Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1874)
fc, i o o' -v.' o o THE ENTERPRISE, CITY, OREGOX, MAR. 20, 1S7I. St. Nicholas for Makcii. The number of St. Micholas open. with a very useful article on Ed ward Jenner, by Clarence Cook. Accompanying this is a fine iitrravin;; of the statue of Jenner by Montverdo. The illustra tions are usually uj to the high stand ard, and tli?re are some very striking full-paro pictures. The enirravinig oalled "Some Curious Fishes," drawn bv Jas. C. Heard, will oeii the eyes of tile youngster s. The I'rencli story is this month, and is well Illustrated. We notice that a "better Box" ha.s teen added to the attractions of the magazine. Tins will be Rood news to ydiiiii? people who like tu ask questions of editors. OCR Dave. A correspondent of the News from Washington, sjioaks as fol lows about our Dave: "Col. I). P. Thompson is energetically at work about the I epartment, where he is well known. Whether he resorts to that persuasive eloquence that wins the the hearts of poorly-paid clerks, or bet ter paid he ids of Departments in this corrupt ci: V, I know not ; but this any man can see, who cares to observe, that as an attornev, or claim agent, Dave can do ni re than anv man from the l'acitic Coast, whether in or out of the Senate or House. As a business man in Washington, Dave is a success. ' Personal. W. S. Ladd. Fsq., of Portland, was in town last Monday. Hon. A. IT. Brown, Senator from Ba ker called on us last Saturday, j Thos. SelUVood, of Milwaukie, wa visible upon our streets this week. Geo. II. Durham, Prosecuting Attor ney of the this district, was in town on Monday. XV. P. Burns, City Recorder, has so far recovered as to le able to be upon the streets. Chas. E. Warren, Esq., has been con fined to his led for several days past, with sickness. Mr. Joseph Hill, of Portland, called last Monday. He has purchased a farm near Dayton and will move onto it this week. Messrs. A. Noltner, TL Cauficld, W. E. White, S. Huelat, Dr. J. Welch, Jos Young, II. Straight and A. F. Hedges have absent attending the Democratic State Convention at Albany. The Parker Gun. We take pleas ure in calling attention of our Valley friends to the wonderful merits of the j double-barreled breech loading shot ! guns manufactured by Parker Broth ers, West Meriden, Conn. The highest testimonial received from all sections of the count rv, and the thorough test given it in the- tield bv our trietid Capt. Cireen B. Samuels, warrant us in asserting that it is th best breech-loadintr shot gun in the world. The simplicity of construction. the ease with which it can be loaded or unloaded, the tacility with which the load can be changed from small to large shot enabling the sportsman, in an instant, to adapt his change to anv sized irame that may present itself the ease with wnicn it may ue Kept clean its availability to a country where noth ing but muzzie-ioauing ammunition can be procured, all combine to recom mend ii io cfij opoi isiiuiu wno can LOST ! rpiIE UNDERSIGNED DOST BETWEEN JL this eitv and Canemah, Wednesday morning a leather pocket-book containing about iSiO currency ; his name will be loundinsideotthebook. The Under will be suitably rewarded by leaving me same at this office. II. PEARSON . 250,000 for 50 ! J 4rtli Grand Concert FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OP KEMICM. On Tuesday, 31st Day ofMnrtli, Xext. Money ! Money ! "rOXEY TO LEND IX SUMS OF $500, jJX. and upwards. Oregon Citv, March 10, 1S7I. mal3tf JOHNSON fc McCOWN. Sheriff's Notice. m.VX-PAYERS IN ARREARS ARE RE X spectfully notified that taxes are over due, and unless payment Is mado soon. ws,is win oe added. A. F. HEDGES, March 13 f Sheriff of Clackamas Co. MBR C II A N D I S JS . THOMAS G H A R f.1 A N AUCTIION AND COMMISSION. ESTABLISHED Lfiai'ii: 60000 tickets ; 12000 gifts! L-kttep. List. The following is a list of the Letters remaining in the Post-office at Oregon City, March 20th, : Oeo Avirspi.or, AlU-it I'.cebo. Jack Coolc? Jesse f oats. Thomas Foster, Ilenrv Ktihlhirg, M Mann, Uobert S. Moore, Harry Pearson, Kichev Stewart, I'harlesSLoc'hr.T W Smith, J II Tucker, Luigi Vaereti. If cUed sav when "adver ! tU.'d." J.M. lUc.)S, P. M Tiik Alhixe. American scenery than which none is more beautiful. very properly holds the leading place in the March issue of The Aldine. Three charming pictures, by J, D Woodward, represent some of the most strikinir scenes in North- estern ir- ginia. A nobler specimen of the wood engraver's art has never been produced than the full-page rendering of Wood ward's "Balcony Falls, James River." The artist and engraver worked lov ingly together and the result is what ! may be boldly called a perfect picture, i The second picture of this series is a P.L'siNKss Coi.i.kuk. In to-day 's pa per will be found an advertisement of the National Itusiness College of Port land. It'-i needless for us to speak of the merits of this institution, as they are known to our citizens; we will say, however, tluit it is not surpassed by any similar institution on the Coast. KvVry young man. every young woman and "every middle-aged man should have a thorough business education, and