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About The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1891)
THUHSDAY, DEC. 24, 1SSU. UNION PACIFIC TIME TABLE No. 1 Fast Mini, est 7:ft5p in. No. 7 Pacific hxpress. wt 58 a. m. No. 2 Fast Mall, Knst No. 8 Pacific Exfire-j'. East. ll.Ma.m. 11:00 p. ro. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. A Paragraphic tteoord ol nocaut napjMm infs In sad Around the City. Closing out at cost, at the jwst office store. 12-3-4vr For lino job printing t-all at The Scout oflicu. Considerable sickness iu Una vicinity at present. The boat job printing can be procured at this ollice. Dr. North is permanently located at Union, Oregon. ll-U)-tf O. Lis Sage made Tun Scour a sub stantial call Tuesday. See the line display of silverware in A. X. Gardener's window. All correspondents should send in a good letter early for our next issue. W. T. Martin and wife and Mrs. Wis dom, of Park, were in Union, Monday. See the fine display of school Iwoks and supplies in Hall Bros.' window.. For the latest styles in fine millinery, and dress goods, call on Mrs. Itinehart. Chas. II. Elliott and Maggie M. Gallo way were married at Elgin on the 13th hist. The court house and jail are being plumbed, which will be a great conven ience. Every family is in need of a good cook book. You can get it free of charge at Levy's. Fine Webster's dictionaries given away at Levy's store. Call and see how it is done. Issue Bowman, of Sanger sent in this week and renewed his subscription to Tin: Scout. 1). C. Fisher, of the Cove, made Tin: Scouk office a pleasant and substantial visit, Friday. For school books and supplies call on Geo. Baird, one door north of the Cen tennial hotel. Seventy-five head of horses to trade for cattle, grain or land. M. H. Pnv, Union, Oregon. 11-19-lm Kemeiubcr that Hall Bros., as usual, have a full and complete stock of school supplies for sale. All the latest styles in millinery goods, trimmings and ladies' fancy goods, at Mrs. Uineliurt's. John Tinkham was in the city, Tuos day, from Sanger, aftor a load of sup plies for the mines, Another car of cedar shingles just recejved by Hall Bros.' Buy them. They are the cheapest. Every one should buy a few copies of the New Year edition of Tnr. Scptn' and send them to friends in the east. Mr. Belle Brasher, of La Grande, is in Union, at the Ixxlsido of her mother, Mrs. Seamans, who is quite sick. A fine line of plush albums, dressing cases, perfumery, etc., at Brown's drug store. All nice Christmas presents. Ties are being laid on the branch road between this city and thodopot, and it is expected that the cars will soon bo run ning. J. C. Christiansen, of Elgin, shipped a carload of milch cows to Seattle, Tues day of last week, and S; L. Brooks, of Sand llidgo, shipped a carload of fat hogs the same day. Mr. W. H. Usher, our efficient deputy sheriff, took his departure last Wednes day for his home in Eagle valley, for a few weeks rest and recreation. "Uncle Bill" has been confined to the office pretty close for the past eighteen months and is deserving of a little rest. The freight and ticket office at tho depot has been moved to this city and is located in tho building adjoining Shel ton & Carrol's office. Persons desiring to purchase tickets or having business connected with freight matters must now call at the Union office instead of tho depot. Mr. Ellis has moved with his family to one of tho residences on Second street, built by P. M. Coffin. Joseph Munaudaus, of Baker City, has sued the Portland Oregonian for libel, asking $50,000 for damages. That paper apoko of Manaudau s aa a Frenclrcstau rant keeper and gambler," and stated that the chargo of embezzlement against Edwin Hardy grow out of a mining deal in which Manaudaus and Hardy woro interested. To bo thus placarded about the country seriously wounds tho feel ings of tho plaintifL Tho statement about embezzlement matters is said to lo wide of mark, and ho seeks redress. Charles Hinckley, tho indcfatigablo minor and story writer of Telocasot, was somewhat surprised lust Wednes day morning, when ho wont to hitch up ... I.! , . I . . ...1. ...... 