Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1898)
I OFFICIAL b-?. Advertisers PAPER Subscribers The Gazette will contain the latest telegraphic news From the Seat of war. If you have bargains to offer, announce it through the columns of the GAZETTE. 1 ma f j 1 1 1 -. -i. - V I, SIXTEENTH YEAR THE HEPPNER GAZETTE Published every Tuesday and Friday BY CORLIES MERRITT, Editor ax.cL Managei. -SUBSCRIPTION RATES On Year Six Montha Three Month, Sl.BO 73 BO Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postofflce at Heppuer, Oregon, as second-class matter. THIS PAPKK is kept on file at E. C. Dake'e Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants Exohangs, San Franoieoo, California, where cou raote tor advertising can be made for it. J P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8- -J ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, San Franoieoo, Is our authorized agent. This papar is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N. LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1205 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a, m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a m. bpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 20 p. m . and arrives at Heppner Junction 7 :50 p, m. and Uma ilia 8:50 p. m. Portland Exoress No. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6:11(1 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a, m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. ,m. and arrives at Heppuer Junction 8:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junotion 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7:20 a. in. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent U. K 4 N., Heppner, Ore. I'Dlted Stated Officials. P"ilent William McKitiley V i' President (iarret A. Hobart, rJecretary of dtate W. It. Uiiy auoi'Hiary of Treasury Lyman J, Gage secretary of Interior Cornelius N. llliss eretary of War itussell . Alger iSocrotary of Navy John D. Long t'o-tiutr-Gon.ral Charles Emery Smith aU.irney-Ueueral John W. Hriggs Beoretury f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. i lovernor W. P. Lord rleoretary of State H. K. Kincald Treasurer Phil. Meteohan Hnpt. Public Instruction U. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Senators . . W.MoHride Congressmen Trio. "(Tongue Printer .'.W. U. Leeds ( R. 8. Bean, Supreme Judges I V. A. Moore, ( C K. Wolverton Sixth JaaloUl District. J ww't Jodg..... ......... Stephen .lomU Promoutiug Attorney... H. 3. Bean Morrow Conn Officials. i.ilnt Senator J, W. Morrow rtepnwiitatlve. E. L. Frmland .'-lunty JwUe A. U. Bartholomew ' ('ii'nmlnsioners J.H.Howard J. W. Heckett. " Clerk Tawter Crawford Hlimilf K. I j. N.atlock ' Trewim... M. Licbtanthal ' AtrttwMir A C, Petteys ' Julius Knithly S:hM)l rinp't Jay W. Hliipley C'ln-nnr Dr. E. R. Uunlouk BKPrxEii town ornoaas. M.iyot Thos. Morgarj Houix-timeti V. 3. Hlorum, M. l.ichUnlhal. J. K. Himons, J. J. Huberts, J. W. Kaamus and K. U. Hirry. Kmwiw W.A. ltM.ard.oii L W. Hriggs Marshal John U inter Pm-mrt Offleerp. J r-stir.) i.f the Peace W. K. Kichardsoo r,,ni.Hhl u. 8. Uray l'nitd Htati lrd Offieere. TBI UALLXS, OB. 