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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1872)
G O O o o o o o o . o O o o O o o o Q J OH 1 v 7 7 TOWS A a. l - - - - ' rsTERTAiN-MSXT.-An amateur troupe, r ,n.ed of young ladies and gentlemen 7 cl:v. pare an ea t er tain men t at My Vlbi'M'st Tuesday evening, for the e V V'btf Corro-.Klona! Church. V. e KSnoVp-ce tSgS Int.. details of the bjT?"i his rerfonntnee. but mts,y vrtaintnent given fer-'" ' el .. 5ih an entnv change of . and wewmild advise a! v ? t;e this evetiin-'s periormance at lengdi f"r not! issue. I-n"t tail " Po- ""i1 in : lir !r,.nl'for'it.vo.i will lwHIpsH. ,.1 amply repaid for the price ofgdm:- o and aiiiji sloa KKM'ivi s Sopcm. Oa Tucsdiy cven inff next! being Christmas eve. there wiil he a Christmas tree for the children ot the nn.Uy ."Scbnol -Cf- Paul's C!n rch. at wlii. h parents and friends are cordially in v;ted attend. I'i connection ivi-h the dis-.l-u, :;,.!! of nresen's there will besingp'g bv the children of Hie Sunday School and rakers and an uA Ires? by the lector. A!l Ctle-rs wi-liing to place presents on the tree ar reioiesied to bling them to the chuich as e-rly on Tuesday as pr.s-:be. wlire a cotniiii-tee will be ?presciit to receive and pUce them o:i the tree. Oi Wi-!i;e-.iay. b,-nz Chri-tui is Diy. ther- wi'.l b-j service io the church at 1) o'clock. PKvnsrs. Oar readers wi'.l f.tid the card of Prs. Welch & Thvjipsou under the LeiJ of bu.iiiess cards."' on our first p,;e pr. Welch is loo well known in this cnniinunitv to need attv re.n; tnmer.d ation at our hands. a a first class dentist. His Tiirtrer. is but n eatly from the l-as!.:ind we leurn tii at he has not his superiors in the pro!e.--i.'.M. They have the driest offic the i;fiast li'ted up in the Odd IVIIoas' T. i:iie in I. rtlatid. and llose wt4)hav need of a deaiist. c mnot d-J better than to nive :!n-in a call. They are sure to give f.tUia.jtion. :l . Wl'Kf.B IS Tt!K FAt l.T? (Jill- p iper lid not reach its destination two weeks ago on lh route lea lirg from I'o. i latnl throng.' iliis county. The p-ipers were d'il v in ii!-d at oflicx iia i'iv':iy. nn.l lelt'liere f..r I'oril and on tle same day. and .-bo aid h ive p'ee the next nnTiiiiig. tli-y l not. Whose tattl: i- it. Will the i'osiinar-ter at Fonbu.d i xjilain? The f.m It was in that I we hope it wi;l not oceur ag It de- laV2.0"r p 'P 'f j:lr-t Otie Week wl.etl S'lCh li tii' omis.-ioiis are m i le, and tUib is wr at;:ii)ving to si,b-cr bers. EinTiiQt'.iKK. Don't g.! startled, dear j roa.b-r but it is an actual fae: '.hat we hav h id one of those luxuries iu Or. 70:1. We dld't fee! it. but a reat nnnv ; eo;,le I, -11 us t hey did. and from our e, -t:.t: - we find that it ivus fe'.tj at t'ertland am! E ..-! of the moi:;i!ai:i-. It ocrurr -.l l-i-t s :''.ir ii iy n'.ht. -..tioill U nV.ork. S .rr.e s-.v Hie Jioek was w.s a h ii- I one. o'l:e; s that i' w .s very in't-i. It di ! no .1 im i,-. a- u as we did noi fee! i". we ar" not ; i' . , t i -; 1 to ay wt.e her I, v. as a g-.-utiiae o.i-.- or i.ot. - --- - ' F:: Sir. it. We line an aco-tnt against Dr. A. i. E.Ils of I'oftlar I a" f .('...A s; i; .; ii-ee on advertising cm"., acted f iriii- N itf 'trti Life I tt-n : a ;;( ('.en pa 1; ; S li); to s : i --c ; i j . ' ion !i i,'iuA''.'&t I I -.t;i to V. I'e. ! i; lo.a! j-'ilA' '1 :i;s u: n:i 1.- bad e'.. -i.. We i..- r i'ti.-u ! t to "t.o .-it ! -r.s -i,,. -.,).! nt for st,.-. i::t : l!,e :.-!'. iw !'.l i tio rh.-.-Jv In lei jo take p..;. -is ,,: p'! ...::i-e. i V5t.o i i 0 it !;; ti i ;i :!,;; :;eio':i.t is .-ro.ii or .j'.ii- ' ! A" i-e Se ; r ' et J . Ci.'...:;o l -.-. -'l ii iti l i '.- n li'ey. -, r ! -fer te.-Wti as the Mess Iloase, w tleie I : ia' o.'.s on .;! io-.-k.s li.l ve beets b'.ild "i-lv c; d :r. b-.-'rn-ss last. M.e:d tv. and 1 ::e ! ; i : i r l r.-;n '-. :l h d.-hes. j ' .. .... ', .. .,! lit.. 1 ii.-r III. to oo !i,.ie; eaouuth iir-ti no .v at. work to j '-taty : ;,i iii ie.,o, open ion.-r. Mr. iJ.r.ley his ba.irie 1 a grei: many m.-ii duritig the i -t i-i.'Vi-rii ::io!i:h. and we be.ieve g-ive v, .--,- g.-rieft! .-.1 li.- set ion. 1'a!.;.',::;!. v r.vate letter Irotn Sa il in. o b-.iu t'.Mt fiovern' r (Iiover s ImJ.:v p.ii doi-.i d Mida-al M edd mlc ; y ho wis sen euce ! to ihe pen;i. n'i:ry Iron-, this e..-. :-. !! k.ltirg Tom .Moiitg-naet . u;i li. ii i.i 1 i.. f w.i-conside! ti!) ed-osiit us ., v. r the Ji.iim died from the b ows received I;.. m ?iIc'-"oi tnick or Imou g.-ii.