4r. rrr; . . , , , i . j i bo found. Ho looked high and low, but i with no success", Suddenly he roinom ., ,.. .... t lwrud that he hud Imnih to Union tho day before, with the wugon, and accor dingly took tho road in u dog trot. AUiut half way luttwoen home und town ho found tho pnxllgul wagon tiro, lying ubout twenty feet from the roud. Char ley nays thuy will have u dunce ill Telo uuuut, UlirUinuK, just th name if nothing had liuppoued, A Merry Christum- I . ah: Holiday jruols at Hall Bros. Knbber boots mid ovmhoee at Vin- cent' H. L. Daughcnty, of the Cove, was in the city Tuesday. Rev. A. I A3 Hoy, of La Grande, was in the city Tuesday. t Mrs. 8. M. Seaman has been qnile sick for the past week. Jack Oliver is on a visit to relatives and friends iu Summerville. Airs. Stocum, of Baker City, is visiting friends and relatives in Union. ( A few more articles suitable for pres ents will be found at Haird's variety store. J?. D. William-;, the grocer, is enjoy ing a very good trade. He is selling , goods very cheap. Bead the ad. of A. J. Hackett, in this issue, lie has some rare bargains in Brandon property. j Mrs. K. B. Hill, of Fairhaven, is in i Union on a visit to her parents. Mr. : and Mrs. E. 11. Lewis. The merrv jingle of the sleigh bell could be heard on our streets this week ! Not very good sliding, however, j Be sure and call at Dr. North's denta parior, union, uregon, where vou can ! get a full set of teeth for six dollars ! Call and see for yourself. 10-1-tf i James Driver, the blacksmith, lias gone to Sanger to work during the win- I tor, having accepted a position with the ! Bradley Mining company Ladies, call and see the magnificent stock of new millinery goods just re ceived direct from New York, at Mrs Kinehart's millinery store. Brown's annual "Holiday Druggist" has made its appearance. It is a seven- column folio paper, filled with choice matter, and is distributed gratuitously Don't get a set of teeth that will rattle around in the mouth. Go and get perfect fitting set at Dr. North's dental parlor, Union, Oregon. 11-19-tf Marriage licenses have been issued to the following parties since our last re port: T. .1. Tolly and llattie Myriek; T. W. Curry and A. E. McDulTe; II. H Leep and Grace II. Boyles. Get some of those superb satin finish photographs at Jones Bros.' gallery. Their work is not surpassed anywhere. Pictures taken as well or better in cloudy weather than when it is clear. The brick building adjoining tho bank is being fitted up preparatory to movin the post office therein. The change will be made about the first of January, when Mr. Iiaymond takes charge of the office Tjie Scoit job office has just turned out, during the past week, an order for 10,000 statements and !i,000 letter bends for one linn, besides other work. Don't forget thnt you can get first-class work and at reasonable rates. The subject at the Presbyterian church next Sublmth will be: 11 a. in., "How to know whether Christ came to the world, and whether the Christian doctrine is true." 7 p. in., "The com mon school and tho Bible." Our old friend Joseph Yowell, of Pyle canyon, is reported to bo very sick, suf fering from a complication of lung diseases. Dr. Biggers of Baker City has been called to seo him. We are in hopes that Mr. Yowell will soon recover. Mr. Goodhrod, of the Centennial hotel, has had his dining room and ollice repapered and calsomined this week, which makes a decided improvement in tho appearance of things. The work was done by James Bell, the painter. AVe neglected to mention last weok that Gus D. Johnson