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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1873)
o G O o MiU ! I. LLT" H ' "" "' ""' "'AL 1 2& (Sal J a LiSOila. nR'.:r.0 CITV, OREGfiN, JIC 20, 17h ..); - o A11 Unprincipled Combination. . j The Sminrfi?i Urmbfiran is not ..leased at the prospect of having I ' i , -i.. -nv.,. Ain..-..o.1 r.nvomnr r.f Affw- ! nMK.. and in its indignation ! ' ----- - ! tryim lieri m lassaenusotts. and er haps as much here as any-where, into an ofiee-seeking, eorrnjit, unrinei pled combination of leaders, follow ed without much thought, tliouch wiiliQSomc anxioty, by vr.ters who take their orders from the caucus thereat tens WI1 IT It KIIOWS aoout Il.e i o ns : ioi oi m.oi on ,.,..:...v i , , .,,, ... noiw i lit n so-eaiieu iiqiuiuiraiipuio. uni re- ...,t(.v tliorohv 1 rohil .iiiie-' the armor 1 ' ' ........ ..... -- -- jn 10 nr. forti-r, who has charp-01 ine oont is,- it sivs- Cinl.Hn-fi, h s ' . Cls to the mar- that there is nothing dreadful, ,,,, j , -' 1 ': him hm-John hastreated eent lsu it sas. n-i ' m 'r- r ' n ' j ! e mj.laee to jnenue that Mi.-. Hippie ; the children. I hear that Jolin isthink-n- "The KermLlicin Dirt v has surh 1 V V V !n t'. iV,t,ri-r H) :l lr'sid'-"t serving three terms; , l,;is, since her uivnree, l.y her ; of taking away the cliildr-n, nowtliat they Hit Jo pill-HC.m iain lias sum. ,,!..., ler or wareho( i-n( n m Vn- nit. 1 1; t . i . .......... , . , : i.. :, ,.. of ' Sadie 1 loon." Diir- i nreuxown. fH.-re :r Himd.-'s eves filled n i t l i: . a. ii m i ii r iuiiv; t jik: ii it Lr . x 1 1 i ii'imn . t I 1 1 1 .1 1 1 i I n I u' , . . . . . . . . .... , . m r , r . r . , . 1 . ,1 ; , , .v t . . I !.. " i I I I. I tl rVT TM'IT IT Till' CmiTlTTV 1 n fTOrij II . .. .. - ...... ... ...... j, - - -. and the custom house. It is the par- i host market .thereby enal.limr tlie eaoi- ! talist to estahlisli such prices as he tv of the lobby men and millionaires, ,.'.(0ses The boat of the Steamshm the Credit Molulier party, the party : rLtX rliich spreads its apologies on Oak( s : .,,:lts. but only sitice the boats ot the . ,. r , ; v t T. Conn anv i.esran ruiminir. Ames and its indignation on Chaiies , xv i. t. t'.,iiiv:nv are makin-r Sumner, the partv which has no re- I rejaratioiis for ampl means to ti:ms ' 1 i stall frei-htstbat may leo'.b' buke for salary stealing, and no eon- j r()ij()W.jnsr show : Tlvy have at cern aboiit the overthrow of free ! o,-. cnt the summers (i.iycir.or (in yer. ; l'."i.i tons: aneo iver, tons: l-.nter-government in Louisiana. It con- ,,,.:.0 (nmv buihliim-J. l'oo t'ns : and a nives at bribery and black-mailing ! W XXutiJtu; in. the custom Louses, and shamr-less (.(,M,:iny to carry, by the -om;ii'j: bar betrayal of trust in the houses of vest.. ton. we,;h; or .Uoo tons C'onin-ess. Such a party deserves i In addition to the ore-jroimr tlie boats , , t , i ' ti i leloirzimr to tlie ltailroad ('onmain- just such a loader and candidate as )j(m. -p.,ss tvt-i-ht thr, ut:h tlie Ihiller, and -would nidv be aefuitr af- warehouse at Oregon City. -harin ... . . . . . , . t 'ra-re at the rate of ii f! y cents per ton tents own kind to nominaio him. ,-,,yy fn i-ht w hich reniaius tliere over Resides' he Las now the undisguised twenty-four hours, and as there is often , . . ' , a d. lav of boats in ma!ir.r eonneetioii, friendly support of f.en (rnnt. to , ,1,,,,,'., :lr,. buioieneil will: an t-xtra whose income he lias added .'.". 10 r'far-e wldeh he escapes 1 y hi..piiijr . I wav ot the locks, m addition to a year, and thus bound the grateful ; which there is rreat wast a ire in hand chief magistrate in the stron-est ties j li;ir and i.assimrit from one boat to the i ot I . r rei lort ei I m l na u v i-ases t o a 1 1 i.iiml of obligation. AVith few exeejifions j ii i-.,t e- . L-vi! -"-i the tedeial oine.1 jion ei s :i inn . places in this are oponlv or so oretly for TJutler. The colle-tor for 3'oston is his ritrht hand man, the ! . . , , n xi postmaster IS his zealous ally, til-' marshal does more work for him S . . . . . . ; than for the I. V.Ced Stat'-s, tlio chief ! revenue oflieors ra-e in h:s service. At "on'-ent ion at its last meeting, -that it i was the ni!erative oiitv ot e erv t;. rm tne Stale Ilo-ise he l;;.s also his ot- ' ,-r. wherever i .motion! le. to i..:;troni;:o fice holding rir.i" and hi of lobby men. the State constables 11 t, ii i are general y I tier r:,eu. and the j leaders ol tlie 11 bv vi-i-o -n;::e m him I their natural chief." o . - Icmorlal ta CiMsirres. -4 I The rarmers Union ado-ded the . . ... ' , loxiowing memoi-ial to t .ingress, as.;- j ill. ttlilivoovi iti.,lis f i .! e linnrir. ii- ' -.- "I I 1 - ' ...... . raent of the various navigal le streams iir;our State: 7h'? S. !!'! unil llt'KP tf 11 fn-i'- St'i I'lli .''", in t i,j'i-iiHM'i;(-,fi',;; e .- vour mcmonal.sts, farmers of Ore- ., ... goii hi -onventV.nin toe city m Sa- lorn, .aint! l;.i lo, woum respect- ; I in iy rcprest tii mac wi .'11 . .i i L! e 1 i I.L l ll - ' t. lilts ut a (.1st; let ol eour er.i:;nion cotm.rx embracing the c.n;u;ts oi ()f wa((.r is wlu n the river is at its bw .Tarioa, laniM. I , l'ol':. jn-nton. Linn ! (.-., staire. and T.ane. and that said co.mties I The following are th" ?rii;cui:i ob- 1'lCll lil agl'li'UIturaJ rtso'irce.s (level- ' " . ,,, , i i' , . , .1 1. H-r- l gave n-r m d tail in- s:or as , ,,xv . ., 1 1 i :,.,s.. f..,ts to et her -md i j , i i , , ' i i twe'-n Portland an. 1 llariisbu:--: losMv-cl . ;is t ao present ser ice. , ti( , j . ,, , ; .. , . , .' .b , , ' oj.ed and iin..,,v.-Ioped. w..ica ma.;os lt ,n(1!,t.I14,,.M.,. i;e,,.i. bu.-kia- The ain-nts, s, porinten.Ients, opera- I Li-rv Uui,.,,,, . ii s! ...' .Vm i uti-r .Com- ' J'". " . ' ' '" . '.''j1' this a centre ot pro-tuctmn at pros- ,,:,,. Powers' finite and llal.-mo.,, t(.s :uA ()i t., t,.5:inlovt.os itl g()V,ni. w-.-ks a.,,,, s,,- ,i wi,h , -t ' ' x.iit .,.1.1 i .v. i ., ; , ' - seci.-ii! tn mi' i.elil , Mm!- on lur lac i:i! O l hae. la . il mid " .-' on i e i . i . oe .. i . a oioi. ?i tr. t of , V - ; ' J,,;; V ' T ie probable co.t of removing then, H-nt telegraph obices, ail omt tn, ;;, r ,;,,,:,,,,.,;,,., : lor sud, aon, r case toyxist . nistin t ot ta. ...i.o. .u. a i.i .... s oiv- , , l o Utiion, would be quite serviceable ! " lo-n that is ad too r as.,,. . oiond concision must you mcvf.ahiy ed Stall's; tlad ta- oiitaab' and :i- ; .'