Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1874)
4 o o o c THE EKTERPRIS tfcaa Then OREGON im, OREGON, i-titKNTALa 'Shot. , mmwaltout 20 years of age m vnuim r&lem. inompany with an other t,v. were out hunting in the k ih S-ihoCautieUlpiw mill, J, ir- ni llIU v - Ml Alt,! -IShanneci- is V,,, .... .it-el- ad inet " j' t;int i TVIIIV - . death, i-roiii iuner.,.v i r f th learn the Mlo;!" patod a deer to pate sad atlair: " ' , ti,e mss by where J ' ' Jo nther lxy tol.J the I ...fll.IliT " 1...,. .-l-OU were, . i"'" X.;.- .i n also, i n-' "V ". ' 111-7 in . tret Ul i. .. ..... as he raise- it U, nit' n;i"'"-' ..fthe loir, causing .L- 1.11 tllL' -I'1 -t " " , . i... ..,,ti.r-.-,l the sprins J 'JaJ in the corner of theyountf ni-ui . t throUarh the head " l ...,m lis: "lit ftholttick. never r.r,l.or utt .'d A WOW, auer ii" w sliot. Tl man reside m r.f this count . rents ot me youn Mrs. it. Jones, I sister of the uni'H- t Wr IX) iw r,- irilll 111 ,.al,le to ' ..1 Mead to take his eon so he ii hk.ii ! able ,,oforhini . . hlJ,(1 oftho fs at the tuuate youns funeoi i o"-; -u , mother w-i' cutter. An 4 and the lurv returned U.ur by th(J ftC KLV-I lvLS;ror Sun in his own riJcntal ui-.-- linJs. rivs. For the past two hxrnA j.,ht tnlin3 have been "wkS fX : ihe nulroad, the regular riiiini".-. 1(tve the larire . t lrf-ill"able U trains n-'t 'T!viTeat along the line which fHiant.tieso."' '"" v,-irt time sinoe short time since aWiii- ""... ii .rrowling about me ; friner n .u U lhat t K!,"; wheat remained stan.ling in the n . . .1. (MlO'.l"- Aiu'.iVAi.4.-The new-comers j rpii'i? nuineron? in place j hlv been the present we k. We record as loi to the wife of I. 1. - - : .... the ,th in r.,.,,b a daughter. J' v. . .. i :..t t,. the wsf of Jacob iV" nlw s a,V and girl. J;Kih the wife of A. J VT.I1. a uuu;... ith inst., to tlie InCinemih. !l Kell, a son. f Capl. -i o-- - Tli' new walk up the . . 1 1 w, .t Nkw Walk has been c..:, iinpleieu o .-iiwi Mel sruui md we can- t'ui!iiiii--i"u'r tint S:lV t o na h in its praise, i ne how tho j tho people j ... !..- T.h IIS 4 11". , n. lured those n i . --. rj . i i v. rv little expense bas made . . .. ..i...."snr:i!.l.! walk as the new " '! 1 ' . .. .... ... .r.. .i. the a l-i ell,'. U Mulfas tow alk down .Main sireei. e ..1 ,,l r.i tl .'llll.HlOll MOOVl 11JU Marfwill l e iu .via : on the- hill. iusii. Tlie tower for the ,d Church ii approaching com- 1 i:..'. t'.'.n. :m .1 will ai 1 greatly to me . and m ike it appearaiiee. It is 1 ...Us it t'i.' edi.'! 1 -:--.-iit a el'i:rciu . it ri .roveai'Mit v. l.l -ii lias long lieen oul v some charitably wofd-i donate a good livl-'i. .a Pi i'- th it ai'oiniiviL'ie nui- iv, tie- church w.eild be a (a.; .l-.'te. in -Taerw- w.s a reasonably fair at tiie eir.- l.nt Friday cven-iv'.-1 n .t .Ves.-nt, but uii'ler- 1! ;V! a I'li-e.l l h :i i. 'i : 1:1 oi i. ; -i cois- .1. -.1 1: :.l pi riii- willi Tno t A- I P h:; ! ! u-f 11 twelve tii .N ,. Li. in.i-'i .s'.ar per- heir an- ' ; ;i. -. ... ii; lv. it r .nijip i-v-il their i to humbug the j o Mr. l-i i-.iu i i: V -1" j J Patri- i IM,. ii-, ii - Li iran I a.--:. ..f'tiie j i li.-'.i m. i i Ka i; III 'Ml I1!'. .."I I'M 1 -.1.1 i eiiei.t of t h is p.i i ;.i. o.ii iU visit to j it ..ii -:it rec.'Utly. ' it- .ill hl-g.d.v lc;l,cd with -tion. aiid ii.;; liu-r oi id '..i- a i.l li the result '1 ii t.i- w oj-in ".d.-r Ci.- i !;. tj.vgo'n. much !' tiie si ! K Mil His. T r-t -aru -r G I : in ikintr Llsl M.lld.t' .verrior regular She ti.'ivi-r c i:..!ii M;.s to Diyti ! -oes I..-.-, ...i i l-'. i i.iv on M ou i iv, Wednesday ul e.t -i. V. i-.-U for I :'... ..;., 1 sili in. It. : on t: i - k f.-ilowi!.g ..lays. same d.iv.s for is a 'Mri.iMr.NrARY.-W.; are indebted t Mr. W. W. I'.irrbh, Secretary of the I.i:ni county Agri Society, for a Herniary ticket to the- fair k 'itiri i-i ii that S x iety. We regret lit misnie-i ' f.'it'-'l in fr, ..)i ;i.t s!lg:it -riling niuiits pre- rrr. 1- vik. -T!u i urteenth annual 'vri-iiiiii.-n..,.sat S. m next Monday. I '.-.' .r.-miiims tl.i i 'a'.