Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1874)
V) o o O O G O O o e 3 S C G O n o O o o c 0 THE ENTERPRISE. OKGfiV HTV, OREGON, AO.. ?7, ls7-f. " ' A Hl'liAli l'ICTUIili. , J'.V Al'S J Kit. farmer sat Wfon' his tloor To catch the evening Breeze, Ilr. toll old jokes oft' toM before, Vn1 latihcl anl took hi-s ease. His ripening crop was gathered in, Anl worthy price would surely win. j lis li'ixiim, comply wife sat near, ml in his mirth took part; She loves her husband's voice to hear, And prompted l-ini with art. He deemed his own, a ready wit Nr dreamed that she suggested it. Across the green, with lauh and shout. The farmer's sturdy sons, All romped and jumped, or marched nix ut With upright poles for guns. Kindly the lather chide their noise 'Twasplain to see ho loved hi.s boys. I was a stranger acd a guest. To mo these friends were new ; I envied them their lot so blest, And thought thejr sorrows few. Far from the trialsjof the town, They seemed secjire from fortune s , frown. A babe the wife held to her breast, And hugged its tinder frame; Its little rosy ham I pressed, And irentlv its name. She told me that JV called it Paul. " What, and tin's iLAiotiicr !oy?" . The words thou--' idly .said, Straight from her bright eyes cuased the joy, And all her color fled. The farmer turned his head away, Ami then I saw 'I ras streaked with gray. "Our lirst-bom was ji girl," said tliey, " Rut deep in earth's cold breast, 1 Ter loveliness was JLid away, Just as its worth lis guessed. " And grief had wan V ed even here And clasped their O'ids across a bier! Willi many glowing jewels set, Their circle complete: I thought love's chain unbroken yet, Safo in their lair retreat. The rim? had lost its central gem ! A t riven chain was left to them! In vain we guard our cherished things, From dark misfortune's brinks: We all have wept o'er broken lings, Or chains with missing links. And the gems that we prize, Always are the earliest lot. SucciucUj- Slated. In a communication written by a New York merchant, and published" in the Stat during the late political campaign in that tate, the princi ples and purposes which controlled the notion of tho JIadical parly for years past arc succinctly stated. First, paper money; second, protec tion; third, stealing. all they could; fourth, muzzling lb j Frcss. The paper money policy is roakang working men, farmers, manufactur ers, and merchants poorer. JJankers, brokers, and speculators who are sharp can do well. Protection as it now exists has driven our ships from tho sea. The practical operation of it i.i to protect foreign manufacturers who pay in gold for" our cotton and wheat,' and sell their articles at high prices for paper moriey. No kind of regular business is prosperbus or can be with protection and paper money. These two bring m the third item, namely, stealing, and as the Govern ment rewards the thieves and pun ishes thoso who expose them, that branch of business (ft it may be call ed so) thrives. The -politicians get rich, Credit Mobiljers, back-pay. Tho Toland rau'e was a sly -scheme, the product f an infernally cunning brain, slipp 1 in at thelast moment in Ocmgres.?. It will be ex ecuted as a law whenever the party Glares. The newspapers say too much just now to make it wise; but let them give over printing about it, then somo ouo will bo grabbed up -and hustled off to Washington, where 5islrict justice will bo pure, like District honesty. . With such a record of the past misdeeds and future vile intents of the party in power, if it any wonder tli at tho honest nmse3 of the Ameri can people in the late elections set the seal of their condemnation npon itr ? Cokkect. Did yc over sec a wo-'j man throw a. r.tnnc? l:::z cvica- cious member of the human family j is tip in the garret sorting over pa per rags. She receives, by intuition, information that a lijY has somehow got iuto her verbef bed. With cliaracteristic agilitV?ho decends