Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1875)
o 0 o O TM E8TE8PBI8E. o.iEfinnrv. asEsnx. -October i. is?5. r,.,,., -,,.,. n iiij : son.; ti inn poo;:. - i:v Ai'r-Aim: ritocrcm. Ha-;. ! I I' liiiv t hear to see thei ::. ;, -a thy tiny h m is in vain ; D-w, 1 havo brea;. t i give tliee, Noiintig, c.'il.l to ease thy pain! Y:i" ) ' s Mit the tii-j-t to liless nie, Pr;. i 1. an 1 faitiUful too, was I ; 2s v, niv t uiing, I. thy mother, Aim I 1 1 -T to sc; t'm'J ilic. Si'-co, mv it ii linir. thou art weary; tioj is g )ol, but liic- is dreary. I hive w.ttcV'il thy beauty f iding, An ) t liy st.-eit t.i Nin k .lay bviiay; S n, I kho-v, will want an"! fever Ti c- t:iy li;ih:lito away. liuii:ic in iki'.s ihv fatir.'i- reckless. Mop- li itli Wt o th luni and me; Wh.- 'SiM sulf -r all, in v aby, ii id wu but a 'trust fo;-"tlue. Sli'i-M, my darling, thou art weary; i 1 is .good, but lii'e is dreary. .!'. ter thou shonldst perish early, Starve so soon, my l.irl ii-r one, T!i an, in h'l dess sin an sorrow, Vamiv live: as I have done. I.ctt-r t!i it thy sin gel -sjxrit Willi mv j y, mv oi;-m wore flown, Tli-in thy hvMrt '.'D'.vcil laiul reckless, IX. "-kls-i, tio; d lik; mv own. Sl -co. mv .lading, t!mu art weary ; J- is g; i id, but life is die iry. I am waste 1, dear, with huriirer. An. I mv !r iin is all opprest-- m I ,'i ive s-ircfly strength to press thee, Wan and i'eef.l . to mv breast. 1' 1 1 ;e:i h i !y 1 iod will hid o us, I - t ; i will com lo thee and me; J I will t ike u i to His heaven, " i ! no w nit or iii: can le. SI . :. m v d n ii'i.r, t:i'-u art v. eary; U i l is ood, hut life js diitarv. i.-'i the plaint that, late'aud earlv, I) 1 we li-ten, we mrl'l 'I i i beside us hut tlie thunder ).' i city dulls 1 he ear. ; Icry h'-arf, as tiod's hrf'trht ansril, Can bid one such sorrow eease ; I I :i is ! ry iv lien 1 1 is children Jli-in.r I J i s i or ones joy and peace. u r while she sin US N .unrts the l! uttering of wings; (.'.:;i Vt'S i:ik Eiiglis'i! Q i o of t h j he,t articles, though som.-wl'at brief, i:i a recent number i f i I iroer's .l ig azim , is t!iat from u."ii.-:i '.iv ta'c; the following: I i f ir ! idv con versijtion we dis- .i i 1 1 I'l i vu!i. i I i V l ' h all varieties d' slang, io or feminine, as the east; -one as hil as the other. We disregard its delieaie .shades of la -.tliiiiir, we i'o ;ill we e ii to deprive ;t of all f ue-;-; by our e Aeless use of ir terms, we load it wi f proviiieial iiiis :t!ni "foreign lhl;Ws, and tiien we seos jifa !ly -1 ui ii our baeks upon it as if it, ueie an old worn-out ser v nit w'.id iiave been of use to s;lmI mi" ll :;rs or sweep our b irn ;yards. We hire fore if. n nurses for nr rl:il,!iv.!, ?;.i that ti ; first words tney utter siiall be a i'r -neli or (Jer liian di.ih ct, and we boast of the l'aet t i it these chii.hen talk only Freneh r (ierm .a, iiM 1 do not understand JJ.It! WO.-.1, of K.i; s" Is t-o-i-'ti i se!:o.i!, of till l!ie h;mdreds .-'iveifT-ii g ia :i!l oar city papers, which ha-; the eouvago to state as a vei-oMim.-ii.hdion, 'Kniiiish t!ie lan- lis school V" Is there no I w hich v. ill make it its !:; last, as far a- the form V go.-s, to sfj-o that the Ui-i. in pl.i'j h;;::rs and -o.di he pure and correct; IMS-. test-!oo!-;s which can '.-t shall be u.-d; that the one aim of first :i l u English t.lii tied . 1 1 v this reading reei mended shall be select ed with tin's view; that! the poetrv committed i o memory tiiall always be the b-;! ? Is there; no school wi'iov pupils sin 1 1 be recognized by t!:e:r clear and distinct articulation, thejr accurate and easy in on uncia- : I tion. tiieir exact accent; and their s'cillful ami beautiful use of the Xhiglis'i i inguage . lloiv ma-iy of our giiis and boysocan be said even to know French, to know and under stand th it la nn.i-4'.' as used by Kicine. by Cornci.h by Pascal, or Molioie? And fir nnre serious than this, h v m.ny of them know Ger man; that is. th" la.ugiiige of the Herder and T jessing, of ;Geothe and Schiller? Most seiionsi of all, and n.o-t ei ir.eei ;ii:ig us, hov.imany of us know i'aglish; that is, nv many of in uu ier-t md or can speak it even ll aentlv and correctly, mt to say ele gantly ? How many of us know our own must noble language, to which so MiiMV languages have Contribute I lie lautruage of Chaueir and Spe cer, of Milton, of llacel, of Shak s nea re? How many ijluscanta English? V so MiiMV languages have contributed pen- ake talk StitTj Ac.'iiNo. Hnriying down JelVrson avenue yestei-lay to t bo depot a urn struck a hem of poach skin and fell on his b mi-ends and rolled over twice before lie stopped. A boy. standing in the centre of the street, anxiously inquired: "I!