-, :in i evcrv r.i : . ir are on a liber- rt is being made fair ever hehl in . u.ur u S'lriMSS ,U It..1. Jls stick. M r. M. i- fortius 1 i C. Athey, Justice precinct, and City ' fi t, lias lie 1 a very neatoirice :i t fi'.nt ..f the KxTKiii'insK L.oi.i- s. wii -re I; is prepared to attend to :n I. is liiK-. '" 'N'i To I.EAVK Wo reirret to an- n i;tm. tli n nir yoan z frien.l. Ko-rene ovl iamilv ;in I ' . to propos-- to leave liforniato resj.lii. i!l sadly reirret 1 their part, and jtui ii to their Or- T ... ir i:i ,i v frieli Is nr.; i a i ,ii , .Vlll s ) ,i Jst In- ii ho,;,. ''"IN'i lo Six lKANCI.SCO.-Mr. M. -thvy will leave hern to-day for San Frisco, w;.,.t. lu i)(,s ti .lt'ttnil the lh !hampionsiof the Iiii.i -. .,lr..,.."f rifv :m.i a safe return. t;-n.!,rNKD-JU'V- Xlr' 'vood re . ' h iia- tiotii his missionary tour . ' -'-'.en, Oregon. last Tuesday," look- :ic.'V.-':Ml h;!rty. He will preach bpisiv.psa Church next Sunday. hi-rt-..k MT""T"7,T7.r.rrr...- . v ' '' ..mi .-".iiunoi l"'i tout Mr C. C, Cram was badly '- ' Teecnti V by aueuiptiug to stop a 'ov-;iy stac r 'Uen un 1 :!v.l. learn. One of his i-ibst h was otherwise badly ANKs.W l.i;,ir,.' t . u:'"r obligations fp ',-"-'-" 'grass for a copy ,: .r.eeedin,s ofthe Gl,ln(lLo(- A-i-k.' - u !lK :i 't at Atlanta . u.uecM,e,dgrassfor a (.opv lSVKU'"'Thf En'tkuimuse office I . -n removed from Dr. Tliossing's 4l'i I 1 i . i "is 10 u, new buildin i-reit...l 11 f tho X isonic U o.o. . 1 d.Hr U il1' c'ntr:ln,i :" Ft- ''---It is almost possible to get 'r..i!;.ie 1 1 i dwelling's in town at pres- ; !' -cr3'thlnsr is full, and no sooner CHtd than another moves in. 3- dee: v -".sive came of Kio ball u i V3 College Club of Salem, and i v.; -rcadians of Portland, will be ' tuts city cn the 17th inst. IS- Litli6U hir. cur ".. i " c-"- r-a-iipe-rtatic n rsutes. . - ry r . aivl lie was at the , Mm. A.E.; Patterson, Miss Ada als on a "' n Stewart, Mrs. Martha; Smith, Frank. araoirjai!:: -zz Market Hepo larket h:vs somew nat uiuingeu t. i. 1 1 IliSt IlLi" ' - . - ,.,.f ,. till .wr ...OI. the vessuis i" ! . ; ......... niMi , d wheat in - '..a w Meal in ti uv man a ago California, and lO.s 4di0s ffor cl.A. , ' v , 4 (iom iuis ..n-v. ... iuiiv iu no1,. I-'Kal tenders are buvinpc at Our merchant are well sunnlied with floods, and trade has been very jood tor the past week. and groceries are generally sold to the consumers at greatly reduced prices. We have no changes to record in the txeiieral purchasing price of produce, nutter of worth 'Si cents per pound; cgiJrs '2 (rents per dozen. Wheat is quoted iu San 1- rancisco at $1 4.ji$l cq per cental. Letter List. The following is a list of the Letters remaining in the Post-oifice at Oregon City, Oct. 8, 1874 : Dard, Miss M. A.;Fallest, li. ; Hal vorsfii, Terbyorn ; Ilumiston, Henry L Kor, J. H.; Matlock, Win. F Mil- If called for, plea.sesay when "mh-M. Used.' J. M. JiAcox, P. M. jOIN to Salem.-The Oregon City Hand has been practicing during the week, preparatory to going to the State Fair. The boys blow their horns (b.-ass we mean) very nicely, an. 1 can make as good music as any baud in the State for the number of pieces. Grand Encampment. Tin- Grand i.ouge nas passe.l a resolution irrantinir a charter tor a brand Encampment to be organized in this State. We shall publish a summary of tin; proeeediie's of the Grand Lodge next week of all matters relating to this jurisdiction. Keicuned. Mr. J. G. Toner, an old citizen of this place, but for the past year a resident of Vancouver, returned with his family this week, and nrooos- J cs to remain here. We welcome him ! and his baek again. Closed. Messrs. Hell fc Parker give notice in to-day's paper to all indebted to them to call and settle, and those having accounts against them, to pre sent them and get their money. Folium. Note. Wm. Franklin, well known in this place, was arrested at Portland last Tuesday, for attemping to forge a note on Col. West, of Clatsop county, for 1,W0. Cocnty Cornr.-The County Court meiW cdnesday, and is still in session as we go to press. We will give the proceedings next week. Cot: x i v O it d e ns. Dr. wants all the county ord at the highest casli rates. John Welch rs lie can buy Pc.sY. The .steamers Success and Al bany are both running on the Yamhill routes at present. Pos I'M aster. M r. .. . Seely lias been appointed postmaster at Oswego, in this countv. Sr. Nicholas i-oit Octoher Opens with a bright story by Mrs. II. II. Da vis, which is followed by a splendidly illustrated article on Egypt by Miy, Stra Keahlcs Hunt. " Venus' Flower-U.iski-t" is a des.