Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1872)
f, X ijljc IUccIUh Ohitcrprter. VIM DAY. : : : : AI'KIL 20. 1872. TOV.X AM) I'OtM'Y. "DEM0cn"vTic"'CiTr' Coj.Birrts.-The mem bers of the Democratic City Committee are . w -...,, t the j;.NTi:i:ri! c la f ' Chairman of the TMiiocratic City Cum. NorKErZTl,e Democratic County Com mittee are mpi sbd to meet at the KxTtit oTcc on Tne day, the 3':h inst , at 4"c5-lock. A fil l attendance- ot the Coni Uii:tte is requested. Tits V,'oob Makkkt. Considerable ex citment exists iu regard to the price of wool. lVt- leara the Fa dory at this place i-, paving od cents per potted, aud in eotne' cases up the valley prices hare -rone a hhth as C) cents. ve .Jo not bo this high rate can continue. V. e earn from Messrs. Jacob, managers of the Factory, that they recently imported from AustrjlU 3". 000 pounds of extra ji'a; wool, whieii. after paying duty arid lVt -igdit to this place, has cost them '') cents. This wool they tell us is better and liner that! the Oregon wool, and was imported to ntatiul'ucture into their finest fabric-. If a better article of wool can b.' imported it this price, we see no rea KuDwJiV Oregon wool .should bring any more. It is our opinion that this high figure cannot be maintained. nd that it will be down before the rival teasoti closes. Ntonr 1'oia i:. Lust .Monday a double force ol u orkiiteu was put to work oa t!ie Locks. It is the intention of the Crni patty to work two sets of hands uatii the woik is completed, and orders have been issued to the Engineer in charge to put on ail the loive i.ej'ssary to complete the work by the time prescribed by law. 'I lie ,'.i;.!i;oiy aie Using every exertion in their power to comply with t!e law. and they ;.i v r at'sii -'A that the woik will be completed and ready lor boats bv or be fore the 1st of January. Is7.". There are now -'.'." nun at Wot!-;, and nnue c.u gel ctaph.y :ae;:f. ul c-l 25 per day in coin. This night force will tt.i l considerably in pushiri the wotk oa to a speedy compie tlol). ( vi.t.i ii. We ha 1 a call last Saturday from W. 15. Lasswell. E-q .of Canyon City. Mr. L. was placed in nomination for the re.-ponib!e position ol i'tan-eca! ii.g At torney id' the Filth I.-i.-lrict by the dele gates, at the late State Convention. No higher comptiment Couhi b; be.-lowetl o:i a s ouug mail's abilities than this, it is the third titue lie has received the nomina tion, aiid fas already served two terms, and o highly is he esteemed that no one could be lonud to enter the field aaiitr-t him at the la.-1 Convention. Jt is a Worihv tribute to u : t able, honest and faithta! ofli cer. The U.njicals hav t been ntia'ole to tiiid ar.y one to contest with him for the positi-jll. I. ().(). F.The Odd Fellows of this place pr.-pore to ceh-bratc the fifty t'.iird anniversary of the Order by a procession. n;uic oration and basket i.ticalc. to day. Tii will form at 10 o'clock, i nail uiitc'i to the picnic grounds near Mr. Barns. re.-id.Mice. when the 'oliowing ex ercises v, ul !,e had: Muic by the Oregon City Hrass Batid; Singing thi opening O Je; Prayer by she (,'iiap! iiu: Oration by 1''. O. Met 'own, E-q ; Music by the Band, af't.M- w hjj, diouer will lie had. A pleasant time is expected. Sho .Id the wea her be unfavorable, the exercises will be had at the Had. B !:!:: esu.. had a call last Saturday from Judge Bonham of Salem. The Juife w ;vs mi his return home front a lengthy term of Court in Yamhill. Judge Bonham !i us gained the confidence and esteem !' the people of his District, and is regarded by competent persons to be oia' of (lie most aide and impartial Judges ever on the bench in our State. Mr. Bon ham is. a young man. and his great learn in and sound judgment has gaiaed for him a iror.t rank in his pro.'cssion. Ilu.i. I'j yi;. Some , four voiut" folks . . :t .irii r.t I P o'clock m. m . lor t e '!u;'t,e Citr OH. are la the- habit of (laying ball oa the which was worth the face, and by which hid on Sundays. This is rather annoying tne county lost just one hundred one d l to the elti.ex of that locality, and we j Lirs. and the favored contractor made should think if these vnang men h .d no I this amount. The people can't cotnore respect for tin; ;at;ai;i. they would not so far forgot decency as to insult the feel ings of the civiz -ms of that locality. We hop'- the thin x wilt be stopped. Thre is plenty of time for such amusement oa the six day.-, durimr the week. In'sank. A man named John Hart, lately lioni San Francisco, where he has a wife and two children, became insane here last week, aud has ever since bemi a ra ing maniac. He is said to be a man of good, standing in the community where he is known and of coit-iderahb'. moans, lie is in charge of the shcriti. the County Judge bt from the If. is undir the treatment of Dr. Barclay, and we leaiti thai he is more calm than he Was the lore part of the week. Arn.::s.- We are under obligations to Mr. Horace Baker for a fine box of apples. They ate as fresh ami delicious as when first fiken fiv-m the !tee. Tl atiks to you. friend Eakcr. 