Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1898)
The Gazette. Friday, May 6, 1898. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Congressman, First District, TH08. H. TONGUE. Congressman, Second District, MALCOLM A. MOODY, of The Dalles. Governor, T. T. GEER, of McCleay. Justice of the Supreme Court, FRANK A. MOORI, of St, Helens. Hecretary oi State, FRANK I. DUNBAR, of Astoria. State Treasurer, C. S. MOORE, of Klamath Falls. Superintendent Public Instruction, J. H. ACKERMAN, of Portland. State Printer, W. H. LEEDS, of Ashland, Attorney General, D. R, N. BLACKBURN, of Albany. For Joint Senator, Morrow, Grant and Harney, A. W. GOWAN. Prosecuting Attorney, Sixth District, HENRY J. BEAN, of Pendleton. UEPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, E. L. FREELAND, of Heppner. For Sheriff, D. A. HAMILTON, of Heppner, For Clerk, VAWTER CRAWFORD, of Heppner, For Treasurer, MAT LICHTENTHAL, of Heppner. For Assessor, J. F. WILLIS, of Lexington. For Co. 8chool Superintendent, J. W. SHIPLEY, of Heppner, For Co. Commissioner, J. L. HOWARD, of Pine City. For Coroner, E. R. HUNLOCK, of Heppner. The people of Heppner will be addressed tomorrow by one of the anion party's leading men, lion. VV. R. King, candidate for governor of Oregon on the fusion ticket The republicans have one of their best men at the head of their tick. et, Hon. T. T. Geer "Tall Timo thy of the Waldo hills." If our party should win we will have the satisfaction of knowing that we voted wisely and well, but if we should lose we can also have this consolation, that a man has been chosen who has no objectionable qualities other than his politics. Mr. King, like Mr. Geer, has served his state in a spendid manner as a solon, having been elected first as a representative on the democratic ticket, from Malheur county, and afterwards as joint senator, on the populist ticket, representing Baker and Malheur counties. Repub licans have a right to support Mr. Qeer and should be proud to do so on the point of partisan politics, but otherwise Mr. King is the peer of Mr. Geer. To succeed in Oregon this year, the republican party must have unity. It must have men at its helm who have been tried. No neophyte will suffice. No man whose hands have the suspicion of being tainted with handling the coin of the money-ohanger for cor ruption will do. The Gazette says what it can prove to be a fact, and that is why Graham Glass, jr., should give way to some one else as secretary of the republican state central committee. Colonel J. H. Aitken, of Hunt- ington, has been chosen as the can didate of the republican party for joint senator, representing Baker Bnd Malheur. The Gazette wishes Col. Aitken success. The cry in Multnomah county is down with himonism. This hue has been transferred to every county in the state. Let it be the watchword. Hood' Are gaining favor rapidly. anaa. a Business men and travel- l9B I I aa lers carry them In vest i I I I pockets, ladies carry them in purses, housekeepers keep them In medicine closets, friends recommend them to triends. 23c COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. County court met io regular session Wednesday, May 4th, 1898. A. Q. Bar- iholomes, judge; J. W. Beckett and J. L. Howard, commissioners; J. W. Mor row, clerk, and . L. Matlook, sheriff. Petition of T. E. Woolery and Will K. Corson for saloon license in lone pre oinot, also remonstrance asainst said petition by W. B. Williams et al., pre sented. Petition being in conformity to law was granted and remonstrance being insufficient in legal form, w. a rejected. The following is the list of miscellane ous bills allowed by the court: J. W. Morrow, salary $403 00 J. H. Wyland, stock inspector. . . 46 00 Frank Gilliam, Co. treasurer 83 33 A. O. Bartholomew, salary 150 00 O. W. Wells, salary 166 66 E. L. Matlook, salary 400 00 J. W. Matlook, salary 166 66 Heppner Times, expense aoot .... 