Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1875)
G o O 1 O 7 3 o 3 0 c THE ENTE5PRIS I OREGON CITY, OREGON, MVY 7, 1S75 City KLKCf ion. The city election j last Monday -was tho most quiet ami or'lcrl.y: which avo have ever seen. There was no enthusiasm manifested i,v either side, and the vote was very -mall. The Radical ticket was elected 'bv a decreased vote from la?t year. I ho V.llowin- art, the sn.-ecsstul candi dates: Mavor. F. O. McCown; Kecor dVr M. Athey; Couneilnien, J.l). MiUer, Peter rquot, H Cochran C. N Grtcnnian. W . II. 1 oro, I-. M. Al bright, and M. A. Stratton; Treasurer, C V). T. Williams; Assessor an.Uo -loVlor, James Milne ; City Marshal 11. Hatch. City Attorney, J I. J Oliamlicr- lain. Gkand Picmc-The Grangers of thU vicinity to havo a grand picnic on the" autli inst., at the school house near Mr. Holmes place on the hill. Kverv arrangement .....v. .... ...,.u-. it a plea-ant allair. ( rowi music -will he finished ana a - " structed lor me m uin. v, a"ifc to dance, and a re-ular hasKCt dinner will he spread. 1 hoso who can "tVould brin- their dinners with them, while there will o ample provision made f .r those who may come without. Tho citieciw of this plf 'O (so wc are ro Questcd) areiTited to attend. Caiaed. Uon.II.O. Struve, Grand Master of the -tJrand L-oilffO of Oregon, I. O. O. F., was in town last Thursday and "ave us a pleasiiut call. He made an ofiieial visit that evening to Oregon Lodge No. 3. and exemplified tho work in which he is very proficient, lie irives a good reort from all the .Lodges in the jurisdiction and regards the Or der in a most nourishing condition. Mr. Struve's term as Grand Master ex pires on the last day of the Grand L lge which meets on tho Isth inst. lie Ims made a irood and efficient offi cer, and will retire with confidence and esteem of tho Urethren. Lkttkk Ltsr. Tho following is a lit of tlie Letters remaining in the I'ost-ollice at Oregon City, May 7th, P.ueknor KM? Miss; Uall Susan Mrs. Iti-Hinmer ltos.iv Miss; I'.rammer Ar miotaM iss; C-irry John S. ; Diekerson t'-isby; Kvens Win.; Ford Ijonisa A. M ivs; Garrett Miss; llolber-Hi-hs I.'omad ; Harvey Willard C ; Howard Richard ; Munsey .T. W.; Powers S.J. Pratt Kate Mrs.; Itierson Andreas: StoehrC. F. ; Turner Thom (ts ; Ward Warrington. I f called for, please sav when "adver tised." J. M. IJacon, 1. M. OrcrriKD. Dan Hums, who was sen tenced to pay a lino of $1"0 or 75 daj s In the county jail, is serving out his time. John Joyce, who was to pay a tino of f'iH or l'rj() days in jail, is also mrving out thi sentence or the Court, not having liquidated the little assess ment the judge made against him. Stewart paid his tine and costs, amount ing to about Sow, and departed in peace. I Teuki'w-k 11. K. Stewart was tri'M last week in the Circuit Court for an assault with intent to commit rapo. Tii jnrv found him guilty of a simple assault." Tin? Judge fined him SnV) ami costs, amfit may be inferred from the Mvritv of tho penalty that the Judge reeaidt d him fully guilty as returned bv the verdict of' tho jury. It was a very filthy eas?, and we trust that it wil l be a long time before a similar cause will be up in our Courts. Looking Well. There has l.teen a ery large area of wheat sown this npriiig, and a great part of the crop is Klready up and growing finely. Tho ruin now falling will help wheat and be rspi-cially beneficial to hay crops. Tho indications are now very good tor a large crop, and also for one of the biggest yields of fruit Oregon has had for $ ears. A Goov Ski.tiotton. We see it stated that the Oregon Iron Works, at tho town of Albina, commenced operations this w-Nk, and that Mr. J. H. Moore of this cifv is the General Superintendent. Mr. M". is a thorough mechanic, and Hie proprietors; of that establishment aro fortunate in -securing his servio-s. Sick. Judge lloM.CaufieM has been confined to his residence for the rast two weeks by sickness. At last accounts no was improMiii; was David Smith has also1 ieen confined to residenco for th-j; past week by sickness. We hope to see oth of these gentlemen out again soon.j Kkmoved.-1.i to-day's paper, Dr. Alfred Kinney , gives notice of tho re moval of hU Tho Dr. is too well known to our citizens as one of the most successful and eminent pli.ysi- cians in our Statb to need anv recom- mendation at oiJi hands. See his card. Tnint , Mavor McCown "all amo is Gran on third term. He was elected las time to that hi live position. Vondav for the third I honorable and lucra- may huiublo him- hc-1 f to take t hat other and bhort sUp to get to the .Presidency yet. QC AHTKULT MEETISO. RflV. N. A. Starr infornm twthat the next quarterly moetingof tho M. E. Church will be hold in this city on Saturdav and Sun day, the l-rth and Pith inst. "lie v. Win. Koberts, 1. J-Z., will be in attendance. Too Brsy. Major Charman wishes us o state that since tho arrival of his new goods lie has been entirely too Irusy to prepare his large and attrac tive advertisement. He is ready to wait on his customers and will prepare it in a few days, Cow Lost. Key. Mr. Starr lias lost his cow, and offers a reward of oO to any jktsou who will bring her to his residence. She is a Durham, has short horns, is a cherry red ; she has a slit in the left ear and upper-bit in the right. Taxes. Sheriff Apperson has col lected and paid to thcCounty Treasurer taxes to the amount of $:V4:J 91. There remains on the delinquent list the sum of $1,k;s 117. This is close collecting. Special Term.