this com parison; "To make them into sugar say twenty per cent, of sugar from atoii that is, -100 pounds of sugar. Cost of makinpr, 2 cents a pound, which leaves $'V0 per ton, estimating the sugar at 10 cents, which is from li to -4 cents cheaper than suar can now be S-tu Jo'! bought Aryttx. in this market. IT-oCiii Lvws. The Philadelphia L--il;i't- lias made a compilation of the-laws relative to the rate of in terest in tho several States and Ter ritories. Thirty-three States and Territories have nsurv laws, the regular rate of interest varying from six to twelve jer cent. In the fol lowing States Gand Territories all usury laws have been abolished and any rate may be collected that may be agreed upon; California. Florida, Maine, Montana, Nevada, New Mexi co, icnoae island, rsonin Carolina, Texas. Utah, Washington, Wyoming. JScw York has a stringent anti-usury law. According to the law in that State sreven per cent, is the maxi mum rate, and usury is made a mis demeanor punishable by a line of 1,000 or six month's imprisonment, or both, and forfeits the principal even in the hands of third parties. Newspaper gossip is? that Carl Schurz, David A. Wells ajid Col Grosvenor are getting possession of the Financier, a weekly money and business paper of New York, and making a good thing of it changing its name to the Public, and devoting it specially to currency, tariff "and other administrative reforms. An excellent idea, and very able men to carry it out. It has been discovered that the same kind of coloring matter which poisons. the striped stockings is also used to color bad whisky. In both cases it goes to the legs and ruins the understanding. . "Have you any nice fresh farmer's eggs?'' inquired a precise old lady at a grocery store. "No, ma'am," replied the practical clerk, "but we have some rery good She took three to try. hen's eggs.' As long as a woman can attend an auction and buy three links of rust eiten stove-pipe for (50 cents, she will not worrv about suffrage. A Pittsburg man has all the doors in Ids his house opening outward, so as to be prepared for either a family row or a lire. Notice. V :. I.AXD Okfick, Oreciox City Oregon, 1 eeembor 'js ist.s MXT IIAVINc; IIFMvVv i l-T' f 10MIT. oil at t thisoffioe hv : v .. .Join 1 . lWry for bandoning his Mom. A !';11.1V'N"- '.'1, dated I. o.2, 1ST0 ,;-oMlh.-u.,,,,tX.K.,anlthoN ,,. of V v' s -ot ion 1J, township 2 sout h, ran-.. 3 Uost Wr i if r ' v l"" 1,1 SaKi ,',,,r" : ,h" "' I aril, s are h. r i,y smmuoneil to hi n,-i,r at t,- i. . ' ' ivsj-onii an.l turnish ilonnuiit. con,- TniriL' s:i .I ii...r..i ., i Ih-O. NOTICE. 9 V. S. lasoOKKifK, Orkoon City January .i,l, i7ii ' April ITth, HTt, u, ,, ,1, , v-: r?"- 'I'!1'.? at this olTiee on the -Vh ' r spor.d and mrnisi, f.-stimonv c.n'c-ri.ii,- said alio-, d al.i..lf,riinerit rl"'i OW iO.V VAi.K,. Town Lets for Sale. V-('Tin:iS(,iVKXTO ALT. PHUsoVs t d-sirousof pur,-h,ing Town ijrs in the i .my addition fo'itv r k". amns county . r gon. that nr.- .... v ' o vnea by t. Iaclama5 cunt that appileaf ,. , f.,1 the pnrehas . m ,,, r .0,,w , v ' in vacation of ;h V..,tv ', and no-Id urv.n by th c..rt in rem. t ime,' and value pi;.c d on the lots to be oM ,ame Tvn I MS" J. M. KUAZEI:, 1. is..,. County Clerk. 0 GKORGE A. HARDISO. WARD & HARDING-, D J-iGl3T? AND APOTHECARIES, KEEl' CONisTANTrA" ON,a ILVND A general assortment of IDvutr.-; unci (L'liomical, Porfjiisiory, iioajis, loiiilnaii'.l Ilriishes, , Triissos. Supporters, Sliiil:er Uracj k'nm-y iiikI Toilet Axllcless .