Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1875)
i o v t4 1 THE ENTERPRISE. A Whole City Destroyed. Women and Children laying before the I'lamcs 2 000 KESrDEKCKH UESTltOYED .OUO.OUO AT LEAST. -LOSS, Homeless, out in the Chilly Night Air. In rl I eti la r of Hie CoiiH-i e;rn lion OshUol V 't errible Vlwitution. at Chicago, April 20. A special from Oshkobh gives tae following account of the lire there j-estenlay: It broke ' out in the sawmill of Morgan fc Bro., 2 north side of the river. The buiM-ing-j were dry, find tilled with the moat combustibpe materials, and in an incredibly shirt time -were envel oped in the I'lj.nies. Neighboring lumber jiles ciuglit, and the fire Z spread with liltuing rapidity tip Sawdust avenf sweaping every thing before il A dozen saw and shingle mills, Uh all tho lumber piled around them, soon succumbed to tho fury of the lianies. By this time it was found impossible to check the work of destruction. Fanned by a hitrh wind which heightened bv the heat of tho lire, the demon sped on. The small frame residences of operatives at the mills seemed only to whet the appetite of the liend. The families lied in blank dismay be fore its approach. .Scarcely finding time to save a few articles of cloth ing, they surrendered everything, well knowing the hopelessness of any attempt to save their worldly ods in tho face of sucli a storm. The firemen for a time fought bravely in the face of terrible odds to stay the progress of tho fire, but were driven back step by step. One after smother the business buildings on Main were licked up by the in satiate lire. Trom Alzoma to Ceape were all the principle dry -goods stores, banks, hotels and newspaper oiliees. All went down before the resistless hurricane. Merchants had time to save but little, for the facili ties for transportation to places of safety were limited. A few succeed ed in carrying a few loads of the most valuable wares away the tr ick of tho lire, but by far the great er number lost all. Beckwith house and A. lams house, two hotels of the largest capacity .finely furnished with all the modern improvements, were destroyed also in a twinkling. Xothiug worth mentioning was saved. Newspaper and telegraph oflises shar ed the fate of the surrounding build ings. Of the XortJttcesteru ollice, owned by Allen A: Hicks, a daily pa per, and with all facilities for publi cation and the execution of job work, nothing was saved. The Times, a sprightly weekly, published by W. IX 1'enlinandez, had also all the con veniences of a first-class office. Three men are reported killed, but so great is the confusion that it is impossible to ascertain their names. Humors of further loss of life are prevalent about th treets, but your correspondent cannot trace them to any reliable source. Quite a number of persons, however, wero badly in jured, somo being run over in the streets by wagons,- and several by other causes. Mfonu of the injured, so far as can be ascertained, will die from their wounds. Tt is impossible at this hour to e. -en estimate tho la scs. Over two thousand residences, one hundred ! stores, hotels, banks., opera house ! valuable structures, rostiug nearly a ! hundred thousand dollars a score of j s a v.1 and shingle mill;, besides an in- j calculable amount o'lumber, are de- i strove 1. The loss ' .pon the whole! cannot fall short of two millions, I while it may reach double that j uiaouut. The see dps in tho city! ,-ybalUo description, f Everything is i voniu.