Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1875)
O O o o 91 O I nW,ittnTYEGflX. OCTOBER 1.1S75 I'iiMTc Spcakliiir. t firnvpr will H.ldre.S.S , , the citizens of : CI Furnas county at ( Stii-n's school! house, on hatr.ida , , n -tober v'tn, aiii -"' ! ; Circuit C'rt liockct. The . , ,tw liuiirof - . .-,..11 Toi cr ct al vs. S. W.Moss ISrof Oregon vs. Steven Foster. Venlict of jury : an apj.topriation of l ind to phiintitl.iuid judgment for de fendants for 5I.5J legal t.'iiders. Jl K Moore et al vs. Caroline Adams et al -J. I'- l!:n low appointed guardian a, litim for niin -r heirs Joseph Hedges vs. i"-. Jennings. Judg ment I'V default. Allen Si Iiewis vs. T. J. Matlock ; for c.m'iriii ition of Sheriif s sale. Salecon liniK'd. Aininda Newman vs. O. S. S. i;a. Motion to strike out part of complaint fciiv.ained ; amended complaint, tiled; motion to strikl'out part of amended eoin plaint sustained. Hiram Straight vs. A. T... liovejoy. I.-eree for nlaintiti" at cost of plaint ill. Tally Wise vs. W. T. ,ia' Dis missed without prejudiced V. F. C. tt Ij.T'o.'vs. J. Cordon et al. Motion to make-complaint more defin ite overruled and case on trial. l'.li.a Parsim-i vs. Alon.o(-P.irsons. 11 lintitl' allowed cto tile an amended complaint. 0 Matthew Atltv vs. Oregon Iron Co. Verdict of juryor plaintitf for S-'OS "0. Coininissionei s of l.'liickanias Co. vs. I). I!. Hannah. Demurrer to complaint overruled. Tiik Mink H ka kkuP Th? exhibition given by Iiv):'esH'r ltiee on Saturday evening last, we venture; to say was satisfactory and enjoyable to every one win had tlie good fortune to be in at tendance. A committee was llrst cho sen from among the audience, by the an lichee, to receive the tests. The pro fessor then in a few remark recom mended that some object in the room, tangible and distinct," be selected by each, and that one by one he would lind them. lie then took the tirst niemUr of the committee by the hand, occasion ally touching Hi.! n-md to Ids fore-head asift receive the tject rieity running down tlie person's aVin. He further sai l that it was alo!utely imperative the person receiving the test shoubt cTiieentrate Jus wliole mux! eontinu- j mislv on the object selected. The lirst ! on. or two icsi. were miner jong in i J lH-ing m.i'le : for instance,:! g'-ntleman j selected his wife's fan and was lead ! nioin; 1 tlie room so ol'icn that the 1 1 1 j npJeUngs of tne audience give way to I'm. 1 lau'iiler. A Mother irent lemaii. : however. iei-ie-1 prof." l door knol.i, to or walkeil wiiii i w ,ii -'.i , a in!!'iMit's hesitation. An u--na-'.ab'-.n-!i of keys bahl h-ad, j llll 1 l" ll'M ::1 lie closed $. enter- ; hi v di-.e. . i ; i : i . a ' ' i u r. i:a some piao spinning, i iyii'N :i;i 1 vfM'.tril'Hpiism. as lie Naiit. f t r:i" K'!i -lit of the ehildi en. 1 le had a ii I ie ii an i we oare .say wouiu . ... i . . .. ... b" A r-1 at a IMC 1 I'V i-VCM 'i 1 If i-uli .111-" ill i: i-Voi-man'-e " " - i A i nt. Hs-rKUfrtisK. The brig i r.-I - -til I bi ll!.;'. 1 wei'j: in l i . 1 1 : 1 : - of i'me wo. I for the Oregon j I'ity M inaf.iciurio rCmoauy. T!ioudi 'c a 1 1" an a i il. I i nee Ot WOOl IM tillS , il-. tie -re is n: enoug!i of the better .- .-s m sii:.;:iv in;! e.imnanv. 111.' ; i , 1 . , . . l' i. . Is p. i v. 1 .. 1 14- t ur: icd out a re of t he i.-i-y .'' ---t quality, and s sat isried of i.i.- ia'-i uie company mat u auver- o , 1 'iM iiiM iiM.-i,tsi San lay one ot the largest ci.n jregations we have seen i'i t!;i-i city wa -present at St. Paul's Thirch to witness the rite of confirma tion admini-tei-cd by liishop Morris. Tic bishop preached a most able ami interest in.; sermon, and at the close fon :i mied a lss ,,( eight persons, two g 'a l in nanl six ladies. It was one ot the most impressive sights we have semi in this church. J r. S dlwood is showing by tlie v;ood fruits that his labors are etfective. I.Krrr.e. bis r. betters remaining in the Postotuce.ii Oregon Citv, October 1. ls7.-: brown. Mis, M irv K. ; P.radford, .bis p n-; brothers, ..Joseph ; Kenton, Mrs. Svrah b.; Harrington, Mrs. M;i".'io 0bu -k, Mr. ; Marars. Albmt; Mar m!i i11, t;..,,. SN . ; Neidermver. Anthonv: S'iinner. iJeo. W.; Smith. MisS Mary J.ilen: Williams, John M. If called for please sav when "adver-llsf,il- ' J. M. b.vcov, P. M. Attoiixkts x A t t k n i a n i k . The bar of our Statt; has been well repre sented at this te-'-n of our Circuit Court. The Oregon C tv attorneys, .Messrs II uclat v Histliam. Johnson A: Mo- Athey and I l.t Chamberlain, are present . ronUPortland we noticed Messrs j, ,,,, v ,lro, , 1i(.,1;u.d w! 's,""' W',.W,--.V.,ton-J- M..earK i. , Nlr:,"s l. h d len,.V. C. tiibbs C ball and V. I'.. !Xe wherry. Tim: Ciiam.