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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1887)
THE ROSEBURG REVIEW Has Pushed to the Front and Has tlio Largest Circulation and Is acknowledged to be the R-st Newspaper Ever PublisbeJ in Douglas county. Subscribe Now. One Year - -Six Months - - - - - - $2 30 ----- .1 25 GENERAL DIEEOTOBY. Ghovep. ....... . ..rwident. Tii(M F. liAYAKt. . . . . . .bocietary of kUte Chas. S. FAiRcmu'.Secrctary of Treasury. I, Q 0 Lvmah .Secretary of the Interior. vi C. ksuu'orr Secretary War ' V. C Whits ky Secrctaif of Navy. V T Vilas ..Post Master General. A, 11. G aulas I) A ttorney General. Morrison- K. Waits .Chief Justice. STATK OF Ol'.KGON. J. N UuLrn U. S. Seuators. II. Mitchell J, Hisgkk Hermann Congressman. Sylvestfk I'knnoskk Governor. Geo. W. MclJuit'i: Secretary of State. G. Y. Weisii State Treasurer. E. 15. McElko v .... Suj.tL Pub.' Instruction. Frank Baker , .State fruiter. R. S.iStrahan ) Wm. P. Lord. , .".Nuprenw J udijes. V. W. Thayek, ) I SECOND JUWUAL DISTRICT. R. S. . . . .f. rT. r Julc J. W- Hamilton Prosecuting Attorney, ' iOUGLAS COnKTifc ... .T. H. Siiur-K, Senators. John lvuuirr, j W.F. Benjamin P. P. Paljif.r, f Jas. Bixndeu., C ' f. Mckenzie. J Tnos. R. Sheridan Ben. C. Auee. . ... Bcpres utalives. . . Clerk. Sheriff. D. -Sr. West G. T. Russell. . . Ias. A. SlERt lNt: ........Treasurer. School Superintendent. , Assessor. J. S. FlTZHUCH County Judge. J. II all, C. A. Mi ' iEE, . N. E.'Bun r-. DiS. S. Marsteks. . . . - .Commissioners. Surveyor. ; Coroner. M. R. C. S. County Physician. Tnos. Ok ah am, M. l. Tnos. SMi'iii Sheep Inspector. irecinc I-officers: T. L. Gannon lfRl'HAM ;:' ustices . Pftfr Ii-noek Constable -CITY OF ROSEBUIUJ. II. C Si ANTON, ! John Rast, I J. P. Sheridan, V. Trustees. O L. Willis, I P. Benedict. ; T. Ford Recorder. John Howard. Marshal. Will II. Fisher Treasurer. U. S. LAND'OFFICE ROSEBURG, C'UAS. W. JOHNSTOX. . . . Register. A. C. J ones . ........ . Receiver SIGNAL SERVICE. J3. S. Pague Observer. PROFESSIONAL. L. F. LANE, T ANE & LANE, jOHK LANE Attorneys at Law. Main afreet, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J C. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' brick, up stairs. R. C. HUNTER M D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, t iXYOM ILLE ORECSON K. L. MILLER, M. D " ' SUKGEOX. lloma'opathic Phj sician. Offiico ui) stairs in the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chronic disease a speciality. I)r THOMAS OR A II AM, A GRADUATE Of the 1,'nivorrtltv of Pa. at Philadelphia and of the ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, and ROVAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, LONDON ENGLAND has located for the practice of his profession in ROSEBURG OREGON. Office and rcsidcucc, Washington street opposite tho Catholic Church F. G. (EHME, M. D. (Pronouncod Ama.) 1IOMCEOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN & Graduate Of The UNIVERSITY Of Leipzig Germany . Office & Residence at the house of Geo. W. Day, near R. R. track, Rose- bunr. Dr. GA-BONHAM TJ.TCST nKT TiKXTTST Roseburg - - - - Or. Office over head in Marks' building. My rcputa tton as a Dentixt ix based on he merits of my work. Prices reasonable and to suit the times. 43-GOLD FILUSO A SPECIALTT.E The Leading DRUG HOUSE u ! mm. . S. Hamilton. Successor to S. Hamilton. Roseburg - - Oregon. EDWARD J PAGE, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, OAKLAND - - - OREGON. Special attention to diseases of women. ' Qim jjrf V. ' .v- sworn- im -m X Va 7 THE OLD RELIABLE Established in 1867, Jacob Bittzer VOL. Xlivr J- JASTTTTT TJiT- j 1'ractlcal u'..t..i. . i. . . ! Jeweler and Optician. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Dealer iu Watches, clock,, Jewelry.1 Spectacles and Eyeglasses. A IVUJj LINB OF, lUBAWi FANCY fjnnn. r a ti.t Hamilton's Brick block. NEW YORK LUMBEJ & Wood Yard East bide of track one block south of depot is where you will find niiTr.lmi' one dry lumljcr, Sugar pine, Cedar, Fir, and all Dimention lumber for buildings, sawed and shaved cedar shingles, Sash Doors, Blinds, Screen uoors,; mouldings, Wall and Stair railings, .Balusters, Brackets. Newel posts, Ceilinsr, Ptustic, Flooring, and an kinas 01 finishing lumber, sawed and split Cedar posts, H inch plank saweu expressly tor sidewalks. I represent the Sugar Pine Door fc Lumber Co. of Grant's Pass Or. which from personal inspection I believe to oe the finest establishment on the Pa- cific coast, it employes seventy men. The Proprietors and Overseers are all Eastern men and exnerts in the busi- ness, the machinery is new and put . . up in the best manner, and all under srtict discipline and order. Their work is all done by number one me-1 ltan,a Tt'l ? v-c " I? -l i id- , r j I Gates complete. I also represent a number one mill at Yoncolla where I have sawed all Dimention lumber to order on short notice. All guaranteed as represented or no sale. Call and see stock and prices before purchasing, Stove wood constantly on hand at HARD TIME PRICES. McGresror's old staud, Jackson Street : Roseburg. w . is. nolircr, & vo HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR HIDES. THIS MARKET is always supplied with the choicest quality of Of all kinds, including beef, pork, -veal and I mutton; also, corn beef, sausage, lard, etc. The most favorable inducements offered to patrons, and no effort will be spared toward J giving satisfaction, BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT B0WEN BROS. Having dissolved the copartnership exist ing between Bunnell & Bowcn Bros . and are now prepared to do all work in the line in a WORKMANLIKE MANNER, AND AT REASONABLE KATES. CITY DRAYING DONE WITH DISPATCH. CALL ON JOS. CARLOS. FRUIT s THREES OR jgl "1TINES I RUITr JL REES t3T OR ffT f INKS J FROM OF SOUTH CMPQUA MILLS. HE IS AGENT FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY FOR .THE CALIFORNIA NURSERY COMPANY, of Niles, Alameda couutr, Califontia. A corpora tion having 400 Acres set out In Nurserr. CALL ON HIM, OR WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE Catalogue and prices to his address. Box 66. Koscbuisr, Oregon. WILLAMETTE OIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS. I College of liberal arts. II Colleire of mpiliiMtiA ti p d c .1 Ju,1"e Wm- Ramsey, dean. ou... coiiojte. airs. v. v. Hawlcr, dean. hifvzzT II- Art department. Miss Marie Craig, instructo . 360 STUDENTS i 400 GRADUATES. Thirty teachers. Day board for young men. $1.50 PER WEEK, Ladies' board in Woman's college hall, $2.50 with Ftaf EkEffi 5-5.WitJ! "iccl'v f'hed room First term begins beptcmber 5. Catalogues and information sent free. Address. " 3 ,Q Xlios. VauScoy, President, Salem, Oregon Douglas County Bank, HUMPHREY i FLINT, RoaeWis - - - . Oregon. TRANSACT A GENERAL . BANKING- BUSINESS Sight Drafts Drawn on Portland, San Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of change on the principal cities of Enrope. Deposits re! eetved subject to check. CouSoTm on all accessablepomts at reasonable rates. T LtLLY BELHBLE OPTOMER IX TOWN .j.h th0. lr"Pradju8tmeiit of Sp-cUcles Dcnot passes. Office in Ilam lti.n, itri..i, m.,i, fill II- i I u HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- DEPOT HOTEL. OAKLAND, OREGON. ! Iliolturd Thomiihi, Prop. SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Ilotel a Jic DeiK)t of the Railroad Central Hotel! HOSEBURG, OKEGON, OfPOSIWs CARL03TS tthit'tkBLT I "dand Lodging per day v ,.