-ion worse confounded. Hun Nlreds of families ari homeless, and women and children Are lying about the streets, or coifiig around in search of places of I Vlter from the chilly night air. J' heavens are lit up with the lurid glare of the fire, which is yet burning fiercely within t!.o limits to which it has been con l'iU'i:. Tin; lire began at tho corner of I'ine and Marion streets, and spread east and northeast, the )ugh Hancock, Bear, "Warren and High streets, de roving the depot of tho ht. Paul " railroad, und proceeding to Main street, where, the principal business CHAS. H. OATJFIELD, DEALER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CORXER OF SEVEXTH A XI) MA IX STREETS, OREGON CITY. lias Just Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods, Drown and Bleached Sheetings, House Lining, Shirtings, Table-Linen, Irish Bosom Linens, Linen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies' and Gents' Hose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, Ribbons, Laces and Insertions, Embroidery, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, &c Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDERN'S SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimneys AVltlcli have lee selected wltl special care for this market and lunnot UK Sl UPASSKU IX QUALITY OK IMIICK. tiii: mciiiKST m vKKirr ruici: ivvii) i'ok country ikoduci:, March 1 l-7.'i:lf AUCTIIOX AXD COMMISSION. A. B. RICHARDSON, Aiiciioiioer, Cornier of Front Oak at., Portland Aaicliosa Ssiflcs Of Heal Estate, Groceries, General chandise and Horses. Mer SAfK HAYS Wednesday and Saturday A. 15. lUCHAHDSON,Si3 Auctlonecr.gj English Rrflncd and Handle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast Stool, Horse Shoes, Hasps, Sa ws, Screws, Fry-Pa ns, Shoot Iron, H. G. Iron. A D S O A large assortment of (Iroeeries and TJij uors. A. P.. HICHAHDSON. Jan. 1, lS73-tf. Auctioneer. J. P. DA VIES. JOSHUA DA VIES. J. P. DAVIES & CO., at ict i or kk i ; s A N 1 COMMISSION' MERCHANTS,, KIIilC-lMtOOF STOXK Itl IIdIXO, WHARF STREET, VICTORIA. B. C. Lilrriil Atlviinrt's Miiilc on Consignments. July -Jl, 1S7I :ly THOMAS CHARfflAN s. T.-1860-X ve OLD Homestead Tonic ESTABLISHED 1853. I XESIUES TO INFOKM THE CITIZENS I J of Oregon City and of tho Willamette Valley, that, ho is still on hand and doing Imsini'sson tho old motto, that Plantation Bitters Is a purely Vegetable Preparation, composex of Calisuya Hark, Hoots, Herbs and pruits, among which will be found Sarsaparilian, Dandelion , Wild Cherry, Sassafras, Tansy, (icnitan. Sweet Flag, etc.; also Tamarinds, Dates, Prunes and Juniper Herri--s,-'-.rrr7 ed in a sufficient quantity only of the spirit ofHii gar Cane to keep in any climate. 'hey inz'a riably relieve and cure the following com plaints: Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com plaints, Less of Appetite, Headache, Bilious Attacks, Fever and Ague, Summer Complaints, Sour Stomach, Palpitation of the Heart, Gen eral Debility, etc. They are especially adap ted as a remedy for the diseases to which. WOM EM are subjected, nnd as a tonic for the Aged, peeble and Debilitatei. has no equal. They are strictly intended as a Temperance Tonic or Bit ters, to be used as a medicine only, and always according to directions. SoI.T HY Al.L T"l KPT-CLASS DrCCGISTS. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUIJSClilBE FOR fEBPfUSE. A Ximhlc Sic J'ctirr Ttrttrf Shilling. than ft Stuiv Ijmis.'s arc liK' iteil, :i;JLl extending on vtliG nortli line of tV above limits southeast neross 1'if l, Watizoo nnd Otter streets to Cw-o street, the south limit lcin? the river, with tho "' oxeeption of a block or tw at the font f Main street. A jrantr of desper.i Iocs are prowl ing about, seekinjf w .'join they can ; pluiiiier. Then- haw. succeeded in Mpiva.lnr' tho greatest terror, and vitiens are organ i.ui'' for mutual I have just returned from San Francisco, where I jmrchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Hixitsand Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Taints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chinaware, Quecnsware, Stoneware, Crockery, riatedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Indies and Gents' Furnishing I'at -nt Medicines, Goods, Fancy Xo- Kojw, Earn tug tionsof Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Matting. Oil Cloth, Wall Taper, etc.. I Of th? above list, I can say my stock is the MOST CO M F I. K T K ever offered in this market, :ijid was seletcd with especial care tort he ( regon (.'if y trale. All of which I now onVr for sale at the Lowest IVIarket biott t ion . lhe pnh.'o are ixv.ver-i for their numb I- is small and , , Xo ,,sr for tho, 1?:U'' r, I1"?" n olrvto ., . - 4i II a- " "U' tlunk it jroinvr to Portland to tuv sds tor their ili.'ipliue, in 1 1 1 tune of emer- I am I).trri,iinr,l to Sell Ci:ap and not to ency, oxcoedingl y fat. Fears of! allow myself to be ouh-a;.;- are felt; on -ery hand, but ! somv ,.f tlie plunderers mav decorate t I'NUERSOLI) I.N THE STATE OF OREGON. a iam:-post l-elore iou, if tlioy allow theinselvi:3 to bo caught by an iu diu.'