Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1874)
o o 0 0 13 -- k x THE ENTERfRjSL the Home Manufactory, At the meeting heTd in this city some ed by those tfnfynntlon. be answered nttnIA person, chair that time Capt. ressed a let- fc.r-1 cood water . . "VlSXSZot rin this factory, I'lKt thevll show Cy their liber al thitK mean business in this sht,V,i; Nolfdnirshould -e left undone temnu'h the desired end. The V -aC? iworth goins after, and if we Ur we . S expect others to help oIve. we 'J'1" ,'.,, make an effort UH- . ,?r rf tho icthaiKV i" which we hftV.'"naified to long for the good of our town. I ecti -RK.-I.ast Monday evening Kev. Thos. IS. Van. Horn, of Vancou ver delivered the first lecture of the course f r the benefit of the Library. The audience was not as large as we had hop -d it would be, winch probably was ow.njr to the very bid weather vet we think that our citizens should turn out better for such an object. The lecture v as very interesting, and while it differs iiiatei-iallv from present writ ten historvof the battles of -Missionary Iti.lire and Lookout Mountain, it cor- rsioiias verv iavor,ioiy nnu mu a- f 1 the lecture as a iKikiim. " '-n r Z. ... .-.Ml.ful i.ri .;-iifjLl ion of the facts. and future history will give them as presented bv the lecturer. We learn that he has "written a history of Lien. Thomas, che Napoleon of the northern arinv, in which many facts will appear whieh have thus far escaped t lie public press. The next lecture will Ikj deliv ered bv ltev. 1. J. Price, of Portland, nubjret, ' irit or liow to succeed." Mr. J'riee 'has recently arrived in our State ami has d-.'livered a number of lectures in 1'ititl.u d, highly spoken of by the lN.rtl nd press. Ve trust there will be a full attendance next Monday even ing. Ofkh kus Ki.ktki. The following Mitlfiuen were elected Directors of !ri1 li.-itriet Xo. ftJ, (Oregon C'itj') at mii.f ii'.-r liiltl fit tho ltinrt 1Tiiu Hi lvmt TiifS'i iy evening: Jolin Myers, J. M. l'i;.'- and Henry Warren. A. .N.iltuer v hs elected Clerk. The ques- :is to ie legality ot tins tiistrict rd by .Induce .Shattuck, at in-xt Tuesday, under an will !' l! Portland azrrcil c:i Ix'tween me i itv uouncil I i rectors. Tin's will set- HI tl I I J ;i i J f -'ll nut it c I V .11. ' I fur xniii time iiast, and we trust it uti will ituf ::i eu l to the matter. The -nit-iif n w!io have been elected as 'I i rectors, ari of our most enterprising, and have always shown a .r ;er spirit for the educational intcr- -ts of t!e- town, an 1 should the case J .leci'l-d in favor of the District, we knivvofii - iM-lter ci-st,iis that could hVi Ik-cii seleetdl to. conduct tlie school, and we feel confident that thy will ver lalMir to sustain a crelit- nlle sell i! in our town. . t'Ai.!.K: 1-We liad a call this week from M r.Iliiiackenbush, who is here r. present II; the Xortli Pacific Insur ance Life tr-soeiation, which has reeent lv twen ( rn !c 1 at Portland. Ifthe t'timpan v l no other ni'rit than that it i a hour; institution, this would le i -ient . r ir p ijil f t. p tlroni.o it. tiiit ..ii...... i :.. r.nt ...l . .i nil, lb WiH.-i.T I Ull' I Jll- emciits than eastern companies, as i x:i!iiii'ition of their plan of ojiera- an i tiou fully ios. i ne men connected with this i t'Tpriso arc among the first business u oi ron.ann, ana meir agreeinen uic poncy noKiers t.,ii.. ti will Ui I. -mii, i .w i u:u wilt. Alicrv nre tIi us;o- ls of dollars annually go ing out of -i"'oii for e which ur to i Kept at home Cuanok. -TIie steamer K. N. Cooke was takciiMirough the locks la.-t Tues l.y evening to run on the upper river. This leavevthe Senator below the falls alone. W. I lcam that the . .S. N, Co. are going siui.l up one or more of their hoat-s to run in connection with tliooldlmcv How- true this report is, we cannot i y. Hut one thing is sure, l ie N-natot l-umiot takeaway the freight brought dovn by all the upper boats, jMueh nuinoer now seven, and capa ble or bringing down alout4,t)ii0 tons ijor week :; .-So, taking these eircum--Unees int-v consideration, we presume inat the t,l 1 Company has formed a comb,at,ou with tfieO.S. X. Companr. iVrW'!! to rn opposition to the fL" m 1 ' J ',ere is I dent v of work :,V"7" :UII t the steamboats tight Mi h other. It is so much better for the 'i'i'-. i.kttkr JVsr.