Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1874)
o o THE EliTERFBSSi I Organized. Mountain View Grange ' Lower Molalla precinct, was organized 1 i on the 3lst ult., ana electea me ioiio- O.iiiiJ.l til 'MntuU., APKIL $, 174. ine officer for the present term: Isaac ' ' (,'lowstr, M; Robert Irvm, O; A Car- Parker, S; Wm Irvm, A S; .folk. Griuble, C;John Wiserman, Or; Mrs Ann (Jribble, T; Mrs Caroline Oilield, LAS; M iss Sarah Gribble, C; Miss Aniendia, P; Miss Lizzie Oilield, F. The Grange started with 30 members. Thu Enterprise for tbe Campalffm. Wo will furnish the Enterprise from now untri the 13th of June next, for fifty cents. Our friends In every part of the HtatP. and especially in this county, are re quested to make upclubs furthe eampaign. Death of Chas. E. Warren. It is with deep sorrow that wo announce the death of" Chas. E.Warren, who died at his residence in this city, last Satur day evening, of sinall-pox. Mr. War ren was the' eldest son of Hon. Henry Warren, and a young man who had lust entered into active life. lie was admitted to the bar in 1170, and for the ti nc h has been in practice, had gaiii q 1 a high standing as an attorney. He w ts a voting man of warm and gener o is impulses, and won the esteem and O iiiidt-nee of all who knew liiui. He Wa inarriedmbout two years ago, and now leaves a wife and infant daughter. Toe aid deatli has casta gloom over our entire citv, and deep and heartfelt is the sorrow for the loss of one who wnso beloved and respected. His fmiiiv and relatives have the .sympa thies "of our citizens, and they feel deeply with them in their atlliction. ris.'vhere we publish the proceedings of the various organizations to which Mr Warren belonged, and we can only a 1.1 that the sorrow expressed by them is universal among all oiircitizens. The Borrow of the wife and relatives ot Mr. Warren is indeed great, and few can Imagine the pain it has caused them to pass from day today, during his Ul nes within a few feet of a loved hiw bard and son, in the very agonies of death, without even the poor privilege of visiting him and administering to hit wants. Thev have one consolation, th.t all was done that could be to save him and relieve his sutlerings. Hutu f jv davs ago, Charles was aiuong us in his usual h'.tppv spirit. Now he lies in the citv of the" dead. And while we full de'eplv the blow, let us trust that h is in a better and happier land, and that Ids spirit has found rest with the Gier of all things. IX MEMORIAM. Resolutions of Fall, Eucampmcnl. At a special meeting of Falls En campment, No. 4, I. O.D. P., held on the.!i "1ttA',t!1U lns resolution" Rep a i n i no .- Th e Steamer Maria Wilkinson has been undergoing re pairs at the machine-shops of Mr. Moore. We are glad that steamboats are compelled to come up from Port land to this city to get their repairing done. and we "are satisfied that Mr. Moore is competent tngiveautisfaction. Dissolution. The firm of A Levy A Bros, has been dissolved, Mr. A. Levy continuing; the business. He has a lot of goods bought at panic prices, and as lie is in a panic, for cash, will sell them at very liltlo profit. Give him a call. Personals. We had the pleasure of meeting our old friend Hon. lien. Hayden in town last Sunday. Mr. Fred. Castleman also trave lis a call last Tuesday. Fred savs that Yamhill "Independents" are humbugs, as they have nominated a straight Radical ticket, Arrived. Mr. A. Noltner has re ceived the appointment of Denutv Grand Sire of the Grand Lodge of the United States, I. O. O.F., accompanied with the Charter for a Grand Lodge of Hritish Columbia, which will shorlv be instituted bv him. J. W. Norris, the late W ell A t r en i i : i . I r tho physician who attemled ("has. K. Warren, deserves great cred it for the able and diligent manner he attended to him. Even at the risk of h'n own lite, he was almost inconstant attendance, and did all that human ftkill could for him. Few men would have risked so much. And while his sUill could not avert the hand of death, the friends and relations of the deceas wdjMiiiiot fail to be grateful to him for hiVexertions to overcome the fatal dis .xe. The l.i-.-tor deserves the thanks of our whole community for his faith ful ness. Editor En rimnusK . -Highland O rove G range, Patrons of Husliandry, Clackamas county, was organized on th. ult. by e". Forbes, I. G. M.f with "J charter members. The follow ing is the list of oilieers elected for the CMnuiug vear : 1J. Sti ilclin, M.; A. M. HiiliLT.O :J. W. W.ickwell. L. ; '. T. Hickman. S.'c'v.: .1. Fraer. S.;.I. ll. Ticker, A. S.: G. W. Parish, C. ; Mrs. Alia Sui-kliu. T. ; L. M itomi. G. : Mrs. E.-Harrington. E. A. S.;M.-s. M. E. II -.rriii-jton. C. ; Miss M . Taylor. P.; Mis E. H irrington, F. Yours, etc.. J. W. Ul.ACKWKI.l.. III. We regret to state that Edward Tilton has been ipi'de sick at the resi dence of Win. Holmes, Escp, near this city. He is improving, and we trust w ill soon be able to be around again. New Goods. Mr. I. Selling informs us that he has just recived a large? stock of Spring and" Summer Goods, winch he w ill sell che ip. it ri:rt. -Tae U i - '.unity l est Svtur- f sllo-.vtng s.