-iox Hi!Am.F.i. On Thurs liy evening of last week, the steamboat Champion heavily laden with wheat ranion a shoal, disabliiv r ill ",h-Cl w,!,rin, on its tr'P fr,," this mi wV ' 'll1- "lv four nnl. s li-,,,,! the tter citv, the steamer i l unette Chi, f started to its nssist 'eo,.V a'" 1 "f'lwl. only after manv i.ours work, m towing it to its wharf. " A Smask I'p.-On Sunday"last, as -Ar. K,l. Harding was driving to the 'amp-mceting at Rock Island, his team hr?.'.-risht nt an approaching train, n,V ,Vn;'',avvav fro' '' while staml k,7 -,s ,10ill. running over him and Kiiocimg the vehicle into infinitesimal moU.,.,,!- Although run Over, Mr. II. cape. I without injurv.and is prepared l'J try it again. 1 Tin: MakivKts. begal tenders, buv-ings.-,; selling, Mi'. Wheat at Port land SI (V3.$1 70. Our millers are still paying ninety cents per bushel, vet 'lit little is being sold. We have'no other change to record In our local "larket. butter is still scarce at K:y c,Mits per iHund, and eggs cents per dozen. f'Kcn.Kp.Thij case of the heirs of Daniel Harvey vs. the Railroad Com pany, for damages sustained by reason of the railroad runnins over a portion 'I UIP riOllfrtr f tlm Kir-u -..-..a trial last I Ues.l.lV. atlfl ilia ini-i- mnJnrnH o i . ... rdict tor plaintiffs for Why is the Oregon City Woolen Mill a Hclnihip ? Rccauso lt i5 governed by THE ENTERPRISE. r vnvrvrin- with HSchI on Thursday morning, lexicans, whom they caught in the The nrctutt.ut is pio reiu iiii T,1IS SJX,.lks weH thQ lo f Jevihsh work. tlie buiu. ss bufore it as fast as possi- Clackamas Jackson, Miss. Sept, 23 n in- Csxv Poc.-For violation of ordi- rat.ted to-day by Chief ?J" county eon,- nance IS. the City Marshal has im- tlito?Prvi: I' .- J next li.nd iy. There are yet pounded severa head ethos and the out mon to support X VnU tH i,,-4- cases to be tried. Zr tli'bo that Gov. Ames prices locaHouL 3 . .. : I ii' tiroecodill-rs llt ... 11 ... 'i i: - - Pnf if wmnre ili m 1..4. H- ri r,i win; hi 1 sum ui niuuu .uicaioii. - . - v-.u...i, iuu uovprnnr J 1 r to uress: l ..itlw.ilf t .! 1 1 1 1 I... t ..1 I MIIUSM. 1 nii"""."j'iv,v" rVon of t.laint.lf's attorney. ln,:t:oiMi i s j h. i-vasteretal. The w'uU and de-i-eo heretofore entered i,, v v ation of Ccurt, set aside ; plaintitf W.-.l t. iil" a nended answ.-r. liU,.AV a nr,..n vs. Wm. Franklin. ii -ii. s,.! l :,s'is make, nnist n-ccssa ril v I tIu' lll!o or to n . an1 I than by gaining political supremacy l. ",..!:;:,! it leouests that dissai- ' demand lor each State, as equally I . . n-, l ..u-eh.,s,M. s ;i sum:(1.. j invioh.ble, the rigid to govern itself j lh lt ll A' form lts ow laws? Tbe i'uii.ition go.,,is witii the na n ic of t i u- .,f jps soverei-'u ldea-s-.ire snbiect Temperance Union has undoubtedly In in slbng, that il wav he enabled to I , , ., , -, f- , ! . . , . . ..... , i.i -ose -uLe tne . .'V.-miI,. ' onlyto the limitations and obliga- ; g1Ven this subject a little deeper liiuxD jury i roc'ekdixos. i lie j crami Jury sitting; at tins term ot Court consists of J. M. Tilly foreman, fJeo. Striekler, N. N. Matlock, C M. kester. J. II. F.l.icker. Asa Stone and Price 1 idler. At'ier sitting for three days, at their own, t!iev weie uM-:i;iimti, rmirniii no indictments. Tlio Court complimented the G rand Jiiry andieopleonsucliapeaeefu'and "i'uu iMac-at things. I How M THIS?Thoro was not a sm. case oeiore me rand Jury this ! term. How is this for a "hard place" Hammond? The Grand Jury Nr.w Year.-Oh Wednesday even ing began the Hebrew New Year, o.ftW according to the Mosaic reckoning, since the creation of the world. The Hebrews throughout tlie land transact ed no business on Thursdav. In Town. We noticed the pleasant countenance of Mr. Hill, of the Oregon ian, on our streets last Wednesday, lie appears to be improving in good looks as the time approaches' for him to retire from nevspajerdom. Raii.i:oai)ING. K. C. Til toh, who was assistant engineer during the construction of the locks at Oregon City, is entraged on construction work for one of Meiggs' railroads in Peru. Gi:ocxdm:ss Ciiauoe. The man ar rested on Tuesday morning charged with being a vagrant, was discharged by Justice At hey for want of evidence. OA(iciU) Mkhai.. The State Agricul tural Society has offered a gold medal for the best display of Oregon fruits preserved by machine process. CAMi'-MKiyriNi;. The Spiritu dists have been materially enjoying them selves for a few days at a camp-meet- lng-near Koi K island. A r.i.A.K. A slight tire occurred at the Cliir House on Tuesday last, but was extinguished before doing any serious damage. Ci net's. From the Oregonian we learn that Wilson's Hippodrome is coming to this State. The hoodlum re joieeth. -e- Kli: a Di r. Den. The "drummer" for a San Francisco daily paper has ben canvassing Oregon City. PoMor.AituiCA r..