Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1898)
YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OFFICIAL PAP E R Advertising will pay n IF THE ; 'Semi-Weekly Gazette 1 - t (AIIN W V 1 St , THE ' Seml-WeeKlu Gazette AT $2.00 A YEAR. SIXTEENTH YEAR; HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 6. 1898. NO. 646 fe: C5vJ ijw'jj" i ft 1 SEMIWEEKLY GAZETTE. rOBLIBHID Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON TuBLISHINfi COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. Editor and Bus. Man. At ta.OJ per year. (1.00 tor six month, 50 ota. tor three mamas, at riot ly in advano . Advertising Rates Made- Known on Application. WiacoNam CENTRkk Lines Entered at the PostolBce at Heppner,: Oregon, a second-class matter. THIS PAPER ia kept on file at E. C. Dake'a Advertising Agenoy, M and 65 Merchant Exohang, San Francisco, California, where cou raota for advertising can be made for it. LP. F18HEK, NEWSPAPER ' ADVERTIB . ing agent, 21. Merchants' Exohangi Build ing, Ban Franoiaoo, la oar authorized agent. This papar ia kept on file at hie office. 0. R. & N.-L0CAL CARD. . m. daily except Bnnday arriving at Heppner Junction 12K)5 a. m. ueares Heppner Junction s:ou a. m. anu ar- Train leaves ueppi ner8:30p. i rivM nt. HnnnnAr RrlKt r. m Spokane Expresa No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m. and Uma ilia 8:50 p. m. Pni-ilnnH Kxnraiui No. S. from Snokane. arrives at Umatilla 6:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Kant Mail No. 2 leavea Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:80 a. m. Stat Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a. m. and at Portland 7 1'iC a. m. For farther information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent U. tt ueppner, ure. OFFICIAL DIBBOTORT. United States Officials. Pnwidnnt. William McKinley Vic President Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State W. K. Day Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gaite Seoretary of Interior Cornelius N. Miss Secretary of War Russell - Alger Booroiaryof Navy John l). Liong Postuiaster-General. Charles Emery Smith AttornHV-Hnneral John W. GriggB Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson State nf Oregon. Hovernor. W. P. Lord Seoretary of State H. R. Kiucaid 'Pronanper. Phil. Metsclian Bnpt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idlemau . (Q. W. McBride oenuxors... ... l JThoa. H. Tongue Congressmen... y jgnj. Printer W. 11. Leeds I it. a. ean, Simrama .lnrlima F. A. Moore. ( C. K. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. ) rnait Judge Stephen .Lowell Proiwutiug Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator A, W. Gowan Representative J- N. Brown County Judge A. G. Bartholomew ' Commissioners J.R.Howard GENERAL . PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage taken form or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other wave, and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushura at the Grand ( Central Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. iney win oe in waiting at all trains prepared to assist pas sengers, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional provision , for their comfort. J AS. C. POND, Gen'l Passr. Agt I iiigHllll AVcgetablcPrcparationfor As similating (teToodandRcgula ting the S tomachs andBoweis of H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR '" Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. P., C. ifc A ., P. Ft. W. & C, and the C. St. L. A P. Railroads. RATES eJS.OO PISR DA.Y Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts CHXC.A.3-0. ILL. PromotesDigcstion,Chceiful ness andRest.Contains neither Crpnim,Morphin.e nor Mineral. KOT NAHCOTIC. PumfltmSml- 4Lx.Sama I JfcdUtUSdH- j4nut Sad ftppemint -' th Cart ana SU'- ffomSui - ClarUud Juagr . Aberfecr Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jcveristi tiess andLoss OF SLEEP. 