Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1872)
Tit o o O o o G EI)C lUcckln enterprise FRIDAY. DECEMUEtt 20, lvTi. TIIG CHILDREN. "When the lessons and tasks are nil ended. An! th Pfhool for ih- day is dismissed. And the little on-s gather round me. ..Tt) hid me pood nipht and be kissed; Oh. the I i t ! white arms that encircle My neck in a tender unbrace ! Oh. the smiles that are the balocs of h aven. Fboddiflg siinsbine of love on my feet! And when they are pone I sit dreaming Of my childhood, too lovely to last; Of lve thai my heart will remember When it wakes to the pulse of the pas!. Kre the world and its wickedness made me A partn r of sorrow and sin; When the plory of (Jod was about me. And the glory ol gladness within. Oh. my heart prows weak as a woman's. Arid the fountain of leelinp will flow. When I think of the pa.'bs steep and s'otiy. Where the feet ol the dear ones tnul po; Ol the mountain ol sin hanging o'er then). Or the tempest of Fate blowing- wind; Oh. ff'ere is iioihinp on earth half holy As lljc innocent heart of a child. They are idols of hearts and of households; They are angels of God in disgnie; His snnliglit still sleeps in their tres-s. His glory s'ill gleams in their eyes; Oil, these triiin'.s fiom home and Irorn heaven. They have made me more manly and mild ! Aed I know how Jnses could liken The kingdom ot God to a child. I a-k nn' a life for the dear ones. All radiant, a- others have done. But that lite may have just enough shadow. To temper tin trlareol the sun; I would pray God to guard them from evil. JJut inv prayer would bound back 10 mv- self; Ah. a seraph may pray for a sinner. Hut a sinnvr nuist pray lor him.-etf. The twig is so easily bended, I have banished the rule and the rod; I have taught lliem lli-goodness of knowl edge. The., have taugtit me the goodness of God; My heart is a dunpeon of darkness. Where I slmt tlu-m for breaking a rule; My froun is sufficient correction; My love is ibe law of the school. I shall leave the old house in Ihe autumn. To traverse its threshold no mole; Ah. how shall I sigh lur the dear ones. That meet -me each morn at the door; I shall miss the "good nights" and the kisses; And the gur-h of their innocent glee. The group on the green, and :he flowers 1 hat are brought every morning to me. I pball mi-s them at morn and at eve. Their song in the school and the strcei; 1 shall miss the low b un ol their voice, - Ami the tramp of their delieale feet. When the lessons and taks are all ended And Death siys, The .school is dis missed."' Iay the little ones gather around me. To bid me -good niilit" and be kissed ! IVill of Horace fireeiev. A dispatch .under date of the 10th, has 1 lie following in relation to the will of the late Horace Gf eely : At White Plain?, yesterday, the (laughters of the late 3Ir. Greeley, with a few friends, ju-comnanied by counsel, appeared before theSnrro- j .irate to oiler for probate the will of their father. This will was execut ed on the 20th of November, 1ST2. It had been written by Mr. Greeley some time nr, but was only pre-Fenledsto-him for execulion'a few hours before his death. It irave all his property equally to his two daughters. This instrument was placed amontV his private papers wj i . iccir , oiiu iviisomv lautti i from amonrr them at. the tim.. d'i : i.t lli. I '......I.... .....I . . . .1.. . I i lifs lale attack, and at the first lucid interval thereafter offered to him for acknowledgement. At the same time eat m s I appeared before the Surroorate to contest the will, and ot tiii;; m its stea.l one dale. I J:ui- nary lstli, 1871. TI.e eontcslanl s nre Sanuul SineJnir, IJ. II. Afan nini; an.! Charges Store., the latter uein: iiatned ;is exeeutor. The I counsel for crtjiti'stants s.-ii.l lie! lioju-.l that tlH. ojijionents of the! will woal.l aetjincM-f in tJ,. ofj 1872. He ihoiiht the wiil execnt- j f'l ly Air. (Irei ley lu iine hisiloath lil;r at injnst ii-e, inasmuch as it 1 crave all his property to aII-s I. la, ! with Jhe qiiahruation tlint hall' ofj ;t was to he use hy her at her! own .li.-eretion lor the sup port tin-l ! etlui alion of her sister (iahrielle ; I that some n-Jalive.s wouhl he iK-' j lltlV.-il lit 1 .1. ....... .. . 11.- iiililli eil ti.r . i . litem. Coiiiisi 5r t In- iluttirht'. rs ' thoiii'lit tlu-i- ic ttiarks "lln ulloil (,, an.i annoniu-eil that Miss Phi ha.) ollc-ivtl to a-M'rii ),,.,. ;r..r t...t ot t he proiierl v ;i! i i out o to irant tnt reiatives. The ao.e a 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 tes to AlNSes (i.-ii,y then eotisiihi anv nrono.i!. WecIiiH i to f'ol i eoinpro- iuis aim ri-iriii:ii- ini,oi.i..i:i... ,e. ...... eomtni-iH-e.l. 9 A eontest ot the will i -:in il on the ixroniul of ineapaeit y 1 to exc c iito tlu- w ill otelS72. The j lifst witness was Aliss Sampson, ; wlio testitieil that she lu-eame aA ei. ... 