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About The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1891)
111 I It Hum t t!iu iiniirjmi 1 rr "iimsiibw""" t f . r-rr 11111 1111 111111 1 n 1 1 1 iiiai irrrrrnaTM 1 1 1 mmii tTrptrtinr,l """" 1 iijijijBmjii iiiitiiijoiiMLi.-stwt-. r - VTraaraBiuaifcU ?''!!!.l ' - r ' . , ! ii "va 1 Si TUUKSDA.Y, DEC. 31. 1891 I . j ' ' iiif mil ngl'iiij Ol v til THE VALE OF ORAHDE IIONDE 11 ritlen for THE oi i. O! tn mi "i the Amies, ami heart nf the Als, Aii-I nil loveil Yale that iu this v.orlrt mill-- Tin i' l.i'i.rt in the wet that will rival your liciilili. v.mlth n 1 beauty, the Vale of i.nili.ll' Untitle. t .mi.'i en ii htiL.1 ' orerlookiiijr the Vale A ( liicitnii! beside m- v. lo told me thin tale -laiuir rnrii t - (urefatheri eamc lirn 'ij; l in-k the fiie o'er inniintnlii I -i t s'T lln. i "Hi. i-i e'l on the . In it emerald sneon, Tli- niirci-t iiml brlui.tcst the Tribe e'er hail The lout: shiniiiK KTHsi- "'or inulow iiml lea Itclk'il in the soft breeze like a nave on the icn. "The anteloiie. elk, lu m bison nud ilcor, Mink, otter inul beaver by thousauilg were lure. Tin- iM-foivl by millions Mvnnnwl ovor each A Jul they crieit 'Itow-eo-loca' the shining erasa Vale." Years after the Voyaceura from Ottawa came. They saw Uh hrlpht river debouch on the ilain Drink o benlth to the flower, the shrub and the Then make a grand iiwocii 011 Us inareh to the K'll. Hk pure lnonntHiu streams shone bright on the seono, . . . ,, Fringed by Ioiir ribbons of dark 01 vo irreen And theverled "llenu jesnul" 'tis the falrei-t vafe found." . , . Kaeh wild Trapper's heart with joy pave a bound , , ,, , . And they named the Krcen Jewel the itle of Orandc Hondo. Thussiioko the bold mouiitaliiK that tower in the east: "Dark spirits of earth from the hiKhest to least Come upend your wild rat?" on our (summits of hium'i ... To the heart of our highlands you never must go.' Come Storm KIiik anil-rage with your hail, rain nud Hiiow, Krora Tacoma's broad base to far Idaho Yc reil forked lightnings come give ua your shocks, I'lay o'er our pale faceH, gleam ilown our gray locks. Ye deep rolling thunders pile mountains of snow Prom steep, dizzy nights to our glenB far below Ye dark groveling Gnomes in the caverns of eHrth . , . . , Your trembling, earth-shaking dynamics bring forth. When urgently pressed we may move at, your quest , , , And bow chcIi proud crest to your forces below To the heart of our highlands you never shall go. Ye dark rolling winds that are bred on the plains Ye shatter weak man and his puny domains Ctmie try our bold sides all lieaten and lame, We'll soon hurl you back to the land whence you eame. You can rage at the east nud roam to and fro, To the heart of our highland you never must go. Come on gaunt disease from dark river and fen, Ye rabbles of beasts and ye fevers of men. Come all ve dark clouds of old Pharaoh's pests, Microbe and fromite come on w ith the rest. I'ass o'er If vim will, there's nothing to dread, Hro vim reach our fair vale your forces are dead. The ozone tliatdistills fiom her ever green hills, Ilai'teiia and vermin, all. Instantly kills You eiui range o'er the plain and the vales ler below, To the heal t of our highlands you never shall go. lint O! for the genius, the spirit and power To limn the fair vale In her palmiest hour, Whon the sun's just kissing the. low purple hills Ami n silver lined cloud each bright globule fills. Kven uroji seems a sphere of pure silver or gold, Tlii' ei.iblems of wealth her llluo mountains hi. Id, The millions ami milions her granites enfold. I.i ml. 11 1 '.1 ml ' every leaf, blade, hilltop and llow-.r U n r.iinb.iu of light in Hint magic, hour Tbv bird uWIl omen waved ovor tliu icone, Hut uliere's his dark plume and Ills alinilowy WlUff? I hoard a harsh votoe as he cleaved through the Hi. w a ha'to of llsrht no ruveu wan there. A lull, rustic lout came ahnmbloing by II untlug hie horses, his oxen and by. IleMkl: "Till theae pbigiieing, vexed raintx. s are gone 1 never cau tell a hoof or a horn." Yi't the vale fur a time hail illumed that dull vrlxbt T It he glowed 011 my sight like a spirit of light. Hut that bright rclguof beauty never could last u! i.Mlefl. away as the ilayltght passed. IMftri i nne from you Ion, dark rtvoror mart. iu 'in 1e1fry inspirit, mind, body or heart ? ILut to,-in-.'