Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1874)
o o ,- o o G O cj o O 0 Seven The Number of the Ilible. In seven days a doV3 was sent. Every seven years the land rested. And yet another seven years more. Jacob mourned seven days for Jos o eph. Jacob served seven years for Ra chel. On the Heventh day God en led his work. Abraham pleaded seven times for Sodom. In the tabernacle were bung seven lamps. The goldeu candlesticks had seven branches. Naaman wished seven times in the river Jor4an. j i Jacob was pursued a seven days' journey by L.aban. Q Every seven years the law was j read to the people. j On the seventh month Noah's ark touched the ground. Solomon was seven years bnildinpf the temple. ;ind fasted seven days at its dedication. Job's frier.ds sat with him seven days and seven nights, and offered seven bullocks and seven rams for an O atonement. On the seventh day of the seventh month the children of "isreal farted seven davs and remained seven days in their tent?. Our Savkr spoke seven times from the cross, on which lie hung' seven hours, and after his resurrec tion appeared seven times. In the Isolations we read of sev en stars, seven churches, seven can dlesticks, s?ven trumpts, seven plagues, seven thunders, seven vials, and a seven-headed monster. A plenty of seven years and a fam ine of seven years were foretold in Pharo's dream, by seven fat and sev en lean beaMs, and seven years of full corn and seven years of blasted corn. 4 In the destruction of Jericho seven persons bore seven trumpets seven days; on the seventh day they went around the walls seven times, and at the end of the seventh round the walls fell. The Negroes and the Irish. The Hon. Wm. M. Robbins, of North Carolina, in replying to lien. Butler's harangue, about the value of the negro troops in the late war, 8oke tlnsof the negro as compared with the white soldiers: No matter row the races originat ed, they do not exist and are not alike. The negro is different from the white man. In some tilings he excels the white man. He has much music in his soul. He can out-sing, out dance, nut-laugh and out-frolic the white mar?. He is more docile, more self satisfied, more imitativo, m re affectionate, more passionate, and perhaps more naturally eloquent than the white maiK He is the worlds star actor on the comic stage. Such are the endowments of the ne gro; and some of them are noble qualities, and by no means show that q the negro may not rill a useful and important place in the world's fu ture civilization. But when yon come to the grand tragic and heroic parts in the drama of humanity, where will force, courage forethought the sense of masterdom, and the in stinct of dominion are required to shine, the negro fails. Despite all that we have hoard on the subject, the negro is no tighter. To prove that he is, we are pointed to the rec ords of the reeent war Hot ween the States. Yes; infuriated with whisky, he was brought to the scratch a few - times, only to be sacrificed without result. I am told that the records of the war show that only some lifteeen hundred negro troops were killed in the entire four years. That fact aloue speaks volumes. "We know that a single corpse of white troops Fed eral and confederate alike some times lost that many killed in one battle. Meagher's brigade of heroic Irishmen must have lost a large fraction of that number at Freder icksburg. Tli ere was fighting in deed. And though I was their ad versary there, yet in honor to their matchless gallantry, I pray that the turf on their graves may be as green forever as their own Emerald Isle. Not Partial. The editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal is not partial to the strong-minded sisterhood, and takes no stock in the claim that their in vestment with the ballot would "pu rify the filthy pool of politics." As a specimen of his fnbninations in that behalf, we reproduce the