Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1874)
J I -J O o G O O O o O O O O o c O O o o THE ENTERPRISE. ijijDXcirr.niiEiinv, ai'kilio, is7i. Til at Ho". Is the-borne tuniel topsy-turvy ? I)es it rini; from street to roof? Will the racket s- r ill continue, S.tite of all yo ir mil.l reproof? Vre voufteri in a llutter? r'e you sometimes 1 1) i illel with joy ? Then I have my rave suspicions That you have at home that Hoy. Are the walls ar'l tables hammered? Are your nerves ami ink upset ? ITave two eves, o bright anl roguish, MaiTM yoii every care forget? ITave yoin-g-arik n-beds a prowler, Who delights but to destroy? These are well-known indications That you have at home that Hoy. Have you seen him playing circus, With his head upon the m it. And his heels in mid-air twinkling For his auiliei -e, the cat ? Do vou ever stop to listen, When his ineiry pranks annoy Ijisten to a voieo' that wVisoers, You were one? just like that Ioy. Have heard of broken windows, And with nobody to blame? Havev-ou seen a trowsercd urchin, Quite uncmMii)iis of the same? Do you love a teasing mixture Of perplexity and joy ? "Vou mav have i dozen daughters. But I know you've got that 1"V, The C.vrsn or Scmneu's Dfatii. Whatever t!ie proximate cause of Mr. Sumner's death may. have been, it is certain ttm attack of Mr. Brooks upon him had nothing to lo with it. It is simply the familiar story of hearty and full" living, severe habits of study, and n sedentary life, with out a particle of exercise. In the 3u miner season 3Ii. Sumner occa sionally rode in a carriage, but. never walked or rod? on horseback, nor did he take anv outdoor exorcise, lie went to th Capitol in a strreet carrand returnel tho same wav. Toe -wonder is t iat. with such habits, lie survived so long as lie did: b'lt. as lie once stated to an old friend, he had a perfect digestion and phvsieal organization. Tliere can be no doubt that his death vt as ascelerated by the wounded feeling and disappointment of finding himself repudiated and denounce i bv his own party, after belping to bnil 1 it up, and also by tFie negroes; an I that even in Mas sachusetts, the President, for whom he hal a ho.-irtv ci:item;t, was stronger than liim df. Ov s F:u v :- r V - V -respondent of the ''' -1 --s. c i cerning the 7ti .i'm "it of some of the vi)!iinn of this S ie in making a "praving ca'n iiign"in imitation of some of their sisters of the Eastern States: It is a pitv tbev cannot rind pnougli em lo ia'nt in their homes, in training anil t-dncating their sons and daughters and making that home a nursery of tempi-ranee and moral ity, a pleasant place, tilled with holv love. kind svmi :thies and irood ex amples, so de;ir to the children and parents t'lat tlnj-v will not care to seek for a dear'M or more ent;"in'.r place -to speTid their leisure. God speed the cause of temperance-; but let efforts for its advancement be made in a more permanent manner ; for these prave meeting in saloons will not last it , is not " in the nature of things" that thev should they are spasmodic, and will soon pass. The Albany ' nno'-mt soliloquizes: Wowldn't the present term of our Circuit Court aiford a stunning ar gument to every sensitive woman against female suffrage. Of course. If womeil were permitted to vote they would be compelled to serve on juries, and as our present Court doc ot is composed ehietlv of gross slan der, n-isty divorcn and incest cases the details of wuich would make the most hardened vagabond blush with shame, for mankin 1 no intelligent, sensitive Iadv could tolerate the idea of being compeiled to listen to a re cital of these revolting crinvvs. One Ferm of Court likeour present would either "bust up"' the woman suf frage business or completely demor alize female purity. Axotiikk of Butlkk's Tricks. A Washington dispatch savs that the resolution orterred in the House, yes terday by Pierce, ordering arrange