Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1874)
J7T c ii o c (7 OREGoTnTT, OREuO'. AFKIl 17. 174 Ra iled! te tI nrin. The Rpjblioan p irtv of the St of Oreon, in Convention trembled, declare.! that the en. I of (Wrnnvn 13 to sf.cure eqnat a'i,i Kiiict ju-s;te to ftll its citizens, with as 1ml in fringement as jcMsilIe upon imlivitl n il fr'lom, t lrforn brj it R ttohed, t-'n tfOv-erTvnent of tlio people, by the peuplo :miJ fortris people, iuterprete l an 1 forenh.v'.o " by tu D tl ir ition of In lwnler.?.. is the trie A'aericnn Mt ; that tlii Hea can oulv lw by the tion of hoiest an I o t)a)la io-in to public o:fiie, an.l Iv contacting public aT-irn with .strict prn.ln' with the soun l itp1 r.ivl m-nium xtl t isiTie-ts ail political economy. Reohei, T iat p iri v orir tnir.tions are useful an-l neceisary, aal that while we are- roul t.f the birth and history of the Republican parfy, we recognize no .sncii allegiance to polit ical associations as sh ill rcvnt our fair an-l can-liil criticisms of acts of all public men, an. 1.. that every cas of neijliifence, Tf-tfef linens or dis honesty on the part of those bavins? controi of publie money, ought to be without fear or favor; that wh eiimct , of our State legislator and State j oiSeers tlie strictest intecrritv and o economy, the largest pos-ile relief; from the burtlen of taxation, the i ; miinten i-iceof Tubli.J e bi nation, tits j unmirnto i . . i preservatum oi purit.v ana irotNijm of the ballot-box, the enforcement of such laws as w ill secure to all en titled to sutfraKe the right to its ex ercise, and such s will at tlie saui- time exclu.le all fraudulent voting: that we insist upon tlie' right and duty of the State to control every franchise, of whatever kin l, itgrants. and while we .lo not wish that any injustice shall be done to individuals or corporations investing capit il or industry in enterprises of this kind, we yet demand that no franchise shall be "granted which is prejudicial to to tho public interests, or in which the rights and interests of the State and people sre not carefully and fully guarded. ?cw;r?', That while we recognize the full right of e;very citirron to ex press an-l a "t upon his convictions, upon all question of public interest, noOpcrs m holding Federal or SMie ofSee.s ha.s the ri to trv to influ ence thi action rf his subordinates, by exciting their fe irs of loss of places, if thier opinions or actionn Bliall ditfer from his own ; and that we are opposeil to all interference, or participation by tli"em, in the Con ventions of the people for the nomi nations of their Candida es for o'lice, that we all are desirous of political ej reform, anil for honest economy and ,- purity in all o'licial tidministration ; that to secure this is tlie duty of every citizen; that to tl - end every gool man should feel bound to par- O ticiiato in politics and to make an end of the men enforcing their elec tion by securing a party nomination; that wo believe that there are as good O men in the Republican party as out of it," and only the best men should be nominated for office, and only such are entitled to receive the sup port of the people. Resolretl, That we sympathize with O every movement to secure for agri culture anil labor their duo influence, interests and rights, and the Repub lican party will be their ally in every just effort to attain end. R'jjofrpd, That the inbrsts of this State 'Vlemand in its commercial re lations with other States of tho Union, both present and prospective, and will warrant a liberal expendi ture on the part of onr National Government in the improvement of our harbors and of our river chan nels ; anil it is tho true policy of our people that they should be so repre- senteil in Congress as s.hall most effectively secure this result. That true econoniv in the genient of the public lanlsof the United States, as well as the settlement r-f our vast