Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1874)
o O G o 0 O G i I J - z. . ...ju Malarv UuCHtlon. THEinTERPRISL an: oregm, sept, is, ism- wort to. bceo rather lively week." OnrrMwlM'."1 f our . in""-." .-Hon oi '".-f ,, a black ve. ntrhout a scraU-h. oVS 'orls a sufficient ltad.Tt of the OnMondaya weaving room . - rtntentfent .,te Willi ."'iTpnrv Ilogl "nt-Mr- Henry 'm. depart nA also a cripple, Z mU m ""nin tho rescue -hn anotlimJ"T All tho China- L oftheBttr" fwork. and had rmn men men V TTelday. wherUpon the jntu Mr. Jactio. v y the fin?s ana cows rLTiV. acre , r -ipad guilty, v ujcu ffffie na-B Plif rOHUiued as usual thcvdia. 0MTnJ. From -what wo on Tuesday oruin?- h opinio that n learV were entirely Justifiable in both mj ere o lhCir aVirirtX'ourt of State JrBT Clackamas County, for Sep- teBi nAcTr ' Wm. Blunt. B- Sn John White, A.J. ArihP ton Brush, M? i , r'" Ti.nrv Smithers, i V. K1IIUM, Klijah W;ddle, v.s. m y . It. F. Ilonnay, J. E. McConnell. Warren Corbey, Jacob Wills, John M. Drake, Ja. Muase, J. D.'Crawford, A. McOnnell, Ilenrv Willbern, U. U." Matlock, Geo. Graham, S. M. Keanaw, Henrv Guns, Geo. W. ItiKKS. Adam Ks, fi :.,.Vv.'L'uf fal I It. X. Itillinirs. . ?u" KortUlermon. (Jr. W. Parrish. TrvAs? Dksist. The young u.-ll'!Hl HOT naimnviv...v. -- 1 l.iit tt l1' io t" w think he will not venture where his love lies dreaming. I.ktter Lfr. The following is a list of the Letters remaining in the Fost-offlee at Oregon City, Sept. li", 1874 : HrUda. Harnev ; Ihirphy, Steave ; Ks hs, Thomas V. ; Miller, Jas. II ; Miller, Miss Ann; Miller. (,. J. ; O Conner, W. W ., 2; Ilol.erts in. ; ltowan. John; V.iereti, Lmgi ; W llhoit Jahn; Wyatt, J. W. Itegistered letter tor St4 Luke, Oonea. If railed for, ile:isesay w hen "avlver tUcd." JM. P.A. QN, 1. M. Gone toSalkm. Our genial friend, Mr.. Henry Wright, formerly of this place, has gone to .Salem, and, in con nection with a gentleman from Port land, has opened a restaurant on Com mcreial stric t. Henry has had consid rablo exiierieiee in the business and will imd.mbtedlv satisfy the apjetite oftliH hungry public. We wish you auoces-", Henry. IloniiKitV.--On last Sundaj- night, Homn one entered the residence of M r. Geo. Strirkler, ( Caaeiuah, and from hi U'd-rooin abstracted a pair of pants containing aUmt ?ln, but generoiisly U ft a bunch of keys which were in the j ants. Such visitors should receive a rreeption of cold lend. Nw arrival of fall and w inter goods at I. Selling's, which came to hand per last ntcumer, for less rtian Portland raU, theesame being bought for cash, and to be sold at tistoiiishing low prices liiiowis. The public is invited to cull 6ffre pun basing elsewhere, and con vince themselves of the truth. Fink Rook. We are in receipt of a handsome sjiecimen look from Painter A Co.'s Type Foundry, 510 Clay Street, San Fram isco. It is a tine work and reflects credit on the publishers, and is convenient as a reference hi ordering printers" supplies, etc. I.xporxation Wantkp. Henry Clif ton, who was in tho Modoc war in lsol, in C"t. .TesHii Walker's Company, will confer a favor bv sending his address to the Oregon I'itv Kntkiumusk oflice. Oregon and Washington Territory pa pers please copy. Arhivki. Kcv. N. A. Starr, tho minister appointed by the late M. I". Conference to the charge at this place, arrived last Saturday, and preached on tin following day. "Mr. Starr is an able and eloquent divine. ('iu.KD.-Mr. M. M. HarkucsH, trav eling agent for Henry G. Langley's Tacific Coast Directory for 1S7.V77, call ed on us last Tuesday. lie has writ ten a very crediitablo description of Oregon City. New Goods. For the latest stylos of clothing, and dry-goods geenerally, go to A. Levy. He has just leen lelow and secured a large and well selected tock of fall :md winter goods. Give mm a call. ItETCRNKi.