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About The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1891)
' , .-VOIi VIII. iivrnv. nijuark-vr .mi'iniC - .mm wi- Iv i THE MINES OF TELOCASET. A Disinterested Party ViBlts Them and Gives His Opinion. Tklocasei, Oregon, Dec. 21st, l.S'JI Editoii Scout: I enclose you a conv of n letter I received from Mr. Downey," after 1 I. . .! ! I . I .... - uuvuiK visucu me "ijntes-Kllis ' ledce at Telocasct. By his permission I semi you a copy, which you might find appropriate ioryour sew Year's edition. Mr. Downey is a practicable miner of over 3o year s exptnence, ami is known in min ing circles In Oregon, California and Xc vada. Not being interested in any of the mines of this locality or Tnion county, his spin. ions nave greater stgnllicencc than were they from interested parties. The "Big Ledge," as we call it (which Is the Cates-Ellls) is the rock ot the character of Bnlsley Elkhorn ore, and that resemb ling the Cracker Creek ore is a new llnd Which I discovered a few days ago, and is trom loo to 300 feet wide, and crops out over one-halt mile. Yours truly, ' AV. A.Cates. Baker City, Oregon, Dec. 18th, 1891. A brief visit to tlio recent discoveries at Telocaset, took your visitor about two miles southwest of said station, close to the banks of Powder river. My fewltnes will givo but an Incomplete description of the magnitude and extent of this now mineral district, but I have no dpubt that before long a more able mineral ogist, and a more eloquent pen, will describe to the outside world the nature and composition of this prospective "Treadwell" No. 2. To call these discoveries a ledge, or even a true fissure, would do them but little justice; it is actually a big deposit, nay, a mountain of gold and silver bearing rock the former predominating. At the present writing 1 am unable to tell the exact values of this ore body, but if it carries but one-tenth of tho mineral that quite reliable assays claim for it, a future awaits this great camp, second to none west of the great divide. Attempts have been made to discover the walls enclosing this enormous deposite but in vain. It extends from a minimum width of about 50 feet, to a maximum, where the GOO foot end lines of quartz loca tion are not broad enough to contain it within Its boundaries. The rock is not un like Cracker Creek rock, In many places, while in others you could not tell the differ ence from llalsley's Elkhorn ore, assays ranging from $15.50 to $160 per ton. As already mentioned, nothing that can properly be called walls has been found, but suifaco indications point to tho fact that this deposite is confined between gran ite of a reddish cast, and porphyry. About 15 locations have been made so far, De velopement work is progressing favorably, and in a fow month:, if all Indications are not treacherous, this camp will astonish natives and foreigners alike. Yours Respectfully, Akchie Downey, Sr. THAT BIO POTATO. More Facts Concerning the Prize Others Should Compete r Editor Scout: I am just in receipt of a letter from Wm. Henry Muule, the great seeds man of Philadelphia, Pa., and quote, the following from his letter, that your many readers interested in farming may sco that with a little exertion and t,lie uso of tho best varieties of garden seeds the soil and climate of Union county will not only produce tho very best varieties of all agricultura prod ucts, but by honest competition wo not only advurtiso our cmmtiy and its resources, but we can win tho prizes, etc. Mr. Maulo's loiter Bays : Bkn Longley, New Bridge, Or. Dear Sm t It gives me pleasure to inform you that your Freeman Potato was the best received in competition for the cash prize offered in my 1891 catalogue, consequently you will find enclosed herewith draft No. 2980 on the Third National Bank of this city, .Philadelphia, for one hundred dollars, amount of said premium. I will slato that myeolf and several .neighbors will make an extra effort 'next season to capture more of Mr. Maule'fl cash prizes, and invito the whole Pacific coast' to buy Maulo's needs for tho next year, particularly Eastern Oregon, and compete