$I.OO I . " W6ek Without I-odging 4.00 . . . e rvi Meals, 25 cents, Lodging, 25 cents. Thorough satisfaction crsand the public Generally. MRS. S. QAR RZSON, Prop. No Chinese employed . AOTICE TO ALL WHOir IT MAY CON- - CCm that I havfi nniminfo,! 1 vv Steams of Calanooia Precinct, Ini.nn. tor of Stock for said Precinct, Post oflice address, Oakland. Also Ralph Smith of Wilbur Precinct. Posn; i - ii . - ...... auurcss w Hour and others will bo "adefl 88 1'arties interested make their aesires known to me TIIOS. SUIT II In!Kt olStock for Douglas Co. Or. wuour, Or, April 13tb, 1887. MOORE'S RESTAURANT. PrinciHuU Business Street.) itoseburg, o 1-04-011 MEALS 25 CENTS LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Best the Market Affords. QjyjL BE1D STORE V. I ARRINGTON, DEALER IN. Ty tfOOClS UT00910S 6tC AH Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEND, DOUG. CO , OREGON. NEW STORE AT 1II.ABI9 OB. would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready-Hade Clothing and in fact everything usually kept at a ursi-ciass store, uive him a call. Goods at Low Prices, All kinds of Produc Taken in Exchange for Goods. tiAll orders promptly attendtd to. MRS. S. A. Ill Tt III.SOX, MILLINERY STORE: Oakland, Oregon. ADIES WILL F.FD MY STOCK LARGE AND W complete. Prices moderate. r.iva Me Call. Mus. S. A. Hctcuinson. Malanssene and Clements New Furniture Store IN FLOED'S OLD STORE. A full line of first class Furniture. Anything repaired or made to order. CALL IXSTANTEH. FROM SROSEBURQ TO EMPIRECCITY. From Roseburg to Looking Glass $ .75 " " Foot of mountain .... 2.00 " " Dora 5.00 " " Fsiniew 5.50 " Sumner... i 6.50 " " MarshfielJ 7.00 " " Empire City.. 7.50 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. For Particlars Inq -ire at the Post Office. Jas C McCULLOCU, Prop. EUROPEAN PLAN. JJSMOXD HOTEL, First Class in Every Particular, C0X5EB From axs Moebisos Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON TnOMAS GcixBAjt, Propristor. ROSEBURG, OREGON H. C. Stanton -DEALER IN- STAPLE Wi mm -OF THE BRST OHA T 1TY GENERAL FURNISHING, IIOS1EUY, TRIMMING Ac. Boots & Shoes W r"W Wfc OFJT1IE BEST QUALITY, -a full GROCERIES ! Wood' And Willow WARE. - CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, ELECTRIC LAMPS, SCHOOL BOOKS, AND STATIONARY. Subscription AGENCY. Ssubsoiiption received fur nil 1 il 1 1 AMI and European Publications. Established 1S32. A. ROBERTS, lAa... n l I III. n. n vuinur vivni ana Aiaer oireei rortiano, ur. THE LEADING AND OP OREGON. c. w. KNOWLES, ST. CHARLES HOTEL, EUROPEAN PLAN.) C. W KNOWLES, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With Tlie Hons J Fire-proof Brick Building 180 Rooms. In the Center of the City COR. FRONT AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND DEPOT HOTEL, itosEcncci, ;oui:uo.. t.A i ... n... e: i. 11 nc ... I BWrtiu fl ubi cingie mt'dis, iii cen 15, 9This house has lately changed hands and Is oroiyhly renovated and refurnished. The travel- ng public will find the best of accommodations No Oliiuumeu Xmiloyed. SMITH BAILEY. H TARRY, . Merchant Tailor. in the Red Front, next door to A. C. Marks More. Repairs and Alterations neatly done. MARSTEKS. Homeopathic and Patent Medicines, J nfumes, Satchct powder, Combs, rp -1 . . , . Cl .. . I lOliet articles, etc, Ctc; StatlOncrv, ink spectacles, dusters, memoranda and StllOOl bOOKS, mucilage, PCllCll, erasers, siioukler braces, sponges, trusses, drug gist sundries, etc. DEUG--S And chemicals, paints, oils and var nishes, window glass and putty, wall paper, cement, a full line of brushes. Perscriptions and family receipts care- tully compounded. All of whicb, and much more san be found at our STOBE. MILLWOOD MILLS ON HUBBARD CREEK. CLARKE & BAKER, Proprietors. We are now prepared to furnish lumber o the best quality in quantities to suit the purchasers. I always havinjr on hand the largest stock of any mil I id Douglas County. We will furnish lumber at our mill at the follow ing PRICES. no-1 rouxu lumber-...