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About Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1912)
BEAVER STATE HERALD Subscription, $1.00 a Year. LENTS TO HAVE NATIONAL GUARD Local Company Proposed For This Section.—State Will Lend Its Aid to Such an Organization. Vol. 10. Na 48 I ENTS, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26 1912. LENTS MAN GEIS POP ULAR APPOINTMENT I WHAT POLITICS WILL 00 FOR A MAN Mr. Henry Harkson, director in the Multnomah Hiato Bank, has recently been appointed Regal Vice Consul for the stale of Ore., by the King of Denmark. Mr Harkson has been acting consul here for some time the office at this place being vacant. A recent meeting of the "Danish Colony" approvati ot his ap pointment and the King accepted the nomination. Mr. Harkaon has b**n a resittent ot the United Slate* since 188$, reaiding for a lime In Nebraska. He was a member ot the Nebraska legisla ture (or two term* and wa* postmaster (or a lour year term during Harrison’s time. He came to Portland in IftoS and since that time ha* lieeu connected with Imuking interest* and real estate. He says there is quite a lot of busine»« now for a consul, there being over 5000 Danish people in Portland, and pros pect* are favorable lor a large increase a* the country develops. WORK A PLENTY EOR IMPROVEMENT CLUB SPRING BUILDING OUTLOOK GOOD The hearty response to a call to a meeting to be held at Creaton achr ol last Monday evening and the evi Duke Bros. To Have New 60x80 Concrete Building. Large Building at Main & Foster Anticipated. dent willingness of the school board to provide a school of higher education in the southeastern part of the city is a matter of immense interest to every citizen of the Mt. Scott district, and especially of Lents. If Lents had a live One of the lies! thing* that has o|>en- booster chib, now is the time to use it. Plans are being perfected for a new ed up for the young men of lent* and We want that Agricultural high school two storv 90x80 concrete building to be the whole Mt. Scott region is proposed out this way just as frr as we can pull erected on the site of the Duke build it. It might be unreasonable to try to at this time in the suggestion to form a locate it right here within a short walk ing. It will be faced with brick and suburltan company <■( the Oregon Na of the postoffice, but it should be locat have a full plate glass front. The losr- tional Guards. There are s|>e< ial rea ed within a ten minute ride. Such a I er story will be planned for business sons fur lielieving that such a thing is school is particularly of interest to 1 rooms and be constructed along modern entirely leasable and practical. Lents Lents. We are located on the outskirts lines. The upper floor will be taken u p of the city. The country immediately is fortunate in having the support in east of us is a productive farming aiea. with a number of offices and severs 1 such an undertaking of Mr. Bert B. It is bound to be cut into five and ten suite* of apartments. The whole w ill Courts, who for the past three years ha* acre homes which will be placed in a be fully plumbed, steam heated, hot been drill Instructor at the armory in highly cultivated condition to support and cold water and with electric and Portland. living at Lent* he would be the residents with their own Bmall fruit gas connections. and vegetable necessities, and also In especially good |>o*ition to promote Another large enterprise anticipated yield some financial support. These such an organization for our young rnen. is the continuance of the building now people will naturally tend toward in or any une for that matter, who might begun at the poetoffice, eastward along dustrial education and presumably to wish to work up such an organization Foster Road to the corner, and thence ward that related to their home life. There is absolutely no expense con south to connect with the proposed They will ultimately be included within —Webstar in New York Globo. nected with going Into such an organi Duke Block. Details are not out for the limits of the Portland school dis zation. There is no entry charge Tbs Idleness and a cut from three to two this construction but the question of trict and be privileged to receive the stale will furnish all the uniform* and meal* a day will be the lot of a majori-1 I such an improvement is being carefully benefits of its system. Ix-nts is in a the arms used in the drilling and other considered. It is not likely that a ty of the prisoner* held at the Kelly position to assist itself and these an exercises. The only thing required of "seven story” effort will be made by Butte rock quarry, as a result of the ticipated patrons of the Portland sys the member* is a small amount ol any person of judgement such as the order of the County Court last Satur tem. their time to be put into the drilling, per* -ns contemplating.the undertaking day. December 14th. Under the law, But it is for Lents mostly that we d i- perhaps one or two evening* a week. usually display, but they are going to only such prisoner* as are actually en rrct these suggestions. Why should In addition to the uniforms and arms do something and that pretty soon. Rev. Friiher Breionage), of Rainier, gaged in labor are entitled to three In his