domain and the development of its resources, deni liberal grants of the public lands to aid in the con 0 struction of railroads and other pub Ijo works, with sueh limitations as will secure the ultimate sale to actual settlers. That we are in favor of Congressional aid to the Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake Had road, f r tho improvement of the Columbia River at the, Dalles and Cascades : to aid the extensiun of the O --cron Cen tral Railroad fronfSt. Joe 'through the counties of Polk and Il-nton. to itsCjnnetion with the Oregon and California Railroad for th? improve ment of the Willamette River. Tiat we favor Congressional aid for tho construction of a wacron road from pome point in Rogue River Valley to q tlie nearest practicable point on the coast; and that we favor tl immedi ate construction of a good, service able wagon road along the south bank of tho Columbia River from tho mouth of the Sandy to the Dalles. o R-?o!reI, That we are opposed to the purchase or leasing by this Stato the canal and locks tit tho Falls of the Willamette River; that we deem the repeal of the Litigant Law, the Portland Police Rill, the constitu tional acts increasing theemolnments and salaries of State and judicial officers, the nets increasing the foes of Clerks and Sheriffs and the modi fications of school lawo so as to re lieve the people of the school book, monopoly. Reiolrd, That we are in favor of the speedy pavment in f ill of all jnst ciaim of e'itizonsnn.l volunteers for supplies furnislied an ? services rendered in the suppression of Indi an hostilities in Southern Oregon in tho years 1S72 timl 1ST 3. RrMo7rcd, That we nro in favor of such lcuislation to ;et; the salo of intoxicating liquors n.i -will re- strain the nbnses growing unt of in discriminate license and operate a salntary and needful check upon the growing evils of intemperance. There's nothing. o hopeful to a man, and especially to a farmer, n a thrifty housewife. His wife m.iy be beauti ful and loving and accomplished, graceful, cheerful, faithful, still ho will find that there are many flaws in the domestic economy unless with her other qualifications, she c ombines the happy faculty of impavring the glow of youth to the aged fowl, and of so proportioning a pound of butter to a txirrel of salt as will enable her to realize for the 9alt in tho market twenty-five cents per pound. i V Iom jcriic I'iaiiorui. The following? platform of principles at m adopted by tiio Dvmoer;ti; i.ite Convention a Allny 'Vodnelay : tion to thf on.nn.ti n oi la UuiUm State an-1 to lip; Uai iii of m Hi-ktuA thereto .'st'.oH.tul. ;nl ve:tHru that I the pol'l' O.t tUH Toful l.A.a ii.IV j t!ij ;i: 1 eu-t.i-drw if ivwrn J-" the-m-elvc n fiv wo j ijVlJTrS:.. .sovereign ana t only to tlie wtutton, ;-sii.i ruac all (vjv.ers n-K Herein e.pre.sly iaiit pj to the N tfi.mal ii irornmc-nt, ar-rt-ei yetl to tho !-Jt.trL-t!Vt.dy, and vf ucnv the riht jf the Veior.J tivv crniiieit. thr.niu iie ifr, to !MM !i n-Mtl v domicile M-ntgolUiis with in auv Si te without t4io uoiiacnt of me Ij-'gisl i'ure th.-reof. A. W. a. ft riii th t the ire:reHt ilnnAT with wuicu now t iir-aUiieii, i the corru.-rioii ii lt?ti.w;iiKv w-ik-h exists in liih o.ti,-ial place, and we do d eclare as tne cardinal principle of oar future toliii.-al cti n, tli U retreiKm innt, econoniv Aiid rwt'nu art iui;-r-itivelv denia:i'1-.-d in all tli rert m Mits of the iMf iitle, Federal a wt-11 s Slate and Muui-i,al, an i we herehy prmlaim our.-lve tlie uuini promis ing fo-s of the Mslary-grat law ring )Klitiri:iis Miid l-iid in )ii-j.listH, wh--everthev m.iv le and wherever they mav le found, whether tiu-v are in or out ot oince. ariii we ao honest m.Mi everywhere without rer::"J ms, t join us to in past :.r tv Hihll t hran liiivr as tnev itvervet!i' corrupt leeches oil ixdlticaud assist us to our-.-? oiti -i.l stat ions of their uti w h' l.-s. nil" an.i oarT-fiil pre.senei?. 