Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1876)
O o ii..'lfcinAiWiiw&i O o o o o 02 O o o o o o o o G IlialfrfcrTfi Vts&S pa O o C) i . o O C o o o O O o o o O o o o 0 O o o O C? o ' o O o o O THE ENTERPHI! OREGON CITY, OREGON, JO. 31. 1S73. 1 XOTICE.Xo Certificates of pnbllcn. tlon will he jrlvrti iwitllutu- fcn are i paid. WesTici.' make no dcvi'itviii from thit ! ru'e i future. e " . ! Particular Notice Persons knowing themselves Indebted to m for subscription or otherwise, are here by notified that payment must be made without further delay. It Is a matter of RMat lmiortanee to mo that I close up my l--' business. Having already earned what is due mo, I cannot atT.rd to spend my time In waiting the pleasure or those indebted. I ho;e thos lnt'resfd will pay proper at tention to this notice, Persons can find mo at the Kntkri' otlice, or when not in, (Mr. Denu-nt will roc-ive stud receipt in my name. Money may ! forwarded to mo bv exprm, r.siristered letters or postal orders. fl . I L " . O ,1'iT.O, in.. . OL.TKK. Letter List. Letters remaining in the Post-office, at Oregon City, January 21st, 187i: Ilenne tt, J as. ; Iicason. Win. ; Urock, Mrs. Llizina; Corbv, -Mrs. Elizabeth ; Foster, K. N. it Philina ; JIult, Daniel O. ; Hon,' John XV. ; Jones, Mrs. Kate; Johnson, D. K. : Johnson, Miss Sarah; Long, Miss Phebe; Lcutz, II. ; Lnrkins, Win. J I. II.; Monalion, Denis; McKay, John; Madisran, Denis; Phillips, Mrs. A. L. ; I'tittz. .August (2); Pendleton, Michael or John; Pavnc, Frank K. ; lined. Rev. J. M. ; Welch, Frank ; Wei Is, Kury; Wood, IS. C. ; Weston, (eo. Tiie following letters are held for jstage : 9 - Geo. Kly, Dnrand, Winnebago co., 111.; Miss'Marry J. Dell, Gervais, Ma rion co., O.'ii.i II. Austin, Molalla, gn.; Mj. Julia Rex, Newvilln, Deco ta co, 111 State; V. J. Tcnnison, Cor nolim, Washington co., Ogn.; Mar' Rittttr, Aurra, Oszn. (stamp cut froui nveloi) ; Frank Hamilton, Macon i'ltv. Mo.; Joseph I'arnaugh, Kdge- wood. Syskixion co.. Col. If called for please sav when "adver tised." j. m. hacox, v: M. Cim.mixatiox Troupe. The Lewis Itrothers' Culmination troupe on Tues day evening ended a most successful serieni of entertainments at this place. The juggling, vocal and instrumental music, tableaux and magic deceptions were all well executed and of a high order. The mesmeric subjects afforded much amusements for the audience, as did Mr. lewis's many witty remarks. In full view of the audience Mr. Lewis permitted himself to be tied by two well known citizens, and in the O brief space of five minutes was entire ly free. He lays no claim to spiritual i i"ntluen-e, but is honest in this, as in his other tricks. On Tuesday night the evening's entertainment" closed with a dance, which was greatly "'joyed, and kept up till a late hour. Tliis'troupe is eminently deserving the patronage of all Oregon amusement .seekers. Celestial Carelessness. As our night watchman was going his rounds one night last week, at about mid night, he discovered a smoke Issuing from a Chinese shanty, in such a man ner as to arouse his suspicion that woltii thing was wrong. On eiitai-inu; be found that a lot of wood and kind lings, lying on the lloor, had cauirht lire. He procured water and extin guished tho lire, and then tried to rouse I he oceeupanls of the premises, and give them a "Scotch blessing." but found them too much stupefied with opium to comprehend the situation, so was obliged to leave in disgust. Had it not Im'cii for this lucky discovery we would probably have had a destructive tire, all originating from the careless ness of those opium-smoking Celestials. The old ami honorable publishing h' use of Harper Itrothers has forward to the Enterprise a specimen of each of its well known veriodicals. The Kazar we recommend to every man who wishes .to reach his wife's heart through an economicel channel. Har per's Weekly speaks for ilself the finest ill ust rated paper in the country. The Maraz.ine, likewise elegantly and profusely illustrated, has connected with it a stall of contributors surpassed 1v no literary monthly in the world. All thr.e fovSlu a year, postage free. Rei.iosious Work. Union services are continued at the P.aplist Church with unabated interest. Rev. Mr. Hull nnd Rev. Mr. Day, ably seconded by the Y. M. Christian Association of Port land, are preaching nightly to a large congregation. bi Tuesday evening I. W. Wakefield, and on Wednesday rtening Rev. .Mr. AtUinson.gavca help ing hand to the good work. This (Thursday) evening General O. O. Howard will I eat I t be services, ami on Friday night the earnest Capt. M. C. Wilkinson. Dieo. In this city, on the 11th inst., f typhoid fever, K. XV. Harding, aged IS years and 7 days. He was a young man of moral and temperate habits, and hig.