-ALSO. Kerosene Oil, Lump Clilmneyx, Olass, Putty, l'aints, Oils, Viii iiihrs and Uye StulYs, PL'RE WINES AM) LIiU'ORS FOR ME DICINAL PURPOSES. PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. lOPliysicians' Prescriptions carcftillv coiniounUod, anil all ord. rs correctly aii sworoil. BJOjv'n at all hours of tho night. BAll accounts must pakl "monthly. novlitf WAItliit 1IAHD1NO. THOMAS CM ARM AH ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIKEH TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Ur, jron City and of the Willamette Valley, t hat he is still on hand and doinir J business on the old motto, that A Kiiiidlc Six JTeticc i.t firtter than a Slow Shun h(i. I have just returned from Ran Francisco, whore. I purchased one of the a LARS EST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS over before off red in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Moots and Shoos, Clothing, Pry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, o l'aints and Oils, Sash and Doors. Clunawaro, 3 Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platoilwaro, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, I-adios and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy N Hope, Faming tions of Every Implements ot Description All Kinds, Carpets, 3iattin?:s, Oil Cloth, Wall I'aper, etc Of the above list, I can say my stock is the 31 O M T COMPL K T K ever otT-r-'d in this market, and was seleted wit I, esp.-cial care for the Oregon City trailc. All of which I now olfer for sale at this Lovest filarkot Ra es. Xo use f,,r the ladies, or any one else, to think of irointr to Portland to buy rooils for I am htmiriimt to Sell. Chwp and not to allow myself to r.MJEKSOLD IN THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay. ments, believing as I do that Twenty Yc-ars Experience In Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of t he trade. Come one a nil all and S'?e for yourselves that tin? old stand of THOMAS CIIAKMAX cannot be beaten in quality or price, it would be useless for me to tell you all the advantages I can offer you in the sale of goo. Is, as every stoiv that advertises does that, and jroiably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is Coin?, an.l S,'t,uiul for YonrsMvrs for I do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to toll nil my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or ujon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liber al patronage bestowed. TKOS. CHAKMAN, Main Street, Oregon City, T.eira Tenders and Count v Scrip taken at market rates. THOS. CHAItMAN. rC?oH,(N)() ihs wool wanted bv THOS. CIIARMAX. Will, E2EJ$H;C2IITOX "Tr)ITI,D INFORM THE CITIZENS OF t Oregon City and vicinity that ho is prepared to furnish FI3, SPRUCE AI4D CEDA7 L'JMSER, Of every description, at low rates. AI.HO, Iry Floorlujr, Celling', Rustic, Spruce, (for shelving), Lattice, IMclsets, nntl Foiioe-Iost, Codar, Coiistttnthf on hitml. Street and Sidewalk lunibor furnished on the shortest not ic ', at as low a rates as it can be purchased in tho State. Give me n c: 1 1 at t he OREdOXCITY SAM' MILLS. Oregon City, June 10, l.S75:tf LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE -o- rpiIE HNDERSKJNEDI'ItOPKlFTOKOF L the Livery Stabloon Fifth street," )regon City.Oregon," keeps coiisf.antly on hand CagSlns, Carriafio and Hacks. Smldle 9 Mini Jlngy Horos. Irico.-! TJ'aHOiial)le. ANDY WILMS. Oregon City, Nov. 5, 1S75. Proprietor. BETHESDA SPRINGS ! On the KeEinzle River. L&na Co., Oregon. A UIAOING SI MMER RESORT. rpilP.SE SPRIXC.S ARE locati;d I alK.ut flltv-live mi' -s oat f.f liugeno Citv, nA within four miles of the Cfdcbrat oil P.ig Prairie of the Melvinzi". They are wit hin a few hundred yards of Hors Creek rj of th" "lost, famous trout streams in r -gf.ri. I and elk ai- very plenty near the spring-, havlf1 i"on the resort for a.'s of th" animals. Th" gra. d-sf and in'xr icurvsqu" scMt i- of the North Pa f'ifle. I li.ive fh" b-r gbullilings arnl the '.st acciim ni(Mlatlv. ..f anv Springs in ; this -part r,f the Stat-, 'v hath hous is ii i 'w. a n is fiturw' ' Vith rof'Tenc to the wants of those t I'lng mo fr'm the i .w 1 als, ,friv ' ' fvcdlent varxir atn room construct -e-ar the head of ftie Snnug, arvt in : i t ' i iga, I prois'to r.T'J?. V U,e Ut :" 1 1 fr an Institu tion of t his kind. A,in-lri"n'(l Phys )n In ntton.inncp-CveV.r- Ireland fnlglng in gfiod b -'nnlMrrr who 'relr Animals can ilvfo ?tlfors,Qall