Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1875)
THE ENTERPRISE. IfoEGDX IK J, OREGON, APRIL Citeiiit Court Oocket. the folliivin- iTThc .locket of the Circuit Court of this county, for the ten.., which convey next Mo.i iUv, Judge Shattuck presiding V WVHi.ner vs John MaRo, ct al. ?i t-V II It ' vs A. K. Wait, ct al K. 1. Stmt h worth th Chas. Ilck- Tl'c Commissioners of Clackamas Co. vs H. I'- Hannah James Norton vs. Tho Yv . C. leie- KTu!l v Vi: vs V. T. Shazer. John K- Foster vs J. H. Wilbur, ct al. O tt ". H- vs Henry Newman. John K. Uw'l'vs Jacob Koop. The W. I''. tV: J-04-"- vs John (iiirtlon. ATPKI-KP CASKS FltOM 3i:STICKS COUltT : Jlanlim; t Potter vs John Schram. Stato of Oregon vs Alphouso I..a A'seeley vs J. II. Feaster. fctjUITY CASKS. Alonro Swartz vs William McCrack- Otl, t-t al. . ... ,, . John Doole, ct nl, vs J. A . Cain. K. S. Kearney jvs Isaac Iasswcll, ct Vtt.wrrt vs Stmvnrt. I,. S. Camplell vs II. li. Campbell, et I. Laura Cogc-an vs George oggan. t'atharifie Marchal vs Alfred Mar shal. Kliza Parsons vh Monro Parsons. 'J'l.os. Charniaii vs II. K.Moore, ct al. J. 15. Miller vs John Irubbs, ct al. Siuan Mall vs David Hall. The following have been bound over to appear leforo the Grand Jury: Stato of Orp-'on vs Daniel Hums, as sault with a.d:ngcrous weapon. Stato vs John Joyce, assault with intent to kill. State vs Wm. Franklin, seduction. l-'inc Fruit. Dunns last season Messrs. Ijovejoy tt Co. Ix-Iow this city were extensively frng:gcil in pitting ni fruit in cans. They met ith good success and their fiuit font a ready market. They put up pcach-.'s, plums, lilack berries and oilier frtii-s, which have lccn pro nounced bv good judges to bo otpial to nnv initorted. About finO dozen cans of "loaches were put up, and a greater amount of otlier fruits. Having met wit h cii'iouratrement and a ready sale for all that tticy put up last season, thev proose to engage in the business nortvxtcnsi ey this season than last. Thev have increased their facilities so that they will Ik; able to lut up two thousand -ans per day, and it is their inteiioii to supply the home market. o 1 ins is an enterprise our ln-ople snouii -iieouraire, aod by so doing, keep t hoiis.ii.ds of dollars in nnr Slate which have heretofore gone to San Francisco to cut ii-li that pi ice. btr fruit is of su-p'.-rior (jualitv. Hiid there is no reason why we s.'miii I not -supply ourselves in this article. It is the intention of Messr. Ijovejoy tV Co. t!ds season to extend their ifiiie-ss to putting up all kinds of vegetables in addi" ion to fruit. We have tried some of the fruit put up by them last .v-aoii, and can recom mend ic to the' .p'lie. It is superior to an y other. a;id the price is less than the im I ior!e. I . 'Orders will be supplied either I'V Messrs. I.ovejoy iV Co., ad dressed to Ukui at this place, or Messrs. Corbilt tv Maeieay, at l..rt 1 oid. We trust our merchants will in future hand Out to their customers not hinir tut Oregon put up fruits and vegetables, thus advancing an impor tant iu'erest in our State. Ni'.iiknaik. On last Thursday even ing. I"ih iii.-f.. t3ie Oregon City String I Sand repaired to the residence of Mr. Koler I Potter, accompanied by some of our citi.eiis. ami gave him a musical blow out u;oit hi- ti fty-uinth aimiver 4ry. After a Jew s'-.vect melodious xtr. Mr Potter made his appearance w ith a graceful 'Invitation to repair into hi- houe. IT ton com ;1 i. uve of said invitation the crowd'' was surprised to tin 1 that Mr. Potter, an old pioneer of O;'0.'ii, having nearly reached t hree eore years, was not un mind fid of his f. ie nd's as before them was spread a npI'Midid repast of wines, champagne, cigars, cake, etc., w hich the compauv enjovcl. Toasts were drank with g ml wdl i n I friendship to the; a few more tunes, and a so pa ra ti n took, place at a late hour of night with kin 11 v feelings and a heartfelt winh that Tii-i days may l strewed with peats', plenty and happiness. Dmr.Nif. A fellow named Frunk Wilbur arrested last Monday for ling drunk o:i the streets. He was tried the next day lefore Il-.-eorder Athy iind lined 5o ami 'osts. Not hiring the necessary coin to liquidate, h-wasc'ommit;ed to jail for live days and to work u the streets. J5ut nut mucli ork wa-i there in him. Street Commissioner Mcldruni, on WkIiics day, borrowed a large sized pistol, freshly capped it, and started out with hi iiiAii; tmt work was not to ni had, mid ln freely threatened to take his departure. The sight of tho big pistol probably prevented him from making tho attempt. Had he known t hen; was no Hiarge in iU-j- pistol. Mr. Meldrum, lrtall probability, would not Ije fur ther troubled with tho re lel lions chap. IJut he was taken liaok to jail, where he now lingers on bread and' water for the trm of his sentence. Citt F.I.I-VTIO.