. , i ',.,' p, .iiu- .,t.,i ..;, ,. . ,. , i , i- i ..,,.,,;,, ; ! hompson .-iv.- y.u n,r i.iy l.u .i.-ual i ro:ie!i? i'.ut one. and that on-: w . .j-se sru'Ii that it has n--r v. il;i:i;tr t !;c I 1 -.: t rcmovniu'. a! -out MO.hjo. i -1111 4. c i in;--- I 1 , i , i I l ...,. i, I ui -I n"i ffo riiir I .e- hirtv vi tivatioit faih-d to vie!.! r munerativi crops to th-. oui.hntor: in sea sons vvlien cron; h-:l f:o:i lacli of I rain in 1 .i.iioiuei ,:u.-. never failing sot ...(. - ......... 1 Us. net is a jiopulation south 11; : T. 1 ; ; 1 li ' . . . j 1 1 i- i e i. I the iacibties f.-r morig crops from - it of inijiorianci- to t:;e peoph- ( f this ! entire coast and oi" vital interest to ; " . . ,. . . , us as i!iiiabita;-Ls m the country; . that the fa-ilitie for transnortation I f crojis from this didri-i at'tbrded by the Willam: tte Itivor and its j tributaries sire avadable a portion ot 1 the onlv. aioi that an oxpemli- i 1 - . . i . - . ' . 1 : . . - 1 . I .1 ! J 1 . I 'I I I Hil I I ili I ill U.I t 11 'I ll- 11. ill U.IU 11 of So.) ).') in the lilamette, Sid.lii I.) : unmug aci os sun i;-s . ui;u s :;.i o. - ,i-ig.ties 01 o;;ce-noluCi'S ill each to marry m-. inm. 1 nomson says so, he i - , .1 ;i" l ..'n in -' 1.., i stiai.-t i-.ns can be spooiallv 1111 nlioiied ; s:t..'f,. i can 0- jt.,-. -d ,0 b a liar. I! mtii lii il mtho b;l,lLui :uil hi t!!''!,,,..,.,,,,,,!,.,,..,,. M;e- , - ! John ll:,,j,- ruin d 1 was a. -on. biuek.nim.ite liners lor the purpose; Vour oommiitee are fullv satisfied.! lt is also m toe programme oi en- -iri ,,!' omy ii,t n at ih- time. Ji- was of improving the facilities for trans- j that i;v persistent efforts liberal appro- ; ih'avor to pass Hoar's 3 Ji II for the twenty-six. II had bti my selmoi-ieai. I, portaiiou upon the various streams i pn d imw can be oblaiued of . he ( b n-ral j Establishment of a Xational System l WW'JV Z vS uu -vould render tuciu navigalih' ti.o on- 1 tire year. v. e would thereiore ro spectfully ash y .u, as the guardians of the bjst inti rests of the nation, to remember those facts in your i.n nual ap2'rojri.;tio:i.s for such purpos es. - A meeting of the cilir.ens of l'ortland w:is hold la.-t Satur.lay at "whii-h a clj;b was formed in op:osi tioii to Ciauese labor. The f.illow p lodge was slg.-.eit by 7,: and it ought to be signed by every wliite man in Oregon v. ho ii-s the least regard for his own people. The pledge is as 'uhmis: "1 do hereby, in the pre -once of : these(vk itnoss:--, solemnly and sini'i-r.- i lv buid and pied.:.-my s -it. bvaii that I hold r.Jist s.i-red, to iliscioirag. all law ful means m my p.. , or tiie ; rt y. , fh, i . J. ). S:nith, Phil inimigration of Chinese to thisi-o-an- ; li J.ow.J. . Stump. Thos. Edwards try. I will not 1 mpl.iy or v. e (.'lii- ! and (;,-. W. Dimiek. iiamen on any work under my con- j (h, ),,.-,. ,-; Min f,i, !,;. John trol, and will diseourage their om- linto. Fanning, Ilalev, Downin" ployniont by oik rs on all occa-ions. i and Ibivenport. 1 also pledge m .1 tuat 1 will not j knowingly patronize tisose wmo em- ; loov Chinamen v. aeu it is m mv power to do otherwise, an 1 that I :n -.. (',.1. 11.. ..ei-. ..:... ,,1. . . Mill en: ioi no ah. 111 Ai-i mi.. 1.1. 1' 1 win not pledge him.s .x to support : the foivgonn iu-iph-s, smd i. v: all 1 1 .. , 'I l il l.'.A till means .n his power tor the, abrogation of that part of th tr--atv i between the Vi ited Slates and thV j Empire of Chit a by which Chin.,e ', are admitted among u.s on the same terms with the :j;o.,t i.iored Nations ! terms with tlu 'n I " .' i I :ITb;lU ' ' ' - s i t. . - . of Europe.' Goor FiEsolv rrox. At i-ioetin" f tb., svM,.nW lnrmevs ('bib T.inn v i w-v ' .' i"-" - - county, list week, the following res- olution was adopted; J!:'solrfL '3d. Tiiat we congratulate our brother farmers of the Willam- ette ValW upon the comphdion t.j Canal ana Locks arotind the l abs of the Willamette, which sectiresromoe - tition in the carrying trade for the produce of this valley, and we deem it the duty of farmers. merchants and millers to liberally patronize the Wil- lamotto Iliver Transpoiiatioii Com- pany so long as they carry freignt .urn passengers at the iioerai rates tuey have establiahcvl. r i C ':,i!ii """J ' ' ' "T ' -' "' j Iterort 0:1 Internal Transportation. We liave not space to give the re- rrt of tle Committee on Internal Transportation, of the Farmers' Un- ; icn, in full, but give the following extract, which is the most important ,,nrHnn of 4-1. n v..-.ovt ftrr- rlvim? i ia.. a. . .a wav .......... . - r- - I the rates charged lv thersiilroad and steamboats, the . omnnttee sas ,lno nulroad .-arnes :' . f I JIM ove priees on'y I y tin- -ar load often earrv one ton for the same price p : (on as one hundred tons, thereby iviiiir every farmer, no matter how little he has to ship, a show to m:u k t i: is pro ducts where heeall o.:w:i the 1 est pl iee t'or them, while tin- K-.ilroj-d om.;ativ, !.v estahlishimr the rate of prices by t.he -r lo:,d,and elia'. Lriiimoretlinn doiil le ;.. ,..,.,,.,. ,-.-,,,, . u.r m tin i . . . . . . . lc-ss I nan a car mao. pi o- r per cent., eual lin-'r some one at t !iat i!ic to laiKMi irom one to two mmureu . .. , .,, , 1 II' I .'I I I , VI .'1. l-'iiiiinir to shiiers. On boats passing throuirh the locks all wast run-, or ertra clir.rires arc enti;-.l' avoided. Vonr ''onnnittee have th" most positive as- s' - rauee fi'om the W . It. T. Co.. that t i)ey will remain on Cue i iver as lomr as tl-.-v- are fail ly patronized. Your ' n.- ln'.'fee 1 ! ievi nir tlsat in aceortl -'iei. M - irb a resolution T.asseM by t h" Sta.te ! an in every holi' ia' 1" way.!. im1)! rt :nd eneou.rairo the VV. K. T. Co.." l:avc H ' ' II n 111 ll in uir Minn i i ii iiii'i tho..( .lurh invi.stiir:,,?,.. am! are now i-rnil v ciniv ineed !" the wisdom of tlie ! eour- - lUimen. .ed in s: id res- Jul c n. j In fact we doom it of naranionnf unpi r ! te.nce that the farmers should ive said I com ;i.iiiv such euc. .iiraui-:;e'it as to lirml v esta! lish tie m en 'e 'A'illamet t ; ' ivor and all its nnviahle tributaries. to the end that we mav mver intb.e .,,,,.,. )m. vtt Ut t;l(. ti mier mercy of a it in II O iol V . . ii, -i : ,,.f ,.f i ternal transportation, your c"mii:iltee j 1 1 i o 1 1 1 leei i i i i 1 1 1 1 m- si i - t. ' . . 