14 75 Q . W, Wells,' expense scot 6 70 H. L. & W. Co.. court bouse and jail aoot 21 00 NEW YORK, May 6. Spain seriously J. W. Matlook, boarding prisoners 42 45 Scan our ticket. It is composed of men who are deserving of votes, from the top to the bottom. Commodore Dewey is all right. He was in a position where he had to fight and he did it well. m m LONDON, May 6 It is reported from Washington that England bas been re quested lo remove her subjeors from the Canary islands. It is thought Samp son's fleet will bombard them. The Gazette is not heralding its coming with a brass band but its circulation can I determined at the Heppner postoffice. Adver Users will please note this. WHO IS NORTHVPf The Gazette notices that a few partisan papers are firing back and forth on the subject of governors, etc This is disgusting. The Ga zette believes that "Tall Tim" has the best of it on a count of noses, but his opponent is immensely pop ular and a capital fellow. It is a good idea to confine ourselves to facts and try to get all the votes we can. Misrepresentation will not bring them. H. H. Northup has rendered ex cellent service in the office of coun ty judge. His administration of the office has been generally satis factory to the taxpayers, and it has been directed by conscientious re gard for duty. Of course, it has not escaped criticism; for criticism is the easiest of all things, and it comes forth spontaneously from persons who have axes to grind and can't get them ground. Such op position as Judge Northup encoun ters comes chiefly from those against whom he has guarded the county treasury. During the past four years there has been extraor dinary demands upon the county court for favors or "help in van ous ways. J udge Northup has been obiigud to disappoint great num bers. Again, a partisan clique, against which he has maintained his independence, has, after its us ual fashion in such affairs, become his bitter enemy, and it makes it its business to misrepresent all he does. But Judge Northup has the confidence of the substantial peo ple of the county. All his offioial work has been guided by painstak ing intelligence and a true devo tion to the publio iutereete. The friends of such a man may appeal to his oharacter and reputation against all assailants. Oregonian. The above at this time from the Oregoniau will cause many people outside of Multnomah county to enquire who this man Northup is The name is a familiar one. Two years ago it was on the ballots rep resenting an independent candi date for congress. lie was Scott's candidate. He was the fhir(?) man who appointed all Simon judges and clerks of election two years ago in Multnomah county The same has been done this year by this holiest (?) county judge. The Gazette enquired why Mr. Northup should so favor Mr. Simon The answer was given by a num bor of honest republicans that i was Mr. Mimon'a purpose to elect his ticket, by hi honest oount i that would suffice, by any methods under the sun if nt'ct'stmry. If this is true, and it has been openly charged, it would mem that the Oregoniau was a bit extravagant iu its praises of Mr. Northup. The Gazette is not published in Multnomah county, but it has an interest iu political affairs, even in Multnomah county. It has an in tcrest iu promoting true republic anism, which can never be done by putting into office Mr. Simon's po litical machinr, and therefore, with the good of the republican party at heart, this pnppr hopes to see W. M. Cake succeed Mr. Norlhup, He will do so unless Mr. Himou'i iudjos aud clerks are allowed to count him out. The E. O. very patriotically says that "in this country at this time there is room for only one party the people. There is only one cause the country's. There is only one leader the president. here is only one flig the ' Star- Spangled Banner,' long may it wave." The E. O. says this nicely and with evident sincerity. Of oouise the E. O, is patriotic. threatened with revolutionary war. Her Ministery afraid to lake heroic aotion against the mobs. SPOKANE, May 6- Long distance telephone line completed to Repoblioan Camp. It works splendidly. Two Millions a Year. When people buy, try, and buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million be fore New Year a. It means merit proved, that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator lor everybody the year round. All druggists 10c, 25c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. W4S NOT UNDERSTOOD, ThE dispatches announce that itzhugh Lee has been created a major-general of volunteers. This is a just tribute to au able soldier and a splendid American statesman. He has earned his laurels, lion. J, II. Wilson, of Indiana, and Sen ator Sewell, of New York, were similarly favored at the same time. The old Confederate cavalry leader, Gen. Joseph 0. Wheeler, bas been made a major general of volunteers, having been nominated to that position on last Wednesday. Gen. Wheeler is now representing one of the Alabama districts in congress. Educate Your llowels With Cascareta, Cuudy I'atbarile, cure constipation foreter. 