-vri.i.-es v on t 'ie n rst M :i- S -:id.or. J'-ier l'.i ives. It. V. S:e:t. S. i -, and .). ;. Fost.--r; s m ; t'l-rii, J. M . ounty Jiui.'''i - - . uniiiAii; .nniis d .-uers. E. 1). '. Eitou- LiMiis r )it Sr. rl of ' d k selected th f r the D r i - d v in Jtiiie : For u l -t -. It !- ent i P. I.-.'. !!. W. is ik S'i trill', -f . T. Ap;v J- raz-r ; t C m'.y Co Mrs. K. P. Kelly would inform her lady customers that in a few days she will re ceive hf-r Ktimrnor stock, direct from San l-'ranclsco, com r rising all the latest styles of hats, bonnets. Ho .vers, ril!on;, c, when sh- w 1!1 exhihit the larg"st and finest stock of millinery e;MHis ever Lrouht to this city, hII ot which will be sold at reasonable Foster, one of the Radical can didates for the Legislature from this county, a carpet-bagger, is trying to ride two horses. He yot the Radical nomination, last Saturday, and last Tuesday, he attended the Temper ance Convention, at Portland, which adopted the following- resolution: l'esolved. That we recommend that in all counties of this State mass tem perance meetings be held at the comity seats on Saturday, April 'J., to nominate temperance men for county and legislative ouices, and to elect def egates'to a Slate ( 'oti i tition to he held at Portland on Wednesday. May 0. I s7 1 , to nominate State oliieers and a Congressman. Ho our carpet bag candidate is not satisfied with one nomination, but expects another, besides he thus s himself to refuse the sup- ,'ular ticket. This fel- , iiekeas, is has pleased Almio-htv God, the Chief Patriarch of ula vJ. verse, to remove from our midst Wr lw. loved P:ttli:lreh !,... OUr - x I . VV therefore, be it Resolved, That in the death of Chas E. Warren our Encampm.-Ilt t,as 1. sr n" true and faithful PatLrch ; his w te and intant daughter an allWtioiuite devoted and loving husl and and pro! lector; ; and his aged father an olldi ent, .lutitul and promising son andhis relatives one whose ineniorv they should ever cherish and esteem" for his manv noble qualities of heart and mind, and theeonimunity anener-eHc talented, and enterprising citizen." " ltesolved, I hat we most deepl v svm patluzo witn his bereave.l aid" afflio ed wire t il rditives. u t .r. dispensation of Providence, and while we shall ever miss him from the P . triarchs here, we trust he h is f,,,. i rest among the Patriarch ii tti J u New Book. 'The Gilded Age,' Mark Twain's last book, is the best, on the whole, of all this humorist's efforts at book-making. Te satire, throughout, is verv good. The hits at ttie lollies or the "time aro original and inimitable. The book is sol J by subscription, and cannot be procured ether wise. It is a prodigious success, and its sales are without precedent. Mr. D. Wright is agent for this county for this popular book. For Sale. We will sell either a Flo rence or Grover tfc Haker Sewing Ma chine at San Francisco orices. In order tiiat those who desire a machine, and are not able to pay the entire amount imv be accommodated, we will sell them on the installment plan, payable so much per HDiitli until paid tor. JSTEW TO-BAY. the better land. Kesolved, I hat ejourncrs in the galia be draped in mourniicr f ". davs, and that the P.t, j ... p . ! ""V usual badge of mourni,:" ' U Wcar Resolved, That a -opy","f tl, so lutions be presented t0 t,u, .."1 parents of our,Vil under the seal of thi- f .e-T , ' and the same be spread .f;'Iu"I-ieiit, utes, and that a co'pv be TLi1. 0.-o.r.. I'itir I.' v- IHO lion. A. No I itv i.'v-r..1.' mrnished the ''Al'I'KlNov e p TNKit, Seribe. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. MR. I,. LEVY HAS THIS DAY WITII lrom the linn ot bevy Hros. llvr-ai r.Mr. A. bevy will carr - on the bushics: in his o vn namn. Coll-ciinn all accounts du - th-: Hrui, and paying ail lia bilities jontracteU by tho firm. A. LEVY. Oregon City, April 1st, 1S73. 4W. GREAT SLAUGHTER! MBR QUA .YD I SB. THOMAS CHARMAN ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on hand una lioing business on the old motto, that BEST TOHiO III A. Am6e Siz Ftnce is JJettei- than a Slow Sharing. AUCTIIOX AXD COMMISSION. A. B. RICHARLSCN, Auctioneer, Corrurr of Fiont & Oak ttn.,I'oiUlid ill & Auction Of Real Estate, Groceries, General i:er chanui&e anu llorsts. SALE DAYS WeUnefOnv and Paturdej A. 15. ltlt.HAKI.frOX, Auctioneer. I have Just returned from Sim Francisco, where I purchased one ot the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS Enplish Refined Far nr.d Tund Irca English Square m.d Ottagon Cast Steel, Horse fc-liocs, l.s.s, Saws.hcrews,! rv-l aus, 0 Sheet Iron ,K. G. Iron. IN No, 3, I. O. of O in tree;oii t'itv Reo!ntlon of Oregon r y :i a special met tmir (.fo,,,.,... t 1 ' ";,iu uvuvu , 1 held at their hall the f,,M,, .1.. Hons were uii.mumi()Iv.i.. r "-.ji.i-WiTi'oct r. i "usl adopted: Ruler of a I th'n l!' 1',1;ls"1 the 5rt i,..1 i f.: mS.UV. n-MMr upon us the V A, ; Vi.."" "J t;'!n- away the "AY : . "i "rouier i nicer oi mis ijIMpre ren ; therefore, luif ivesoivea, ist rn.., and nresidin Charles E. War- l.s.. . '"-n e reeomze in r A,, . Ve U,e '""-e' taintv of hu- i 1 ,V Ul l""iblv bow to Him whose attribute are love and mcrev. xve have 1 , t t,ui Li(:;lth of 15ro- barren LVr i :,n "flivo, generous, oj.en- 'k;1?'