-! von hunting fr anything. mister?1 "Come here, bub," s.aid the man as he sat up. "come an' get ten e -nts and some eatidv and pliinsand iuba- paste! 1 hut s a good 1. , come and see me. "Yo u- intenfinn may be good," replied the boy, as he hacked o;", "but I giies FH wait till the other booting gets over aching before I get j any nearer." Free Yes Gov. P.. Gratz Ilrown has written a letter to the St. Louis i!oJ-e on the liuaiu-i.d ipi-.-stion, an.l the ('u.e is almost converted. It admits that "the 11 'public. m party cannot afford t go ivf.ce the country on the n I'ion d banking system as it stands to-d iy. Tt cannot ask the people to say that it is right that the enrreney sho lid be issued by a favored class, who are piid a large sum fordoing wh it the Government can do just as well for nothing." The Indians are very-thankful for the telegraph poles on the prairie. They foi-tr.erly had to ride a long dis tance to lind a place to chain a pris oner to while they tortured him. Free I'ee. I:i Oregon City the brave red man uses the telegraph pole as a scratch ing post. The Louisville faurier-.Turual charges Secretary JMknap with the distribution of the War Department alvertising among the onntry news pipers of Iowa, so as to seen re their support in the contest for the United States Sjmatorship, which ho in tends to enter. yir. Bergh wishes to know if be- C'.use i man lias raisea a ilog by lian.l from a Jno, he is jnst:riel iu l-in a ios from the grounj with Ins foot? s Y AZz: II. 1 Japanese Music. From the Pall Mall Gazette. Tlic List number of the transac- tioas of the German Soeietv for the i s?,i h of ttio cultural Ilistorv an.l .v 1 f 7- . - i . lai'iology of r istern Asia in loko- ham.i gives an interesting account of lnn.sie in Japan. The Japanese mu sicians are usually divided into four classes those who play religious music only, those who play secular music, blind musicians, and female musicians. The musicians who pos sess a theoretical knowledge of mu sic, and even those who know their notes, are very few in number; they are scattered "all over the country, and belong only to the class of those who occupy themselves with sacred music. Both the secular and reli gious performers belong to certain societies or guilds, which meet at prescribed periods and for prescrib ed purposes, and there are large numbers of musicians who play in private houses for a stipulated fee. The members of these guilds have various privileges. At one of - the sittings of the German Society a mu sician0 presented himself who had the right of setting the hist string of the "koto" (a seven stringed instru ment) an octave lower than any one else. The Japanese rse stringv wind and percussion instruments. These are divided into pure instruments : (for religious music only) and im pure, which are used only for secu lar objects. There are no wind in struments of metal. Twelve keys are used, one for each month, and each key has twelve tones. Tuning forks of various shapes, all different from those known in Iufope, are in common use. The strings of the in struments are of silk, covered with wax; and the notes simply give the number of the string to bo struck, in the flute, of the whole to be stop ped. Semitones are distinguished 9 by a sign placed against the number ot tlie preeeumg tone. The notes are written downwards, and the words to the left of them. Songs are always in unison with the princi pal instrument in the accompani ment. On of the whole, Japanese music is very similar to that of China; most of it, indeed, comes from that country, and is equally un pleasant to Ivaropean ears. Xothing is so discouraging to a young lawyer just as he waxes elo quent about angel's tears, weeping willows and