- $s to &10 M No, 1 flooring, 6 inch D & M .$16 M No. 1 flooring, 4 inch D 4 M ..1S M Ao. 1 finishing lumber ...$16 M CLARKE & BARER. INSURANCE. CO TO Humphrey & Flint And set vour inonertv insnm-l. fn.- they represent reliable companies, Buch asthe ANGLO IlEVADA Of California Anil LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION Humphrey & Flint " '1 I ...II. .1 ' FRIDAY, AUGUST, 26.1887. Great Overland Itoute THE KC3TKERN PACIFIC RAILROAD OSLT LINK KUXSIXO Pulimaa Palace Sleeping Oars, Macnificent Day Coaches, and ' ant Sleeping Oars, WITH BERTHS FREE OF' COST. FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO j THIS 3d A.ST vfal m" I 1 PUIV TttlUKAHUVIUPUV! . ........... "M iHAAdyvnllliLIIIAk hint HUnnlnU 1 rl Palacel Dining Cars ; (Meals, 75 Cents) FA8YE8T TIME EVER MADE ! ' FROM THE COAST I OVER THE v caTNOSTHERN PACltlC RAILROAD To Sioux City, Coiihcil Itlufls, ;St Joscpli, Att'Iiisoii, Lcaveinvortli, Itaiias Cilj, Kiirliiig-ton, Qiiiney, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, AND ALL rOINTS o o IJASrn AM) CJOUTHKAST IjASj AND OOUTIIEASl O Via St. Iaul and Minneapolis. Emigrant Sleeping Cars Are hauled on regular Ex press Trains over the Entire Length of THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Leave Portland at 3:00 p. M. daily; ar rive at Minneapolis or SU Paul 12;30 p m , third day. Connection made at Sc. Paul and Minneapolis to all points East, South and Southeast. PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily at 11:45 A. M., ariiving at New Tacoma at 0:30 1 p. M., connectinj with O. R. fc N. Go's boats for all points , on iPuget Sound. A. D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent - f JNo. Z Washington bt., Portland, Oregon. Oregon TVicihc T ly l-Ajpular 11 vcr A icturcstjue Ai ailroaJ oute kangcs 225 MILES SHORTER, 20 HOt'RS LESS TIME. Accommodations unsurpassed for. comfort aud safety. Fares and Freights via Yaquina and the Oregon Development Co's Steamships much less than by but other route between all points in the Willamette Valley and Sn Francisco. DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS. (Excepts Sundays) Leaves Yaiuina 6.50 am Arrive Corvallis 10.42am Leaves Alltanv 1. j p m Arrive Corvallis 1.58 p in Arrive Yaquina 5. 45 p ro Arrive Albany 11.15 a m O. & C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. "Fare between Corvallis and Albany and San Francisco, Rail and Cabin $11, Rail and gteeaye $9.00 Wh. M. Hoao, C. C. Hoots, Gen. Manager. Acting O. F. P. AgU Corvallis, Oregon. OREGON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. First class Steamship Line between Yaquina and San Francisco connectina at Yaquina with the trains of the Orearou Pacific Railroad Company. SAILING DATES. From Yaquina From Can Francisco wni'mctte viicy fh aus ' wii. Vai., so ?,tcr,n !'rc"" WcJ V 10 1 ?Jr:'r' fhur Autf .nc.v, mes. id nri. ai. lues Eastern Oregon Sun " 2l j Eastern Or. Sim ' II wT.Wk 5? tas'cni Oregon Wed " 7 Eastern Or. Tues. 30 The Company reserves the right to change steam ers or sailinjr dates. S. B. Toby, Gen. F & P Agt. 304 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. overland" to California VIA OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. n. And Connections THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE. Close connections made at Ashland witn stages of the California, Oregon A Idaho Stage Company Only io MiloH ol'tngiiig Time between Roseburg and Saa Francisco. ".' 