- Judge Shattuck will hold a special term of tho Circuit Court for this county on the 21st inst., to fin ish up some law cases which were not disposed of at tiie recent regular term. Confinei. Major Charman has been confined to his residence for the past week with a severe attack of rheu matism. He is slowlv improving and we hope ho will soon le out again. For Sax Fn.vxcisco. Hon. D. P. Thompson informs us that he intends to leave for San Francisco on the "teamer next Saturday. He intends re turning again before ho goes east. Citv Committee. A. Noltner, W. Ij- White and A. C. Hailey were ap pointed the City Democratic Commit tee tor the ensuing year, at the meeting last Saturday. If you want to buy a fine farm of 524 acres of good agricultural land, improv ed. 11 miles from Oregon Citv, app'y at this otuce for further particulars. County Court. The County Com missioners held an adjourned term of aswi ohi? week aild aro tnl in sesbiou " bo to pres. Circuit Court Docket. The following is tho Circuit Court docket which was disposed of at the April term of said Court for this county, Judge Siiattuek presiding. The Court adjourned on .Saturday morning: M. Wertimer vs John Mattoon, et al. Judgment for plainthT as per stipula tions. O. it C. R. Il.Co vs A. E. Wait, ot al. Continued. G. W. I'rosser vs W. IT. Prosser, et al. Sale of real estate confirmed. It. K. I. South worth vs Chas. Dick inson,' et al. Dismissed ns to Adelia Dickenson, and ease continued. Tho Commissioners of Clackamas Co. vs D. li. Hannah. Continued, for service. James Norton vs. Tho W. U. Tele graph Co. Dismissed. Tully Wise vs V. T. Shazcr. Contin ued for service. John II. Foster vs J. II. Wilbur, et al. Judgment for plaintiff. O. c C. 11. II. Co. vs Henry Newman. Judgment for defendant. John L. Hoop vs Jacob Hoop. Dis missed at plaintiff's cost. The YV. F. C. it Hock Co. vs John Gordon. Ordered that answer be tiled by loth May, and case continued. "Alonzo Swartz vs William McCrack en, etal. Continued. John Doole, et al, va J. Y, Cain. Dis missed. H. S. Kearney vs Isaac Iswell, ct al. Decree ot foreclosure and judg ment. fcJtowart tb Stewart. Divorce ; dismiss ed. H. H. Campbell vs H. li. Campbell, ct al; partition of real estate; report tiled and approved ; decreed a partition on report of referees. Laura Coggan vs. George Coirgan ; cuange oi venue to ,vi.arioii county granted. Catharine Marchal vs Alfred "Mar elm. Divorce granted. Kli.a Parsons vs. Alonzo Parsons. Continued. Thos. Charman vs 11. K.Moore, et al. Case dismissed. Win. Harlow appoint ed guardian of the minor childorn. J. 15. Miller vs John Grubbs, et al. JLTaintiil" given 31 dav to tile reply. Susan liall vs Davi'llJall. Continued State of Oreiron vs Daniel J'.urns, as saidt with a dangerous weapon, l'lead guilty ; lined 130, or 75 daj s in county Jan. State vs John Joyce, assault with intent to Kill. ! ouml runt v ot an as sault; lined Sam or loo.lavs in iail. State vs. Wm. Franklin, Beduetion. Continued. 1. A. Seeley vs J. II. Feastcr. Con tinued. State of Oregon vs Alphonso Ha Hot-mie. Acomtted. iC'Hanling t: Potter vs John Schram J urv failed to ae ree : conl inned. John Myers vs. Joseph Tachea ; dis misseu. J.N. Perlot vs. K. lloss et. al. Sheriff sale of real estate confirmed. Allen it Lewis vs. T. J. Matlock ; sale ot real estate set aside at cost oi plain till", not having been advertised accord ing to law. State of Oregon vs, J. H. Flynn ; dis charged. H.S. Uuck vs. H. L. Pittock et. al. Leave granted to file amended answer bv plaintiff, and case set for trial May List. H. L Chamberlain vs. J. J. Pedigo; decree of foreclosure and judgment. Wanted. f,000 men, women, boys and girls are wanted to carry off tho goods which are sold cheap at I. Sel ling's, for cash. K very body is invited, farmers, mechanics and "all, should come and buy themselves rich for a small sum of money. Kemember the place, at tho old corner opposite tho tin store. Gone. Prof. Moreland left on the train last Tuesday, overland for Cali fornia. We wish him a pleasant jour ney. Local Committees of Immigra tion. The State Board of Immigration aro sending to suitable persons, in different places, letters as follows: Portland, Oregon, 1S75. Deah fin:: Numbers of immi grants aro arriving in the State by every steamer, and while we guide and direct them and Lave them im mediately forwarded to the various agricultural districts "up tho coun try" they complain loudly that when they arrive, no one seems willing to give them any authentic information or guidance, and consequently, being "strangers in a strange land" they get disheartened, and a number of them return. This must never hap pen again. Ono matt returning does great harm to the State, stopping hundreds of others from coming to Oregon; to remedy which we have resolved to appoint committees of immigration in every town, village and district in Oregon, to whom all immigrants will be Bent by us. Will you kindly consent to become one fcuch committee along with and of your district, and if so, will you be good enough to write us stating your willingness? You can Jo much in j our district toward aid ing tho immigration interests of Ore gon (to which vo attend gratuitous ly) by earnestly b-olieiting