10c 11 C. 0. O. full, druifiilsu rotund money. Dr. Eshelman, of Tbs Dalles, will visit Heppner on lbs 15th, 16th and 17th of May, Chronic and olisonre rases of men, women and children a specialty Nervousness, headache, neuralgia, rheu matism, constipation, piles, fissure, fistula, and surgical diseases of women and children treated snaoessfully. No oharge for consultation. 54t SfSS'WPfwflWf w WS,v99(S Worn Out? Do you come to the close of the day thorou ghly exhausted? Does this continue day after day, possibly week after week? Peeharte vrtts a e rvn Inn r 'T IS hausted to sleep. Then some- thin; Is wrong;. All these things Indicate that you are $ suffering: from nervous ex haustion. Your nerves need feeding- and your blood en riching. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda, contains lust th remedies to meet these wants The cod $ liver oil gives the needed strength, euriches the blood, feeds the nerves, and the hy- pophosphitcs give them tone 2 and Tjeor. Be sure you get SCOTTS Emulsion. m " AD 4rugjttt yx. sn4 SCOTT A BOWNB, CfwmtaU, Nw Yerk. A Popular Bond Issue Under Centlderatloa at the Hands of the Government. In spile of the many explanations sent from here, the provisions for the new botJ loan seem to be only partially no derstood throughout the country, says a Washington speoial. Some of the banks, for instance, have somehow got the idea that tbay are to buy the bonds and issue ourrenoy lo the full amount they aoqnlre in payment therefor. Others think they are lo aci as intermediaries and to re ceive the subscriptions of the publio and to hold the purchases as government de posits to be drawn out as needed. Both of these ideas are erroneous, the former wildly so. Not only are the bonds not to be sold , especially to the banks, but it is even extremely likely that only a yery small proportion of the first division of the loan, amounting prot ably to 8100,000,000, will go to tbem. The loan will probably be issued in from three to five divisions, and will be popular ODe in the trnest sense of Ibe word. II will be placed through the postoffice, the banks having nothing to do with the prooess unlees tbs people fail to subscribe, a most improbable late of affairs. The bonds will be the smallest ever issued by any government, being in sums of $50 and multiples there' of, and every one who baa that small sum can buy a bond with it witbont the least oonoern as to the form of money in whioh payment is to be ncade. If tbs issue is over aubsoribed all bids ot lees than 11,000 will be awarded before any bid for more than that amount is even Oonsidered. These bonds ean hs used as basis ot national bank circulation, just as lbs present outstanding bonds of Ibe United Stales oan now be used. There is no in lentlon of altering the national bank aol iu moj way, as mey win uesom ai pari and will run for at least ten years and bear 8 per cent interest, there will be soma sligbl advantage to tbs banks to seoure tbem for this purpose, rather tbao any of tbs outstanding bonds. But even under these most favorable condi tions tbs profit io circulation based on their use will only be about per eenl, not enough to make the banks sxtraordi narily anxious to seoure tbem. Although 1500,000,000 ot boods bave been authorised by the lower bouss of oongreis, It is by no means the intention ot the treasury department to issue tbem all at onoe. Trobebly no mors than 1100,000,000 will be offered In lbs first plsos. This will be tendered, it acces sary, by snooessivs odors until tbs full amount Is Ousted. To obtain 1 1 00,000,. 