fol lowing: During the late Senatorial contest at Topeka the women are said to have rushed, day after day, into the capitol, crowding and pushing and screaming to such an extent that gentlemen present were inclined to deny that they ever had mothers. No memlier could rise without in stantly rinding a woman in his seat, and finally, whtn the Speaker rose to put a motion, one of them seized his chair and refused to give it up. Such women will tell you if yon are fool enough to give them half a chance, that if you will grant them the right to vote, they will convert rowdies into gentlemen at the polls, refine your politics, and purify your political atmosphere generally. When a mother believes that her in fant daughter is likely to turn out to be such a woman, she ought to throw the little wretch in the way of the croup, the measles, whooping cough and the scarlet fever all at once, and let it take the consequen ces. Basing our judgment on the fore going, we will wuger our last years tile that he is an old phogy that be lieves Martha AVashington was a model woman, and superior in her day and generation, as an example of the sex, to that marvel of feminine virtue and propriety, Susan B. An thony. He is evidently wandering in the. darkness of a past generation, and his soul has never felt the refin ing influence of that "spirit of progress-" and spiritualism the twin apostles of modern reform in domes tic and social economy. The Child's Pocket etiquette. 1. Always say, yes, sir; yes, pa pa; no, thank you; goodnight; good morning. Never say 'how' or 'which,' for what. Use no slang terms. Re member that good spelling, writing and grammar are the base of all true education. 2. Clean faces, clean clothes, clean shoes and clean ringer nails indicate good breeding. Never leave your clothes about the room. Have a place for everything and everything in its place. 3. Rap before entering a room, leave it with your face to the com pany. Never "enter a private room or public place with your hat on. 4. Always offer your seat to a lady or old gentleman. Let your companv enter the carriage or room first. . 5. At the table eat with your fork; sit up straight, never use your tooth pick, although Europeans do; and when leaving, ask to be excused. G. Never put your feet on cush ions, chairs or tables. 7. Never overlook any one when reading or writing, or talk or read aloud when others are reading. When conversing, listen attentively and not interrupt or reply till others have finished. 8. Never whisper or talk aloud at churches, or other public places, and especially in private where any one is singing or playing on the piano. 9. Long coughing, hawking, 3-awning, sneezing or blowing is ill mannered. In every case cover your mouth with your handkerchief (which never examine nothing is more vulgar, except spitting on the floor. ) 10. Treat all with respect, espec ially the poor. Be careful to injure no one's feelings by unkind remarks. Never tell tales, make faces, call names, ridicule the lame, mimic the unfortunate, or be cruel to insects, birds or animals. Well. ExTiTr.En. The Patrons cf Husbandry in Wisconsin have star ed a newspaper entitled the Moiciwj Ma chine. It will be seen from an advertisement in another column, that the Agent of the Public Library, Louisville, Ken tucky, has ovti1 a million dollars in Hank, and tltat lie assures the public of a full drawing on the :51th .March next. The list of gifts is exceedingly a t (ra ti vo and t he high personal character of the manager is a guarantee that they will preform what they promise. It is a rare tiling t hat physicians t;ive any lount 'nanee to a medicine, the manuiae tnre of wiiich is a .vcret. About t lie on ly exception we know of is Johnson's Anodijne Liniment. This, we believe, all endois-, and many of tlcm use it in their practice with Treat success. Persons requiring purgatives or pills should Ik" careful what iceybuy. Some pills not only cause irripinir pains, but leave tic Lio v !s in a torpid, costive stale. , xon'x l'n rualire fit's will r-live the bowels and cl -ans the blood without injury to the system. FoKEH'ARNIXliS OF Co.VSTT M I'TIOX, Re- nciiii.'T that a cough, a cold or some ot her common affection of the throat or lungs al ways pr -ceds 1 Ymsu 111 , t ion a nd t hat a II the.