ono and all of your citizens to kindly reeeiTe all strangers coming amongst tbem, and direct them to you, and ask them to bo faithful and state nothing but what is actually tho truth as to our resources. Inform farmers and em ployers of all kinds of labor, that we can at any time forward them what ever labor they may require without making any charges for our services. We enclose card showing the objects of our organization for yaur infor mation. . Waiting your kind answer and trusting you will act on the committee, wo remain, Yours, faithfully, W. S. Lail, T. Goldsmith, II. W. CORBETT, C. Lkiswerek, William Heid, State Commissioners of Immigration. Please Do. The Bulletin, when tho news came from Connecticut in regard to tho election, promised to show us when it got ti Injures that the Democrats made no gains in that State over previous elections. The figures have long since been received and we have watched faithfully for tho Bulletin to fulfill its promise. Iiut it has not done so yet, and we now ask it to please to do so. Let us see how that little done. thing is to be Suspended. The last issue of the Spirit of the IVt st, published at Walla Walla, comes to us with the announce ment that its publication is tempora rily susrjended. Mr. Mavfield lias made a good paper, but tho supply for that town is entirely too great, and there is hardly room for the two remaining papers. Foit Tildex The Union, a Chi cago German Democratic paper, comes out for Tilden for t:ext President. Circuit Court Docket. I. 0. 0. F. Bev. John Wolfe writes tho fol owing interesting communication to ho Olympia, Standard on Odd Fel owship. It is a worthy tribute to a noble and prosperous Order. The prejudice existing in somn lo calities against this order, can only 1 . AT i- it , - V uo accounted lor on tne Hypothesis that it is misunderstood. If its prin ciples wore duly considered, no per- -t - ji-i: . 1 bou oi rewecuoii, possessing a heart at all susceptible of philauthrophic impulses, aouhi eay a word that would in the least mitigate against its success and perpetuity. The pre cept of Christ, "As ye would that men should do unto you, do ye also unto mem, unueriics the super structure; its pillars are "Friend ship, Love and lruth." Like every thing else founded upon correct mor al principles, in incipiency it had to pass through tho fires of persecution. but the oraeai oniy tended to chasten its membership, and give stability and permanence to the Order. The first Lodge in the Tj nited States was organized in the city of Balti more, tho 2o"th day of April, 1819. It consisted of live members. To day there are about 5,000 Lodges with a membership of over 400.000 embraced within the limits of our commonwealth. The measures adopt ed for the relief and comfort of tho sick of its communition furnishing watches by night, providing tho nec essaries, and somo times the delica cies, of life when needed; tho pro vision made for the support of the widow, the education of the orphan; the provision it makes for the com fort of the sick stranger, and m death to give him decent bur ial, our Heavenly Father only knows the extent of its benefactions yearly through these respective channels. Statistics are totally inad equate to make a faithful exhibit. Nor does it stop with the relief of those immediately connected with the Order. It teaches and practices universal love and charity to all hu man beings upon the habitable globe, irrespective of faith or nationality. As to the objection urged against it on account of the secresy observed in relation to its internal workings, we conceive they are too puerile to bo entertained by a sensible person. Xo fault is found with a number of men associated together in a co-partnership for the purpose of doing business, because, forsooth, they elect to keep their business opera tions secret from all whom it does not concern. Whence then tho jus tice of tho condemnation in this case when tho two aro precisely similar? The degreo of " Bebekah," which was authorized by the Grand Lodge of tho United States in 1851, went into operation tho following year, originated with and was written by ex-Yice President Colfax. By virtue of it the wives of members are ad mitted to the Temples of tho Order. The Mutual Life Insurance Associa tion, established for tho benefit of the Lodges within the bounds of this jurisdiction, wo opine will greatly subserve tho interests of the Order, as well as that of those immediately connected by ties of consanguinty with its membership. Daila3. The business and popu lation of Dallas is set down thus by the Itemizer: We have 4 dry good stores good ones at that; 3 grocery and provision stores better ones than that; 2 millinory and dressmak ing establishments; 2 blacksmith shops; 1 wagon shop; a tannery; 1 grist mill; 2 cabinet and 1 sawh and door factory; 3 saddlery shops; 2 boot and shoe 6hops; 1 meat market; 2 billiard saloons; 2 drug stores; 2 doctors; 3 boarding houses, 1 hotel, and another good hotel nearly finish ed; 7 lawyers, full Hedged, and one eprouting; 49 marriagebla girls, and not but two houses to rent in town; 1 tin shop; 3 jewelry shops; 3 churches, 3 preachers, and a Uni versalist who i3 as sharp as tho 'dickens" but only comes once in a while, so that he just keeps the others worked up to a sense of their duty. We have good Masonic, Odd