had moved his har bor shop to the building two doors north of Hall Brother's store, where ho will be found comfortably located ready to servo his customers in batter shape than ever. For tho benefit of those who have sent in money lately on subscription, requesting receipts, wo will say, they will bo forwarded in a short time. We havo been very busy tho past few weeks with our New Year edition and nro bo hind with our correspondence. Messrs. Kelloy and Kelsay, of the Cove, will give a grand New Year's ball at AVright's hall, Cove, on Now Year's eve, Dec. 31st. Tickets, including sup per at Mrs. A. J. Foterss', $2.50. Music will bo furnished by Prof. James' orches tra. A grand time is expected. All are cordially invited to attend. Every indication now points to tho certainty that early spring will witness the beginning of active work all along tho lino of tho Seattle, Boise & Salt Lake railway. Chief Engineer Mix is already in tho Held with a party of men survey ing a lino for the proposed road. East Oregonian. Tho Scientific American, referred to in another column, under tho head of "Pat- i onts," is tho very Intst publication in ' this country for those interested iu j science, engineering, mechanics, Invon I tions, etc. A copy of tho Scientific 1 American mav lo seen at tho office of this pujwr, whore sulcription will bo , , ruveivuiii Bon Ingloy, of Huglo Valley has ro- cut von mo um pruu o i mu largest and boat potato rulsed Iu the United Stute. The prize wan olnirul by Win. II. Mantle, I'lilludiilphlu, Tkuro were a largo number of W)iiiMitltOM lmt none could compuru with the Union ooiiuty prodimt, Hurrah I for Kk1u vul ley. i ,i . i i rA :rocK fob otieook. Tltt Ren SV. and Purcham of L. B. Hon. I.. 1). Rinehart, o Union, Ore gon, who ?hipied about 175 horse here from Oregon over three month? ago, has nearly closed out hi? Oregon stock and ; expects to leave for his home in a few , day. Hie stay here has been prolonged , on account of being no market for i horses ami encii hard times for money. i Mr. Rinehart will take threw fine young . tacks back to Oregon, also five of the ! best bred young stallions in Tennessee One is the famous saddle stallion, Bob Hal, Jr., of Marshall county, lie is a model horse, five vears old, with flno form and style, and is closely relnted to Brown Hal, Hal Pointer, Buy Tom and many of the greatest speed horsos of the present day. He also has Uugg C, two years old, raised in Marshall county by McAdains brothers. He is one of tho finest bred colts in Tennesee, leing a cross between Tom Hal, Bay Tom and Battler Brooks. He carried oil' tho blue ribbon at the Marshal countv lair for three successive years, which is surely a great recconuneiidatiou for any colt, He also has Bill Harrison, a fine black, four years old, raised by Harrison Bros, and sold to Jim Knight at three years old for $000. He is a model combination horse, siied by King Fisherman, with a record of 2: 34; his dam was Buelah, by Sun shine, a mare that has carried many a blue ribbon in the saddle ring in this county. He also has Koko Wilkes, a lino young, seal brown, three year old stallion, raised by E. A. Collins, of Milan Tennesee, and sold to Z. T. Long, of Kentucky, for $350 at a ycarling,and sold by him to J. M. Wilburn of this county. He was sired by .Milan Wilkes, he by George Wilkes, the great producer of so much speed; his first dam by Stonewall Denmark, second dam Ebria Lexington. It is concede here that Mr. Kinelnirt has as good a selection of good blooded stock as has ever left tho state. And while Tennessee loses a fine selection of young blooded stock, Oregon may justly feel proud of such valuable addition of blooded stock. Mr. Rinehart expects to return next summer to close up his unsettled busi ness here. He has made many warm friends here who will be glad to welcome him back. Murf'reysboro