.1, ""''""'r. and that we will . memory rood deeds J d. That lit l relativesot our in this sad bei eave- b'th be tra to the and commend his vt-. jl.-n.-.l,' t... .... t . :a. 1 1... m : . ' i 'i I : I ' r.ll 111 Ae w ll-ll lU"","M widow oeeeaseo jrotIler nient. DEY-GOODS AND CLOTHIXG! PANIC PRICES. A T That i-miitted ( the wi.low. a copv of Hies.; resolutions and one brother,!i.,i. -r . ... .j .... i UII(1C ,.r n-.. t i . . "tl 1 l'e J.o .;e. Toat our Lode !e draped in moil-,.;,,. ., ., .1.... iiiiii ..11.1 Lll.i L 1 1 IV- 111' . 11'. 1 lill the i-Msimii-irv ha tor tliirtv iiays. 1". O. McCOWN, Chr'm. of Com. pIed-( jiort of the low, for a c rattier re rpet-batr.-rer, is becoming Live I. itiirus: Assessor, tl. K-wt S-h l S l TiMt-od -ot. S. D. '.rouu-, 1.-. f. W. N'riis ; 'ouiity Vfnr, S. I.. Campbell. ey ; i e ; I.isr. at Or The following is a is remaining; in the -on City, April 3d, p. ni:r. Fr.t of til. Post-odiee 1 Hreil m -r. UII Pill, .IS Jordeu, Too Is averin-f. .loiui M uddintr, Mrs. .Sierra N -vad i M idded; IS Moore, W i M.ieueer. Win S i in. Heo C Thayer. f edle i tisjd.' or, pb.-i-e.' sav w!i.mi " J. M. lUt oN, 1J ad ver . M. CoNl'IUMVlloN.-Ut. Ilev. Hishop Morri- last Sunday inornin; confirmed m clast if ten persons at the Koiscopal i'hurch in this citv.and one sh k per Ki.ii at his residence, making in all fleven. lie held also three services that dav. whi.-h mi-lit be termed a j.ood davs' work. The Missionary ser vices wfiioh commenced last Thursday vcrre well attendod. CiHUtKiTios.-We have been shown th petition to which it was stated that l certain ladv's name had been signed w ithout her consent, and find that the name is not on it, nor has it been. (Mir Informant was in error in regard to the matter. This correction is made in jus tice to those who appear to be implica ted in the matter. Falsi-: Kki-outs. We have had all kinds of reiMrts in regard to the small pox. Now, "it is bad enough to have one Actual case, but the manufacture of a dozen or more, extra, is still worse. There has been one case, and up to this time no prospects of any more. And a there has leen the utmost caution used, we apprehend that there will be no more. Chutikicatks. The following ror" a ns were awarded soeond-nide cer tiiicatesat the late public examination Jield in this citv: Miss S. E. (iarrett, MIm Marv DeVore, Mr. Ellis lirown, Mr, Win. ' Hrown. Mr. Harvey Cross, Mi 4 Marv K. Erost. Mr. Alexander Thompson and Mr. Samuel Hrown. I'.p.flT.XED. Mr. H. Jacobs, Presi deiit of the Oregon City Manufacturing Companv, returned from San Fianeis--o last Tuesday, where he has been on business eon nected with the manufac tory, lie looks as though the trip did him good. ' Dki.koatks. The foHowins porsons were elected delegates to the Radical State Convention, last Saturday :L. T. Barin. Win. Harlow, A. J. Anperson, Maxwell lLimsbv, K. It. Fellows, II. Cochran, and 11. V. Short. Cocntt Commit! ke.-The following: iwrnn were chosen Tls the Ilioical Countv Committee for the ensuing two years; .a. j. .ii't"-1' nd J, II, Lambert. School Mektino. The annual nchool meet ins in the various districts Uko place next Monday, These meet-ino-a should be well attended and the publie school interests well cared for In Town. Mr. A. T. Enos, Supreme Commander of the Champions of the lied Cross, was in town lasuTaiuiuai, and visited Cliff Encampment. l vtiif.ic C-DDh. (ar Itadical Triends. desiring no do:ilt. to elect (me man on their ticket in tliis coun ty, )!aced in nomination a Democrat for too ofticu of Coroner, aud ivol.- ably receiving the nomination on the Democratic side, will bo elected bo yond a doubt. Too Doctor is a true ! and honest Democrat, and certainly j did r.ot consent for the 'Radical Con vention to nr,o his name in connec tion with any oflice. Ilowevcr, we are plad that the Radicals have ac knowledged the fact that they must iro into tho Jemocratie ranks when thev want good and competent men. Itioluota of fafuriK-l IXa Co. t a s- e-ial meetinu of Cataract Hose (-) :o"'-' )i tins citv. held Monday ver.inL',"the f llou in- preamhle and re solut ions were unamaiously adopted : WlltiitKAs, In the inscrutable wis do n of Divine Providence, our Imrhly estee ned f iend and tellow member, Chas E Warren, Esq., has been re moved hv death, therefore. . Kesolved, 1. That in all our inter course with our late brother we have found him the -encrous. opeu-haniled, true-hearted man and gallant iireman, and we shall ever cnerisu in.