- ailm-'ttts are cured with absolute c r tainty by Hale's Honr-i of Hitrilinuiiil ft, id Tar will cure you. ritt'-hton's, 7 0th aven ue. Sold by all 1 ruggists. Tike's Toothache Drops cure in 1 minute. SYMTDMS OF CATARRH- Dull, heavy headache, obstruction nfn;i sal passages, discharge tailing into throat, sometimes profuse, watery. acrid, thick and tenacious, mucous, j -undent, muco purulent, bloody, put rid, olf-Misive, etc. In others a dryness, dry, watery, weak or ic flamed eyes, ringing in cars, deai-iess, hawking and couhin to clear t he t hroat, ulcerations, scabs trom ulcers, voice alter- ei, nasal twang, offensive oreath, impair ed smell and taste, dizziness, mental de pression, tickling cough, etc. Only a few of the above symptoms are likely to be : resent in any case at on- time. No disease is more common or less understood by physicians. The proprietor of Dr. Sag"'s Catarrh Remedy will pay $'K) reward lor an incuni ble eas read what it will no. 1 : 1:00 k vi i. 1. k, Pa., April T,, 1S72. Dr.. R. V. Kierce. Sir Having first applied to a number of homo phys-ians and failed to fret r -lief, I resolved to try your Remedy, hour bottles have conipl'-telv cured me of one of the worst e-ises of ( 'atr.rrh o" which I have any knowledge, having suit" -red for month's with an acute ain in the heul,and breath ed only wit h t ic great '-t iiitlicu :. y. I deem it. due you as well as siilf-ring humanity that this recognition be made of what we deem an invaluable medicine. C1IAS. o. ANDERSON. FINAL SETTLICJIEXT. In the County Court of Clackamaseountv, Or -iron. In the matt'-r ul tin; Kstat; of Elizabeth .dfUravv, deceased. VLL PERSONS "IX TKKKSl ED AUK hereby notiti -d that I have tiled my linal account ami vouchers in the above cnt it led matter, and t he 'ourt has ai ioi nt ed -Monday, tie- I'd day of March, A. D. 1S74, at the ourt House, Oregon City, as the tine a nd place for the hearing of objections thereto, and the examination and settle ment ot such accounts. u. o. wiiiTEiim-sE, Administrator. Johnson A McCowx, Att'ys. lcbiiwl FIXAL S KTTLKM ET. In the County Court of Clackamas county, state of Oregon. In the matter of the Estate of Jesse V. Poone, deceased. VLL PERSONS I X T E 1 EST E I ARE her 'by notified that I have filed my final account and vouchers in the .above entitled matter, and the Court hasappoint ed Monday, the L'd day of March, A. D., I'd, at the Court llous", Orejron City, as the time and place lor t he examination and sett lenient of scch accounts and the hearing of objections thereto. . . . w. c.joirxsox, 1 cb. f w Administrator. 4 tli O-rancl Oitt Concert KOIl TIIK HKXKKIT OF THE PVHLIC LIRKAKV OP KEXTKKY. OVER A MILL10X IX BANK !! v x i A FULL DRAM'IXG ASSURED. O11 Tnely, :ust Daj ofMarch, Next. Only 60,000 tickets have been issued and Stl,.00,000!! Divid d into 1:2,000 CASH OIJ7TS LIST OF CilKTS: one t.rand Cash Out "n Orand Cash Oct One Orand Cash out" ne t ir:i ml 11. 11. . ....$iV),000 .... l!H(,IN0 .... 5t,MIU ... 25,1 X.N 17 "dHl OneUrand Cash tint."!"."".'"!." ".-Mi s, ;f Cash gists, f ash Kit Is, H Cash gilts. l' ash ilts, lVl Cash gilts, i"i Cash Kilts, Sii Cash nitts! ll,tJU Cash sriits Ki,(KK) each. Hx'iMNi t'ilOll, 1-I,INH) !.'-) each. 50 I XI! .KJ each, each, Sao each, -ibiicli, 1"0 each, 5J each. 4IVXHJ 4',o;ro 45,000 '',5l0 550,0 Total, 12,ouOt'iftJ5,all cash l,5(0,00ij The concert and distrihut s.n positively and lino, S1 will the day now fixed, wh."h .r-f,aVhPlaT on arc sold or not. and the 12 m i UKaVC.k in proportion tothenumu-roiVMnd. PHICE OF TICKETS: Whole tikcts.): Halves, Tf.n)hc or each coupn, i- : Eleven whole ticket, r I 550! ; -iiH whole tickets for $1 ij ,? 