ments for guarding Capital telegraph offices from unprincipled persons, who listen to obtain surreptitiously conies of telegrams of other parties, was a shot at Butler, whose clerk is an experienced telegrapher, and able to read message by sound. It is said he is in the habH of listening to the instruments, and thus obtaining copies of such as the private dis patches sent during the Simmons af fair, anl during the present Senato rial contest, an also a large number of other dispatc ies concerning mat ters in which ho is interested. Whfal.Tjs lci-.T'orsxr:ss. It is related of the late Senator Wigfall, that on the co' lapse of the Confed eracy, while, crossing the Mississippi to make his way into Mexico, in the assumed charuter of an ultra Union man. he was informed bv a Federal soldier, who ;is on board the ferry-boat, of the intense satis faction he wo aid experience if he could fall in with and hang to Mie topmost limb o the tallest tree the Texan arch-traitor. "Yes, I too would be pulling at one end of tne rope," vehemently replied Wigfall. A Staktltnu Statkmext. In dis cussing the subject of popular edu cation in the Lower House of C on- cress not long since, lion. .ur. iioar made the startling statement that "ono quarter of all the voters to dav are unable to read and write," and that "for the next ten years thirty Senators and one hundred and lour Bepresentati ves will be elected by States, one-half of whose voting population hav- not sufficient knowl edge of reading and writing to make it available in the transmission of in formation." II u morons. A child wisb-s to know why the know why dolls are all girls. "Who will, gffc in his crops if he leaves his farm to head the Grangers. A country eoitor has just become the father of twins, and yet wants the constitution changed. A Chicago clergyman preached a sermon in a billiard saloon last Sun day. He made nineteen points. A divorce lawyer's advertisement: IT vmenieal inomnatibilities as a smecialitv. delicately adjusted. "Tis slavery to detav! the hand after the heart hath tied." Democratic Platform. The following platform of principles was adopted by the Democratic State Convention at Albany last Wednesday : 1. We declare our unfaltering devo tion to the Constitution of the United States and to the Union of the .States thereby established, and weairirm that the people of the several States have the sole and exclusive right of govern ing themselves as free, sovereign and independent States, subject only to the limitation of the Constitution, and that all powers not herein expressly grant ed to the National iovernmeiit, are reserved to the States respectively, and we denv the right of the Federal Gov ernment, through the treaty )ower, to permanently domicile Mongolians with in any Stale" without the consent of the Legislature thereof. 2. We affirm that the greatest danger with which we are now threatened, is the corruption and extravagance which exists in high ollicial places, and we do declare as the cardinal principle of our future political action, that retrench ment, economy and reform are itnier itivcly demanded in all the govern ments of the people, Federal as well as Suite and Municipal, and we hcreoy proclaim ourselves the uneompromis iiiir foes of the salary-grab law ring politicians and land monopolists, who ever thev mav le and wherever they mav be "found, whether they are in or out of olliee, and we appeal to honest men everywhere, without regard to past party allilLitions, to join us in branding as they deserve these corrupt leeches on the body politic and assist us to purge oili:-ial stations of their un wholesome and baneful presence. The present Federal Administra tion, by its utter inability to compre hend the dignity or responsibilities of the duties with which it is charged, by its devotion to personal and partisan interests, by its weak and inconsistent management of the National linances, bv its unwarrantable interference with the local self-government of the people by its support of the corrupt govern ments which it has imposed by its pow er upon several Stales of the Union, In ks complicity with corrupt practices and scandals in various quarters, and bv its appointment of notoriously in competent men to high ollicial posi tion, has justly brought upon liscu the condemnation of the American people. 