to the garden, and gracefully picks up a stone, dropping, off her glasses and loses a spool of thread, a pair of cis sor.s and a tape-line out of her pocket in tho operation. She peaks around the corner of the house, and spies the animal. Cautiously she advan ces until near onough, then she ele vates herself, throws back her neck, poise3 most gracefully her left hand and lets lly, aud strikes her next door neighbor, who happens to be in the garden weeding, plump on the noc. And then hen, oh. where is she? Readers, this is no fancy pic ture. You never knew a woman to hit anything with a stone she ever aimed at, even were it the broadside of a barn; but give them a childJ across their knee, and (we know by experience) they never miss the mark. And vet we love them. Still, a Pownu r' the Liaxd. The IjOuisville Co"tier-.foni-nl re gards tho result of the fall election as arr overwhelming revolution, not a mere revolt, but says the Radical party is still a power in the land, and must be met by a policy national and positive, not negative, on all the lead ing questions of the day. It says the danger and weakness of the De mocracy is that the accident of suc cess has caught it with many uncer tain dependencies. ''Assuredly," it says, "we owe our victory to our lib eralism, and we must keep on liber alizing. Success should make us neither exacting, nor critical, nor inert, nor narrow. Steady is the word." Not Mmi Like a IjOcal Issue. The Democratic vote for Con.crress lacu ia Oliio is The liaili- cal voto is -213.175. Tho Deniocratie vote for Congress is, live him.lrca ! or sevcu thousand be 0 jobs in Washington! pickings and stealings all around The Republi can party mis i ton so long in ptfwer that the fctel lig business is well organized. If !-." O O tit' more than for Secretary of State. ijwsi. Tho Kartieal vote tnousana pERsoxs indebted to less. Tliis shows tS on national inu. w oaa services rena. . , -i t I S- i i . ous to July 1st. iSTi. are herebv i.?.iucs nu new i mean prompiiy and make nav THOMAS CHARM AN ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZEN'S of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on hand and doing ousiness on the old motto, that A Xintbte Six Pence it Better than a Slow Stalling. I have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the . LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Roots and Shoes, . Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints nd Oils, Sash and Doors, Chinaware, Queensware, Stone w a re, Crockery, Plated vvare, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy Xo- Hope, Faming t ions of Every Ini plcmculs of Description - All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, OA Cloth, Wall Paper, elc Of the above list, I can say my stock Is the VI O S T COMPLETE ever o.Tvu in 1 his markei, and w.m -elei wiMi -o-'cu'l care oi-t he Ureiron C:i v trade. ll of which I now offer ior sale Ptlnc Lo'.veii M.ket Ra es. No i! -o for t ho 1. idies, or any o.ioelso, to liini ; ot toiii,; to I'ort land to Lit v ooiis id' 1 m J)'-te,-,iii,nil to Set I Cheait rud not to nr.ov ikiyseit 10 ue IWDEUSOLD U THE STATE ORCCO.V. All I ask is a fair chance and quid; pay ments, believing as I do thai. Twenty Years ExpeWence in Oregon City cna hies me to know t iie r" iuirements of the trade. C' one and all and see for yourselves thm tiie old stand of THOMAS CIIARMAa ii.iol he oca (.'Mi i.i q.iality or jvric. It would be useless for me to toil. you alllhe pdvantagr-i I can offvr you in the sale of jroods, as every store that, advertises does l hat, and probably you have b'rn liispp poinfd. All I wish to sy is Couic, niltl Srpjniul Examine for Yom-srlvrs fori do no wish to nia":c diy inistakes.' .ly o'ljfi t is to tell si !1 my old friends now lh'illYini still alive, and desirous to sell ,-fiods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms ns agreed iioii. Thunkin all for the libor p.l patronage heretofore, bestowed. THOS. CIIAt: '. AX, Main Streci, Oregon Ci.y, Ieral Tenders and ComilvS j inl nt market rat-s. THOS. CH ARM A N. tr6i),000 lbs wool w.,!i"(lliv 1HOS.CHARMAX. NOW IS THE TIIhE TO suiiscrjr.p: rou THE ENTERPRISE. 