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About The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1916)
TON EADER A' VOL. XXXV. WESTON, OltEGON, FKIDAY, MAY 10, 1916. NO. 48. WORLD'S DOINGS OF CURRDJT WQ Irish Countess Sentenced to Jail for Life. NEWS ITEMS AMERICANS GIVE AMBULANCES TO RUSSIA Of General Interest About Oregon WES Brief Reese of General News Frcns All Arcnd the Earth. r;,iE'ircciGSLUOSJ;ai Uve News Items of All Nations and Pacific Northwest Condensed for Our Busy Readers. Comrwrs has an Juried thi aU-ik of 60,000 garment workers In New York Mora than half million scree of Und have been opened to entry In Arl son. A mw paper mill under construction t Oregon City may be doubled in ca pacity over the original plana. The governor of New Tork algned bills providing for compulsory military training in summer ramps ana comiw sory physical training in public and privste schools. Praaldant Wilson spok IntlmaUly for half an hour to tha mambars of tha National Press club at Washington, D. C. I!a took supper with tha club af tar hi address. Tha speech was eonnuen- tiaL Three students of Willamstta Uni wamlt AaUm. Or., war ducked In I ' nearby creak by fellow members of tha D. P. club, a university organisation, for using intoxicating liquor, and ware afterward dismissed irom ute sowoi. Tha Rhanrhal and Hankow branrhsa of tha Bank of China and the Bank of (Vimmunlnilnna hava 1 into red tha re cent government mandate forbidding tha paring out of silver, and stopped runs upon their Institutions by redeem- ing bank notes. IWaiiaa 11. EL Saunders, dark of Yok county. Cel., failed to advertise the notice of election the number of times required by law tha 1200,000 courthouse bonds which were voted last weak cannot ba sold, and another elec tion must ba bald. Two prisoners are dead and another Injured as a result of a one-man mu tiny In the stste prison at Nashville, T.nn Julv Harris, who caused tha trouble, was shot and killed after ha had wounded two other prisoners, ona fatally, with a rifle snatched from a guard. According to tha Pagans Nybstar, of Stockholm, the international u MnifiiwiM raaultad In a com. plat rupture between tha German and Russian Red Croat, owing w me re- final nt Carman to autre remit for tha (inking of tha Russian hospital ship Portugal. Tha International Banking Corpora tion haa signed a contract with tha Chinese government for tha improve ment of the Grand Canal for a distance nt enn ml lac between tha Yantf-tae- Klang and the northern boundary of Klsns-su province. Tha corporation lends tha government $3,000,000 for tha purpose, to be secured by canal .toll. . - . '--. 'There will ba but one graduate from the Wheatland. Cat. high school Fri day. The state commissioner of ele mentary schools will make the com emenccmant address to him. Ha will be the guest of honor at the alumni dinner and party, the hero In the an nual claaa play, and the board of edu cation ' will travel more than 76 miles to present htm with dllpoma. A . r 1 - t 1am. MM.L dent!! candidate, It touring tha North- ' A Minneapolis mother of all com mit suicide, that her life Insurance of $1000 may revert to the benefit of her children. Colonel Goathalt hat announced that ha would resign July 1. It Is reported that ha will not resign if there ft trouble with Germany. Colonel Roosevelt hat formally en tered the race for the presidential nomination In tha Chicago conventions. ' He expresses desire to run on a "unit- .. ad ticket." ; - . .. "" . j ; Seventy-it ve thousand dollar' worth of liquor was seised by the Seattle po lice Friday in the most sweeping raid made since the state-wide prohibition law went Into affect January 1. Two large warehouses and nine drugstores were searched, but no arrests were made, sod none of the liquor was de stroyed. The pol'oe obtained war rants for the search of IS placet of business where liquor was suspected to be stored, and in the first five places searched- talced $25,000 worth of liquor. . ".: ,'; ever experienced In Northwestern Min- nesota, has anaiea wun aciearsay and a chilly wave from the Northwest. Survivors of the steamer Roanoke, which tunk off the Southern California cos at, declare the vessel was over loaded, which caused the disaster in which some SO persons were lost. Announcement of a 10 per cent In crease In wsges for its factory em ployes, effective May 8, was announced by tha Victor Talking Machine com pany, of Philadelphia. Several thou sand workmen are affected. ' " 4 V' ' f ' "' ''Pv : ' "' .