Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1874)
f 9 1- o o 1 c o o G o c e o o THE bb EG'J.X CITr, dSEGOX, JLPBIL 3, 1574. OR o Time tike the Old Time. BY O. W. HOLMES. There is no time like the old time, When vou ami I were yoiintr; When of April blossomed, An I tlu- birds ot Si-iuj-tiui-.; sung'! The .irden's brightest glories nv'siimincr suns are nursed, llut'oh, t!:e sweet, sweet violets, The ll)vers that ope:i first I There is no place like the old plaee, Where you and I were born : Where w j lifted first our eye-lids On th splendors of the morn. From the milk-white breast that warmed us, Fro ti elni.-rins; arms th-it bore, Where the dear eyes u listened o'er us That will look 611 us no more! Thre is in friend like the old friend Ta it h is ." I ir in irnin.; days, n reetin. like his weleome, N'.i hoirn'e like his praise ; Fame is the seentless sun-ilower, With .mdy crown of -rold ; Hut friendship is the breathing rose, With sweets in every fold. There is no love like the old love That we courted in our oride: Though our leaves are t'nli iu vr. fallinir, And we're i'adin r si.le by side. Tlu r are blossoms all around us, With the colors of our dawn. And we live in borrowed sunshine, When the liht of day is iono. There are 110 tims like the ol 1 thnes, Thev sh ill never be forgot ! There" is no ( l ice like the old place ; Keep irrt'cn the di'ar old spot ! Tin are no friends like our old f.iends; M iv Heaven prolong their lives! There are 110 loves like our old loves, Uod bless our lovimr wives! Changes of Century. The nineteenth century has wit nessed m:i!iv and frmit discoveries. In 1S0'. Fulton took out the ,iir.-,t inventioii of the ste luihvit. The first steamboats wliich male regular trijn across the Atlantic oc"ii!i were the "Sirius" and the "Great We-tern, in 18:50. The lirst publi: application to prac tical use of ijas forilluniination, was made in 1S()2 In 1SF3 the streets of Ijondon were for the lirst time lighted with In there was limit in "Wal- tharn, Mass.. a mill, believed to have been the first in the world, which combined all the requirements of O making finished cloth from raw cot ton. InlTO' thc -e were only 12- Postofi ccs iii the whole country ; j.n.i up to 18: $7 the rates of postage wore 25 cts for a letter s mt over -1K) miles. Tn 1S:J7 wo den clocks commenced to be made lfY maciiinery. This ush ered in the eia of cheap clocks. About the year is:: the lirst rail road of any considerable length was constructed in the United 0Stites. In 11') the first expersinnts in jihoto'.r iphy wore made by Monsieur Daiierre. In 1S11) the first express business was eslal dishetl. In S2d tlu anthracite coal busi ness was commenced. In ls:( the v-t patent for the in vention of m.itelies was granted. In 1S!." the lirst telegraphic mes sage was sent. In lsO:i steel pens were introduced for use. In IS':) the lirst successful reaper was j mt in operation. rjn IS f Elias Howe obtained a pa tent for his lir.-t sowing machine. The lirst successful method of vul canizing India rubber was patented in 1S:j:i'. Stokes in sing Sine--He Specula-es in Stocks, ; ol Wants to i:tnhlish ;, O a Prison Libra rv. From f ho X, V. Times. Stokes has remained in the hospi tal where ho was placed on his arri val at Sim? Soii?, until a few days a.iro. While lyinic in hospital he had of course many comforts which well prisoners are denied. His friends had easier access to him than they will have now that he is forced to work with the other convicts. One who visited the prison recently, and who knew Stokes before he commit ted the terrible crime for wliich he is now being punished, had a long conversation with him in the hospi tal. Stokes, as was his habit in the Tombs, conversed freelv, and aver red that he had made a great deal of money since his imprisonment, in Wall sireet stock speculations. Those business venture's have been conduct ed by an agent, who had Stoke's money to operate with; and he pre sumed that at least :M.)MO had been realized. He evidently dreaded the necessity of leaving the