-The following is a hit of th.M.etters remaining in the Post-office rTOregou fit v. Xov 9T, is7i Ih .l1;., ; Aramlner Ar.ninda IJell; m rs. ' 'ii hpr i. .. , . r i , ' . , v.i4; inuriow, Arirv: Wil- If cllfi.i r. please say when "adver- i inert. J. M. HAro.v, P.M. H.4I.I.OL''s oxthi.y Magazine fou "lie HeeemlKT number lKCKM BK rt o' Ilallou's inning magazine is issu- and cent dories and wlr" l:r?e.vanery ?f a 1 1 . There areJ,M wiUl t n ever. ri.'henr.. :,'r!st'P. tal anl verses, trillinif;' , .T ' mieresting localities ome 0f etK;Vrn'fa vild ad venture, am vernnL.'6 ,U'st domestic tales tha i;I"!r; E. ;7 , ie,t at " "ico a most in- "niiA,i i mi.i, in n c er I?!lstrd patent carpel wo have sone neatest things 'hose who 7." for the purpose, and (lonsho, i,i ' au earpet to put tainl v verv h T he-V are cei-'TiK-tsatLt )l dty; Wl11 tretch the down nUSv UU?r of lutt'n one wiIlV " WEEK-Iror. Plummer U n,f ! ne f his "Cresting enter- the Prof is?;,,! ,Vrrpeole know th"t him Hp f". e by going to hear " new- Go and hear him. ,hvwi&?-TK J1 is ePected that Kffiil the ,h. "I,n. a"v first ns to the amount cap wo"lrSt aV'. emanJed, to increase, ltal: I'Vmillion dollars. Number to,7Y i rsfrom start of works to Witli- in live fg location, it is under hundrf a- the stockholders BtooJ by a";!k, s"all be loeateil at the that the ork.s saaUost favrable biJ 'Iho unJeMtamlins and positive As lt i? Y,1 Vncrisise the capital stock intention tojncr (before corn- t)Sistv thoua csi, subscrin- i,iencif? "pVsirable, as either this tions are must ac . ... - . ,u.Min vui" " ougiit to l Kept at home. We lelievo that every nan should in some way m.ike prov ion for his family in oas'e of death, and therefore are gfal that a rIiaMi; cottipanv has been organized in our owi. State. w Miirket Report. The market remains about the same ag qnoted in our last issue. The wheat market in England is quoted as fol- 'Califoriiia white wheat, 9s 4dQ10s 4d ,r cental at Iiverpool. Cargoes do. on passage or for shipment to Queens town for orders are quotable in the London market at 45s Jdft4Us Gd per quarter. Oregon cargoes of good grade com mand an advance upon these figures of sav -idfoSd. There are now nine vessels loading for foreign ports at Portland, and the rise in the river lias caused wheat to come to market very fast. The V. It. T. Co. have all their boats on the trade, and all the boats of the ). S. 8. Co. are running. There are probably enough boats now employed on the upper river to bring down 4i,000 tons per week, and at this rate the vessels, with what the railroads take down, will soon be tilled up. jold is quoted at 111. Greenbacks, buying at l)c and selling at !le. Our' millers are paying 7072 per bushel for wheat, the latter figure only applying to large quantities and of su perior quality. Hutter remains very scarce and sells readily, good fresh, at 30 cents per pound. i!ggsare also very scarce and find ready sale at 30 cents per dozen. The pork-packers in this citv are via vi nor (iOil cents wrtmnnd. 'Xrade has l;en very fair during the week, !Vl considering the low price for wheat, hiui been better this year than heretofore. This is, prolbly owing to the fact that our merchants are better prepared for the demands than ever before, and their prices have been made in accordance with the times. Besides, our farmers find a readi' cash market for all their produce which the3' have for sale. Wheat in Portland is still quoted at SI .15; in San Francisco, SI 47cSl oO. Fggs are in fair demand at Portland, while butter is in good supplv, with prosect.s of a decline from former quo tations. Arrksteo. J. II. Flynn was arrest ed last week, at Oswego, for threaten ing to commit arson. He was tried lie fore Justice P.urns and held to bail in the sum of S-j(M). Last Wednesday the prisoner appeared lefore Judge Shat tuck at the special term of Court and showed that ho could not give this amount of bail, anil the Court ordered him released on his depositing the sum of $.30, which he did and was discharg ed. RE.smxKr). Capt Geo. A. Pease has resigned his position as Captain of the lower river boats. Mr. Dan. McGill, well and favorably known to the pul lic, has taken his place. Capt. Pease is one of the oldest steamboatmen in Ore gon and we feel confident that he will not remain long on drv land. Exhibition- and Ball. Our citizens should remember the ball and exhibi tion to be given by tho Ture Vereins this (Thursday) evening. A splendid time may l expected by those who attend the ball, and the exeieises will be more interesting than heretofore. We trust there will bo a full house. Si'kciai. Tkhm. The special term of the Circuit Court which met in this place last Wednesday, was convened for the purpose of hearing the case of Werthinier vs. Mattoon. The case was settled by stipulation, aud the Court adjourned. C.vr.i.KD. -We had a call last Weilnes froni Mr. II. Y. Thompson, who was in town attendanding the special term of Circuit Court. He has been quite ill for some lime past, but we are pleas ed to state that be is now fast recover ing his health. Skm.ixo Owr.