1. S. Since the above has been in type, our better half went to muiom oi tiii' in i- : bottles of mn-t e t i- , - , there found two eat fresh goose, oetnes. i,'t" a i). we are certaMi. we are j ind b'ed to M-s. Baker, and for which si will p'.ea-e accept oitr thanks. ftoOO W o-. -v .--i Mve Mint a . the pioneer I , ... 1 wagon maker in this city turns out some Fplcrultd wagons and his blacksmhhing is oT the very best workman-hip. Persons wishing; anything in his line'shouhl not fail to give him a e ill. He is a Gist-class Workman a any co -nitre. FltKf.-J. d-ti (i; rdon. who shot v.tav le.ies. was set tiee on lite i-re:tm:n-ry examination hold before Justice Burns. The ueiion of the Justice took muiy pe.,p'e by surprise. The Grand Jury will prob atily investig iU' the matter. ri . i t . . CM"::ar. The Sunday School of the Baptist Chorea will give their first con cert, consisting e, I songs, leadings, essays and script are recitations, all of a re ligious character, next Sand ly evening at 7 o'clock. All are cordi.iliv invited to attend A new lei ry has been placed "par his place. The bo tt is new. and in s;!-n li 1 coniitpn. aivl t ravelorss citt cros ;. w;,, peflect safety and with speed. Sn-:-v.. ;,e. T;it. Oregon City String j Will the Statesman inform its readers Rand will please accept our thanks for a j hotMurphy and Scott got their nomir.a last l'tid.i v n;ght. The music ! tiou in Marion cotinfv ? Was (here no i-." 1. , , .. 1 Ir . 1 ' . . t .' ' ,. ;:n,t. vvo 'ossure them taat Co ii) ! 1 ! ructl t is id'hlv arroei It.'-' J - 11 - iia.. i if. is.tharrans is lying very ill at b i residence ia this titv. Defacing PusrEKi. There id a set of j persons who have apparently nothing else to do, than exercise ail their engemuty in defacing posters stuck up about town, or P ar thein ilowu. This is a violation ol I lie laws, and should be properly punished. In cider to s'op this practice which has become a mania in our town. v e offer ten dollars reward for inform Eon which will convict any one guilty of thi.i crime either of deiacing or tearing duwu posters. Ou:ssio.n. It was the intention of the Committee on Arrangements for the Odd Fellow' celebration to extend a general invitation to the citizens to participate ia the exercises, but by a mistake it was omitted in the poster?. We have been re quested to invite all oar citizens to Ik- on the ground oa the occasion .with their b5-kc;s. Down Town. The many friends of Mr. j La Forest, who has been confined to his i residence for over ten mouths, will to I pleased to leara (hat hi- health has iiu prove.1 so lav that he was able to take a walk up iown this week. SiiwtNt; tJocjKTV. The Ladies' Sewing Society of the Episcopal Church will meet next Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Geo. LuKoque. Ix Town. Mr. Edgar Foster, who cut his hand very badly some three weeks since has been brought 10 this city lor medical treatment. ?HKniKi--s Sai.K.s. -- Sfhfiiif Warner bus a couple of real estate wales to-morrow. A good chance for Homebody to buy themselves rich. See advertisements. SHiXIAI. tkum. A special term of the Circuit Court, Judije Upton presiding convenes in this city next .Monday. City Ei.ixno.v. The election for City o:1i2ers takes place on the Clh of May. Dai.i.ou's Mo.vriJl.T t on Mat. The May number of Ba! ion's Magazine is out, and a capital number it is. Oiled with good stories, choice poetry, and some excellent engravings of interest. We know id' no Magazine that will compare with this for real worth, wlfii the price is taken into consideration. Think of a hundred pages of choice matter for the small sum of 15 cents, and twelve numbers in a year for only $1 50. Every family in the coun'ry could afford as much for the nake of plea sure which Halloa's Magazine really im parls. For sale at every periodical depot in the country, or address Thouiea & Talbot, GL5 Congress Street. Boston. A'JKttti'iN St'ocK Jolknai,. The April number of this excellent poriodical has been received. It. is replete as ever with useful, and to the enterprising stock breeder, indispensable inform itioa. Ev ery department is ably sustained with well written articles, illustrated by some twenty-live engravings of dairy fixtures, buildings, horses, cattle sheep, hogs, poul try. etc. All our subscribers rati receive '.( c s-p-'ciuf n -o,;-n bv addressing the publishers. N. i BoVitit & Co., i'arkes lu;r!r. I'a. What it ua.s co.-tr. Two years ago the Radical County authorities moved into the present Coutt House, for which they are pa tag rent to the .sum of ?t'.0t) per annum. They were offered the old Court House with nearly double the room, and in every way better adapted for the pur pose, for the sum of tr.