-A gloria inundiapplo nn.'asuring 11 inches in circumference was brought to this city last week. Pi:ti;um:i. Master Ceo. Tii Iiocue has returned from Santa Clara College. The State Orange is in session at i,rlland. ' ' TI'I.liitAI'lilC N IYS.'.. "Mass. Sept. 22. The Democratic Convention nominated .... v. v.......... ...o.. See rot a rv of State, (leo. II. Mou roe; Treasurer and Hecoiver. flen. Wston Rowland; Al tornev-( ieneral j t5 K T- Verry; Auditor, J. K. FsU- eraht. The foil-i:.g platform was ndopt- d: We veiteiato the uecciaration i - ...i i, i ... .. . . ; 1 I " 1 ' " ' 1 I!i;i"e I IV tl-O llll- HhvaI conventions af Cincinnati and ! Dai t lmotv n accept:!: tlie re ..,.;ii ..mendmrnts to do fode'r.d. Cm stitntion as a full. linal and perma- ! uont adjustment of the political con-j Irovcrsi'vs incident to tho late war. ! W.-. ,l.l.n..1 fnv tlw. C.l'.iM UIIHMI.vl iti tiie f ill vigor of all its constitu- "' " ... ..... , if. ., . 1 I I , c. . , , ...,,,,..,.. I . , ... i t lots a l ou et s a- t h e mi pi enie an 1 1 1 or- ! it v, utterly rojiudiat i ng all claims of ' , .:,,i, i- i... ..,. s;i.,to to cps, , fi-om lions ot the leuerai (. oiisiitution. i in the interests 01 puma; morals. the nation's credit and the common welfare, we oppose any further issue by the government of currency with gold, and we favor a speedy return to specie payments as essential to the revival of the commerce, busi ness and credit of the country, and to the welfare of tlie laboring masses. We arraign the Kepnbliean party for its extravagant expenditure of and proiligate waste of the people's money; for its contempt of constitu tional obligations; for its extortion ate increase of sinecures and of sala ries of our public ollicers; for its op pressive, Junjnst and defective system of taxation, finance and cur rency, which have degraded public and private morality, and brought upon us the present depression in the commercial and industrial inter ests of the country; for its centrali zation of power, and its encourage ment of monopolies and corporate corruption; for its continuance of incompetent and dishonest men in office, and for its general misman agement of both federal and State governments. Wo view with alarm the increase in this common wealth, under Republican administration, of the public debt by prodigal ap propriations, for objects not demand ed by public interest. The following were elected dele gates at large to tho national con vention: P. A. Collins, G. W. Gill, J. "YY. Abbott and Edward Avery, with four alternates. Hostox, Sept. 22. Vice Presi dent Wilson refuses to be a candi date for Governor of Massachusetts. S.vckamf.xto, Cal. Sept. 22. At an impromptu race to-day the driver of Voorhees so evidently held him back that tho judge requested an other driver in his stead. This led to a row, pistols being drawn and several arrests made. The iudere de cided all bets oil" and expelled from all association tracks in the United States, Mr. Sevenoaks and other owners of Voorhees. Boston, Sept. 22, 1875. Hon. J. P. 7)(r'e., act iff M-nnr of Galveston: The citizens of Boston offer their heartfelt sympathy to the citizens of tralveston and Indianola and towns ou the coast of Texas which have been ravaged by the recent terrible storms. You are hereby authorized to draw on me at sight for $5,000 for their immediate relief. Supplies of clothing will be forwarded as re ceived. S. B. Cor.u, Mayor. Contributions have been forward ed from San Autonio, Austin and other cities in Texas. Passengers arriving from Colum bus and Richmond on the Harris burg roads said the storm, has been destructive through the countrv. Tue bridge over Brazos river at Kichmonil, which was damaged is being repaired, and it is exnected trains will run on that road to mor- row t i ' -i At..Ib- , S, a rart' of Mexicans v'" -""v bu rouuing the lead bodies washed to the four tn six miles back of thn niiv -pi" six. nines oacK 01 tlie eitv rri. BConJrels were chopping uSfin-cra hands and ears off men and women, T. . . Jcnc'- -vs soon as this was heard of in the city, a party of citizens went out and killed five is proceeding to muster into active i h.v miasma, and which if persisted in service a regiment each of whites 1 work irreparable injury to the consli and blacks to produce a conflict. I tu, j',. ,,vlfP,,. fever and mm ,..i Tlie injunction is based on the ac knowledged fact that peace and har mony prevail throughout the State, and that mustering militia into ser vice was but creating a standing army of State troops in violation of the Constitution. The injunction docs not interfere with the power of the Governor to call out the militia to suppress disorder, should any oc cur. The citizens' offer of aid to suppress disorders has not been withdrawn, but not accepted by the Governor. Richmond, Sept. 23. Foley's statue of Gen. Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson, presented to Virginia by lion. lieresford Hope, M. P., and another English gentleman, which arrived here last night from Balti more, was formally received to-day by Liov. Kemper. The people turn ed out en masse to witness the re ception. PiTTSBrnu, Sept. 23. Senator Morton, in a speech to-night re viewed the financial question, claim ing that the original issue of paper money was a necessary war measure, and a repeal of the act which limits its issue would be disastrous to na tional industries. In speaking of national banks, he said the only safe and legitimate way for the transac tion of th?ir business was under the limitations of law. After showing the advantages of our national bank ing system over the old State banks, he'eonsidered the Democratic plat form of the State. Washington, Sept. 23. The Sec rctary of the Treasury lias appointed lion. O. X. Denny to be custodian of the new postoflice building at Portland, Oregon, and Superintend ent lliggins has been directed to turn over the building. Private subscriptions to the amount of about $11). 400 for the ben e'.it of the Texas sufferers, was for warded by telegraph yesterday. The Tempenmeo Union Endor ses Dimicli. The Orcjonian admits that the Temperance party may place a can didate in tho field, but takes up a column to dispute the right of the State Temperance Union to endorse him. What kind of logic is this? Surely the Oregouldn would not as- ,.... t- v.ii.: i Mil tOi.lL il 11 0 - U i. I. 1 llg C ill I DISC- U1.nt of a llenublican nominee was a "transcending tf the legitimate ob- i'-cts j its organization ?" The object of the Temperance Union which we thonfrhf nvidr-nf (.vm- nno in a few words, is simply to stop the r :.,.,..-... i : i:., ,. 1... . IHU Ul I I I lll.U Hill WIS I ' V i-iuiv 0 1 means in its jiower. How, jray, is it to strike a more effectual blow thou hfc tlian the editor of the Ore gonian; knowing full well from bit ter experience their road to power lays through the entanglements of polities, and by no shorter cut can the goal be reached. The Temper ance party i.s nothing more than the wheel-horse of tlie Temperance Union, and it was by the advice of the Union that Mr. Dimiek was nom inated by the Temperance party. Read tlie resolution framed by the committee on Political Action of the Temperance Union and bo convinc ed how far that Union has a right to accept and endorse its own nominee: The Oregon State Temperance Union, we your committee on politi cal action would respectfully, rec ommend the adoption of the follow ing resolutions: Whereas, Intemperance is an evil, licenced and encouraged by the State and National Government, and Whereas, All effort put forth by the temperance people in the po litical parties have so far failed to counteract to more than a limited extent, its evils, therefore: Resolved, That the time has come when true and earnest temperance workers should unite to overcome the present baneful laws. JiesolreJ, That as the committee appointed by the Union last year have brought out a candidate ac cording to our instructions, that we endorse their action and call upon all true temperance men to rally to the support of the lemperance Re form party. (Signed.) Thomas Peakce, B. II. xVllen. Important Correspondence. The following correspondence ox- plains itself, and should be read by all: Orebos Citv, .Sept. 21. lSe.' -Tr, vnT.T-Ku-i)nl.Si'-:-I returned last trfpo'f the steamer J. b. Stevens, and have been in receipt of goods per steamer )ri- flamme, John ,. .-siepiiens, unu, i.-ve arrived : and I am to receive lar-c invoices on the next trip of the Ori .i..r.mnn,i stpnh!ns. also per bark IVr- petue and ship Oregonian. I am too busy ' nn-nnrls nt this time to get you p an advertisement, but will do so in a fewVtavs All goods purchased for cash, and will bo offered at the very lowest price. I am purchasing all the good fruit offer ed In Clackamas county, at the highest rates for the Alden Fruit and cgetable Prvlntrnmiiiiiiy. All having innt to selt" will do well to call and see me. YUrTHOMAS CHARMAN. Dancing- School. r-r t c r?