Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1898)
PAPER Advertisers OFFICIAL Subscribers . The Gazette will contain the latest telegraphic news From the Seat of W?J If you have bargains to - bffer, announce it through the columns of the GAZETTE. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1898. NO. 69. THE ' HEPPHER M2ETTE Published every Tuesday and Friday BY CORL.IES mbkbitt, " Editor etnd ea.av.g-or. SUBSCRIPTION RATES On Year Six Month Three' Months SI. BO 73 80 Advertising Hates Made' Known on Application. I $i ff-fvi-sa wj 0 EGON BOYS AT MANILA Entered at the Postolfioe at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class ihatter. "pH'H'PAPKBUkept tjnfile at E. O. Duke's L AdvertisrroT Agenoy, 8t and 65 Merchants Exohangs, San Francisco, California, where cou- ' ruota for advertising can be made or it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Kxcliangi Build ing, San Francisoo, is our authorized agent. This pap)r is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 8:30 p . m. daily except Sunday arriviug at Heppner Junction 12:05 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a, m. and ar rives nfc HenDner fi:otl a m ' Hpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 730 p. m. and Oms ilia 8:50 p. m. Portland Express No S, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6:01) a. m. and Heppner Junctiun.7KX) .ra. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leavos Portland U:2S p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 1:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 1:80 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leavei TJmatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at leppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2C a. m. For further information inquire of 3. 0, Hart, Agent O. U A N., Heppner, (ire. , OXTXCJ-.-.Ij DIRECTORT. United States Officials. P. eeileut : .. William McKinley Vi President Garret A. liolmrt Secretory of Htate W. R. Day .vcrotary of Treasury Lyman J. Rnge Morntary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War HuHsell ". Alger t-.. ursuiry of Navy John D. Long f ostutaster-ueneral Uharles Emery oraith Alcornay-t4ou4ral John W. ftriggs 8'ioretary f Agriculture ...James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Hi orataryof State H. R. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. lletschan hunt, fubhc Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idlnman u. w. mounds ttnntors (iugreHDiaeu Printer H lpreuie Judgus., IThos. H.Tonguo I W. K. Ellis w. H. Leds Hean, Moore. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. ! rcuit Judge ........Stephen . Lowell P gimhuhiii Attorney H. J, Bean Morrow Comity Official. lii ( R. B. Be . F. A. M (C. E. W Ar RHEA. T. A, RHEA. li:tr rWrtia'or..". , ..oraiKntaliva : "U'.'r Jndgo ' Commission!!.., J. W. Beckett. tie- Hherid ' T-asiirr A'-M'ssor Stirvnyor... istshool rlup't... :"!orour ..7.. J, W. Morrow .......K. L. Kraeland ..A. (1. Bartholomew J.U.Howard .... "Vawter Crawford E. L. .Matlock S. Liohtecthal A C. Petwy J alius Heitlily Jay W. Hliipley Dr. E. K. llunlouk ucvrnu town ornonns. ' Muor Thns. Morgan I. mn'-iltnen K. J. Hlooum, M. Liclitmithal, J. It. Simons, J. J. Roberts, J. W H&jimna funl E. t. Monrrv. r ft uniiir W. A. BIHianWi rwtkurrtr L. W. Hriggs .liarshal John llager Precinct Offleer. J nstioe of tha Paace W. K. Kuikardsno ' mslalda U. U. Uray V sited Statrs Land OtHnara. raa riALLaa. on. 