29 hours. CAUKORSIA RXPER8S TRAIL'S BAILV. South I . From May 1, 1S87. I North. 4:00 r. h. I Leave Portland Arrive 10:40 A. M. Leave I 12:50 a. m. Leave 6:40 t. u. 1:45 A. m. I Leave Rosebunr 8:30 A. u. I Arrive Ashland PULMAN BTJTFT SLISPEES. Daily between Portland and Ashland. The O. and C. R. R. Ferry make cnnnrt-tln., .-m. .11 the regular trains on East SWcDiv. from footof P St. " w .c. , ., . . ncfti iue JLI VISIOIl. BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS MAIL TRAIS DA1LT (KXCKPT srKDAT. LEAVE. I ARRIVE Portland 7.30 A. M. I Corvallis.... ..1.30 P. M. I Portland 6.15 P. M.' At Ainany and Corva lis connn-t with (m-,. uregon raciuc. EXPRESS TRAIS BAILT (EXCEPT 81XDAT.) LEAVE. I ARRIVK Poland 4.50 P. M. McMinnville.. 8.00 P. M. McMiumUIo.... 5.45 A.M. Portland B.00A. M For full information regarding rates, iiihiw. etc., call on eomysiij agent. R. KOF-IILER, E.P. K.h;KKS HX:r. O. F. & l'a Agent. Brewster's Patent Rein Holder. TSi' llne r where yon put them not ' j ,u 2 daT. one dealer sold Am. in IS dara. 8ampie.woithLi0rii. Write for tenni E. E. BBEWSTEB, HoUy, Mich. Thb paper b kept on file at E. C. Dake s advertising agency, 64 aud 65 Merchants' Ex chanre, San Francisco, Cal., Where contracts wr aaverusmg can be made for it. view, mm ' Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of parity treiigth ami who csuincncss. More ccoiiouilcal tlimi the orJinary kinds, :inil cannot bcsolil in com lctiti on with U10 miiltitudu of low test, short weight alum ir plios-phatc j ders. Si.Ul ouly in cans. ROVAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall St. N. V. A. T. THOMPSON. J.R (;ILIUM THOMPSON & GILHAM I'KOI'KIETOKS OF THE B0SEBUE6 SODA WORKS MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN SODA WATER, GINGER ALE, SARSAPARILLA i AND FINE SYRUPS. UEADQVAUTEK8 X or all neighboring towns on depot corner. -TIIE- New York Coffee House AJ , 'n i . mm uysier aioon. " ' J, Chech JB.M1YII In the City. ClCnOn lllftlUPI, nnWnn. " vnu nnuiviiLli rnumit I UK5 132 FIRST STREET, i-UKiuflHU - -u ORECON Private Rooms of the Latest Dcsi-ns for Ladies OPEN PAY AND NIGHT. STATE AUKIiTLTHSAL COLLEGE, j CORVALLIS. OREGOK mill.' vvvt L-i.-c-c-rx, 'J NEXT SESSION WILL BEGIN on Scpieiubcr Sih, w ith a full Faculty as ast year. B. L. ARNOLD, Pres. SELLIlSTGr OFF AT COST!! FOR- 60 DAYS! 60 THE ENTIRE J. C. Sheridan's HARDWARE - CONSISTING OF Stoics, Jrvn i&lStcel, Shovels Pitch forto, Barley Forks, Axes, Guns, Pistols, Cut lery, Angers, Cross-cut Saws, Hand Saws, Planes Braces, mtts, Squares, Hammers, Lochs, Butts, Screws, Files, Tinware, Stoveware, Etc. The BEST PIANOS and ORGANS IN THE WORLD Are manufactured and sold tor the least money by j ai 1 '-ma 9 e Us g : I (. J . t3 s. . UJ I S V 1 J 2 NO. 21. PRESS ASSOCIATION.: ORGANIZED AT YAQUJNA BAY AUGUST 12, 1887. A Rt'CCESSFTL SESSIOX OFFICERS ELECTEJ-1 -TV MEET AT ALBANY !' oCTOBEB. On Friday, the 12thinst, a number of the editors and other representatives of Oregon papers met at the Y'aquina hotel at Yaquina Citv and effected the organization 1 of the Oregon Pr,ss Asso- ciation, The foUowmg persons en - v rolled their names as members: J. R N. Bell, Roseburo Review. M. L. Pipes, Benton Leader. ColL VanCUve, Yan uina Post. Chas. Nickell, Jacksonville Times. 111 H. Parry, Corvallis Gazette. J. S. McCain, Salem Sentrr. mort J. B. Fithian, Portland World. k. p. Krt;n aii n V !...!.. f -i.-i -r. j I l U. Phelps, Yaquina Mai . T. , ' . " . J t; ah u 11 leant use them. Another impedi- fc. b I ram, Albany Herald. mt : w t k Jt J 11 al,.;.,u v. 1...