hospital, and complained of being greatly prostra ted by his illness. He expressed an opinion that the prisoner in correc tional institute ms shouM be supplied with plenty of realing matter, and avowed that ho was willing to donate SI, 000 to fouud a "Stokes Library at Siiiir Sing. The visitor spoke of a new book entitled the "History of the Tombs,' contain ing sketches of criminals who have been incarcerated in the City Prison since it was built. Stokes said he should likn very much to see the book, as he nn anxious to read a"' that was said about him. When Stoke was taken out of the hospital he was made clerk in one of the pris on workshops. The Salem Sf'-te.nntn of last Sat urday says : ' Dr. D iwne has hand ed us a letter which he has just received from Dr. J. 15. Applewhite, who was here some time ago. written at Omaha on the 5th of March. In the letter Dr. Applewhite states that he, with a colony of 22 persons, is on the way to Oregon to locate. They will probably arrive at Port land by the next steamer from San Francisco, and will look out at once for places of location. This com pany has been inrtneed to come into our State through Mr. Dawue's rep resentations, and besides beiug an industrious eommunit v, represent a capital of SIOO.UOO. These" are the kind of people out State needs, and we have room for aiillious more." Flokence. A ihsajipointeil Amer ican, writing from Florence says, We hear a ijret ileal about the blue skies of Italy, but never a word about its rainy ones, or it heavy mists, chilly days that often merge into weeksnay, sometimes months." WoiiiT. A ra in w'10 would stab a ghocit would stick al nothing. et m r?i "n : i v n. i Ti--' Kemarkable Monstrosity. The Baltimore Sint gives the fol lowing in reference to female twins born at Tobaccostick, Dorchester county, Mo., on the 4th inst., and who were joined at the breast in a manner regarded more wonderful than the Siamese twins : The Dorchester twins were of col ored pareutage, the mother being Mary Travers, who is now in excel lent'l.e.ilth. One of the twins was alive at birth, but died in a few sec onds thereafter. The other was born dead. The one that ushered into this world bore the impres upon its face of a genuine negress, and the complexion of the other was like that of a white person, and the hair less kinky upon its head than that adorning her sister. Dr. La Count Smith, of Tobaccostick, became in possession of the bodies of the twins shortly after their birth, and brought them to this city yesterday after noon for the purpose of having the bodies properly preserved, which will be done by placing them in an aquarium shaped vessel filled with alcohol. Last night the Dorchester monstrosities were exhibited at the ollice of Dr. J. II. Tall, in the pres ence of several medical gentlemen. The bond of union connecting the bodies of the twins extends from the centre of the breast bone to the naval, thus placing the bodies face to face. The bodies are well formed, and weigh ten pounds and a half, and measure eighteen inches in length. The physicians who were present give as their opinions that each of the twins possessed separate stomachs, hearts, livers, etc., and that a wall separated the stomachs along that portion where the bond of union exists. The only case on record where a similar bond of union ever existed is in the London Muse um, and like the Dorchester rttivelty, are females. Sao to Know. A Washington cor respondent of the S'nt says that al though the picking and stealing game, as practiced in the deferent de partments of the Government, ha been pretty well illuminated; never theless many good., honest people. who have read with sures of the m-tnner maine our expo ia which horse.