'ay P I.neaa Keeiater Otis latirriNin lWneirer LA OKAHL'l, Ok. K. W. lUrtMt rUgUtor i. O. Hwarkheiiuer Ueoeiver dZSZtXC7 SOCIZTIXS. HAWLINS POST, NO. IL a. a. R. I'lnl lt. Or., the thirrl Hatunta of -h month. AU veterans are Invited In W. W.Hn.ith. O W.Hea, AiUalaal, tf Commander, D. J. JHcFaul, M. D. ItKPPSElt. OREQOS. Oltli-e hours, lo 10 a. mH and 12 lo 1 p. m at midei.r, and In to t a. m . s.H jioip m . t oitice in the rear of horg's jvaelry slure. C E Redfieid ATTORSEY AT LAW. Offlie In I'lrsl National Bank building. Dvppiier, Ofrfon. Ellis & Phelps ATTORSEYS AT LAW. All hii'lnrw siirnilH la In prninpt enl ..rt manix-r. Nutartre fub. lie six! lulierb.r. Olflre In ytift Mult l. -. Heppner. Ortn. D E Gil man HEX Ell At. COLLECTOR. yn..r f.l 1 tanks nd Ma In his hnls mfi'i ft yu..r m.K.v mit f f Kss nnt Mat.e e t keity at kenl rol.w I lot. a (lft,.., I ft, eirna.i s txtlMlKst. tt'fftmt, ttt. VV. A- Richardson JVHTH'E OF THE PEACE on-I CITY Ri;Ct)RI)lR. (ifl i el fomfcfll rhealre etie t4 We l .' rmfe hixiM, eeire laiee. I'k rn rmm tre et4 ft lit r.m fwt in or in kit im, el tw.Mi. ftcire. G. C. Halt TOSWRIAL ARTIST. fthselnf, tS CU Hal Cw(lef. 2S " not.. Mel'ini s Coroef. Hl V. Orn. Mathews l Gentry 1 H r Ciir : - - i , " 1 aaSaaaaaaM aaaaaaaae aaaaaaaae . W A. I 1 . AN OPEN To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR EIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA" AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear 0n every the facsimile signature ofC&A: wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought 0n the and has the signature of C&fM&i wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name excent The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF. Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. VMS OCNTAUS COMPANY. TT HUSBAV ITHIT, NCWVOSK CITV. flKST ATIONAL JANK OF HEPPNER. O. A. RHEA. T. A. ItBEA. ..... President Mo President Transact a General EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OK THE WORLD BOUGHT AND HOLD f Cpllectloni made oa all points on reasonable terms. : Burplii. snd undivided profits T:iooo. B 00TS AND SH0ESr.. THE PLACE TO GET THEM 18 Or Thcj have anythlnj in this lino that you may good article ts hen SHOES IN ALL THE Old Stand, Main Street HEPPNER TKANSFEK CO.'S Belled expreM Is cum I tig. IVws deliver work on short order, 10 rents and up wards. This wagon Is No. 4. and leave your order with It, or at "Central" trio, phone olllce. We Move Anything! LIUICHTY MAKK1M' THE OLD SHOP! Is the place to go to get your fine pork end lauibcliope. steaks and roasts. Fish Evarv Fvldaw. fine sugar-cured hams and bacon. I'ure li-af lard. keiile reiiderJ. oldslylu. Mlghrsl rasn price paid for at slock. BanJ. Mathawt. NEW NAME I W'm. Gordon has ro-natned his etand the old Jonea livery stable AXlio Control. Bated haf for Bale. Cherem mwnnahle ( sll on Dim and nave four buret au nsrnl r. HEITNKH-CANYON Stage Line B. f. MILLER, Proa rhewel end mrmt dirart rtile to J.,hn luj ll.r, earoa liy (alnlbf dletn. t. Hums auu oit.rf Interior points. leave Heppner 'Mile, a.inder et rpi at ai a. m. Am,, i ,,., , . In Jt hour. ' ere Cenymi Hy el I a m , arrli e el llrpt. Bet In M buure. cnaterlln aia Irel'.e, Harraia ra an rats Hardmea M'tii,metit Mamlloin . IH IMI , r-.s liy . J.a ttt . , ( enn f 'llf l . " a s il. s u I It M ue tonnert wlik tritel lltp'r. Xntm - Hs-ll.e ebv i l.p 11 1. II.. llh rotemt rt hm mn4 f- Iim I ee .r.r-1 to le lM.iwei.Ki u itie r.ii.,i . ftRLINGTON-FOSSIL STA6LINE a. o. txitLVir. I IW" runt rOM Arlington to r-Mll les kl'.Mi ,m MMIriy s. Meyllle ,'Uei1ee) I sa k.H.a4 In f . iModae o eiM , t an . tu,H4 i'r tn Cmt tm etllee) fas eunkiHp I i (N( (H i. w , , u..At p ii tea Waera ArU,,f um etf m -'l-inrf (aaa.lefere.ptMt) t fc t,, te dne al 0da it I p. a, bj anirre t Y e I i "a-.a '. I , le . Us .