cost, and bo , orfeet nayfin cA.N.FOI.EV. J. P. WARD. 0LUMES0F lfUSIG WAKE AFP30PSIATE . PHES.ENTS. Amongthe manv thousands of'Ballads and Piano Pieces taat we publish, thero are noine that are noted for thHr preat beauty and lasting qualities. We have made a careful selection of these pieces and otrer them 1n book form, as follows : VOCAL WOBKS WITII Piano Accompaniment. Mother Gooso Melodio. peautifully il 9 lustrated. (Ask for Novollo's Edition, or yon will get a cheap photoirraph copy. f 1 !) in boards ; full gilt, $2 W Shining T.iirJit. A collection of Sacred Sonprs. SI 7'y in boards; cloth and g'.lt, $2 50. Golden Leaves. Vols. I. and IT. A col lection of Songs and Choruses, by W. S. Havs. Each vol, ?1 73 in boards; cloth and gilt, -?2 5. Heart li mid If onto, Sweet Sounds an Fireiiirte Three vols, of choice Home Songs, by Hays, Hanks, etc. Each vol. SI 75 in boards; cloth and gilt,?2 50. Priceless Ciems. A fine collection of Sonjrs by Wallace, Thomas, Keller, etc. $1 76 In boards ;cloth and gilt, $2 50. Peters' llouselu.ld Melodies. Vol. I. Containing all the latest and best songs by Hays, Hanks, Thomas, Sfeu-nrt, (alotit 100 songs). SS in boards; clfth and gilt, The 0)?r t Home. A collection of Standard Opra Songs, selected from over 25 Oix'ras. f i in boards ; cloth and gilt, ?. German Volkslieder Alleim. iO songs, with Eng. and Gor. text. ?2 5'. Meuillessf.lni's Hi Soiiijs. Elegent folio edition. Full giit, ?S 5a. The same for a deep voice, in 2 vols. 8vo, each, S2 5 in paper; cloth, S3 5t). Sell 11 Miami's Vnral l!uiii. SO songs, with V.ns. andGer. t xt. il 3) in paper; full gilt, ?: 51. s Stmliirlit f Kong. A collection f.f Sacred and Moral Songs, b"aut ifullv illustrated by the Pro.s. Dalziel. Full gilt, $i. PIAN0JW011KS. Fairy Fintrers, Pea rl IJrops, Mnj;ir t'ii-clo anil Vonmr Piaiii. Four col lect ions of oasv Piano Music for young player-, most of t In-niecs being wit hfut octaves. Eac'.i vol. SI 75 in lxards; cloth and gilt, S2 51. Musical lleore--Jtions. A collection of Dane" Music. SI 75 in boards; cloth and gilt, $2 o). Gulden Chimes. A choice collection of Parlor Music, by Ch. .Kinkl..'. $175 in boards; cloth and gilt, 5.. lii-illiaiit Gems. Containing music of medium diiliculfy, by Wyman, Kinkle, etc. Si 75 in biards; cloth and gilt,S2 50. Strauss' Waltzes, I. tCII. Ask for Peters Edition, the only complete copy giving the full waltz 's as played by Thomas' Orchestra. So in boards; cloth, SI. Pearls of Melody. A coll 'Ct ion of 1 tanee and Parlor Music. SS in boards; full gilt, SI. Peters' Parlor Music, Vol. T. Our latest and b; Piano Music of moderate difli culty. SJ in boards; full gilt, La t'remoile la C'renie. Vols. I. and II. A colleetifin ff choice piano Music, bv Thalb rg, l.iszt. Heller, etc. This is de cidedly tho hesf col lection of bound muic in the market. Each, S3 in boards ; full dlt, SI. lli'i'tliavcii's Sniindis Svf,fuM gilt, SI. folio, " " S10. C'liopin's Walt zes, SI 5:i : I'olf.naises, S2 ; Noeturaes, 2; liallads, Pr-dudes, 52 5J ; Sonatas, S2 5a. All in st ilT pain.T covers. Me n d el ss villi's Coin ;Icte lia no Works. Elegant, folio "dition, full gilt, in! vols., each, SO 50 ; St "(lit ion, full gilt, 4 vols., each. So 50 ;J vo "dition, paper covers, A vols., each, S' 50. Mo.arts Sonatas. Full gilt, S3 50. Weber's Piano Works. Full gilt, SI. Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price. Address, J. L. PETEUS, Sl!l ItHtAlVAY, N. V. Dec. 21 :v(i I. SELLING H AS JUST RECEIVED THE EARNEST stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS over imported to Oregon City, which he offers at greatly reduced prices. My stock ' CLOTI-IESTG: Has ! been largely Increased and I can show as handsome a line of ready-made, goods in Men and Hoys'0 Pusinc'ss and Dress Suits, Coats, etc.," as can be found in the country, and at prices that cannot fail to sat isfv. M v DRESS GOGOS DEPARTMENT Is tilled with a splendid assort mont of all the lending styles and fashionable shades