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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1887)
ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1887. A VIEW OF UMPQUA VAEIEV AT A LATER PBRIOD. By ax Emwiuct of IMS. CHAPTER II. Long years have flown, since firi.1 I stood Upon that giddy height, Vet memory bears the glowing scene Unclouded, pure and bright. Then once again I climbed the mount, To where long years ago, I stood, and cast a lingering look The landscape to explore. nt nov the scene has greatly changed, From what it once had been, . For now the valley smiled no more, ' ' With its soft coat of green. For where the timid elk and deer, Or.c3 proudly Irjd the plain, . Now fields with undulation waves, With cultivated grain. And where the wigwam once appeard, Within the somber shade Of spreading maples now is seen The cottage neatly made. And bleating (locks, and lowing herds, Are seen on every hand, And all around the fruits of art Arc scattered through the lmd. All through the valley here and there More plainly .to be seen, Young orchards, fields, and gardens too, And meadows clothed in green. Now from this scene of thrift, I turn Well satisfied to trace, The unmistaken footprint of The Anglo-Saxon race. Whose persevering spirit wrought That charge, with sweat and toil, And from that source, supplys his wauts. From nature's sail: Beyond the vale to eastward looms The college in full sight, Now shimmering in the sun's bright rays, With walls of snowy white. Devoid of pire or minaret, Of njodern wit the chief, While 'gainst the cliff of gray It stands in bold relief. There's life upon the verdant lawn, Which makes a qrand display Of levity and nairthfulness, For 'tis the boys at play. For now released from studious toil, And then for exercise, They recreate upon the lawn, A loon they dearly prize. And dimly in the sombre shade Of gnarled oaks uncouth, A bevy of fair forms are seen Of innocence and youth. These from their rural homes have conic, With buoyant hopes to share, The erudition which is gained By studiousness and care. 'Tis here the lender intellect, (By those ot riper years) Is trained to meet the stern command, Of life with all its cares. ' And morals too with rigid care, And virtue in the van, Are all instilled into the mind -- To elevate the man. And from those classic walls, some few With bravery did embark, Upon the boisterous sea of life And made a brilliant mark. While others vacillatiug, went To mingle in the stream Of life, but found the outside world, A vain delusive dream . .Recalling then my regent thoughts Whicfc like an episode, Engrossed my mind, so rousing up Once more the scene explored. Reflectively in silent mood, I from the present scene, Withdrew my gaze; then left the place, With something like chargrin. Sirs Set. State Superintendent of Public In struction Chapman, of New Jersey, complains of the lack of suitably accom tuodations for school children. The law provides that a certain amount o: money shall be appropriated to each city to pay teachers' salaries and for fuel, but on condition that suitable ' accommodations h furnished by the cities for the school children. There is not, he says, a city in the State which provides such accommodations as the law demands, Jeney City, whicB has ipcreased in school population from five to six thousand in the last five years, has not ejected a single addi tional school building during that period. "This is the condition of thing all over the State, and is a dis grace which the people should wipe out at once." From very careful esti mates ffhich he has made it was shown that in the State there were last year 38,297 children between the ages of seven and twelve years who at tended no school, and 34,790 who at tended school lees than iwenty weeks in the vear. Don't write a letter when angry. It is too bad to put a venomous breath in itermancut form. Let your hate breathe itself into God's sunlight and pure air, where it can be obliterated, swallowed up in the glorious light, and forgotten. Don't put it where it will live for years, a calm witness of your wickedness and folly. Don't give any one such a club for thine own head. Angry letters come back at inconven ient times; they are a kind of venom ous boo'iierang: c A Word to Mow. Begin in early life to collect libraries of your own. Begin with a single book; and when you find or hear of any first-rate book, obtain it if you can. After awhile get another, as you are able, and be sure to read it. Make the best of your boots; and in this way when you are men, you will have good librairies in your heads as well as on your shelves. c.inxa as n oinsG rr. "He certainly is a most irenerous man. lie lmsiust