-- and carriages, with drivers and foot men, are kept at the public expens for the private use of CJovemment of ficials, ase reluctant to believe that the President countenances this rob bery. It is sa l, indeed, to know that the Presidept of the United States sanctions petty stealing of this sort from the oublie tveasury. But when he himself practices the same frame there is no longer room for doubt. His eoaohm in, loofman, barber, and all the male employees about the While House, not provided for in tne Congressional appropriations for the Kxeenii". e M in-: "m. are borne on the rolls of the Adj lt int General's tliee as enlisted men, and are paid from the appropriations for the sun port of the army. These facts are as notorious in "Washington as they are incontrover tible; yet there is not a member of Congress wdio has the eoun:go to call attention to them, an I introduce a bill to remelv t lie evil. Dawks S :vfkki.y Ci.fTieiED. The Xdtiontii lli'iuhlh-a i , Grant's Wash ington organ, on Saturday morning had a severe article on II. L. D iwes. It said: 'If Mr. Dawes had designed to defeat the II. Xov Hampshire, devised a more e securing that obit publican party in lie could not have Tetnal method of et than the of iiis panicky speech just at the very moment which he selected for that purpose. In what asu'.-t did his ill-timed e'au t jd: ce the llepub lican party before the country? In the evident attitude of an extrava gant distributer of the people's mon ey. And from whom came this charge, who but the leader of the party m the House? as it nnv wonder that the returns show that there were so jnanv members of the partv in the State of New Hamp shire who hesitated about a further endorsement of such a party?" 1 he Secretary of the State Agri cultural Society has just received letter from dames ick, the great seedsman and ilorist of liochester, 2s. 1.. oilering to exhibitors at our next mate rair. s-ni in coin premi ums, to be awarded by the Society as follows: Dost collection of cut llowers from seeds grown or import ed by him, 820; second best, -lo; third best, 10; fourth best, .-?". These premiums published in the Premium List of the Society, ami Mr. Vick will forward to the Sec rotary a check for theamount named upon receipt of notice of such pub lication. Who Pays the Taxes ? The U or. !.,),) ui concludes an article upon the question: '-Who pays the Taxes?" with the following truthful words; "Turn it and twist it as you will, there is not a single exception in the universe. All taxes ultimate ly fall squarely upon the shoulders of the laborer the prodneer. Whore nothing is produced there is nothing ti) tax. And yet blathering idiots can be found who fondlv roll the lie that the rich pay taxes for the ben oht of the poor man to educate his children, etc." During the iveent cruise of an En-Sli-Oi war vos-l amon- the South S.a Islands the oflicers of the shin visited ono island wh,re t!,n inhab - ...w,.-. ineir nouses ui tree to prevent being surprised at by the hostile inhahitart of so as nig'.it udja- vein lsuubls. u-ie of the o iuu-rs ai- ......... ,,u,- U1 lMO ilonst.s -I found the distance to be SO fOPt. fl,H1 the ground. Others were still high er. I he ascent is ma,le bv a species of native rope attiu-hed to :l post in the house and when the f.iniilv are all m for the mght the rope is hauled v and coiled awav. The Supreme Court of the United States now stands us follows Cliief .fushco Waite, of Ohio ; r. .Tutice Hunt. of New York ; Mr. Justice Clifford, of Maine; Mr. Justice Swavne, of Ohio ; Mr. Justice Davis of Illinois ; Mr. Justice Field of California ; Mr. Justice Strong' of Fe ms. lvania ; Mr. Justice B .-ad 'lev ot Xew Jersev. Olhcers of the court D. G. Midd'leton, Clerk, of Wash incrton. District of Columbia : John G. Xicolav. Eq., Marshal, Illinois and John .William Wallace, Em.,' Philadelphia, lieporter. J Democratic llatform. The following platform of principles was adopted by the Democratic State Convention at Albany last Wednesday : 1. We declare ourimfalteriioj: devo tion to the Constitution of the United .States and to the Union of the States thereby established, and we affirm that the people of the several States have the sole and exclusive right of govern ing themselves as free, sovereign a id independent .States, subject only to the limitation of the Constitution, and that all lowers not heroin expressly grant ed to the National Government, are reserved to the St ites respective-, and we denv the right of the Federal Gov ernment, through the treaty power, to permanently domicile Mongolians with in any State without the consent of the Legislature thereof. 