Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1874)
0 9) o o O THE EHTERPRISE. - OREGON CITI', OREGOCT. 9,1574. IS IT WORTH W ill LCI 10A'4CIN MILLEH. It is worth while to josile a brother Bearing his load on the rough road of life? ta it worth while that we jeer at each t)ther In blackness of heart that we war to the knife? God pity us all in our pitiful strife 1 God pity us all as we jostle each other ; God pardon us all as for the triumph we feel When a fellow goes down 'neath his load on the heather, Pierced to tho heart ; words are keen er than swel, And mightier far for woe or weal. Were it not well, in this brief little journey On over the isthmus, down into the tide, We givehimafish.insteadof a serpent, Ere folding of the hands to be and abide, Forever and aye in dust at his side! Look at the roses saluting each other ; Look at the herds all in peace on the plain, Man, and man only, makes war on his brother, And laughs in his heart at his peril and pain ; Shamed i -y t lie beasts that go down on thepl&in. Is it worth while that we battle to humble Some poor fellow soldier down into the dust? God pity us all! Time oft -soon will tumble All of us together, like leaves in a gust, Humbled indeed down into the dust. Sensijde Remarks. The Dalles Itemizer speaks as fol lows in regard; to the Judges' salary. Its remarks at j- true and wo trust that our Legislature will let that part of the r-itrencliment business alone. Tho salaries of the Judges are low enough at present, and if wo desire good ail competent men on the bench we wnght to be willing to pay them a d l nt salary. The Itemi zer says: - V While wo are in favor of retrench ment in every branch of the govern ment and advocate a reduction of the salaries of tho State officials; yet our legislators will bear in mind that there is such a thing as overdoing the matter. "Wo are led to this re mark from hearing thaLa weak effort will bo made to reduce the salaries of our Supremo Judges by tho next Legislature. It is concluded in every civilized conmuuity that the only safeguard of the people is found in a pure and competent ju diciary, and in order to have such ollicers wo must pay a sutlicient sal ary to support them respectably. As it at present stands there is no State in the Union that pays its judiciary as meagre a salary as Oregon, and an effort to reduce it would simply end in forcing from the bench any lawyer of talent. In any of our re spectable sized cities the book-keeper in an ordinary fctoro who has risen step by step to his position, receives t a greater remuneration for his ser ,VlTces than d:o Oregon's Supreme JmJffs; wuo lifter a great expendi ture OI uioney and years of patient toil, L'ave succeeded in qualifying themat'lves' for the positions they -now so yvoifhiiy fill, and to reduce - their &ala.ries below what they are at ' present would be a manifest injus tice. Kr all moans let us have re form, lie just ."uad equitable, yet not oppressive. . IIonokablt Exccwated. A let ter from 13. F.'Dowell to tho Senti nel, written at Washington, Sept. 12th. says: H. G "Struv?, Secretary of Wash ington Territory, is sL;Ji here. The Bulletin of theAilst nit. statC? a ru mor he hn3 been, pardoned o the President. . This is untrue. A pardon is alvrays predicated ttpon guilt. In this case the circumstan- c t: . -. i i QJo JL 111. """j-uient ana service in in the army wfiro such as to in..".Ce the President make an order can ment and ordering celling the en the discharge Mr. Struve, as of eaving the service the dato of h on the 18th of rSay, 1854. The rec ords in the War Department have been so amended that thej- show he should have been honorably dis charged on the ISth of May, loi. The record of the repoi-t of "the de sertion is thus effectually oblitera ted. This was done on a full inves tigation of all tho facts by the Secre tary of War, and Mr.; Struve now holds an honorablo discharge bear ing the signature of that officer. Rath eh Extravagant. Until tlie Legislature of 1872, the various Com mittees were