-ia! di-! ,;s,., and ieiiru that the p.iidoll was j ; anted 0:1 this ground. l.r.w V::.v:: Eaki.. We a iimded a Leap Year Uiil a'. Albany list Friday night. It was ihe i:r-t of llij kind we h ive ever'at tea 1-d. aa 1 a1 li,-.-t we felt, a little out tf p! ice, bit bv tii c mrte-ies of the mana gers. we moii were a" 1; itije.-t.i-l bad a Very ideistn! time. D was a splen lid sneees a'l I trie .s,i;ier w is a lii is: m iniiieent 'li--. 1 iv ot lae g io 1 things. The la iiesol Albany ka 1 v j.w to get up a bad. rt-tcitiis iit.. i to. At the U-t regala--S'ssi ill ot 1- li Is i 1 ? liiip neut No. -i. the lol'i.wtng persons were elected otIicer I t the e;,-:iii;g !(-rin : A Noltrter. C. 1.; A. J . A;p -i - m." 11. 1 ; E. 15. f ellows.. W; A. 0. '.ai'.ey . Scribe: J. M. Faeou. TreMiter; ('. W. 1'ope. J. W.; W. i. linri.s. -V. J. Aiipeisiui and AS" . J . ("aldwell. 'litis tees. Installation w ill take place January fll!lc7o. ("iiaisrM s (I.oiiis. Our merchants are generally we'd -up;. Pud with such goods a are su itabie for bolid.iv presents. Oi" toys and f,t:ey grids, iher)' is an r.bna datice. and njia ncc i go else; hei e to taoie their ji'ircli ises. To-' prices a-e as low in any other tow n in the State. Look over oar advertising culinnas aud give theui a call. Dkccm-.ations. The Episcopal Church will be decorated in an approjiriaie man ner for Christmas. It Las been a long estabii-he 1 custom of the Church To decor ate with eveigreers on the day of the b:r:li of o ;r Saviour. There wiil ! Fer icei he'd in che CL-uicii on Clirtst-ras FPiopria:e to ihe ocea-bn. lltiNtoN The Firemen o! this citypr v 1'-'; to h -ve a grand reunion next C!:ri.-t-J"-"S. TLt-re is to be a dinner ar. 2J 'V.0ck. at the Ciitr House. The well k 'ovv.i repnuii-m of Mr. and Mrs. llo'.den o get ,if a j,0(,. di;, is sufficient gtiar aau'c '-t ii wiii be iffcneccss., Ti!iiotij:i. We had a glance at i t l"' stiioKig face of ouj o!J friend, and one of the Lest fcilows that ever lived, J. N I' of county, as he 1' issej ihroiiirh n the cars last Wedm-s ,U;V- ll '-os-Hs us handsome pleasani a --'ever. F E.i'x a grand ball is to be giren at Myers Hall next Wednesll 17 evening. We tfarn tht it is the intention of the iuna- Srs to it tbe ball uf tLe seasoa. II o X?TT : DECEMDt V..,.,w.dr,'.! with fll'it i .tall a'"n;li"" - -, ., lLl:, The drama "iMv.n by the sea. C Hve.l. ar.a so was tin- farce. uixated. A from Wash announces that Graut Las lenciuin alcd Mr. J. M. Dacon as Tostmaster at tbiT place. AVe are shul of that, as Mr. Eacon makes a must excellent oflieer, and we know that lie uudeisiar Ja Lis busiatss and aiift.'di to it. 0 0 Ecioi-.s. There are a gi eat many ru mors aiioat as to wU-n tbe Erst boat is to j go through tuo Locks. It is iMiuecessarv to Ftate that none of them are true. It wiil be publicly announced when this tfwnt is to plac. probably not beloie tae lit of next inoMtii. It is a weil ktiown fact that D. L Store. No. 9 j, Front &!reet, Portland. Las the bet s-e-ected stock of jewelry hi the State, and he is selling it at a !ss price than any other house. Jl yon w ml aiiyibiiijr in hi's line for a litiht ty present, give him a call. Fukkifk"s Sam:. The steamer Call-ope will be soul by Sheriff Hedges at auction -n the 27ih inst. Here is a good show for some Steamboat men to gel. (a boat ehefcp.aud as the lorj'is will so :i be npeo. can go into a lucrative business at otic;. Ovkki5oai:d.A0 couple of small boys were upset-in a fckifi last Saturday, but timely as.-istancis rescted them from a dangerous Hiir.s.iio:i. I'eople should be c.ctiiious Lo.v they allow' their boys o vetiture too fur in ;he water. Alarm. The fire ahum laij Tuesday night was etvised by the burni ir of a chimney at Ihe residence of Mr Ja. M. The ris'.ens were promptly out Itui no damage was done, and their ser vice, were Hot needed. Sr::-;c-5 To-Pay. There is io be a Missionary Service h"!l3this morning at St. rani's Episcopal Church at 10 o'clock. This service was de.Mrrnn'ivd bv the Hoard of Missions both of the United States and the old country. () Vacation'. There wiil b no pchool af the Seminary from the 2-"i h infsto the Gth of Jannarv This vacation is jjiven in or der 'hat the children. : well its tin: teach ers may enjoy the holidays'. At ITov;:. dipt Sam. Holmes, arrived at this place Ins Mondify. and r. snenoin"' a few days with his parenls. He stys the "arilt-ju al e was fi-lt very plainly nt the Dalles and Cejjlo. Anw nttfiKs. A little c!nl 1 of ?.fr. Wait nan paw. af Linn Ci'y. fell d iwn s'airs last Friday evenin-jr androke its nrm. The 1-Mio cifT-rer al'owed Pr. Farc'iiy to pet 'hri.ib without a murmur. Pi.ttviv vt.. We had a call from IVore- r Af. rnev ptn-ham res'erdar. Mr. Durliam. tliong'i a IJep'ib'i - ;n. has ll.u fir nrnyen li",iVo-;f rvbe an enerfelle and G o c... yfit'S Hey. Fa'her Coims. former 1 v r, " s: , I .,, t w. n , . . T ; 1 V t .. ,. w- .. .1 1 iTttft iM-!2r at the CvlboHe Cluircli. where ; reg-itar 5-r-rvie 11 x.r ll'-t-l. Vv'e h -,ve not. b-'on atti to learn wh if ;ht pi oprie'ors of the f;.etnry nro. nr.