weather forecast, Prof, W. L we be content to see a good thing car the state gives about Ho0 annually for meals a day and the number of laborers 1 Still other improvements are suggest has rented Dr. Thompson's house on Powers of the Oregon Agricultural Col ried off to an inconvenient location so other ex|>enaes ed which will in due time come forth during the winter months will be limit Msple avenue and will move here at lege designates the month of December, far as we are concerned At present it though the parties interested are not Home time is spent annually at the . ed to 30. The present enrollment at takes two good hours of each day for a once. He will organise a parish here Clackamu* Ktation. That, however, is , the rainiest month of the year, as "the child to reach high school. We may be yet in position to discuss plans. It looks the Butte is 105. W. E. Wood and mother. Mr*. E. B. given in halt day term* and ao the time The County Court received word last Wood, spent Christmas day with rela- beet friend of the lighting syndicates," able to make it a ten minute trip. Is now as though Lenta would be plenty would hardly be nolicable. Once a busy this spring. Superintendent W. ... A. j tjvesBt Damascus. | Saturday from __r —.... ... ... and January, the coldest month, as it worth while. If it is, it is time to year, some Ume is given to the ma- I Eatchel Eatchei that only 75 to 80 yard* of rock get some sort of an organization at nouvers, during which each person'* ex- a day could be handle.! by the auto „ “u,,h*’r‘“I '““’‘'f' *" ’ “ the great disciple of the fuel trust." a day could be handled by the auto work to see that the desired object is pensee are provided and a daily wage is truck, owned by the county, and as this ' The normal rainfall here in December spent Wsdnewfoy.t the home obtained. paid. - is the only means of transportation of Mr. and Mr*. Robert Landown at ia 6 92 in. and the mean normal tem There are a number of other matters The Athletic features of such an or i Cottrell. which will be utilized during the winter, perature for January is 39-4 degrees. which will need attention. Some sort ganisation I* a matter of great impor Miss Jessie Brown of Dayton, Wash., the output will be reduced accordingly. During the past month there was a of pressure should be brought to bear tance. Considerable part ot each meet The order requires the discharge of visited Mr*. A. Thompson last week. total precipitation of 8.9 in., which was on the O. W. P. to secure better con ing I* given over to gymnastic exercise* Felde McColl, of Portland, visited bis two of the six guards, two powdermen 2.98 above normal, bringing the excess ditions at the Lents station. The track Many of the companies give balls and relatives here this week. FLORENCE NOV. 18 1912—1 arrived and one loader rainfall for the autumn month* up to at this place is a veritable wallow. A other social functions and provide Roscoe Liddle, who ba* been working 2.71 in. The county will make no further ex- The greatest amount which committee appointed to call the atten here this morning and leave tomorrow themselves with considerable funds penditnres in the operation of the at White Salmon, Wash., has returned fell in any one period of 24 hours was tion of the company to the matter lor Pisa. Tbe weather is pleasant, but which they ar* at lil>erty to use as they my overcoat was comfortable all day Linnton prison quarry this winter, It and expects to start to Han Francisco, 1.55 in. on November 12. There were should get results within a week. see fit. All such social affairs are con long. Will surely be glad when 1 get is up to the city to pay the guards and California, io a few days. 18 rainy days, 22 cloudy, 4 partly cloudy A little later the final arrangements ducted in a most orderly and creditable far enough south so that I can lay it off. other employes, should it wish to con Misa Lula Parmely, of St. Johns, vis and 4 clear. in the business of annexing ourselves to manner, and the discipline the mem tinue the rock crushing plant in opera ited friend* in Gresham last week. The mean temperature for the month Portland should be in charge of some With tbe exception of a range of Mta. ber* get from the drilling, the gymnas tion. An order to thi* effect was made Albert Ekstrom and Mies Olive Mc was 45.4, which was .3 degrees below sort of organization. Inasmuch as which we crossed in a couple of hours, tic feature*, and the social events make by the County Court last Saturday Carter were married in Portland lut normal. While the mean maxium wa* Lents was never incorporated, it is the tbe country between Venice and here ia it a very desirable organization for the forenoon and a letter was addressed to Tuesday. 