-Her 7 -if el v arrived from San Francisco, 'proposes opening a dancinjr iic. i . h i. . ; f rn rr about the .Dinoi October. He charges Jl 00 per lesson, and lrom the references and reputation lie nas, this is but a small rrief for the benefit to be reaped. Persons wishing to attend, will leave their names with Mr. ieo. naming The Great Anti-Periodic. The ceit;vnt-and promptitude with j which llostctter's Stomach Bitters con- j quer the iiKt obstinate cases of mala- ! rial disease, and tlie complete protee-I tion which they allbrd the system i against the miasmatic poison which im- i pre-natcs the air of low-lying, marshy i c - localities, stamp them as the foremost of American aiiti'rlodics. Wherever on this continent fever and ague is a regular visitant in the bottom lands of the South, tlie new clearings and mining districts of the West, and in all localities in the Eastern and Middle States where malaria prevails, the Iiit ters are recognized as the only true spe cille for the disease, and its most relia ble preventive. They are, moreover, a safe and agreeable as well as a certain remedy, and on this account are im measurably superior to the preparations of quinines arsenic, bismuth, and other mineral poisons mistakenly admiuis f .i-. .1 w .!! i-.i t i vps tor m;il:iiliesi vi ii...l the other febrile complaints generated by miasma, are not theonly evils which result from it. A great variety of dis orders are superinduced by the irrita tion which it causes. Among these are neuralgia, rheumatism, gout, periodi cal headache, palpitation painful atlce tions of the spleen, ami various de rangements ot the stomach. When traceable to malaria, the above affec tions are apt to assume, like the disease which originated them, an intermittent type; that is to say, they recur at regu lar intervals. llostctter's bitters, how ever, obviates them all, by banishing the miasmatic virus from the system. AVaittetl 5, OOO Men women and child ren to take away the goods at I. Selling's, which he sells lower than tho lowest, for cash or produce. Everybody is invited the mechanic, laborer or any one else to buy themselves rich, for a small amount ot money. Tlie entire stock of fall and winter oods must be sold regardless of cost price. His stock is larger than ever, and of tho latest styles and patterns. Call early and secure bargains. Don't, mistake the old corner where you will alwavs lind yourseli welcomed by I. SKI.LIXG. Ik j-ou want Pills, take Ayer's Pill. Nothing has ever appeared that can compare with this preparation for chas ing out tlie distempers that fasten and grow upon us. They are the Philoso plier'-s el xirof life, which bids defiance to disease, and leaves us no alternative but to die of old aire. Thev are mild for children, yet, in a full dose, power- iui ior a iun grown man. 1 uougn sweet morsels to the taste, which irlide suirar shod over the palate, their virtues .strike with telling force on the very founda tions ot uisease.-Lmcmnati ((.).) Citizen " V AVoiicI-r of 3IeliciiI Srii:c,'' may wen no applied to 1 u. Wis i ak's Hat.- of ii.i ( iikkry. It is nearlv half a century since this remarkable remedy was introduced to the public, and vet. t helm mediate and enviable reputation which it trained l,y jfS uoridrful cures of eomrhs. colds, whoopintr-couh, sor throat, inllu- enza, consu in pt ion, :i rid all bronchial com plaints, is to this day fully sustained. In forty-eiirht hours n oomrh mav bo come dangerous : but within tluitt.imo anv eousli can be cured by the us- ot llAT.K's honey of IlonEiiou.ND andTar. Sold by illl Ul HISIS. Tike's i oothachelrops cure in one minute ThR National (Jold Tfdal was award ed U p.radley ,fc Imlofs'n for the b-st l'hotojjraphs in the United States, and tin Vi-nna .Medal for t lie best in the world. Montgomery Street, San l-'rancisco. POXD'S KXTItACT "Staple as flour' is what druggist s say of Pond's Extract, whicJi may h ; relied on as the best Family Medicine for the cur.? of mr:iv classes of dis -ases. Send to the Pond's Extract Company, OS Maiden ban -, New York, for a book, free, giving its history and uses and ask your druggists for it when vou need a Pain Iiestrover. Important. Endorsed lv the Medien profession. IR. WM. JIAMS li.M.SAM r J 1 1 1 1 1 r. lAi.NUScur-'S l onghs. t olds a n Cousin lit ion, and all disorders of (he Throat an. I Chest. 1K. TOWI.EV'S Ti li ITIIACIIE ANODYNE cures in one .MINUTE. lehlU Iloligiot: s. Kcv. George IT. Atkinson will I10M regular serviees in the Cotigreg ationai Church, in this city, on the first and second Sabbat n.s ot each month. Morn ing services at 105 o'clock. On the lust .Sabbath at Holmes Scnool House at 'i o'clock, P. M. September 22, ISTo. at the residence of W. T. r.rayton, Oregon City, by Rv. J. T. Hntr, Alex, lhomson, ot Oregtm C ity, and Miss Sarah J. Al mendinger, of Ann Arbor, Michigan. liOHN. In Salem, Sept. 21, 1S75, to the wife of L. F. Williams, a daughter. NEW TO-DAY CLEAR CREEK, CLACKAMAS COl'.NTY. T DESIRE TO INFORM MY OLD CUS- 1 tomers, and the public at-large, that I have just received a new supply of 7-V1 