-e d -i-g. wbether tliey pr. pise rebuild- - ! , t" ' O Cii-Ms-fts Ttt!--" lb' SiioJsv PrVf.ftt nf'',,. ( '. ..vvj-e-, 1 1.-,..., ("loir'l iv"li.i -os to h i re a (Xor'is ' f ii i pa on : a.' C .vi: - Hen. D. p. Tti-.m-Q-.e b-f! v. '.-;: iV f..r f'aMr..roi-i. tin-! perhaps he will go '.ir-' b"'ore lo return. I;;:sv.vW. W. !.:!! H";". q . edt'or of th- (),-oi;:ii at. gave us a call l.'.st Frid v du-t.-.g o:ir .-ibs-nce. C i:'"-;: v. "Di this ritv, P.-t. 17, 1-72, to the wih of j ("'a; ies I.(g is, a s n. j a Fii-st class l"a:t ilv J u nal. w.ll I )C s(;; t X.) ! any ad-iies until J.inr.ary 1, ls;i. fo.-?:. I Adircss w;:i.!.s,di;uuv, l'u i-ber, M e,i eteat h. Orcein. VVOID t.'UACKS. . victim . f co Iy i iliscre'i n. l au.-ire; i, -I'-oiis ib I iiii victim i f e.i i I v in- ' iv, .reuia' me ile.av . X- , h . cnij tried in vani everv ir i . ei t sed reii evi y, 1 a-as:nio!e n i-a-;s d: -ell caie, w inch oe v. Ml eie! ! i ee to ! -.s n ll.e.y s-.lter.-rs. -.1 ire.-s J. li. LLLVES, 7s X .s-.iu st., New Yolk Sept. 1 : i y 1"Jv; tin-tit !i-4.irial Annual- Hostel id's Unit.' d States Almanac fer 1S73. f r oisti ib.-f .i on. zr.iri , t'sroiul.o-.t the Unit d St ites. and ail civilize 1 co-mtries of the Western llemispiict e, is n X js-iblii'l-td and rcadv l r del vcrv. in the !i;)l:sh. German, Pre. eh, X,iwegiat,, Welsh, Swed- i-h, Jlollaii I, ll-ilieii.i.m an 1 panis' bin- j gu - ges.itel all v. i.o wi-h to uu lei -tan-.! tii true phi!oso by of l ea th should re .d s-ml J.i. lil.ei l l.e io uao.e : i i. on .a u- In addition tii an lolu.iiat le medical treat -e , on the causes, ptivenlion at... lire oi u "rent vaiietv i-t dj.-ia.-es, it eirbiacts a f ,- large amount d inl-ni uf.on mteie-tu g to the merchant, the meciianic, tlie'dniner, the , . .. ''!'', ., . planter, and piofesioHUl than; and tue ca.- dilations have been made for Mich meridi us. , . .. i i .. I ii .... . : 1 ami lat.I noes as ai C ino.-i su.iaaie lor a eoi- rect and coinpi chensive National C.u.EXtMR. The nutare, use-, and ext: aordi aary saai taiy i!!'eits of I Jo-tetlt-r' St-unac'i Uittirs, the st ini- teiiic and a t- rnative of m o e thuil had the Chri.-taiu woihl, are tuliy set in its nages, are als inters.. ei .-ad w ith pie- to.ial ii.ust ; at iotis, vulu..blu lecipis lor ihe hoii&cl old a d la: m, humcious ai.ecd 'tes. and oilier instruct .ve and anie.-mg lead ng matur, original ami selected. Among tn- A. n ii ds to appear with opening ol the ear, t'oi- will b- one ot the ui.ot use: ill. au-l y ir h i ! o ('.7g. 'j he propi iel. , Mesr. llof.tet!er t .N'nuth, I'itt-bur 1'a , on I ecei. t 65' a t ivo cet.t .-tamp. l.l I i ward a copy bv mail to anv I.e. sift vho cannot " - ' i . . VyT, I-". rroeai c one in ais neighbor. .T,d.- Ine bi.- iers are sold iuWery e.iv. town and tillage, a .o c en.-. eiy i,.-iu .o ue.g.iciu . i..e ei li. e civ i. zed wor.d. Or.-gott LoIge No. 3, I.O. olVO. K. . A. ; Mietscvcry Thursday even W-t --'- , -,5 ,:lS at ' ' 1 lock, in Odd 1 cllow'a li.,!' r.; Mem. ers of the Order are invited to r.ttend li v order . X. ti. li. ,. ,. I. I . ...... .. r, &J3 -dcetonthe Second and I oui th TUESDAY EVL'XIXfJS f t ;ic.h month, at o i irk- in fl-1 K. ' ' eilth month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Mcmoci-3 of the De-rce are invae3 to attend. j i til; noma li hmi;f t. 1, A. K. ua i j ju ... raattc-v cf the Ii.sla:e of John rioming, CA A. Ho! Is its regular c-iuimuutea i d,.' i-. l. . , ,,.,. T--v- 'vVtionson ti.e Firto:,.l Third S,,iur. OTP "K IS IIF.i'EP.Y HT-v EN bx riil.tN- in each month, at 7 o"clo. k from I d' X-l tnat n, has Umiiw-. u , ' Viii , of September to the -.a of f l March, and 7h oclovk from the 'ot!i ol : j. t'i.i .-t'l j owin-jr sai-1 estu'e, and March to the 2"th ot Septeiiioer. Dieth ' .iTp'orson' bavin:! et lims a.-.tinst it;l deeeii---.l, ren in good standing are invited to attend. ; arc. ri-i-i.n- I 'o t eat the wir, 'he I";"T"''- Dec. iiy order of W. M. 1 v..ncbe:-, witieia si?- :ao:vl.-:ioia thed.tte .