1 in i ll.: ve i ; eel I lot I 11 irieir uinv loauiau deemed it t:ieir uuiy to ioimau i (.i.irirf.l mciro fl,-oi ii..nile the above t -f,-.n, .;,,. ,M..w. i . . , ., .. '. l, . i : . . .... I oren. I will sav nothinir her. I can nte I lie i.oai.- it ioiiii. .... - a-...., t" i ; ... ........ ,,,t ,,,.1-(1 r . i sit. IU1 I ears. 11 lie shou lil t :i kp t lit-111 a VH V th" information tl.ev ecu II in relaii.-ii ' bu ' " ,l A--"1' 'l ' lil 1 '. al ,v:-ys o, t u - u- st . but , t iiroii-oout t o- ia to the iii"-a.ble .iri'ams an ! m re vs- ! autlioll.e th; it-ri-w, le r manier in aliuni;. Id i he .1!.-' ti..T.'... .u'.i,,;-. - ii-,. Will.-iu IN. i . ; d-hcaie nans oi ia r cv-t.aul so.ry was 1-11 ' i- '. , i . i , , ;..,...... t ,, -,ee i "U-y. in . n . can uaiu tliere is on t Ire lf.'ub;a n ei l:ir :lt ,,.Mt -t n.,.( ofwat".-: on Tongue l' ? feet low yva'or. V :o t hiah : at i . . i i i i. ...... ...... .... . . . . .-i . : 1 ie ii s. i u i i f u . .-i .... bus. 1J t( ( t b w w; U V. IS net hi-! i at Swan I-dand. 17 h ( t lew water: I IC.'ll .... !.,.. 4'. , I . . , . f V . I ' LTtMD'l. td. iieooening bars. !:. la !ar. Tickles liar, and others: proliall- cost of deepclii.ur eiiaimels from Portland to l a:-' I ie ;if V. sV,!i.o:ia. Vour com m it toe hint t !iat ; in1 na viga- : Hon ot the illain.-ite has t eon mu-.e. . . . . , - I f suni'Iv t'. th"1""1 ' " . o ' iiiaoc o nil 1 11 iiriiii iiiiii i niiii i.i.iuiii 1 1. 1 ...... ,. 1 1 0 i ,. .1 :,r i, ,,. . !. . . eo- ..11 ' 1 11 .:,. 1 ' unted by every I .iioi' is ( m tin- Slate, praying tor an at o.-opria! ion to j '''J"",.'v' navigation ottlio , b,m- , et'.e river and its tributaries : a nil 1 t:,:s ( ..nvention liieiuoradze t'wiigrtss j to that 1 beet. Vour committee also i;:id t lint the !lt I ructed at its mou'th by a gr.ivi 1 bar, and at Lafsivette bv a lodge k " """o 01 o. 10...V. . o n.,, i.. , .... ... -, .... .-.o.. .I,.. , 01 .o.o.r 10. ... , navi'al Ie lor at least tin moiittis oi toe year. The locks at Oregon Citv have bo- com a sui-.joct of ves, inti-rest to the I wb ..b-peonle ofthe WilPu.iettc Vaiicy, I .,,.,1 ;.. i,.,. w.ii;:i- 1 1... 010.,' .... .. 1 : t.. 'ii.-i. ..'U..;..,...- 1 -in.- ..o. ' I we siuiiuii for the consideration of the j ! "onveiit ion. with 1 1 i i s report, a co' v 1 ' ...... I III! II 111 .11.1, 4 ',11. 1,11... ! of tho report of the engineer eodstrucl- mz -it i. i works, eudv remaii.iii'j: that ; the time ..w required to pa-s about throug'i s-dl locks is 10 mil' utes ' ' j i i S taxi, ix. i Committki-s. The fr.l- I 1 - .ii- m I i".'.ui ; si.iiuuiig comniH.ees 01 " 1 rarna rs' Union were appointed for j the ensuing vear: I Frnn ' Cieo. V,. ("'tirrv.T.'. X. M itth'iou, I). C. Stuart. L. Case ami M. Wilkins. Fin i Sij.i,i;.. John T. Crooks. .'os. K.iui.., p. i. powers, Jeff. Mor- ui and Ira Townsond. 1 ii -'rAtts. I.aughlir. C E 3loore. M. 1'isk, II. ('. ( leer and Xel- son. I-';,, ,. .V. 1). I'.abco.-k. J i.i-: i i ii ...... n- ,. .....I-, v . j. . JiHKIi:ill. V. Jil'OWU alio aomas Pearce. O , ',:. J. P,. Stumn T "VV n , , . T ... ' ; W . 1 a enport, J. Smith and Hnblo ' F.nlav.on. 1 Kul'k ! ,,;;) jf;,r,, , 4 I IUber, IIibbard,McNarv and McCub ! loch. ' i O., J.ff.shttUtu. ( ioo It ! I .-' .( v , v ..- j t, f 1 i . II W, l 1 II I ; Maxwell, lii.dr, Sjiriuger and I), m! ! boon. j ' (f" F'n-.-lqn Si.j, .'-?. John T ! l O.-a r.. ...1. V....' . 'i' n 1. ' ' r'Vi"-' 1 lowers, . . jiiorr: rrison and Ira Townsond. ! Oiti. ki;s Elit;:i,. The Farmers' Ur.ion elected the following officers ; for the ensuing voir- President ; clark of ' n ( ; j j anl x u' lU'-1"- N lw Prosidents; ; Henry Brown, Seen-tary; J. II. I Smitli. Corresponding Secretary; T. ;' L. Davidson, Tri-aurei" Hoard' of Directors. Jesse Stump, of Polk, H. j Hewett of Yamhill, ami T. AY. Daven- 1 port, of Mai ion. I he Union adiourn 1 e.l to meet on iot; i.;v of t! o.i to meet on -Monday of the week in I to run cither for Mavor or Council whieh the Shite I air is held. 1 man. Cur Washington letter. THE TIIIKI TF.KM MEN AT WOKK. Washington, June -1, 1873. The organization w hieh was formed ! a-v- i . ! sl- 111 aslnn. ! for the purpose of securing Grant's i . . ,. T j "I renomination 101 a set onu a mi, lias i ulieauv nan one ox iv.o jiiiunnai : iu(tn:frs iov the ra.lually tamil- ; 1 'resident, it would be foolish to set ! him aside for no better reason than j , , 1 that somebody else, wanted the posi- ; 1 , , i. . .1 : turn; and lastly, as the time tor tlie j iioi.iiii:itiur convention ai n iroaehos ,.,,. ;-.;,w- t.,i n-.oA.a if b l-nmlLlii...,, : ' I'slol 1 i a V . ilS It W xl 1 , ' . -t i sorted. I'i) to li7, she remained in that domestic tranquility at tlie ;;utler, IVnn.-vlvaiiia, but a.ter the South and the integrity of the Union 1 visit d" her iuisband in that vear, ai.d . ill i alter the divorce between tin in, she can be assured only by continuing ; went to the town of Franklin, where Grant in the presidential chair for a j i';is "- i,,:t;!1 t "-i'-l',t -crviee." 1 j At the time ot the correspondent s m- third term. j U-rvicw Willi her, slie was at the liouse the rr.vss is to r.E rsn) I 1'fa gentjeinen by the name of IVinie, I m bis ianiily slie hail scrvcu, and extensively for the dissemination of j whose who was a warm friend of hers. o ; i. ,' .,,..1 n , . t. t . I tew tlavs Ijei'ore tlie inlervi. w, slie these i.ea, aim it lias been deteimm- ( h lil u.a lmvn iUlil t,olu. ilUo th(. ed that after a while, only avowed ' coimtry to avoid two lawyers repr -,,-1, i -.i -iij. stiuiim; Mr. Jlinple, wlio had belli third term men shall oe appointed to , aftl.r h.r l(.fme, doubtless, for tlie pur- vaeancies in the civil service, and j that the tenure of olliee of e ery nutn, i from the eabinet-ofiieer to the nie;ht- i '? ' vati-hman of a custom-house, shall ; depend upon his openlv expressed ! 