4. Tuat the persistent interference by Federal oiiieials in local elections, aiid tiie use of large sums of money to defeat t he voice of the people through tiie ballot-box, deserves and receives our severest condemnation. That corpo rat ions are t lie creations of law, their franchise and privileges are granted to subserve the public in terests, and when these are used, not to subserve the object of their creation, but for purposes of oppression and ex tortion, we declare it to be the right and duly of the legislature to control such corporations. l. Tuat we favor speedy return to specie payments, just and equal taxa tion for support of Federal and State governments, and that we are op losed to all discrimination in the as- .isiiii'iit.s of Federal revenue for the "ill" ioes of protection. 7. T.iat the fret; navigation and ini-troveui-.'iit of the (.'obimoia river, the oiisl ruction of a breakwater at Port Or.'ord, the improvement of the Co quille and Willamette rivers, and the construction of the Portland, Dalles iv. Silt Lake li ulroad, are improvements demanded bv the commercial inte rests of this State, and that the Fede ral Government ought by all proper means to assist these measures; that we are in favor of the bill now before Congress, generally knows as the Pol Hand, Dalles and Salt Lake Bail mad bill, and we also favor the early eim ilelioii of the Oregon and Cali fornia Ittilroad to the southern boun dary of tiie State. 5. That we disapprove all measures in the interests ot capitalists ami mo nopolies against labor, believing that distinctions, it distinctions be made Simula oe in lavor ot the laboring class who constitute the mass of our citizens, the producers of the wealth and prosieritv of our country. We therefore approve of the declared prin ciples, and sympathize' with the avow ed object of the organization known as the Patrons ot Husbandry, ami with those of all other orders having for their oiiiect retrenchment anil rctorm in public alfairs, and the social ad vauccmeut ot the people; that we are opposed to a monopoly in the publica tion and sale of books used in tiie com mon schools ot this State, and we arc in favor of amending the existing laws ill relation to such, so as to take away from the publishers of the Paciilc 'oast series of readers and spellers the special privileges in relation thereto which they now enjoy. !. That we are hi favor of tree trade and direct taxation. That the act relating to the fees of shcriUs and clerks ought to be so amended cither by making such oili ces salaried, or by reducing the fees now attached to the same, as shall make the compensation received by such officers a fair remuneration and nothing more for the services required of them. Toat the Constitution be so amended that all printing for the State after the expiration of the term of the State Printer in olliee, when such amendment is passed, shall be provi ded for by letting the same to the low est responsible bidder. That we are in favor of the repeal of the Litigant Act. 11. That the only legitimate object of government is the protection of its citizens in their lives, libert y and prop city, and the pursuit of happiness; that to accomplish this end direct means only should be resorted to ; that the good resulting from a departure from this rule is temporary, the evil l isting. We are, therefore, opposed to the State engaging in the purchase, leasing or speculating in property of any kind, except such only as is nec essary for conducting the ordinary fundi ins of the Government. . 