Free Press. Tho Musician's Guide. Every music teacher, student or music lover should nave tins volume. Jt con tains 21-' pages of valuable musical in formation, with full description of over 10,000 pieces of music and music books, biographical sketches of over 150 com posers, with iwrtraits and other illustra tions. Also a choice selection of now vocnl and instrumental music and other attractive features. Upon receipt of eight'two-cent stamps, to prepay postage we will mail free, a copy of Tho Musi cian,s Guide, also a sample copv of Ilrainivrds Musical World, containing $2.00 worth of now music and interest ing muling matter. Address THE K. BKAINAIKD'S SONS CO., Chicago, Illinois. Public school Entertalnraont. There will bo a literarv entertainment and an oyster supper given at the school house, on tho evening of January 1st, 1802. This entertainment will bo given by tho Literary and Library Association of the public school for the purpose of raising funds to lay the foundation of a public school library. An intsresting ind instructive programme will bo exc ctited, aftor which will follow supper. Every effort will bo put forth to make this ontortainmont'a succoss in" every particular. Look out for programme and other in formation next weok. Christmas Tree. For tho benefit of thoso persons wish ing to put presents on the tree, -notice is given that the following persons consti tute the receiving committee: Mrs. Benson, MisB Hettio Dobbin, Mrs. A. E. Eaton. Presents should bo given only to members of the committee. The committee will be resionsiblo for only those handed to them personally. Boys and Girls Aid Boclety of Oregon. Boys may Ikj had (and sometimes girls) for ordinary service at wages, or up on indenture, to work .attend school and bo liroiiL'lit nn somewhat as vour own ;1 and children may !o had for legal adop- 4 .1.1 ,,,, "i? n irrr w nun. nuuiuoo. iu i, iJKjyjurj i , Supt. Oregon Boys' and Girls' Aid So ciety, Portland, Oregon. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Thk 1Ibt Salvk in tho world for C'utK, llruU. es, Bores, Ulcer, Halt Kheum, Fever 8ore, Tet ter, ChupiKxl Ilaitle, Clillblulns, Conn HUd all Skiu Kruptloua, and jKjultl vt-ly curen I'llcn, or uo liny required. It la ctiuruuteed togivo i-er-feut entlkfuctlotii or money refunded, l'rlcoij it iKir box. Kor tnlo ut llrown'it drutf vtore, Union, Oregon. Pronounced Hopelon, Yet Saved, I'rom a letter wrltton by Mr. Ada K. llurd, of Orotou.H. 1'.. wu quote: "Wu lulen wlllt u bud ooUl, Miilclt Mittled on m' l.tiuun, (wjiikIi mj( In and finally lormluuted In Conuiallou. 1'our lixitoM ife nm up tuylUK I could live but hurt lime. I iiuvu myolf up lo my rmvtoiir, de termined If 1 cjuld not ilny wild my friend on 6rtli, I would meet my MUviil one nbuve. ily )iubuud mm advltud io vet Mr KIiik'h New bin- tmuty fur ('(muuipilim, (.'ouglu mid Cold. ( ywwll fttrUhtook Iu nil eight bolllm; llliut mired me nd ibaiik find I m now well urn) burly womau," Tfll bottle fir l II, II, Drown' druyriorUf Uulou, Oretfou, Our variety store li.uv all enjoyed a very good holiday trade. Mr. Gwwlitfod, of the Owttoiiital-' hotel, has about twenty barrels of fine krau t for wile cheap. 5 For fashionable millinery and fancy good, call on Mrs. Kinehart, one door south of the portoffire. Kd K. CaU returned from Cornncoiifft ami rine valley yroterday, where he run been for several days part. For stoves and tinware call on Sum mers A Layuo, stile agents for the cele brated Charter Oak stove. Silver-ware, jewelry and a number of nice articles for presents will bo ft mud at Gardener's jewelry !toro. Geo. Lindgreen and Frank Phy are acting in the capacity of deputy sheriffs during Mr. Usher's absence. Mr. I. W. Shelton took his departure for Portland yesterday on business con nected with the Union railway com pany. Ed Gagnon took his departure for his old home