Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1874)
o o ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE o O THE ENTEnPESSE. 8BEC0S ClTY.PKEuilS, SEPT. 25, 1874. FOB THE ENTEIirittSE, BY M. -,j ', ;. -- f .- With'trie rVith me V test beloVerir " v With me! what more can I say? Than tell thee that with me, ;lii.y - dnr linf;,' ' , ' 'All sorrow when I am away; I have longed, and w ished in niy long ings That a dav would exist for me, ' . When I coiiM away from my duties To sit iu the twilight with thee. And breathing the icrfuineof, lovers, Ilv the silvery liht of the moon, Vil talk of the past and tho present ; ), love! wil't grant, me tluvtoon? Tin granted, and love's lent me wings, I'm lifting the latch of the gate, On tiptoe I creep to the window; " What care I for fortune or fate. O, joy 1 I kniw she was waiting; O, rapture 1 she knew I'd L there ; No pleasure, no bliss so ecstatic ; liegone, wearying trouble and csire. You waited and watched in your wait ings, - . -. - Beloved, with never a fear ; I longed, and wished in my longings . For the day of all days to apiear. ROMANCE OF SAI.IiM MII.I,. From the Kiatesman. One August day, bright the sun was h in in lt. Our friend J a for a sweet girl was pming She, with her bonny curls and glorious eyes, . - - - '' . Did charm our friend to try and win the prize. . , . They each did seo the other every day, As to the Willamette Mill they went their way, To work and win a home, in Salem town to Jwell ; And now the story I must haste to tell. Her merry eyes, as through tlio mill she Hped, Would make the 1103-3 all wish that she would wed With them ; for each one was as was our friend In love with her. How will the story end? - Be patient yet awhile, and you shall near How fared they all who strove to catch the dear. Her ruby lips were such a tempting treat'. That each one wished that his and her's might meet ; And then the meeting, heart to heart would tell Who was the lucky wight that won the lelle. Well, time passed on, and every dav The samo occurred a .- I have dared to say, . Till our friend J , li s plans mature. No longer con Id the irrave suspense en dure; And to the lassie of his heart ho went And told his love, quite to his heart's content ; She, gazing in his eyes with mock sur prise, Spake through those " luhy"lips, and tried To tell him "no," sh( did not care for for"Shay," But eyes denied whaj lips did deign to But still he perseverJLl, for yet at stake Were all his hopes; Yr she might take Some other leati,atf liieii farewell To J's castle; yes, it If it toll. His hopes were cm I Id, for all concen trated there. c But not so fast, yuSAiso ; our beaute ous fair Was fairer than the ruby still, and its . britrht ray That glitters'in the :n at day. And so her " no" .neant " vcs ;" the castellated wall Of our friend tho'totteringdid not fall. And now a l's told; nay, there is yet more to say : " She even said to J , " You name the day." The other beaux are searching far and near. And hunting through the prairies for another dear ; And J is happy, for the ruby's ray Is brighter in his eye than first the day He hunted for the gem, along the mill stream's bank, " And found it hidden 'mid the belts and cranks Of weavers' room, in Willamette Mill, Where you see them working when you "will. Thrice happy, James, be dreams of fu ture bliss. And may wo have the right the bride to kiss; " May !Hlies ray Ik? ever sparklinu bright, . And never be its lustre dimmed bv elouds of night. Tho' changed its name, the beauteous rose la still as sweet. I must this rhvme close, And finish now mv song; so opo the gates, And pass in friendship trom vour shop mate, Albert Osrorne Yates. The Corvallis Gazette says: As tlio Btage containing Mrs. P. M. Abbey, It. O. Head, wife ami three children, driven by Cyrus Powers, -was passing a point known as the "Devil's Well," on the summit of Elk mountain, on tho 7th inst., owing to the narrow ness of the grade, careened, and be fore the team could be stopped, -went over into the fearful abyss, down the almost vertical mountain side. The wagon