of goods Empress Clot It, Mohairs, French anil American lress tiooils lilack Alpacca, e IJr illia ii t i nos, C a sh mores, tvr. F A lNr i : L S , Plaid, Plain andOe:i Flannels, of all col ors. P.leached and Unbleached Cotton Flannels. . Ladies' anil ti fills'" I Khau lu and Sc-arfs, Wool Illankcts, Trtiiiks a ml Travel in r Satrliels, Hats an.l Caps, Oil-Cloth for Floor a n tl Ta ble. BOOTS and SHOES, I would call s)oeial attention to my stfM'k of Men's and P.oys San Francisco lioots, which I have sold for a number of "years past with general satisfaction. Ev ery pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE & FARMING UTENSILS; Choice Teas, Canned (roods, and all cboic Family Groceries, All at Iaw Prices. Also, LIVERPOOL ,M) (MMMMSLAXD SILT. Highest Piioe. aid for all kinds of Cosisiiry lEoltice. 20(,00 Hjs. of ,V00L AVanted, for whi?fi I shall pay the highest, cash prio. I.SEI.EIXO, Oregon City, Sept. .') 1ST5. if STILL IN THE FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF HAAS SAI.OOX. WILLIAMS & HARDING, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, "T" EEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK i of Family Oroceries to le found in the ; city. All gf)oils warranted, (roods delivered in t he city free of charge. The highest cafch I trice paid for country produce. 1 Oregon City, March 28, 1S73. CHAS. HE. O.TJFIELD, G 'dealer IX DRYr-GOODS, vj FANCY GOODS o GROCERIES, Crockery, Scc, CORNER OF SEVENTH -AND MAIN STREETS, OREGON fITY. AT..SO, A LARGE' LOT OF DRESSED CEDAR AND FINISHING LUMBER, Of various kinds, for sale in quantities to suit, at reasonable rates. M Iill C H A N D I S B. JOHN MYERS. OREGON CITY, DIALER IN DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, JiOOTS uiul SHOES, JIARDWA RE, CROCKERY AND GENERAL rEBOHAtiOISE, Books aud Stationery. I will pay tho highest prices for and all kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE J will soil us low as any house In Oregon for CASH OR ITS RQUIVALENT n Good Merchantable Produce. o I am selling very low for cash hid for conn orders. Give n? a call and satlsfyyotirselves. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21. 1873. A UCTIOX A XD J?0 MMISSIO N. A. B. RICHARDSOSS3, A-iiclioiieer, Cornier of Front " Oak ats., Portland Auction lsilos Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Mcr chandisc and Horses. SAEE DAYS Wednesday and Saturday A. P.. IUCJ1AHDSOX, Auctioneer. J. T. DAVIES, JOSHUA DA VIES. J. P. DAVIES & CO., tXTJCTlOSTKERS AND C0313IISSIOX MERCHANTS, P1HE-PUOOF STOXK VIiaING, WHARF STREET, VICTORIA. B. C. Liberal Advaiicrs Made oh Conslsnmcnls. July 31. Ml dy A. C. WALLBNG'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. 'iltork1 IStilldiiiir Corner of Strk and Front Street. PORTLAND, - OREGON. BTjANK ROOKS RULED ANI P.OUND to any desired pattern. Music books Magazines, Newspapers, etc.. bound in ev-I ery variety of style known to the trrade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. JS to S9H Per Day at home. Terms t 'yj free. Address Uebly G. ST1NSON & Co., Portlan pMe YOUNG MEM Who are suffering from tho etrect of vouthlul follies or indiscretion, will do well to avail themselves of this, the greatest boon laid at t ho altar of suffering humanity. llt. SP1NXKV will guar antee to forfeit $300 for every case ot se minal weakness, or private disease of any kind or character which he under takes and fails to cure. Ho would, t hero lore, say tothe unfortunate sufferer who mav read this notice, that youaretread ing"upon dangerous ground when you lomrcr delay in seeking tho roper rem eilv for your complaint. You may be in the first, stage ; remember you are ap proaching the last. If you are bordering upon the last, and are suffering some or allot' its ill eirects, remember that if you inrsist in procrastination, the time must come when tho most skillful physician can render you no assistance; when the door of hope will be closed against you: when no angel of mercy can bring you relief. In no case has the 1 loetor failed of success. Then let not despair work upon your imaginat ion, but avail your self of the benelicial results of li is treat ment before your case is beyond tho roach of medical skill, or b'-loro -.Tim d.