-lUO per annum, be ing a difference, of just $100. or a years not. This is a little transaction the County Court ban attempted to explain, but we apprehend the voters of Clackamas county will fail to see the point to their explanation to the extent of votiug a ticket which is responsible for this loss to the couuty. We have not been able to learn how lhat iflHO city warrant got into the County Treasury. Was there a little favoritism shown in the transaction by which the county paid the full amount aud took the city scrip, which was worth i about 70 crnts oa the doliar for its own. head why the county has goae into specu luting in city scrip. Ax Ovtkaok. The people of Clacka mas county who reside ia the southern end of the count', should remember the f ict that it was a Radical county adminis tration which gave away the county toad, and the people of Oregon City should also remember that it has been the means to keep thousands of dollars out of their pockets, ad it has prevented many from coming to do their trading here who would have done so had they a road to get into town. Are the people of this county going to vole the ticket which is au indorsement of such actions ? Wo thin it not. Tit;-: Bu t KitiixcK. Geo. II. Williams. The li King's candidate for U. S. uator is on his way to Oregon to stump j the Mate while he is drawing his salary j ol- Attorney Genera!; II. W. Corbett. a j candid ate for re-election, is at V.'ashing- 0 j ten attending fo the s devolviag ot hitu us a Senator. This shows the undue advantage Flaxbrake aud his friends are tr.kiog of an honorable opponent. How do Corbett's friends like it? Wku. Rix'HtVKt). All the Democratic papers in the State highly endorse the platform adopted at the State Convention and have gone zealously to work to elect the candidates placed ia nomination. Sel dom has there been such harmonious feel ing in regard to the action of a convec tion. Thia foreshadows an overwhelming triumph in J n;:e. A Wkak T;cKt-:r. A private letter in- farms us that the U iI";ca!s of Lane cnntv have placed in nomination a very weak ticket, atid that it will be defeated bv over lot) majority. From all parts of the State we leara that great disaavelion ex ists in the Radical camp, and that the Democracy are united and determined to o1"- , 1 ""J'"'.' ever oetore. t, : ; . " 1: appears tout the (,rover-Netl laclion in Jacsson ued to resort to -time honor- eF; Deiiiocratii; praciice in order to carry j the late county convention ballot-box, tUUliii ii'tt'.invtii. ; -ballot-box stuffing'' done by the Radicals! ! - rather think there Wa?. Give US the : full particulars how they got their n:tni- j nation. FIot5a do. Goou Xova.-Frora all parts of the State we learn that the Democracy are alive to the crat importance of th. nr, - ' - - i sent carupaiu. Mel that the State and ,,,,.. ., , t, ,r, .:,, . co-jij, liOiiiiaation ,tte receive, i witli nrw- 1 uiii- vers a I approval. The .State will give us 1 oJO inajoriry next Jnae. Democrafe, do your whole dnty. Tne Salem tilahsovui coaxes, scolds and tnoarns for the disaffected Itadicals of Marlon county tj come to the rapport oi the Ilidical caae. bat all for no purpose. The iarit b.vjiidle cd' the managers of that county, was the feather which broke the camels back. II:s S ixsTJ x'L-T k. M a 1 ! o ;y , the showman, litis taken Joe Wilsons place, and we leara honest John i-i having an easy time with him. lue i.adicais mast be hard up when Mallory is the best they can s -ud out- Iheireiuse ilesperate. indeed. The Democracy of Grant have placed iu nomination the f.dtowiocr ticket: For Representatives. Wiiiiam Claik nd i J. Jiazeltine: Shenff. T. Howard; Cleik, Jas. Bobinsvas; C unmi-sioners. Frank Wallace and Thomas Smith; Treasurer, Joseph Messenger, Ab. Henderson; Cor oner, 1 ran U liice. Out of nitiety-ibree New Hampshire mea who hold t .Sices ia Washington, otit) went home to vole the Radical ticket at, the late election. This is encouraging. If the Badica'.s Can m ike only .1m) votes out of ninety three men ;uid cilice hold ers at that there is some hopo. Odi) Fi-a.r.ows Banwicp.. Cbemekcta Lodge. No. 1. 1. O. of O F., have jo st had com; le'ed one of the S,;e.t banners in the State. It is composed f f blue silk, some seven feet iu height and live feet wide, heavily fringed around the border with gold triming. The front of the burner is inscribed with various devices emblemat ical of the order. Across the top is paint ed the sentence. 'To God we TruM," and interwoven amid the scroll work are these words. "'.Ye visit the sick, relieve the dis tressed, bury the dead and eduea'o the or phan."' giving ia as few word as possible the aim of true O ld Fellowship. Various finely executed pictmes show forth the emblems of Faith. Hope and Charity, and the center piece gives th idea, that "The greatest of thefe is Charity." This last device is overhung by the letter F. L and T. Across the bottom are other eta bunas representing the 'Joveuaiit, Aik and Laws, overhung by the "All Seeing Eye." The reverse side contains the following ittsc! iptioa, "Cl.emeketa Lodge. No. I. I (). O. F. Instituted Dec. 'Cth. 1S52." Taken aliogeteer it nukes a very hind Some banner and one that the Order may well be proud ol. Stales tiiau. Democratic Platform Itesoli-rtl, I. That we the Demoeyntio party of the State of Oregon, are pledged to a strict const ruction of the Constitution, the restoration and pi eservation of the rights of the to reyu'ufti tbeir internal ati'airs. and especially the elective franchise, free from tiae control or intcfereuce of the Gen eva! Govern men!; the protection of individ ual rights in accordance w ith the fundamen tal laws of the land, including the lights to the writ of habeas c upus, trial by jury and frceioiu Irani unreasonable scaiches aud scizti 'a.'