-Iy respected by all who knew him. My this, his untimely death, a widowed mother is liereft "of a kind and affectionate son, and brothers and sisters of a dear and beloved brother. The funeral took place o?i Sunday from the Kpiscopal Church, Rev. Mr. Sell wood ollicialiiig. C Fscapei. The man arrested in this county some time since for stealing horses in Nevada, escaped from the ollicers at Astoria while they were deep in a game of cards. They were on O their way to Nevada, via San Francis co, at the time. We think the Dee mis taken in supposing these ollicers will q hit rewarded by the Nevada authorities. Noisy. On Tuesday night the City Marshal was attracted to the Chinese quarters by the noise of a general row and disturbance which the Celestials were raising. He nabled two of the first at hand, anil next day brought them lefore the Recorder who lined them $2 50 each. Mvsical. Professor Rray, of Port land, will give lessons in instrumental music on Tuesdays and Fridays. Hav ing already established a good reputa tion as a teacher of music, a recommen dation from us would be siierlluous Orders may le left at either the Cliff House orwith Ward it: Harding. Delegates. Hon. L. T. Iiarin is a member of the Republican State Cen "tral Committee from this county. The committee meets in Portland on the Kith of February. XV. H. Vaughn is the delegate to the Democratic State q Central Committee, which will meet at Portland on the- loth of February. Roiling Drunk. Mart. Drown says a man from Oregon City named Thomas Doyle is suffering in the Albany jail forilrunkenness. Go to! We'll" have none on't. No such man belongs here. You can't get the Roil ofF your hands in that way. Tobacco. A farmer informs us that two crops of tobacco may be easily raised every year in this county, and with early planting and care even three crops. Come let us have some good cheap cigars. A very fine illustrated monthly is the Cottage Hearth, published at Bos ton, for $1 50 a year, by Milliken it KWJV 'ix-ndent of its many O mend it rnco alone shou1'1 rocoin- O The Markets. Legal tenders, buy ing SS; selling, &t). Wheat in Ore gon City has declined to 90 cts ierbns. OiltS are WOrth J oonlu Trf l.nell. butter 33 to 37 cents jer jmuuhI ; cg-rs ; cents per dozen; chicken, sprint.' M ier dozen; grown. S3 X); dried anplos, .")"Vi cents jkt pound: plums, dried, 12ri (.tMUs jx r "V: lota- " toes, 50!. cents per lmshel : bacon, sides, 12 c. per iounl ; hams, I cents i .... ........1 . - . . ..i .i . . , ; iv-i i-. niin, wooi is worm cimuk ier pound. M ARSTox-IiiAxcm Opera Troitpe. Miss Fannie Marston. assisted by first class talent, will give a grand operatic and ballad concert in this place some time next week. She will injr, in ad dition to operatic and brilliant selec tions, "('oiiiin' thro' the Kve," "Old Folks at Home," "Last Rose of Sum mer." "KathhT'ti Mavonrtieen," "An nie Laurie." etc., etc. The admission w'll be onlv 50 cents. Tn e Government snag puller is bench ed at Canemah and is undergoing a gen eral overhauling. The hull is being repainted and recaulked. New ma ehinerv has recently been placed in the snag puller, and when she goes to work again, the snags will have to come without ceremony. Loootxo. Mr.Grepo's logging camp on Tualatin has been doing a good busi ness notwithstanding the bad weat,her. Thev have, already, brought to this city -300,000 feet of logs and are still at work. The money order business of the Oregon City P. O. for tho year 1S75 was as follows: No. of orders issued, ikw, amount, Sl:;,797 51 ; Fees en the same, "M10 70; No. of orders paid, amount, S10,2(i 28. FinK-We regret to hear that Mr. Henry Soule's house, about eight miles from here, in Washington countv was completely destroyed bv fire last week. A Bad Stick. A young lady sank up to her waist in mud on 4th st. the other day, and had it not been for the gallant conduct of Mr. Julius Logus she would in all probabiltiv be stick ing there vet. The Iron Works at Oswego turn out about one thousand tons of pig iron u year, nearly all of which is exported to San Francisco. Those belonging to Prof. Seliger's German and Music classes are making rapid improvement. Tho Professor is a good teacher. Grave offence Stealing tho pick and shovels from the cemetery last week. Don't do it again. Mr. Will iam Roberts, one of the former proprietors of the Renton Democrat, is in town. There were live baptisms at Saint Paul's Church in this city en Sunday last. K. 15. Clements of this place is travel ing agent for the Standard. We learn that Capt J. I). Miller has !eeii quite ill for some days. The City Marshall is enforcing the law against selling licpior on Sunday. Dark nights, and still no street lamps., L7 It snowed 011 Tuesday night. TiIHtlTOKI AL MVS IT KM 5. Philip IVitz is shipping trees from Walla Walla to C.iidoruU. The high titles have filled the bay at Port Townsend with driftwood. Private William Decker, of Ccun auy "K.", 21st U. S. Infantry, who deserted from Fort Iloise last July, has been "corralled," uiul will meet with his