6 ilac Simile Signature of ! NEW YORK. i For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signati WAR NEWS! A Hong Hodr dispatch eays: Manila and then lend him each troopr ai are has surrendered and the stars and stripes necessary to control the Pbillipines. At float over tbe Pbillipines. . least 5,000 troops will be en ronte ia ten Washington, May 8. The president days, is decided to await word from Dewey ( lA' The M Kind EXACT COPY OF WHAPPEB.' You Have Always Bought. 1 THI CCHTAUN COMPANV, MCW YORK OITV.. J. W. Beokott. " Clerk. ' Sheriff ' Treasurer ' Assessor Surveyor School Sup't -'. Coronet.... ........ J. W. Morrow ....E. L. Matlock .... Kwk Gilliam A. C. Petteys J. J. MoGee ...Jay W. Shipley B. F. Vunghan EKPPNKB TOWN OFPIOimS. MaJot Thos. Morgan Councilman TJ-8.loc.amT w Lich ten thai, J. It. Simons, J. J. Roberta, J. W. Rasmus and E. G. Sperry. K ioonler w. A. Kichardson .I. " L. W. Brigge Marahal..;'.'. Joln Uager Precinct OITIoerp. J nstioe of the Peace W. E. KfM. Constiible N. 8. Whetstone Unltd States Land Offlcera. THE DALLES, OB. ' . J. F. Moore Register A.B.Bigga Receiver LA OBAMDI, OB. E. W. Bartlett Register J, H. Bobbins Receiver THE X A.IT,li NURSERIES, R. H. WEBER, Prop. fSIB SA.LLES, OSE&01T, Grower and Dealer in Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines and Small Fruits. Our Trees are Grown With out Irrigation. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ' : -O. PQVDEII: Absolutely Pure t . WEEKLY The MONTHLY A.. ABEAHAMSICK, Merchant Tailoring! Mr. Abrahamsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp-j ner. Kis work is always first class and satisfac-; tion guaranteed. CALL AND SEE ME. ON MAY STREET- Outlook JAMAICA, May 4. The British consul at Santiago de Cuba is said to have been attacked by a mob and killed a Spaniard, and has been imprisoned. Yesterday, in Portland, a Spaniard! tore down, an Amerio&n flag in ront of a store, and in a moment a dozen lor more men wexo on him, and bat for the arrival of the police he would have been mobbed. . President Dole, of the Hawaiian islands, has offered to transfer them to the United States for war purposes and furnish our ships with coal and ammunition. , Fitz Hugh Los and J. H. Wilson, of Indiana, and Senator Sewell cf New Jersey, have been nominated major-generals, r : President McKinley will pardon Capt. Hart, now. serving a twoyear sentence for fillibustering. The resignation of the Spanish cabinet is imminent. ;! Battleships Oregon and Marietta have sailed from Rio Janeiro.' t ' KEY WEST, May 4 Sampson's squadron1 haa - Bailed ifromJ here. An important naval engagement is anticipated in the near future.- - ' LISBON, May 4. It is said that the Spanish Cape Verde squadron has returned to join that of Cadiz. FORThESS MONROE, May 4. The flying squadron may go to sea within! 24 hours as soon as the New Orleans arrives. A dispatch from Key West says: Sampson's squadron steamed at full speed to Porto Rico, which place he is to occupy as a naval base, and then steam to sea to fight it out with tbe Spanish fleet.,' ' WASHINGTON, May 4 Dispatches I from Commander Dewey failed to arrive at Hong Kong. .. It is thought the people will not be held in suspense longer than to day in reference to the big naval fight, NEW YORK, May 4 A Key West special says' that Cienfuegos has beeu bombarded by the United States, the batteries sileuced and mines Bhelled. Thousands of people fled to the interior. Tbe troops were called out and used rifles. A London special dispatch from Madrid Bays terrible things may hurmou there. Their crovemment cannot relv UDon the arm v. . - - - .UI . . 1 iiri . i .... i iii-ii' i r i XTJ.1 i. t swtuiau iuuoi vrueu iuis iuub iieta iu- juiperorB iuihui, oi uuiuinuy, uuu xiiuuuiuo, ui xvusbin, me veiv ttamed voa DftVe rumblinff sound or much exercised over the future disnosition of the PhilliDine islands, imperfect hearius:, and when it is en tirely oioBeu neainess is me rcBuit, ana , aoless tbe inflammation oan be taken out ond this tube restored to its normal .1 : . : I. : 1 1 u 1 . . WASHINGTON, May 5.