1 1 . ; views favoring a third term. 1'ropa- , rations are Loin- made for as despor- ' , ate a struggle for political and iiiian- : , . I j. i t i I eial power as am that lnstoiA iias recorded. Not only the administra- ' .. , , , i . . ; turn ohu-e-holoors, but the carpet ., bag governments of the Southern! , i i i ,i States, toe Aauonai b;ink men. the. . bondholders. tln railroad l.inl-grab- i . . t ,. l 1,,,... t,...,. i;i bers. too salai-giabbeis, the eiedit j joobilicr swindlers, tlie wealthy man- ufacturers. the men with f -audulent , . ..... . , ..... ! chlims VVliii divide With the oiiichus , tiiat put their jobs turotlgh all these men have too rood a thing to give up without a leariul and exiensivi c n test i'i:oi'osi:D iNfiibAsr. of Tin: civib si.n Vli'i: AKMY. The seed sown bv the Ihireau of '-tl ;V v .r,' '''i'v'". Til- '.ll,'' T''ul? . . I li lt a Oa.l 1 IC . P. V. OS ill Ileal l e Oi t l !i- Int"rnal il-vcnuc in t he several States ; per, out not mucn mor tnaii ..ul., o -ex-i.roilnceil such rich crops of adminis- i-ci -o iron, on- wuo has born-as mu.-ii . . ,L . . . i as slie .has in the sha p ol t oi I m i ; 1 1 e . tlailon votes last autumn, that tlie n,.r .o;ltll is small, ami displa. u an, thrird term men have dotermiued to as t, w-ll ir. s -red s t i-etn. Her create, if pos,.:i.Ie. a few more bureaus, j".";' 'V"1'!11""'' h;r l..r.h. ad is rath-r ' . hi.h. I i-r ha n v as j-tt blaex, and r e. it r and to reconstruct others, so as to ; coars-. "ii was aito.. i m r,o.o o- lumi ii r ni-eossitato a vast adililiou ti' ilic s:iou!der, b.m ' only s -cur d b a -r n ... l .. c f i ,. i v ic.ui;. iii t j. , ' .o m 01 in ,i i n o.i m c- Holders. itii tnat end m view, eve. v l.reiiaratioii is being made that . 1 . ' . -. , humali ingenuity can devise to place ; t'((:olv Hid the peo- , i- . . i i i: a . i ;ii , a yvi-.ttX M KXT HI 1 ' . I :I T I A Si ill I . 11 I.l " - ..... ... ..... si;ru links 11 rJl the lines in the conntrv-to .,.u.( ju.m pi.(. ,.()ntrol of the 1 . . - ., .. . . , . , . . t . . ' ' i"'-o.u. tin- future l-onstrnction of private ..... .....,, ,,ii.,.,.:iv ;,,, t.en i 1 1 uc a.iiiio;.i i ii ' . siiort, to place 'olographic common:- cation on th1 same footing, m every A l'.l'lo.AT" or I'l'm.!'' IlKAI.Tfl, I r. llippt- " Well, list "ll to in", ami . j t w : 1 1 I "I I 1 .0 1 h r-;. 1 r. asoii, a i.d v . n: -a 11 which shall see that the post-omeos. J i i : I in-ans, irmii tia- n.-iui-s i will -iv-ciistoui-houses, court-ivioms and oth- I you, to prove a!!, ,00. lid c.,. Thumpsun . , , . ..1 t 11 you t hat wh-n John ran awav, tainu' or l.u 1 hi n - s 1 11 iiivitiL' t o t he ei vern- . ...... .1 : 1 ... , 1 .. - .. ..... 1 ; . 1. . - , . - n - .- tiiHit are constructed on bygomc lrinci,ies, and Unit the empio;. ees . I .. , . 1 i T ... , . il., .; i- are ail aroinatod alio, koi-p thou 1 pmVels ooen. In a similar bill that 1 jntiChn-ed to the Senate, last j . , 1 i 1 vvnuer, sis a lee.or, seversil other 1. u- j ties were assigned to this bureau: i mr T have not the bill at hand, and what they .ore. I ,o remem- ber,, than the way was let i. oien for the future orvsttion of so vera ()f ,1(.;UiOU so uiiieiided tuat it j . . Uiii Jtoici: l'u'.Vl It AND I'ATi;oSAE TO TUb ., l,u,ul 1 ; . ,11(f ,,f fl1M Southern States. . . .. : Ai ward man, and tar iiie aidesi lnemoei of the Masssichusei ts delegat ion .tried -1 "I ... I 1 A 1 j1;ir,T to get his bill favorabl v coiisi.l- , ,. -11 . 'Ti , 11 i t i- i e,,,r ..u- -red bv the 41st smd 4 d i, and wiii be nnlignant :tt anv attompi bv lu-ofessed political friends to man- - ,1.... 1 , . ';5,lt tor personal or party; but if fim Ibivd lonii men most of 0111 11 1,11- lllllll n Uil lie o, liiw i i ,1 , -., . . . 1 ,. . i, - who have hitherto opoosod or "todgou it. amended to suit 'them, they will care little for his wishes in regard to i it. A XATIOXATj OfAlSAXTIXK SYSTEM. is another contemplated mi a sure of the third term men for swelling the number of federal ollloials. At pres ent, each State enacts its own quar antine laws. It will be readily per ceived that the number of health otlieers and other employees necessa ry to enforce these laws in the several senbord cities of the Union is. collect- , , . , - , , nely, very large, and would adu much to the numerical strength of ! the administration that appointed j 1 I have en.bivored to outline the irogramme of the third term men. nd to help defoiit it by making it lili'MUl IIIUS I'SIII. X lit OOSUiCICS 1 -n 1 1 1 i n t!,10'V v ul llxc t; -r and their 'l'' 4,1 1 hi,ah n'rv ' lii;i:ly to come raric. A friend who left Kansas five davs 1 11 sirlv. The obstacles A Il'bdl.l li' w oft b on joc ti- 1 bn-c a "!, has just entered my oflice, and corroborates the current rumor that lv ill. II HW IV 11 V P'unerov will most probsiblv be the !.... ..1.1 :' --l.A r ... -i . T- - l-o.uir.ui culminate ,or tue O. O. Senate. Aart from his Grant pro elivttes, which are strong, lie is by all odds the best man thus far spoken of in connection with the much coveted seat. Send him along. A. T. 13. An enterprising individual offers the Government SCO. 000 for the ori liege of exhibiting Capt. Jack through out the country for sixty davs. City election at Dalles last Mon day, but up to Saturday, no one of any party was found who was willing CODRTSSr OF BANCROFT LlbdAHl, UXIVERSITX OF C.AXIFORNTA. A I.IT'UAZ 3IOKI2. HISTOIiV. Worse than Anbody bodv 'Supposed The r l.'iliii lYioolc r. Jolin J.ippit. Storv of Mr: l'rom the Iai!y Orcgonian. Having aivon place to the story of Col John M. Thompson, formerly law paitner and latterlv chie.apologist of Mr. John Hippie, commonly known . IS .iCIIil ll as S,'iiaior Miteliell, and also to th senator's ow n explanation oi'theeir- -oiosi.mi .- , ......v ...... ,1K.,;t of tlie .ie-rted wife, reeeived lorv ot ins me, we now gie me spu as received from bet laoi by hVr husband, she has wolked .. ' . ..'-lil 1 l,V, -'!uV.1, . V v-e s, i-v m I'Vd;1. ''" sl u 1"' att ; " W ith he r viirorous eounti y traminu, . I I...,.-.. ..... :.l i ft UKI IOI 1 I. j I II ! H 1 lli .-.11V a(;k (, to en.lure thy hardships of men- lial lii'e and suoitort hors If when do i'oso of entrapping her into some slop I I'll llli..l.t leu..., ivi.t t l.-iv! ..I" ti,t. diliieultie.s that stand' in'l he wav' of a i';vessul of the S .