deserts. The Doise City confectioner sends cakes and candies to the editor of the Stnlt:Sii a 11 . Snhe ? The Boise City marshal says he'll marrj' the first woman that proposes. Desperate. A shoemaker wns robbed of a gold watch and chain last week, at Boise City. A reward of 25 is offered for tiie return-of the watch, and $100 for the arrest and conviction of the thief. The ladies of Port Townsend treat ed the members of the brass bund at that place to n banquet last veek. John Conyers of Seattle, while dancing, last week, burst a blood vessel and died from the effects. The moral is plain. Hay is worth $23 a ton and pota toes SO cents a bushel, at Seattle. Forty-three million feet of lumber was cut by the Port Grumble mills last j'ear. District Court convened at Steila cootn last week. A drunken woman scared the Walla Wallaians last week, by staggering through the streets with a loaded rifle. Mr. Laud's honse, three miles from Walla Walla, was destroyed by fire last week. Loss, $3,500. It is said that Goodall, Nelson & Perkins will place a first class line of steamers on their old route, in the spring. Yakima City Las a population of 200. At Olympia last week milch cows could be bought for 10. Diamond Hill coal is in general use in Olympia. Last year 12 vessels were built on Pnget Sound, with the total capacity of 2,398 tons. 1 J The Owyhee AralancJte says there is a ghost near Hog'em. You Fool em me. Evanston on the TJ. P. road is overrun with tramps. A vigilance committee is talked of. A party has started from Cheyenne under Judge Knykeudall to found a permanent settlement in the Black Hills. In respect to population in the" Territories Montana stands fifth, and and third as to amount of internal revenue collected. Nat Connor mortally wounded Morris Black on the 22d of Decem ber, in Montana, for daring to pre snt a bill to him. Small houses rent from $75toS10r) a month around' the Henrietta and Maggie mines in Idaho. The revenue cutter returned to Port Townsend last week from Vic toria, where she had been having some repairs made. An annexation meeting was held at WTalla Walla on the 15th. The Independent Order of Red Men had a grand reunion at Port Ludlow last week. The custom house at Port Town send has lost three of its boatm n they resigned on account of the reduction in their wages. The schooner Gen. Harney cleared for Victoria on the Sth with 28 tons of hay, 6G bushels of wheat, and 200 bushels of potatoes, cargo from Whidby isl ind. Denver sold dry goods, in 1875, to the amount of 81,940,300; flour and grain, $1,452,000: groceries, 1,423,-: 000; live stock, 1,750.000, ami paid 107,000 at fairs, festivals, kc. The valve of bullion deposited at the mint was 757,259 31. The banks sold during the year Eastern ex change to the amouutof 22,850,000. The average amount of deposits has been 2,201,000. j A correspondent of the Echo says: j There are parties in Olvmpia and , Turn water who stand ready to under- ' take to raise 75,000, in greenbacks, j for the completion of the Olvmpia and Teuino railroad, provide'd the j company will pay one per cent, on ' the above amount, and give ample security that they will complete the railroad nnd turn over bonds to the parties loaning the money, to cancel the loan by the lirst day of Septem ber. 187G. . MAititn:i. In the town of Kt.iyton. .Marion county, ! Oregon, Jnn. ICtli, 1S7, by Uev. Wni. C'apps, Josiuh Moarley nnd Kliza J. CJivens. All of Marion county. A Remedy that has made its .Hark. Success is tho meed of excellence. The truth of this has never been more forcibly exemplified than by tho triumphant career of Hostettcr'.s Stom ach Hitters. No sooner did the people discover the genuine merits of that su preme invigorant and corrective than they hastened to stamp it with the seal of popularity. The press and medical profession speedily followed in the wak of tho public, and emphatically endorsed it. Thus from tho very out set the success of the Hitters as a reme dy and preventive was an established fact, and a degree of popnlarit3 which it often takes proprietary medicines years to attain, was achieved almost at a stride by the then new preparation. Since that time every successive year has witnessed fresh accessions to the favor with which the Hitters were early regarded, and the urea of its popularity is no longer confined to the United States, but includes the Hritisli Pro vinces in North America and tho West Indies, South America, Mexico, por tions of Ku rope and Australia. That it is not only a remedy for dysix-psiu, constipation, biliousness, urinary and uterine complaints, nervousness and debility, but also a preventive of those maladies to which air ami water, im pregnated with miasma, give birth, has been nowhere so strongly evidenced as in those regions where climatic condi tions unfavorable to health exist, ami where the Hitters have ln-en long and constantly tested. To call this superb cordial a' reniedy that lias made its mark, cannot, we think, Ijc regarded as 1 casting, since there is probably no proprietary reniedy more widely known, universally respected ami em phatically endorsed than these Hitters. B'"Tti National foId Medal was award ed Iirudly t Hulofson for the b-st Photographs in the United Stat'K, and tin; Vienna Medal for the best in the world. 421" Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Important.-Endorsed bv tho Medical profession. DR. VM. HAMAS BALSAM KOUT1IK MTNtiis cures Coughs. Colds a nd Cousin pt ion, and all disorder of tho Throat and Ch"it. Dlt. TOW LEY'S Toothache ANODYNE cures in one MINUTE. feblC A Friend lnXcwI. Dr. WlSTAU'S B A I. SAM of Wild Ciif.rky is a friend in itmt. Who has not found it such in curing all diseases of the lungs nnd throat, coughs, colds, and ptilmouaryauVctions, and "last, not least," Consumption? The sick are assured that the high standard of excel lence on which the popularity of this preparation is based, will always bo main tained by tho proprietors. Silence that Terrible Enmy of L'fe, ft bad cough, with IlAI.K'S HONEY OF IIORR- iiorxn and Tak, thecf u ;h may soon silence you. Pike's J oothaht; Drops curj In ox e mini te Vacant Places. In the dental ranks will never occur if you aro particular with your teeth, and cleanse them every day with that fa mous tooth-wash, SOZO DON'T. From youth to old ago it will keepthe enamel spotless and unimpaired. The teeth of persons who use SOZODONT have a pearl-like whiteness, and the gums a roseate hue, while the breath is puri fied, and rendered sweet and fragrant. It is composed of rare antiseptic herbs and is entirely free from the objection able and injurious ingredients of Tooth Pastes, Ac. iVj57ir TO-DAY. Administrator's Sale. TOTIOEIS HEREBY GIVEX THAT, i.1 pursuant to an order of the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, I will offer for sale at public auction on Saturday, March 4th, 187t, at 11 o'clock, A. M., at the Court House door In Oregon City, Clacka mas County, Oregon, forgoldcoin in hand, the following described real estate, belong ing to the estate of Joseph A, Wright, de ceased, to-wit : Lot 3 of S. 19, and the S. W. V of t he S. E. and Ixts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of S. 20. all in T. 4 S. It. 2 E. of the Willamette Meridian, containing 1W) acres. J. M. BROWN, Acltn 1 n istrat nr. VICK'S Flower arid Ve;j;etaA;le fcSeeclts arc the best the world produces. They are planted by a million people In America, and the result is, beautiful Flowers and splendid Vegetables. A lriced Catalogue sent free to all who enclose the postage a 2 cent stamp. VICK'S Flower micl Vegetable Grai-clen Is the most beautiful work of the kind In the world. It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of fine illustrations, and four Chromo Platen of Flowers, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. I"rice 35 cts. in paper covers; 6.5 cts. bound In ele gant cloth. Vielts Floral Ouiclo. This Is a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely illustrated, and containing an ele gant colored Frontispiece with the first number. Price only 25 cts. for the year. The first number for 1S76 Just issued. Ad dress JAMES VICK, Rochester, X. Y. OH AS. KNIGHT, -nm.' (inrnnv. PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST, Prescriptions carefully filled nt short notice. Ja f. ESTABLISHED I860. I B. A. HUGHES, 1 MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. lijalr in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SnOES, HARDWARE, CRO CKER 17 7 d GENERA L MERCHANDISE. MY STOCK IS LARGE AND COM. plete In every department. I will sell as cheap as any retail house in Tort land for cash. I will pay tho highest market price fo- BUTTER AND EGGS. and all kinds of good country produce I keep t ho best TEA AND COFFEE. My motto i. SMALL PROFITS ASD QIICK RETl'RXS. IMcase call and see for yourselves that the Ooods at the old firm of B. A. Hughes cannot be lieaten in quality or price. I thank all my patrons for their liberal patronage during the past year, and I hope by low prices and strict attention to busi ness to merit thi continuation of their favor. 