11 .1 -v . "ll'ie?s 10 v 1 1 1 on tlie ilav Air. r it VMt'lMC'N llel. .Vir. lilcclcv was !..... i: i Am i - "t .i ' . i . - . . . . - ; invii, .i ic-w Hours oeiori1 n:s cieatli conseious and rational. At'tir smJ ter some ii,.il,u..v ; .: ..e.i.:. . ii...'ri a .1 1 1 1 1 1 1.1 1 1 l I n llllJ Wltlll SS i an adjournment followed. The wiil j ot 171 iivc-s the property to his ' A .-1 . . . .... l.... :.. i i -. - " ., iiiil iii ainiuion irives l)-Hicsts to his relatives, and ueJei; aey equal in value to a share of t l7e Ji iOtrie to the Children s Aid cietv of New York. Pr.AcriCAL Max. Here is the novel way a Wisconsin man seeks to mend Ins w.i vs. He posted nt . I e i . . . . ' . I wie ioiiowini' notice: llavin a lonoj coarse of dissipation c I and i tlebaucliorv so vifH.-i.n, l mr ii ;n as to he utterl v powerle ss to" resist me appetite lor alcoholic liqtiors. and not being partieularlv anxious to 'die and be cl d as yet,' I here- j ...w.., i-;ir mat l will pros- '"V ' V " '-' ' v oi.eires ui liniiatw iaCil (ft.'.m v, - r c ,i i . i , v ,' At' 4 AS ec.uetothe Ultima Thule of the ! , T J .'!:".. V'""' 1 ': " ; ''-n' : resolutions of respect for (iree'ev T-" '1 law. any saloon keeper, drnist, ! lli " M I : t, , or other person who hall -ive or Sic. 11. 'i .e" Mr and priv-te r J ; ;K.;i; , ,;,..;' j-. .-i'-;;- Kdl me any xpi:ituons or malt I;n. ' this cui.-iny. h.-r. bv arau-.-d. s i "o-lmjii and ClaHiii have Wn ' s "'cVV'i1' Uor& of anv kind whatever , be ass;..b;e euy ...her el,i1i,...:iy ui-.h- t urm-.ioo-cDa -uiu i;.1(.-i .,--; , f" '- W" lout the consent of the Legi-jature. j ed World. lQ W auiicl" j 0AhSi: j?W;AiT,-n,;n-y J,,. Laws of Ihe folate of Oregon. ax act contracting fob tiik coxsTitrr-nox OK Ct.'KTAIX .siXTiONi Of TjtK POltTLAND. DAI.I.K.S AND SALT JJiXK PAILISOAO. WirKRE.vs. The Portland. Dalles nnd Salt Lake Kaiiroeil Company was duly incor porated under the laws f Oregon, by Ar ticles of Incorporation filed in the lutlce of the Secretary of State on the 2J!!i day of March 1871, and articles supp!e!nentr thereof filed in like manner, on tL;e 7'h dav of October. I.71. lor the construction ot 'a railroad from Foi tland. Oregon, way of the Dalles, to the trunk of the Un ion' and Central Pacific, with 1 branch -f said road from a point "west of the Hiti" Mountains to the Wall Walla Valley, and the right t. use steamboa's on the Colum bia river for an earlier connection; attd WliKKEAS. The Congress of the United Staies. by an Act approved by the Pre-i. dent, on the pith day of April. 172 granteil tt said company the right of way tor said roud and Lraticn. togetnerwnn lands for depots station, hide-tracks and other needful purposes, which .said road the Sidd Company is now engaged iu sur veyinp and locating; and Wukkeas. 1: is ot the utmost importance to the people of Oregon that the obstrue lions to the free navigation ol ihe Co'uiri bia river, and the 'consequent monopoly in the transpor ation be overcome, and the cost of Ireiptr.s and passengers greatly cheapened: and Whkkkas. 1: is irresponsible to the oc cupancy and settlement of the country. and the stability and growth ol Oregon com merce, by the speedy and cheap ranspor la'ion of freight and passe i-pers to Eastern Oregon and Wa-hinuton ,rnl t he Territory of Idaho, anil the ready and direct outlet of their products to our commercial me tropolis, the great centre of the Pacific Northwest; therefore. 0 Be U ennrtid h-j ilte Ljlsl-illve Asemh!y f thz Stttle if U Hp-Mi : Skc:. 1. That lor the purpose of enn ptrujuiing so much of said Portland. Dalles and Salt Lake Kadrnad hereinafter inen- lioned. as ii.-s within the'State of Oienou. . -- --- that for the considera ioris, uinl upon tli conditions hereinafter mentioned, then be and hereby is pratited to the said Port land. Dalles iiml Salt Lake ll lilt o 1 Com pany thu unappropriated po.uion i.f the live per cent, of the proceeds 0f the sales of the public land in Oregon to which, the State is or may be entitled under and by virtue ofjin Act of Congress approv ed the -1th 'day of September, Is 11. or acts amendatory Ihereol; and also all the unappropriated proceeds ol the sales of tlie lauds granted, or which may be plac ed to the State of Oregon as swamp and oveiflowed lands Hot otherwise dispo.