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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1887)
THE ROSEBURG REVIEW Has Pushed to the Front ami Has the Largest Circulation and Is acknowledged to be the lV-st Newsi.aner Ever Published in - - a Douglas county. Subscribe Now, One Year - - - - -Six Months ------ - $250 - 1 25 (JESEBAL DIEEOTOBT. Okover Cleveland ?w;u; Thos. F. Bayard Secretary of btate Daniel T. MASSixo.Secretary of Treasury. L. Q. C. Lamar .Secretary of the Interior. Wm. C. Esdicott. . a Secretary o V ar W. C. Whitset Secretary of Navy. W. T. Vilas .. -Post Master General. A. H. Garland Attorney General. Mobeisos R. Watte Chief Justice. STATE OF OCEGON. J. Dolph I u. S. Senators. T. H. Mitchell J f, Bisoee Hermann Congressman. Stlvester Pennoyer 4j.v"n"r- Geo. W. McBride. I... .Secretary of btate. G. W. Webb ' State Treasurer. E. B. McELBOV....i5upt. Pub. Instruction. ' Frank Baker State Printer. R. S. Strahan ) Wm. P. Lord, ....Supreme Judges. W. W. Thaybk, 1 SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. R. S. Bean,.. . ............ .-e. J. V Hamilton.... Prosecuting Attorney. DOUGLAS COUNTY. J, H. Suite, J Senator. John Emmitt, ) W.F.Benjamin P. P. Palmer, ( Repres ntatives. Jas. Blundell, I H. Mckenzie. J f Thos. R.Sheridan tkuxi r Ar.r SlienU. D. S. West....: Treasurer. G. T. Russell School Superintendent. Jas. A. Steblino Assessor. J. S. Fitzhugu County Judge. J. Hall, C. A. McUee Commissioners. N. E. Britt Surveyor. Dr. S. S. M arsters Coroner. Thos. Graham, M. D. M. R. C. S. . County Physician. Thos." Smith'. Sheep Inspector. TRECISCT officers: T. L. Gannon. justices. fAS. IlARPHAM... J FeterJunger .-..Constable . CITY OF KOSEBUBG. H. C Stanton,' I John Rast, l J. P. Sheridan, Trustees. O L. Willis, V P. Benedict. . T. Ford Recorder. John Howard Marshal. Will II. Fisher Treasurer. U. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG, Cuas. W. Johnston.. .. Register. A. C. Jones ...... Receiver SIGNAL SERVICE. B. S. Pagtje -...Observer. PROFESSIONAL- , . r. LANE. JOHN LANE JANE Si LANE, Attorneys at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J.c FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' brick, up stairs. R. C. HUNTER 1L D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. CASTOXTILLE OREGON K. L. MILLER, M. D Surgeon. Homoeopathic Phjsician. Offiice up stairs in the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. Dr TIIOMAS GUA1LUI, A GRADUATE Of the University of Pa. at rhlladelphia ai d of the ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, and np AL COLLEGE ; Oi' PHYSICIANS, LONDON ENGLAND Km locnied for the practiee of hU profession in ROSEBURG OREGON Office and residence, Washington street opposite the Catholic Church F. G. (EHME, M. D. (Pronounced Ama.) HOMCEOPATUIC PHYSICIAN & OradnatG Of The UNIVERSITY Of IiCipzig Germany. Office & Residence at the Louse of Geo. W. Day, near R. R. track, Rose burg. Dr. C-A'BONHAM RESIDENT DENTIST Roseburir - - - - Or o Marks' buildinr. My rcputa J tion as a Dentist Is based on ue merits of my work. Price reasonaoie ana 10 buiv me ium TGOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY.TE1 The Leading DRUG HOUSE W. S. Hamilton. Successor to S. Hamilton. Roseburg - - - Oregon. EDWARD J PAGE, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, OAKLAND - - - OREGON. Special attention to diseases of women. THE OLD RELIABLE KitaUUhed in 1867. J Jacob BiHzcr VOL. XII. Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,, Spectacles and Eyeglasses. A FULL LINK OF CIliARS, TOBACCO & FANCY GOOD. THE ONLY KELUBLE OPTOMER IN TOWN lor the proper adjustment o! Spctaeles. Depot of the Genuine Brazilian Pebble Spectacles and Eye glasses. Officii in Hamilton's Brick Block. NEW YORK LUMBER & Wood Yard tioTo II It HowcllV . - East side of track one block" soc? of depot is where you will lind number one dry lumber, Sugar pine, Cedar, Fir, and all Dimention lumber for buildings, sawed and shaved cedar shingles, Sash Doors, Blinds, Screen Doors, Mouldings, Wall and Stair railings, Balusters, Brackets, Newel posts, Ceiling, Rustic, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing lumber, sawed and split Cedar posts, 1 1 inch plank sawed expressly for sidewalks. I represent the Sugar Pine Door &, Lumber Co. of Grant's Pass Or. which fmni rr-rmrt n 1 inc:ifrtirm T ltflifVA in ue the finest establishment on the Pa- cific coast, it employes seventy men. The Proprietors and Overseers are all Eastern men and experts in the busi- ness, the machinery is new and put ip in the best manner, and all under srtict discipline and order. Their work is all done by number one me- chanics and is equal to any work of the kind done in New York or the East. Fruit boxes, Picket fences and Gates complete. I also represent a number one mill at Yoncolla where I have sawed all Dimention lumber to order on short notice. All guaiauteed as represented or no sale. Call and see stock and prices before purchasing. Stove wood constantly on hand at HARD TIME PRICES. McCrcor'n old stand, Jackson Street : Roseburg. w. is, JKoiirer, & i;o HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR HIDES. THIS MARKETis always supplied with the choicest quality of Of all kinds, including beef, pork, veal and mutton; also, corn beef, sausage, lard, etc The most favorable, inducements offered patrons, and no effort will be spared toward giving satisfaction. BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT ' B0WEN BROS. llaving dissolved the copartnership exist ing between Bunnell & Bo wen Eros . and are now prepared to do all work in the line in a WORKMANLIKE MANNER, AND AT REASONABLE RATES. CITY DRAYING DONE WITH DISPATCH. CALL ON JOS. CARLOS. ORDEK YOUR TlRUIT jpt TREES ORf "7IIsES f IRUIT?- lREESrarORW ' IKES J -FKOM JNO. "VV, . X-I2NTC03Li2Xr, OF SOUTH UMPQUA MILLS. HE IS AGENT FOB DOUGLAS COUNTY FOR 1 3.THE CALIFORNIA NURSERY COMPANY. of Niles. Alameda county, California. A corpora tion having iW Acres set out ut JNursery. ALL ON IUM, OR WRITE FOU DESCRIPTIVE Catalogue and prices to his address, Box 56, Kosetiuia, Oregon. WILLAMETTE IJMVERSITY DEPAHTMENTS. I t 'llli''c iif 1 ilicinl arts. II Olleire of medicino. Dr. E. P. Frascr, dean. HI--'i)llese of law. Judc Win. Itamscv, dean. IV Woman's collt-L'C. Jlra. C. V.. Hawlrv. Aran. 'VConservatury of music. Z. M. I'arvin, director, VI University academy. VII Art department. Miss Marie Craig, iustructo - 1360 STUDENTS 400 GRADUATES. Thirty teachers. Day board for young men. $1.50 PER WBEKo LaJies' board in Woman's collcsre hall, 82.50 with unfurnished room, 83.50 with nioclv furnished room. .First term begins Sejitember 5. Catalocues and uuormauon seut tree. Auuress. r.Tlios. VanScoy, Presitlcnt, Salem, Oregon Douglas County Bank, HUMPHREY k FLINT, Roseljurc - . - - Oregon- TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Sight Drafts Drawn on Portland, San Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of exchange on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections made on all accessablepoints at reasonable rates, Rosebwg HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAND, OREGON. rtiolitirtl Thomas, Prop, .First Class SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel a the Depot of the Railroad. Central Hotel ! ROSEBURG, OJRKGOIV, OPPOSITE CARLON'3 UVERYTABLE. . Boar.l and Lodging per day . . ... ....... $l .00 " " " " week 5.00 " Without Lodging 4.00 Meals, 25 cent3, Lodging, 25 cents- Thorough satisfaction is promised to travel ers and the public generally. MRS- B. GARRISON, Tr l. No Chinese employed . NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON- J- Torn