MILT GROCKRIKS, CLOTHIXG, BOOTS and SHOES, CUTLERY, HARD WARE, And Other Miscellaneous Goods. All of which I now offer for sale at the LOWEST MARKET HATES. Mv obt-ct is to tell all my old friends and customers that I am still alive, and desir ous to sll goods Cheap, FOll CASH, or upon such terms as agreed upon. I shall also have in my employ a thorough BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, and constantly keep stoek on hand for the Manufacture & Repair of Boots & Shoes, and all orders in that line will be promptly attended to. AI-LEX ?IATTOO, Near tlie Viola ".lills. octl :tf -ITTOPLD INFORM THE CITIZENS OF Oregon City and vicinity mat he is prepared to lurnish FIR, SP3UCEAND CEDAR LUMBER, Of every description, at low rates. ALSO, Dry Flooring, Ceiling, Hustle, Spruce, (for shelving), Lnttlee, IMcUets, niiiIFenre-Post, Cedar, Constanth on hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low a rates as it can be purchased in the State. Give mc a call at the ORKCiOX CITY SA TP MILLS. Oregon City. June 10, lS7o :tf Ionev I Monev ! MONEY TO LEND IX SUMS OF and upwards.. . Orepon City, March 10, 1S74. malStf JOHNSON & McCOWN. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORtJIA, CAUTION! Having satiViud ourselves that ertuiu dealer.s are selling infer- ld' goods which they represent as our manutaeture, we therefore caution the public against such misrepresentation-?. Any iers(jii buvino- iroods, sold as OUJi MAKE, which should not give satisfaction, will confer i favor upon the undersigned by ranstnitting a sample thereof. together with the name of the firm wlliell Sold tllC Same. AVc ! will then be enabled to prosecute parties guilt y of palming till' base imitations for o-ootls of our manu facture. OREGON CITY MAM FACTLRING CO. JACOBS BROS. & CO., Agents. Portland, Sept. 27, 1S75 :v'2 FALL 1875- Is your time to buy goods at low prices. m . K m f& BEOT II E PI S are now rece iving a large stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, all of the Latest Styles, which will sell AT LESS THAN FCRLARD PRICE?. Our stock has been bought for cash, and we will sell it at a small advance above SAN FRAMGSSCO COST. WrF WILL SAY TO EVERY HOT) Y RE TT fore you purehase or go to Port land, com" and pric our goods and convince yourself t hat we do what wc say. Our stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Roots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods. Notions, Grot., i e s, Hani ware" a nd a great ma ny fit her articles too n umcr ours to iiT.-e.tion -, A L S O DOORS, WINDOWS, FAINTS AMD OILS, ETC., ETC. Wo w-ill also pay tho Highest Market Price for Country Produce. ACKER-MAX PROS. Oregon City. Sept. :i:, ls75 tf 4Sv e tea mt ' o s - y. o n. -r n z O o H y- S c f - U H O ma rr! s H- O t I -s fc-i 1 1 1 1 ft I 9 K S0 ft E3S 0 1 m 0 H Forestall Summer Fever and all the complaints generated by excessive heat, by ke-ing the blood cool and the bowels free with Tarrant's EffiTvcscent Seltzer aperient, atoncf a most refreshing draught and the best of all regulating medicines. SOLD HY ALL DIIEGGISTS. HOTiCE. V. S. Land Offick, Oregox Cm',) Oregon, September 21, I C10MTLAINT HAVING P. FEN ENTER- ed at this otlic" by William Hickey against Gustavo A. Sur.dsfrom for aban doning his Homestead Entry, No. 2..125, dated March 3. 187, upon the W. H of the S. E. i, section 6, township 2 south, rang" i east, in Clackamas county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry: the said part ies ar.? hory summoned to appear at this oilier on the 20th day of Oc tober, 1S75, at 10 o'clock a. x., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said al leged abandonment. OWEN WADE, Remitter. sep24w4 T. R. HARRISON, R?cHvr. CEMTEHM I AL- 1 r-r v5 ClIIQCt) NOHTH-YvESTEUN RAILWAY. THE POPULAR ROUTE OVERLAND. T ASSENT Ktt FOlt CHICAGO. NIA JL Kara Falls, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, .Montreal, Quebec, New York, llos-ton, or any point East, s-hould buy their Tit A NSCOXT1 N l-.NTAI. TICK I-:Tsj Via the Pioneer ltoutc, THE CHICAGO NOIiTil-IYI-XTIzn:-: RAILAVAY. THIS IS THE 151-ST KOl'TE EAST. Its traclc Is of STEEI. ItAII.S, and on it has been mad- the fastest time that has ever been MAliE in this country, l'.y this route n;iKCi.nirc tnr miint st l n.'