-ed ot at Ihe end ol this session ot the Legisla ture or w hich shall revert to the S:a'e; Provided. That lie State reset ves the right to provide by law lor the selection, i ale and the projection ol such l't;ris from loss or injur ; lite expense uf which shall tie paid tot out ot the lands arising Iroi'l the sale of such iands. And provided fur; In r. That ihe said company takes the grant ot the pi-oceeds of I be snles of the swamp and ovei Cowed lands subject to their lia bility lor drainage as provided for by .ict .d' r,.oftr..oJ a w. . i i ... i i ., ..i : .... n, V, ' o n - . li 1 'M( turn III! Hill , (I, II this taie assume no It ability tor or on e.e count ot said lands or funds or an v jvart thereof, nor ?diall this act ever be held or j construed as iti any manner pli-tlgiug1 thi fai;h or credit ol this Sta'e lui il-r than the said funds may actually come into the l'l easnry vv hich "ti.tvei.ot been oihet wi-e a pprnoi iated. Sec." 2. And be it furthf r entu-ted. there be and hereby is grained to s aid company in ine conritCM ol the said Poril intl. Dalies and Salt Lake U.iW ad and branches ::ero.-s the bejopgi: g to ttie Stale. a s'ri fit land sixly !ei-t wide lor a rjiiiiw.iy. with the riht. totn!ie from the adjacent )at:ds of ihe ';1 mat rial tor c. i.s!iuc:it g aid road at.l blanches, ai.d also the le-cessarv finds ior dei-.ots, s: i,'".!if s. s:de-'rat ks. and other Pet ;!fnl uses iu operaUi-jr said loa 1 or bran -h. s. I ot i-Xct t !iingJ trt e;;t; place. act i s at Guny i-' SKe. ?,. That f'.o.cortipaav be. and here by is amhoried to ivm- e bi.nds u aid of the Const i ncliori ol .i.tid l o :d aiid lii .iIH tes to an amount not i x-.-ei-dit f;l'ee;i tliius and dollars ier mile, it u ii.illov.- .'"i:;e. and thirty iliousand dol! ns 5.1 r mile ii a wide or reen.alioji gane;e. ard sut-j-.-ct to t tie coiiskLt.i; ions',1;! ml condi ions herein Ilielii'.oUed. lo III ' r ' il.i ii e iload. propel I v( au.J iih:s of property nt all kinds ami a . i oesi-i -ipuons. v. .ia ever real. j'-er-o:ia n.i.ved. and as proof and no.iic ot i '-s am: e: a : e.Xi-cii'lon ami i-riiciual i!e:;-.erv si.,! j inorte-a.e sliall lie rce;srded l'i the ol.'eoi ; the f-eirelary of .State ol (),' L-'ii ns will ar. .ne in acci-ioa'ice wi:n 'tie L'enerai law ot Oregon. i;l relutioti 'o the recording f 's:)j'-. Kl'. I Mil ilege. vi.ied !ir, Ci Jited b to the iof, T!i it each an 1 i'Ci-ry erant aiul j tlti'l imht liejelu til i:e or pro ti-id til ole and iven to. and ac said cotiipm y u pon a t-d -u f ; : : uwii Condi':, lis. na:m !y: ': ii a: al least so notch ot Ihe Dalles and Sail. Lai-.e Pahr. ol i',a. :d and hr-ioeii u lies between tie- t'iiiii:;ilifl river a o! Pa ker C'l! V including 1 ill' pufae li::s ol saal l oad al the Cac n!-s and Ihe I hi'ie-. be cit- r icted ill il a!!. I wolk m m. oilier. vvi'Ji all li.e iieo-i-s.iy 'li'nw-.. i-ioverts. bridges, vi ol'ieis. cross -ins i ii run ii : a I i. r. a::i! v.' ei ie j; p!:te J-. .iii.l I o ;er appiiilVt'iu'.-.'S. liie'iUiLoe; lui in tire nnd ro'ii.i stock, i tei il i;i a,i l ep.'c! I" rail; ii ol ol I tie li.'s; -cia.-S vv ln-U o i feired Ii r bii-i-erS. wi-h 1.,'ls ol ihe bes (pi. ill.',; Provided. I Miid ro ul Illiy be Col'S-i ucled liJ.oU the pi III oi ei'h- . e.ii.'... ii inr i'I irili.l-.ini L'l.i''. II: ll coiiii-atr,' iii iv il :et in me ii lo b expi dii-n:. f . Ihe said Comii ittV 'h:!! cotll- mi-tree the vvniU on tie- p.-rta--" 1 i : 1c s ol ! an road as herein pn.vil.d hir. vv i:hin : si- r.ion !,s tn-tu the il.oe ol ihis act a-id ; -tl lli Ci lilplete Ihe VMiik fi'oill tj.e ('oionl I lea liver to Ci a-.:.;.- !I,.:-,de valley iticiud it "; i's be i::ei. 'o the town ot U'isIoh. ! pi.rt.i-e links on the Cobiubi.i. vvitu.u j three W;i-,s trolll i ! s Coll. met, eOii.-n ; ; (Pr,,. viih-d that (he town ot IV mtVo.., here bv iu 1 1 1 : i jioitu in the iiae of sa d ro-ol:) and lllf e.Ilple.l 0iid r : i '. to 1 hi k er l 'i ' witluii one veal" lroiil the l 'e o! i s c..ui pietioii to (ilamle Ponib aliev. St e. C. 'I h it the State of ( )i eon make the several conditional grants h.-M-iu. nid he said I'.-r land. DaLes a.ld Salt !.!;. anr )a- company acc pt the suue in,.,:, ! ll I-1 tier foe, '. . ton I 1, . : i I I .. . ,k V . ... j pan v ni -ke any Vjie.u'ti of the cuni;: i i;w ii. ; .. .,,;".! .. i , - . o i oiii- --j" i. ....-u. aeu a io-.v tio-stuit c-ittinue b.r one year, tha: i;) i e to ! I lie era ii: to at.l L.:ii;..ur, f.t i.v i le I !, ,r l'i Ihe Ii .-t s.-cion shall ivv.-ri to and be vesi.d in the Shite. . O Skc. 7. That on the cenndethin .f s.ed J.oi taee links of said r i li o.i.l. ihe owi ,,: tran-por:a!i , on il,,. Coiutubi.i riv.-r l.v aid Company sdi.ill n-vt r i-xc.-ee li:rv jQ Cent ot l! e :a'es chai-'.-d uooa - ,i, ! Vi v ... on the id dav of Sen te :i, t lei- 1-7' Vi e. .s. Til it to uri.v. ht ,.. ., i oilier ut il.-t.-s h I ' . II I.I .1 i.i I ,! I :he p.-w.-rs nr.. I pr.v- rebv rraireil to 1 ( the l-ejrisi.-l-.ure may. havicjr due leiiaol I" lite I lirt.tS Ot llj. d the said Cc mpatly. add id. : aner or umeiKi ti.ts ct 0 anil conditions i t this Act, by the - iid ; Company h!nit le sieniib-d iii ri,K., 1 under the corporaie seal ot .