struck completely bottom up. Mrs. Head, her t.h the writer being inside. The cover was left lying just as it struck, but XI 1 t 1 A 1 -. -. .. m uacfc ana team pitched uown the mountain about one hundred feet, finally lodging in sc:ne underbrush. Mrs. Abboy and the boy were on the "box," the former being thrown vio lently to the ground, but went no - further. The driver became entan gled with the team, and was carried down with it. Mrs. H. and her youngest child, Frankie, werehfirled down the mountain, tumbling over andor, as far as the hack went, "where they were overtaken by the husband and father, who escaped un injured, and immediately rushed to their assistance. The other two chil dren were rescued by Mrs. Abbev, and prevented from going dpwn the fearf nl chasm. The horses were ex tricated from the harness, when the hack, being freed from them, took a Midden start and went another hun dred feet into the abyss. Dark com ing on, the party took up the mail Mil -V fast freight," , and walked to lAk City, leaving ths horses on the side of the mountain they not being able to make the ascent. Mrs. Abbey, Mrs. Head and Mr. Powers were the only ones hurt,- an.l their wounds amount to nothing nrjore serious than rather severe bruise. ' v r --r " 1 J - - , .. ' T", . TS ' ' 1 ' ' ' i Artfl uAKKtLs. ah iowa paper predicts that in five jyears every bar rel of Western flour -will be sent east in barrels of paper, made from the straw the wheat greSv on. . Many who. in oui Ll&ys ol wealth, we deem but heartl churls, ' have in oar distress b Iwn theraselves irienda. " O 1 . THOMAS CHARM AN ESTABLISHED j 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZEN'S of Ort-pon City ami of the Willamette v alley, that lie is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that ; c- j r, t ''. ' A Jfimble Six Pence it Brtter than a Slow Shilling. I have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one' ol the' ; : Vl'iJ I LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED "'?-'-..'' STOCK Of GOODS . ever before offered in this city ; and consists In part, as follows; - -. (: s -. -: . . . . . . . ';',' . . - Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, . Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description,! f Hardware, Groceries, - --'-' Paints and Oils, , Sash and Doors, Chlnaware, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, I tidies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Faming t ions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc Of the above list, I can say my stock is the MOST C OMPLET K ever offered in this market, and was seleted with especial care ror the Oregon City trade All of which I now offer for sale at the Lowest EVlarket Ra'cs. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods for I am U U-riMiwtt to Sell Ufteup and not to allow myself to be iDEBSOLD IX THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the trade; Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CII AinrAN cannot be leaten in quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell you all the advantages I can ofTer you in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disaji lointed. All 1 wish to say is Come, iiiul Sfp.aiid Examine for Yourselves fori do no wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liber al patronage heretofore bestowed. THOK. CHAUMAN. Main street, Oregon City, .' I,egal Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. THUS. CIIARMAN". B.7"5M,000 lbs wool wanted bv THUS. CHARM AN. ! FIFTH AND LAST CONCERT IX AID OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF . KENTUCKY. DAY FIXED Axn A , FULL DltAWlXt; ASSUKKI) . OS ! TODAY, 30th of XOVEMIiER, bl. .IA.ST:lIiLaG- : "ron iVn. Easy jFortuii'c ! A twist poniMiient of tlio Fifth f'onei-rt of the Public Library of Kentucky lists been so no rally anticipate!, nml is so mani festly for tlio interest ef nil etneernecl, that it must meet the approval of all. Thetlay is absolutely fixed, and there will be no variation lroni the programme now an nounced. A sufficient number of Tickets had been soldto