-. i .i ". HEPPNER, MORROW LETT I (. W. C'ONSEH Cwihier E. L. FKKKLAND. .Asuintaut Uanbiar Banking Business. CO, rtwlie , rn di iKsnd on It you get a thty giiari.iilie it. " LATEST STYLES. Repairing a Speolalty WH' AT Hf.l.LS. Market Breaks Iak From the Brar la- Iturnrrs la Prod'rton. Eat On-Kotilim. Contrary to expeclnti.jiia au.l io Con trad.eliuti o( what tlitt fiport priost woul.I seem to trnrr.iut, wljeat liruUifbt centa in Pt-ndlfion Halorday, ionia Olab slightly uncl.r ataudar.l ra,le briniurf prim. Halm arcsM Wool U),(Kk biiUeli, mill the growers ellliitf acre: Oaurgn Purnirfcr, 4'l,omi bbele, olub, tomaofit boiutf bcl iej No. 1 gralaoo cootiol of auiiit, at IK, tba IVaiti i 0 eet KleVatorOa, bolim tlie purobaaT Jnbn Crowe, ll.iKM lii.ahele, N. 1 Ololi, at 4S eeiita, same (nrclt rr. Fraoli Cargill, 1,m tuslieli, O.I beat, at 10 rutn, to Knrsbasj C.i. Auotlinr aala of a am ill atn iont was Dia.)e by a groar ua-ir Hcb at IV t lo 1). A. I'tti:n. Tl.a frritis of .rit-a al .va e;xrt faluea was 1-ina by I!..- millers' .J-miio I. Tba l'ufllso 1 pn,. u..n r ws 67 to fH for Walla Wall wW, esrin o 4'ithe P. n.1iet.,3 priet f-ir N i. 1 cIqIi. T lay, In IVnJiet n, V, ).e j i .t., Is 4" O 'pts. S true ttiluk imir ele w II f-qlt b., l,,t Vm innk-l b-iS away frio Ilia l.-ar i ., n I a-aM el on an .wir I a (J.ernrnetit rep.,rl are.if l. -tler pr.-pe than at line I me .t ,,r Mai K Ma!il tilsy re-i. a U tr from Heari, ssrl.i (!, rr.tpa nfer 'M Il tbst fiiiotry. Jf i rm rain r I ail rune l ruin a lare .f tba rrnp lef.r It l.a 1 IffMi .arel., ' n.I nearly s i ll.e r f i as saee.J. M.ibI, reporte are Mil, iii froia ru'S al.eal r relilne in 1 uf. . In lb U'.ltel H'sUe e..rtn ma i rnpe arerp.rl. ff. n ll.e rn I l aet, an t I'.e aeii nl ru,v n! M t.,i yarll.e ll o re.' I. VeMoer Jawd.te Cart. .!.,, o.f 1,'tb.ati.t eH'Mtt I be ip!il erry o.. S'.s .oeeile f r lie rl .f. It ie e.-i, (! ae lie f C.a.i.rf. "line j In I , , , ,f,,i. e.f,er fr fO Teil.-ej JsnnlK f.-r i.,r eif rv-att.e a I a.e .y f v,9 t..l H. m i.'ir fp ai.-t ail ta ad. 't lu ll, . i.t .Irntiat, r(l.s !,. tr, Uflt,0 I, (, . r 1 r,tf " I ru i,'f r I, ,,, tk a ' "If II fe'-.T.ihea.tir.f "'' i e- r.. i ei ff ri f fn.ra f I.t ,-f ! r v., , .. , tnf ! ', f ... ) 4 e:r COUNTY, OREGON, i z - The Battle-Ships Ordered DEWEY THE HERO Dewey's Fleetj Reinforced by These Two Vessels Will be Stronger Than Ger many's Pacific Squadron,, and Will Hold Its Own. Associated Press Dispatches. - ; New York, Sept. 15. A special to the Herald from Washington eajs: J Secretary of the Navy LoDg stated last night that the battleships Iowa and Oregon are under orders to proceed to Manila, via Honolulu, to reinforce Admiral Dewey's command. In directing them to touch at Honolulu, the authorities were actuated by two motives the first to put them in a central position where they could be available for any duty in the Tacific and which might be considered desirable, and the second because they did not care to send reinforcements to Rear Ad miral Dewey before the armistice between the United States and Spain expired. It is expected in official circles that the battleships and the five colliers whioh will accompany them will be ready to sail by Monday next. The ships will not waste any time io making the voyage. They will make few stops and these only to coal and communicate with the