-. Tlie election for city officers takes jdaeo on Monday f M.13 ?d. The .:hiol ifjuesJion liaving been taken Out of theihands of the Council, it a p tears then; is but little interest tken in tho mauter. Would it not le well for our pijbsont city parents to r:ive an accouutjof their stewardship Kfore they ask '.or a re-election? One thing, however, ought to bo decided at the next election, and that is, that 110 man should I o elected who Is not in favor of turning over the st hool house to the district. Wo shall have more to May nwxt week on this and other mat ters, and in tint meantime, wo 1hio that the olty autjioritles will show to tho Mople the ,inaneial condition of our city. Kich Ikon Out:. Mr. V. II. Smith has left at our wTice a piece of rock from an iron le.Ae he has just discov ered on the Cll kamas river. It ni pears to le tho if 1 rotk of the kind we have yet seen, I I iron being almost pure. The ledg, over one hundred foot in width, ami evidently inexhaust ible. The rock 1 .s not vet been tested but the indications af that it will prove to 1k very rich, and leing ltuuit ed near tho river and easv of access, cannot fail to lo of great value, and must attract capital to w ork it out. I'Kttkh following is a list of tho letters remaining in the is7Gnu' at 0r ou Cit' Ai'ril lrton. ( p: Count v Assessor; urrius Thos: Falltrt. " Hamhort, 2; r ,H . ' I.ihn. Denj.; Murray, ! o. 1 . ; Moss, l4evis 1. ; Scott, W. A. ; u-,"!r'r T,,os-: h'l"t(, Saniucl M.; H h.te J W.; ws, James. ,. Jr :ned for, pll Wiosav when "adver tised." 4JM 'rtAVOxt r. M. Attkmi-tfd :.- .rK.Sherill Apper on last Sunda -while visiting the 'ad. found that tho lock on tho door . , cut and evorv arrangement 1 U 11 SUI es"e. Ihit tho Sherirt p.'l nls. 3;es 01.011. mid soon found that irlir, ? ul Valod under his bed an wLV i"n,J a c,,icl, with whiclrthe nl..w- Mono. Durns now ttoT" :f. lr t tor letter pro- liwitki A V '"psfoers wno probably !nent!l?,,if"l.,-,,7I,,hIm tho i,1!?tr f "Tcmn rT' Al9 h SP" the I NARitow Ksr.rK.--iron. IT. Warren had a narrow eseaio from a serious ac cident last week, at McMinnville. lie was going en board the boat, which 1 was lying at me w narr, 111 llie car used to raised the freight up in the warehouse, and no one being at the brake, tho ear descended a distance of about forty feet at a terrible rapid rate, and had it not been for a casecrockerv waro standing in the wav, he would have gone still further dovn into the river. As it was, tho onlv damage done was tho smashing of the case of crockery, which was made into mince mo;it. Mr. Warren can run a land of lice, but he need not trv the exieri ment of running railroads without fas tening the rope. J,kft. The fa mil 3- of Mr. W. W Moreland left on the rover Thursday morning for Corvallis, where they ex pect to remain until this fall, and then remove to California. Mr. M. will go himself to California after the adjourn ment of the Circuit Court. Mrs. 'More land is a most estimable lady, kind neighbor, and her departure from our midst is a matter of much regret to her numerous friends. Mav the lest suc cess attend them through life's toil some journey. liKAVEs Us. Hon Henry Warren and family leave this place for their homo in McMinnville to-morrow. Tho family, as well as Mr. Warren, have won for themselves tho affections and esteem of our entire population, and all regret their departure from out fit v. They take -with thorn tho best wishes of all for their future prosperity' and happiness. Cki.khuatiox. Oregon Lodge No. 3, I. O. O. F., proposes to appropriately celebrate tho fifty-sixth nnniversarj' of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in tho United States, at their hall next Monday evening. The new ceremony adopted by the irand Lodge will be used and short speeches delivered by dill'erent persons. Dam DnoKK. We regret to learn that the dam to 11. F. Caulicld's mill, located about seven miles from this city, gave way last week, causing a suspension ot work until the nec essary repairs can be made. The dam age sustained will probably reach $:500 to Pkoposks toMovi:. Wo learn that it is the intention of Mr. W. p. Durns to remove his family to Portland tho coming week. Mr. Burns is deputy U. S. Marshal, and his business being located in Portland, ho expects to take up his residence m the future in that place. Lahok lion. A largo connecting rod was manufactured in this city for tho machinery of a mill at Cementvillo, Washington Territory, said to bo tho largest ever made in the State. The work was done by J. H. Moore, who has an extensive foundry in this place. Xkw Srocic Mr. A. Levy lias just received his stock of spring goods, and iie is keeping up-with the times in both quality and prices. A largo stock of tin Mulligan ft nard Collars. Cive him a call and examine hisoxtensivo stock. Fink Wkathkii. Tho weather dur ing the past week has been delightful, and everything has put on its summer garb. Peaches, plums and pear trees are in full bloom, and our farmers are busy putting in their spring crops. Foktiik Stikink. Tho steamer K. N. Cooke, so we learn, is to bo taken to theStikine river next Monday where she is to Ih' run during tho present sea son. She is to bo in command of Capt. Jeorge Pease, who is competent to run uoat an v where. XEv.-Mr. I. Selling has a now ad vertisement in to-day's paper, announc ing the receipt of his extensive spring and summer stoek. Head the adver tisement, and give him a call. Ho sells goods remarkably cheap. Nor Found. No trace has as yet Ik-cii found of the body of Sam. New man, who was drowned in tho basin some three weeks ago. It is feared the body has gone over the breakw ater in to the lower river. 