flint. T I.qvo fant-iriinfnjl "II VV Stearns of Calapooia Precinct, Inspec- toi01: l,ock Ior said Precinct, Post office address, Oakland. Also Ralph bm,lth of;;.llbur Pwcmct, Postoffice dres3, Wilbur and others will bo a1dd.ed af parties interested make their desires known to me. THOS. SMITH Inspector of Stock fcr Douglas Co. Or. Wilbur, Or , April 13tb, 1887. MOORE'S RESTAl'RAJVT, rrindal Business Street.) MEALS 25 CENTS LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Kcst the Market Affords. CIyIL BED gT0RE V. I. ARRINGTON, DEALER IN Dry Goods Groceies etc All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEND, DOUG. CO , OREGON. NEW STORE AT DILLARD, OK. would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready-Made Clothing and in fact everything usually kept at a hrst-class store. Give hun a call. Goods at Low Prices. AH kinds of Troduc Taken in Exchange for Goods. t3.AH orders promptly attendtd to. MRS. S. A. HUTCHLYSOX, MILLINERY STORE Ouliljiml, ADIES will F.rD my stock lakge and complete. Prices moderate. Oiva M a fJttll. Miis. S. A. Hutchinson. Malaussene and Clements New Furniture Store IN FLOED'S OLD STORE. A full lino of first class Furniture. Anything repaired or made to order. CALL IXSTAXTEll. FROM SROSEBURG TO LEMPIREBCITY. rrom Koseburg to Looking Glass $ .75 root 01 mountain .... 2.00 " " Dora 5.00 " " Fairview 5.50 " " Sumner 6.50 " ; " Marshficld 7.00 " Empire City 7.50 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. For Tarticlars Inq -ire at the Tost Office. 1 Jas C. McCITLLOCII, Prop EUROPEAN FLAX. JSMOXD HOTEL, First Class In Every Particular, CofuiR Frost asd Morrison Srs. 1-Oiiil.AMJ, OREGON Thomas Gci.xeas, proprietor. RqSEBURG, OREGON FRIDAY, AUGUST, 19. 1887. H. C. Stantoii - . -i DEALER IN ' STAPLIS DRY GOODS! -OF A THE BEST "QUALITY. GENERAL FURNISHING, I HOSIERY, TRIMMING &c. Boots & Shoes 7 OFTHE BEST QUALITY. a full i 4 CROCERIES! Wood And Willow WARE. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, ELECTRIC LAMPS, SCHOOL BOOKS, AND STATIONARY. Subscription AGENCY. Subscription received for all Eastern and European Publications. Established 1S32.J A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or THE LEADING CLOTHIER, HOTTER AND j OP OREGON. ! C. W. KNOWLES, gT (JHARLES HOTEL, EUROPEAN PLAN.) C. W KNOWLES, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire-proof Brick Buildinjr . 3. .. . U 190 Rooma. . . s In the Center of the' City : " - I COR. FRONT AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND DEPOT HOTEL! ROSEBURG, OREGOX.l! Board $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, tZTTins house has lately changed hands and is oroujhly renovated and refurnished. The travel ng public will find the best of accommodations No Cliiiiameii Employed. SMITH BAILEY.' H. TARRY, , Merchant Tailor. in the Red Front, next door to A. C . Marki btorc. j Repairs and Alterations neatly done MABSTEESJ Homeopathic and Patent Me(licines, Perfumes, Satchet powder, Combs, Toilet articles, etc, etc: Stationery ink spectacles, dusters, memoranda and school books, mucilage, pencil, erasers, shoulder braces, sponges, trusses, drug gist sundries, etc. DRUC1--S I And chemicals, paints, oils and var- nishes, window glass and putty, wall paper, cement, a full line of brushes. Perscrintions and family receipts care fully compounded. All of which, and much more san be found at our STOEK MILLWOOD MILLS ON HUBBARD CREEK, j 1 ' i CLARKE & BAKER, Proprietors. We are now prepared to furnish lumbcV o tho best quality in quantities to suit tho purchasers, always having on hand the largest stock of any mil in Douglas County., j We will furnish lumber at our mill at the following TRICES. ! No-1 rouh lumber...- f8 to 910 M No, 1 flooring, 0 inch D t M M No. 1 flooring, 4 inch D & M -tl8: M No. 1 finishing lumlcr... ......