-nth hurries ou to a premature grave. Full course of treatment (Ml. Send money by Postollicu order or Express with lull deserijtion of case. Call or address, 1K A, 1, WIMXXKV, No. 11 Kearny street, San Francisco. sept Iti dy 3Iiiin St., Orogcn 3!.M1-A('TU!ER UI) I.lirORTEK '!F Kadtllcs, llisritoss, Sal!Irv-I!: 'i Hif, etc., etc. jr- Tllini HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS can be had in tlr. State, at Vll 5" PI P T'T . I C51 warrant my goods as represented. JOHN SCHRAM, Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, lS73-mS. The standard r moiiy lor Conjilis. In. fnoiiz, Sort' Tlmxtf, H7n-oj,intf (r,uqh, Croup, IArrr, Jlriun-l-iti, Jitini ini of t!if f.iiii;s, and evry affection of the Throat, l.ungs and Chest, including Cojc- StTMl'TIOX. Wistar's i'..;ls:im ofWilil Clierry does not dry up a cough, but. loosens it, cleanses t he 1 .unijs, and allays irritation, thus n tiioviin the tfiuxe oft ho complaint. None gryiuine unless signed T. Fms. Pr,tj ar.-d by Sktii V. Fow t.kk A. Sons, lu.ston. Sold by REimiNOTO.v, Hostkttki: A Co., San Francisco, and by dealers g n rallv. 20feblv THE YVEEKLY SUN. 1 1 Hi. m:v. vo:.::. its;. l ighteen hundr d and s"Ventv-si. is the Centennial year. It is also the ye r in which an Opposition House of R r.-sen-tatives, the llrst since tli - war, will be in power at WasliiiKtim ; and the voir of the twenty-third elect ion of a President of tho United states. All of t lies- events are sure to be ot great interest and importance especially tlo-twi. latter; and air of th"ni and everything connected with them, will ed in Trip's r' roi",rt,'d l"(J '-M-oiiisd- Tho Opposition House of Ri r-s-mta-tives, taking up the n,,,. nr in.piirv opened years aso by The .v,i sternly and , Vi o,1' y ,)-!'s,I-;,.,u'- and misdeeds ol t. rant s a.lministration : and. will itistobeh,.,K-d, lay tho foundation for a new and better period in our nation al history or all this TUB iscs will cn. tain complete and accurate accounts, fur nishing lts readers with early and trust worthy information upon thos3 absorbing topics. tt'J',,'t weitVlHnl Pr.-sidential emotion, with the preparations lor it, wjll be mem orable as deciding ujm.ii (i rant's aspira tions lor a t bird term of power and plun der, ami still more as deciding who shall be the candidate of the partv of Reform, and as electing that candidate. Concern inn "11 these subjects, those who read Tiik i SL'X will have the constant means of be injr thoroughly well int'onncd. Tiif Wkeki.y sun, which has attained a circulation of over eighty thousand copies, already has its readers in ovorv state and Territory, and we trust thai tho voar 1ST) will see their numbers doubled it will continue to he a thorough newspaper. All the general news of t he day will be found in if, condensed when uniniiortant, at full length when of moment; and always, wo irusi, ireaiofi in a clear, interest Ing and in structive manner. It is our aim to make The Weekly Sun the best family ncwspairf-r in the world, and we shall continue to give in its col umns a large amount f.f miscellaneous reading, such as stories, tales, iooms, scientiMc intelligence and agricultural in formation, f,,r which we are not able to make room in our daily edition. Tho agri cultural department especially is one of its prominent features. Tho fashionare also regularly reported in its columns : and so are the markets of ovorv kind. Tlio Weekly Sun, eight pages with lifty six broad columns is only $1 a year, lostage prepaid. As t his price bareiv re pays t he cost of t ho paper, no discount can be made from this rate to clubs, agents ix;t masters, or anyone. The Daily Sun, a large four page news-paiM-rof twenty-eight columns, gives all the news for two cents