Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1898)
The Gazette. Tuesday, Oct. 18, 1898. BACKBONE OF OUR RATIOS. "It is from the farm and country districts that the great brain power of the country baa come, is coming today, and mast come in the fu ture," writes Edward Bok in the October Ladies' llome Journal. "Instead of deprecating country life, and saying that 'to lire in the country means to lire out of the world,' intelligent people know that the free, nntrammeled life of the country unquestionably gives broader views. The human mind always grows to suit its surround ings. Originality and a develop ment for great things has naught to check its growth where one cbd look with earnest eyes from nature up to nature's God. To speak of 'the ignorance of the rural regions' is to stamp one's self as an igno ramus; not the country people. There is a soundness of core and intelligence in the back country of this nation of ours that people who live in cities and think themselves wise never suspect We can talk all we like to of 'social revolutions' and kindred evils that are supposed to threaten this nation. When they do threaten our institutions the danger signal will not come from the back country. Such thoughts are born and fed amid the foul atmosphere of the cities. In the clear country air of the farm noth ing threatens this country, and when anything in the shape of so cialistic, anarchistic revolution does menace this land the true voice which will stamp it out will come from the country. The back bone of this land rests in the conn try and on the farm." L0TEST TELEGBIP0. Brief War News, Tele graphic News Notes. Etc., Etc. Wi manany h Lex i ROTO, Oct. tt.-Tbe trial of Prfveta Kitchen, who killed Private Edward Nj-gren, of the Twelfth New York, Sunday, wapoftponed until Saturday becauee the Dew outrage itirred up inch feeliifr that violence wa feared. Ser geant A. McClelland of the Third Kentucky, w&t caught after midnight by a party of Twelfth New York eoldier and to miitreated that he may he injured for life. Thl aroused bitter indignation agalint the New York regiment on the part of the Kentucky regiment and it wa deemed unwise to riik an outbreak by pro ceeding with the trial. Lkwictom, Oct. 13 The Indian payment now on at Lapwai haa attracted a large element of gamble and tough. The merchant and other biiilrieM men are disturbed by the preaenceof no many lawleea character in their midst. The tragedy follow ing the last payment, the murder of the merchant, C. K. Thatcher, makea the peaceful residents suspicious at this time. The Indian police during the first year after the opening of the reservation restrained the white law breakers.but this force is now disorganized. The reservation region is under the supervision of the county authorities. The campaign absorbs the attention of the local authorities at this time to such, an extent that the criminal element have grown bold In their organized strength. Bax FaaKciaco, Oct. 13. W. H. and Nellie Blgclow, parent of Horace W. Bigelow, and Byron and Elizabeth C. Morris, parents of Chester A. Morria, today petitioned for writ of habeas corpus in the United States court in be half of their sons, who they claim enlisted in the Washington volunteers while minors. The writs were granted and the lads will be brought before Judge Hawley as soon as notice is served on Lieutenant Colonel Fife. Denvzh, Oct. 13.