.nt populaeo. mn-;-:. :rcnv iu-kniu. at iethoit. ODktko:;-, Arril 2:.f-At 3:10 this morning a lire broke lout in the fac tory of the Weber Fuinituro Compa ny, on High and Mil tcalm streets, consuming the faetoif Itogether with ten or twelve dwellii adjoining on 3Iontealm and Jolin .-treets. Loss, on factory building, -SoOO.OOO; ma cliinefr. stock and out buildings, glUO ,"''; estimated loss on dwellings nnd tlieir contents, .oOKM; amount of insuranci,' not known. FIRES. Boston-, April 20. The buildings from Xos. 11 to 17, on Bowker streets and contents, were damaged i?30,000 by tire to night. b-n.viLu:, Ky., April 20. The ( euncr-j.jHnurs Saelbvville special says the residence of Mrs. Lncv 1 aowell, sister of the eminent natu ralist Audubon, was burned to-dav togo.her with the entire and valuable library of deceased. Declined. An Illinois editor Darned Nteele, reports having receiv ed an oiler from a printer named Doouttle to go into partnership. He respectfully resigned on account of the bad sound the firm name must have: "Do little and steal," or vice ersa. 'One of us would soon be in the poor house, r.nd the- other in tho iuiiunnarv. r All I nsk is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience In Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and see lor yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CI I A UMAX cannot be beaten in qualify or price. It would be use), ss for me to tell you all the advantages I can otrT you in "t he sa le of poods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is Come, and Sce.ainl Examine for Yourselves fori do no wish to make anv mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell goods ch-ap, for cash, or upon such term as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liber al patronage heretofore twstowed. T1IOS. CHAKMAX, Main street, Oregon City, Izal Tenders and Count v Scrip taken at market rates. THOS. CHAHMAN. B"5o,(N0 lbs wool wanted bv THS. CHAKMAN. A. G. VALLIWC'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. I'lttocK'n ItiiU lins Corner f Stark ntnl Frnnt Streets. r0 YVAl YEAR, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Each number contains the LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, From all Parts of the World ; A Carefully SVleeled Summary of STATE AM) TEKKITOKIAL A Corrected List of Hie Market lit Portliiiitl, San Francisco and Oregon Cily LOCAL NK1YS, EDITORIALS, On all Subjects of Interest to the FARMER, MERfHAXT OR MECHAMCj Also, Carofully .Selected misci:ll.vx KC )ITS It I : A I ) I x c ; . In Short, it is in livery Kespcct a LIVE NEWSPAPER. Having a large and constantly increasing Circulation in the most populous part of the State, offers superior inducements to those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements inserted on KKAS0.VV.i5LE TKKMS. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment was first known in America. Its merits are now well known throughout the habitable world. It has the oldest and best record of any Liniment in the world. From the millions upon millions of bottles sold not a sincle complaint has ever reached us. As a Healing and Pain-Subduing I inimcnt it has no equal. It is alike, beneficial to 3IAX AND BEAST. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PORTLAND, OREGON. BLuNK BOOKS KTT.KTl AND POUND to any desired pattern. Mumc books, Masrarines, Newspapers, etc., bound in ev ery variety of style known to the trrad". Orders from the c untrv promptly at-t-iubdto. A1. . 8c HARDING, STILL IN THE FIELD! 3EM0YED SECOND SOUTH OF HAAS' WILLIAMS at Tiir; LINCOLN BAKERY, KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family Groceries to be found in the city. All poods warranted. ioods delivered in the city free of eharjre. The highest cash price paid for eountrv prodi (.