-t '.as F..r the very bjt photographs, go to Bi ad ley t Rulofsiin's Gal'ery without KTAIR&-- i?" ASCEND IX THE ELEVATOR, i-z1 .Montjomeiy Street. San Franci-eo. Hi" u",1'.1' 7 V(o t-t c'r10-:' T ME. the leLo Lr ci k: Joualv in ue - t.tie , vj.-j...i, i . r I i.u-kai-M . couatr, in ivor ct Li-r ";e i-f Oreiro-x, T.Lunua, '. ad vUlKju'lllUOi'.,"!!, tUi.lluiMll. t, .r tl... iri r.." 1 '" liuadi-gjl uu'l luiny-s t..i-la;i tiors, costs ami ia,,iios. the.ecu ut 1 lie rate ot tOa, 10, ier, j-.-. i'-iaiiiii, ui.d it-j co ts ,f aud e.ioi-i this Mti. .j i t-.f.viiion 1 h4v;, ior want o I-.-XKial ..-o. v.ty, K v.j-l u; juloi .id Uc-luO-' """tl lli"wi s, i.:ti r. ' ia uii.i to the real -., r.y. ,1-j.i-re.. I ?lnvs, to-vitP Lo, iiam.ei,-a v.:i. ii, tiijil f.velve, 12, iu Wock .No. live, j.m sua ..; in Jvnn City, Cl;..rWaiu is couutv, i-ai ot -': -u. 'uv.-ct:...r. ,v virluo It Mi.U-fcL-ji'..:!,o;i--.l;1-...!.,f, t'.ic lHh dav of ..'a ....!-, 1.-.. ;. ttl ihe lio jr of II od.ici, a. la'.tly i-u'iit.t Ine ...uit iio:i.-e i;o.jr, :a s.'.a county, 1 wnl -.11 ail ot ,ai 1 deu.-uj.tat,". iu and to lno iil-ove i-.oper. y, o .,, mi,0U tiiL-iuct aswitu t..e l Jf,onai;vriy k-viu I upon, wot s.. t..iy :iiu execution, mtcivst and costs, at jiub huui'.c.ion, totue LiaUeit UdUw lot- moacy m U.i-i-1 !..i I. lJ.-c. U.h, 1072. c. ... a. f. ii;no;-:si, ., .'. "'-"r 1 f Oaekam.i. tiuntv, Vn- n. i;y ... r . i i-..v i 1 1 K-iau y. Jei.-2a-.v4 f-ictico! VOUCE is ekki-.p.v given: that J th. -re wi.l Le an Annual tne.tinj of Hie StockltoiJer.s of the O 1 I FhIoaV ilall Avoc ation, at Uj 1 FlI.o-.v.-," il.tli.on iay, J aunary If., ;,t 4 o'.-l. vk p. m., to elect oti.ct-i s for the ensin ng ear, ami to tr.ii:.-act such o.iier b...s:n s Js'iii iv 'o fc ili.iied. A.J AlTi.u.S i.N, l'lcAdc-ut. At. .st : J. M. Uacox, Seciet.. 1 v. Dec. -jowi mum f--. kt t t "a ssvir; vikcsiit & co. No. ' 7 Saxsdm Sr hi: i;t, San Francis'.-y. Havi tii rn.KAs l i i ; ; f a x . o u x c inT to the .t;b He, that ,a iag iaised ik li immense qtiai titles ef S.-.-da this y. iir,; in their F.. Ul-.a . (i.trdens". Alameda, lley ai s enabled to make a red a ti 11 of ! per cent. 01U.U yen--, prices. 1 hey have 011 hind a large - a.-nortm. -lit of l'.uibs. Clover, Canary, lle.iio and all kinds oi Vegetable pind t'loaeffc. eJs, of every known lies. rip 1:011. Aiso, Caoijagj plants ot cvety dt'a ciiption. J dcc2o;::'2 Siti:stio:i IVauled. SITUATION W.XTi:i iiV A I'lLNCTI--V cal li inter on a weekly paper or iu a Joljpi iu'i -g ol'ii e. Ad Ire-s A. Y. 71.0 li: itiSK tiii.-e, Oieon Ciiy. . o : : ; Dissolution t'ctico. rptli: CoI'AUT.M-ili-illr iiKUKTO.'OflE JL e.;.-ti ig under I-.e iirui name ol Wilh.-ia V U ul-.-s, ;o. l.agle Cieek, Claekainas eonnly, Sta-.o of lingo , I, as l.,-ei; i.i.-x.ived by ltitl- 1 1 . 1 1 iMiiv.'iit, i.iis t,ih diy of i),'c-j!tvj)er, 17-J. All deo. s (. t U.i.- he! . i n.-l e exi.-t:ng til in wiil be paid by the,.- ;id !. (', nh.s. an 1 11 I delos due ihe lde l,-ji wiil he coiI,-.;te, l.v ..! II Wli l'i.-'i v 11. Wli.P.i.UX, !i7w. II. (iEUDliS. o ADDS FIVE CEXTS i 1 : tie -e -2 ,f a shoe. inX one dll:. to O ww.-O V t 4viido j") AT PAf-hoA--' r3 " 1 n I 'u vi ftt. .J b i - ii: y C'ali a:.d Fxaniiu-: for y ielves, at i. 't:!,Li:;cr. Oi.-oti Citv, Dec. it, G r- l . . u v,i. t . ; n l,. d i rn C-or-rs r .- v-vv-r-rn tv. i iii.i-i..., O Of .i c:-;s')xvn.!.i-:. 'has piseovn::- da rein, tie, en . e s- d f t e l-'.viiaet fi -ie '.io -Sltatil la m, w id. !i eiov.-s ia J ,(:!;: s. .; comity, a d oih -r Ve. et da- I im red b b-is e..a'..'t-i bi n I i'i the iii!!iet e! vGiii a .!.i .-iv Vege ..hie-- a slice! I;. :.a: ie.l-.-s-, ;. n l ; el t i: ' Q ever de. vrted. it is go. .d t.,- Colli lis, Cclvls, C.'c.iin ani Zrcnchiti? And i- an f. nrfr? 7-T' r,--v7. .'-"- T Lor "and Ati- An-1 is r, t--d f..r all .e:vu! and bilious M ,n.- I-. ttets mi-lit be . d-niced lo mi. w w !i it t he in, .;;e i.e ha- o - l.e , i f n. c- s irv i bat try a bottl-. aed it wiil r.a ommcud ii.s If wbere'. a-:- it luce. I. For .-aie at 'lie O ; on C tv Drug store. and all oe..le - in me.lcjne. fMiil c; Wavb, Agents, l. lilaeo, Oreeon. I'lapar- e.l i.-y v.. II l AKii-.i, , 'a :-. I n:epenocnce, tln-on. Ae-niiii-trpdotN S.i'c of Ileal i-slafc. "?7(.'ri'':: is i;f.!:i:;.v civlx that lx iii.v-iiance r.tfl by 1 iri in- o ; an or l.-r l ( lie I'oaa'.y toot oi' I '!a: kataas eoaioy, .-.-t.; of ( :.-uoa, in:; le o:i .!,..;; i fiey oi 1 i-.-.-emb'. r, I;7J, in iii- :ai .--roi li:.- i-i-ta-..- o.v Je.-ob I '. de- i .!. lor ihe sal- ..! y;-i.