not allowed a clerk with, perhaps the Judiciary Com mittee. The last Legislature, how ever, paid for clerks to all the com mittees, and wo believe the present Legislature is following in its steps. One or two committees need clerks, Vmt wo see no reason why one of the various committees cannot act as chrk and thus save a useless ex pense to the State. While retrench ment seems to bo the order of the Uay, would it not be well for the Legislature to chop off these sine cures on our State Treasury? Not a Safe Adviser. Senator Patterson, of South Carolina, raises his voice in favor of bayonets at the polls and a third term for President Grant. lie draws a woful picture of the situation in his State under the rule of his own party, and thinks the remedy will be found in a judi cious distribution of troops. Presi dent Grant has doubtless learned by. this time, remarks the New York Tribune' that whatever may be his views as to the third term question, Senator Patterson is not a safe ad viser in affairs of State. Don't Believe It. Some spooney says woman is an angel, but we don't believe an angel would sit at a second-story window and yell " Look out, old stovepipe!" before slinging peach stones at the silk hat of apass-er-bv. 1 THOMAS CHAR MAN ESTABLISHES 1853. DESIRES TO IX FORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon Citv and of the Willamette V alley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A Nimble Six Fence is Better than a Shilling. Sloxu I have Just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS everbefore offered in this city; and consists in part, as follows : Boots and Shoos, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chinaware, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Iadies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Faming t ions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc., Of the above list, I can say my stock is the M O S T C O I V I, K T K ever offered in this market, and was seletcd with especial care for the Oregon City trade All of which I now olfer for sale at the Lowest Market Rates. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods for 1 am neiermineii 10 CselC iJieap and not to auow myseu to oe UNDERSOLD IX THE STATE OF OREGON". All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CHARM AX cannot be beaten in quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell vou all the advantages I can otfer vou in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably vou have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is Come, mid St'caiul Examine for Yourselves fori do no wish to make anv mistakes My object is to tell all my old friends now mat l am still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreeu upon. 1 nauKing all lor the liber al patronage heretofore bestowed. THUS. CHAKMAN, Main Street, Oregon City, Legal Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. TIIOiS. CHAKMAN. 1150,000 lbs wool wanted br THOS. CHARM AN. FIFTH AND LAST CONCERT IX AID OK THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KEXTICKY. DAY FIXED AND A FULL DRAWING ASSUHHI) ox MONDAY, 30th of NOVEMBER, 1S74. FOR An. Esisy Fortune! A isf poneniCtlt of the Fifth Concert of nt, "'ublic Library of Kentucky has been so irenerai"''" anticipated, and is so mani festly for the in:Cr'st ef Pnf1"rn"1' that it must meet the approTal of Tn,cday is absolutely fixed, and In.?." be n, variation from the programme nv" ,an" nounced. A sufficient number of 'iiCets had been soldjto have enabled us to havO had a large drawing on the 31st of July, but ii short post ponement was considered preferable to .1 partial drawing. Ix.-t it be borne in mind that THE FIFTH GIFT CONCERT IS THE EAST WHICH WILD EVER P,E GIVEN UN I )ER THIS CHARTER AN D BY THE PRESENT MANAGEMENT, That it will positively and uncquivocally take place as announced on MONDAY, SOlh NOVE3IDEII That t lie Music will be the best the conn trv affords, and that 20,000 CASH CIFTS, AGGKKOATINT, S 2 5 0 0,000 J W 9 will be distributed by lot among the ticket holders. LIST Ol' ;ii'TS. One Grand Cash Gift .... 