1'i:c;:i:si:ntativks. The following gentlemen have been elected Itepre- sentativcs to the (irand Lodge, I. (). O F., from Oregon Lodge No. 3: A. J. Apporson.F. o. McCown and W. H. I'ope. Takk Notick. There will bo a meet ing of the Hoard of Immigration for ( lackauias county, at the olTue of Shorill Apperson, this (Friday) even ing. A lu'l attendance is requested. JrsT llKcr.ivr.P. John Myers has just received a largo addition to his stock of roods. He will sell goods cheap for cash, and there is no need of going to Portland to get bargains. Soi.. Messrs. Ward it Harding, at the drug store have their soda fountain in running order, and prepared to fur nish this articlo to the thirsty. Ice Ciikam. Louis Saul gives notico to-day that he is ready to furnish ice crrnH. and soda water to the warm and thirst-. Give him a call, Nkw Lough. Application has been made for a charter to organize- a new Lodge of I. O. O. F., at Coquille, Coos county. Prospering. The Canemah school is full to its utmost capacit-, and Judge Randall appears to give general satisfaction. The Salem Statesman says: "A lit tle one was born last Friday morning in Dallas whoso paternal ancestor is involved in doubt. The mother is a young lady who hitherto has been regarded as a pattern for her sex. Sho accuses a well-known married man of that city as being the father of the new comer, but those who are acquainted with the gentleman think she is badly mistaken. The mother of tho young mother, who is a widow, was to have been married last Sun day, but this unexpoetsd event has caused a postponement of the wed ding festivities Died. Henry S.XHfu.anc old pi oneer of Oregon, died at Astoria last Monday. lie has been a resi dent of Clatsop county over since 1S17. Samaritan Lodge Xo. 2, I. O. O. 1, elected the following representa tives to the Grand Lodge of Oregon: T. A. Davis, C. A. Dolph, J. F. Johnson, J. II. Lyon, John Rines. m The following are tho Representa tives elect to tho Grand Lodge from Minerva Lodge, I. O. O. F.: T. S. Keller, T. F. Mullcr and C. Von Wintzingerode. John F. Parrott, accused of arson at Salem, has been released on bail. 7"The National Gold Medal was award ed o Bradley A Hiilofson for the best Photographs in tho United .States, and the Vienna Medal for th bst in the world. iZ) Montgomery Street, Sua Francisco. TIRCllAPIIIC NFAVS. New Obiews, April 10. Much discussion and some excitement was produced in political o;w. t by a report, which proved true, that j ... vwr,i.i .iavt- caucus had resolved to seat in the house Charles I) Fl homer and Felix Ynnrli;. c-i. -ir r" VL- r0!0111,"8 ?fc" Helena, and Ct. P. Lurkhardt of the seventh ward New Orleans, all Democrats who were declared elected by the return ing board, in placo of Martinet, llo chen, llorial and Richards, Repub licans, who were seated in the House after the withdrawal of Wiltz ami his followers in January. Tho con servatives contend that all the Con servatives returned by the board were under the award to bo seated, while the Republicans contend that these four men were not to be dis turbed. Marshal Packard said to day that if the forir Republicans were ousted the Senate would ad journ for three days, and if at the end of that time they were not read mitted the Senate would adjourn sine die. Seating these men will rrive the Conservatives a majority on ioint ballot. Another political crisis is im minent, as there seems to bo no doubt about the seating of the Con servative members to-morrow or Wednesday. Danville. Va.. April 10. Ponnrts ' 1 1 ' - ' have been received from all tho fruit growing sections between here and Greensboro. Fruits of all kind have been killed by the cold spell, and A 1 I 1 m ... uie touacco crop has also suilcred severely. ErnLA, Ala., April 10. A heavy frost prevailed here yesterday, continues to-day. About one half of tho coming cotton crop is un and has all been killed. Considerabln ice is in this section. Charleston, S. C. April 19. The frost here last cveninr? caused rrent. damage to cotton and other crops. .Ltoss estimated at Sua),(J00. - -. . CT Or.EYiNu the Civil Right's Rill. We noticed while recently in Port land that the managers of the New Market Theatre respect and obey the Civil Rights Rill. In tho dress cir cle of that place wo saw one of Port land's darkies with his Dinah occu pying one of the front seals, and also observed that there was a large spaco between them and the next white oc cupant of the same scat. It being a very warm evening, we presume Jus tice Anderson did not care to come in too close a contact with Sambo. This may bo popular in Portland, but it seems to us that the managers of that place of amusement have committed an error which will not result to their financial benefit. ' Evening Journal. The evening Journal made its appearance last Tuesday at Portland. It is a good looking paper, seems to be edited with ability and has an encouraging business appearance. It is inde pendent in politics and proposes to lauor ior the best interests of Ore gon. Success to it. Returning. Hon. J. H. Mitchefl is expected to arrive at Portland next week. Ho will probably remain in Oregon until the meeting of Con gress next December. Rom- Found. The body of Capt. Randall was found last week in the Columbia and buried near Umatilla. Tlie "Jtoiianzu." for all. Invalids, by nervous debility, desirous of llfraln t.vlinn the vijror of health and vim ot system, should take a few Ijott.lcs of Jut. 1 I F.M.KY'S CKI.KIlltATKll I. X.Ij. lUTTKUS. llel.,re 0110 bottle is taken they will leel the dawn of restoration, of returning health. Xo case of dyspepsia, indigestion, loss of