13. A. HUGHES. Oregon City, Jan. 3d, 1870. County Scrip Taken an Cavti. ja7 :tf. Final Settlement- In the County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, .State of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Iorcnzo Stewart deceased. till A I HCS STEWART ADMINIS j tratorof said Estate having filed in said Court, his final account and rayer for settlement of the same, all persons in terested are notified that said Court has appointed Monday the lit h day of Febru ary, A. 1. l.S7t, for the examination of .such account, and the hearing of exceptions thereto if any; and a sjM'cial term of said Court is appointed at that time for said purpose. JOHNSON A McCOWN. Attest : Att'vs for Administrator. J. M. FlIAZKH, County Clerk. Oregon City, January 14. jalw : Final Settlement. In the County. Court of Clackamas coun ty. St ate of Oregon. In the matter of the Estate of !avid Ball dec'asd. T A AVID P. MAY, ADMINISTRATOR IJ of the above entitled Estate having tiled his final account with vouchers and prayed the Court to appoint a day for final settlement and the hearing of objections to said final account If any there be, therefore it is ordered and adjudged by the Court, that Monday, the 11t h day of February ISTfi, be set. apart by the Court for the hearing of objections to said ac count if any, at which time all irsons In terested can appear and make their ob jections if any they have, and it is further ordered by the Court that a special term of the Court be held at said time for said pur pose. JOHNSON A McCOWN, -Ittcst : .-ltfvs for .4dniinisf rator. J. M. F1L4ZKK, (Vanity Clerk. Oregon City, January 14. Ja :4w. jo bin 11. aiooitis's MACKBNE SHOPS, oiti:c;n city, diikgon. TEAM ENGINES, S A W-M ILLS, FLOURING MILLS, SHAFTING, Pulley, Ilanfier'a Hydraulic Pu m p, SKARINO, HOXIvS, made to order. Reapers, Threshing Machines, and all kinds of Farming Machinery repaired in the best manner. Fanners' Blacksmith ing done with neatness and dispatch. Wheat Cleaners, Jackets, Iron and Zinc Shaker Screens and 1 "erf orated Plates, made to order. Agent for tho HOUSTON PATENT ATER WHEEL, The Rest Wheel in Use. Order Solicited. Hoc. 31, lST5Af IMPERIAL MILLS, Laltocwue, Savier & Co. Oregon City. Keen constantly on hand for sale Flour. Middlings, Ilran and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sack. MILLER, MARSHALL &C0., P AY TIIE HKUIEST FIUCE FOR WHEAT, at all times, nt tho Oregon City Mills, And have on hand FEED and FLOUR to sell, at market, rates. Parties desiring Feed, must furnish sacks. novl2tf . BIBLES FOR SALE. JUST "RECEIVED, AND FOR SALE, at my Store in Oregon City, a supply of Bibles and Testament s. These books are t he property of the American Bible Society, and are otfered for sale as low as they can be bought at any similar Ieository in the State. Those wishing to purchase are invtled to call and examine our stock. s . Walter Fish, Agent for Clackamas County. OREGON fITY THE RIVAL OF BOSTON. TO MAKE, EVENTUALLY, OREGON JL City the rival of lioston In the art of Music, all that is needed is a grod teacher, and everybody to ratronize him. Now is the chance. Prof. Seliger is well known as a thorough Master, and is ready to give lessons on the Piano, )rgan, Violin, Guitar, Flute, Harmoney, Thorough Bass, etc. He has organized a German class, which meets every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday aftornoon, at ITof. Pope's school room, from 4 to 6 o'clock. He is also arranging a singing class, and has reduced the prices so low that everybody will have a chance to form t heir voices even for the most difficult pieces, and to be on hand when the great OREGON CITY PEACE JUBILEE shall take place. For particulars apply at Mr. Levy's or Mr. Selling's store, or at his residence at Mrs. Shattuck's. PIANOS TUNED. Nov. 19, 1875 ;m 1 WILLAMETTE NURSERY. G. W. WALLING & SOX, OSWEGO, OREGON. Fralt nnd Ornamental Trees, Evrrjreni,.Crpe Vines, Small Fruits, Rosea and Shrubs, Cultivated and for Sale AT OUR "NURSERY, All orders left at Barlow fe Fuller's, our agents In Oregon City, will be promptly Nov. 12 :m3 DUVOL, FILLER & CO., AT MOORE'S MACniXE SHOP, OREGON CITY, OREGON. MANUFACTURERS OP DIVOL'S Patent Wheels lor Vehicles of all Kinds. Also all kinds of Ula ckun 1 1 b. I n Dona to order, s i Wagons and Carrlag-cs Mad:? and Repaired, and all kinds of 1 rarmers Blacksmithlm? done with dis- 1 pifien and neatness. Orders solicited. Wagon and Carriage makers are invited" to examine our Patent Wheels, And use t hem Instead of Wooden Wheels. We lit our Wheels to either Iron or Thimble Skein Axles. dec2t-tf. CLIFF HOUSE. OREGON CITY, OREGON, T. W. RHODES, Proprietoi'. Transient Board, SI to '4 per Day. Single Menls ...50 cents. Hoard per Week 85 OO Hoard and IodgJntr. per week SG OO The Table will be supplied with the best the market atfords. Biill Suppers furnished on short notlco, and at reasonablu terms. Nov. 19. lS75:tf I, AND FOR SAIL. ii. 'E HAVE THE FOLLOWING REAL Estate for sale. No. 1. Desirable building block in Oregon City. No. 2. 1GO Acres, good house, and barn full of hay; 8 acres In cultivation, orchard, good water: 15 m i les from Oregon City. Price S-VH), half down. No. S. 3'40 Acres, 75 in cultivation : houses, barns, wells, Ac; good orchard; 0 miles from Oregon City. Price i.aOO ; halt down. Soil half place at same rates. No. 4. 