2. We affirm that the greatest danger with wliich we are now threatened, is the corruption and extravagance which exists in high official places, and we do declare as t he cardinal principle of our future political action, that retrench ment, econoniv'and reform are iniper itively demanded in all the govern ments of the people, Federal as well as S.a e and Municipal, and we hereby proclaim ourselves the uncompromis ing foes of the salary-grab law ring politicians and land monopolists, who ever thev may be and wherever they mav be found, whether they are in or out" of office, and we appeal to honest men everywhere, without regard to past party affiliations, to join lis in branding as they deserve these corrupt leeches 011 the body politic and assist us to purge official stations of their un wholesome and baneful presence. 3. The present Federal Administra tion, by its utter inability to compre hend the dignitv or responsibilities ot the duties with which it is charged, by its ucvoiion 10 personal ana partisan interests, by its weak and inconsistent management of the National finances, by its unwarrantable interference with the local self-government of tiie people by its support 01 the corrupt govern ments which it has imposed by its pow er upon several .-Mates of the V nion, by its complicity with corrupt practices ..... 1 11; - ai.o scaie uii.s 111 various quarters, anl by its appointment of notoriously in competent men 10 nigh oiueial posi tion, has liistlv brought upon itself the condemnation of tin; 'American people. 4. That the persistent interference by I ederal officials in local election? and the use of largo sums of money t defeat t he voice ot tin- people through tiie oaf lot-i ox, deserves and receives our severest condemnation. .". That uporat ions are t lie creations of law, their franchise and privileges are granted to subserve the public 111- leresis, ana wnen iiiese are used, not to subserve the object of their creation, but tor purposes ot oppi e -sion and ex tortion, we declare it to be the right and duty of the. legislature to control such rp rati! ns. (i. That we favor speedy return to specie payments, just and equal taxa tion for support of I'Vderal and State governments, and mat we are op posed to all discrimination in the as sessments ot r lateral revenue lor the 'purposes ot protection. . Liiat tno 1 roe navigation and im provement of the olumbia river, the construction of a breakwater at Port Orford, the improvement of the (' quille and ill imette rivers, and tin construction o! toe Portland. Dalles A- Salt Lake 11 lilroad, are improvement.- demanded oy tne commercial inte rests of this State, and that the Fede ral Government ought by all proper means to assist these measures: that we are 111 tavor ot the bill now be for. ( oiigress, generally knows as th Poitland, D.dles and Salt Lake ll.iil- road i.-il!, and we aNo favor the earl comoleiioii of the Oregon and Cali fornia Jidlroad to the southern boun dary of the S:ate. s. nun we (-!s 1 pprovc all measures in me imeresis o; capitalists and mo nopolies against labor, believing that distinctions. H distinctions be niadt should be in favor of the laborin; class u .in constitute ine mass of our citizens, the producers of the wealth and prosperity of our country. Wo t here fore a pprovc of t he dccla red prin- eioles, and sympathize with the. avow ed object of the organiy.-i' ion known as the Patrons of Husbandry, and with those ot all other orders having for their object retrenchment and reform in public atl'iirs, and tiie social ad vancement of the people; that we all- opposed to a monopoly in the publica tion and sale ! looks used in the com mon schools of this Slate, and we are in favor o f a n n 1 id i ng t lie x is; ing la w.