-President Horace G. Burt, of the Union Pacific railroad, and other rail road magnates from the east who have been in attendance at the annual meetings of the Union Pacific and Oregon Short Line at Salt Lake City, pasned through Denver today enroute to Omaha. While here President Burt said: "The Union Pacific control the majority of the Short Line stock, but the road will continue to be operated as an independent system." The Latest Production of Eastern Looms, The Swellest Fabrics of the Season, The most fashionable shades and colors, in the larg est and most varied assortments right here on our S We have given particular attention to the requirements of the ladies of Heppner and vicinity and believe our efforts in this direction will be stamped with your approval Now that the schools are commencing All should know that- P. C. Thompson Co. Have the nicest assortment of writing; TABLETS In town Tablets at 4c, 5c, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, loc, 20c, and 2oc each Rubber-tipped Lead Pencils lc, 2c and 5c each Don't forget the place. Cash talks . P. C. Thompson Co. Heppner. Or. SENATOR M' BRIDE. While in Balem last Monday, we bad the pleasure of meeting and becoming personally acquainted with senator 0. W. McBride. To say that we were surprised would be putting it very mildly. From the reports of bis enemies we bad been lead to expect that Senator McBride was an invalid, almost totally unable to perform the duties of United States senator, and that it would be no surprise to bear at any time of his total col lapse physically. On the con trary we found Senator McHride to be a man in the prime of lifef full of vigor iud physicd! strength. Truo be walks with a cano, duo to a slight lameness, but otherwise we saw no indications of physical weakness. There am also those in Orogon, among republicans, who for personal motives and in order to advance their own uuwortliy personal ends, have sought to create the impression that Heimtor Mcliride is lacking in ability and statesmanship. Nothing could be further from the truth. He is a broad minded, able and courageous defender of republican piinciplos and the peoplo's inter. ests in bis bands, lie has steadily refused to allow himself to become the servile tool of any one man or faction, and in that is fouud the solo and only reason for the uu reasonable and unwarranted fight that certain unscrupulous politi cians are attempting to inaugurate against him, and which will fal lint as it should. riaiudoalcr. Mil. tiKKK IUit. Ilira i.f ll.ert Tmaulr. Will n II oaulit Una fur Karlal. Tba remain of Mr. (Iwf, wife of Oofuruor tleot Ur, wbo din at Omaha Coluber 13tb will be brought b.iu fur luleriueut. Mr. flee for siima Urn tTPtil Itll heart IriHlMe When h erne , fi lini;ia ri,.,1, vili Im r h'.'-! I ill. Wn (.! !, Ml I It l I i . !l! I f ii I, I I i r, tl.x fa ..I i IU i. Mr m 1 Mr. ' I. t vr-f i nr i( l a t Iir-i.t'lt a il'a lti 4 -a Xi'tu ill M "HI l iiMfri- l t . Var early riiima in W.t illi ir It'll r mt hiia'ien I aflruM Hie plain I i Oregon, Milling l I'aiiiu friiiulji, Tlio foiioaihtf tear little tlia ppnar il, an. I from Ibal day ontil one? a r! from bin bat beea her,l. fia fear later, wtn preparing her marring Hb Mr. (l-r, Mra. Helta, a inailrr of irreuliun, form all y tenure. JiTnrft. Mra. 1 bailor (Ie sat Ilia if f Li fattier, Herman Oeer, aim lla lit Union F Miol?, war plalera, aol r Bean lb aeroe ag Mra. Tbmilr (leei Ulug otiljr lull lb fotinger, Tb relelina lnlra lb governor levl en4 lot ttifw,a J. Iititfullr Lar ttwnloqe, aliie'i prf-ll natural, ouaiJaiingtbelr lull. I auJ va tempera. roanta. Tin great mlf )Mui lil!log lb governor j Ml oil Ilia abeo La It !,e tbai.ftl'a rl.l'f aiwnlifa nf Oirg'in, la rtf lrnnltl. 