'ay P Lnoaa IWIsrw Otis Patterson Usostver f.A aa&MDBL OB. E. W. Bart'Mt ..ltwlslar I. O. Bwarkheiroar. ..Kmimtst sxcxidt aocrxTtx. KAWUNS POST, NO. IL O. A. B. at Hrppnar, Or., th third Satordny of rfc mnnta. AU ntaranaar Invited to him. W. W.Hmith. ti W. Hmi. Adjutant, tf Comaianilar, D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OHEGOS. ' Offlrw botm, I to 10 a. m., and 12 to t p. m., at reslileiica, and 10 In 12 a. m , andltntp m , at om In the rear o! ' Boff Jewelry ttor. C E- Redfleld ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlc In rtrat National Bank biilldlnf. Heppnrr, Oregoo. Ellis a Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All buatitMeatlondot U la a nrompt and aktlalwtory maauar. liotartea fub lie au4 Uiltratura. Oflle to Keller's tulldltif . Ilvptir, Orvgnn, D. E Cilman GENERAL COLLECTOR. Pnl jottr old tanas au4 M In a is hands atfl rt yoor mnwf not M iha Ih.ia. Maa a Swtally at bard rollse-tloua OAs la i. V. Krawa't kmlktlnf, Hpff, Or IV. A Richardson JUSTICE or THE PEACE nnd CITY kt.COKDER. OAiw at sMnMil ewaailwfa, lis a4 tar rl Ma'a rta annara, tniti a. ! ftynri end ltl ara rus ta auy wsj la his llha, al rwaatl ttutm. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the. signature of . and has been made under his pcr- jirjPy sonal supervision since its infancy. ..aua,v vvr viav XS-V-V, V-a W V J VU A JLaV UAi3t All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of XL Colonel Sommers Reports Their Doings to Date AMERICANS AND NSURGENTS i' CLASH The Oregon Boys Disposses the Spaniards of Their Arms, Take Possession of -the Treasure and Raise the American Colors ADJOURNMENT OF LEGISLATURE. A Number of Very Important Bills Were Acted On. Salem, Oct. 15. Tb home lust even ing passed Senator Adams' bill authoriz ing school districts to encourage indebt edness for the purpose of building schools. This bill obviates the necessity of distriote issuing 10-year bonds as nnder the present law. Senator Smith's bill regulating East ern Oreou agricultural fain was also Resolutions were adopted authorising the board of eapitol bnildi ig commis sioners to ceil the bouse wing of the cap means committee to reoommend an ap propriation of $8,000 therefor. that it was necessary that the bill be engrossed, not merely considered so. The four clerks of the house oommittea went at the work, but it was no small matter, and It was 6:12 when the en grossing committee was able to report the bill for the signatures of the presid ing offloera of the two bouses. In the meantime the sienate bad adjourned until 6 15, but the house omitted that for mality and oontiuued oonstrnotively in session, though Glen Hoi man presided at an interesting session of the third bouse, and after that during the sapper boar the hall was nearly deserted. There were enough present when the appro priaton bill came baok after being en- itol building and directing the ways and! rolled and engrossed to make a fair wheu the speaker rapped for order again and proceeded to affix bie signature as Associated Press Dispatches. Washington, Oct. 13 The official report of what the Oregon troops are doing, or rather have been doing, in Manila, has been re ceived at the war department in the form of the report of Colonel Ham mer to the adjutant-general of the Eighth army corps. This report was first sent to the adjutant-general at Manila, and in due course of time found its way to Washington. Of coarse, the mails are very slow between Manila and Washington, and as this had no hurry-up message connected with it, there is reason for the discrepancy in time. The following is the report in full: "Headquarters Second Regiment, Oregon U. S. V., Manila, P. I. Aug. 17, 1898. Geueml J. B. Babcock, adjutant-general, Eighth