- lh relation to sin-n, so as to take awav froiu the publishers of th" Pacific ( oast series ot readers and spellers the spei-i d privileges in relation thereto which they now enjoy. 1 1 ' 1 -1 . . : . i- . . . i t -1 a. iiesi e are in ia or 01 iree trade and direct taxation. 10. That the act relating to-the fees of slr.M ili's and clerks ought to be so amended either by making such offi ces salaried, or by reducing the fe. now attached to the same, as shall make the com oensat ion received by such officers a lair remuneration and not lung more for the services required 01 liiem. 1.1:11 ine 1 niisiiiillinii lie so amended that all printing for the State titer the expiration of tiie term of the w- ... II. --.. .-. . I ei.aie 1 inner m oiuee, wnen such amendment is passed, shall Ik? provi ded lor oy letting t ne sa me to t tie low est responsioie oioder. 1 hat we are in favor ot the repeal of the Litigant Act If. 1.1 it the only legitimate object ot government is too protect ion ot its citizens in their lives, liberty and prop erty, ano ine pursuit 01 nappme.- that to accomplish this end direct 1 uea 11s on ly should be resorted to ; t hat the good resulting from a departun from tins rule is temporary, the evil l isting. A c are, therefore, opposed to ine .-Mate engaging 1:1 tiie purchasi leasing or speculating 111 property of any kind, except such only as is nec essary for coielucting the ordinary functions of the iovernment. I'-'. That wo favorlhe immediate con struction of a good and serviceable wagon road along the south bank of t he Columbia river, from the mouth of Sandy river to the Dalles. PJ. That t he com pensat ion of all of- nc-'-rs snouid oe only such as will be a just remuneration for their services. 11. licit we are in favor of Congres sional aid for the construction of tin Portland. Dalles and Silt Lake Kail- road, and for continuing the Oregon entral Kulroad troni St. Joseph to Junction Cilv. 50,000 Tor $lf ! I -lUi O J-;in I C iiit Concert KOIt TIIE IIKNF.FIT OF THE CfJI.IC I.IilltAitV OP KKNTCCJvV. tn Tnes:ly, :ilt Day nf .llnrcli, A'ext. 60000 ticket ; 12000 gifts! LIST OF GIFTS: nsT Grand Cash Gift i iv i ra nd i "asii liiit. t r a r i d (.'asii ; il t iii'' Jra nd ash iiit On" irand Cash Gilt ?iVi,t)00 liHI.OU.) ") 1,1 HH) 2".Ht) 17,-VM) 10. 1,0) l.".l,l)!X) ja.inh) 10 t ash uitts, :u Cash ilts, "fi i ash frit is, s Cash triits, M- t "ah Kills, I V) ( 'ash jri'ts, Srt l 'ali triits, "- I 'ash jjilt s, H.oijO Cash Kilts, o,il i:t each, 0. 1m ) each, 1, ('t) each, o'i) each, 400 each, :i each, '."mi each, l'hi each, o') each, 4a,t)!J ' 45,0 NJ 5'IIKH) ;"0,0'H Total, 12,000 Kifts.all cash .H.500,000 The concert and distribution of Kifts will positively and i'iiquivoeallv tak" place on th" d iv now lix -d. a heth r'all the tickets, ar" ,,r not ,ln.i t! , , ,rii, in proportion to the number o? tickets sold. pRK'K OF TICKETS'. Wholo tikefs, s-,1. Halves. Tenths, a;1. co,IprV --'lv"n whol -tickets for t Ur,'-''-"1 ti,-k 'ts fr ? : 1 1 whole ,1 T " : --"7 whl ' t ickers lor $10,- . .u.oi.juni on , -ss than $'iM worth of l iV l.'-l S. Till), E. Kit AJILETTE. Manar;!;0 J Kentucky, and liuil.lin.r t 'Ut ,'nc"'t. Iublic Library Luilduis. Louisville. Ky. marl3w4. T"rthRe7.M MKTtLY OCCTTPIED in4-s U1-"?XU '"''"'"Kin Dr. lhea s bnniidintf. Apply athis ofriec. j COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, P 1 m;ivzRSiTi of California. DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CORNER OF SEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS, OREGON CITY. Has Just Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods, Drown and Bleached Sheetings, House Lining, Shirtings, Table-Linen, Irish Bosom Linens, Linen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies' and Gents' Hose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, Itibbons, Laces and Insertions, Embroidery, Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDERN'S SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal IVliich have lee Belecleil vitH special care for tliis market and cannot HE SURPASSED IX QUALITY Oil PRICE. TIICIIIUIICSTMAKHKT I It I CIS March 13, 1873 :tf TO THE CITIZENS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY: GREAT REDUCTION IN DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, ETC. VV1n; TO THE FAir.IN; HEALTH OF 7 our culir tSloc-lt ol UooUs at Uifuity . lilOa Second door nortli oft lie m REM a 3 3 No bi-ttcr cvkl'Mic of th i-fli- --ZTi'Ct&s-r cii-iK-y of !r. .1. S. Col-man's J'irfsbOr I'omimuml Kxtract of Knc:i 1 vpt us -rrt--r-ZT c; 1 1 1 be a -s i r. -d , 1 1 1 :i 11 1 1 1 I . 