lltii intitution S-s the place where it ran ItQ acquired. Insani:. A man named Morris I'.rod erick, who lives about miles from here, w as arrested Wednesday evening by llenry Hedges, Deputy Sheriff, and lodged in jail to await the return of Judge White, when he will doubtless bx sent lo the asylum, lie was regard ed as dangerous by both his family and neighbors, and it was with ntueh difficulty that he was arrested. He has been in the asylum before. IViuu:s. Quite a pleasant time was had at the surprise party given Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Apperson on Thursday evening of last week: the leading fea tures of the entertainment were t ho tableaux per formanees. Last evening a large iiniiilxr of the many friends of XI r. and Mrs. Aekerman gave them a mirpri.-.- which was highly enjoyed hy guests. ('an dik.i i" k. young friend W. K. Dement is a candidate for the Ke publiean nomination for Clerk. If we were 1. 1 have a K-'publiean for Clerk, (whieli is one t" the impossibilities), wii kn -.v of noil': who would suit us belter ilir.n K ig- no. lie has strong u;i;Mi!if :it, however, who desire to bo sacri:i.- I ;.)r the gooil of their party. Sit ;!. vs. At n nii-eting of the woman sullYagists. held in the Court House M m 1 ;v ev nin r, J. IieYore J ihn- iii sji t-t ;i President : S. M. M C in and Mrs. K. L. V. is; 1: am. Yiec I'lei-i lfii; M II Im.inds, Secretarv. It w;n de.-i led t!i at the officer .should bo called h'js" and "hims." Nk-.v (l.iiiKV Ciias. II. Cavu'ield, at the oi l stand, riM-cive! a sjtlemlid lot of new goods last week, which he offeis to hi.s patrons at remarkable low pi ice?. Charlie is :dvays up to the demands of the trade, and deserves a liberal xhar j of patronage. IU.movkii.-M r. J. I. Hurst and fam ily removed from tbi city to Corvallis yestornlay. Mr. H. intends to erect a liri1 irrist mill, with five run of burrs, at tHit place this summer. He is a K try I mil ler and will undoubtedly suc ceed in tiiis new enterprise. strikine; view of the wonderful "Natu ral I'ridtre. and the third represents a ! lovelv spot on the James lliver. above ! Koihj Ferry. The trumpot-llowers, and other vines, twining gracefully i over an old maple tree in the fore ' ground. The literary contents do not fall behind the pictures in number and interest. The editorial articles in nnm i ber consist of "Poland" "Views in Vir S einia." "Return of the Kxile." "The Wolf turned Sheoherd," "Ieveloi ment of Animals" and "f.oethe at Home." Subset intion price $o, includ ing chronios "The Kist" and "The West." James Sutton Si Co.. publish ers, 58 Maiden L,ane, New York City. tJov. Thomas K. Uranilette, of Touis ville, Ky., has given three years to the building up of a Public Library in Louisville, which he intends shall be the best in the country. He is doing it by a series of Gift Concerts, the profits of which go to the Library. The third drawing distributed o0,00, and the fourth which takes nlace March 31st, distributes Sl.oOO.OOO. The drawing will certainlv occur on the day named and the l,n) gifts distributed as set forth in advertisements. L.utfiK Siiii'Mknt. J. J. Herman, of Kock (.'reck, in this county, this week shipped 10,)s4 Rs of bacon, raised and cured bv him, to the Portland market, which realized him about 11 cts. lb. Tins is the largest shipment of bacon we have heard of leaving this county. Pitijf auiks. The Republican primar ies will 1 holden to-morrow at 1 p. m. Various aspirants are endeavoring to set things up to suit their own notion as to who shall be the victims. AnnKEAin.K .Srui'RtsK. A number of the friends of Prof. Macrum assem bled at his residence last Tuesday even ing and presented him with a valuable set of law books. The Great AntafonUt of Dieao. What Is the great natural antagonist of disease? It is the vital principle. From the moment that disease is devclored in the system, this champion fights the in truder until it either conquers or is con quered. Which side should medicine sci ence espouse in this life and death struggle? Should It depress and cripple the phsvical energies of the patient.thereby helping the disorder, or should it reintorce the vitalitv of the patient and thereby assist in quell ing the ailment? Of course the proer ans.ver to this question,must be obvious to every one above the jrrade of an idiot or a lunatic, and hence it lollows that th weak and broken down invalid who chooses to dose himself with depleting slops, instead of toning, invigorating and vitalizing his his enervated frame with Ilostetters Stom ach Hitters, must b cither feeble minded or deranged. .Surely nothing short, of im becility or Insanity could induce a Mrson laboring under bodily weakness and ner vous prostration, to take day after dav powerful doses of some drastic purgative in the hope of gaining strength thereby. Although charlatans may advertise prep arations of this charac as tonics, people in the full iosscssion of their reason can not, one would think, accept them as such. If they do the penalty of their credulity may be the shortening of their lives. The rheu matic, the iiyseptle, the bilious, the debil itated and nervous, all who are subject