-aid Coilu duly executed pnr-iiant to i he direc cil its P.oard of lUreoiors firsts-Mi ,I obtained, which acceptance -haii b-niH.i,. wi;' bee ;hin three inonths alter this Aci sh !! come a lav. and sliall he served nniei o O ' Skc. 12. As it i necessary that gaid Company fhnll proceed immediately to the completion of arrangement for the constriction of ?aid road, this Act shall tahe effect and be m force from and after its approTal by the Governor. Sfc IX The company ns rnnn s ptrv'icable ufter the pass-ige of th's Act shatl i-xplcrc the country for and loca'e a brunch roe.d from lia'xer City or some o'her nd more Ftii'able point vn thetiain isf the'r ro. id to Can yon C'.ty and, nhail u-ie their5 bet to obtain from 'he United Soati. id in the ren- tn-ction of said Portland. Dalles pud Salt Lake Railrui! rr-i branches. Skc. 14. .v-o'h?:-g ;t this Act C:nfa:red fhail be so cen?! riied an in any n; tnnrr to elfect proceeding' had i:i pursuance of an Act entitled "An Act providing Tot the elf-c'ion and sale of the 3 anp and over llov.ed find J bejongitijr to the Sfa'e of Oregon." approved the 2Cth day of c'o ber 170. Skc. 1". That the said Cirnpnny may at any time pay info the Slate Treasury theaino.'nt ol ny undra'vrt r.propriation out of tl:e funds of the' C.rl septjon of this Act pjecifieI and take and receive from the Treasurer duplicate reee pts therefor, on? of which ia!l be filed with (be Secretary of Mate "and the other re tained bv the said Company and the lieu for such jrior appropriation shall he vest ed iu and be the property of said Com riany. Approved October 1. 1S72. Attest: S. F. CitAPwtcK. Secretary; of Stale. Moan. "Yon may say what yon larnrplease," uil lill liiriiss to the tiioiirnt tH, as they stood at tht iloor waiting ior the c?)v of Jake Sitrimons to come out, "Ja?ce. was a irood boy he was, ami a rint littnter," coutitmcd Dili ; "hut lie wr.s the cjr.ear.est cuss that ever !):cathed i:i thcState: iind he hiy- O - 'il one Ot the suirvpe. trices you ... trtcjis ever luard of", arid i'il lei! you hT)'.v it wr..;. I was o;it shoot in' ybh" l.itn one riioni;!!'-! B'H you the dtclc was ji'.cnty; ami other ;arne we tlespisetl so hm as we couhl sec (1 il nek. Jake he was too mean to hhize away unless he could jut down two or tluee at a shot. "Jake often wa: blowijt me up. lor watin' shot and powder so;" but I didn't care; I blamed away. Well, somehow or other, while lussiri1 around in the boat my pow der iil.isk fell overboard in about sixteen b et of water, which v. as as e'ear as ood-irin, and I could see the Husk lay at the bottom. bcinj" a i,'oViI swimnier, also diver, he0said he'd fetch her up, and in a it he wV, nr.n s in. Well, I waited (jnite a considerable time for him to t i i i - i come in.; so i ioovu ovrr trie . ti y i i . . " ' .un..-...t.,i , t here s.;t 'old Jake' OT1 a pil-. of ovster she'ls joari!i the pO'.V; Was out of my fi:i-k into h:s n. that int aii 'i"1 i't Io: s, tlifit's n i:hi norso t . .1 IT T 1 nave tneie. now nnic-ii is lie wnrtli'" 'Tiitce litimlred nr.l fifty dollars.- 0 "Xt po nitii li "rt tli.'P! ' ,t. V' . ...... , i t , . i v ii e i m ft is, everv a Pul an other ii;'; y on to of il. "Are yon stt:-(?"D "l I . . t."" i s. i ii swear 10 it. "All ri;:!it." "What vou po CorT . O . ino-u.- il ive O'Teri lv for s'no- T'nrtioce. T ;:tn assessor for tliis u'nn!, a: on ly waiited lo :;::ow what you rate vour t;:vr. u A .Tr DTrinis I'STTM AT! reif IfVion-l. ot t'.O ITot fiflOIiS V OOilluil i i ml C!a:i i n-eontJv held a meet ing in , ew York C v for t 1 pnr- pose oi raisinv: itionev to it'x ra'o i thi m Ironi prison The atnonnt re we re reouiri-.l was -"' IS. 000. Th vent v-five :n!:nirers of tlie wo- tnan's sine';-!)! 'over's firm resMt, and the stun Ptih-enbetl was tttst :. o 00 -, Things arc "jettiiiL; niixed dinvn in Ahihattta. Two Le'iilatnre ; I vo in i s- : i i i (irtu t 'if t - -!. I posed of Lihi rals ami I it tnoernt: nu t at the C ' Tl otiicrs composi il of in irises artil carpet l'.'::.Ur(irs, met inClho I'niled States Ooiti't room. The (Governor reeo- n:z'-s t!u- lirst,Qind too otiiers are (ii-K-etei 1. ri lie .edit or who was stieli a O nc I pntiii.-n ii newspaper att'ry at him !io!l litis, llesS, that was ni:tlle lioltody o'lli-cd to aha He! is now m ni.-i 1 o;ira'jfci m tlie lahor of peiidon mere eon- I I.ii ; I. -o- Fred ederiek 1. J'inc-li, son of Cap-! J). Ii. Fitted n-aei.l't!,,. to,:ll d- CO; - ,Q T. . tain ers oi i;iye.!p;a, du il in :-aii i- ran C isco on nn- .if,- ii,. o .-is wc 1 1 known in Oregon and Wahinrton Tc i ii! ory. t) o -r - r a i.( r Thomas Fntke s-;ivs that when he se e s an0t i.-i,mnn reelim' 1 1 1 1 ; i 1:1 the strict 1 ie h c pinst IC CO! 'I die lor him. hut an Ii !sii::::!ii he i -e s as ii i hc-,eotiid u l iu 5 lie ieiiw s n. ck. - A proininc-nt nnni'ier of tlie str. prominent Otri it iic-ral Alosliv i!ii!-iio- tlie Vii il I I w6y iy now on "the stall" ot the i Cnicairo It, i-r- Ocom, where his ; present pen is mightier than his j lui nic r sword. I -f&- ! 