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About The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1916)
Kit jiQinvf elf in. HEUpI&co, Y.Ttynot get a foo4 oil stove so thatdur Ing the hot weather your wife or mother ertUter or daughter, cn prepare the : meals in a cool, corn- lortabU httchtnl There he overheating the kitchen with an up-to. date oil cook rtove. It's Just lie cocking with city gas. The burner con centrate the heat at the different cooking point. HEW PBSBECHON GILCGMTOVE L-rM X I Jo wood or coal or she to lug. NO waiting for fire to catchup. The long blue chimney do away With "all smoke and smell. In 1.2, J, and 4-bnrrwt-Uca. with or- withoet evens. Alio cabinat modal with Firwies cookinf evao. STANDARDOIL COMPANY tCaUfersis) For Sale by WATT3 & ROGERS t The Farmers Bank of Weston Established IS9I v TTT TJTT1 A GiYKT ski-rtlr am r1o strum fiveiM-mfe 1 (especially with the young) is that it makes better, more useful, substantial citizens who work fnrhphpttjprmpjit if the community Open an. account with us; make it grow; be useful. eeeeeteee ra 4r waVwiiini .m"ri W i 2 m "T ldf jjf agftiLWF Utar VstfsHta ' i 23cgins June 1 Plan NOW to go 1 ty stUsj say Ajent r by writing the I x Gekeeal Passenger Agent PORTLAND for information and illustrated J X . "TOUR" literature. J raoa meat Market Prime Beef Pork, Mutton, Veal Dressed Poultry FISH Monday and Thursday Get Our Prices Phone No. 53. Orders taken by phone for mail routes. Ten percent interest on all ac counts after 30 days. Perry & Weber CANDIES The largest stock of ars Tobacco and Pipes GiS in town KNIVES and HARMONICAS I Kirkpat rick's Confectionery ' Nature's Food for horses and cattle Is the grass that crrows on meadow and hill. The next best thing is sweet, clean, hay and feed that comes from our mill. When you need rolled (Train of the rijfht sort for keeping; your livestock in fine fet tle, look (or our sign ana tne gona things for for your dumb servants stored in our bins. We handle Steam Rolled Barlev, Oats and Wheat; Baled Hay, Millstuffs snd Chicken Feed. We're local agents for Peacock Flour and Blatchford s Call MeaL rnone&si. ; D. R. WOOD the Feed Man 'IZQZZCFt L WATTS Aitoroey-at-Law I'rwiice in all State and Federal Courts. ATHENA, OK LOOM Chas. II. Carter Dan P. Smyths Carter & Smythe LAWYERS PENDLETON OREGON VVEOTON LEADER CLARK WOOD, raH stimcmrnoN tAiei Strkft M AJnCt Tha Year.,.,.,,........ hi Months Mr MomIi ,,,,,.,,,,.,. ADVrRTItlNU ATrt IVt Im-li r month IVr tiM'h, oil Inerrt loo ........ jn.t. wr lliieeerh liwrtlim. enen.lra. War wa M ri.neetla mat Ins Frenrh have lost mure than tha Oar man, thay hv at 111 ttaan rlnfiirpd by l.laMA Hrlilnh. and that numtwr ran b aitttad to feat annuah le till tla In both KranrH and Itrlllxh rartka. Itia llrltlah hava In all about l.lut,P0 , . Ik. MrU... timtAm UttVlMtf I .....II MiaSSAS In r-arrva aftar alios ln 1.. , I for loar and (or naval sr " " ll. Tha Huoana .saa.aas mrn . M miDAY HAT rfcWi rMS al In fattalflc at Wolaa, Ottsaa, at atraaS tatt smII aMlMr. a mm orimo. rii, Antl.fialoaai Laaaru of Oraaoa hu Kmb Mndlna- eut laqulrtaa to In tralnlne laat ftaptmbar and inb' ably now have Mii.S nndar arm. Italy aaapa Its army up to a alranjth of I.I0O.6.VS man. Ttta rantnant of the Varblan army, aatlmatad at ItO.ifro to I0S.60S man, la raturnln to tha front. Vttalnxt thasa nrw arm la and tbaaa ranks atvadlly raflilad the Teuton na tions and thalr alllaa ran only sat tha numbar of younc man who annually attain military at. This la aatlmatad at ttt.SM for Germany, sad for Aus tria may ba nlacad at not mora than Turkay would do wall In ra vary randhtata for lbs Orason lagU- latura. asking bla vlawn as to ma an torramant and onaratlon ot the dry law. Ons of tha most Interaattnf ra Dllee was racalvad from riadark-k Ptalwar. candidate for the stats sen at from Umatilla county. A ropy was racalvad by Ths adar. and la printed balow. This may ba rasardad aa an axpart opinion. Mr. 8telwer in hta oftica aa dmtrtet attorney aaving had an opportunity to gat pretty wall