to intermittents, or other diseases brought o" by the inclement weater which prevails at this season .will do well to strengthen their nerves, tone their stomachs and regulate their bowels with the Bitters. The two fold operat ion of the restorative as an in vigorator and an a;x-ri'iit, in addition to its direct and stx-citlc effect uion the dis ordered liver, renders it a most efficient remedy for complaints of the digestive, se cretive and excretive organs, at present in use. This fact is conceded by eminent members of the faculty whose testimony to that effect is published in Hostetter's A'manacfor 1S71. Seven- Safeocariw aoAisst Constmp tios are united in Utile's Iloncy of llore fiounrt find r. It calms t he most violent cough and cur -s the worst cold in a few hours, and avers all danger. Crittcn ton's, 7 6th Avemi . Sold by all Irur!rist s. l'ike's Toothache Drops cure in i uuuuiv. Johnson's AiHKlijite Liniment is, without doubt., the safest, surest, and best remeds that has been invented for internal and external use. It. is applicable to a grout variety of complaints, and is equally bene ficial for man or beast. We have seen it stated In various' papers throughout the country, that Agents for the sale of Shrrvlnn's Cavalry Contiitiuh Powtlrrs were authorized to refund the money to any person who should use them and not. be satisfied with tie? result. We doubted this at first, but the proprietors authorize us to say that it is true. LIST OP GIFTS : One Grand Cash Girt Ono Grand C ash Gilt One Grand Cash Gilt One Grand Cash Gilt Onetirand Cash Gilt 10 Cash gilts, 30 Cash gilts, 50 Cash gitfs, SO Cash gilts, 100 Cah gilts, 150 Casn gilts, 2r0 Cash gilts, 3J5 Cash gilts, 11,000 Cash gilts, .$250,000 100,000 50,000 25,000 , 17,500 $10,000 each, 100,000 5,000 each, ljo.ooO 1,000 each, 50,000 500 each, 40.IKKJ 400 each, 40.0W) 300 each, 45,000 200 each. 50,000 100 each, 32, 50 50 each, 550.000 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. "V"OTICE I HEREBY GIVEN THAT I J will not be responsible for any debts contracted by any other person on my ac count, from and after this date. L. DIT.LER. Oregon City, March 3, 1S71. 4w FO U SALE. rpiIE BEAUTIFUL Q CARTER SEC JL tion of land, known as the Boise claim, 5 miles from Oregon City, will be offered for sale for a short time only. The proprietor is not "hard up." For terms, 'tc- "I'P'y to Capt. A. F. Hedges or Dec. barlow, Oregon City, or Willamette .Farm er office, Salem. March 5 .-tf A. B. 'RICHARDSON Auetioiicer, Cornier of Kront Oak st.,Foitland. 1853.; Auction JsiJes Of Real Estate, Groceries, General chaudibC and llorsts. Mer- "rvESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZEN'S XJ of Oregon City and of the Willamette ! alley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that j i A Nimble Six Pence is Better than a Slow . SJiilHny. I SALE DAYS- -Wcdnrsdav and Saturday A. 13. RlClIARlsON". Auctioneer. I English Refined Tar and 1 uncle Iron Total, 12,000 gifts.all cash,... Yf 31. BBOUGHTOX "rOULD INFORM THE CITIZENS OF M Oregon City and vicinity that he is .....i, prepared to furnish Thi oonc-rt and distribution of girts will FIR, SPRUCE AND CEQAR LUMBER, positively and unequivocally take place on ' ' wkJHa luaiuum the dav now fixed, whether all tne tickets are sold or not, and the 12.0O) gilts all paid In proiortion to the nu inner oi uckcis soiu. PUKE OF TICKETS! Whole tikets, f 50 ; Halves, f 25; Tenths, or each coupn, f5 ; Eleven whole tickets for 50J ; 22 Si whole tickets for l,0OO; 113 whole t ickets lor $ j,tH)0 ; 227 whole tickets for $10, 00c. No discount on less than ?500 worth of tickets. TIIO. K. IJR V 51 LETT E, Of every description. DRY FLOOUIXG, EILIXG, SPlll'CK (for shelving.) LATTICE, PICKETS, KK.VCL POSTS (Cedar) Constantly on Hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest, notice, at as low rates as it c.Tn be purchased in the State. Give ino a call at the Agnt Public Library Manager Gift Concert, I'.uilding, Ixmisville. Ky. Kentucky, and l'ublic Library marl3w4. orsx;ox CITY March 13, 1S74 :tf SAW .11ILX.S. Siimmoiis. In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. 5Iary A. Roberts, Plaintiff. vs. Wm. II. Roberts, Defendant. To Win. II. Roberts, said defendant : ' THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oil egon : You are hereby required to ajv pear and answer the complaint nieu iagainst you in the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the term of said Court following the expiration of six weeks Irom the publication of this summons, saiil term ol" said Court will begin Jlnn dav. the 27th dav of April. 1874 : and if you fail so to appear and answer said com plaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the reli'-f prayed for in said complaint. which is a dissolution of marriage contract existing between you and defendant, and lor costs and disbursements of this suit. Summons published by order of Hon.W. W. Upton, Judge of said Court. Dated March 7th, lstil. JOHNSON A McCOWN, mal3', C Atty 's lor Plaint iff. WILLAMETTE RIVER TRANSPORTATION CO'S m x I have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED stock or GOOVS ever before offered In this city ; and consists In part, as follows : Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sasli and Doors, Chlnaware, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platcdwarc, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy Xo- Rope, Faming lions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings. Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc.. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the MOST CO I L K T E ever offered in this market, and was selcted with especial care lor t he Oregon City trade. All of which I now offer lor sale at the tngnsn Square Saws.Serews.l- ry-Paus cneci iron, 1. G. Iron. and Octpaon Cast toel..Hi:rse shoes. Last's. ALSO A largo assortment of Groceries nd I io- uors. a. !: irun im,vhv 1 . Auctioneer. Jan. 1, lS73-tf. M A .V V FACT O Ji IES. impnifm s lls, Savior, Laliocuue A: Co. Orcgcn Cit". Keep constantly on hand for sale Flour,'.lan :,,,d Clneken I - ed. Parties feed I ! lurnish the sack. SELLING OFF SELLING OFF t;e i."si.iien;i: uixtV:h stock of BOOTS and SHOES! FILL LEAVE FLANDERS WHARF, Portland, at (5 o'clock, A. 3t., as follows : For Corvallis ami "Iutfrmr-tlhitc Toints : ?Iond!j", AVecInesday and Friday. SllllllllOllsS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Cluekanuut. Vdministra-) estate of .Mary Plaintiff. For the very best phographs, goto Brad ley A Rulofson's Galery without STAIRS Aneeittl In tlie Elevator, 420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California. Arthur Warner tor of the Prosser, deceased vs. William Prosser, John A.) Fisher and A. M. Fisher. ) For Albany ami Intermediate Points : Manila)-, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tlinrs Iy and Friday. For Dayton, LaFajvltc and Mc.Minnvill: Saturday and Monday. Passage to Corvallis $ 2 00 Passage o Albany i f,, Passage t o Salem l (:) Passage to MeMinnville 100 .iOLD.SMITII. President. December 12th, 1S73. tf. John A.I Iiefendants FonfiKD. The name of on? of our most estimable woman was forced to a petition to Mr? forthcoming legislature prayining that the elective franchise be jjiveii to woiiiefi. Ladies, tliat's a poor way to help alo:i' a bad cause, lor it will rise u; to t irmeiit its perpetrator's. IU ii.oino. Mayor McCown hascom menc hI t!ie erection ef a new resilience on the blulT, near the site of his present lit! 'it'itioii. S. J. Tracy, a printer on tho ICx rKKitti"K, has pu'rch i.sed a block or' 1 ts ne ir the Ahernet hy,aii'.l i erect itr a rest'lence thereupoii. Foot CVt. Frank Kinearson had th1 ininfortuue to cut his foot nearly otT while at work at otie of the fisheries d on the Columbia a short time ninety; he returned home last week,. mi is uettinj along as well as could Ixj ex loo:ed. iDlPnovtMi tiik 8ntKi:r. Commis sioner Meldrum is macadamizing the street on the hill adjacent to the res;- deneea of res.srs. Sinirer, Jenkins Noltner, Miller and MH'nwn. It Is a m ac!i needed improvement. Examination. The quarterly t jiim inition of teachers will bo held at the Neminary on Saturday, M irch 2sth ; all .e.chers who expect to teach in the pnMic schools of this county must bo present ot this puMle examination. OFriCKH-j O. C. V IKK l)Er.MlTME5T.- Tho following persons have leen elected otlieer.s of the Hoard of lk'le- gutesorthe Oregon City Fire Depart rient; li. T. Rarin, l'residcnt; M. C Athey, See. ; II. .1. Harding, Treas. Smali.-Pox. A case of suuUl-pox ex jts in this city ; we btlieve it rijrht that he public should know it. Every pre caution has leen taken to prevent its spread, ami hope kjii to chronicle its dlisappcarance. . HfNAWAY. Quite a commotion was ,?ausd amonij the crinoline portion of i'rof. rojx?s school yesterday evening lv a saddle horse moving very rapidly through the street with an awning post fctialKd. MARhirro. Near Oswego March 5, at the residiiiiee of the bride's father by A. Iradbiiy, J. P., Thomas E. Hoi comb, of Yamhill county, and Miss L-aura Walling, of Clackamas county Hepaireo. The Episcopal Church is being rerpapc-red, and new cushions made for the seats, and now looks as neat and comfortable as could be wish cd for. - Snow. Quito a snow storm prevailed in the foot hills about fifteen miles from here last Sundav; snow fell to the depth of throe feet. Union Tkmpeuanck Pkayer Meet- ino. A union temperance prayer meet ing was held at the Baptist church in this city last Wednesday" evening. LrMUKii. Mr. Wm. Bronghton ad vertises to furnish lumlier of all de scriptions at very reasonable rates. He makes the very lest. A concert will be given at Pope's Hall next Tuesday evening. Kind IIeakted. Some useful les sons or examples may be found in the mosfe simple, occurrences. At the Terre Haute, depot, recently, an old ladv attempted to get off while the cars were in inotiou. A gentle man standing jiear the door prevent 1 her. "Let her go," exclaimed a kind-heartf d p.ts.seuger, "if she gets tilled, it will bo a warning to some body else." IZEAli TIIIS NOTICH! Many of our patrons are indebted to us for subscription and advertising. Some ate behind for several years, and for whom we have bought white paper ind worked. This we cannot afford to lo always. Pay day