wiUi us oyal Baking Powder Has no Equal. The United States Official Report Ol' the Government Baking Powder tests recently made, under authority of Congress, by the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, furnishes the highest authoritative infor mation as to which powder is the best. The Official Report shows the ROYAL superior to all others in leavening power; a cream of tartar powder of highest quality. The Canadian Tests: tc 1 The strength of the Royal is shown to be 23 per cent, greater than any other. "As a result of my investigations I find the Royal Baking Powder far superior to the others. It is pure, contains none but whole some ingredients, and is of greatest strength " F. X. Valade, "Public Analyst, Ontario, " Dominion ,' (.'tiii(la." KETUCKY LIQUOR STORE CORNER MAIN AND B STREETS, A. WOOD & CO., Proprietors. . Carry -a Full Line of AND CIGARS,, Solo Agonts for the Celebrated ' JESSE MOORE BRAND OF WHISKEY. Good Billiard TaBle for trie Accommodation of Customers. HALL BROTHERS. -DEALERS IN- 1 mini 1 hi iiiwih Tobaccos and Cigars, School Books, Stationery and Canned Goods, llay, Grain and Lumber. New Year's Ball. Bucklen'a Arnica Salvo. Hiram Lodge, No. 07, A. F. it A. M. : thkHkktHai.vV.1u tho world for Cute. Ilrnla- of Summcrville, will givo a public ball j ex, Sores, Ulcers, SuURhcum, Fever Soros, Tct- in their now hall in .SuiinncrvUle on New Ycar'H eve, for the benefit of the order. All are especially invited to at tend. TicketH, including mippcr, $2.50. Supper will lo nerved up stairs in tho new hall, under the (supervision of the order. Done bv order ol coininmec. N. O. McLeod, E. B. Mohhlock, 12-S-w4 J. M. Hallo aiitii. Eagle Valleyites or 1 ne prc at M lentn, tZ J Parlor, Union, Oregon, where you can Xr ihoinl have talked get a full net of 'teeth for nix do liars. ' seeds of all Call and tec for yotireoii. iu-wi MnuUV varieties tho very bet offered in the Cuslck, of the poHt office storo, iharket. and hearlily recommend them . , to Hlinonnce that she will null 16 our friend, neighbor- and llie puo- of HK)ks a,i uottoim , hy, generally, "uffiv. 1 ut coat between nowand Jan. lit. tcr, Chupicd Hands, Chilblain, Corns nnd nil Skin KruptloiiH, nnd positively cures Plica, oil 110 pay required. It in guaranteed to give )cr fect satisfaction, or money refunded. 1'rleo Z'i ceuts per box. For snlo 11 1 Hrovn'n drug store, Union, Oregon. " BUSINESS DIRECTORY. LEVY Merchandise, groceries nnd pro- XV. and 1 mercantile line. visions, boots, shoes, tints, runs, clothing and a well selected stock of everything lu tho A J. GOOnilltOIl-Tho Centennial Hotel, leading homo of Ksitcm Oregon. Hoard and lodging 11 1 reasonable rales. A WOOD A CO. Kentucky Lienor Bit. line wines, liquors and cigars. Hole agent for tho Jesse Mooro liquors. A M. 1'KLHAM Homa-pathlc physician and iV. surgeon. Children's diseases a specialty. Ofllce at the Dim residence, North Union. BENSON HKOH.-Clty Meat Market, lleef, iork, vral, wuttou, sausage aud cured weals. Main streevt, L'ulou, Oregon. 11 K. WtpON-AUorney at law and notarv U. public. Oillce, Main street, near the bridge. p VINCENT-City Hoot nnd Shoe store. V . Ljidles mid gent's line boots and shoes, gent furnishing good. Mnln street, Union Oregon. ' pOKKiNlllflsilYt TuSK-ItTcnrrtl TilaTk. brld"t" " "" Mnl" Mrcct,l,,r"o"hc DVf' DEERING-Physician nnd Surgeon. A "1.1'0.. 1,1 rcsidenco one door west of right s hull. v DRIVER A MARTIN- lUncksmtths, Horse shoeing nnd repairing nnd nil kinds of work tlono on short notice. DCOREY-Crttorion saloon. Fine wii liquors and cigar. One door south of Cenleuiilal hotel. lies, I lie 10 S. NO'tTH-ltcsIdcnt dentists. Oillce, lld third door north of thu Cententnl hotel. 1j J. COUPER .Money to loan on real estate lJ securities. Olllco nciir.tho bridge. 1?I- KIDDLE-Llvo Stock Denier. Highest XU cash price paid for ft cnttlo nnd hogs" nnd 11 street!). REMILLARI) A cq.