-Mr. John Dooh?, of Os wego, arrived home, las week, from an extended tour through Southern Cali-'''rn,a- From his appearance we should judge the trip had been benefi cial to him. From Salkm. Read the editorial communication of A. Noltner, editor of this paper, from Salem, ire gives a full report Of the tirnpppHin nf hntli nouses, which are very interesting. The new steps up the bluff are pro Kressmg rapidly, tho ascent will be ry easy, v, hen finished they will 1 K'eat improvement on the old ones. Urm- CouRT.-The September cZZt YCUU Court tor Clackamas County will mni-n. . Jiirtci . ' -ionuay. 'ill preside. Socij be a ocial dance at Pope's Hall this (Thurs .T) evenln.ic. A cordial invitation is --Mruaea to all. Tk. r b f Church i3 ling repainted rM 4 Campbell, which greatly hnproves it. nr-a A new roof has been placed on the rr'll Vbureh, and a new cupola is uow Demg erected The steamer ni io come down from ton. V . ) !5untlay. seventy-five ona of freight. A llteraryientertainment at the Li nry Yturday evening. Free. in 8tea. te;n thr r Alico is now ruunintr flace an-i Tertlnd. lady who wavinl her hamlKercmei at our dvil laatflunday. will please not do so ..r un T vouiur imp has been nearly name mi l snow white walls of the ?froVJ.r to ceiling, and on every blank shtXof pnper. in our sam-tum, ad on beinp reprimanded, shied a 5ihiHiinje-stick"Ht the foreman, lie u " " . f" mol u i 1 1 n o ( t y pe , a ml s t ood mi hi hl1 in lhe ,nk kt"g,nt S, " Mmetrvinsr to ll lance a " galley" ot UvJ 'matter" on e:u h foot. JIe is con- tii.ualtv HininK "Susan Jane and vmo where my Love Lies Dream- Iiis exireiue imue- A correspondent writing from Sa lem to tho JYirir, speaking of the bill before the Legislature . for the redaction of the Judges salary, has these sensible remarks on the sub ject, -which meet our endorsement: When the State Constitution -was adopted there -were-fewer Judicial Districts than there are now; the duties of the Judges were not so onerous, nor were the expenses of their office so great as now. - And even then the compensation, as: fixed in that instrument -was wholly inad equate to the services and responsi bilities imposed upon the Judges. "With the growth of the State and the spread of its population these l"c"' "a I'miauon u responsibilities have been multiplied Judges who were formerly required to hold but one or two . terms of court a year, lasting but a few days each, are new required to hold many terms, which, from their number and business, not unfrequently lap each other. The public service seemed to requre, and did reqnre, this increased service. For instance, it was found that instead of one term of the Supreme Court in each vear it was necessary that there should be two. Take this fact. Here was a service not exacted at the time the State Constitution was adopted not considered when the compensa tion of tho Judges was fixed in that instrument; and yet it was a service that the public interests imperatively demanded. It is a tax on the- time tf the Judges, and it is also a tax upon their purses. Hundreds of miles of extra travel, and hundreds of dollars of extra expense are incur red by those Judges whose districts are remote from the Capital, on ac count of this extra term of the Su preme Court; and it is a tax which is imposed, only in a less degree, upon those members of the Court more fortunately situated. Under these circumstances the Legislature did just what out to commend itself to the good judgment and- justice of every citizen of Oregon. It voted me judges a specineti sum to reim burse them for the expense of travel which the increased service compell ed, and to compensate them in part lor such service. .No objection in law or morals can be made to this act of the Legislature. I believe that the better judgment of the pres ent Legislature will prevail; that it will not drive learning and integrity from the Supreme Court, by reduc ing to beggary those who, posses sing these qualities, occupy it. Officers of the State Grange. The following persons were elec ted at the annual meeting of the State Grange which recently met at Salem as officers for tho year. Master Daniel county, Oregon. Clark, Marion O verseer Will iam count v. Cyrus, Linn Lecturer E. L. Smith, Olympia, V. T Steward W. M. Sheltou. Walla Walla, W. T. Assistant