-;. 2. That we are opposed to every sp -cie- of corruption iu all dep iriuients of the Mumci pal. State and National Gove; niuents. 3. That our motto is, no privileged clashes and no y ivih-ged capitnl. 4. Tlntt. we aie in favor of a tariff to raise money oaly for the ne-essaiy expenses o. the Federal Cove: nm.'-nt, and not tor the beneiit of laoaonolists. 5. That v-; virtf wi-h tilarm the flagrant s lid open violations of the Constitution bv the party no.v con trolling toe (en.u-ul Jov- Ci iinieijt, in t lie' pa. the iveeoii-ti uetioo :e and eiifo.ct.-uicnt of jii iV Ll tv lax iaws, and the corruption aod baud which charade, izi-s their aduiiuisirat ion of every department of Govti iiiiieut, and we pledge ..urselvt.-s to u-e all lawi'ul and d!e means to secure a speedy correction of tLeso outrages and usurpations. (j. Titat the freedom, welfare and rights f the people are saperior to the interests ol hicorpoi at ioas, aud shou'.u be prot -cted i against the exactions ol t'pp rnaive motiop- li It's. 7. That we favor the appropriation of the fund at bang tioui the sale of the swamp lauds to p o po-i s of internal improvements an 1 the aid oi common schools- s. That the cu.-tr.:c:ion of ha-ks at the Falls of the W ii lame; ie is a judicious aud (Sective safeg'iaid of the commerce of the Willamette Yali.-y, an 1 we favor legislatteu to th;.: end that the commc! ce of the Colum bia river may be iu like manner benetitcd jad protoct. d. t. That the taar.ks of the people of Ore gon arc due o'.r present State administra tion for its successful efforts in securing to tie1 State the grants of land which other wise would hive fa I leu into the bauds of orasoi er em uyrat ions A IiOiiiati Catholic clr.irch in rit.'liaita uj.-jieals 'or money to erect a new house and Drotaisc :i I:ti!v mass to be saiil jf! ye'O'a for any one sending 50. This is certainly very cheap, atnl a great sum will he contributed. Don't stand aghast with awe and fear, eyes wide open hair on end and finges tightly clinched with the i lea that these mysterious symbols are cabalistic signs and represent some secret organization of mark ed demons, who cany tenor and dismay with their midnight prow lings and disperse en the dawn of moruing. No! They aie only the initials of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, that pleasant medicine which has acquired a National reputation aud proven so effa. -ious iti Cough, O 'ids, Bronchitis, Consumption nnd kindred dis eise.s. For these co.upliauts it has no ctpiah Sold bv all druggists. Continual dropping out. of the hair, with a disagreeable itohiu.?; of the scalp, pre vented, "and the scalp made cod and heitUhy bv the ue of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. Iteligi.Mis Services. St Pauls (Episcopal ) Church, the Rey. John V. Sellwoo-l, rector. Services on Sunday at l"i a.m. and 7r.M. Sunday School and Bible class at 2 r. m. 1st Congregational Church Seats Fit e .Morning Serviees, 1 Sabbath Sch-'-ol 12 ohn k M. Evening Services 7 o'clock. Ri:v. E. (irttitv, Acting Pastor rr, YKtt m':i:tinus. I Sunday evening 5 o'clock 7 o'clock. Tday evenir.j ! r r C1 trci.... .Seats Free. l'.3o, . . . 7 o'clock. Morning Sei rices, Evening Services S C!.U. MKKTt.vO'S. C!as Met tinr; following Mm nimr Servres. Praver M jetin:x Thursday evetiiinc 7 co'ciok. SaVbath Scholl at 2 o'clock P. M. JluUnnmah I.o-c Xo. 1, A. I'.ntt-l A A. M. Holds its regular c-.mmttntca t V-vwtions on t!ie Fh't thvl Th,-d d in each month, at 7 o c!o-k trorn iiie ol eptem oer to lue 'oa m -uaret-, and 75 o ciocK trom ttse .u.i 01 1 -uarca to the .'tn of septemner. l.retn ren in good standing ar? invited to attend. Dee. g3.1 -7 t, it-order of AV . M. f3i"ecial ZVotleo. IvrTori5TiON is the of time-tenths of all 1 b--a.s the'nvinjr mucin' i ui"ject to': Give 1 tore to the Momnch and tticegtive oricans, and vou wilt save more, than half in your doctor s bills. mendvd by alt physicians to Ptsitptics ar.i fr 1 all Complaints of t:; Livfb ani Dioesttvs j jiaAs, oetj 5uvEraEmeEnii acotcer column. The True Ground or Cow fid t lice. Whence comes that firm reliance, that abso- Into faith in the tllicacv of llos- - ' o tetter's Stomach Hitters as a temeJy for in- digestion, biliiousdisorders, intermittent and e - - , ,,;t- irt. .it Jl!mttt:it ievers, which coto: lot.n pre. au in ail parte of tae United states? This con- tidence has been prowiug f r t wenty year-, and it is sti'.l extending. It is a t ti e result of credulity; it has not l-eea engendered by any humaa device, but is the spontaneous and natural consequence of experience. What people see duiiv goiui; ou under tbeir o-AU evtb they cjanot ques.u-.--u. en 1.00 ilies ia unhea.thv distr.cts tint report to this wl.oiesoii:e vegetable tonic, as a preventive, e-cape pet iodical l'eve;. and their iiimtodi ate neighbors, who!ccr this precaution, are pvo-USuL-d by the d sea.--e. how is it pos sil:l that tiic pt.t-n- uieuou sliould be with out its f.-sson? I a like uiaiai r whe-u it is Been that obstinate cases of dyspep.