1. I ( ... iiiMittia rr. , k ( ,i . . I i. l I Ii I' A t ii t" ii r'! 'I. ': i r Oplnlun of an Kinlnent Jar-tut. Ballot reform In New York wa necessary, says an eminent jurist, because mere politicians by trade, who ba4 no Interest In government or politics except to enrich and aggrandize them selves, sought perpetual control. There are other excellent reforms besides that of the bal lot. Conspicuous among thern Is the reform In a disordered physical system by llostettcr's Stomach Miters, which counteracts tendencies to serious disease bred by a deficiency of vital stamina, irregularity of the bowels, stomach, liver or kidneys, and lniiiletude of the nerves. this sterling medicine, which has for near half a century won popular favor, not only for It excellent qualities In a remedial capacity, but alno lor its servlclble properties as a medicinal siuuuiani, COUNCIL ME HI I NO. Luat uitflit tbe city ooniicil met In reiftilitr aeeninn, witb OnauciltoeD LitcbeDthal, Huberts, Himonii, Blooam ml Ranmna present. After uhiihI readiiitf at. J approval of minute uf lust meetiiitf, tbe fallowing bil e were prenimtcil, rebJ anJ urdarod NOVELTIES IN BLACK A fancy Crepon, black, beautifully de signed, one pattern only, 40 inches wide, all wool, 6 yards $ 8.00 Only one pattern of 7 yards in a black wool, 40 inches, Pierole, the latest thing in brocaded Roods . . .... $1300 A very swell fancy imported Crepon, exclu sive design, 40 inches wide, 1 yards in a pattern, the choicest thing in black we have $15.00 An exclusive pattern in black Ottoman, 7 yards to the pattern, a beautiful design, 40 inches wide 7.00 Then there is besides all these a pood line of COLORED GOODS Just one navy bine Bayadere, 7 yards, 40 inches wide 9.00 Black and navy blue Poplins, 7 yard lengths, 40 inches wide ... 8.00 Kersey cloth in blue, grey and tan, 6 yard lengths, 44 inches wide, makes a beautiful winter suit 4.S0 Storm Serges, brown and navy blue, 44 in ches wide, extra heavy, 6 yards to the pattern 7.50 And many more of equal value in Bilk BDd Wool, Plaid and Striped, and plain Mixed Novelties at prices ranging from $1.00 up to $10.00 Prepared With Great Care The 10 Wonders Slocum's Pectoral Expectorant Perfection Witch Hazel Cream Perfection Odonto Slocum's Carbolated Arnica Salve Slocum's English Confectio Sampson's Sure Shot Corn and Bunion Cure Slocum's Perfection Headache Cure Dr. Budd's Golden Oil Slocum's Little Liver Tablets EVERY PACKAGE FULLY GUARANTEED SLOCUM DRUG COMPANY. BRILLIANTINES, - GRENADINES, - and SERGES in. Black, HENRIETTAS And an elejrant Assortment of s Goods Ait Prices Within Your Reach Every weave, every shade, every style in colored goods can be found here in profusion. MINOR & CO., Heppner, Or. A T. Mi'Khjt Ili'iiimtir'l ritnifur Co !llllllll , HhIm-u M III. pii.y T. J Hi'iwcrlliiill A.T. McNujr ttllA: J K Minimi ii 8uu It. 1.. 1-HfKM .I'lllll HilKIT , Tlmrnl'iti W, A. Kii'imnlmiii W, A. l;(rhiiriiMiii W. V ki jmMnim lllk'll W. .V I, (11 I,, ft. K.-.IN.-M . Tlii- lullim Iiik ri'i i'liim were ri'purU'il; ft. .ixl ,.,! t City Ih wn , null' lil nlil liiiiilii'r Ti.IhI A W . 