-Mr. I. Selling offers his immense .stock of goods for the next thirty days at cost for cash. Thi-i is an opportunity to gel y-uir goods cheap. From tho Sentinel we learn that henceforth Catholic services will be celebrated regularly in this place every Sunday. Frr.r-. The warehouse of the O. S. S. Co. at this place, is rapidly filling up with wheat. ti:li;(;i. piiic n i-; vs. New Yokk, Nov. 12. A special to the tJreitii'j Post from Washington says that the President, in a conver sation with several persons who have called upon him during the present week, has expressed himself quite unreservedly in regard to the politi cal situation and the causes which led to the recent Republican defeat, lie maintains that his Administra tion had nothing to do with it, and that the Democratic successes are di rectly due to loose and bad legisla tion "by Congress, the failure of Con gress to mature bills that would have given permanent relief to tho coun try, to local troubles in several States over which his Administration could possibly have no control, and renora ination of bad candidates. He be lieves the party will endeavor to pur ify itself, and that the Republicans in Congress in the coming session will walk circumspectly and not for get what is duo to the great party which elevated them to power, and confidence will again be restored to the minds of the people, and the party two years hence will bo given a new lease of life. Grant does not seem disheartened at the election de feat, but is firmer than ever in adher ing to the policy laid down in his an nual messages. November 21. Tnseambia, Ala., was visited by a tornado on the 22d inst. One third of the residences in the city were destroyed, twelve persons were killed. Most of the substantial brick buildings were de stroyed. The bridge of the Mobile and Chattanoogo Railroad was de stroyed and a freight train precipat ed into Spring Creek, but no one was killed. The Mayor has asked for assistance from the neighboring towns. At Montevallo, Ala., by the same storm, several houses were de stroyed, two persons were killed and many injured. Heavy storms are reported in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland. A Brick wall of the round-house, at Keyser, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was blown down and two workmen killed; several injured. Unconfirmed rumors prevail that forty persona were killed by the wrecking of a train at the bridge of the Memphis and Charleston road-. Washington, Nov. 20. Delictives Beach and Hester, who figured in Alabama so extensively before elec tion, have returned to Washington. J udge, Poland says that the reports telegraphed from St Louis, purport ing to give his views on the Arkansas trouble, were purely fictitious. He was waited upon in St. Louis by a number of reporters, all of whom he received at the same time, and he absolutely refused to say anything upon the subject. Each reporter published as a fact what he supposed Poland would have said had he said anything. The Judge says the difli- rr: culty is wholly susceptible of settle ment in the Arkansas Courts, aud that a case is now pending there be tween Brooks and Baxter involving all the issues between Smith and Garland. The Cabinet session to-day contin ued nearly three Lours. All the members exc3pt Postmaster ttwni Jewell were present. Arkansas mat ters were subjects of comment. At torney General Williams submitted telegrams from Senator Clayton Wl several State officers, urging the rec ognition of the Smith party by the Federal Government, but the general opinion of the Cabinet was that since their last meeting nothing had oc enred to alter the decision made at that time. The Government has in its possession no such information as would justify any interference with the controversy of that State. Gov. Garland, of Arkansas, telegraphs to his counsel here to-day from Little Rock, as follows: "All i3 peace no disturbance." - Washington-, Nov. 24. The Pres ident has ordered the removal of the Surveyor General's office from Eu gene City to Portland, Oregon. Philadelphia, Nov. 24. Wool active, but not higher. California fine medium, 3035c; coarse, 25 35c. MoxTGOMEi:r, Ala , Nov. 24. Gov. IIou5ton was inaugurated to-day. In his address he promised a faithful performance of his duties and said citizens would be1 loyal to the United States Government obey its laws cheerfully. They would ask the right to govern themselves Tintram meled by unwarrantable interference. Little