5250.000 100,000 , 75,000 , 50.000 One Grand fash Gift One Grand 'ash Gift One Grand Cash Gift One Grand fash Gift 5 'ash Gifts (HKK-aeh . 25,000 110,000 1.50,IM)0 100,000 1') Cash Gifts. ll.iMench 15 fash Gifts, fash Gifts, fash Gifts, W Cash (lifts, 51 fash Gifts, lint fash Gifts, 210 Cash Gifts, 5'H) Cash Gifts, W.OOO Cash Gifts. 10,000 each 5,000 each 1.000 each 3.1 hh each 2,iMM)each 1,000 each 500 each.. . loo.OoO . ilO.IHM) . 100.0(H) . 100,000 . 120,000 . 50,000 . 950,000 100 each... 5i) each...., Grand Total 20,000 Gifts, all cash .....2,500 ,000 PUICE OF TICKETS. W hole Tickets ?50.00 Halves 25.00 'IVnth, or each Coupon 5.00 11 Whole Tickets for 500.00 22 H Tickets for 1,000.00 Persons wishinsr to invest should order promptly, either of the home Office or our local Airents. Literal commissions will be allowed to sansiacrory agents. : Circulars containing full particulars fur- "'"u iippncation. THOMAS E. ERAMLETTE, Aifent Hid Mnnncrer. Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. J. P. DAVins. JOSHUA DA VIES. J. P. DAVSES & CO., AT rCTIOXEETJS a n n COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FIRK-PKOOF STONE KCILOIXG, WHARF STREET, VICTORIA. B. C. Liberal Aik.mrTs Made on Consijnments. -July 21. 1ST1 :ly AUCTIIONAND COMMISSION. A. B. RICHARDSON, Auctioiieci?, Corrnerof Front fc Oak st.t Portluml Auction Scales Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Mer chandise and Horses. S VLE DAYS Wednesday and Saturday A. 15. RICHARDSON, Auctioneer. At Privaitc SstIc. English Refined Bar and Rundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast Steel, Horse Shoes, Rasps, Saws, Screws, Fry-Pans, Sheet Iron, R. G.Iron. ALSO A large assortment of Groceries and Liq uors. A. B. RICHARDSON. Jan. 1, lS73-tf. Auctioneer. NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. First Street between Aider nnl Mor rison Sts., and Alder Street between First mill Front Streets. Portland, Oregon. 4 N INSTITUTION- DESIGNED TO PRE- V pare HOYS, YOUNG and MIDDIli AG HI) MJiNtor Business Affairs. If. M. W. It. HeFItAXCF, : "WHITE, s l President. Secretary. For acquiring a Praetieiil Business I& I u ca tion this institution offers superior advan tages, and is acknowledged by Leading liusiness Men to be the best Commercial College on the Pacific Coast, and second to none. Each Department is First Class, and is un der the sjH'cial charge of exi'Kriexckd TEACIIF.llS, and the whole school is under the immediate superintendence of the President and Secretary. The school room and counting are unit ed upon a plan that secures to the student all the practical ad vantantages of each. There is in operation A RANKING HOUSE fully illustrating that business. The same system being observed in each department, the student buys, sells, ships, barters, con signs, discounts, insures, tlraws checks, notes and drafts, frives leases, deeds, Jtc, and goes through the entire routine of ACTUAL HI SINKSS. In adding to the completeness of the In stitution the proxrietors have instituted a SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. The entrance to rooms of this Department is upon Alder street, and access to them is had only by the teachers and lady stu dents. Rare facilities are offered to ladies for acquiring a Thorough Knowledge of Business Pract ice ; of Telegraphy and Pen manship. The DEPARTMENT OF TELEGRAPHY is in charge of lirst-class operators and teachers, and supplied with all the appar atus of a first-class oilice. This Institution as now conducted claims to have facilities for imparting a thorough knowledge of the Ai t of Penmanship ! that not one in ten of the P.rsiXKSs Coi LKOES now in existence possesses; the De partment being under the special superin tendence of one of the Leading Penmen of the United States. For lull particulars send for National Rcsixess Cor.i.KGK JornxAr. sent to any part of t he count rv free. Address, dpKkaxck t wiiiti:, Lock Pox lot, Portland, Oregon. Toiiev! LoiieAr! MONKY