have Tiabled us to have had a larre drawing on the 31st of July, but a short jMstKnement was considered preferable to a partial drawing. Iet it be liorne in mind that THE FIFTH GIFT CONCERT IS TIIK IVST WJIICIf WIL.I, EVElt BK, ( JIVEN UN UKIt THIS t llAHTEIt AX I) BY THE rUESEXT MANAGEMENT, That it. will positively and unequivocally take place as announced on 310 X DAY, 30th X0VE31BER That t he Music will be the best the coun try alTords, and that 20,000 CASH GIFTS, AODKEOATINO $2,500,000 will 1k distributed by lot among the ticket holders. b 1, 1ST !' C;iFTS. One (Jrand Cash One Urand Cash One firand Cash One (irand Cash One (irantl Cash 5 'ash Jifts 10 Cash Gilts, l-i Cash Jiffs, 2 Cash (Jiffs, 2o Cash ( Jifts, ) Cash Jifts, 50 Cash (iifts, 100 Cash Gifts, ' 240 Cash (Jifts, 5nj Cash (Jifts, Ift.'JOO Cash Gifts, Gift Gift Gift Gift iift 53t,iNMeach.. 14,000 each. 10,(HH)each. 5,MM)each 4,oor)cach.. 3,000 eac.. 2,000 each -1,000 each 500 each 1(h) each.. SiJeach ..$i"0,iV)0 .. 1IM),()(HI ... 75.IMKI ... 50,000 .. 2-",0K .. 100,000 ,.. 1IO,0K) .. 150,1 KH) .. 1'H),IKI0 .. llHl.IKH) .. !K),(M0 .. 100,001) 100,000 .. 120,000 5O,0N) .. 950,000 Grand Total 20,000 Gifts, all cash 2,500,000 PKICll Ol' TICIvCTS. . Whole Tickets..:.:...:........ Halves Tenth, or each Coupon... 11 Whole Tickets for 22 M Tickets for. $50.00 25H) 5.00 .500.00 1,000.00 Persons wishing: to invest, should order promptly, either of the home Ollice or our local A cents. - - I,iieral commissions will bo allowed to satisfactory agents. Circulars containing full particulars fur nished on application. - THOMAS E BRAMLETTE, ? " ? ". " Atfenl and Manager, ? Public Library BuiWlng, Touisville, Ky. J. P. DA VIES. " JOKHCA DAVIESH. j. p; davie s & cb AT J OX I OZST E 1-j S " -" a n n ' - - r03I3lISSIOV fPijpir it l IRE-PROOF STOXE BVILD1AG, ; WHARF STREET, VICTORIA. B. C. i Liberal Advances Made, u raM?nmeiits. i July 21, :ty j j i , tat- ' AUCTIIOX AXD COMMISSION. A. B. RICHARDSON, CorrkVr of Front Oak .Povtl-nd Auction si!s Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Mcr chanuise aiu iiuin.-i. 5 tjp! . DAYS Wednesday and Saturday Auctioneer. 2 t Fi'ivnic Ssile. English Refined Bar and Bundle Iron English Siuare and Octagon Cast Steel, Horse Shoes, Rasps, Sa w s , Sc r e w s , Fr y - Pa n s , Sheet Iron, R, G.Iron. . , ALSO . A large assortment of Groeerieft and Liq uors. A. Ii, RICHARDSON, Jan. 1, 1873-tf. Auctioneer. NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. Flrat. Mireet Whiwii Alder nml Mor- ltou SI., nl Abler Street Iietiveen First ami Front Streets. I'ovtlancl, Oregon. 4 X IXSTITlTTIOx DESIGNED TO PRE- JV. pare JSOYS, YoUJ( and MIDDLJi -lUKU MJi.Ylor Business Affairs. II. 31. DfFH.l XC'K, t Ire8ilent. W. L. WHIT 15, : t t Setretiiry. For acquirinp: a Practical liimincs.s Jitlucn- rion this institution offers superior advan tagos, and Is acknowledged by leading iiusin-ss Men to be the oest - , . Ooriiiriei'oial College on the Pacific Coast, and second to none! Each Department is First t.'lass, and is un der the special charge of expehiknceo TEACIIKIUS, and the whole school is under the immediate superintendence of the President and Secretary. The school room and counting are united upon a plan that. secures to the student all the practical ad- vantantajes or each. 1 here is in oj,ieration A IJ.VNKIXO IIOFSI5 fully illustrating that business. The same system being observed in each department, the student buys, sells, ships, barters, eon signs, discounts, insures, draws cheeks, notes and drafts, gives leases, deeds, Ac, and goes t hrough the entire routine of ACTUAL lU SIXKS.S. In addiiiKtothe complef eness of tl.e In stitution the proprietors have instituted a SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. The entrance to rooms of thi Department is upon Alder street, and access to them is had only by t he teachers and lady stu dents. Kare facilities an' olfY-red to ladies for acquiring a Thoroutrh Knowledge of Business Practice; of Telegraphy and Pen manship. The DEPARTMENT OF TELEGRAPHY is in charge of first-class operators and