Rock, Nov. 44. Governor Garland issued a proclamation this morning offering a reward of 1,000 for the capture of Smith and $500 for Wheeler. Columbia, S. C, Nov. 24. The Legislature met to-day, and ex-Congressmen Elliot was elected Speaker. Among other proceedings of the Third District Court of Utah, we find the following? The United States vs. George Q. Cannon; indict ment under the act of Congress for polygamy; ordered that defendent give bail in $5,000 to appear from day to day to answer said indictment. The defendent is the present Dele gate to Congress and has been re elected. ' Salem papers state that it looks to them as if Albany was going to get the Home Manufacturing establish ment. What is Oregon City going to do about it ? Wake nj. There is no time to be lost. Sentenced. Thos. Gerrand was sentenced last Thursday by Judge Bonham to be hanged on the 15th of January. Notice of an appeal was served by the counsel for the pris oner. There are six divorce cases on the docket of the Circuit Court for Polk county. Tli Senson of Intermit lent. All miam;itic complaints, In other words, all disorders generated by unwhole some exhalations from tho rtl or water, are prevalent flt this season In every sec tion subject "to the visitation of f-vor and ague or other forms of intermittent dis ease, the causes which produce these mal adies are now actively at work. This, therefore, Is a period of the year when the inhabitants of such districts should pre pare their system to meet the unwhole some condition of the atmosphere, by a course of tonic and alterative treatment. Foremast unions the invigorants, recom mended by time anil experience, as a means of fortify ins the syst -in against all endemic and epidemic maladies, stands I Iostetter's Stomach Hitters. Whoever have traveled in the West or South knows full well the esteem in which this incom parable preventive and restorative is held throughout those regions. It is literally a domestic staph: in the swampy and meph itic localities which lie on the borders of many of our large rivers and in the neigh borhood of our Southern bayous and la goons. Now is the time when the inhabit ants of all mahirious districts should put their system and constitutions in good de fensive trim by a course of this iowerfiil vegetable antidote. Hy this means the feeblest resident of an unhealt hy soil may escape the sickness, which without the aid of this potent ally of nature, will b apt to overtake the strongest. Chills and fever, bilious remittents, constipation, rheuma tism, dyspepsia and many other com plaints are frequently brought on by the caprices of temperature and alienations of very cold a nd excessive moisture com mon in our climate at the commencement of spring. Ix t all who desire toavoid these distressing ailments take tho Bitters as a safeguard. A Thaniianit Ilnnkmplrlra Would not create as great a panic In com merce asthe withdrawal of Hale's Honky of Hokeiiocxi) and Tar fronitho mar ket, would create Among the sick. The reason is obvious. Tens of thousands of both sexes would be bankrupted in health by such an event. The famous sjwcific is effecting such cures in cases of chronic cough and cold, influenza, bronchitis, bleeding from the lungs and apparent con sumption, as have never heretofore been accomplished within the memory of man. Pike's Tootii-Ach e Drops-Cure in one minute. FIFTH AND LAST Of I FT CONCERT, IN AID OK TIIK ri'BLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY. A Card to the IubIIc. The management have determined to have the drawing of the Fifth and I.ast (.Jilt Concert of the Public Liibrarv of Kentucky, on tho :ioth day of No vemlier next. We believe now that all the tickets will be sold, and that the drawing will be a full one, but whether all are sold or not the drawing will nevertheless cert.iinly come off on the dav appointed. The special object of this card is to call a meeting of the ticket-holders at Public library Hall, on tho2oth ot o--vi'inlier, to make arrangements in con nection with the committee ap pointed by the Trustees to superin tend the counting of the tags represent ing the numbers of tickets sold. While there is no actual necessity for the pres ence of ticket-holders, as under our arranirement-s the interests of all are equal! v cared for, vet at the same time I would gladlv prefer that as many as can, would attend this meeting, and see each for himself how perfectly fair and impartial the distribution must be. Kverv arrangement has been made for theMrawimr. but little more than a month remains for the sale of the re mainder of tho tickets, and whatever is done must Ik? done promptly. TlIOS. 