TO LEX I) IX .SUMS OF and upwards. Oregon Citv, March 10, IsTl. nialott JOilXSOX & McCOWX. OELA.S. he. o..i:fi i DEALER IX GENERAL MERCIIAXDISE, CORNER OF SEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS, OREGON CJTV. lias Just Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods, IJrown and llleaehed Sheetings, House Lining, Shirtings, Table-Lineii, Irish Iiosoiu Linens, Linen Towelling, Table-Cloths, 'orsets, Ladies' and ( Jents' Iiose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, Ribbons, Laces and Insertions, Embroidery, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Ao Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDERN'S SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, YVUicli have bee selected witH specisil cure for iUin market and raiinot HE SUKPASSKU IX UUAUTY Oil PItlCE. TflE HlGIIEST MARKET PRICH March 13, l873:tf War Claim Agency X. :JI Mnot-romrry Itlot-U, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. T II. AIKEX, ATTO UN K Y-AT-LAW, . and Commander of the Oram! Army of the Republic in California and Nevada, will cive prompt attention 10 me collection of Additional Travel Pay, now due California and Nevada Volunteers discharged more than three hundred mites I-.-...,.-, vi.-i . i i 1 - m n ti (lt'tirnil on lair dealing. Information riven free of charge. When writing enclose stamp tor repij ami state cou pan v and regiment and whether vou have a discharge. Congress has ex tended the tit.ue for tiling claims for addi tional Bounty under Act of July 2S,, to January 1ST"), so all such claims must be mad.' before that time. Original Lounty of f 100 has been allowed all volunteers who enlisted before July 22d ISfil for t hree years, if not paid the same when discharged. Land Warrants can be obtaind for services rendered tn-fore 1S55, but not for services in the late war. P.-nsions for late war and war of 1S12 obtained and increased when allowed for less than disability warrants, but no pensions are allowed to Mexican and Florida war soldiers. State of Texas has granted pensions to surviving veterans of Texas Revolution. New Orleans and Mobile Prize Money is now due and being paid. W. H. Aiken also attends to General Law and Collection business. (imo. A. G. WALLJNG'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. Pittock's Iluilrtliiir Corner of Stark and Front Streets. PORTLAND, - - OREGON. I1I,.VK ROOKS RULED AND ROUND I onv .locinwl nattprn. Music Ixmks. Magazines, Newspapers, etc., bound in ev- i-;,.f .- nf ctvi. known to the trrade. 'Orders from the country promptly at tended to. For Sale. Wo will sell either a Flo- hine at San Francisco orices. In order that, those who desire si machine, and aro not able to pay the entire amount niav be accommodated, we will sell them on the installment plan, payable so much per month until paid for. IMPERIAL Nl ILLS, Savior, LaKocuc & Co. Oregon Cit-. Keep ponstantlv on band for sale Vlour, Middlings, Ulan and Chk-kn Feed. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sack. A. NOLTNER X 0 T A It Y F U1JLI C. ENTERPRISE OFFICE. ORECOXC1TV. COURTESY CF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UJilVERSITY CF CALIFORNIA. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment was first known in America. Its merits are now well known throughout the habitable world. It has the oldest and best record of any Liniment in the world. From the millions upon millions oi bottles sold not a single complaint has ever reached us. As a Healing and Pain-Subduing Liniment it has no equal. It is alike, beneficial to MAN AND BEAST. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. S. T.-1860-X Ye OLD Homestead Tonic Plantation Bitters Is a funly Vcgetahle Prefaraiion, comoscii ef Calisaya Bark, Roots, Herbs ami l-'rttits, among which will be found Sarsaarilian, Dandelion, Wild Cherry, Sassafras, Tansy, Gcnitan, Sivcct flag etc.; also Tamarinds, Dates, Prunes and Juniper Berries, rr serried in a sufficient quantity (only) of the spirit "Su gar Cane to keep in any climate. 