department. While believing there will be no international developments to change the program, the authorities do not propose to be in such a position that they canuot modify the instructions to the vessels in case of necessity and it is for this reason they are to touch at certain points to report and receive orders. The dispatch of the colliers with the battleships is due to the de sire of the authorities to keep them bo well supplied with coal that if it becomes necessary to change the course of the ships aud send them to Samoa, or by a short cut to Manila, they can make the voyage with out difficulty. So far as Germany is concerned, the authorities say there is noth ing in her httitude to cause the belief that she proposes to interfere with any diripohition of the Philippines this government may see fit to make. It is appreciated, however, that it will be the part of wisdom for the United States to put in the Pacific a force so formidable as to discourage even this suggestion of interference. Germany's force in the Pacific coiisists of the armored cruisers Kaiser and Deutschland; the protected ctuisers Kaiseriu Augusta, Irene, Princess Wilhelm, Geifon, Cormoran aud t'alke. The displacement of Hear-Admiral Dewey's present force amounts to yn,S:J2 tons, while that of the German commander reaches 37,881. Uear-Admiral Dewey's ships, however, are better artuod than the Ger man men-of-war, aud his men Lave the advantage of having been under fire. The monitors Monterey and Monadnock are mainly serviceable for work in smooth water, and if the Germao ships should start for the Pacific const, as would be the case in the event of war, Kear-Admiral Dy would hive only bis protected cruisers and gunboata to depend upon. With two battleships at bis disposal, increasing the tonnage of Lit iMiaHdron to .12, 1.7J tons, Le woold Lave a inoat formidable force. New Yobk, Kept 1.1. A dispatch to the Herald from WasLington says: Hmetary Long La IhnuihI orders disbanding the Kanlorn suad ron and ansning lU ctnmandr, J. C Watson, to duty u command ant of the Mare ialanJ tiavy yard The orders indicate the firmnoasof tb Ixtliff entntaiued by the adraiDialratioD that there is no danger of a resumption of Loatilities. Th Kantero squadron was formal juat before the detraction of Or-vi-ra's flwt, wbD Admiral Camars's command started for the Pbilip pitiM, and the objtrt of its organization was attained when Camaraaod Lis tWt were ordered back to Spain. Commodore WaUou Las lvu ordered to proceed io tL Newark to Port Antonio, and tLrra take ft steamer for New Yotk. N:w York, rv-pt 13. A diipatcb to the Herald from WaaLiogton say: S-creUry I,0g is eiptyrting lo make apocial reference io Li an noal rrjatt to tL o-.rati..n of the Asiatic squadron and paiticulwly to the coduct of llear.Admiul ly. D-parttnen, officials general, ly Mi-v the Uat is noi,e loo good for that tifficer, and no surprise) would !. eipreae'! if tl.a serreUty were to rifororoend that tbs grade ..f tice-idmira! U created in order tLat it fcigbl U tlla-l by (h ap. x,ibl'ui-iit of Knar-A Juiital Deary. As sliowing IL- faith put io Hear. Admiral Dewey, the derMtitmant l not Mart from birn a sfatement cvineernio Lis doinge, bul is saU iaftl it Ui Inn Lave a fre Land and taka socb becaaaary action as L may dpem proper. Ha kept wall iasN ,,f a, ibterotio,ftl sitoa ti..r,, partirnlarly with rf-rence lo the IVififl, but tba department Laa ctrry cvit,f'i.