4 lift . 2U 411 75 Hil . . U V, m ,. 2 Ml .. 17 (HI . ill IK) . 4ll 10 . lii (i i 2 . 5 7.'. . 7."i mi . i". IK) IH $ m . H ill) I il l IS Tut- i'i(it(iii uf rrlimiliiiK s porlioo ol Curia linruiitira' Iuhuinm pruvokeJ qulta a diaouMlon, am a qtifnlum a lu lbs aeuaa of the iirdioauoarvlad In iaiuiuif li(ieue prmnplpil I lie (mtitioua Uylug ovor until iif il lupctiiiK. Tlis orJiuuitoe friurj by Ibe city at tor in. y iiruliiliiluiii iha lying or leaving unlii',1 of tnitiiia, or aaiMla h iraa 1I1J ddI mwt tlio approTal uf tba rantiilira til Iba OiMini'il, an it wa ciKmiunril Li Ilia tattle. TliH oiirrfxpnuJenca from tbe vulao titer Hi il.'tmrliuor.t wa read and 00 iDntiou of lttaruaa Ilia eounoil ilwi lcd lu tender eaob ut tba two ooropauiea 111) par lU'iutli, tut period ut an nmnlb am) a 1 11111 u( Ii3 fur Ibaoallool, Ilia (viuii my gettliia; drat wator on Ih lira to cl litn f i), while tb cotud tbould reeelvrt The aulijei't of lira and water aapply wa 111 it in order, and Treaidenl dale Itflnrf piofi ui, toon the II tiirand furoiab rd tb rimnoil wilb mucli tierdrd 1 11 for niatlna nu I II wa lUoldml to lay addi tional t.e from lb ruriier thl aid uf Heip'ier' warebou In Ibr Morrow Cxunty Ulan k Trual C t'. warehoni nd put in an ad lilMnel b) draut there A ir'd Ih" pfeeiil oot.u uf i 1,, , l , r. ( 1 I ., I f r h '. 1 i V'i 4 ) .,( X rr Htliif fcr Imi, . ' ' . 1 III . ti . Ii y ml. aii.i.ft lot -4 10' iii'. i Ii hmui', .r .! (una , rr, iii 4ii. a IIiokmim.1 uti.rr 11 aiw mwI l.y miU..ii..m and ii.k iii liter ' t t .Hull I .Ulia.1 Im', l Ml ti ll. 'I I'll new I . r iniiulaiit ami InWa mal V't'K' are l.y all ilmfi(.u (irniwl Uti-utv or ii..Mn-r ref uii.l.1 ('. t '. r a BMre llm.t irjr a b-i Uv.Uj; , 6ua tUiil auj kuliwl trim, bua our U4 ad. A Cleve Trick. !l i-filifily . k like II, Imi that I relly mi lid k abotil 11, Ariyttml try II elm b lam taok and weak kl I- t')a, lualalia t ItelVoti Itoqt.ln. V ni heena rare hiiuM-lf rrtil eway by Ukitig I.L.'.ri.i lliitxre. Thi nclki I'tnea up li e wli .l lrm, aei aa a liroileiit I 1 ll.a htrr and aldeta,tt blteiil 1 oitfSer and ira t .nin. rare v.nllll..a li'l,ln, faulting i:, l ...i.. an I ftielatM hitly. It I piir. ly U'.'e. mil I lil rn, akd f.i..f. n, mi iu ,i i atnral ta"or. f ry l u rlfifi 1 . 1 1 1 r r an I l eino. Mil Ih.-f are e In rn'te tmUt l.iery k'trnli. Drily ,l real le.ttle kl M 'Cuv. I'r" ' K J 4!. (! I, !...' .V-f State News. The Klamath Fall Republican I iukIiik the cuunty court to place a tax ol 1 cent a hea1 on outaliln ahecp which are driven Into the county lor iiMturage. Amlrew Marah (ell while attempting to board afreUht train at The Dalle, Hunday. awheel ped over the left loot, neceMltaliug the ampu tation ol three toe. William najrliiirn, a farmer living near Ealo, took an ovvrdoae of chloroform fliimtay even- , lug. HI not known whether he took the pol- 011 accidentally or with aulcldal Intent. CCharle Cuniilnitliain, of Pendleton, and A, Hni) the, of Arlington, have Imported a carload of reidntered buck from Michigan. The bucki are KainhoiiletU, Cotawold and Lincoln. Atliland payilubllla promptly and haa money to mot't the arnl annual lutr. tt. Knceutly, the council paid I.Vtl of itreet warrant IndehteilneM and II, of water bond. The itroct debt waa Incurred vveral year ago. Ranch and Kniige report that Prank Brawn, manager of the Oak