'J'iey inva riably relieve and cure the following com plaints: Dyspepsia, Jaundite, Liver Com plaints, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Bilious A ttaci-s. Fever ana Ague, Summer Complaints, Sour Stomach, l'alJitition of the Heart, Gen eral Debility, etc. They are especially adap ted as a remedy for the diseases to which WOMEN are subjected, and as a tonic for the Aged, Feeble and Debilitated, has no equal. They are strictly intended as a Temperance Tonic or Bit ters, to be used as a medicine only, and always according to directions. Sold i!Y Ai l First-class Druggists. LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE rpiIK UXDEUSIGXED PROPTUETOK OF1 .1. the Livery Stable oil Fifth st reet, Oregon City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Saddle and Uuggy Horses, UyrS'', C'aii !iics:iii(l Hacks. Piioes IleatsoiiuLle. Ile will also run a hack to and from the WILHQIT SODA SPRINGS during the summer season, with good horses, Co 111 petent and gentlemanly drivers. FARE AT LIVING RATES. J. M. FUAZEIi, Proprietor. Oregon City, May 27, 1N73. Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimneys PAID FOH COUNTRY PKODUCE, M A iV U F A C T O 11 I H S. W I L L I A f iS SSNGER JIAVK FSTA TJLINITHD ,SS7Z(T. A FACTORY FOR THE MAUFACTUrm GF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, AXI) MOULDIXtJS OK ALL SIZES. They will .also do Turning of every do script ion to order, WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH! f?All work warranted. Shop on the Itiver, in Lewis' Shop Opposite Oregon City Mills. AGENTS FOR THE ENTEilPRISE. The following persons sire authorized to act as agents for the Estekwusk : Geo. P. ItowelKv Co., 40 Park Kow, New York. Coe, Wetherill & Co., 007 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Abbott & Co., No. S2 and St Nassau street, New York. Portland.Oregon Ti. Sn mucl San Francisco - ft. Helens, Columbia county S. A. Miles Astoria, Clatsop county A. Van i Misi-n Salem L. Williams Harrisburg I. If. Smith Lafayette, Yamhill county LL.Kcriruson D.illas, Polk county Dave I lolmes Eola K. Dotv Jacksonville H. K. Ifanna Benton county W. A. Wells Corvallis I Ion.. John Ilurnett. Canyon City.Grant co W. P.. Laswell Albany A. X. Arnold Dalles, Waco county X. H. (odes LaGrande, Cnion county . (. f'rai"- Pendleton, Umatilla county, ; "v" inoJ Eugene Citv . M Thompson t L. I-. rristow Uoseburg Hon. L. F. Lane Lebanon Mr.ntaguo t J. P. lialston Jacksonville Hon. E. D. Foedray Long Tom H. C. Huston CLACKAMAS COI'XTV. Heaver Creek C. F. P.erdie John Zu m wait Henry Mel Jiigin J. W. Strawsi-r D. Wright Frank W. Foster ...Capt. 'A. c. Norton W. Morepind John Hagenberger Tolin Doole W. 11. Vaughan Rutteville. Cascades Can by Cutting's , Eagle Creek , Hardintr's lower Molalla. Milwaukie fsweno Upper Molalla.. TO LET. THE ROOM FORMERLY OCCUPIED as the Council Chaniber, in Dr Thes iug's brick building. Apply at this office. r STAISJL12. H2 HOW IS THE TIME TO SUliSCHIBE FOR THE ENTERPRISE. 82 50 PER YEAH, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Each number contains tho LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, From sill Parts of the World ; A Carefully Selected Summary of STATE AXD TElilHTOIHAL NEWS ITEMS; A ( urict tcl I,5t of lie Markets i Portland, San Francisro anil Oregon City LOCAL NEWS, EDITORIALS, On all Subjects of Interest to the FARMER, MERCHANT OR MECHANIC Also, Carefully Selected nous u i:aii nc. In Short, it is in Every Respect 11 LIVE NEWSPAPER. Tim iixTmivmsu Having a large and constantly increasing Circulation in the most populous part of the State, oilers superior inducements to those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements inserted on REAS0XAR LE TERMS. The Ciimpaign of 1871 will soon begin, md it is therefore a good time to Subscribe in order that you may be posted on currant events Send in your subscription at once Citation. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. In the matter oftltr Jistnte of Jacob Kandle, Deceased: rpo THE HEIRS AND OTHER PERSONS A. interest.'d in t he estut." of Jacob Ivan die, deceased. Whereas, theduly appoint ed Administrators of said est .tte"have filed in said 'ourt a petition prsiving for an or der tosell the rest of the resil property of said .-state : now, therefore, in the name of 1 lie Mine 01 Oregon you and esich ot vou sire hereby personally cited to appear in the Count' Court of Clackamas County, state of Oregon, on the tirst Mondav in Oc tober, that being the 5th day of October, 1.V7I, and the tirst day of the regular Octo ber term of said Court for IsTl, then and there to show cause, if any exist, why an order of sale should not be made as in 'said petition prayed for; said land being des cribed as follows, to-wit. : P.eingthe west M of claim No. beluga part of sections 1, "., Sand !i, in T. I, S., K. 1 K., bounded as follows: lleginning at si xiiif )-T0 chains south ;:i-:A chains east of t In- N. W. corner of said sect ion !; thence '. Sit-10 chains ; thence N. -KKSI, s. Mid.-g. 1") mill. E. 20.00 chains: thence east (it -.") chsiins : thence south 40.00 chains, to the place of begin ning, containing ltd ;0-loi) acres. it is further ordered t hat si copv of this order be published in the Oregon "City Kx tkimmsisk, the litigant organ for Clacka mas Countv, Oregon. N. W. RANDALL, Attest: County Judge. J. M. Frazek, r.. s. ( ounty Clerk. L. T. P. vniN, Att'y for Adm'rs. Oregon City, Sept. 12, ISTl.-wl J. Walker's California Vilieurr.V Hi Iters area purely Veq ehklil ire;iariition, maile clnetly from t ie native herbs foun.l on tire lower ranges of the .Sierra Nevada nioiint.iinri (! Ciilifomia, thb. medielusil trop.-r:ic.j f which are extracted therefrom witl:-o-;-; tlie use ot Alcohol. Tho question almost duly asked. " "What is the .inse of tho unpsiralleleil success of 'i'ixkoaii itt::i:sV" (hir answer is, tlsat they remove the cause of disease, ami the patient recovers his hesilth. Tiiey are the trreat b'oi.d ui ifier and :i lile-giv'uig pvine pie a perfect Reno-v-iior smd 1 i i -''.-;-J of the system. .New be'ove 'll l !; t;ss a Medici f. 1 ., sessir.',' the r-.-:u:ir' oi'the worM ; ..i!onn.lel pos- . : ij ijuantiea of Vinkijaii I i i ri-i;- i:i healin;' the sick of every disease. They are a gentle Purgative ;vs Avell as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inllammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. The lrOeri ICS of Dr.. "Walker's Vrs"Er..n 5rrrF.rwS are Aperient, Dia phoretic, Nutritious, Laxative, Diu retic. S"dative, Counter-irritant, Su d'jiilH', Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. i!. Si. .Hfl(OX.-l.E Ai .. r'r:i:,'i! .V ' leu. At.. Mill J-'raneist-t), I'al'frr ; i. ,v e .r. e VI.; .v Cliarltoii SSi..N.V. .,' . nit l ritijijixl s ttiifl Dealers. THE PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MERIDENXT. STILL IN THE FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF HAAS' SALOOX. WILLIAMS &. KARDIWC, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family tiroceries to be found in the city. All Roods warranted. Goods delivered in the city free of charge. The highest cash, price paid for country produce. Oresuu City, March 2$, 1873. Dr. M1IR C II A N D I SB. JOHN MYERS, OREGON CITY. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for and all kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE, I will sell as low as any house In Oregon for CASH OH ITS HQUIVALIiNT In Good Merchantable Produce. I am selling very low for CASH 0 ISA1. CASH PAID FOR 101WTY ORDERS Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21. 1S73. ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB OFFICl OREGON CITY, : OREGON. WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE all kinds of JOB PRINTING, such as CARDS, BII.IIUiADS, VAMI'JIIKIS, DJiUDS, MO R TO AG US, LAB HIS, LltTTlill-HRA DS, in fact all kinds of work done a in Print inc Office, at PORTLAND PRICES. ALL KINDS OP LEGAL BLANKS constantly on hand, and for sale at as low x 4-u in nit- pj.ate.g A N D SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Oregon City. March 21. 