army corps, Manila, P. I. Sir: I have the honor to make the following re port of my actions since my arrival within the walled city of Manila, toting under orders from General Merritt: "My command, consisting of nine companies, arrived in the walled city of Manila about 4 o'clock p. m. on August 13th, and took op a po sition in front of the royal palace, or the executive building, dating the final capitulations, entered into by General Merritt. Uuder instruc tions from General Merritt, I detailed company A of my command to lower the Spanish Hag and raise the American colors on the main flag- OF HEPPNER. staff on the city wall. I also received orders to proceed at once to re- . ..President I c. W. CONSER Cashier oeive all arms and ammunition of the Spanish forces then in the city, .Vio President I E. L. FREELAND. .Assistant Cashier and to take possession of all magazines and public property, and, in, Tie Kind Tou'EaTe Always BougM In Use For Oyer 30 Years. tmc eaNTAutt eoMMttv, tt mukhav Tntrr, ncwvohh oity. ibst Rational )ank Transact a General Banking Business. . EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD BOUGHT AND BOLD Collections made on all polnU on reasonable tennt. Surplus and undivided profits $a000, A. Mallory, V. S. COMMISSIONER Is authorised to take all kinds of LAND PKOOKH and LAND HU.ViH Collections mailu ou reasonable terms, Oltlee at residence on Ctiase street. L111ICHTY MAHKUT THE OLD SHOP! Is the place to go to gut your flue pork and lamo chops, steaks and r oasis. Flah Every Friday. Klne euusr-ciircd hsuis and bacon. Pure leal lard, kettle-rendered, old style. Highest easb price paid lor al stock. Benj. Mat hew. A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. His work lirst-class and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street. NEW NAMEI Win. (iordon has re-named Ins stand the old Jones livery stable Tlio Central. Baled hay lor aala. Chnw maoaahla. Call on him and hat vour burara wall rsrd lor. Dr. M. B. Metzler DENTIST Teeth Extracted and Filled. Bridging a specialty Painless Extraction. . . Heppner A STEAUSdlP WKKCKiU. Ike British tttoaashlD Hobscaa Kaa oa a Bock of Ustara. Falmoctk. Oot. 16. The British steelier Mohegan, Captain iirllDtb's, Stage Lino 8. F. MIllCR, Pre t'haepMt and mnal d(rct muta In Jntta tef !!. savon It v ailulnl atstrtrt. Haras auj other Interior luia. ! laava II rptif tilf. indaf as l a a. in. A r rite at Lanyutt city In M hours ! I'anyno City at 4 , arr1w al Hpo SWV Is M hours cnaiirllu wllk tralti. conformity with thean instructiona, I have the honor to report that I received daring this term some 12,000 of 15,000 stands of Mauser and Remington aims combined, together with the necensary belts, bayonet scabbard attachmeatu and cartridge boxen; alrio in the neighborhood of about 3,000,000 rounds of ammunition for the same. I also received about CO pieoes of artillery of various calibers, together with their caissouB, and a large amount of fixed ammunition for the same. Also on the heavy fortifications, I have the houor to report that we seourod four large Krupp siege ganH, nine Armstrong siege guns and a miscel laneous lot of fortification pieces of various calibers, together with three mag tziues containing in the neighborhood of about 120 tons of powder and other ammunition; alao two troops of c ivalry and the necessary horses atUohml to tin artillery, making io all 300 to 350 Oregon, horses, all told, together with the uace4sary harness and saddles and I other equipmeuts for service. "I also took possession of tlin treasury building, located in the walled city, and