Feliows, C. B. C, I. C. B. C, and I. O. G. T. societies, also a Grange. in ' Kmm ROItW In Portland, to tho wife of John Mar shall, a son. Johnny wouldn't exchango that boy for tha best steamboat on tho river. Accent our congratulations, old boy. MARK1ED. In this city, April LDth, 175, by F. O. McCown, Mayor, Mr. Kdward S. Chase and Miss Carrie A. Starr, all of this city. Compliments of the party received, and we wish them much joy in their passage through life. niKu. At his residence in Clackamas county, A pril 2s, Js7,3( Josiah A. Lurnett, aged 10 years, 3 months and 'J7 days, iiosetfurg ana Jacksonville please copy. ISt'IiLTioii x. papers Key. CJcorge II. Atkinson will bold regular .services in the Congregational Church, in this city, on the first ami second Sabbaths of each month. Morn ing services vt lo'-i o'clock. On the first Sabbath at Holmes' School House at 3 o'clock, r. M. 6?The National (.ioM Medal was award ed o P.radley A IJnlofson for th l.-st Photographs in the United -States and the Yii-mia M-'dal lor t lie bst in the world. Montgomery -Street , San Francisco. The Secret. Those who prize a beautiful head of hair, (and we kuow our lady friends all do), will thank us for a few won Is on the invaluable qual ities of Ayer's Hair vmon. as a dress ing. In our own case it heals a humor, keeps the head free from dandruir and S'Mirf, stops the tendency of our hair to fall, and heightens its ..eauty. A slight touching with it removes the coarse and dry appearance which neglected liair puts on, imparts a rich gloss, ami makes us presentable in the most fash ionable company. Such rare qualifica Iions, presented in a single prepara tion, create for it an enduring value ; but add to these the faculty of restoring to gray locks their youthful color, and maintaining our good looks with so small an expenditure of time and at tention, and you stamp it prime favor ite with the public, and ensure its per manent and enduring popularity. Huntsville (Ala.) Republican. Perrect HenTf li is tho best frift of ?od to man. But it is left to us to keep it ood. We commit a serious error whenever we deceive ourselves by not taking in hand at once any disease that may ijecomo seri ous. Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis, are of this class. Wistars Balsa: of Wild Chehky will cure then. The -Wear and Tear of City Life Tiie wear and tear of city life aro a severe tax upon the strongest constitu tions. The hurry and bustle and anxi eties of business keep the nervous sys tem in a stato of unnatural tension dur ing business hours, and in the end im pair the elasticity and vigor of vital or ganization. The penalty of all unduo excitement is subsequent exhaustion. The best remedy for it, whatever the cause, is llostetfcr's Stomach Litters, the tonic and alteram e pioiiemes oi which rapidly diffuse themselves thro' tho entire system, revive and. roinforco every dormant faculty, and restore a natural condition of body and mind. Some moral reformers insist upon tho UlSllSe OI ail SUimiian. .uio, ivaai the least of it, is irrational. All com- Intent physicians atimu. mat a pure, medicated stimulant is ono of tho most useful remedies known. As a tonic and invigorant for the aged ana languid, Hostetter's Patters has no equal. It is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and de bilitated. In all climates and in every species of disorder which breaks down tiie bodily strength, it is auaimiuuiu .specific. It is also an lmaiuauie reme- uy lor sea-sickness, ine nausea aim retching caused by the rolling and piching of a vessel at sea paralyzes the bodily and mental energies, and those who sutler from it would do well to resort to tho Hitters as a means of a sure and permanent relief. No steamer should sad without a supply of the arti cle. Among the botanic ingredients of which it is composed aVe some of the most powerful blood depnrents which tho vegetable kingdom all'ords. Con sequently, it not only tones and invig orates, fiut also purines the system, through the natural sluices which na ture has provided. Tito IIouso We I.lve It. In other words, our bodies are held on repairing lcas-s. We must prop and sustain them when they exhibit sigus of weakness and decay, or they will inevitably break down, la Da. Walker's California Yineuak Bitters, a matchless compound of newly discovered medicinal herbs, peculiar to the Pncilic region, the debilitated, the biHious, the rheumatic, the consumptive, will find the most genial tonic aud restorative ever offered to the suuVring invalid. It con tains uc alcohol, and consequently leaves no sting behind. It is seldom that wo notice anything in the medical line, nor would we now. unless we could be convinced that we aro not doing our duty as a journalist in recommending to the public the cel ebrated botanical preparation of Dr. Henry. Whoever induces tho victim of the blood, to use Dr. Henry's Kx tract of Sarsparilla, has begun a good work. There is no question as to tho result of tins medicine it persevered in. It is a sure cure for scrofula, rheumatism. Salt Rheum, and indeed all complaints arising irom vmaieu or impure nioou. It is just what a good physician would prescribe for these complaints, and we conliuentiy recommend it as being the In'st article now in use. Dr. Henry's Cough Balsam is tho most affective remedy for ailed ion of the throat or lungs that we havo ever known. It contains no deleterious drugs, ami can be taken witn impunity and. cortaintv sore throat, etc., it stands without a ri val. Dr. Henry s Diniment as an alle viator of pain, is unrivaled bv anv preparation before the public: the most -skeptical will bo convinced by a single trial. It will prove itself a friend in need which no family should be wnnoiu. Tlie "Hoiiama" for all. Invalids, by nervous debility, desirous of again f.