1873-tf. About 150 pounds of long prim er, of which this is an impression. Has been in use but a short time, good work. Price 25 cents 3 ib, either tied up or in cases cases extra. ALSO, A small font of Nonperiel of which this is an impression. Price 33 cents V As good as new.' There is enough to set about one column of this paperslid. Address this officc RADWAY'S HEADY Kifr, CURES 1I1K WORST lA fW in i From one to Twenty va vat. HOUfi after reading this advertising. HDA Cliffy. IU6rtt . . was the first and is r eer' I'ain.Lj TKe Only pUnR that instantly stops the m.t c pams, allays Inllamation knTf gentions. whether of the inn tUr,st;,,s liowels or other Klands o, f f application, in from One to 'i' "' ''-v or, utes, no matter how violent VUt ins the pain, the Rheuma" c r' KADUAY'S KKADY 5n ' t n lft"'"-d instant ea,. ' Inflaniation ol the Kidn.-ys inflamation of thevveii' 'tth SoreJhroat,Difficu7 Hysterics, Croup, iS-ffi-S? th H,an Headache, Toothache.Catanh' Influna Cold Chills. AzuSeu' Rht-"niTm lhe application of the Readv . the imrt or ,,arts airccted xvh, rl V o difficulty exists will Zt Spasms, Sour Stomach Ile-irti r:niIs Iles.dache, Disirrhea, 'l"4n"r k W uid in the Dowels, and ail inn rr,..'. Iravelcrs should alwavs carrv L . ki'iil RucU, 's K.a,ly ReJierwiM, ,) U" '; lew drops in water will prevent i ,'u' pains from change of water It ie .' ss'r than French Urandy or Pitters as ,'r ulant. a Siirr,. FKVKK AM) AfcVF Fever and Ajrue cured iv,r H"v c There is not a remedial aircnt in ii, that will citre Fever and A.u.. '.T"r er Malarious, Pillions, Scarl'ei -YMlow. ard other FeversVadi , ii ,J-1' WAY'JS PIPES) so quick .,n READY REEIEF. Fit t v ce n t J A y Soldbyl.:ip.,Mf!; ttntsH-",,;. HEALTH! BEAUTY" Strong: and pure rich i:iood-i.lf.r JJesh and weight-clear skin " !': ful complexion secured to all. il: u" SARSPARILLIAK R ESOLVEliT has made the most astonishing ' 1 quick, so rapid are the chsin-r f h , ' undergoes, u nd. r t he influence of t is v Wonderful Medicine, that evev u-'V ! crease in flesh and weight is seen ana '. ',' THE GREAT UL(OI) PMtlKIEic'" Every drop of the Saipai illi;,,, k.-, l vent communicates throuirh tii.- j , Sweat, Urine and other fluids and jUic " . the system the vi-orof life, for it n- .' the wastes of the body with new ami-' material. Scrofula, Syphilis, ( .I'-'r tion, Olandular ilissease, I leers Vi, ' Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes j.j J Olands and ol her pails of the svst. u", : Eyes, Strumous Discharges lroin t he V -and the worst terms ol-kin disen. . i . ' tions. Fever Sores. Scald Head, liiti -V. r; Ssilt Klifuin, Erysipelas, Acne, l; Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, ca-io -1 ' the Womb, and all weakening aul , ." dischsr;es, Xijriit Sweats, 1 .,! t and all wastes of the life pHnc'tii.'' within the curative rsine of this v .'. ol Modern Chemistry, and a few dtns' i will irove to any person usin it i,,r , '". ol these forms of disease its i on i t , to cure them. J " : If the patient, daily becomes r, div.,' the wastes and decomposition that timiakly projn-essimr. suec't-u in -irr-'s- " these wastes, and repairs the sain.- v -new material made irom h-an j.v and tin's the Sarsparillian win in., ,:' secure. Not only does the Sari.-.r" Resolvent excel all known r .agents in the cure of Chronic, Scr..;i '"" Constitutional, and Skin diseases- i,-' . the only rositive cure lor ' "" ' Kidney and madder ("eiiiil?.ihN. t'rin.-iry and Womb diseases. ,rav. ' ' betes, Dropsy, Stoppage ol Wsdt r J neiice ol " Crine, I rishes 1 lis. as,-' ' ; , nuria, and in all cas.-s uli.i-e ..-.. .. brick-dust deposits, or t lie wj.tcr cloudy, mixed with sibstann s ! , white of an ejr, or threads like w.,-. or there is a n.orbid, dark, billioi.-s'ai i ance, and white bone-dust ii. wlii-n there is a ricicin-, Purser ' tion uheii lassiiii; water, ami pai'7 ! small of the Lack and alon n . ' '. l'rice, $1 (Ki. ' ' WOIOIS.