$16 M CLARKE & BAKER. ' GO TO ! Humphrey & Flint. And get your property insured, for they represent reliable companies, such ! as the I ANGLO NEVADA Of California Anil LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION Humphrey k Flint Great Overland Route THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD ONLY LINE RUNNING Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, Magnificent Day Coaches, and Elegant Emigrant Sleeping Cars, WITH BERTHS FREE OF COST FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO THE EAST Via St. Paul ami Minneapolis ONLY TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE RUNNINC SMace. Dining. Cars; (Meals, 73 Cents). FA8TE8T TIME EVER JIADE - - FROM THE COAST . , OVER THE C3f NORTHERN PACltIC RAILROAD To Sioux City, Council Bluffs, St Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Rurling'tou, Quiucy, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, AND ALL POINTS ' EaIT AND AND SOUTHEAST OUTIIEASl T -O Via St. l'anl and Ullnueapolis. Emigrant Sleeping Cars Arc hauled on rcffular Ex press Trains over the Entire Length of THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Leave Portland at 3:00 p. m.. daily; nr- rivc at Minneapolis or Si. Paul 12;30 p M , third day. Connection made at St. Paul and Minneapolis to all points East, South and Southeast. PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily ai 11:15 A. M., arriving at New Tacoma at 6:30 p. m., connecting with O. K. 4 N. Co'h boats for aH points on Puget Sound. A. p. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. Oregon TPacific nly I-'opular lc ver ' X icturcsque iV ailroad oute Langes 225 MILES SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Accommodations unsurpassed for comfort and safety. Fares and Freights via Yaquiua and the Oregon Development Co's Steamships much less than by any other route between all points in the Willamette Valley and Sm Francisco. DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS. (Excepts Sundays ) Leaves Yaquina 8.50 a m I Leaves Albany 1. 15 p m Arrive Corvallis 10.42am Arrive Corvallis 1.58 p m Arrive Albany 11.15 a m Arrive Yaquina 5. 45 p ui O. & C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. "Fare bctwetn Corvallis and Albany and San Francisco, Rail and Cabin $14, Rail and stceagc 89.00 Wm. M. Hoao, C. C. Hooib, Gen. Manager. Acting G. F. & P. Agt. Corvallis, Oregon. OREGON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. First class Steamship Line between Yaquina and San Francisco connecting at Yaquina with the trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company. SAILING DATES. From Yaquina , From San Francisco WUTmetU) Vlley Fri Au? 5 Eastern Oregon, Wed 10 Will. Valley, Tues. " 16 Eastern Oregon Sun "21 Yaouina City. Sat. " 27 Wil. Val., Sat July 30 E'stem Or.Thur Aug 4 Wi'l. VaL Tues " 9 Eastern Or. Sun " It Yaquina City Sat " 20 Wil. Valley Thurs Sept. 1 Wil. Valley Thurs " 25 Eastern Oregon Wed " 7 Eastern Or. Tues. 30 The Company reserves the right to change steam' era or sailinp dates. S..B. Tobt, Gen. F & P Agt. 304 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. R. And Connections THE MT. ShASTA ROUTE. Close connections made at Ashland witn stages of the California, Oregon & Idaho Stage Company Only SO Miles oita?iiig Time Itetwcen Roseburt; ami San 'Francisco, 29 hours. CALUOKMA KXPRCSS TRAI.NS DAILY. South I Fr jm ilay 1, 1SS7. North. 4:00 r. ji. I Leare Leave Arrive Portland Rosebuijf Asblariu Arrive 10:40 A. it. Leave 12:50 A. M. Leave 5:40 r. 11. 1:45 A. . 8:30 A. N. PULMAN BUITIIT SLEEPERS. Daily bet w eon Portland and Ashland. Tlic O. and C. R. R. Ferry maVes connection with all the regular trains on East Side Di v. from foot of F St. West Side Division BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS . MAIL TRA15 DA1LT (EXCFPT Bl'KDAT. LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 7.30 A. M. Corvallis 12.25 P. M. Corvallis.... ..1.80 P. M. Portland 0.15 P. M. Oregon Pacific KXPREBS TRAIN BAILY (KXCtFT 81 SCAT.) LEAVE. f ARRIVE. Portland 4.50 P. M. McMinnville.. 