-Tbe Oregon and Idaho volunteers, will be SDVt iZ TZZd sent with . others to hold down the Phil hpine islands. An army of by catarrh, wbioh ie notliinu but an m- ;n x i j.j i ri.- xTi-i.:--! uamea ooouition or the muoous earfBoea. lU.uuu win go, 10 oe commanueu uy wu. iuerriam. inintj uir bteaiu-i We will give one hundred dollars for A DEAD COON- He's a Good Coon No w. -Shoots , Himself and Mistress. 1 A Pendletou dispatch of the 4th inst. aaye:J A double tragedy ocourred here ' at 8:15 o'olook this evening, as a result ot whioh Joseph Sewall , a gambler, ia dead, and May Drake lies at the point ot death, with two bullet wounds In her neck.' Tbe two lived together (our years. Two months ago Bewail took Miss Drake to CuDyon City, where his parents reside. ! There she learned that he was of ne?ro descent, and lift him, coming to Pendleton, He followed, was refused admittance to her house and threatened to kilt her. This evening he called on her, and, while her baok was turned toward him, drew a revolver and fired two shots, one bullet entering the left side ot the neck, just below the ear, and tanging upward, and the other just be low tbe first and rangiug downward. He then turned the pistol on himself. The girl's father lives In North Yakima, Wash, t She ban a sister in Arlington and two in Portland. " Sewall is a well known sport and was a good-looking fellow, for a darkey. Deafness Cannot lie Cared by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tbe ear. There is only one way to cure deafness. and that is by oonstitional remedies. . Deafness Is OAused by an inflamed con dition of tbe muoous lining of the eu- 1 Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York BECBET BOCIBTlBa RAWLINS POST, NO. lh Q. A. B. u. t Honnner. Or., the third Saturday tch month. AU taUrana ara invited to Join. (J. W. Smith. umu, Adjutant. tt of Commander. D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Offloe hours, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to 2 p. m.. at reaideooe, W. A. Kirk's prop erty, east of M. E. cbnrch, South, and 10 to 12, a. m , to 2 to 5 p. m. , at offloe in tbe rear of Borg's jewelry store. Brown & Redfield; Attorneys at Law, nfflne In tbe First National Bank Building. Hippnbr, : i Ohkoon. The Outlook will be In 1897, as it has been during eaoh of its twenty-seven ears, a History of Oar Own Times. In its various editorial departments The Outlook gives s oompaot review of the world's progress ; . it follows -with care all the important philanthropic and in dustrial movements of tbe day; has a complete department ot religious news; I devotes muob space to. the interests of I tbe home; reviews ourrent literature;! faro lubes cheerful table-talk about men od things: and, in short, aims to give fresh Information, original observation, I and reasonable entertainment. Beginning with the fifty flifth' volume, tbe paper will assume tbe regular maga zine size, which will add greatly to its convenience and attractiveness. Tbe Outlook is published every Saturday fifty-two issues a year. . Tbe first issue In each montb is an Illustrated Magazine Number, containing about twice as many Ellis & Phelps, VTTORNEYS AT LAW. in All buslnesa attended to satisfactory maimer, Collectors. Office In Natter Building a prompt ana Notaries Public and Heppner, Or. D. E. GILMAN, General Collector Put your old books and not In his hands and yonr money out of them. Mates a specialty ot hard collections. Office in J. N. Brown'B Building. W. A. RICHARDSON Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. orriei AT COUNCIL CHAMBIAS (tolls and bnyt real eaUK. rents houses, pays taxes, does coiiveyaiwtn and will serve you In n . in his Una. at reasonable flgurea. tf First National Bank OP HEPPNER C. A. Rhea, T.A.RHEA. GEO. W. CONE, 8. W. SPENCER. President Vie President Cashia