-, mniiuij ;ti. nin .int ;m.i tenoer recom- 2. That in token of our late c.,t!",,,, Hi, rooms and cart Company shall be draped in mourning lOl III'; tuitm' ........ a Tinit. we deenlv condole widow in this her sadde: etiou mid also with the tives of the decea-sed. 4. That the Secretary be instructed to present to the wi iow"and father of the deceased a copy of these . resolutions, and furnish a copy of the same to the Ore"on City 1- ilerpi i-e and l'ortland ilailTes. (iE!). A. 1 1 A K 1 I N , Pres. llENKYJ. Haudinc, S 'c. pro tern. The goods have been boufcht at PANIC PHlt'KS and ..ill l' sold hi accordance. Don't forget calling before you lay in your supidies. t Or. -on City, March 31, H74 :tf SOCIETY XO TIC EX. OKWiOX LOPCi: SO. 3, 1. I. (. 1, Meets everv Thursday wv, eveuinujat 7' o'clock, in the -slSiX O ld Fellows Hall. Main street. Members of the Or der are invited to attend, l'v order x. a. lions. brother of this it!:Hi:cc.v i)j:f;u:;s:; :z xo. I. (). O. F., Meets on the Second and Fourth Tues day evenintrs each month, at 7'i o'clock, in the Odd Fellows' Hall. Membcrsof the Degree are invited to attend. These Hitters tlo not only (lis- thifjiiish tie)nsefves hy their fa vor and firomatic odor above all others generally itsed,but are at the same time an e.vrellent tonic and an efficacious stimulant to CJCcite the. appetite. They arc prepared from the most choice find -wholesome herbs and roots, ind have qiven universal satis faction wherever tried. Thous ands of dyspeptics have found el let throii(i their use. and nhifsicians recommend them for the cure of all diseases of the Blood and Liver, and irregularities of the digestive organs. Headache, liiliousness, anu uonsnpa- tion, General Deiaiity anu loss oi appetite, lire all caused by the derangement or the Stomach, I.iver and other functionaries of the system. The IXI Hitters have been successfully used and are warranted to Alleviate the sufferer in all the above cases. p tr77ic I XL r.ittrrs are sold onlycsr.. in yhtsx; to sell other than the ' genuine article out of our bottles t felony, iinrl ice will lchcn tlciecieti, vrosecuie tucn parties to the full extent of the law. Kcad Physician's Certificate on each Bottle. Every family sliould Jiavelhcm in the house. Sold cveryichi re. jr. izrsTJZiy v co., Sole Proprietors, Ao. GJS Front St., San l'r(incisco, Cal. Wc nr nlso the manufacturer Of DR. IlKSIiEV'S KKtiULATOU, n. purgative mild oiitl cflrrtlie; a. purely veselahle -onipo..nI, and In everv way superior lo pills. Also Acents for 111 celeurnleU brand of L.OHrO.X KOYAIi PALM Gl. a. p-clrtc for tlie ULAllbEllauil IwIU with the hour of allli- bereaved rela- i:u!rxou.wi loixji: xo. i,a.f t A. M., Holds its rerular com munications on the First and Third Saturdays in each month, at 7 o'clock from thei!otli of Sen. teniber tothoL-Oth of March; and o clock trom the 120th ot March to the jnth ot September. Brethren standine: are invited to attend. I'.y order of y in good M. ALLS i:XCA.MIMIi:.T XO. l.I. O. V.. Meets at Odd Fellows' O. of Oregon Citv, a meetin-i ibers of the liar of this city The Bi'd Hock liinnncrut, spealcing of the Democratic nominee for State Treasurer, says: "Our fellow towns man, Hon. A. 11., the cumu late for State Treasurer, all will acrreeisthe rijrht man m the riht place. We have tried him. He was the choice of Eastern Oregon, and, as a people, we appreciate the com pliment paid us in his nomination." In the Circuit Court at Albany on Saturday nirlit, James Shirts was found pcuiltv of manslaughter. Shirts, it will be remembered, killed a man who had just murdered a brother of Shirts at Sweethome aliev last fall Wu,l PnEACH Kev. Mr. Atkinson, of Portland, will, preach next Sanclav at tho Congregational Church in this city. " , Returned-Gen. A. Jj. Lovejoy and familv have returned to Clackamas rountv, and are again residing on their farm lelow town. . Maid "contract. It is stated that Uon. D. P. Thompson has secured the mail contract from Roseburg to Itcd ding. A Union Temreranco Meeting will bo held In the Baptist Church of this j OIlITt'AltY. s Charles K. Warren, -ldt son y Hon. Henry arren, died at T7Wfon City March the stn isi. ;ig-d 'Zl years, 5 months and 111 days. He was born in Clinton county, Missouri.on the lth day of October, 14o, and in 1S47, while yet an infant, he was brought across the plains to this State by his parents. His childhood was spent at McMinnville, Yamhill county, where he received the rudiments of his education. In lsfJl he responded to the call for volunteers, and served his country for one year, at the expiration of which he resumed his studies at the McMinnville College. He next attended the Commercial Col lege in S.m Francisco, Cal., where he graduated in lsd7. After his return to Oregon lie entered upon the study of law with Messrs Mitchell and llph of Portland. In ls70 he was