-. " Ort oa City, March , lTI. The Catiipaiyn of 171 will soon bcirir and it is therefore a prood time to .Subscribe j in iirii'.-r Liiai. ou may ie j.osiett on currant event s S end in vour subscript ion sit once ItUREKAJ r ..ciiiiiwwj Dr. J. lVal Iter's CaIiforiii;i VillO:ar BiUerS aroa purely Veg ela'.l preparation, mail -2 cliioHy from t'.io native lu rbs fonnd on tiro lower ranges of tbe Sierra Nevada ciountains t-f California, th& medicinal j?rois-rlios of which are extracted therefrom with out the use ot Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, ""What is the cans? of the unparalleled sticeess of Yi::i!:hr 1itt".::--: ? " O ir answer is, that they roiuove I ho ear. -o of di.;oa,;e, and the pati nt lveov. r.; his hialt'.i. Tiiey are the "tval h'o. d jntriner and a lik.-rivm- p:-i::c pie r. pv-rfecr lleno vtior and Inv'' ri' " of t'ae systi ru -i'ev. rl.e:'! e i:i the ':: ry of ;h:; world .a-i a ine p.-i e hiv'.t i'"!i!jnnu 1- d pos sessi'i Hi - i-:aarl? A I qualities of Vixi;iiAit lii i FK . iu healing thj .'irk of every disease. They are a gentle l'urj,' ili'. e n well as a Touic, clieviut Congest i ei or I;jlIniii:iiat:oii of the Liver and Visceral Oryaus, in Bilious Diseases. The proper! ies of r r. ava lk t.t.'s Vixeo.'.ti rriTi;r.M are Aperient, Dia phoveiie. Nutritious. Jjaxativ-', Diu retie. S d.irive. Counter-irritant, Su ti'.ri!'v. Ml r.i ive. an 1 A'.t i-liiliou.s. It. EI. .l!cf((AI.t) (., I'.-'i .V ie!i..nt... i'ra ln-i.-, , ., 'al:for- n ;i. .v . ;. .i'Vl-.:isii;I..!i .V l harlleii STS..S.Y. :.i.'.l h.t "U l ru'jij i.sts and JtctitrrSm THE NEW IMPE0VED 'IT WT, gfe TP1 Tft m Hi TO a 1W&lf S u n i i' i m i 2i CD a CO Sido Feed and Back Feed. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, MOST SIM PLE, AND MOST EASILY OPERATED SEWING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. Always ia Order and Ready for Work, If there is a FLORENCE MACHINE witbia one thousand miles of San Fran cisco not working well, I will fix it with out any expense to the owner. SAMUEL HILL, Agent, No. 19 New Montgomery Street, GKAXD HOTEL BUILDING, SAN TRAKCISCO. M. C. ATI IKY. Oregon City, i:ntcrprie Itui!(liiir, Ajrcnt. The standard remedy for Cohl'Iix. In title il., tire Throat, 'li'i)j,i in (utfi. Crouv, J.irer VoDiitiaint, Jsronr'ntis, Jilt iff- i of the Iuiux and every aireetion of the Throat, lainjjs and Chest, including Con- sum ptiox. Wistar's 15;ils;iin of Wild CKerry does not dry up a cough, but loosens it, cleanses tue lamgs, and allays irritation, ttius re inovint tftc cattxi' of the complaint. Noni genuine un less signed I. IIutts. l'repareil lV SKTIl . I'OWI.Klt V sons, iVston. Sold liy ItKiiniXTrnx, Hostkttkk it 'o., San r raricisco, ami by ileal rs geii-Taliv. litilebly THE SUK WKEKLY AND IAII,Y I-'OIl 1kT. rill IK AI'I'HOA'!! OKTIIK I'KKSIUKX JL TIA'j election gives unusual impor tance to t he event s and developments of I.s.). Westiall endeavor to describe tliein fully, faithfully and fearlessly. She M'ct-k'n Sun has now attained n cir eulation of over seventy thousand copies. Its readers nr.- found in every State and Territory, and its quality is we'll known to the pubiie. We shall not only endeavor to keep it fully up to the old sta ndard, lut to itni rove and add to its variety and power. The U'rc.ti Sun will continu" to be ; thorough newspaper. All the news of the day will be found in it, condensed when unimportant, and at full lenghth when of moment, and always, we trust, treated in a clear, interest ingand ins! met i ve man nT. It is our aim to make the Hcc.Vy Sen t he best family newspaper in the world. It will be full of c ii tertni:i ingand appropriate reading of every sort, but will print noth ing to offend the most, scrupulous anil dei ecatetaste. It will always contain the most interesting stories and romanc-s of the day. carefully s leeted and legibi printed. The Agricultural department is a promi nent feature in tiw WnUlji Sun, and its articles will always be found fresh and