-The only known ;,,! . ... Remedy for Worms li,i, Taj,,,.?,-. Tunidlsof l i Vfiirs' (Srnwtli ( tn. !! , Hailuay's II-sI e.-i t. I1EVKISI.Y, Mass., Julv i u, . Dh. Raoway : 1 have had t .Cit e morin the ovaries and ix.w.-i i ' Doc-tors said "there was no h- lp"t..'r '; tried everything that was rec.uiiin. i.r . uui uuiiiiii iieijieu me. I saw mir I;. . vent, and thought I would trv ft l..;t no faith in it, t.eesiuso I had" su:r. r .! twelve years. I took six bottl. s of t!,. solvent, and one Imx of liailwstVs i' smd two bottles of your Reaov IJeii.i ; there is not a sijrn ol tumor t'o be s, ' : felt, sunt 1 Icel h' tt.-r, smarter, and l;-e thsin I have for twelve v, ars. Tin- ie' tumor was in the ! !t sice- i tin- !... over the tiToili. I write this to eu !,.r bt-ni fit ol others. Vou can 'nUMi you choose. HANNAH 1' KM1? PtRFEGT FURGAiiVE PILLS. perfect ly t.-istel.-ss, eleaiitlv coated sweet ruiii,purf:e, regulate. uri:v, -and streiisrthen. Radwa. "s 1-iil's, t..r ::. cure of all disordt. rs ot 1 he stoni.i.'ii. I Dowels, Kidnes, r.i;:dd.r, N'eri'i;s 1 eases, Headache, t oust ipal ion, (: ness. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, i :i i 1 iocs:,. s lnllious lever, Inllaninisitioi'i t t rx els, l'il.-s, and all Derangements oi !!, Viscera. Warrsinl. ti to air " positive cure. Purely Wm-table, cei:!xi ins: no mercury, minersiis, or d-1' t. r: tlrufrs. fc"Olisi'rvc t he followinir sx 112 1 t'i!i suiting Irom Disorders of the 1 3 Organs .-Const it ion. Inw ard Files, 1 ui" ot the F.lood in th Head, Acidiiv ; 'r. Stomach, Nausea. Heartburn. 1 "isi:! ' Food, Fullness or Weight in t lie steina. : Sour Kructal ions, Sinlimiror 1-"lut ti-rii!-' a the Pit of t he stomach, swim in in "' :l Head, Hurried and diflicult 1 ir-j: -Fluttering at the Heart, hokin er catinSenssitions when in a I.yitiir I'oTt:r Dimness of vision. Dots or u'l.s i-Jir ! Sitrht, Fever, Dull I 'a in in the U.-.-ui. CiellCV of 1 'ersi .1 r:i t i. ii' Vellou ness et Skin smd Eyes, Pain in tin- side, 1 ! I.imbs, and sudden Flushes ot 1I lllfi 01 I in- 1- JC5-II. A few doses of Kaihi'HvS Pills wia !f the system from all the a.bove naiie d i -onlers. l'rice, 1:0 ci'iits j-cr box. S'id l'ruir.irists. Re. 'id " Fa lsi- n n.l True ' s;, ,1 , ,t,, i V.' stamp to Radway tVs("o. No. ST M ih. ' I.sme, New York. In form si tion N,'r'! thousands will be sent vou. July Zl, 1S71 :ly " WALTHAM WATCHES. These celebrated Watches have preatly improved during the present ';' smd several new sizes added t lie list- 1", stem-winding smd setting attachment f" now le had with smd grade ot size, at t he old estsiblished grades of ke -wiri-are also made as before. Any w "- contemplates buying a watch, cithern or in the future, should send for our r.' Descrijitive priee, which is now AXI) SEXT FKICE. Th' uescril? "; the Watches, Ian: ;,nd small, l.i 'T". t'er.Uemcn's, Gold and Silver, with -;, of, and contains besides internia in relation Jo watches useful to cmtj, It also explains in full our plan 01 ing single Waltham Wsitcte sat ! ! r- . to any place in the Union by iiisiilcr Iress, with the bill to collect on tH'U1. with privilege to the purchaser to P,.., psicksitre and examine he watca navimr. and with no obligation to la , ,,l..t.- (.ntirflr c.-itisf.-lCtorV. i nu- have obtained' genuine Waithsim Irom us m fins way sine an u.y i:.f. full value for their money, -a '- ,,ao;r.r ment of extra heavy cases fort lie ' -t . r.-ftn- fine M1 . trsiue aiwavs on nnnu. .-..--- rsule always on hand. Every on. - .,. ent for a Price Fist, as the tnh-T.. .. roin New York th- more sul van odeal with us. When you w riu ., ... . . .- .r., ,t-:l s r' ' Sf: from tr i-l. . mention thsit advertiseiueiu the OREfinx City EntfiU'KIse. - ,.. -w T , I 1 tt- "V y . . r 111 11 ' - t t 1 til f iv v ii'. - New York. ISC'l .OREGON CITY Henry Hunibel, FAYING TURCIIAS- J I ed the above Brew- t,e erv wishes to inform the publK now oreDared to manufacture a - 5ty of T. A ti If li, Ji J' ' a a f r u 1 o c ' 1 n 1 ie obtained an;'; ,olicit. d sind rr"D the State. Orders sol tilled. vi. i v G 0