admitted to the bar of Oregon, after which he established himself at Oregon City. Somewhat later lie was also admitted to practice in the District Court of the United States. In 172 he was married to Miss Fdlen Sartarans of Oregon City, now widowed after a happy wed'ied life of less than is months. After lieing settled. Mr. Warren was rapidly gain ing in the esteem and confidence of the community. For one so young in years, he enjoyed a large share of pat ronage, and met with marked success in his profession. Prospects of ad vancement, of usefulness, of distinc tion were unfolding before him, w hen suddenly, all was cut short by death. His last illness was one of great suffer ing, increased bv the sad necessity of being separated from all his loved ones, let he bore all with fortitude, and res ignation to the will of his heavenly i-ainer. ll is last words while con- j scions words of unspeakable comfort onus uereavea parents were "Tell my j die trusting in tho Savior.' I was a memlier of the order I under whose super- were buried. He Meelinx of tlx.- Ior1Ina R:tr. On l.-:irnin ' of the death of Charles K. vVarren ot tile ni -ui IV i - i,.d.:iii the I'nited Slates ( lrcuit Court room, of which Court deceased w is a menilM-r, on Tuesday morning. K.( oivernor A. C. tJibhs was chosen Chairman of the meeting, and Presley Dcnnv Secretary. On motion it was rcsoiveu mat a committee oi five be appointeu to oraii resolutions expressive ot the feelings of membcrsof the liar on toe death ot their late brother and ti n ml. The Chairman appointi U .1. 11. Keen, Kichard Williams, S. M. ltice. J . II. Woodward and Presley ueniiy as members of such coiiiniiitce. The met ting then adjourned to meet on Tuesday at the same place, when the Committee on Resolutions submit ted the following : Resolved, That it is with fc ling of profound sorrow and regret that we hear of the death id' our brother and associate. Charles F. Warren. R-solved, Thai in the death of Chas. K. Warren, the liar of this State, and particularly of this District, has lost one of its most promising young niein bers.eombiniiig as he did iii an unusual degree, the elements of character which are reouired to inaKe a successiiu titioner at the liar, hi severely felt and deplored, not only by his brethren of the liar but the community at large. Resolved. That while we bow in humble submission to the Chastising Hand of Him who doeth all things well, we can but wish that it could have been consonant with the Divine Avill to spare our young friend and brother, for a long and useful life which seemed open before him. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the journals of -The Circuit Court of the United States for the Dis trict of Oregon, and of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah, and that a 'copv, under the seal of the" Court, be torwardeil to the lanuiy oi i:ie ucccas ed brother. w. I ., .Mtri.-i il villi! 1-l'llOWS r Hall on the First and Third Toes- rvT day of each month. Patriarchs VV in good standing are invited to attend CI.IJ'I'' i:CA11PMI.i' SO. 2, c U. I). Meets at Odd Fellows Hal!, in Ore roii i it v Or -!'on. on Sat nrday eveninir. at i ss o ciocit. .Mi-muiTS or tie nrd--r are in vited to attend. M. C. ATI IKY, C. .1. M. lUcox, II. .S. "'"lJffL. HATiOfWL BUSINESS COLLEGE. I ii sl Slrct't lotv-u Alilrr anil Mor rison .St., si ml Aider Street he t ween I- jih! and t runt Stieel. lAptlaiicl, Oregon. & X IXSTITFTIOn IiKSrtlNKDTO I'HK i-ap linrs, VOLWU and MI DDL I: AOI'sD AViA lor r.usiness AfT.iirs. W. Li. UeFIlAXfll, whiti:, t Prekidpiit. See retsiry ccessful iirac loss will be A Card from the Xurses. We return our sincere thanks to the members of the order of Odd Fellows for their kindness tons while caring for our friend C. F. Warren, in supply ing us with everything that we needed either dav or night. Our thanks are also due to Dr. Norris for his kindness, close attention and medical skill in prolonging the lite of C. F. Warren f r two days longer than lie would have lived had it not been for his prompt attendance and skill. The wife ami relatives have our warm est svmnathies in their sad alUiction. S. J. Oakley. W. Wallac k Carr. A C urd. Editor'iaK,Sin : I wish 2 make a statement to the public in gen eral. It seems that the public have formed an opinion against Dr. Xorris, in his treatment of Chas. K. Wnncii. I will therefore state that Mr. Warren refused to have any other physician called, except suchas Ir. Norris might wish, as he told me he had the utmost cont'iilance in his skill. I am satisfied that he did all that could be done by .mv nhvsieian, it being a tyneof small- no x that iew l or .aeipuring a l'rrvtient Business IC'htci- lifii) t his inst it ut ion olT.-rs sii. rior advan-ta;-s, and is acknowledged by Leading .moii to ie t he best Commercial College on the I'aeitie Coast, and s--eond to none I-.ach U-partment is First ( lass, and is un u. -r uie special charge of expekik.nted TRACUKits, and the whole sclioul is mid the immediate su iv-riiitend--nee of th 1 r.