tombstones, as to be interupted by the cold-blooded jus tice with "You're oil" your nest, bub; this is a case of hog-stealing." The Philadelphia. Sunday llepuhilc says it is wrong to discourage marble playing among boys. The steadiness of-nerve and accuracy of aim they acquire will be invaluable to them in after years in playing billiards. f.. -o- Your saver of smart things lias a bad heart. Pascal. Oa this account no one will evar ace-use the wealthy carpet-bagc . of having a bad heart. The grand prize of Homo for sculpture has been awarded by the l-'reii'-h Government to a young American student named Hughes, a pupil of the sculptors Damoiit and Ilonnassieux, of Paris. Tennyson did not say that Joaquin Miller was "tlie greatest of living poets," but that he might have been if 1'avorite .ong with "cracksmen" lI know a bank, ti AUCTIIOX AXI COMMISSION'. A. RICHARDSON, AncM'ioiiocr, CoiriiiTof Front & Oak sts., Portia ml Of Ival KstatP, Ciroeorios, (Joneral Mer ohaiulisi! and Horses. SAT.K hAYS-Wi'dncr-ilnv and Safurday A. II. UlClIAUliSOX, Auctioneer. J. I. DAVIES. JOSHUA DAVIES. J. P. DAViES &. GO., T JOT I ONEEI? S a N n (;03I3IISSIO 31EKCIIAXTkS, fi::e-pkoof stone kuildixg, WliARF STHEET, VICTORIA. B. G. !.i!)T;il Ailvanrrs M;uli' 0:1 foiisiiiimcnts. July 21, 1ST! :ly J. r. ward. OEOI1GK A. IIARDIXGi. WARD & HARDING, DESISTS A?iD APOTHECARIES, jr:i:p constantly on hand a jTSik. 'tu-ral assort inent of 13ius and Olioniicalt?, Perfumery, Soaji. 1 omiis iiml lli iisln s. , Trni's, Sn :o rer, Stioul lr IJiace s Fancy unci Toilet Articles, Also KfroMnt Oil, Ijii:iit Chlinnr j-s, tila-s, Itity, I'iiints. tlils, atriiiMliesi uikI IyeStuirs PURE WINES AM) LIBORS TOR 31 E DH'INAL PURPOSES. PATENT MEDICINES, . ETC. BTThysielans Prescriptions carefully comiouiuLl, und all orders correct I v aii- SW'T'll. it7"ipn nt all hours of tho nihf. B"AIl accounts must Ik pai.t monthly novtJif WARUA HAHDIXii. LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE stasssjS-:. -o- ri-iiE rxPERsicNKn pnornirrrnn of 1 tli" I.ivcry ."stablon Klt't h str '"t.Oru.-n C'ity. Hregon, koejis constantly tn h;ini.! Satltlle antl XtufXSY Horses, Euiry:l's. Carriayes mid IIacls. .- 3 ion.onable. ii will al.o run a hack to and from the WILHOIT SODA SPRINGS tIllrtn, th ,limmer s.ason vlth j horses.eompptent and gentlemanly driver PARE AT LIVING BATES. J. M. Fn.VZER, Proprietor OreSon City, May 27. 1S73. P- The Iemocratic State Plattorm. The Democratic party of Oregon in State convention assembled. Proclaim the f.,1 lowing propositions of politica. ri,hUnfaaiS? .levotion to the car (lhi'al priiu-iples of Kepub hcan Bovern ent. as declare,l an.l put into practi cal operation by the Fathers ot tlie Ke- The preservation of the general government in the proper exercise ot fho powers delegated to it in the Con stitution, carefullv and strictly con strued, and the maintenance, inviolate of the several taies oi my uiuu im teir ri'-'hts, diirnitv and emvality, as the most competent and reliable ad ministrators ot their own domestieeon cerns and the surest bulwark against Hie tendency toward a centralized des potism. " . . ... ;; Opposition to agression by eitlier department of the government upon the functions of any other and to tlie exercise of federal authority of any of the rights or powers reserved by the constitution to the States resjitotively, or to the people. 4. That every attempt on the part of the Federal government to exercise auv powers not delegated to it, and es pecially every interference by the gov ernment or iiiiv of its departments, with the local atl'airs of any State, or with the rights of the people thereof to their own representatives', is an act of usurpation which should be repudiated and condemned by every friend of constitutional liberty. 