-.!ii real i ;ope: ty, heie-iuai'.ei- .ie-ei it.--i. beioa y,-s l--,iid li-b. te. t l.e in l i - .-.r-.e 1 A.omm-'ci'.roi' '-f sai I .i'e, wltl' - :. i i iniifl ai.i-.i a :.i ;:i-- hi.: - v ht't te;- i. ,r 1 ' . . -. re! : l, a ii. , i '. j ar t a . i . 1. 1 . . -,i ; ; i i v , . ; i t t i : 1" l t '.. - -1 . . l . io i m:i . , i i:,..T .i .u ly-uM oaa y i ;; ' , .. i s .: . arday, : ll-sji day of Jan a u v, b'.T , at 'he of oee Viyi!(.n k ;. i, ot G ' , nl i - a'...- ot -,;, iai -.;.ri! w- tiie time of .. a-:i, a ad a.; W.e j-..:.-. lite an 1 inter. ' thai t i.e .-..i I i -b.:e i. i- i.;. e; i ; ,r .' ,., ,,f :: v-. oi ot ,.-r- W . e ae -,-. ;.. I,, i. .a. or ill ,i I..JI to l h .! j , . ( , , j : - t , . , - , , : , (. ' s , (j J , ,, l ; ; ;..,';! : he ao;-' i'.-. ,.. - -- i,cne i... - i h t,i.:ta : ... , a, (g . e. t c - 1 X :oii (ii: hi !tti::;.u -. an t .V -ei"--! as tlto-v-, j i..-v.n.: ihe No. .l-A-.--t on-;' a- di of the -oa! ..v. e.-i 1-4 nn 1 !.-i -1 i-i eo-.-ii 2.", S.1-:. 1-4 j , (-. i:. ,.,f,lu; .,: ,-,.,. t wo uud frir. , ;n s, r. i.m ! an-1 X. 1-2 oi X. .. 1-! ..;' s..-c:i.:i '.?. all in town .!i't 3 . ., li. I Wis.. . etit mi'ii; if-Tv't-bia j ;.,,.s (. or V : . i,-it-M-ic-d j bin-t : a pa, : ot cia(f) No. '.i. d.--t a as i ,'dov.s: ! I - o a i! i : -T t ' '.he -.' I ; i 1, i - ,(".!': i 'lot l' ....' I No. . l 1 .-.. i . i J . e- a e i iu- . . .:e: oi j a- . .e . : i. . l ,,. . :. ... :h:::e ea:h i;i v. ,--L ;.cy iji)i:a.s aa.i l.a ty i::.k--, to a t-t ike nked A. tie :. a 2 t eh.dsis ati-l t-n to a s; -. i.e -.:a:a. 1 .y isi.iiK . i ; t e-!ii:e ea-l 11 eiiaiiis a t t 2: link So :::e !! of l.i-(rj):ni'ig: eea.aiiii.iJt i-.'oo-ar b o aii3); t.cvj ldji li. 1 -t i ft':.- V i lame' tee nc ridi.m : als , i!i,; U . . .1 . ... II ...I 1 ....J I... ,. of- 111 mtn. i v . on-iiioii u tili. n-v :...-ut Ion No. (t.lel: j p. . ;e.h. r ar. the X. Vi . coi-.i.r of r'ii-1 e'.;i in ; tii. a--e e.iai tcr i f a la.e. i thenee ea-t ; on air a iirijt ; no-ia g-iaaMer o. a ! latlo: tiion-i v on- l.a.i or a :me. To t:.e pl.i.-e .. 2 -r-i ' t- a-a .. or i h i..:;-o: s a!--. i orU. S. co'.u : ( - a.i Vuivn, and o:a--'iail on six H 'ltl.i." s ! 4.iv iir" v.-ita ta": fi.M.-e -.-;u:y on the lan-1. Leii-1 j ua-i-.cui;: y at e :p --n-e t .! . h a-. .s. . . il. -'.i-i i5!';'. ". ' 1 V'lnJ.lii -1 I ef t t rK1 1:.- a.eol , J i .o l'u--le- dec-eased, ' p ...i,.-.,- (-.: j--v. j ii.:!). to. the uii : o t-.e o....-.- j '.Kjr the 0 I li-" I'.'i.f .b-Pn F'e,.,i;-g. d-.-cciscd. Htiel.i & Watten. At; ys lor AJuir. ! la-ei-iaher It, l-rj. w 1 i . . -J2 A Firs; C!r.c3 Ou3incc3 Forrebu le men. with the a-sutauceof ' ; . r-. ... . u.i eoo m-r nimtini. I 1 C. - ; can be seen ted in com, pc'i n with an A gi ti- cv for the exdus ve -ale of w- rks by 11 knk ! Wahd IIeithir. AVilmam Ci-llex Kistant, . . .. r-.vT.ii c. rt x L- , or zyj Kearney Street, an Fianoifco. ' t5wi 0 eo rit:- CKAKGE 0? FK0GKAL1BIE! IN OP.DSIt TO CLOSE OUT THAT branch cf my business, I will bell Toys and Fancy Goods9 At Less tliuu. AVHoltsale Cost Prices! D -0 O 1 bave t'ae largest and best stock of cLormxG, O coor, O SHOES, . HATS, o And other goods, in this city, wh'i I wiil 0 O also sell C II A E P FOR CASH! Ciill and examine my stock and prices, G and jave your money. A. LEV' Oregon C:ty, Nov. 20, 1S72. - ""wanted agents TilK DHCOVi-.IHiR kiL n f?. f r? 7 U l 4 9 w vf Lr l?, L: 2 Dr. I.I VlXWSTONi: IX AFiilCA. The Adventures of a 'nev-t AJventurons I.iTe. Tiu StnuI-'y-Lii ingstcuc Eip!i!io;i to Afriea. Ear-je oeiavo . j nst iued. Cioir-ai i:.s I io oli nls of ibe AVo del fill Cu: eer of the great Tiavi ler.the Couatr; , Animals, Natives. Hut-ting, etc. Full account of tin most interest ng part id the ;;liibt. AUo to sell our new ivuik. PLASIV; wlGrE TALK AND MEDICAL COMl'ON SE.NSE No conipet ition. There never wa s a book puhlisln d like it. Full particulars by iua.l. ."state book wanted. A. L. Dan croft & Co-, San Francisco. Cal. J n.")W7 4r CHEOMOS, Caih.o Is M .snii.-:i',:' '"Cooo Uukmnu," "fct'tiSU Floili:s," andO " M-JIKl-tU Fl.OWKliS,"' w;h the I'Lvciitic Wkckly uial "i-:ksi.y Ciii:iTia.v at Voi:k. ( Co:io!ihited), for S3 ."io 'i he-e Ciitono s aie a! out the sizeof "Wide Awake siiul East Q Asleep " S .bsciil-ers foii ihl.ed at once '.villi their Chr.imos. A G LI n T G can make la tter terms With us than with any other j.i b!is!n-rs. Address. II. W. ADAMS O 27 strei-t, O N . V . n rii'J II'IV C S A K T AJ3 L Ik 13 B. HEACpniEaS FOB 1872, o AT LO0SG GAAL'S CONiEJT OXERV E -5 T A D I.I S II MUX T, Maiu-Stri ct, Oregotj City. The best vim i-ty TOYS and FANCY (iiliiliS, mi. tab ' ' for Chr.