'VP tickets lor S,000; tS! whoi ticket. i ioe tTkei0 dlSCOUnt n loss tha" W w25t lS TIIO. E. RIIAJILETTE, Affent Public Library Kntuckv nn,i Manner Uift i-oncert. Public Tib A rv Building. Louisville, Ky. febl3w7 CHAS. H. CATJJTIELID, DEALER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CORXER OF SEVEXTII AND MAIN STREETS, OREGON CITY. Has Just deceived a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods, Brown and Bleached Sheetings, House Lining, Shirtings, Talde-Linen, Irish Bosom Linens, Linen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies and Gents' Hose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, Bibbons, Laces and Insertions, Embroidery, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Gccds, Ac V? Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AND CHiLDERN'S SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamp, Wicks and Chimneys AVliit n have bee selected witH special care for Uiis market ami cannot EE SI KPASSED JX QUALITY Oil PRICE. Tim HIGHEST .MAKKUT IMtIC'12 PAID 1'OIt COUNTKY.PRODUCE, March 13, lS73:tf TO THE CITIZENS OF CL'CKAMAS CCUNTY: GIIEAT DEDUCTION IN DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, ETC. AWiMi TO TIIK FAIMXG HEALTH OK A. LEVY, IT IS OUR PUKPOSK TO OFFER 0 oi entire Stock of Good at Urcaiiy Ke.luceu rT,i-M, m order to close out our i;tM:ti-,2: fall stock: X,i:W J3HOB., Second door norl cf tle PostoOice, Main xtreet, Oregon City. No bctt'T CVUl"tlC" Ol tll'i CHI- -'Rrit'Cl ci'-ncy of ( 'oiiiiiduiuI . . .. ... 1 . Vl'"' Kxt ract of Kuc.i 1 pt us -djXvpi--d, than the follo.vlnjS Cr-, c-:i 11 lit- lcsir sinmiciry of t-iis -s, tr".U'-i wit 11 t his ri'iic'dy aloic-, by tlmt- 1 1 1 1 11 lit plivsician, Ir. David NVoos- t r ii tli.. IT. S. Marine Hospital. San Fran cisco. ri-iort.Ml in the Auiit No. (l.ST') la- cific Med. Jour. ' '"' Trc(te( K'Miiitti nt Fi'vor 5 1 ..),! ? v r 1! Typhoid Fever... 9 lull. 1. nation 01 Kidm-ys 4 Dinr tis 1( Incontinence of Urine 3 stricture lull. una! ion of Iiludder "J7 Cut I n)jr- ul 5 ! 9 3 7 3 25 10 "i 9 15 3 UVfll. I'.ieiniorrlia'cia Dis ease of the II 1 . s-'iitery t'iironic Diarrlue ( Jonorrhoja Droisy ..It .. 7 .. 4 ...13 ...15 .. irt ii if? "i For sale Druists, J NOW IS THE TIME TO SUJiSCmiJE FOR praiinrai pa r e trzr art rr? rw m n f i Mb M 1 tBs iiSE 131 3:2 .jO lyVAl YlvVIi, PAYABLE IX ADVANCE. Each number contains the LATEST TELESSAPHIC NEWS, From all Parts of the World ; A Car 'fully Selected Summary of STATE AM) TEKIUTOItlAL NEWS ITEMS; A Corrected lAxt of th Markets In Portland, San Francisco and Orrion City; LOCAL NEWS, EDITORIALS, On all Subjects of Interest to the FARMER, MERCHANT OR MECin.MC. Also, Carefully Selected 31 1 s c I : L. I, A X ISO US 1 1 1 A I) I x ( In Short, it is in Every Itespcct a LIVE NEWSPAPER. Having? a laro and constantly Incrcasln;:; Circulation in the most populous part of the State, offers sujiorlor inducements to those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements Inserted, on REASONABLE TER3IS. The Campaign of 1S71 will soon bin, and it la therefore a good time to Subscribe in order that you may be posted on currant events. Send in yoursubscriptton at once. Completely corroborative of the summitry of Dr. VKster, are the reports of the experiments with F.ucalyi tus by Ir. Iorrincr, of lVr iin, Prussia, and Dr. KeeP-r, Chief - . Physician ot the Austrian Kail way Co., published in the American Medical Journal, July, 1S72. It will be found very efficacious in obsti nate cases of Dyspepsia, Hronch it is,I I:ick inrf Couh, Chronic Sore Throat, Ieucor- rhea, etc., and in nausea during pregnan cy. Ir. Colcni:i n's rrMilIe Kttrart of Kiicii lypt vs Is a special preparation for t he tn'atmejit of Fever iiml Aiiifiie, and is Wari-stiited to Cure cv'T.v cn s" t reat el accorditm: to directions, wit bout the injur ious r 'suits of the usual tjuinine and ar senical remedies for that, dis -ase. Also pur" Fluid Extract of Eucalyptus, in one pound bottles, for physicians use. IJeware of imitations andtakc none but 'oleman's. everywhere, anl by Charles Ianley & Co. Agents San Francisco. .HJinayis.