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About The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1891)
LC3T ILLUSIONS. tls Is tho fairy forest of my dream. Wliere herwj role in Rlltterlnj: armor dlght And the IaII tret to the le inoonsMno seem To whisper talcs of loiiff n?o. to-nltflit. Xc-thinks the Mowers are Imslied lu sleep, nor wo The mystic HvmboM which upon the moss Tbe whlto moan through joncler swaying treo Wheru I la solitary search must crom. It is the same old fairy fonwt still: Uut where are all tho heroes dreaded In gold And where the nrmphs nho beckoned mo until I thought them real tre yet the world was oldj wiek them now, but they elude my quest: Lost dreams of youth and faith aru ue'er re stored:- 9tI myself am he whoso haniU did wrest The sule-tanco from the Tlslons I adored. Felix K. Qerson In Philadelphia Icdser. 0X15 SDUSCIilBEI!.. Phoebe Mumford camo down to break vast one morning in very low spirits There Becmt'd nodoubt tlint tlic mortgage would be foreclosed at last. Her father's mind fulled more and more. livery tiling was forlorn and wretched. She had been gazing at a roso colored picture of the past to winch distanco lent enchantment Sho saw her buxom, comfortable, loving mother; her young aunta, who petted tocr; a kind though grave father; a lover, Billy Carton, who adored her, and wen away to sea and who had not been heard of since. 1 here was a little im'sunder standing thai she was too proud to ex jalain. Now how gray and dull was life The dear mother gone, and thougl doubtless she watched over her daugh tr, human eyes canuot sco thoso loving angels. The aunts married; one in Cali fornia, ono in Colorado, one in Canada, nvith families of their own. The father changed, since the terrible illness that followed his wife's Budden death, to a urembling, querulous shadow, who re quited all her lovo and tenderness by Snding fault with her for her having ffceen born a girl. 'If I had a eon," he used to say 'tilings wouldn't go to rack and ruin while 1 in jxjorly. It s tho only fault I ver found with your good mother, that eho had u girl instead of a boy." "Poor father! he used to bo so differ vat, Phaibe would say to herself; "and 'it isasliamo that lain not a young man Sut still, when a woman finds herself unappreciated, her heart must ache. A son never would have mado the ffeeble old man so comfortable, waited on bim so patiently, spared him so much. Tho "bound girl," little Llannah Jano, (from the poor house, was bright ant) isractable, but there was still much to do; all woman's work, though; nothing that oould keep tho heavy mortgago from fore closing, or the man who farmed what fcuid there was left "on shares" from cheating them unmercifully; nothing xhat brought money in. ' JPhcebe felt that, and it pained her nioro than tho thought that her thirtieth ''birthday was closo at hand, though no woman over lived who did not shrink 'from that thought with a shiver of fcorror. Wiping the tears away, Miss Phoebe ifeft the table and took up the newspaper a big New York paper full of politics, "which she rend to her father qvery day and which was almost his only pleasure. Shn glanced down thu column of deaths and marriages, and saw there no name that she knew Shn read an account of the appeiwance of the sea serpent at tho shore near a certain hotel, and of a frightful murder that made her blood jrun coM. She read die wise words of ttho weather prophet. ho predicted a wising barometer, ait l glanced over tho advertisements. "Spin kins' electric col ftur button, warranted to euro every thing," offered testimonials from kings and warriors, and tempted her to go down and buy ono for pa or would, had hc hail the money to throw away on a cruel Imposture. O013US JC CO., on receipt of ten cents otid a sftatzlpcd unci directed eiiekc, will tend to any Udy or gentleman dlrectlotu how to mako a for tune at liietr owu tioim-.t Sho was not much impressed by this Baagnillccnt offer. Hut hero was some ohing: WANTKII III our odlce, a lady of education and swdoorurnt, n Kood talker, who has read a Kreat deal Salary $. er week. Apply at oneo in VTon. Church member preferrud. COZ7.KN & CO, No. street, i -Dear met" cried I'hcubo to herself, "fifty dollars a week I I think I am re fined. 