1 ne arrest of .I.-iy tlonld on a cn:i:-o;e oi m isajipidpn.-uin ;.s.ct ,500- OtJO of the lands of t lie l-'.rh. l.Vall. Um l" -W 1 (inc. 'i-i - iiie iii pnoiic-ans have nonnnat jd Aloscs I'unhall for I'avop of ""''i " uetlines tne nomi- nation. O O I COURTESY OF TOIVERSITI ITT PY - H ;ectus for ear ; THE ALDINE. Itl.rfTR.VTFn M iXTHI.r JOr.r.VAI-. CNMTER3 JI.LT Al XITTKJ !) tt TUB HAMOXfS I'tKIOWCAllV ritJWOKt-O. 2SPKS- sis.NTATiv: a: ;' cmampio.x p OF AMkH'C AN TASTK. Xot for Sale In IJook or News tilorcs. 'Tin: ALMNF, WHILE ISSEuP VTITIl J. i'I fhs rec"' irtfy, I as nne ol :tie t-m-perarv or timelv in'trewt characten-t;": of .ir.Hia,-v bi7t;t-n".t irr.scetul It erture; ;nd a oMeclion of nictare. the raic-H fpejttneni et arrtsti.- -kill, in black ;:ief whit-. Al th'JU.'.'h Ci: h ftsryp be-r nam her i? arts irej.. r.Ien-uiB ta its tiieiut--'. i'.iv rt ul v ii ue an a liau'o of Till-: AbOlNC will be the most nppretia'ed nfier it has been bound up at the ;bie ct the year. While other p-ablioa-t lo i ! may claim superior cheu- u-ss as eom-jia-ed with rivals of a similar cla.vs, TilK ALDINK is a uniipie and triinal conception n!one uiiil imapjiri'iichi d absolutely vvith- ut cotupet.tiOii in ju ice or chara. ler. The poss'ss r ot a complete volutU" .cannot du plicate thej qu.eiJ'ty of tiae j.:t;er and e: ij; 'avinjjf in ivtiy !' tier sh.ipe or nu;nter of vi'ltitues for ten times its cst; andtnen there are the chroiuos. besides. aiit di:i'aktmi:nt. Xotvvitbstandinir th increase in ThepTj-e of,snbsc:i tion hist Fad. when THK ALDINK a-sunied iti juesent noble ?rop(e tiotts an I rep i e-ent.itive character, the edition was MORKTii'A.v I o; i:lk (hiring thf jast year; j.roi'ini; that t'ie Americati piit.lio :t .pre. iate, and w:il fopport, a n;::c'fre t thirt mlliecaise of Art. The pubU hers, u. xious to ju-tify tbn rew-iv con liuettee thu- dt'ne nfTti.'t'.- !. have ekV-rted themselves to th" u;ii:ot't.- devel-.p atid improve t' e work ; u:i 1 ihvbuis for the coininj; year, as ie.f -bled by thcr' monthly is sues, "viH ii.-.ti.t i-h iitii! f'e!;"-ht even the luosi fiu-uit.e frit-nd.? ut' TIIK ALDIN 11. 'l';.e putiii.ihcr-i artt3ithorizi'd to announce dosiejr.s fi-'M-i t.iany of the most ciniucnt ar ts' of America. r In !l"e Iitii-u. Til" ALPINE will renro'uec" e x:-.P. h.-s of t-it; b -t fnifio: tn-st.Ms. select ed vim a v;cv to t(T?; he.- o -st m M!c:-es, ait eieats'-t yenerai intr:-.t ; mreIinsr se.cli I ii' become tn:n:!i ir, through photo-,- eiir ns or eepies or any krtd. The q :ai !e, ly tinted plat( s. for 17', will reproduce fo-ir of juhn S. I)jvi' illimitable ch Id jketi' priateto the four sei-ons These phites ate eurii u ft t ie issues fir J-.ia-u.-.ry, Ar)'. '!' an ! ) tt'.-?r, would b alone wot th the pr ce .f a year-.' e,bseript'an, 'i'iie pDpn'ar f- ;i'ur- i f a cepio y d s trulc I 'C'lu i?t mas" nurubcr v. ill be cuotintied PREMIUM CUR )M0. FvlR is::i. Everv subscriber to ALDINK. vbo pavs i.i inlva- ce t'-r the ye.-.r Ceive, c.i'.il.t ios.-fff ('!);; hejtnt.tid nil hi.!! ns. lifter 1-7:1, wi 1 ii. "'e, a piiir of 1. I. Pill, the i-tuineet Eat!h i-a'ter. t ii.-t -rii.- vi i i: ii.-' M"i-r." ate 1 )-' inrLe.-- Th.j an-1 pll-tll I'I S, C'l- '. ro-i n l lie prirt'-d tioni " iit;pre..s-o-is-i-. 1 !.- s i :u- 2."i d ifere:.t plate-, mM t'v-r 2 an-1 tin st i i r ejf i-i'- I piciar chr" .is ii.-c so!'! for -; ). r p- ir. i:i the At st-ires. A i is co .duct-its t-i k.-c t- t;:e ALDIN oi tiie IT tlU-":t, n-ac-l i'I Ciiii- ;'. o:i in everv t'ie ciuo i os wi.i he found eo!Te--pon-ahead of any th:i(3ai t-e oil' red bv r.c. '.ndicds. Ever v sti'o will re. :vt V rm-r ve a rfi.i .-it'e. over 1 ue :J :i'i:re of t'e ni-h!i-:i rhroui i- deliver- f, sju'ir.i.n teeing that e l .-.iitli t e i i: -i.ii lo I e-n ;' s tiir i nt--i t ;e- ai-Nt. or t n -j in- wiil i. leftvin 1. I he (!.; ti!'0Jtl ot ,. i:r.-s ot ttits eraile, J ;e s-;T:-c( i'r.-r of' a five d !!ai ji-m i .dLo five t . t! i-ul . w yji :u 1 1 ch iti th- Ait : atid. c-im' -l-ierui Hie nnpn -i-. -et a; n--s ot the priee i.i i !1 Ai DI itsi if. the m-uvet f.lls lirih- s' or; of a i.i r i v 1 .-. e, r to t!i - h -t a i i pi -. ; ;,!..; o. ;. ;e .!(! 1 :-V. ' - jrj in veil titi- uejio;..- an 1 laipr -ved n.-c .unc i! aepli an es.OiF..r i.lutra'i -ns i f tie s- ehrin , .st e Noveiu oi.t.d. r of TilM AI.Di.w;,) THE LITERARY 1 E!'AR'i'M H'l'l C. .iii i la-! v - I i i v ,. Di.m: i i ; : -i :! i' i.i i :" t . li-.'N UV .--Toil,!. ; i 1 i ' e:s t-.- ii0 e t':. I, ;.! a; in ke. pit c.r,- of M . Rlfll- o ! , -s -! ! .-,- the ! th ,':, i - I ' ' ' T-E Ah- i ' w.ia its atti.-taMi'.- t I ,.e I ill' tk;:ms n , in aura r.c , w;t.i .i Ci:l.) i.o t'.. e. 'ill:'. - LD I.N ii w i'.'.Qn I..';- i ii. v l.v si. h -cri , t ,u;i. i edueed or c! ih i a-e- ; e :.-Id-.- t. be reiit to'tfe p-1 Ii ir;iiv 1 o the 1 il a-.