53 degrees, and the mean minium 38 only way our interests can be safe as level as a floor. young men of the town to support by The campanile (bell tower) at this Mayor Rushlight explaining the situa degrees. The rainiest day, Nov. 12, guarded. Just simply to throw our- ‘ The Gables" is the name that their membership. tion. The county can use no more rock been given to Dr. Thompson’s new was also the warmest, being 01 degrees; | -«Ives at the city unconditionally is the place is perhaps the most beautiful in The State assist* in the erection of It is 50 ft. square, and I from the quarry this winter and if the idence on south Roberta avenue, by the 29th the temperature dropped to limit of nonsense. It is not a question Europe. armories and it is possible that such an counted 416 steps in going to the top, city decides to keep the machinery completed and they are getting nicely ■ 28 degrees. of resisting annexation. That has been institution might be ultimately located moving, it will be entitled to the use of settled in it. decided upon. It is a question of con but I thought it was more like 4000 by in this part ot the city. Suburban ar However, I felt all the road building materials turned ditions, and it is our privilege to du the the time I got there. Bert Hoes came down from Bull Run moriee are tavored. And an armory in repaid, as the panorama of the city with out. Five guards, one powderman, one best for ourselves that we can. Monday night and spent Christmas at cludes provisions for all the necessary the river Arno running through it, was loader and one fireman will be eliminat his home here. comfort and practice and social relation* indeed a beautiful sight. But the ed from the county pay roll by the or of the company It would be a big Mr. and Mr». T. R. Howitt, and Miss THE PASTOR SPRINTED. ” crowing glory of the place is its wonder der. To thia time, the city has paid for thing for lent* and it Is hoped that the Bessie, visited relatives in Portland ful art galleries and museums. I And the feeding of the prisoners and the H* Mad* a Good Run In Record Tim* opportunity will not bo missed to make Wednes ay. nice rooms everywhere for L2. Of county has hired the guards and the With Plenty of Reason. this proposition a realization. The Misses I Aura and Mabel Shipley, Before this reaches the readers of the cousse there are lots of places advertis men necessary to run the machinery. One of the traditional stories of tbs spent their vacation al Corbett with Herald the Portland City Gas works ed for LI but they are irresponsible town of Fairfield. Conn., recounts a - their parent*. will have completed their main north houses, have no reputation to maintain UNIS GtlS SIX WAHR NEW CITY HALL IS OPENED. wild dash from the pulpit mad* by Mr* 8. Johnson and little daughter, on Main street as far as the Anderson a worthy and beloved pastor of the and might rob a fellow and throw him of Klondike, Oregon, are visiting th* home. Several people along the line PAY STATIONS. out of the window with impunity or Episcopal flock. Dr. ljibaree. Fair view Citizens Gather at Ausph former's father, Benj. Mathew*. contemplate taking the gas at once. It It was on a Sunday mor* than a hun main strength or any thing else they clous Event. Pearl Ruegg, ol Scenic, visited the is considered that it will be a great con dred years ago. The service bad been could get their hand* on. Misses Evelyn and Will* Metzger last venience and no small economy to read, the prayers said, the hymns sung, lent* has not been forgotten in the Home of tbe cities here are pronounced FAIRVIEW, OREGON, DEC. 25.- week. provision for local pay stations lor many of the housewives of the vicinity. aud the parson began bls sermon. As so differently from what we do tbat I Pearl Fleming visited her parents in People who use some other means of be proceeded his gestures becenie very hardly recognice them at times. monthly water bills. In suburbs and Fairview's new city hall building was For dependents as far from the city as formerly opened for public use Mon Portland thia week. heating their homes will And gas cook energetic. He brought bis right band instance: Florence is Firenze : leghorn The Junior play which wa* given Fri ing economical for it may be dispensed down with great force. Then be turned is Liuarno; Lyons is lent* is it appear* that some such pro day night with appropriate ceremonies Lione; Japan pale, cleared the pulpit stair* at a vision should have t>een made long ago and a free chicken pie supper, followed day night was well attended. The class with immediately on completion of any is Gioppone; Louisiana is Luigiana; bound, dashed out of the church door for the convenience of the public. But by a dance in the aasembly hall, which ' cleared about $50.00. piece of cooking. It seem quite a won and ran toward ths pond a short dis Sweden is Svezia; United States is Mis* Bessie Strebinof Melroee, visited der that Lents, a few years since located a* a mutter of fact the comfort of the comprises the whole of the second Stati Unit!, etc. tance away. Mal>el Buren last week. public seem* to have been little consid < story of the buildirg. in the woods, is now a cily of 10,000 I reached Pisa, Nov. 20th and climbed The congregation followed In bewil The structure is 40 by 70 feet and i* ' Mr. and Mr*. A. E. Lindsey and people, with car service, electric lights, ered. However, people will find It a dered pursuit and saw their venerable the celebrated leaning tower today. It's great convenience to pay their bills | two stories in height. It is especially- children, spent Xmas with friends in gas, and efty water. pastor with flying robe rush Into th* a fraud. Nothing but a campanile like water until It came to bls neck Then, every other Italian city has. only it’s without losing a whole day any longer arranged for municipal purposes and in Portland. turning round, be faced his aston.’