1J. That we favor the immediate con struction of a good and serviceable wagon road along the south bank of the Columbia river, from the mouth of Sandy river to the Dalles. 1:. 'That the compensation of all of ficers should be only such as will be a just remuneration for their services. 11. That we are in favor of Congres sional aid for the construction of the Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake II ul road, and for continuing the Oregon Central Kiilroad from St. Joseph to Junction City. $5O90ttO Tor $50 ! 2 -LtliGxrancl CHlt Coi lCCl't FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE Pl'HI.If I.IKIiAKY OP Kr.XTl(KT. On Tuesday, yist i,:ly ,)f JiariU, NVxt. 60000 ticketTL2000 gifts! LIST OP GIFTS: Ono Grand Cash Gift ; One Grand asli ;jit t n. Grand asli ;iif On" Grand i ash ;jit On- Grand Cash Uilt 10 Cash -ins ""j'iiMHiVca'ch' A I as , jruts, 5 ihm wu-h jVl.lHHI 2-"),IX) 17,.NI llMI.IHHI l"ll,(HH) A 1,1 Mi I 40,(HN -t'VKH) l-VM 5' 1,1 I'M 3-J,f.!M .V)0,IKX) 2) each ash jnits, 11.' MO Cash uiits. I'M f-ach, O'J each. Total. 12,000 giftsaltcash ?7,o Tho concert and distribution of .Mfts .m nositivr-lv and iinr...o .... 1 . tms wl'l tli" now iix' M'ioi .till i;iL-n iaI.. .. in proportion to the number t Uckot" sold. PKH'K OF TK KKTS, Whol" tikts. $.-H: Halvo. . I or "ach conpn OOlinn. 5- F.l.vf.n ,r i ' V. ' ."lns. ior .,UKl: 2g7 whnif ticktc ll n,lwAi,nlnn I ', ls ,rr 10. ticket s. "0 worhof TIIO. E. KR V5ILETTE, Affnt Public Library Kentuckv oi Manner Gift ronort Pubil- To.nd Building. Louisville. kV: mari3w"V ' TO TT'T rr,IIKOM fRMETtLY orrcrrFD , Vti . These Hitters tlo not only dis- Uiiguish themselves bt their fla vor ami aromatic odor above all others fcneralli itsetl, but are at the same time an excellent tonic and an ejjicacious stimulant to excite the appetite. They are prepared from the most choice and wholesome herbs and roots, and have given universal satis faction wherever tried. Thous ands of dyspeptics have found relief, tit rough their use, and physicians recommend them for the cure of all diseases of the Blood and Liver, and irregularities of the digestive organs. Headache, Biliousness, and Constipa tion, General Debility and loss of appetite, nre all caused by the derangement of the stomach, Liver and other functionaries of the system. The IXL Bitters have been successfully used and are warranted to alleviate the sufferer in all the above cases. fi??f'T'e IXL Iiiltrrs are sold onftasrr in (jlaxx; to sell othrr than the genuine arlule out of our bottles is felon, ami ire trill u lirn detected, jirasecute such Kirties to the full extent of the late. Kcad Physician's Certificate on each Bottle. Every family should have them in the house. Sold everywhere. Jr. JErSTJ-JIJTA-CO., Sole Proprietors, yo. SIS front St., San Francisco, Cat. AV'e are also I lie mnnufactiirrri Of OR. HESiLKV'S KKGISL.ATOU, a purgative mild and efl'ectlve; a, purely vegtlable foiupomid, and In everv way superior to pills. Also AruiH for Hie celebrated brand of LOUDON HOY A I. PALM GIN a peciflc for the llLAUbEKaud KID. NKVS. .vjaroli 2Cm3 SELLING OFF ! SELLING QFF ! THE IMMENSE AVINTKIi STOCK OP BOOTS and SHOES! : AT Til E : Pacfic Boat & Shoe House. Corner First and Morrison Streets, rORTLAJS'D, OR KG OX, Will be Closed Out for the Next Thirty Hays At unci Lei Tlian Cost. P K I C G Si Ladies' Kid l-'o.ved Balmorals Mioses' d do 'hildp'n's do do Men s Heavy Knots Boys' do .... Yoiil h's do 'liilih- 'u's Boots Mfi's Ivip 1 land-made Custom o-solctl Booi s I'Urid,v's Slaughte r Boots do irain 1 In nt i njj Boots HiMiard's Celebrated' Hand-made ?1 50 1 -'.J 1 IM) 2 75 2' ) 1 1 O'J 5 0 j 4 a: 4 5J 1- encli calf 650 Smit'i, Cliamplin it Co. (Portland) Custom l-'renoh calf .Smith, Cliamplin & Co. (l'ort la rid) ustom American en If M-n"s lie.!, ijual'ty Hunting do Ani"riean K'diujr do Buckle Artie. Overshoes do Alaska t tlo best qua'ity Ku'ber do Women's BiicUle Arl ic Overshoes do do do do Sef.;iet'n;r Itubber do Men's Serevd 1 '.n rxn n s do IVirjred ilo do California Calf, tap sole do do bu IT calf, tap sole marii-tf 0 50 fi 50 5 50 ti 00 2 J 1 oO 1 I 1 1 1 1 (Ml 1 1 M) 4 50 3 50 .u;i;nts for the emeu pulse. The following persons are authorized to act as agents tor the ( ico. I'. Kowell A Co., 40 Park Itow, New 1 ItTK. Coe, Wetherill A Co., G07 Chestnut street, I'lul.