Steward W. M. Powers, Linn county. Chaplain M. Peterson, Jackson county. Treasurer B. A. Witzel, Marrion county. Secretary J. Henry Smith, Linn county, Gate Keeper A. A. Mathews, Douglas county. Cere3 Mrs. Jane Cyrus, Linn county. Pomona Mrs. M. Powers, Linn county Flora L. C. lleid, Yamhill county. Lady Assistant Steward Mrs. L. S. Folsom, Lane county. Executive Committee W. S. Brown. Clarke county, W. T. ; H. N. Hill, Lane county: C. E. Moor, Ben j ton conntv; Orlv Hull, Walla ! W ilia; E. Fordes, Clackamas coun Fisk, Salem. ty; M. Standing Committees of the House. The Speaker announced the fol lowing Standing Committees of tho House last Saturday: Military Affairs Shedd, 'Wright, Gearin. Roads and Highways Lee, Longh lin. Curl, Van Riper. Engrossing Bills Reed, Hays, Wossom. Indian Affairs Rinearson, Math ieu, Kelly. Printing Mays, Noyer, Partlow. Elections Dufur, McClung, Me Gngin, Roe, Galloway. Ways and Means--Ritllle, Steen, Wriglit. Education Matlock, Mays, Ply male. Judiciary Stott, Bradshaw, Cham bers, Fidler. Florence. jChiims Jackson, Crawford, Blake. Corporations Gearin, Shelton, Ross. Commerce Stearns, Dean, Dully, Butler, Cornell. Counties Ledgerwood, Chandler, Darst. Federal Relation Stump, Reed, Cranston. Mining Plymale, Simpson, Wil son. Public Lands Brown, Gilbert, Doak. Internal Improvements Florence, Stearns, Kelly. - , Public Buildings Wright, Bruce, 'Reed. Rather Laughable. The discus sion in the Senate last Monday on the bill to repeal the act passed two years ago to provide extra pay for the Supreme and Circuit Judges, showed a degree of talent in that body which would have made Black stone himself ashamed of what little ho knew of, constitutional law in comparison to some of the members of the Oregon State Senate of the present day. It was purely on con stitutional grounds that these law makers wanted this bill repealed ; nothing more and nothing less. DIED. In this city, on Tuesday, 22d inst.. Mrs. Robt. Morris, of Dayton. Tho funeral of the deceased took place at 2 o'clock yesterday, from tho residence of Geo. Graham. Park Ward has purchased tho drug store ef T-ell A Farkcr. SUMMARY OF STATE NEWS. 'in:?-? were, three Jeat in Eugene i. nomas tai " of in the the Umpqua Call, is said . n last stage of consumption. An emigrant train of direct from Kansas, -'the Plains across, passed thronn-h pn Tuesday, en route for Coos Bay. TheO. S. X. Co. h the rate of fare between Portland and the Dalles, charging deck pas- "e"" ""'j c.ou. cabin passen gers, as heretofore. Hon. George H. Riddle, the mem ber of the Legislature from Doug las, who has since the meeting of the House been detained at home bv the illness of his son, arrived in Salem on Saturday. The county jail at Kerbyville had a narrow escape from fire the other day. The building had caught fire from a defective fine, but was dis covered and fortunately extinguish ed before much harm was done. A company was incorporated in the Dalles on the 15th inst., with Messrs, N. H. Gates, J. C. Cart wright and E. Shutz as incorpora tors, to be known as the "Dalles City Manufacturing and Water Com pany," with the capital stock fixed at $20,000, in shares of $100 each. ju eunesday ot last week, a young man named Rickets, while en gaged in cutting logs at Huffman's mill, on the South Fork of Mary's river, made a mistake with his ax and hit his right foot, cutting off two toes-and almost severing his foot at the ball. The Salem Record of last Satur uav savs: "luu new code is now ready for delivery. The price fixed in the act authorizing the publica tion is o per copy. I lie books can be had of the Secretary of State The Governor to-dav issued bis proc lamation accepting the code, as pro vided by law. Messrs. Mumley & Mapn returned from the Red Dog diggings, in Jo sephine county, and report good prospects and plenty of ground One piece of gold, weighing $95, has been lound, and also various smaller pieces. Comparatively few claims have as yet been taken up. 1 ho Moiuitmneer says: Irom one of the gentlemen engaged in the survey between the Dalles and