Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1874)
7 90 : O I t J i - 1 I i ; i i . I i 1 i THE El -j!tF.r.a nry.oiiEGQX, apiml 17, mi. The Enterprise lor tUe " C1IS- now until the l tn t)lJU of the BlAl'i"u ' . ., ihi.ininil1Lrn. stod to make upciu-.s .... .... CorVTY COL-KT PROCEEDINGS. TllO are the proceeuuij? u. que following Messrs. Sharp and .Sawtcll, Commis sioners Countv Court of Clackamas county, April" term, V. L. White, Judge; 1 1 T- Thos r.onev, Charles ivoork aim . V Cooke wore appointed viewers to I-tairoad in accordance with a peti- Uriah 1 avue aim uiuc-m. School Superintendent's Report ArPOnTIONMKNT OF COUXTY FCXD. 5 55 8 -.!... 1 111.' l.V;"V. Z to meet on the 2lst inst. Frank Ford, Joseph Fields and Har vev Shiplev were appointed viewers to ?.f?i el anges in the Oswego and Au rora rimd I" accordance with petition 'fV V Kobbins and others. lowers to meet on the lsth at the residence ot '. N. llobliins. lie iver Creek school liouse was des :.rnMted as the polling place for Heaver ' Creek precinct. ;itd Tidings sehool house was des ignated as the place of voting in Mar ' mrtin's precinct. I 1 TK. Curt refused to renew the ferry ' lieensn of Jas. M. Moore, wliieh he has i .'... i.i.iiivr heretofore contrary to th" provisions of the citv school law. The viewers appointed to view a road known "as the road which passes Drake's to Scott's mill, reported tavor al.ieon the petition and recommended thit the change, be made.and the Court 1 . ' . i. '....,. .-f .iifl llll .i:lllrj.a i.A.miiloi Ills." let"'. ' ' 1 3 4 5 ti 7 8 0 ID 11 1 li 11 lo 10 17 IS J 22 2$ 27 a-; 34 70 $115 55 3Ti 37 7'J95 :! lit 202 10 37 30 1 50 3S .vj m tut ;w : 82 ih) ii) 40 73 80 41 40 SI! 10 42 52 1 10 70 43 4o lrKjt.0 44 25 38(J5 40 40 82 00,;47 2tt 41 M) 4S 50 114 80 4! i7 137 :!5 50 77 157 8.-. 51 108 05 trr 55 100 45 50 53 i 33j 44: 3li' 38! Hi' m ; 71 IS 02 47 City Mar. Mar. Mult Mult 70 33 53 40 23 28 30 80 25 57 55 - 27 51 47 51 43 24 23 1 43 31 14 l. 24 300 30 21 !t 17 Congressional News. 2,713 $10SG.- 1 30 47 15 ! 57 40 73 80 10i 00 51 25 110 N5 112 75 5!t 45 110 70 35 104 55 88 15 4i 20 47 15 30 75 KS 15 09 70 28 70 40 20 750 73 80 40 20 IS 45 31 85 W ashkotos, April 10. In the District investigation to-day, Thom as Lucas was examined to prove the priority of a contract awarded to him for paving the street, which con sequently awarded to Bingham 'post- 1 masier at, iiiiladelplna, who was said ' - The Olympia Standard, speaking of the Radical State ticket, says: "If the obscurity of the candidates is any evidence of the strength of the ticket, it is invircible." 32A.UK I ED. On the 11th of A-iril, 1874, at t he residence of the bride s latier. near Marshfield. by T.J. Matlock. J. I., William Houston, of Washington territory, anu Alice K. Parson. of Clackamas county. $5,.S3 30 in ide-at the eXense , ........ .. ... p. Tne rerort of AIm I Mattoon, J. 1 lt:n"oaud Joshua Lyoii, viewers ap- .K.inted to locate a roa.i in iu ., a m-e :..:n. i. .-tit on of Mr. Slnbley and others. report.'. i iaraot in uid tlie foiirt ordered the same to be established as a county road. T:ie Mnc for inakimr return of the delinquent tax list was deferred until the Al.lV lei in. ... - i e K H Collard was appointed judge ot election for Ureiron City precinct in place ot T.J. Met Jarver. l'.ills to the amount of M,ol)o were ordered paid. Jl uy Tisr.Tiie following is the list of jurymen drawn for tlie April term oT the Circuit Court for Clackamas which commences on Monday, tlie 7th uist : I,. D. C. Latourette, f irmer (iwr. farmer; Samuel 11 cr; 11. T. Siiiplcy, F.ed W. Carter, f.n ni- t'armer; Raymond JMckec, farmer: J-- M ' ori, lariiier; John ilover, t inner; Ji. waincii, firmer; Tiios. M. Mradley. tanner; 11. Fellows, firmer: Joseph Fiebls. farm er; W.i. Welch, farmer : .1. li. HuUon, in 'ehanie:J. 1. Ke.ynolds. farmer ; J. I'orler, farmer, Jos. Young, farmer; 3. tines V. I). li. l l, farmer; Jos. li.tiril ble. farmer: Samuel Hughes, farmer; Win. A. .be k, farmer ; Joseph Qniun, farmer; lieiij. 1 Ianeslev. farmer ; Ch is. A. Wade, farmer; J. II. 1 Hubert, tann er; Oito Kriise, farmer: Tiiomas Char man, merchant; 11. II. Haves, f.wiiier, T. A. K. Sell wood, fanner: Jas. ins ton, farmer ; Joseph Crahani, farmer; K. M. lirackett, farmer. I,i'. riKit lisr. The following is a list of the Letters remaining in tlie ! rost-ofJice at Oregon City, April 17th, 1S71: Harvey Alb -nworth, Mrs. Katma Cass i l '.I"uis 1 it'imis, Foster, Simuei Hughes. M idam Catherine Liui-eiif. James W M.iusev, Mrs A l-l Mill.-r.Wi.i .McKibben.I' lillip Nehreii, N S Fittersou or Jaeoii liillespi-.', lleu rv .1 U lcers. J Cut Smith , lienjamiu Whit.-, Sim.iel Young (2). If e Ul 'd for, pie is.-sn- hen "adver tised." J. M. Bacon, 1 M. SK.iiiors A( lm-.NT.