3. Tue pres-'iit Fcler 1 Adtninist ra ti. n, hv its utt.-r inoiltty to compre hend the dignity or reioiisiiiilities of tue duties witli "which it is cii.aige.i, iy it devotion to jx-rsoiial :nd .i t i-;i ti interests, lv its weak and inconsistent mini-iiviit of Hid National ii nances, '.v it mi warrantable intcrlcren.-e with tlie local .s.-lj-aovertn.i-nt of the ,..,pl lv Its suooort ot tlir corru; t ' veili- ; In ,nts whi--i. it h s impose.! v its h-.v- i t-r upon s'veral urates ot the Union, by i its complicity with corrupt pntctici-.s and saudal in various (purters, jvnd j ly its appointuient of notoriously irt i cui petetit men to hih olii-ial posi tion, lias justly iirotigm ujion its i; the condemnation of the American people. 4. That the persistent interference ,V Fed and th. ral olnei.ils m local elections, use of larie .sums of money to defeat t! ie voice i i ne iieoiae tnr..iiirii t1!-- i.ill t-hox, and receives our s--vereMt condemnation. 5. That cor j (orations are thecreat i ns of law, their franchise and privileges are granted to .su .ser ve the public in terests, and when these are used, hot to subserve the object of their creation, but for purposes f oppression and ex tortion, we declare it to li the ri-.fht and duty of the legislature to control such corporations. Ii. That we favor speedy return to spceie payments, just an-l eo,u:il taxa tion for support of Federal and State governments, and t h it we are op po.sed to all discr-itniiritioii in the :--s.-ssiii-nt.i of Federal revenue for the purp--'-s f proti-et ion. 7. That the fr e navigation and im provcnieiit of tlie 'ol;':!ii.i i river, th. eoTisf ruction of a hreak water at i..i t Orfor-.l, the itiK!-iveni(-ii: of tae l.. ipiille an 1 Willamette rivers, and the construction of the Portland, Dalles kV Salt Lake K tilroad, are improvements demanded bv the commercial inte rests of this State, and that the Fede ral tiovernment oliirht by all prorier means to asist ttiese measures; ttiat we are 111 lavor oi uie oiii now oeiore 'oppress, generally knows as the Portland, Dalles an.l Salt Lake liail- rad bill, and we also favor theearlv comoli'tion of ttie Oregon and Cali fornia Railroad to the southern boun dary of the State. s. mat we i!saiprove all measures in the interests of capitalists and mo nopolie agiinst libor, lelieving that distin''tions, if diti net ions be made. ' should be in favor of the laboring class who constitute, the mass of our citizens, the producers of the wealth and prosperity of our country. We therefore approve of the declared prin ciple, and sympathize with the avow ed object of the organization known as the Patrons of Husbandry, and with those of all other orders having for their object retrenchment and re form in public affairs, and the s. eial ad vancement of the people; that wo are opposed to a monopoly in the publica tion and wale of hoous iised in the com mon schools of this State, and we are in fivor of amending the existing laws ih relation to -n ' 1 1 . so as to take away from the publishers of tlie Paeiiie Coast series of readers and spellers the special privileges in relation thereto which they n w enjoy. 9. That we are in' favor of tree trade and direet taxation. 10. That the act relating to the fee of sheriffs and clerks mi-jlit to be so am -n-led cither by miking such oili ces salaried, or by reducing the fees now attached to" the same, as shall make the compensation received by snch officers a fair remuneration and nothing more for the services required of thetit. That tlie Constitution be.s.) amended that all printing for tiie Slate after th" expiration of the term office State Printer in ollice, when such amendment H passed, shall lie provi ded for by le'ting the same to the low est responsible bidder. That we .are in favor of the rejM-al of the Iiitigint Act. 11. That tho only legitimate object of government is the protection of its ci'izensiu tncir fives, liberty an l pron- , i- L , ;! i- 4 Lilt; i that t ;twiiin . . . . i . pur.