.'ui day audita sweltering nUrht I utrii,ii tvery nerve and banished delight ? LbMlQWn take your rest the vale guards her neatfl. Tli.- lays of her dells nud the nymphs of her sticams Will watch o'er nur kluinbeni aurt guide to blight dreams, Dl. ;j you come for a 4jay? wtioli longer you'll Mil J, While the light lauu'hlng inomeuUgo dancing away (in seek the loved 11 U- in this greell world so lair Where the "Ilrightui.terx meet" to the Vale of liulnure, Search the I'artherest t.inge aud the isles of the son For the fairest uml bngheat, wherever it be, I'll rival its splendors, heiever its found, In this lllue mountain Identity tlio Yale of i'. Itfliidc. K. C. llH.UNi.Hli. y . 1 . v &u MET'kra mess ifSKj 1 1 j i i S3 I ""''"iJj ' " J.I. CASE'S -JUs n i SULKY, n- j ,. FULL LINE of UL-h i j WALKING, ( mgsm It Si plows. WWJ gang, .--V o 9 u-r .-in est I rwnrv xiTTW5f 9 I .m I 6 HHHH COWTENTMENT. Written tor The Scour. i Tlwnlli. wae on ml Life's bouudteac ocean ' 'rlin das lies lieren" i.'4.iin-t my brew touifht! I Tb ea 1- siu(otii i '..cir once thare was com i.Hiiiiiii. Whd- there or.- i i .1-. the sky hturmidh , lirilu. ' Tin.- w m i- that sp'i .in I in- Uitl with ill sola- i HUM r. ii'ilul win, .1.1 ii. H'ln d niHin tin-iiast : Ui-iii.iise i niiies 111.,, mi' ar-ei, nor luilicutulloii, I l.ii.ui: t.u- peaci nn'. iiiu'il n Ixivc to last. Tli,'' m--v i.lur i- 1 '-I l il.tmb foi-sdken viul in v r'ml stH' ih i li -iu- nil the lulu: Tin- i .i ! is i i 'Usji i In iiuniili nun Joy .:rv stiuk- n. llu '!."! Ii. 'i i , ;i I ll.'i, I ii' i pni u -- ' ' - nun ktsi I I - Hi i in" i-lul! I..,,. It 1 1 i.l . . .1. ' i Hup 1 1 ii. 'ei i- nil. I thil' i .I Iu r K-n II chain. i i Hei.rvr '. lsioii ' - . mitiilil helglil . ii i 'h pns l.-lilU, i. ;i ig iirfht. .. i. L'.i imth's! aseeii-ioii i mi. bile's uikhuusileMi III, l i I inn in Ibill;. iv Hit ' :,u-:iliii:i I nr low H.t trulli ,v u i ' riillil Uieu senru lii 1 ml, I still ids iuv ! It 1 1 i III ih'iu. ) Faith i i:- mil, eternal uiiimiiou - I.Utlt 11 Itilll lllV ii "ll Wit ill-t IxtVV ii.u Ii im! Mnii.i it in.! wide, tir in i le Mini's eiikiuu, W "uui our Ui l I j MUliiberlUK hiuaau ktlHl ItK'u.m itxis lit rvuis. IS1UN Hil.l.lAHli ll.l.I.. Tlili iiltifltt of uiiitiACineiit wu oiioilUil to tlio imblto u fvw iihuuIis uu in tlio rtitjtaunuit l)iiiklln ojtpoeit tlio Oan-' lunniiiJ liotW, bv MiNwrt. Kulitiy it j H)lilroi but 1m 4iuh uLmukwI to I &iuliite & Yutvwll. M Ktlmy IiiiriiiK i oki ki itttoxt u (J) Vwwyjr. ! Maikj. Kitiifti Vowill v4iiyrtno, iIoc L iinift'iuii t) , t tgtu mimI all kiltii ! khiu-mI tlnuL. ikHIiIiim q( mi mil tliaUnK nutuii I , nig MilT t lui' a t'lul' '! iu tin Mai I u I'i I ill.illl lai 4J J(jl , 1 It. .1 1 Ii 11 1 ),.' .11 .1 . it Uoosier Drill Go's Celebrated s xn. Press Drills. Hoe Drills, Seeders. ;:;'RQSpEED ' ' BESjN THe jpHP tp!j - i iuKiuwM.-uiniaaiwwlIOTiagwiu.w iwwwwww.ww..".."""1"" .iwwritiMMW..J.iii-'""i" STEEL FRAME j RUNNING HEADERS (H " "i I M M a" jinn n ri 1 i h i -1 - -1 iiu iiii) 1 imnii i " I i i n m m iimra H n i m 1 1 1 - r - f " -Z - f m j mmmmmmmmmm M'lllti U tlio Pyramid whitli iu tubulin I uiunl 111-1. iti.i in . m I m. ,, . n 1 .n ,mJ (, j,r, tout. Mm lmiluiiMiU 4tli wliloh tli l'nmr kutf Pi jia"l ui' 11 '' " ! "' 1.1. ; . ,. u, . :. n, - "inn 4 Kyunnyiu ..f 4 llliitrwl KixJ Tiitt simI Abuijiimtl llapii , ' .un.u.i u ! inii - Kl at at. m a & ' STAVER & WALKER nrM 1. nil I xriiRj 'aster mpi mne'" itlons jat ciiJ t its oJ that v hich 1 haractr counti meil w i 00 muj vho shl cr uiitl the sJ ligl.til respli ic u fal V-ktl .us 1! In I id 1, Pi I 1 5 4 i-ti- L ! ill ! I I j f !