-A little s-.n ,t' Mr. I'.n-ish, lii:ig a!)o;it 1 miles from tliis t-ir y, nieL with a s. ai-cidi-nt last M.oi lav. A tree f. Il. and a limb striiek the "little f' ll'w on the head, knocking him senseless and pushed out oif of his eyes. It was si:p ii.hi' 1 that it would prove fatal, lr. It- 'S.s eall id to attend on the little hU ferer. 5T7 i0 58 131 20 5H 43 05 Oregon 151 70 23 trac. 30 M) 57 frac. l:fc 25 I 0 frac. t0 35 15 frac. 1 10 85 I 155 so 07 t5 ' Total.. District number i had no school, and therefore receives no public! monev. Tlie above scholars are classified, m riles 1,452; females 1,272. The apportionment for the present year, $2 05 per scholar in coin. Average attendance during the year, males 423 ; females 41H. Whole number of quarters taught "JO. This is a much greater number of quar ters than has over leeii reported before, and excluding the new districts which have had no .sehool, is on an average, of two quarters per district during the year. FINANCIAL. EXHIBIT. Total amount of money raised by dis trict tax ?4,054 ID, wliieh was assessed in districts Nos. 1, 5. l:i, IS, 41, 47 and Oregon City, the latter having rais ed the sum of S2.70I02, or nearly three : fourths of the entire amount. The State apportionment to the var- ions districts last year was Mi cents per ; s.-uoiar m I'oin.and J cents in currency, i The entire amount ln-ing $1, ( 70 in com, and in currency. The countv a;tHrtionmeiit was $187 per scholar in coin, and 17 cents in cur rency, lhe amount ot county fund apportioned was $1,'J7420 in coin, and S11S4U in currency. Amount received from rate-bills, and subscription, S'i.lsO IS. From unspeci fied sources, $-1:57:55. Making in all the amount of monev received during the year, id I...(i4 W. Amount paid teachers during the year, SW.5S1 s7. Amount paid for sites anl erection of school houses, t-I.KJl S'5. Value of charts and apparatuses, $177 50. Value of school houses, $15,550. alue oi all ot.her sehool property, ;-vis. ; ex eka t. is r-: yx a kk The above ligures, with the exception or me numoer ot sj!ioiars 1:1 t!ie conn- iv, are very lm pel leei. . iiMiiiner oi the oisliiets liavi; failed to till out their reports, and c)iiseiii; tit) y the amount cxpeiuleii anil Used tor si-Je ml purposes can only le eslimateil. All lait six tils trii-ts report as having introduced th uniform text-book, iind in these tii- In- av l,a..i C r -r. : ' . . At ths residence of II. R Umb. in Claok- ',-.".lmau LJ ot: X'resident Ot lr,:1 mnntv. March 25. 1874. i. Uie lveystoue Pavinpr Compa- Uarnall, -Mr. Henry K. 1-amb and Miss Em- J-,1C "oject oi the memorialists """' as to prove that Bingham sub-let and sold his contract, and that the G vernor gave the work his personal UI,1.U,1VU In tlie Sanborn investor, t;, in. day Mudge, Cliief of Special Agents of tlie xreasurv- sbitod ('c connection with th Tri which, it appears, was to detect smuggling between Canada and Bos ton. Witness appointed A. O. Far. a friend of Sanborn. si)ecial a?ent to Europe, paying him .93,000 and ex penses, home 8U0,0O0 on account of undervaluation of imports were ieeuereii uirongn i'av's investiga tion, and there were suits for some 8800,000 pending. He admitted that Sanborn had an interest in the cases, in the nope of moieties which seem ed to be a new revelation to the com mittee. He also admitted that, the Blue Book, which"" is supposed to contain a list of all Government employees, did not contain the name of l ay because Fay did not want it known that he was eniraeed in the secret service OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. Happv Relief for Young Men from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early lile. Manhood restored. Impediments to Mar riage removed. New method ot treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and circulars sent free. In sealed envelopes. Address, HOWAKD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia. Pa., an In stitution having a high reputation for hon orable conduct and professional skill. novO dy M RR C II A JSTDISB THOMAS CHARM AN ESTABLISHED 1853. AUCTIIOjS' AXD COMMISSION, A. B. RICHARDSON, Auctioneer, Cornier of Front Oak at f . , Portland Sustain tlie Sikiiij Sj-tem. The flashes of excitement produced by he stimulants in ordinary use, are foliow- ed by a reaction that Is always more or less injurious. Just as the darkness, illu minated for a moment by the lightning's glare, becomes apparently blacker thaa ever after the flush is over, so the mental gloom and physical debility that vanish temporarily under the influence of a dram, return with a ten-fold Intensity whe the first transient effect ceases. Yet physi cians habitually prescribe the liquors of commerce for patients suffering from bodily weakness and mental despondency. The true remedy in such cases ig a pure stimulant medicated with the finest tonics and alternatives which the vagi-table king dom affords, and llostetter's