--.uit of happiie-ss; lis!i this end' direct m .ansonly should be resorted to ; t hut I the go-id resulting from a departure ' from this rul' is temporary, the evil ! lasting. We are, t hei-i-fore, 'op.-jsed to ; the s. ate eng ig'mg in the p'tireh ise, j i'Msing or spvcul iting in properly of i any kin 1, except such only as is 'nec i essary for conducting the ordinary i fundi ns of the Government. 1 ; Ull WO ,iVir h'lnitp,. .jfn,n. -tni.-ti-.n of ;i ronl an.l .t-rvi.v;il:l.' ":;n roa.l ;U ru: tlio south hunk o," th" ..lnMiiii:i river, from the mouth of -river to the I) -.lis. T.i it thn. eomncn-i ition of all of 1"'';" HmuI.I ho only siu-h as will i.( a ' ii "':!,l,T',,rniion s, rviees. .i. i i.u v.e are m l:vor of (Virrrrcs- ""'nU .11.1 ff.r ti... : r t in . 1.1,. 11.,, ' 1 1' l J1 M t OI II .ii inn. i ill' s :it. 1: L.ik K.til I'vroti t' ' i. ' "'dinuimr th ' (), T-; ...; '.. ,ro:ul lr"IU 'st- Jnsoi.h to Bi kst ixxo Teaks. At a verv suc- ntT ,U ?e in Cincinnati; tho othei night, m,ln buit into tours l.on the medium described verv noeurately a tall, Une-eyM si.iri't statu l,v imi ,vith j "i; Hi m.d Uo. 'Do you know ,limV-. h . qaireda man at his si.le, in a svmpa the hc M htsjior "Know him! l5 s I .tip, roi,l,,a the unhapnv man -i 'v.-i. i ir win: un,.,. i j to my wife JI hfl ho In .1 : . i t would have been 1, "l "k. ,0 tea.l of me. Oh, Goorire Georr, ijb murmured in a voice el.M,.. vu , " ' . villi you peg out?' " Fellow trabblers," S:ud a l preacher, Ef I had beenUn applen for a week, and den took to drinkm for a loonf, I conldn'ffeel rao swelled up dan I am dis minlt wit pride an' vanity, at seem such full tendance liar dis oveuin'." A doctor went out for a day's hunt ing, and, on coining home, complain td that he hadn't killed anvihin "That's because you didu't attend ?o your legitimate business," said his wife. NOTICE. i T TITE KOI.tCITATIOX OF MAXT j. iri"nus, i las'; i ins iiuinoii o TUOllclv nnnouncinir m slr a candidate for tho ' offiwof rountv Judirc of Clackamas Conn' ty, subject to the win ot the approaching : t - . lX-mooratic convention. I i FIFSRflTFfj Mmm il -Vrf CES7 tohio m use. These Hitters tlo not only Z tiii'juisli ttriHst-Ives by their fla vor (tint ttroiiiatie odor above all others yenenill y nsetl, but are tit the same time an excellent tonic dtttl an, efficacious stimulant to ejevite the appetite. They arc prepared from the most choice una wholesome herbs ami roots, ami hare given universal satis faction wherever tried. Thous ands uf dyspeptics have found relief throuyh their use, and physicinns recommend them for the cure of all diseases of the Blood and Liver, and irregularities of the digestive orgft ns. Headache, Biliousness, and Constipa tion, General Debility and loss of appetite, re all canned by the derangement of the Stomach, IJver an.l other functionaries ot the system. The IXL Hitters have been successfully used and are warranted to idleviate the sufferer in all the above cases. i-o.77l IXL. Bitters are sohl onya- in glass; to srll other than the yenuinr article out vf our bottles t felony, unit u e will u fien detected, jrroxecute such thirties to the full erlent of the law. liead Physician's Certificate on each Bottle. Every family should have them in the house. Sold eviryichcre. II. ErSTEIX? CO., Sole Proprietors, y.518 Front St., Snu l i anci.tco, Cat. We are also tlie manufacturers Of 1U. IIF:.LEVS HKl"LATOU, a pargaihe mild and eflecllvev a purely vcttable eoiupond, ami In everv way superior loplllM. Also Ageni for tlie crtebraic-d brand of LOSDO.V UOYAIi PALM G1K. sv specific lor tlie Ui. AD UK It ami 1I. N iu V S. -MaahJi;m3 SELLING OFF ! SELLING OFF ! THE IMMENSE WINTER STOC K OF BOOTS. and SHOES! : AT Til E : Pacfic Boot & Shoe House. Cora r First and Morrison Strrcts, rOHTIsAXI), OIZEGOy, Will lo Closed Out for the Next Thirtv At and Ltvs TJisxn Cost. I" II I c i: S: Ladlos' Kid Foxed Hal morals, fl .Misses' do do hildr -n's do uo Mali's Heavy Hoots I'oys' do Youth's do hildr -n's Hoots, Men's Ki,- ( u.!o:n ;J-si!od Hoots Iitriurr.,,s si:iii'fit--r ''' do Gr-iiii tlurdin Loots HiJ.p.rd's ei.