teachers, and supplied with all tho appar atus of a first-class ollice. This Institution as now conducted claims to have facilities for imparting a thorough knowledge of the Art of Penmanship! that not. one in ten of the BrsiNKSs Cot i.kks now in existence possesses ; the e partment being under the special superin tendence of one of the Treading Penmen of tin United States. Korfull particulars .; nd for National BrsiNKSs Coi.i.kok .lot'ftNAi. sent to any part of the eon nt rv free. Address, J)eFIt VXt'K t WHITK, TKk Box lot, Portland, Oregon. "Nlonev! Monev ! MONEY TO f.KXI IX SUMS OK $."00, and upwards. Oregon City, March 10, 174. mnnf JOHNSON McCOWN. CJEEA.S. II. OA I J i4' IK IV I ). DEALKR IX GENERAL M ERCII AN DT S E, CORNER OF SEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS, OREGON CITY. Has .Inst Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods, 5rovn and IJleaehed .Siieetings, House Lining, Sliirtinjrs, Table-Ijincn, Irish Bosom Linens, JJnen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies' and dents' Hose, 'Thread, Camlu ics, l.uttoiis, Kibbons, Tu es and Insertions, lmbroiderv, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, ,v.c Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDERN'S SHOES, (roceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, 'Wicks and Chimneys VliU-l have 1ee sOect'd tvith speelal care for litis market mid cuiiuot HKSl'HPASSEU IXUUAUTVOHPHICK. TUB IlirailVT MARKKT PRICK PAID I'OR COUM UV PKODUCH, March 13, 1873 :tf War Claim Agency No. :Jl MnotnraiT)- Itloek, SAN FltANCISCO, CAL. r II. AIKEN, ATTO I IN K Y-AT-IjAW, ?V and Commander of the (irantl Army of the Republic in (,'alifornia and Nevada, will give prompt attention to the collection of Additional Travel I'ay, now tlue California and Nevada Volunteers discharged more than three hundred miles from home. .Soldiers can depend on fair dealing. Information given free of charge. When writing enclose stamp for reply and state company and regiment and whether vou Jiave a discharge. Congress has ex tended the time for filing claims for addi tional Iiounty under Act of July 2S, 1X00, to January 1S7j, so all such claims must he made before that time. Original Iiounty of $100 has been allowed all volunteers who enlisted before July 22d lSbl for t hree years, if not paid the same when discharge. Iand Warrants can be obtaind for services rendered before isj, but not lor services in the late war. Pensions for late war and war of 1812 obtained and increased when allowed for less than disability warrants, but no pensions are allowed to Mexican and Florida war soldiers. State of Texas has granted pensions to surviving veterans of Texas Revolution. New Orleans and Mobile Prize Mouev is now due and being paid. W. 11. Aiken also attends toGeneral I,aw and Collection business. Cmo. A. G. WALLINC'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. Pit fork's rtnildlnjr Corner or Stink ami Front Streef. PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK ROOKS RULED AND BOUND to any desired pattern. Music books. Magazines, Newspapers, etc., bound in ev ery va.rietv of stvle known to the trrade. Orders from the .i.untry promptly at tended to. Fon Sam-:. We will sell either a Flo rence or-G rover A Raker Sewing Ma chine at San Francisco nrices. In order that thoe who desire a machine, and are not able to pav the entire amount mnv be accommodated, we will sell them on the installment plan, payable so, much per month until paid for. IMPERIAL M ILLS, Savier, Laltocriue & Co. "Oregon Cit." Kep constantly on hand for sale Flour, Middlings, Rlan and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasing feed imiStTurnish t he sack. A. NOL T INT K Tl T0 T A R Y V V ;1J L I C. ENTERPRISE OFFICE. - OHKGOX CITY. COURTESY CF DIVERSITY era Mustang Liniment was first known in America. Its merits are now Well known throughout the habitable world. It has the oldest and best record of any Liniment in the world. From the millions upon millions of bottles sold not a single complaint has ever reached us. As a Healine and Pain-Subduing liniment it has no equal. It is alike, beneficial to MAN AND BEAST. SOLD BY ALL DRUCCISTS. S. T.