- mentis that I can ti-ase the money to D T St,I;7 7n7T see for yoursel res, just how I am situ u. 1. Stanley and C. C. Doujrhty, x v. t lL. ,. Monmouth Herald; M. . h h thmk,DS "nce ih P. L. Campbell, Independence West f"1? " Side. """-penuenee est how much 1 might eDJ.oy mjgcIf i,'u "T , , clanwby th seaside, and catching liobt. Johnson and Frank Hodgkin. tt uBit t e .. in .f,-rt at t t- i . , 86 l0TeI7 wtr agates from the On motion M.L. Pipe, was elected wharf when the tide 18 low. A red temporary chairman and Cliarlas NiVL- i , , n l Sa1mon ouht to take welJ with agates, ell v as chosen temporary secretary. I am all fixed for fishing tackle. Mv The secvetary then read a n,mber of ife can boll Ra letters from other editors sending rev ft nf ,1nhn. ,M ,.: grets and indicating a desire to be- :ome memuers. ihese we print in ... Comniitteeson permanent organiza- tion and constitution were appointed. . . After remarks by seyeral membera re- cess was taken until 8 oVlock the next morninz. Meeting promptly called to order at appointed time. On recommendation .1. . '" rizrL:;! :t S't rSSS: J:"; JT - w" NS VUU' Bell were chosen vice presidents; S. S. . T , . ' Train oa r o :: " zi: vr:zr - liun u alius. ti evS evpniiur onI "fioet rt..1.i. ur I -0 uujiuiy, J.UI8. Train,Mrs. Phelps, Mrs. Van Cleye, ur ol- -.r Ir . ' Mrs. Stinson, Mrs. M. C Pipes, E. O. I Nnifnn an1 T V VTM. U " : r " - meiu- hAIM -I It H'lfhion W XT Tt. w.u. w. j. ..ui, it. 1.x. x i ana ! J. R N. Bell were appointed a com- milted to consider and report upon the recommendation of some Portland . , , . . newspaper men that the legis ature lie , , ' . . . . 5 asked to require probate proceedings and pawnbrokers sales published. It was carried that when the Asso- ciation adjourn, it adjourn to meet at Albany October 14th next. The sec- I onrl Vi-S.lav in A nrfMi.1 19BB - 1 ba awuu w3 WCU cllosen 83 mo and the State House in Salem as the place for bold ins: the next .regular annual meeting. The Albany members were appointed a committee of arrangements fur the October meeting, and Coll YanClevc, F. P. Nutting and E. O. Norton were apioiuted a committee to prepare a programme for that occasion. The meeting was successful, both in point of number and the spirit mani fested. REGRETS. Office N. P. Rural Spirit, Portland, Or., July 27, '87. (extlemex: Please accept my thanks for your kind invitatien to at- tend State Press Association to be held at Yaquina City, August 12th and 13 th. I would be pleased indeed to attend, but arrangements in advance will prevent me from doing so. I am, with much respect, Your ob't. sev't, W. V. BAKER. Office of Plawdeader Roseburg, July 27, '87 Messrs. M. L. Pipes, ColL Van Cleve and J. H. Aldrich, Com. In. Your very kind invitation to be pres ent at your proposed fraternal and business meeting is before me. In reply, plea3e allow me to say that, while it would afford me great pleas ure to join you on that occasion (and will if practicable), I am unable to say at this wnting, whether I can or not. Some such association it seems to me is necessary, and I trust you will have a full attendance of the brotherhood, and that you will organize. You hav my best wishes for the enter prise, and any aid I can give will be cheerfully given my counsel on the ground is not necessaiy. Yours respoclfullv, W. F. BENJAMIN. Office of Astorian Astoria, July 28, 87 'uuiLtau; xxepjymg 10 your courteous invitation, will say that I will try to have the Astorian repre sented on the 12th and 13th prox. The purpose is a commendable one, and the intent appeals to the best inter est of the State press. Cordially Yours, . J. F. HALL0BAN. DOUGLAS COUNTY Is Situated in Southern Oregon, and is a veritable empire of 4,950 Square Miles, being larger than the Great State of Connecticut. Magnificent Climate. Wonderful Resources. Live Men Wanted. The Review is the Medium for Beaching this Great Empire. Office of Appeal, Silveetos, July 29, '87- Messrs. Pipes, VanCleve and . Aid rich, Committee on Invitation Gentlemen:-Your gilt-edged favor of no date to hand, and duly considered. Yes I am mm-h in favor of a Press Association; think it will do good; can't raise a sinzle objection. 