Stomach liit- t-rs is the only preparation at present known which thoroughly meets the emer gency. The effect 01 this jxipular restora tive is continuous, l-.acli ilose takc-n invig orates the vital nwgies and its prolonged use will umiuest umaljly cure any case oi lltilif' liVLiL.tiimiiri:! nr mint!il trin.iili "Washington. April 12 Following ty that" dors not arise irom organic causes postal changes have been ordered for the Pacific coast. Postmasters appointed: S. L. Orr, Fort Bid well, Modoc county, Cat.; Obed. Green, Brooks, Marion county, Oregon; W llliain J ivellv, Monroe, Benton' county, Oregon. Discontinued, Ver non, Marion county Oregon. The transfer of the anti-Chinese bill of Luttrell, Page and Houghton from the Committee on Education to XI.- r 1 iV yi'tt me i iiKULMi .vuaus vomniniet; ma- thes- m:iv In- mentioned rheumatism. terially decreases the probability of chills and fever and all tlie morbit comii- superinduced by sudden changes ot tem perature and tne inclemencies oi tlie sea- beyoud the reach of medieine. It is, in tlie strictest sense oi the word, an Inviiroratin and regulating cordial. 11 the nerves are tremulous and relaxed, it bra'crs them : if the bowels an; constipated, it relieves them; if the liver i tun id, it promotes ictivity in that organ; 11 the mind is loomy, it clears away the clouds; if the ipj.etiteis poor and digestion slow iMid painful operation, it envites a relish lor lood and enables the stomach to convert it into healt I1I11I ailment. Moreover, it is a specific for a large number of ailments some of which are particularly prevalent in the damp and chilly weather which we so often exiK-rience in midwinter. Among CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. PCBMSHEn as a warnikg and for the benefit of Yoi'xo Men and others wno suffer from XEKVDUS DEBILITY. LOSS OK .MAN HOOK. etc.. pointing out the means ose-cuir. Written by Nathaniel. May- fair, who cured nimseu niter unuer- troin-r considerable ouabkery. and mailed tree on receiving a post-paid directed enve- j JS'imble Six Tence is Better than a Slow lope, l;y tne puonsiier, BESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of tlie Willamette alley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that Auction ales Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Mr chandise and Horses. DU. JOHN M. DAG N Abb, 11 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. TO CUILJDEXIS. Office of tue Light Hocse Engineer, Portland, Oregon, April 8th, 1S71. SEALED PROPOSALS, E.MHJllShl) ' Proposals for Light House for mouth of Columbia River, Oregon," will oe re ceived at this office until 12 o'clock on the 11th dav of May, 1S71, on printed forms, which, with circulars, plans, siK Cineations, lormsot contract, and any acsireu nnor- mation, can be had on application u mail or in person to N. MICIILER, Major of Engineers, U. S. A. Light House Engineer 13th District, a prlOwi GREAT SLAUGHTER! IN DEY-GOOD S AND .CLOTHING ! PArSlC PRICES! SALE DAYS Wednesday and Saturday A. li. lUCHAKDSsUJN. Auctionvttr. AT action 011 it this session. Wasiiinoton, April 10. On the motion to tamo motion to leeonsnier the vote postponing the enrrenev bill, Clayton, Iittrel, Page and Nes- mith voted in the negative, and Houghton and Kendall in the aulrm- ahve. District Attorney Carey, of Salt bialie Citv, advocated before tne House Judiciary Committee to day, giving J District Court jurisdiction of criminal offenses, and thus pro vide for the suppression of polyga- mv. l!nj renat; hns conhrmeil the no mination of Benj. P. Avery as Minis ter to CI una. It. Tien or the Pacific son. o; press ous debi lity, are t he ;ion after eating, headache, nerv- Ifei-ts of indigestion. On", or two lit most, of 1'iirsoii'n J'uriwtivc I'ii.i will giv;; 1111 mediate reli-'I. The goods have been liought at PANIC PHICICS and will be sold in accordance. Don't forget calling belore you lay in vour supplies. Oregon Lity, -uarcn 01, i-n :n J-rJtnsrm's Atuxlinr JAa-imrnt may be ad ministered to children with perlect success in cases 01 croup, whoo -ing oougli, iutlu- enza, and almost any other of the diseases to which they are liable. SOCIETY NOTICES. Shilling. I have lust returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF aoovs ever before offered In this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Boots and Shoes, Clothiirg, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chinaware, Queensware, - Stoneware, Crockery, Plated ware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents I-'urnisliing Patent Medicines, Goods, rancy No- Rope, Faming t ions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc., Of the above list, I can say my stock is the ?I O S T COMPL K T K ever offered in this market, and was seleted with especial care lor t he Oregon City trade. All of which I now offer lor sale at the Lowest Market English Refined Par and Eundle Iron English square and Octagon Cast Steel, Horse Shoes, Rasps, baws.screws,! rj-Pans, Sheet, Iron, R. G.Iron. ALSO A large assortment of Groceries and LIq uors. A. li. RICHARDSON. Jan. 1, iS.S-tf. Auctioneer. SPRING a SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT X. SELLING'S G O Asist Nature in her elforts to shake off a cough or colli, or she may revenge her- sr-M by giving up the cont'-st. Remember that uith V'ie'x J low of Jforiiiiuntt ami jar tor an ally, she will extinguish th worst cough 111 a lew days. Critttenton's 7 Avenue, sold by all Druggists. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in 1 minut. (HiKCOX LOIHJU NO. 3, I. I. O. I, Afo-t pvnrv Thursdav .--i"- ovi nitigat 7U o'clock, in tho &m$!k Odd l i JIall, Mam - h,,-.h-.-treet. Mem! ers of the Or der are invited to attend. By order directors hive a l.p'el tlu-iii. While we acknowledge the I'aet that tlie re- ports irom tne various districts are 111 tho main h; Iter than they were l ist year, ami more full, vet there is room tor great 'improvement, and hope t ho newly elected clerks will take pains next veur and make t'lieni as full and complete as the blanks suggest. A. NoirNF.n, School Superintendent. ;range KcsikuIiouk. UNAiTKAttKii. Vi are happy to an nounce that there has no new eases of Ktnall-pox made their appearanee, and the danger of any more is pased. Mr. W;rreii has so ' far recovered as to bo out ;nd ar nind his house, and thoso who were elos 'd up have been set at liberty. The danger is over, and no' fear need now be entertained. Nkws. Tho tuany friends if Capt. S un. Holmes will regret to learn that the last news from him is to the Ctrect that there is no hope for his re coverv. He desires to come 1 ack to Oregon, and his relatives propose bring ing him should he bo able to stand tho journey. s' It. We call attention of our read.-rs to tlie advertisement of Mrs V.. I). Kellv. Siie has just received a tine stock of the latest styles of hats, bonnets, etc.. just what the ladies want. Oive her a call. Knrron OitKisoN City Kstkimt.ise : At a meeting of Molalla O rangs, Xo. -11, ofi'atrons of Ilusl andrv.oii tlie Jth day d" A pril, 1S71, the following prcam i.le and resolutions were adopted : Wukp.kas, The liianulact urers of farming implements of Chicago resolv ed not to sell to Farmers' Clubs or Orangers, only at retail prices; and, Wiikukas, ' Wc believe the interests of Oregon farmers would I -e ! et tor su -served by not trading with said manu facturing eomp inics, or anv other mo, that will not give tlie Fanners' Clubs or rangers equal privileges with agents wiio import farm im pig ments or machinery into our country ; therefore, BF.-;oi.vr::, That Molalla iv urge is in full sympathy with Iowa and Illin ois State Oranges. :unl all other G ranges in their action towards the manufactur ers of farming im pliMiients of Chicagi aii'i an oilier monopolies 01 iiue prin ciple. Kt:sor,VF.r, I hat this Orange would cordiall v join with the Oranges of this State in patronizing a manufactory of iartnmg implements and machinery established at tin.' State capital, or any other convenient olace, provided that said compMiy w'll sell p us as heap as they will sell to agents i r to any and all companies wno may purchase machinery of said manufac turing company. Iiixu.VKo, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the Oregon Citv FN i'nisF. and Willamette Farmer, with request to publish. 1). S. Ti:n,i.i.N(ii:it, Secretary. Tin: delegates from Clackamas coun ty to the Independent State Convention were V. V. Church. II. S. I'.uek, I,. I-C Latourette, .1. W. Winston. W. A. Starkweather, . ltamsby ami J. Frost. A good delegation. Ouaix Cuor. The grain crop of Clackamas countj- looks excotdingly well much better than at this time last year. Tho area of land sown is one-third greater than in 17:',. Wit.l lli:t it.n ("has. I.ogusawcll known citizen of this place, will return and take up his home in his beautiful residence in this city about tho first of May. Mis many friends will be glad to have him here again. In Portland. Mr. L., brother of Mr. A. Levy of this city, who we an nounced last week as having gone to San Francisco, has located himself in Portland and engaged in business. Cai.lkd. We had a .-till lasi Friday troiu our old, 1 Hon. ISai t. Curl, of 1 J rant countv. lie has got demoralized jLver the I nlejeiulciit movement, lie will probably be all right after the election. SrnpKN Death.