'i'J'J Acres, 25 acres under cultiva tion, 5 acres orchard, good running water; 125 acres open brusli land; mile from school house ; 8 miles from Oregon City. 5I.5D0; half down, bal ance In one and two years. No. 5. Part of all the Barber farm, on the river at Rock Island above Oregon City ; $5 per acr. No. 6. .Land on the river above Oregon City, cheap; part of the Barber claim; good wood yard. Other desirable bargains In Clackamas, the best county in th State. Any sue having money to lend can havo our services, free of charge, in managing the same and. selecting securities. Persons wanting to borrow money can get favorable terms by calling on us. JOHNSON fc McCOWN, nnd JOHNSON, McCOWN & MACRUM. Offices In Oregon City and Portland. Nov. 12. 1S75 :tf Citation. In the County Court, of the St atoof Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the Estate of Currin T. Kimbley, deceased. To the heirs and other persons interested in the Estate of Currin T. Kimbley, tie ceased : "l I THERE AS, THE DILV APPOINT- cd Administrator of said Estate has tiled in said Court a petition praying for an order to sell the real property of said estate. Now, therefore, in the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby personally cited to ap;car In the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Ore gon, on the tirst Saturday In February, 1S70, that being the Sth day of February, ISTti, and the first day of the special term of said County Court, appointed by the Court for the hearing of said petition of said Administrator, then and there to show cause, if any exists, why an ordT of sale slir.uUI not be made as in said jM'tition praved tor, said land being described as follows: The W. H of X. E. H of Sec. 10, T. 2S H.3E. of the Willamette Meridian, situate in Clackamas Count-, Oregon, and containing 8i acres more or less, By order of N. W. RANDALL, Attest : County Judge. J. M. Frazer, Countv Clerk. L. T. RARIN, Attorney for Adm'r, Oregon City, January 5, 1876 :w4 Final Settlement. In the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon. p In the matter of the Estatc'of Hugh Cur ran, deceased. 4 IX. PFRSONS INTERESTFD ARE j hereby notified, that I have filed my account in the above entitled case, and the Court has apjointed Sat urday, the 5th day of February, A. I). 1876, at the Court House, in Oregon City, for the hearing of objec tions thereto, and the settlement of such Estate. GEO. J CVRRAN, Attest: Administrator. J. M. Frazkr, County Clerk. Oregon City, Jan. 7t h, 4t. Executors' Notice. In the matter of the Estate of Henry C. Sawtell, deceased. ATOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i the undersigned have teen appointed Executors of the last will of H. C. Sawtell, deceased, bv the County Court of Clacka mas County, Oregon ; and that all iersoiis having claims against the Estate of said deccascd.are required to present them with proper vouchers to said Executors, at the office of lii'ELAT A Eamtii a M.Oregon City, Oregon.within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon. December 20t h. 1875. A. J. Sawtkll, dec24-4t. XV. O. Sawtell. Notice. U. 8. Usn Office, Oreoo City, Oregon, January 10, 1876. C"10MPI.AINT HAVING BEEN EX j tered at this office by B.J. Oervais against James P. Kennard for abandoning his Homestead Entry, No. 17ti5, dated March 28, 1871. upon It No. 6, Section 14, Township 1 south. Range 2 east, in Mult nomah county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry : t he said part ies are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 2M day of February, 187G, at 10 o'clock A. M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged aban donment. OWEN WADE, Jicfister. jal4:iw T. R. HARRISON, Receiver. Notice. U. S. La jin Office, Obf.oos City, Oregon, January 10, 1S76. e COMPL.AINT HAVING BEEN EX. tered at this office by Harry Ehlers against Ira Reckard for abandoning his Homestead Entry, No. 2121, dated Sept. 22,1 lnia, u)on me - . ot-ci iori z-i, 1 own ship 2 south. Range 4 east, in Claekanins county, Oregon, with a view to the cancel lation of said entry the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the Zki day of February, 1876, at 11 o'clock A. M., to respond and furnish testi mony concerning said alleged abandon ment. OWEN WADE, Itepistcr. Jal4-4w T. R. HARRISON, Receiver. HARDWARE. IRON AND STEEL, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, OAR, ASH AXD IIICKORF PLAXK. NORTHRUP & THOMPSON, Pec. 31, 1875 :m3 Portland, Oregon. CENT Eft N I AL. 1776."-tok 1876. ! I'i? Or S.AM ATI O IS. CHICAGO .X'OBTIMVESTERX RAILWAY.! THE POPULAR ROUTE OVERLAND, j 1"ASSENOERS FOR CHICAGO, NIA- . gara Falls, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, j .Montreal, iueoec, ew iitk, ijosioii. or any joint East, clioiild buy their Tit A XSCOMIXEXTAL TICKETS -Via the Pioneer Route, 1 TIIE CHICAGO & XOKTH-Vi CSTluRJi RAILWAY. THIS IS THE REST ROUTE EAST. Its track is of STEEL KAILS and on it has been made the fastest time that has ever been MADE in this country. Uy this route passengers for jKints cast of Chicago have choice of the follow ing lines from Chicago : Hy lle Pittsburg, Fort AVuyiie" anil t iiciro uutl Pemii'lvuiilu Ituihraym TIIROUUH TRAINS DAILY, with Pull O man Palace Cars through to Philadel phia and New York on each train. 