-jyi. Jf li 11 V II A y I) I S li . 3TjL:W goods GOOD NEWS! PRICES UEIH CEI) TO SUIT THE TIMES. LOOK OUT FOR GOOD 3. ACE&ER&1Ai &t3C. AVE JITST RECEIVED A TARGE Sioek Of FA LL A ND WINTER GOODS Iwhich they ofTcr CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! "We wocld say come and convince you,- -lf before purchasiii;?elsewhere. Our.-iock consists in part of Fa n cy a n d Staple Dry f?oods. Clothlnjr, Hats, Hoots and Shoes, Ladies and Onts Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer- iPs, Hard ware, and a many other articles too nunier- ours to mention ; also, Doors, Windows, Glass and Pntty, etc., etc. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange or oas' ALSO Wool "Wfxiitocl For which we pay the Highest Prices. S. ACKERMAX A Co! Orejron City, October 31, 1873-tf. MB 11 CIIA JVniSB. JOHN MTEES, OREGON C5TY- D2ALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, A X I) GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for and all kindsof p?rnnnn rr.'iKTBY pannunF. I will sell as low as any house in Orejron for CASH OR ITS HQ UIVALKXT n Good Merchantable Produce. I am selling very low for Give mo a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYERS. 'Orejron City, March 21. 1S73. "WEEKLY, SEMI-WEEKLY, AND DAILY. THE WEEKLY SI'X is too widely known I o require any extended r ''com menda t ion : but t he reasons which have already jriven it lilty thousand subscribers, and which will, we hope, -rive it many thousend more, are brief! v as follows : It is a first-rate newspaper. All the news of the day Mill lie found in it, condensed when unimportant, at full length when of moment, and always presented in a clear, infelliirilile nnd interesting manner. It is a tirst-rate family nier, full of intcr taininir and instructive readinjr of every kind, but containing nothinjr that can of fend the most delicate and scruj ulous taste. It is a fir-;t-r.ite story paper. The best tales and romances of current literature are carefully selected and lejribly printed in its j airs. It is a lirst-rate apricnlt ural taper. The most fresh and instructive articles on agri cultural topics regularly appear in this deiartment. It is an independent polilical lomrinfrto no f:rty and wearinsr no collar. It fiirlit s for 1 rinei 1 le. ji i) J for the election of the best men to ollice. It especially de votes its energies to the exposure of the rreat corruptions that now weaken and distrrace our count ry, and t hreaten to un dermine re publ ica n i nst it 11 1 ions a ltojret tier. It has no fear of knaves, and asks no favors from their supporters. It. reports the fashions for the ladies and the markets for the men, especially the call le-markcts, to which it pays particular atfent ion. Finally it is the cheapest paper publish ed. One dollara year will secure it forany subscriber. It is not neeessar- to jr 't up a club in order to have THE WEEKLY Sl' at this rate. Any one ho sends a single (icllar w ill receive the raper for a year. ' We have no travelling ajrents. TIK WKEKI.V St'V.-F.i-bt pa p;es, fifty- six co'umns. Onlv UO ft venr, 0 dis counts from thisr;te. T!IK SK35I-AVFKKT.V Same sizeasthe Iaily Sun. IMJ a year. A discount of :ii per cent to clubs "of IO or over. TTfE n.MLV Sf.-. larjre fonr-paee news'Her of twenf columns. Dailv circulation over l io.OOO. All the news for i cents. Subscription price .Id cents it month, or r,.oo a year. To clubs of JO or more, a discount of io percent. ArtflreKH, "Til K SI'X, dec"jw3. .ew York ij - THE PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MERIDEN,CT. SHADES SALOON, G.A.HAAS, - - Prop. Main Street, Oregon City. TIIK IS A It IS SUP PL I EH with all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cijrars. Scotch, Irish and P.ourbon already famous Whiskies and Punch, Or-jron City, Jan. 1, Ir.'