useful to the farmer. The number of men independent in joli tics is increasing, and the W'nkltt Sun is their paper especially. It belongs to no party, and obeys no dietatioi, contend ing for principle, and for the election of the best men. It exposes the corruption that disgraces the country and threatens the overthrow ,,f republican institutions. It has no fear of knaves, and seeks no favor fr-.m t heir sutvrt'-rs. The markets of every kind and the fash ions are re port ei i in its column. The price of t lie HVrA-i Sun is one dollar a year lor a sheet of eight pages, and fifty six columns. As this barely pays the ex lnses of paper and printing, we are not able to make any discount or allow any premium to friends who may make si--cial efforts to extend its circulation. Un der the new law, whih required payment of postage in advance, one dollar a year, with twenty o-nts the cost of pre paid "iost age added, is the rati of subscription. It is not necessary to get uji a club in order to have the UWkli Sun at this rate. Anyone who sends one dollar and twenty cents will get the pai-r, iost-paid, for a year. Vc have notraveling agents. ThfWfkklv SCX. Kight pages, fifty six columns. t)nlv i -ji a year, postage prepaid. No discounts from this rate Tiik Daily Sex.-A large four-pa 'e newsput-T of twentv-ejght columns iai ly circulation over (w. All the news for cents. Supscription, iostage prepaid ." cents a month, or ti 5ft a year. To clubs of 10 or over, a discount of -jft per cent Add re, THE SIX, .w York C it,-. M BR C II A NDISB. JOHN MTEBS. OREGON C6TY- DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GPtOCEPJES, BOOTS and SHOES, JIAIvDWAltE, CUOCJKEJvY, A N I) GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and? Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for and all kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE. J will sell as low as any house In Oregon for CASH OH ITS HQ UIVAT.liXT 'n (iood Merchantable Produce. I am selling very low for CASH IIV IJAA'I), jfO to&-f) P' r Day at home. Terms ,.- i . ' " frc- Address -i im in & Co., Tortland, Me IlV-bly G CASH P.1II) FOR I'OrMV 0KI5EKS Clive in.' a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYKKS. Oregon City, March 21, li'-i. ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB officii: OKEGOX CITY, : OKECJOX. -X7-E ARE PREPARED TO FJXECUTE f y all kinds of JOB PRINTING, such as CARDS, IilDD-HHADS, PAMPHIHiTS, DHHDS, MO 11 TO A fiHS, IjAhki.s, X. ETTlCli-lIKA DS in fact all kinds of work done a in Printing Ollice, at " PORTLAND PRICES. A 1. 1. KIN I op LEGAL BLANKS constantli' on hand, nnd for sale at as low a price as can be had in the state. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. ATOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT JN there are now funds .applicable to the payment of the following count orders, to-wit No. of Order. 'When endorsed. JS, January ju, 1873 231, Febrnary 3, " 302, February 5, " $21, February i. " 277, February 10, " 310, February 10, " 323, February 12, " 203, February 10, " 377, March 17, " 410, April 1, 4Si. April 12, 4J, Ai-ril 12, ; 4S, - April U, 42, May 7, 3.31. May 8. t3o, May J2, 030. May 12, 52i, May 12. j4. May, 518, May II, U25, May li, 530, May 17, tW5, June ti, 70i, Juneti, " 4w2, June 7, " boa, June 10, " 078, June 10, 500, June 10, 61)0, June 10, 5K3, June lit, 602, June 10, " tiOO, June 10, " i(J8. June 10, " tii, j'ine 21, 701, June 700, June 30, 0.31, JulvO, 701, JnlvO, " 711, July 12. 70, August S, 7."(t, August 11, 7t3, August l'i, " 831, August 18. 7.w, sept. 3, M , Sept. 3, 805, Sept. 4, ' K74, Sept. 8, 8!I2, Sept. 11, ' 750, Sept. 11, DO:, Sept. 30, " J01, Oct. 1, " !M2, Oct. 1, " iHla, let. M, ' iMMi, ct . 1(, " 022, ct. 1 I, " 07 8, ( M. H, " !I0I, Oct. M, " ii i -t i t.t i ii Interest on the above orders will cease from this date. J. P. "WARD, Treasurer of Clackamas County, Opu. Oregon City, March 20, ISTo. lw Town Lets for Sale. "V"OTICK IS (ilYKN TO AI.Tj PERSONS desirous of purchasing Town Pots in tiie County addit ion to n gon ity, Clack amas county Oregon, that are now o m d by Clackamas county, t hat application for the purchase v. ill be received by the Clerk in vacat ion of t he ounty Court , and acted upon by the Court in term time, and value placed on t he lot s to Le sold. J. M. FR A7.ER. Jan. 12 1875. County Ch ile. Amount. ? S 00 10 00 1 80 223 Wi C 00 0 00 8 00 11 00 4 80 GO 00 181 30 12 00 ti.S 00 17 10 4 00 27 00 18 00 23!) !." 