-Muf Presents ever b'-l re br '.tight to tiy.s c tv, which wil In! sod ai pi ices to suit th" linos. C.di and .a:; li e my .-I- i k and pi ices. iiov J'ni 1 o City Pro '5 city For Sale. Ti'iC CSLMTCST EVES in? won: ui v inokix o . citv. OXSlSTINt; OE l' lit I.OT--(liHUl i'we, ivii'i seven rooms; ; .,j )i-. e .ant ; and an ii !! j ti d id well id wall-;; all iu 1.-11(1 I repair, and m! ate.t in the mo-1 si h t-li- a; d iieae-v poilions of lii - city; Tiile pei act; whidi I olfcr for sale cheap, being desiioos ofie ivi . tae For parliciii ns cu pane of l-X'GEX'E LVFOiUriST. at T.hos. Charmaii's Store. Oregon City. (let. ,2.V.ii 1 - 72. o MASONIC H ALL DUILD- o o OREGON. UlfcX.o Jxl X, TT" EE PS CONSTANTLY OX 11. VXD AND as.SL.GIt'1 sua', Cllr.AI' 1'Oil CVSgl, roil eg J. aivLln.., i;J.,:cvlj:v, O end KITCHEIJ FUF-IHTUHI?, Huroans, Lounges, Pocking Chairs, What nots, Pl-i -lira !s, Wa-hstat.dsf? Curled Hair ajjil Pain Mati esses, l'ulu Pil lows. Fed--, Window Q Shades. Pictare Flames, Mouldings, Ac, ic. -77Spi'clal a'.tei ti, n given to Upho'slerv woi k in all its Marches. Ordeis lillcd with j.rom j dtPsS. Ri-n.ili'ieg if tie with licatnc an-t ihs'-aich. iQiru .t in e m ole to or.'er. ' tJooi's delivei ed to any paitol town free of c'naigeO Call and examine for vour Qlvas. iii.iyl7mi'.i o Grocer & Pravhicn Dealer, O G Next door south cf the Court House, 71aln Sltect, Cicgon City, Oregon, o O DEALER IN BEST FAplLV G?.GCER!ESj f'OFFf.E. TEA , SUGAR. F!.o:"U AND Mi-ALof a'i kinds, PICKLES. SO x I". SAL I". CANNED i ia iT.S and OYSTERS, Also, all kin I- of Freeh Traits and Vegetables. 0 O 0 LETTER. CHEE-E and EfP:. TOIJACC'O and CI (i A US. ? GLASSWARE, Etc., Etc. ; O All kinds of country Produce t .ken in ex change I'.r g r.-i's at the highest mai K.-t I ates. """- r "C, 0, s ddiVeieiiUia the city free ol C nr-.'e. A lair-iuieoi iiiu.i.,v - March 'Jli, lt72:tf KAI.L.S FACAriPJlKXT ? O.U . O. V. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the FIHST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENFXG f eacli m Patn rcbs in good stand - j g n a'Uca' - -:T o o o o COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOPiilA, PACIFIC O o BOOT AND SHOE MOOSE. 0 All mi'TTiITSS STOCZ AS USUAL. 0 CEOnCEZ A. PEASE, SVCCESSOa TO PROTZM.VS, GILLIDAX & &., POE TJj AND. uov22tf O o NEW GOODS. Oii THIRD STREET, Bnwtcii Altler ami riorrisou Strct-ts. DotiK-stir Coltoiss, I i:i;n k Sillc Pop. Flitt- IrisU liosotit I tins, L,tin-iiH, J Uliiili Alpuran, Tal!e si ml Looni l :'! i i n g tioods, Datiiais, Ci Iln.leiy, Tow U :i mil tash Ulat U I) si SilUs, Itooleiinil Slioes, l"ui iiisliitig (iuuds EUSINSSS PCIl SALE ! O I'VVIL SKrL, STOCK AM) GOOD will of business (the oldest Ketcii Dnd n. ss in the citv ), mid Ken PSTOTIF AM) ri.viuii, ior a term ot years at a lew rent. O WILSON? o Til II1I3 STttKr.T, SOUTH OV ALDEK POUT L A N i ; OREGON. uov22m'2 O O O HOME SHUTTLE inPIOVED LC CK STITCH o o Th: Xost Simple-, rrecticablc and ECONOMICAL IJACIIINE IN USE- o Saks r.Il OtSi-rs on the Xortii ivd-iiic Toiist. rpiIEY" SEW MOKE RAPIDLY AND .1 with le.-s noise than anv other Machine. The only practical low priced Machine that gives entire sat a -taction. 0 o What other Agents don't tell von about the IMPROVED HOME SHUTTLE MA C11I.NK: q Tte)ji ilmi'l i;ou That ; bey are the simple-1. havi gdji -s n imber of picC s, and inoie rcali'.y u nicr.-t -.-i I Pan Sny That ihey are the lightest running; more easilv learned and, d 0That more HOME SHUTTLES ni set A out iroin the Ueiier l Agency i&: IVrtlaud, than lid t'.co licis Celiihlia d." ?'oy .'o;i .'!,.,.-, 'ihey sew equally as on heavy and light g d. 7 o-;; ilnu'i : I .. Tii it tliey use Jjie jrat ei.ts of the high pr.ei d xn ichoies. T:i;l thn.'t ( i! i. '1 h.r it has Lhc.iaight ne d e and s; If a 'ju-t ng t. n.-ion- I Wiiat p.-o.ile w ho have used them an.l computed llieni ta other Machines will tell you : That they aie more easily learned and op i rated ; Miapie-t and host f.r all kinds ot w rk, and wiil ti-o Liaeii a i. J all other kinds of thi cads and silks. A few of tii n lines are given below who are using Uie IM 1 KuVED 11 jME SHUTTLE i;::rE!tcNCi:s. Con. I! 11, gt-itiand; C . S. S, I vers, Portland; Win. Masters. r(S;i:aiij; C. W. l'li'i.