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About The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1891)
OUR MINES. Valuable Properties in the Sparta District. 'RICH IN QUARTZ AND PLACER- Output from tho Sanccr Mine Other Fromlsing Prospects in Union County. Away back In the sixties but rw camps on this canst produced more plnccr sold than was washed from tho golden sands of the gulches surrounding Sparta, and It is an old timer and hear him rcUte the rich finds matte on Maiden, Shanghai, Moultrie, Copperhead. Town, Sawmill and other gulches, where nuggets weighing ns much as nine hundred dollars were picked up, end it was not unusual to make four hundred dol lors u dny by the me of the old-time rocker, But old Time, 'tht mighty changer of all things, litis not forgotten Sparta, uikI whilo Kret has been -tho ehanso regarding tho rlchncss-of the placer raincs, the indica lions are now favorably for a bullion pn (luctlon from tho quartz mines that, in quantity, will fur excel tho output of gold during any one year when the placer mines were at their ibcst. Tho past season has boon r.n eventful one In tho history of this V old camp, and when we say tho placer' output lms bon tho largest forovcral years past we only-ttoto the facts and sound tho key note of what Is to folio W' tho next sev eral ywrs-to-oome. Sftwmill -julch, vdilch lies lo! these many 'years "been lanown lo be rich in nlacor gold, has at last fallen into the nands-of that mining prince, Cnpt. E. E dough, -and by hie practical ability and good, coinicon sense has demonstrated tho fact, to the satisfaction of even tho old fogieSi'that, with plenty of water, his tied rock Jluma, constructed me past season from the fulls on -Sawmill .gulch, will en nblO'hliu to-fluccetj-jfully handle tho tailings in working this rJch and extensive .fro erty. oycnliireo inJles in length. Tho Walla Wului Placer Mining Cam pa ny, wltuK. II. lltjyer manager, own several rich clttinic on Humboldt, JDcad Iloree and otlicr gulclics liter tho old Gem mine, all tributary to Suvmlll gulch, and through a combination .arrangement with Cnpt. dough, -owner of tho Sparta canal, Mr. Uoyor will now be able to successfully work these oxtciistvo diggings, as the water after leaving Humboldt gulch in used again by CaL Clouph and all debris is carried without Interruption tluough the Itcdrock -iltinio on Sawtulll gulch, thus en ablfng liuth of theso rich, cntenslvo and long-neglected . mines to bo Hticncssf ully worked, and we expect to sco several liim- lrud thousand dollars placed to tho credit of thcse-eutcricisiug guatlcmcn the coming heivson. While these two proportion named ore tho. most extensive and pronilsiog of anything. in our camp, there are many ouier mines tan win oo worKea, anil as long-as frc.o water lasts In the spring, will pay tho omien Jrom live to fifteen dollars a day. tOOAKTZ MINKS, During Uio .year 1K.U much permanent development ?ork lias been. done, and while it Is .u well-known fact that within a radius d.' ithree miles, Hiking .Sparta as Uie .canter, Uxirc are over one hundred quartz lodgca, all carrying gold, we will only lcribe a few of the most.promlsing The Gold iUdf.o, owned by Capt. Clough and 1 liasobe & Co., undoubtedly stands nt the .bead of the list us not only the best inino lMain, but it will comparts favoru- bly with the best gukli initios in Eastern Oregon. Ovurono thousand feet of devel opment ork.UaB been donu on the Gold Uldgo und.ut(tliu throe hundred foot level, tho deepest .point reached on the ledge, three foet found that will yield ten dollars Ju. freehold to tho ton, and an equal amouut in tho sulphured, easily saved by concentration. Tho Gold Hldgo is now rtndy forn mill. The J)t'l iJonto mine, upon which is standing idle thu most extensive hoisting plant in the county, has donu nothing for it year, but with the roturn of spring we hope to boo activo operations returned. Tho Oro Dell, owned by a Chicago company, will bo extensively worked during tho winter, and, if the quantity of ore will justify, a ten stamp mill, with ull modern improvements, will bo placed on .the property, us tho company has several well-known capital his in Us organization. Tho Oro .Doll will, undoubtedly prove u bullion producer ore he close of 1 SVC, Tho Little Pittsburg mine and mill Is sjiow being Miccossful!.y operated by Mr. John Thomas, who has proven himself ouo of tho most competent r.s well ns economi cal mining men in Eastern Oregon. Under the management of Mr. Thomas the I.tttlo U'ittsL'urrf will again jo-ovo paying iyopo tsition. The Silver Quoen, owned by Dr . ;Uewi;, la under acthe development and