32 50 lKli YJKAT7, T.A r-"DLE IN ADVANCE. Each number contains the LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, From all Parts of the World ; A Carefully Selected Stuamary of STATE AM) TEKKITOrJAL, NEWS IT EMS; A Corrected List of tlie Dlarket', Zii Portland, San Francisco and Oregon fity LOCAL NEWS, EDITORIALS, On all Subjects of Intercut to the FARMER, MERCHANT OR MECHANIC Also, Carefully Selected MISCMLLANEOUS Ki:T :. In Short, it is in Every Ilcspect a LIVE NEWSPAPER. Tilt: I3XTJEU IMC 18 as Having a lance and constantly increasing Circulation in the most populous part of the State, offers superior inducements to those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements Inserted on 'reasonable terms. The Campai-n of 1S74 will soon begin and it is therefore a good time to Subscribe in order that you may be posted on currant events Send in s our subscription at once J. P. DAVIES. JOSHUA DA VIES. J- P. DAVIES & CO., AUCTIONEER S AX'D COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FIRE-PROOK STOXK UriLUIXG, WHARF STREET, VICTORIA. B. C. Liberal Advaurcs Made on Consignments. July 2, 1S7I :ly rn FOR red previ- requested nient. NOHKIS. ud in Uhio. i oct--tf ik. J. w. AUCTIIOX AXD COMMISSION. A- B. RICHARDSON, Anolioiieer, Corrnerof Front t Oak st.; Ioi tlnuil Auction Ssiles I Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Mcr chanuise anu nurst-.-. c LE DAYS Wednesday and Saturday ' A. 13. KICHAKDSOX, Auctioneer. At PiriYsitc Sailc. English Tteflned Bar and Pundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel, Horse Shoes, ltasis, Saws.Screws, Fry-Pans, Sheet Iron, It. G.Iron. ALSO A large assortment of Groceries and Liq uors. A. 15. RICHAKPSOX, Jan. 1, 1373-tf. Auctioneer. NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. First Street fjetween Alder and Blor rioii St., and Aliler Street between Firt mul I'voiit Street. J?oi land, Oregon. AN INSTITUTION DESIGNED TO PRE pare fiftVS, YOUXG and MIDDLH AtfJiD MliS" ior Pusiness Affairs. II. M. Dci'ttAXCE, : t t President. V. 1 iVJUl'K, : : : Secretarv. For n-'.fitii'iii; a Pruetirxtl Hit-tines Iirtuca tioa this instltuiioii offers Superior ad van tajres, and is acknowledged bv I.?ading Lin in ess Men to be the best Co-iimercial Col 1 eo o. t.'.p Pacific Coast, and second ; o none, ilacti Department is First Class, and is mi ucviho special charge of i:xp; :tur.NC". rKAdtKR-S, ami tin- vhole selol iiuid r the immediate . i.K-rintenden.-e of I he President and Secretary. 1 he school room and counting" art: unif"d upon a plan thai secures to i'he student aU t he practical ae-aitantg-"s of each, 'i iiere i in oi--r "tion A BAAKLVC: IIOf.JE felly Illustrating that business. The saioe system being observed in each depart meuf , the student 'buy, sells, ships, barters, con signs, discounts, insures, dra s ehec!;. Dof'S and drafts gives leases, (ieei's. J C, j nd jO"s ? hro ( he -mi tire routine of ACi UAL IiCTSI.ES. In aiUii.ig io the completeness of i.he In stiliKiO'i the proprietors have insi;-eicd a SK!M:MiiJ iir;T FU" UIHKS. The "iiiraiice to iixins of thiI xartmn. is ujon Alder street, and aci.-ess to t'-"m is had only by the teachers and I ely stu dents. Pare facilities are otr-T 'd to ladies ior aeouirinv; a Vhor.-Mrh ICiiowledg" oi" liusin.-ss Practice ; or Tel fcTpby and P'li iilnshi . Tlie DPAITlirWT OF T2LZ-JBAPHY is in charge of flrst-clas o.iern.or- aui' teachers, and up;.lied with all thea--paf-nt us of a lirst-cl.iss office. Tli is Institution as no' conducive' c laims to have facilities for -urting a t lioro.1 411 knotvledge of the Art of IVmiiU ih.