II til Htork farm, refuted an Oder of turn for the Hhnrthnrn bull Haron Lyn wood at Iha VYaahlugtonaUtofalr, It alto note that Abraham Lincoln, a full-blooded Indian, paid N. C. Marl ll.'iO fur a Hhnrthorn bull, The Dally Ouard, on Octttber Uth, tar Rob It. Heyc wild hi entire lew hop cMp, conlt- Ing of 401 bale, to T. D. Lintou for canto per pound, lar. Have I the large! Individual hup grower In lna county, and will clear thl year between and I'J.onu on lilt crop. Tb hup will be (hipped at one to Chlcaro. Tb fat ol Ih Hate fair I a lubctof local Interrtt In Halem, It baa developed that the actual uvflclt and Interest, mnetly wllhtnthe laat three year, amount fAl.ia, Tb Indebted tie to the n fund July 11 wa lll.mtl t making a total tndebltdnea ol lU.ta.m. A change of the plan of Iha fair It being advo cated, Ten year ago there wa hardly a hull new hone In thee 'it end of Tba Dallee. It I now a beehive of energy and buttle, and the butlneae ol theclly leelowly but tteadlly moving In thai dlrerilnn. A an Irlthmaa etpreaard te a Tlmee Mountaineer reporter, "There uni t an Imply biinee In tha A tit lad, but waa, and even tl tean teoorupled. The tret carload of anger manafacltired In Or. egun wt purchaaed laei latuMay by J. D. Me. klu nun, of la Oran.l. The ejualltf wa tb beet. Tnty Hi ll were ihlpped by hlia to a randy eninpauy la Portland, whli b will Bianu lw 1 11 re ma candy lor Ibe eipntltloa from It, end thlp una barrel of It back to La Urtnde for the big celebration them aalunlay lael. Nop gmwef demanded and were given an la. rvt dutianbM. Mh Ihey cut w-' IHW rl'l .l l. 'h ! I l e . 11 1- te h i ! fr , 1 e' rt I 11 I' i'i thai , lli ,1 , .. ... a' IH t . na .r'- j .i ' h ' : I h- 'Il t ie r I i i ' t M I I e , nil t, itv t... la c.iii'ti" lti lb mrt fro aboia the hr at groeere aatit .r..te. lloo -Pi.rtla i.l Dlpt. h. 1he lally CinaM eae there aa a brtel mi In en Iba l"t-. of Ih oreg.ia )nel anleial ettmmletl.m, at aieia (riiveriH.r W f tord arel title Bwtetary II. R kmeald were preeenl, while rrettdeul D M Unr ol Ibe Itreena etale bnard nl agrleullHr. the third nwraber ol the cmeitMLin. fall! to e.r The retena. llimol lf ianir Wlheit a tule le'tn aMt, wee aitiniti-d tnd and lr Wiiitam urleen, iM srt,d eie.e.ld et a ie v4 . Ik btwr Ibea a.ljouriel. The leaUteinre bae met the fegotar tiprw yrtatiea lot Ihe iH'Cm eute tr4 of kwtl filinr and Ihe beard will tele ap It wnrk eeala In a vigria ear. e el Ih aeat.r ol the b.r. hate attendad te their duttr ae 1. h ae Inllr a riV wot. have d-t If lhf hd ll.t Ihef t hate hmmm Mi l lili.Mlit tnveieri did e4 hei imIh ! their tl in and hiihwi In te ii4 Ih mtf ae t- iluihe it.r il I ef be eti t.rtel tbe MtBhe ..( Ihe l- l ere felt enif 1.4 Iha .late etiit ae..l la B 4 ef M II BIQ CLEANUP. Letter Fro in J. O. Matlock From Lake Ben nett. J. D. Matlock, brother of W. F. Mat look, 0. J. Matlook, T. J. M it look, and oar sheriff, writet from Lake Bonnet!, to bi son la Eugene, a follow: "Oar bullae ie very good bere at Ltke Bennett, and tbe repcirt from tba Atlin gold Bald ere good. W bate oleaned op $7(()U0 from on of our miuet tbi arouir. Tbe mines will have a gr it rutb In tbe gpnng. Tbi wonderful coantry is tteiug filled np by wonderful people, M tendorfnoted people will not ty here. Every thiog piinl to tbe At lia gold field a one of tbe beat mining omp la tb world. Tney tr 00 en air line about 40 or 5J mil al and little oath ut bere, tod Uy ia one of tbe pret tie! moanUia dialrict I ever w; bat by tbe mute we bare to travel, by the lake, it ia about liij mile to Diaoovery elaim. Tba mioe to far protpeoled ar aid to aitend 00 milai from Uitoovery, and gold ii foood everywhere iutbat aes tloo, and tb mioe are oot bard to work Tbe groaod 1 not frao and tbe bad- rock Dot deep in ntoct plaee. 