1 certainly have had a good edu cation. I read everything I can get to road. I am a church member. If I oould get the place, I could go to busi aces regularly like a man, givu pa caott of thu llfty dollars a week, save x&o place, orhap, and certainly buy oho electric collar button." 1 Visions of her father restored to health and vigorous old age; of tho mortgage fpaid oil; of herself kneeling at her rfather's feet while his hands rested on Aer head and mid: "My daughter, I no Sanger regret that God never gavo mo -a. sou, since ho sent mo you," rushed through Iter mind, Sho sliped from ha big horao hair covered arm cluiir, and, kneeling before it, hid her fuco in its great dimpled back, and with her Siandkerchicf to her eyes, prayed to bo Jbelped. And when thu aroso it seemed tj) her that a strong, unseen hand leu fcer; that there could Ik nothing to fear or dread; nothing before her but success. Sho gavo her father his breakfast with uaany smiles, and fully laughed when ho aid: "Now, If yon wero a boy you could juM go along with me to tho polls and wote for Putlltigham. 1 waut that man Jo bo elected; he's got tho right views -about property. Hut you're a girl, poor Wug a gill." Littlo ho knew what was in her mind. Sao read thu political articles through and had jmt tituo to catch tho train, giving Ilautiah Jutiu directions for tho vdinner, "If I get tho place, old Mrs. Williams xatut couio and livo here," sho suid to JMrself, as she walked, "I'd feel per fectly tafo then, and she'd bo glad to Jutvo the sparo room and her board." A freth color was on her check, and a bright simrklo iu her eyo on sho stepped into (lie car. Sho won) her very best uUtiugtf precious uud well saved but 6he must look her lcst. And she did; for hope is ns great a beautiflcr as fresh bonnet strings, and when reaching No. street she climbed the long and rather dirty stairs until she reached the olllce of Comcii & Co., with a hopeful heart. The door of the room stood open. Tho opKwite roofs were visible through the unshaded windows. Some girls stood at u table folding pamphlets: others sat at another directing envelopes. Behind a barricade of walnut desk and iron rail ing sat a portly gentleman, bland, and wearing a good deal of white hair, from which u pair of round, black eyes, and a very round nose, blackened at tho nos trils with siniir, peered out and gave him the appearance" of one of those poodles which belles of years ago were fond of carrying about with them. Another lady, with downcast eyes, was gliding from the room; and another woman, with rather a coarse manner, toascd her head in indignation us she pushed the first. "Poor things! they have applied for the place and have not got it," said Plupbe: but she could not feel sorry. The portly gentleman arose behind his railings us she looked townrd him, and bowed. "Walk in." he 6aid. Plicebo also bowed Hjlitely. "Your advertisement" she faltered. "Yes. yea," said the gentleman, "I un derstand. Wo have had throngs of la dies here. H'm! Sit down." "1 do not know what your position is, i sir," said I'luebe, feeling very brave 1 almost like the son her father had al- j ways wished for. she thought; "but I cm do my best. I have tin education. I am a church member. I read a great deal. 1 think I can talk a littlo on a sub ject I understand. And amongst so many books" sho glanced at the shelves "I certainly should find tho employ ment congenial: only I must go out of i town every night." 