-.. w -J. I t : ,' i Ip .. .. v It ' , i' -"e. J ' - J 1 - - " i - , U : , : - js li ' - if ' , . ''.V ;'" , . "J. .' ' Ki-- i.'. - J . ' :. . 'I 5-' ','.!.- ,V " ",'. .' " ' '1 t " ' ' - i Saw Countess at New York Dr. Cecil C. McAdara, tached to the Royal medical corps of mrA vh. iiMiMeiid in the during the recent rebellion there, arrived hare Monday on the steamship Philadelphia from Liverpool. Vt. McAuam Mill ne SSW uie vounieee marsivwiva iwin ih uwm aturlnv m kraM nf ntindvera. formed, ha added, that aha bad shot fused to obey bar order. rvnunUtta If arklawies ha been sentenced to penal servitude for life for her part In the uprising la Dublin. OS OF ABfQIIAIf Wmi - rrnvc incr fA'Trrrrc irrrr yuan wf vymuu Washington. D. C A aUnding army of 208,000 men, capable of being expanded In emergency to 254,000 and backed np by a Federalised National guard of 425,000 as a reserve, finally was airreed on Monday by the house and senate conferees on the army bill The agreement will ba reported to conoreaa at once and the measure, the first of the administration prepared- s bills, is expected to be before President Wilson for hit signature soon. - Advocate of adequate National de fense regard this conference agree ment at a triumph." The minimum enlisted strength would be attained under the conference amement within the next five year and It is stipulated that at no time hall tha total be less than 160,000. The conrerence repon aiso provides for government nitrate manufacturing plants to cost not to exceed $20,000,- 000, for vocational education in the regular army and for establishment of military training camns for volunteer clliscns, whose transportation, cloth- . . ... t. -1 ing ana auDSisience expenses wniie in training would be paid by the Federal government. Other aalient feature of the meas ure provide for a board to Investigate the advisability of establishing govern ment munition ' nlanta and a board to recommend mobilisation of industries. Authority It given to the government to aelxa and o iterate private munition plant in time of war. fan. fy PoWCTS tO ftti, fwuu una, redic Nancy President Poincare, In an tlra Iimmi Mnrvinv nianondad to U!,mk,av'i aticrffAat.tnn mcrardinff nempe. AAntalnMl In tha fiarman renlv tn the American note. . France does not want Germany to tender peace," tald the president. but wants her adversary to ask for peace." "Franco." he continued, "will not expose her sons to the danger of new aggressions. The central empires. haunted by remorse for having brought Rate Rise Is Suspended. Washintgon, D. C Tariffs propos- ing I Increases of from $S to $20 a ear in nfrlmirarlnn rhariraa nn fruits and ve tffetabies from points In Oregon and Idaho to points In Colorado, Arixona, Illinois and other states were suspend- 1 by the Interstate Commerce com isaion until September 12. pending InvAnttfyatlnn- The nrAiutnt refricrera- tion charge to points in Colorado is $40 car and tha proponed cnarges, so. o Arixona the charge la $50 and the proposed charge $70. To Illinois tha rate It $50 and the proposed rate sou. Girl Accepts S!3,600. Seattle Twelve thousand five hun dred dollars in real money ia better than a gamble that might win $25,000 or nothing'. Mrs. Carols B. Jones, the 19-year-old wife of Thomas C Jones, who obtained a verdict for $25,000 against her father-in-law, Thomas E. Jones, for alienation of her husband's effractions, so decided In the Superior court here. Judge Frater offered to give her a judgment for $12,600, or grant a new trial. Head of Irish Rebels. of Melbourne, Australia, who was at the British army during the Gallipoli Kheibounre hotel in liubiin. ire i ana. leaiUnS the Irish rebel. 11 WSJ In tlx of her follower because they re on the war and terrified by the Indig- .1.1 , I. I . i. L. a 1 ' tin i mviea anu uun uwj iw ,miw i mankind, amtrvinr todav to make Wi. th. .nt.U al lies alone are responsible for the pro longation of hostilities a dull irony wKlrh will (Waive no one. "Neither directly nor Indirectly have our enemies onrereo us peace. .. ism we do not want them to offer it to us; we want them to ask it of na. We do not want to submit to their conditions: we want to impose our on them. We An nnt want a neaeej which Would leave Imperial Germany with the power to recommence the war and keep Europe jhtArnllw imunmL "So long a that peace it not assured to ua; to