8.00 P. M. McMinnville. ... 6.45 A. M. I Portland 9.00 A. M. For full information regardintf rates, man, etc., call on company's agent. R. KOEHLER, Manager. E. P. ROGERS, . F. APassA-rcnt. Brewstox't Patent Beta Bolder. , Yoor llnee are where you pot them not pnqrr nui w reeu um kr una u uoi. u ft dT. on. dealer sold doz. In 1ft dara. Samples worth tuorazz. Write tor terms. E. TBm BBEWSTEB, Holly, Klch. This naiier is kept oa file at E. C. Dake s advertising agency, 64 and 65 Merchants' Ex change, San Francisco, Cal., where contract; lor advertising can be made for it. evieWc, ffli L TjlOYAl. VSKfil j XI KBIr" Absolutely Pure- This powder never varies. A marvel ot purity t rength and who.esuraencss. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot he sold in com petition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall St. N. Y. HAYING PUECHASED The Entir Slwk of -O- -of 0-, I- R. DAWSON At RIDDLE OREGON Consisting of ROUTS SHOES, -CLOTHING, ' DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, Etc. Etc Etc. Etc, Etc. Am now offering the same At Prices That Defy Competition. FOR CASH- At Riddle Oregon F. Gornutt. A LL PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES IN j V dcb'ed to Noah Cornutt will please call at my umce at Kiddles at the store and settle at once, F. Cornutt. A. T. THOMPoON J.R GILHIM THOMPSON & MILIUM rROrRIETORS OF THE EOSEBUEG SODA WORKS MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN" SODA WATER, GINGER ALE, SARSAPARILLA AND FINE SYRUPS UEAVQVAliTEJIS For all neighboring towns on depot corner. THE New York Coffee House 3. And Oyster Saloon Leading Chech Jiestaurant in the City, SIFORD HACKNEY, PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET PORTLAND OREGON XiTPrhate Rooms of the Latost Dc-sins for Ladie OPEX DAY AND NIGHT. STATE AUKICILIXRAL COLLEGE, CORVALLIS, OREGON. THE NEXT SESSION - WILL P.ECIN on Septcnvljer8th, with a full Faculty as ast year. B. L. ARNOLD, I'rcs. I , FRISCO A L Bancroft & Co X NO. 20. coxaruiricA ti ox. Washington, D. C. Aug. 1, 1887. About the busiest man in this city at present is the clerk of the House of Representatives, who is engaged in looking into and preparing the con tested Congressional election cases tht evidence in which must be printed be fore the evening of the Fiftieth Con gress; it is thought there will be only six such cases in the body-one each rom Alabama, South Carolina, Indi ana, and Illinois, and two from Cali- rnia a much smaller number than usual. - Tho Republicans in Washington iewed with much interest, not to say anxiety, the late meeting and action cf the Ohio Republican State Convention; Sherman's friends feel elated over , hi ictoty, although many of them seri- usly doubt the policy of his codrsa in forcing an endorsement while Blaine's followers are in a rasje and swear they will get even net year by sending clegation from the Buckeye State avorable to the aspirations of the man from Maine. Sherman's action in cap turing the convention and shaping it, in his awn interest was one of the most shameless and humiliating spectacles ever witnessed in American politics more like the manipulation of a schem ing ward politician than the deliberate conduct of a so-called statesman, seek ing the highest and most onorable station on earth. For once I am will ing to hold up this Blaine man as a true exponent of Democratic opinion on the subject under the consideration, so I will drop the matter light here. Prouably thcte are few persons who calize the tremendous task of compil ing and publishing the war papers