must come, and unless they come forward soon we shall be compelled to close our account with them anil irivo tne onisiosome erson who will see that payment is made. All persons in arrears tor subscription who will pay before the middle ol next iiiontn wnai tney owe. md iiiiv one year in advance, we will charge at tlic' rate of ?"J ") ier annum. Alter that date we shall charge :si wneu not strictl v paid in advance. We can not atrord to buy paper for those who thin'v pav dav never comes. We trust tliiMe indebted will pay without further notice. A. .noltxkk, i uuiisner. Oregon City, March l, 1S74. New Books. Mr. J. W. Powell, agent for Clackama,is now canvassing the county for suscriptions to the "Wild Life in the West," and the History of the Grange Movement." Wild Life in the Far West" is a vol ume of 483 pages, quarto size, in good typo, on fine white paper and handsomely-bound. It contains, also, thir ty-three illustrations, some ot them on tinted paper, and the frontispiece ele gantly colored. The record of Capt. Ilobbs experionco Is told in a straight forward manner and is verv interesting in reading. In addition to'th relation of huntiui, trapping, and Indian tight- : :.!' ' r '.i :. ...... om liiemems, nives ine wrimis lenee in the Mexican War and in that between Juarer. and the Imperialists under Maximillian, in both of which the author took an active part The history of the Grange movement or, the farmers' war against monopolies ; be inj; a full and authentic account of the struggles of the American farmers airaiust the extortions of the railroad companies. With a history of the rise and progress of the Order" of Patrons ot Husbandry ; its oliects. present eon- CC!ilFiSS:GKS liF AN SNVAUD. PiTKi.isiiFn as a warning and for the benefit of Yoi'NO Men and otiikus who suffer from NKUVol'S DKI5ILITV, IAJSS OI" MANIIOOI, etc.. l olnt intf out the means of eif-eure. W ritten by .Nathaniel May fair, Ks'i., who cured himself after under iing considerable quabkery, and iuail"il tree on reeeivinK a jnjst-p.aid directed enve lope, bvthe publisher, DK. JOHN M. DAdXAl.U 11 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Time Kiteiided to March 1, 1S7L The time for the purchase of t he following Text-Iiooks, at introductory rates, lias been extended to March 1, liiTI, and may be had from the underpinned : Karnes' riri'f History of the V. S $1 00 Clark's Beginner's Grammar 4U i "lark's Normal Gram mar 70 Mont'ith's IntrcKtuction to Ueojjra phy Pacific Coast Kdition 1 1) steel's Fourteen Weeks In Pliilosophy. 1 00 steel's Fourteen Weeks in Physiology. 1 00 Wood's IVrtanist and Florist 1 TO brooks' Normal Mental Arittimatic. :V) Pacific Coast Fiah Header 83 JOHN MY K1W. r To William I'rosser, one of the above nam ed defendants : N TIIK NAM K OF Til K STATK OF OUE- L ton, you art; nereoy reipnreu to appear and ans.ver the complaint hied against you in tlie above entiiis.-d suit, by the first day of the t nil of said court, following the expiration of six weeks Irom the first pub lication of this summons ; s.uil lirst publi cation bcintf on t lie tit h iay ol .March, 1.S71, and said next term of I'ourt coiisin-iiciii on thu l!7th day of April, 1S71 ; and if you lai 1 to answer said com plaint , the plaint irr will apply to the Court for the reiiet de mandeu therein, which is that a certain deed b'-arin date June etli, 1S01, made by defendants John A. Fisher and A. M. Fish er to you, the said W illiam Prosser, pur porting to convey certain real estate in Clackamas County, .State of Oregon, de scribed in said deed as situated in and being parts of s -ctions eight and nine in township two south, range oneeast, togeth er with all the personal pro)erty on said land claim at the date of said deed, be de clared void and of no force oreHect. Ity order of the Hon. W. W. I- rton. Judge of said Court, dated the second (Z) day ol March, 1S7L IIUF.l.AT.t: Wakiikn, tiinar7w. Att'ys for Plaintiff. OREGON STEAMSHIP GO.'S STEAMBOAT NOTICE! AT THE : Pacfic Boot & Shoe House, o Corner First ami Monisoii Stmts, J'OJiTLAND, Oli KG ON, Will be Closed Out for th? Next Thirty Davs At and Je: Than Cost. tr. 10. v'. COUKE, Will pav OKF.GON CITY for PORTLAND every day Kxcept Sunday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. Returning, will p-ave Port land for Oregon City at o'clock, 1. M. fctv. ALICE, Will l.'.iveOKFXJON CITY for CORVALLIS every Monday and Thursday ot each week. Lowest Market Ra cs. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods lor 1 am jJvieriHtnea to ahi. c i and not to allow mysell to be Q'BERSOLD IX THE STATE OF OK EGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CIIAKMA cannot be beaten in quality or price. It would be useless lor me to tell you all the advantages 1 can offer you in the sale of eootls, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All 1 wish to say is . Come, and S;'?,niitl Ex:.iniiii? for Voarsi Ives fori do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that 1 am still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liber al patronage hc-retotorf bestowed. lllll.s. CllAU.MAN, Main St reef, regon City, lAgal Tenders and Count v Scrip taken at market rates. TIK rs. CHARM AN. B"5;,IKX lbs wool wanted bv THUS. CHARM AN. P It 1 C E Si Ladies' Kid Foxed Palmorals, J Misses' do do Children's do do Men's Heavy Loots, Toys' do Youth's do hildren's l oots, Men's Kip Hand-made . uHom 3-soled Toots, Patridge"S slaughter l oot do Orain Hunting loots Ilibbard's el. brat"d Hand-made French calf Smith, hainplin ,y Co. (Portland) Custom I'rein-'n ealf Smith, Chatnplin A- i o. (Portland) listoin Arm rican cal! Men's b'-st (Quality Huiding do American 1 lid i tig do ruckl" Art ie Ov rshoes do Alaska ui do b"st quality Rubber d Women's I uekle Artie Overshoe s do do do do Self-acting Rubber do .. Men's Sercwd fncans do Pegged do do California Calf, tap sob- do do buff ealf, tap sole, niartt-tf 1 50 1 LT 1 t0 2 75 L'tK) 1 1 00 5 00 4 W 4 W C50 &vt r. 50 5f0 ntto 2W) 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 25 l m 1 75 1 00 4 50 350 FALL AMD WiliTER CCLCS! JUST RLCKIYKD AT o sti. i )AA"r( r. Will leave OKWid.V CITY for McMINN VILLK. LAFAVKT1K and DaYTON. and all points between, every Monday, Wed nesday and Friday of each week. "laves thePasin jit 8. o'clock, a. m., and connect with the train at Canemah at it, A. m. Fori Sai.k. We will sell either a Flo rence or Grover fc liaker .Sewing Ma chine at San Francisco orices. In order that those who desire a machine, and are not able to pay the entire amount may lie accommodated, we will sell them on the installment plan, payable so much per month until paid tor. OtlSTACLES TO M A II It I A G K. Happy Relief for Youn Men from the effects of Krrors and Abuses in early life. Man hood restored. Impediment s to Mar riage removed. .New method ot treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Looks and circulars sent free, in sealed enveloi's. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa., an In stitution having a high reputation for hon orable conduct and professional skill, novti :ly JVA'ir TO-DAY. lUlllIlOllH. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the Couny ,,f Clackamas. fstv. ATBATnTV, Leaves OKKOON CITY for HAKRIsnURG and Kl'GKNK and all intermediate points every week. Edward Wilcox, , Plaintiir. vs. Mary Francis Wilcox, J-Defendant. To Mary Francis Wilcox, said defendant. N THE NAM K OF TIIK STATE OF OR L egon, yon arj hereby required to appear and ansver the complaint hied against you in the above entitled suit, by the first day of t he term of said Court lollowing the expiration of six weeks from the lirst pub lication of. this summons; said lirst publi cation being on the 0th day of March, ls74, and said next term of said 'ourt commen cing on the Silh day of April, 1S71; and if you lail to answer said complaint, the plaintiir will apply to the Court lor the rdief demanded therein, whicti is for a dissolution of the marriage contract noNV existing between plaintiir and defendant herein. P.y order of Hon. W. W. Upton, Judge of said Court, dateii the second (2) day of .uarcu, is i. A wakrkn, mari).7 Att'ys for Plaintiff. t-ti I'amiit? latton, Iaves OH EG ON CITY for ALI5ANY and all intermediate points bet ween twice ev ery week. J. D. lill.F.S, Agent. Or.-gon City, February, II, 1.S74. 1 o DEALER IN Dry GimhIs, Clot Root-and Shoes, Ha rd re, C n .-eri' s. Crock ry, No! ion. Ladies ;n-.d Gents" Furnishing Goods, tc, etc., tc, etc Muiii fitrec, Oitgon City. UVERY, FEED, AND SALE STABLE. SELLING OFF AT COST! FOJl (3() DAYS ! Strictly For Casli, Only ! N&TiONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. first Strict lictwpeii Alder ami 3Iir rhon St., and Alder Street Iietiveen Firt uml Front Street. loi'tlancl, Oregon. 4 X INSTITUTION DESIGN ED TO PRE- Jr. nare noi'S, YOUNG and MIDDLE I AGJfD .Iff.VIor Business Affairs. HllllllllOllS. In the Circuit Court of thr State of Oregon, for the County of Ciaekamas. John X. Smith and Mary Smith, plaintiff, vs. J. II. Martin, Defendant. Cliitliin,:, Dry Good, Hontx and Slxoes, Hats Pitrnisltinjr Omuls, Jew elry Htid Fancy Goods, Groceries, Etc. TK IN" st-ictly !I. M. DfFKAXCE, XV. L. "WHITE, t President. Serrt-turj-. For acquiring a Practical It u tines Hrfuca tion this institution otrrs superior advan tag s, and Is ackno lodged by leading iiusiucss Men to be the best Ooinirieveial Collogo on the Pacific Coast, and second to none. Each Department is First Class, and is un der the special charge of experienced teachers, and the whole school is und"r the immediate superintend Mice of the 1 "resident and Secretary. The school room and counting are united upon a plan that, license to the student all the practical ad vantantages of each. There is in oieration A HANKING HOUSE fully illustrating- that business. The same svstem bMng observed in each department, the st udent buys, sells, ships, barters, con signs, discounts, insures, draws chcks, nots and drafts, gives las's, deeds, Jfcc, and goes through the entire routine of ACTUAL niSIXESS. i- the best book ill-ivy In adding to the completeness of the In stitution the proprietors have instituted a SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. Tin j ontrnnee to rooms of this Denartment oitionanaprossiects: to winch is added is upon Alder street, and access to them