-ia, of liver compla nt, of c:u,stipaUou, of nervous weakness, and of geia ral cebility, jitldto ti.t opi rion of the famous le.i.eJj-, how can e'veu iuered ility iisU' withhold iu i n d 'rs-iiientV Kvewitnses el the saiutary cS'-cts of the Haters are to be i jua.i iu ty rv ciulized settlement on this co'it.ucnt. The tha.isuds upon th u-au Is who owe th-ir le.-to; atio.i to le ultli at d strength. or their preservation fioui si.', to its eit- tr.' niii.Biiy aiedtemi piopc. te;s, are citt'ua siastie in its praise. The u: ui littides who make put. lie ttieir eitniiatw of is virtues, are mUuVb leafy to state their reasous for the faith "that is ia them. They hjve d! eititer feir or v. it;iesea its beueticeut opera tions. K-lIS EvfAUJ.i:T AO. -1. I. O. ; . V. Meet at Odd Fellow s' Hall ou the FIRST AND Till It D TUESDAY EVENING of each m-bth. I'atrmehs iu good tand ing ii.ii- i:.v"ted to attend, i-eb. s. Wl-lf For the very bet photographs, go ta ttind Icy JL liuiofs iii'pi Gal'erv wiihr.vt STAIRS - Zir ASCEND IX THE ELEVATOR, 4.' .Mout '-'Uiierv Sti tet, Sail FratK i CO. WILIaXAI DAVIBSOIT, REAL ESTATE DEALER. tiiiiti-, .Vu. CI 1'i'Ollt Slltit, PORTLAND, - - - OK EG ON. REAL ESTATE iu this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, iu the most d.sirable localities. consi-tiui' of LOTS, HALF ULOCKS a::d BLOCKS, HOUSES and STOitES; also IMPEOVED FARMS, aud valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Correspondents, in this CITY and throughout the STATES aud TERRI TORILS, 'with great care and ou the most AD V A N T A G E 0 U S T E I M S . UOFSi: and STORES LEASED. LOANS NKGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTION'S PROMPTLY COL LECTED. Ard a General Ei NANCTAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFRCE in all the CITIES -and TOWNS iu the Sl A'tL. will re ccive de iripti h;k of FARM PROPERTY andjfoi ward the isaiae to the above address. Feb. 3, IfcTl. fcpetiul Notice, INFALLIBLE WORM SYRUP FOR CHIL DREN. Tesvrs. Kn:K'' fc UrothfM, Whole sale an. I Itelai! Me -chants, Cantiy Station, Orecs. are mv !mt!oi ized agents for t'a- s.t'e of t!,e Infallible Worm Svruti, who will constautiv keep a supply ou hand. " DR. J. W. VAN-DEN BERG II. Salem, March 22, Iia;; uluai u I lie !..! f f have j act. received a supply of (lark's .Spool Cotton, Od ami Neeiiies, to suit the Flo i elite Sewing Machine, which ale for sale at toe lowest maiket price. 1 o to Sail Fr. i nci-co to purchase goods for (he Spring tra e on tbe u xt trip of tii Oiiiiamme. So look out lor a tine btock at i educed rate;. Natch 23:tf THOMAS CHARM AX. OiTguu Io.Ige Vu. 3. I. O. of O. K. .. -j, Mttts eveiv Thursday even iV' ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Han, Mr iu g ect. .Members of the Order are invited to atteud iiy order. S. a. iCKJi'i'S i'OlZ Tlin IJXTElSPllIiE. Tiic foliovving persons are authorized to act as agents fl.r the Exei:puisk : J. M. Baltimore, J'oOlui.-d, Oregon. Thomas Bo-, ce, San Franc. sco. L. P. Pish-.-;-, Hudson & M net .41 IV k Row, New York. Geo. P. Ho, veil & Cc, -1) Park Row, New Yo k. Abbott & Co.. Xo. &2 i- Sk Xas.-au street, New York. llad-oo, Monet & Co.. fdiicao, Illinois. Cue. Wetherill & Co., 007 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. riiiiT" oLb jest : AXD THE BST DR. H UFBLAU D'G C E L E B R A T E D S W I s s STOMACH BITTERS. Tlie I'irst and most healthful Tonic ever introduced iu the United States. H Thes D'tters have U been iu the San Fran- B cisco Maiket for over P 1 wettty Years, and g notwiihst Hiding the m man;.' m w candidates 'j for public favor, the j& sales have const mily t ii'cre'.se l. gTAVlAfii ck ItKV- KEL, So!-.' Agents, P 4 it i5iid -f 1 1 Clay St., H San Fiancisco. 'i'-lr. SPUING GOODS JUST RECEIVED RY LEVY. T HAVE JUST RUDEIVCI) A COMPLETE X aud well-assorted stock of CUSTOM-MADE GLGTfUHG, AM) GEXTLDS' FUEMSIID.G GOODS. Which I will sell at reduced prices. Call and examine my stock before purchas ing elsewhere. produce Taken in Exrhan?? for GooJs. A. IhlVV, riaiti street, Oregon City. Circuit Court Notice. State of Oregon, ( s CorxTV of Cl.vC&amas. f Circuit Coui t of the State of Oregon for the Ci.uuty of Clackamas. rx vacation 17ti:k the march I X teiin, A. D., l-7i: Now on this eleventh j day cf Apiil, 172, it is ordered and ;p- I point, d l y the u dersigtad Circuit Judge in the -tth Ju iieial Di-trict in said State, aud ' preil'ng Judge in the s;J C.-urt, that a term oi t! e sid Court be h' li at tbe Circuit Court room, at the Court House iu said county, couime.ii ioiC ' n Monday the 2;th day cf April, 17 , lor the transaction of the busiu.'hs 1. Lowing: to wit, for the trial of the ioiiowing cases, namely : The ca-e oi' the State of Oregon against Mil had McC'u uuck, in which the aid Xltch eA MtCortnick is accused of tbe crime of Uiunler. The case of the State of Oregon ag -.iust Jaci.b Enge!, in which the sai 1 Jacob Engtl is ace. wed of the crime oi murder. 'the ease of the t-aa-e of Oregon against Jim, aii I diau. Tiie case of James M. MuOte against G otic-tb G leapt'. And tiie ea-e of (Jans against (tans. I And also for the convene. ir and tn-lection i a Grand Jury, and of trial j uies, the em- leaoncijini' uit'.l oiirauiz iiii a ifiand jury tor said term, and any L.d alt proper ucltou aud pr'cefdiuii of fcu.h ia'aiid jarv iu auy aua t of the caecs ao. ve meniioued iu w hich the State of O.