-ie, iiZ .kke.per fur LeveriJgo, W i l!i or. iV Co. M'ss (,. W. Vaughn, Portland. Mrs. .!. li. Upton, liast Portland; Mis. S. Moi eland, Ka-t Portland; Mrs. .1. S. Ceurcii, Oregon t.'ity. M iorw.i i tied to any address, with lib iliricti his for n.sing, on receipt of price. NO. 1, i'30; NO. iv CEO. W. TR Wl.P.., ( Phiaidelphiii .-.hoe Stole), Oeueiiil Acnt, 112 Front .-treet. dec limit l'ortlaud. 0 LIVE AX!) LET LYE! TIIE CREGQ CITV HAfS AaI) DIMY CO. 0 LrAVI.NO PURCH VSED The -.T 1. Livery Stack and liii.aia-ss fTT-i ' oi Mos's. Wilms i 1i:oi-i;htox, J(,A and the, Horses and I!n-iness o C. X". liiti KNM an. aie now pit pared to cany oa i.ivcnv iti siHi, and itiivyixc. We wil! also deliver sh:b wood to all those persons to w b an Willis ,V broiiiibton bave ei gaed and iis many more as wiiliugagc slab) wood from us, so far as we canC'ct a SUiijdv. Orders left at the Livery Stable for Wool, Draying or llanliug, w;l! be attended to with UspatchQ Pat onaje in our several branches ivf-1 biisiii.-ss sol ic. ted. Our lliaigis s(t u 11 lie lo.t -r: t i- - ii--.- ri.r. ii;,ri.r.t Ci.u ...,;.t iv.. Wleiiven d at the Stable. C. N. GCEE.VMAV, IVcsidcit, J. M. FRAZKU. .-eeietary, Of O. CrlL i 1). Cc. Cicgou City. Aug. '':!, I-7J. tf. 0 : FALL AKD WIHTEO GGOOS JUST RECEIVED AT DEALCS IX d:;v coop; clothing, 0 BOOTS AND .sIlOIX "HARDWARE. G ROCERIE--, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, AC. MAIN STREET, OibEGON CITY. 0 FUODUCE of all kin Is bought, for which I pay the hi.hei-t maiket price. If von desire trood (ioods, at LOH" I'rirrd. call aM. sEI.LlXi .'S. and examine bis fresh stock of Goods. w GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mr Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL IU.OFITS. I. SELLING. Airll 11. lS7I:tf O ,7 iTiH 3STEsV C3rO OJ3.S, JUST KECEI"VoEdSy CHAKIiES Iff. GAUF1ELP. 0 I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW consisting in part of DRY-GOODS, 0 LADIES' AND CIIILDEEXS' Groceries, Crockery, cLc.c. All or which I will sell at.Se LOWEST RATES. Oive me a call before purchasing else where, aud convince yourselves that 1 CAN and WILL SELL as cheap ns the rheaptet. 0 CIIAS. JL CAU FIELD, CORNER MAIX AND SEVENTH STREETS, OREGON CITY. THOMAS CHARMAN o ESTAULIIIEL o 1SD3 0 D' ESIRES TO 1XF0RM THE CITIZENS of OresroK nCuv. and the Willamette Yallty, that still on hand, and doing business on the old motto, that 'A Muiblt! Six-I'rttee is Ix tlcr tliaia it. Slow .-liilliiig.-' I h:?ve just rcturnefrom San Francisco, where I purchased ore of the L.VKGEST and 15 LIST SEIECTED Stock of Coeds ever before offend iu this city; and consists in part, us follaws : 0 Scots Shoes, Clothing, Dry Gccds, Hats Ob Caps, Hosiery of every Ecwription, Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints & Oil?, Sash & Doors. Queens ware, Crockery, Glassware. o 0 Chinaware, Stoneware, Platedwarc, o Jewelry of various qualities & styles, Clocks & Watches La dies & Gentlemen's Turn- isSinj Goods, Fancy IJclions cf every description, Patent Ked- icines, Rone, Fanning Imnlements si) d " of all kinds, Carpets. Itlattings, A Ci't PlrtfV, vr-n r? - p. ,t- fx. ClOlIl, V, all aper, &C. Of the above list, I can sav my stock is the MOST COMPLETE ever oHersd in this mar ket, and was sleeted with ispicialciiiefor tiiis in :!-:... i. All of wLicii I now- oiler for sale at the P. fiWC'r P " t?-"of- !"'-: o No use for tiie ladies, or aTiv one else, to Link ot i.rj..rr f() Purihind to buv iro .ds for am DKIEUVIXED TO SELL CHEAP and :vi ot i,...,.if ... i ... ....... ., .1, i u . u u j e" sV HDEESfiLD IX TIIE STATE CF OBECCX . ( All I ask. is a fair clinncp and quick pay ments. P.eiicv ng, as I do, that nineteen years experience in Oregon City -enaldes me to Know ihe reoir-eiiit-iil - of tin trade Come one ami all, aud see for yourselves - that the old stand of -7- i ir.i . i . r- m. m THOMASCHARMAN cannot b" beat in quality (.r price. -It wou'd ne use ess tor me to tell yon fill tne ailvan- t ggs I can olU-r von in the sale of goods, tts evtvry store ihat aciveitises i hat, and pro'-iafjiv yon bave been disappointed. All I wili to silt) is, come and see and exati.ine ior yourselves, for 1 do not w i.-b to make i.nv mistakes. My olj ct is to till all my old 1 1 iruii. now 111:11 i ain torn aiiie, iiioi oesir ous t6Sell giiods cheap, lor, er on such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the literal patronage hcicioiore bestowed. - TTIOS. CII.VJIMAN", Main street, Oregon City. 7"Lcgal Tenders and County Script taken at market rates. () TIIOS. CHARM AN. 0,000 lbs wool wanted bv THOS. CHARMAN. R3EW OOOOS a thi-: L I KG C L N DAKSrY. WILLIAMS Cl flARDIKG, HA E J UST 0 1 EN ED A F I LL VA R 1 E tj of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PEOVISIONS. T-J e r.altery w ill be constantly supp'.iol with fre.