appetite, rheumatism, kidney or, has over resisted its restora tive jowcr. Kvery part of the human system requires and should receive suste nance and support from the stomach, reg ularly by t lie liver. If tho stomach can not supply the aliment required, tho whole system languishes. Fortify your organs of life wit h t heso bitters, and In a few davs you will feel your whole system invigorat ed ; for every disease arising from disor dered liver, stomach or bowels, it is inval uable; it will revive your shattered sys tem. Dyspeptics and lx-rsons of bi!lioIJS habit should keep it within reach, if thov value health and case, 2:.Sinar:Jin -mlK, U K'X J,"m'- ('f'hs and colds w ill not wait. '1 hey are decept i Ve, ,md pa tient ottcn imagines himself better e ven when ho has not. nse,i the proper treat ment for cure. Attend to it at onr-u. Wis- TAIfS IiArSA.X OF W ir.p ( HEHkV is onr oldest cure- for these complaints. How to get Stamina. iron frames and stron- nervous systems are not tho lot of all. Rut the feeble need not de spair. Uy adopting the right means, tlicy may Jive as long as their more ro bust neighbors. Physical Invlgoru tion is, however, necessary to this end; and while tho spituous tonics and nerv ines usually administered eventually depress both body and mind, l)n. .1. Walk nit's CalikiHiixia Vinkoau 15it tkus, will invariably supply new vigor to the frame, while they regulate every disordered function. Important. Endorsed bv tho Medical profession. Hit. WM. HAI,IAS BALSAM FOR THE LUXGS cures Coughs. Colds and Consmption, and all disorders of the Throat and ('host. K. TOWI.EY'H TOOTHACHE AXODVXE cures in one MINUTE. feblO It is asserted jw a fiict that every canvasser who bus turned hU attention to the intnxluotion of the Xew Family ewins Machine in his lucid ity, or who has been furturate enough to secure an agency, has outstripped the 1-c-t cHerts in making money of the oi l ami airents of the hir'h-pricci machines, which latter they now replace. The demand is enormous, and sales so rapid and money made so re.ulily with mi little effort that farmers, tradesmen, speculators, &o., are fl'ieking into the business as f ist as they can secure territory and rrct their gnods on the ground to supply anxious customers. It is mar velous to see how these machines sell -when ex hibited, it being a recognized fact that ieople will buy the best at the lowest price. It certain ly is the machine of the times and d(-s the same work as other machines at $.S0 or .;m, Hnd we re ally K-lievc it would sell just as readily at double and then not cost halt the usual price of so good an article, for it is astonishing to see the vast amount of labor it performs at so low a cost. The inventers are daily inundated with testimo nials ot the worth of their new machines which so suddenly and successfully bounded into popu lar favor. " It proves to bo just what is wanted every day, by every one, everywhere, who lias a faintly. It has attained an enviable reputation in many thousands of homes and factories, for its solid stremrth, power, rapidity, simplicity, cer tainty, aud ease of operation, with extreme beau ty , fineness, and reliability of its sewing; while tiie wonderful low price (twenty dollars for a larire and complete sewiny machine with a strong table and treadle) places all idea of competition entirely out of the question. It stands alone on its merits and price. We advise you to invest in one at once for your wife, daughter, mother, sis ttr or lady friend and make a home happv, or put them in your factory, or what is better, if you are lucky enough, sw-cure an agency, if there is none in your town, and make money yourself, 'i he many new attachments for doin extra fin, skilful and diificult work, are a. surprise ia their simplicity of construction and- fat below even "grange prices,' and will be delivered safe at your door, no matter how remote you reside, if vou write for them. Address, .T. TIIOAlt-ON, llAXXA ic CO., -Jo; Evuidway, N Y. Stmnil HcallU Maxim. "Order is heaven's first law." This t;rcat maxim applies with peculiar force to the discharge of the vital func tions. Disease inevitably supervenes ujoii the physical irregularity, just as ealamitj' is sure to follow want of sys tem and punctuality in the a Hairs of life, r.ut while it is next to impossible . to overcome settled mental habits of 1 disorder, it is quite feasible to remedy habitual irregularities of tho body. Discipline the unruly organs by wise and timely medication, anil health will le established upon a joriiianent basis. Although there are many remedies prescribed for this purpose, there is not one among them can compare in di rectness ami promptitude- of action with Hosletter s Stomach Hitters. For every disorder all'ecting the bowels, liver and stomach, and for the numer ous symi.