V Sketches of leading Gran-ers. This Is had only by t he t-achers and lady s u- for Acquiring n Thorough Knowledo of Business Iractice; of Telegraphy and Pen manship. The DEPARTMENT OF TELEGRAPHY is in charge of first-class orerators an.i teachers, and sup li'-d with all the appar atuses of a first-class office. Thi Institution as now conducted claims to have facilitl-s for imparting a thorough kno ledge of the Art of renmanship ! that not one in ten of the Bcsiness Col leges now in existence poss-ss8; the De partment being under t he social superin tendence of one of the Leading Penmen of the United States. ....... For full particulars "nd for National rtrTx-s College JoCknal sent to any Fever and Ague, Chill Feves, &c A few months after having com menced the manufacture f o..,. : m ical Dicovery, the pro'prietr began to r ceive nnm- rous letters from all parts of the Western and Southern States bestow ing the most unbounded r rals- uiwn it for havingprom ptly the writers or th?ir friends of fever and scue, or other forms of ml as- iun.i.,i-t in.t i.orious aiseases H was re peatedly urged to make known his confes sion, which is as follows conic s- .ET-MAJr Joff- r. Kan., 6. 173. DR. R. . Kierce : r Having used a fewbottesof your Golden Medical discov ery, and believing it to be the very best mediclnce for ChiHs and Fever I wish to buy it the dozen, please give your ric for it. Rev. Taos. O'Rielly. n.i.n . . r-i - Anil rPRS. le FRANCE Oi WHITE, Ixck Box 10. Portland. Oregon. To J. II. Martin, said defendant : IN THE NAM EOF THE STATE OF OUE ar hereby r 'piind to appear and answer t he com plaint liavl against you in the above entitled action bv the first day of the term of said ("ourt following the expiration of six weeks from the tirst pub lication of this summons; said first publi cation b"ing on the Mh day of March 1S7I, and said next term of said' ourt coin in di cing on the "J7t h day of April, 1.S71 : and if you fail to ans.ver said complaint, the plaintiir will take Judgment against you lor t he revival of a certain judgement ren dered against you in said Court on the 21st day of .March, 1SK7, for Mo sum of tHO 21-100 dollars with cost and disbursements. Hv order of Hon. W. V. L'nton. Judge of stid Court, dated the 'second (-) day of March, 1ST I. UPELATi warren, CmarTw Att y for I'laintlir. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamai. John P. Gage. Plaintiff, vs. Nancy Ilobbins, ct. al.. Defendants. To Nancy A. Pall and Larkln Hall, her husband, two of said d efendants : IN T H E N A M E O F T H E STAT E O F O KE gon, you are hereby required to appear and ansVer the com.ilaint tiled against vou in the above entitled suit, by th first dav of the next term of said Court follow ing the expiration of six weeks fnjm the first publication of this summons; said first publication being on the tith day of March, 1S74, and said next term of said Court commencing on the 27th day of April, 1874; and if you fail to answer said coinnlalnt, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein, which is that you, the above named de fendants with the other defendants in said complaint named, execute to the said plaintiff herein a deed for certain land de scribed in complaint as the south half of the northeast quarter of sction 31, to-vn-shiti 2 south, range 1 east, Willamette Me ridian, in Clackamas Countv, "State Gf Ore gon, in pursuance of -a written agreement to that effect made by John D. Ilobbins, no - deceased, in his life time with this plaintiff. By order of the Hon. V. W. Upton , Judge of said Court, dat"d the scond (21 day of March. Ii7L Hcelat fc Warren, 6mar7w Att's for Plaintiff. And will be enabled to give everybody sat isfaction, compared u ith prices els -wliere, Oivc usa call and examine for yourselves. LEVY iiUOS. Oregon City, Jan. 1st, 1S71. SOCIETY XO TICES. OKEGOX LOIHill XO. 3, I. I. O. V., Meets every Thursday r-. evenin-gat 7 ' o'clock, in the Odd Fellows' Hall, Main sss- street. Menihers of the Or der are invited to attend. liv order N. Ct. HEKCCCA DCGRKE LODGE XO. I. O. O. F., Meets on the jrfrrg Second and Fourth Tues- ;Zlr day eveninirs each month Rk: at 71- o clock, in the Odd Fellows' Hall. Menibeisof the Degree are invited to attend. A . V MULTNOMAH LODGE XO. I, it A. M.. Holds its regular com niunications on the First and Third Saturdays in each month at 7 o'clock from theOth of Sep tember to the Hot h of March : and 71 o'clock from the 20th of March to the 20th of September. Brethren in irood standing are invited to attend. lly order of ,V. M. FALLS EXCAMI'MEXT XO.4,1.0. O. F., Meets at Odd Fellows Hall on the First andThird Tues dav of each month. Iatriareha in good standing are invited to attend JOHN 31. HAC0X, IMPORTER AND DEALER In Rooks Stfltinnrrr I-r,,, ery, etc., etc. 7L-a, -y Oregon City, Oregon. yAt Charman &. Warner's old stand mieiy oceupiea oy .m. Acfceman, Main st, rjl II E IT NDE RS K i N ED PROPR I ETOR OF 1 the Livery Stableon Fifth street.Oregon City, Oregon, keejis constantly on hand Saddle iind IIjjfy Horses, Isiigics, (ai ria gi'.s aijrf Hacks, I3!! cos li o; soiim ble. He will also run a hack to and from the WILK8IT SODA SPRINGS during the summer season, with good horses.eompetent ami gentlemanly drivers. FARE AT LIVING EATES. J. M. FRA7.ER, Proprietor. Oregon City, May 27, 1S73. J OH N SCKRAK!, Main St., Oregon (.'ity. 3IAM FACTURER WJ IMPORTER Snddlrs, Harness, Saddler y- If :iri! ivare, etc., c. OF .