-gou is a paity. It it o. Jeted and appointed that sud tetm be add ou : aid twenty liintU day ol April, ls7ii, aud until the iui ttier otUer r tn saiu Coiut. W. W. Ul'tu.V, Circuit J ugde. Filed Amii 15th. W2. at b o t'liiot. p. in. J. M. FAZER, Clerk. Troanuror's FiOtico. Coi xrv THfAstiiiMti'a Okficil, ) Clackamas County Oregou. ( C10UXTY WARRANTS OF CLACK A J mas, end rosed for interest pr.or to No vtmber 14th, ls7l, will be paid on preeu'a tiou at the County Treasurer's otiiee at Ore y.o i C.i y, Oregon. luUrcat wnl ceise tr.mi t'as true. 11 . S A I- F A R R A N S , Treasut er. Oiegon City, Apiil l'jth, ls72. w4 S. UI'IUT. CUAS. E. W1KBJV. IIUSLAT & WARREN Attorneys at Law, OFfiCH CUAUillN's UU1LK, MUX ST31CET, ORE'ION CITY.OllEGOX. March 5, ls7',:tf . :i. pope, Grocer & Provision Dealer, X"ert door south of the Court Uouse, Alalia Site, UngOH City, Onguu, DEALER IX BEST FAMILY GROCERIES, COFFEE, TEA , SUGAR, FLOUR AND MKALof a!t kinds, PICKLES, SO P, SALT, CANNED FRUITS and OYSTERS, Also, all kiuds of Fresh Fruits aud Vegetables. BUTTER, CHEESE and EGGS, TOBACCO and CIGARS, GLASSWARE, Et., Etc. All kinds of country Produce taken in ex change t'.r goods at the highest mai ket rates ri;,,(nb dcliveied iu the city free of c' arge. A fair shere of patronage bolicited ilareh 23, lS7-2:tf P.EAL ESTATE, EEAL ESTATE JACOB ST1TZEL, C. C. WAY. JACOB STITZEL & CO., SUCCESSORS' TO STITZEL & UJ'TOX., REAL ESTATE A K 1) Cu. Frout autl Vaiiiigou St., P OKTL A X D , O R E G OX Sure ia I attention uiveu to the sale ol farm- it tr lands and city pr-perty. All corrcs- Iiendenc- relating to the recources of Ore gon wiii ne promitiy uuswereu- HEAL ESTATE JOURNAL Publi-.hed monthly. Sent free of charge to a.'iV address. JACOB STITZEL & CO. March 15, !87i':ti' JUST RECEIVED AT T. 5S 2: 1. SI aXO S DEAL, EH IN' DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOES, HARD W A R E, G ROCERI ES, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, &C MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of ail kinds bought, for which I pay the highest mai ket price. If run ih-iire Ooods. at ROW Pliers e.ll :it I SFLLINO'S. ami examine his fresh siock of Spring oods. GIVE ME A CALL AXD CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mr Motto is,i:iCK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Wool lYanficd, For which I will pay the higheet market price. I. SELLING. Aril 14, 17 l:tf Admin. Gtratrsx's Hctice. voTirii is hk:;i:i;v givex that Tin: i uu-lersiiiiied has heen duly nt .pointed Au miiiis:r:;trix of the Estate 01' Iwrt-iw J'.unis. deceased, late of Clackairats e.jui,ty; 1 her ..-fore, ali persons hnrinf tlaims said Estate are ri.-euue ! to pre.-.-iit. t'.eia tome, rroperlr v.-rilii-d, at th" alfiee of Jfiitiisou & MeC-um n, within six ruouths from date. MAT". Y A. P-UIlNsi. Adni'-'x of the Estate of L.iwn-Dre JJurus, ilec'd. ,)(l!!N'si)N A; McCOV. X, Att'vs. iMaich l'i, 1S72. rualjwl JMPEIIIAL MILLS. Eavier, LaS.cqii8 fc Co., onj:aox city. 3, Keep const itr.tli' on hur.d fo; sale Midlings, and Chicken feed, Par'ies sitrioutdiic: I'eed mio-t furnish the m ks. Rt-Ijc-eca. Degree Lotlge So. U, . C. O. F Meet on tbe Second and Fourth y5 TUESDAY EVEXIXGS. of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Halt. Members of the Degree aie invited to attend. Blanks-. All kinds of blank? can be j ha J at this office Job Printing of every ! description neatly executed, at short i at'-Cc, PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE ! Fall anil Winter Trade. HAVING RECENTLY FILLED UP OUR assortment of Imported Styles iu Ladies' and Gents 33ools :isid (ilsiitcrs. We will take great pleasure in displaying and rece'ving orders f rom our patrons, and the puolic generally. We h ive received from Xew Yoik a tew pair of the CMebiaUd I LI RAT OPERA HUT I ON FRONTS, by which a Lace Shoe cau he tallied iuto a beautiful button Gaiter Will take old; is hjr the same -at any tiui. We have the Best nd Latent Styles iu Missed aud Children's I'uttou Gai ers aud B iitiiorals tint are imported, but for good dibstantial wear there are none 'lifttcaa come up to our uwu make. W'e Warrant them iu every respect. Seven entirely Xew Styles of Ladies' and Mi-ses' RUBBERS T e Nillsoii. Congress, Marie Antoinette. Queen's Girmau. Velvet Frout am' Alaska. Light, ' ii.'i Durable ;iinl Neat Fitting. Also, a lot of Children's Rubbers. Biia; ou your feet. TO WOIUOISSX. COME AXD SEE CUR CHAMPION BOOT! Respecttully, PROTZHAIJ. GILLIIIAN & CO., Cor- Front and Korrison Sts-, rORTLAXI), RF.GOX. D c. 1. Is71df OLiFP HOUSE, Oxitciox City. Orkgon. riHIS POPULAR HOUSE HAVING Been L lalelv REMITTED and FURNISHED, the Proprietors are now ready t aoccomrno date I heir customers with HARD-FINISHED double or single 10.. ins. Thev inTite all tbosa foud of a GOOD MEAL and a GOOD RED. to call and give them a 1 1 i.d, for they are confident they please everybody, because they - know how to keep a Hotel. Prices to suit the tunes and Lvebtbodt, according to the rooms .iceupied. Attached to the. is a BATH ROOM. For the accommodation of csutomers. MERRIAM i FOURMER, June 1. 