given hve thousand pounds to the work of foreign mis sions. It's one of the most munificent gifts we have ever received." "Not quite so," was the answer. I know of at least one more generous giver "Really .so? Well, 1 was looking through the reports of the last few years and I saw nothing like that sum on the donation list." "No, the gift to which I all ode has not appeared in print, and will be known by very few except the Lord he other day I was calling on a friend of mine, a very agcil man, who told me, with tears running down his cheeks, that his only son was about to eave home for missionary work in a far away land. The father had discov ered that the voung man felt called of God to such service but w as tarrying at home for his sake. 'How could I keep him back?' said the old man. I md prayed all my lift4: "Thy king dom come," "Send forth laboicis iuto Thy harvest;" and with all the pain of parting with my boy, in the certainty I should never see him again on earth there is a deep joy in giving him up for Christ's sake.' " I said to myself, on overhearing this conversation, surely here is a true test of love not giving only, but ylclwj up. For though love cannot exist ithout giving, there may be 1; giving without love; but we can hardly doubt that it is love alone which for another's sake gives up what is hcl dear. TUEl'O II EH OF 1M ttilXATtny. The following rs a substance of what a leading dentist said the other day He was engaged with some genu n in in discussing t!ie virtue of riMiiedic used to avoid the pain caused by the extraction of teeth when a ladv who wanted one of her molars pulle entered the office. The dentist, m order to prove what he had been say ing, told her he had some of the new- remedy and would use it, so that she would not feel any pain. She was well pleased, and after being seated in the chair, he rubbed a little water on her gums, and pulling her tooth tossed it up to the ceiling, exclaiming "There! That didn't hurt any, did itf The lady was positive that she felt no pain, and went away praising the new remedy. Oshiosh XorUi icesferii The Cave of The Ear. ' Under ordinary conditions the healthy ear does not need to be pro tected from the cold; only during ex treme cold or stormy or rainy weather ought cotton wool to be inserted into children's ears especially. The same precaution must be taken in the case of every ear predisposed to inflammation All persons whose membranes are per forated ought to protect their can with cotton wool. The entrance cold fluids into the ear must always be prevented; and so while bathing or diving the ear ought to be plugged Patients with perforations of mem brane should e verv caretul in this respect, as violent iuflamation may be caused bv the entrance of cold water Medico-Chirursrical Journal. Coffee acts upon the brain as a stim ulant, inciting it to increased activity and producing sleeplessness; hence it of great value as an antidote to nar cotic poisons. It is also supposed to prevent too rapid waste in tlte tissue: of the body, and in that way enables it to support life on less food. These fleets are due to the volatile oil and also to a particular crystallizable nitro genous principal, termed cafline. The leaves of the plant likewise contain the same priuciple, and the inhabitants of the island of Sumatra prefer an in fusion of the leaves to that of the berries. Its essential qualities are greatly changed, the heat causing the development of the volatile oil and peculiar acid which gives aroma and flavor. THE BEOT Kidney Liver Medicine NEVER KKOWX TO FAIL. HUNT'S REMEDY lias saved from lin gering disease and dcatli hundreds v.ho have heen siwn np by physicians t j die. HUNT'S BEMEDY cures all Diea-ii of the Kidneys. Bladder, Urinary Or gans, Dropsy. Gravel, Uiabete9 and. Incontinence and Retention of I'rlnc. IIUNT'S REMEDY' encourages sleep, creates an appetite, braces up uic system, and renewed health Is the result HUNT'S REMEDY cures pain In the Side. Bach or loins, General Debility, Female Diseases, Disturbed Sleep, Loss of Appetite and Jiright's Disease. HUNT'S BEMEDY quickly induces the Urer to tealthy action, remcvinj the taiisos that produce Billons Headache1, Dyspep sia, Sonr stomach, Costiveuess, Tiles, etc. By the U?e ot HUNT'S REMEDY the Stomach and Bowels wil speedily regain tlitir strength, and the blood will be perfectly purifi-.