-n' a't r. be h 'i !:e;-e Will ( Sol Sllh-e. i- una- : he no i turns : II. lilt or I ! ! 1 1 1 ' r; ; ii -s ivler- l v t i t ' o i'il : l s.i r, i x.--;t in cms t ." erirl:;a.i:c -s j-i n. bc.triii toe ia . I J.nnc.s .uit-in .'r'i'ii, O ac::nt?v,'ante:. S1M.C Any per-sy ivft i e; manciitiv ns a 1 v. a 'ertT. v, ,:i r. c ive .u:l . ml 'i)o:n t ,1 il- rtuatioti i y tiYpiv bs t i .?Air..i i 1 1 --; - CO.. FuMish--"-, cico! Tei .M-u 1e i Lane, Ne-.v Voik. ! O l r sr-s, .7 mk E i v a 'Pea: sent, posT-r.vrii, ox KvcrirT or ti;:: O Ti-:rA nKro'M::N'i)Tiin foli.oo- iaa Vo-;d ( ' ll-.-: ii-n of ch i'-e l'i mo : "Shi:iin r Li-''its,"(7V:tcuvd Sh.-i.n'.- "''oil n Li iv,-.."' V.-hl. a ,d II.: ' 11. aith aril Mo-! ," 'Firoije I-.' lies." "Sweet S ends," said Piieeles fQrn.s " Price .i 7a 0 i:. ; i , - in v, -in, in and ; iTf . q Ai-u the fol'o-vi i; In-frunefit-il Co'loe tioti: "r airv (J"'"i '.rs," "Ma.ri: J rcl ," ' i o -tei! Pi.mi-t," and "Pearl Drop.," Ion easy co h-eti .ns. " Keci eat i. . u,'f Pleasant Me-mori'-S '' "(ioi len Chino s" at "i!i il i-1 nt ( i in-," f n fn .re advance I p'av- ers. P i - i f e:leii book. .?i 7". in boa. ds; I 1 in elo'li; Si .ei iu el !i and -olt. i Sti an.-' Wall'es, (ask for IViers' Ivlition.-! in v I - i en h i-i b -an'-; S'i in eloth. .Nov'- ! ed-i's i he.'p Fd;t.i! o; Pi i'io-rorii Classics. I eo .-.i-tinsr !s- loi's c eup'ete wu '.s j in I v..'.-. -hi. i i , ; .-, . each; I', K.ii j ti-Q. :? t ear; !5 -et Ven's - o;:at is. Pee- ! to-veii'. P;v s. .j-J; C!iopi:Fs V.'i.!:. s, i'ol- '"' Noet .nie-.oM.izu.-kns, hi!l-N, and ' '!' ! uiies, .r,e- : Se n.h.ul's f.-n S.n- j at is. ;.- '; S huhei 's Pin:., Piece.-; 'J; Muz- i at t s Sorah'.-i. !- WebePs t'.o. -.iete l, . ! Fie--c , ; Seimnir.-.'s ;; pieces e'i- , K',V1 ';-,'r',I;T7, t" sa a V H;k lUr ! .;oeoo l.d ti ,., i.i-y ll?-e ad h-nd-ene' union.. .ove;lo s e'le.p oeal t'o !! i ,s. -,otii-i- (, in,-, C-'.' -in I '; l!eiW.-i.!.'s Sa i , uiTah-iS , s i .) ieaii-1 u.. v lei-io.l. a ; S.-inu.a ,'s '..t ,1 lou:n, ; ; i. lore's lri-:i MW.:,;, I',!.,, "1.1. Lihtion. hv Alhnin" $ j, Slat let's il'u.-trate . j. : .nan Viiik-l.cdi r i (r) etc. ( In i-r. it ts C;u o Pi ice, i-t. I I, o , hot and oM, w ii hunt j,,. 1, , lil i l'i S. j ?1 CilCllJ COlil! lete '"'',"" . o i i:i Kt-.s Mt s-c-.t. 'loxTtr.v, rc :ht c-nt c.n'ii. i vcrv nnniii-r contaim-i-; at lea t I won. i i i it u ll. li e, nil vo times for 1-I-. , is;', moi 1' 7j, price ca- h O A.eliV.-s, J. J,. pL'iTcTj-; occl-mi uiv;i i.hvitv, Ae v Vm-k .IKIIlllJOkii o r. s !l Ihe ma ( 'a m l le t er ot L-i.ite ot lohil (;;11 t. uce; i. . V w.ii.r, l.S Ji jUi-;:;v (;;n-v THAT t. e umicisi.ii...; has n 'et. pointed t.v t i - , i . . i '" - r-a.iv-ima.- ci tialv o -em, ii' ..I t:,e estate o; J .,:', (;',p CW..p:.-e!i. it. c. as. .1 ; ah eisoas ii, . i,! s.i ) e-n;e are l c que -t,-,i to i.uke i,nK.d...... paet.t; id.perash.dh.eiaimsa. Ihe saa.e. are I'e.pu.ed to piv-ee.t tlm ,v t .e i.e-. ssoy v.iacin-rs wit,u, sjv ,;," ,tv.-r. , .K( ov.-.v, Att v '!'' ei Cl v, Dec. l-I, s'. I C4 I Iti 0, .: Ifc. ii.vne:iee Burns, R N i'iit. . 1 - r- . - . . ' . I .siuii iai, L O i i liw4 O O O 0 rosr. BANCROFT LIBRARY, OF CALIFORNIA, & T . T Wi RTJ T A A UCTIOXAXD COMMISSION AUCTIONEER I Corner of Fronted OaV streets .Portland AUCTIONS A LZS Of F.pI E?t;'.t-. Orocf rien.GertfrP.liTerch-tji d.ce aid Horses. ' i3 Avery ednesdatj end Saturday ! t. I. JtiPHARDsox, Auctioncei AT PRIVATE SALT:. Fngli?h refined Par and in--"e Iron , Knlish Square and Octagon Catseel j iioMv' iNoes. Files Ur." san-- ci-.vs, ry-iiis, sheet iron, Ircn also : large assortir.ent ot (; roceries and Liquors A. U. liicuAKDsoN, Auctioneer OREGON CITV, OREGON", RETAIL DEALERS IN o BOOTS & SHOES, o. I also keep constantly on band o SALEM CASS IM E R E R, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND .JiLANKETS, Which I wiM sell nt the Factory Prices, and Qivill take wool in e-xchnge. Also, I ealer in 0 bJv'AO i-kiiU j a - i tviio 3 i -o- vrill also pny the hihe-t pri''c for nintrer. I'.-:.' and kinr.s ot i,ooi country vi!l sell as low as anv bouse . : Ili"l ice. I in Oregon, for ('ah or its eipiivalent in ;.'.i nif re h-tn table produce. 03 Give me a cailatid s-tfi-fv voarsctves JOHN M5 KR.S. Jan. 1.1, 1S71 tf O K W YO UK II OTKL, ( DeHtfehrs CaTi' ans.l No. IT Fr-mf Stieet, oppy.:te the Mai! stcan sir p I :i-:il in I'orl land. ( ! reii t). p RO v R I ET OUS. Roard per Week : ?e on " " " with Lodging C "o ' ' ' Dav 1 oft J 4.i H Foil 7 ii x .v. i .V i r. i c to . i" or E I fc. ; I ! ij M .4 1 . ' JL. W i l1 ti, i- J Jt "A njpjn- ami rrv O A X I MOULDINGS OF ALL SI.KS. - They will a No do Tl'llXINO, ol ev ry dci-cripti'-is to oiilcr, ;3 end Disntcl A. O all worK v,'. ki;anti:d. Shop on the Kivor, in L' v. ;s shop, (e)!o.ti- (Ji-i-eon ( it v V. i:! -Q- Hi T' 3 tho heaviest ia tnq p O -era ti2?:j.