-sid -nt and Secretary. The school room and counting are united upon a plan that license 10 i ne sinuent nil the practical ail vantantages of each. There is in operation a ii vxKixa iiorsii fully illustrating that business. The same s st -in being observed in each department the student buys, sells, shii-s, barters, con sins, discounts, insures, draws checks notes and drafts, gives l -as's, deeds. Jcc. atul goes through the entire routine of ACTCAL IflSINESS. M.iri ll rtIIK I'KAl'TI KUb OCATITKU SF.C J. tion il land, known as the l-.ois claim, 5 tnih s irom Oregon City, will u olTered lor sale far a short timeuny. Tin proi-irielor is not" "hard up." i'or terms, etc., apply to i ajt. A. F. Hodges or Iic. R -rlfnv, r "ori city ; or Willamette Fann er office, Salem. Ma --eii ; :tl ALSO A largo asscrtuient of Groceries and Ida- A. E. R1CIIARI OX. Auct ioiic-wr. uors. Jan. 1, lS73-tf, Money ! INloiiev ! and upwards. itTONF.V TO I.KXD IX SUMS OF M a Oregon Citv, Mareh 10, 1S7I. in a Lit I JMIIXSUX tV McC'OWX. 5rot"id ini'ohm tiik citi.f.xsof V V iregon (,'ity and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish F:R, SPHUCi AfiD CZDAR LUiViDER, t" cv.-ry description. DRV I-'TOrtlZIXG, C KII.lXfi, Si-Tiff!: (tor s!e-lving.) LATTICE, f'UKias, i-'iCXft; POSl'.S (Cedar) Co 1 1 ? l a i it 1 A' oi i 1 1 a ml. ever before offered in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Boots and Shoes. Clothing, Dry Goods. ' Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Taints and Oils. Sash and Doors, Chlnaware, Quecnswarc, Stoneware, Crockery, Platcdware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Indies amU Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods. Fancy Xo- Kope, Faming tlons of Every Implements of Description $ All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc., Of the above list, I can say my stock is the 31 O N 'V C OMPLET E -ver otTered in this market, and was seleted wit h cspecia 1 care lor t he Ore-ron 'it v t rade All of which i now oUVr lor sale at the Lowest Fiarlcet Ra es. Xo use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods lor I am Determined to Sell Cieaji and not to allow mysell to be UNDERSOLD IN THE STATE OF CBEGCN. All I ask Is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the oid stand oi THOMAS CHARM AX cannot be beaten In quality or price. It would be useless lor me to tell you all the advantages I can offer you in the sale oi goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All 1 wish to say is Com?, ami Sirnd Examine for Yourselves fori do not wish to make any mistakes. .My object is to tell all iny old lriends now that I am still alive, anil desirous to sefl goods cheap, lor cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon, 'i lia n king all lor t he liber al patronage heretoior-' bestowed. THUS. CHARM AX, Main Street, Oregon City, Legal Tenders and Countv Scrip taken at. market rates. THUS. C1IA1I.MAX. ?"50,000 lbs wool wanted bv . T1IOS. CIIAHMAX. SELLING GFF SELLING OFF THE IMMENSE W1XTER STOCK OF BOOTS and SHOES! : AT THE : Pacfic Bcot & Shoe Houseo fornrr First ami )!orii;on Streets, FOliTLAXD, OHEGOy, Vill be Closed Out for the Xext Thirty Iiaj s At and Less Than Cost. P It I t E S I .a dies Kid Foxed ralniorals. . -Misses- uo uo (. hildren's i!o do . Men's Heavy T-oots .V. I:oys dij Youth's do t hildr--n's Toots J Men's Kip Hnnu-made. ustoni 3-s.oicd I.oots Patrioge's slaughter 1 oofs ...."! do C'rain Hunting 1 :ots HibL-ard's el-Lrnti d Hand-made 1 rench calf Smith, thamphn A Co. (PcrtlaiiG) Custom I-reiich ceil Smitli, Champlin a o. (Portland) I ustom Ann rican cap Men's best Qunjity Iluidii.g do American Hiding .y do 1 uckle Artie Ovi rsl.oes do Alaska do do best quality Rubber do .1... omen's 1 uckle Artie Ovf rshoes do do no self-acting Pubbr-r do ..U n s Screw.! 1 n.gans do Pi-trgfd iii. do Cahiornia t air, i'npToie Uo luff call, tat sole, iiinrli-tl t and SidArilic linnlvr furnished shortest notii.-', at as low rates as it purchased in the State, me a call at the .St re. on tin can I). tJivi oi;!.'t) t il March 13, 1ST! :tf WILLAMETTE RIVER T R A n 3 P C IT AT ! 0 U CG'3 3.1 r -ni.i. i.kavk rr,AXDj-:u.s wharf, T l'ortland, at o o'clock, a. M.,as follows .- For forvallis and Intrrm filiate Toints : Jliiaday, iVodiies:lj:y sid Friday. For Ai!i:iny nntl I;itr-rmr!i;itr- Toints : Monday, To c s ;l a y, 1 Ve t ji c sil a y, T 1 1 n r s d:iy and Krid.