-brat-'d Hand-made J'r- rieh calf Smitii, i hmniilin tV Co. (Portland) Custom i'r Tieii calf Smith, Chamnlin .V i o. (Portland) iisto'ii -Vm riean e;lr' M.-n'i U -st liiaiiry Hiiminv; do Am -ri'-ati Hiding (! I'.iic;;!' Ar!ieUvTr:iii s do Alaska do do !.sf fitiil:ty rri'b'T io Woi.ien'a Hiiekii- Artlo Ovr-hocs do do do do s -lf-.ift i i i HuhiK-r do Glen's ser'-vd I'.roans d l'"--- do (! California ':ilf, tap sol" do do laiir calf, t.i p sole in arti-tf 1 J5 1 oil 2 75 , 2 1 a'l 1 (tl) i 00 1 00 4 5l 0 50 C 5) ti no r ri ti t0 2 00 1 5a I ll 1 .".Il 1 2") 1 0 1 1 O'l 4 r : 3.' ACE.MS FOR THE OTE liPHiSL The following p'TS'ins nr- nut horlzcd to act as agents tor t he ieo. I. Howell Co. York. 10 l'ark How, New Co-, V.'et he rill A Co., k)7 Chestnut street rhilnd-.-lphia. Abbot t iV Co., o. fSJ and 8 1 Nassau s( reet X' w ork. I'ortln nd.Or.'-on Snn Francisco t. Helens, Columbia county Astoria, Clatsop coutitv s-tl -iri 1 1-irrishitrx I .afav'Mt e, Ya mliiil county.... IaIIas, Polk count v r;..ia . T.. Sa m ue I'l'hos. Hovce t b. P. Pish S. A. Mil .A. Va n I )m ....I,. Williams I. H. Smith ...J.I.l'er-uson ..UilVC llOItlle.s P. Dotv .Tacksonvill'" ...It. K. Harm P.eiiton con nf y Corvallis Hon NV.A. Wells John I'.tirnett Canyon City.'Jrant co... .W. P.. r,a swell Albany A. X. Arnold Jtiilles, aeo county X. IF. (iat T,a ir:i nde, T nion nounty V. p. Pr:jrr Pendleton, l matiua county s. v. Knox Euirene City. (J. M. Thompson 1 1-.. i i .rist ow Kosobur;' Hon. I,. F. F.lnc rj.l.nnnn i ( ' T- Montague II. K. Ha 1st on Jackson vlll-- IFon. F. H. Fott.lrav iMJiraii H. C. Huston CLACKAMAS COl'STV, Heaver Creek C. F. Peatie lohn Zumwalt Ptlfteville. Cascades f'unliy "uttificr's Kajrle ( 'ri'k Ilrirdinfr's bower Molalla.... Mil waukie t Iswen ITfiper toiaVa.". Henry Mclriisrin J. W. Straws- D. Wriirht ....... I-rank W. Foster Capt. Z. C. Norton W. Moreland ...John Hatr"n herder lohn Poole . IF. mine rTtrrH't Court of the Sttrte nf Oregon, j-i me. oumy of uiackunM. John X. Smith and Mary Smith, plaintiff. J. II. Martin, Defendant. rVvVrr?'"- i'1 C-ndant : I '.R-NA1f:0 ! ' TH K STATE OF ORE- , 7 ' nereb- reoulr-d to a an rthcrntnnbint ft i a i :i da v of t 1 " nation bv the first iratior. V.f f s;lul ' ourt f'Hoivinr the cation boir!,1' '.m'"?nR; rtiI "rst ubli- :'id said r L, 'V1 'l,xy of Mrch 18 "lnir r,u the rth i 5nM ' ,,rt wrnine 1. cominen- yu fail tn ..-! .Pr" 1.S74 : and if er sni,i for the revival of a 111 n 1 complaint, the valor "t-'iinsr you J"rd airalnt. - otl ,' " jndsment ren in- of t,wl, ,, i.1" said Court on the -ist dollars with o'olt 'C S"m )2M00 Pv ord r of ITo,? ax- ii- nrs"m'r,ts. ;ai.1 Court dZ'V''..Juof ---- - . , K K K Att'v for PlnintiT tray;Nrotice! T.TV- county, fir 1 , 1 n ow. nhont ."u iU,JrJVr iti ,n marked till'' OT h y-. ... t nil! Q rn T" crop ; bee without h iso a voar- apprnisod at . "".Il- Th" " has ...j . ii- -aii rr. S5 owumrox ur' m;iVERSirf 5 mm -r M. T r M m Ilia CHAS. EE. CATJFIELD, DEALER m GENEEAL M EECEE ANDISE, COR&SR OF SEVENTH mi Has Just Reeeired i New Stock of Calicoes, Drcs Gocd, Browa aud Bleached Sheetings, House Liuiryr. Shit-v i. Table-Liueu. Irish Bosom Linens, Linen Towelling. Tahle-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies and Gents' Hose, Thread. Cambrics, Buttons, Ribbons, Laces and Insertions, Embroidery, V7 Also, full assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDERN'S SHOES. Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal 1VU:U Usvt u selvcted 11U special care for tills market and cannot BE SURPASSED IN Ql'ALITV OR PRICE. TUB UlCMieST MARKET PUICIS March 13, 1S73 :tf TO THE CITIZENS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY: GTlCAT REDUCTION IN DRY-GOODS. CLOTHING, 7" o W'lxG TO TIIK KAIMXO HEALTH OF our Wtx.'lc of Goods ut Oivatly lledticcd Friren, in order to close out our LUU3!12a.SJ2 FALL STOCK! LEVY os., - Secontl tloor nortli of Hie Pout o nice, Itfaiit street, Oreyon City. No better evidence of tho effi ciency oi ir. .J. ?-. i.oiemans I Com pound Extract of Eucalyptus : can be desired, t han the follo.ving i summary of eas'-s, treated with i this remedy alone, by that enii- i nent physicia n. Dr. David Woos t' the U. S. Murine Hospital, San Fran cisco, reported in tlie Au.iiisl o. (i.) l'a- cilic Med. Jour. .uuw' i;ur- j.iiju- 4 reatca U"m it tent Fever 5 t hills and Fever 1! Typhoid Fever 9 Iiiilamation ol Kidneys 4 1 linretis 10 Incontinence of Urine 3 St rict ure ) Inllaination of Hladder 27 Hien norrha.Lria 13 Disease of t he Heart 7 Dys -ntery 4 i iironie Diarrhiea 13 oved. 5 I ft 9 3 7 3 4 25 10 "ii i ioiiofrhuoa 15 15 Dropsy ti 3 3 ' J r '$ fi'-'i'.iV r sale 1 " l a W y H f -A Dru-irists. i-1iibiflH Ei UU NOV IS THE TUhE TO SUBSCKIBE FOR the mimm WitiSI 3 '2 50 pe::i YEAR, r AYABLE IN ADVANCE. Each number contains th LATEST TELEGRAPHIC JEWS, From all Parts of tho World ; A Carefully Selected Summary of STATE AND TEKRIT01UAI A Correctpfl lilat of tU" Harkrts li Porllund, San Francisco and Orogon City LOCAL NEWS, EDITORIALS On all Subjects of Interest to the FAU31ER, MERCniXT OR MECIIAMC. Also, Carefully Selected MISCEI, I, A X CO US READI X(;. In Short, It is In Every Respect a LIVE NEWSPAPER. TS5E EXTERPItlSK Having a larpo and constantly Increasing Circulation In the most iopulous part of the State, ofrrs sujerlor Inducements to those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements Inserted on REASONABLE TERMS. Tlie Campaign of 1874 will soon begin. and it is-therefore a good time to Subscribe In order that you may be posted on currant ijAMUKUiT LIBRARY, OF CXIF0RNIA, MAIN STREETS, OREGON CJTI bite Goods, Millinery, Fane& Goods, Ac Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimneys PAID l'OH COUNTRY PRODUCE, GROCERIES, ETC. 3 ROTIIKI18, A. LEVY, IT IS OT7K Plini'DKE TO OKFEH Completely corroborative of the nummary of I)r. Wooster, are the reports of the experiments with Kucalyt tus by Ir. I.orrimer, of Her- lin, l'russia. and Dr. Keei. r Chi'M l'hysician of the Austrian HaiUvav fo.. t ublished In the American Medical Journal, July, 1S72. It will be found very efficacious in obsti nate cases of Dyspepsia, Hronehitis.Hack- iii Coiitfh, Chronic Sore Throat, Ixucor- rhea, etc., and in nausea during prejnaii c;.'. Ir. (olfmiiiiN Dfliilile'Eitratt of Kiicalyptvs is a special preparation for i ne treatment or f ever unit Aiirue, and is ii;in-aiiif.l to t tire everv case treated according to directions, without the injur ious results of the usual Quinine and ar senical r'medi"s for that dis'-ase. Also pur" Muid K x tract of Eucalyptus, in one pounu Hollies, ior l.n Kleians' use. Heware of imitations and take none but Coleman's. everywhere, and by Charles Lsinicley S. Co. Agents San Francisco. 30mayl.S73yl Jf II Ii O II A X DISH. rs'3i:w GOODS GOOD NEWS! I'SILTS BMI CED TO St lT THE TUIES. T nnir fiTTT' -nn-n nrr-n -UWUJA. UUJ. IUH mj 3- ACSCERFAPI & GO. I-lA.v. JUST RECEIVI-D A IjARGE a a. siock or FALL AND WINTER GOODS which they offer CnEATER THAN THE CHEAPEST! We would say come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of Fancy and Staplo Dry Ooods, Clothing:, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer- les. Hard ware. and a frrat many other articles too numer- otirs to mention ; also. Doors, Windows, Glass and Tutty, etc., etc. All kinds of Produce taken In exchange or da ALSO Wool Wanted For which we. pay the nisrhest Prices. S. ACKERMAN fc OO. m l&t MBR C II A NDISH. JOHN MYERS; OREGON CSTY- DEALER IN DHY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY A N' 1) GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for and all kinds of GCCD COUNTRY PRODUCE. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon for CASH OR ITS HQ VIVALJiXT ii Good Merchantable Produce. I nm selling very low for CASK SI' SIA'2. Give m.j n call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYEKS. Orepon City, March 21. 1S73. ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB IOFFICE OREGON CITY, : OREGON, ASTk ark prepared to execute M all kinds of JOB PRINTING, such as CAIiDS, It II,L-1 IX ADS, rA Mr II LETS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, LABELS, LETTER-HE A DS. in fact all kinds of work done a in Printing Ollice, at PORTLAND PRICES. ALL KINDS OP LEGAL BLANKS constantly on hand, and for sale at as low a price as can be had in the State. Work Solietcd AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Orecon City. March 21. 1873-tf. Alotit 150 pounds of lone prim er, of which this is an impression. uas boon in use but a short time. good work. Price 25 cents R, either tied up or in cases cases extra. a l n o. A small font of Nonjvriel of which thin i tn imprwton. Prio S3 cents V As good as new. There is enough to set about one column of tfck, tnu4 Addra t&2a cOm. . WAGON AND CARRIAGE A -K U FACTORY j ill THE UNDERSIGNED, havinc Increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand on tho Corner ot Main and Third Strt, Oregon Citj', Oregon, Takes this method of informing his old pa trons, and as many new ones as may l pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room. od materials, and th very best of mechanics, to build anew, re construct, make, paint, iron and turn out nil comnlete. any sort of a vehicle lrom & common Cart to a Concord Coach. Try m. Blacksmlthi'iift Horse or Ox Shoeing, and General Jobbing neatly, quickly, and cheaply done. m v iu sjuii tl. 1 . i Summons. In the Circrdt Ccrurt of the State of Oregon, Q for the County of Clackamas. John P. Ciage. Plaintiff. vs. ' Nancy Robbins, et. al., Defendants. To Nancy A. r.all and Larkin Call, her husband, two ol said delejitlants : IN 1 11K NAM E Ok '1 1J E Si A'l E OF ORE Con. you are hereby required to npj ear and answer the complaint tiled against vou in the above entitled suit, by the first day of the next term of said Court lollow ins; the expiration of six weeks lrom the hrst publication oi mis summons; said tirst publication beinjr on tlie Mh day of March, 1.S74, and said next term ol said Court commencing on the 27th day of April, 174 ; and it you fail to answer said complaint, the plaintih will aplytothe Court lor tlie reliet demanded therein. which is that you, the above named de fendants with the other defendants in said complaint named, execute tothesaid 1 lamliir herein a deed lor certain land de scribed in complaint as the south hall of the northeast quarter -of section 31, town ship '1 south, rane l east, W illamette Me ridian, in t laekamas County, State of Ore- iron, in pursuance oi a wrii ten agreement to t hat ellect made Uy John IK liouoins, now deceased, in his life time sith this plaint in. Ry order of the Hon. Y. W. Upton. Judee of said Court, dated t he second (2) day of March, 174. HfKLAT i WAKKKN. bmar.w Att s lor lJlaintirr. KSimilTlOlie:. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, jor ine uouuiy oj uiaci:amas. Arthur Warner, Adniinistra-) tor ot the estate ol MaryJ 1 laintifi. Prosser, deceased. ) vs. William Prosser, John A. 1 Defendants Fisher and A. M. Fisher. J To William Prosser, one of the above nam ed ueiendants : I N THE NAM E OF TIIE STATE OF OKE- iron, ou are liereby requin-d to appear and answer the complaint tiled auainst jrm in the above entitled suit, by the first day ot the term of said court lollowinir tho expiration ol six weeks lrom tlie first ub- lication ol this summons; said hrst publi cation beirijr on the liih day ol March, ls"4. and said next term of ourt coiiimencine on the 27t h day