000 in sums of 11.000 or under will re quire at less! 100,000 bidders, I'robably a great many more will be required. National banks in various looaliti depending in number and location on lbs amount of the subscriptions received from varying localities, will be deaig nated as temporary United Slates dspos ttorlet, where tbs money will be depos iled until needed by the government Then, wheo drawn oul, it will not b stored in the vaults ot lbs treasury, but will be promptly spent and restored to circulation, Ibua preventing even a Um porary money famine. IS II ONLY ! o o o o o o Grand Reduction Sale of. Lambeau Kangaroo Calf Stock Top- PERFECT0E. Mens' Fine Shoes In Chocolate and Black, Silk Vesting and Slook Tips, our regular $6.00 and $5.00 lice. This week, Only $4.00 Ladies' Dress Shoes 83 00 lakes anything in onr fine line of Ladies' $400 Shoes. Everything in onr extensive shoe line at ridioulously low prices. Make tbe Most ot this Opportunity. J. M. Hager, pauper aoot 3 Ben Mathews, ' " 900 The amount of claims allowed for jury and witness tees for last term of court amounted to $406.10. Tbe oost Dill io Ibe case of the State of Oregon vs. Eugene Demaree is as (ol lows : W. A. Biobardson, jaatioe feee, $5.35 allowed, $1.85. . N. B. Vanoleave, special constable, $5.60 In the matter of the coroner's inquest in tbe case of W. L. Gregory, tbe fol lowing cost bill was allowed: W. A. Richardson, aoting coroner 816.15. Frank Roberts, juror $11; allowed, $10. Qeo. Barker, juror, $11; allowed, $10. Nels Magnuson, juror, $11; allowed 810, Oliver Snyder, juror, $11; allowed, $10, Wm. Robinetl, juror, $11; allowed $10. T. J. Teeters, juror, $11; allowed, $10, J. A. Sullivan, witness, $1.70. James McLaughlin, witness, $1.70. In tbe oase ot tbe coroner's inquest of Alvab Mixesell, tbe following olaims were allowed: w. j, Kionardson, aoting ooroDer $10.05. Frank Roberts, juror, $4 80; allowed, $3.80. Wm. Stewart, juror, $1.80; allowed, $3.80. Wm. Robinett, juror, $4.80; allowed, $3.80. Jno. Horner, juror, $1.80; allowed' $3.80. Eli Eeeney, j.uor, $1.80; allowed, $3.80. Geo. Weir, witness, $1.70. Al Nuson, witness, $1.70. In tbe oase of the State ot Oregon vs. Frank Callaway, tbe following cost bill allowed: W. A. Riobardson, justice's tees, $9.75; allowed, $9.25. John Hager, oonslable, $1.60. Bush Da Norgne, witness, $1 70. Ad Matteson, witness, $1.70. Lin Matteson, wilaess, $1 70. Gid Halt, witness, $1.70. Tom Stephens, witusss, $1.70. State of Oregon vs. Marguerite Gam- eey, oosl bill oase No. 1 : W. A. Richardson, justioe's fees, $5 95. Case No. 2: W. A. Richardson, justioe's fees, $5.95. In the matter of road applioation No. 118, viewers' report, specifications, view ere' and surveyor's bills and claim for damages presented. Reports and claims for damages oontmued for investigation, and reviewers' and surveyor's bills al lowed as follows: R. K. Simpson, viewer, $6 80. A. T. Kiog, viewer, $6. Jerry McEiligott, viewer, $680. Jaoob Border, obainmso, $5.10 Jno. Blake, obalnman, $1.80. K. Hendricks, msrker, $11 20 ! J. J. MoGee, surveyor, $17.60. In tbs matter of delinquent taxes a warrant for collection of all delinquent taxes ordered placed npon tbs rolls. I be rs i ainder of tbs oourt proceed ings will sppear io our next issue. Fusion Speaking. Hon. W. B. Eing will address tbe peo ple ot Heppner tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'olook. Mr. King is tbe choice of the union foroes for governor. Tbe public generally are invited to come out. Do not forget tbe date. It NOTICE OF STOCK INSPECTOR. I hereby appoint J. L. Ayers as deputy stock JAS. WYLAND, Stock Inspector. inspector of this county. 5-6 DISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO THE PUB lio that on the 28ih day of April, 1898, the partnership between the undersigned was dls solved by mutual consent. After that date all obligations made by either of the parties must be settled by the one Incurring the same. Witness our hands and seals this '28th day of April, 1898. H E. BARTHOLOMEW. 45 54 J. T. CAMPBELL. Notice of Intention. r AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J May 3. 1898. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made Defore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, June 10, 1898, viz: MINNIE M. ANDREWS, of Heppner: Homestead application No. 4074, for tho NEW Sec 21, Tp 1 N, K !26 K W M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation f said laud, viz: A. G. Bartholomew, William H. Finley, Allen 8. Hodndon and Robert F. Hynd, ali of Heppner, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE. 46-57. Register. Notice of Intention. Land Officb at La Grande, Ohkqon. April 6. 