-n- ator s eharaeter. She was sent lor, ami aiTiviiiu,- at the house of lu r ii'ieiid, 'Irs- i'' ime of lVanklm, found the on rcspoiaieiit aw a.ilm.n-!ier, aeeoid;:ur to an "arraiiLreiiu in previously made 's- IVim- sf T'1 V"?' a.l too lime, iiom an aiiai u ol rbeuma- tism, brouuht on by overwork, and was verv f. eele. u-t, ,;.lVo condensed thus mu-h iVom the report d' too t-onespoieb ui. Mrs. ilipple's siorv w e preb'r to tr. ve in ,u.,. )U Wunis . As th" do r op le-d I turned ami saw the o'eject of m v loo--seart h, a leeoie woman ,,r inre li-ur.', K'-aiiei upon t Ii-ar.o of t lie youn-- man I saw the day previous, wit n a lM)k ol a'ron v on lier lace as it e cry move- m,.nt Was one ot pain. sh toi.c-u across tlie room, wiiii ms aid, to a cha.r by an " ". Si,t """ -S"."V t one lii.i.uii!) and mlu:i :w.t n patu. I.t- tl(. !rs prj.,,.. ;.t one.- came to h r aid ai.d ; piMeeeded to bathe her Hushed lac and to k'n. "Ul hi r 1,a,r ir'"" r U'x"nsh I then had an opportunity of jri I ! a ;.. o. ioo.i at lur, Is. .loon .ll.e.e ii inp- l'l , n.r.v liiiuuii linm r h r mai.i n name I , . . , , . ov-r thirty years ol a." out too in. lives i.-r loo it much obi r. Ii riaieis oi .' lloon. Siii' is a woman o: inn ribbon. In lorm sli- is lar.-r", ; looi;s ;1 , w . ;:i !r , , () :l lj. ; toil. 11 -r di-.-ss, at th- inn- o; tin- int-v.-w, was IM,,,r- "' :,t- "'''"'ably ii sir- w r- .Mrs. ..j iu .i-ll, in-;.a! oi liippl-, sii- womd ! abi-to or ss b-;t t. II r oic is a pi-asaa'.. on-, top r u ly well llavi-r d v.iih the rural ii'i.k. ll r l-.uzl in is not ... i .. i... ill. Ml -si a in i n na -u in i n l, lii:u Hie ;i much belt-r opimon ofh-P than i had ...ii.,...l r .vioiisiv ; -id & liippf., I should no, t-U v.-.,, i "iy siory if I uii not fe.-llnat i: is .i.t jus- He- to n,y p. usha n.l, v. n i bad ales I le- i o ; .ti,us-..(i ,, tnai i s.ioaid o- a hie to i ' .V him t le'.t le-cannot abvays triiiiuph. tor Hie sau-oi my ciiiior ii 1 wouel s iy no, n- . . ... , , , . 1:!J., Out since his slnrv, as liiin ';. iiis , lawyer. Col. Thompson, is ; .ui.iish ,1 as ' yen e dm-, I mu-: sp ai;. 1 orr-spi 1,0 !-nt es j II.UJI'.l 111.11 Ullt 1IIH lllll III i.llll, III' IIIUu A.VlUHKIi WOMAN AWAV WITH HIT:" . "No, In- om mit ! ed t o ni-nt Ion i hat ." - " " . be inn mil ! ed to ni-nt Ion i hat ." ;rs. iiip..i, " w, n he dii' Wh -n he went 'awav 'he took him .darv .i. . -.d it was vart is .1 ' i u , a- ,, ,;, as t no eiop-m-ii, ot Mare .1. and .) 011 n i 1 1; .01 that, is a .-,d's truth, and sa was th- cans a the tirst tio.iid- h - ween no O.d !" Mill." I '. "oil nie ahou, your lit' p.r ions ,0 inn Trying Mr. Jlippl-." Was h- lore d 111 Court. ,0 marry you lor leading you ast rav.'" '.rs. II. ".John Hippie was never forc-i! and my yout hu-.l i-noram. (oiit -riyj, and a ceo u : p, 1 s ; 1 u mv u cr.i al. Aitert n- biri ii jot my child l;y iiim, my lath-r went att-r i biai an I brought hint to my bedside, wi:.-r I lay. 1 his was all t h-lore a i.oat t he marroi j:-. .My bit her demanded r-oar- "'!".". VM1.1 '"" sil""'d marry me. but 1 s oo, .1111111, you can marry m - or not just as you s-e lit. 1 shall 1.0! s-vy.' He , lien proniis -d p., marry m-, and did mar ry lie l'. " Th"?i you d-n v , hat 1 he mat, t was ' vr broiiin' into the Courts in a suf ugauis, y.y. lippi ; " ,lr j, ,. V;,,t Si,tjr ,1!y r tIo. w.. John and I liv d to.:. : n. r one voir happilv wh ,, o,,r froui le h 1.,.-' ' - " oat was 1.1- nature of ( hesi ,r..ui,l,s-.- Mrs. II. ."John's runninir at, r othe suit Mrs. 1 1. " John's runnmtr ;itt r other women. ): cours-you can and Taand my l'"eiin in tiiis matt-r. I Io ed him, and was hap(.y with him until 11- b"C-.ime un liiil htul t.' me." TIIK KIKST l'UOOK OK IKFIDHI.ITV. Tln tirst that I kn-w that John was unt rue to 111-was on- nigr., s.iorlly alt-r oiirirouol-s h 'Ui'.n, I had .c ard outsi-.t- 01 his b-in- wifii o! h-r worn n, but I uui im! know il. H- l.:roulit noni- (nis Mury J. , a, this time, who was a scii.,.,- t-ach' r, ,0 stay at our hous-. Mary went uj to h- r room, widen was 11 -ar ours, rat ii- r early. John was 1-it b-low, writ in-. Alter awhil- I wen; ,0 my room a ml u n-tir-ss d. 1 wain d lor John until c1-y.ii o'clock, wh"ii I slipped ilowri to sec it n,. was v t writing. 11" was not th-r-. 1 ioi- w h- had not g.m oat oith- hous -, so I W'lit to Marys !-!rooj;i. Iheooor vas i..-;o d. I tn-n sat down and wait-d. At l o'clock, my bus-ami unlock d th Xh I11111 tn-n, out in in- morning, wh-n I at- o-opt-d- to say som-nuiig aoout it, Ik h- would ia'o' my h.e ii I ev. r op n-d mv lead ti boot it aain. Irmii tnat time on h" had that woman in the h ue whenever h" p!' as. i(. I could no, pr-'V-m jt. Ho you wond-r ilia, we (juarr. mil con, iiuia 11 v m o r thos- cir.-umstaoo s: Viei'hris Jian.a milbn.r at i u: i r, u ill ts;i;- ,h;lt at tuis tun- sac was ia Iubnr.r, ami S'.oppeil at Har-'S hotel. j l.v, . tllv bus jand's Miss cam- th-r- also.' M v husband shortly ait. r arriv-d, and ask-d to 0- .shown to his wio-'s room, alluding to Miss . Miss McC iristian expos. -d him to the landlord, anil John was ord.-r-d away Irom tlie hotel. This run tj,. suhstan-tisit-Al by livin- witnesses to-day. ('."I understand lr.m 'o. Thompson that your husband had contributed r -milar to your as w-11 as toe chudr-n's supi,rt iluriii- his ahs ne -: ai l-ast to yours until in- oivoree was pro-ur -u: Mrs. II. " I rom the time John ilippl it in- P.- never contributed one cent ,0 my support. The night he wen, a .v.iv he bought im- a silk dr-ss and bought manv tilings tor iiims 'lt. It. was on "snturdaV jil'Jernoon. lie went to .las. ( 'am obeli's in i:u,l-r, ami mad - s . i"rai i.urehasi s 1 f - . .-,.,....,..1 ..I . .s II- . Ilo procured also a small nass-hooL- -.m 1.- said lor th- use ot ins wit.-. I n-'ver re ceived it, and he 1-It that evening, takiii -Jessie, my old'-st, wit h him. He told me he was going to rittubur"- to pay over some money uj-on claims in the Supr. nie Court. John was in his room counting over his money, and would not let me coin.- ui." ('.-"Was J.'sic born ln-fore or after vntir ma rri:i "-- Mrc II iivl... , . . Mrs. 11. s,h; v.;ls ljQrn b(.,orv? shv j was taken away when a little tender tbing. ' I'ittsburg when John ran away with be i ll,,v'' sn'? crietl :lruI to,,k on lor mamma inc(, tinio John t.lUKht nor Ui:l mm i u;t u i seen ncr sine. i nearu oi hit her mot her is d. ;.d. ami I have never been permitted to hear a word ol' her. I tried to .e t luaetur.' ot her, Lot -this was refused I uu'1 'V'!1- 1 ,u nipson." ! -" -'xnu y,,ur ,t h-r childr,nr' j iriV,rb"r, at slinbunv- "y " Colonel Thooi'nson s:iil Mr. IIill)le had contributed regularly to their sup ort."' Mrs. II. " Cutii some three vears ap:o be never sent them a cent. At that time he s; nt them nine hundred dollars. That is tlie only money he ever sent to the chil- r ! .:" ur'' ' should die. I have worked for ! t K'lll. .'IMl Cli'ltl.n.i:t..,l lr,.iii TIV ll t I-I T71- i in-s tr' tin,.