1 THRO U HI TRAIN, with Pullman Palace Cars to Baltimore and Wash ington. By the Iuk Shore uiid Blichltran Southern Kallwuy anil Connections (New York t'eiitial und Erie Ituil ioaln) t O THROlKill TRAINS DAILY, with O Palace Drawing Room and Silver Pal ace Sleeping Cars through to New York. Hy the Micliijrjm ten Oil I, Grand Trunk, Cireut Western und Erie unl New York. Central Railways: O Timoi.TtilI TRAINS, with Pullman O Palaco Lrawing Room and Sleeping Cars through to New York, to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester or New York city. Hy Pultiinore and Ohio Railroad t THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with .- Pullman Palace Cars for Newark, Zanesvllle, Wheeling, Washington and Baltimore without change. This is the SHORTEST, BEST and nly line running Pull man celebrated PALACE SLEEPING CARS AND COACHES, con necting with Union Pacific Railroad at OMAHA and from the WEST, via Grand Junction, Marshall, Cedar Rapids.Clinton, Sterling and Dixon, for CHICAGO AXD THE EAST. This popular route is unsurpassed for Speed, Comfort and Safety. The smooth, well-ballasted and perfect track of steel rails, the celebrated Pullman Palace Slec Ing Cars, the ierlect Telegraph Sv stem of moving trains, the regularity with which they run, the admirable arrangement of running through cars to Chicago lrom all points West, secure to passengers a II t he comforts in modern Railway Traveling. No change of Cars and no tedious delays at Ferries. Passengers will find Tickets via this Fa vorite Route t the General Ticket Office of the Central Pacilic Railroad, Sacramen to. Tickets for sale In all the Ticket Offices of the Central Pacific Itallroad. W. H. STENNETT, Gen. Pas. Agent. MARTIN HUGHITT, Gen. Sup. H. P. STAN WOOD, General Agency, 121 Montgomery street, .San Fraficisco. Aug. 13 :ly OREGON STEAMSHIP CO.'S STEAMBOAT NOTICE! rlimiiVni1 Sti 30. 1ST. COOKE, Will leave OREGON CITY for PORTLAND everv day Except Sunday, at 7)s o'clock, A. M. Returning, will leave Portland for Oregon City at 2)i o'clock, P. M. Stv. ALICE, Will leave OREGON CITY forCORVALLIS every Monday and Thursday of each week Stv. DAYTON, Will leave OREGON CITY for McMINN VILLE, I A FA Y ETTE and DaYToN, and all points between, every Monday, Wed nesday and Fr'day of each week. leaves the l'asin at S o'clock, A. m., and connect with the train at Canemah at 9, A. M. Sti ALT3A3S Leaves OREGON CITY for IIARRISBURO and EUGENE and all intermediate points every week. Jr?ti:. ITniniie Pat ton, Leaves OREGON CITY for ALBANY and all intermediate points bet ween twice ev ery week. J. D. RILES, Agoiit. Oregon City.Fcbruary, 14. 1S74. JUST ISSUED. 200th EDITION, REVISED AND CORKKCTED BY TIIE AUTHOR, E. le F. CURTIS, M. O., tc., !fcc. A Medical Essav on the causes and cure of premature decline of man, showing how health is lost, and how regained. It gives a clear synopsis of the impediments to marriage, the treatment of nervous and physical debility, exhausted vitality, and all other diseases appertaining thereto; the results of twenty years successful prac tice. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. CURTIS ON "MANHOOD." There is no member of society by whom this book will not be found usefvl, whether he be parent preceptor or clergvman. iMiulon Times. CURTIS ON "MANHOOD." This book should be read by the young for instruc tion, and by the nftlicted for relief; it will injure no one. Metlietl Times aut Gazette. Price One Dollar, by mail or express. Address the author, DR. CURTIS, 520 Sut ter street, or 1'. O. I5ox "i7, San Erancisco, Cat. aug. 27 :lyisd3m J. H. SHEPARD, 1 5oot and SI100 Stove, One door north of Ackerman Bros. Roots and shoes made and repaired as cheap as the cheapest. Nov. 1, 1875 :tf LOUIS JACCERS, (Successor to Jacob Wort man) OREGON CITY",6 OREGON. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. AT the old stand, he largest and most complete stock of family GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Of every description, including Canned Goods, Spices, Green Groceries Tobacco and Cigars, in fact, everything to be found in i first class Grocery store. K-ioods delivered to all parts of the City Free of Charge. y Highest Cash pricr? paid for Potatoes, Oats and other Produce. LOUIS JAGGERS. Nov. 2o, 1875. tf. IVhrntheBlowl Rushes with rockct like violence U the head, causing hot flushes, vertigo and dimness of sight, it is a certain sign that a mild, salubrious, cool ing and equalizing laxative is required, and Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient should be at once resorted to. feOLDBY ALL DRUGGISTS. POND'S EXTRACT Ilvar, tor 1 will speak C excellent thing." .'OlIB'S EXTRACT The great Vegetable Pal lestryer. lias been in use over thirty years, and for cleanliness and prompt cura tive