varaad In bla subject. "Answartng your questions categor Ically. I ad via, tl) that I am oppoaad to any relaaalloa of the dry taw; tii that I favor strengthening tha dry law la two respects: First, the aales of alcohol by drugststa. and. second, the Importations of liquor from other atatea: (Ik I consider H mersly aim pla Juatir to tha old brewing later aata of Oreaon who undertake the manufartura ot non-alcoholic eubstl tutaa for beer that thay should not have to compete with alcohollo beers Imported from other autea. Inde nandant of thla feature, however, I am opposed to Importation tor a sum' ber of reasons. In the first place. they cause the sending away of a con siderable amount of Oregon money. but the more aerloua feature la that the bootlegger la enabled under the present system of Importation to ac quire two full quarts ot alcohol per month, and then by acquiring two quarts more locally, he can manufac ture enough Imitation whisky to carry on a thriving bootlegging business throughout the month. VMy experience as district attorney la ahowlng to me that alcohol sales by the druggists, and the Importations. hen taken together, afford the boot- lacaer an adequate source of supply, and with the exception of a few sa loon stocks. It la the only source of supply' available to the oootlegger. Tha saloon stocks In the end will be axhsusted, and ought not In the long run be a very Important factor In the enforcement of the law. "Tou may be Interested In knowing that I have now under consideration an injunction proceeding in which I wiU seek to enjoin the Pendleton druggist from the sale of alcohol upon the ground that the aald sale are unconstitutional, and constitute a public nuisance. "If the prohibition law la to he amended by the next legislature, the amendment ought td Include a pro vision to the effect that where liquor haa been aiexed. all thereof that haa been used In violation of law, and in addition all thereof that haa been stored ur connection -wrrn-tne -liquor so used, shsll be forfeited and de- stroyed. The law now provides In ef fect that the court shall order de stroyed all liquor which be finds haa been used for unlawful purpose. Thla portion of the statute has been construed in cases presented by me to mean that the court shall order de stroyed only such liquor ss was di rectly used In the violation of the law. Unopened packages, therefore, and unopened barrels, under the con struction made, cannot be molested. do not know whether the law haa been differently construed In other Jurisdictions or not. but Inasmuch as the law is not perfectly clear, it will be a distinct -help to district attorneys If the statute Is slightly amended." erult ISS.OSS new men yearly, flrlt ain alone could add I.SOO.oo men to Its army without reducing the volume of Its munition output and of Its for eign trail a. There Is no practical limit to the millions Russia ran pour forth except the ability to arm and equip them. In numbers the Teutons are eutmatrhed and bid fair to be more so aa the war progress, unless they ran make each man do the work of two with superior weapons snd greater supplies of ammunition. ECHO DEDICATES ITS NEW BALL PARK txwtus Ktandliif. W, IVndlrMtn,,,,,, ,, , 4 P1U Uock.... 3 Kcho. ................ ... 3 Weston..,,.. 1 league m-orra, Kcho IS, Weston 3. tWIUun 7, I'ltuv llock ft. Nrnl KumUy's tiMMOS. Weston si 1'uiiilleton. I'llu llock al Kcho. IVt. rti; Ml Ami JU3 : firyan declares that he will not g-o ss alternate to the democratic convention whereat we are dispteed to emigre tu late the democratic convention. i 1 The probable defeat of the bonding Isaue today will put th good roads problem squarely up to ths farmers, with whom its solution proerly be longs, Ths United States government seeking to convince those belligerent powers thst it is not responsible to Germany for England's sma nor to England for Germany's sins, but thst each is responsible to the Uuited States when violating its rights as a neutral Our Mexican border is getting to be deucedly frayed. - In suing him