1111 That 0pi, t ComtUo J I don't know. Our Devii ... I confess, thinks it means "come if you can," but there's Ue , 'T ,j. - - . . w wcu uij viuuvues wuc, and while I have a Prince Albert coat that unt much soiled, my pants and vest are covered with ink to such an extent that the took in iwtynient for 1,000 bill heads is inefficacious. A friend offers to lend me his best suit, but as I wear 12 pay fare. Deady's decision has done y a"u 3v l cau wbat shall I wear ? Overall., Lin would suit the complexion of the ocean firet rate, but my wife thinks the ar- istocracv of thm T,av m,vilf Lj j . i-. . ' iu no-ttu iuueijcuuent eaitor, always on thm sJ -ol, ... ' - "O Mw v jUC9UUIlS I won't stand any such humiliation, if T a n lipln i f TTnwra!f T I -4v , , . .... -., . , Goatead roar officers I'm out of politics now, but g you do will meet my plethor- in nnnrntntiAn Tinf tliam J I i . i , T i . . agates! Whew! I have a mind to lal-"- out aui w0Uid bt tor l m ... idea ot paciung my blankets and grub sun. I VT -J , , , Ur " ' V- T , ' I re noueof us ncu, but we'ra L.., Mwuu mOT wo work for what little we et in H,?e " " world. May fortune smile its sweet est smile upon your efforts to organize a Press Association. Should the first. i e ' . annual meeting- of the Association t i u t 1 , be held at Brooks or Eola. von may count me as present, no matter about the condition of the walking Yours in Ope el Conselio. H. 0. GUILD. P. S. Enclosed please find 6 cents in stamps to help defray expenses ef Association. If more is needed drop me a card. It is not stinginess that keeps me away, but fare money and a new suit, b'jersey. IL C. G. Office of West Shore, Portland, July 30. M. L. Pipes, Coll. VanCleve, J. H. Aldrich Gentlemen: Previous bus i ness engagements from Aug. 1st to 15th will prevent my availing myself of your kind invitation to attend a meeting of the editorial fraternity of Oregon at your enterprising city. In spirit I will be with you. Sincerely yours, L. SAMUEL. Office Jocrxal of Commerce, Portland, July 30, '87. Dear Sirs: Let me thank you for your kind invitation to be present tft the Editors' meeting on the 12 th and 13th prox. I greatly regret that it is impossible for me to say definitely whether I can attend at all. Friday is my busiest day; but if I can any way arrange it I will do myself the pleasure of joining you on Saturday. Trusting the object of the meeting will be attained, believe me to be Yours faithfully, A. C. A. PERKES. To In. Com., Yaquina. Office Catholic Sfxtisel, Portlad, July 30, '87. Messrs. M. L. Pipes, Coll. Van Cleve and J. II. Aldrich, Com. of State Press Association, Yaquina, Or. Gentlemen I beg to acknowledge your kind invitation to attend a meet ing of the "Editorial Fraternity of Oregon" at Yaqpina City on the 12th prox; I regret that my duties are such that I cannot hope to be present at your proposed meeting, and wish you all success in perfecting organiz ation of ihe State press of Oregon and assurances of my hearty co-operation ii any manner possible. Very respectfully, M. G. MUNLY. Office Caxyox Citt News, Casyox City, Aug. 1, '87. State Press Association Gents:" Invitation received, but I find it im possible to be present at your meeting. However I heartily concur in the gad work and hope we may ia due tirrf Continued on A Page.