-o niCII HE OFFERS AS CHEAP A T can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 7"1 warrant my goods as represented. 1,000 DEER SKI HE w a is" t t: d, AND AISO, LL OTHER KINDS OF HIDES, FOR iv. which I will pay the highes market price in cash Pring on your liid' s and ti-t your coin lorthem. JOHN SCHRAM, Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, lS73-ni3. IT 11 It JZ S 31 skcalv;atep. bay OYSTERS! rpHE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCES A to the citizens of Oregon ( ity that le has reoicncd his Oyste r Sa loon and lies 6 taurant.and can dish out Fresh Oysters t nu orucrs. cotr.'e. Tea and ( hocolat alwajs on hand; also a general assort ment of confectionarv. ()vstcr s'Tved u in every style desir-d. 'L( lUIS S V VL. Oregon City. Sept. 20, 1573-tf. STILL IN' THE FIELD! 1EM0YED SECOND DOOR SOUTH 0 HAAS' SALOON". WILLIAMS Sl HARDING, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, 17"EEPTHE MOST COMPLETE STOCK V. of Family Oroceries to beiouna in in city. All goods warranted. Goods ddiv r-r in the citv free of charge. The highest casr. price paid for countrv produce. Oregon City, March 2S, ImT. lYoduce of kinds bought , for which I iy the biv:li'Pt jr.ark t pric. It vou de sire gootl fioods at I.eiw jTie'S. call at I. S 7-7 I. L I N G ' s O a nd exa m i no b is new stock of Sprinc goods iiiiit u ran anu convince voursejves. My motto is. " QfK'K SALES AM) S.MALI. PROFITS." The highest market price paid Inr wcol I. SELLING. Oregon City, Oct. 31, lts7."l-tf. x ; rr i c t-". ! VT THE SOLICITATION OF MAN'Y fri"Tids, I tak t Lis md liod of j ubliclv innouncing msi It n carililate lor the Mlie ft' Mice iii' of Clackamas ounty, snbji'ct to. the vill of .the approaching n'WT-tic nnvtition. A.I . FAII.EY. sO'nci:. T THE SOLICITATION OF MANY friends, I take t his m tbod of public v uinouneing insll a candieato lor the ilice ot tountv Judgot t.'lackama s Coun- sut'j'ct to j !, u ill the si pi reaching A Democratic I niivpntici: W. L. WHITE. 1840. iiiiic Tests The mini's Of 1874. Ml "iliiurs. I Him Y YE.RSi c rtainly !org enough tnneto prove tin fticacy ol iitij mcuicine, nd t hat t he I am-Jviil r is des. rvinir 01 nil its proi rii-tors claim lor it , is am j. proved oy tin' unparaii'-i u poj uiar.ty it lias at :aind. It is a sure and elfi-ct ive remedy, it is sold in almost imt.v count ry in t he Aorld, and it ie i us onl to b- known to be prized, and it r mtatioii as a ied:cine of in-at Virtue, is luliy and jx rniancnt lv es tablished. It is tie- gre;tt 1 amiiv dicine ol Or' at Vlrt ue, is lnlly and p ruianciitly stablaislietl. It is 1 he grat i emily M d icine ol t le age. '1 a k"ii mt cures Dysentery, Cholera, Diarrho-a, ( raniji idjid Pain in t he stomach, 1 ow l t otnj laint, Painters' olie. Liver omj liiint, Lysi f p si.1, or Indigestion, Sudivn i oius. Sore : hroat and t oughs. In ken Fxternally, it -un s Praises, Coils, l-Vons, uts, 1 urns, Sealds, Old Sores and Sprains, Swellings of be Joints, '1 oot haehe. Pa in in the 1 act', Neuralgia and Rheumatism, 4 ha ped Hands, 'Frost Litten Fed, Ac. l'ain is suppose d to be t h- lot of us poor mort a Is, as in vit able as death, and I in ble at any tim- come tifon us-. '1 herHore, It is imi ortant that rem dial agents should be at hand to b- us' d on emcrg ncy, when we re m.nie to leel tlie excruciating agony of pain, or the digressing inlluencs of iitease. Such a remedial exists in Perry Davis "Pain-Killer," the lame ot which has extended over all tlie earth. Amid the ternal ices ol the Polar regions, or beneath tlie intolerable and burning suns of the tropics its virtues ar known and apj re . Mated. And by it suffering humanity has ound rejiel Irom many ol its ills. Iheef ect ol tlie Pain-KilhT upon the patient, hen taken iid' rna llv in cases of 1 ough, 'old.Powel I omi laint.i hop rajiysept ry, ind other air- ctioius of th' syst m, has b"en trulv womleri tH, and has on tor it a name among medical preparations that an never In lorirot ten. Its success in re novif" pain, its nn external r' ase of 1 urns, I ruis's, sor-s and Sprains, uts stings of Inseets.A-c.,HiHi cthfrcausrg f su'lT' ring h.-s seejir d lor it tV most .rnmin nti siri"n nnion-r t he medicines ! tie lav. p.'van t count' rleits and f.rtlihss i n j i l at Ions, f all lor I'rry I.'nvis V'g' tnble pain-Killer; ard take no other. -v'fi I v I ruegist s and Grocers. 'PAKEy UP P.Y THE SUF Sf RIPER ONt 1 and a half miles northwest of Sandy rici:r", Clackamas Connty, one mily cow ;u- raised to Iw six or seven years old : her olor Is black, . ith whit" face nnd white K-llv, and S'inie white on back bone ; no ar marks or 1 rands. Feb. 3, 1K71. JONAS CLINE. Jr. Th" above described cow was a prais'-d iv me this pit h dav of Fclruary. t twen-li-fivc dollars. H. McOl'OIN. J. P.. Cascade Precinct. o O O o COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, r O o o o o o c o G O