-t. ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB OREGOXCITY, : OREGON. WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE V T all kinds of JOB PRINTING, such as CARDS!, BILL-HEADS, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, LA EELS, LETTER-HEADS, in fact all kinds of work done a in Printing Oilicc, at rOHTLAXD TRICES. ALL KINDS OF LEGAL BLANKS constantly on hand, and for sale at as low a price as can be had in the State. AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Oregon City. March 21. lS73-tf. IGEMS TOR THE ENTERPRISE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents for t he Extkrprise : Geo. P. Howell & Co.. JO Park Row. New York foe, Wetherill ,t- Co., tin Philadelphia. Chestnut street, Abbott Co., No. 82 and 81 Nassau street, New York. Port la nd, refron L. Samuel San Francisco JhT,' ,V."V-'' 1 L. P. I lher St. Helens, Columbia county S. A. Miles Astoria. Clatsop county ...A. Van rnsf-n Salem .". I. Williams Harris! urir 1. II. smith I alayette.Ya m hill count y .T.L.I-V rzvsnv. Dallas, Polk county Pave Holmes Kola K. Pofv Jacksonville K. K. H;i:ih:i Penton comity W. A. 'e!l ( "orvallis lion. John l urnett Canyon City, Jrant co W. P. T.asweii Albany .; A . N. Arnold Dalles, Waseo eoiuty X. II.(i:ites Ta ramie, t'nif.n county A. '. Cniii' Pendleton, I'liu.tilla county, S. V. Knox Eugene City.. Roseburjr Ibanon Jacksonville., Long Tom 1 J. f . Thom pson I E. I.. I ristow Hon. I . I-". l ane I C. 'I. 'onta'iie I J. R. I'alston ..Hon. K. D. l'oudrav H. C. Huston CLACKAMAS COfSTY. Reaver Creek P.utteville Cascades Canbv Cuttinc's Kaijle Creek , 1 1;: rd in it's Iiuor Molalla... Milwaukie swep;o Upper Molalla... C. F. Peatie lohn Ziim wait TTenrv ic Juirin J. W. Straws r I. Wriubt Prank W. l'o-ter Capt. .. .". ?"'-.'. W. Vore:ird .John IIac;eni. rirer Tobn pooi. .. II. SHEET MUSI C. The follow injr named pieces are rsccm. mended as being among our latest and best issues : MTTSTC Julia, 'tis of thee I sing Son?, Why don't yon come home.. 'Neath the waves her Si irit TTays JT.e Hays fdc wa nders No litt le one to meet me Give my lovetoall :;t home Think of me sometimes, Matririe Stewart Pratt Stew art Sflo .!(le S'c Stewart 30c Soft Iv shorn the Stars of Heaven... ' Pratt oOc SEN11 Dinna forget your mither, Sandie Pays t0c I long to sec the dear old home -Mc-wart 30c Little Sweetheart, come lis ten to me I reneh My every Tho't was of thee " Havs Men are "such deceivers. Alto song from "I'auline"... " Danks St a y not Ion ir 'wa y . Soj ra n o "sonirfrom "Pauline"... rianks To please t he-Tirls. Paritone song from "Pauline"... " Danks SOc 3fc 30c JJOc 30c My heart lor thee. mi ratio song from " Pouline"... Danks Sue My Queen of Stars, awake. tenorsongfrom Pauline " Danks 30c r'osT-iwm Jen ny, he flower of K'lT.laro "Stewart t0c Whisper soiiy, Mother's dying " Stewart 30c Inspirer and Hearer of Prayer Hymn. Danks 30c My Love sleej s under the Daisies Song. Pcrslev 30c Oh! how d'ye do, Aunt Su- Sle song. May wood 30c noddings Dat makes me "t song, eath the v bite and pur ple Plossonis Nora isdreamingof vou'""!. " The sweetest Pud is tiiissing " Perl ey 30c Stewart 30e Pratt 3i c Danks SOc W ill he come home night, mot her? to- Da nks Stex art I lays Havs Danks Havs Sue -tOc STc :r,c SOc flod Plessour Home? Jet up and shut the Door Does lie ever think of mr ome. Holy Spirit Hymn. My dear old Mother Son; I have no Home I ost and cast awav " Poor little Tim " OF THIS toe Havs 40c Hays .Tic Abbey 30c Oysters and wine at 4 a. m. Over the Pillows alar Savior, Thou art ever near The Toast. P.rindisi for Male Voices Pearl of America. a price. Stewart 