.i''i inv.. choice of the lb' Un. s from Chicago: Ity the Iittslmry, Kort lV.ij-ne itl tiit iig'o :ml leiiii l vaui:t iluilivu y : THItOUCHTUAINS DAILY, with Pull man l'alace Cars through to Philadel phia and New York on each train. STHUUL'liH TKAIN. with l'ullnian I'alacc? Cars to Baltimore and Wash ington. Xly tlie Lake KIirr? mid ?Iiclti(ran Sonllicrii linilivnj- :n:t ( imiiccliiiiis I (o-v l urk Central Jin.l ituil I ruin!..) i 3THROU0II THAINS DAILY, with Ta lace Drawing L'oom and Silver Dal j ace bleeping Cars through to New York. Ily tli ?li-lily;i 11 'eiit-jJ. (iraiiil Tru:; k, ;reat Wester ;: lid Kiio :ni(i Now Vork Central lluil w a js : O Tlinoom THATNS, with Pullman ) Palace 1 '-rawing Itoom ami Sleeping Cars through to New York, to Niagara Falls, LaiHalo, Ltochestcr or New York city, liy Ilalti-.nore and t)!io Hailroail: i TIIROUail TRAINS DAILY, wiUi lu limn 11 Palace Cars for Newark, Zanesvilie, Wheeling, Washington and la Uiinore without change. This is the SHORTEST, REST and onlv line running Pullman celebrat ed PLACH SLEEPING CARS AND COVCHF.s, con necting with Union Pacific Railroad at OMAHA and from the WEST, via Grand Junction, Marshall. Cedar Itapi. Is, Clinton, Sterling and Dixon, for ClIK'Atit) AN1 THE EAST. This popular route is unsurpassed f. Speed, Comfort and Safety. The smooth well-ballast. 'd and perfect track of si"- rails, 1 ho celebrated l'ullrnan Palace sleep- j ing Cars, tin? perl'ec-s. Telegraph System of moving trains, t he regularity wilh whieu they run, the admirable arrangement of running t hrough cars to Chicago from all points West, Keciir.3 to passengers ail t he comforts in modern Railway Traveling. No change 0f Cars and 1:0 tedious delays at Ferri"s. Passengers will find Tickets ia this Fa vorite Route at t he Gener'il Ticket Ollice of the Central Paeiiie Railroad, Sacramen to. Tickets for sale in all the Ticket Ofiices of the Central Pacifie Railroad. W. IL STENNETT, Gen. Pas. Agent. MARTIN HFGniTT, Gen. Sup. H. P. STAN WOOD, General Agency, 121 Montgomery street, M..11 Franeiseo. Aug. l OREGON STEAMSHIP GO.'S O T r J! r r T'l T ..'vin" T Sti JNT. C'OOTCK, Wiil leave OREGON CITY for P RTLAND evcrv (i;iv Exee t Sunday, at 7 Jo o'elof k, A. M. Returnitig, win leave C.e-i land for Oregon City at -2 hi o'cloek, 1. M. Will leave OREGON ITY forCORVALLIS every Monday and Thursday of each week. fttv. DA YTON, Will leave OREGON r ITY for MeMIXX VILLE, LAFAYETTE and DaYTON, and all points between, ei ry Monday, Wed nesday and Friday of each week. Leaves the P.asin at S o'clock, a. "r., and connect with the train at Cam-maii at 9, A. ,"r. Rti-. ALBANY, Le::ves ORE ION CITY for IIAERISRUEG and El"GI-:NE and all intermediate points every wick. leaves OREGON CITY for ALP.ANYond all Intermediato jsoints bet ween twice ev ery week. J. D. LILES, Agent, Oregon C ity, February, II. lsTl. YOU CAX'T AFFOIIT) to in: WITHOUT IT! 4 MONTHLY ILLFSTEATED PAPER -.'V. published at Portland. Some of the ablest, writers in th" state contribute to its colums. Tiik shouk is o THE OfiLY ILLUSTRATED PAPER in Oregon, and contains in each issue besides articles of (Ieneral Literature a description of some portion or the State fir Washington Territory. A full list of farm ing lands to let or lor sale. Has an llliistniirtl Horticultural Department, And other valuable information not, to be lound in any other paper on the ooast. A copy of it sent to friends abroad, will give them a better idea of the Pacific Northwest than en;, other publication. Sent post a g" paid for one year on receipt of $1 50; single copie s, 20 cents. Address, I., SAMI EL, sept 1(5 :.v6 Portland, Oregon. NEW GOODS ...AT... CAPT. 2. G KCRTON'S SfDRF, XOUTOX, Clackamas Co., Oregon. rpiiE indersk;nfd wot:ld an- A nounee th: t he has Just received a splendid stock of Clotliine;. It. ots Oiid .hocs, l)n-(;tmi'-. (Jroccries, Hard ware. Cutlery, Crockery, I'.lc. lac. direct from Xcw York. The stock is the best and largest ever brought to a store in Clackamas county, and having purchased it at greatly reduced prices, is able to sell it cheaper than goods have ever been sold before. I am under obligations to my former customers for their liberal patronage, and being able now to accommodate them bi tter at less prices than ever before, I ask a co"t in u at Ion of t heir pat ronn-re, a rid so licit tlie trade of nil n.'V-niiu' rs anil those who have nor heretofore traded with me, assuring them that I can give them as good bargains as can lie had in the State. All kinds of Iroltice taken in exchange for goods. Gie me a call and I will guar antee to give vou satisfaction. Z. C. NORTON. Clackamas Co., Oregon. Mar. 12, NOTICE. U.S. Land Office. Oiif.oon- City,) ircgon, September 21, 1-7."). j C10MPLAINT HAVING REEN ENTER J od at this oltlc" l y J. II. Hrdisty airainst the heirs of John W. Jackson for abandoning his Homestead Entry, No. 1.", dat'-d D-c. (5. lS.jfl, mon the S. E. i of X. E. H, "the E. !5 of s. E, i, and S. W. 'n' of S. E. '-i, section ."), township 1 south, range Meast, in Clackamas county, Oregon, v. ich a vi'w to cancellation of said entry : the said parties :.p hereby summoned to appear at this ofli'-e on the 2'jth day of Oc tober, 1S75, at 11 o'clock a. rt., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. OWEX WADE, Register. s2t :w 1 T. R. II K PRISON , 7?