-1860-X Ye OLD Homestead Tonic Plantation Bitters Is a purely I'erciahle Preparation, composed of ClUaya Baric, Roots, Herbs and f ruits, among which will he found Sarsaarilian, Jfanaeiion, Wild Cherry, Sassafras, Tansy, Cent tan. Sweet Flag-, etc.; also Tamarinds, Dates, Prunes and Juniper Berrie,rTr in a sufficient quantity pnly of the spirit of Su gar Cane to keep in any climate. They inva riably relieve and cure the following- cmn plaints : Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com plaints, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Bilious Attacks, Fever and Ague, Summer Complaints, Sour Stomach, Palpitation of the Heart, Gen eral Debility, etc. They are especially adap ted as a remedy for the diseases to which. WOM EN are subjected, and as a tonic for the Aged, Feeble and Debilitated, has no equal. They are strictly intended as a Temperance Tonic or Bit ters, to be used as a medicine only, and alwayi according to directions. Sold hy Am. First-class Druggists. L!VERY, FEED, AND SALE 2ii STA1ILE. -o- r IH I K I T X I ) KUS K ; N EI V1K) r I tlET ) It O V 1. the Uvery Stable on Fifth street .(Jregon City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Saddle and BuiTgy llorsef, Boggies, ( :irri;if;esainl lliuks. li'icos leasoiia1jle. lie will also run a hack to and from the WILHOST SODA SPRINGS during the summer season, with good horses, competent and gentlemanly drivers. FARE AT LIVING RATES. J. M. FRAZKR, Proprietor. Oregon City, May 27, 1S73. - M A A' U F A C T () Ji I K S. II A vn ksta ni.isuujy A FACTORY H! FOR THE MANUFACTURE CF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, AXD MOVI-niNGK OF ALL SIZES. They will also do Turning of every de script ion to order, WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH! F"A11 work warranted. Shop on the River, In IjCwis' Shop Opposite Oregon City Mills. " AGENTS FOR THE ENTERPRISE."" The following persons nre authorized to act as agents lor the Kxtkupkisk : Geo. 1'. Itowell & Co., 40 Park Row, New York. N O.'oe, Wetherill A Co., 007 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Abbott A Co., NO.S2 and Sf Nassau street, New York. Port land.Oregon ....E. Samuel -. . (Tlios. I.ovce San Francisco T St. Helens, Columbia county M. A. Miles Astoria, Clatsop county .A. Van Dusen Salem - b. Williams Harrisburg I. II. Smith Lafayette, Yam hi 11 county I. L. Ferguson Dallas, Polk county - Dave Holmes Eola it. Doty Jacksonville U. K. Ha una liepton couuty Y. A. Wells Corvallis Hon. John Burnett Canyon City.Orant co W. II. Lasw. H Albany -A. N. Arnold Dalles, Wasco county, N. II. (Safes LaOrande, Union county A. ( '. Crai" lVndleton, Umatilla county s. v. Knox Eugene City..;.. Ht Thompson ( r.. I!i-istow Roseburg. - Hon. L. I'. Lane non - j:r: Jacksonville Hon. K. D. Komi ray Long Tom - - 11. C. Huston CLACKAMAS COCNTT." Reaver Creek. Rutteville ..... Cascades... Can by Cutting's Eagle Creek - Harding's Iyrwer Molalla....... Mllwaukie........ Oswego Upper Molalla C. V. Rentie . John Zuinwalt Henry Mc(iugin I. W. st rawser ...-I. Wright ......l'rank W. Foster Capt.Z. C.Norton ....i.uAVi More land John Ilagenbcrger '. Tohn IVole - W. II. Vaughan TO LET. THE ROOf FORMERLY OCCrPIKD as thf Council Chamtxr,(n hr. Ths. , ing's brick building. Apply at this office. ' BANCROFT LIBRARY, CF CALIFORNIA, HOVriS THE TIME TO sunscnniE for THE ENTEi 8w:50 'I? Eli YEAR, .-PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. . Each number contains tho ' , , LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, From all Parts of the World ; A Carefully Selected Summary of STATE AND TERRITORIAL NEWSITEIS; A Corrected List or the Markets In . ft. Portland, San Francisco and Oregon City LOCAL NEWS, EDITORIALS, On all Subjects of Interest to the FARMER, MERCHANT OR MECIIl.MC Also, Carefully Selected MISC I'.LI.A X LOUS It EADI NO. is in Every Respect a - LIVE NEWSPAPER. Til 3$ li'Tidt V It f V Having a largo and constantly increasing Circulation in the most j-opulons part of the