5. We demand retrenchment, reform and the most rigid economy in the ad ministration ot every deiiartinent ot the government ; the honest payment of the debts, the sacred preservation of the public taith ; strict aeeountaiuiity ot all ollicers, and the speed- and im partial arraignment of all abuses of pu'jlic trust lie fore tiie tribunals of jus tice; a zealous care of the rights of election by the people; the absolute subordination of the military to the civil authority." The equal and impar tial administration of the laws, and the protection of the rights of all ; freedom of religion, of the press, and of the person! under protection of the habeas corpus, and trial bv juries iinpartially seh-cted. (!. We protest against the burdens of a protective tarill", as need less exact ions from a people already intolerably op pressed bv a national debt, and we in sist that the tariff be so regulated as to provide only sutlk-ient revenue for an economical administration of tlie gov ernment, and not for the purpose of enriching the few at the expense of the niaiiv, or fostering one branch of in dustry to the detriment of another. 7. That the precious metals are the only basis of commercial values; that an 'irredeemable paper currency is a national curse, end we insist upon the speedy return by the national govern ment to specie payments. The institution of the system of national banks was a fraud upon the country and an injustice upon the la boring classes, and we demand such prudent legislation as will gradually bring this vicious system to a close: that all currency which may be issued shall be convertible into coin uion de mand and be issued directly by the govereiucnt. 1. That the treaty between the Unit ed States and China shall ho so modi fied as to apply solely to commercial relations. in. That wo condemn the party in power, fiily for itscontetnpt of constitu tional obligations, but tor extravagant parti. '-an and corrupt administration of .the federal government; for its reck less expenditure and protligate waste of the people's money; for its oppres sive, unjust and defective system of fi nance and taxation: for the perver sion of t !i: funct ions of the general gov er;nii"iit to enrich the great corpora tions at tiie expense oi" the people; for I he jobbery and frauds which have broturht reproach unon democratic in stitutions; for tlie iniquities of the pro tective system; for the curse of an in ei.iiverlible impcr money; for its dis graceful diplomatic service and uniit appointments and continuance in ollice of incompetent and corrupt men at home and abroad; for its attempt to pass an unconstitutional force bill, and for a catalogue of oth'-r enormities which have rendered that organization ollensiv:; to and subversive of the lib- irl fir i f!-: iw-oo! re )' i 11 'I'h:! That corporations are the erea of law; their functions and priv- f:ii". il-'g t i ie ;t-:-i are granted to subserve public interests, and when v are not used for the object of their th creation, but tor purposes ot oppression and extortion, we declare it to be the right and duty of the legislative power to regulate and control such corpora tions for the public good. 1". That we disapprove all measures in the interest of monopolies against labor, and therefore we approve of the declared principles and sympathies with the avowed objects of the- order known as the Patrons of Husbandry, and with those of all other orders hav ing for their object, retrenchment and reform in public atfairs and the social advancement of the people. hi. That we are in favor of laboring to secure judicious appropriations from Congress for the purpose of improving our harbors along the western and northern boundaries of our State, anil we demand that our representatives in Congress shall use their best efforts to secure the aid of the general govern ment for the free navigation and im provement of the Columbia river, by the construction of locks at the Cas cades ; the improvement of the Willam ette and Comiill rivers; the construc tion of the Portland, Dalles and Salt Jjakc and Winneinueea Kail roads, and the early completion id" the Oregn California Kailroad from Koseb egon and uii-jr to the State line 14. That the policy of tlie Kepubli can party in dealing with the Indian tribes is impolitic and unw ise; that the time has arrived when the few Indians now occupying the Umatilla, Grande Konde and Sdetz reservations should be removed to some other locality, and thus open up to settlement by the whites some of the riehest portions of the State. ". That we invite the hearty co-operations of all persons, whatever may have been their past political affinities, to unite with us in carrying out the principles herein enunciated. JAMES JI'KISNOS, JOHN n, ?irjLi,F,R. (VlcKINHON &. MILLER. WAGOH AND CARRIAGE M A jS" IT FA CTOBY ! ''III. I .Ml 1. US Hi . : ; J I - . nut uin ivuia i ii r ki..,.. ...!,- . 