for divorce the wife of a former Pendleton saloon man declares that he mads 110,000 bootlegging: in one year during th previous dry re gime. Perhaps she is after some tainted alimony. ' " At the pioneers' reunion June t and 3 old friends will get together again in Weston who never see esch other but one a year. It doesn't appear thst Portlsnd's secret circle" has even tried to square itself. Kcho dedicated US new baseball grounds with a spectacular triumph last Hundsy. Kcho has plenty of sheen, but a gust was needed for the sacrifice without which no triumph la complete, and Weston was kind enouah tn provide this interesting and amiable animal. When Kcho had finished Its cele bration and IU stalwart hnll-tuesers had grown tired of running around in circles, or rather In squares, the story ot th great event aa told by figures waa: Kcho IS. Waaton t. Kcho gloatingly batted the hearts out ot the trustful and kindly Moun taineers In Its half ot th first ranie, when II virtually won the game with five hlu and als runs. II was a tr- rlfle awatfrat. and afterward th Mountaineers wer required 10 plav hopelessly and painfully an uphill contest. They did well. Indeed, to get seven hits and three run off Rcho's new stsbster. a sturdy young gentle men named Krauee, said to be a re cent Importation from the Portland city leaa-ue. Karh with three hits. Curly Hale and klarkham led the Echo slueeera, Hale getting a three-bagger and home run. Murphy also mad a home run drive. Urlndell was the only Weston player who could solve Krause's delivery for more than one hit. Krana and K lllomgren had no difficulty In connecting, but batted out of lurk. U lllomgren had a finger broken and mangled in the second Inning by a foul tip. and gave place to Wood be hind the bat. The score: Weston K. Hloinirren, if.. KirkpatHck, 3b 4 0 l lllomgren, e I Kraiis, l , llarnea, ef. ..... Keunaril, 2t . . . tirlndrll. M .... Wtssl, rtando. Mi ill. p Ilileuisn. p .... Totals 3 3 7 SI W Kcho all H M TO A AH H H HO .51010 1 0 tl I tl J I I 1 .4 .4 ..4 ..4 ..4 ..3 ..3 Hale. 31. Markham, cf..... 5 l..inall, 21. ...4 '. Huakllia, e S V. liuskto, lb... K cause, p.... lark, as...., Muroht, rf. .. Kasell j oe, If . 3 I 3 0 1 3 2 II I B As both th French snd Germans ars still claiming victories at Verdun, we presume the only krs are th dead soldiers and thalr fsiqUiM Ford is surprising the politicians by running nearly ss well as his cars. A GREAT MAX. The country may feel confident that President Wilson will not lose his head in the new troubles which the Mexican hornet's nest is bringing up on him, says the Oregon Journal. We may depend upon him to keep calm and guide his conduct by bis judg ment. It to easy to follow the lead ership of passion. Common men do nothing else. But Mr. Wilson Is not a common man. He Is great both in his- power of thought snd his deliberate action. Surrounded as he is by a thousand conflicting interests each of which seeks to bend him to Its will, he In vestigates for himself, uses his own intelligence snd follows his own con scientious Judgment. The petty creatures whose plans are baffled by his wise counsels rail and Jeer at him. But so they railed and Jeered at Washington and Lin coln. The president who prefers the lasting welfare of the country to the clamorous Interest of the present is always made to suffer for it. But in the long run history does him Justice. Mr. Wilson Is earning a place among our greatest presidents by his serene wisdom in this tint of excitement and peril. As President Wilson is urging co operation in business, we sre resdy and willing to cooperate with Standard Oil The Fish Ladder tn Place. After having been practically ruin ed as a trout stream for ths dozen years or mors by reason of an obstruction In the Hudson Hay coun try known ' as Pine 'creek falls. Pine creek has at last been opened the finny tribe through the good work of Warden George Tonkin and Deputy Jack Vincent. Following Warden Tonkin's order that a fish ladder must be put In by the Hudson Bay farmers responsible for the