iu Concordia, Kansas, last isunduy, where he will reside permit nentlv. The oflicial census gives Union a poi illation of only a little over 000. Multi ply this amount by 2 and the result will be alwut correct. Don't forget that we are still "in it wicn n comes to ,iou muting. e an better prepared than ever to turn oift good work on short notice. Mrs. Cusick, of the post ollice store desires to announce that she will sell her entire stock of Uxiks and notion :it cost between nowand Jan. 1st. Do you want to secure a life size por trait of yourself or anv of vour familv? If so it will pay you to call at Levy' store where you can get them free of charge. Steve Dougherty, employed at Xortl Powder saw mill, while handling logs last we?k, got his left leg caught between two large logs, fracturing the member below the knee. B. L. Gardener, of lfock creek, Haker county, lather o! our jeweler, A. X. Gar- loner, has been on a visit here for tin: past week, lie will take his departure for homo todav. J. Q. Shirley, the cattle buyer, lias purchased 200 more head of beef steers n the upper burnt river section, making a total of r00 head this season. They nave an neen delivered, the last pur chase being brought over a few days since. These cattle are in the pink of condition and for a nice juicy beefsteak tho buncligrass fed steer "is out t sight." They will go to supply tho Portland market. Baker Democrat. Now Is tho Time to Subnorlbe. Tub Scor-r has mado arrangements whereby it is enabled to furnish its sub scriliers a Urst-class farmers' journal, the Burnl Northwest, a semi-monthly paper published at Portland, free -of chargo, in tho following wny : Lvory new subscriber who pays $1.50 for one year's subscripton to Tiik Scout between now anil Jan. 1st. will receive the Ihiral Xorthwest one year free of charge. The subscription price of the 1'ural Northwest is $1.00 and it is an ex cellent journal for the farmer, fruit grower and stockman. In order to give all our patrons an equal show to secure this excellent journal free wo will also- send it to all parties who are now in arreage that come in and pay up and pay for another year's subscription to Tin: Scour in ad vance between now and January 1st. This is an extraordinary offer and wo trust our patrons will take advantage of it. Don't think for a moment that the Itural Northwest is a small and cheap concern, filled mostly with advertise incuts. On the contrary it is a Ki-pagu paper filled with original and excellent reading of interest to the farmer, fruit grower and stockman. Call and seo a sample 'copj Specimen Casea.' 8. H. Clltlonl, New CmnkuI, WIh,, whs troubled with XeurnlKlu imd UliuuniHtltnn, hltoinuch wuh disordered, IiIh Mvcr wan effected to an nlannliiK degree, upjietlto fell inviiy, und lie was terribly reduced Iu flesh anil itrciiuth. Thrco bottles of Klectrlo bittern cured lilin. Kdwurd Bheppurd, IIiirriHburi;, 111., bail a run iiIiik horu ou IiIh Ick of elKbt ycam' standing. Uhed tbreo bottles of Klectric Hitter mid seven boxes ol Uuckleu'n Arnica Salve, ami his lee; In Round and well. John Speaker, C'atuwubii, ()., hud live liirgu Fever koren on his Icjr, doctor said ho was Incurable, One bottle Klectrlo Hit ter and one box llucklcu's Arnica Halve cured him entirely, Bold at Ilrrnvn's DniK store. A rare opportunity to securo a nico Christmas present, cheap, ut the jost ofllco store. Everything is being sold at cost. lL'-.1-4w Advertise in Tiik Ojikhon Scour. NOTICIJ TO OO.VTIMCTOKS. Notice U hereby uivcii that sealed propONiil will bo received ut lliu ( (unity Clerk' oltlco ut ruion. on mnuuMiay, i eoruury !. iw tor ftiriilsbliiir the county with volllnr Ixxitb or coiiiHirtiiunt, und ballot boxes fortius ut thu election next ear, under llio new election law putMKi iiy inu mm u-t(Uiuiure The county Will lieul about IU) votlnu booth or eoiiipurtmenls, und