several hundred toni of oro will be pluccd cu the .dump ready for treatment In tho xirly spring. The Gold Hill, the tlrst mirth. Wtjiislon of the Gold Jtldge, owned by itapeUe A Lewis. U a wry prumislng misu) and -several tons of oro treated In tho Clough jAnwtra during the summer gave sattnlaotofjr results, and quite a jrooU many tons re ii'mw ou the ore dump wady for treatitut tie coming eaon. The JJary , Ins worth group of inlues, located u the lead of llattle Snake ulch and owBodAiy .Cnpt. Clough, U now under active derdojimeot and the owner tuprctj to cut the wain iluJge with tho tunnel now under couUrUQtlou ubout April I, iW, ,nd If thu wtite .wil justify, a mill will be .built thereon, T,ho Cray Eagle and Union .ifUnei, ownwl hy Clough and Herd, have toa extensively Juvttfoped the past year ,aiid several tbouuind in of high grade ore r now exyoMss1 ituhu wIium mitik to A t liutiJLrt! (arA from (he hot Mm t (UrJr nln hundrad tool Iuhhd), TUt UiMftH (Uie and Wu tilimA, owul 4-y tVt(vrt MlHr ad loyti dvmocrai, Vtl jit rc ut4vMilf Oie mail kHtmUUm hMlMitltm lU MINI), mi wLyJl tho owner a plethoric bank account, but allow him a few hundred for Cleveland nnd Kcform. The Oliie Woodman groupc, owned by the Thomas brothers, Is nicely situated for mining, and where shafts have been sunk, good veins arc exposed and the indi cations are favorable for agoAl paying property. The Red Elephant and l'ough kecpsie, owned by Tug Wilson A Co. litis made a splendid record tho past three months and with tho completion ot their double bed, nine-foot arastra, tho output will rival the product of tho now famous White Swan mine of Uaker county, The Santn I'otre, It. E. Leo, Tom Paine, Free Thinker and Rabbit's Foot arc all promis ing prospects, and only need the touch of j capital to make them good paying mines. Since the death of that pioneer miner, Capt. Milt White, the famous Dolly Varden mine bun suspended operations, but during the summer several carloads ot oro were sent to I'ortland for reduction, and returns show that tho oro paid over $100 a ton, af ter deducting tho necessary expenses. The Dolly Varden is a valuable proposition nnd worthy tho attention of some wealthy syn dlcao. The mines ou J'atldy s creek and also ou Paddy's Paradise, are being worked under u lease, and as these mines in the past have proven rich under the able management of Davis A Dullols, they will certainly be made to pay. Tho Sanger mines owned by the C. T. Bradley Mining Co.. of Milwaukeo Wisconsin, and so ably managed by W. J Townley, the eilicient superintendent, is now beating all past records as n bullion producer. Or tho four hundred-foot level tho ledge is nine feet thick, and has every indication of growing larger, and richer, as thoy go down. This mine has tho most complete as well as the most powerful machinery in Eastern Orcron, and the out put in free gold reaches $12,000 every fifteen days by the dropping of ten stamps, and the value of tho sulphurets sacd by concentra tion eqiiuls in value the free gold, making tho output nearly $1,000 every twenty-four hours, a record hard to beat anywhere in the United States. Several other valuable mines nra found in the Immediate ncighboorhood of Sanger and we are pleased to learn that several of tho owners have pooled their interests, and have completed arrangements for the eon structlon of a ten-stamp Custom mill, ready for operation not later than the IMth e-f May, 1892. Several promising properties have been neglected In this report, but It has been our honest intention to estimate values as wo lind them, and not exaggerto, -is tho over estimation of our mining industry has done much to discourage and disgust capital, and If the honest minors of Sparta today, llko the noble Spartans of old, would rise in their might and throttle and expose three or four illegitimate, dishonest and swiiid ling enterprises, it would do more to mis tain honest and legitimate mining than years of toll as wago workers. Yours respectfully, Two Mixers, i I ! Get You a Home. rBYTTHEl SEA. in i i !W mm m 7 d m K m. THE G-IEZE-A-TIEST SUMMER RESORT On tlie Coast of Oregon. The Sportsman's Paradise. The Gate City of Coos and Curry Counties, AND THE THE FAMOUS COQUILLE VALLEY. The Most PromisiiiK Locality on tho Oregon Coa6t Splendid Harbor hnustiblo Timber Vast Coal Fields Gold, Silver, Iron and Copper Mines Agricultural and Horticul tural Lands. -Incx- lOPPOSITE CENTENNIAL HOTEL.) E. Bowker? - Proprietor. Everything First Class. Terms Very llcasonable. t 'Bus to and Fiom the Depot Making Connexion with all Pass- senger Trains. . fOFFNB mon, -Carries a full line of all kinds of regon, Ik hi Investment in the United S Scenery and Town shown by Photographs Inside Lots only .