1 S7 I :tf Proprietors. LOiiT. 17R0M THE UNDER-I ED, LIVING AT Canennih, ab .ut the oth iiist , a Sorrel Mare. ab ait fifteen hands high; six years old; small white streak iu the fort Lead, with saddle ioai ks ; shod uil around. Any person returning sad mare or giying infuioatiou oi her whereab' uts, will be suitably rewared. VM. 11. M RS HA L. Can. nu.h, Feb. 22, ls72. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. PORTLAND, - - OREGON- DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp aud Ovei t'owed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kiuds of landed propeity. Valuable securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. ConiUiisMous solicited and executed with fid'diiy and promptness. OFFICE No. 14 Carter's Building, corner of Alder and Front sheets. F b. :5. J s7o:tf Li. AT TUE LiNCOLNJ AKERY. WELLIAEVSS & HAHDmO, AVE JUST OPENED A FULL VARIE- ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS. The Bakery will be constantly enpplicd with fresh BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES. PASTPY, CANDIES AND NUTS. All of which wi'i be sold at living rates. Remember that we do not sell goods at ' cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the farming trade we would say, CASH for you. produce, and CASH tor our goods. Goods delivered to all parts of the citv. Feb, Pi, l72itf Summons. In the County Court lor Clackamas county, .State ot )r ;joii. A. MEIR, Plaintiff, Civil action to recover vs. J moner. E. A. GIUSUX, Deft. ) To tlie above named Defendant: AU1': HEKEHV O lTlTi:i) AND It E-- pure;l to appear in the alme entitled Court aud anawcr 10 the eoinplaint of the plaiu t i tt', tiled in the alnive entitled action, within ten dues iroia the dae of the service of this sum mons upon you, if served in Clackamas county; are! if s. rve.l in any other county this lit ate. then wii hiii twenty days) from such service ; and it served by puhheation, you are notilied and re quired to ;i'pear and an.w saiil eoniphiinf on or b. tore the 1st Monday in May, IS72, that be ing th-' orst day of the next teim of the Count v Couit fir t.'lai'kainas county, Oregon, which will boh-.H next after ih-j expiration of the i-erio.'. I-n-s ni-il by the order of sai l .oort for the pub licatiou of this svmiiioiis; and it' you fait so to appear a:;.l answer, the plainMrt' will take judir iueiit Hff.siisst you lor the sum of f1j 40, v.ith leual intci est from June 7th, 171, and for' costs and disbursements of this action; tiiesaid action beiii;.' t rourfit by j lamtitf to reeover the afore said balance due on book jircouiit for Taerehan- tise ;.old deti-ndaitt bv j.lnintilf. And you are further notified, that the Jion.J. K. Wait, Judire of saio ounty ourt. on the 5th day of Febru ary, 172. made an order uireeting- the euinnions o he served by publication in 1 lie Oregon City EuterrTise for six sii'-'-es-uve weeks. V.'Ar.REX &c FOttliES, Ma.rcli I, 1S72:v6 riff's Att'ys. House For Sale. DWELLING HOUSE COXTAINING J. -V seven rooms, s tuated on the hill, is of fered for sale on reasonable tarn; a. For par ticulars apply to Geo. Hard' nj at the Parnum ahi.n, or to Henry Harding at the Lincoln Bakery. Oregon City, April IS, 1??2. tf Dr. B. Rm FREEArJDj rnm I-OOM 2 DEKUM'S EUILDIXG. CORN V er First and Washington Sts., Portland. Nitrous Oxide administered, n23tf. rr- .'--Ii1 i s p a . . MS J AUCTION A3 D COMMISSION A. II. Hiclfisai'4lson, AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTIOxXSALES Of Real Esdate, Groceries, GeneralMerhatt dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. B. Kigiiardsox, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron Kngiish Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, li. G. Iron also: O A large assortmentof'Groceriea undLiqaera A. D. liiciiAitDSON, Auctioneer o TO XOITO MEN J rpo YOU RKLOXO THE FUTCTE Of jL our beautiful and fust growioe: Stnk. Soou the rdiiil! whistle of the IRON' 1IORSB, ns he con fs f looking across this treat co tinent, drawing alter him the rich produt ot the Nation's Wealth and Industry, will announce the "GOOD TIME COAIING," when Oregon's own Sons ahd Dauehtora will be called to till the new avenues of Ri uess. Everyone should prepare lor an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes hate been made in the on mercial nfl'aiis of Oregon in u few reara. What the deelopements of our .tate will b in the future, is u question which depends upon the HUSINESS gUALIFICATlOSS of Iter 1) oung Men. Within the past foar pxn f oatia4 prosperity, the National Business College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of youug men fully qualified, and many f whom are how filling high stud luci afire po sitions in ttie Ranks, Counting-Rooms and Stores of our State. So great is the demand tor Good Accountants f3 that Business men hare been frequently compelled to send East for as-istanee. X enterprising, studious Young Man who baa passed through tbe prescribed court f studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want cf a situation and at good salary, too. Every faciliy is here fTbrdei acquir ing a EOUIJD BUSINESS EDUCATION in tbe shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will hare an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE! After having completed the Theory, he is introduced into a M1XIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the c-flect of thoroughly familiam imr him with all the minutiae of real business. The course of study embraces Double and .