ubout U) ballot boxes, all made tii lain form lo the new luw. And any -r-Miii ion bid on tho wholoumiiy i-oriloiiof iho booth or nompurtmuuu, and on nil of Iho ballot hole Tho ballot l-ii to bu dellieiud ut Union. The bid for iht oomiturlmuul may I lor iuk I ii y and dellvvriiiK at t'uloii, or for making- and ilIlvvrlukul various plait- of voting. lA-i me ion no ai-oompaiiiixi ny inau or by aiiipliol Iho UiIiik to lJ (urulsliul, The ouini riiiri resvrye iue iikih io rejix i uy Mlul all bid. TlIBIjfSUUyitll, .. ,...,. ConuiFQlfk, Ily oidf of (,'vuuly Court. GHASTLY DISCOVERY. TB skeleton Ramalns of Tart ilmmtA Sflajs FMnd Knr Mtttve. While Frank Snyder, a 11-yenr-old boy, was driving cm across an unoccti piixl field almut ftir miles U-low Milton few days ago, he saw the skull of a human skeleton which had recently been uncovered by the winds blowing the dirt away from it. He reported the discovery to some Milton inople, who immediately went in search of the rel icts, and while hunting for the one the boy had found, they discovered two more that had been unearthed in the same way. The peculiar feature of this ghastly tind is that they were nearly lutlfumtle apart. No signs of murder or foul play are visible upon any parts of the skeletons, so far as has yet lieen ascertained. One of the skulls ami some other parts of the frame were brought to .Milton, and examined by a skilled phy sician, who pronounces it that of a white female of mature age. The bodies were evidently only buried a foot or t wo be neath the surface. Who these unfor tunates were is shrouded in unfathom able mystery, and how long they have lain tho recording angel alone can tell. East Oregonian. Closing Out Sale. The remaining stock of the estate of Mrs. J. C. Summers has been removed to Summers it Layno's hardware store, and is being. sold at cost, and in many in stances much less. See these prices: l-'OUMKlt l'KU'K. I!i:i)t'Ci:l) TO Corsets, $1.25 $ .75 1.50 75 1 .35 , 75 1.00 : tiO 1.00 50 Black wool hoods, 1.00 (10 l.'-T) w .75 Fascinators, .115 '. 'JO .50 'J5 Spool silk, .10 05 Twist 5 cents 02V- Saxony, 1.75 1. 00 Zephyr, ,:i5 .20 and many other things too numerous to mention, all of which must, and will bo sold, tit the suno or greater reduction. Now Yoar'B Ball. Hiram Lodge, No, 07, A. F. & A. M. of Suminerville, will give a public hall in their new hall in Sttmmervillc on Now Year's eve, for tho benefit of the order. All are especially invited to at tend. Tickets, including supper, $2.50, Supper will bo served dp stairs in the now hall, under tho supervision of thu order. Done by otxlor of committee. N. C. McLiiod, 13. B. MoitRi.ot'K, 12-8-w-l J. M. llALj.u.urnt. Sohool Report. The following is a report of tho school in Frosty District N'o. 10, for the month beginning November Kith, and ending December 1 1th : Number of days taught, 10, number of pupils enrolled, 20, aver age daily attendance, 10, Thoso pupils not absent during the month were Ellie and Jesse Booth, Mary Pearce, Andrew and Joseph Harris, AVarren Wilson, Charlie Kennedy and Walter Pearce. Number of visitors, 2. Es'Ii:m.a BitAt Ki:K, Teacher. isnamuig The experienced lmnt;r.:nn iu the woodfj never wastes time looking for bear in Bear Hollow, nor deer alonj-; I)c?v Creek, nor would he hope to shoot any great number of ducks on Duck Lake, for his experience has taught him that ?v,c!i points are always misnamed, and this lesson holds ;'oo " 1 1 1 almost everything in life. For instance, in tho case of the brands on articles of ood, spices and other ground food products, the things branded or labeled "pure", "strictly pure" or "absolutely pure," arc without exception .the most villainously adulterated. Tis the wolf in sheep's clothing always. The most brazen case is that of the Royal Baking Powder. This article is branded and paraded before the people as "absolutely