11. JiRAMI-ETTK, Agent and Manager. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 'Si, 1S74. novl3w2 Plain Questions for Invalids. Have tile routine medicines' of the profession done you no good? Are you discouraged and miserable? If so test the propert ies or the new Vegetable Specific, Dr. Walker s California Vinegar Bitters, already famous as the finest invigorant. corrective and alterative, that has ever seen the light. Dyspeptics and persons of billious habits should keep it. within reach, If thy value health and ease. Halis Vegetable SiliciaxIIair Be newer now stands among the first, and is ahead of all articles for a similar purpose. The testimony of our physieians Is conclu sive as to its vaiue ; and we are personally acquainted with scores of cases where it has been used with the best of results, lt will rstoTu siray hair to its original color, and leaves it glossy, and in a healthy con dition; while, for heads troubled with dandruff, at any disease of the scalp, it act like a charm in cleansing them. Try it, and vou will not be disappointed. Lowell Courier May 2, 1S&. Forthe verv best Photographs, cro to Bbadlea fc Kulofsox's tiallcry with an Klevatob. 42) Montgomery oireet, San Francisco. NEW TO-DAY. SELLING OFF AT COST FOR CASH, The Entire Stock of CL0THIN0, DRY GOODS, BOOTS. HATS, ETC., ETC. FOR THIRTY DAYS At I. SELLIISTGrS 0 All AND SECURE BARGAINS. Oregon City, Nov. 27, 1874. rpo WHOM IT MAY COCEUX, JL Whereas, I, Joseph C. Ocer, ri'u in formed and believo that under date of De cember 1S50, there was issued In my favor under the Act of March 3, 1855, a Mil itary IVmnty Land Warrant, number 5a, for 100 acres, and whereas said warrant was never received by me, nor have I sold, assigned, nor in any manner disiosed ot my right, to the same ; and being informed that said warrant when issued was deliv ered to one J. T. Xeely, whose present place of residence I cannot ascertain, nor can I learn what he did with the said war rant ; I hereby give notice against the pur chase or location of said warrant, as I in tent to apply at an early day to the Com missioner of Pensions for a r-'issue of the sa me. Jt 1SKFII O. UEKU. Dated this 11th day of November, 1874-Iw COME AND SEE US! ALL PARTIES IIAVIXG ACCOUNTS with Willijtiiin oi; Hording can sec how the same stands at the end of the month. We want some money. oct'JOtf Farm to Rent- rilHE UNDERSHJXED WILL RENT JL his farm situated on the Willamette river two miles below Oregon City, and containing :iM acres, for t wo, thre or four years, on liberal terms. The farm has ISO acres under new fence, 'JO ucres of which is beaver-dam land, nicely seeded down to timothy, and is one of "the best meadows of the size in the State. Adjoining this meadow, on tho one side, is a Held of li acres, well set in timothy and clover; and on the other side is W of slashing, done over a year ago, and burned over this fall. It's convenience to market, whether to Portland or Oregon City gives it superior advantages. I will only rent to a k-rsun who will live iwri and work the farm. I have also a half sect ion of good land, 40 acres of which is under fence, situated alxtut three miles from Aurora, which I will sell on reasonable terms. For further particulars auulv totheun "r"!o"eu at ins rosidence in Oregon Citv. JOHN W. MKUUIUM." Nov. is, 1874-w. ESTJtAY. C1AME INTO THE ENCI)SURE OK J the subscriber, on the l"t h of Novem ber, one chesnut mar.', white strip in her face, three shoes on, about fifteen hands high, and jM-rhaps seven years old. Can be found IS miles from Portland on the Foster rorid. The owner is requested to come and prove property, pay charges and take her away. CI IAS. M. McLKUAN. Eagle Cret k, Clackamas Co., Or. Nov. 17, 1S71. novJOwl Reject nil Violent Pur trail yen. They ruin the tone of the bowels, and weaken the digestion. Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient is used by rat ional people as a means of relieving all derangements of the stomach, liver and intestines, because it removes obstructions without pain, and imparts vigor to t he organs which it purifies and regulates. Sold by all druggists. For Sale. A HORSE AND BUGGY HORSE PER- fectly safe. Apnlv to nov!3w2 MRS. BOLLS. 