having in its vaulti in the neighborhood of $750,000. Ia the several churches we have also secured a large amount of sup plies, in the shape of rice, canned sardines, sugar, flour and sundry provisions, having bieu stored there previously by the Spanish officials beloogioi to the Ailantio Traosporutim 1 1 also took charge of the various nailer places, having what was ap oornpeoy, hue been wreaked I tbs poeod to be government property stored ia the same, all being plaoml VIOlnitjr Of LotaM. bateeeo tb MoU a. ,!. - uannra rrnar.l itnd tlia aamo mit.tnin,l nn tn flu. .l. f I. i, i. .ii..,i .k.. - - -r 143 nf ill. uuLssn an I ft.-.. prePD( UAlf, r ' . . w . I .1 I . .. 1Vt . . . I weredrowoeL I 1 wieu to state tuat, uuring mis prio.i, i nave exarciseu, io me The Muhrgaa left for ' York I very best of my ability, a very cautious and conservative system io Thursday, barmg on boerj far m regard to everything that would carry out a peaceful and harmonious Meenewea pre..,,, 0J peog.r. j,, of the TMeMog of this public propeity. I have alao can as seen I.f.twate oat 'OI ,ny " P' w vigilant ana io bdow aue ooarie.y (rom the ebore eaJ em y effort wu to all Hpaoieb troops who bad surrendered withio the city. Finally, I mat), to save the pavaten.r lee ejasi I have exoroisfd, to the very beet of my ability, to carry ont what I ooo al this polot le da..rf.r ,ai aad L,lerHl y0ur wieli ia every detail, and I would mention, as one feature, be. ba the e, of -'' '. thftt ,0 t, handling of all thoee piecoe, ae nomcroas as they were, and .w. ....... , , .,,11 i... i i . : i . i . . the Uobeaae beoaua J.sabl.l darlj a 'u"7 IWivuiiru Iihviiir iM!v.n ioii m u iiiuh, uu u mwiiifusni euoi bsavy eeatara le. wtikb ae bloeio., I u shot, nor an accident of any kind occurred. The city ia now io a aoJ that she r.e asuure aaJ fuue lra. I quiet and p'-nc fill htat. rrom tbe ti ttiianoe uiio.iiU ai t iJ(ira ti. ,0,.(r mhe thin. tn final rerwrt. io recard to ro? 81. Ketaflo. tt .pp.... the U ,Ua.a . , ir0VCM(t mMph, fwf tIl8 mhlM ciy of Mtol!(1. ftiaoJerea Civ. Uiioalr kfi.f eUe iiraok ' ... ' .... ., tL. rook.. K.,a.M,iBl( .iiiii .., spcwully yours, u. oowmeiis, eireek leie..iopp.4 sol rapt lif HUJ "Cltnel Fetv.nd lt-giment, O. U. H. V." lol tbe liW, Al tbe eaolaie aol I h i flsoiitife tiffloere went doo villi bar II ba. tnse IrtipMMibU Hill ! t j b alt a1" ol tl h.r eor.. a. ral- atetblttfbt ..tin. .')! w.r. viti , A committee appointed to investigate required by law. Then the bill was bar the office of . the seoretsry of state made ried over to the senate, where President a favorable report. Taylor signed it in due form, and it was Al 9:30, tiring of waiting for tbe senate ready for the governor, to report on the appropriation bill, Ibe By the amendments of tbe oonferenoe honse adjourned. oommittee, $3,310 were added to the ap- ' Tbe senate spent the entire night in propriations in sundry small items, on the consideration of tbe senate appro- cerning whioh there was no dispute, and pritttion bill. Io. the afternoon the olaim $32,237.75 was strioken out, leaving the of Captain John Mullan of 810,540 for total of the bill abiul $1,222,000. collecting the war tax and Indian war claims for tbe state, was knocked oat BAKER cm hold FIKLOS. The olaim of F. V. Drake, for 834093 for services for the seoretary of Kxhlblt at tbe Portland Exposition UenVcts state, was also strioken ont, bot after- Credlt on Tnem- wirds allowed by tbe senate. Tbe olaim IQ commenting npon the different state of John Hall, of Portland, $6,696, for -nd onucty exhibits at the Portland ex legal services in recovering