-jiption of the glass s;i..nre, with a picture liiat is j.ositivel v w. indert'ul in the delicacy of its execn- t ion. Mrs. Mary Dodge has one of her eharniinir little noems c.-ill- en onung, and C. I Craneh con tributes so. ik; eoinic verses, illustrated troni his own designs, makiiie: fun of the Comet. The. serials, "Fast Friends" by J.T.Trowbridge, and ' What Might ; llave been Expected by I-rank li. 'i Stockton colic! ni'cil We notice t!i - ,t the Letter lii.x, and tliatouaint fellow, " .Jack-in-the-Piiloit," are unu sually brilliant this month. Scrirneu's Monthly for Octorer, opens with another muniiicently illus trated "Great South' paper, by Ed ward King, entitled, " Down the Mis sissippi the Labor Question Arkan sas;" it contains much piet ures'jue, descriptive and practical information. In " Topics oft he Time" Dr. Holland writes about Mr. I'.cecher, the present t heoloci.-l outlook, tlie " Itewards of Literary Labor." A-e. "The Old Cab inet" is devoted to Good Taste, ami the ot le "-r departments have about their usual variety. In the Novemlier Serib ner a new story by S.ixe Holm will be gin, to run three or four numbers. Crop Kevort. The Sep tember returns to the Department of Agriculture indicate tlie average con dition of the wheat crop as 9'5, against '. in September, 187.T; while the av erage cf the crop is .seven per cent, greater than last year, whicJi would bring the aggregate yield to nearly the average of last 3'ear. The Pacif ic States are all above the average, as are all tlie inland Southern States and Arkansas, presenting the maxi mum of tlie whole country at 120. Do not wait for any thing good to come, but do all you can to bring it along. i CONFESSiljS L'F AN INVALID. rriii.isiiKii as a waknino and for the i b -ii .' lit oi ' VofNfj Men and otiikks who : suir r from MOKVuL'S DE'.'II.ITV, LOSS ; )K MANII'.M)!., etc., pointing out the Hifttn I of xfif.i-n re. Written by Nathaniel May ; K.vtis, Ks'i., who cured tiims -lf after nnder- sroin;; considerable rpiabkery, and mailed tr on recviving a post-paid directed enve : lope, by t h" publisher, in. John m. ija;.vai.l. I . 11 Clinton street. P.rooklvn, N. Y. A Wonderful Invii.ntion Kkckstly Patented. An elegant little instrument which combines twelve practicallv useful tools, viz : Pocket rule, ruler, square, bevel, screw driver, ohis-d, com pusses, scissors, button-hole cutter, pa-r knife, cras'T and l-reil sharper. '1 be article is made of steel and evidently durable. Agents art; wanted j in every town. The proprietors offer to j send steel polished iost paid by mail for ! lijty cents, silver plated. one dollar, ciold I plated, two dollar. Persons desiring an I agency or jo obtain the tools should apply at one. The proper addr -ss is Combiiwi i tion Tool Co.. Ul Nassau street. New York. Also, the new U-volver Lightning Trap, , wl.ich winds up like a clock. Kills rats, ! gophers, squirrels, mice, Ac. and throws tlifin away and sets Itself as quick as the i name indicates. One trap sent bv express for one dollar. The Parker Gpn. We take pleas 'ire in calling attention of our VaHey li iendstothe wonderful merits of tlie double-barreled breech loading shot guns manufactured bv Parker Ill-others. West Mcriden, Conn. a he burliest tcstimoni il received iroin,u'1 s,-f'Uons of the country, and thorough test given it in the held , n-no v apt. i recti li. Mmiii-ls, i b.fJtRint "? ?n aasertini; that it is the i OCSt Iireech-'.oii.tOii, t.i. ... :.. ..... w'rM- Tho, simplicity of eonstruetion unload VbcV " ."r !2rgV Xt' --11 to iais-e hot enabling the soortn,..r. i,-. -'"""C" ri nis phan n ,- tl3 its availability to a country w?.ULt?u in g uui ammunition i can be procured, all combine to recotu- iciisi ii. i.j every SLurisinaaw Hi,.-- ' T.iirci" . r.t-r:f-. T, ir.wini:? t - ' 'Warrtr.ilenvlr&l-." (Frcct R?Vi. Vi.) ? . ,.r,c-iip;it since our last report. inpriTOw OCT. 9. 