1 J. P. WARD. O KORGK A. HARDING. WAKD& HARDING, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, XZ'EEP CONSTANTLY ON If AND A IV general assortment of Drur? arid Chemicals, Perfnmery, Soaps, Com h ml Jlnislteo,, Trusses, Supporters, Shitnldpr Itrnrpii Kanrymid Toilet Articles, ALSO Krrownp Oil, Lump C!iiiiiney, UIji, My, I'aintM, Oik Vnriiigheti and OyeStufT, PURE WINES ANI) MINORS FOR ME DICINAL rnmisEs. PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. "Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded, and all orders correctly an swered. "Open at all hours of the night. BVAll accounts must, be paid monthly. nov6tf WARD TakeNotice. HA VINO RECENTLY MADE A change in my business, and associat ed with me Mr. Geo. A. Harding in the Drug Business, and also purchased the store of Messrs. Bell &. Parker, I need all accounts settled due me prior to the for mation of the present part nership. Those knowing themselves indebted will please call without delay and make payment, as I must have my books squared. J. P. WARD. Oregon City, Xov. C, 1S74. Iw. SANTA CLAUS' L O TJI SS J Announces to the Public t hat he has re ceived a large assortment of Christmas Toys of all kinds, for boys and girls, which he afrors ior saie cneap. ' DTI,. .TO I IN WELCH, DENTIST. OFFICE IN OREGON CITV, OREGON. lUi?lxt Caali Price IId tnr County Order. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, St. Cliarla Hotel Building. Southwest Corner Front and .Morrison Sts. I'ortlancl, Oregon, JUST RECEIVED, Per Str. " Onflammo." LARGE INVOICE Or the LATEST STYLES of 11 Kinds ot Seasonable BOOTS AND SHOES Bought of the Klannfuct urrri Kust and n Franriwo, FOR CASH. And will be SoM at UNPRECEDENTLY LOW PRICES. Our AGENT East Hus wont Telegram stating that our Oruer tor a FULL LINE ..OF Boots and Shoes JIavo been Filled, arul GOODS SENT BY RAIL. TVe Sliallcontlnue to Receive byevery Htrnmrr Larjre Invoices of" these ' Goods until our Stock 1 Full antl Complete, A SMALL LOT OF DAMAGED BOOTS AND SHOES On hand, which must be sold for AXY KI-:ASOXAIlI,I2 OlFEU PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, St. Charles Hotel Building-. Southwest Corner Front and Morrison Sts. G. A. PEASE & CO. October .10, 1871 THE GREAT RENOVATOR! A Certain Curo Tor Iltiemnsitism nntl Merrttriul IIW-I ions, Srrot'iilu, Suit It lien in. Liver nml Kidney toni . plaint, Keinnle Wen k nes, unci all l)ieuse nrisiiii; fium 11 n impure gatnte of the Itlooil. Contains no Mercurial or Poisonous Sab stance. rpiIF. STRONGEST WILL FIND THIS JL a StfirrM i(t Cure. It ir ay betaken by the most delicate, with impunity, and the remarkable success attending its use war rants the 'irnprictors in claiming it as tho Must Reliable Blood Purifier in Use. Its gentle action renders it remarkably efficat ions in Dyspepsia and Constipation, giving the organs the assistance needed, and impairing a tone and strength soon disKnses with artificial aid. Put up in o,uart bottles. Sold by all deal ers, Mole proprietors, CHAIU.ES LANG LEY A CO., Wholesale Druggsts, San Francisco. noTl3m-i STJIJS10NB. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Clackamas. E. S. Kearny, l'lir. vs. Isaac Lnsswell and Itachael Iasswcl, Dcfts. in Equity.. To Isaac Laswell and Itachacl Lasswell, 1 lefts. : TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF L Oregon you are hereby notified that on the 31st day of (ctober, A. 1 . 1S74, the above named plaintiff commenced a suit against you in the tMrcuit Court of tho State of Oregon for the county of Clackamas, de manding or said Court a judgment against the said defendant. Isaac Lasswell lor the sum of seventeen hundred and sixty-two and ()-liH dollars in gold coin, and interest thereon in like coin at the rate of one per cent per month rrom the 2d day or Janua ry A. D. 1S71. and for his costs and disburs ments, and also a decree against said defendant-foreclosing the mortgage describ ed in said complaint, and also for the sum of two hundred dollars as attorneys fees in foreclosing said mortgage; You are there fore required to appear In said Court on the first dav of said term thereof, to be .held at the Court House in Oregon City, in said Clackamas county, on the 2tith day of April, A. D. 1S75, and answer the said com plaint, or for want thenof the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the said sum of 1,762 X0 and interest as aforesaid, and wi 11 also take a decree of foreclosing said mortgage, and for his costs and disburse ments, and also for the sum of 2R attor nevs fees as aforesaid. This summons is published by order of E. D. Shattuck, Judge of said Court, made at Portland. Oregon, on the 2d day of No vcmU f, A. D. itAltTj0nY & SIJAW novi3wfi Attoyneys for Pit IT. NOTICE. mHE ANNtTAL MEETING OF THE JL Stock Holders of the W. F. C4L. Co. for the nu r nose of electing Directors for the ensuing year, will be held at the office of the Company at Linn City, on Monday, I ee, 7. 