known as the "Rebellion Records," the eighteenth volume of which has just been printed and is ready for dis tribution. This volume only takes the great work up to the year 1862: it calculated that all of the records will make 127 volumes and that it will not be finished until late in the next cen tury, at a time when there will proba bly be not one survivor of the civil strife it commemorates. The total receipts from all sources of internal revenue for the lato fiscal jear amount to $118,835,757 exceed ing by $1,932,888 that of the year be- bre. There was a decrease in the tax on distilled spirits and art increase in the tax on all other articles, .euch. as tobacco, oleomargerine and fermented iquors. A showing almost as good is made in regard to the imports and exports of the United States for the same period as follows: Exports of merchandise, $716,701,784; imports $672,259,951; excess of exports $24,415,733; gold ex ported $9,701,187; imported, $42,908, 901; excess of imports, $33,207,714; silver exported, $26,276,504; imported, $17,260,191; excess of exports, $9,- 036,313; total number of immigrants, 483,116. The jolly drummers have been halted in their triumphant march by the rul ing of the Interstate Commission that the railroads cannot legally give that fraternity reduced rates, but only for a moment, as the commercial traveler realizes full well that at last the con sumer of the goods he sells must pay his expenses, and so he goes on his way rejoicing, seeking new fields o! tradeand denouncing the Interstate Commission as "no good," and a "hoi low fraud." Tho drummer is irrepres sible and nothing short of death can stop his progress or flow of conversa tion. Tho Navy Department has made a contract with the Ilotchkiss Ordinance Company, with the understanding that a branch of tho manufactory will be established in the United States. Re garding the enterprise Secretary Whit ney says: "The erection of this man ufactory will mark-another era in the reconstruction of the Navy." Contin: uing, the Secretary said: "Mr. Ilotch kiss was an American when he died in 1884. England, France, Germany, Russia, Italy every European power in fact-had an establishment for the manufacture of Ilotchkiss ordinance." The Swietary further declares that this country can no longer depend upon foreign nations for war materials. There has been a new and agree able departure made in Military mat ters, too, for the army must keep abreast of the navy in this age of uni versal progress. For the first time in our history,, details of comjianies from the regular regimental posts have been made to participate in the militia encampmen's and Grand Army re unions in several of the States. The unprecedented demand for the pres- ence ot regular army officers at en campments this year shows a vigorous growth of the military spirit and an increased interest in militia organiza tion. I wonder if the army authorities took the precaution to ask the penal. DOUGLAS COUNTY Is Situated in Southern OregOD, -and is a veritable empire of 4,950 Square Miles, being larger than the Great State of, Connecticut." Magnificent Climate. ' Wonderful Resources. Live Men Wanted. The Review is the Medium for Reaching this Great Empire. taWMWMMSBWWW SH ion of Palsy, Fairchild, Howler and Tuttle before presuming to make these details-some for the Southern States. The president and Mrs. Cleveland have deserted the White House and are spending the heated term amid the rustic and delightful shades of Oak View; the President drives to the White House Mansion every day or two to transact public business bat makes his stay brief. ' Invitations to visit many " Western and Southern cities continue to pour in upon Presi dent Cleveland; he has accepted several of these and will probably make quite an extensive tour. - THE NEW PANORAMA. BEP&ESEXT1NG