15 00 50 O0 40 10 20 41 05 00 .. 50 00 .. 28 00 . 2 50 70 2 50 7 10 1 70 .. 10 50 " 1 70 32 00 07 00 . 150 00 11 40 81 40 . 21 00 t) 00 . 2 00 . 5 40 11 40 . 1U4 15 y oo . 30 1)0 10 00 150 00 72 ill 50 00 8S0 00 410 00 ISO 10 152 75 02 17 10 00 - -' v' Lll'L-ic VA- (:.'.' 1'. ( ; li 'dor Oil Work 8liclel A N I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, Oregon City, March 21, l.S73-tf. IMPERIAL MILLS,! LaRoniue, Savier A: Co. j . t i Oregon Cit". i IVY'P instantly on !,n'l for sale Flour ' Middlings, Ulan and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sack j M-5Y T i-END 1X SUMS OF $500. and upwards. Oregon City, March 10, 1874. JUIINHON & McCOWN. malitf Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is -vvidel- known as one of the most efiectual remedies ever discovered for cleansing the sys tem and purifying the blood. It" has stood the test of years, -with a con stantly growing rcp- uuuiuu, ua?i:u uu lis intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great eoi ruptions of the bloodsuch as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Scroiula, and all scrofulous" diseases Ulcers, ljrupt ions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin , Tumors, Uloiclies, Jioils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores. St Anthony's Pire, Kose or Kr,Tc- Ilcid, Ifiiifrworm, and internal Ul ffKf Jo Uterus, Stomach, plaint? to which it would not seem especi al' .lapted, such as propsy, Dyspep- Fcm-ifc Avi'oi1 ff ' "f disease, emale "Weakness, Dehility, and on" nf Ftl h0eaV"tlien the- arc anifesta tions ol the scrofulous poisona Jn-QZClc .rc'storer health and ?S m ith- Sprin-' renting the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listlesslar? guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of hie. P ItE P A RED B Y Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE, ; UAinVAy'S HEADY HELIFP (I KES TIIK WOItST P.lIXs in From One to Twenty linutes NOT ONE HOUR after rending t his advert iseiuent ui.,.,i one sutr. r with l ain. KAliWAY s 1;k ,,In; KKLIFF is a sure cure lor everv l.jiii, ) was tlie first and is ' Jt Tlie Only I'ain I-nx-iv that instantly stops the most e.eruoint;r pains, allays Inila mat ion, and cun-s i .. ,'l, r.f tlx. i i,.. . ' '"i- ;i 'in ii win in v ....v. m .uiip..-., lOlu;t.k pplication, in iroin unuui lwentj Min tes, no matter how violent or -.eruci it isr the pain, the Kheumatie . IVii-riiUien ntinn, Crippled. Nervous Nenr.-il-'io I'.hi'i.Il' ..ri.lor (HrlTllli; liriir-rillic I.. apidication, in lroin One to Tventv" Min in in 1 ri ti fin prostra'tcd with disease ma.siurir. ILVDW AY S HEADY HELIKF will alToril instant ease. Intlamat ion ol the Kidneys. 1 n 11 ;t mat ion of t he niailjt Intlamat ion of tlie liowcls. Congestion of the Lun Sore Throat, 1'iliicult Preathing. fc I'alpitation ol the Hiart Hysterics, Croup, Jiyptheria. Catarrh, Iiiflueua Headache, Toothache. 'euralgia, Mheuinatism Cold Chills, Ague Chills. m 'lhe lplieat ion of the Iteadj- l!(i,f Q the part or parts alfected m here the jiain or dilllculty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in lialf a tumhler of watr-r will in a lew nioments cure Craiiij.s Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heart burn, Headache, Diarrhea, 1 'y.i-nti-ry, Coli; Wind in the 1 towels, andall intt riial pains' iV,r, 'f'T-s should always carry a bottle nt lcn;-.vay-s Kejtvl;' Ut-li-f with them. A few drops in waivT will .rev.T.'' sickness t,r pains trom change of water. Jt is .".""'' than French l:raiuly ir Ijitti rs as a Miiu u la r.t. FKVKIi AM) AtiVK. Fever and Anne cured for fifty centt Tlu re is not a remedial agent in the v-orlij that will cure 1-ever and Ague, and all oth er Malarious, Pillions, tsarlet, Typhoil