-i r ro--r, 1'c.r r.rgtc'Iicr machine. o If ll:ore ia n. riover.eo Fewir 7,T;i cliluoViiLiu ot.-o juites of F-n rr.".o.c0co mt v.ork:r;rr T t;i pr j r,-v!::;T fii'lvo Frilsfe;:. n, if Ii:!;i in-lorr:;c-l cf it, it v M h0 e' tf-r,": d to vi:.:oat es-cxsa i tu.v kind lo tho owner. u i .-Ui.j jLj.-ijf ilcnti 13 flew Pont-omcr Street, Gnral Hole! Cwllciin-, Ca.n Frar.ciico. 4 SrtuZ for Cirrttlizrs and Sfttnjurn r,f the U f.rl:. tctive Arnta tranUU in rv('rjf ;i!cr. 'MAIS STXSEKT, - - OIlECiOX CITV. :i.srr.UTrr:i:ri a:;d i -iroiiiER of o o f;A D ITT. r.., II a u :.c;5J, r- w v i i ) j . ! : ! i v -! j a i. i - f r A "Y7iTirn nn offer as cheap as U c in be bad iu the State, at Vhglosaio ore.aiI '31 warrant all ntr jroods represented. Oregon City, April! 7, ls72. n2ttf. O OSEGOI-FCITY BREWERY! p?irhace.1 the al.ore Rrewcrv wish e toinform the ptiblb- he is now tiiepar Cd to tll.Hiufaetltre a No. 1 q-iality ol r. a a Kit e :: it. - A" erood s can t.e ..trained anywhere in the Stale. oVl.-rs solicited and promptly- tilled HOME-MADE CARPET FOR SA LK AT (7) I. IKM.1VG O o r T? S, . ' Lt. -..-! J ?! ' : r i ,V .A .f CusiiR'ss Dlmctory ff Portlartl, Oregon. pcblieukd ry lTsamuel. General Advertising A-r:nf,'jZ I-ront Zlrrtt. I Q erlock, S., i F7o1orn?7-p-::--- ' ! P f'r in Harney. sJ?,''" " Ackernuin's Dollar Store, J-'o.l Kirt Mr-it. Importers and Job bers of Fancy Goods, Toys. Crockery, Glass ware ana i tuieu v are. Astor, First st., between Oak and I'inD. Everything neat. Ii. L. Longfel low, Proprietor. Axr MUSICAL IX3TRU3IEXTS. GILL, STEEL & BASCUOFT, rvTofl. 75 nn;t 77 First StreeJ, "Portlund. B armas, the only direct Importer of Cloth ing, Ac, cor. Froiit A Wiiihington sts. CHAS. n.. CARRHTT, VnOlESAU IJOOICfSEI.r.KR i STATION Eli," LAA'GLST .STUCK' X roRTLAMK IVo. 70 Frnxit ami .Vn, SjWasIi- BECK, WILLIAM A SON. T.'J Front st. Importers and dealers in Gn., Ililles Ittvolvrri of every description. Fisbins Tackle, Fancy Goods. Reads, Bird Caes, Raskets, .Croquet Games, and I'aby Carriaires. Acents for the "California Powder 'Voiks;" a!o, for the tVl-.eeler & Wilson Pewitis Machines' "fk. John A., 120 Front street, practice X.) V.'ater.maker & Jeweler. Work don tor the Tfiid-'. one HOOK ADJOH PKiniTKItS. DIMES AnACPEI.I)ER US Ffont street. 1in hanan, '. A..v. w. cor. First A Taylor 3 sts. Chei'.j est Furniture in l'oit hi:,,!. CAKPETS. WALTER PROS fi Front street. (p Cllarke. Iler.t ; stieet. 1. Henderson A Cook, M A f-S First alcrs in Dry t;tKils. Fancy (iooi! C1ol.ii A RoiiF. id, 14 Ftorat st. Conimis l sion Mereha ts A Dt-alers in Or gnu A CaliforMa Produce. iionple. J. P.. ? J Saddles, lia Ma tin fact titer A Deiler in larncss, and ruuulerv iiard '.' Frot-t s'li-et. (vi frier, W A Co.. lo:? F.niit t. Merchant yTa.!ois and L'lolh!er., Hats Furiihinjj ( OH 'its. Di leishiiiutt A Oatnian Real Estate Agent. houses routed. , 2 Fri-nt stn-i t. money Uianed. DENTAL GOODS, i- rout -! r- er. D HI TOG I A Rl 'it. ii ; if'rent .-Mei t. I'rders Qroin nrv port ion ct e tj.te or Ten hones eaic- !u!lv li! e.l bv :n,i t or express. ?m 1. I. .Owen ti in .V Co. lurniture nnd J.J Curvi-t n?idt-j Stoics fnun l."l to r n -t sti i'i.t. T7u!;.!ovn;cr.t A j ncv. J. R. Wit! erel!, f i 5h i ....' - !.,,..:.'; . ii i ;.,!...! i...:.. I vcr.l -n ,V lleehe. In Front stieet. Cer.i- J mi-s'.-.n .ii tfrci.atits r.tul !.ca:crs in ou- lie-.-tie I'iodiice. T'.ishion l.iverv Stable. er. l"iiti Salmon 1. sts E. 'ot V.f ft in w.i i s ot! hat-1'!. tiiiin 1 tiii n-oi.ts "JTVhei A Ii- Tt. cor Fiist A Wash:n:-tor st-.. Dealers 'i. Miiimfac. Cothing, Fnrn-ir-e ;o;1s. ' GRAY'S i'iUSIC STORE- Hie I.ire.-t Muic II'i:sc- en llie Co.istr STlIaWAYJIAXCS, LIRDETT OUGANS. G. Ti. J Til A TVS. 5I; nagcr. soleabency fur the ?.Ia thine. .';7"Ac-cnts wanted. T-oi JI m all kinds of Seeds, cor. Histaud .iaai -ts. T it; l.-.i; -rer. P., l:h", first s-rref . impiu te J 1 liiitl dealer in Staple Fancy Pry Go. d. .Nl ihinerv. Kit:. ice. D II. , Photoetvj b:c Af.i-t. s. v. or. Fiift and MoitiW;i sts. child s 1 'let. spec Itv. Kc: nchsL-n, L. C. A Co., 1. .i F Matui'.ictiucr.s and dealer- i r-t stieet in Jcvvelrv v allies, A-C. ihbard. rieo. L., l1- Front st.. wholes :h dealer in Crocctits, Doors, Waon .Ma Is, Vc. Ho.!-". Calefy Co.. 7, Fruit sr., wb.i I sale dc.ilcis in cTruirs. I'ainis. Oil tiia Ac. o I J 1 1 1 Sew. tu; .Mathllie, .-truiuht JLJ.V l 1 1 J nieilie n...'er- t',.,1 "h-el- stitch. Competition challenged. ii T raver, 1 pj Front st. nnrsren .t Shin. Her, ...p.Diti to ITi l-ir.-t st. I:::n.Mters Furniiure. P..-.I oh Ac. "IT ii. chins. .ti. U'.. U a;ci ir.aU. r. cm- 1 nt anil .'diii reels Ai! work done a: iti l'i anch-eo prices, and warranted. ntei i.iiti.iiial Ilo'el, cor. Front and .Mon i sm s s. M. Ilcdolnh. Froii. Pree Uu-s attet d . steamers. I ohn .1 A- C i.i I.' ..... i . , .