Ass't Cashier Transacts I Genera! Badiog Bostoea 'Whftn vrm har Hp.m Iip.Uq !" YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! and it is thought they will object to the plans of the United States. ers chartered to carry them over. abeyance until Dewey is heard from. ' Washington officials expect re. ports from Dewey to commenoe coming at midnight Indications are that American and Spanish fleets are preparing to come together near Cuba, i Admiral Sampson has sailed from Key West. No doubt the largest naval battle the world ever saw is near at hand. 8 AN FRANCISCO, May 5. GeD.Mer- warships are reported off Barbadoee, These plana will be held in nv oaee of deafnees (oansed by catarrh) I.I . . . . I Tt 111 i t tuai csDuot im oarou vj nan e uaiarro cure. Bena for circulars, free. F. J. Cbeuey & Co.. Toledo. O. CWSold by druggists, 75c. FINK WATER KI.OW. An BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841; am has orders to assemble 8,000 troops to be dispatched to tbe Pbillipines. NEW YORK. May 5.-Four Spanish (JlllOiaO. May 5.-Lelter sold 2,000,- 000 bu ibels of wheat today at $1.47 per bnsbe1. I May wheat closed at 81.15. . PARIS, France, May 5. It is reported that nego tiations are pending between England and Ibe United States whereby Ergland supports America against other powers and that America agrees to oap- numoer, oooiaiuiDg auuuiiwjuoas uiauj l , . . T'tJ pages as the ordinary issues, together or more than fifty-six years it has never iailed wilu a large numuer oi pictures. I . . , . . . t re in its weekly visits to tne nomes 01 iarmers The priae of Tbe Outlook is three dollars a year in advance, or less than a cent a day. Send for a specimen oopy and illustrat ed prospeotus to The Outlook, 13 Astor Place, NewYoikOttv. and villagers throughout the U. S. A San Fraocir-ooCbroniole bulletin says it is feared that Dewey may be bottled p in Manila harbor, tbe cause of sub marine mines. BOSTON, May 6. A telegram from Singapore gives reliable information ot corroboration of Dewey's victory. Dewey is dow executing the duties ot governor general,1 MADRID, Mny6.-A mob ol 8,000 striking miners bad to be dispersed by troops at -Marohena, 30 miles from Cor- hamea. I KEY WEST, May (J. An expedition from tug, Lyden, landed It foroes. Tbsy 8TOC& BRANDS. While von aeapronr subscription paid ns jra IT HAS ean keep row brand In free of chart. Borv. P. O.. Hennaar. Or. Hones. PBca laft shoulder; entile, same on left hip. Rnihea, Percy, Heppner. Or Tattle branded W. H. eonueoted na ihe left aide. Waddle on noes, bancs, Morrow eoantjr. IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity ami happiness, for tba Improvement of their nusniess ana noma interest, lor euucaiiou, lor wie eievuun ui Auieriusu w.nw ... IT 11 AS told at the nreslde, inUrestlhg and instructive stories of the doings of the world, the IT HAS ixlvised tbe farmer as to th most approved method of otiltivatln and harvestlna; hi crops, and the proper tune to convert mem iuio me ierK'.i p"iiuio m i i iimc,. led in all inattets iiertaiultiK to the weltare 01 laruiers aim viiiat-ers, ana lor over nun a century ha held their confidence and esteem. XT X0 THE. Cook, A. J. .Lena. Or. Horses, 80 on right shoal w: Cattle, same on riahthioi ear mark aanara orop off left and split in rifht. on left abonldar, oatU Sam on leftuip. hoi in nstit ear.. Florenoe, L. A., Heppner, Or. fettle, LP on rieht hipi horses P with bar ander on riehl shoulder. Jonea, Harry. Heppnir, Or Horses branded ri J on the left ehonUler; ra'tle branHad i on njrht hip. also anderbit in left ear. Kance In Morrow county. John.on, Pelix. Lena, Or. elr.-lef m left stifle; out lie, same on nht bip, nadet half aroo in rit and aulit 'Jt left ear Kenny. Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded INK on left hip oattla same and orop oft left eart ander slope on the rlcht lhM I. W. Hennner Or. Morses branded Land A on left shoulder; eettle same on left hip, wattle over ngtit eye, three slits in right New York Weekly Tribune, And we furnish It with the GAZETTE, ens year for $2.76, sash In advance. Address all Order, to THE GAZETTE. Write your name and addreaa on a postal card, send It toOeo. W. Bist, Tribune om, New Vora City, and a sample copy of the New York Weekly T rlliuna will be mailed lo you. Minor, Oeear, rUht hip; bone. i aU part of th wvrld- HM.Dser nr. eftle. I Dm M uo left shoulder. Korean, M. N Heppner. Or.-Hweea. M ) on left abuoidei eattla aaase on ten kip. Oetmrn. J. W., Donctaa. tH.i horses O on Uf shoaUnri rattle same uo riant hip. Parker A fUeaaun. HurdnMUi.Or.-Horae IPoe left ehnahter. flllv.- liAreee brendMl bar and shield on left shoulder, ranis, Ilabt Mile, Morrow county. Keetnr. i. W.. Heppnar. Or.-Horaea, JO ot left s boulder. Cattle, o right hit. B. 1 r 1 1 fperry. at. , Heppner. Or. - Cattle W C o nllvU f inn "filfl left hip. crop of ne'it and onderhit la left " Thompei, J A., lirprrer, (r, Utwrm. I f - .11 rx.lnte an U'J n1Jr: cni!e. on left s'l' aldtf. . . ColleetlOB Biads OB 11 poinw en Tne I, K.-ner H,-r ail ca'ajt yaaeoeaeM TrB), , ut atiMe, Yn. cmU m m H WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Pimet Sound Navigafa Co U V-l Sbaier. TELDHOXr; BAILEV GATZEKT iXD OCRiN WAVt Tiselna Al.ter Klreet IVk. PnrtlaniL for Astoria. Ilwano. lDB BeSCh. Ooe Tark and Nshonlta. Direet oontieotioo with Ilwaoo steamers and rsil roml; also at Younu'i I!ay with Beaehore Kailrostl. TEIjUrilONB Leave Portland T A M. Pally, except Sunday. Leave Aitorial P. M. Daily. ,spl Sunday Leave rtrland P. M ally. aaeeu auodsy. ratjirday plaW, II P . leaves Astoria ia at 44 A. 14.. eaoect Sunday and aiowday, kwnua (ns'ut, 1 P. M Lew rt.nland ai d mm dlfwt lo Iiwsno, TuWy sad riiwdavat A. f. .tflHiV at t Pi Leave liasco Vtedbwley end rrl'ley at r U A On Seadef iht at I V, K. LJ CM to r.tit4 MuTm &4 !r?i Ffei K bsti A battle with tbe Oregon is expected. It is expected that Forto Rioo will be captured by Amerioans within 48 hours. ture the Canary islands and give them to England. ' Io the1 opinion ot the telegraphic editor this Is all roti 1 In tbe first land battle fought on tbe coast of Cuba, near Morales, it is report ed tbe Amerioans lost Id killed and 23 woooded. The Spanish loss is unknown. ssw tbe insurgents fight the Spanish and caused the Wilmiagton to drive the lat ter off. 1 TACOMA, May 0. Tbe Taooma vol unteer companies bave been out dowa from 10Q to 84 men. A number of the militia bave been sent borne. WASHINGTON, May 6. The govern meat i c uneasy about tbe Oregon or Marietta. It is said the Oregon oao whip tbe Cape Verde Beet slues. CHIOAMAUUA, May 6.-Tbe 26tb infantry colored, has been roshed to Tsmpa. I Tbe 10th cavalry, colored, may go today. Inexhaustible , Vein Strung by Jones . Bros., Near Eight IHik!, Jones Bros., who have for some time past been boring for water in tbe Eight Mile neighborhood with their big well- . drilling! apparatus, on Thursday last) struck floe tlow of water at a depth of 180 feet that seems to be inexhaustible , at least, so far, they bave been unable to pump it out or even to seemingly di- . minish H. The striking of this flow is a big thing , for that section as' the oountry Is very dry many of the farmers having to haul water a distanoe of five miles or mors for domestic purposes. Another Carload Htlll. This make the third carload of Fish Bros.', wagon, boggles, buokboards, carriages and bsoks reoelved this spring. Tbey will be here' the first of the week. For good, strong, durable wagon they , have no equal. Look at them yourself. Tbey are backed bp positive guarantee. ttf ' Minob A Co. l'KES.1 COMMENT. THE "HOLU-IP" HESOLL'TION. The following resolution was present ed by Chairman Barnes, of tbe Waah- nvtoa oontity delegation, but on motion of Mr, Wallace MoCammsnt "in the in terest uf harmony" was tabled. It voioes the sentiment of Washington county whose three representative