THE LAND AND NAVAL BAT TLES OF TICKS RURrt Now on Exhibition in Saa Francisco. Perhaps there is no place in the city at present whete an hour can be sjent more profitably than at the Panorama of the land and Naval Battles of Vicka bnrg, the fame of which has spread all over this great country. From early morning until iicarlf midnight, visitors go and linger as they gaze at the landscape spread out before them, and then examine the details of the "battle's magnificently . stern array," portrayed with marvelous . fidelity and startling real. The proprietom of this graad work of art have on established reputation in this country by several famous pan oramas they have exhibited. Thev are owners of the original : and only true Panorama of tho Battle of Gettysburg now in Chicago, and also of the famous picture of the Battle of Waterloo, which has been on exhibition for over two years in the same building, wheie Vicksburg is on exhibition now. The Waterloo and Vicksburg Pan oramas have been viewed by over two million of visitors, and Vicksburg, which has been on exhibition nearly . two years in Isew x oik, excels tneui Bweep of country, and no other pre sents nature arrayed in the grab of summer, with the summer sun produc ing the innumerables tints and the light and shade, that lend to the scene a charm that is wanting in other paint ings of this kind. And what a scene ft is to be sure! The distant ' hills covered with forests, ripened grain ready for the sickle, highways and houses which have been happy homes; the beautiful Mississippi river with its many gunboats and mortars, "and the contending hosts of gallant men strug gling for victory; the artillery which can be almost heard thunder, the mas ses of infantry, the hand to hand en counters, the dying and the dead, and all the horrors of war are before the spectator. It is not surprising that the scene fascinates! that the people go again and again to see the Company's exhibits, and that, although some have viewed this grand work several times, the cry is "still they come." The poet Keats wrote: "A Ihing of beauty is a joy forever; Its loveliness increases, it will never Tass into oothingncss. Keats did not write these lines on account of the Vicksburg Panorama, for he died in 1821, and never had the pleasure of viewing the picture; but had he seen it he might have derived his inspiration from it. Of course every veteran goes. The old soldiers who know from experience what war is, appreciate the picture, be cause they realize that it is nearer to actual conflict than anything they have. ever seen, except on the field of battle. Everything that can be done for the comfort and convenience of visitors is attended to, and the employees are courteous and obliging. In conclusion, it may be said' that those who desire to spend an hour or two pleasantly and j profitably, the Panorama of Vicksburg affords theni an opportunity to do so. It is easily reached, located on the corner of Ma son and Eddy streets, in the very heart of the city. (S. F. CORRESPONDENT.) Tue running of tri-weekly fruit trains between San Francisco and Chicago iias become a permanent fea ture oi tue uentrai ana union xracinc business. The first shipment of Cali fornia grapes to the East this season was made on August 6th, when a train of eighteen cars of miscellaneous fruit left Sacramento. A second train left Monday jevening. The schedule time to Chicago is 110 hours, the only stops made being for fuel, water and exchange of engines aud crews. Each car is loaded so as to contain 22,000 pounds of fruit. - "The time is yours, but be very brief, brethren," said the pastor; after he had iised up nearly half the prayer- meeting hour with opening prayer Scripture reading, and exhortation, - Knliart-iltA fnr Tue REVIEW nOW. . hwmvi,uu .v. - t i I li,JUBWl