State, offers superior inducements to those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements inserted on REAS0NARLE TERMS. The Campaign of 1871 will soon begin, and it is therefore a good time to Subscribe in order that you may be posted on currant events Send ia your subscript ion at once Citation. In the County Court, of the State of Oregon tor the (. ounty of Clackamas. In the matter of the Jitalc of Jncob Kaiullr 1 JeeetMcf I: T p O T 1 1 E II E I It S A N D O T I E R P E R SO N S 1 interested in the estate of Jacob Kan die, deceased. Whereas, theduly appoint ed Administrators of said estate have filed in said Court a petition praying for an or dertosellthc rest i the real property of said estate ; now, therefore, in the name of t he State of Oregon you and each of you are le-reby personally cited to appear in the Omnty (..ourt ot Clackamas (. ounty State of Oregon, on the first Mondav in Oc toher, that being the fth day of October, is?!, and t he lirt day of the reirular eto her term ofsai'l Court tor 1ST i, t lien and there to show cause, it any exist, why an order of sa le should not be made as in said petition prayed for; said land bejngdes- i cribed as follow s, to-wit : I'.eirigthe west of claim No. being a part of sections 1 ii. n and v, in l . l, s., u. i iiomiued as follows: ISegiuning at a point fi-7' chains south ".l-L'u chains east of the N. W. come of said sect ion !:th-nce W. .Si)-10 chains thence N. 10-Jil, S. Sit tleg. 4o mill. E. 20.00 chains: thence east. (ie-TiO chains : thertc south 4H.(Hl chains, to the place of begin nlng,. containing UjI .JU-liH) acres. It is further ordered that a copv ofthi order be published in t he ( r-e:on CifvKx TKRiMtfsE, the litigant organ for Clacka mas C ounty, Oregon. N. W. RANDALT,, Attest : County Judge. J. M. Frazki:, i.. s. county Clerk. L. T. Ba his, Att'y for Adm'rs. Oregon City, S-pt. 12, 1S71.-W4 Dr. J. Wsiiker's Caliloruia !110a::ir ftiltt'l'S are a pv.rely Veg etable preparation, made, chiefly from t'ie 'native herljs found on tire lower ranges of the Jrnerra Nevada, mountains i-i ('alifornia. the. medicinal p-op.Ttics f which lire extracted, therefrom witb-o-i'. the use of Alcohol. The question '"s almost daily asked, "What is the nix - of the unparalleled suceesH of ixk?ar Uitteks?" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, ;nd the patient lvcovi.r; his health, "aey are the gre-n'. l.'o .1 T-urifier m..1 i.:- -giv;.Mg je l; .. : 1 ( rlect l.eno- t!m system. . " o: .he world r ho - ; ' ! ' , onnded pos- i-ig the 1 .. ir, qualities of ink;u: Dri er;:, i healing the Kick -r v ry disease. They are n gentlo "in-native a- well as.i Tonic, relieving !o!igesti n or Iutiammation of the Liver an I Visceral Organs, iu lJilious Diseases. Tlio pruned ies of Dp..WAtEa's Vrxr-r.AK Bittern are Aperient, Dia pho. Nutritious, Laxative, Diu '" : i-lr.-, Counter-irritant, Su- ' ive. un.l A-.iti-Bilious. THE PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROS WEST M ERIDEtLCT. STILL IX THE FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF II A AS SALOOX. WILLIAMS & HARDING, ' ' - 'AT THE-' LINCOLN BAKERY, KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK ot Fa m ily Groceries t o lx fou nd in t he city. All goods warranted. Goods delivered in t he city free of charge. The highest cash price paid for country produce. Orecon City, March 2$, 1873, n n fit tri.. fa 1 1 MBRC H A NJI8 B, 1 I . JOHN MYEES, OREGON CITY, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY. A N D GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Books and Station? i v. Iwillpaj- the highest prices for 13 nt 1 er, lji'ti', and all kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE, I will sell as low as any house In Oregon for CA SIf O It ITS KQ I I 1 'A L KXT "n Good Merchantable Produce. I am selling very low for ft SI A Ml . ( ASH 1MID FOR COIMY OKDLRS Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21, 1S73. ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB OFFICIi OREGON CITY. : OREGON. "1TF. ARE PREPAREU TO EXECUTE all kinds of JOB I'RINTIX;. such as CARDS, BII.L-I1BADS, PAMPHLB7S, DHKDS, MOllTGAGBS, LABELS, LBTTBR-IIItA DS, in fact all kinds of work done a in Printin Office, at . PORTLAND PRICES. ALL KIXPS Of LEGAL BLANKS conKfnntlyon hand, and for sale at as low a price as can be had in the StatcJ Work No!icfr! AXD SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Oregon City. March 21. 1873-tf. About 150 pounds of long prim er, of ..which ..this, is an impression. lias luen in use but a short time, good work. Price -25 cents lb, either tied up "or in. cases cases extra. ALSO, A small font of "X onperiel of -whloh this is an impression. Price S5 cents ft. As gtod as Te"w. There i enough to set about one column of this rajr sclid. Address this office R. R. P ' if- RADWAT'S KEAUY REU . ' , CURES TDK WORST AMXu ln From One to Twenty Mia,.,,.,, ' wi vax. HOUR The Only Pain - MlVPflV that Instantly stops the most fxe-l,, pains, allays Inflamation. and Si' ,n gentious, whether of the Ltmcs M on Bowels, or other glands or organs ?'nBh, application, in from One to T 'X,. y utes, no matter how violent ,r incthe t.nin th lrK..JL. .... or. ecruela. Infirm. Crippled, "k. prostrated with dis ase may sufr! r g,c- or RADWAY'S READY IEj.EP , ill afford Instant ease Inflamation ol the Kidneys lnflamailn'offt?aiX?lT;fth,,Elad. Sore Throat, I.ifflcu?tatMng Ule 'Hysterics. Croup, $ Heart. Headache, Toothache. Catarrh' Auenia. Cold Chills, Aguehinslg,a Rhcnnm difficulty exists will Twenty drops In half a tumbler of w. will in a lew moments cure vJT.ater few dniis in wat. r win ,l'i ni. a pains lrom change 01 water it r0' UianErc-nch Lrand or l..,t. is Vl FEVEU .1X1) AG I K. Fever and Acue cured lor liitv .' There is not a remedial aKcr t i,, tn,. Dtsr that will cure Fever and Ague "1 d n r.J(i er Malarious. Liilious. Sc-i rllf !Mi; O llhrMJ ItLLIKh. riltv cents if r i-..V Sold by Itruggists. h"ttli HEALTH !BLAUTY I! Strong arid uro rich 1 loou-u.rr.xf,. . 1 Jj frh and weight-el, :.r skin a,.ti , Bl"; lul com 1 lexion secun d to all. ft hi Jsr, i i.t rh t ui v f has made the most ator.isi;ii.,- ,.,ir'K' quick, so m, id ar lb.- el.anef, u u'Vx' uiul. rfio s, unu. rth. influ, m, thiMn oitclriul uieire , that 1 f. clvnn.i;. crease in flesh oiui weight is s.'er. snc u u 'J HE OKK.'i ULt-Cli I1 iKI . Lf ry dr..p of the Sim.j'knii.M. L,. . vvM.t eoiiiri.unicatis Through thf i ,7u'nt. l-rn.f- arm oth. r lluies anti !t..e ' 1 sysf m lb-, !.!, :or ,t r in i. the wast -sol th. i.:y v it hue,, ai.c s..ui 1 material. i-eroiuia, S j i.,Iik, .i,s-i,n . il.mat. J.ouili, a!, s 1, tiiwi.os ajici on., r iart: 1... si 1.. : .., L t s, t; rumous a ,R....rr. .-. . r i,. ft " Vj i ai;u the orst .crius..: .- kl, . t.;s ilS. . r. ' l'"1. ev TVT' '-i1- t-. iai-j.'u'.'.ru. Salt Iiik utn. Kr; s.p ias, Aci.' . 11 v.,,.. Worms in ti.e Mesh, 'inn.ors, fnm.rl the W oiiili, and all v s,iUi , j.,, dischart;, s, iht ,-wi ats, 1 t i s of !-,., V,,. and all v.ast s ol the in,, j r.iiciel. " v ithin the curative range 01 this wo'n', r ol Modern hi mir , and a 1 w tia. g- VS(. will prove to any p- r.son using it r", ul', r ol these tonus 01 dis- use its , ot. nt i,w.r to cure tie m. It the 1 atiM.t. daily 1 cone s r,, v the wastes arm u com: r.sitioi. tl.jit ikinhI. tinuailv rogr. ssing. succ us in arr.Mn,t these w astes, and n pairs the-same witr new material maue irom heHltiiv l.looa andthis the Sars, ariilian v. ill 1(H secure. Not onlj doi s the arspanlhun Insolvent excel all knov n r-111-nial ng.-nts In the cure of hronic, Sen 11 lorn Constitutional, and skin diseases ; but it is the only 1 ositive cure lor Kitlnej and Iliaiider Comp;aiiJi, Urinary and Womb diseases, ci ravel Liia bet. s, Stopi age ot YVaUr, Incoiai nenceot Lrine, 1 right's liseas(-, Al! Linj nuria, and in all cases where there ar-brick-dust deposits, or the vater is thi'cr cloudy, mixed with substances like thV white of an egg, or threaOs like white 'ik or there is a n.nrbid. dark, billions aj iear nnce, and white bone-iust deposits when there is a 1 ricking, l-unuii- -i:(.al tion when 1 assing water, and pain In tl e small of the buck and along the loins Trice, $1 00. AViIOX!