-tcleiphia. Abbott A Co., No. 82 and 81 Nassau street. .New KirK. I'ort Iaml.i )rejron T. Samuel c... , . -. (Thos. Boyce , i...... ju p Fjshor St. Helens, Columbia county 8. A. Miles Astoria. Clatsop county A. an Jiiisen Salem - B. Williams Harrislmre; I. H. Smith I .afa vet fe, Yamhill county T.Ij.Ferqruson Ballas, Bolk county Kola Jacksonville Benton county .1 ave Holmes It. Dotv ,.K. K. Hann'a W.A.Wells Corvallis Hon. John Burnett Can von Cit v,jra nt Co . B. I.aswell Albany A. X.Arnold IaHes, Wasco county, N. H.irates I,airande, Union county . C. Craiq: Pendleton, I mat ilia county S. . Knox IT AT rl" K Fu-ene City )K. B.Bristow Hosebure; Hon. I,. F. Bane r . ) C. T. Montague Lebanon T T? nlc, Jacksonville Hon. K. I). Kondrny Iin' Tom H. C. Huston CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Beaver Creek Butteville C. K. Beatie Tnlin Zumwalt Henry Mcfiutrin J. W. Strawser I. Wri-rht Frank W. Foster Capt. Z. C. Norton W. Mon-land ....John Haprenberirer John Poole W. II. Vaushan Cascades Ca n bv Cuttins's Knrle Creek Harding's Iflwrr Molalla... Mihvaukie sweyfo lIpiM-r Molalla.... Tn the Circuit Court of the State of Orcaon, for the County of Claekamai. John X. Smith and Mary Smith, plaintiff, vs. J. II. Martin, Defendant. To J. TI. Martin, said defendant : rN Til K NAMF, OF THE STaTF. OF ORE tron. vu are herebv r(iuired to appear and ansiverthecomplaint filed ajrainstyou in th above entitl"d action bv the first day of the term of said Court following the ex' iration of six weeks from the first ru'- lieation nf t his summons : said first putili- eation being on thn if h day of March. 1S74, and said next frm of said '"ourt commen oinc on thr 27th dav of April, 174: and if you rail to ans ver said complaint, tne plaintiff will take Judgment, against you for the revival or a certain judgment r-n-d'T'd against ' on in said Court on th 21 st da- of March. ltfilT, for the sum of 610 24-100 dollars with cot and disbursements. By orBr of Hon. W. W. Cpton, Judge of said fourt. dated the second (2) day of March. ici. HuelatA Warren, "mnrTw Att'y for Plaintiff. Estrny TsTotice ! T,KK.V rp RY THK STTRRCRTPER L.IV r, 'r" l? M'l-vnnkin precinct. Clackamas tTnZill . . eon- on ,h th of January last, l-i ! cow. about 4 vears old. marked lin"r k r wi,h R(l'r"wp; also a year been hnr.' withf mark. Th cow has - n aPPraisr J at $20 and th calf r ko-,-. M. OATFIELD. March 2o, 174 :wS CHAS. II. OA-TJJh"TJI!LT3, DEALER AV GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CORNER OF SEVENTH AND lias Just Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods, Brovn and Bleached Sheetings, House Lining, Shirtings, Table-Lnen, Irish Bosom Linens, Linen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies and Gents' Hose Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, Ribbons, Laces and Insertions, Embroidery, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Ac Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDERN'S SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimneys Which have bee selecte with .pedal care for thi market and cannot BE SURPASSED IX QUALITY OR PRICE. TIIE HIGHEST MARKCT PKICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE, March 13, lS73:tf " TO THE CITIZENS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY: GEEAT REDUCTION IKT DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, ETC. OWING TO