1 V..- 1. f " late lavid Smith, corner of Main ami ThiM street. Or. -iron City, take this iii'tlioil of informing the public in general, that wo arc now prepared, with am ili room, good materials, and the very best of Mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete, any sort of a vehicle from a common cart to a Concord l oach. Klaismilliinj, Hori-Iioeinr nnl .Inbhiiij;, Xe:lly, Uuickly ainl Clieuply 1J jne. IIOItSn-SI!oi;iG A SPKCI.VIjTV. Come and trv us. " MeKIXNOX & MILLER. Mis. 13. lSTj:nii A. G. WALL?NG'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. IMttocU's lliiilclinr Corner ot Stark nia Front Sin-eta. PS3TLAMD, Blank hooks nn,"D and mrxn to any desired patt .-: . Music Ijooks, M;i:'a7ins, Newspapers. bound in ev ery variety of style known tn the tirade. Orders from the nromptlv at tended to. " FOR Sh ONE SECOND-HAXH TEAM EN frine: 8 inch; bore 21 inch. Price $4X) 00. Enquire at J. H. MOORE'S Machine .Shop, Oregon Citr. Sept. 5, 1S75 t COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, CHAS. EL CAUFIELD, DEALER IX DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS GROCERIES, Crockoiy, Scc, &c. CORNER OF SEVENTH AXD MAIN STREETS, OREGON CITY AL.SO, A LARGE LOT OF DRESSED CEDAR AXD FINISHING LLT:IDER, Of various kinds, for sale in quantities to suit, at reasonable rates. M K Ji c II A iV d i a ie. JOHN MYEBS, OREGOW CBTY. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for and all kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE I will sell as low as any house in Oregon for CASH OR ITS JEQ UI VA I.EXT n Good Merchantable Produce. I am sellinc; very low for CASH YS ILOl). CASH PAID FOR COUNTY ORDERS. Give m a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN .MYERS. OrcRon City. March 21. 1S73. "Yy E WOULD CALL TIIE ATTENTION of Teachers, and others Interested in music, to the following works, as being the best of their class : MUSICAL CHIDES. A new Class-Hook for Female Voices. Price S3 Per Dozen. Sample copies, mail ed, post-paid, on receipt of $1. FAIRY ECHOES. A Class-Book for Children. Used in all the principal Public Schools. Price SO Per Dozen. Sample copies mailed, post, paid, on receipt of 60 cer ts. SONG ECHO. The Most Popular School Sinsring-Dook ever published. Price S7 50 Per Dozen. Sample copies mailed, post-paid, on re ceipt of 75 cents. Address, J. L. PETERS, 843 BKOADWAY, X. Y. Aug. 6 :w6 $5 to $20 S.refaIAtr5Sne- Terms ' IXebly G.8TINSON& Co., Portland, Me Books aOOtli KDITIOX. A M O O ED, L i:eviskd'a:i coi-.nft'TKi) i;y the author, K. Ie F. I liTIH, JM. I., ti-., &. A' Medical Essay on the eaus' s and cure of i -reniature decline of man, showing how health is lost , and how r. gaint d. It gives a cl'ar synopsis of t!i impr iliments to marriage, the treat meiit of nervous and Ihysie:il delility, exhaust, d vitality, and all fjther diseases a i pert a i n in-r thereto; the results of twenty years successful prac tice. OPINIONS OK TIIE PKESS. CUItTIs ON "MAN 1I( ( !." There is no member of society by whom this hook will not be found uselvl, whether he be parent preceptor or Clergvman. I.onU,n Times. CURTIS ON "MANHOOD." This hook should he read by the young for instruc tion, and by the athieted for relief; if. wu injure no one. Mclictl. Tinis itml (.Urztitr. Price One Dollar, bv mail or ex.iress. Address the author, l)!. (TKTIs, rJ(l Sut ler street, or P. O. Lox o.j7, San Kri ti'-Ueo, t'al- aug. 7 dyisd'Jm Who ,nr- suff-ring from th"" i C t of yoiifhlnl foliii-s or indiscretion, will do well to avail themselves of thi, the greatest boon laid at t lie altar ot su fieriii" humanity, till. M!.vi-;v will guar antee to forfeit r-Vi'i for I'vity ease of se minal v e;; -n. s ; or rivaie di.s 'as of any kind v diameter which he und r t a k-s a !il la i Is to cure. I m oi i Id, t hi re lore, say to t he un fort tin at e siitr.-rer who may read this not ie-, that you a re t read ing upon datig-rons ground when you lorig- r d lay in seeking t lie ; rojii-r r"-m-dy for your complaint. 