taxes for the Position, Ibe Oregonian says: oounty, was rednoed to $500. The exhibits are well worthy of oaref ul Senator Himon was tbe prinoipal ob- inspection, any day or evening. Tbia is jeotor to these o I aims. W. T. Wright's especially tros of tbe mining exhibit, claim for $25,000 went tbrongh. It was installed by F. It. Mellis, of On tbe matter of printing expenses of Baker City, who laet night returned the legislature of 1897, Mr. Himon intro- borne, and it is generally conoeded that, duocd an amendment oovnrfng without fr the first time in tbe history ol Port- ambiguity every member and officer of loud, a mineral display worthy of tbe re both bouses and all factions, and raiaing sources of this state has been made bere, the items from 838,000 to 810.000. u 'be advertisement following in its Senator Fulton offered an amendment be worth e great deal Io tbe to rlimon's amendment providing that no people of Eastern Oregon, and finally to member should receive pay wbo refused Portland. Mr, Mellis will return here at or oegleoled to take the oath of office tbe close of the exposition to oversee tbe after tbe fifth day. repaokiog of tbe specimens. BA rising vote was tBken on Senator It i difficult to realize how Mr. Mellis Falton'a amendment, and it was carried managed to gather this immense variety by 11 to 13. Senator Fulton moved that -ud qaaotity of minerals. One table 60 the item lu Ibe printed bill be added to feet long is literally oovered with speoi- bis amendment as given above. mens, weighing from 10 to COO pounds Senator Selling amended this by a pro- eb. Over this table arliatio signa ere vision that no member of tbe house of suspended, heariug the legend, "Mine. 1397 Bbould receive pay tor more than fits tributary to Baker Oity." One table 10 days. This was adopted end tbe long feet loug, oovered with slanting glass drawn ont muddle was settled. doors on each side, oontains smaller After adding $500 as e testimonial to speoimens from Oisoker Creek, Cable George H. Myers, for services as world's Oove.BonaDsa.Hparle, Quart-burg, Dais fair oomraiesioner, to the eppr ipriatian ley-Elkborn, Greenhorn, Virtae and bill tbe oommittee reported to Ibe boaxe other districts. One six foot show case and the bill was passed. contains high grade oopper speoimens Representative Stanley's bill reim- from the Seven Devils, another shows burning subscribers to the Omaha expo- flll native silver from tbe Le Bellevue sitioo passed After biug amended by re. mine in Grant oounty, end free gold duoing tbe appropriation from $18,000 to speoimens from Ibe Mount Baker oom. $15,000. Pu (Washington. Still euother case A Joint memorial petitioning for a oou- bee rare and valuable mineral curios elitutionel amendment providing for the " or 'be world, but the center of election of Doited Statee senator by attraction, and one where tbe orowds popatar vote was adopted. always linger, is one showing slab, end ' At tbe csuous of the repnbUaaus last nuggele of gold from Hloao k Qsskell'e oight Senator Taylor, of Umatilla, was plwer luiue, in Suseuville; wire gold chosen as snooess r to Joseph Simon as 'ro" O'' Northern, polished gold president of tbe set ate. Taylor was tjnarts from the lUd Boy end Colombia, elected today. "4 brilliant fiery opal formations from Tbe specie! seasioo of the legislature -mereon'e opal mine io Baksr oonnty. earns to en ead this evening at 730. A One 12 foot table displays promising J tint resolotlon bad beeo adopted toad- lcimeo ' from Haatbero Or.gon, Jouro at 4:15, bat the appropriation bill, w&lle Alaska ami oonoenlrales from pro- which bed