obstruction. Deputy Vincent went down there laat week to that It was obeyed and to supervise the work. The ladder Is now in place and Is of sufficient dimensions to so commodate the largest salmon. It is of regulation make, with 4x4 boxes three feet deep, and with Jumps of but one foot between each box. Although outside of his jurisdic tion. Mr. Vincent went over Into Washington while on hl trip, and found that Pine creek Is practically unobstructed there, so that there will be nothing in the way of whatever fish that may desire to make this stream their habitat. The late spring run of salmon is not completed, snd some of them may yet ascend to Wes ton and above. However, local ang lers expect tn derive their chief sport next season from the opening of the stream .. IS 10 27 8 6 COUNTING IXS8E8 OF ARMIES. War prophets are Just now busily calculating the comparative losses of the French and German armies and the available forces each nation still ha in ths field and In reserve, aaysj,, mni 1 11 C UICRUIIWO. JUi UK I It "I C IB1.UI. Disconsolate Satan. The devil sat by ths lake of fire on a pile of sulphur kegs; his head was bowed upon his breast; his tall Be tween his legs, a look of shame was on his face; the sparks dripped from his eyes; he had sent his resignation to ths throne up In the skies. "I'm down snd out," the 'devil said; hs said It with a sob; "there are others who outclass me, and I want to quit my job, HeH Isn't in It with th land that lies along the Rhine; I'm a piker and a therefore hell. Oiv my job to Kaiser Wllhelm. or to the Russian Czar, or King George, or J. P. Morgan, or some such man of war. I hate to leave the old home, the spot 1 love so well, but I feel that I'm not up-to-date nl ths art of running hell." Exchange. I resign fin a m m n It I,.. maba, tvftt. Ills tlons are made by friends of the allies 'loodv ., lnow. mor. as a means oi proving mat uermany ., m , ,u. Im- . IB sppruiicfltlljs MIC LiuiiiL wiicie iiri decrease in the number of. fighting men will compel the kaiser to shorten his lines and to abandon the offensive. The result is a mass of figures which merely bewilders but which, is largely based on estimates. The events of the war and the known facts of the present time Jus tify certain general conclusions with out wearying our brains with many figures. Since the Germans have been constantly engaged on both the French and Russian fronts, their losses must have exceeded those of France. though the great numbers of Russian prisoners they and the Austrtans have taken will surely swell ths total Rus sian loss to an equality with, If not to an excess over the German. Austria tost enormously In the first nine months of the war and has suffered a steady drain on the Russian and Italian fronts. Turkey lost men by tens of thousands in the first and the present Asiatic campaigns and lost heavily In the Gallipoll campaign. The advantage of the allies consists more In their superior ability to mske good their losses than In any greater losses they may have inflicted on their trzule mark j umI ty rlirtiU M4irsJ otm fit, ftcrttj inotlft, gt?rUst nr photo aUrf 4. M-rtf"- for FRVf StAffCrl mm! mwrt xi rwteitAvM1U. Umk rvrn--. PATINTS BUILD POftTUfS tor ftm. Onr trmm ioofcteei ui how. to te-vf rd Ms yim irwrneef. Writ ioAm.f. D. S17IFT& CO. PATENT LAWVCRS. 303 8ven'.h St., Washington, D. C NO WS THE TIME to pay your Weston Leader "sub" Totals Score by Innings Weton ....I 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0-3 Kcho......... n 0 3 0 1 1 1 3 -15 Pummary Pncrtfk- hits. Hale, E. Rlomgren; two base hits, Markham, Uinwall, Grindell; three base bits. Hale. C. Hosklns; horn runs. Hale, Murphy; stolen bases, Markham. C. Hosklns, F. Hosklns, Krauee I. F.a seltyne. Kirkpatrlck; first on balls, off Brill' 4. off Krsuse 1: struck out. by Brill S, Hitemsn Z, Krsuse II; wild pitches, by Hlteman I; double plays. Hoaklna to Uinwall to Hosklns: hit by pitcher. Markham. Lunwall; um pire. Cox; scorer, Jsmes. Not Afraid ef Celd Steal. ' In ber younger days Eugeule. when mpresa