Yellow, and oilier l'e rs (added bv HAl WAV'S MPI.S) s imick as KA1WAV K KKAHV KKLIKI'. Fmy cents per hot tit Sold by l ruggist.. HEALTH .'"BEAUTY ! ! j Strong ami j lire rich Flood increase cf I Fiesh and weight clear skin and beauti ' lul complexion secured to all. I. ... it ...'l 1 l-.l I I.leit.I .. ii'v I '-j of t!ii- v.i!;iale II;:ir I 'i i :n :i-i- -wliii-h is due to merit i :c Vo v. assure our M :i(roiis li i i; . fully up to i!s !;io-i -! :us!:-ril : i' is the only reii.ible :n;! e: iiric! i ; -nrntiou lor restoi-iiiv; (ii:.v ;: Hah: to it youthful f'or. iu:.l A:-'X i' sol't, lustrous uii'i .--i!!.i.-H. Tl.c m by its use, becomes white :ml r'i : i Jt removes a! I erujit ions :u!l d.-uuln.i,. and, by its ton'u jipoj-ertie-, j re'.e!;t. the hair lioni filling out, as it :-1 i : : i u -lates and nourishes i!:e l-;::r--';:i:!.. Iy its use, tho liuir irrow thu iv-r : ml strono-cr. Iu baldiu-ss. it resloivs tin cajiillary o'latids to their normal vip'r. ami will create a new orowtli. er j t in extreme old ae. Il is t!:e '.:. t economical ll.n; iJia-ssixe, over i-.c'l. jis it. reimiri-s fewer aj'p.'.ieations. and rives the hair a r-plendid. flossy :;- jear:mce. A. -V. I ia yes, ai.I ).. r't a! e Assayer of Massachusetts, says, -Ti'.e constituents are pure, and carcl'a'Iy selected lor excellent juaiilv: ami i consider it the i;;st I'kiipaicatio;,' for its intended pui po: es."1 Sold by rill Driiriyisl., mil Dealers in Mc'l i,,t. Price One Dollar. uclrinsiams i FOR THE T7IIISKISF.S As our IJenewer in manv case.- quires too hui a time, r.inl too n care, to restore p,ray or hided Y1 crs, we have juvpared this dye, in 2r ptrilio ; which will (piickiv eftei tually accomplish this result, is easily applied, and produces a c which will neither rub nor wash So!l by all J)ruuuists. J'rice J' Cents. Man:;fccturcd by R. P. MALL & Ct KASHUA, IST.E. i j . i;aj )vay'S SARSPARILLIAK RESOLVENT has made tlie most astonishing cures; so quick, so rapid are the changes the body undergoes, under t lie in tluence of t his truly Wonderful .Medicine, that cvey day nn iii-creas".- in llesh ami weight is s-en ami iv-lr. tiii: cj it kay m.oon ii iiini:i:. I'very droli of the Snrp:ii-illi:in it .-). vent com m u n :ea 1 1 s through the i it .f -ti. Sweat , I "ri ii- ami t her tiuiiis aiul juie s i,i t he system t In- viforof III.-, lor it repairs t he wa st -s of t In - body w it h new a nd sound materia!. Scrofula, Syphiiis, t oiisum tion, C la nun ia r disease, iTei-rs in tin Ul.roat, Mouth, 'lu mors. Nodes in ii;t. la nils a nd ot her pari s ol the s st ein, Sorv F es, strumous J 'ischarges irom the Fr, a ml t he v. or.-1 tonus ol Skin liist asi .-, l ;riir t ions, t'cvi-r Si s. Sea !d Iliad, 1 ting Worm Sa it liiieu m . Kr siiieJa s, A.cne, 1 Jack Spots Worms in 1 lie Fle.-h, J umors, cancers in the Womb, ami ail w . a ken in u and aintui discharges, Night Sweats, l.ossof sperm, rind ail wast is of tlie lit'1 principle, ;,r' within t he curat ie rar.m- oi this womii.r ot r.Ioiiern i "lien i i-t ry, a rii a few day s' uso will prove to any person using it lor eithr of t fu se forms of .iiii-ase its jotent povfr to care t In m. Il the patient, daily Ikcoiius r- iliitrd ! y t he was! s ami decom posit ton that is cj.. tinually i rogressing. suef-i :s in arresni these wastes, and repairs the same miu. iii-w material made irom P.ea it by him Mi ami this the Sarsj arillian v.ill and linew secure. 'ot only does tt'- SarspariMinti Resolvent, excel al! know n retm-dta: agents in th---ur.-ol hroni-, sero!u;(,iii.i C n st il u! iona 1, and Skin ill -eases : i i.t it jJ tie- on ly j o-it i e cure lor Kidney at d ISIaddcr C'ei!ii..'ai::t, Frinary and Womb tfisejises. tiravi 1. 'i;i betes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, '.ei-ont:-ne;:ce of t line, l.rjulil's Dis Aii tiini- nuria, and in all cases whire thi-ii nr.-bnek-ilust Cf iosit s, r l lie v. ater is iliick, cloudy, mixed with substances .K! w hit i- of a u egg, r t hr? ads Jikc u hit - si;u. or there is a ir.orbid, dark, huMous aij.i.-ir-anee, and w iiite l one-i.u.-; l.'po.