were true to their duty. Re$olved: That tbe aotion of (boss republican members of the last legisla lore who lo cot, unction with popullets and democrats and "silver" republicans united to freveot tba organization of that body at its lust regular aeshinn, and who refuted to take the oath of offloe, and to take their seats pursuaot to their elect ion, merit the strongest condemna tion ot tba party. Tt at the revolutionary methods adopt ed hr the minority members of lbs legislature ere mnou to te deplored, and the reolt. in leaving the state but partly represented in eoogre and iii depriving the people of much needed Irglalatlon, is to be deemed mont unfor tunale for tbe state, and ths repnbllcan party. Haa friends.. Tbs young- man, W. L. Gregory, who was killed down near Castle Rook, Ore gon, last week while riding brakerod has relatives np near Sumner, Wash. Wednesday Judge W. A. ltlohardson re ceived a telegram from O. Q. Fish, of Bumner, presumably a brother-in-law, wblob ran as follows: - Hnmnne Weak ' Ma 1 1 floe v umsshvs wwwi 4 " V Ir-ri W. A. Blobardson, Coroner ! . ; Where Is tbs body of W. L. Gregory T I will oome to identify It. . O.O, VUH. It t presumed that Mr. Fitb will ar rive soon, but a Gregory's fact was badly mutilated Mr. Flab will bave muob diffi culty 10 identifying tbe remains. .Be sides decomposition baa set id which will make tbe task even more difficult. Tbe Oregnnian's righteoua soul rises with Indignation that the police fores of Portland is engaged in working for tbe defeat of the' Blmon-Soott combine. It omits, however, to remind tbs people that in Ibe great contest in tbe primary election of 1800, when Mr, Joseph Simon was one ot tbe police commlaiionere, tbe rnlirs poll foroe was lined np and mads to support bis ticket, and that every man who refused to do It lost bit official bead. , It is different now, in tbs eves of tbsOregooian sod the righteous Scott and Bimon, Hatchet. A Nor Thief far Tow. A transaction lowlik b you cannot loaelaa sure UiUiC. Hlliousneea, efi k liaiai:li,tur ri tongart, lr, pile.aiKl aUiouwuidutlier ill are cauwx) by uoualiiiatimi and alum leu Uvar, LWareU Candy Catbaruc, the won-d-rfll new liver eiuoulaul aud lulea nial te jle are uy ail di"i;s ste -'i:ireuteed to cure or mwv refim.le., V. U. Se af ima. 'fry a V-ey t"i i Hick polion is a poison which makes yon sick, Iloomee from lb stomacb. The stomaoji makes Hoot ot nodigettod food. Tbe blood get it on4 taints the while body with it. That's the way tf it. Tbe way to bo rid of it is to look oftsr yonr digestion. If your food IS all properly digeeted, there will be dobs left io Ibe stomach to make slekpolaoa oat of. It yoor stotnaeh ia too weak to sea to this preperly bp iteelt, belp tt along with a few dose of aSbkr Digestive Our dial. Tbat's ths sure of it. rlhtler LhiioeUvs Udrdial is a dliolons, healthful, tonic eordial, nsde of pare aedioitiai plant, berue and wins. It poltivty sorts lnalfsltuo on 4 trvi the forsjietloq rjf ilh pMHen All Ifoif irH. Trtol totiUH W nilii Dor Not Prar lb Cold. "I suffered every spring and fall for several years with a severe ooM. Two ear ag i I began tuking Uood's Sarso- panlla and it built ms np so that I bavo bad no cold ainoe, and I do not fear sold BS formerly. I heartily recommend Uood's Hartaparilla." Cba. Woods, Box 112, West Seattle, Waehiogtoo. . Hood' Pill art tbo only pill to takt with Uood's Sarsaparllls. Curs sll liver ills. A oiokledoeto'tbny beer aoy more. It is now worth nothlog except for oootri botion purposes, This will be fur the better, onr church people will say, and this paper ripeott plethoric condition to tiint In the pnreee of the reipeclive treaanrert of the various religious Insti tutions, Tbe Salvation Army will oome In for its share, . Be not deceived!, A cough, hoareneaa or eroup art tot to be trilled with. A flore lo titu of HI. lion's Curt will lire e tooth (ivdllv, flM Ky ti.isr1 .Wrifflr f ,M, wits .4 mi Wt saw. 1