-i..i ...... .. i -"-, . .vn1 .1., ll'liMUf nun tet tii dealer in Fine Cleihinrr. Furnish ing tii'lliii. J ai-on Dol ce Pe.-taurant. ptivate rooms f)r Families, cor. 1-t and l ine .streets. C,i. oi)?;. Pi op. art in, K. A Co., vvh.le-ale dealer in Wines A- Liquors, l). S. N. Co's IMock, San Fran. ami Meier A Schmeer, 111 Front St., who! and retail Confectioners. e?u;e " f il'er, John P.., .?, Ut st. W atel.maker .V ll L Jeweler, oilers to tlie t-tlhlic a tine ns. si. I tinciit (f Watcbt-s, Ci "oeiis and Jewelry. "A f oeller A Co , Front near ( 111 in i ative ami :oicieV t.. Dealers iocs, I.iacois iiml t lirars. "Vorthnip A- Thompso!!, .ieule; s in Karib X vvi't-e. Iron, St. el. Hubs. Spokes Hard wood Lumber, t-c. Portland. Occidental lifted, cor. First and M sts. Smith A Cook, Proprietors. 1)ari-h, WatK.ns Sc. Corr ell, Real Estate A:er.ts, Pittock's building, cor. Front and Sialic sticets. o ! ) II ()T( )( 5 HA nilC GOOIlTc. II. WooT L aid A Co., lot Fiont s JOHN B. PILinriGTOrJ, El. d., )Ci:i.Isai AXJ) AL'I'.IST, Orncr 73 First Fthhet. Holmes' Rrn.n i.vfj, :;d i.oois ri oM Ladh's Dank. Treats rdl diseases of tlie i:ye, Iar, Threat aiul I.wn; 0 1"ichtcf; Pant. IP.', First i-t. . importer of i Kerlin wooden Carvingj, Parlor Orna me ti t. .Vc. r.senbanm, f.S.ACo.Tohacconists.imrvirt 1uss House, Front st. OnrZ7T" '"''prietor. ,S.ddlery ner Hardware. Simon, J..5H Front street aZIT ash &. wind. w,rH;:.:: r.'ur'o iw. : a ruter.i. " 1. Ortfflna .. strutnents. -uic, JiUli(. ,- C! kidmore. S. (J.. i i L-rT7: r O Apothecary, a lur,4 stock " 4 & Toilet Articles. k of 1 ertutn... tniih ,V Davis, ;i y, O dealer in DruCs PainN n V hl Glass, Perfumery. 'Uts' 0l!. W 'OH StlHelTTT indow Q now .: Koos, -;i First stn et M J.ames, Moiu,l!g9 ArtUt. Dig Insti nnients. -,al Smith, ut.. Rroker 71777 in Lee-al Tenders r.Jl- 'ers, Go'PrBB,..'. Valf and Gobi Dust raggne k, vjaicnmnKer & Vamifrfctr;nff T". u is appointed Ajrent for the WIi . er" F. Uonrard .t Co., Cha- F j ' ",El,ir. California Watches: nl f": Jor?,-a"dte tions ons and impotts of the' fNdifnrr,;' J"" ' Wpany. San Franrinco. Send for u? C VA'atchei renn.Vo.t i " .1 ' ',nn.01' nrto,r'. and wakrantko to r,re satisfaction EDE,r rPfrv 15ros.. Vn. ir Fi. . dine. Carpets, ,Vc. : iu rurm iiva i. x. a- ri-he Clothing store. 11 :t FroruTa7T7i ' X Coeds. Boots .in.i v! ,RR ii . T ' ios.- 'Iiittle. IL IL, 142 A 144 F77aa7srnT 1 " 'V Pricultnral2mplfn!.t1r ''pyne. F. D. n. c.-r. First 70,, J. dealer n Lrandies, Vies, EheJuh A' and Porter. - ll deal s in Produce. "1 7 bailey tc Fechl einu r. At bcitorsin uptcr. Fellows Temple. ernrys A ?f Otlice in (jci G LOOK OUT FOR GOOD A'i Mw So ac tC e k r.t a CO. ITTAVE JUST KKCEIVED f jLjL stock of A I.AFtE T ' P m k x v rr w -v r. LALSj AM) u iAiLkl WHICH TilF.Y offti: c) Cl:cnj?er tltati the CtrfsL VV would say. come atul rrnTirre rrr. self before jmr basing ci.-c n Lf re. Cur 'itii'i consists in art of FANCY AM) STAPLE DRY-GOOD?, CIIOTIIING, HATS. P. )tTS AND SK0E. notions, ckoceki;;:s. s UAKIMVAE', and a preat many articles too ct;n-.f n rs ts ti.cntion. -AL-O. Doers, Windows. G!as nr.: rutty. ALL KINDS OF PKODUCE TAKFX IN IFX HANCE F0U COOTS. A LS0. Vtflfh wanted, f..rh:ci r fir tlie IIKJIiE.T 1 P. ICE. G. ACEEEErZK a CO. o Cr.-pon City, A; ril Cl, lS7I:tf TSKW WAGON AXP Carriago riant:factcfy I The understcned, bavinc inrrcayed th i tnensions of bis pi cmises, ul tlie old staLd Q Corner of Main and Tbircl strftts. Oregon City Oregon. Takes this metbnd to ir.fmm bic eld f- rns, and as nmnv row cues as hat " pleased to call, flat c ir now prrpurc d, witk itnple room . irnod materials, .rd i: e TrJ best of n-rcbiirs. to buil.l anew, rrcci- trnct. make, j-jiint. iron nnd turn imt i. complete any sott ot a vehicle f-.-m eem- nion cart to a concord cel.. 1 ry n e. la.-ieksmitiiiii.'. or Ox sl.Ofirjr. f sreneral jobbing unit lyfqm.-kly and beP-- v clone. e DA i 1 .-. l i n . 5 Opposite Excclsier 'rVt A. G. WALLTNG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. Corner or Iront ami Aider SI reel, PORTLAND, OREGON BLANK ROOKS RULED and ROUND b5 anv- debited pattern. MFSIC ROOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS; 1 .11 J.l.... OIL., UUiim. . . j stvle known to the trade. . Orders from the country promptly l ended to. - - REAL ESTATE EXCIMKCE- GEO. Ii. COJRY, DEALER IN R FA L FSTATK AND OTHER IXVESTMFNTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp nd UTfr flowcd L.-'iids. , . A Farm Lands sold nnd pnrel.nsers cbta:cen for nil kinds of landed propertr. Vabiab'e s"ruritie transferred in excl ur? forreal esfi.te. 0 Forms netroti-ifed on property, nd x.i.ia exn ni ineI Hnd de'i rii ired. ... Commission solicited and executed wi.n fid.-'itv and pronipre. fi. OFFICE No. 14 CMrter'8 Building, ecrc' of Ablrnft Front Rtreets. Trh. 3. DTretf 'c-urtj '.s.Diw; v c