pure" when it contains ammonia. You can smell it in the can and often in the biscuit while hot. What woman would use an ammonia or alum baking powder if she knew it ? Thoy not only destroy tho stomach, but ammonia will destroy the complexion. Not so with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, the only puro cream tartar powder to bo obtained, and the only baking powder miulo by a physician, Dr, Prlca 1ms devoted a life. time to purfectiny; thin oUMaghiontd, in. dUpoiiKublo artlclw of ,tho gulliiKry art that Jms Ntood all tk ttfiiU aim! rnmlnd thu KUudurd for forty ywrti, 1IUlt,V J. Fiftr Pkotji.v.r-hs or m If you will send us Wbinet j, iot graph and one dollar w will rettmi ymi the photograph in good ofdiir, and fifty postage utamp pictfrrds, fir twenty-five minette pictures copied fropl U. These are simething entirely new In tills state and are all the rage wherever introduced. The stamp pictures are the site of pos tage stamps, gummed on the, biiqk, ami may lie stuck to watches, isitiil cnnls, fancy work, hooks, etc., and used in u variety of ways. The minetten are the same in every particular, only about four times as largo We have album suitable for these pictures twenty-rive cents: each. Address Jo.sks Bhothkrs, Artits, 12-10-tf. Union, Oregon. A Prompt and Honorable Fire Ins. Co. Enrrou Oueoon Scout: T wish to express through your paper my thanks to the Palatine Insurance Co., Manches ter, Eng., for sending T. U. Harris as adjuster, a pleasant and honorable gentleman, and prompt payment. J. D. llKii)r..vitF.icii. ANOTUKll STATP.MKNT. J.D. and P. Heidenreich owned half of the buildings on the S. E. cor. of U. P. K. 15. and Fir St., La Grande, which were destroyed by lire Aug. tUh, 1S00. One of these buildings was insured by the ..Etna Insurance Co. of Hartford", Con. Jlells, their adjuster, was here Aug. IvSth, 1S1M), and all proof asked by him was furnished, but not yet paid. A Nightmare. Have you ever been visited by that frisky ai.d uncomfortable animal, called a nightmare? Have you ever had it cinni) upon the lied while you were asleep and go through a lively perform ance which would make a fortune for the proprietor of a circus? You never can tell just when this nocturnal steed will make its appearance, but you are abso lutely safe from it if you happen to be roosing on one of S. C. Miller's new bedsteads, which are unsurpassed in quality and price. Llfo-Slze Fortralts. Enlarged from old pictures, or taken from life and finished in crayon, water color or oil. We desire to call particular attention to this line of work. We guar antee to give you better werk than you have ever had from San Francisco or eastern copying houses, and at a price so low that it will surprise you. Any work of this kind entrusted to us will be finished at once and patrons may exam ine tho work as it progresses and have such changes made as thoy suggest. 12-10-tf Jo.vkb Bitos., Artist-. Eloctrio Bitters. This lumedy 1 becomliin mo well Ueu ; anil ho popular tut to nod no special ir-ni i. .:i Al; who hnvu URod Klectric Hitter slov ;t'ir- same nous; of priilKe A purer medicine dot out t-xlst mid it is Kunruntcetl lotto alt that in claimed Klectrlo Hitters will cure all dlapiim- in tiie Ux or and Kidneys, will remove l'i tn ( i l.olN, Halt Kheum uud other n It'oc lions eaiis.-.i t.vlm puro blood. Will drive Malaria from thu system ami prevent iih toll nx cure nil Mnlnrlnl fever For euro of lleiitluclio, Constipation uud Inillires tlon try Klectric Hitters -Kuthe satisfaction Kiiarauleud, or money refunded. Price 00 cent anil f 1.00 per lmttlt- at Ilnitvit's druj; atoro. 3IAHKIKU. MAUVIN" At the residence of the brlile'H pareiitH near Siiinmurvllle, Hcivmbt-i lit. IKil, Mr. o. J: Marvin mid Miss Kate (Jliver. IIOKN. IIOIUHNH In this city, Thiiradny, December 17, lWl.tu the wife of C. I'.. ICubbtus, a daughter