1 1 a i n summary 01 oases, tronti'it witli iyv. - this remedy alone, by that emi- ' j 7 iient ihysicia 11, Dr. David Woos- tr,iu the TJ. S. Marine Hospital, San Kran- ciseo, reported in the August o. (ISr-'l Ta ctile .Med. Jour. 0 ( ,'ttit: Vttr- Imjr OVi'rf. K'-mittent Kcver " hills ami K-v r 1!) Typhoid Fever... 9 mil. mi. U 1011 01 Jviuneys 4 5 i; 9 3 i inr -lis 10 Incontinence of Urine . 3 3 1 10 "3 9 1" 3 -itrictiir.j Inllamatiou of Madder.. i;i 'imorrnairiH i:j 7 1 I 1 ti I )is 'as" of the II 'art 1 ).-. s -ntery hronie Diarrhu-u ( ionorrhu-a I ropsy no ' I'Vir H If Hi- '. f-, '.rA Iruggists, 11 V-y w NOW IS THE T!ME TO SUJ.SCRIHE FOR rr-n r " F7" P C tPr T7 r-l m a fi 'Aam Q '111 I YEAR, I'AYABLE IN ADVANCE. Kach number contains th LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, From all Tarts of the World ; A Carefully Selected Summary of STATE AND TERRITORIAL 1STKAVS ITEMS; A Corrected, lAnt ot tilts Markets lit Portland, Sun Franeisro and Oron f ity; LOCAL NEWS, EDITORIALS, On all Subjects ol" Interest to the FARMER. MERCHANT OR jlEniA.Ml. Also, Carefully Selected In is in Every Respect a LIVE NEWSPAPER. Having a larjje and constantly increasing Circulation In the most populous part of the State, offers superior Inducements to those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements Inserted on REASONABLE TERMS. The Campaign of 1S71 will soon begin i and it is therefore a good time to Subscribe i in order that you may be posted on currant -ertP. S?nu in your subscription ft, once. White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Ac Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimneys PAH) FOR COUNTRY I'RODUCU, A. LEVY, IT IS OUlt riJIil'OSETO OFFER irics. in orutT 1,0 close on. our FA I. LEVY BROS., Postoflicc, Main street, Oregon City. St: M H 1. if k- t J a ft ' - 1 k t'omjiletely corroborative of the summary of Dr. Woostor, art the reports rf the oxnoriments with Kucalyj tus by Dr. Dorrini'-r.of I?er iin, Prussia, and Dr. Keler, Cliii-f I'hysieian of the Aust rian Kail'.vay i ")., publislied in the American Medical Journal, July, 187i. It will be found very efficacious in obsti nate cases of Dyspepsia, Itronchitis, Hack ing Cou.h, Chronic Sire Tliroat, Icucor- riu a, etc., and in nausea during pregnan cy. Dr. Coleman' Double Kitrnrt of Kiirnlyptrs is a special preparation for the treatment of Fovor and Anjiio, and is Warranted lo Curt every case treated according to directions, without the injur ious results of the usual Quinine and ar senical remedies for that disease. Also pun-Fluid Kxtract of Kucaly pt us, in one pound bottles, for physicians' use. Iieware of imitat ions and take none but Coleman's. ev'r - - li - . nn.l I.. I 'li-ii-lnc- T v,....v. " -.T .IK.lf. i.i0n Agents. San rraiicisco. & Co., :!0niayl873yl. M Ji It C If A -V D I ,S K . GOOD NEWS! PRICES K EDITED TO SLIT TIIE TI.1IES. T nnv nrTm -nn-n n nmr UUUJA. UUJL XUIli UrUU-U S. ACKERRHAN & CO. 1.I"AVE J t TST RECEIVED A EARGE JLJL stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS which they offer CHEAPER THAN TIIE CHEAPEST! -t,.., .iiu say come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock I consists in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Roofs and Shoes, I-idios and Uonts Furnishing Ooods, Motions, Orocer- ics. Hard ware. ana a pr"a? many other art icles too numer- furs to mention ; also Doors, VIndows, Glass and Putty, etc., etc-. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange "I us A LSO Wool "Vfintocl For which rc pay th Highest Prices. S. ACKERMAN & Co! Oresii fHy, October 31, 1573-tf. tit ki it " 1 J ME 12 CHA ND I SB. JOHN MYERS, ORECOfSS CSTY. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SILOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for Butter, E--s, f and all kinds of IiiT.CCGD COUNTRY P30BUCF. I will sell as low as any house In Oregon for cash on its eq vivalent n Good Merchantable Troducc. I am selling very low for CASI5 I? EIA?iS. Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21, 1873. ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB IOFFICE OHEGOXC1TY, : OIIEGON. WEAnK prepared to exixute TT an Kinds ol JOB PRINTING, such as CAEDS, BILL-HEADS, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, MOETGAGES, LABELS LETTER-HEADS, in fact all kinds of work done n. in Prin(inn. ( ItlW-o o ..... T0RTLAXD PRICES. ALL KINDS OP LEGAL BLANKS constantly on hand, and for sale at as low .. j-. .v.. ..c inn ix jiau in me c-tate. Work Solid cd A X D SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Orecon City. March 21, 1373-tf. l?r Sale I Almut 150 pounds of loriff prim er, ot whifli tliTe o.. Has been in use but a sliort time. ool work Prk.e 25 centg it.ier tied up or iu cases cases extra. also. A small font of Nonperiel of which this ia am impression. Price 35 cents y . Ab good as new. There is enough to set about one column of tfcia paper solid. Addrees this office. i. ). MA X UFA C TO 12 1 ES. WAGON AND CARRIAGE ill riHE UNDERSIGNED, JL having Increased tht cii mensions of his premises, at the old stand on the Corm-r of Main and Third Street Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of informing his old n Irons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared with ample room, good materials, and the vorv best of mechanics, to build anew.m. construct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete, any sort of a vehicle lrom ft com mon Cart to a Concord Coach. Try tat BlacUsmitliinfr, Horse or Ox Khn. and General Jobbing neatly, quickly, and cheaply done. jja iu omiih. SvillllIlOllfc?. In the Circuit Court of the State 0 Oregon for the County of Cluehttmnx. ' John I. Gage. Plaint iir. vs. Nancy Robbins, et. al., Defendants. To Nancy A. Pall and Iirkin liall, her husband, two of said defendants: 1 111 N A 1 E O V 1 1 1 K fS'l Al K UFCRE gun, you are hereby reiuir-d to ap, ear and answer the complaint filed aga ngt you in the above entitled suit, by tiie 1 rst day of tin- next term of said Court loll, w ing the expiration of six weeks iromihe tirst publication of this summons; s: id first publication being on the lit h day of March, 1ST I, and said next term of V; id Court commencing on the '7th day of April, 171 ; and it you fail to answer's: id complaint, the plaintiff will ap'lytothe Court lor the relief demanded ther in, which is that you, the above named de fendants with the other defendants in said complaint named, execute to the said plaintiff heroin a deed for certain land de scribed in complaint as the south half of the nort hr ast quarter of section 31, tow n ship 2 south, range 1 east, Willamette Me ridian, in ClackaniasCounty, tate of Ore gon, in pursuance of a written agreement to that effect. m:ide by John D. Robbins, now deceased, in his lite time with this plaintiff. Dv onier of the Hon. V. V. I'pton, Judce of said Court, da led the second (:!) day of March, 1S7-1. c. wakrf.n, timar7w Att's for Plaintiff. .Summon: In the C'ireuit Court of the State nf Oreaon. for the County if Cfucisamus. Arthur Warner, Administra-) tor of the os Plaii Pross r, deceased. vs. William Prossor, John A.I Defendants Fisher and A. M. 1- isher. To William Prossor, one of the above nam ed defendants : TN T X goi TIIE NAM E OF THE STATE OF ORE- gon, you are Hereby require.! to appear and answer the complaint !il d against you in the above entitled suit, byhe first day of the term of said court loliev ingthe expiration of six weeks from the lirst pub lication ot this summons ; said first publi- cat ion being n t he tit h day ,l March, 1S74, and said next t- rm ot V ourr commencing on t he -"7t 4 t;ay ol Al ril. 17 i ; and if you fail to answer said complaint, the plaintiff w ill ap; iy to the (Viurt lor the relief de manded therein, which i fl at a certain deed bearing tla' c-Ju "St h, ISOt, made l.v .