Celi- lo, we learu that the cost of building a canal will be enormous, and it was his opinion that it would never be accomplished. We went over the route last week and have arrived at the same conclusion. N KWS IT ISMS. Steam street cars are used Lake City with success. in Salt The taxable property in Owyhee county, Idaho, this year amounts to $30,000. Montana Chinamen have taken to feodincr Indians with whisky, then killing and robbing them. S. D. Howe, Esq., relieves Mr Finkbonner as inspector of customs at Bellingham Bay, and has gone there to take charge. Ned Weston, who sold a placer mine in Canvon Citv, Montana, re centlv. for S27.-400, has just struck a rich gold lodo ten miles above'Sil- ver City. A party of Nisqnally Indians nassed through Olvmpia on Tues day, on their way to Skokomish with four race horses, which are ex pected to be entered in the fall races there. W. A. Burleigh a rich doctor o Dakota has been nominated as a can didate for Delegate to Congress the Democrats of that Territory The Elk Point Glemter, a Democratic papes, says he is the "biggest thief in the Territory." The Young Enterprise, is tha name of a "small begining not to . bo de spised" newspaper, "published and printed on the tenth of every month by Master Law-son Nicholson, at the Churchman office in Vancouver. Terms, six months. 10 cts. ; one year, 0 cts." Neat and well printed. May it grow bigger and its editor never get thrshed, is tho best wish that we can give our little name sake. Tho Transcript says: "The ho) men are in full blast. E. Meeker, John Meeker, Miller and Meade k Thompson are at work picking hops and curing them. They have good crops, and say they will run from 1,500 to 3,000 pounds per acre. Some hop growers have sold for 2o cents per pound, money in hand. Meeker and Meade & Thompson have each one hundred Indians at work for them. The Spirit of the West agrees with what our correspondent "J," says about the Walla Walla Fair last week. The Spirit says: "The Fair, so-called which has been in full blast on the ' Agricultural Fair Grounds since last Tuesday, has consisted principally in a display of horse-flesh, trials of speed, ect. Some very fine samples of stock, such as horses, cattle, sheep, ect., have been on exibition, but there has been no agricultural display whatever." "In last Friday's issue of the Van couver Register an article appeared reflecting upon the Good Templar organization in that place. At the time it appeared we thought it rather harsh and uncalled for, but recent occurrences fnlly provo that its strictures were not by a long ways severe enough. The Worthy Chief Templar of Lincoln Lodge, feeling himself aggrieved, undertook to rightlliimself by attacking Mr. Hicks, the editor, in a saeaking, cowardlv manner. As Mr. Hicks was standing upon the walk, with his hands behind him. this snob ap proached him, and without saying a word, struck hin two or three times in the face. Mr. Hicks gathered at the first attack and 'went for' the gent, and but for the interference of outsiders would have given him the dressing he so richly deserved. If Lincoln Lodge is so low down that its chief officer ha to resort to phy- sical force to right himself, we think j it had better sell out." SEW, TO-DAV. Filial Settlement! In the matter of the estate f John Had- ford, deceased. . In the County Court for Clackamas county State of Oregon : THE ADMINISTRATOR OF 8AID Es tate having filed his exhibit for final settlement thereof. It is ordered that Monday, the second (2) day of Novem ber, 1874:, be set apart for said final set tlement, and the hearing oX objections thereto. By order, - . HON. N. W. RANDALL, Attest : County Judge. J. M. Frazer. County Clerk. Charles R. Rookk, Administrator. Sept. 25, 5w. IS!. The Great Preserver of Health. Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer ap- perient can always be rened upon as a pleasant, mild, speedy and positive euro in all cases of Oostiveness, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Liver Complaint, Billlous ness. Flatulency, Fullness of Blood, and all Inflammatory Complaints, where a Kentle, cooling cathartic is required. So says the Chemist ; so says th Physician : so says the Ureat American Public of the nineteenth century, lieeu ye then, and be not without a bottle in the hovise. Before life Is imperiled, deal Judiciously with the symptoms. Remember that the slightest internal disorderof to-day may become an obstinate, incurable disease of to-morrow. Sold by all druggists. Once More We Come I With a Stock of " FALL & WINTER GOODS, LARGER AND MORE ATTRACTIVE than ever before, bought Jrom the great San Francisco Panic, and which we otfer at Cireatly Reduced Prices. Our stock of CLOXJrII3STGh Has been largely increased and we can show as handsome a line of ready-made foods in Men and Boys' Business and )ress Suits, Overcoats, etc., as can befound in the country, and at prices that cannot fail to satisfy. Our . DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Is filled with a splendid assortment of all the leading styles and fashionable shades of goods Kmprcii Cloth, loliatm, French and American Ire Uoodt, Iliac k Alpacca, Hrillluittiiion, Cashmeres, Sfc 3? L A 1ST 1ST E Ij S , Plaid, Plain and Opera Flannr ls, of all col ors. Bl-.'uched and Unbleached Cotton Flannels. Ladle' and Gents' I'nderware, Sliatvl and Scarf, Wool lllankets. Trunk and Traveling Satchels, Hat anl Ca p, Oil Cloth for Floorand Table. BOOTS and SHOES, We would call special attention to our stock of .Men's and Hoys' San Francisco Hoots, which we have sold for a number of years past .-ith general satisfaction. Ev ery pair warranted. A complete stock of HA.DWHt& FARMING UT?NS!LS. Choice Teas, Canned Goods, and all choice Family Groceries, All nt Low Prices. Also, LIVERPOOL 1XD CARMAN ISLAND SALT. Highest Price paid lor all kinds of 22olaice Jiiad Wool. s-plStf I. SELLING. NOTICE T0TEACHESS. 4 X E 2 V ffr EXAMINATION' OF APPLICANTS f 'rt iflcat".s to teach iu thn public schools of Clackamas county will b? held in the Or-gon City Seminary on Saturday, Sept. -Jflth, 1S7 1. Examination to commence at 9 a. in., promptly. Applicants must furnish their own stationery. W. V. MOKELANl Supt. of Schools for Clackamas Co. F.iLE VACCINA? UN FOR CHILDREN DR. S. PARKER HAS RETURNED from the East and has reopened his olHee at Hell A Parker's Drug Store, Main Str-et, Or gon City. Residence at Mrs. Post s. 1 he Doctor, while in lioston, Mass., procured a limited supply of vaccine mat ter taken from a calf, and for a short time will vaccinate rer rf eharcc, either at his olhee or at their residence, if within the city limits or at Caneniah, all. children in Ultick'tnvis county vnttcr 12 ycrirs whose parents are desirous of having them vac cinated with pure, unadulterated virus, and thus protected from the dangers of Small Pox or any scrofulous complaint. llsej-tf DR. S. PARKER. FOR SALE. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS IIH JL premises, in Os-vego, for sale at a bar gain, for cash. There is a fine dwelling ami out buildings, orchard and about three, aeres of land. Finely situated for a board ing house for the hands employed in tho Iron Works. J. W. CAINE. Oswego, Sept. 10, 1874. 3w "FOR SALE! T w WILL SELL AT A REASONABLE FKJ- and lease my Barn to a purchaser for two years; also if required, will lease my Dwelling Hous" for same time, Oregon City, Oregon, August 20. 1S71. J. M. FRAZER. FRESH RHINE WINES, Just received and for sale by GEORG E F I TCI IS, at $1 00 per bottle. Also A ng-ellcn, Inrt, t'lrry, mitl Sonoma. Wines, in Bottle or by the gallon. Opposite the Railroad Depot. Oregon City, Aug. 7, 1TL 6w JOHN SCH RAM, Main St., Oregon City. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF Saddles, Ilarnesn, Saddlery-Hardware, etc., etc. HIGH nE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. yi warrant my goods as represented. 1,000 DEER SKINS WANTED, AND ALSO, ALL OTHER KIN'DS OF HIDES, FOR which I will pay the highes market price in cash Bring on your hides and get your coin forthem. JOHN SCHRAM, Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11. 