long at our enemies win not recognise themselves a vanquished, we will not cease to fight." faccsse lax to teak: Washington. D. CTaxea on in comes, inheritances and war munitions will ba depended on to pay for the preparedness , program, - Chairman Kltchin. of the house ways and means committee, said Monday after a con ference with Secretary McAdoo. The plan has the support, Mr. Kitchin said. of President Wilson. What amount will have to be raised cannot be determined until the navy mnA arm hilla era enmnleted. Mem ber of the way and mean committee will begin work on this problem as quickly ss possible, however. Other than a decision not to lower the pres ent exemption limit for incomes, $3000 for unmarried and $4000 lor tnsmea nn (wina nt tha itataila of the tax . v ., .wi.w - - - plan hava been worked out. Bandits Make Another Raid. Uarathnn. T Another raid Into American territory by Mexican bandits was made Friday night at McKinney Springs ranch, 67 miles south of Mara thon and 23 miles north of Boquillas, along the Marathon-Boquillas road, ac cording to II. E. Stafford, an attorney of El Paso. Mr. Stafford arrived here Tuesday from Boquillas, to which place be had accompanied Major Lang home last Saturday as a guide. He secured his information irom ranchmen in the McKinney Springs district as he was passing through there en route to Marathon. There was no shooting, he said. 170 Indians Are Citizens Greenwood Indian Agency, S, D. Franklin K. Lane, secretary of the In terior, haa granted full citizenship rights to 170 resident of the Yankton Sioux reservation. Mr. Lane made an address in which he urged upon the redren the full measure of responsi bility which haa been impossed on them. Title to 30,000 acrea of land, which haa been held in trust for In dians, was transferred to them. The ceremony was full of color, many of the Indians sppearlng In the traditional dress of the tribe. Island to Sell Silver, Manila Jeremiah L. Manning, in sular treasurer, has gone to China to investigate the silver market with a view to selling a portion of the 20, 000,000 pesos silver which the govern ment has at Corregidor. Owing to the demand for silver in China, which has caused the Chinese government to declare a partial mora torium, the silver held by the govern ment it salable at a profit of SS per cent. Oregon and California Und Grant Title Is Not Clear Washintgon. D. C As the Oregon A California land grant bill stands on the bouse calendar, it will not enable the government of the United States to pass a clear title to any settler or purchaser, In the opinion of Repre sentative Hawley. and be has the sup porting opinion f several of tha good lawyers of the public lands committee In this opinion. , . . "Toe MIL" said Mr. Hawley, "makes provision for the payment of back taxes that is. for Usee that have accrued for the past three years, but I believe It does not provide for tha payment of taxes which aire now becoming collectable. Moreover, the bill fails to make provision for the payment of interest on back taxes and fails also to provide for the payment of penalties on those secrued taxes. These omissions, in my opinion, render It ironossible for the United States to give an absolutely clear title and I will call attention to this shortcoming when the bill ia before the bouse. "The prime reason for providing in ' . . -. . . the bill for the payment of back taxes wss to enable the government to give clear title. Unless that section is enlarged and made complete ' it will fail of its purpose sod those who ac quire these lands from the government will be liable for interest and lor toe unpaid penalties and for the taxes that are not paid by the government under the Ferris bill." Smudging Need Shown in Southern Oregon Fruit District Medford In the opinion of local fruit men the year 1916 will mark the final demonstration of the necessity of crude oil smudging in the growing of fine fruit and spples in Southern Ore- con. At the beginning or the season were wss a distinct movement against smudging, chiefly because of tha an noyance involved and damage to trees from overflowing pots. In fact an In junction against smudging was ob tained by one group of orchards shortly before the May freeze. All this anti-smudge agitation is ended now in the opinion of local grow ers, for from May 8 to May 14 emudg Ingin Rogue River valley orchards wsa worth at least $500,000. Those orchardists who smudged, and fortunately a large proportion of them did, lost practically nothing from the low temperature, while except on the high hillsides those who did not smudge were wiped out While the loss haa been serious. It Is certain ac cording to experts who examined the orchards that the first reports were greatly exaggerated. 