1898. .TOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made Damre tne county uieric ot Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on A1 ay 20, 1898, viz: JOHN V. BKOWN, Hd No MM, for the E 8W and BE Sec I p 4 B n 1 C VV .VI. He nmes the following wltnetsns to Drove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz: William Harton, John F. Barton, William C. Bcntt and Francis M. Gentry, all of Heppner, Orcgun. a. w. tSABi, :i8-49 Register. w vi Mi j & & & & & t & & & & & & & & C; fit w 7 ? f f sr: The Leader Of Course! ft. m m m ViV iv l i A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, is a joy forever." That's what you'll find at The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That susts a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. 1 R. HOWARD'S Heppner, Oregon- Vi it vi vi vi ' ASSIGNEE'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OP AN ORDER OF BALE, REG tilarly issued out of the circuit court, for Morrow countv. Orearon. the following describ ed land, to wit: The 114 neV of sec 9, and the w' nw4 of see. 10, In tp. S, 8 , r. 25 E. w. M., will be sold at private sale for cash in hand. Bids on the above described property will be re ceived at the off, ?e of Ellis & Phelps until the IKS Apr'.! 20th, 1898. R. L. BHAW. McGee, Insolvent Debtor. '2Mh day of May Dated 44-63 Assignee of J, Fro Pilla. Hend your add ret to H . E. Buckleo k Co., Chicago, aod Qet tree aampU box of Dr. King's New Lit fills. A trial will ooovioot jrou ot their merit. The pill are easy id aotion and are particu larly effective la the ear of constipa tion aad ick head tone. For malaria and liver troable they have been proved invaluable. Tbev are guaranteed to be perfectly tree from every deleterious enbetanoe aod to be purely vegetable. Tbey do not weaken by their action, bat by giving tone to ttomech and bowel greatly Invigorate the yttem. Regular ene Ao per box. Sold by rjlocam Drag (Jo., L. J. 8looam, manager. ACETYLtME OAS. Tbe light of tbe fntore. Why sot be indepeodeat aod 00 yoar owa little gee plant which will give four time more light thao ordinary ga or electrio light at oo bait the eoetT Apptioebl (or at in cburcbee, tore Uotorie, botele, reeideoeee aad country borne; eater than ordinary ga or keroeen lamp. Approved by all th Board of Underwriter throughout the railed State. W want a flrat elae agent in every towa. Write for ealatogoe eod prieee. TilE ACETYLENE OAS MA CHINE CO , Akron. Ohio. At Aairrlraa Boy. Dr. J.M. Wllecoi in receipt of letter from bi eon, Byron, who i attending school at Laramie, Wyoming, in whioh be aay that be tried to enliet, with om other eadet from hi eobool, but being only It year ot ace, th enrolling officer would not take him. But Ihi did not dampen hie enibotlaam in the leeet, and be helped Are tbe big eaanon o load net taj worm or wimiow elate were brokeo. Next day h wet eaaeeeed HO eente a bi part. Dr. Wlleoo eeot the patriotic son 175 immediately aad told nim lo break m more on tbe tame lav ont. It tbe ton I Ilk tbe aire, and Ihi paper Judge h tt, no truer patriot ever drew lb bream or life. SHERIFFS SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND order of sale duly Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Morrow, Htate of Oreron, dated the tid day of April 1k.w, In a certain action In the Circuit Court for said County and Htate, wherein W. P. Lord. H. K. Klncald and Fhtl MeUchan, as Board of Commissioners for the sale of school and uni versity lauds and for the Investment of funds arislr.e therefrom, HlalntilTs, recovered Judg ment attains! Adeline Howell, Henry Howell, atary howcii, jonn unwell, Nellie Howell, William Howell, Htauford Howell. Joseph Howell, Tilda Howell. Ida Howell. Frank Howell, Thomas Howell, Lilly Howell, Hettlt Farier. KU rarler. Adeline Howe II as admin a- tratrixand Henry Howell as administrator of the estate of HUnford Howell, deceased. Defend ants, for the turn of f'lvt Hundred Eighteen iKiiiars. witn interest inereon at tne rate of Kluht per rem per annum from the lntb dar ol March, IKM, and the further sum of Thirty flv Dollars attorney's fee, and rott and disburse ments, on the 10th day of March, 1848. Notice