-eliiig t he vijror of health aud vim oi system, should take a few bottles of IR. IlENI.EY'SCl-.LKllRATKI) I. X. L. BlTTKRS Before one bottle is taken tlev will ft 1 the dawn of restoration, of returning neaitri. oc:is"ot dyspepsia, indigestion loss of appetite, rheumatism, kidnev or liver disease, has ever resisted its restora live power. Every part of the human system requires and should receive suste nance and support Irom the stomach, reg ularly by tlie liver. If the Ftomach can not supply the aliment reuuircd. the whol system languishes, l-'ortify your organs of life wit Ii t bitters, and iu ii few days you will let-i your whole system lnvigorat ed ; for every disease arising from disor dered liver, stomach or bowels, it. is 1 rival uauie; it will revive your shatt'-red sys tem. Dyspept ics :it(d persons of billions habit should keep it within reach, if t hey valuc health and ease. 2'Jiuar'lm IMPORTANT. Endorsed bv tho Medieul profession. Oil. WM. HABI.S BALSAM l'i HlTli 10 BUNGS cures Coughs. Colds and Consmption, and all disorders of the Throat and Cuet. IK. TOW LEY'S TOOTHACHE ANODYNE cures in one MINUTE. feblH It is as.:crc-J as a fact that every eanviisser v ho hart turned his attention to tho introduction of tl.e New I'uiiiily Hewing M;;liiiie in his local ity, or who has been forturate enough to secure un ugoncy, haa outstripped the best efforts in making money of tho old and tried agents of tho high-priced machines, which latter they now replace. Tho demand is enormous, and s ties eo ra;id and money mado so readily with so little effort that farmers, tradesmen, upeculators, &c, are flocking into tho business as fist as they can becure territory und get their goods on the ground to supply anxious customers. It is mar velous to see how these machines sell when ex hibited, it being afre;ognied fact that people will buy tlie l.-t at the lowest price. It certain ly is tho machine of ti e times and does the same work a other machines at 1U or .f.o, and wo re ady believe it would sell just as readily at double and then not cost half the usual price of so good an article, lor it is astonishing to see the vast amount of lalxjr it, performs at so low a cost. The inventors are daily inundated with testimo nials ul the worth of their new machines which so uddeniy find successfully bounded into popu lar fMTor. It prorea to bo juflt what is wanted every day, by every one, everywhere, who ha a family. It has attained an enviable reputation in many thousands of homen and factories, for its uolid strength, ower, rapidity, simplicity, ccf tuinty, and ease of operation, with extreme beau ty , lineness, and reliability of its sowimr. while the wonderful low price (twenty dollars for a lanre and complete sewing machine with a strong table and treadle) places all i.Ico of competition entirely out of tiie question. It stands alone on its merits and price. We advise you to invest in one at once for your wife, daughter, mother, sis ter or lady friend aud make a homo happv, or put them in your factory, or what is better, if you are lucky enough, secure an agency, if there is none in your town, and make money yourself. Ihe many new attachments tor doing extra fine, skilful and ditlicult work, tire a surprise i:i their simplicity of construction and far below even "g'-aiure prices," and will be delivered sate at your door, no matter how remote you reside, if vou write for them. Address, .1." TllOiltOX, 1IANXA & CO., 'J;7 Broadway, X. Y. NEW TO-DAY. E!3 M ALFRED KINKEY, . D., HAS UEXOVEP HIS OFFICE AND K'-sidenee to the double house, X. W. Corner of Aldrran;! Kust PsirK street, Portland, OreRoii, where lie can be found at all hours, day and niyht. May t;, la75 :ui3 BETHESDA SPRiHGS! On the HcKinzie Biver. Lane Co., Oregon. A f II ARMING SDIMKR RESORT. rjlHESE SPRINGS ARE LOCATED jL about fifty-five miles east of Eugene City, and within four miles of the celebrat ed Big Prairie of t he McKinzie. They nro within a few hundred yards of Horsf Creek, oneofthw most famous trout streams in regon. Deer and elk am very plenty niar these Springs, having b-n the resort for ages of t hose animals. The grandest and mot picturesque scenery of the North Pa cific. 1 have the best buildings and the best accommodations of any Springs in this part of tho State. My bath houso is new, and is constructed with reference to the wants of those visiting: me from tho valley. I also have an excellent vapor hath room constructed near the head of the Spring, and iu all things, I propose to keep up wit h the uemanu lor an institu tion of this kind. An experienced physician in attendance at all times. Board and Lodging in good style for those who prefer it. Animals can be pastured for small cost, and be perfect ly safe. A. X. FOLEY, way 6 if lToj-riox. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, .otif? Guardian Sale. IX PUItSCAXCE OF AX ORDER OF sale made by the County Court of the fctate ot Oregon" for Clackamas county, on the 5th day of April, 1S75, directing the un dersigned, 8. W. Moss, as Guardian of Vol ney (.'. Moss, to sell the lands hereinafter described, t he same being iiart of the estate of paid Volney C Moss. The undersigned, as said Uuard'ian, will, on tho Lib day of June, A. 1., 1S73, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m. of said day, at t tie Court House door in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, upon the terms that said bid be naid one half in cash at the time of the sale, and the other half twelve months thereafter, to be secured by a pro missory note and morttraire on aid land. th following; property, to-wit : The undi- viueu one-tnira oi 4-st acres ot land, ueing tne east halt and the south hall or the west half of the tract of land embraced in .Notification No. ti'.rj. and beimr part ot sections 2:!, 21, 25 and 20 in Township U South of Kanse 1 East of tho Willamette Meridian, and bouml-'d as follows,to-wit :be ginning at a point a and 30-100 chains west of t he south-west corner of sect ion 23, T. 3 S., K. 1 E., runtiinjr thenee south l'i chains, thence east 71 and oiM'K) chains, thencu north 80 chains, thence west 74 and f0-100 chains, thence south 10 chains to t he place oi ocfrinnins, the said one-thiru containing 1'iO aen-s of land, all situate in said county and State. S. W. MUSS. Ouardian of Volney C. Moss. May 5, ls73!vl S. ACKE1DIAN & J5H0., WAN.S which they will pay 'the highest market price In CASH. uregou t lty, April i:,j :tt (J BEAT ATTRACTIONS ! I. SELLING MAS JUST RECEIVED TIIE LARGEST stock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS ever imported to Oregon City, which he otfers at greatly reduced prices. My stock Oi CLOTHING Has gbeen largely increased and I can show as handsome a line of ready-made goods in Men and Hoys Ilusiness and Dress Suits, Coats, etc., as can bo found in the country, and at prices that cannot fail to satisfy. My DRESS GQSOS DEPARTMENT Is filled with a splendid assort ment of all the leading styles and fashionable shades of goods Jiii press Clot:, I'Ii5iuir.s, IVeticIk and Aiuci'iriiK lircs.s (iouils, Itlut li AlaetJi, Urill i;i ii lines, Casiimeres, S-c IT L A. jN" 1ST IU s , Plaid, Plain andOpera Flannels, of all col ors. I ".leached and Unbleached Cottou Flannels. ladies xtntl Gent.-'' Vmli-rwure, Nim; Is mid Scarfs, Wo:l nUinkets, Tl uiiUn sunt Triivt'lsn;; Kat-lkel.-, Itut it iid ( :i ps, Oil CIoili for Floor a rid Table. BOOTS and SHOES, I would call special attention to my stock of Men's and Hoys' San Francisco lioots, whieh I have sold for a number of years past with general satisfaction. Ev ery pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE & FARivIiNS UTEHSiLS, Choice Teas, Canned Clouds, and all choio Family Groceries, All at Low Prices. Also, LIVERPOOL AND QinilN ISLAND SALT. Highest Price paid for all kinds of 200,000 lbs:, of WOOL Wanted, for which I ehall pay price. Oregou City, April 22, the liigh'-st. cash I. fcSELLIXO. 1875. tf The best way to KEEP COOL during tho hot weather is to goto LOUIS O O TST 1 KCTIOiNLEllY, 2Ini:t street, Oregon Cllj-, and partake of some of h is DELICIOUS ICE - CREAM AND ARCTIC SODA. Icc-Cram delivered to any part of the citv FKEE OF CHAKGE and made to order. apr.2tf A mnof. tiloMnt. nnrl tri vifOratinT tonic. Recommended by all the emi nent rhysiciaua throughout tho United States. Kvcry family Bhould havo It in tho house. Read certificate.'? on each bottle. Sold by all Liquor Dealers and Druggists. H. EPSTEIN & CO., Sole Proprietors. 618 Frot St., Hxk Fkancisco, Cal. IfvlFROVE YOUR POULTRY. H costs no more to keep good fonls than poor ones. Oakland Poultry YAIiDS, Cor. Sixth & Castro St' OAKLAND, CAL. Season of 1875. EGGS F011 HATCHING From the largest and bet bred Fowls in the World. Carefully packed and warranted to earry safely any distance. The varieties comprise Dark and Light Hrahmas, Utitr and Fart ridge Cochins, White Leghorns, Houdans and Silver Spangled 11 am burgs. Pdack Spanish, White Dorkings, Ooklen 1'olands, Aylesbury Ducks, and Game. Sebright and Black African Iiantams. Pronze Turkeys, the finest collection on the Pacific coast. sySend stamp for illustrated circular to GEO, Ii. PAYLEY I in porter and Dealer of Choice Poultry, liox San Francisco. ' - Please state what paper you saw this ad vejlIs-.-iiient in. fvbi;m3 LOSSorAPPETJTE;. J MAKE HOWE HAPPY. $20 $20 $20 And earn S3) or $ per day. folarvelous ftlechanism. Ingenious Invention. Absolute Perfection. AN IXEGAXT, DURABLE AND FULL-SIZE WITH TABLE A&D TREADLE Complete for Domestic Use TWENTY DOLLARS. UiiiKirailoled iu price. With many important, 6nxerior and valuable improvements. Equal in size, and does tbe same work, m tho same wav a an JSU or f Hmi machine, Thfc beet, simplest aud cheapest machine ever made. . Written guarantee fur live years with every mnchiee. no surr.nion: no competition : no 1UYAL in til'ALlTY and 1'ltICK. a uLilli'ui und T.raetieal scientific accomplish ment of a mo.