-b B R E A D. f'R CKK1S, ' " ' CAKES. I'A-'l I.Y, CANDIE AND NUTS. All of which wi 1 be sold at living rates, liemember that we do m t sill goods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes mom-y to do l?nsiness. '1 o the fanning trade we would say, CASH for ou. produce, and CASH lor oi.r goods. Goods deliveied to all pat ts ot i e citv. Feb,P;,ls?-tf ' GEEAT SEDUCTION ! OFFER THEIR ENTILE STOCK AT REDUCED PrlCC'S I! Ji!??jnrV i ifl! k l l-..ilttiiitU , 19 Uijtf (V) CALL AN:) EXAMINE OUR STOCK. We mean w hat w e say. and we propose t give the pt: pie of O.egon Citv ana Ciacka nois county a jopj oi te.nity to purchase their goods nt a U i price tln,n ever before ci tiered n thi- city, v.h cb wili n,lv last u t 1 nex January. Our stock is complete in every resptct. Give us a Call Defer: lujizs Elscwlicr?. REMEMCER THE OLD STAND OF S- ACKKIt.UAJi & C. Mahi street, second door south of the PcsicCce. AND WELL SELECTED STOCK'OF GOODS, .o ,: jlillinoi , SHOES, COKFECTIOIJERY SALOON ! JFresh Oysters!! LOUIS SAAL, - - - Proprietor Corner of Foarttt and Main. Strt. IREStl OYSTKRS SERVED IX AXY3 . style desired. Couicct'iouery of every kind con.-taiitiy on hand. I manufacture all n:y own s'ock, which ii sutlicient guarantee that it is fresh and p'Sre. Call if want of agood cup of on-e!. le, or t-liiuolair, or anything in my hue. Oregon City. September tl, lb72:tf SHADES SALCOfM, O. A. MAASy Proprietor," ilain Ctreet, Oregon City. o Eet RlI.I.lARl) TAKI.r.S in OR EG O.V Have been introiiuced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention i f the lovers ofthu jopn!ar amusement to them - e TilK BAR IS sri'PT.IKI) With all tiie choicest qualities of Liquors pr J Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Iioiubon alreadj tamous ULiiitcs and 1 uticli. ALSO, A XO. 1 SHOOTEf-C GALLERY Is cennefTed with the Saloon. Oregon City, Jan. 1, lb71':tf SEAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE- JACl B ST1TZEL, C.C.WAT. JACOB STITZEL & CO., SUCC1.SS0R5 TO STITZEL & UPTON., REAL ESTATE A X I) Cor. lioitt a ittl "Wasltiiisto i Sttt.. ! a1 I P 0 R T L A X D . 0 R E G ON" t5 . . .. a . .. , , , I Special attention given to the sale ol farm lfg lands and citv property. All cones ,mJ,,, relating to be rewmrces Ore. poiidence relating to the recourccs f Ore gon will be promptly au?wertd- 5 REAL ESTATE JCTJRIIAL Published monthly. Sent free of charge to anv address. JACOB STITZEL A CO. March la, lS7C:tf , RESTAUKA T. 1 W1XG TO THE COXTINUED ILL- i V7 I. ess of the Propiietor. Leon DeLolky, i the Itanium IUtuiant is oifcred for sale. To an v one wi.shniir to engage ia this business, a bam-.u is oiiei-ed. LEON DeLOUEY". Oregon City, Oct. IS, 172. riPESTM W A''lV AND ' j rJ2 "Tr iT '1 HP JT O M I! F F? ! A PJ JTV ! ti U S L t A Jti U O - .CELEBRATED SWISS STOMACH BITTERS The First and most healthful Tonic cv-;.r introduced in the United States. O Thrse Bitters h i been in the San Fr m cisco Maiket for o have ran- over 1 wrnty i-ais.aiiil i! notwithstanding the rj many new candidate s f. j for public favor, the J5 sale- bave const :ntly -s :i-cre.-ised. KTAYLIIK V IJK- fi r.l'.Ii, Sole Agents, iloii ;ltuI 4ii Clay St., t; San FiRiicisco. it-ly '1 wrnly Vrnrs, and t,.;'' i " i V - '-' r A i r JTiS. . v-.-tl r-;--- The ffandard renady for Cctiglts. Inllu- tlllt, e-e 'li.H.dt. I f ""'. '-"'-1& O'I'Zh CfOlip, I.ivr Cw-i'ftuit, L'i'ii!iit IUf"!ing of l f.ii.zrx, ami rverj- cllci tion of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including CrN.srur-TIox. V,MaiA lial-it fit rl V ( lirrry !r,.. tii.I ,!n- no a Cou-jli. but it. i cleanses t be" 1 ur cs, er.d i.ilays ii rdation, thus ! ie:.i-h..' r.iirf of the conmlaiiit. None ' ir-iinine'm.less Mgio-d I. Pitts, l'repnrcd -,v StTn w Kowi.B Sons. Ito-n.n. Sold by Ki i im.tox, HosTLiTKi: A Co., San Fiancisco, and bv dcaleis genera. Iy. FOR SAXJE. Til E UN DEESIC NED DESIRES TO SELL biis property in Oreg on City will sell at a harea-n, to a pood pur. ha-cr. Also -1 tow n lots iu Caneuiah, with good fence around. Alyo '' (own Io's in lower end of Orfgn City ; iilso 160 of liimi know n ns the dona tion land c'a in of Wm. Stone, 8 miles soi.ibeast of Orrron City, w itli some im provements, thinly timbered, tc underj grcwt'i . jgoed la-ting w ater -VT"lt.qu;re at County Clerk" office. M J M. FRAZER. Oregon City, May ctk. I 72- , v6ti2S D