'That would he very easy," said the ' gentleman. "You could arrange your , hours to suit yourself. You aro exactly the person wo want. 1 see in your faco that expression 1 look for in vain in so many faces intelligence." The gentle man gave a little leap on his chair and Bpread his hands abroad. "Vivacity!" lie repeated the action. "And with a line personal appearance. You aro tho very woman wo need. I speak in a purely business way. Wo must thinkof these things. You suit us." Could it be? Could it be? Phoebe trembled with joy. Fifty dollars a week her dreatns realized her father happy! Meanwhile tho gentleman aroso from his seat. "This." said he. taking a thick volume from a shelf, "is the volume." Phaibe looked at it with a happy smile and waited for more. Have you over taken subscriptions?" naked tho gentleman. 'No." said Phcube: "but I" 'Ah. yes, vou will le verv successful, I am sure." said the gentleman. "AVo give you a list of streets, numbers, names of residents. You call with the book; ask to see Mrs. So and So, or Mr. So and So: send up your name: your card is preferable. You rise when tho person enters; say 'How do you do, Mrs. So and I So? I feel that you would bo interested in this work and called to show it to you. lou iheutallcinbue.h a manner that tho person subscribes for tho book. On receiving tho money wo give you tho percentage You see?" es, said poor Phoebe, who, under tho revulsion of feeling, was on tho vergo of a fainting lit. "Yes. It is like tho man with 'Dosem's Family Medicine,' and tho other books, who conies to our house sometimes. But you givo fifty dollars per week?" "l'tfty, dear madam!" cried tho man. laughing and rubbing his hands gayly. At ten cents on each book vou can easily get a hundred subscribers a day six hundred a week; sixty dollars for tho six days' work. With yourniesmerio power I seo it in your eyes you will mako more." Poor PhoMio begun to feel better. It would bo terriblo work; not at all what sho supposed; but anything, anything for father and tho homestead! This is a specimen copy," said tho gentleman. "You buy this liitlo book for your names. It has a pencil attach ed; twenty-live cents. And you leave ono dollar deposit for the. book." "Is thut necessary?" sighed Phcobe. "Well, wo exact it of all," said the amiable Mr. Cozzeu. "What would you have? Wo can't mako exceptions; wo should offend others." Phcube paid the dollar and a quarter, took tho book and walked away, glancing at tho outline of her "beut," which was fur up town. Tho book was u collection of receipts, advice to youth, selections from Bryant's poems and fun from old jest books. It hud also many putent medicine adver tisements bound between its covers, and four or five portraits of "beauties" with their heads on ono side uud a simpering uiilo upon their faces. Poor Phcube! she hoped against hope as tho street car took her up town, and still cherished much more of that com forting emotion than could havo been expected, when her feet touched tho red hot flagstones of I-lfty-seventh street, and the tall residences stared down at her with half their doors closed with thoso wooden barriers that say to oil who look, "Family gono to Europe." But yet there were btew that might bo climbed, and Miss Mumford climbed them patiently. Sho saw asweet, old lady, who beamed ou her and btiid: "Wo'vo such a lurgo library now, wo can't really add to it. There's not room iu tho house for another book." Sho saw a sarcastic lady, who said: "Greatly obliged for tho attention. It is a wonderful book wonderful, but I couldn't understand it. I havo to read lighter things. My bruin, you know, won't bear too much." Sho saw a decided lady, who said: "No, no, indeed! oh, no!" and opened tho door, Sho buw u coutemptuoiu young lady, who simply shook her head, and rang for u footmau to "show thU person out." i . I Then she