TIIE FAILING II KAI.TII OF A. LEVY. IT IS OIMt PURPOSE TO OFFER our cntiru Stock of Goods itt tirfiitly Km1uvvI lric. In onlor to closo out our lMSIxllSSJa FALL STOCK! L.EVY BROS., SecontI door north of the Postofllce, Kluin street, Oregon City. 6LEfili5S No bfttor "viiltneo of tin: ofH ciency of Dr. J. .S. CnltMimn's t'otnHninJ Kxtractof Kuoalypt us can di'siri-il, than th folio win"; summary of eases, treated witli this remedy alone, ly that emi nent phvsician, Ir. David WVxis- tlii.' V. S. Marine Hospital.Saji Fran Cisco, renorti-d in the August No. (1S72) l'a cilic Med. Jour. AoOmcj I Cur- I titjtr- 1 retard ert a 1!1 9 .1 7 .- 4 '2T, 10 '"i 9 1T 3 ovett. Remittent Vever 'hills anil Fever Typhoid Fever lnflamalion of Kidneys.. 1 iinr"t is Incontinence of Urine.... St rietui'i' Intlauiation of liladder.. niennorrhajria 1 ist-ase of tiie Heart. I si-ntery 'iironic Diarriuea (Jononiicea I ropsy ... o ...1! ... 9 ... 1 ...10 .... ;i ... ...'21 ...n ... 7 .... 4 ...11 ...1 ... C For sale ev Drujiists, . KOW IS THE TIME TO SUJJSCKriiE FOR THE ENTERPRISE. 50 I'KIi YEAR, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Each number contains th LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, From all Tarts of the World ; A Carefully Selected Summary of STATE AND TERRITORIAL f NEWS ITEMS; A Corrected List of the Market in Portland, San Francisco and Oregon City; LOCAL NEWS, EDITORIALS, On all Subjects of Interest to the FARMER, MERCHANT OR MECHANIC Also, Carefully Selected MISCrci.IiANEOUS hradim:. In Short, it is in Every Respect a LIVE NEYSPAPER. TIIE ENTERPRISE Having a larpre and constantly increasing Circulation In the most populous part of the State, offers superior inducements to those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements inserted on REASONABLE TEU3IS. ine lampigu ui ion win soon bejrin ""' ' ,'rm nine io onDscribe in order that you may be posted on currant eTnts. Send in your subscription at ooee. MAJN STREETS, OREGON CITY. BltOTI-IERS, Completely corroljoratlve of tho summary of J)r. Wooster, are the rt'ixirts of the exiw-riments with Kuenlyi tus by Dr. lxrrimer,of Iler iin, l'russia, and Dr. Ki-eler, Chief Physician of the Austrian Railway Co., published in the American Medical Journal, July, 1S72. It will Ik? found very efficacious In obsti nate cases of Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, I lack ing Cough, Chronic Sore Throat, Ieucor rliea, etc., and in nausea during pregnan cy. Dr. C'oIeiiinn'M Iotlle Kxtrnct of Enonlrptm is a special preparation for the treatment of Fever mid Aniif, and is Wiirrniiteil to Cure every case treated according to directions, without the injur ious results of the usual Quinine and ar senical remedies for that disease. Also pure Fluid Extract of Kucalyptus, in one pound liottles, for physicians' use. Ik-ware ot imitations and take none but Coleman's. erywhere, and by Charles Iangley fc Co... Agents San Francisco. 30maylS73yI. MB R C H A XD 1KB. GOOD NEWS! PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIMES. LOOK OUT FOR GOOD BAKGAINS? S. ACKER MAN & CO. H VE JCST RECEIVED A I.ARGE stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS which they offer CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! Vc would say come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Ourstock consists in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer- ies, Hard ware, and a great many ot her articles too numer- ours to mention ; also. Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty, etc., etc. All kinds of Produce taken In exchange or ds ALSO Wool Wanted For which we pay the Highest, Prices. 8ACKERMAN A CO. Oregon T!ty, October 31, l73-tf. I MB Ji C II A ND I SB. JOHN MYERS, OREGON CITY. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCEPwIES, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for Butter, Egg's, Tand all kinds of are good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon for CA SJf OR ITS BQ VI VA LB XT Jn Good Merchantable Produce. I am selling very low for CASH IjY If AX1. Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYERS. Orepon City, March 21. 1873. ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB IOFFICE OREGON CITY, : OREGON. WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE all kinds of JOB PRINTING, such as CARDS, BILL-HBADS, PAMPHLBTS, DBBJiS, MORTGAOBS, LABBLS, LBTTBR-HBADS. In fact all kinds of work done a in PrintiiiR Olliee, at b PORTLAND PRICES. ALL KINDS OP LEGAL BLANKS constantly on hand, and for sale at as low a price as can be had in the State. Work Solictcl AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Oregon City. March 21. 1873-tf. Lor Sale! About 150 pounds of long prim er, of which this is an impression. Has been in use but a short time, crood work. Trice 25 cents lb, either tied up or in cases cases extra. ALSO, A small font of Nonperiel of which this is am impression. Price 35 cents V B. As good new. There in enough to set about one column f thi F8fre?ia. ArHreMthiso?. MANVFA.CTORIBS. WAGON AND CARRIAGE ill A JV U FACTORY ! THE UNDERSIGNED, having icTeas-d the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand on the Corner or and Third Stroet. Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of informing his old pa trons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is aow prepared, with ample room, good matTials, and the verj best of mechanics, to biild anew, re construct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete, any sort of a vthicle from a common Cart to a Concord Coch. Try me. Blaeltsmithlnfri Horse or .Ox Shoeing, and General Jobbing neatly, quickly, ajid. cheaply done. DAVID SA1J1 H. Q Summon: Iix the Circuit Court of the S7rt of Oregon, for the County of Clackottus. John P.Gage. PlaintitT. vs. Nancy Robbins, ft. al., Defend.uts. To Nancy A. Ball and Larkin Ball, her husband, two of said defendaits : 1 THE XA.M EOF TH E ISTATI OF CRE- Q gon, you are hereby requiredlo apj ear anu answer the complaint tilcl aa.nst you in the above entitled suit, lv the day of the next term of said Coirt folh w ing tiie expiration of six weeks Irom t he first publication of this stimmais; SiVfd first publication being on the tti day of March. 1S74, and said next term ot said Court commencing: on the 27th day of April, 1S74; and if you fail to answer sp id complaint, tiie T'laintilT will apjiytothe Court lor the relief demanded thc in, which is that you, the above naned de fendants with the other defenthnts in said complaint named, execute to he said plaintiff herein a deed for certain lind de scribed in emihtint as the sout h half of the northeast quarter of scet ion 2, town ship 2 south, range 1 east, 'iltamtte Me ridian, in Clackamas County, State of Ore gon, in pursuance of a written agr-e ment to that eir-ct made by John D. Ribbins, now deceased, in his life time wih this piaintiffc By order of the Hon. W. W. Upton Judge of said Court, dated the second (2)day of March, lK7t. 11ulat Warrin, bmarTw Att's for Plaiitiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon t for the County of Clackunms. Arthur Warner, Administra-) tor of the estate of Mary J Plaintiff. Prosser, deceased. ) vs. , William Prosser, John A. I Defendants Fisher and A. M. Fisher. j To William Prosser, one of the above lam ed defendants : IN TIIE NAME OF TIIE STATE OF ORE gon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, by the Irst day of the term of said court lollowingthe expiration of six weeks lrom the first ih lication ol this summons; said first publi cation being on the tit h day ol March, ISA. and said next term of Court conimenckig on the 27th day of April, 174 ; and if you fail to answer said complaint, the will apply to the Court lor the relief de manded t herein, which is tl at a certain deed bearing