- m time, and have tried to do my duly t ttau fl far as lay in my ,,owt r i 1 . . . . .. .... " V)loii. 1 Tl:nmro!i said the reason of your unhappy marriage with Mr. Hippie was oil aceouiit 'of your loudness lor socie ty, which he could not approve." -Irs. 11." I never went into society dur ing my married life; I only associated wit Ii John, 'there does not exist the clay lace in butler who can say auuht airainst my character while I was in butler." C. "No, I never heard any one say aujrht against vour character at that time." -Vrs. II. ( 'xcitetlly) "One of the men who has told you so much about me and sia mli r. (( my ' charaet- r, his name , was the man who, thn-c tO'itx only alter I was desert.., ,V , , , v husband and b it with two small children", one a bab", in my own house tried to fret ( lie uppt r hand of me." ' '. " Vim mean made you improper pro- p.OiHls? " - I O -Vrs. II.-" Ay, that, is what. I mean! ionel 1 iiom pson, too, who says my nus- '""" so v'd, came to me alter my lui band's llijrht, and si: id b- was a irrar.d ras cal, as h- oad tauten away the money of t heir client s." '."About th- divorce. Who procured it? Mr. Hippie or von? " -Mrs. 1 1. " I upph-d lirst." '. " Vim say you never received any aid from ..r. liippl-. Th- r N a p-rson in tins city who says h- id-nt ilied you on a orait ironi Col. 'i honi .son. J low is t his? " Airs. II. (rservedlyi " h I s-e, I must t Uth" whole story. In lstiy I -as in but lr. This was at the t ime of John's lirst visit. I was out at work then, (.'olonel Thompson sent word lor me to come to his otiirc, as.loliii wanted to s e me. I ref used to -o. Colonel Thompson tle-n came to tie-. He ask-.l me il 1 did not want a di vorce. Mr. Hippie wanted a divorce, but had no irronnns to lt t en- on. fim. Colonel 'i hum psn said ii I would only ;:!: .' r"ii)rr .:in..:yr ..... i n'j-ii , in n"u m '-'. Ill' ..... ". I a-r-e.t lo t his. Mr. Scott, my lawyer, of i .ol i-r, was a.t -rwant pr. s nt , and wit m-ss- eu in- ar. 'I'm -nt no ijetwe-n us iii i'.i:i-eiii -in uo oei e-ii us. o.on-l 'ihomp.-oa always pr tended t the money came out of his own o. th poeiiet., oi com s-. t In. f is not lujrhly pruha'.:l". 1 liat e. laiiis the Oralt. i was !!i"ni;ly moiicy I ev; r r. d ived alt-r t he sepai :!; ion." 'fliroii-aoa! tli- int rvi-w Mrs. Hiepl- S.iO". -II Ll' ,11 lllllll ilOTU II' I illilllllil H ill ; , ' ,v , u . , j, i; , ... ;.: , :, , w ! r-a t pa in o". m le r rio u mai ie at a. gainst .ir. Ilipl-, out lh..ia:ht it Oar I flat h - skou Id i mi siiccssi u I i n li; wh 1 1 s va s ;.;;; and di p. i.u. ni n i on t il- cha r ity of ire ni for car. .She ,old a nmst st raiM'iillorwaro story, and r -f- rr d wish lie frr-at-M ;r -i lorn ;or : ii- su l r a nt iat ion of h-r st at "in -lit s to r.speiail- i i i r i g wit n-ssi-s. H-r ."story adds anot le r in, r- i-s, inir cnait r to S-i n;:U,r il:pil-s, im'M M it'-neli's, siory. lt tmnsoul as wi predicted it would. that In- pr senci t tli.s oX-"selnn.l ma'am." woom nipp!" passed i If for Jus wite at .m bus OIisiii, u licn' ho was first known as M it -lu ll, is the key to lh- i-i'tiii" ca.s..-. 1 lipple was in t In-e!i-r ri.i in. s i s Uie di sorted vi:'( , "couiibeg his mo-iey, the night before :ie si a i lei i . ( 'i a: : it i 1 1 liis nniu'V !" V lid- wo are on this money tiraneh of the subject, we may as well add tiiat on tii" same day of his last a ri i va 1 i n this ed V, M i . M uelu 11. oi Hippie, told a prominent lo-n of Oregon, whose veiaejtv v i 1 1 in vi r l- e;-IIoe in ques tion, t bat when he la in led it: ( 'a !i ibi nia. lie had iu bis pocket throe thousand di ll i:s in gold coin ; and lie spent a all on account of the sickness ot his win-:, creep! s:t v-iive dollais. which be bad when la- li a-.ied Toill-nd narrative, I ul we a.U Ibe public to lea u i! ea;e'i.iliy and ponder it well, il is not a story i'ort'ie purii. nt oars and eoaise 'dioii-ids of in-di bauchoe, but a serious, saii. l it'ar wsirning to the lathers and mothers of families. I o not look at t h is si.-kcT.iiig h ist 01 y af, a m-re idle hi!-, rot up for s-nsatioii. for such ii is 11. t : !ul take it home to your self, make this man the teacln'r to whom you send your children to school, daily. and who has thus gained an in iliu-nce and a ceiili- j 01 nee wgii tie in almost ( iju:d to your I own : and then ask yourself whether. J tor the sake of a former friendship for this man. for the sake of political asso eja;;ori. for Hie sake of anything on earth that has ever ini'.aeticed voti to .support tiie j 'retentions of 'M x 1 1 ipplo. eon can oonser.t to 1 ndor.-e his. con- cohihnce of "the people d this st::tl. iu t, or assist in rcst :ri:i'r him to the whom he has so grossly deceived, so grievously wronged, and so sadly dis graced. Look .at the rase il 1 1 all the charity for the Senator, that tlie highest ( 'hristianity can dictate, oreven p.-i mit. and then answer the questions il brings home to you. on your conscience as a eii i.i 11 of tin1 State, as a member of society . as a lather or mother of sons and daughters. Court Alariiu!. Under date of June 8th st general Court martial to try tho Modoes is appointed to meet at this camp at lll'clock on Monday, or as soon there after as pra.'tiosible for the trial of such prisoners as may be brought be fore it. The detail for the Court consists of Capt. John Mendenhall, Fourth Artillery; Assistant Surgeon, 31. J. Philips, Medical Department; Capt. C. II. II. o, t, Assistant Quartor mistcr; Capt. II. C. ilasbrouck. Fourth Artillery; Capt. J. G. Trem ble, First Cavalry; First Lieutenant YY. II. Winters, First Cavalry ; First Lieutenant C. C. Crcsson, First Cav sdry; First Lieutenant II. N. Moss, First Cavalry; Second Lieutenant S. W. Taylor, Fourth Artillery. The important position of Judge Advo cate is held by Lieutenant George AY. Kingsbury, Second Lieutenant Twelfth Infantry. About eight eases of desertion during active hostilities will come before the Court for trial. The prisoners are in coanement here awaiting the severe penalty that is in store for them if found guilty of the crime. Steam Pbow. Ae learn from the Ktot,:o,tt.), that Mr. IL IL Thompson of Portland, has on the w ay out from the East, a steam plow to be used on his farm. It will probably arrive at Portland early in September. Mr. AYilldns, President of the Agricutu- ral Society, proposes to induce Capt. 1 hompson, 11 lie can. to bring the p.ov.