17I. ' Tt is Quoted at il W per ru ai ... rort- ! , .inj our mill are paying ,0 cents , land . nu delivered at the mills. J. 1. Me:ul, ; jr bujit ; . rn,,idlv and rjjfjig-wcaaaafedaa The Sourtfof Mm,-iii. If all the ailments, bodily and mental which torment the human fn ' , traced to their primary .oureo.. H wouW .T .w la"ureof tle stomach the other organs br whir... ... , . . and ; ! : ..w.i iooa is on verted into nutriment ,. ..,. puriJos-s of life, to iierfortn t i, . lo Ul' ted to them by nature vi "(,rr iU.Sks a!rot u lariy. i tils being t he case the Vu Dortance of n. it...i.i.. , vast these organs to do their '-Uol e d..-".1!1" ! ouchlv and erHcier.n J .'oi- Uutv tlior- ! uKiiiy anu emeientlv. become , Ri.ii:irent 1 lci . "'-eoines at ODCC may be truly charaerizedSaaIrl,Ute" tion of this kind, indeed 1 i, L Ppara which can be 1 nSv A in 0nlyon,! stomachic, an altur!, on a in such orouortioM, , , ' aperient taneouslythe desired effect u oT.n , tf i",Ul ordered stomach, liver and Z 1m dls" This conclusion is warrant, d bv h," U,neS ty and certainty with which the Alt? rlTr" rord relief in chronic cases or .u-c" af" torpidity of the liver and wnst??-5ia" The false idea that these coin? ui1'0"; others that grow out of them J ? ' and ed bv fiere,. ,.mii,.. J:.' .eiu' coulJ be cur- hoied. flllCZ 1 U;en thomujrhly exoiodeTi it is sick, during the last hundred The sivalinue.i tbf.iiQ.....-i- . . -v -irs nave ....v.-, .j! ions OI nierenrv- scanimony, pamboj;.., croton oil 1 li ana lens oi ttmusands of lt-iv... L T.. . maturely filled thereby. pre- Uut me principle or ronovati ever sinee in llostetter-s stomach liitters Va, Urrn'v ed against t he principle of prostraUons" represented by mineral salivants and furi ous purgatives, the huter Las ,-ad?lv nM surely fallen Into deserved cm" ,pi 5 T f. outcry against stimulation bvwhicVi eon coctors ot depleting drenches I.h d , cive" eclat to their disgusting llnd compounds hasnn v-1.-.-, ... ' . demand for the wh.-soinV'stimuTant" ! tonic and alterative uhieh for tw .ntvive ears triumphed overall opinion and is i WWtre,,USt K')VUhr '"''uicine o ti e j est-Tn hemisphere. VUy iole;Ist say tluit our Uodieu are renewed once in seven years. The materi al of which they are reconstructed is the blooil and unless it be fully charged with t he elements of vitality, the strengt h and health of the system decline. Of all the blood depurents. Dr. Walker's Vinkoar H1TTEK.S is the safest and most infalliable. I here is no disease arising from deprava tion of the blood, which it will not speedilv cur''- oetl'ml OBSTACLES TO MAKIUAOE. Happy Ileli. f for Young Men from the effects of Errors and Abuses In earlv life. -Manhood restored. Imicdiments to" Mar riage removed. Now method of treatment New and remarkable remedies. Hooks and circulars snt free, in sealed envelopes. Address, HOWAKM ASSOCIATION No ' South Ninth St., Philadelphia, l' in" stitution havinga higli reputation for hon orable conduct and professional skill, novo :ly .MAIll!U;i). In this city, on Sunday, the Jth inst., Mr Earnest Mathes and Miss Margar -t Nehen. On Tuesday evening the happy couple were serenaded by the Oregon City Hruss Hand, after discoursing several strains of excellent music, th.- ih-diIkts of the band and several friends who were in attendance were called into the house, where an abun dance of cake, wine and cigars were set before them. TO-DA Y. luiprovt'iiie.'it of tin1 IjipiT foliimbiit Kivrr. Fioticoto Contractors. Advertisement. United State's Kngineer Office,! Portland, Oregon, October 3d, 1ST I.) DEAI.EI i PHOPOSALS IN IU'PLICATK O will be received at this ollice until 12 M. on the 4th day or November. 1S7-1, for the improvement, of tie- 1'piw-r Columbia Iiivc-r, at each of the following places: Umatilla Upper Kapids, 107 miles above the Dalles, about three hundred (-Ml) cubic yards of rock. Squally nook Rapid, :jtf miles aUivethc Dalles, about three hundred cubic yards of rock. The work to b.; done consist in blasting out. rock ; all rock being under water. 1 he amount av.i ila bl; for the work is twenty thousand ().