-r ik'- m' s .'(i1 n A. F's' or and A. M. Fish er to you, the sa'd William l'ros&r, 1 ur- porting to convey certain real estate in Clac.v. m t.-. L'Oai.1 , ,ai. d Oregon, de s. rine.i in saivi oei'd J'.s sitnai.K 111 aiid being jarts ,i s.t-tiwns ejept ;. n ine in towtiSlup two scut h, ran ire neeast, togeth er wit !i all tin- p. rswnal pmp n v on' .-aid land claim atth.-oate 1.1 ; i i). be tie clared void and of no reir. et. l y order ol t he lion. W. Y . I s ton. Judge ol sa id Court, dated 1 1 1 - - so i.u (J) da v jf .:nrch. Is, 1. Ill h.atoA U.utiiE." tiinarTw-. Atfys ir l'laintiff. Si imiiious. In the Circuit C.nrt of the State of Oregon, jor ine f uunn l.lac!. a. -ii'ii Edward Wilcox, Plaintiff, vs. Mary Francis YVi'eox, ! I'of.ndant. To ..Mary 7'ranois Wi! ox. sa id d fondant. I N 1 L ogo I'HE NAME (ti- UK Si Al "K F OR- ron, you an- lu re! y reonir d to ar-tn-ar and answer tiie coimlaint. Hied a-rainsf. you in the above ent tied suit, bvth.- tirst day of the term of said Court folio-. iu tl-,e expiration of six weeks from th" lirst pub lication ol t his ummons ; s.iid first pol li- cation b.'ingoi. the nth da of March, 171, and said next t rm of said Court eomnif n cing 011 the -.tip day of April. 171 ; and if you tail to arsw. r said chiiii laint, ih plaintitr will apply to th- t ourt for l he relief demanded I herein- hioii is lor n ""i"'"ni tii mi marriaire contract 1 ow existing between plaintiff ': nd d -fentlant neri'in. Ry on'e r of Hon. W. W. I'rton. Jnd-e of saiil t'eurt, datttl the second (2) day of March, ls7l. Hi klai A Waurfn. mar(iw7 A l ' s lor l'laintiff. r-M 1 111 2 1 1 0 1 1 . In the Circuit Court for the State of Or.tnm ( for the Count i of Clavkamn. Mary A. Roberts, Plaii.tifr. vs. Win. II. Roberts, D fond int. To Wm. II. Roberts, said d-f -ndant : T N TIIE NAM E F 1 I IK STATE OF OR-I- ejron : "ouar-hor bv roouir d to nr- pear and answer the eomei.iinf fii rt uKamst. ouin the above ent it led suit n; or i.. or the first U:iV OI- it...n. , , . ' 'Olirt follow in.' t l.o i ... i. from the pubiicatirn of this sum nuns. Said term Ol said l ourt i.-ill J....-i.. day, t ho -7th day of A ril, 1S74 : and ii vou iail so to ;imv:ir si nil . 1 . . . , . - ---- - - - - ' OXAt I III 1 Plainf, the piamtiir will a, pi v totlni ourt' tor t lie r hot prayed lor in said com j laint which is a dissolution of marria -e rnrtwrt exist :iiir bet P' n von :nfl .1 .1 for costs and disbi'irsomoiit r o.ic Summons published by order of lion v W . L ptnn, .Tuopo of s id Court. w waica .March 7t h, 1874. joiin sox a iiccowx. Atty's for Plaiot iltr. mal3v6 THE PARKER GUN. .SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfs . WEST MERIDEN.CT. TIIE CincrrT ron?T ni- thh. State of Oregon. lor the rnm&vnr r-i..L- amas: Jacob i(n. -t , loimi.r c "V:.- Wiener. detenrinn " "1 ' d-tendant: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby r. quin d U appear and answer the complaint tiled aiinst ou in the above ent it lo.l ,1 . . ....... .... ' i. .1 ; 'V r. , ;'.i, v OI ,h'" m xt u r' the above f ntitl. d ( ourt, which w ill commence moro than six weeks alter the lirst publication oM his summons, to-wit : on Mondav, the th day ot April, ISTt. mid if vou mil" so to a pi tear and answer, the i In int iir wil I nm lr to the Ourt tor the relief demanded in his complaint, to-wit : a ilecree of divorce troni ." inis summons is published in pur suance of an order made bv Hon. Vl ton. JikIl-. of said I ourt. in chambers. on the l'.ith day of Januarv, IST4. CAPI.ES A .MOIlKLAXIV Attorney tor Plaintiff. SHADES SALOON, C.A.HAAS, - - Prop. Main Street, Oregon City. THE BAR IS SUPPLIED with all the choicest qualities of L'quors and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and I?urton already lamous Whiskies and Punoh Oregon City, Jan. 1, 187C tf. w py, e O ' O o O O O O 0 o o o o o o r