-n THOMAS G H A R ffl A N ESTABLISHED 1853. DF.SHIF.S TO INFi HiM THE CITIZENS of ur iron City and of the Willamette alley, thai he is still on hand and dning business on the old motto, that .1 AiiiiMc .Sir J'ijhv t. Feller t-ut'i ft Slow S7.i"inj. I havt- jnt r. f urti.-d fr s. where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND EEST SELECTED STOCK OF COOHS ever before oil red in this citv ; and consists in part, as follows : Roots and Shor-s, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Taints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chlnaware, Queensware, Stoneware, Croeiierv, O ITatedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Faming lions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, flattings, Oil Clotfi, Wall Paper, etc.. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the M (1ST CO 31 F Jj E T E ever ofTered in this market, and was selcted wit k especial care for the Oregon City trade. All of which 1 now oiT.-r for sale at the No use for tie ladies, or any one else, to think of truing to ' rt ia 11.I to buy goods for I am lli t'-rtninrii. lo Sell. (.'i:'up and not to allow mvseit to be INDEilSOLD IN THE STATE OF OREGON. o AH I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that j wciny ie;ii; Experience in Oregon City enables me to know tho re quirements of tie- trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CIIAKjIAX o Cannot be beaten in quality or prioe. It would be useless for me to tell you all the advantages I can offer you in "the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is Come, an:l See, and Examine for Vcnrsrivrs fori do not wish to mak" any mistakes. My object is In tell all my old iriends now that. Iain still aliv, end desirous to sell goods cheap, lor cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liber al patronage hereto' bestowed. THOS. CHAR. MAN. Main street, Oregon City, Legal Tenders and Co-mtv Serij taken at market rates. THOs. CHAR MAX. !T?50,X0 lbs wool waited ;.v THOS. CHARM AX. I- SELLING o "EJTAS JEST RECEIVED TJIICT AUG EST iL JL stock of 0 FALL AND WINTER QOGOS ev'-r imported to Or-gon City, which he otr rs at greatly r -due-.d rices. .ry slock "' CLOTHIN G-0 o u Has Fbeen largely increased aiid I can show as handsome a line of ready-mad' good 3 in Men and Hoys' l'.usiness ami Press Suits, Coats. e?c, as can be found in the country, and at prie s that cannot fail to satisiV. M v DHESS GGDD3 DEPARTEMT Is filled with a splendid assort ment of nil the leading styles anil lashiotiable shades of goods J:;iuir'ss ("1-t-JIj, -'Sli:;irr;, i"re::-li si:;! Arnerscnri iircs.; (.oui. ISUieU A 1 paces:, XZi-iPiuiit ioc;. C'a jliiii'reri, tSie. :f a s5: i-: s , Plaid, Plain and Opera Flannels, of nil col ors. Pleached and Unbleached, Cotton Fla nncls. Ladies' ii'nl t;ont" v'ntlei.- jne, Hli:ovl :ii.1 S :irSV, Ycl iilitiiUet.-', Tru it Its :i ixi x '"ravel iiifr SalclicI, i litis nnI : ps, Oil C Intlt J'.ir Floisrnntl Table. BOOTS and SHOES, I would call special attention to my stock of Men's and Hoys San Francisco P.Hit s, which I have sold for a number of years past with general satisfaction. Ev ery pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE & FARTvlSKQ UTENSILS? Choice Teas, Cr.nncd Goods, and all choi-.; Family Groceries, Ail at Low Prices. Also, LIVERPOOL AND HMi X JSLAXD SALT. Highest I'riCL aid for all kinds of 'J0,0()( ilis. of WOOL TV-iritcd, for which I shall pay the st cash price. I. MILLING. Oregon City, Srrl. "0 1S7j. tf STATE OQAP.D 0? ?.1!GRAT10K. IORTHF PURP'ISL OF AFFORDING . informaiion to Immigrants and in tend Emigrants to Oregon, now in foreign countries and sister Sfat- s, :mk1 for circu lating such information aimed by this Foard, ail persons in this N?af- having Farms and Lands tor Sn l O r de sirous of lorming Coloni' , will v-;.cc fnr ward to this Roard a soon as " o-siblc de tailed d.-serii t ions of their Farms antl Lands. Location. Pric1 and Te rms of Sale, or conditions of r-uiting: and all p-rsons ib-sirou s e.f ot it a ining Airricult ural e.r et her La borers, wi' 1 ideas commuiiient" direct with this Roard. I!v instruct ions ef t he Com ni iss ionrs of Immigration. WILLIAM P.ElD, oleblm A State f'om'r of Immigration. OPJuC -J 07 C I T Y SAW AtlD PLAINING MILL LL KINDS OF Sash, Ulijuls, Doors, Vinlo-v Kramcj Moulding, liiii-iiinrr TLiiiniloi, Floorin-, CcIEn;-:, Sinilintr & Knutir. Will P.uild all classes of l'uiMincs. Design?, Spccincat:.'i'!is, Rill of M.ifriat Made. r:. .". ror.n.'.TiT. Oregon City, ray 14. Wi -t f o O O O G O ( O o