(MM!) dollars. Printed specifications, instructions to bidders, ami blank forms for proposal will be furnished on application to this office, when charts of tie; localities above named may be examined. N. M If HI. Kit. octtbvS Major of Kngineers. WO" rjHIIK UXDKKSpiNKD HAVING SOLD JL out their business in this elt j-, would respectfully ask tboso indebted to them to call at the old store and settle their ac counts eit her by cash or not". We desire to square up our business as soon as possi ble, and those knowing themselves indebt ed to us will confer a favor by making im mediate payment. Kither of the under signed ar.; authorized to receipt for debts due the firm. All persons having demands against us, will pleas-; present tle-ir ac counts. I'.KIJot I'AllKKIt. Oregon City, Oct. 8, 1S71. Another Chance! FIFTH AND LAST GIFT CONCERT IN AID OF THE PLSLIC LIBRARY OF KE.YTLTKY. NOVEMBER 30, 1874. Drawing Certain at that Date. LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Cash Gift One (irand Cash Gilt One Grand Cash Gift One Grand Cash Gift One Grand Cash Gilt 5 Cash Gifts SJe.iMM) each JO Cash Gilts, 1 I.ikmi each ..$ir.0.000 .. .. 75.IMX) .. ,rn ),0)0 .. '..-, X JO .. ll)0,M K) .. no.oiio .. 1.50, 0H) .. lOll.tHMI 1" Cash Gifts, JO Cash Gifts, '." Cash i Jiffs, :!') Cash Wilt s, "' Cash Gilts, 100 Cash Gifts, 210 Cash Gifts, r.H Cash i iifts, 10,i00 Cash t iif ts.'Xioaoh 5.IHM) each 4,iMKcach :..MMleacl- '.'.t.HXIcaeh l.iXHi.ach rwHieneh ihi each r:) each 1 1 H ,( H M 'a.iiiK) JIHI.IHK) PMI.IMX) PJI'MM) sa.fMH') 0'")O,iX Granr'i"otaI 20,i Gifts, all cash 2,590,000 iItlCI-: OF TICiilMS. Whole Tick ts $ 25.D0 ,r).0f) 1 ,000.00 Halves Tenth, or each Coupon 11 Whole Tickets for 22 Ticket s for. , For Tickets and information, Address, THOMAS E. BRAMLETTE, A e; e . . t ami 31 n .. s ff r. Public Library liuilding, Tjouisvillc, Ky octSw6 Tl... riiicinl Test o; medicine is time. Does the experiment confirm the claim put forth in its favor at the outset? Applv this criterion, so simple, vet so searchingto Tarrant's i Kfferves- CFNT SELTZER APF'ElilEST. How has It worn? What has been its history? How does it stand to-day? Tarrant's Effrnrrscfnt Srltzrr Aprrieiit is a household name throughout the Unit ed states. It is administered as a specific, and with success in dyspepsia, sick head ache.nervoiis debilitv, liver com plaint, bul lous remittents, bowel 1 complaints (espe cially constipation), rheumatism, gout, gravel, nausea, the complaints peculiar to the maternal sex, and all of inflam mation. So mild is it in its operation that it can be given with perfect safety to the feeblest child ; and so agreeable is it to the taste, so refreshing to t he paiate. that chil dren never refuse to take it. For sale by all druggists. oct9w2 FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS HIS premises, in Osivpco, for sale at a bar. fam.lor cnsh- Tbor is a fine dwelling andout buildings, orchnrdand aboutthreo ww.n.u. i iu-i v suuaicn jor a ooarn- .o .no.-. en m i ro iS ' Wo.a-. Cs f-o, fair: J. CAIKE. 8jp .1 v . J f tli" value oi a Administrator's Sale. In the County Court of Cl3ekamas Count v Oregon. ' In the matter of the estate of Jacob KamJ-le deceased : X?VT1CE. IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT IX - Li pursuance of an order and license made and giver by the lion. County Court J of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, at OI 'acKainas County, fctate oi tho 0ctolx-r term, 1ST, thereof, me wooer tenrr, lsvi, tnereoi, we win pro ceed to soli at public auction to the hlnhest oiauer, ui me court nouse aoor m Oregon Clty' U Satard Saturday, November the 11th, A. D. 1S74, the following described parcel of land, sit uated in Clackamas County, Oregon, and longing to the estate of said deceased, to-wit : The west half of claim 39, being a part of sections 4, 5, 8 and 9. in T. 4 S., R. 4 E., and bounded and described as follows : beginning at a point tl-70 chains South and 31-20 chains E. of the N. W. corner of said section 9; thence W. 80-40 chains, thence N. 40-20 chains. South 89 deg. 4.3 mln., E. 20 chains, thence E. 60-50 chains, thence S. 10 chains to the place of beginning,- con taining 161 30-100 acres. Term of Sale Gold coin, half down at the time of sale, and the other half the purchaser to give a note secured by mort gage upon the premises. Deed at tho ei penstt of tho purchaser. GEO. C. KANDLE. 11. N. BILLINGS, Ad mln lstratora. Oregon City, Oct. 8, 1S71. 