-Mr. Oard tied his horse 011 the hill last Monday and I'amo down , into town on some business- When he returned, a short time afterward, he fouud the horse dead. ItAi.u. Don't forget the Turners pro pose to give a grand Calico Iall at their hall next Wednesday evenimr. flood liiusi. -has been engaged and a line time win iki nau . Grand LoiHiK. Iho Grand Lodge, I. Q. O. V., of RrjtUh Columbia, will be instituted 011 tho 27th inst. by Special j'vpmy viiauu ."ire, a. .oitner. Xotarv. C7J. GoogleTor" Milwaukie has been commissioned by Gov, G rover a Notary Public for Clackamas county, The Oregon City Brass Pa;id, under the leadership of Prof. Bray, has been re-organized and is ready for business ill Arrive. e are informed that lion. D. p. Thompson will bo home the latter part of next w eek. Turke ewe, belonging to Mr. Wm Holmes had seven lambs last Saturday That is prolific Xo CiiANoi:. We have no change to record in the maiket reports since last issue. TiiK'Aldine for April opens with a marvelous collection of beautiful illus trations, some of which are the finest yet seen in the American Art Journal, while all rcllcet great credit jipon the enterprising publishers. American scenery, as heretofore, forms a striking feature of this number of the Aldinc. J. I). Woodward contributes a tender and beautiful full-page spring-time view, which is printed in tints, and has ill the linetiess of a steel engraving. the I 'lock coming from the hands of C. Maurand. the eminent engraver". Five great and remarkable pictures of Lake George and its glorious scenery enibel- lisii tins numhei', in winch the weii- known artist, Thomas Moran, and the engravers, have vied with each other to put upon paper faithful pictures ot the most exquisite scenery in the Xew World.- A full-page picture shows Lake George, looking from Caldwell and rear of the famous Fort llliam Henry Hotel ; another line picture is " Fourteen-Mile Island," and t lie rest all large and beautiful, are " iew Irom Fourteen-Mile island, "Long Island, and "Cat Mountain." The moonlight, rainbow, and sunlight ctl'ects in these pictures, are particularly pleasing. A. Gualt gives a full-page' picture ot "Knieker Days," wlueh faithfully represents rural life in Xew Amster dam, in the middle of the seventeenth century, when Xew York was but a village. The most spirited picture which has been seen on nax?r tor long time, Is a full-page battle-scene, drawn bv Julian O. Davidson, reprc- sentiier m eontliet :it. sea iK'tWCCIl ail American nm I shin of war riurin"-tho lte-olnf ion. The details of the shins n re mlmira blv drawn. Su- scrintion in-ice :s.Y inel llditlg chromos "The Mist." niul -'The West." James Sutton A; Co., publishers, 58 Maiden laue, .New ork City. Wash incti n. April W. I'ark, representing Mail Company, and John Jloach, in belialf f the ship building interests of the country, made arguments be fore the House Postal committee to day, in advocacy of tlie continuance of tho SI, W w.') subsidy for the semimonthly China mail service. An interesting statement made by Park was to t'ie e;l:t it hid been discovered that S:)0(), ();).) of the $a)0,000 fund placed at the disposal of an agent of the Company, to be used in averting competition and se curing an increased subsidy, was transferred bv the agent to his sit r and invested in real estate in 1 iuia e) phia.and that tho Company expec ted to recover this amount. "Washington, April It. Before the Wavs and Means Commtteo to day Parks, Agent for the Pacific mail Steamship Company, testified con cerning the ."- GOO ()()() alleged to have been paid by tlie company to influ ence legislation; that one-half of the amount was transferred bv tho agent to whom tlie whole was committed, to a sister for investment in Philadel phia real estate. The Iling of Custom House offi cials is attempting to play tlie dodge that Mr. Tolman was taken bv sur prise at his nomination, and that it was not so previously arranged. Xovv tho facts in the case are, that Tolman was in Portland two months or so ago, and no sooner had he reached there than the slate was made up so far as relates to Dick Willia ms and himself. The whole ticket was arranged by the Custom House King, the Convention Mas run by tnora, Purveyors, lederal oflice holders and contractors, and the only reason why tliey took the obscure persons they have is, that they knew that thev would be ldv- ible tools if elected, and the Custom House will run them. Its a lling ticket, was nominated in Portland and ratified in Salem. The platform is also in the same fix. For the very best photngra phs, goto firad loy it Kulofson's Oalery without STAIRS Ascend in tin- iClcvalur, 42!) Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California. Special Xutirc. Why stiff -r from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and loss ot anp"tite wneii you can, iv us ing Dr. Jlrnli'i's crlcttnttetl I A' . Hitters el- lect a p.Tleet cur.'; they area pleasant and invigorating tonic, and endorsed and ree- 0111 111. -ml -ii bv our most eminent l'liysi- ciaiss tas p T cerfifleates on each Lott le) tor all eoinplaints ot tlie 1, iver and Digestive Organs As a him ily medieine tney nave boeuual. S.:e advert ls-'inent In another column. iii:iiF.ccA i)i:citi:i: lodgk xo. T. O. O. F., Meets on the Second and Fourth Tues day evenings each month, at 7'i o'clock, in the Odd Fellows' Hall. Membersof tlie Degree are invited to attend. V. MULTNOMAH LODOK NO. 1, A it A. M., Holds its regular com munications on the First and Third Saturdays in each month, at 7 o'clock from the lloth of Sen. temoer to the UOth of March; and 7'i o'clock from the 2th of March 'to the Juth of September. Brethren in trood standing ari invited to attend. By order of u . M. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods lor I am JMerminctt to UlII. Cheap and not to allow myseil to be LNDEF.SOLD IN THE STATE OE OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience In Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of TIIOMAS C1IAKMAN DEALER IX Dry Goods, Clothing, Iiootsand Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, O Crockery, Xotions, Indies and Cients- O Furnishing: Goods, etc., etc.. etc., et Main Street, Oregon City Produce of all kinds bought, for which t pay thehighest market price. If vou de sire good Goods at bow prices, call at I. S HI. LING'S and examine his new stock of Spring goods Give me a call and convince yourselves My motto is, ' QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. The highest market price paid for oi I. SELLING, Oregon City, Oct. 31, lST3-tf. WILLAMETTE RIVER TRAKSFCRTATIOPf CD'S TEAM ER8 o VriTL LEAVE FLANDERS -WHARF., t ? Portland, at ii o'clock.A. m., as follows i For Corvallis and Iiitcriindiale Points Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For Albany and Intcrjtirdiatc Toints : Monday, Tuesday, AVednescIay,TUur . . . ,, ...1 ili.i(.it- For Dsn ton, Ln Fayette and jIcIinQTillet Saturday and Monday. Tiik 1'aukkk ii'N. e take jIeas urc in t ailing attention of our " alley friends to the wonderful merits of the double-barreled breech loading shot guns manufactured by Parker lirolh- cr-i West Meridi-11. 'mill. The highest testimonial reeeived f-.-om all .sections of the country, and tlie thorough test given it in tire field, bv our fri. ud Caot. ' reen IV. Samuels, warrant u in asserting that it is the best breech-loading shot gun in tho worll. The simplicity of construction, the ease with which it can be loaded or unloaded, the facility with w liieh tho load enn be vliangeil from small to large shot enabling: the sportsman, in :m instant, to adapt bis change to any sired irmiie ! h:it may lU CSCllt itself the ease with wliieh it inav be kept clean its availability to a eountrv where noth ing but mu.le-hading ammunition can be procured, all combine to recom mend it to every sportsman wjui ean amireciale ; ner eel iimnirz ini-i c. I . ' ... ... IT' am -11 Sentinel ; (rront ityai, uu l''AI,I,S HXCAMPMKXT NO. 1,1. . O. V., Meets at Odd Fellows' n rv Nail on the First and Third Tues- XT dav of each month. Patrian-hs V' in good standing are invited to attend. CMI-'F I-:XCAM1MI-:XT NO. '2, C. It. I. Mets at Odd Fellows' Hall, in Ore gon 'it V Oregon, on Saturday evening, at H o'clock. .Members of the order are in vited to attend. M. C. ATIIKY, C. J. M. li.YCON, R. S. ma271y STXGEK k COLBATH, HAY It JlSTAmiSITJiD SaJZZZ, A FACTORY MBS FOIi THE MANUFACTURE CF cannot be beaten in quality or price. It would b useless for me to tell vou all the advantages I can offer you in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All 1 wish to say is Coiru', iiud Sce.and Examine for Yourselves fori do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that lam still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, lor cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all lor the liber al patronage heretolor" bestowed. THUS. CIIAHMAX, Main Street, Oregon City, Tjegal Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. THOS. CHARM AN. B.FoO.OOO lbs wool wanted bv TUUS. CHARM AN. Passage to Corvallis. S2 00 Passage o Albany . 1 & Passage to Salem lj 1 00 Passage to McMinnville 100 H. i iOLI ISM1TH, President. December rjth, 1S7S. q OREGOH STEAMSHIP CO.'S STEAMBOAT NOTICE r Str. 2ST. COOKE, Will leave OREGON CITY for PORTLAND eve ry day K.xcej t Sunday, at k o'clock. A. M. Returning, will leave Portland for Oregon City at o'clock, P. M. LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE Str. ALICE, Will leave OREGON CITV for CORVALLIS every Monday and Thursday of each week. ri STAS5I Jilli Sti DA YTON, Willleave ORE(;ON CITY for McMINN VILLK. I FAYETTE and DaYIoN. and all points be tween, every Monday, Wed nesday and Friday of each week. "leaves the Pasin at 8 o'clock, a. sr.. and connect with the train at Canemah at 9, A. m. Q DSSSOLUTiOfi OF COFARTNEilSHlP. HAS THIS DAY WITH- frnm the firm ot lvj i.ros. 1 l..r .