-Im! t hat iiol one in tr.i of tlm r.oixic-vs Cor. T.KGKS no"" in existence pos"ss '! : the 1); jinrtment bring under the sjx'cial s.ijerin-len-lenee of one of I he Leai'ing l'eiinirii of i he United States. For full particular s-md fo- r MIOVAL r.L'SIXKS.S COJ-I.KGK .lOLTKN I, I'm to any part of the coiiiitrv free. Aciu.'ss. Del'HA.VfH A Wit 'K, T ock Oox 10', Port la ne. O -go, . fo i? e " ! To ue v ! MONEY TO LEAD IN SIT. MS OF $-K0, and upwards. Oregon City, March 10, 1S71. mal-Jtf JOHNSON &. McCOWN. ir:Ahi;r: iy G E NTE G AL M R R C M A X D I S E, corner of si:v:::fTn axj) .vaix snii:;:':.. onr.uox crrx. Has J n t tioieived a Xew St. ek of Calicoes, Dress IJod.'s, lirou ,i nul El?. c-Jieil Shecii.i;,-, House ImIii.'a, Shi. i' i, Tyble-Linc.i, It ih IjO.soih Linens, Linen Towelling-, Taljlo-Cloths, Corsets, L irics'aiul (Jcnl.s' Itose, Tlireatl, Caiili ies, Button, liibljons, L.-f os and I nscrtions, Kmbroidery, White Goods, Millinery, F.i.icy Goods, vc Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDERN'S SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lohijis, Wicks and Chimneys AVliicli ltave bee Heleceil willt 9tet-iul cure fur liiatket and cunitot UESI'KP.SHE11 IX aCAMTY OK PKICK. TIIR lIIKIiraT MAKKI'VT I'HICK PAID LOU COUMHV PnODL Ci:, March 13, lS73:if SOLDTGUS' War Claim Agency No. "I Itliiotomery IMock, SAN FK VNCISCO, CAL. "r H. AIKEN, ATTOltXEY-AT-LAW, ? and Commander of the Grand Army of the ltepublic in California and Nevada, will give prompt attention to the collection of Additional Travel Pay, now due California and Nevada Volunteers discharged more than three hundred miles from home. Soldiers can depend on fair dealing, information given free of charge. When writing enclose stamp for reply and state company and regiment and whether you have a discharge. Congress has ex tended the time for tiling claims for addi tional Painty under Act of July 2S, 1SW, to January 1S75, so all such claims must be made before that, time. Original Pounty of $11)0 has fwen allowed nil volunteers who enlisted before July 2"Jd 1S(11 for three years, if not. paid the same when discharged. Li ml Warrants can be obtaind for services rendered before ls.r.5, but not for services in the late war. Pensions for late war and war of 1S1J obtained and increased when allowed for less than disability warrants, but no pensions are allowed to Mexican and Plorida war soldiers. State of Texas has granted pensions to surviving veterans of Texas Revolution. New Orleans and Mobile Prize Money is now due and being paid. V. H. Aiken also attends to Genera I Law and Collection business. ttmo. A. C. WALLINC'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. PittocU,4 lluibliiijr Corner of Stark and Front Streets. PORTLAND, - OREGON. BLANK HOOKS RULED AND POUND to any desired pattern. Music books, Magazines, Newspapers, etc., bound in ev ery variety of style known to the trrade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. WILLIAM SINGER HAVH HSTABLISHRD A FACTORY FOR THE PwUNUFACTURE OF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, AND MOl'LDIXCS OF ALL SIZES. They will also do Turning of every de script ion to order, VTTII NEATNESS AND DISPATCH! xf"A11 "wrk warranted-. Shop on the City Mills L,(vls' ynor Opposite Oregon COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF C.fiXIFORiNIA, mm MEXICAN Mustang Liniment was first known in America. Its merits are now well known throughout the habitable world. It has the oldest ana best record of any Liniment in the world. From the millions upon millions ol bottles sold not a single complaint has ever reached us. As a Healing and Pain-Subduing liniment it has no equal. It is alike, beneficial to MAN AND BEAST. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. S. T.4860-S Yf OLD Homestead Tonic Plantation Bitters Is a iurely I'ceetaHe Preparation, eotnosed pf Calisaya Bark, Koots, Jerbs and J-'ruits, among' -which will bt found Sarsaarilian, a su.clent quantity (only) of the spirit of Sa gar Cane to Keep in any climate. Whey inva riably relieve and cure the following com plaints: Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liz'cr Com plaints, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Bilious Attacks, Fever and Ague, Summer Complaints, Sour Stomach, Palpitation of the Heart, Gen eral Debility, etc. They are especially adap ted as a remedy for the diseases to which WOMEN are subjected, and as a tonic for the Aged, Feeble and Debilitated, has no equal. They are strictly intended as a Temperance Tonic or Bit ters, to be used as a medicine only, and always according to directions. Soli by All First-class Druggists. LIVERY, FtED; TiMEF'SALE r p n e u n i ;: i : s i a x i : o it.o ph i eto rt o f JL the i .ery Stable on Pilth si reet.t )regon City, Oregon, kerps constantly on hand Saddle jiiid Kiiy Iloi .-e--, Hogies, ';i i i-iij,es u ml Il.icks. r-ices lca. oiuiblc. ITo aKDitui a h;ick to and from the WiLwMT SuLA SFRIfiCS during the smiiivr season, w'll gooe horses.eoiii pei em a nd gi-ul.lema n I T ; ri rs. IAiv AT LIVING r.AIES. J. M. Vt VZKII, P. : 'lor. Oregoa C::y, ! ly -J7, 1ST':. Established in IS(30. IB. -A.. II U G H 32 S WOULD ANNOUNCE TO THE CITI zens of Oregon City, and vicinity, that he has purchased, litted up and tilled the store 0PF0S1TE THE POSTQFFICE, on Main Street, between Third and Fourth, Oreyon Citv. My stock consists of I).-y-GooIs, Clothing:, Pool h anil Shoes, Groceries, Tnteiit Melifiiies, Pfifumcry Ilafsand Caps, Plat m!-AVm ic, I:ilieH'' and Gents FiirniHliing Goods, C'ltina Tea Set, Tal)Ii Cntlrry, Hosiery,, Crockery, XV i n tl nw -G lass, G 1 a ss-AVa re, Yankee Notions, Hardware, FARMING EMPLEMENTS, kopp:, GKAIX SACKS, &c, .Vc. Having been established since my long experience in business enables lue to know what to buy for this market. MY STOCK OF General IMei'cliaiTclie is Large and well Assorted. There is no house in the City that Can Undersell Me. SMALL PROFITS AND QlTfK RETURNS, Is nay Motto. Call and Examine my Goods 1efore purcliasinr elsei liere, anil I vill suit yon. B. A. HUGHES. Oregon City, July 17th, l7i. Dandelion, U i.a t-Herry, oassayras, i ansy, Gcnitan, Siveet Flagt etc.- also Tamarinrf Dates, Prunes and !.p.:ter Eerries. 6rescived in r i Visjxjab BrrrEK3 the most wonderful Invigoraut that ever sustained the sink ing system. No person can take these Litters according to directions, and remain long unveil, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital or gans wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Kemittent, and In termittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of 0Z7 great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Tearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, nnd many others, with their vast trib utaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of un usual heat and dryness, arc invariably accompanied by extensive derange ments of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essential. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dk. J. Walkee's Vinegab, as they rtH "speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with the Ritti:j;s. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Jiidisrestion, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Diz ziness, Sour Eructations of the Sto mach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bili ous Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Tain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas. Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous In flammations, Mercurial affections, Old Sores, . Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc In these, as in nil other constitutional Diseases, Dr. "SVat.kt.r's Vinegah Bittees have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory or Chron ic lihciimatism, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. rer- sons engaged in Taints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To K'.:T.i gainst this, take Dr. Waiter's Vin-eoab Bitters. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Decolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Fin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thou sands, aire effectuallj' destroyed and re moved. No system of medicine, no ver mifuges, no anthelmintics will free tho system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so de cided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Wood whenever you find its impurities burst ing through the skin in Pimples, Erup tions, or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure, and the health of the sys tem will follow. It. II. ITIcIONAI,I &, CO., Druggists & Gen.Agta., fciau Francisco, Califor. jlia. A: cor. of WhasiiiRton U Charlton St.,N.Y. Hold by all Urujfiists and Dealers. NEW OFFERS I NEW IDEAS ! See the Grand Gifts of Our Fireside Friend to its Subscribers. Entirely nciv ami un precetleiiied, nil el sticli as 'will interest, every one. Von miss it if you don't send for tani !! and full yn rl iculars wliieli are sent frre ! SEE THE GREAT UAT11I OFFER ! OTTR FIRKSIDF: FKIRVI) is now In its Fifth Volume, thoroughly ostahlished ns I h leading; family and story Weekly in tho Union, has the largest, circulation, f nd the hest appointed printine: and put lishing establishment and building in the West. Is a large eight-page illustrated and original family Weekly, price f-1,00 !er year. Kvery subscriber receiver a magnificent premium and a share in the distribution, Subscribe now! WE WANT AGENTS. We want a representative in every neigh borhood. Nothing equals it fcr agents, male or female, young or old. iAtrqe Omi Wvd aivl n Sujtrrb Cttiifit, exclusive ter ritory, which is rapidly filling up. Must apply at once. Subscribe by sending $3,an, and receive the pacr one year, a magnifi cent premium, a share in the distribution, and receive also Frke a Complete Outfit, or send for particulars. Xante territory de sired In writing. Address Waters & Co., Publishers, Chicago, 111. Fon S vr.K. We will sell either a Flo rence or irover te JJaker Sewing Ma chine at San Francisco nrieea. Ini order that those who desire a machine, and are not able to pay the entire amount may bo accommodated, wo will sell them on the installment plan, payablo so much p?r month until paid for. IMPERIAL MILLS, Savior, Lallocquc & Co. Oregon Cit. Keep constantly on hand for sale Flour, Middlings, B'an and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sack. MBR CIIA JTDISJi. JOHN MYEBS, OREGON CITY- DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, A X I GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Books and SLationerv. I will pay the highest prices for and all kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE, I will sell as low as any house In Oregon for CASH Oft ITS HQ VI VALKXT :n CJood Merchantable Produce. I am selling very low for CASH f I IIAjV1. CASH PAID FOR t'OLXTV ORDERS Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21. 1873. ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB OFFICE OREGON CITY, : OREGON. WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE all kinds of JOB PRINTING, such as CARDS, RII.LrllBADS, PAMPIILJilS, DUHDS. MORTGAGES, LABHL.S, X.HTTRR-HBADS, in fact all kinds of work done a in Printing Oflice, at PORTLAND PRICES." ALL. KINDS OP LECAL BLANKS constantly on hand, and for sale at as low a price as can be had in the State. Work Soliclccl AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Oregon City. March 21. 