is oereoy (iven mat 1 win on Saturday, th 28th .ay of May, 1898. at 1 o'clock P. in. of said day, tt the front door of the court noute In Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for rash In hand, the following- described property, to-wtt: The south east quarter of section tweuty-elitht UK) In township four (4) souin range iwrmy-nre t. w. M. in Mor row county, Oregon. Taken and levied upon al the property of the sutd Adeline Howell, Henry Howell, et al or to much thereof aa may bt necessary to aallsly the said Judgment In ftvor of W. P. Lord, H. K. Klncald and I'hll Metachan and against said Adeline Howell, Henry Howell el al. together with all coat and dis bursements mat nave or may accrue. t. L. MATLOCK, Sheriff. Dated at Heppner April 22, lftya, 4J.11 TEA CIIERS" EX A VISA TIOS. VOTtCI It HIREBY OIVIM THAT FOK iv ht purpose ol maklof an eiamlnatlon of al) Misnns wbn oar oiler thtmselvas aa randi. daiat for (earners ol the echooit o this county and for state and Ufa dlplorras, the county nn.., wierni win noi.i a pun- a per ornt rwr annum ; ..r Uia lurth.r tun of J 1." ii . . i oiT". eisnty dollars attorneys lee. and for the ,"' ...'IUTW1.J. M f I I 111. ,11 u in . JAt w. rtlll'l KY, M' erhool upt, Morrow Co. SHERIFFS SALE. VOTICl IS HERKBY GIVEN THAT CM AV der and by virtue of an execution and order of sale, duly and regularly Issued nut ol th Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon, for Morrow county, and lo m directed, on the Inth day or March, ikm. upon a Judgment and de cree nuiy renoereo aim entered Iu said court on tbe loth day ot March, Imm, In a toll then ft nil I h.Ml.l..r. u. n .4 1 i m IK.mU k h u I . . The American Mortgage Company Limited, of eroiianu, a torporation, was plalnitfl, and Jamea Thomas Downing, and Milton (Hit liownlng, at helrt al law of utephan a. pown lug. an.l Maria limning, deceased, weredefen. dautatnd commanding me to sell the herein alter dearrllwd ral property, 1 did on the p.lh day of March, duly levy upon and will, on Tueedey, th 10th day et May, 1808 at Ihe hour of 'I o'clock In the afternoon of said day, al the front door of the county court nouae in neppner unrrow county Oregon, tell lo Iht hlgheat bidder for cash In band, all the following deecrthe.1 real estate to wit: Ih touth weal quarter of serilon twenty-eight. In township two. south ol range twenty-four, east W, M. all situate, and being In Morrow County Tfg-in, wveinrr witn tne tenements Demlll tmeuutnd appurtenances, thereunto belong Ing or lo any w aa appertaining, or to mu"h harant a will satisfy said (ulgmenu In the following aumt. tl,4l. with Inter eat thereon from ma linn nat ot marrn iw, al the rate of fur ther turn of Mi uu coete tnd dl'burw-mealt. , ann an ruing a. u mau a. avte ebertsTet Morrow County Orvfoav C0NSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling of prescriptions. . IS OF ROOTS AND SHOES f THE PLACE TO GET THEM -M. IvICHTUNTHAlv & CO. They hay. anything In this ta-j ft-m depend on t, you , a SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Repairing a Spolatty Old Stand. Main Street The Best Bargains- ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY tMMtnlSl tot.tyoU, Groceries, Hardware, foare, Confectionery OR MACHINERY, CALL ON--. O. THOMPSON 00., W are Increasing onr stock tor fall and winter. Call and set us. NEW DRUGS E;..1:.11?' f Invoice of Goods almost everyday. Our Rapidly Otir Stationery Department Is Complete " tfrtr Blve ... .. Slocum Drug Co. Timber Cutture,Final Proof. riTio TTts Uno Ornra. 1 Oramle. Orefon, April XV tsr NOTICE IK HaHKRYlTTviN THAT 1 )HN W. Elder haa Bled Dot Ira of Inu-nUiD U, stake final proof belore i. W. J rnw fnnt tier of Morrow county. Oregon at bis ow n Met.r.nei, Orgon. on frldaT. f t . th i,T ,2Li 0 timber eniturt an- 4lrelon Mo. for n4 nw i. Dea of srtfa .0 township No. I . So. r K. W M Ht names aa wit nee: Frank Elder, lotenh Rector, rewlon Wbetatone, fv,t ill ol Hapener. Uregoo. B. W. ,' Timber Culture-Final Prouf, Una Ornr 4T Taa Datiet. Otow NOTtCI S HEREBY GIVE ST BAT "pa T- Oregon, on Monday the M day of April iE..n Sw,"iI.,ar, e, Unr th;t! " g. oS Jf a4 tun k,wn,h,P i namre at witnaaaet: John Wood Peunlt epuiane. WlHUm . UlBer. auda, Uiller. all of Heppner. Otegon. ' art. nuel r w 'AH. f. MOORE. kefltter,