8ma l timber grow ia moy place n tb mio, aaJ bunch irra in great aband enee. Tba oil U of a red or yellow ot and at place to nob waabe l grjvel; out many bnaldsra far tbi country. Tb bill ar Dot tp and eaaily paaaej over Oood road will be aily made tbere. Tb atrmi ran rpldly,Mall mountain tream generally d ). Tb water Uolear a cryglal." Commenelng Beplemher 21t on every V.lndy eight, inolodiog October imb, th0. IL k N. Co.,will fell round trip liokel for tbe rorllaod Iodoatriel Et fx.iti,,e at lb rate of fJ QO, iooltnlmg wo ilniltelon 10 Ih Mpnailloo. I'nger reiarrting will leave lb ful l iwmt Mopday Bight. If Wasting in Children Hloo Should he In every family medicine chest and every traveller1 grip. They are invaluable when the tomai-h It out of order ; cure headache, Wlloiuneit and an nver trouble!. Mild ami efficient. c.nti. o & Pills ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE IN THE COI'STY CdfliT OK THE STATE 1 ol Uregou, for the Cnniitv nl M,,rr... I the matter nf the guarjianiililp of' Walter M. I banat. a minnr. unler t.i mn.w o .iiw uu atit lli'HlInn nf fiii.r,ii.n Inr order of l,ik nl real eatate. It lilllieArllttf l.l thl I rt fi..,n ,1... .....I.I.... Una duy prtmnited ml tiled hy M K. MiM.rv, the ''"" n eim ui nalltfr.M. I bauka, a minor, pravlug fur an order ol mile cil certain real emme bcongiug in nab! ward, am) In order .,.,.,,.. i ,, iiihiiiiuiii tai.i tniiior It la iiwet aary that tin h reul eaime l.l i., ...1.1. ii ii. il renv or.lereil that t in Hell f liln ol the raid ward ami all intxhi Iniereatud lu the ald elate, anin'ar belnre il.l , .... 11.1. j, luiu nay ii Aovemiier, A. I. Inju. at 111 n ciiH K. a. 111.. at the p..nn r.u.,,, ..1 .1.1. ....... at I the court h.niae In Heppner, In Ibe entity of Morrow, and ttatu of Oreir.m ib.. ..,,1 n...... to aliow cauae hv an order ahould not be " ' r 01 "' " '' eatate, de- acrllieil In tald .etiiliiii a l.illowt: HckIuiiIiik In Ih ml. I. tie of the l.nrkl.n.m. .1.., 1 , ehalnt niirth and ! chain real of totithweat """i nawiaim 1. namiier h. L.clalmNn 4ti ... ..,-ii.Niip in inn in ramie e Heat of Willa mette meridian, thence aouih 7', rl.-(tn-e. 17 at chain, thence north one chain, enat .;4chalna, north ei liM cbalna. veat a.7.i eh.ii,. in. , alnnx the Ijank of Liirklainute ..1 euaina, inetice north A degree ea t t chalna, eouth a.1 degree, weal IMrhalua, ..iiiii u nere.-., weat 4 II ehalna, touih ... ' l" " "i "rKiiililllK, Coiiuiiiiiii liMiaireo li.ti.1 more or leta, known a Ui. Klinta alley Klourlnt Mill iiioiwrty. Aim It la lurther nrdeied that a copy f thl f..,,,,,.,, re.iiirw,l oy law in III! Het.iier i.areii,., a i.iii.iii i.,o,i.i,i u,i weekly In llei.iier. In Morrow miiiily, alat of l'ate.1 Dili tat day of Ot, A. D. I'l A.O. BAUIIIoliMr.W', -' t ouuty Judxe. A DM I SIS rf.l TOWS SALE HEAL PROPERTY. OF It e' aaeeilna aioeiaeett. Iha ante -tovraJ tea Mlli.ewa tew. '., 1 1 V I i, In, a t I v egxn, II . 1 1 , ir ! . !!! Ibe (' ,.) n .! t "l, ai i.e hmi.g I ttri. I ii.rt.,- at t, file of n tn.'linl, . if at. I it i,l I lhtr .