'o:i may he in the lirst st aire; ie m iah r yon ar- ;it proaehingthe last. If you are hordcrin -z i poii tin- la st . a ml a r sn If -ring sonn - or ill of it s ill elTect s, r-'iii' -m I m r i i a t if you ..ersisi in proerast inat ion , t he t ime n! ust ome when t he most sliilllul ilysiei-i;i aii retn!" r you no assistance . wl'e-n the o :r of hop wi i I be elo ; (l against ou : .".In ii no angel of mercy can bring you ;- -!i !'. In no c e, j m. I im-jnr fail 'd it siu-c ss. Th n 1- not desp-Mr work upon your imagination, hut avail your scif of t he liene!i.-i;i l r -su It s of h is t r -at - tienf before ur civ. is beyond the reach of m, heal skill, or b 'lore grim ileal Ii hurn' s o;i to a pr-'tiiat ur-- gnv.. I 'uil eour of t r -at iiieiit. fj." to. s.-nii money by I 'i '. eXi order or Expr-ss A-ith full d"sen; t ion of i '. Call or iddn -s, i il , ll. Si'S.W'JCY, No. 11 lv"aniy street, San Prancisco. s'-pl Hi A - J O H M S C H R A TlI , 7::ain St., Oregon Cif y. 'lAMFACTinr !i AM) HirflKTEB fiF ' SadtUcs, Itaiiicss, 1 Ufiil.!'..rv.l!,ii-.l. J ....... ware, etc., vtc. 71IICH 1IE OITEKS AS CHEAP AS can ie nan in 1 ne ciaie, at WHOLESALE GR RETAIL. m warrant my goods as ropreseiited. 1,000 DEER SKIHS W A j T 1Z ID, -AM) A I. SO, 4 IjL OTIIEK KINDS OF HIDES. TOR 'V. whii'h I will pay the highes market price in r.vsir Pring on your hides and get your coin lor t hem . JOHN SCIIItAM, Sail. lie and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, lh7;J-m:. The standard rem edv 11 in-ii .'. A'iii-c T,,v,i( for C'OtfQljS, lil- ll ln-Oj -in't ( iniiffi. f.roii. I.irrr Cnnntlttint J! .-...,..;.--. ,.:... tir of the I.unn.f, and every atr.-ction of the 1 hroat, Lungs and Chest, including Cox sum i-tiox. 0 AViMtai-x Il.-ilsam of Wild ( herry does not dry up a cough, but loosens it, ch-ames the i.ungs, arid allays irritation, thus iv ion,ift the whw of th complaint. None f,trsir,lJ!!,,;.s Kinod I. Ilurrs. I repar-d 1 : , 1, 1''VI rn A ss, Poston. Sold liEnnixcrn.v, HosTKTTKu Co., San r.,V-ui'?co- an,J hy Healers generallv. -Ot.-blv . BETHESDA SPRIGS! On the McKinzie River. Lane Co., Oregon. A CHARMIXli SIMMER RESORT. rilHEsE SPIHN(iS A HE LOCATED H about filtv-five miles iiit of Eu-ene l i,' ar,'' yi,hiri f,'ir mib-s of the colebrat eil lag Prairie of th- MeKinzie. Thev are within a few hundred yards of Horse Creek one ol the most famous trout streams in regon. 1 leer and elk are vr ry pe,lt v- near these springs, having ben the resort for ages of these animals. The grandest and most picturesque seenerv of tii- Nort h 1'---ntic. I have thebist buildings and the best accommodations of anv s, rii in this part of the Stat . Mv bat h bou i s now. ami is constructed with r,f, p nc. to v ,VvanTS ,f ti', visiting , from t, ,2 . 1 e. I also hav an excellent vapor hath room constructed n ar the hra of heSprmg, and in all things, I , ro ,oso tion1 ?mn!r d j - atAanPti:,Tnos'ni''1 r,1VBi7i!,n " attendance stve to,TI!0J,rl!,IU, '"Hging n good style lorthos" who j refer it. Animals c m w 1-astured for small cost, and hTi r-rU. 1 sate a. N For FV may6tf .1 1,1 1 , 3 LL I roj rietor. A. NOLTN 3 1Z NOTARY PUI5LIC. ENTERPRISE OFFICE. OREGON CITY. THE NEW IMPE0YED PL a o O 1 "1 4 i 4 . 111 o CO r:cs rocd Rd Eic't red. the li-!;t::t ruAr;;::G, ecctcim tle, a:;d r.ccT ea:ily cpzzmzd r:Ac?:i::z :n::z rr.xn. j J ' Ij wJ) L-u C.'Ui.Jljj 1 i L.l If t:ero 13 .1 r-LCILZ"CE IHCZH7I" vritiia c:i3 t'gousssl iullos cf C-a Fr.-.a-clzca tot v.-o.-:--r vall, I will Cx it xrilh oat r.ry czpearo tD llio oraer. ga::u2l hill, A&zt, V w s 21. C. AT1IEY. Oregon City, Kiiicri:rb.e ISuildii:, Arcnt. I M PERSAL Fbl S L L S, Lallocttiio, Savier & Co. Oregon City Keep constantly on hand for sale Flour, M ludlings, 1 :la 11 and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sack. 1 own Lots cr r.fe. Yn'HT.lS(iIVKNT() ALL PEHSONS 1 desirous of purchasing 'limn Lots in the ( '011 lily add it son tot ipgon it y, t "iack amas county Oregon, that are mm wn il by Clackamas cou t: t y, that apj.i ieat ion lor the purchase will be rec' iveit ly the h rk in va eat ion ot t h' Cou nt y Court , 11 d acted upon by t he oiirt in term t ime, and value placed on the lots lo be sold. J. M. FHAZEH, Jan. 12 IST.j. t ounty . lerk. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Fcr Diseases of tho Tiiroat anJ Lungs, SLicn as Coughs, Cold, Whooping Cou.jh, Broucaitis, Asthma, end Oonramptlon. Among the great discoveries of modem science, lew are .f more real value to man!. iu. 1 than tiiis ef fectual remedy tor diseases of li.o t !.ro:;t a a ! I.u::gs. A vast trial ot' i:s vi:;i:e-. t'u()iig!ioiit tiiis ::!.d otaer cu:;tiies. s'a iwu ti:;;t it doos fiiiv.y an t e;:ei--!;:i!;v 1 t'.i 'tn. Th? t?s-;:ii ,f oar l.-c-t c:;i of all cliises, es::ii.-!i-l:e- ti:" tact, thrtt - r 1 1-: 1 : : : v i'ifio::i. ii a:;.! c.oi-s r?.;evc c;i.-e a.iiicti::g ii,-e;-.!ei's of the 1 i'l'u:'.t laid I.u.-igi !-eyoii 1 ::-.y :::'!:::. -. 'i !i e ni.).-t i i e ; ..; ; :u;'.v"i lis ( " l'lilaiouriry U.'g:':!" !!. I ! i: j-.iwei-; an.l ca i-f i'out;n: p fio.1. -,;iel liv ; .ei-n iri:!. are T'id'iiC- (- I . . I...-. -.'. it.'.. 1 - i-.tle O-. l. l.r. liew.i, tliev Ki.r praw-a hevou l liispure. A a ie:i! ' iy i" i- a-leipiate, o:i which the p:.l- ic nriy iv. y tor full protection, l'.y curii'g s'ftuglis, t!ie toivfu:i!!ei-s ((' in. ire .seriei:- .di-ea-'C. ir saves uiaiuni .ie;-c 1 live-, an 1 an :i l : i ' -u ; s I I' Mifiering not to he (-.:,. ate I. It challenge.- tri d. and cm viaees til'.- ni-'-r ,-ce;i:ie:il. Lvcrv lianiiy s!:ou!.l keep it o:i han 1 as a pro-ccfieii :.g.;;!ist t're car'iy a a ! tuipeivci vel a't:iek if I'ldm. inary Aii'ceti.i.s, which are easily in -r at tir-t, but which bcconie iiicurahle. and too often lata', if r.eglccted. 1 cn !cr lung-; nee 1 tiiis dei'eiiee : it unwise to h with' ut it. As a safeguard ,o i liil-h.eii, I'.ini.l tic uis-re-siurr disease-; .-.'! ieii l.e-ot the '1 limit and Caest of childiion.', Cmi:i:v 1'i.ctoi:.l is invala:i!i!e; for, by its timely us-?, multi tudes suv rescue 1 from I -.'Mature tRivos. snul saved to Tlie lovj and sdVoctioa centred on them. It acts sj),'edi!y and surciy agninst ordinary colds, seeming sound and health-restoring sleep. io , : T 1 T ... -1 w J ? . . oic. win sun -i ( i ou-e-soia-- i ii ,. i.e'si..; ana pain ful Iji'oncJiiti , when they know how casi.v thev can he cured. CMgitiaMy the prodnct of Jong, lahorioue. an i successful investigation, no cost or toil is spared in nuking every bottle ia the uinost pos-ihii; perfection. It may he conti le:itiv re lied r.;xin sis js..essi.);r a;j the virtues it has' e ver exhibited, :iu l capahie of producing cures as lu-jniorabl sis the greatest it has ever ciTectcd. ranrAnrtD nv Dr.J.C. AVER i CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Anntyfical SOLD BV ALL D HUG GISTS EVEUVWIICRS Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Por the relief rnd cure of sdl derange nienls in Hie nom sieli, liver, s'.iul bowel-;. '1 iii- sue :t mild apcrieat ;.h sni cxcclient purgative. Peing pin e'y vege table, they cont:,in leercii : v or lmiic- lal v. Iiatcver. iS' st-ri as si Kuess si ml f-i.fjV". ing i- pi event- cd bv lla-ic li:eilv; and every family ; l.,):;hl have them on hand lor llieir protection aad '.. he-', v. 'ae.i K-ouired. Long experience has proved laeni la!.." the saf est, surest, sm-.l be,t. of all the ;,'-: wi.h wl.ich tiie market sibaunds. l'.y their cecas'.eaal use, on; oiiMjo i- jvariiie;!, me corrupiiens of the svs tcni exielle(, olistrir-Moiu removed, r.nd tiie whole machinery of hfj rc-to:ed to its isealthy activity. Intern -.1 organs vt hir'u become clnsrged and slmrirish are clean.-od 1-v Ai' t 's l it:; ;;ud .stimulated mt, .aciioii. Thus incipient di-casc is ehaiiged ir.; health, the value oi whh h chan-re, when re. ki.iod the vn-t. ,,.:i ii ,,-b it, can liiinuy In; co.nputed. Tlteir m car coating iiia.;es inec.i ple.a-ar.t lo t.-!.e,::a.l prc-civcs thair virtues "iniuip.ilscd for auv lenzth of time, so thar they aiv ever fres!;, ;;V.d pcrfocilv reliable. A!fho;iTh sc.a' Ini v are mi,.!. :iml . . i . .lieu. iea iy .a:. en ;..- e l'seasci't sicl'.eu j. rviaavc i cause it. lor I3ysr;r-- or l . : . . i r, ::(, ft f.i.i t the ... o.j t: u. tions m hicii ' hat OH' nsitii li l-e 1 o..-. -i iiui.i ia r.eci-.i in lap... :;-i; l r:v:p.;er.l uo. es to prn.-.e. -e t.': e.v. : -.., i or .-i.