100,000 Acres in Willamette Valley Can Be Watered SalamAnnmitlmatelv 100.000 acre of land can be feasibly irriagted in the Wilalmette vlaley at the present time, results oi an investigation juei iw plated by the United States Reclama tion Service in co-operation with the state engineer's office show. A joint tt th inouirv into irrigation and power deveoplment possibilities of ...... ii ..j v.:. the Willamette vaiiey we umw week. -' The survey extended from Can by at the mouth of the Molalla river to the hud nf tha Willamette river above rvtttam and included the area in the immediate vicinity of Portland. It ia pointed out that tne water sup nlo tnr tha nmnnaed Irrisration of the valley lands In many cases may be ob tained from wells by pumping, ine rrvtvt Haxlarwa that tha averace econ omic duty of water which seems to be indicated for the valley as a wnoie is aiirht inphea delivered to the land. varying with local conditions of soil and crops. Those employed In the survey inves tigated the water power development possibilities on the north fork of the Santiam river with storage at Marion lalto tha nnnar reaches of the Mc- Kinxie river and the middle fork of the Willamette river. On the McKinxie river there are two existing plants and at least two new developments ' proposed, one at Vida and the other between the outlet of Clear lake and the mouth of Smith river, involving the use of Clear lake for regulation of flow. . ' ! Mill Will Reopen. Hood River The Stanley-Smith Lumber company, which has been de layed in the commencement of opera tions at ita plant at Green Pointy in the southwestern part of this county, because of weather conditions, will start work in its lumber camp ana open the miH next Monday. During the past week, according to managw J. K. Robertson, who visited the plant, a snow of eight inches prevailed in the Green Point hills. The Green Point mill will employ about 175 men. n cuts between 80,000 and 90,000 feet. Oregon Grange Elects. uranis rase wkuu s. IRmm at it annual xrang ciwcwni viv. - convention in progress here, aa fol- Kiwi: jnaoter, . - S. T U,iff..)i T Uty; overseer, - Grande; lecturer, Mrs. H. E. Bond, c.ugene, irewuiw, . - - Independence; secretary, Mary S. . . . . : . Vf Vff Howard; legislative corainuwn Burtner, uuxur; oww, v- ail; executive committeeman, B. G. tt . i : tweedy, torvsiiie. . . I r rm 35f j rsEET'H . . ' : ti ... Q, ' . ; ) i y- M N !: '4 ' ', i ' " 1 .I, - ' ''.? ( - "- t f 1 ,1: j V , nmmai.-'1 ' ft .f 1 ''' ; f .... .r ; i ,W..v,-.; '. E. ' . i II 1 t rwia eatharad in Waahincton ambulance presented to the Russian government by Americans. At the right the Orthodox church blessing the ambulances. APACHE Ms Air J f . L'-'-st: 1 i ,- ( ., -.. .-.L - ,l,'!i ' v;' :T - " .'f ; i rWn-T.v-r'- .a-l : ttj. .n These are the Apache Indians who have been sent to the front la Mexico In tracking Villa. POINCARE VISITS THE . u vi ivinmni nraaldnnt of France, trenches In the Meuse district. M. Poincare ia attired in a military cloak and cap of oolor not easily discernible from the enemy's trenches. NO ONE WILL EAT - tt required fifty gallons of isrosene and Ave hours time tor two deputy Cnlted States marshals to cremate 89,280 bad eggs, which were condemned by tb supreme court of the District of Columbia as being unfit for use. These eggs were seised in the municipal market where they had been offered tor sale, bakeries being the usual purchasers of ths canned product scuare. New York, the other day to witness the dedication of a Strug of army SCOUTS HELPING GENERAL PERSHING ..-I W - yi whs -S h 'Vt' 4 ; .r VERDUN TRENCHES accompanied by officers, on a visit to the THESE BAD EGGS 1 l: . -r . 4 In the illustration is seen a priest Ci as scouts to aid General Pershing HERO OF KUT-EL-AMARA lifn C. V t Townshend. command er of the British expedition againsi Bagdad. He has been holding 0? a superior force of Turks for months on , the Tigris at Kut-el-Amara. CAMP BARBER AT WORK L The camo barber of one of U ii tachmants of the AEiericsna torca t suing Villa is here seen i:.'.rz h'-s I'M to make a soldier preseatshis. V ' ) t h iJ . I p. . . "