dale June L'Sth, l.vtvl, made ty defendanls .Io! n A. Fisher and A. M. Fisfc ertoyou, the said William Prosser, ur xrting to convey certain real estate in Clackamas County, Mate f Oregon, d-scritw-u in saiu need as siluaieu in an I oeing parts of sections ight and nine in township two sout h, range one east, toetli erwith all the ersonal pnx-rty on said land claim at the ilate of said leed, be de clared void and of no foroe or effect. By order of the Hon. W. W. li ton. Judge of said Court, dated the second ('2) day ol March, 1S74. Hcki.atA Warrkn," 6mar7w. Att'ys lor Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of ClacLvtmu. Edward Wilcox, Plaint iir. vs. Mary Francis Wilcox, Defendant. To Mary Francis Wilcox, saif 'defendant. IN THE NAME OF 'i HE STATE OK OK egon, you are hereby required tfcuppear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit, bv t he Cr-t day of the term of said Court following the expiration of six weeks from the first pub lication of this summons ; said first pn I lo cation being on the Cth day of March, 171, and said next ti rm of said Court com men cing on the 27th day of April, 1S74 : and if you fail to answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded (herein, which is lor a dissolution of the marriage cont ract t ow existing between plaintiff and defendant herein. By order of Hon. W. W. Upton, Judire of said Court, dated the second CJ) day of March, 1S74. IIcflatA Wakrkn niarttw? Att'ys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court fur the State of Oregon, for the Count i of Cluckmnas. Mary A. Roberts, Plaintiff, vs. Wm. II. Robert s. Defendant. To Wm. H. Roberts, said defendant: IN TIIE NAME OK THE STATE OF 0K egon : You are hereby requind to ap pear and answer the" complaint fil d against you in the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the term of snki Court following the expiration ol six weeks from the publication of this summons. Said term of said Court will begin Men day, the 27th day of April, 1S74 : and K you tail so to appear and answer said com plaint, the plaintiff will a: ply to the Court for the relief prayed for in aid comj laint, which is a dissolution of marriage contract existing between you and defendant, and for costs and disbursements of this suit. Summons published by order of llon.W. W. Upton, Judge of si id" Court. Dated March 7th, lS7t. - JOHNSON t McCC WN, mal3w6 Atty's for Plaintiff. o THE PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROS WEST MERIDEN.CT. o IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE State of Oregon, ror the County of Clack amas : Jacob Wiener, plaintiff, vs. Sophia Wiener, defendant. To Sophia Wiener.tne defendant: In the name of t he St t'" Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed ngainst you in the above entitled suit, on or before the first day ot the next term of the above entitled Court, which will commence mor than six weeks after the first publication of this summons, to-wit: on Mondny.the 27th day of April, IS74, and if you tail so to appearand answer, the plaintiff will "Tl to the Court for the relief demanded in his complaint, to-wit : n decree of divorce !nn you. This summons is published in P"r" suanceof an order made by Hon. Upton, Judge of said Court, in chambers, on the 19th day of January, 1874. CAFI.KS A MOKEI.AM'. . Attorneys tor Plaintiff- SHADES SALOON, C.A.HAAS, - - Prop. Slain Street, Oregon City. TUB BAR IS SUPPLIED with all the choicest qualities of L'l"0"? and Cigars. Scotch. Irish and Fourton already famous Whiskies and Punch. OragB Otty, Jan. 1, lW2-t. 1 Fi 02 i ei Tr 1 1 Fj Oc Hi Bu o O t Mi PC Fir af O PC O o H 03 - s AT' O St a the on tr O oi 3 j: to, on. O - tX " - Est Pit Pit pni S Iaj -ry O Oi tern IJI H ry now lty 1 the fllle . H. R . iBoai I . Bom ' Boar thai 1 . . '. - . y COURTESY CF BANCROFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA p-r- , ,