saw a grandpapa with a d ved i mustache and an eye glass, who was gal lant and offensive. Then she received . many -noi at nomes ' ironi angry Bcr- -ants, who knew her errand well, and felt that they had been troubled to open the door unnecessarily. After many long, hot, wasted hours she found that her next number was a drug store, and en tered it, thankful for its cool shadow. She was hot, thirsty, wretched. She longed for a glass of tho ice cold soda water, but had only a little change, which must serve for fares, in her pocket. biie sioou oeioie mo counter nnu re peated her littlo story her talk about the book. Tho druggist smiled as he glanced at the volume. "I vould not half such drash in mine house," ho said. "You vaste your dime nut a nook like dis. "It seems worthless to me," said poor Phoebe, sighing. "You get (look in, like some oder beo- ples, nut dem rascals," said the German. "You look dired, madaine, and not veil. Go home and rest I atvise vou as a doo tor." A customer, who had been looking at her, threw down tho price of a tooth brush ho had bought, and seizing his purchase, followed Phcebo out of the door. "Let mo sco your book, madame," he said. "Verv nice; I'll subscribe. Givo mo vour look, I'll write mr name and residence." Ho did 60. Phoebe thanked him, and tried to read it, but tho letters danced before her eyes. Her head was so hot, so heavy, she must go back to Mr. Coz zen's, get her dollar, givo in her sub scription, tell him that she had failed Sho would feel letter after she had rested, sho thought better. How kind that man had been. But ho subscribed for her look she knew it well out of sheer pity; as one gives alms to a beg' gar. Sho was in Mr. Cozzen's office again He looked at her out of his hush of white hair. His black eyes and black nose more j)oodle like than before, She had wasted her day, risked sun stroke, failed in her effort, and crushed her hopes. What did lie care, if he had one subscription more.' A book agent was almost sure to get one, and hundreds toiled over tho earth cverv dnv with the 8.1H10 results. "Very foolish to givo it up so," ho de clared. " 1 lie first day never counts. I havo ladies on my list making a hundred dollars a week who got no subscribers on tho first day, and Oh, 3'our dollar? Yes, yes! And hero is your percentage ten cents, when you But vou ought not to despair T"e label around the bottle bears the fol- lnve secured ilm mini nf lowing inscription: " Dr. J. Eugene Jor nao secured tno name ot ,,an 5utn H M .w Capt. Barton on your list. Well, good- uay. bho was gone, threading tho streets that led to tho ferry. The boat first; then the train. Was that the train com ing? What a roar! How black it was! Sho staggered, but sho did not fall to tho ground. Some ono caught her iu his arms. Out of darkness, out of rest, out of strange communion with her mother iu another world, Phoobo floated back to lifo again. A woman sat besido her and fanned her. "She's all right now," said a voice of tho family doctor order. "Only faint ness; not sunstroke." Then peace again: anil waking, much better. "My poor father!" she sighed. "Ho must bo so terrified! Somo one has been so kind: but let mo get to my father at once. "All in good time," said tho motherlv woman at her side. "Your father won't bo anxious, Plico be," said a man, and her only subscriber stepped where she could bee him. "I found your namo ami address iu your little noto book. I went and told him you'd bo homo to-morrow. You don't remember me. Phcube?" Phoobo smoothed her dress and sat up on tho chintz couch und looked at tho speaker. "You subscril)ed for my book," sho said. "But beforo that," said tho man. "Be fore I had a beard and went away to sea with no hopes of being captain. Don't you know Billy Barton, Phoebe!" "Oh!" cried PhaulK!. "Is it you?" "I thought I knew you," said Capt Barton. "I followed