oeoapied the beet part of duoing mines io Eastern Oregon cover three days, kspl dragging along. A another 12-foot table. Fastened In tbe speoial tralo bed been arrange.! to go to "ell are three shelves reetlog on tbe top Porllaud after tbe seasioo should olose, of which ere frsmed maps of mines end end 5 o'clock wee set os the lime for ill mining distriots from Baker, Grant end departure, bol it bed Io ewait tbe slow Union ooueties. the urit shelf holds process, of the lawmakare, end it did 10 partitioned traye, eeoa containing 13 Dot gfl started till 70 o'olot k. specimens of tninee eoj uiiuersl forme- fbe genarel appropriation bill woe tbe Every $' '. -0 bere ere .nbjact of . harp eonttion. end , . -" " 7 tine tbe prospact eaem.l good for e mUn0, xbe largest dwplay U made by dsedloek opon it. Tbe boae pa.el the Bnoansa mine, Baker eoauly, Ore- the meaeure Thursday oight, end lb. son, over poonde of ore being oa ll arras a To ami! rss Hardman . M.rtii. , . . Il.tnllia .,, ttn. r S , y. Vsil.y . , Joha Iwy . I am t'ltf f II -S A 4 i a si' : s - ( t s in a A Clever Trlek. Ilwrleluly Ua-ka tike ll, bot liar. Is fa!l be I'll k eboal ll, At.)U.y esq Pn mnnwt with trains al Ho Mln Hnrk"4 an IMs I law with r t4 l-mm rf--l iin I mm j.r r to (Its Srt t uu m m t In lit. h.I.i. I)Sl)ON, Oct '. 1 hi Madrid eirrpeioadnDt of the Times says: Ctptnin Aanoti, tbs roioiatfr of marine, has recived a dispatch from M'snil aiiimtioring navel fitgegfrnMnt iM'twewn the Amerioabs ami the rein-Is in ciia' j'inre of A lioiral Dewey forbidding the latter to fly the r h-1 flag ii-ii their ehips. 1 he diapetcli ald4 that there were loe oo both eidt, bat that the Atnerioaue raptured the r ln I bie. The eNnif the rngigntnent ie b4 etatl, but it is anppneed to MM:li, Oft. IM Th cabinet lias dcld'i! to forward to tie 0. B. Ilatt TOSSORIAL ARTIST. 18 Cents 28 " Wi . (Mmm. 8evl", Heir Cot tint, thtrf, ktslla k Corwar ARLINGT0MF0S51L Eris STAGELINE II. ttFKtt A Is..,. naya, inaiarie or eria I'Mit.lm. Wa ..a Mms e,r. bi..,.f r.ghi a..y h IMVA Manila bay. i"aiusj r.iHiirKT inifra, tin. snwiwie I'.i.a op it, whole .yatrm, eet. as l.IWttl.Kt trt IK. ll Vnf ki.lff,.,. IS. hirhl ,onfi. ad ttv. i iir.a StMiiiiah tci ('luiitiioei'itinre at 1'arie aa ofUciat diepatch recivi'd MiailI'ia IK, I.IO'lOg l !, sVf. (.. .n't tlt.lani hnly. l I pqMy V'fMslila, e Ball I Utali., .Oil Siairin lw iU b.lbral Wif. I l.itl.t snr I e'eva4 thai lhy at. e wiraeta .tkf l.tary holila a.arant.l fl p.aia e toltle at ( "s fm J KVh am, ttMt.evs ye-u-rday fiuiu Metiila, rertinif an engagement betwe"0 th Amrrl. ran ami iusnr"iit warsl,i, growing nut of the n-fnaal of Admire iL-wey 1 1 ellw thi iiiatirubte t fly tlmir (lag from thir alii jhi. The di.pati li site that Admiral l-w7, having fut bid leo the Tagl to hoiet the I'bilippiue fltg op-it) lh"if vroatde, a enrie of fighU f nsal, i P"' eul the Uaiitgaii and Ilall Halms ft-aultinu iii ! on laiih i l-e. seeete with ll o.erly all dey t'1" ,rm, Jf,' m'0 lh ,.ID"M ,, , . . ' hail, from the V bite Moniiioaet tnioas, rrulsy, fioelly poaaief It witb o-rts.q Haveo 1 lis. showing end ameedaseie, enirr or wdiou were elmio- gold et tbe same tune. Tbw speelmeo sting the lUra of $15,000 tor tbe Ashland weighs a sixteenth ot sa ouuoe. oorwel school, aad another of HO.MD.Hfl (orCepteio John Mutlae, ellowiog $5o0 rea1 Her iafaey kasw. Io fell eettlemanl of tbe claim of John I A taasbsr io a primary lobool io thie Ilall for 5p6 r9,eod allowing oaly Bve oily reoeolly nod to her pupil. "The day.' pay fur membera of Ibe bonee of I Old Oek.o Diukel." Afi.r liplaiolug IKfl. Wbae the aiusod