-'t wonderful combination of all the good uuidiwk-s of a sew ing machine, and fully ac knowledged to be a ieifectly successful mechan ical achievement of practical simplicity. Thor oughly tested. Used, in thousands of homes. The favorite of the family circle. It docs not take uu hour to get ready to do a minutes work, but is always ready iu a moment to do a days work. It will save its cost many times over in ono Hettsun, doing the work of tho family, or it will cam four or live dollars a day for any tuau or woman who may wish to do sewing tor a living. It is so plain and easy to learn, and smooth to run, the children, uud servauts cuu use it. .So strong and uolid built, it will last a genera tion if properly eared for. Has no sui-trduous coss or cams to get out of order. iScwa equally lino with course cottou, linen, tilk or twine. ltapidly sews a strong s-ara ovt-r all kind of oods, Irom iinest eambrie to heaviest broadcloth an l leather without stopping the machine. Huns laster, lighter, more easy aud quiet than any other machine at live times the price. ! Uses the strong straight needle. 3Iarvclotisly true in every motion. ' SSews the tint.-sT, lirm aud lasting stitch. Makes the only seam that can not be ripped :pavt without destroying the fabric. The si lenirth, le;uity evenness and durable qualitais of which have long burn acceded. Will new anything it is possible for a needle to t'o through. Will d-j every description c-f sewing ever done 1 on any o'.iier machine no matter what the price, and with Ilss tioul le. Will hem, f. l, tuck, quilt, braid, cord, bind, gather, ruifcc, shirr, pli at, fold, scollop, roll, em broider, iiin-up-breadths, -c, Arc., with aston ishing ease, rapidity, and neatness. Has rec-.'ived testimonial-. of its merits from nil sections of tho country, marks of distinguished consideration seldom wluntarily tun-orded to an invention ot similar domestic uel'uhics. Our m-mv New Attachments, Talented Amj. If., 1S7; Sept. isri; July 7, 11. Made to lit all machines, are the attainment of precision in mechanical accuracy lor rendering it easy for veil v. hu ucver saw a machine, to do the linc-t kind e-f fancy needle work, other wise uiitault and tedious, with the utmost ease and rapidity. Simple is construction. Nee. Is no teaching. Money refunded alter thorough trial, if not satisfactory in cv ry particular. Cash Prices ed' Maehiues Machines with plain table, iron stand and treadle, complete wiih all tlie necessary tixtures for immediate use, JiO. Machines, with cover, lock and key, half case style, Machines, with cover, diop leaf, lour side drawers, locks, keys, Arc, three quarter cab inet fdvle, .!0. Machines with enclosed table. side drawers, paneled folding doors, hicks and kevs, luil caliinet stvle, . o. Tables are of variean styles, materials, mount ings, richness ed elc-surii, ace., uccontintrto price. Machines carefully selectee!, (securely packed una slnppcel as Ireirlit to any part oi tlie worlil Safe de livery nsuivd on receipt of price without tm ther charges. le-script:ve books with lllus trated eiigiavimrs of the different stvles of ma ehiues and attachments, large profits, testimoni als, simples ot tc win j-, lil-eral inducements to eouvasse-rs. Wholesale; pri'-es, oC torwardiil free of charge upon application. Kxclusive agency for liirtro territory grated gratis to re- specianic, enterprising ousmess men, clergymen, teachers, it- who Will introduce the extraordi nary merits of our gooda to tlie people of their locatitv ami upplv the incrcasii-.j? elemand. Ad'ress, J. Thomson, Hanna h Co. -jti iyieiiav,!iy, --. . 1 . l'Jmarlv WAGON AKD CARRIAGE 35 A. I U PATOItY I mUE UXItEUSIGNE!), J. having increased tlie di- 0-$v-TiisV mctisioMs of his premises, at tt-2i--r?? the old sliind oxi thw "W Corner of ?laln nnl Tlilrd Street, Oregon City, Oregon, Takes (his method of informing his old pa trims, and as many new ones as maybe ple-aseel If) cull, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best, of mechanics, to build anew, re construct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete, any sort of a vehicle from a common Cart to it Conconl Coach. Try mo. IJIacksmit Iiin-, Horse or Ot Sloei and General Jobbing neatly, quickly, and cheaply done. DAY1D SMITH. JOHN S C H R A M , Main St., Oregon City. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF Sailrllc-f, Harness, SacldIry-IIarI- f:P?'r wart, cte.. etc. HICH II K OFFERR AS CnBAP AS oau be hud in th Stutc, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. P7"l warrant my poods as repreeented. 1,000 DEER SKINS W ANTE TJ, AND ALSO, VT.T. OTIIF.R KINDS OF H1DF.S. FOR which I will pay the highes market irije in cash liring on your hides and get vourcoin for them. JOHN SCIIRAM, Saddle anel Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, lS73-m3. - J. P. WA RT. GEOKOE A. JIAltMXO. WARD&HASDING, onuasisTs and apothecaries, fKKI CONSTAXTI.Y OX HAND A g..-ncral assortuient of Di'iitrs .'incl Clioinieal., Pi-rfaisicry, Koapn. t .n?s and ijr!t.In-, , 'I'nisiit-s, Supporters, Sslioild-r I!rac- 1'ar.ry nl 'i'oilot Articles, ALSO Kcrosria- !, Laiap C"lili:nj-s, t;la-s, li:l!y, VitintK, UiN. Varnishes auel IJye Stuff!, PIRE MINES AND LIOI'ORS FOR ME DKLNAL ri'RPOSES. PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. K7"Ihysicians I'rescripf Ions carefully comiiumlcd, and all orders correctly an swered. aft pon at all hours of the night. fc"All accounts must lie paid monthly. novCtf WARD HARDINti. Final Stltlcincnt I In t ho matter of the estate of Jacob Engle, deceased. lathe County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon. HENRY WARRF.N THE ADMINIS tratorof said estate, having filed his exhibit for final settlement thereof, it is orde red that Monday, tlie ttftix (otli) clay or July, he set apart, for said final settlement with the said administrator. I".v order of said court. HENRY WARREN, Administrator. Attest : J. M. Frazek, County Clerk. 