(i iire ji, l,ia judrnenl. , i nrre a Krea ral of j,,,, t-, rr.te tl.a Kra I of lo jt-.U 4,L ifi tl .ft-si-M m!! FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1898. M GERMANY Oregon and Iowa to Manila OF THEM ALL talk la batal rirclea M f, tJf - a - lmiral. and if ..r-Krs sLonll m'MiJf fr , tij- r, pr-A . THB CHOyNSKI-GODOAEO FIQBT. The Clever Callrornlan Made a Chopping Block of Goddard. Phjladblphia, 8ept. 12. Joe Cboy nski bad all tbe beat of bis bout wttb Joe Goddard tonight at tbe Arena. God dard waa considerably heavier than tbe California, but be laoked in goience. Oboynski made a chopping block of tbe Australian and several times it looked as though Goddard would not be able to stay tbe full six rounds. Tbere was bat little fighting in tbe opening round. In tbe second roand Oboynski landed several hard lefts on Goddard 's faoe, but tbe latter could not gel in a good blow. Tbe third, fourth and fifth rounds were repetitions of tbe second, Ghoyuski do ing nearly all the leading, and landing almost ct will. In tbe closing round Ooddard fought wildly, while Oboynski was calm and banged Goddard on tbe jaw, sending him lo bis knees. Oboyn ski landed bard and often, but be oould not atop the Auetralian. OREGON'S BIG YEAR. Sale of Her Products Will Net Her Abont 14,000,000. Morning Oregonlati. Fourteen million dollars! The amount looks like a Seattle estimate of the Klon dike output, but it is not. It is only tbe lowest calculation of the inoome from three of Oregon's great industries, grain, bops aid wool, this year. It does not inolade lumber, which will yield several millions more. The lowest returns from tbe fields jus tify tbe figures given. A conservative es timate places tbe wheal crop at 22,000.- 000 busbels. Tbe lowest prioe asked is 50 cents per bushel in tbe field, equal to 63 or 64 oents here. This will yield tbe farmers 911,000,000. They are holding off for their figures, and their ability to bold off shows that Ibey are in a pros perous condition. At present but little wheat is moving, as tbe views ot the buyers snd sellers do not ooiooida. Harvesting ot tbs bop orop is nearly completed. Tbe quantity is one-qoarler sborl or last year, but tbe qaallty is of tbe best, and tbe prioea will be double those ot 1H97. Tbs market is now very aolive al 9 to 10fj cents. Early in the season many growers mads contracts at 8 oents, and they are not shrinking from delivery, although they could now make better bargains. Tbs Earopeao orop ia one-quarter abort. Tba 'New York yield Is about lbs lams as lasl year, bat tbe quality ia poor. Wool is in s deadlook. Growers ask 50 oeota per scoured pound, which is al present tbe outside Boston figure. Dealers ara trying to buy at 4(1 or 47 oents. One-tbird of tbe clip bss been old at prioea averaging 47 oents, while tbe average quality has brought 13 to 14 oents, according to location. Tbs total value ot tbs woo! and bop yiel I la ealimate.1 by A. J. Ray, ot tbs J. M. llusaell oompany, al 13,000,000. All growers, Mr. Ray says, will be able to pay their dxbta this year and bave a good sum left tor neit year's opening. Lumber ia having a steady demand. Ao order was raoeived from Tleo-Tsln, China, September 1'itb, for 4,500 round piles, and 20,000 pieoea of lumber, 12iU tod 50 feat long, lo be used io tbs ooo trnotloD of lbs Chioeaa-Uotaiaa rail way. Tbeveloeot tbe order is, in rouod Of area, Ml.OUO. Local inquiry la heavy, as many new buildings are being creoted. A great deal of common