-iy. In adding to the completeness of the Tn stitution tlie proprietors have instituted t SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. The entrance to rooms of this Iiepartment is n jion Alder street, and access to them is had only by the teachers and ladv stu dents. Rare facilities are otr-r -d to ladies lor acrpiiring a Thorough Knowledge of Musiness Practice; of Telegraphy ami Pen manship. The DEPARTMENT OF TELEGRAPHY is in charg- of first-class operators and teach ers, and simv, lied with all thoai nar- atuses of a first-class oflice. This Institution us now conducted claims to have fnciliti s for imparting a thorough knowledge of t he Art of Penmanship ! that not one in ten of the HrsiNESs Col I.eoks now in existence pos.s:ss"s ; t he I ie partment being under the s-ecial superin tendence of one of the leading Penmen of tie- I'liit.-a stat'-s. I-'orfuIl particulars send for X'atio.val Rt'srxEss t oi.LEOE JocitNAi. sent to any part of tnc countrv. Address, DeFIi IXCIO t WIIITK, Ixck Iiox 104, Portland, Oregon. For I);iyoii, LaFayrtte aiul McMinuville: patm-itny anl Moni'ii)-. Passag? to Corvallis $2 00 l'assage o Albany -1 5a Passage to Sa!"m 1 tX Passage to McMinnville 1 00 H. it)I.l)SMITH, President. December lgt Ii, 1873. tf. father I -Mr. arren Of Odd Fellows, vision his remains vasayonng man ot energy, interity aml more than ordinary ability I lis mourning relatives have the heart-felt svmnathy ot the whole community. His death is felt to lie a public loss, arid his memory will long he cherished bv all who knew him. Kev. A. J. V. State papers please copy. For the very best photographs, goto Hrad ley &. Kulofson's Galery without STAIRS Ascend In the Elevator, 429 Montgomery P I hVath e-cnirej next. i S?n.?t, Sin Pi'stkM , Cftlifmiii. survive. .Mr. Warren told me the first night I arrived to take care of him. that he was satisfied lie could not cet well. I was of that opin ion mvself. Yet. at times, I had strong hones'of Iii recovery, up to within two davs of his death. I have had a great deal of experience in small-pox, and I hardly ever have seen a worse case. Yours, truly, W. Wallace Carr. ( aril of Thanlws. The undersigned desires to express thanks to the nurses. Odd Fellows and the manv friends of this citv who sokindlvadniini-dered to the comfort and wishes of my beloved I s.n, the late Charles E. arren. M any ! thanks are also due to Dr. Norris for ! his kindness and nrofessional attention to Charles, through his entire sickness, nn to hi death and burial. He has the full confidence and resoect of myself . aud familr. He.vrt W arhen. I April 2, '1574. NOTICE! T THE SOLICITATION OF MANY friends. I take this met hod of publicly announcing mvself a candidate tor the (lllii v of SlierifT of Clackamas County, subject to the will of the approaching Democratic Convention. A.C. BAILEY. A1 OREGON STEAMSHIP GO.'S STEAK20AT NOTICE ! Stv. E. ZST. COOKE. Will leave OREGON CITY for POIiTf.AXD everv dav IKxc 'i t Sunilay, sit H o'clock A. M. li-'t urning, will 1. -a ve Port land for Oregon City at 2's o'clock, 1. M. Btr. ALICE, Will leave OREGON TTY for CORVAL.I.IS everv .Monday and I hursday of each week A NOTICE. T THE SOLICITATION OF MANY lriends, I take this method of publicly announcing iiins-ii a candidate lor the oiiice of County Judge of Clackamas Coun ty, subject to tiie will of the approaching Democratic l on vention. V. L. WHITE. eIvTpe rial mills", Savicr, Laliocquc k Co. Oregon Cit. Keep constantly on hand for sale Flour. Middlings, Plan and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sack. E.stray Notice ! TAKEN UP BY TIIE SUBSORIRER Liv ing in Mil-aukie pr-cinet, Clackamas county, Oregon, on th" 6th of January last, a pale r-d cow, about 4 years old, marked in right ear with squ ire crop; also a year ling of h"rs. without mark. Th cow has been appraised at $20 and the calf at So. M. OATFIELD. Sti I) AY TON, Will leave OREOOX CITY for McMIXX YII.LE. LAFAYETTE and DaYTON, and all points het.vecn, every Monday, Wed nesdav and Friday of each week, lx-aves the itasin at S o'clock, a. r., and connect ith the train at unr-ni.ili at ft, a. m. LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE riHE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETOR OF 1 t he Livery Stable on Fifth street .Oregon City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Sntldle ;im! I!iggy Horses, i5ggs, t iirnaffi'd ami IlarKK. ..SI 50 ... i i:5 ... 1 CO ... 2 75 2 00 1 60 1 00 5 00 4 00 4 50 C50 C 50 650 550 tiOO 2 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 -J5 I 00 1 75 1 00 4 50 3 50 o o O SPRSHG& SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT DEALER IX Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoos, Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, Notions, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, etc., etc., etc., etc .Slain Street, Oregon City. o o Il'ioC: Tic a onarjle. hack to and from the He will also run a WIL'rlOIT SODA SPRINGS during the summer season, with good pet cut and gent icmnniy drivers. FASE AT LIVING EATES. J. M. FRAZER, Proprietor. Oregon City, May 27, 1S73. Produce of all kinds bought, for which I pay the h'gh-st market price. If you de sire good Goods at Low prices, call at I. S E LLI AG'S and examine his new stock of Spring poods Give me a call and convince yourselves. My motto is, " OriCR SALES AI) S3TAI.I. PROFITS." 