- to the State I air, and exhibit its practical workings. It would be an attractive feature of the Fair, and and we hope Mr. AYilkins will be suc cessful in his mission. - . Piobert E. Lee, Jr., son of the late confederate general, is likely to be the next Dei noerntio em-. .Ibi r 'a. . imiliiuuii; iUI Governor of A irinia. r'f,.. The IJeport on .Manufactures. The Committee on Manufactures, at the Farmers' Union Convention, made the following report : The manufacture of woolen goods m mis rotate is yet in us cuiiunuuu, perhaps w might say its second childhood, for at one time it was more extensive than at present. A woolen mill at Salem for the manu facture of llannels, tweeds. easimeres, broadcloths, beavers end blankets, and one at Jefferson, for the manu facture of hosiery, are the only wool en mills at present in operation. There are others preparing to go into operation soon. Tlie texture, quality and durabilty of the woolen goods manufactured in Oregon are consid ered the best in the market. The blankets are shipped largely to the Atlantic States, ami one tain alone, that of A. T. Stewart & Co. of Xew York, ordered rive thousand family blankets to be made especially for the Eastern marJcet. A large establishment for the man ufacture of agricultural implements has been erected in Salem, that city having donated SlO,0(.() to secure its presence and trade. The citizens of Linn county have tiled articles of in corporation for the purpose of estab lishing the business of manufactur ing agricultural implements of all kinds at Albany. "Wagons are manu factured to some extent in almost every town in the State, and in as durable and substantial a manner as any imported, and if they had the glossy paint upon them would look as well. (Jang, sulkey and walking plows are manufactured in almost every town in the State, and are su perior in strength and durability to those imported, and better adapted to our soil. Cultivators, harrows and every implement required to cul tivate the soil are in our midst. "Wooden ware of all kinds is made in Oregon of Oregon timber, and is a 1 etter article than that brought i frcni the States. In fact, everything ! made of w. id is or can be made in Oregon, and of as good or letter quality than the imported articio. - - i n . i e i ; Leatiicr and all articlesmanufactured j therefrom is produced here as well as elsewhere. Lime, stoneware, paper, 1 'rooms, soap, stoves and hollow w are, tin and copper ware, are manufactur ed among us. Our mountains abound with iron ore, that has been to some extent worked into pig and other mar.:ota! no articles. We congratulate the farmers of Oregon upon our industrial v.rosnect. We recommend thai the fanners give j 1111 nil 1 lie X1.1 ;ii.. i wiiii:- Oregon made articles the pr; fe:ence ! l ' " " '"' W1 m-pm , at all times, that we encouiage tlu j C,,U lu':UT- mechanic and manfacturer to increase Some burglars at Portland ma L their works, an I Ave urge upon the : scrap iron of a safe and got sla .; m -chanic and merchant to give our j the job, merit does not silwavs -o butter, choose, lard and bacon tho j its reward. profen-nee. Liet us buv of the ( )re- . . .0 gon nnvhanic and make his business I l11'?? or1r,!s aSt- - exiensive and prosperous, and there- ill be held on the likh bv induce i-ai.ital and labor to our shores. If there is any one thing we need more than another it is people, a manufacturing people, si laboring people, and by ti consistent course we are sure to have them. Tho Pioneer Oil Mill at Salem. which was inconiovated Xovomber 1, im. with the capital stock placed at SCO ()!0. divided into (id!) shares of ,-ach, is attracting considerable attention. During tlio year there has lie.n sent. on orders, oousiilei-al le of the oil to th llawatl'an Islands. where its superior quality has caused ii . .. 1. i ... i- .n 11 10 nu t-1 i it .un iiiiiiivoi; :u lull j ratl'S. Latest From tlie J'roid. PoYbic's ( ?n Ti bi: Tj.vkk, 1 1 i m. Jjast evening a party, consisting of Hon. J. K. Lutterell. Con.g-ressman eh ct fro:n the Third District, Judge Steele, Sheriff 3 organ, J. S. 3fat- tliews. E. II. Anterwitii and Masters Euth-rell and Matthews arrived here Messrs. Entterell and Steele fv the puriose f inquiring into Indian af- fairs, and the other members of the arty for basine:-,s and plea-iiire com billed. , This morninfr Crit. Jac- Si'm- Scar- faced Chariev. oston Oharlev, Sc-.n- P-tched business while sitting on chin. Mose, William. Princess Mary , tl'; licnch at tlie late term of the i'i: -and Eizzie were escorted t the of- i Court in Coos County. thv tent of the e:im; under a corpo- r: ,s f ihat?r loh: mirht i.n.v iiu ii.em la.u gam sucii inior- lo.i.i.M, us 1. u.,L lJ1M. i..g m upon ; on Saturday, June 21st, for the pur certam acts that sin- now enshrouded : pose of increasing tiueir stocK in iiivst:".T. Jack. Sconehin. Eosfou 1 - and Charley walked in chains, and t!io others ofthe Modoc delegation were foot-loose. Jsvk wore liis d,'n- gv drab blanket in addition to pants, shirt and moccasins, and sd so a cross between the infantry rap and ... ... . aaa. 1, 1 uiieiv ia.-.. 1 1 one: 1 .1 11. lll.rf ,.,,.I..I,, f.. . 7 - ... I ... I that his Indian heart was dead and his body cold, and all lie asked was .oat Lizzie, his favorite souaw be ii . ... .. 