$ 2a, and up, for a few days more. Most prominent business men in Oregon are investing. Don't neclcct this opportunity to Get you a Home by the Sea. A. J. HACKETT, Manager, Bandon Land Co., Union Oregon Bine Light Saloon. Johnson & Woodard, Props. A CHOICE STOCK OF WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS 0.&W.T.R.R. "The Hunt Line" Always on Hand. good BILLIARD and POOL TABLES. In Connection with the HE- NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILR'D Drop in and be Sociable. Korms the Quickest and Best Route Between Eastern OreROU utul Washington nud I'UKft Hound itolRtK, ns well us thu I'op- umr uuu I'irvci l.lliu (( till POINTS 1HST and SOUTHEAST PULLM7 N SLEEPING CAltS. SUPEKH DINING. CA11S, and Fit EE SECOND CLASS SLEEPEKS Thrmich to Chicago via this I.lno. l'asveiiKcr Trains of this ('omimny nro nnuilmr DAYTON, WAITSBUKG, "WALLA WALLA, WASH., and PEN DLETON, OH., MukJiiL' rloho cimnt'i'tinn lit llnntv ln, I vim jyiriiiuni menu iruinn ior Iiicoium,. S'nttU eo, bpniL'ue, CJienoy, l)nvunMrt, Sixikano Kulls, ilutte, Helena, M. t'anl, lliiniaiolls. AND ALL POINTS HAST. Main street, UNION, OREGON. 4 iQiHin pitv nnrnnm M. 4 M. Co. TOLmifu mil, DiiLuuif; Harvesting Machinery and Agricultural Implements, Traction Engines and Vibrator Threshers. will sell as cheap as any dealer in tho valley. 3-20-tf J OB PRINTING! "1 he facilities having been increased by the addition of a fine assortmcM of new type and a large invoice of the finest papers and material, is now better prepared to execute THE FUSTIEST WORK on short notice. Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Shipping Tags, , Legal Blanks, Posters, Constitutions, Call at once if you want anything in tho way of Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Society Cards, Receipts. Visiting Cards. Tickets, Wedding Cards, Statements Ball Programs, By-laws, Briefs. DEALERS IN I'iismMIL-it Trnlns imiV-lnir ulmi'u - - " " " VllllkVlWHD ii'iiui rciuueiou tinny ac 7: lU p. m. Genera Merchandise! Hast Through Tickets Sold to all Points at thu Lowest Rates. W. F. WAMSLEY. (icn'l Kr't mid l'uss'Kr Akciii, Walla Wiilln, Wu.h, Q. W. HUNT, rrt-sldont nnd (icn'l Mhuhkit. U.J DKACON, Ticket Afc-vnt. Union, OroRon. DRIVER & MARTIN, 1 Blad'sitliiM AND WAGON WORK. l'ar ml uttcutlou xld to ShociiiR Trotting Horses, In- terfennff and Contracted I?eet a Specialty. hUt. MtluH., t'Hlou.OrvMl, W00I) WAKTKI).--'M1 iMlHHs'la Hjr 0Hr lubMuMi tu tUU uir H MH H4V m, 7'17'IF. Ag Tho t'omnnnv will liercnftor carry a full and oonipleto stock of ricultiiral Imptements. This ilcpartmont will bo under the management of Mr. Kllpatrick. 2-19-V- THE M. & M. Co. The Centennial Hotel, Union, Oregon! A. J. COODBROD, - Proprietor. KecoKiilicd by nil ai the Leading Hotel of Eastern Oregon! riHK LAKUK lAMI'I.K MOUMM Yr IU Amih4Uh or CWMrUI Tr.vtltr. UJ1AKQKH KKAHONAHI.K, PRICES REASONABLE. pPSatisfaetion Guitranteed in Every Instance. Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to. Address; THE OREGON SCOUT, Union, Oregon. r Thomson & Purscl nro nsronts for tho celebrated Uyclono WiiulMill, nnd ns mo prices on tucm navo been great ly reduced thoy nro now within the reach of nil. Samplo mill to bo seen at their planer in North Union. Call and examine it. Scientific American Anencv for UNION CITY HOTEL, L. J. Boothe, Propr. Opposlto the Court House, Union, Oregon. Having again aisumoj control of this popular houje, I cordially fuvite the public to give rae a call. Tables Furnished with the Best the Market Affords. JXtlif- Kvtr,h,,,B ulwl-BUJ Meals, p Cer.cs. Beds, Cents. None hut while rook rroplofed, MMf. SAL JjX lVl Hood A f will Mai Hue at mrichaiut U, No 1's.l ywr turtber lutar laatiuo a44r i j 1 Win Vfcn Hurra M., Cbltlto,' , i : : HE TRADE MARKS. DESIQN PATENTS COPYRIQHT8. etc. ti vv"0.11 S.d'rco Handbook write to Slu tor aocurlne patenU In America. fhfS.Kiy?1 out tr u brooch t before the public by a notice clreu frco ol charge In Uie Sf mntiftt Mtitm STSfrt 1 BiSSI5H.1n .lu,T denUfle paper In tbo PATENTS Obtained, and all Patent Iluslness attended to Promptly and for Moderate Fees. Ourolllre Ig nimnsllA iU IT u,t Otllce. and we can obtain Patents In less tlmo than those remote from Wmnim.inii Send MOUKLor DltAWfKO w .t. as to pantentablllly free of charce; and we 8EUUKKI) We refer. ht.r. in ! i,.....i. .1.. Bn u. of Money Order I)iv and to officials o,i,'eV,H' 'ntomcc, Vot circular, adTlce, terms and relTerenres to actual ell' enu In your own Htatc or County, writ to 0. A. SNOW ft Co., OmxwIu Patent 0c, WmLImIam. I), a