-j:'----:o-i, a l.-rg- ''.. she fd e u pro.l i es the i -c-d e.'.e I hy syni- p:nav. As a liin ','.' promote !i re t: m ?. r,-.- iv...) to An o-ca- on,-!.'.--,. s-ien-l-:.. ' : .- -..;.;:!.-! .-.1 UOi'.P!.-,rp .:n.'.. - ., ,,i;-,;:n,. i.;-. : ..:.'. ;.( sy.-tem. II -i -e 1; i ; iilJiu vc.a-.:--.-.:; - nr .-erie-is ii -revre neat vt-t-. ;.- w!:.: t-M-'s tolerably v. c:l, often ;h.d - n .j .-e ,,( icc ...hl-i . .;... ; ciean?mg ar.d rnwrat his "tVc-i f a ti.e ;iv-- apparatus. p-i'iurn T- Di' T. C AYIZIi& Cit., Vrttciirxl Chemists, lOim.. zrA&S., V. S. A. FOi SALE EY A:.L L-Ui'TtSTl KVERYVHf.Iia I mi - fc-4 V -s t-i A , l 0 Jr s. WllllivT: j! '. , . . . ! ."''j.i.i'i.-iuiii.- i .jii.-.auiii'ju, i.rtiiti, or i i a nas, folic count v i occupritioii. j jc0in - IJ. I -.ry Fuli direct; -.,. ;s.vvn c.a the wrapper to ! Jackso7iTiViVC.3.V.V. raeh.ox a j ;.!.,'.; v pi1Vsic, lienton count v w...W'h and lor the fnllowiag .(.faplaiats, v.hich these Corvallis Hon. .lolin M:rn t i .lis cure : - Canyon Cit y.t irant co W. I f 'jlf l oi S.vj.f;;s3., .,. -., :-;;-,.JJ:t. S.if!e ! Albanv A. . ArrifW '1M.i , .'!7"r'r :'V 1 5--'r-il'fiH:tiMlicr I Italics. Waseocounty i- i:-1:;,'," !:ik-:' ,:i !l '- '!c the stom. La;rande, Cnion county A.f. 'Ui ;' V.u 'ji' ,ts he.-,!:!;, tone.-.,,! satlon. ! Pendleton. Umatilla county JO . Kn buns, 5.i5i4 jo,;;;.. h:cu EEi-n'i. ; Kugono City 'e. L.I ristow t".!V-,5iuli5!i-T ,,rs'; fs-Lis... tiii- ! Uoseburg I,on-1: ' W-ro 1 Oi jH!iiii:.v,e.'.-.i ki .... jt - i Ttonvor Crelr e-t ;. iv i. JJlls:- S-L--'.t:.e, s;...-::d.e ca.,th.-i Cascades 1 - Vr aetiou ot ic- vste;.-. .. uls uu-h chaare Uk. e Cuttinff-s i-"" - Foster coaM.namt-s.hs;;:.:,..-.;:-. " j Eagle -reek r v , Nortf.n 1 c.r Ilro-io- : :vl :a-o;;v:r;! i.n :'.ir., ! Hardinfr's Capl. --' " land HOW IS THE TIR1E T0 subscribe ron TH B:-2 50 PER yKaij PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Each number contains the LATEST TELEGRAPHIC jv 00 From all Parts of the Vcr;a . A Carefully Silecu d isiuniliary f)f STATE AND TEIlIIITCHlAL news iti;m. A Co: rect eel I.I-.i ir t:.t ?,ru . luSi ; Portland, Sun francisro niiu' Cnun (j;y LOCAL NEWS, EDIT0KIALS On all Subjects of Interest to ti e 0 FARMER, 3IEi;ni.M (SR XECH.nii G" Also, Carefully Selected ai:sci.L. x j ol s r i: v 1,1 ;. In is in Every Respect a Last. Ut, u cir'i.s Having a large and constantly increasing Circulation in the most jopulcus 1 art ,f the State, offers superior inducements to those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements inserted on REASONABLE TEIDIS. The Campaign of 1S75 will soon bepin, and it is ther- lore a good time to Subscribe in order that you may be j osted n currei -. events Send in your subscrii tion :t one- t" I , - S lUK 2 LuWik tJ t. L. J X,17n A t E PREPAREli TO E:CI XVZZ X V ail iviii(i.s oi O K.J 1J i ill 1 1 i V.T, such as c.mis. m i.i.-i: i:. t rs. Moil to a ,!:, ir,::i.s, I. ETTEli-llEA T'S, in fr;ct nil kinds of work done a in Printing Ollice, at POIITLAXI) PRICES' ! ! A Ij l k ixds of e ii U i1; U t jf -i. I i; J constantly or: hand, and for sal-? at as low a price sis can be had in the tatc. A X P SATISFACTION G'JASAMTElD Oregon City. March CI. ISTC-tf. o " ACENTS FOR THE EXTERITISE. Th" following persons are .nutliorircd to act as ageids lor the Enterprise : I ieo. 1. Powell A Co., 40 Tark Kow, - : 'tk. ' Coe, Wetb.crill A Co., 607 Chestnut street riiilad-lphin. i Abbott t Co., Xo. 82 and SI Nassau street ! York. , ! Port land, Oregon I- Sam'i I - 1 1 lios. I ovco i Snn " rancisco . ,. Klslt i St. Helens. Columbia county. ...... S. '!l,'s i Astoria, Clatsop count v A. Van 1'Hfn ! Saom p. Wilhami ! llarrisbur I. H. Sin it n i Lafayette. Va m hil I count v en-us' ' . , , ' . . '. . , I I . .1 llir S Lebanon. . t if It.ilsten . Jacksonville. Lons Tom ...Hon. F. 1- 1'emlroy II. c. Huston j CLACKAMAS COCNTV. C. K. Vcai"- i iiwcr.Motaiia " ,Vrpr j Milwaukie J(l,'n,1, n Kwle Oswego " i Vnucbn Upper Molalla . II. wlbl CITY BREWERY I r tfgcr I I i I IAVIXO Pl; liCI I AS" JX-iJc-iAr.-J V . ' V 'V" "T.Tl.lic thnt rx-- ! ry wishes to inlorm t he I"'1'0 lquRl- i now prepared to j I. A G K R BERK- ns good as can be obtained anyjy the State. Orders solicited and prom' filled o o O Zf