-.;,m e l ' 1.1 , 1 1 hum Ni I I n r.l. t ,.l I m trii are Ihe nM Ur-lib,!,! t , v 1 rrt .ii i.-iii, ,!.! l 1 ? r-.tiitd alj dri-e ',' h, !, , I t I i I. .. un ht overcome In Imot til ciui by the uu of Scott's Emubion cl Cod-Liver Oil And the Hrpophcn phitti of Lime And Sod a. whi!c it U A KicntiKc fact that cod-liver oil 1 the mott digutiblt oil in ex btencc. In SCOTT'S EMULSION it It not only DAlAtAltr tmt it It AtrtAdf difeitei And rriAde ready lor ImmediAte Absorption hy the tfstcm. It b Also combined with the hrporhoDhite,hkli tupplf food riot only Cr the tluwei of the bodr.but lor the Knei And rervci. And will tuilJ up the ct.Hd when III ordinal f feed doel not t'fp!f Fro, cr nourishment. f mrf 1mhm. S I'. ae v l .ir. .i i fefftT A V" IW.k be- V ,V. I. 1 in ih matter of ihe eaUteol Ja. ob J.ihnton, .rae. Nolle ut hereby elven that nnder and by ......w... . ,,.., ,,1 Mie. revniariy iaaue.1 01 ineTOuiny court ma mate of fireann I. I.liliam I oiiiity, oMerii.g ilm M ol lb rea t 01 mii eait. 1 will on Hatnnli aim nouroi 1 ociork p m mm .lay teil al .ul, lie aiielloti lu Ibahlnhral wxi'ier o.r rn 111 iian.i tlii.Je, I a connr iimlloi by Mid curt, all 11,. ri,i,i, tmr .,t i,,,,,, lhal Mid .lerMard had el Ihe lime of bl dealh aii.1 an inierei 01 rile Miate whk-li may hat Iwen anl.,l. elitly i.i ilre.l In o.l In the IomIii rlevlll f. , , ,,., ,ln,.,(( n Mf r" , . .!.. . 'rev, tti, to 11 ; The W tt ol .-e . ... b.i J, n , i It V, id e i ol ?. ni i( g ,IMj j tna 'SS a d r V, ol a VI 1. nl 7. a dlbe -W 1, we, a. a.l In To 4 aonl ra il ri w 1 ... .-..rrt ill . '.., (,.i 11. e hi.i .rvniiea r. II H.Kiti, w ea A.lniii.iiat,ir. Good Goods.... Fair Prices. i- -AT- T. E. HOWARD'S. . '-Ty Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, Tinware and Furnishing Goods. Staple and Fancy Groceries- Fine leas ana uojfees. T. R. HOWARD, B 00TS AND SHOES THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF AI. IvICHTKNTHAIy & CO. They hare anything In thlt line that you may desire and you can depend on It you get a -good article when they guarantee It, SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street Repairing a Specialty Drugs Medicines Toilet Articles school BOOKS Stationery Pair)ts Oils -Glass c 1 G A R S Conser & Warren, Druggists. The Central Market BROWN & BEYMER Dealers in . fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats Fish and Oysters Every Friday. In opening this market we solicit the patronage of the public assuring them the best of meats, and gentle manly and considerate treatment. THE CENTRAL MARKET, Heppner, Or. UNITED STATES LASD OFFICE. Tna Du.l . Oreeon, Ortuher 8, li, fOTK K Irl IIKKKBY UIVKN 1 U AT, ToVTN. I ahlp Hire (') nith nf ranto twentv one (I'Meaat nl Ihe Vt lllaniclte MerlMlan, (iromli, hat hm-n nrveyel. anrl an approved Mat ol the anrvev therml will tie Died In thlt ollire on the luih day ol Novfmlier. iH-aa. at t o'rlork a.m. On and alter tald rttv. aillcatniit for entry theraol all! lie rwrlvnl at thla omia. einnrd the day and year ahova written. Jv I'. I.naa. OTI fATTIBMVII. hi-.i.i.