0 The highest market price paid for wool I. SELLING. Oregon City, Oct. SI, lS7S-tf. WILLIAM SINGER HAS ESTABLISHED A FACTORY -FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, AND) MOridDIXCS OP ALL SIZES. Thev will also do Turning of -every de scription to order. WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH! rS7AIl work warranted. Shop on the River, in Lewis Shop Opposite Oregon City Mills. AG EMS FOR TIIE EMERPEISE. o J O H S C H R A M , 3I;iin St., Oregon City. jUMTACTIRER and difgrter of The following persons are authorized to act as agents for the Extfrprisk: Geo. P. Rowcll it Co.. 40 Park Row. New York. w Coc, Wcthcrill fc Co.. 607 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Abiiott A Co.. No. S2 and M Nassau street. New York. Portland.Oregon L. Samuel 1 1 hos. l oyce Hnldltf, Hnrnefi, Sad dlcry-IIard-ivare, etc., etc. San Francisco.. VTHICII HE OFFERS AS CIIEAr AS f f LIII W IlilV 111 ill; WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. B7"l warrant my goods as represented. Str. AJuUJ leaves OREfJON 'I TY for HAHUISBURG and EUGEN E and all intermediate joints every week. - Sti. Ifaimio Patton, Lea vps OKE JON CITY for ALBANY and all Intermediate points bet ve-n twice ev erv week. J. D. BILES, Agent. Oregon City, February, 11, H71. 1,0 0 0 DEER SKINS w a jx rr i , AND ALSO, 4 LL OTHER KINDS OF HIDES, FOR l which I will pay the highes market price in cash Bring on your hides and get your coin for them. JOHN SCHRAM, Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, lS73-m3. FRU E S Ii SKOALWATER BAY OYSTERS! THE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCES to the citizens of Oregon City that he has reopened his Oyster Saloon and Rcs- I t L. P. Fisher St. Helens, Columbia county S. A. Miles Astoria, Clatsop county A. Van Duscn Salem L. Willi?.ms Harrisl urg J. II. Smith LafayettejYamhill county .I.TFerguson Dallas, Polk county Pave Holmes Eola R. IVity Jacksonville R. K. Hnnna Benton county AV: A. Wells Corvallis Hon. John Purnett Canyon City.Grant eo W. R. I n swell A 1 ta ny A. X . Arnold Dalles. Wasco county N. II. Gates LnGrnnde, Union county A. C. Crolg Pendleton, Umatilla county S. V. Knox Eugene City Roseburg Ibanon Jacksonville Long Tom 3 J.T. M.Thompson I F. I ... Fristow Hon. I . F. I n ne JC. T. 'ontague I J. RV Ralston Hon. F.T. Foudray H. C. Huston CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Reaver Creek PllttevillC Cnsea des Canbv Cut fine's Eagle Creek Harding's , I xi we r Molalla Milwankie OQWefro... ........ Upper Molalla..... C. F. Pcatic John Zumwalt Henry 'cGugin J. W. Strawser D. Wright Prank W. Foster Capt. Z. C. Norton W. Vorelnnd John Hngenberger John Ivmle W. H. Vaughan JOHN 31. liACON, IMPORTER AXD DEALER In P.ooks, Stationery, Porlum cry. etc.. etc. Oregon City, Oregon. ryAt Charman t Warner's old stand, lately occupied by S. Aekernan, Main St. LOST ! taurant, and can dish out Fresh Oysters to fill orders. Coffee, Tea and Chocolate al-as on hand; also a general assort ment of confectionary. Oysters served up in everv st vie aesirea. i.ulis BAAL. Oregon City, Sept. 26. 1873-tf. THE UXDERSTGXED LOST BETWEEN JL this city and Canmah, Yv'erfnesday morning a leather pocket-book containing n.bout iri0 o rro nfV- Hie nama ..ill K.. STILL IN TIIE FIELD! HE MOV ED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF HAAS' SALOON. WILLfAfriS & HARDING, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, KEEPTnE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family Groceries to be found in the city. All goods warranted. Goods delivered In t he citv fre nf p.hnnrp Thn h i nut. ej ish -vi uj- rinni; eacne price paia ior country pronnw. H. PEARSON. I Orzsrrn a llerrti ?, 1ST?. about currencv; his nam will be found inside of th book. The finder will suitaoiy reward at this etSo. Sumrrioxis. In the Circuit Court of th State of Oregon, jor ine bounty or uiacKamas. John X. Smith and Mary Smith, plaintlff-c vs. J. II. Martin. Defendant. To J. II. Martin, said defendant : TN TIIE NAME OF TIIE STATE OF ORE gon, you are herebv required to arpcar and answertheeomplaint filed against you in the above entitled action bv the first day of the term ot said Court following the ext irntion ot six weeks from the first no- lication of this summons ; said first ruhll cation being on the 6th day of March 1874, and said next term of said Court commen cing on the 27th day of April, 1874: and if vou fail to answer sld complaint, in plaintiff vlll take Judgment against you fnr t he revival of a certain Judgment ren dered against, vou in said Court on th 21st day of March, 1867. for the sum of 640 S4-100 dollars with cost ann oisoiimi-mnmii. Pv order of Hon. W. W. Upton. Jndjte or said Court, dated th secorj (2) f'ayof March. 1871. Httelat A War-bett Tncrr-v Att'y ?r FI-i2f?r. o COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, "OT?C5TAT?T rrv O T T T7V-1 TIXI T