-,. The only known and sure Iicinedy lor Worms I'in, Taj-, etc. Tumors of 12 Years' Growth (tired by Hadnay't Ilesoltfttt. Beverly, Mass., July is ic? Dr. Rapway : 1 have had Ovarian Tu mor in the ovarii s and bowels. Ail the Doctors said ' there was no help lor it." I tried everything that was recoiiimen'rird ; but nothing helped me. 1 saw vour K sol vent, and thought I would try it : but had no laith in it, because I had suffered u.r twelve years. I took six bottles ol tlio Re solvent, and one box of ladw's Pii;c, and two bottles of your Ready Relief : nnii t here is not a sign 01 tumor to be seen er felt, and I Ieel better, smarter, and happier than I have tor twelve ears. '1 he .rt tumor was in the leit side ol the bowls, over the groin. I write this to oii lor thi benefit ot others. You can 1 nblish it If ou choose. IIA" A1I 1. K'A1T. Ult. RADWAY'8 PLFifLCT FUHfcAlSVE PILLS, ,-criectly tastel. ss, elegantl coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, j uriiv, anu sir ngtheii. Kadwu 's Tilfs, ltf lh cure 01 all msord; rs oi Uie stomacli, I iM r. Low els. Kidneys, Llauiier, trous Lis-easi-s, II, adaclie, i oiistipatioii, ( ostivt ie ss, lndigt st ion, 1 ;ysp. j sin. i iiiiousn. m, i:ill.ous l-evi r, iiiflammatiou o;the els. Piles, and all lt. rangements 01 the internal Viscera. W arrant! u to afffct a iKjsitive cur-'. Purel Vi gt table, ci. i.taii; H.g 110 im rcur.. , tiiint r;iis, or ceiet riuts urugs. tObsi rve tin lollowiiig s. iiiiteme re sulting ituiii hiSuii.. rs o: t'ut.' l igt stne Organs: oi.Mitioi,, Inwarii l'.ies, 1-uilb'-ss. ol liie Llooii in the li au, .viiu.iy 01 t Le stomach, .Nhus":-, lii-art burn, Dsgust ol 1-ood, r ulire ss or it;ht in tit- stoinncf., ""ur i-.ruetj!tii:i;s. S:iiku.i tlr i lul I, riiic at hi 1 .l n in, 1., .-u jii. I. Uiti o tie if ;m, llurr. 1, 1 e ii; t r . .- : ; ' . . i . I j 1 - : ; .... J r - I. re in 1 i.r 1 er . M.fT.i- 1 r l-,tl;r. ' , : i . i 1. . . . 1 ... !,. J 1 ,,1., 1 ' le ee iic. 01 p. rs. ,r;il ,01., 1 1 :. i., :-s 1.! the sum and Lyes, I in i; i;, 11. fu-. MeM. l imbs, anu suutii n 1 iushesoi II- at. burn ing Ul the 1- 1, sh. A lew iinsi s hi hximuj 'ti l iii will free the system .nun all the above 1, allied d; onnrs. I 'rice, cents j er box. Sold l-ruggisls. li :ul"i ais ri; ." S. r.i i ti I-ll- r slniii to iu.... . o i '.- -.. 7 iiie- ii i uu- , -Ni'v. ori-. 1 1-it rif.t e n -. onb iu i.. s i..i.ii. Juiy it, ifTn :i. In the ircuit Court vf th- Statt of T-C'f, forth' coin. t. ol i lackamas. suit !or j art it ion. .eorg, W. I'nss r, 1'iaititifT. vs. William II. IYosser, lb st r A. 1 00k. Arthur Warner, Adminis-f tratorol the Kstate 01 Ma ry I'rosser, deceased. J To William If. Prusser, one 0 the above -eitdcentiutits : IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OF OK ivnn.vnii nre herebv reiiiind to al I ear and answer the complaint filed again' you in the a love entitled suit, by the nrsi day l the term ot said Court following tne expiration ot six weeks from the first pub lication ot this summons. Said first UO licatlon being on the 17th day ot July, and said next term of said ourt com mencing on the fourth Mth) Monilfl 'i Sipt.eniU r, ltili. And if you fail to sw r said complaint, the plaintiff will p plytothe Court for the relief demami.-u tiierein. which is lor the partitioning ana sale of a tract of land belonging to P1"1""" and defendants herein, situated in I lac amas countv. State of Oregon. l,ln,,,?i:,i of sections eight and nineln Townshipt South. Range one East of the illaiia" Meridian. j,, I'.v order of the Hon. W W.Tpton Judge of said Court, dated the eleventh dy July 1874. EIIMU'S,Hlol,Ijo,?rtT Attorney for riaint iff- Jiily 17r 1874. 7t 1 OREGON CITY BREWERY Henry JIumbel, TJAVIXU PCRCHAS- JI od the above urew- . he ,s ery wishes to Inform the public tn " aW now prepareu 10 manuiaciu.-- " - - Uj LAG SB. BIIBR. as good as can be obtained any" the State. Orders solicited and prom pi u filled. after reading this advertisement t, one suffer with pain. IUDWav-k RELIEF Is a sure cure to 4nr was the first and is evcr 1-iq. lt