aluff In shipped to California, and blgb grades to the East. Tbe prosperity ot tba producer ia hav ing a good effect oo businaas generally. Nut lo tbe last five years bars proa peats beeo so bright. Ileal estate, limber lands and mlaee ara receiving tba beoeflt of good times, and lbs revival baa every Indioalioo of pemaneocy. It urt Hi as. "I was week sod nervous eoj oonld nol do mora tbao balf s day's work. I pmenrad a bottle of Hood's Haraepertlle aud began takiog It and eooe I waa able lo work, the net eon sums bail left ma and I was feeling wall. My wile baa also rieo blpe4 by Howl's." B. Wmaui, Needy, Ore. Hood's nils ara ll.e only pills to lake a lib Uood'f Hareaparilla. Ita sore to get Hood's. eal fealee freSleUS. Portland bnlrhere predial a meat faro Ina la Oregoa lor tbia wleler. Nearly all lbs steers sad weathers bave bees sold t h tba farms and r so gee to Kaelero bay era, who bave drivae the stoeb lo Mobtaaa sad Nebraska paalarea. lo be prepare. lor Iba Cole eg? markets. What beef and matloo appears la I''irt lao l stalls B'iw Is broqgbl la fattened frora tba graaa peelarae and stubble fields, but aa soon M wiaUr aeta ia stall feeding will baea lo be reefUd to, aed Ibis will make tbe fattening ot Iba sU k ai'ire ipeeiva Ilea al pfeeesl. Tbs wholesale price of meal ibis winter ie eoW aatltnated at -beef. 10 aente: mat. ' too, &, aad pork, 7. Add 40 per seal lo I teia aa tt.a retailers etpenee aad beeaa- ery profit la aeedlieg.eed well assy lbs bead of a large fatally er lbs keeper of a el,ee boarding booee be detmaytd al lt,e proapeait, I'oMleed Telegram. Jeeeir la HImw fee. H. n, .L. it.e a Uea skin S'a l - . .. i . . i i - . . . j t ..uf t-i--t etxi it she", j inug p 11 leey (. Sl"l ill tr u.g s.l ll.i j am -a t'"i II l-lr Iwf.a titr ti I I ip .ii t-wt '. t .is, t .uU bn, He'ka-.U. ' i . t , I. , t. u.fc.. , a I uii.f j .. ,.'.. ,.i f,, , I 4,i a. ,t NO fiRi , . CHBHALIS BOLD. Ed Mills Pays 17,000 for the Black Facer Jap. East Oregonlan. Frank Frazier baa sold Ohehalis, so ay tbe horse papers, and tbe reputed prioe is 87,000. The news will be iba cause for feelings of regret on the oarl of the Pendleton friends of Mr. Frazier and the admirers ot 'the little black paoer, who took great pride io the faot thai a Pendleton horse was going against and beating the world's fastest horses of that class of racers. The price, $7,000, is spparently low tor a horse of tbe speed ot Obebalis. but it is easily explainable, when it ie told that tbe management of tbe eastern circuits will rule off hobbled horses, and Oheha lis most neoessarily go with tbe hobbles. Even as a breeder of fine oolts, the paoer is worth more money , but the owner, Mr. Frazier, apparently thought $7,000 represented hie market value, and let him go at that figure. The Horse Review, of the issue ot Sep tember 6, says of the last raoe at Read- ville, Mass. : "The 2:05 pace was a Deouliar raoa. Eb Mills bad bought Chehalie for the reputed price of $7,000 and Jerry O'Neil bad tbe mount behind the Oregon paoer. The race was played good and strong, with Obebahs selling for 8100. field 8200. Bumps look the traok at the word, and was never beaded until be reached the short distance, When Roan Wilkes oama through with Ohehalis lapped on to him. Wilson made a whipping finish ot it and beat Ohehalis for tbe place, Roan Wilkes being first al the wire, in 2:05. Frank tiogaab, who bad laid ud Ibe first heat. set sail at tbe word in Ibe seoond beat and beat tbe field to tbe wire iu 2:05', Obebalis second, about a length back, Roan Wilkes third. Bogasb landed the third beat in 2.