1.S71. is. JVJL.AI.Ml 1 II, novOwt President. STILL t.N THE FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF HAAS' SALOON; WILLIAMS & HARDING, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family Groceries to lie found iti the city. All goods warranted. Goods delivered in the city free of charge; The highest cash price paid ror country produce; tr. FALL 1874. Is your time to buy goods at low prices. S. ACKER MAN & CO. aro now receiving a large stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, all of tho Latest Styles, which will soil A17LESS THAN PORTLAND PRICES. Our stock has been bought for cash, and we will soil it at a small advance above SAN FRANCISCO COST. TE WILL SAY TO EVERYBODY BE T fore you purchase or goto Portland, come and prlca our goods and ewnvlnce yourself that we do what we sav. Our stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing:, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer les, Ilard waro and a great many other articles too nuuaor ours to mention ; ALSO DOORS, WINDOWS, PAINT AND OILS, ETC., ETC. We Will also piy the Highest Market ITloo for Country Produce. S. ACKERMAN A CO. Oregon City, Sept. 11, 1S7L tf THE NEW IMPROVED "'r. li'F' i;Av:'':!-iiii:al Side Feed and Back Feed. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, MOST SIM PLE, AND MOST EASILY OPERATED SEWING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. Always in Order andReadyfcrWorl If there is a FLORENCE MACHINE within one thousand miles of San Fran- I cisco not working well, I will fix it with- ! oat any expense to the owner. j SAMUEL HILL, Agent, i No. 19 New Montgomery Street, Git AND HOTEL HOLDING, zxn Fturcctsco. -rs - 31. C. AT11EY. Oregon City, Enterprise .Building, Agent. Sheriffs Salf. TY VIRTUE OF A DECREE ANI) EX- I edit ion issued out of the Circuit Court nl' Dip Hliile of Oreiron. for the county of Clackamas, and dated October 21t h, A. U. 1S74. in favor of J. N. Perlot. and airainst Kdwnrd IIosk. Elizabeth J. Koss, H. M IJcall and the First National Dank of Port land Oregon, to me directed, for me sum of one thousand one hundd and fifteen and 50-100 dollars ($1115 50) U. 3. gold coin. together with interest at one per cent, per month, costs and disbursements or mis suit, taxed at twenty-seven and 10-100 dot lars ?-7 10) and accruing costs; And also in favor of said II. M. Iteall, and against said Edward ltoss and Elizabeth Koss for the sum of 1.'-31 75-100 in U. S. cold coin. and the sum of $75, and costs and disburse ments taxed at o ao-100 with interest there on at the rate of one per cent per month. Now, therefore, I have levied upon the following Ileal Instate to wit : IJeginning nt the south-west corner of Ixt NVhltcomb's donation land claim nt a point on the Willamette river, thence cast on said claim line to within one hundred and twenty rods of the south-east corner of said donation land claim, thence north on Joseph Kellogg's line to the mid dle of tin grist mill pond, thence down t he middle of said ixnd to the uuarter post of section thirty-six in Township one South of Ilange one Kastor the illamette Meridi an : thence west and parallel with the lots in the town of Milwmikie to the bank of the Willamette ltiver. thence south up the bank of said river with the meanders thereof to the place of beginning, contain ing two hundred acres more or less. And on St tirdy, XoTfiiilwr the 2tl, 1874, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Court House door in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, I will sell the right, title and interestof the above named Kdward Jloss and Elizabeth lioss to the above described land, or so much thereof as may be neceesary to sat isfy the above named judgments, interest, costs and accruing costs, at public auction to the" highest bidder, for United .States gold coin to me in hand paid. J. T. A1TERSON'; Sheriff of Clackamas county, Ogn. Orego n City, Oct. 2, lS7i. 4 w W. II. 1IIGIIFIELD. Rstabliahrd since '?, nt the old stand. Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. An assort ment of Wat lies. Jewel ry .and Scth Thomas' Weight Clocks all of which are warranieu 10 uc s i represented. "Repairing done on short notice, and ankful for past patronage. FORJ5ALE. rilHE UNDERSIGNED OFFEIIS III- X premises, in Oswego, for sale at a bar: gain, for cash. There is a fine dwelling and out buildings, orcnnrumiu muoui miy acrcs of. land. Finely situated for a ooz ing house ior mo nanus ' JJ;- jip iron v orss. Oswego, Sept. 10, 1S71. 