4w Final Settlement ! In the matter' of the estate of llliam Kalr, deceased : JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the final account of tne adminis tratrix of said estate has been filed and the Court has set the 2nd day of Novem ber, 1S74, being the first day of the No vember term of County Court, of Clacka mas county. State of Oregon, all parties and iersons are notified that the Court will, on said day, hear objections to said rc-jiort If anv there be. N. W. RANDALL. Attest, Countv Judge. J. M. FRAZER, County Clerk. oct5w4 NOTICE. m.KK up BY THE SUBSCRIBER, iower Molalla Precinct. JL living in Clackamas county, Oregon, August 15, 1874. one roan-sorrel horse, very brtuchy ; six years old; lilteen hands high; small strip in; right hind loot white; saddle marks ; ruptured in the groin. The owner is requested to prove property and take htm awav. DANIEL WYLAND. I hereby certify that I have appraised said horse, above described, at thirty ($30) dollars. Wm. Mokeland. oct2w5 Just ice of t he Peace. ReftTfe Sale. In tho Circuit Court oftho Stato o lOrogon, for the county or Clackamas. George V. Prosser. Plaintiff. vs. 11 nam ll. I'rosser, Esther A. Cook, John F. Cook, Arthur Warner, Adminis trator of tlie Estate of Ma ry I'rosser, deceased. Defendants. BY VIRTUE OF A CERTAIN DECREE and order of sale made in the above entitled suit, in said court, on the 28th day of September 1S74, tho subscriber a referee for that purpose duly apixdnted by said court, will sell at public auction to tho highest bidder, on Tuesday tlie third (:)fl) day of uriu bcr, 1S71, at two (2) o'clock P. M. of said day, at the Court House door in Oregon City, Clacka mas county. State of Oregon, certain real estate directed by said decree to be sold, and described therein us follows : Parts of Sections eight (X) and nine (9), In Town ship two (2) South, Range one (1) East, be ing a portion of the donat ion land claim of Henry Prosser and Mary Prosser deceased, situated in Clackamas county, State of Oregon, containing about 100 acres. Terms of sale : one half of the purchase money to be paid on day of sale, in U. S. gold coin, remaining half in one year from date of sale in gold coin, the unpaid portion to draw interest and payment of same to bo secured bv approved security. ARTHUR WARNER, Referoe. S. Huelat, Atty. for Plaintiff. Note The above land Is situated a short distance from the town of Oswego, and contains valuable de.osits of iron ore, which can be seen by persons visiting the premises. oct'2w5 Final Settlement! io the matter of the estate of John Rad ford, deceased. In the County Court for Clackamas county State of t .regon : r H A 1 1 E ADMINISTRATOR OF SAID ES JL tale having filed his exhibit for final settlement thereof, it is ordered that Monday, the si-cond ("4) daj-of Xovmh lr, ls;i, be set apart for said final set tlement, and the hearing of objections th-rcto. By order, HON. N. W. RANDALL. Attest : County Judge. J. M. Frazer, County Clerk. Charles R. Roork, Administrator. Sept. 2o, ;"w. FnEE VACCINATION FOR CHILDREN DR. S. PARKER HAS RETURNED from the East and has reojieiietl his office at Bell A Parker's Drug Sto.e, Main street. Or gon City. Residence at Mrs. Post's. The Doctor, while in Boston, Mass., procured a limited supply of vaccine mat ter taken from a calf, and for a short time will vaccinate w of charge, either at his office or at their residence, if within tho city limits or at Canemah, all children in (,'iackama counti i-iulrr 12 years whose parents are desirous of having them vac cinated with pure, unadulterated virus, and thus protected from the dangers of Small Pox or any scrofulous complaint. llep-tr DR. S. PARKER. Ksualishecl iix 18G0. B. V. HUGHES "SiroLT-D ANNOUNCE- TO TIIE CITI ? ? zens of Oregon City, and vicinity, that he has purchased, fitted up and filled the store OPPOSITE THE PCSTOFFfCE, on Main Street, bet ween Third and Fourth, Oregon Citv. My slock consists of Ir y-Gomb, Clothing, Hoots anil Shoes, Groceries, Patent Medicines, I'orfumorj-, lints and Caps, Plateil-Wure, Ladle'' and Gents' 1'iirtiishi ii jr Goods, China Tea Sets, Tnble Cntlerr. Hosiery,, Crockery, IVindoir-Glagg, Glass-IVare, Yankf Notions, Hardware, FARMING EMPLEMENTS, ROPE, GRAIN SACKS, &c, &c. Having been established since ISfiO, my long exierience In business enables mo to know what to buy for this market. MY STOCK OF Greneral Merchandise is Iargc and well Assorted. There is no house In the City that Can Undersell Me. SMALL PROFITS AND qCICK RETURNS, Is ray Motto. CaU and Examine my Goods before purchasing elsewhere and I will suit you. B. A. HUGHES. Cr a Ciry, July ITrli, 13T4. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA. DRY GOODS ! CLOTH T jSTG- 1 HATS and CAPS! G It O C E It I JES! ETC, ETC.. ETC. THE FIRST GRAND OPENING .or THB. 1874 FALL SEASON 1874 Will b InAUffurated ly m Splendid Exhibition 0f NEW GOODS! At ths Store of BRADLEY, MARSH & CO., ox Monday, August 13 lnt, BRADLEY, MARSH & Co. 17 EEL THEY WOULD BE WANTING . in courtesy to their numerous pat rons, as well ns foregoing n pleasure to themselves, were they to allow the "yellow leaf" of Time to pass by wit hout some suit able acknowledgement for the more than liberal supiort accorded them since their advent in business. The un retarded and unexampled pro gress of BRADLEY'. MARSH A: CO. in .p ularity and business success has inspired their rivals and competitors with bitter animosities, and their envious tongues misconstrue every motive with a view of injuring our fair fame and well earned reputation in the world's esteem. Viewing the past with contemplation's sober eye, and cheered by the generous support of this community, we shall con tinue to pursue a steady, onward course, that has no retiring ebb, regardless of our detractors, to whom we cherish no resent ments, relying In the future on that ener gy ability and watctiful enterprise that is sure to reward every intelligent and saga cious attempt to supply a generally felt want. We are desirous of building up a business that will bo a CREDIT TO THE CITY AND STATE! Let our opponents endeavor, according to their means and ability, to emuluto us in this respect, and in a very short time trado will be attracted to Portland that has been, from well known causes, divested from it, and numerous teuantloss houses will find occupants BRADLEY, MARSH & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRY GOODS. ETC., ETC. .AND. General Importers ....or ENGLISH, AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GOODS, Corner First & Stark Sts., PORTLAND. CASH ADVANCES MADE ON EVERT description; of PRODUCE. Bert. 11.2m. FALL 1874; Is your ttm-e to buy goods at low prices. S. ACKER MAN & CO. are now recelring a large stoek of FALL & WINTER GOODS, all of tho Latest Styles, which will sell ATELESS THAN PORTLAND PRICES. Our stock has been bought for cash, and we wUl seU it at a small advance above SAN FRANCISCO COST. "ITE WILL SAY TO EVERYBODY BE IT fore you purchase or go to Portland, come and price our goods and convince yourself that we do what we say. Our stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ladles and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer iei, Hard ware and a great many other articles too iiumei1 ours to mention i ALSO DOORS, WINDOVS, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETC. We will also pay th Highest Market Price for Country Produce. S. ACKERMAN 1 CO. Oregon City, Sept. 11, 1874. tf THE NEW IMPROVED rLOit Sida Feed and Back Feed. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, MOST SIM PLE, AND MOST EASILY OPERATED SEWING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. Alnjs in drier and Rdj for Work, If there is a FLORENCE MACHETE within one thousand miles of San Fran cisco not working well, I will fix it with ont any expense to the owner. SAMUEL HILL, Agent, No. 19 New Montgomery Street ( GRAND HOTEL BUILDING, CAH FBAKCUCO. PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, Southwest Corner First and Morrison Sti. PO H Tl A A D , ORBGOX. From this dnto wo have adopted tho CASH BASIS AND HARD TIMES PRICES. Come and see us and there will be mu tual satisfaction. CUSTOMKItS AT Ol'll LOW PRICKS And OIRSKI.VRS AT CASH. GEORGE A. PEASE. Southwest Cor. First fc Morrison Sts., Portland, Oregon, August 7. 