-ilt.r Mr A h'VV Will Carry OI111U IniGiiiouc in lii i'A-ll n:ime f 'ol l''Ct iniT all aeeouiits due the firm, and paying all lia bilities contracted by the hrin. MR. L. LEVY . drawn Iron Oregon City, Ai ril lt, 173. A.LEVY. lw. XEW TO-DAY Hon. Wm. II. Xewell will address the people of Umatilla county, at Westorvto-morrow (18th) at 1 o'clock, p.m. Subject: "The Resources and Development of Eastern Oregon am Washington " The Circuit Court, Jmlge Mc Arthur presiding, will sit r.t Pendleton, Monday. April 27t! at La Grando on Monday, May 4th; and at Baker City on Monday, May 17th. The following is the Democratic county ticket lor Umatilla: State Senator, JI. C. Myers; lieoresepta- tives, ft. M. Pennington, William llivssell; SheriJF, A. W. Nye; Clerk, 31. Crockett; County Commission ers, .1. JSiWiey, d. Ij. 1 urdy; lreasur- r, W. II. 3Iarsliall; Assessor, J. T. 3Iorgan; Superintendent of Common Schools, J. 1. lieeser. SUCCZ33 kSAS0 Uu:i mlKM. It is a subject of general remark, among both wholesale and retail druggists, t hat no medicine introduced tothe American public has ever gained such a poiiularity and met wit h so large a sale in all parts of the land, in the same length ol time, as Ir. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. This cannot depend upeii its having been more largely advertis"d than any other medicine, as such is not the case. The cor rect explanation, we think, is iound in the fact that t his medicine producs the most wonderful and icriect cures of very bad cases of bronchial, throat and lung dis- eas 's. is undoubtedly the most perfect and eilieieiit remedy for all kinks 01 coughs tnat has ever been introduced to the pub lic and at the same time possesses the greatest of blood-purifying and strength ening properties that medical science has been able to produce, t litis rendering it a cvnr,.r"ii remeuv not oniy in tne cure 01 Consuinpt ion, bronchitis. Hoarseness and 1 v.iclis but also ior an 0.1s as 's 01 iiie uv er and blood, as scrofulous dis as-s, blotch OS roiliTll SK.1I1, pillipies, DUltH eciv and j.L.ioraiiiins. It lias therjiora a - wide ruve of application and usclulness, and it not only gives the most perfect satislac- tion to all wno ii! n, out r.iwt, L tir.o nt the most sanguine, thus iw.fto. ' the loudest praise, and making ,...r.o Urint ndv -rtising 111 'diu.nsoi kll who use it. For thes reasons it is 1 that th-re is not perhaps a druggist in all the .... in ;,f this Contin nt. who tries to Please his customers and supply their wants that dos not keep and s dl large quantities of this most valuable medicine. JRSCP, low-a, -May 01 n, t- T ' Dirnrt.' Dear .Mr ' i1,; i" ""V' . that vour Medicines have solo entirely b. vond our expectations. He regard thorn ?is th " b-st m-dicin s extant, and hear thorn s-Kjken of in the highest t-rms of oraise. L' SMITH & CO. Furniture, Dlinds, and Doors, AXD MOVLUIXCS OF AI.I SIZKS. They will also do Turning of every d script ion to order, WITH NKATXKSS AND DISPATCH! GT'All work warranted. Shop on the Itiver, in Lewis' iSliop Jpposite Oregon City Mills. AT -K ELLY MAIN" STIIEKT, OREGON' CITV. JUST ARIUVED, Ex John Ii. Stephens, DIRECT. F30MSAH F.lAFiDlSOO, A full stock ok fsllLLIHEHY GOODS! MILLINERY GOODS! FOII SALE. tbiie r.r.AUTii-cb qcatitkii sec- E tlon 01 laiui. Known as i.ue noise claim, o miles trom Oregon t ity, will be otf -red for sal" for a short time . The proprietor is not "hard up." I-or terms. etc., a iply to apt. A. I-. Hedges or lec. Harlow, t ir -gon l ity ; or nianieiie farm er oflie , Salem. March "1 :tf roriov ! "A rnxEY to ek xd u.tI and upwards. orego!i t'ltv, March 10, l,l. mal;5tf " JOIINSOX & IX SUMS OF 5500, MrCOWN". i OK -VTTT"l V Or -iron ("it and vicinity that he is Latest Stylos! Latest styles HATS ana BONNETS, Hats and I3oimets. Feathers and Flowers ! Feathers and Flowers! RIBBONS AND ORNAMENTS! RIBBONS AND ORNAMENTS! IN GREAT PROFUSION I IN GREAT PROFUSION 1 'OITI.D INFDUM THE riTI7.EX Or-goti Citv i prepared to lurnish FI3, SPil'JCE AND CEDAR LUWDER, Of every description. DltV KL()OIlIG, CEILING, SPItl t K (for sh -dving.) LATTICE, 1ICKKXS, FENCE POSTS (Cedar) Constantly 011 llantl. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest, notic at as low rates as it can be purchased in the State. Give me a call at the rpiIE rXDERSIC.NED PROPRIETOR OF L tlisJ Jverv Stable on Fifth street .Oregon City, Wf-gon, keeps constantly on hand Saddle ntnl Itngjry I!rr's, Hulk's, (orrlu'ii ana flack!. lrices Iieronable. He will also run a hack to and from the VV1LH0IT SODA SPRINGS during the summer season, with good pet en t. and gentlemanly drivers. FARE AT LIVING KATES. J. M. FRAZF.R, Iroprietor. Oregon City. -May 27, 1S73. JOHN SCHR A m , Main St., Oregon City. 31 ANITA CTIRER AM) IMPORTER OF Saddles, Harness, Sad dlcr y-llaril-ware, etc., rtr. THICH HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS T can be had In the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. sy warrant my goods as represented. Str.