1873-tf. For Sale ! About 150 pounds of long prim er, of which this is an impression. Has been in use but a short time, good work. Price 25 cents lb, either tied up or in cases cases extra. ALSO, A small font of Xonperiel of which this is an impression. Price S3 cents Iff Jb. As good as new. There is enough to set about one column of this rper sli4. Address this offi'-e- 1 R- R- R. ItADAVAY'S READY KEJUp CUKES THE AVOll ST PL in From One to Twenty Minute NOT ONE H0UE after reading this ndertisrif nf nn , one suffer with j ain. KAIiW-X v I..V nrT RELIEF is a sure cure lor ev. rv . -jAIjV was the first and Is 1,Un- It TJie Only PIn,iy that instantly ft ops the most exemi- . pains, allays Inllaination, and ciiiw . mentions, whether of the J.unus Rowels, or other glands or organs i.v ac,, application, in iroin One to Twei'itvW1"- utes no matter how violent or excn,V.V'!" ing the pain, t he Rheumatic, nci!-MSri'"u Infirm, Crippled, Nervous. Nuralitkn prostrated with disease may suffer or KADAYAY S READY UELlKp will afford instant ease Inflaniation ol the Kidneys ln0.m-.tlon ofheY-owj,t ,h? rj'. Sore Throat, I.iffiajhe L""K. . . Palpitation ol the lie-. Hysterics, Croup, Dyj theria. u art- Ileflaehe T..,.. ctanrh- Influen2, Cold Chills. AKueffi? hc".m The application of the Rcadr KeliVr the part or parts affected where the SSmfoAUMy tXiStS Wl" airrU ase 3 Jtrttd,?18 ha,f a t,,,"ler of water will in a few moment ve CramuV Spasms, fcour Stomach, Heartburn iick rfeadache. Diarrhea, Dysentery, 'coij W ind in the Bowels, and all internal pains" Travelers should always carrv a bottle o1 Railway, Ready Jtelief wi,h them few drops in water will prevent sickness pains from change of water. It is letter than French lirandy or Bitters as a stint- FKVKK A AO AG IK. Fever and Ague cured for Jiftv cent There is not a remedial agent in the world that will cure l ever and Ague, and all h. er Malarious. Billions, Scarll t TvtVhoi i wlv' her revt-rs (alded by a ft A1 J l II. I .so iuick as It-VDW-w KEADY KKI.IKF. iSttv cents Vr Louie Sld by Druggists. HEALTH ! BEAUTY!! r'. ViS and r.;l,rG licn niood increase rit-Mi iim; wii-nt-cic;ir skin and be All complexion secured to ail. uiti- U I? . 3A J3 W A Y S SARSPARLLIAW RESOLVENT has maue the mot astonishing cures; so quick, so rapid are the changes the bodv ii n Uergoes, 1 1 n o er t h e i n II uen ce of t h is t ru lv Wondertul Medicine, that evev day an in crease in Mesh and weight is seen and felt. THE ;RKAT BLOOD Pl'RIFIKR. Every drop of the Sni-.p:trilli.-iit Ile.ol vent communicates through the Blood. Sweat, Urine and other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound n material. Scrolula. Syphilis, Consump tion, Glandular disease. Fleers in the "throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and ot her parts of t he svstem. Sore Eyes, .Strumous Discharges from the Ears and the worst forms of Skin diseases Erup- " tions, Fever Sores, Scald Head. King Worm Salt Kheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Sw,t Worms in tite Flesh, Tumors, cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges, Night Sweats, Loss of sperm and all wastes of the lite principle, an' within the curative range oi this woud r of Modern Chemistry, and a few d:s" use will prove to any tersoti using it lor cit hi r of these forms of disease its i otent i-owt-r to cure them. If the patient, daily becomes reduced I.v the wastes and decomj osition that is con tinually i rogressing. sueceetls in arrestin" these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made iroin hea It hy l,hK1d and this the Sarsj arillian will and o'.ms secure. Not only docs the Sarsparillian Uesolvent t-xccl all knoun itiiniiil agents in the cure of hronie, Scrotiilou. Constitutional, and Skin diseases ; Li t it ii the only positive cure lV.r Kidney and IJIadder Ct m plaiists. Urinary and Womb diseases. Grave; 1 -.. betes, Dropsy, Stop; age ot Wat. r, Ui-iiiti-nence of I rine, I. right's Disens Ail liini nuria, and in all cases w h re there nr. brickilust dc -posits, or 1 he v.attr is thick cloudy, mixed witli sul-stances l:k- 1 1 white oi nn egg, or thre.