1873-m3. JOHN 31. BACON, IMPORTER AND DEALER in Books, Stationery, Perfum ery, etc., etc. Oregon City, Oregon. At Charman Warner's old stand atly occupied ry J?. Ackeraun, Ilala rt. MI GOODS ! CLOTHING-! HATS and CAPS! GROCERIES! ETC. ETC., ETC. THE FIRST GRAND OPENING .orrsx. 1S74 FALL SEASON 1874 Will be Inaugurated by m Splendid Bxnlbltlom of NEW COODS I At th Store of BRADLEY, MARSH & CO., Monday, August 31st, BRADLEY, MARSH & Co. TIIEY WOULD BE WANTING i X1 in c courtesy 'o their numerous pat- rons, as well as roregomg a pleasure to themselves, were they to allow the "yellow leaf" of Time to pass by without some suit- j able acknowledgement for the more than liberal supvrt accorded them since their I advent in business. I The unretarded and unexampled pro- ! gres of BRADLEY, MARSH fe CO. in Hp jilarity and business success has Inspired th-ir rivals and competitors with bitter animosities, and their envious tongues misconstrue every motive with a view of injuring our fair fame and well earned reputation in the world's esteem. Viewing the past with contemplation's sober eye, and cheered by the generous supiort of this community, we shall con tinue to pursue a steady, onward course, that has no retiring ebb, regardless of our detractors, to whom we cherish no resent ments, relying In the future on that ener gv ability and watchful enterprise that is sure to reward every intelligent and saga cious attempt to supply a generally felt want. We are desirous of building up a business that will bo a CREDIT TO THE CITY AND STATE! Let our opponents endeavor, according to their means and ability, to emulute us in this resiect, and in a very short time trade will be attracted to Portland that has been, from well known causes, divested from it, and numerous tenantless houses will find occupants. BRADLEY, MARSH & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealcri in m DRY COODS, CROCERI .AND. Gciicrsil Importers .OF., ENGLISH, AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GOODS, Corner First & Stark Sts., PORTLAND. CASH ADVANCES MADE OX EVERT DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCE. FALL 1874r Is your Uxu to buy good at low prloe. 8.ACKERMAN & CO. r now receiving; a large stock of FALL ft WHITER GOODS, all of the Latest Styles, which will sell ATUESS THAN PORTLAND PRICES. Our stock has been bought for cash, and w will sell it at a small advance a bo to SAN FRANCISCO COST. WE WILL SAY TO EVERYBODY BE fore you purchase or go to Portland, come and prlo? our goods and convince yourself that we do what we say. Our stock consists in port of Fancy and Staple Dry Ooods, Clothing. Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer les. Hard ware, and a great many other articles too numer ours to mention ; ALSO DOORS, WINDOWS. PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETC. We will also pay the Highest Market Price for Country Produce. S. ACKERMAN CO. Oregon City, Sept. 11. 1S74. tf THE NEW IMPROVED Bide Feed and Back Feed. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, MOST SIM PLE, AND MOST EASILY OPERATED SEWING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. Aliays in Order and Readj for Work, If there is a FLORENCE MACHINE within one thousand miles of San Fran cisco not working well, I will fix it with out any expense to the owner. SAMUEL HILL, Agent, "So. 19 New Montgomery Street, GRAND HOTEL BCTLDUfO, 9AK FRAKCIftCO. PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, onthwcfct Corner First and Morrison Sts. iortla yD, oRsaoy. From this date we have adopted tho CASH BASIS AND HARD TIMES PRICES. Come and see us and there will be mu tual satisfaction. CISTOMERS AT OVU LOW PRICKS OURSELVES AT CASH. GEORGE A. PEASE. Sontlrvrest Cor. First & Morrison Sts., Portland, Oregon, August 7, 1S74. tf GREAT SLAUGHTER ! IN DEY-GOODS AND CLOTHIXG! PANIC PRICES! AT LEVY'S. The goods haw been bought at PANIC PRICES and will be sold in accordance. Dont f -rget calling before you lay in your suppiJes. Or-ec Cltr, rUrrh 51. 