-ihgle Entry Book-Keeping, Commtrcil Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Correspon -ence. Business Penmanship, regular and special Lectures, ttc, etc , combining theory with practice. ALSO,' Superior advantages for securing a thorougk knowledge of ORNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP. TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN. ETC For full particulars, call at the Colletre Of fice. in Carter's building, corner of Fiont and Alder streets, (entrance on Alder) Port land, Oregon, or send for cicultir. Addreas BeFRANCE &. JAMES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Mercb 31, ISTl'yl Sheriff Sale RY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND MJ order of sale, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Ort'fioii, for the eouutv of Clacka mas, dated the 27th day of March, A. I)., 187J, and to me directed, pursuant to a decree in favor ot J. D. Strowbridire, Administrator of the estate of John 'lorreiiee, deceased, plamtitf, and uyainnt George Abernathy and Hiram (.dark, doing busi ness under the tinu name of George ALrnetlir and Co., deJendants, for the sum of sixteen thou sand, tnree hundred and twenty-one dollars, 321 no, and the further sum of twenty-eight ,50-100 dollars costs and disbursements, by virtue of a decree ot foreclosure of mortgage on real estate, 1 have, on this 2th day of M.-irnh, A. IK 1S72, levio.1 on the following described parcel ot land, specified in said decite and order of sale as lohows, to-wit : 1xt nuinWr sc-Tcn. 7, in l!liK;k nmuberone, 1, and the north hnl f of lot number seven, in liioek number twenty-nine, in Ore-Citj-, Claekumas county, Oregon, as desig nated upon tde tiliicial uiaps thereof, together with the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, rs the property ofth said George Alnsmethy and Hiram Clark, delend ents, and on Saturday, tlie 2tb. day of April, A. !., 1S2, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of ,-i4l day, in nout of the ourt House, in Oregon City, in said county. I will pr.cecd to sell the same to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy taid e.xeea tion, costs and accruing costs. ARTHUR, iSherni of Clackamas comity, Oregon. Dated Oregon City, Alarch 28, 1872. w4 Sheritff Sale. " 1?Y VIRTUE OF AX EXECUTION AXD J"- oruer ot sale, issued out of the Circuit Court oi tne fstare or Oregon, tor the county of Clarka- mas, uaieotnc 2UH Uay ot March, A. J., 1872, and to me directed, pursuant to a decree in favor of Henry Jlumhel, phuntifl, and against John rMege, oeienu.uit, tor the sum of two thousand and fifteen 25-100 dollars, in U. S. gold coin, and the further sum of forty-seven tHi-HX) dollars coat and uisliiirsements. l',y virtue of a decree of fore closure of mortgage on real estate. I have this 2S;h day of if arch," A. U., 1872, levied vi the fol lowing described tracts or jiarcvls of town lotn, situate in Oregon City, Oregon, rcined in said de t ee and order of side as iollowt, to-wit : The undivided one-half of lots numbered fonr, 4, nnd live, a, in El.jck number twenty-three, 2.'5, aeoord ing to the plat of said town now on tile in the County Clerk office of Clackamas county, Ore gon, together with the hereditaments and apper tenanees thereunto belonging or in anywise ap pertaining as the property of swid Jolm Htcie, and on Saturday, tne 27th day of April, A. 1., 1S72, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day, in front of the .'ourt House door, in Oregon City, in said county, I will proceed to sell the same to the hiidK-st bidder, for U. fs. fold coin, U satisfy said execution, costs and accruing costs. Al'.Tll L It W A KX Eli, Slieriff of Clackamas county, Oregon. Dated March 28, 1572:wl Guardian's Sale. TOTH'K IS HEIiDBY GIVEN THAT, HY virtue of an order of the Honorable County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for the county of t laekamas, made at the February term, 1.5,72,1 will seii to the highest ladder, at the Court iiouse door, in (Jregon ( ity, ( laekamas county, on Sat urday, the 4 h day of May, 1S72, at piibbc auc tion, the following desciihed real estate, the pro perty of the minor heirs of Enost-lover, deecawd, to-wit : Eots numbered one, 1, two, 2, five, 5, fi, seven, 7, and eight, a, in DIock numbered sixty-two, in the town of Oregon City, cinty of Clackamas, State of Oregon. Terms of sale. One-half down and the re mainder in two equal quarter-yearly payment. secured by mortgage. fa " T.J.TAYLOR, Guardian of M. E. Mover, E. A. Hover, A, J . Slover and C. T. fclorer, Mmon.. IMPROVKD' DAPJD SAWS IoUling Muchint, MORTISERS, LgsAnd ere y description, S3f Wood-vvtiking Ma chinery and Planing Mill supplies. Address BERRY ct PLACE. Machinery Depot, 112 California St. ifaa Francisco, cov2icowoa 0 O O O O O G o O O O o c? o O o o o o Q 0 - V T""! -i 1