-08, w tb Ohehalis again seoond and Planet third. Tbe judges look O'Neil out from behind Ohehalis for tbe fourth beat and Lamp Wilson was put ap. Mart Demarestset sail with Planet and won the beat by a short margin in 2:06;, Bumps seoond. Bumps look the Iraok in the final beat and held tba lead lo tbe abort distance, when Bo gash moved up and beat him to the wire in 2 Tbe race looked peculiar, and Ohehalis did not go ss bs ougbl to. Whether it was beoauie O'Neil did not understand tbs boras or bs waa not rigged right is something Ibal tbs writer II nol prepared to (sy. The betting would indicate that there was a nigger io the woodpile', and thai was tbs opin ion ot tbs regulars." CHEAP rAUKH BKNEFICIAL. The Northwest New Has a riae Class ef Bettlsrs. Horning Oretroulan. "It bas beeo specially fortunate for the Northwest that tbe passenger rats war earns tbia year," said a railroad man of experience and good judgment yesterday. "tJuppoes tba obeap fares bad oomo io 181)1, when things ware looking blue everywhere, and particularly so ia tbs boom towns ot Ibe new West; this coun try wouldn't beve profited muoh from them. As il Is, tbs Northwest profits Immensely o tnnob, io faot, tbat lbs railroad companies engaged io lbs war bave seen Ibal what they wars losing lo immediate revenue would soon eoms baok lo tbeni four-fold io tbe bosioeas brought by Iba settlers taking op homes io si) parte of Ibe onnutry. There bas beeo oo rush af colonisation schemes, oo real estate booming, bat tbere bee beeo S pretty steady flow of people of small meant ioteot upon establishing homae Is a laud wbers erops sever fail. Many of these, per ha pa mosl of them, woold sot bave oomae Weal al Ibe farea pre vailing before Ibe out last winter. Io Ibe case ot a family ot balf a dotaa mem ber, lbs difference lo railroad farea alone repreeebUJ Ibe prioe ot a floe chunk of land, or s good learn aod wagoo.or svta a booee to aoawer their needs. His pei ons woold save 1150 to fares from HI. 1'stil, and twioe Ibal tnoob ifeemlng from New York. Huob considerations brought a lot of f ami lie to lbs North weet to stay and tbrlvs with as. "Tbe lad a st rial department of lbs U. It. A N. baa helped egood deal; and now Ibe Hoolbero IVirtete poshing tba same Ilea ot work. Along Ibe Northern l'e slfls and Ureal Northern hoes there baa beeo greal activity lo lbs movement ot settlers. Look al tba little Colombia Hoothevo, lo Hbermao eoonly ; aaltlars bave opened about 7,000 sere there Ibis year, sad Iba inereeeed acreage will be till greater belt aaaeoo. Everywhere yoa lera tba weets plaeea are being tie. ropte.1 and made prodoelive, and Ibal brtags as prosperity with a big I'. II is better Ibaa Ibe leflai of money. II Bieees eveeilve eeergy, wbiert ie eo monb needed i ibe wild reeoeroee of Orga. Tbe reel le merely a matter of lima. " Wbe sen yoa find Ml say mao wba it wllllag and able In work? Look al tbs lterttaemeeU f of "help anted" ia lbs Haeday Oegoalaa. Portland eeer saw neb a strlag ef Ibein sa bas been mo stag lately, waaied S mas In da sa add job ll.e oi bet day, sad as a laet re ear I applied to Iba city board of eheri bee, aad waa there told Ibey bede't aay Idea where I eoald gel a meat tbere was & I eae aa Heir Let ,a 1 La la't beet tor Bme lima. 4i lr peelt Willi tHiiuii t il ,'1 , t ) -I -' e-e J