ol April, 174 ; and it you lail to answer said complaint, the j lamtitr wmapjiy to the Court lor the reli de manded t herein, which is ti nt a c rtain deed bearing date June i.sth, lstH, made Ly deiemlatits Join A. ainl A. M. Fish er to you, the sad William Prosser. I ur- lortitiir to convey certain real estate in Clackamas Count.. , State ! Oregon, c scriheu in saiu ueed as situated in and beinr parts fi sections ii.t and iine in townshii two sout h, rane one east, toiret h- er wif Ii all the p. rsonal propeil v .n said land claim at t he date of said deed, be de clared void :iid of no fore or ITect. l:y order oi the Hon. W. W. I'i ton. .Tudze of said Court, dated tlie second (-J) day of .March, is. 1. hiti.atA wakhkn. binar7v. Att'j'S lor 1'laiutitT. yimiinon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Orscon. fur the County of Clackamas Edward Wilcox, Plair tiir". vs. Mary Francis Wilcox, Defendant. To Mary Francis Wilcox, said defcnc:nt. LN THE NAME OF i HE STATE Ol Oil eiron, you are hereby requir dtoar penr and ans the comj laiiu fi!ed atraint vou in t he abov- entitled su it . b t he firt day of t he term of sa id Court lellowin: the expiration of six weeks from th first pub lication ot tins summons ; said first pin li- Cfdion beinOTi the tit li dav of March, 174. and saii next t- rm of "-aid C urt common cinjr on the 1:7th day of April, 1S74 ; and if you fail to ar swer said com; laint. the plaintiff will Apply to the Court lortho relief demanded ih'r 'n, which is lor a dissolution of th" mairiajre contract t ow exist injx between plaii.tiff sind defendant herein. P.y order of Hon. W. W. Urt on. Jud 'e of said Court, dated the second (i1) dav of March, 1S74. Hcelai & Wakrex", ma row 7 Alfys lor I'laintifT. Suniinons. In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for the C ounty of Ciackatnat. Mary A. Roberts. Plaintiff. vs. Wm. II. Roberts, Defendant. To Wm. II. Roberts, said defendant : - IN TIIE NAME OF THE STATE OF OR egon : Vou are her' by requir1 d to ap pear and answer the com.-Iaint filed sicainst .ou in the above entitled suit on or betore the first day of the term of said Court, follow intr tho expiration ot six week from the publication of this summons. said term of said ourt will beirin Mon day, the 27th day of A; ril, 1S74 ; and if jou ian so to appear and answer said com plaint, the plaintiff will a ! ol to the Court lor the r -lief prayed forih .-aid com; laint, w hich is a dissolution of marriajre contract existing between you and d-fendant, and for costs and disbursements of this suit. summons published bv order of Hon v W. Upton. Judsre ol fid" Court. Dated March 7th, 1S74. JOHNS N t McCOWN. mal3w6 Atty's for Plaintiff. THE PARKER GUN. 5END STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS . WEST MERIDEN.CT. 1 THE CIRCTTIT COITTTT OV TI IF! State of Oreeron.torthe ountvof f laek amas : Jacob Wiener, i laintilT, vs. Soi hta lener, defendant. To Sophia Wienet.tho detendant : In the name of the state ot" Oregon you are her-'lv required to appeal and answer the com r laint filed npainso jou in the above entitled suit, on or betore the first day of the next term ot the above entitled Court, which w ill commence more than six weeks after the first publication, ot this summons, to-wit : on Monday, the 27th day of Aj ril, 1874, and if you tail so to. apiearand answer, the plaintilfwill apj ly tothe ourt for the relief demanded in hie: complaint, to-wit : a decree of divorce lrom you. This summons is published in pur suance of an order made bv Hon. W. W Uj ton, Judpe of paid Court, in chambers., on the lltth dav of Januarv, 1S74. CAPEES A- ilOREEAND. Attorneys tor Plaintiff. SHADES SALOON, C.A.HAAS, - - Prop. Main Street, Oregon City. TITE BAR IS SUrPLIXD with all tlie choicest qualities of Liquor ajid Cipars. Scotch, Irish and TourUm already famous Whisk ! s and Pnnoh. o o o o G o o o o O o o o 0 G o o o c o o o o o o o