.ihed tilted a little and the advantage that is extended may ' addition has a spacious room for the 1 Mrs. C. L. Idleman, of Montavilla, After seeing it, there is STATE IRRIGATIOMSTS TO GATH- audience and said: lead them to forget the inattention* of postotlice, another for the fire appara- visit«) her sister. Mrs. A. E. Lindsey | no doubt in my mind but wbat tbe ar “Dearly beloved brethren. I am not the past. Depositories for thi* locality j tus. The upper story has a floor to be ! on Monday. EK IN POR HAND NEXÏ MONIH crazy, as no doubt many ot you think, chitect built it that way. A happy Mrs. O. A. Eastman entertained in given over to entertainment* and are as follows: thought on his part, wasn't it? since it but yesterday at the drug store I bought I-ents, M. K. Hedge, agent American dances A banquet room has been ar honor of Mr. Eastman’s birthday Mon- a bottle of nitric acid and carelessly has made the city famous and brought I day evening. ranged on the lower floor. Express Company. millions of dollars into its coffers. I The second annual Oregon Irrigation left it In my pocket today. The opening was attended by hun Lent* Junction, American Express don't think I have exaggerated the “ My last gesture broke the bottle. I congrvaa will be held in Portland, Janu dreds from miles around, including the Company. ary »-11 and the program is now being knew the suffering the acid would cause last, but, without tbe tower, it is quite HORNER — HUTCHINSON. Lente—Gray’s Crossing, W. Black members of the city governments of arranged. It will be the most important when It penetrated my clothing and an interesting place with the beautiful i Gresham and Troutdale. Speeches of rushed for th* water to save myself Arno flowing through it, flanked on Christmas eve was notable in the burn, confectioner. gathering of irrigationieta ever held in pain." lent*—Seventy-second street, south congratulation were numerous and were history of C. T. Horner and Misa both sides by great stone walls. Will thia state. tie drew several pieces of glass from east and Whitman, V. II. Hathaway, followed by a closing address by Mayor Myrtle B. Hutchinson. They were Every irrigation district in Oregon is his pocket In witness of the tale. Then write you next from Rome. Whitney. An orchestra and a quartet united in marriage at the bride’s home, general merchandise. exjiected to be represent«! and members he dismissed the company and hurried of male voices enlivened the remarks 120 Richey street, Rev. W. Boyd Moore Lenta—1-enta Pharmacy. The young men of Lents met at the of the Government reclaimation service, home. between time and the evening closed officiating. Santa Clause was gener Lenta—seventy-second street, South office of Dr. Fawcett and organised a as well as the entire membership of the ous. There were many useful gifts. east and Sixtieth avenue, E. C. Mon-. with a free dance. The Miller Mowrey I.nmber Company club for literary and social improve next legislature, will be invited. There The buildmg will coat about $400 and A number of relatives were present nich, furniture. will be a thorough consideration of the bavs been increasing their stock con ment under the auspicious of the young | was erected from the proceeds of a and the ceremony was followed by a needs of the irrigated land fanner, both siderably of late. Local business ia re men of the M. E. Sunday School. The direct tax upon the property of the tine dinner. The young people will lo on the Government and state projects, ported good by thia firm and the evi next meeting will be held shortly, wheu CARD OF THANK8. town Rental* from the postoffice and cate in I<enta. Many friends unite in and everything possible will be done to dence of this is ths number of law or la full list of officers will be elected and We wish to thank The Beaver State , public hall will pay interest on the in- wishing them a happy journey through aid in the development of the irrigated ders they have been landing of late. { active work begun. Herald for the kindly notices and effici Ì vestment life. sections of the state. William Hanley, Tbe company is supplying Irish Bros, ent help given the M. E. Church in it* of Burna, is president of the congress, with tbe material for the new annex to religious, moral, intellectual uplift work Plans are being prepared by Irish Dr. Blanchard of Chicago, and his L. L. Lieuallen and wife of Eastern and J. T. Hinkle, of Hermiston, is the the Grange Store. in the city of lent* and in good faith, Bros, for a one story reinforced concrete and hearty good will, we wish yon a son. Dr. Keeper Blanchard, of Portland, Oregon, are spending the holidays with secretary. The Oregon Development building with basement, 80x90, to be visited at the home ot Mrs Sawyer last the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ix-agne is busy on preliminary plans for Mr*. Hedge ia recovering from a seri located at Gray's Crossing for O. E. happy New Year, Christian. the congress. ous ill neat.. Sunday. Lent. W. BOYD MOORE, Pastor. PRISONERS 10 GET I WO MEALS DAILY LOCAL NEWS NOIES WEATHER EORECAST EROM GRESHAM EROM OREGON A.C PROF. LOW IN FLORENCE ITALY MAIN STREET LENTS LAID WITH 6AS ¡ i