a copy. Subscrip tion, postage prepaid, 5.TC. a month or $ti 50 a year, suni.ay edition extra, $1 10 per year. We have no traveling agents. Ad dress, THE SUN, New York City. STATE SOAaD OF IMMIGRATION. torn Emigrants to Oregon, now in foreign countries and sister States, and for circu lating sueh information abroad by tliis Hoard, ail arsons in this State having r arms and I.atula for- Mnin Rirous of forming Colonies, will please foiv ward tothis Hoard as soon as possible do, tailed descriptions of their Farms and Lands, location. Prieeand Terms of Sa lo. or conditions of renting; and all persons desirous of obtaining Agricultural or other l4iorors, will please communicate direct wit h this Hoard. m Ry lnstructions'of the Commissioners of immigration. WILLIAM REID, i febGlm. A State Coin'r of Immigration. HOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE; FOR o THE EHTERPBISE 'o i S2 DO PER YEAR, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Each number contains tho 0 LATEST TELEGRAPHIC .NEWS, From all Parts ofthe World : O A Carefully Selected SumniRry of STATE, TEKIUTOKIAL AND NEWS ITEMS; A Corrected Llt off the 9Iarl.tst rortland, San Fraatiict and grfjeii LOCAL NEWS', EDITORIALS, co r. o o Ou all Subjects of Interest tu the o FARMER, 31 ER (II A XT OR MEITIAMC O Also, Carefully Selected M IJC KLLA X IDOL'S 11 i'A 11 NCI In Short, it is in Every Respect a LIVE NEWSPAPER. TS3 E EVrfiltl'J. ItK Having a large and constantly increasing Circulation in the most populous part of tho State, offers sujorior inducements to those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements inserted on JtEASOXADLE TERMS. o and it Is therefore a good time to Subscribe in order that you may be posted on current events Send in yoursubscrii tion at 01100 O ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB o OFFICE o OREGON CITY. : OR EG OX, AJtK PREPARED TO EXI.'C'CTE tT all kinds ol JOB PIUTING, such as CARDS, JiIIA.-lll'.ADS, 1'AMI-JII.KIS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, o o o J. A IiEI.S, o O LETTER-HE A VS, in fact all kinds of work done a in Printing vork done a in Pri oflicc, at PORTLAND PRICES. ALL KINDS OF LEGAL BUNKS - constantly on hand, and for sale at a, pni-o as can oe nail in the Ktate. Work Solic'ted A K P SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Oregon City. Sfarch 21. lS73-tf. O AG EATS FOR THE EATER PKISE. Th following iiorsons are nntlmri.. act as agents tor the Esteri-rke - Cioo. P. Rowell A- Co 40 Park Row, N York. Coe. Wotherlll A f'r. cj .... . Philadelphia. Abbott & Co., No. 82 and 81 Nassau strct-t ew l f.rk. I'ortland.Oregon T(, Samuel San Francisco iT'1?' J.""?"' St. Helens, Columbia county S, A. Miles Astoria. Clatson count i-. A, Van Huson Williams J. H. Smith ..J.L.F.rguson ..Dave Holme ...It. loly .. R. K. llnn';i . . , - Salem llnrrisbiiti' I jifayot t o, V a m h il i'cou ni "y ".' j';iiia.s, jt'oiK county Fola Jackson vll lo Ronton county . ..W. A. Wells ... - 'Jit,'t co . n. I.aswoll -Aioanj . . Arnold Hallos. asco county x. jr. .ato I i rsi nIi T'nion iv.n ntv - S - - - . --aaai ...... ....... V, rt lVndlcton, Umatilla county, S. V. Knox I. 1. M. Thompson I I. ' t i! ....:. . . , l. J. I II 1M.1W Roseburg Hon. L. F. Lano IiCbanon S r ? 'ntague ' -' J. R. Ralston Jacksonville,,, Hon. E. I Foi.drav Ing Tom , H. C. Huston CLACKAMAS tOUSTT. C,0?fVeP-,Trvek r- K Heatle Ruttovillo i ' : .....anu ' Cascades Henry McCJugiu !'nb' - .....J. W. Strawcr Uut,.,n8 - I- bright Eagle Crook.. . Frank W. Foster Harding's .Capt . .. P. Norton Ixwer Molalla .W. Moreland Milwaukie John Hagenhcnrcp Osu'pcn J. John Eoole. W. II. Vanghan. Upper Molalla. OREGON CITY BREWERY. Henry Ilumbel, H AVIN; PURCHAS- ed the above Rrcw- ery wishes to inform the public that he is now prepared to manufacture a No. 1 qual. Ity of . LAG Ell JiBJiR, as good as can be obtained anywhere In the State. Orders solicited aud'prontrt'r filled. q 1 G O o O o o O G O o o o o o G o o o O G O O 0 O o o