-d. HUNT'S REMEDY is purely vegetable, and meets a want never before furnished to the public, and the utmost reliance noy be placed iu it HUNT'S REMEDY is prepared ex pressly, tow the abore diseases, and has never been known to fail. One trial will convince you. For sale toy all Druggists. Send foe P&nnhhit to HUNTS REMEDY CO., rroTldence, li. I. BEMEDY JT In a recent address before the "Women's General Missionary of the U. P. Church, Miss Narcissa White thus strongly puts the Missionary's iew of the rum traffic: "I as pies- nt not long ayo at a farewell meeting near Pittsburg, of a Presbyterian Mis sionary of Africa, who was about re turning to the field whivh he badioccu- i d for years, and I shall never forget his burning word's as Avith streaming eyes he said: "Christian frieuds, you ask me how best you can help me in foreign field. By stopping the rum traffic. "We missionaries do grow homesick, and our hearts do ache some times with longing even to see an American face. And yet we mission aries have learned to grow faint with terror whenever we see the approach of an English or American flag, because we know that flag covers a cargo of whisky or rum, which, in one we?k may undo the work of yeais. Breth ren, for fJotVs sake, stop the rum traffic.' " Pimples, Boils, And Carbuncles result from a debilitated, impoverished, or impure condition of the blood. Ayer'sSarsaparilla prevents and cures these eruptions and painful tumors, by removing their cause; the only effect ual way of treating them. , Ayer's Sarsaparilla baa prevented the usual course of Boils, which have pained and distressed me every season for sev eral years. G. Scales, Plainville, Mich. I was badly troubled with Pimples on the face; also with a discoloration of the skin, which showed itself in ugly dark patches. No external treatment did more than temporary good. Ayer's Sar saparilla effected A Perfect Cure, and I have not been troubled since. T. W. Boddy, Eiver St., Lowell, Mass. I was troubled with Boils, and my health was much impaired. I began using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, in due time, the eruptions all disappeared, and ray health was completely restored. John It. Elkins, Editor Stanley Observer, Albemarle, N. C. I was troubled, for a long time, with a humor which appeared on my face in ugly Pimples and Blotches. Ayer's Sar saparilla cured me. I consider it the best blood purifier in the world. Charles H. Smith, North Craltsbury, Vt. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists. Ask for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and do not be persuaded to take any other. tt Prepared by Dr. J.C Ayer &Co., Lowell, Htss. Price SI j six bottles, 5. SOUTH UMPQUA MIL! MANUFACTURES THE ' J5 BEST FLOUR SOLD IX- GUARANTEED EQUAL TO THE BEST "New Process Flour." "1HOICE WHEAT STORED FOR FARMERS AX J L'uiijflit For Cash. Lf'COLN & BASHER, Proprietor. s 9 si I s PS o o H 55 C o -3 & - I O fa T3 O o O 31 25 i E- a u o CM tr a & 2 H SIB EH o , GO i Eh u u x, i o a ti Cl, I i j2 h GQ PS EH 8 s T3 at to w .5 O O VI I H Established 1S51 A. ROBERTS, Corner First and .Aider Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING GLGTKtlK, HCTTIR -AND- OF OREGON. PAUL SGIILOSSER -IE.VLEK In- STOVES, TINWARE .VXD Drain - - - Oregon. "If EE PS A FULL STOCK OF NAiLS, CTTLEHi' IY Shelf and I'.uil.Ii-rs Ilanlnare. Also Kevolvefs, tiuns and Ainmunitkn Ail kinds vl Tinware Made to Order. THIS From NOW until further Notice I will sell Anybody nr? LJULJO P. S. I Am Not The Lightest Runninsf and most Powerful Windmill now before the Public Needs no attention, and lasts for "years. Monona A.MuM.s.r. These Mills are the Best, Cheapest, Strongest and Lightest. AND. ARE 9 BBF-BEGULVrqUS Pacific Manufacturing 934 & 936 MISSION ST., S. F. 'T FORGET 12-ft. MILLS - - SC5 16-ft. D" MILLS - $110 U-it. - - 75 18-ft. " " - 1T5 16-ft" "A" MILLS - 90 20-ft. ."A" - - 200 22-ft. " - 225 24-ft, " - 250. 10-ft. MILLS $50 Qnlvr througli Tub Review PAGE & DEALERS IN DRUGS, PAINTS, . JEWELRY, GLAS8, . JEWELRY, PUTTY, We expect to do a strictly cash business, and will endeavor to make it to the interest of all to deal witb us. We also invite a continuation of the pat ronage of all former patrons, and solicit new ones. $T GIVE US A CALL, jgfc MTMwremwrs mm Makes The Very Best Lumber.! KOUGH perJM RUSTIC per 11 FLOORING per M S',,,,n- . t i i ir iV i " i . , Situated li miles from Roschurg on North ITiupqua. Good loads in Summer. j IS NO ON TEE ES2 my store AT A EEDUCED PRICE, DEFY in Oregon to n A i I n I fG niSY Retiring From Business. Co. THE PRICEs. office and save extra charge. DIMMICE OILS, WATCHES, COMBS, . EIC. ETC fts on .816.00 If $16.00, Sam Camkrox Manager. IMPOSITION PUBLIC! sell at the same price! CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN Has atUliMd ft standard of oftellcnce whicb admits of no miperior. It contains every improvement that inventive (cuius, skill and money cm produce. Thwfi Orpwis are celebrated for volume, quality of tone, quick response, artistic desiam, Boauty In finish, perfect construction, making them tho most desirable onrans for homes, schools, ohurchos, lodges, Bocietics, etc. ESTABLISHED REPUTATION. VNEQrAI.ED FACILITIES, SKILLED WOHKHE.V, BEST MATERIAL, COJtBIKSD, MASS THIS THE POPULAB OEQAH Instruction Books and Piano Stools. Catalogues and Price Lists, on application, rtttft CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. fer. Randolph and Ann St., CHICAGO, ILL H. O. Stanton DEALER IN STAPLfr DRY GOODS! -OF THE BEST QUALITY, GENErlAL FURNISHING, HOSIERY, TRIMMING &c. Boots & Shoes OF THE BEST Q GTAL1TY. .