30c Pratt STc hanks 30c Ton el 40c Instrumental Kinkel Circling Waves...Instrumental. Kinkel !0c 4(c Relic of Saratoga Waltz. Fitzhivb av Morning . h rs Mazurka. Kinkel :Vc I-annie'sQuickstepQuickf,tep. Kinkel ;j5c AIAUKKI) P?ICE. Autumn leaves. Reverie Instrumetal Kinkel Wc The P.ea; ers Instrumental. Kinkel :c a 'T!?' ,'.rlS," ; a"op. Kinkel :tc MoMje Darling Insrumental, Kinkel rnte .a.ingarclla Kinkel Site Happy I houghts...Pchottische. Kinkel wic Dan so (-ubaine. ..Instrumental. Kinkel 40c May-I olo March. Mueller :iV jood Humor Allard Xic Meurdes Chamts Valse. Tonel 50c Pub'i.ihrd. and sent, imxt-naid. on reccint of price, Ly .1. l. pKTEIts, 599 Broadua)', Jifw Vrlc dccSmt WAGON AND CARRIAGE HI A 3 U FACTOl tr-, - ryUIE UNDERSIGNED JL havinjr increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old sland on the Corner or Main and Third Street, Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of informin?Tiis old t Irons, unil as many new ones as tuny 1 pleased to call, that he is now pr 11 with ample room, frood materials, ana tli very best of mechanics, to build anew J: construct, make, paint, iron and turn 'out all complete, any sort of a vehicle irom . j IWIIilllUil .tlil lUd .UiHUlU UtlVII. rv j IJIacUsmitliiiijr, Horse or Ox Shoeing I and General Jobbing neatly, quicklv, j cheaply done. DAVID S.MITH WILLIAM SIGER HAS ESTABLISHED A FACTORY . -..,.1 3t FOR THE FANUFACTL'RE OF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, AND MOI'LDIXGS OF ALL SIZES. They will also do Turning of every do script ion to order, WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH! WA11 work warranted Shoo on ihf River, in Ixwis' Shot City Mills. Opposite- Oregon G Estate of John T. nd fori!, Drrmsfd. "V'OTICE TO (liEDHORS: ALL PER sons li: iritr claims ajrainst t he above name dcc as d,:ire not if'n d to present them ( it h the j ro r vouchers, to t he undersign ed, the (inly appointed Administrator'oi said estate, at t he office ol Huelat A- W ar ren, in Oregon it, within six months from this date. HARI.KS R. ROOPK, O February 4,l.v.7t.5v Administrator. rroshtctus for 1S71 Smiith Year. THE An Illustrated Monthly Journal, T'nivrr sallj admitted to be the llaiidsoin cst Pi ri dical in the World. A Rcpn seiitativeand C bam j ion of America n Taste. Not For Sate in Hook or Ntirs Sto, wes. THE ALD1.XE, while issued with all the regularity, has none of the tcmporaiv (,r time t ii.n rist cbaracti ristic 01 orci'iuirv j-criodicals. It is an elegant miscellanv of pur , liht and grac lul hK rat arc : and a collection ol j ictun s, the ran sf sj -ciin ns o. artistic skill, in black and white. Al though each succeeding number atiords a fresh pleasure to its iriends, t be real value and beauty ot THE AI.DIXE will be most appreciated alter it has been bound up at t he close ol t lie year. While ot in r 1 ublica tions may claim mi pi rior cheapm ss, as com par. (I with rUais ol a simlar class. Til E Al.Itl X E is a unioue and oricinal conception alone and unap roaclw d ab soluteiy u it bout com tition in j rice or character, 'lie- oss ssor ol a com li te volume can no! (hijlicate tie quantity of fine pa r and cngra ings in any ih. r shape or number oi volumes fur ti-it dims its ( ok (lie n, tin. re are f.e i 'trvttx, Ic .ucxf PUIOIII 31 n:lt Kvery subscriber to THE AI.I'fjrE for the v. ;ir 1T! will nc- ive a j air 01 ( lin.inos. 'I he original 1 ictun-s wi re t aim, d i 1, r the 1 ublis!. r ol the THE A l.l I A E, ly 'I boiiuis Moratt, hose gri jit ( olorado tiire ws ) u rciiaf-eii i,-, Congnss for t n thousand dollars. 'I be sn bj.-t ts were cIk -sen to ri' resent "I be East" and "i be West." One is a view in 'i White Moun tains, New Hampshire; tlf. ,,thcr givt s llii' ( lii.Vof .r i n l.iv.