you, wondering if I dared speak; and vou looked so ill. So I was there when you fainted." Ho took her hand and held it and lifted it to his lips beforo ho put it down "Tho same sweet girl," ho said, softly. "Good night. Peggy will take good cam of you. Every ono who falls sick at this hotel knowa Peggy. By next morning PIicoIhj was well again, but Capt. Barton insisted on seo- ipg her home. ""What did pa sav?" she asked. "Are you suro ho was not worried?" "Ho said," replied tho captain, with a smile, "that girLi aru nover to bo de pended on, and that if ho had hud a sou ho nover would huvo cut up such pranks." Phoebo felt the tears rfco to her eyes "Tho old gentleman is very much broken," said Capt. Barton. "Ho doea want a sou as well as daughter; don't you think so Phcube; When ho said that, ho looked liko the Billy Barton of thu long gono times. A few mouths afterward he asked tho samo question, adding: "Won't I do?" And so it camo to jtass that Phcube, in stead of ending her lifo us a solitary spinster, married u man who loved her truly. Tho mortgage was paid off tho old place, und the farm was no longer managed on shures. And the old gen tleman, what with freedom from care and luxurious living, grew stronger and brighter in every way; much fonder of his daughter, too, as iu tho olden time. So that ono day when Phoebo Barton camo down to breakfast and sat wait ing for thoso other two, and thinking of tho day with which this story be gins, sho laughed softly to herself and declared: "And I'm really tho happiest woman In the world today, I believe, after all." Mary Kyle Dallas iu New York Led ger. TUB WESTEKN HKTTLKK'8 CIIOBKN SPECIFIC. With everr advance of ernlmilnn In in th rt West a new demand Is created for Iloslcttcr'i stomach Htttcrn. Newly peopled reKionx are fre "itiently lens salubrious than older settled IocmII tics ou account of the mlunma which rises from recently clcurcd land, particularly aloug the banks of riven that are hiihleot in The agricultural or minine emigrant soon earns. when nedoes not already know. tht ihn Illtipn illord thu only sure protection apalnst malaria I nd thOMj disorders of the stomach, liver and mwels, to which climatic changes, exposure and unaccustomed or unhealthy water or diet subject him. Consequently he places an estimate upon this (treat household specific and preventive commensurate with Ita ntrlimln m.riii. nH u careful to keep on hand a restorative and pro moter oi iieuim so implicitly to bo relied upon IU IIUIV Ul uuvu. The Maiden's follloiuy.-6he-How can I ever acccnthlm? He Is rich anri amlnhli ami I ill-.. mm. dui nis nair is reu, una red is so horribly AIjI kkkoumkks In Art, ItellKion or Science Since the oriu llesau Have at some time been called bigots, fa natics, renegades. And a neonle have stoned a prophet to whose nieinorv the next generation lias raised a monument for the greatness ol his deeds. Snohomish, "Wash.. Aug. 19, 1801 Dr. J. Kuncne Jordan. Seattle. lrA. Dear Doctor: Will have to write vou thnt I am surprised to find mvselfso crentlv iinnrnved l.. 11. .1.. i: '.i r i. . in ou mm: imic, uuu iim pieuHcu tosay inai I could not jtive vour medicines too urent praise. My health was gone. 1 felt that medicines could do me no good. 1 was hopeless of ever recovering. I thought too late to try vour meaicines. out witn den in staring me in thu face I determined to do so. 1 am pleased that I did it, for at this date 1 have received tenfold the price of the medicines. If I should sav one hun dred fold, it would not be overvaluing the diilerence in my health. I feel like another man. l ours respectfully. James II. Hysom East Sound, Wash., Aujr. 13. 