1874. tf GREAT SLAUGHTER ! IN DEY-GOODS AND CLOTHIXG! PANIC PRICES! AT Thecoods hav.. been houeVit. at pi -ir PRICKS and will bo sold in accordance. I Iont forget calling before, yon lay In j your supplies. I Orosoa City. March CI. 1571 xt 1 Once More We Come ! With a Stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, LARGER AND MORE ATTRACTIVE thaa eer before, bought from the groat San Francisco Panic, and which we offer at Greatly Reduced Prices. Our stock of CLOTHIlSTGr Has been largely Increased and we can show as handsome a line of ready-made goods in Men and Boys' Business and Dress Suits, Overcoats, etc., as can be found in the country, and at prices that cannot fall to satisfy. Our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Is filled with a splendid assortment of all the leading styles and fashionable sbodes of good 8 Empress Clot ft. Mohairs, Krenrlt and American Dress Uoodi, Black Alpacca, Brilliant! lies, Cashmeres, Ac. FLANNELS, Plaid, Plain and Opera Flannels, of all col ors. Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Flannels. Lmdl. and Gents' Vndertvare, I1ih1 and Mrarf Wool Blanket?, Trunks and Traveling SatcUels, Hats and Cap, Oil lotU fur Floor uid Table. BOOTS and SHOES, We would call special attention to ourQ stock of Men's and Boys San l-'rancisco Boots, which we have sold for a number of years past with general satisfaction. Ev ery pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE & FARMING UTENSILS. Choice Teas, Canned Goods, and all choice Family Groceries, All at Low Prices. Also, LIVERPOOL AND CARMAN ISLAND SALT. Highest Price paid for all kinds of Produce nd Wool. seplStf I. SELLING. FOR SALE ! jVt X5jTl' St 111 I I WILL SELL AT A REASONABLE FIG ure, my Livery Business, toek, Ac, and lease my Barn to a purchaser for two years; also If required, will lease my Dwelling House for same time, Oregon CHv Oregon, August 0, 1S7J. J. M. FRAZER. -J t r- Kvery yettr in crones l;c J oj y of this valuable Unit' 2': of ava-i;-" ; which is duo to merit filonc. V o c:.u assure our oh.l j":trcns thsit h i.c; .-t fully uj to its liih Mm: 'lard ; iL is tlie only reliable mul erU-t-u-l r-; -aration ir retoritHr (ii:.v "ir a."! i Hair to its youthful color, npl-iv it, soft, lustrous, anl bille!i. T' c :.1;, bv its use, becomes v.l.i'.i- :r."! t'caii. It removes all eruptions :;n J .bdnlrull" ami, by its tonic propei iu , i ic- c-:.ts the hair from falling out. as il Mimu lates atiJ nourishes the hir-rlr,n! By its use, the hair p;vov.-s thicker r:ml stronger. In baldness, it rc?trt-s the cajillary olands to their i:o:':n:d ior, and will create a new trrowih, excepts in extreme old aere? it is th.e mcst economical IIaik Iiu-;sbiN.; ever used, ;is it requires fevrcr :ii:piiealien, and gives the hair a splendid, trios? sy ap pearance. A. A. Iln.ycs, -d.O., State Assayer of 3Iassachnsetts, ays, ''Tlie constituents are pure, and caret u! ly selected for excellent quality; audi consider it the Best Preparation for its intemled purj.oscs."' Sold l-y all Druggists, a:i l Dealers in 'I'tiUc'-irs. Price Ono Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOR THE WHISKERS. As our ttenewcr in many eases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in one 2 'reparation', which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off! Sold by a!) Druggists. Price Fifty o Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL L CO., o NASHUA, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cleansing the sys tem and purifying the blood. It has stood the test of years, with a con stantly growing rep utation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of -which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, "Ulcers, Uruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, I$IotcIie. Boils, Pimples. Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt Blieurn, Scald Head, lling-ivorm, and intsrnal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liivcr. It also cures other com plaints, to -which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, llcart Disease, Female Weakness, Debility, and IieiiCOrrhcea, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of "health and strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with, renewed vigor and a new lease of life. PREPARED B T Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass Practical and Analytical Chemist. SOXJD ST AT T- EKUGGISTS EVEKYWES- o Q o o O o o c o G O O 0 o O o o o C o o o o o o o o o o o o o o