-r, Ter ritory. U-.e diir. rence in the 11 At u re of tte scenes t h ms-lvi j is b asing contrast, a nd a lTonis a good display o! i be artist's scope and coloring. '1 be chromos an-rai h worked irom tbirt distinct plati s, a nil are in size (lix 10) and aj n arance exact lac simil. s of the originals. The n sentation ol a worthy example ol America's atcst laii(iscaM- 1 11 1 ntcr to the sn I scrib r5 of TJIE A.IJ.Eu a bold tut i(u!iarlv ha; py idea, and its suco sstul n aliiatioh is attest. ii ly the testimonial, over tin- signature ol Xr. Moran himself. N ewa 1; k.N. J., Si4 . -Xth, 1873 Messrs. Jamks sctton a o. Grntlr, ie,l am delighted fn t'ti, ,,rfs ;.. ......... ,,,,, viii.mii'!. i n. y nre won- deriully successlul r' resentations l.v me chanical process ot the s.rigSual paictings. Very Res; cctiullv, (Signed,) '111 OS. MOHAN. These chromos are in every sense Ameri can. They are by an original American process, with material of Americn manu facture, irom designs of American scen. rv by an American painter, and pr sent, d to subscril. rs to t he lirst succi sslul American Art Journal. If not Ix-it. r because 01 nil this, tbe will certainly possessan interest no foreign iroduction can ins in-, and neither are they any the worse ii by reason of peculiar facilities of production tbev cost the publisher only a trifle, ir.i'e rrjxiut in rerji n.-ert to otfit-r chromos that are xoUl sinul.trifor livable the subscription price 0 THE ALDI.XE. P. rsons ol taste ill prize t hose pictures lor theiiiselvi s not. lor the I rice t hey did or did not cost", and will ap I r-riate the cnteri rise that renders their distribution possR Ie. It nn subscriber should indicate a pre ler. nce lor a figure subject, the itiblishrr will semi "lboug,isoi Home," a nnv and M-niitiiiil chromo, 14 x lhi inches, reprcsi nt ing a little Italian exile whose six akinr c.i.-5 ui me longings 01 nis lieart. A I. Li JM fi t $0 per annum, in advance, with Oil Chro mos Pree! For ."O cents cilia, the chronic trifl be sent, mount! d,rurtiixhrt,and prcjtiid by niait- THE ALDIXE, will, hereafter, be obtain able only by subscrij tion. There will be no reduction or club rate: cash for sub script ions must be sent to the publish' rs dinct or handed to the local canvasser witliout rexjnxibifify to the jrublixhers, ex ec) tin cases v here the certificate is g'iven bearing tbe facsimile signature of James Sutton A- Co. CANVASSKRS WANTED. Any person w ishing to act perminantly as a locrl canvasser will receive full and prompt iniormation bv applving to JAMS SITTOUIH., riiblishfrs, SS MAIDED LAXE, Xcxt-York. 5di--pjm T"N Tlir: ("iRcriT COURT of the . State of Oregon, tor the ounlvnf Clarlt,. ainas : Jacob Wiener, plaintiff, vs. S01 hi W n-ner, defendant. To Sophia defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon oU a rf. hereby required to appeal and answe r the comlaint filed against. ou in the above entitle d suit, on or before the first day of the next term ol the abovo entitled Court, hich will commence mor than six weeks alter the first, publication ot this summons, to-wit : on Mondavth LTth day of Aj ril, I.nTI. and if you mil so to appear and answer, the lainj'iff will apply to the ourt for t he ndiel demanded in hia complaint, to-wit :a decree of divorce from ou. 'Ibis summons is published in pir sua nee of an ord. r made by Hon. W. W. I', ton, Judge .f said ourt, inhambcrs. on the lSt li dav of Januarv, 1S74. CAPI.KS & MURK LAND, Attorneys tor Plaintiff., o Alottt ir0 pounds of loner prim of which this is an impression. or, Has been in use but a short time, irood work, l'rhe 25 cents flb, either extra. tied ii) or in cases case A L S O, A small font of Nonporic-1 of -which tbi is urn impression. Price 35 cent. V B. As good as neir. There is enough to set about one column of this puper solid. AtMret-n this office. TO LF-T, nHE ROOM PORMF.RLY OCCUPIED as the Council Chamber, in Dr. Thcs ing's brick building. Apply at rhis ofticcv o O- ( o c o o - V--, i 1 UUURT3SY OF 'BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY CF CALIFORNIA,