1891. Dr. J. t.uncnt Jordan. Seattle. H aA. DkarSir: It has been some time since 1 have written to you, but I have been Retting alouKo well that 1 i not tninii u necessary. I nave stopped takltiR well. Your medicines have done what vou told ; ireHuneni uow. nnu 1 Deueve i am euiireiv us they would do they have mado a new woman oi me. l now icei line mysell airaln. alter suf- feriiiu for elcht years with catarrh of the head ami bronchi, and that very palniul thiiiK neti' riui;ia ot the stomach. I took three months medlclue. Both my husband and myself feel as though we cannot be thankful enough to you for wnai you nave none ior me. l uoimj tnat every one who Is suttcrine as I was will hear of Dr. Jordan and his most valuable medicines. Yours most respectfully, Mrs. C. Abmhtrono. Dr. Jordan's ofllce is at the residence of ex-Mayor i eslor, Third and James streets Seattle. Wash. Consultations and prescriptions absolu te ly free. Send for free book explaining the Histo- genetic syBtem. Caution. The Histogenetio Medicines are sold iu but one agenoy in each eenov in each town device iB a fraud Teacher What waa Herod's idea in killintr nfTull the children? Columbus Lenox He had Hats to rent. For bronchial, asthmatic and pulmonary complaiuta "Jiroun't Bronchial Troches" manifest remarkable curative nronertics. 25 cents a box. There seems to be no stopping the onward march of the American hog ine pig is nugnt- ler man me pen. FKKE KXCUKSION From California, Utah, Montana, Idaho, 'Washington and Oregon to l'ortland. We will furnish free round-trio transnortation to any person residing in any of the above named 8tates who desires to purchase Portland real estate. This olfer will hold cood for slxtv days, commencing November 1, 1891. w rite us at once and get Identification papers. Remember 1R92 will be tho boom Tear for Port land. Huy now while cheap, and sell at a big profit when tho boom comes. For particulars ad dress CONSKUVATIVK ItKAL ElfTATK Ji TBCST CO., No. U Stark street, l'ortland, Or. Use Snamellne Btove Pollah : uo doit, no tmolL Tbt Qkbhea for breakfast. Ladv or crentleman wanted to renrcsent asso ciation of portrait painters. Permanent posi tion. Ker particulars address Leonardo Associa tion, 101 West '.'1st, New York City. IH A DAY. Lawrence, Kans.,Aujj. 98S. George Patterson fell from a second-story window, strik ing a fence. I found him using 8T. JACOBS OIL. He used it freely all over his bruises. I saw him next morning at work. All the spots rapidly disappeared, leaving neither pain, scar nor swelling. C. K. NEUMANN, M. D. "ALL RIGHT I ST. Jacobs mi rim it INDIAF DEPREDATION PEN8ION PATENTS LAND ' HOMESTEAD r PO8TAL C LAI MS Tha"KXAMI'KK" BUltKAU of CLAIMS DNDKH TIIH DIBKCTIOK Or Sen Francisco Examiner. If you have a claim of any description whatsoever auiisi ine ummi hiaieauovrrnmrnt ana wish It speedily adjudicated, addrvoa JOHN AVKDI1KK1IUIIK, Manager, IU i street, X W tVashlujtton, D. C. THE SMALLEST PILL IN THE WORLD I m TUTT'S tiny liver pells .IrnvfuUUhnvirtUecofthaUrtrTuunii tsiutlly vltwtlvei purely rifft!l. Kiiut tho aliuwn lit this bonier. HEALTH IN OLD A OK. Edward Collinson, Qnecns, K. Y., says " I commenced UBing Bbandretii's Pills over hfty-five years ago. I first bought them In London, and have continued using them since I came to this country in 183o. I am nowover75 ycarsold, haleand hearty, and attribute my wonderful health to the persistent use of Brakdreth'h Pills. Oc casionally I have a bad cold or severe at tack of rheumatism, indigestion or bilious ness, but four or fivCdoses of 1Ir.jukktu'h Pills always cure me. Whenever my chil dren have been siok with scarlet fever, measles, mumns. acid stomach, disordered digestion or costiveness, a few doses of 1j.:a.niki:tii's Pills restore their health at once." Chill is an exampleof a very common paradox. She is so small that she isn't afraid of anybody. The manufacturers of Star Plug chewing tobacco have made St. IOuis the greatest tobacco market in the world by furnishing the consumer a better tobacco than i pro duced by other manufacturers