-Mnnufncturera of AU Montreal Stomnch lHtterH. fnm Mnin ITdltST NATIONAL DANK-Oeo. Wright, l'res V , identi W.T.Wrlsht, Cnshler. lhWa gen oral bnukiug business. GJhO. IlAinD-nrIety and fnncy goods, T school books, stntlonury, tobacco, cigars mid ennued gools. Ouo door north of tho Cen tcnuliil hotel. rTUc.n- JOHNSON-Unlou Tonsorlal Parlors.. mi sl,lnvl"S 1,nlr dressing and shnrtinoolng. Mnin street. HHJ'ii WiyOHT-Klkhom l.Ivcry, Feed nnd fcnle Stable, near tho court housu. Good Horses nnd buggies for hire nt rcnsounble rates. HALL imos.-Varlcty aud fancy goods, school books, stationery, tobacco and ci gars, canned goods. 1 I. nm:K0'V.V?.I'!r;1.,ll-KCiati and surgoou. Olllco with It. Kuklii, Main street. JOHNSON A WOODAKD-Illuo Light saloon. tf Uno wines, Uquora. nnd cigars, bllllniUa and pool. Malu street, dnion, Oregon. .V JVIT,I,0,MSO-u,nIol 1'lnning nnd Chop tl Mill. Lumber dressed to ordor. l!,ipr. taker. JOS. KKIIJIEUT Merchant Tailor, fj inmlo to order from the best of goods, street. 0 Suits Main JOHN JOIINSON-IllnckHmlth. Horseshoe O Iiiguud rejialrlng and nil kinds of bluck-sinlthiug. JONIvb IIKOS. Photographers and Portrait Puiuters. Interior and exterior views and all kinds of photogxnplc work done. Gallery 011 C street. J T M.JOHNSON-CltyllarberKhop. Shavinc, tj . hnlrcimiug und sbnmpobiug. Malu street. OHN P. MILLEU-Illuo Light Ueatau rant. Meals nt all hours. Dread, cakes and pics for Bale. Main street. A. HELL House painter, paper hanger, decorator and sign writer. LJ. IIOOTHK-Unlon City Hotel, opposite the courthouse. Meals nnd beds 'J3c each. fllS. L. II. KINKHAHT Millinery and In iTt dies furnishing goods, ulso ladles,' misses' and children's shoes. M. artist. J. IlEKITAGE-SIgn writer, houso painter, piil;i iiuiiKer nun iieeornior. BKClCIl fcMILLAN A GIGNAC-lIouso polutors, pa 11 L per hungers, sign writers and decorators. a o. V. DELL Convcynnccr nnd abstractor. Searcher of records and notary public. P. JAYCOX Gcuaral merchandise, dry wwilM- llnt h Inrr f.rttl-firi- ttrnui-lau n...l provisions. Mulu street, Union, Oregon. H. DUOWN-City Drug Store.-Pnlnts, oil, . glass and putty, school books, stationery and wall paper. Corner M11I11 nnd A streets. KAKIN Attorney (it law. Special atten tion given to ull liuslncss entrusted. Of llce Main street. S HELTON A CAIUIOLL-Attoriicys nt law. Will practice In all tho courts of Eastern Oregon. Olllco Main street. SC. MILLER Furniture, sash, doors, blinds, moulding, picture frames, carpets, bed ding, etc. Main street, Union, Oregon. (JUMMER8 A LAYNE Stoves, tin nmi hard O ware, miners' supplies. Solo agents for the Charter Oak stoves. C D. WILLIAMB-Grocerics and provisions, O. confectionery, tobacco and cigars. One door north of Driver A Martin's blacksmith shop, Mulu street, I nlou, Oregon. rpilK OREGON SCOUT An Independent Jour X nal Issued every Thursday morning. Sub scription price, f 1,'jU n year. pill: EASTERN OREGON REPUIILICAN 1. Published every Thursday by I J, and M. '. DuvIk. Subscription price, I.M) it year. rp H. CRAWFORD Attorney at law, Ofllce i. near tho bridge, Main street. rpHE MISSES 1,0 HA AND LEAH WARREN I Millinery and ami fancy goods. Corner Main ami and A streets, rpilE OREGON MILLS-WrlgbtADavis llros., 1. proprietors. Flour, bran nnd shorts. NION ROLLER MILI-B-Hutehlnsou llros., proprietors. Flour, bran and shorts. "TJI- Wilson Cornucopia saloon, Kino II wines, li'iuors and cigars, also billiard tables. Corner Main und A streets, Union, Or. "IV i. HEIDLEMAN Hurness and saddles, 11 saddlery hardware, robes, whips, etc. Mulu street. WT E. HOWKEH-Commcrclal Uvcry and 11 Feed Stable. litis to and from the depot to connect with all trains. irM- KEILHOCK --Ilojt aud shoemaker. Ro- ptlrlng. Shop at Vincent's Hoot and Shoo Storo. AintlfiHT A DAVIS IIROS.-Geueral mef ehaudUc, groceries and iirovlslon, stoves, tin ami Imnlwure. Corner Main and A slrectir "VrO'A'KI.L A bQUIRKH i.ulon Hllllsrd Hall. 1 Confectionery and all kinds of teiuHrtir drinks. Malu strret, Uulou, Orvgou. fniUtlliK ilottii thf lit ll 1 -( II I, .11 I.. ill 1 1 . I. ' W . , lllll lltl bill Will lllnll.l ,f It! I u .1 IflllUlk llf wilu 111 tin.' ' ut I In l.u'i ()Ul.l Jjrch )ernl ou 1 r p tho; irtiol II I a hi mi t ni'lllif Ut . ... niuiiir report wan upouuil in i uiimhI him i ; tlu city ubout 11 yi-ai iigu by Mur- mining cur (nriunr Jc.iiii.i.ii A ViMnliinl, win 1110 now In nisllv di'soivcs 1