3w NOTICE ! i WIFE', RACHAEI, R. Roop HAV il inr irft rny bed and board without jusreause or provocation. I hereby notify the public not lO irufc " un m. .vmm, is I will far no bills of her eontracting after this date. iavd v' " " Oregon City, Oct. li, lfi. lw; 6?v Once More WerCon, With a Stock of x FALL & WHITER GOODv LARGER AND MORE ATTRACTIVI. than ever before, bought froiii theprent San Francisco I'anic, and whteh we offer' at Greatly Reduced Prices. Our stock CLOTHING Has been largely increased and we carf show as handsome a line of ready-wradr foods in Men and Bovs Business anff ress Suits. Overcoats, etc., as can found in the country, and at prices that cannot fail to satisfy. Our O DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Is filled with a splendid assortment of all the leading styles and fashionable shades of goods I'.iii press ClotM? Mohains French, and American I)re Good, Hlaek AlpACra, Hrilliantinea, CUkliliieren, &o o o FLANNELS, Plaid, Plain and Opera Flannels, of all coD ors ltlittlr4.1 and Un bleached Cotton F laflhcls. Ladles and Gehfs t hdorwar, nniiwii ana Stang, Wool Blankets' Trunks and Traveling Satchel HatsandCaps, Oil Cloth for Floor and Table.- BOOTS and SHOES. We WOrild CHl! special attention to nnp . stock of Men's and Boys' San Francisco" lioots. Which we have sold for a number of years past with general satisfaction. EvJ ery pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE k FARMING UTENSILS. Choice Teas, Canned Goods, and all choice Family Groceries, All at Low Prices. Also, LIVERPQJDL m CARMAN ISLAM) SALT, Highest Price paid for all kinds of .Produce ;isiI TVooI. seplStf ,1. SEIXlKG. FOR SALE! At HjvirMin - IWII.T, SEI.Ii AT A REASONABLE F Ki ll re, my Livery r.u?iness, Wock, Ac, and lease my Ram to a purchaser for two years; also if required, will K-ase my Dwelling House for same time, Oregon City, Oregon, August "JO 1571. J. M, FIIAZER, Ayer'g Sarsaparilla Is 'widely tnowti as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cleansing the sys tem and purifying the blood. It has stood the test of years, with a con stantly growing rep utation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofuloua and syphilitic contamination. Imparities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yifeld to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its -wonderful cures, many of -which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils Pimples, Pustules SoreSySt. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringrvorm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomachy and Liiver. It also' cures other com plaints, to -which it would not seem cspec' ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Female Weakness, Debility, and Iieucorrhcea, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons It is an excellent restorer 6f "health and strength in the Spring, By renewing the' appetite and Vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and' Kfstless lair guor of the season. Even where" no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor ami a new lease of life.- PREPARE!? JffT Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., lm Mass,, Practical and Analytical CAemlsta-s SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE of tiris i-riUtaiiiii iiitif Jv.WW Wiiicli is vliio to iriovif :ih !':0. V c::n" assart oar old n(:oiiS tii:t il i I.fpt (ally aj to i(s liitli .vt:;in.iiI ; ::iul it is tli(' oily ro!i. !!(, nufl eY'rcSrd rt' nralion Srr i Uoiiiojf lfi. v Kahizo II. mi: to its yoatli'.'a! f?r,- fftHkhrg it soft, last r-'n ft-tii i)lifi. Tie vc:iI, ly its nsf, Iii'coTiics vl lii'o ritA ('enm It ro'niijives :i!t c:-ajtions :;:rT lrnlrw ;inl, ijv its tonic pro cities j-iTvonts I lie hv.'tv Iroiii llil I i i r -nt, ::s it tinm Intes hiu noaiislrw the liairliifids. lij-.its aet!id lirfir. jrf n's flk-kef ::nl stroncje'r. Iri U'iMness, it rfrf offs tlio e:ii'f.irv iif.m.Is to their iUn hv.A ..vigor, ami viiLcre;ie, a new growth, cxeet in extreme 1I nge. It is llie most economic;) IlAii: Uim-ssinvj ever use?, ns it rc'quires fewer :Tp)!i?ati:5, and gives the h.-iir n sjilvudi'l, ap pcnr.ince. A. A: If.'ire, ?.J.I) Smte Assnyer O'f f A s.vs, "Tho constititeiit? htif6, .ml cnrefullr selectcl fo'r excellent nuality; and I consider t ttic Iest l'i:i:rAUATiox for its intenlcl purposes." SoUl by cil rr3jit3, al D filer in Medicine Irice One Dollar. Bucking-ham's Dye ruii THE WHISKERS. As our lienewcr in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care", to restore gray or f:idel Whisk ers, Q have prepared this dye, in ona j'rt parti ton : which Avill qnickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and prtwlu-ces a color which will neither rub nor wash ofEL Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO NASHUA, N.H. 0 o o o o o o O O o 0 O O O 0 o G O O o 2