1?M -tf i 3 ; Established iii.l8rO, B. A. HUGHE8. WOULD ANNOUNCE TO THE Cm-'' ens of Oregon City, and Ticinlty. that he has purchased, fitted up and nilsd tho store j I OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE. on Main Btreet.between Third and Fourth. O Oregon City-;' ! - t3 Ul . My stock oenslsts c Oroerle, - - " ' . 1 - - . i ' X I Patent Medlcinaa, ,i m. va.umuv mD Platad-Warc, - Iadln and Ctonta ; - -- - . .' ' -. :i-J?.i l?.it:.i Furnishing Goods, Clxlna. Tan KaU, Table CuUery, Hosiery, Irackftrf, , TIndow-Glmaa,' Yankee Notion. GlWarrV FARMING EMPLEMENTS, ROPE, GRAIN SACKS, &c, ic Having boen established ince I860, my long experience In business enables ma to know what to buy for this market. MY STOCK OF ' . General Merchandise Is Large and well Assorted. . There Is no house in the City that Can Undersell Me. SMALL PROFITS, AND QHCK RETTRSS, Is my Motto. Call and Examine my Goods 1ror purcliadng elsewhere, and l.wlll anit n" r- B. A.THUCHES. Oregon City, July 17th, 174. OREGON STEAMSHIP CO.'S STEAMBOAT NOTICE! Str.E.N.COOKE, Will leave OREGON CITY for PORTIJND every day Except Sunday,! t 7H o'clock, A. M. Rturninc, will leave Portland for Oregon City at 2J o'clock, P. M. - Str. ALICE, Will leave OREGON CITY for COUVAIXIB every Monday and Thursday of each week. Str. DAYTON, Will leave OREGON CITY for McMINN VILLE, UXKAYETTE and DaYTON. and all points between, every Mondav, Wed nesday and Friday of eachweek. 'Leaves the Basin at 8 o'clock, a. m.. and connect with the train at Caneuiah at 9, A. K. . Str. ALBANY,' leaves OREGON CITY for IIARRISBCRQ and EUGENE and all intermediate points every week. Str. Fannie Patton, Leaves OREGON CITY for ALBANY and all Intermediate points between twice ev ery week. J. D. BILES, Agent. Oregon City.February. 111. 874. WAGON AND CARRIAGE 11 Ai V S ;TOI5Y! mHE UNDERSIGNED, jl navinp incrfasea tne di mensions of his premises, at the old stand on the Corner or Main and Third Street, f - Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of informing hla old pa trons, and as many new ones as may beP pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with srmple room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, re construct, make, paint. Iron and turn out aii complete, any sort or a vehicle from a com mon Cart to a Concord Coach. . Try me. Blacksmithinj;, Horse or Ox Shoelnjr and General Jobbing neatly, qulcklv, and cheaply done. ,DAV1D SMil'H. WM. BROUGHTOX WOULD INFOttM THE CITIZENS OF Oregon, City and vicinity that he ia prepared to furnish ' , FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, Of every description. , DRY FLOORING, CEILING, G SPni C'E (for shelving.) LATTICE, PICKETS, FENCE POSTS (Cedar) Constantly on Hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low rates as it can be purchased in the State. ' (jive me a call at the -:. OBEGON CITY March 13, 1874 if SAW MILLS. , - . . : A NEW OFFERS I NEW IDEAS I See the Grand Gifts of Our Fireside Friend to its Subscriber. Entirely new and unprecedented, and inch ms will interest everyene. Yon miss It if you don't send Tor san. pies and fall particulars wnica sure sent free 1 SEE THE GREAT WATCH OFFER J OUR rmESIDE FRIEND la now In 1U Fifth Volume, thoroughly established as the leading family and story Weekly, in the Union, has the largest, circulation, and the best appointed printing and pub lishing establishment and building! the West. Is a large eight-page illustrated and original family Weekly, price- $3,00 per year. Every subscriber receiver a ' maniflcnt premium and a share In tho distribution, novo.' .. . . . WE WANT AGENTS. We wa tit a representative in every neigh- borhood. Nothing equals it fcr agents. I male or female, young or old. Large Cath . Wage and a Superb OutIt, exclusive ter- ' ritory. which is rapidly filling up.- Must -apply at once. Subscribe by sending 83,00. and receive tha paper one year, a ma?nifl. cent p rem lam, a share in the distribution. receive ALSO FEE! a Complete Outfit. or send for particulars. Name territory de sired in writing. Address T?,rh5T,iu, O o o o o o o o O o O O o O O O O o o o o o 0 n i 1 4' is -rsn A T3V I i