-a full GROCERIES ! Wood And Willow WARE. CROCKERY .fc P.I.ASSWAR elecirio lamp., school books. il.ll OJJlllUllilJVI. Riihemntttimi AGENCY. fxj BVEBT OBOAN FOB i JfcUVB YEAB8 juw&vuiiujn leccivea ior an nistem , . and European Publications. Eery thing in and mIbstees. Ilonaeopatliic andiPaient if efJlcines, Perfumes, Satchet j powder , Cotn1s, Toilet arjiicles, etc, etc; Stalionerr, ink spectacles, dusters,' memoranda and school books, mucilage, pencil, erasers, shoulderibraees, sponges, trusses, drug gist sundries, etc. DEUG--S And chemicals, paints, oils and var nishes, window glass and putty, wall paper, cement, a full line of brushes, Perscripiions and family receipts care fully compounded. All of which, and much more found at our STOKE. MILLWOOD MILLS OX IltBBARD CREEK. CLARK .E & BAKER, Proprietors. We re n w prepared to furnish lumber o the best cplalit; In qtnmtitiM to tfuit tho porch afM, always having on hand the l.irgst at cik of any mil in Dvuglasonfif j We ill furuish lumber at our mill at the fuHuwin TRICES. Ho' I rouj lumber.....i. $S to $10 M No, 1 flooring, . 6 inch D & M (16 H No. 1 floor ng, t inch D & M .......SIS M Ko. 1 finishing lQmber .....JIB M CtARKE & BARER. INSURANCE. GO TOA Humphrey & F int. And get yoor property insured, for they represent reliable companies, such as the ANGLO nEVADA Of California Anil LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION Humphrey & Flint DEPOT HOTEL IiQSEBUIUV ORECOX. Board $ per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, JThii house has lately changed hands and Is orousrhly renovated and refurnished. The travel. ng- public will find the best of accommodations OTo Chinamen Employed. SMnH BAILEY. THE OLD RELIABLE litablished in 1867. Jacob Bitlzcr ! 0 s& " .'"Hp- THIS is the top of the gen uine " Pearl Top" Lamp Chimney, all others similar are imitations. xhis is the exact lr.bel oh each one of the Pearl Top Chimeys. The dealer may say and think he has as good, but he has not Insist upon the exact label and top. GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Pittsburgh, Pa. O. c3 H. 1Prtil3C.o A Full Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Table aso Pocket Cctlest, Glassware, Crockery Qneensware. Etc Goods Delivered anywhere in th City limits, Free of Charge. BARKER & WILLIS, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, NOTIONS; CROCK EKY, GLASSWARE, TOBxVCCO, CIGARS, ETC. ETC. A SPECIALTY. Produce bought and the highest caeh price paid. ROSEBURG OREGON. New Stage Line. ROSEBURG TO CAMAS VALLEY Leaves Roseburg, Mondays, Wednes diys, Fridays, and returns Tuesdays, lhursdays, and Saturdays. Time f leaving both terminal points 6 o'clock A m. and anives at each point at o clock P. M. RODT, T. McCULLOCB, LANGENBEEG'S Beot andl Bttae Btp, Jackson Strcet,Oppoelte Post Office, Roselrarg, Oregon. KEEPS OS HAlfD THE LARGEST AND BEST assortment of Eastern and San Francisco and other makes of BOOTS, SHOES, G A ITERS, SLIP PERS and everything in the Boot and Shoe line, and SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Made to Order, and Perfect Fit G uarantced. I use the Best of Leather and Warrant all my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice, Also a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STRINGS. LOUIS LANOENBERO. pUHyil UltE FALACF, UNCLE JOHN GILDERSLEEVE Has the finest stock of furniture south ol Portland . which he aelli as cheap as It can be bought in he State. The new fangled 1)0 UBLE BED LO UNGE. AND PATENT CORNICES. Also has on hand a full assortment of beds and bed ding, chairs, tables, BUREAUS AND COMMODES, And all kinds of Children! Chain, etc. J. GILDERSLEEVE. Roselnirg Flouring Mills RAST & CRITESER. c This mill is turning out CHOICES FLOUR, and will see that you are satisfied. Get your biscuit flour at the Roseburg Mills Tho highest market price paid for wheat C. Vf. KNOWLES, ' ST. CHARLES HOTFL, fUROFEAN PLAN.) C. W KNOWLES, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS IS EVERT RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire proof Brick Building ISO Roouis. Iu the Center of the City t KU. HORBISOX STS., TOilTLAXD 1