-uis like w hit- silk or there is a morbid, dark, billions a ai ance, and w hite bone-dust Iesits ami when there is a i ricking, Lurning s ns;i tion when passing water, and pain in f r-'-small of the back and along the loini. Price, $ m. 0 e OU.if S. '. he onl known and sir,.' Remedy lor 11 onus Jin, 'Jape, ec. Tumors of ! Viars' Ci.Mxth m.d i,v Kuclvsay'g Itetoleiit. KEVKiti.y, Mass., Julv IS is.,:i. Dr. RAPWAY : I have had ovarian J u morin the ovaries .md bowels Ml i i).-Din-tors said "there was no help for it " I tried everything that was r -coinmenl d -but nothing helped me. I saw vour Uesol vent, and thought I would trv it ; lut had nofaithjnit, because I had' surf, red tor twelve years. I took six bottles of the in solvent, and one box of BadwaVs 1'ilN and two Uttles of ycn:r Readv Relief - and there is not a sign of tumor t"o U- si-en or telt, and I teel better, smarter'and ham i' r than I have for twelve years. The v.ort tumor was in the lett side of the l.owei over the groin. I write this tn .n t,r n..'. i" tn tiers, i on can publish it you choose. HANNAH 1". KNA1T. if 1 J "i . 3 ? A 1 )"VAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, ix rfectly tasteless, eleantlv coated with sweet gum.purg", regulate, purit v. cleanse, and strengthen. I'.adwav's Fill's, for t lie cure of all disorders ol the Stomach, I.iver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Dis eases Headache, Constipation, Costive ness. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Billionsiu ss. Billions Kl VIT lull:, Itl luttn .f Mm lr.ti . els, Riles, and all Derangements of the internal Iscem. Warranted to affect a )x.sitive cure. Rurely Vegetable, contain ing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. "Obscrve the following symptoms, re sulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs : Constit ion, Inward Files, Fullness ot the Blood in the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, TSmicoru Ilearlhurn, Disgust of rood, 1-u'lness or Weitrht in the Stomach. Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at V . '-HDinacn, swimming oi inn Head. Hurried and difficult breathing. luttering at the Heart, Choking or Suiro catingSensations when in a Lving Posture, limness or vision, Dots or webs before the Sight, Fever, Dull Iajn in the Head, Te n dency of Perspirat ion," Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Fain in the Side, Chest, Limbs, and sudden Flushes of Heat, Burn ing in the Flesh. A few doses of IJiidwnyVs PHI will freer the system from all the above named dis orders. Price, 125cents ier box. Sold by Druggists. ltead False nnd True." Send one letter stamp to Had way A Co., No. hi Maiden Lane, New Vorjc. Information worth thousands w ill be sent yoe. Jifly 2t. lS71:ly AGENTS FOR TilE EATER PRISE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents for t lie Enteri-kisk : O Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 10 Park Row, New York. Coe, Wetherill & Co., 607 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Abbott & Co., No.S2 and Si Nassau street, New York. Portland.Oregon L. Samuel San Francisco rs; St. Helens, Colombia count v S. A. Miles. Astoria, Clatsop county A. Van J Miser Salem .1 L. Williams. Harrisbunr T. II. Smith Lafayette.Yamhill county LUFcrirusom Dallas, Polk county Eola Jacksonville , Tientsin count v ...Dave Holmes: B. ity R. K. Hanna. W. A. Wells (rallis Hon. John Burnet r. Canyon City.Grant co W. B. Ijiswell Albany -A- N. Arnok Dalles, Wasco county v N. H. y,"4 IjtGrande, ITnion ctunty A. "'. Craig l'cndleton, Umatilla county, S. V. Knox Eugene City.., Roseburg..... ., Lebanon Jackson ville Long Tom ......... I J. .tl. IIM1III1""" i F. I. Bristow .Hon. I.. F. Lane IC. T. Montague- I J. R. Ralston Hon. F. D. Foudray- ..H. C. Huston. CLACKAMAS COOTY. Reaver Creek...- Butteville Cascades Can by Cutting's , Eagle Creek Harding's , TiOwer Molalla... Milwaukle Oswego Upper Molalla.... C. F. LV'Rfci" John Zuniwalt Henry McGugia J. W. Strawscr I. Wright .".'".Frank W. Ftistcr ....Capt.Z. C. Norton W. Moreland ".John Hagenlxrger John Roole r.....W. If. Vaughan A. NOLTNEB NOTARY PUBLIC. ENTERPRISE OFFICE. OREGON CITV. O O G G