and always making the nluirs of Star full sixtecn-ounce pounds, it pays to study the interests of the consumer, as he is " the Judge and the jury." VVIL.KY 11. ALLEN' & CO., Ill First St., Portland, Or , liuve assumed the con trol and management of the Ktelmvay Platioi. All the dllTcreut styles frum Concert (1 rami down will be kept In stock and favorable terms trtvcji to any one wuitliiK the great king ol all Instruments. Both tho method and jtsulta when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acte gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, uiver and Uoweis, cleanses the sys tem efiectually, dispels colds, head iches and lovers and cures habitiL?! constipation permanently. For salo in out! and gl bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, V. C. UlimanP fttrnno' 7iciWlo nrnamontal UheHpnr Than . J kl Vllg HARTMAN" WIRE PANEL FENCE. Double tho stretiRth of any other fence; will not stretcn, sag or get out of shape. Harmless to Stock ; a Perfect Karra Kcucc, yet Handsome enough to Ornament a Ijiwn. Write for prices, Descriptive Circular and Testimonials; slso Cutaloguu of ' Hurtmau" Steel I'icket Lawn Fence, Tree and Flower Guards, Flexible Wire Mats. etc. HARTMAN MFC. CO., BEAVER FALLS, PA. linker Ac Hnmlltoii. Shu KraitrUco. Always mention this paper. Buy Your Own Goods if Your ADVANCE THDESHEBS. THE BEST IN AMERICA. lil tnlahan. nim L I ffUUT. M f ItfrisM &mt NI7LUI. pISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best. Easi est to use. Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A cure is certain. For Cold It 18 an Ointment, of which to the nostril. Price 50c. mail. Address: E. T. FRAZER AXLE Bist in th World! GREASE Get tie Genuine! Sold Everywhere! PIANOS 'ho ORGANS. WINTER J HARPER. 71 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. nr- mux 808. Free. BKNI) VOl'R N'AMK AND addrvta and receive by return mail our handsomely Illus trated Fall and Winter Cat, logue. Dry ioodn, ClothinR, IkKltH anil Khrwa. f?rrw,4ru. etc You will avu money by deallnc with u. I-arcesl atocc and lou-ett nrlrai nn thiiun AddrvAH MEIER fc FRANK, Portland, Or. aaMofiVlilTiTtaiiiriWiiaHI.'rwtiimtnw U1V PCUCR CURED TO STAY CURED. Ilfl I I LI L.II We want the luraeand d. irr&nf rrrrv tuff in 1 Vi &1QTUII1 U S.aiuiCtudi. Addrcu, no 1 niffin MuuuT.,M.&,iiri:.,.T, 1 1! C Tmd 171 In four da- on my Uectrtr Cttwu Hi-n 1 and tr'Iltli. IQatrrulirndlajdran lrura. titmptt frr. Ur.BrlJu)an,tlrudw,M. y. ivrWP Baking Powder A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. No other baking powder does such work. Coal Oil BEST and SAFEST OIL Manufactured. Give This Oil a Trial, AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. 1 I1UIIIVII&UII ISarn Wire.w AW ZSZS3 Dealer Does Not Garry Then. PARBY CARTS AHD ROAD IAG0IS, est and Cheapest In the Wert. Carts, S15 Dp. Wagou, SSI Ip. How and in the Head it nan nn pannl. R small nnrtirln in nnnlml Sold by druggist or sent by HtZEirrxB, Warreq, Pa. Sportsman, Attention! II you want to ohoot accurately, don't fall to right your un with the celebrated LYMAN SIGHTS. Made to tit any ritJe. IVen Hlirht.I?. tvnrJ i5S3 mynae, IVepHiKht(y; Ivory Bead 111 IVOrv If linilnr Vmfi C(nk iront sijfut, eeuu. Kent hv TTIfltl rn maaUi . '-1 B. T. HUDJON. 3 FltiistSrt .nl. 9r. . kh in." 4iiunrateij.-atalotrue, or A Mill (.morrow. atorea. Sent to recelnt of txMtal 1 ;;.7 iu uraiern. Aaaren u-"-.room7i,t.hronlclebldg,H.K AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY MonroKrr MTt cl. l!aCro.Vu.PBo ro! aiSLn..0i,dni'r.BUVtr nu''; enJ roar old CMi ituLii ? ,ho oli 1 relUblihoUM ofT uTStf?.Vi te,eniui to am,;' If "ha iaovSx unol utlmfaetoa III rctnm anldT 1'Dniarwf nMn a ti a . . uuNinoRs. Nliorthand, VAirMfafj W4 ai any ilmt. Caulf from t'liUf acUooIT 8Iu4pU admit. .J" """ "e pnuciptU book "',.,'V","?!, laW Prepaid, on 1 umr lur ! I'unui hi