-its. ;,ui when t h'-re is a i riekin-r, 1 1 1 rn i n ir s'-iis;,. t ion ben i assing at' r, a mi paiii in i),, small ot the back ami along the lc ii. l'riee, f 1 mi. WO-iritS. The only known and si;r Iti-ntedy for 1$ ";. 1'in, Tfji , tie. T'u mors f l'i VfKi's' (.n.i.lli (tiled liy liie.!it i.y"s K-.-ol sit. 15 1 :v ki: i .y, Mass., .Inlv !- Dk. T:.DW.v : 1 have had Ovarian Tu mor in the ovaries a-ml bowids. All tiv I oet mi's said " t la-re v as no hel p for it ."' ! tried evi-rythinjr that was r.i out metaiir; : but nothing 1 n i ; ed me. I saw vour lli-sni-vent, and thought 1 would try it : but tid no iaiiii in it, because 1 had sule red ;', ,r twelve years. I look six lotilesof j Iti soivent, and one 1 1 of Kadw.-r. "s l'ilis and two ioitl-s of your K.-ady llv'licf ; and tl'.ereis m.-t a sign of tumor to be seen er b it, and I fe, 1 bvtt r, smarter, and l.ap) i-r than 1 have lor twelve ears. The o,r-t tumor was in t h-- 1- it side of the bowi-is, over t he gmin. I u rite t his to on "for tb-' henetit of oilers. Vrui can piudi-h it if you choose. HANNAH V. K N A PP. l"li.H Al )VA'"S PERFLCf FU.lGATiVt PILLS, I erli ct iy tastep ss, elegatitlv coated wi:!i sweet gum, purge, n gulaie. , urily, cl.-aiis.-and strengthen, iiaiiway's Dili's, lor th ure of nil Uis,,rd- rs ot the saunaeh Fowels, Kidneys, bladder, N.rvo;;.- Piv eases, Headache, oust ip-at ion, C.stiv- s,s ' 1,u,'''s"' ion, Dyspc sta, I "i i liotism 1 '.ill ions Fever, In tla'ni ion oithe Pew els, Files, and all 1 .-era ngenetits of il; Internal iseera. Warrante,! to atu-i-ta posit ive cure, l'urelv "eg. ; a bje ci.nt."i:i:- o.s iiiiK-uiy, minerals, or drugs. ., ' ' r v ' l lie loUoWilig' suiting jrom Disorders of vig.iiis i on.-tition, Inward I" Ol I lie 1.IOOU ill t lie ' sa ....... . . ' Vv i n "l Heartburn, Disgust 1-uMliess or Weight ia the Ston.aci:. Sour Kructat ions. Sinking or Muttering ::t the Fit ot the Stomach, Swimming of tin Head, Hurried and diiticult breathing. 1-luttering at the Heart, hoking or SutT.v eat ing s. nsat ions win n in a I a ing Pc.-t nr. . Dimness of vision. Pots or we'bs tin sight. Fever, Dull I' in the lkjul, Defi ciency of 1 r.-i irat ion, Vi i loi m ss of tU skin and Fy.-s, p;,'n j tj,,. side, Che.-!. I. hubs, and sudden Flushes of Heat, Purn ing in t he I-'h sh. A few doses of iJ:i!v ji j "s Pills wilt fer tile systcin trom all tin- above named dis orders. Price, -j.) cents lov. Sold l'v Druggists. Dead " False and True." Send one lett.r stami to Iladway vt Co., No. S7 ?.laiJr!i Lao.-, i oik. intorniation -ne-r'; thoiisanus will be sent vou July 1, l-7t ;iv lie r:ei. sytni tfiini- zi- tile Di;r,.t.tiM- , I- til!:e s u. Aciditv I th1" We.Tij AG!-MS roil THE E.XTERPCISE. The followini l rsons are authorized to .... .. i.n me J.-M KHt'KI.SK : ! Kowell .v Co., ID Fark How, - '-TOY' '''rill A Co., tii 17 Chestnut street 1 iiilauiTpiiia. Abbott A- Co., No. S2 and 81 Nassau street New ork. gon Tj (inmw- San Francisco.. ) Thos. r.oyce 4., lr , I D. 1. Fisher ."-i. Helens, olnmhia county S. a. Miles Astoria, Clatsop count v .'.A. Van Dusi.n V,;,,('1.''-, -'. I.. Williams Harnsburg , H smith l,at:1y. tte, amliill eountv r.P.Fergiison Dallas, Folk county 1 iave Holmes V'01;' H. ifty Jacksonville ; u. k. H.inn: ISentoti county W.A. Wells CorvaMis Hoii.John Itnrnett iimvoii Oty.Cirant co W. 1!. I .a swell AMiany . ArnoU Dalles, Wasco county N. II. Ct s I .at ira tide, Cnioii count v A. 'raig J etiuieton, Ciuatilla county,. Kugf-ne City. Hosehurg Iljannn Jacksonville Long Tom.... Reaver Creek Futteville Cascades Can by Cutt ing's Ragle 'reck 1 lardmir's. . V. Knex I.I. M. ThonipS'-'B K. Ii. Prist ov Hon. P. F. T-ane t C. T. Montngae J. H. Kalston Hon. K. 1. Fnmlray H. C. Huston 5IAS I'orXTV. c John Henrv J. W. . F. Heatic Ziitinvfl' McOui" St rawsi r i. Wrigi" .Frank W. !"i-t,,r tig's Cant. Z. C. Norteii Lower Molalla W. Mop-land O Milwaukie )swego Upper Molalla....... John II a gen berg' T J.Jolin l-.ooe- W. H. Vaihnn A. NOLTNE? NOTARY rUJJLlC ENTERPRISE OFFICE. OHECOX CITY. A COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, "f TOilVERSIK CF CALIFORNIA,