-atl.ctic nervous ailments to which alimentary or billions distur bances give rise, the liitters are a most reliable specific. Their wondrous clli cacy is attributable to the fact that they first remove thecauseof such maladies, irregularity, and llu'ii by their tonic oiM-ration "repair the loss of physical substance produced by sickness. Con st 1 pat ion, bill iousncss, dyspepsia, heart burn, sleeplessness, intermittent fevers, rheumatism and nervous tremors al ways succumb to the operation of this satoand potent medicine. A regular habit of body, a good appetite, sound sleep and easy digestion are among the blessings which its uso confers. It in vigorates, relieves depression of mind, and by promoting complete assimila tion, materially assists in covering the angles and hollow places of an attenu ated, shrunken frame with firm healthy llesh. It is seldom that we notice anything in the medical line, nor would we now. unless we could be convinced that we are not doing our dut y as a journalist in recommending to the public the cel ebrated botanical preparation of Dr. Henry. Whoever induces the victim of scrofula or any other disease of the blood, to use Dr. Henry's Kx tract of Sarspai illa, has begun "a good work. There is no (picst'iuii as to the result of this medicine if persevered in. It is a sure cure for scrofula, rheumatism, .Salt Kheum, and indeed all complaints arising from vitiated or impur blood. It is just what a good physician would prescribe for these complaints, and we confidently recommend it as being tho best article now in use. Dr. Jlcnrv's Cough l'.alsam is the most allectlvo remedy for alleclion of the throat or lungs "that we have ever known. It contains no deleterious drug's, and can be taken with impunity and certainty f i el i e f . l'o r t h e cu re' o f co 1 ig h s col d s, sore throat, etc., it stands without a ri val. Dr. Henrys Jjiuiuient as an alle viator of pain, is unrivaled by anv preparation before the public; t lie most skeptical will be convinced by a single trial. Itwill prove itself a friend in need which no family should be without. New Importation. ACKRHMAX imOTIIEHS Have opened one ot the largest stocks of dry goods and clot hing ever brouuht to this market, which was selected' by Mr. li. Ackertnan. All the new shades and styles of lady's dress goods; the new shades of Herl'm cloth are very stylish. They iind it therefore neces sary to reduce the prices of all kinds of goods in order to reduce their large stock which was lately purchased. The prices a re so low that everybody can afford to buy. They will sell soino of their new shades of dress as low as 2" cents, other goods in proportion. As largo ami line a stock of clothing and gent's furnishing goods as t here is this side of San Francisco; the lienor shirt lor gentlemen is the most stylish shirt of the season. We shall be pleased to show our goods to everybody without any extra charge, tiivo us a call. At'K KI'.MAX Huotii Kits. Ct itK r at Onck. Do not treat it light. A cough may prove ihrngerous. A cold may lead you, by sure degrees, to hopeless eotisuiupt ion. In Wistau's 1!ai.s.m ok Wild) Ckuiiy a cure for coughs, colds, bronchitis and whoo-ing-cough is offered. It is well known and is easily tried. All druggists keep it. MAKKIKD. T11 the Catholic Church, St. Paul's, Marion county, April 10th, 1S7.1. Mr. Chas. Dergevin and Miss Kosa Math ieu, daughter of Hon. F. X. Mathicu. NKW TO-DAY. U It EAT ATTRACTIONS! I. SELLING HAS JUST RECEIVED TIIE LAKGEST stock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS ever imported to Or -gon fitv, which ho offers at greatly reduced prices. My stock CLOTHING- Has Jboon largely increased and I can show as handsome a Hue of ready-mado goods in Men and Hoys' Business and Dress .Suits, Coats, etc., as can bo found Inthe count ry, mid at prices that cannot fail to satisfy. My DRESS GOODS DEPARTPJIENT Is filled wit h a splendid assortment of all the leading styles and fashionable shades of goods lOiiipvcs Clot i, Moliuii-M, I-'i-encli mul American lres Goods, illiick.ltimna, lii-illi;ii:!iucx, Caehiin'it', Sic FLANNELS, Tlaid, Plain and Opera Flannels, of all col ors, j, leached and Unbleached Cotton flannels. Ladies' and Gents' l iitlrruarr, Sli:uvlmi(lScnrfs, Wool lilnnUets, Trunk. 11 ml T.iivfliiijr Sntcliels, Huts hii1 C:i), Oil Clot U for I'loorimd Table. BOOTS and SHOES, I would call siK't-ial attention to my stock of Men's and Hoys' San Francisco Boots, which I have sold for a number of years past with general satisfaction. Ev ery pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE & FARMING UTENSILS. Choice Teas, Canned Goods, and all choic Family Groceries, All at Bow Prices. Also, LIVERPOOL AXD C.IRMXISLHD SALT. Highest Price paid for all kinds of Country Prodiicc. 200,000 lbs. of WOOL Wanted, for which I shall pay the highest cash lriee. 1. KKLLIXt;. Oregon City, April 22, 1S75. tf The best way to KEEP OOOIL. during the hot weather is to go to I4OUIS SAA.IS CONF ECTIONERY, Main Strert, Oregon City, and partake of some of his DELICIOUS ICE - CEEAM AND ARCTIC SODA. Ic?-Croam delivered to any part of the citv I'IIEF: OF riixKGE and mado to 1 order. . apr22tf V3- g HENLEY'S idssofappetite:. a A most pleasant and invigorating tonic. Recommended by all tho emi nent Physicians throughout tho United States. Kvery family should liavo it In tho house Read certificates 011 each hottlo. Sold ty ull Uquor Dealers and Druggists. H. EPSTEIN & CO., Solo Proprietors. 51S Froxt St., Sax Francisco, Cai- COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. VTOTICE I IIEUKI1Y C1IVEX THAT jJH there are now funds applieabb; to the payment of the following county ord'-rs, to-wit . Xo. of Order. When endorsed. Amount. 