vf th French uallou, was noted for ber great courage, as th fol lowing Incident prove. At a brilliant dinner party some what tactloMS generariold ber majesty that women should not meddle In poli tics. - "You know, madfline," he sakl. "that politics lend to war. and If lb worse came to the worst yon would not bar the nerv to fate cold steel. " "Wouldn't IT cried the empress. "III show your And, snatching. largs knlf from the fable, ah Inflicted a deep stab on hor arm. - After tluit th general never broach ed the subject of woman's lack of nerves again.. , Sharpening a Peoketknlf. Cutlers bar certain rules for sharp ening razors, pocket knives, etc. "A rssor." said one of the era ft quoted by th Scientific American, "must be laid flat on the bone, because It Is hol low ground and requires s line edne. But a pocketknlf requires a f IDT edita. snd tb moment you lay It (1st on a stone, so as to touch the k1 lulled side. you Injure tb edge. It must be held st an sukIs of twenty to twenty-Ore degrees and hsvs an dg similar to a chisel." Ups snd Downs. Lady (wba was on a visit to her na tive townt How is Mrs. Gnbblof I haven't seen her for a long time? Hostess Sb Is bnrlng ber tisnnl ops ami downs. Lady Visitor And what may that be. I prayt Hostess Oh, running up bills and running down her DcliihlKirs. Buffalo News. ADMINISTRATOrS NOTICE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla (bounty. In the Matter of ths Estate of Henry uoiuuerg, ueceaseu. Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed Administrator of the above named estate by order of the above entitled Court and have duly qualified. AH persons having claims sgainst said estate sre hereby required to pre sent lbs sain to me, with proper vouchers, st ths office of Carter A Hm.nhe, Attorneys, In. the American National Hank Huildlng. in The V tv of . Pendleton, Umatilla County, Ore gon, within six months from this dale. Dated April 28, 1H1H. WaltkhFakh, . AdminUtrstor of the Km at of i Henry Goldberg, Deceased. Sines Shoes Shoes Sometliine that rivouM interest the whole fum uT I live them for man. woman and chUd. iftcfli " that cannot t plicated !cwherc. LOOK THEM OVER Infants' snd children; "Little rind Step" shoes in soft kid h)Slh'i. room sls,i.elto8 .4-e-Mlr ... ... i--i . .1 ... a'd In the I ntltiren s sncv. - -. development the fool, selected leath sra, for dress every day Soft sol shoes (all cWs) Sto-sTr Gills' shoes, patent and gun metal ... ... . ., ..... etiiih Ion. buttnW I.SniSS I'S.en. " - - r ---- - shoe III th latest shades. ".elected patent toll Ore Shoe's -p-r- Vlel and gun rtlal huibm t bhtcher br.xT.,:r.kM"M7Wri; Hoys shoes In gun tnslsl, all sH4 leslher shoes, button sun Mufher, bsllt for r ..,..,........... Il.ttte lite M. PcUrsos C. H. Blihop Peterson & Bishop LAWYERS Pendleton, Or. Freewater, Or. See our line of MEN'S S110KS. Have the Har vesters at J1.49, 11.69 and $1.98. Work shoes, all leather. $2.49 to $4X0. Men's dress shoes, button or lace, $2.49 to $3.98. e e e YOU CAN DO BETTER AT J. C. Penney Co, he. WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW Athena - - - Oregon Every week is Pay Up Week at the Leader shop. Don't run behind run. up and pay the Editor man for your sub. 1 f : ;fTLL f mil ISZH V I I I i III J. ,TT.- ... We say that Kyanlze is the best Finish for your floors and furniture It will make every inch of woodwork in your home like new. Kyanlze is the roost durable finish made. You can easily put it on. In clour and seven colors. GOODWIN'S DRUG STORE Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Established 1866 Athena, Oregon . WaiUburg, Wash. American Beauty and Pure White Made of selected bluestem in one of the best equipped mills in the Northwest. Sold in Weston by Weston Mercantile Company Butter Wrappers Furnished and Printed at the Leader office Sixty (minimum),.. $0 75 One hundred 1 00 . Two hundred 1 50 Each additional hundred 0 30 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees w Made of Malt a refreshing temperance drink. ' OliLllLtLMKj' Zehm & Duncan