-ALBANY, Eeaves OREtiOX CITY for HARRISDURG and KLbh.N E and all intermediate points every week. Str. Fannie Patton. c reaves OREtiON CITY for ALRAXY and all intermediate points bet ween twice ev- ery week. J. I ItlEES. Ae-ent. Oregon City, February, 14, UAllUNAL BUSINESS COLLEGER First Street leMe ii Alder and Mor rison Six., and Alder Street 1-tuern l'irt u nd Front Streets. Iovtlancl, Oregon. AX INSTITT'TIOx DESIGNED TO FRE jare HOYS, YUI'-XU an&IIDDLJt 1J) .lA'A lor r.usiness AITairs. V. I- "VVIIITE. : President. Secretary. oitix;o CITY March VI, 1S74 :tf SAM' MILLS. J01LX 31. IJAC0X, IMPORTER AND DEALER ,J?lET 1 Hooks, Stationery, Perfum- f in ery Orejjon City, Orfgon 1,0 0 0 DEER SKINS W A 1ST T E 13, AND ALSO, VEE OTHER KINDS OF HIDES, FOR which I will pay the hitrhes market price in cash Ilring on your hides and iret your com lortnem. JOHX SCHRAM, Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, 1873-m3. F 11 It E S II SHOALWATER BAY OYSTERS! npiIE UNDERSIGNED ANNOITXCES JL to the citizens ot Oregon City that he has reoened his Oyster .Saloon and Ites- LADIF.S, call ami examine Stock and Prices. It will le oar endeavor to please all, as to Quality and Price. aprltitf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE IS now money on hand to r 'deem all county Orders endorsed prior to the 1st of D cemb'-r, 1872, and that interest will not be allowed thereon after this date, C. F. KEATIE, Tt-asutt of Clackamas Co., Oregon. . April W, 1T4. :w4 S'T'At Charman t Warner's old stand, lately occupied by S. Ackeman, Main st. " Lost i rrtHE UNDERSIGNED DOST BETWEEN 1 this citv and Canemah. Wednesday morning a leather containing aoout iJ curr-ncv-, his name will ho found insid-? of the book. Tho Under will b suitably rewarded by leaving the same at tnis omce. II. PEAIISON. notTcei 7 A T THE SOEICITATIOX OF MAXY 2V. friends, I take this method of publicly announcing mvsdf a candidate for the Ofllre of sheriff of Clackamas Countv. suujct to the will of the approaching Wioxatit.and can dish out Fresh Oysters to nn orders, t olTee. Tea and Chocolate always on hand: also a treneral assort ment of confectionary. Ovsters served 1111 .11 --,rr si ib u-Mn'(l. IJUIS PAAli. Oregon City, Sept. 'Jfi, 1873-tf. TO XRT. THE ROOM FORMERTiY OCCUPIED as th( Council Chomber, In Dr. Thes I trttf'B brwk buiKHn4. Apply KiH otKo. 4 STILL IN T II E FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF HAAS' SALOON. WILLIAMS & HARDIHC, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family Groceries to be fourd in the city. All goods warranted. Goons delivered in the city free of charge. The highest cash pne paid irr cHintry produce. Oregon City, March 2k, isi. For acquiring a I'rnetieal. Jiuxinexx Hrfuca- tion this institution olfers suin rior advan tages. and is arknnu ledired bv Iadimr Business Men to be tlie best Commercial Oollecro on the Pacific Coast, and second to none. Each Dei artment is First Class, and is un der the siM-cial chargp of experienced TEAfllEit-s, ami the whole school is under the immediate suiwrintendenee of the President and Secretary. Tlie schoolroom and counting are unitd ujon a plan that. curesto tin- student all t he practical ad- vantantages of each. There is in oieration A 11AXKI.XG HO rsE fiiilly illustrating that business. The same s stem being observed in each department, the student buys, s-lls, shij s, barters, con signs, discounts, insures, draws checks. notes and drafts, gives leases, deeds. Ac and goes through the entire routine of ACTl'AL Bl'SIXESS?) e In adding to the completeness of the In st Hut ion the proprietors have instituted a SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. The entrance to rooms of this Department is upon .iaer street, ana access to them is had only by the teachers and lady stu dents. Itare lacilities are offered to ladies for acquiring a Thorough Knowledge of Business Practice ; of lelegraphy and Pen manship. The O DEPARTMENT OF TELEGRAPHY is in charge or nrst-class operators and teachers, and supj lied with all the appar atus of a lirst-olass office. This Institution as now conducted claims to harve facilities for imparting a thorough Knowieuge 01 me Art of Penmanship ! that not one in ten of the Bcsixess Col leges now in existence 1 ossesses; the De partment boine under the si-ecia! superin tendence of one of the Leading Penmen of the united states. For full 1 articulars send for National BirsiKESs College Jocrxai sent to any part of the eountrv lree. Address, UfFKAXCE te WIIITK, Lock Box 10!, Portland, Oregon. IMPERIAL Nl ILLS, Sirrier, LaBocquc & Co. Oregon Cit-. Keep constantly on hand for sale Flonr, Middlings, Plan and Chicken Feed. Partle purchasing feed mnst furnish the sncV, COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, X5T?DVTTTT7V C. A T T TTIBW T &