2X, Jan uar v , 1S73 K (M) iEil, February J, " l'l 00 l'ebruarvo, " 1 S!) Februarys, " .m 2: W L77, February 10, ' li 00 February 10, " ti 00 :tii:l, February 12, " 8 W L'tkJ, February 1'., " 1 1 00 o77, March 17, " 4 80 110, Aril 1, " Co 00 181. April 12, " 181 i 18:5, April 12, " 12 00 180, April 11, " US (XI 12!), May 7, " 17 10 :l, May 8. " 4 00 li-iii, May 12, " 27 .S o::o, Mav 12, " IS '.'0 520, May 12. " 2"!l 4 Oil, May 11, " 15 00 51S, May II, " 50 00 1125, Mav 1, -J2 40 5.-HI, May 17, " 10 2!l 00!, Juno i, " 41 0 7(M, .luned, " plti 00 f52, June 7, " 50 00 1150, June 10, " 28 00 I17S, .June pi, a 50 50H, Jntui 10, 51) (it'i'.t, June 10, " 2 70 58.S, June 1!, " 7 41) 002, June 10, ' 1 70 , June 10, 10 50 lies, June 10, . 1 70 tail, June 21, 0200 701, June ;50, ' 07 00 70(i, June 30, ' .... 150 00 KM, JulyO, " 1140 701, July y, ' 11 40 1 711, July 12, " 110 (10 7tio. August 8, 81 10 75o, August, 11, " 21 00 7l i, August lt, " 0 00 8-il, August IS. " 2 00 75ti, S.-it. " 5 40 815, Sept. 3, 11 40 K'.!5, Sept. I, " 101 15 871, Sei-t . S, " 0 00 8H2, Sept. 11, n 30 00 750, Sept. 11, " 10 00 00:S, Sept. 30, ' 150 IN) i'l, Oct. 1, " 72 01 002, Oct. 1, " 50 00 005, Oct. 10, " 8S0 00 !)(lti, let. 10, ' 1 10 00 !I22, Oct. 10, " ISO 10 07S, Oct.. 10, 152 75 '.)'.) I, Oct. 10, " 02 17 0U, Oct. 10, 10 00 Interest on t he above orders will coase from this date. J. P. AVARD, Treasurer of Clackamas County, Ogn. Oregon City, March 2C, 1.S75.- 4w I'iiiiil Settlement ! In the mat (er of the est ate of Jacob Engle, dcet-asi-d. In the County Court of Clackamas County, ( Iregon. HKSKY WARIiF.X THE ADMrXIS tratorof said estate, having tiled his exhibit, for final settlement thereof, it is ordered t hat. .Holiday, llie ilfJJi day of .July, he set apart for said final settlement with the said administrator. I'.y order of said court. HK.VItV WAKIM-:X, Att est : J. M. Kkazkr, County Clerk. lflaprlw Is your time to buy goods at low prices. AGKEOijN BHOTHERS are now receiving a large slock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, all of tho Iatost Styles, whlcli will ecll AT LESS THAN PORTLAND PRICES. Our stoek has been bought for cash, and we will sell it at a small advance above SAN FRANCISCO COST. 1 in: WILT, SAT TO EVERYBODY T.E- V fore you purchase or go to Portland, come and price our goods and convince yourself that we do what we say. Our stock consists in part of . Fancy and Staplo Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Roots and Shoes, Radies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Groccr ics, Hard, ware and a great niany other articles too nuiher ours to mention ; -ALSO DOORS, WINDOWS, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETC. We will also pay the Highest Market Price for Country Produce. ACKERMAX BROS. . Oregon City. April y, 1S7 tf W. II. JIIGIIFIELD. Established since '19, at the old stand. Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. rfj An assort mnt of Wat hes, Jewel JVK, ry.and Keth Thomas' Weight Clocks ct- aU of wn,ch are warranted to be as represented. ft"R'Pairing done on short notice, an J thanktul for past patronage. MAKE HOME HAPPY, $20 $20 $20 And earn 30 or ? to per day IVIarvelous Mechanism. Ingenious Invention. Absolute Perfection. AX t LEti AN T, lit" It A 1! r.K A N D VUI.L-SIZE fc ts to i Mm' K WITH TABLE AMD TREADLE Complete for Oumcstic ITse TWENTY DOLLARS- CripuriiUvled in priee. Willi iii:iny i:miiUiiit, superior anj valuul4e improvemeut.-s. ivjuid m h', iiTul dees 'he same work, in the K-ime way as an .S0 or maeliiae, Tlie, simplest and eliept'st uiaoliine ever made. Written guarantee fur live years with every liiaehiae. no scrr.Kion: xo ("omit-titiox : xo RIVAL i" UCALIT Y nnd l'lUCK. A skillful and practical wieutirie aeeoi--ilish-liient. ot a most weiuierlul cimVination of h!1 the pood qualities of u sewing- iu.-ihin, and fully ue-k-.iowleilged to be a erfi't-tly siuVcs-stu! meelian- ical fachievomeut "I pr.-ieticul simplicity. Thor ousfhly tested. Used in thousand of home The favorite of the family circle. Tt does not tak an hour to iret ready to do a minutes work, but is idaya rvady in a momeut to ao a ilays worn. It will save ita cont many times over in one Heason, doing the work oft tie family, or it will earn four or five dollar a day for any man or woman who may wish to do wwin lor a livimr. It is so plain ana easv to leuvn, ami smooth to nm, the :lnl!reii nn.l servants can nse it to strong ana solnl hunt, it win 1:11 a genera tion it T'rom-rlv i-ared for. lias 1:0 s-atHiinuous eog-s or cams 10 grci oui 01 order. Sew equally line with coarse cotton, linen. silk or twine. Rapiillvsews a slrontr scam over all kiuos of pocnis, troia linest cambric to heaviest broaiieloth and leather without stonpinjr the macliinc. i;uns Jasler, liirluer, more easv and quiet than any other machine at live times the price. I ses the strong straight neeihe. Marvelously true in every motion. Hew tin; linest, firm and l;ktiu stitcli. Makes the onlv seam that ean not be riped apart without clestrovin-r the fa brie. 'J lie sticnrrth, le:tnty evenness and durable quaiitie.s of which have lon been acetfieil. Will sew anything it is liofsibie for a needle to go through. ill do ever- ile--eription of sewnicr ever done on any oriier niarlnne 110 matter what the price. anil with les.