1 j stllowed to sit beside him. Th re- ipiest was granted and the squaw eamo to ld:n. .bulge Sf -ole slioo with tlie Indians and said he was glad to moot them. No one but rh'nlov11 v Y, S;VfsW,"a ( h.uley Mas called to the front to act as inter. ora 10. v,rm , t to t hat lie had an ugly sullen look ington ciutnt v ' d ed .l . r all the time, stud was apparently dis- i at Ilill.d.oro ' n AVed esd- v" ir- ht. p oaseoat biung bron-ht forth for a ; wus born in Clarksl, r- Via, talk. Only a few days since he told and Mas b" years of -e' lb- ci' i' the oi!ieer in charge of the nrisoriovs I b, n,.,ni b, A'-?, 1 1U 1 'l'" nrr'to 7 1 Vi f 4i T:U(heil' The Company j r -- t to! hi T tl,1t.Ul lTV!rr ha'1 lose hin- a large addition to tie t followed his advice and behaved warehouse before Inirvest O regi n themselves. He was sum- to t;,i them iu such a bad fix. but he had come to talk and wanted nothing but the truth. Then followed questions about the disposition of tho i,roi,erfv ot tlio Alodoc-s victims tt:M flmiNlR - nave itun iikuIc m Aloain xnei ins uenioii ny knowledge of the so-iwnigot Jlr. Thomas' watch and Lieutenant Cranston's ring. Thy told dill'erent stories, and referred the Judge to Hooka Jim, Shaeknas- Ty.Jini stnd Steamboat Fnmk. d V' ; V" ' rr,in,c: .!os51- o'; to 1 ii 11 i-: ii1 tiiovii iiv.i. ..... t"u and Loins Holler rm-nAil' fvA... ! Oen. Davis' headouar ers in-, av ' ! From the former we f loan, tlia i Gon ! Davis was greatly incensed at the j murder of the Modoe captives, and immediately f.ent nn oflicev nnd some men to apprehend the perpetrators if possible. It is thought from the .lescription given by Fairchild, and from other circumstances, that the H.irtiot; ..n lio i. 1i-n -tifiod - - a ----- - - ... . Ykeka, June 18. While tlio Mo- docs were being removed from the Tule Lake Peninsula to Fort Klam- ath, one of the Indians known as much as possible. Iloston said ,'m j VsU' C-uncilinan, on theCiti. u Indian jilacod the wateh under' a ! tit-kot, and the rest were elected oi: rock, and that the ring Yl-as i,nrne ' the Holhuhiv or Ling ticket. Ta aftiu- tho battle of Dry Eake w ith j is a virtuarsuccess for the Citizens' ing to consider the matter. j Portland are opposed to being rulca YrtEKA. June i:S. fnlvin ! liv flip I'listom TfoiK.i cli'ono0 Tllf Ciirlev-bood ...1 ,vith the Hot Creek band to Davis at Fairchilds llanch 'f himself and has since died, b also reported that c At is dians w ho were ironed ner ceeded in riling offtw i eeocTea in min were detected in time to n' 'Bt their escape. P1 event Summary of WmTxT The Salem mills nmv . . cents for wool. - t The grouse law has expired f,,s the iresent season. 1 The new wharf of tlio y p T Co. at Salem, is nearly complied o Irene, daughter of Peter hC was drowned at Yaqmina I5av,n 'tf ' Cth inst. Uie The liaptist Association is h(.;,,rr held at Salem this week, heii,r'' " ednesday. A thousand head of sheep startel from Tolk county for Eastern "or gon last Monday. i(" Hon. Geo. R. Helm is to driVfr the 4th of July oration at Corvall It will be a good one. Gov. Grover has accepted the jn vitation to deliver the 4th of jniy oration at Portland. ' ' The annual camp meeting of p Christian Church, at Dixie, pull county, is in progress. OV. 1. The train made hash of a cow 1. longing to Mrs. Hill near Ihigei City on Wednesday last. Xation it Co. tvill soon be p, turn out work from the now st-ve factory at Last Portland. The Coin-'o't' reports strawberries four inches in circumference grown by Mr. liurbauk in Yamhill eoimtv. A large number of persons f;.,,!a Holt County, Missouri, are expe -. ' to arrive in Lane county in a f.,w davs. Mr. ILigsdale, editor of tlie WV!. j Walla Sm'rU of tin- UWf, is rer.. . .,.; ; to be about to start a paper ut - i till; The deatli of the w ife i f IT, r. James (Jingles, member of the L. . islamic for IVntim County, is iiounced. A slangliter-hous-e and aj-jisnt.-nanees worth about .'l.odO, were u stroved bv rire at Corvallis I-.-Thursday.' W. F. Levins, of Laxor Ci' ; m.iking public inquiry coneoriii':- i , . . , .- t hi e. . .... ..1 fi f . 1.,.. ...... 1 . ... T 1 I'1"-"" "les will r rsuui- are at mat oato. Yriien the Albany and Sanfiai-i canal is finished small binds will ! : nt 011 for transjirutation of i;Tahi to and irom Lebanon I ,ri , - , ,r . I , i,,e 1in1 f rjrar:onOconr :y I bAx i. II. LeL. : 1 Jils 1;;'t,v f .""'pcial tau nts are , f- J tp.n i"to trouble, A special term of tho Circuit Co:;:: will bo hold in Washington 0:1 the Ibth of July, f, r the trial 1 Courtney W. iMeek for murder. The citizens of Cornelius and th-'.v : f. .'ioiiiis 1'itena ci lebratiug the l'otivi ! oi'.iuiy with a picnic, orsition. c. I at tat- piciuc gionnds in that p':u . j Twenty-seven farmers of Dongius i county owning over l(,.(!b(i let ,-i j of wool are under pledge not to s-.-ii for loss than cents, before tie i '2th inst. I T ti -i ! Hx?' "J-sd.iv mor:nng a son of ' sip, residing bear i , U"V sis thrc.wn violently from a ' I'1, r( l'1-' a very severe sprain in the a: m. I .luuge .dossier hsis gained irr.-!i I - w ' l-l"cv ior the manner in wlih li 1V The stockholders of the Albit: ! yt company win have : , mg m the Court House in that citv election at East Portland ro- j snlted in electing a portion of tie ' can.Iidares on both tickets. OnreM ! fr'on(1 'J- - L A'an Cleave v;;s elected to the Council bv one 111a- I -;)r:i:;" AYhitley's ease at SaTi-mo l,. ,.v.'!;- 91 groiit interest. The im-e" fo-.n:l i . 1 SUilt.v of assault 011 Ghize wit':; 110nt . to UlL A niotiou f-,r ;'. : v'1:l- Avi11 i)e besird on SatuvJr.y I "itley is out on '4,b(;d bail, I The Albany Farmers Comt'v ! luV0 l"vchased of Mr. AYostlakc 1 1 stdendid w:,robo... -n : ,v. ;,,. ."Y. """'. ' Sheep-raisers are busy in shearing ; their llo.-ks in Linn countv: TI-' ' v'11 1,0 lai"Pr than ever hefon . i jVd llttle vol i selling. A h v '20 cents and the rise of the maned- The Poi;tIaANi Election. Tl city election resnltid in the cleeiie'-i of II. Failing, Mayor, J. AY. Goi::; Assessor and II. L. Hovt. in the 1'ird 1 " ! u'i i : 1 V , 1 Vl i C'1 tba. tl,Cre mnst 1,ave beon ! ! I'pciting done and the avyo"" : charges the clhpie with pollin? at bt tlnw r..- fe.- i..,,i.i.-.l dlcirui ( - - ' 1 ' ' 1 11 J1U11V11V 5. yotes Let this y as it tie 1 ,,,,,, ! ,Uv I lKlle oi l'ortland have virtuak f gained a victory over the cliquy ,.1.;..1. 1 . 1 ir i. l .....7,"t:iilfiHI. r uil.-. uiiviuiuitj liau ' t contro, of w x wik.h pxrect' ' , , nv- l j e1 t( l'fln7 everything before it - d: the prty t I OUt Ot a 1 .Ivor J-elrc:,-,-, T.-ai , . t -Y.,-,- . I.- ..AV..JA All I 'O-l- . c