virtues u¬ be excelled. CHILDREN. No rauiily can afford to be withoat Pond's Extract. Accidents, Urniae. Contnsions, Cuts, Sprains, are reliered almost instantly by external application. Promptly relieves pains or Harris, Scad 4, Excoriations, Ckafingi, Old Sxea Roils, FeloDH, Corns, etc Arrest in flamation, reduces swellings, stops bleeding, removes decolorations and heals ranidlr. FEMALE WEAKNESSES. It always relieves pain in the back and luius,fulluess and pressing pain 1n the bond, nausea, vertigo. IN LEUCORRHCEA it as no cuuaL All kinds of mU ceraiioun to which ladies are subject ar promptly cured. Fuller details in book accom panying each hottl PILES blind or bleeding meet prompt relief and ready cure. No case, howaver chionic or obstinate. c n long resist its regular ust. VARICOSE VEINS. Itia the only euro cure for Uii distressing and dangerous condition. KIDNEY DISEASES. It ha no equal for perms neat cure. BLEEDING from any cause. Fortius U a pe cilic. It has saved hundreds of lives wheu all other rcmoJies failed to arrest bleeding from nose, wtnraacli, lunn, nnd elsewhere.. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, Tooth, she mm4 l:ara.cb are all alika rel.evud, and jften per manently cured. PHYSICIANS of i.ll schools who aro acquainted with Pond's Ext met of Witch Hazel rec ommend it in their practice. We have letters of commendation from hundreds of Physicians, many of whom order iitor use in their own. practice. Iu addition to the foregoing, they order its ne for Swellings of all kinds. Ifuinsy, Sore Throat, inflamed To units, q simple and chronic l)iarrhra. Catarrh, Qor which it is a specific,) Chilblains Frost ed Feet, Stings of Insects, M toes, etc.. Chapped Hands, Face, aud ludeed all manner of akin diseases. TOILET USE. Removes Soreness, Ron (tineas, aud SmnrtingJ heals Cuts, Eruptions, nnd Pimples. It revives, intiyora'et, and re freshes, while wonderfully improving tiie Complexion. TO FARMERS, Pond's Extract. No Stock lireeder.nw Livers' Man cau aftord to be without it. It ii used by all the Leading Livery Stables. Street Railroads and first Horsemen in New York City. It has no equal for Spralof, liar ness or Saddle Chafings, Stillness, Scratches, SvrellIng-s,Cnts, Laceration, Bleeding, Pneumonia, Colic, Diarrkira, Chilis, Colds, etc. Its range of action is wide, and the relief it affords is so prompt that it is 2 invaluable in every Farm-vard as well as in every Farm -house. Let it be tried once, and ron will never be without it. SAuJION. Pond's Extract has been Imitated. The genuine article has the words Pond's Ex tract blown in each bottle. It is prepared by the only persons I ivina whoever knew how to prepare it properlv. Refuse all other pre- parations of Witch HazeL This is the only article used by Physicians, and in the hospi tals of this conntry"ad Europe. HISTORY AND USES OF POND'S EXTRACT, in pamphlet form, sent free ou application U rwnwe A I llAw I kUMrARl. J. jajlUM Lane, !, ISew lork. FALL 1875 o Is your timo to buy goods at low rloos. BEOTHEES are now receiving a large stock of o o FALL AND WINTER GOODS, o o all of tho Latest fc( les, which w ill sell AT LESS THAN FORTIANC PRICES. Our stock has been bought for cash, and we will sell it at a small advance above O O SAN FRANCISCO COST. TE WILL SAY TO EVERYBODY BE T fore you purchase or goto Portland, come and price our poods and convince yourself t hat we do what we say. Our stock consists in part of O Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents O q Furnishing Goods. Notions, tiro. .- Ies, Hard ware and a great many other articles too numir u n t mm. m v a w m ALSO DOORS, Y;iND0WS, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETC o o c u We will also pay the Highest Market Price for o O Country Produce. ACKERMAN BROS. Oregon City. Sept. 23, 1875 tf AliL.2JS 3IATTOOiV, 9 CLEAR IREER, CLACKAMAS COTXTT. I DESIRE TO INFORM MY OLD Cus tomers, nnd the public at larpe, that I have Just received a new supply of FAMILY GROCERIES, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, CUTLERY, HARDWARE, And Other cj.sceQow Goods. All of which I now otfer for sale at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. My object is to tell all my old friends Rnd customers that I am still alive, and desir ous to sell poods Cheap, FOIt CASH, oig upon such terms as agreed upon. I shall also have in my emplova, thorough BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, and constantly keep stoek on hand for th O Manufacture & Repair of Roots A Soors, and all orders In that line will be promptly attended to. Gauexmattoon, Near the Viola "fills. . oetlAf 0 auKERIAN TO RENT. rflHE GREEN POINT MANSION' WITH JL jrrounds. lately occupied by Mr. H. Souls. Is for Rent, for one or more years. Any one desirinp: a retired residence, with splendid prarden tract and Fruits in a bund- ance, will please appto , Nor. 4. 1S75 ;rf-. " O vi1 o o aLtaSi"