- trouble. Will hem, tel. tuck, quilt, braid, cord, bind, trather, rufHe, shirr, pleat, fold, scollop, roll, em broider, run-up-breadths, ice., &c., with aston ish i urease, rapidity, and neatness. ll:ts received testimoiiialsot its merits from all sections ot the country, marics ot tlistiiiiruislied consideration seldom voluntardv aeeorrtcd to au invention ot similar domestic usi-iulness. Our manv Xew Attachments, l'atentel Aue. Ifi. isro: Sept. 1H71; July 7, 1.S72. Made to lit all machines, are the attainment of :recision in mecii i ideal accuracy for reudeiinjj it easy for even those who never saw a machine before, to do the finest kind of fancy needle work, other wise dillicult and tedious, with the utmost ease and rapidity, ."simple is construction. Xeeds no teaehin-r. Money refunded after thorough trial, it' not satisfactory in every particular. Cash Prill's of Machines Machines with plain table, iron stand and treadle, complete with all the necessary fixtures for immediate Use, $:(). Machines, with cover, "nx-k. anil key, half case style, .f-1. Machines, w ilh cover, drop leaf, four side drawers locks, keys, &c, three quaitcr cab inet style, $ 10. Machines with enclosed table, side drawers, pan. -led folding door., locks and keys, full cabinet style, f 7". Tallies are of various styles, mateiials, lnount imrs, richness of desirn, ."c, nccordin.trto price. Machines i-irefiilly pc-leeted, securely packed and shipped as freight io any part of the world. Safe delivery nsured on leccipt of price witliout further chaives. Descriptive books with illus t rated eimrMvincs of tlie dilleretit styles of ma chines and attachments, laive jirollts, testimoni als, samples of sewiii'-r, liberal inducements to conva-ssirs. Wholesale j-iices, forwarded free of climyc uio: njijilieation. lCxclusive arency for laiye territory rrated era t is to re spoetab.e, cnturjirisintr business men, elerj-ymen, teachers, ic., wiio will ititio luce the extraordi nary merits of our ;'oods to the people of their locality and v the increasing demand. Ad.'ress, J. Thomson, Kanna &. Co. iu? Uroiidway, X. V. lOruarly WAGQN AliD CARRIAGE M A N UFACTOBY I rilUE DXDER.SIOXEn, I having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand on the Corner of Main and Third Street, Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of informing his old pa Irons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, wit h ample room, good materials, and the very best, of mechanics, to build anew, re construct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete, any sort of n vehicle from a common Cart t o a Concord Coach. Try me. mnxUsmillkf njr, Horse or Ox Shoeing and General Jobbing neatly, quickly, and cheaply done. DAVID SMITH. JOHN S C H R A m , 3Iun St., Oregon City. )IAM'FACTLRER AXD IMPORTER OF :??? V ir i ... -7 T XrillCII HE OFFERS AS CHELVP A8 1 V can bo had in the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. eyi warrant my goods as represented. 1,000 DEER SKIHS W ANTE D, -AXD ALSO, A IX OTHER KIXDS OF HIDES. FOR which 1 will pay the highes market priee in cash I'.ring on your hides and get your coin for them. JUllIS SSIJ1KAM, Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, lS7i-m3. J. p. WAitB. GEOItGE A. IIAKDIXG. WARD &HAEDING-, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A general assortment of Drus ixrul Cliemicaltf!, Perfumery, Soaps, (iimhtaiiil liruslioB,, Trusses. Supporters, Slionlder Urates I'unrj- nnd Toilet Articles, ALSO Kerosene Oil, Lamp Cliimncys, Gl:is, Piitly, 1'aints Oils, Viii-nUhes and Dye Stuffs, ri'RE WINES AND Liqi ORS FOR ME DICINAL PURPOSES. PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. eyphysicians Prescriptions carefully CfJiniiouudcU, and all orders correctly an swered. By Open at all liours of the night. KAMI accounts must Ij? iabl monthly. novCtf AVARD & ILMtDIXO. Administrator's Notice. AOTICE IS IIEKEHY GIVEN THAT . the County Courtof Clackamas coun ty, State of Oregon, has appointed the un fiersigned Administrators " of the estnte of W. W. Cooke, deceased ; ttierefore all per sons having claims- against said estate will present them tothe undersigned prop erly verified, at the ofliee of Johnson A Mc Cown, In Oregon Citv, within six months from date. W. H. C )OKE, FRANK W. FOSTER, . Saprlw Administrators, fly For the very best Photographs, go to Uraclea A Ri'lofsox's Gallery with an Elevator, 4J0 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Administrator' fcal.v In t her tnrftter Of thf crrnr- HT Mn Well deceased. In tWCuuityCotirt at Ci.'ckamwf eoffnty State' Of Oregon ; . . -; OTIPE IS IIEKKHY ;;Vi:X THAT IX pursuance of an order and license s uiatle and jriven bv the Il-m. ouniy i mm of fbiekniiiaa Coinitv, State !' ore.irun, at the April term'. IS7A. th'-r'ol. I will pr-" ceeil to sell at public aflctam totlie liiy;best uiuier, at ine . ourt Htus uHr in r"tioir City, 011 Salurdaj-, May tlipl il. A. li. is?."i, t 1 o'fliitk, 1. the follow! np: described pnrs 1 of land.'slt uated in Clackamas fount v. n-n, and belonging to tho estate ,, I' "said dec-asel. towit. : ree.iniiinir at t he s.- K. rortu-r rf tho donation land clnivn of Allen Matd.u and wife, and dcsignsU-ed rtn flu- ftsaps nnd plats in the land ollice in i-f;ti Citv :is Claim Xo. IS, T. V, S., :'. V.. jii-.u sect ions 11. 15,22 and 2:1, running thence i-.ortherlv along the east line of s:iid claim is, 2"if rods; thence westerly ! rods: thi-nei southerly SOros: t he n c-caster! v x rol to the place of lieginninii, cud. -lining 1 111 iicres more or less. Terms of Sale. ;old coin, f"o l.o paid nt time of sale.- Deed t tbo of ir- chaer. Ald.F.X SlAl lOfrX 16a pr ! t Adm i-n isf ralof.