mauls waul to lit to lhm eer.felly, ebe eakej t bam to bnneetbli saonieg It conoorrej Io that! copy Ibe Orel sterna from tbe black- sinking the AsblaoJ so hoot from thai board aad try ta llluelrate it by drew. bill, bol would eot eonror le Ibe olhar ioso, oe tbe erlial lllualrale a elory. eeeate emeedotenie. Tbe meaeare was 1'raliy eooa oos little girl banded ia bar sent beak to the eenale Io that foodl-lbook wilb eav.ral little date belweea lion end Ibe senate etrelgblwey Voted two line., a eircU, bslf a dui.o dull end aot to from lie former eelMo. three buekste. Alible etagee eobfereeee eommiitae " do Dot ondwstand Ibie, lUasle," woe aerawd ooon. end II took an Iha said tbe Uafber. "What Is that clieleT" -.i..- .i.. A.f .. "Oh. that's the walL" wsi the raidy . "V , " "--""--""' "AeJ why do yon l.eve three buek a lu be eeeaplable to the leu buaeae. ,),? Aft-r mure Ibeo aa boar el bard work "Cb, one ll the oaken bu.kal, nee le Ibe eommitu. rp-r lad owj lb. ru-tft l""""! buckal, end Ibe Hh.r te w r I . a a i.e.t.a. .ia. .law w.i olopWd io boeea. . thoU d. ... mM ,;,. ,,,.. nai.or (uaati.m. it wee (aal.s-l thai - v. BFl tb are tbe wbiew my tailere to adopt lb. r.eommeed.ttvn. Unf.ti.y e.w."-IUkf City llspol I s. o. maarit taller te Ibe whole bill. The re Mathews A Gentry BARREk. aevlefl 18 Ceeti HsIrCwttlet -5 " ju two iKfi ' ef f -U5e ... m tat ara t.a .tw..t.4' A'i!IV(it "1. 'CI I .'. - At luf t OUIJ lil ftltlC I, BO IrtnS. fAnt rrtOM AHIINGTON TO 1UU ll S.(V. r-k r.a ih. i.( teLantin tl.e ie:nrtd naval eoaernrtjt ha . a rc"ivt-! at M-raVhTrClaT-.. m'ih' Z ("- .tf. - e4 ,,,,, d(( ,r , tlut, t,. , ?bt-t OtU, vVttnroending the UbilM r4a anii i . .. sMtne -duVtM's-t i hir iaa.1. ' i,,, ff(r,j t J f), rtied any refffetieo to it In any e'tamatipa- tTaas C .n-i ., I lwtti. I - ere r.ta. la ...-! It.. sk -r. I it)a n,y riie. $ tl." - r l-fftn'tit t,, na e..M, i .jjiUtr r h7;?;'V-;i! Tb....frli r. c .i l-rabU Internet hern. Ilnrently the MwsUns fl.i..l. a-.r ..-. Inrf sel Ih.m tw. 1 t,t a Skailr all .I...-1 1 , I f Mn I a etat-ini.t that A'ln.irM Inwn La i dietetch-l tedar spH et t eVIrkj . dea t IdWmIwI i, st sM a.k Ifcal ! ,. et .f I.iet,it to another ttrti'iti of the 1'lt l 1 1 fi rjn grnap on "TV"" M 1 Mftvae et r v7"e. i.s. u,.i .. i I va4 ! ,ni.n tj Mu, tuuiuc, and th- tuggno'lon ina.U aaofriciellt Utt tl 7 .Mie. .1 1 --. t ti Ilea. It a. I Ua ... . tVH.Nnbl.rov.ea4v,KUtJwa. al $......., Hyi, U. 11. 4 K 41 tor i " 1 fel, lirlatrei dvart. furf.-ik. k t ',) ! tti ll ibitttgHttts, bT 04 0 f0ggfrJ iO C.ij. bak ta tbe ways sod ooaeee femoiilUr Im eawatJasaliuw eatil lite regelor ee sloe, bet It pfopiead paying eil the osembwre .f Ibe l,nna If. '7 fr Ibe loll lUu. Tea beea. itmh He malieiiie without a g'tasao.j, be sesllowad i. duae, but full pay t ,t Ibe It.r? boose Luoeey, Adam., Ctm and I.b waebvl it ti gu oe rtlof I thai i,.y ware ttppu-! in psyiag IWsa ea bwte for Rlre Ibee tb.e-rtiatilutlobat fva dss, i woe t.erS t'tioek wb tkieoo fnssM fseoft im 4teJ, lud tftvf Mullens Given Asvey. It le eart.iuly greltfyiBg to Ibe pub lie to keuw ef one rxiBrwra In the laod eb ere e4 aft aid tu be iiaroni t the asaxly end selTfrlag. Th proprMori of Dr. Klns'i N.w iMaeovaty fur atupliou, CoOs'liS aa J ('l I. have eiv ati easy over le milllme trial bolllt ol Ibis graal nlHlo. and bave the est- .farlijil knneliig H ba. abiluWly luts-l llousaul. f b l.a eaawe, Asttiia, f i . II aia'tis-s at, all ths nam i,t v I l.f ' at. ( 1.--I au I .ttae ai aui.lf .i.t.l by It. Call uu J, h.-U'ii, itaaurl, gat e I'M t- tll. ftae, l.s'a siia Ste Sn1 l. Crtry Utit uyaete4 et Uroeef rflat-tew.