16ar jiw w o Is your time to buy goods at low prices. ACKERMAN BROTHERS o are now receiving a largo stock of SPRI5JQ AND SUMP.1ER GOODS, o all of tho Latest Styles, which m ill sell O AT LESS THAfJ PORTLAND PRICES. Our stock has been lought for cash, aid we will ecu it at a Email advauco above O SAN FRANCISCO COST.. TrE WILL SAY TO EVERYBODY B T T fore you purchase or go to Portland, rr come arul firict our goods aud courisc yourself that we do what wo say. Our ktocM consists iu part of Fancy aud Staple G Dry Goods, Clothing, 0 Hats, Roots and Shoes, Ladies ami Gents . Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer- ios. Hard ware and a great many other articles too miiner- ours to mention ; u ALSO BG9F.S, WINDOWS, PAINTS AND OILS, o ETC., ETC. e o M'o will also pay tho Highest Market Price for O Country Produce. ACKERMAN RROS. Oreiron City. April 9, ls5 tf Administrator's Sale. In the matter of theestato of Alonzo Vell deceased. In the County Court of Clackamas county. .-riaie oi eregon : OTICE IS 1IERERY GIVEN THAT IN pursuance of an order and license made and given by the Hon. Countv Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, at me .prn term, i7o, thereof, I -will pro ceeel to sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Court Hcuse door in Oregon City, on Saturday, Muy llo S'2.1. A. 1. 1675, at 1 o'clock, 1. M., the following described parcel of land, Blt uateil in Clackamas County, Oregon, and belonging to the estate of said deceased, twit : Resinning at the S. K. corner of the donation land claim of Allen Mattoon and wife, and de-signatcd on the maps and plats in the land ollice in Oregon Citv as Claim No. 1.x, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. and sections 14, lo, 22 ami "i3, running thence northerlv along the cast line of said claim 48,236 rods; thence westerly yo rods; thence southerly 2oU rods ; thence easterly 90 rods to the place of beginning, containing 140 acres more or less. Terms of Sale. Gold coin, to bo nald at time of sale. Deed at the expense of pur- O-.nwe-r ATT T7-X- f tTTAiiv chaser. 16apr4v .1 1.U1..1 nyi Administrator. STATE BOARD OF IMMIGRATION. 17OU THE I'URPOSE OF AFFORDING : informaiion to Immigrants and in tend Emigrants to Oregon, now in foreign countries and sister .States, and for circu lating such information abroad by this Reard, all )crsons in this .State having Farms and Lands for Sale or lient. or de sirous of forming Colonies, will please for ward to this Roard as soon as possible de tailed elescript ions of their Farms and lmds, Location, Price and Terms of Sale, or conditions of renting; and all persona desirous of obtaining Agricultural or other Laborers, w ill please communicate direct with this Loarel. i:y Instructions of tho Comm isstonera of Immigration. WILLIAM RKin ofeblm A State Com'r of Immigration. LIVERY, FEED, fiKD SALE M STABLE, riHIE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETOR OF .JL the Livery Stable on Fifth street.Oregon Cit3 Oregon, kteps constantly on hand Saddle and Kuggy Horses, Hugjgies, Carriages and Hacks. Prices Reasonable. Ho will also run a hack to and froro In WILHOIT 8QDA SPRINGS during the sunatner seanon, "rlth tocsd horBca.ooni ietent and gentlemanly Urlter. FAKE AT LIVIKQ EATE8. J. M. FRAZER, ProplU. Oregon City, May 27, 1S73. NEWGOODS AT CAPT. I. G- MORTQPi'S STORE, NORTON, Clackamas Co., Oregon. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD AN JL nou Vice that he has Just received a splendid stock of Clothiiiir, Hoots anil Shoes, I)r3-Coods, Groceries, Hardware, CuUerj, Crockery, lite. Ktc. direct from New York. The stock is tho best and largest ever brought to a store in Clackamas county, anel having purchased it at greatly reduced prices, is able to sell it cheaier than goods have ever been sold before. I am under obligations to my former customers for their liberal patronage, and being able now to accommodate them bette r at less prices than e ver before. I ask a continuation of their patronage, and so licit the trade of all new-comers anel those who have not heretofore trade.l w ith mm, assuring the-m that 1 can ff'vo them as good bargains as can be had in the State. All kinels e f Prod ure taken in exchange for goods. Give me a call anel I will guar antee to give you satisfact ion. Z. C. NORTON. Clackamas Co., Oregon, Mar. 12, 1675. tf II All t JEWELRY. MRS. A. M. BRAYTON, H AS LOCATED IN OHEGOX CITY and is prepared to do all kinds of HAIR JEWELRY, Justus Rood and cheaper, than can be done in ban. rranclsco. She also manu factures hair, straight or tangled, into SWITCHES, CURLS, AND FRIZZETTS. Nice, Fine Hair Switches for sale, at from S toS15. A full line of Imitation Goods at San r rancisco prices. Those wishing work done, or to purchase will do well to give her a call before coin to Portland. R All f-mnmnninif mn. I . . . ; t . . ,,j.j., jiij.1i promptly I answcreel. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Instructions given in fancy work. Silver card-board for sale. December IS, lS74-m o O o o o e o o o o o o o o O o G o o o o o o o e : O o o o o o -J. O Af r t TTvniT -r ,