- STATE BOARD OF IMMIGRATION. IORTIIE PURPOSE t.V A'FFORDINf? : luformaiion to Immlgratits nnd in tend Emigrants to Oregon, now U foreign Countries and sister States, :ihd tor circu lating such information broad l.y this Ihxird, all persons in this state having Farms and Inds lor Sr.le or Rent, or de sirous of forming C'oloni- s, will ple:se i.r ward tothia I5oard as srtr.n nr osKiblo d tailed description. of tlvir Farms aneV Lands, location, l'riee :md Ti-rms of Snlc? or conditions of rent ing : a iul a II pfsoiis desirous of olt aining Agrien ii unt &r tln r Iji borers, will please coiniimniralH direct with this Hoard. Kv Instructions of the Commission rs tt Immigration. WIId.lAM ItKlD, oteblm A State Cnm'r of Immignition.- LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE o milEUXDERKIC.XEI'PIUH'RIETOlJOF 1 the I a very stable on liith street, Oregon City, Oregon 'keeps constantly on hand Saddle nittl Unjrfjry Hore--,- Uiijf files, C'axrfstj- a ml llmkv IPi'ieet IxeaoiiMblc. He will also run a hack to r.l.d frtim the W1LH0IT SODA SFF.ItlCS luring the summer' s"ason.. with gool petent and gent lem. -inly drivers.- PARE AT LIVING RATES. J. M.-FR.M'EIT, IVopi-ietOr. Oregon City, May "JT, SUMMOM8. In the Circuit Court of t he Sf ..Te of r go?- ffr I'lackamas eountv. S. Ii. Campbell, plaintiff,- vs. Wm.- P.. Campbell, John Tt. Camiell,. Hector P.. Oimpbell, I !orace s. it 111 plx 1 1 , Ellen M. Wait and J. K. V:iit , ;arv K. I.uelling and Alfred Fuelling, 1 liarlt sA (.ampbi-ll, Antoinette 'i 01 g od and hi f heirs, .Sarah 1. Grout and hi r In-irs, and Oregon and California Railrtad .'oiip:iiv defendants. To John H.Campbell.TIeclor'P.Ci.n.i Lk-H Antoinette loogood, ;:ri.h I, (.rout and 1 loraet Campbell ot t In- a I'mve MAirit defendants: IX THE XAME OF II IE STATE OF Oregon, you, and each ot you nr- here by required to appear in t he CjrCud tourt of the Wate of Oregon for 'lacl; a mas-run 11 ty, on or before the first il ay ot the in xt term of said Court , to-wit : tlie 4tii Holiday in, i . 1). Is75, andanswerthc complaint of the plaintltr in the above entitled mit, or for want thereof the plaintiff will- take judgment against you tor the relief dt. luandeil in the complaint, which is for a partition of reji property in Clackamas county, State of Oregon, or which the following is a l.ri.f description r Claim XO:, rW-ing p.-vrt or section 25 in T. 1 S., R. 1. K.,. and claim Xo, 11, Iwing parts of sections and in T. 1; S., R. 2. E., both containing (il l and $1-100 acres. Also 80 acres in the North Wst portion of section 31 in T. 1 8.. R. 2. E Also 5 acres in section I'S in T. 1 .S., R. 1 E.v and in section 3(5, T. 1 S., li. 2 E. This summons is puldisrieel In accord-' ancc with an ordi-r made by the Judge of the above named Court, which order wa made at Chambers on the L'lt h da v of Fcl ruary A. I). 1S75. W. W. MOKEIAXU, marowti Attorni-y fr Plaint ilf.- ISTKW GOODS AT CAPT. Z. C KORTuH'S STL RE, NORTON, Clackamas Co., Oregon rpiIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD AN JL noil nets that he has Ju.t received splendid stock of Clothing, Hoots aud Shoe?,-Ir3"-C;oo!?', C;rorioi, HardVva'ro", Cutlery Crockery, I-Uc. Klc. direct from Xew York.- The stoek is fbc Ix-st and larirest ever bronv-ht l-o a .tot i?-j Clackamas county, and having purchased? n :i greaiij- reaucea pries, is aiIe to sell it chcaiierthan goxls hav ever i-en sold before. r I ani under obligalioh to my former customers for their liberal pnrronagvand' being able now to nccomindat; th-nv better at less prices than ever before, I a1e a continuation of their patronage, nnd sv licit the trade of all new-comer and ihnn who have not heretofore traded with- me, assuring them that I can give them a good bargains as can be had In tho StJtn All kinds of I'rodnce taken in exchange for goods. Give me a call and I will guar antee to give you sat isfaet ion. 'A. . NORTON. Clackamas Co., Oregon, Mar. 12. IMPROVE YOUR POULTRY. It costs no nu rn tv Reca god low? fan jioor ones.. OaklniMf l?oiil(ry YAIM'), Cor.' Sixth A Castro Sis, ()AKI.AM),CAI. Season of 1875. EGGS FOlt HATCHING G From the largest and lest. bred Fom-1s In the Workl. Carefully packed and warrarfcd to carry safely any distance. The Varieties comprise Dark and Eight Prahmns, F.niT and Part ridge Cochins, White leghorns, Honda n and Silver Spangled Hambfirgs. Clack Spanish, Whit" IWTtings, Golden Polands, Aylesbury Djcks, and Game. Sebright and Clack African Ran tarns. Eronze Turkeys, the firv st collection on the Pacific coast. 3Send stamp for illustrated circular to Importer and Dealer of Choice Poultry.- liox iio9, San Francisco. Please stato what paper you saw this ad vertisement in. febl9m3 HAIR JEWELEY. MRS. A. M. 6RAYT0N, H AS EDCATED IN OREGON" CITY, ajiu is prepared to do all kinds of HAIR JEWELRY, Just as good, and cheaper, than can Ikj done in San Francisco. She also manu factures hair, straight or tangled, into SWITCHES, CURLS, AND FRIZZETTS. Nice, Fine Hair Swltclws for tal at . from 5 tojl J. A full line of Imitation Good at San Francisco prices. Those wishing work don'', or to pnrrhaso will do well to give her a call before goin;; , to Portland. All communications by fnall promjly answered. All work warranted to give satisf action, t r Instructions given in fancy worlt.' - Silver card-board for snlc. ' . . ' December 1?, ISTl-Cia