-r. Kenlver. mi PUBLIC LASD SALE. t iTo HTaTRt Laud Orru a. The hallra Or , Or-t V cm VOTliK a HKkKHY I.IVKN TMT IS 11 pnrananre of Inatrnrtl.nia (rtiro the riim-miaaliim-r ol the gmrral land ollire, nn.l.r anlln.rl'v trl.l In l.l.u ,y an ilmi 41SS l iiiinl eial,- kevennr Hlatnte a amrndiil ty the ai l ol eontm .ir,nrr. rt.ruary W. -m a III f r, 'el tourtH, at .nliilr aal on the I7lh davot "'"'ll nel. al Inn rio t a. m, al thl. ottirei Ihe li.lli.wli.f lra I id land, lo-oll: I he N K la' K a aee it. I p 4 H, H 21 K W M. ec,ul 7i acrr ey and all yvrann elalmlni adrerwly the ave drarrllod lamia are a.lvi.. ui nit ihnr elaima In thl. nfn.- nn nr h.lnr. the v almve drainatl Inr lh rnrnnirnrvmanl ( tald (ale thr la th-lr rlehia III h lorliMi.t ' t I JaT f l i i . Hgl.ier. OTIa rtta.ia. kerrlver. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lar Orrni ar Lanaa. Oatnn. I h litl, I? Ih. voTicr ia iirnrnr mr. tut'tTii al In l..a... hamrd ertllar haa R.n1 1u.1l. ol hie Inixilixn In make tn.l tr.-.t in anri,rl ol h lain, and lhal aal. rrf III I a.... I "'" tU ..imly l. it ol lim Innniy itnn at lir .i.r, orrnon, uu Ituteiuher ja. le.ll: rittM ra wrnuii.1. ol Me'-j ner. orf..n. hnmntad n M. of Ihe i' " h - a awl 3 i, 1 1. ev IMM.r UK He Mm Ih (. .1 nali.f tlliimri tn prnv hia r.i tiiiiit,u. r,i Ivine i,ii aid r 1 1 tainm rfMIl.. ll l A ll.rrn. t t ll.rran, in Hri.fc.. V, ,, ,M It . tl all n ll.u' e.r 'r..n. I W.nntit. ll'i.,ar. NOTICE OF INTENTION. t.a 01 in a at Tat Im 1 a. o..,a ll. .i. 1; mu it 1 nrnrnr hum int mi tl .. ali. haa l.l lu ll. . ..I hi lnt"ntl.n t.t ia ttl y.,.! ri .tiprt nl , iri aa 1 frrt a M I. Hotict of Intention. Ln Orru at Tea Pum. nacioe, erilanihrr 1 1. t N'otu- l lifrtrnr i.itr.H tht th (.llnelnf namt elllr haa ai1 nntli nl hi. Itila-litl.Ml ! mats flnal pn. In .ni I n hiarialm. and II..I a. ,r., i w rna.le brli.ra W. J Mala, f niiimlMl inr al .,ie Orrnn, on aalnr.laf, llrlilar il, m i; WAL1KR ft PMITM. ol..n.. R miMlrad A rt'''al'n n. 1. t,if Ih Pi Lu,m4 U" 4, ee , tp I a. It St. Maearnae Ihe Mtnwtnf m It ura in prov hi. r... ,l. 1. 1. m. midenr npnn a"d ri.lll,!.,n rt aald land. vl. 'rank Piiirman a f H.i ar.U T. kln and hlin.n n i.aon, all el I o. orr.ia. IKMITU Kiiiiwr, Timber Cutturt "-Final Proof. lauteT.ra.liai. .,ri. . NOTICE OF INTENTION. Uxo Orru at Tmi Dtn, Oaaoon. VOT.rKlr, HKRFBY oWtTVfiM, t.' v "?' "' ,h. !" f " o. mad. bai loreV. (, I nunty l lerk. at Hennnar Oreton, ou Krtd.y, November 4. l"y"; P ' willum a Morgan, of lone; bonieaiead ppllraton No. 4.IM for tha , ? i"m h lollovrliu wllnea. to J. P. UTAH, Mefitiav. BA-100 Notice of Intention. Land Orru 1 y L(Jaiia, Oaa.ion. ." Inler 12, imay. VOTIfK Id II '.kFHY fit V lj f 1 At Th K . "J Intnntlun lo make final pra.f In .unnort of hi. ,..,f ., ,h M(4 I l K-dl r " . i"H, on Ol'l. Zi. lay ! iin.i w WOTT, k '-hn' """n. hnmraioad m, . h N ee 1 1. I p I S K t ' l" Henainr Ih fntlnein. wlln.'a in mi . , Haanttr. ka;latr. NOTICE UF INTENTION. Uao orru a y Tea luu oa..n. .'-ml.f ( (awa A' till ovlfif titnaa . a - of t "id ..5 ,?.,,,nVV"'' V I ...l..,. f Vi'lyu,.-" ii- M... I,.. , i. eniillnnmi. raai f.n, eiM all,,, to btvtae i.l aa. I.,, , l.-.r "llll..ln Jnha Mi Minan and W u i- V, " ""'er. Pt Jr r. in a. Hmlnr Cutturi.rinal hoof. " ' " , ir ai aa ! pr. a im w u . 1. ha. I tj.te 4 .. I.. 1 im I I.. .l.l . .1 i. i l.i.nni. ii, ivi 1 ua """""" in, , ee.t.a ....n,i.iii V ,n.u VwTW " 'II t I n Virllra u ual'.". V " '"."ptt,, a t. I " e"'"' "al pr,.. I..,., to. I i..,,, haa tilil - -. i.... d. .Uel I Iha a i. . m 1. pi, . ' HeiUr,,; ,7",, ' fc ''..! M ...Or..... I. II. ........ an w II 4 , 7" H. H. aM JVlaT e.tll.'.a 11. iiuw-tpA. r H..y..,- ' V 1 . " " I-:-U'l. a I m ?uh -V a